VOLUME XXIII, NO 35 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1986 SPY CHIN Thiokol Recommended launch Even Though KillS SELF Doubtful On Seals MANASSAS, Va (AP) -- Con­ By DAVID ESPO vlcted spy Larry Wu-tal Chln AssOc1ated Press Wr1ter commltted sUlclde today, the U S Marshals SerVlce sald, WASHINGTON -- The company two weeks after the retlred that manufactures space shuttle CIA translator was convlcted booster lockets recommended the of spylng for Chlna launch of the Challenger even Chln kliled hlmself by though it belleved cold pre­ placlng a plastlc bag over fllght weather mlght stlffen hlS head, sald a Justlce De­ crltical safety seals and less­ partment offlclal who spoke en thelr ablilty to contain on condltl0n of anonymlty hot exhaust gases, documents Chln was pronounced dead show at 9 35 a m EST, sald Wll­ In recommendlng the launch, llam Dempsey, a spokesman for Morton Thlokol Inc predlcted the Marshals Servlce that ''If the prlmary seal does He was belng held In the not seat, the secondary seal Prlnce Wlillam County Jall wlll seat MTI recommends pendlng sentenclng March 17 launch proceed on 28 Janu­ Convlcted on all 17 counts of ary 1986 " consplracy, espl0nage and tax That represented a reversal evaSl0n, he faced a maXlmum of prevl0us company Opposltlon sentence of llfe lmprlsonment to the launch for fear of the and flnes of up to $2 5 mll­ effect that cold weather would llon have on the seals Members of Larry Wu-ta1 Ch1n, r1ght, 1S escorted to federal court 1n Chln was sald to have Spl­ a presldentlal commlSS10n In­ Alexandr1a, Va , Feb 4 by an un1dent1f1ed U S marshal ed because he wanted to br~ng vestlgating the accldent are (AP Laserphoto) the two natl0ns together trylng to determlne lf Morton­ Thlokol changed ltS mlnd be­ cause of pressure from space PrincIpal Says Nearly Half Stayed Home agency offlclals anXl0US to launch an already delayed shut­ tle fl1ght The recommendatl0n was In a AIDS STUDENT RETURNS TO CLASS notlce transmltted to Natlonal Aeronautlcs and Space Admlnls­ By JOHN STRAUSS home today, or about 42 percent school Colby sald Ryan wlll tratl0n offlclals 14 hours be­ AssOc1ated Press Wr1ter compared wlth an average over use a faculty restroom, at hlS fore Challenger's lll-fated KOKOMO, Ind -- A 14-year­ the past two weeks of 10 per­ suggestl0n, and wlll use dlS­ fllght, and after a lengthy de­ old boy barred from school af­ cent to 15 percent He sald ab­ posable plates and utenslls at bate about the effect of cold ter contractlng AIDS returned senteelsm had been runnlng hlgh lunch weather on the rockets to classes today for the flrst because of flu and noted the The only demonstrator as tlme ln more than a year, but bad weather Ryan returned to school was a Levee Crumbles, offlclals sald nearly half the "I'm not dlsappolnted wlth 17-year-old hlgh-school stu­ school's 360 other students the student turnout," he sald dent carrylng a slgn saylng stayed home "I was frankly surprlsed that "Students Agalnst AIDS " 21,cx::lO Evacuated School employees uSlng walk­ we had over 50 percent of our The student, Don Hocksted­ le-talkles kept reporters and students " ler, a Junlor at Western Hlgh In spectators at a dlstance as Asked when he belleved par­ School, sald, "I got frlends Ryan Whlte was rushed lnto West­ ents and puplls would become and they got llttle brothers By MARTIN STEINBERG ern Mlddle School through a accustomed to havlng Ryan ln and slsters ln that school I Assoc1ated Press Wr1ter slde entrance durlng a snow­ the classroom, Colby sald, "I don't have anythlng agalnst Rescuers ln hellcopters storm thlnk lt'S gOlng to take a long Ryan Whlte I Just got some­ worked feverlshly today to Before leavlng for school, tlme I feel that the more that thlng agalnst hlS dlsease " lift to safety the remalnlng Ryan sald ln a telephone lnter­ lS learned on AIDS I thlnk TrlCla Shelton, 12, a class­ residents of two northern Cal­ Vlew that lt was great to be go­ that's what wlll temper these mate of Ryan's who supported lfornia towns flooded by a wall lng back "It's flnally come," emotl0ns " hlS return, sald that lf a poll of water released when a levee he sald "I'm exclted " He sald seven famliles had of her classmates were taken unexpectedly crumbled, forclng Prlnclpal Ronald Colby re­ told hlm they would take thelr today they would want hlm to 21,000 people to flee, many ln ported that 151 puplls stayed seven chlldren from the mlddle stay home panlC Crews dumped truckloads of huge rocks today lnto the lev­ Retired Navy Officer Held In London For Spying ee near the confluence of the By ROBERT GLASS Yba and Feather rlvers, WhlCh Assoc1ated Press Wr1ter Detectlve Superlntendent Hll­ Maglstrates Court and was or­ already had receded several ton Cole of Scotland Yard's Spe­ dered held ln custody for one feet Slnce the breach occurred LONDON -- A man ldentlfled clal Branch, WhlCh deals wlth week pendlng further hearlng about 6 p m PST Thursday It ln court as retlred U S Navy matters of natlonal securlty, Maglstrate Wlillam Robblns was the second levee to glve Cmdr John Bothwell was arralgn­ told the court Bothwell was ar­ rejected an appllcatlon for way Thursday under the welght ed today on a spYlng charge rested Sunday whlle trylng to ball by Bothwell's lawyer of the nlne days of raln brought by Brltlsh authorltles leave Brltaln after recelvlng Scotland Yard earller In­ Elsewhere ln the West, Bothwell, 59, who was sald a coded telephone call correctly reported that Both­ cleanups were under way ln the to have retlred from the Navy The U S Embassy sald Both­ well was accused under Sectlon wake of waves of PaclflC storms 22 years ago and to have worked well applled for protectl0n un­ 1 of the law, WhlCh would be that kliled at least 17 people, for a U S lnteillgence agency der the U S Prlvacy Act, WhlCh a more serlOUS charge of car­ flooded thousands of acres and for 10 years, was accused of prevents the embassy from dlS­ rylng out, rather than prepar­ homes, and set off hundreds of preparlng to dlvulge lnforma­ closlng lnformatl0n about hlS lng to carry out, a crlme avalanches and mud slldes Pre­ tl0n to an unldentlfled forelgn cabe or hls background Bothwell, tanned and gray­ llmlnary estlmates put the dam­ power An embassy spokesman, In­ halred, smlled at hlS wlfe In age In Callfornla, Nevada and Press Assoclatl0n, Brltaln's slstlng on anonymlty, sald a the publlc gallery as he enter­ Utah near $100 mllll0n, and of­ domestlc news agency, reported U S consular offlcer vlslted ed the central-London court flclals estlmated that 20 per­ wlthout attrlbutl0n that Both­ Bothwell Thursday U S consul­ He wore a checked blazer and cent of Napa County's vlneyards well allegedly admltted to po­ ar offlcers lnlervene In Brlt­ carr led a copy of Robert Graves' were damaged llce ln a lengthy statement lsh courts only ln cases In­ novel "I, Claudlus " H1S wlfe About 33,000 people have had that he had a relatl0nshlp wlth volvlng U S cltlzens was not ldentlfled to flee thelr homeb, lncludlng the Sovlet Unlon over the past Bothwell was charged wlth Bothwell gave an address ln the 12,000 In Llnda, Callf , 10 years and had acted as a vlolatlng Sectl0n 7 of Brlt­ Bath, but Press Assoclatl0n and 9,000 In nearby Ollvehurst mlddleman ln trade deals be­ aln's 1911 Offlclal Secrets sald he spent SlX months of evacuated Thursday tween the Sovlet Unl0n and Act He entered no plea at a the year ln England and the re­ Crews and volunteers today South Afrlca 15-mlnute hearlng at Bow Street malnder ln Athens, Greece relnforced other levees o AROUND ISLAND PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1986

