Licia Albanese Christopher Paddack Martha Neumark Aldo Ciccolini
Preparation for Opera Licia Albanese The Piano Art of Ferruccio Busoni Christopher Paddack What Can Technical Instruction Achieve? Martha Neumark Mental Practice Aldo Ciccolini What the Junior Music Festival Can Do For Your State Norma Ryland Graves A Symphony of Bells Paul D. Peery The Place of the Non-Concertizing Artist in American Music LeRoy V. Brant E PRESSER COMPANY, Letters from THEODOR PENNSYlVANIA :bear Cenfurlp BRYN MAWR, b hearing that your to the Editor I have een I new issues are t he best ever. Please send me the numbers Articles checked below, am enclosing 25¢ a copy. 'or several months I Dear Sir: F ., to express my have been interndllt'l,ooe edi~orship of • ' ti n 'or . apprecia 10ND selections made ,Ill a D Iten times ' Good-Night, C·I Burnam ETUDE,the helpfu~ jan O~ly today, afterm- O Thot C To You: DTeddy "Bear s ried, C_I .. Burnam spiring arhcnes.h etroi 't Neios and the o Th. 0. Burncm reading t e . the composer Lvllob, t.cnd,thG·' D article concenhlln have I really o g o H ... Cernes e Rodeo Perc e '0b'm'00 Evange I'me Le'. man, Th... "w re "0,., 0" """'0", whi ,h w.,. '." '0 "b,,,II"", 0' - - C.,., k C·, .. Robinson decidedto wrlte,~u how much her a '".cio' 0'" {,om p,.".,. W.'hi., yo, w'" b.'''''''''d ,.'hi,0'" 0'0 tho Homm" "ob'",OO I cannot te) I Art-Song Th. PIANo PACKAGE OFFERg'." yo, 'o" P"'og" 0' ",w',". o Mook., Aot'",Jo c·'.somma"o article (Spehakl~~ve~lber (1952) H monlco e , C-2 .Sccrmclin,.
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