On Display at La Specola Museum
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“Exotism” on display at La Specola Museum
Gianna Innocenti Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze [email protected]
Keywords Abstract Natural History In Florence, “La Specola” Museum was first opened to the public in 1775, by order of the Museums, enlightened Grand Duke Peter Leopold of Lorraine who wished to put together all the La Specola, “natural curiosities” from his collections, as well as from the Medici ones, in the context natural curiosities of an enlightened project of popular education. The zoological collections consisted of many Italian and foreign specimens, and among them on display were several amazing animals, peculiar for their provenance, rarity or dimension that gave rise to the social imagination of the Museum visitors. This paper provides a selection of the unusual animals on display and gives an account of their arrival at La Specola Museum as many specimens have a “story” to tell the visitor.
Introduction of February, 1775 (Barbagli 2009:58; The Florentine Museum “La Specola” was Contardi 2009:15). In the subsequent founded in 1771 as the Royal Imperial years, the Museum became a well known Museum of Physics and Natural History, place for the Florentine people, so much so by order of the Grand Duke Peter Leopold that it was simply and popularly known as of Lorraine. It was his aim to reunite all the “La Specola”. The name “Specola” was for material related to natural history, i.e. “nat- the astronomical observatory located in its ural curiosities”, scientific artefacts and tower, which was built in 1789 (Miniati instruments, from the Medici collections, 1984:212), and soon developed into a separating them from the art collections town institution. It was visited not only by held in the Uffizi and Pitti Palace, for the Florentines but also by country people, cultural enrichment of the town. In fact, who wished to see the amazing collection the museum was organized under the direc- of odd specimens housed in it, such as hor- tion of the chemist and physiologist Felice rific reptiles, colourful birds and huge Fontana, following the catalogue of materi- mammals (Corsini 1924:377; Azzaroli al compiled in 1763 by Giovanni Targioni Puccetti 1972:94). Importantly, La Specola Tozzetti. The museum was finally opened was the first strictly monographic scientific to the public of any social level on the 21st museum opened to the public, regardless of
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their status. This was quite a change from therefore properly placed among the mam- other collections, such as the sixteenth and mals. seventeenth century Wunderkammern, In the mid-19th century, Italy was a whose displays of exotic objects and speci- newborn and developing nation and colo- mens were for the exclusive viewing of the nialism was at its dawn. During this time, nobility (Strocchi 2004:83–84). Indeed, the exhibits and collections mainly includ- Fontana and the subsequent directors of ed the creation of the Central Collection of the Museum prepared the museum with Italian Vertebrates, that contained the most self-education purposes, wishing to join up complete collection of the Italian speci- all the branches of the scientific knowledge mens, the exotic specimens were largely of the time in the field of the Natural included in this as well, due to the passion Sciences and aspirating to affirm a model of of remote and far chinoiserie engendered in organization able to answer to the dual museum visitors (Strocchi 2004:83; need of a rational reordering of the collec- Barbagli 2009:71–72; Martinelli et al. tions and an enlightened demonstration of 2009:47). Indeed, during the latter half of the true and useful. The museum’s model the 19th century and particularly in the was characterized by its propensity of years following the unification of Italy, the showing all the specimens available, with natural history collections became an an emphasis towards displaying strange, instrument to affirm the authority of a rare and foreign materials, stressing their nation and represented the palpable sign of unusualness for their provenance, donor or the capacity to intellectually dominate peculiarity. remote places (Barbagli 2008:35). With regard to the zoological aspects of In the following sections of this article the collection, specimens were displayed in I provide an excursus on some examples of relation to their taxonomic classification, the zoological specimens displayed through with the intention of displaying many rep- the years, with an emphasis on “exotism” as resentatives of all groups in the animal it was meant at that time, i.e. intending kingdom, as followed the Enlightenment everything that arrives from distant coun- ideas and the diffusion of the systematic tries, or every specimen that has the quali- studies throughout biology (Cipriani ty of being alien or not native, or curious. 2006:100). One exception to this however, was the antique nucleus of the Medici’s “studiolo” collection, which was abundant Specimens from the Medici’s collection in precious, filled with singular and splen- There are still a few specimens from the did pieces (for the time). This collection Medici’s Wunderkammern collection on dis- was maintained largely intact, although the play at La Specola. These are specimens that sense of marvellous went to the rank of predate the Museum’s formal foundation. “infancy of ideas”, which the Enlighten sci- Among them, one of the most ancient speci- entists like Fontana felt they could “cen- mens, still on display in a Museum hall, is sure” (Lugli 1983:111), putting them in the skeleton of an Indian elephant (Fig. 1) their hierarchical and scientific category – that was kept alive and exhibited to the an example for all, the “unicorn horn” was Florentine people in the Loggia dei Lanzi, properly recognized to be the incisor tooth near Palazzo Vecchio in Florence until 1655, of a narwhal (Monodon monoceros) and was the year of its death (Agnelli et al. 2009:204).