Ueek of Feb 24 - Mar 2 PDR DlmlER ENTREES FOR THE WEEKr Monday Roast Turkey w/Gravy Sweet & Sour Rlbs Tuesday Roast Prlme Rlb au JUs Chlcken Stew Wednesday Roast Pork Spaghettl w/Meat Sauce Thursday Roast Beef Pork Long Rlce Frlday Beef Burgundy ** Steak & Brolled Lobster Saturday Pork Curry Beta SIgma Ph, Chooses 1986 Sweetheart Yankee Pot Roast Who -- me? Gladys Borgos, above left, expresses her surpr1se as she 1S named the Sunday Char-Brolled Slrloln Steak 1986 Valent1ne queen for Beta Slgma Ph1 The announcement was made at the soror1ty's Southern Frled Chlcken Valent1ne's Day d1nner Feb 14 1n the Taro Room of the Yokwe Yuk Club * Menu subject to change wlthout notlce Vl Bradley, Beta Slgma Ph1 queen for 1985, crowns Borgos, above rlght, after pre­ Mess Nember & TDY Personnel Only' sentlng a bouquet of roses to her The soror1ty members choose a queen -- someone they all adm1re -- from the1r own membersh1p each year SNACK BAR DAILY SPECIALS (Photos by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) nday Pepper St Soup - Chlcken ~oodle Beef w/Vegetables Treatment For Soup - Oxtall Worship Services dnesday Chlcken w/Long Rlce CATHOLIC Soup - Beef Vegetable Hypertension Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) Thursday Sweet & Sour Rlbs 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel Soup - Egg Drop Is Individualized Sunday Masses Frlday SW1SS Steak By DR PAULA BARCLAY AND JENNY SALHUS 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Soup - Vegetable 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel Saturday Pork Adobo Ed1tor's note The follow1ng art1cle 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center Soup - Chlcken Vegetable concludes the ser1es on hypertens10n that Monday-Frlday Masses was wrltten for Blood Pressure Awareness 10 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel YO~}E YUK CLUB LUNCH MENU Week Confesslons Honday Hot - Itallan Sausage wi HIgh blood pressure doesn't have to Saturday, 4 30-5 pm, Blessed Sacra­ Peppers & Onlon3 threaten health If It IS dlscovered early ment Chapel Also In the chaplaln's offlce, Cold - Almond Chlcken Salad The key to success IS to make the dlagno­ call 82116 beforehand, and In Tr 835, call Soups - Nanhatten Clam Chowder SlS and to folJow a treatment reglmen pre­ 84535 beforehand Chlcken Rlce scrlbed by a physlclan rhe type of treat­ CHURCH OF CH'ZIST Tuesday Hot - Phllly Cheese Steak ment IS an Indlvlduallzed matter, and de­ Sunday worshlp IS held at 9 a m ln wlGrllled Onl0n pends on what speclflc factors are combIn­ Room 20, George Seltz School Vlsltors are Cold - Ham Salad Ing to cause the person to be hypertenslve welcome For more ~nforrnat10n, call 83569 Soups - Itallan Spllt Pea Treatment may lncl1Jde welght reductlon, CHURCH OF JFSUS CHRTST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Beef t>'oodle speclal dlet, rela v 1tlon, exerClse and med­ Servlces are held In Room 18, George Wednesday Hot - Itallan Meatballs w/ lc~ne, or any comblnat10n of these regl­ Seltz School Prlesthood meetlng IS at 8, ~~zzarella Cheese mens Sunday school at 9 sacrament serVlces are Cold - Egg Salad Royle Welght loss IS used fOl the hyperten­ at 10, and thL Rellef Soclety meets at Soups - MInestrone Slve pat lent who IS obese Dlet and exer­ 11 a m VlsltorS are welcome For more In­ Ol1cken Noodle Clse are Important Salt restrlct~on IS fornatlon, contact Mark Hanson, 82285 Thursday Hot - Grliled Portuguese emphaslzed, and fatty and cholesterol-rlch SerVlces on ROl-Ndmur are held at 8 a m --- Sausage w/Sauteed Onlons meals should be avolded Exerclse programs ~n the ROl-Namur Communlty Center Call Cold - Tuna Salad w/Capers should be undertaken wlth extreme cautlon Le~ Cooper, 99660, for Informatlon, and Soups - New Orleans Gumbo A few patlents are controlled wlth we~ght Rlchard Smlth, 99467, tor transportatlon Beef Consomme loss alone, but It IS hard for people to PROTESTAt-.T Frlday Hot - French Dlp au JUs modIfy thelr habIts Sunday mornlng worshlp serVlces wlll be Cold - Shrlmp Salad Hypertenslve patlents In stressful Slt­ held at 8 and 11 at the Island Memorlal Soups - tlew England Clam uatlons need to allevlate thelr stress by Chapel Cha~laln R0bert Johnson wlll preach Chowder changes In theIr enVlronment and l~fe­ the sermon tItled "Sad News, Good News," Chlcken Consomme styles As thlS IS not often posslble, ma­ based on Jeremlah 26 ny people need to learn to relax ThlS may Speclal mUS1C dt tbe 8 of m serVlce wlll mean anyth~ng from "taklng It easy" to nap­ be provlded by t~e Junlor-hlgh g~rls slng­ & Salad Bar plng to medltatlon or actual lnstruct10n In ~ng "Love OverflowIng," and by the Chapel AvaIlable Dallv relaxat~on therapy Cholr slnglng "Bdlm at Gllead" at the 11 Clgarette smokers wlth hlgh blood pres­ o'clock serVILe sure should stop smoklng Many smokers can Sunday school classes for all ages are stay off hlgh blood pressure medlc1nes held at the George Seltz School at 9 30 once they qUIt smoklng a m Adults are present to asslst newcomers Surf And Sun If all of the above therapIes are not ~n f1ndlng thelr classrooms AS OF 12 Ot A M totally effectlve, then med~cdt~on should The Sunday afternoon worshlp serv~ce on Frlday, Feb 21, 1986 be prescrlbed Many of the medlc~nes used ROl-Namur wlll be held at 4 30 In the Com­ Ddlly raInfall o 65 to control hypertenslO~ have slde effects munlty Center dnd wlll be led by Chdplaln MonthLv tutal 2 17 that may not be pLpls1ng to the people us­ Todd LaBute Yearly tutaL 2 79 Ing them Th~s is why changes In the hyper­ Gospel serVlce wlll be held Sunday eve­ nmORROW ON KWA J ALEI'J tenslve's lIfestyle are encouraged Newer nlng at 7 In the chapel TOln us for an SunrISe 7 06 a m drugs tend to have fewer s~de effects than Informal tlme of song and worshlp After­ Sun",et 7 00 p m drugs used In the past, though, so many pa­ glow for youth and slngles wlll be held ln "10'lnr1se 4 54 p m tlents today are on drug reglmens that do the horne of Walt and Becky Chldsey, Tr 654 not dlmlnlsh the quallty of thelr llves Mounset 5 01 a m On ThIS Date in HIstory Hl TIde 4 02 a m 4 5'-4 05 p m 5 7' Blood pressure treatment IS a llfelong concern ThLs does not necessarlly mean La TIde 9 51 a m 1 0'-10 29 p m 0 5 ' Today's hlghllght In hlstory SUNDAY that a patlenl wlll be on medlc~ne for On Feb 21, 1965, Black Musllm leader Sunrl"'" 7 06 a m Moonrlse 5 49 p m llfe, but that he or she should be checked Malcolm X was shot to death as he was Sun..,el 7 00 p m ~uun",et 5 51 a m frequently to conflrm that the blood pres­ about to speak to a rally of several hun­ HI TIde 4 29 a m 4 9'-4 36 p m 6 0' sure IS controlled, or so that adjustments dred followers ln La Tlde 10 21 a m 0 6'-10 54 p m 0 2' In the person's reglmen can be made In 1878, the fIrst telephone dlrectory i1CJNDAY was Issued by the New Haven, Conn , Dlstrlct Telephone Co It Ilsted 50 SunrIse 7 05 a m '10 I' [l rIc, l 6 43 p m HAVE YOUR BlOOD PRESSURE CHECKED "un c'e t 7 00 p m Moon",et 6 38 a m AT THE names Hl TIde 4 56 a m 5 2'-5 05 p m 6 l' -Blood Pressure Screening ClIniC In 1885, the Washlngton Monument was l" TldL 10 53 a m 04'-1l22pm o l' FRIDAY, Ten-Ten porch, 4-7 pm, SATUR­ dedIcated In the natlon's capltal F,)R TOTAL FORbl,A"T CALl K 4 7PO DAY, Hacy's porch, 9 30 d m -1 30 p m In 1972, Presldent Rlchard M Nlxon be­ h~s Ch~na ••••• I ••••••••••••• I •••••••••••••••••• •• gan hlstorlc V1Slt to malnland


Brady's People Junkies in shoulder pads ------___.. by James Brady;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Two days after what was a second-strIng tackle has hal­ World SerIes Baseball players How can Rozelle posture and called a "celebratlon of Amer­ ItoSlS, the league must be no­ testlfy In PIttsburgh that they preen about the magnlflcence of lca" we were told that one of tIfIed and the press lnformed bought cocalne, basketball play­ a champIonshIp game and sports­ the two teams ln the Super Bowl Every day durIng the season the ers routlnely check In and out manshIp and not know Just what was stoned league lssues the~e Ilttle bul­ of drug rehab centers, boxers the hell was really gOlng on? There are 44 men on an NFL letlns Jones has a spralned break down and weep over thelr The NFL and, lndeed, all the team and the coach sald 12 of ankle, SmIth has a hlp-poInter, drug addIctIon, and everyone major sports leagues, have hlS players had drug problems Brown has a brulsed rIb and hlS gets a ~econd chance A thlrd staffs of former FBI agents durlng the past season And status lS doubtful chance A fourth guardIng the "sanctIty" of the thlS was the New England Patrl­ Maybe we need a new category Ghetto kIds In Cleveland get game from bookles and other ots, a team that won ltS league 28 percent of our players dld busted for deallng pot and end wlcked types DIdn't anyone champlonshlp and got to the blg drugs last nlght All are ex­ up In prlson Professlonal ball­ know what was gOIng on up In game You wonder how many guys pected to play If we can wake players on the stuff renegotI­ Boston? Does anyone care? Is It on loslng teams were wrecked them up ate blgger contract~ In New happenIng anywhere else In the And you also wonder why What a flasco Jersey an NBA star has Just re­ NFL? Is anyone gOlng to be Coach Raymond Berry kept the Here we have 80,000 fans pay­ turned to the team from a flred or suspended or banned? mess hushed up even at the rlsk lng real money to see the game fourth drug "lapse" He's back How many lIttle klds sat of embarrasslng the presldent In person, 120 mIllIon of the on the startlng flve Last sum­ there In front of the TV set of the UnIted States, who got rest of us glued to the tube, mer In Shea Stadlum the fans that Sunday afternoon watchlng on televlslon to chat amIably advertIsers ponyIng up a mll­ gave a standlng ovatlon to one that IntermInable pre-game show about the Super Bowl wIthout llon bucks for a 3D-second com­ of the Mets who testlfled In and the game ltself, cheerlng knowlng a scandal was about to merclal, and one of the two the PIttsburgh trIal Thls guy theIr heroes, dYIng Just a lIt­ explode teams In thIS "celebratIon of make~ a mlillon a year tle for the losers, and then And fInally you wonder about AmerIca" ±lelded 12 profess lon­ If I worked for Mr Reagan woke up two days later to be fans who bet the farm on New al football players who theIr In the WhIte House I'd be on told, hey, maybe the Bears England wIthout belng let In on own coach asserts are JunkIes the horn to Rozelle bItchIng weren't all that good, maybe the nasty lIttle secret that Coretta Klng ought to make about the Super Bowl How can the other guys were stoked? the guys they expected to play them apologIze for turnIng her you let the presIdent blather The Black Sox meant to lose the mlghty Bears off theIr feet, late husband Into a halftlme on over natIonal televIsIon Maybe these New England guys were snortlng coke show about the great Amerlcan game don't know the dlfference It IS all sort of awkward We've had sportlng scandals when one of the two coaches In­ for Pete Rozelle, the NFL com­ before, datlng back to the valved In that game knows that CopYrlght 1986 mISSIoner, who InsIsts that lf Black Sox of 1919 throwIng the hlS team IS sodden wlth Junk? Klng Features Syndlcate Inc


