The Hilltop 12-8-2000
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Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 12-8-2000 The iH lltop 12-8-2000 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 12-8-2000" (2000). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 15. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ILLTOP The Nation's Largest Black Student Newspaper Volwne 84, No. 16 Friday, December 8, 2000 htttp:// Clinton Pleas For Urgent Action Against AIDS Men Control Fate President Unveils $2.1 ofA IDS Epidemic Billion Relief Plan By DAVE O ' O NOFRIO During HU Visit The Daily Free Press• Bosron University By C rtRISTOPIIER W tNDH \ \ 1 (U-WIRE) Boston, Ma. - Wi1hou1 men, the AIDS Campus Editor epidernic wouldn't exist, according to speakers at the World AIDS Day conference November 30 at Bo,ton President Clinton marked last Friday's World AIDS Day with a pas University Medical Center's Keefer Auditorium. sionate plea for $2. 1 billion in federal funds 10 fight the disease which now "Men account for probably 1wo-1hirds of lhe trans afflicts an estimated 36 million people worldwide. missions of HIV around 1he world," said Nils Daulaire, Joined by international religious leaders and students a, Andrew J. president and CEO of 1he Global Heallh Council. "Clear Rankin Chapel. Clinton appealed to Congress 10 pass critical domestic and ly, men have 10 do something differently in order 10 make international HIV/A IDS measures, including $418 million for AIDS pre a difference." vention and treatment programs. an $118 million investment in interna The theme of last Friday's World AIDS Day centers tional AIDS programs, and one billion in tax cr~-<lits for AIDS research. around how men can make a difference in the epidem "In too many nations. (AIDS) resources arc simply insufficient," Clin ic, Daulaire told a crowd of about 50 students and fac ton said 10 a packed Chapel audi- ulty from Bos1on, Harvard, and Tufts universities. The ence. "And the gap between conference, titled "Turn Awareness Into Action: Advo what people want to do and what cate for a Healthier World,'' aimed to increase awareness they can afford to do is denying ofthe global AIDS epidemic and educate people of how milJions the chance 10 survive AIDS 1hey can take action 10 help prevent and treat the disease. the onslaught." In their bimonthly publication, ·'AlDSLink," Global The AIDS effort is blueprint In2000 Health said men could make the difference in a number ed in the National Institutes of of ways, including condom use. regular testing and Health s1ra1egic plan for inter Poople living "1tl', HIV/AlIS: faithfulness 10 one sexual partner. national AIDS research which 36, l Men make up about 80 percent of inlravenous drug was released by the White House users worldwide, and tend 10 give blood more often than Friday. woman, according to Daulaire. Fifty-eight million peo = deaths in past year: The efforts Clinton announced 3 millicn ple have died in the last 20 years since AIDS became a are expected to have the largest "recognized issue." Daulaire also said in 1he next 25 impact in Sub- Saharan Africa, Deaths since epidemic began, years, the number ofAIDS-related deaths is projected 10 where the United Nations esti 21 .8 rnilliai exceed 1he cumulative total of every war of the 20th cen mates that about 26 million suf tury. fer from HIV/AIDS. AIDS-relat Though money for AIDS research is increasing, ed disease, killed 2.4 mill ion Pecple newl y infected with HIV, Daulaire said 1he research funds are 1101 nearly enough. people in Africa this year - 5.3 l!Ulicn ·Toe glass isn't half-full yet," he said "h's maybe no1 m,,rc 1han tho,e killed by war, c~en a thi.J, ·ll<'.' he l.t quunu r,,u iam1ne and 1\000 combmcu. In Massachusetts, 12,1.22 people arc currently living "AIDS i, an international 15 ml.llUn with AIDS or HIV, according 10 Andr<!w Fullem, direc security crisis," Clinton said. " tor of HIV/AIDS surveillance for the Massachusetts Too many nntion·s re~ources are Depnrtment of Public Health. Massachusem differs insufficient.'" from most states in the fact that 35-40 perceni of those The theme of the 13th World AIDS Day wa, "men make a difference." afflicted contracted the disease through drug use, but with Phnto h) Ch.u·u.Jr-.1 ;\11der,.on Y-.iriou, nations celebrate 1hc World A IDS Day. which is a global canipaign sexual transmission still a factor, the state is victim Prc,ldtnl Clin1on marked h1\l Ft'idf1.) ·, World <\ IDS On) "ilh a pa\\ionate plea for $2.1 billion in fed• to impro,e public awareness of HIV and AIDS i"ues. Thi, year's crnl fund, to figh t the di\t•a,c \\Jlich no,, aOlicl\ on e,Hnuiled 36 million people ,,orld,"idc. SeeMEN.A2 Sec CLINTON. 