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It has been studied in recent times by the In one of the first inventories of the collec- English scholar R. Avery, who provided us tion, compiled at the end of the eighteenth the following preliminary information. century by Giovanni Targioni Tozzetti for the Royal Galleries, the collections of Georg Everhard Rumpf (1627–1702) are mentioned and listed. These were pur- chased by the Grand Duke Cosimo II de’ Medici. This collection was exhibited in the Museum and consisted of exotic speci- mens from the Indonesian island of Amboina. Among the specimens were rare and precious invertebrates, such as the mol- lusc shell of the Nautilus and the black coral Antipathes, which was listed among the marine plants (Innocenti & Cianfanelli 2009:135). In the catalogue compiled in 1792, sev- eral specimens of aegagropile and bezoar are reported (Fig. 2). Aegagropile are fur balls found in the rumen of deer or other ruminants, and bezoar are mineral concre- tions from the kidneys and bladders of her- bivores. In previous centuries these were used in ancient pharmacological remedies as a cure for fevers or against plagues. These pieces were kept not only for their rarity but also for their presumed hidden healing Fig. 1 – The skeleton of the Indian elephant powers, for examples as antidotes. However (Elephas maximus). Photo by Saulo Bambi. even though they were part of the old Medici’s collections, they were nevertheless The elephant, born in 1630, travelled all listed in the zoological register, thereby over Europe. It was sketched by Rembrandt properly recognizing their animal origin. in Holland in 1637, and was likely seen in The catalogue also reports a bezoar from life by Bernini in Rome. Following this it the gall bladder of the Palatine Elector arrived in Florence, where it expired in extracted the 9th of June 1716, a piece that November 1655. Following the orders of is unfortunately lost (Innocenti & Poggesi the Grand-duke that it be used for scientif- 2002:14–15). ic studies, it was dragged to the Boboli The hippopotamus, still displayed in a Gardens and was flayed, so that its skin Museum room, was originally part of the could be stuffed and mounted realistically, collections of the Museum of Natural and its skeleton re-assembled for additional Curiosities of the Uffizi Gallery, however investigation. Both items were initially dis- its complete history remains quite uncer- played in the Salone delle Pietre dure in the tain. It was probably donated to the Grand Pitti Palace. Duke Peter Leopold around the second half
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Organised explorations of remote lands In 1860, the Royal Institute of Advanced Studies was established; the precursor of the current University. At this time the Museum was intended to serve a privileged place of education, with its collections organized in laboratories and the specimens placed at the service of research and teach- ing. From that time on, there was a large increase in the number of specimens housed in the museum. The largest portion of material was collected after the second Fig. 2 – A selection of bezoar and aegagropiles half of the nineteenth century, due to the with their original laberls. Photo by Saulo efforts of Adolfo Targioni Tozzetti (1823– Bambi. 1902) and Enrico Hillyer Giglioli (1845– 1909). Targioni Tozzetti greatly expanded of the 1700s and lived in the Boboli the invertebrate collection while Giglioli Gardens, but there are also accounts that it the vertebrate collection. Both also re - lived in the menagerie of Boboli Gardens ordered and expanded the older collections during the reign of Cosimo III de’ Medici in order to create specific Italian collec- (1670–1723) (Thorsen 2006: 272). tions. As part of their museum activity, they also participated in numerous nation- al and international exhibitions including First explorations of exotic sites the International Exhibition in London in Significant quantities of exotic specimens 1862; the Paris Universal Exposition of were brought back to the museum from 1867; the Fisheries Exhibitions of Vienna early explorations of foreign and far sites. and Berlin in 1873 and 1880, respectively. These expeditions, organized by the Grand- These exhibitions were not only occasions dukes of Tuscany, were with the precise to demonstrate the activity of the museum, scope of enriching the collections and but also opportunities to purchase or exhibits, to provide the museum a complete exchange exotic and rare specimens with and documented inventory of Nature. For Italian, European and overseas institutions, example, in 1817 the Grand Duke Ferdi - as for example embassies and consulates. nand III sponsored an expedition to Brazil, To contribute to the development of where the botanist and museum attendant the Museum, travelling to foreign and Giuseppe Raddi collected more than 3,000 remote countries became an increasing insects. In 1828–29 Leopold II funded “trend”, and from 1865 till 1910 ca. sever- Raddi and Champollion’s expedition to al explorations in distant lands were organ- Egypt, from which they brought back sever- ized and completed. This followed the ten- al hundred specimens to La Specola, includ- dency of other European institutions at the ing the mummy of a Nile crocodile, which is time (Rice 2000:290). still on exhibit in the Reptilian room of the The Florentine naturalist Odoardo museum (Barbagli 2009:62). Beccari, beginning at the age of 23 and continuing several years (until 1880), trav-