By JACK ANDERSON and JOSEPH SPEAR WASHINGTON -- The MussaVl 1979 and Khomelnl returned to border He named hIS spllnter In early 1984 as one of three clan makes the most bJood­ Tehran to seIze power In the group IslamIC Amal leaders of Hezbollah (Party of thIrsty MafIa famIly of fact or name of the I~lamic revolutIon God), whIch was beIng transform­ fIctIon look lIke a Cub Scout -- Mohammed Mohsen Mussavl, ed Into a terrorIst group By pack The Mussavls, cloakIng the patrIarch's fIrst son to no l01ncldence, Hezbollah lame theIr homICIdal antI-AmerIcan­ rIse to promInence, carne to pub­ to terrorIst promInence about Ism In the black robes of ShI­ lIC attentlon as Iran's charge Sources are certain the tlme that 17 suspects In Ite Moslem fundamentalIsm, have d'affaIres In Lebanon, an ap­ IslamiC Amal was respon­ the KuwaItI bombIngs were ar­ been responsIble for the mur­ pOlntment undoubtedly greased rested and conVIcted Two of ders of 264 AmerIcans In the by the fact that the IranIan Sible for two bombings In the 17 were MussaVl fam~ly mem­ MIddle East prIme mInIster IS another famI­ bers As we've already reported, ly member, Mlr HusseIn Mussavl Beirut that left 258 Ameri­ The sheIk's Hezbollah terror­ the MussaVlS have more In com­ It may have been an lnter­ cans dead lSt group was Involved In the mon WIth the Corleones of "The trIbal rIvalry that led to Mo­ 1984 bombIng of the U S Embas­ Godfather" than WIth the dedI­ hammed Mohsen's kIdnappIng In sy annex In BeIrut and the hl­ cated dISCIples of the Prophet 1982 He hab not been seen Jacklngs of a KuwaItI aIrlIner Mohammed The Mussavls are seek­ SInce In late 1984 and a TWA plane In Ing power and money, and they Hu~seln MussavI, another June 1985 Release of the 17 use the Ayatollah Khomelnl's son of Mohammed Mussavl A one­ Our IntellIgence ~ources are terrorIsts held by KuwaIt -- IslamIC revolutIon as a conve­ tIme ~choolteacher, he broke conVInced that IslamIC Amal was and partIcularly the two Mus­ nIent cover for bUlldlng a fam­ WIth the maInstream ShIIte move­ responSIble for the 1983 SUI­ saVl clansmen -- was a key de­ Ily empIre In Lebanon's Bekaa ment In Lebanon, Amal, about CIde bombings of the U S Embas­ mdnd of the hIjackers In both Valley the tIme that hl~ brother was sy In BeIrut and the Marlne bar­ InCIdents Who are these people who kIdnapped HusseIn reportedly rack~ at the CIty'S aIrport A EXECUTIVE MEMO The Federal have transformed shrlll antI­ was unhappy WIth Amal's unWIll­ total of 258 AmerIcans dIed In ElectIon CommISSIon has enjoyed AmerIcan rhetorlc lnto bloody Ingness to become more mIIlrant the two blasts One of Hu~­ a SOlId reputatIon among report­ bombIngs, aIrplane hlJBcklngs As a fIrst gesture of Inde­ seln's (OUSlns. Abu Haydar Mus­ ers for the speed and accuracy and kldnapPlngs over the past pendence, HusseIn aSSIsted In saVl. reportedly obtaIned the of ItS responses to Inqulrles three years? Here's a rundown the kldnapplng of DaVId Dodge, pIckup truck used In the MarIne from the medIa But that's all on the most powerful Mussavls, actIng preSIdent of the AmerI­ barracks bombIng changed WIth the drastIC budget gathered from IntellIgence can UnIverSIty of BeIrut Dodge Although he dlsclalmed re­ cuts sweepIng the government sources we trust was lucky He was released af­ sponSIbIlIty for the MarIne The cut-back commISSIon staff -- Mohammed Mussavl, the fam­ ter haVIng been taken se( retly bombIng, HusseIn dId ~ay "I IS so snowed under that what lly patrIarch A clergyman who to Iran salute thIS good act " He wa~ used to take 20 mInutes to re­ went to school many years ago By late 1982, HusseIn had perIpherally Involved In the search now takes as much as WIth Khomelnl In the IranIan gathered a bunch of fanatIcal bombIngs that rocked Amerlcan, four weeks In another money­ holy Clty of Qom He JOIned Kho­ followers ready to do hIS bId­ French and Kuwaltl facilltles saVIng move, all InformatIon on melnl for a whIle In hIS ParIS dIng Hls headquarters was the In KuwaIt In December 1983 electIons before 1984 lS beIng eXIle, whIch ended when the anCIent CIty of Baalbek In the SheIk Abbas Musbavi ThIS scrubbed from the computer shah was overthrown early In Bekaa Valley, near the SyrIan thIrd MussavI brother emerged system

The Kwa]aleln Hourglass lS dn unofflclal publlcatl0n authorlzed under the provlsl0ns of AR 360-81 It lS publlshed by Global Assoclates Monday tIl rough Frlday (excludlng holldaysl at the dlrectl0n of the commandlng offlcer U S Army KW3]aleln Mlsslle Range Marshall Commandlng Offlcer Col W1ll1am A SpIn Islands under contract DASr60-82-C-0063 ThlS lS an offset publlcatl0n wlth a dally PubllC Affalrs Off1cer Pat Robbus clrculatl0n of 1,950 The Vlews and oplnl0ns expressed hereln are not necessarlly those EdHor Courtney Danko of the Department of the Army Communlcatl0ns should be addressed to the Hourglass, P 0 Local Newb/Feature Wrlter Ruth Horne Box 23, APO San Franc1sco 96555, or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Materlals appear1ng Copy Edltor C1rculatlon Jeanne VIncent 1n the Hourglass rna) not be reprlnted w1thout the appro\al ot the commandlng offlcer Sportswr1ter John Lee U S Army Kwa]aleln M1sslle Range All want ads and notlees muse be submltted on GA Form HOZ8 R-4 by 12 30 p m the worklnb day prl0r to publlcatlon e WORLD/LOCAL NEWS PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1986 Son Arrested In Slaying State Ranklngs Out Resea rchers Pra ise Of Philippine Newspaperman Educators Give Ratings Work-Place Fitness By JOHN ANTCZAK By BRENDA C COLEMAN Assoclated Press Wrlter Mixed Reactions Assoclated Press Wrlter GLENDALE, Callf Pollce sald today By CHRISTOPHER CONNELL Assoclated Press Wrlter CHICAGO -- On-the-Job fltness programs that they arrested the l7-year-old son of that reward partlclpants would get more a Phlllpplne newspaper executlve and the WASHINGTON -- Some educators are taklng Amerlcans lnto shape and feellng better, youth's glrlfrlend for lnvestlgatl0n of solace from the Reagan admlnlstratl0n's wlth a lower rlsk of heart attack, re­ murder, alleglng the two kliled Oscar Sal­ latest state educatlon ranklngs, but other searchers sald In a new study publlshed vatlerra and used polltlcal turmoll as a superlntendents say the exerClse lS mean­ today cover for the deed lngless Such a program was offered to 2,600 Pollce Chlef Davld J Thompson sald that Mlchlgan "has the rlght to be proud of" employees at four companles, and almost Slnce the klillng Wednesday, "there has ltS record In postlng the slxth-blggest one-thlrd of the men and one-flfth of the been wldespread speculatl0n that Mr Sal­ galn In Amerlcan College Test scores from women who dldn't ordlnarlly exerClse be­ vatlerra's death was polltlcally motlvated 1982 to 1985, sald Douglas Roberts, the gan worklng out wlthln two years, the by pro-Marcos supporters " state's deputy superlntendent of schools study found "Our ongolng, thorough and exhaustlve Ililnols' galn was the fourth-hlghest, "The changes we observed In exerClse lnvestlgatl0n has dlscovered no eVldence WhlCh Superlntendent of Educatl0n Ted and fltness were not llmlted to any par­ whatever to support that posltl0n," he Sanders sald "lS, of course, pleaslng " tlcular group ThlS was not a bunch of sald "On the contrary, we belleve from But Sanders added, "I belleve that the whlte-collar executlves taklng up marathon the eVldence avallable that Mr Salvatler­ data presented In the chart palnts an In­ runnlng," sald researcher Steven N Blalr ra's death was the result of domestlc Vl0- complete plcture of educatlon In thlS of the Instltute of Aeroblcs Research In lence wlthln the home and commltted by hlS state and the natl0n " Dallas l7-year-old son" The chart, released Thursday by Secre­ The four Johnson & Johnson companles of­ The youth's name was wlthheld because tary of Educatlon Wlillam J Bennett, ferlng the program began wlth an annual he lS a Juvenlle The glrlfrlend was lden­ ranked the states on thelr hlgh-school health screenlng tlfled as Teressa Kay Deburger, 18, a students' college entrance test scores, The health screenlng was offered on com­ Glendale Hlgh School student dropout rates and other measures It was pany tlme at no expense to employees, ane The two were taken lnto custody based the thlrd year In a row the Educatl0n De­ exerClse facliltles and programs also were on "rellable and corroborated statements partment had released the comparlsons offered free on or near the work place Em­ provlded to thlS department by an lnfor­ Alaska Commlssl0ner of Educatl0n Harold ployees partlclpated on thelr own tlme man t," Thompson sald Raynolds Jr sald the ranklngs were ''In­ The chlef refused to dlSCUSS the case In terestlng and yet they're not partlcularly detall, but sald he felt lt necessary to lnformatlve because of the way they're put refute speculatl0n of any polltlcal motlva­ together " Small-Arms Range tlon He sald the chart lncludes some "apples­ From EC "I know that the emotl0ns are runnlng and-oranges" comparlsons Alaska lS far The small-arms range wlll be In op­ hlgh at thlS tlIDe ln the Phlllpplne commu­ out In front on teacher salarles at eratlon between the hours of 8 and nlty, and I want to defuse the emotl0nal $39,751, some $16,000 above the natlonal 10 a m Feb 22 and 23 and polltlcal cllmate surroundlng thlS average But that doesn't take lnto ac­ A hazard area wlll eXlst at the traglc death," Thompson sald at a news con­ count the cost of llvlng and other factors northwest end of Kwa]aleln Island at ference that make schoollng expenSlve In Alaska, the small-arms range and extendlng Salvatlerra, 41, who recelved a malled Raynolds sald 1,650 meters from the lsland, ocean­ death threat the day before he was shot to And he sald Bennett's graduatl0n rate, slde All personnel and sea craft are death at hlS home, worked In the Los Ange­ drawn from the number of hlgh-school grad­ advlsed to stay out of the hazard area les bureau of the Phlllpplne News, a San uates ln 1984 vs freshmen enrollments Red warnlng flags wlll be posted at Franclsco-based weekly that has been crltl­ four years earller, 19nored "transfers the small-arms range durlng the opera­ cal of Phlllpplne Presldent Ferdlnand Mar­ out, slckness, sUlcldes and so forth" tl0n Questlons concernlng thlS opera­ cos He worked to lncrease clrculatlon and Alaska had a 75 percent graduatl0n rate tl0n wlll be answered by caillng the advertlslng, and was not a wrlter compared to 70 9 percent natlonally Central Pollce Statl0n at 84445 Bennett, carrylng on a tradltl0n start­ House Panel Votes To ed by hlS predecessor, T H Bell, waxed enthuslastlcally at a news conference Thursday about the wall chart Cut Off Aid To Philippines "ThlS lS blg news It's lmportant," By R GREGORY NOKES sald Bennett "Every state wlll look and AP Dlplomatlc Wrlter see how we stack up " WASHINGTON -- Wlth strong blpartlsan Reagan In Grenada support, a House panel voted unanlmously to cut off ald to the government of PhlllP­ plne Presldent Ferdlnand Marcos and awalt U.S. Has No Plans a legltlmate government that has the back­ lng of the Phlllpplne people For Force In Nicaragua Flllplnos stlll would recelve humanltar­ Kwalaleln Island lan and economlC ald under Thursday's House By W DALE NELSON actl0n, but lt would be channeled through Assoclated Press Wrlter the Cathollc Church and other non-govern­ WASHINGTON -- Presldent Reagan, warmly Barge Notice ment organlzatlons recelved ln hlS flrst V1Slt to Grenada Most mliltary ald would go lnto an es­ Slnce sendlng lnvadlng troops there to From GLOBAL SAFETY crow account to awalt "a legltlmate govern- block a communlst takeover, says he has no ment WhlCh commands the support of the The barge Islander wlll arrlve at thought of slmllar actl0n ln Nlcaragua Echo Pler Monday, Feb 24 Island res­ people of the PhlllPPlnes," the blll sald "I thlnk lt's an entlrely dlfferent Slt­ Meanwhlle, lt was learned that the Unlt­ ldents are advlsed that the barrlcaded uatl0n," Reagan told reporters Thursday as area wlll be off-llmlts Monday Those ed States would be represented -- at the he posed for photographs wlth Slr Paul most -- by only a thlrd-level embassy offl­ persons gOlng to and from the Small Scoon, governor general of Grenada, durlng Boat Marlna must use Lagoon Road and clal at Marcos' lnauguratl0n, tentatlvely a four-hour V1Slt to the lsland natl0n scheduled for Feb 25 Such a move would Elghth Street See route to the marlna "So you're rullng out use of U S force on the sketch below be a dlplomatlc slap In the face to Marcos In Nlcaragua?" Reagan was asked Vlce Presldent George Bush attended Mar­ "We never had any plans for such a cos' 1981 lnaugural and pralsed the PhlllP­ thlng," he answered plne leader for hlS "adherence to democrat­ lC prlnclples " In ltS 9-0 vote Thursday for an ald cut­ FinanCial News off, the House subcommlttee on ASlan and Dollar closlng ln Paclflc Affalrs overrode obJectlons of the Tokyo was 183 35 yen, Reagan admlnlstratlon, WhlCh wanted lt to and ln Zurlch was walt untll speclal presldentlal emlssary 1 9357 SW1SS francs PhlllP C Hablb returns from Manlla to re­ CLOSING METALS port on hlS talks there Gold But subcommlttee chalrman Stephen J $338 00 Solarz, D-N Y , sald qUlck actlon was need­ SlIver ed to make clear to Marcos that the Unlted States "wlll not countenance a stolen elec­ $ 5 88 tl0n " DOW JONES CLOSINGS He sald lt would "send a message to the 30 Industrlals Up 24 89 at 1697 71 Phlllpplne people that the Unlted States 20 Trans Up 5 58 at 797 72 has Wlthdrawn ltS support for the Marcos 15 Utliltles Up 1 54 at 185 53 reglme whlle contlnulng ltS support and 65 Stocks Up 7 93 at 678 02 asslstance for the Phlllpplne people " The blll now goes to the House Forelgn Volume 177,590,000 shares SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY Affalrs Commlttee


