ROCZNIK POLSKIEGO TOWARZYSTWA DENDROLOGICZNEGO Vol. 67 – 2019 • 89‒99 Stan zachowania i dendroflora zabytkowego parku pałacowego w Batowie The condition and dendroflora of the historic palace park in Batowo PIOTR URZYKOWSKI, MARCIN KUBUS1 1Pracownia Dendrologii i Kształtowania Terenów Zieleni, Katedra Architektury Krajobrazu Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie ul. Papieża Pawła VI 3A, PL-71-459 Szczecin e-mail:
[email protected] Submitted: 15 November 2019; Accepted: 1 December 2019 ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to determine the condition of the nineteenth-century landscaped park of the palace in Batowo and to valorise its dendroflora. Lack of historical cartographic documentation makes it impossible to restore the original form and composition of the object. However, it is possible to revitalize the park, giving it new functions: active and passive recreation, for residents of the existing Nursing Home as well as an educational function for the inhabitants of the Lipiany commune. 79 taxa trees and shrubs grow in the Batowo park, including 9 gymnosperms and 70 angiosperms. The park’s old trees are preserved in generally good phytosanitary condition, however some trees require conservation and care. 52 specimens were qualified, due to the achieved dimensions, as monuments of nature. Among others the park boasts plants that are rarely found in Polish parks and gardens: Cedrus deodara, Quercus phellos, Q. ×schochiana, Q. imbricaria, Q. macrocarpa, Castanea sativa, Acer tegmentosum and Carya illinoinensis. Key words: landscaped park, revaluation, trees and shrubs, northwestern Poland Wstęp Metody Na przełomie XVIII i XIX w. nurt tworzenia parków krajo- W ramach prac przygotowawczych i kameralnych przeanali- brazowych na wzór angielski dotarł również na tereny ów- zowano dokumentację ze zbiorów archiwum Wojewódzkiego czesnych Prus.