Cote D'ivoire Summary Full Resettlement Plan (Frp)
AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP PROJECT : GRID REINFORCEMENT AND RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PROJECT COUNTRY : COTE D’IVOIRE SUMMARY FULL RESETTLEMENT PLAN (FRP) Project Team : Mr. R. KITANDALA, Electrical Engineer, ONEC.1 Mr. P. DJAIGBE, Principal Energy Officer ONEC.1/SNFO Mr. M.L. KINANE, Principal Environmental Specialist ONEC.3 Mr. S. BAIOD, Consulting Environmentalist, ONEC.3 Project Team Sector Director: Mr. A.RUGUMBA, Director, ONEC Regional Director: Mr. A. BERNOUSSI, Acting Director, ORWA Division Manager: Mr. Z. AMADOU, Division Manager, ONEC.1, 1 GRID REIFORCEMENT AND RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PROJECT Summary FRP Project Name : GRID REIFORCEMENT AND RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PROJECT Country : COTE D’IVOIRE Project Number : P-CI-FA0-014 Department : ONEC Division: ONEC 1 INTRODUCTION This document presents the summary Full Resettlement Plan (FRP) of the Grid Reinforcement and Rural Electrification Project. It defines the principles and terms of establishment of indemnification and compensation measures for project affected persons and draws up an estimated budget for its implementation. This plan has identified 543 assets that will be affected by the project, while indicating their socio- economic status, the value of the assets impacted, the terms of compensation, and the institutional responsibilities, with an indicative timetable for its implementation. This entails: (i) compensating owners of land and developed structures, carrying out agricultural or commercial activities, as well as bearing trees and graves, in the road right-of-way for loss of income, at the monetary value replacement cost; and (ii) encouraging, through public consultation, their participation in the plan’s planning and implementation. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND IMPACT AREA 1.1. Project Description and Rationale The Grid Reinforcement and Rural Electrification Project seeks to strengthen power transmission infrastructure with a view to completing the primary network, ensuring its sustainability and, at the same time, upgrading its available power and maintaining its balance.
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