At left, the baton 1S handed to Bess Buchanan by teammate Glee Garl1e

At nght, Beth Sholar f1n1shes her m1le and passes the baton on to her hus­ band, Bob

(Photos by JIM PAQUIN. Kentron Photo Lab) Nineteen Teams Run In Annual Four-By-One Rela y By ALAN ANDERER KwaJale1n Runn1ng Club headlIned by the Roadrunners dIsplayed Pres~dents' Day, Feb 17, saw the re­ talent and determ~natl0n Three-year-old Bess Buchanan newal of the KwaJale~n Non-Karn~val Re­ Loren Llndborg fInIshed wIth a flash of Male -- SprInts, 31 06, MIke Mrstlk, lay sponsored by the KwaJale~n Runn~ng cape and a smIle, truly reflectIng the V~nce Mrstlk, Dan HIllman, Ed HIllman Club N~neteen teams of four members each sp~r~t of the day Youth -- Roadrunners (male), 33 32, contested the four-by-one-m~le relay The The followIng are the WInners by cate­ Er~ch Roth, T~m Dionne, Shawn Hurt Ken f~rst team runner began at 8 am, closely gory Jourdan, Slowpokes (female), 41 15, Sandy followed by runners accord~ng to the~r FamIly -- Roamln' Homans, 29 42, Larry, LaRoche, Jennifer Leeper, E~leen Anderer, t~me hand~cap Carolyn, JennIfer and Nathan Homan Heather Balesterl In the end, after all the huff~ng and Group -- GTE/SprInt (company), 34 15, School -- The Slugs, 34 57, Chad MartIn, puff~ng, the Over the H~ll Gang once aga~n MIke M~nardl, John Elm, DavId Maisch, MIke Hefl~n, Ryan Schwan, Matt Brown led the way OTHG won overall, and ~n the Randy Brown, ALTAIR (work group), 31 01, Many outstanding IndIVIdual efforts M~xed Category Roam~n' Homans captured the Tom Wh~te, ChrIS Deslnlot~s, WIllIam Pet­ were hIghlIghted by Fam~ly D~v~s~on Two company teams from rov~ck, Russell Hawk Fastest Male -- Bob Sholar, 5 16 KREMS showed strongly w~th s~x of the MIxed -- Over the HIll Gang, 28 13, Fastest Female -- Bess Buchanan, 6 26 e~ght under 6 m~nutes Female laurels were John HarrIs, John Taylor, ClaIre Walter, Fastest Master -- male, RICk Gates, won by the 106 M~lers showing style and Joe O'BrIen 5 40, female, Carolyn Homan, 6 45 speed The father-and-son team of Spr~nt Female -- 106 M~lers, 30 52, Glee Fastest Team Scratch was 1) ALTAIR, took the all males, and f~ve youth teams Car11e, Cr~s L~ndborg, KIm Morltomo, 23 05, 2) GTE/SprInt, 24 05 Bootleggers Evade Basketball Schedule Soccer Act/on TODAY'S GAMES Mirna II At CRG 6 00 Mlma I vs Ch1cago Spartans I Regain Lead By JOHN LEE 7 30 Oak Tree vs Spartans I SUNDAY, Feb 23 By JOHN LEE The eRC tr~ple-header showcased s~x of 6 00 L~mlted EdItIon vs Spartans II J P Corey and MIke Spllttstoesser led the e~ght B D~v~s~on ha5ketball teams 7 00 ROI Bay Trackers Vq Spartans II a relentless Spartans I offense that proved Thursday, and two of the games ~nd~cate a MONDAY, Feb 24 too much for the ROI Hackers In men's soc­ probable ~nterest~ng d~v~s~on race 6 00 Spartans I Vq MIrna I cer Thursday The Spartans won 4-1 The Bootleggers eked out a 33-32 w~n 7 30 Hot PInk vs Spartans I The Spartans lost the league lead to over M~ma II, and the Ro~ Bay Trackers got 8 30 Off Hook vs Bootleggers More Blood last week, but Thursday's VIC­ by T~lt 32-26 In the th1rd game, Off Hook TUESDAY, Feb 25 tory coupled WIth More Blood's earlIer loss was too much for the young Spartans III 6 00 Spartans II vs M1ma II to the Ex-TermInators place the Spartans I 54-19 WEDNESDAY, Feb 26 flrmly on top, a POSItIon they have become The Bootleggers and M~ma were t~ed at 6 00 Mlma I vs Oak Tree accustomed to 8 after one quarter The w~nners pulled 7 30 ChIcago vs Keane's Corey scored three goals, one ~n the ahead 15-12 at the half, ma~nta~ned a one­ 8 30 Leftovers vs TIlt fIrst quarter and two In the fourth Spl~tt­ po~nt lead dfter three quarters, and held THURSDAY, Feb 27 stoesser kIcked one ~n the th~rd quarter on gr~mly for the v~ctory 6 30 Spartans II vs Bootleggers and domInated mIdfIeld play for the w~nners ErIC Stevens had e~ght po~nts, and Jeff 7 30 LImIted Ed~tlon vs Spartans I Bob Futrell led a strong Spartans defense McHarg and Tom Wh~te S1X each for the Boot­ 8 30 Spartans III vs ROI Bay Trackers leff Rose scored a third-quarter goal leggers Jun~or Perez led all scorers w~th FRIDAY, Feb 28 for the Hackers 10 for M~ma II AnJer Lan~nbel~k scored 6 30 TIlt vs Off Hook The Spartans are now 6-2, the Hackers e~ght po~nts and Langer~ne Lorenn~J SIX for 7 30 Keane's vs Spartans I fell to 1-6-1 for the season the Ebeye team 8 30 Spartans II vs Hot PInk TIlt had a cold-shoot~ng fIrst half and Cross Island Romp scored only seven pOInts, but they came on ~n the second half and made a game of It Soccer Schedule before bowIng to the ROI Bay Trackers by TODAY'S GAME Set For Saturday SIX 5 15 Spartans I vs Spartans II (women) By ED GOFF Tom Tracy led all scorers wIth 14 for SATURDAY, Feb 22 KwaJale1n Runn1nq Club the Trackers, and teammates Joe DeLuca and 5 00 Spartans I vs Spartans II (men) Bob Wade added SIX and four, respectIvely SUNDAY, Feb 23 Ever wonder how long It would take to Kappy Kalama scored eIght, Stanley 3 00 More Blood vs R01 Hackers run from one SIde of KwaJaleln to the other? Peller SIX, and Todd Suber four for TIlt 4 30 Spartans I vs Spartans II (men) Some say that it can be done In under Jeff Hanson set an IndIvIdual CRC scor­ MONDAY, Feb 24 2 mInutes Others thInk some of our faster Ing record of 26 pOInts, and gave the hot­ 5 15 Bull-Its vs Spartans II runners could do 1t ~n 90 seconds or so ter guns a target for the com~ng weeks, In TUESDAY, Feb 25 We'll soon f1nd out because the KwaJalein Off Hook's romp over Spartans III Ted 5 15 Spartans II vs Ex-TermInators RunnIng Club IS sponsorIng the first "Cross Reynolds added SlX pOInts for the WInners THURSDAY, Feb 27 Island Romp," a one-third-mlle race across Ron Marques scored f~ve po~nts for Spar­ 5 15 Roi Hackers vs Ex-TermInators the island All lsland resIdents, fast and tans III, and Matt Barslc, Casey Cato, and FRIDAY, Feb 28 slow (walkers too), are InVIted to particI­ Jay Thomas added four each 5 15 Women's playoff game pate In th~s event, WhICh starts ocean-side by the hospltal, follows SIxth Street west Pro Scores across the Island and ends lagoon-sIde at (AP) -- In NatIonal Hockey League actIon Junior, Peewee Soccer the entrance to Echo PIer So, If you want Thursday It was PhIladelphIa 5, SATURDAY, Feb 22 to fInd out Just how bIg (or small) KwaJ­ 3, N Y Rangers 3, St LOUIS 2, New Jersey Brandon 9 30 USC vs Florida ale1n really IS, Just show up at the hOSPI­ 4, Quebec 3, OT, Toronto 7, Calgary 6, OT RIchardson 9 30 Harvard vs Alabama tal parkIng lot Saturday, Feb 22, 5 45 p m * * r Brandon 11 00 PrInceton vs Stanford The race starts at 6 pm, and we could all (AP) -- In NatIonal Basketball ASSOCIa- RIchardson 11 00 ArIzona vs Auburn be home for supper by 6 15. maybe' tIon actIon It was Denver 102, Boston 100, WEDNESDAY, Feb 26 SPORTS ON THE RADIO Saturday on AFRTS MIlwaukee 120, Houston 113, Sacramento 107, Brandon 5 15 USC vs Yale 1224 AM rad~o at 9 am, hear Oklahoma vs San AntonIO 105, Detrolt 109, Cleveland 107 RIchardson 5 15 Auburn vs Harvard Duke 1n basketball actlon c o FEATURES PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1986 Mind VOll" Mooey - Q & A Ann Landers Dear Ann Landers Sev­ Tax-Exempt Borrowirlg eral years ago I went lnto By PETER WEAVER bUSlness wlth a frlend I earned less than $13,000 Q I heard from someone at work that I can borrow over a two-year perlod money to buy an IRA (Ind1v1dual Ret1rement Account) 1f and was unable to pay my I don't have the money r1ght now Is th1S true? What debts My credlt ratlng about borrow1ng money to buy tax-exempt bonds? J M , fell rlght through the San D1ego, Cal1f basement A You may, lndeed, borrow money to purchase an IRA Rather than flle for and lt'S a good deal all the way around personal bankruptcy, I de­ Every worklng person can lnvest up to $2,000 a year clded to do the honorable ($2,250 for a marrled couple) ln an IRA ln order