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elled throughout Indonesia (Borneo, and Deyrolle of Paris, to name a few. The Sarawak, Sulawesi), Papua New Guinea, remarkable specimens were then prepared Malaysia, Eritrea and numerous islands in for the public in the museum’s exhibition Oceania. His expeditions were funded by halls in the displays or in particular ones the Italian Museums and also by La called “dioramas”, sometimes representing Specola. During these trips he collected their behaviour, exceptionality or weird- rare specimens that he prepared for the dis- ness. Many specimens were obtained by plays at La Specola. His adventurous travels Giglioli, thanks to his skills in contacting inspired the Italian writer Emilio Salgari, the directors of the most important muse- the author of the exotic character of um of the world (his mother tongue was Sandokan. Much important material was English), and proposing various exchanges collected during various expeditions during and purchases of rare or recently discovered this time, including on the cruises of the specimens. Among his acquisitions include vessels “Magenta”, “Washington” and the rare big Mediterranean fishes, the frag- “Vettor Pisani”, to name a few. These expe- ile Venus flower basket sponge (Euplectella ditions often lasted years, circumnavigating aspergillum) which arrived to the Museum the globe or visiting distant lands, and their from an unusual catch in the Pacific participants faced difficulties and discom- Ocean, and the Tasmanian wolf, a gift of forts, bringing back not only natural histo- the Australian Museum, now an extinct ry materials (the local faunas and floras), species (Agnelli et al. 2009:182, 206). but also ethnological specimens. Travelling in foreign countries and collecting ethno- logical or anthropological materials served to bring into focus man’s place in Nature, as reported by the anthropologist Paolo Mantegazza in the foreword of the report on the steam corvette “Magenta” travel (Landucci 1977:142). Increasingly, these voyages reported on the different ways of living observed in exotic human popula- tions. Naturally, these were compared to European culture and civilization, which was discussed and criticized (Landucci Fig. 3 – The model of the giant salamander 1977:225). (Andrias japonicus) with a plate describing Beyond funded expeditions, other in Japanese its characteristics. Photo by Saulo specimens were obtained through Bambi. exchanges with various museums, institu- tions or scientists. These included the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, The giant salamander (Andrias japoni- then directed by Louis Agassiz, the German cus) model (Fig. 3) still exhibited in the museums of Kiel and Berlin, through Prof. Amphibian room has a particular story. A Karl Moebius. Still other material was live specimen of the amphibian arrived at obtained through purchases from dealers or the Museum on 30th December 1875. It collectors, such as the Gal Brothers of Nice was donated to the Director of the
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Museum by the Italian ambassador in The general intention is to keep the past Japan, and together with the salamander, heredity of the museum in good order, but included a plate that described its charac- not to praise the mere collection of trophies teristics, which was written in Japanese. and stuffed specimens, even if the historical The large salamander was kept alive for displays are by now part of the collective more than 40 years in an aquarium, but in imagination of Florentines. Even today, in 1918 it was killed as it had become too a unique and historical place such as La aggressive toward the keeper who fed it. A Specola, the fortunate fusion between nat- plaster cast of the salamander was then pre- ural history and art of taxidermy offers the pared. Today the model, along with parts of visitor moments of recollection and sug- the salamander’s skeleton and the descrip- gests new reading keys of the essence of tive plate, are still on display at the muse- Nature, reinforced in the Museum halls. um. At least till the year of Giglioli’s death, the Museum was truly a place where every- Acknowledgements body could travel without “travelling”, I wish to thank Prof. Liv Emma Thorsen where the zoological specimens recalled for her kind invitation to participate the “exotism”, by being unfamiliar or foreign to seminar “Nature on display” and for the museum visitors. complete funding of my stay in Oslo. After 1910, the golden age of La Thanks are due to my colleagues Fausto Specola ended with the rise of new scientif- Barbagli and Marta Poggesi for drawing my ic subjects, such as genetics and histology, attention to the anecdotes about some and the shift in scientific interest towards specimens of the Museum. A special thank the form and function of the organs, i.e. to Dr Dean C. Adams (Iowa State physiology, rather than morphology and University) for the English revision. systematics. At this point, the museum col- lections were no longer used in primary research. References Agnelli, Paolo, Nistri, Annamaria & Stefano Vanni 2009. “Le collezioni dei Epilogue vertebrati | The vertebrate collections”. At present, the Museum’s mission is to pro- In: Barsanti, Giulio & Chelazzi, Guido: tect biodiversity; large and indiscriminate Le collezioni museali del Museo di Storia collecting of specimens is avoided, and the naturale dell’Università di Firenze: displays focus on environmental issues and Sezione “La Specola” = The Collections the protection of local fauna. The goal is to of the Florence University Museum of increase knowledge and recognition of con- Natural History: Section “La Specola”. servation and biodiversity. The current ten- Firenze, Firenze University Press. dency is not to have the museum seen as a Azzaroli Puccetti, Maria Luisa 1972. “La temple, but rather as a forum; a place open Spècola, the zoological museum of the to comparison, experiment and debate. A university of Florence”. Curator vol. 15, place where the visitor is asked to interact, pp. 93–112. not only to see, thus stimulating reflection Barbagli, Fausto 2008. Il significato sociale instead of simply providing information. e culturale delle collezioni naturalis-
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