Indications of German Offensive
\ .\:-· , ~F ID :A557742 ~- ~~A~mSP:N:TArt'm. r;•.• lf-,,-~- '.:._ ...~,WOi-:.,NSA OPER..4.TIONS BLD!r"" ~ _, i . £f f···E r.Jl.~~1±1l:I • J015!f . BRITISH JOINT STAFF MISSION . ':l:: -=r .:"'i~>~ .. ""}~ :..,., ', . -~. ' Of'FICES OF THE COMBINED CHIEFS OF STAFF U L ~ It A WASHINGTON ..,,. .',. ·000/2122- ' llMQRj'NDJll FOR JMJOB-GEJERAL CLAYTON BISSELL through Br1ga~1er-General Carter w. Clarke. i..·"' lffl)ICATIONS OF GEltMAN OFFENSIVE In answer to a request addressed by you to London on Christmas Day, a report has been prepared, and a copy is enclosed herew.1,th at ANNEX B. Sir Edward Travis, Director G.c.c.s., asks --- ,_ me to make it quite clear that this is an uno:ffic~~.l .a~~~~ia~E' Erepared ey G.~.~S~ Neither War Office nor Air Ministry are responsible for it and it should not be quoted in any communication If I addressed to them. Copies have however been given to D.M.I. and A.C.A.S.I. , There is also attached, at ANNEX A, a covering minute received by cable for.-transmission to you. This minute is a joint comment by D.K.I. and A.C.A.S.I. I am instructed by General Menzies to present it with the report to"'yoursel:f, Brig.Gen. Clarke and Colonel McCormac,, and to ! ; ask ybu, at the special request of A.C.A.S.I. to pass a copy to ........... ,.._~ Major General J.P. Hodges, A.C. of Air Staff, A-2. · --- -=-2 ;~~r-1-,-~ H.'lt.
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