to thlng tough lt out and get the double tax beneflt of a reduced current tax repay every cent am -- HAUNTED IN HUNTING­ payment plus not havlng to pay taxes on lncome comlng Today my annual lncome TON from the lnvestment lS over $50,000 I own DEAR HAUNTED We d1d a The earller you buy your IRA lnvestment (savlngs two houses and have repald great deal of check1ng and certlflcate, mutual fund, whatever), the faster your all outstandlng debts My were surpr1sed to f1nd that retlrement fund grows problem lS thls I can't nobody wants to be quoted If you don't happen to have $2,000 rlght now, you get a Macy's charge card The facts are these, how­ can borrow the money and get a thlrd tax break -- a because of my credlt hlS­ ever posslble deductlon for the lnterest you pay on the tory Cred1t pol1c1es vary loan When wlll thlS nlght­ from place to place, but ThlS multlple tax beneflt lS allowed for IRAs, but mare end? I have repald everyone to whom we spoke not for tax-exempt bonds You can borrow the money to all my debts, yet I have suggested that you contact buy the bonds, but you can't deduct the lnterest you been lnformed that the the cred1t manager at pay on the loan adverse credlt entrles Macy's and ask for a per­ * * * wlll remaln publlC know­ sonal 1nterv1ew Br1ng Q I have been gett1ng a b1g refund from IRS (In­ ledge for seven years proof that you have pa1d ternal Revenue Serv1ce) for the past two years and Is thlS falr? Do you your b1lls 1n full Accord- expect another refund th1S year How can I reta1n th1S know of any actlon I can 1ng to law, everyone 1S money 1n my paycheck 1nstead of hav1ng to loan 1t to take to expunge the rec­ ent1tled to see h1S or her the government w1thout gett1ng any 1nterest back? S R , ord? I was a very young cred1t records and expla1n Ch1cago, III guy who trled and falled past d1ff1cult1es that may A Go to your employer and ask for a W-4 (IRS) form Does thlS mean I have to have caused late payments that's used to llSt your dependents as exemptlons to pay for that mlstake for Bad debt 1nformat1on 1S Ilmlt the amount of tax money that's wlthheld from flve more years? Please kept on record for seven your paycheck glve me some counsel I years Th1S 1S the law If you want less money wlthheld, you can Just add another exemptlon or two The Internal Revenue SerVlce has a pamphlet on how thls lS done Professlonal tax preparers can also handle the calculatlons needed to Your Individual assure that your paycheck wlll be fatter wlthout hav­ lng to actually owe money on next year's tax return Horoscope r * * Q Regard1ng your column on Med1care (Work1ng Out ===== FRAces Drake =====::::::::::::::== Costs W1th Your Doctor), you def1ned accept1ng Med1- care ass1gnment as accept1ng whatever the government fOR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 198h pays Accept1ng Med1care ass1gnment means whatever ARIES mind (Mar 21 to Apr 19) ?lit SCORPIO the government approves (not pays) Though you get encouragement for (Oct 23 to Nov 21) For 1nstance, 1f the fee 1S $150, and Med1care long-term ambitIOns, the dally routine The only thing that could Interfere allows (or approves) only $100, Med1care w1ll only pay may seem somewhat of a grmd today With good times today IS a money 80 percent of the allowed $100, and the doctor may Watch out for crankme% m the dispute tOnight Otherwise, SOCial life b1ll the pat1ent for the rema1n1ng 20 percent, or $20 afternoon should be to your IIkmg TAURUS SAGITTARIUS (benef1c1anes co-payment) The doctor must "wnte (Apr 20 to May 20) ~ (Nov 22 to Dec 21) off" the $50 that was over and above what Med1care PlatOniC romance may not be your A career matter definitely needs approved (or allowed) J G , Woodland H1lls, Cal1f cup of tea now It seems you 11 have further thought By all means aVOid A You're rlght When doctors take "asslgnment" on to be patient and not force Issues premature actIOn It s not the best Medlcare, they take what the government approves (or Morning hours are best for you tmw for dealmgs With higher ups GEMINI CAPRICORN allows) and, ln some cases, blll the patlent for the (May 21 to June 20) ~ (Dec 22 to Jan Iq) remalnlng 20 percent In other cases, klnd-hearted Both home and career reqUire Though you re able to see both doctors don't even blll needy patlents for the 20 per­ attentIOn Your intUItion IS keen now, '>Ides to a questIOn, another party IS cent co-payment amount It, too, lS "wrltten off" but a partner may seem difficult to not For peace of mmd, don t dwell on please In the afternoon Trv to avert another s stubbornne"s tOnight conflict AQUARIUS Tales Of The Turdy, Truant CANCER (Jan 20 to Feh 18) NEW YORK (AP) -- In most Ilves of qUlet desperatlon, (June 21 to July 22) '"~ Though you may feel someone the Job lS arrlved at late, or not at all, because the Some relaxation would do you owes you a favor the other party battery was dead, or the traln mlssed, or the subway good now Be careful not to take concerned Just doesn t see thIngs that office wornes home With you ~up way NeIther loan nor borrow money late port comes from lm,ed ones Accent PISCES )otI:bo Then there's the guy who says he stayed home be­ togetherness (Feb 19 to Mar 20) ~ cause he thought Halloween was a hollday LEO .~ You 11 get along well enough y., Ith A creatlve mlnorlty of workers glve thelr bosses (July 23 to Aug 22) 'r{, close tie" today, but a work problem There mav bt. a walt b( lore a could well IntE rfue With SOCial plans remarkably creatlve explanatlons for belng absent or money plan pavs off Meanwhile, for thiS evening Accent responsibii late, accordlng to a survey of 100 employers who were you II have to guard against extrm,d Ity asked what unusual allbls they had heard gance Home hfe I" favored over YOU BORN TODAY must learn to Robert Half Internatlonal, the employment flrm that outside entenaInmt-nt" tonight finIsh what you start 'r ou have the VIRGO commlSSloned the survey, recorded a few odd excuses of potential to be a succes" In busmess (Aug 21 to Sept 22) ~.t proVIding that you re In a Job that ltS own Though give and take works nicely appeals to you You re somethIng of "We're not talklng about standard reasons," Half for you With partner'>, you 11 have a an IdealIst and oftf'n drawn to sald No, we're talklng about other klnds of reasons more difficult row to hoe With a creative purSUIt" Ranklllg, merchan -- "Suddenly, the doors of the armored car ln front famIly member tOnight Don t force dlzIng and real estate are some of the Issue" fields In which you'll find fulfillment of me opened up, and $10 bliis started flylng out," LmRA Alway,> keep your ambition" In mmd causlng a trafflc Jam (Sept 23 to Oct 22) ~ and rf'Slst the temptation to get by on -- "I ate so much durlng my vacatlon that none of You may feel resentful about ho\\ a your Wit') RLrthday of Winslow my clothes would flt me So I had to spend the mornlng matter has turned out, yet you rna} Homer paIrltl r Renata Scotto, opera have no one to blamf' except your '>Inger and Honus Wagner, basehall havlng them altered " own tardlne,>" In making up your "t Ir

h J

DOONESBURY Garry Trudeau







" ~URRY HOME I" HAGAR D Ik B rowne ~------1

Crossword By Eugene Sheller 55 Like 8 Bean typr childs 9 OHara -' 6tJ~P;: play homr I ~ \ 56 Accomplish 10 Buffalo s P ment lake ...£J DOWN 11 The gamut ), 1 Singer 20 School Falana room nerd 2 SOVIet sea 22 Famous 3 Luulle cow 2. 21 Ball mOVIe 24 Gennan 4 Notonou., flver pirate 25 Impair 5 Cartoon 26 Diamonds sailor IF WAGN'T ON A DIET I 6 "Ieep Forevel I'!;, BUY ONE OF THOSE, like - 27 Tear TWO OF THOGE, 51)( OF 7 Cants 29 Howl THOSE" 30 BUilding Avg solutIOn time 26 mm wing 31 Conger ,,",~~:"7~~~~~87-17=-l 35 Ivanhoe s love 36 Silks wearer 39 Retire 40 Loo.,en 41 Early rVl\tee? 43 Bible book 45 Illy plant 46 Po"~es~ 4 7 PrevlOu~ly owned 49 Scottish dental 10 11

~ !