84 Howard Bi-sexual, Lesbian, and Gay Student Group Faces Scheduling Resistance By At.USON CONYllRS 1ions. office of the Dean in 1he College of Arts Hilltop Staff Writer On November 17 theorganiz.ation and Scie,ices--the office in charge of the planned to have Keith Boykin, an room- two weeks before the e\'cnt. A Scheduling problems for campus award-winning author and former recepcioni>t asked him to fill out the nec organizations can often be traced to special assistant to President Clinton, es;ary paper work and told him there more than just space issues. as Ster speak to their group. would be no problem gelling the ling Washington theco-facilitatorof But when Washington. a graduate room. He said he rurned the papers in the Bi-sexual, Lesbian. and Gay Stu student. approached Ll1e scheduling on tinie orie week later. dents of Howard University found office in order to find a place lo hold Everything seemed fine, Washing our last month. the event the only room available ton said, but on Friday ( Nov. 17), the Washington said the organization was room I J 6 in Douglass Hall. day of the even!, he phoned to ask has experienced scheduling resis "I knew what Lh ut room looked how to lock the room, that's when he tance from Univen.ity administrators like and I didn't wan1 10 have some was told by office of the Dean offi because of the nature of 1he club. one like Boykin wbo was probably cial that BLAGOSAH could not have NOi including 1he normal backlash bringing press with him 10 have 10 1hdr event in the room because the that an organization representing speak there, so I asked if there was office did no1 think he turned in the sexual minorities could face from a anyplace nicer that was available," paperwork. sexually conservative student body Washington said. Washington said he was then 1ra1is like Howard's, BLAGOSAH offi When Washington complained, he fcrred 10 Associate Dean Robert M. cials say they have had to deal wiLli said he was told about the more mod Catchings. who continually insisted the added hurdle of administrators ern "smart" room in Douglas, by 1ha1 they had 1101 turned in the nec who fail to offer the same assistance office of scheduling officials. essary pa~rwork. they would offer 10 other organiza- Washington said he coniacte<l die See 8LAGOSAH, 84 Photo b) Vine, Smith fe-:,lht> Chri,tmn, li~hts briA,hten Howard Hnll. ~i\'ing Georgia AH~nue a Hille holidfl) spitit. Supreme Court Protest 11,e Re" Jesse Jack...on (ccnlcr) and Multi-Million Dollar Health Sciences and Congre.,,man John Lewis (for right) kneel for pta)er la.-,,1 Friday on the ,1n.-ct in front of the US Sup,cme Court. The ,,.o \\ere Law Libraries Slated to Open in Spring ,, ith u group of~ ,,hom.,rchcd around the Supreme Coon as the Ju~~ i.11,idc heard arguments on whether 10 mcrturn a By CHAtA Oom1s The University is also opening a multi-million Florid.1S upn,me Coort ruliog irnohing Jhe Hilltop Staff Writer dollar librnry for 1he School of Law. Aorida lffiidential \'Ole count. The <.·ou:rt "The new library will triple the :tmount of space sent rhe ca.,e back to the Aorido Supn,me Tiie Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library i, set for shelving materials," said Mary Wilson,acting Coon. 10 open February 12. University officials said. library director of the A.M. Daniel Law library. The $25 million library, which is nearly com Photo by Haney Nunc, The Office of Capitol Projects, under the direc plete, is located on Bryant Street across from the tion of Bruce Costella. is in charge of the construc School of Communications. In a Town Hall meet tion of 1he building. ing earlier in the year. University President, H. "( am excited about this wonderful building," Patrick Swygert said on the day the library opens, said Costella. "It will set a new ,tandard for archi it wi ll be 1he most technologically advanced in the tecture excellence." - The Hilltop This Week- country. The Health and Science librnry is named after "The new librnry should truly help , mdents "ith former U.S.