30 31 BC

1 R'6£OL~ TO R'eslQ" TH~ IEMPrATia.1 OF FL6

44 45 46 47

~ 6 53 ~ T 56 ----- ~':, c o j CLASSIFIED PAGE 8, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1986

OFFICIAL NOTICES HELP WANTED YOKHE YUK TENNIS COURTS CLOSED TONIGHT BEGINNING TUESDAY, Feb 25 the Famlly GLOBAL ASSOCIATES CURRENTLY HAS OPENINGS from 6-9 for KTC tennlS soclal Pool hours of operatlon wlll be Monday for part-tlme cocktaIl waltresses at the and Wednesday, 12 30-1 30 pm, 3 30- Yokwe Yuk Club ApplIcants must be at ATTENTION ALL GIRL SCOUTS & BROWNIES 6 pm, Tuesday and Thursday, 12 30- least 19 years of age and be able to work Thlnklng Day has been postponed from 1 30 pm, 3 30-5 pm, Saturday approxImately 15 hours per week Interest­ Feb 22 to March 8 More Info later noon-6 pm, Sunday, 9 30 a m -6 p m The ed persons should apply at the Global Per­ Famlly Pool IS open for after-hours publlC sonnel offIce, corner of Lagoon Road and SWIM TEAM MEMBERS The new Tues & Thurs use on a non-lnterference basls wlth pre­ Nlnth Street, Bldg 781 workout tlmes start Tues , Feb 25 scheduled actlvltles Tuesday and Thursday evenlngs are currently reserved untll FOR SALE AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP MEETS EVERY THURS , May 8 from 5-8 30 p m Watch the Hourglass TAMIYA "ROUGH RIDER" R C CAR Package 6 30 p m For Info call 84465 or 83200 be­ for other pool reservatlons Includes Two-channel radlo, slx-cell bat­ fore 3 pm, 83663 after 4 30 p m (Speclal Servlces) tery and a qUlck charger $160 Call Alex at 83718 RUSTMAN TRIATHLON SUNDAY, May 4 Mark AN ISLAND ORIENTATION WILL BE HELD Tuesday, your calendars' Start your tralnlng Watch Feb 25, 2 pm, In the Banyan Room of the JUST RECEIVED AT THE MIC SHOP -- story­ the Hourglass for more Informatlon Yokwe Yuk Club The purpose of thlS orlen­ board table from Truk, measures 18"x48" tatlon IS to provlde Informatlon on the Also on hand are new wooden heads, baskets NMA CRITICAL INCIDENTS II MODULE will unusual llvlng condltlons found on and and Toklko trays meet at Seltz School Teachers' Lounge Mon­ around the Island Change 1 to KMR regula­ day, Feb 24, 7 p m Info, John, 84157 tlon 385-6 requlres that all new employees FOUR-FAMILY PATIO SALE, 7-noon, Saturday, attend the flre and safety brleflng that 439B PIoneer stereo system, Akal reel­ KRC WILL SPONSOR A 1/3-mlle "Cross Island IS Included In thlS orlentatlon All par­ to-reel, Sanyo canIster vacuum, good Romp" at 6 pm, Sat ,Feb 22 The run ents are urged to attend to learn of the lady's clothlng SIzes 5-12, lots of wlil begln on the lawn area ocean-slde of hazards thdt eXlst on land as well as In plants, stroller, records, books, mlSC Sands BQ & flnlsh at Echo Pler For Info, the ocean and on the reef Chlldren ac­ call Bob, H82628, or Ed, H84690 companIed by a parent are welcome LOFT FOR SMALL BEDROOM IN 400-SERIES HOUSE, (Global Safety) $30, Chlld's metal school desk, $10, wood­ CUB SCOUT COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, Feb en floor-to-celilng mIcrowave cablnet, 24, 7 30 pm, 442A THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF FOUND ITEMS cur­ $75, plano, $300, homemade wooden shelves, rently belng held at the KwaJaleln Pollce need palntlng, $10 Call 82609 THE BLUE & GOLD BANQUET OF PACK 135 WILL Department Items may be clalmed by call­ be Feb 28, 6 30 pm, Davls MP Room Ing the KPD and makIng arrangementb to TI-99/4A COMPUTER W/dlSk drlve, expanded Remember to brlng your dlSh meet wlth the found property offlcer The memory, RS232 & parallel Interface Lots next publlC auctlon wlll be held Feb 22, of software Incl word processor, etc YOKWE YUK CLUB 10 am, at the rear of the KwaJaleln Also Includes prInter, computer desk Call MONTHLY PolIce Department All property llsted be­ Steve at 82686 SUNDAY BRUNCH low wlll be auctIoned FOUND PROPERTY OLIVETTI PORTABLE ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER 23 Febnu~y 1986 Pr gold-colored framed glasses In blue w/case Llke-new condltlon, $125 Call 6~om 10 00 to 1 00 pm vlnyl case 83315 One hrown eyeglass case BUFFET STYLE Brn nylon bag contalnlng a lady's wrIst­ PATIO SALE FEB 22 at Tr 573 4-famlly, watch, man's shlrt odds & ends, clothes, household Items, SIvu..mp Newb~g Omelette Lady's knltted handbag 6 a m -1 p m No early blrds' C~~a Tow~ C~~ke~ WI ~~e Heavy-duty plastIc underwater camera Egg6 to Otui.~ housIng 2 STANDARD WIND-SURFERS, BOTH WITH FULL- & SCUL6age BICYCLES 15000, men's black, 5027, glrl's hlgh-wlnd salls, $500 ea Also avall Ba~o~ blue, 3196, gIrl's orange, 8665, boy's extra mast, new full sal1, margInal sall, Tlud. Cu.t Pea~h Glaze. Toaot red B5301, lady's black, 8681, men's hIgh-WInd centerboard & 2 alumInum trall­ F~e6 h F~LU.;t blue, 9657, men's red, three wIth no decal ers, harness EvenIngs, 82608 Paotel P~6QA;(: (KwaJaleln PolIce Department) VaYU.-6h FOR SALE ChInese & Japanese cooklng Items, Cou~y F~e6h B..uc.t.u..t6 SALE OF COVERNMENT PROPERTY Cal-20 baIl­ new, unopened, assorted, some unavallable Co66ee/Tea/~kIJ~~e boats, 2 each, hull numbers 43 and 44, of­ on KwaJ Cheap prIces Several glveaways fered for sale "as Is/where IS " InspectIon w/purchase Money saVIng' Call Mrs Hargus $6 75 $4 75 Cfu.£.cVten may be made Monday through Saturday, at 84632 AduLt6 uYl.d~ 8 8-11 am, untll March 8 Property IS located In the ClasSlflcatlon Yard near WANTED Supply FacIlIty No 602 BId forms and HAVE BABY, NEED ROCKER AND/OR PLAYPEN RESERVATIONS SUGGESTEV envelopes are avaIlable In Plant Property Call 83605 for purchase caU 8-3409 offIce BIdders are InvIted to attend bId openIng at the Clobal FInance offIce, cor­ NEED ADULT TRICYCLE FOR TWO WEEKS FOR ner of Lagoon and NInth Street, at 9 a m VISItIng aunt If you have one we could Tonight At The Movies Monday, March 10 KMR plant clearance of­ beg, borrow or rent please call 82496 fIcer or hIS representatlve WIll not be Yokwe Yuk - Huckleberry Flnn ellglble to submIt bIds, but shall be pres­ COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 6 30 ------R ent to WItness bId openlngs Payment shall BETA SIGMA PHI WILL MEET TUESDAY, Feb 25, Yokwe Yuk - Desperately Seeklng Susan be by cash or approved check delIvered to 7 30 pm, Tr 740 Bev O'Neal wlll be 8 30, 12 30 ------R Clobal Flnance BId WInners must remove hostess for the evenlng Tradewlnds - Movers And Shakers purchases on or before Saturday, March 15 8 00 ------PG (KMR) LADIES -- TIRED OF THE SAME OLD ROUTINE? (et Involved & learn more about MIcroneSIa Tonight On Television DUE TO THE KWAJALEIN RUNNINC CLUB'S Turf Volunteer to work at the MIC Shop or on Kwajalein 'n' Surf event, the area ImmedIately north the MIC Shop commIttee For Info, call 4 45 General Hospltal of the Emen Beach roped area wlll be off­ BonnIe at 83688 5 30 Double Trouble lImIts to SWImmIng, snorkelIng and scuba 5 55 ABC News dlvlng Feb 23, from 1 30 p m untIl all BOWLINC CLASS MONDAY & FRIDAY EACH WEEK 6 25 CNN Sports Tonlght sall boards on the beach have been launch­ for four weeks Class tlme IS 1 p m 6 50 Natlonal Geographlc ed and have passed the drop-off btartlng Feb 24 SIgn up at the Bowllng 7 15 Four Seasons (KMR Safety) Center desk No phone calls please 7 40 The Jeffersons 8 05 Charles In Charge THE FAMILY POOL WILL BE CLOSED AFTER regu­ THE OPENINC OF THE NEW TENNIS CLUB SHELTER 8 30 Cagney & Lacey lar hours Saturday, Feb 22, from 6-8 pm, WIll be tonIght from 6-9 p m at the 9 20 "Captaln's Paradlse" and Sunday, Feb 23, 6 45-8 15 pm, due to Yokwe Yuk Courts Refreshments wlll be 10 50 CNN News pre-scheduled actlvltles prOVIded & a short membershIp meetIng WIll 11 20 Nlghtllne (Speclal SerVlces) be held 11 50 Tonlght Sho~ Channel 13 BECAUSE OF APPROVED AQUATIC TRAINING actIV­ KWCA'S MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP MEETING/Tourna­ 7 00 A Grateful Peasantry ItIes, the KwaJaleln Adult Pool wlll not ment IS Saturday, Feb 22, 1 pm, at 7 55 Flrlng Llne be avallab1e to the pub11C Monday, Feb 24, the KwaJaleln Country Club 8 50 NBA Houston vs 8-10 p m (Specla1 SerVlces) Dallas GOLFERS YOU MUST HAVE AN ESTABLISHED 11 10 Larry Klng ADUl.T EDUCATION handIcap to play In the KWGA-sponsored Roi-Namur BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Kathy Plessman wl11 Coral Open May 17-18 & 24-25 wlth banquet 4 55 General Hospltal offer two addltIonal seSSIons of "Your Per­ on the 25th A mInImum of flve 18-hole 5 35 Allce sonal Color Class," one Saturday, March I, rounds are needed for an offlcIal handlcap 6 00 ABC News and the other Saturday, March 8 Also, for 6 30 CNN Sports Tonlght men only, "Your Personal Color Class" wlll TENNIS PLAYERS SIGN UP FOR LESSONS WITH 6 55 Peter Gunn be offered Saturday, March 15 To regIster VISItIng tennIS pro Ed Beyster SIgn-up 7 20 Hlghway To Heaven for these classes or for addItIonal Infor­ sheets WIll be posted rIght after the 8 20 St Elsewhere matIon, contact Eula Jourdan, 82800, or TennIS Club meetlng 2/21 Lessons WIll be 9 10 Cagney & Lacey stop by the Adult Educatlon Center, Room 1. 3/7-3/19 Info, Peggy at 84410 10 00 "Planet Earth" George Seltz School from 8 a m -1 pm, 11 15 Larry KIng Tues , Wed , and Frl , or Wed from 3-6 p m HOURGLASS WANT ADS GET RESULTS' ENTERTAINMENT HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1986, PAGE 9 Channel 9 Television Channel 13 Specials Kwajalem Saturday Kwajalem Friday 8 00 Ch~ldren's Programs 10 00 Today Saturday 11 55 "Mystery At Castle House" 11 55 Take Two 6 a m 5 p m BKB LOUIsVIlle vs Houston 12 45 Hee Haw/V~deo Soul 1 45 GUIdIng LIght 8 30 a m 6 50 p m BKB Army vs Navy 2 25 Rockworld (ends) 2 30 Donahue/MusIc CIty USA Noon 8 40 p m BKB Notre Dame vs MIamI 3 25 Amer~ca's Top 10 3 45 Sesame Street 2 p m 10 30 p m BKB Flor~da vs LSU 3 50 Wheel Of Fortune 4 45 General HospItal/Double Trouble 4 40 "Heart Of Steel" 5 55 NBC News/CNN Sports TonIght Sunday 6 15 CNN News 6 50 Natlonal Geographlc 3 p m Mark Russell Show 6 45 Star Search 7 10 Four Seasons/The Jeffersons 3 30 p m Larry K~ng 7 35 Peter Gunn 8 00 Charles In Charge 6 05 a m 4 10 p m R~chmond 400 8 00 Cutter To Houston 8 25 Cagney & Lacey 9 a m 7 p m BKB Georgetown vs Syracuse 8 50 St Elsewhere 9 15 "Planet Earth" Noon 8 50 p m NHL Washlngton vs Edmonton 9 40 Cover Up 10 50 CNN News/Nlght1lne 10 30 "The Burn~ng Bed" 11 50 Tonlght Show Monday 2 30 p m 7 p m MacNe~l/Lehrer News Hour ------12 05 Street Set ROI-Namur Saturday 7 55 p m Free Paper Corne KwaJalem Sllnday 7 30 Standby/Hee Haw 8 50 p m Meet The Press 9 00 Rel~g~ous Programs 9 15 NBA Houston vs Dallas 9 15 p m Face The Natlon 10 25 Sunday Morn~ng w/Charles Kuralt 11 30 Star Search 11 55 Th~s Week W~th Dav~d Br~nkley 12 20 BKB Loulsv~lle vs Houston Tuesday 12 55 Flshlng The Northwest 2 10 BKE Army vs Navy 1 p m 7 p m 28th Grammy Awards Show 1 20 Wlld Klngdom 4 00 Solld Gold 7 30 a m 9 45 p m Pro BowlIng Tour 1 45 Arner~ca's Mus~c 4 50 FamIly Tles Part 2 11 p m Larry KIng 2 40 Faerie Tale Theatre 5 15 BKB Notre Dame vs Mlam~ 3 30 Just Jazz/Latln Tempo 7 05 CNN News Wednesday 4 20 Journey To Adventure 7 35 The Jeffersons 2 30 p m 7 p m MacNell/Lehrer News Hour 4 45 New Tech Tlrnes 7 55 Cutter To Houston 7 55 p m Amerlcan Interest 5 15 8 45 M1SS World Pageant 8 20 P m McLaughl~n Group 5 40 Death Valley Days 10 15 "Vlct~ms" 8 45 p m WIde World Of Sports 6 05 CNN News 11 55 Street Set 9 40 p m Larry KIng 6 35 Just Our Luck 7 00 Fam~ly Tles ROI-Namur Sunday Thursday 7 25 TaXl 6 00 Inslght/Hour Of Power 2 30 p m 7 p m MacNell/Lehrer News Hour 7 50 Blue Thunder 7 20 WIde World Of Sports 7 55 p m IRS Tax Preparatlon Informat~on 8 40 "Shogun" Part 1 8 15 BKB FlorIda vs LSU 9 25 p m Larry KIng 11 05 Davld Letterman 10 00 Pro BowlIng Tour/FIrIng L~ne ------12 00 RIchmond 400 Kwajaletn Monday 3 00 Sunday Mornlng w/Chdrles Kuralt 10 00 Today 4 30 Legmen Movies 11 55 Take Two 5 20 BKB Georgetown vs Syracuse S Mary Popplns, Teen Center, 1 p m (G) 1 45 GUldlng L~ght 6 10 CNN News A Movers And Shakers, Rlchardson Theater, 7 30 p m (PG) 2 30 Donahue 6 40 AmerIca's Top lO/Taxl T Purple Rose Of Calro, RIchardson Theater, 7 30 p m (PG) 3 20 Putt~n' On The HIts 7 30 Blue Thunder t-_-~ We1.Ei ~lenc~ Tl[adewln~Theater2_8_L.~) ______3 40 Sesame Street 8 20 "Cracker Factory" S Adventures Of RobIn Hood, Teen Center, 1 p m (G) 4 40 General Hospltal lO_OQ _N~_ ~a~h~n~t~n_v~ _E~m~n!o~ __ U WeIrd SCIence, Yokwe Yuk Club, 2 p m (R) 5 25 Congress, We The People N Desperately Seeklng Susan, Yokwe Yuk Club, 7 p m (R) 5 55 ABC News/CNN Sports Ton~ght ROI-Namur Monday 1:-:-~.ckleberry~lnn,~radewIn~ The~e22.. ~P~ -.-iGL ___ 6 50 The A-Team 12 00 Today r~r- Thud Man~n~h~Moun~l.!l2. Rlchardso!!.~2.}.2...Jl~ -.J.G_) ____ 7 40 H~ghway To Heaven 2 00 GUldlng Llght/Puttln' Hlts T Huckleberry Flnn, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m (G) 8 30 Legmen 3 10 Pop Goes The Country U Desperately SeekIng Susan Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 (R) 9 20 N~ght Court 3 35 Strange But True E ~elrd~len.£.'O.L_'!:raThe Love Boat 4 00 Donahue I~ Movers And Shakers Rlchardson Theater, 7 30 p m (PG) 10 35 CNN News/Nlghtl~ne 4 50 General HospItal/Four Seasons ~.I--HuckleberrL.!lnn...'-JradewInd~heater~ Lm_CQ _____ ll_3l _T~n~g~t_S~o~ ______6 00 ABC News/ESPN Sport~Center T Purple Rose Of Calro \uk Theater, 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 (PG) 7 00 Dallas ~'I--Mov~ And~hakers,....I.rade~~~ate22.. ~~ -i.P_G_) ____ Kwajalem Tuesday 8 15 The Love Boat F ThIrd Man On The Mountaln Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 (G) 10 00 Today 9 05 TIna Turner Concert R To Be Announced, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 11 55 Take Two lO_Ol _L~v~ Ir~m_L~n~o~ ______I Purple Rose Of C~lro, Tradewinds Theater, 8 p m (PG) 1 45 Gu~dlng Llght 2 30 Donahue ROI-Namur Tuesday DFSPERATELY SEEKING SUSAN Roseanna Arquette, Madonna 3 20 Inspector Gadget 12 00 Today Comedy RT 104 R 3 45 Storybook Lady 2 00 GUIdIng Llght/lnfo SpeCIal A bored suburban housewlfe seeks escape readIng the per­ 4 10 Readlng Ra~nbow 3 35 Journey To Adventure sonal ads l.n the newspaper For eXCItement she decl.des to 4 40 General Hospltal 4 00 Donahue/General HospItal answer an ad "Desperately SeekIng Susan," and after suffer­ 5 25 Kate & Aille 5 35 Kate & AllIe Ing amnesIa, begIns to belleve that she IS the gIrl In the ad 5 50 NBC News/CNN Sports TonIght 6 00 NBC News/CNN Sports Tonlght 6 45 Standby 6 55 Cover Up (ends)/Dynasty HUCKLEBERRY FINN Jeff East, Paul Wlnfleld 7 40 60 Mlnutes 8 35 "The Longest Hundred Ml.les" Muslcal RT 117 G 8 35 Hlll Street Blues (ends) lO_lQ _N~g~t!l.~elB~s! Qf_C~r~o~ ___ _ In Hannlbal, Mo In 1840 Huckleberry Flnn l~ an adven­ 9 25 "Cracker Factory" turous l5-year-old lad whose mother dl.ed when he was born 11 05 CNN News/Nlghtllne ROI-Namur Wednesday He bcorns school and prefers to lIve In a shack he bu~lt on l2_0l_T~n~g~t_S~0~ ______12 00 Today the rlver bank but a compassIonate wldow takes hIm Into her 2 00 GUIdIng LIght/MUSIC CIty USA household and trIes to brIng hIm up KwaJalein Wednesday 3 lO Abbott And Costello 10 00 Today 3 35 Death Valley Days MOVERS AND SHAKERS \-Ialter Matthau, Charles Grod~n 11 55 Take Two 4 00 Donahue Comedy RT 77 PC 1 45 GUldlng LIght 4 50 General Hospltal/AfterMASH An actor-turned-wrlter has been hIred to wrIte a motIon 2 30 Donahue 6 00 CBS News/CNN Sports Tonlght pIcture based on d best-sellIng sex manual As he struggles 3 20 Mr Rogers 6 55 60 MInutes to Lreate a story he dIscovers hIS own love llfe lS on the 3 50 Sesame ~treet 7 50 T J Hooker verge of collapse HIS effcrts to wrlte the story change 4 50 General HospItal 8 40 "Shogun' Pa rt 3 hlS VIew on hlS marrldge as hIS relatlonshlp grows stronger 5 35 Strange But True lO_2Q _L~rDJ~n~ ______6 00 CBS News/CNN Sports TonIght THE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO Nla Farrow, Jeff Danlels 6 55 EntertaInment ThlS Week ROI-Namur Thursday Comedy RT 82 PG 7 45 Knlght Rlder 12 00 Today A waItress whose husband IS unemployed flnds her only 8 35 Dallas 2 00 GUIdIng LIght JOY In llfe IS the mOVIes whIch she regularly attends by 9 25 "Agatha Chrlstle's 2 45 People's Court/Charles Aznavour herself After she sees one fIlm for the flfth tIme, she Sparkllng CyanIde" 4 10 Donahue IS stunned when one of the characters proceeds to walk off 11 00 CNN News 5 00 General HospItal/Charles In Chg the screen and beglns to talk to her 11 30 Nightilne 6 10 ABC News/CNN Sports l2_0Q _T~n~gbt_Sbo~ ______7 05 Entertalnment ThIS Week THIRD MAN ON THE MOUNTAIN MILhael RennIe, James MacArthur 7 55 The A-Team Adventure RT 105 G Kwajalem Thursday 8 45 KnIght RIder Part 2 The fllm IS the story of the flrst successful ascent of 10 00 Today 9 35 Nlght Court the Matterhorn In 1865 by a courdgeous SWISS youth, deter­ 11 55 Take Two 10 00 'Street Hawk" mlned to conquer the peak that clalmed hIS father's llfe 1 45 GUIdIng LIght U_IQ _N~g~tll~e______In an Ill-fated ascent The soarIng SWISS Alps provIde the 2 30 Donahue breathtakIng background for thIS fast-paced hlgh adventure 3 20 Mr WiZard ROI-Namur Friday 3 45 Bell And SebastIan 12 00 Today WEIRD ~IEN~ A"1thony MIchael Hall, Kelly LeBrock 4 10 People's Court 2 00 GUldlng LIght Comedy RT 94 R 4 35 Ceneral Hospltal 2 45 Backstage Pass Two teen-agers who are the butts of everyone's Jokes and 5 25 The Waltons 3 35 Congress, We The People whose socIal l~ves are non-eXIstent get a brIght Idea to cre­ 6 15 ABC News/CNN Sports TonIght 4 05 DonahtJe ate thelr own gIrl wlth a home computer, u~lng magazInes 7 10 SOlld Gold 4 55 General Hospital/Allce representIng varIOUS aspects of the Ideal woman 8 00 Allce 6 05 NBC News/C~N Sports TonIght 8 25 Dlff'rent Strokes 7 00 Peter Gunn 8 50 Dynasty 7 25 Hlghway To Heaven 9 40 "The ThIrd Gul From The Left" 8 15 St Elsewhere 10 55 CNN News/Nlghtllne 9 05 Cagney & Lacey ~1_5~ _T~n~g~t_S~o.:::' ______9 55 "At War WIt], The Army" AFTV schedule subJect to change 11 35 Larry Klng o ENTERT AINMENT PAGE 10, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1986 Thursday Continued TELEVISION PROGRAM GUIDE Mach, WIth hIS computerlzed motorcycle and Thursday Contnued hIgh-tech weaponry, trIes to snuff out a Kwajalein to dISCUSS the vlolence of the kInd plagUIng cocaIne smugglIng rIng Rex SmIth, Joe Saturday European sports and whether thIS plague Regalbuto, Jayne Modean Lawrence Pressman, "MYSTERY AT CASTLE HOUSE " Three young people could spread to the UnIted States Robert Beltran ChrIstopher Lloyd declde to Investlgate a mysterlous house "THE THIRD GIRL FROM THE LEFT" (1973 Drama) Friday on a nearby lsI and They fInd a dark fore­ A Manhattan nIghtclub chorus gIrl suddenly DOHAPUF no emotIonal problems begIn In the bodlng place wIth strange gOlngs on In­ realIzes that, In today's youth-orIented crIb? Dr Stanley Greenspan, chIef of the volvlng a nlce old lady whose "employees" SOCIety, she IS conSIdered an "agIng" per­ ClInIcal Infant and Chlld Development Re­ take her and the klds captIve Slmone former as she loses her front-row spot In search Center, belIeves that by the age Buchanan Jeremy Shadlow, Scott Nlcholas, the chorus She termlnates her 13-year of 3 a chIld has accompllshed 70 percent AIleen Brltton Program Vlew Alert engagement to a nIghtclub SInger-comIC who of Its emotIonal development Language Isn't In any rush to get marrIed, then fInds "AT WAR WITH THE ARMY " (1951 Comedy) A sergeant HEE HAW Hee Hawers are JOlned by Joe Stampley, herself attracted to a very attentIve and tries to get a dumb PFC to help him out of LorrIe Morgan, KeIth Stegall and Jed Allan WInnIng younger man Klm Novak, Tony CurtIS, some glrl trouble MartIn and Lewls In MUSIC "Trlp Down Memory Lane," "Don't George Furth, MIchael Brandon, Program VIew theIr fIrst blg success Dean Martln, Jer­ You Know How Much I Love You," "Whatever Alert Mature theme throughout ry LeWIS, Polly Bergen Turns You On " and "You And Me " Friday "HEART 0} STEEL" (1983 Drama) A second-genera­ DONAHUE Dld Mrs Cleaver ever raIse her VOIce tIon steelworker IS out of a Job when hlS to Wally and Beaver? DId Mrs Brady ever Star Watch mIll closes As weeks of unemployment drag lose her patIence wlth her chlldren and out, he turns to hard drInkIng, and beglns stepchIldren? These famous televlslon to take out hlS frustratIons on hIS WIfe mothers JOIn Donahue for a dISCUSSIon of A Challenging And Intense and chlldren It takes a personal tragedy teleV1S10n mothers, past and present, and to turn hlm Into a fIery champlon of work­ the Impact that they have on mothers and Ing men and theIr famliles Peter Strauss chlldren everywhere Program VIew Alert Roll For McNichol Pamela Reed, John Doucette Barry PrImus, Mature theme throughout By BOB THOMAS John Goodman, Robert Swan Gary Cole "PLANET EARTH" (1974 SCIence FlctlOn) After the AssOclated Press Wrlter "THE BUR'lING BED" (1984 Drama) ThlS fact-based "Great Catastrophe " 22nd-century Earth drama centers on Franclne Hughes, a batter­ has been fragmented Into Isolated colonles, LOS ANGELES -- KLISty McNIChol, the sweet ed wlfe wlth three chlldren who ends more one of WhICh IS Pax, a lofty communIty of tomboy from teleVISIon's hIghly acclaImed "Fam­ than a decade of merclless beatlngs and IdealIsts dedIcated to brIngIng the earth Ily " has emerged In her most dramatIC role ever humlilatlons by her husband when she sets Into harmony WIth Itself John Saxon DIana The fIlm IS MGM's "Dream Lover," and It's flre to hlS bed and IS ultlmately trIed Muldaur Janet MargolIn, ChrIstopher Cary dlrected by Alan J Pakula a good-luck token for murder In a controversIal trIal Told Ted CaSSIdy Program Vlew Alert Mature for actresses He helped land Oscar nomInatIons In flashbacks, Franclne's story unfolds theme throughout for Llza Mlnneill In "The SteLlle Cuckoo," Jane revealIng the constant abuse from her hus­ Alexander In "All the PreSIdent's Men" and .1111 band, Insensltlvlty from her In-laws and Roi-Namur Clayburgh and CandIce Bergen In "StartIng Over" a bureaucracy overburdened wlth agencIes Saturday HIS Oscar WInners have Included Jane Fonda and forms Farrah Fawcett, Paul LaMat, HEE HAW Hee Hawers are JOIned by the WhItes, In "Klute" and Meryl Streep In "SophIe's ChoIce" Rlchard Masur Crace Zabrlbkle Program the Statler Brothers, Bobby Vlnton, and the That's ImpreSSIve company for the slender 23- VIew Alert Mature theme throughout RIse and ShIne Cloggers MUSIC "TIger By year-old who flrst won Amerlca's favor as Buddy Sunday The Tall," "Bed Of Roses," "I'm DreamIng Of Lawrence In the crItIcally acclaImed "Family" "SHOGUN" Part 1 (1980 Drama) ThIS 12-hour, You," 'PIns And Needles" "One Takes The "It IS by far the most dramatIC, the most fIve-part saga recreates the pomp and power Blame " Intense, the most challengIng role I've ever of 17th-century Japan and chronlrlp~ the "VICTIMS" (1982 Drama) Four women, all VIctIms had " McNIchol Sdld "He pulled thIngs out of adventures of John Blackthorne a ShIP­ of the same rapIst, take It upon themselves me that [ dldn't know were there It was the wrecked EnglIsh naVIgator who fInds IntrIgue to haunt the rapIst who has been set free most Intellectual, educatIonal and emotIonal and romance In a feudal, VIolent yet court­ because of a legal technlcallty Kate Nel­ experIe,ce of my career It has spOIled me for ly SOCIety of obeIsant women, sword-WIeld­ lIgan Ken Howard Howdrd Hesseman Madge other ones Ing samural and ambltlouS warlords out to Slnclalr, Jonelle Allen, Bert Remsen Pro­ 'Dream Lover" IS not an easy mOVIe to de­ become shogun -- supreme mIlItary dIctator gram Vlew Alert Mature theme throughout ~crlhe McNIChol plays a 21-year-old who suffers RIchard ChamberlaIn, Yoko ShImada, John Sunday a traumatIC experIence whIle llvlng alone In Rhys-Davles DanIen Thomas Frankle Sakal 'CRACKER FACTORY' (1979 Drama) An attraCtIve Creenw1ch VIlLage then rellVp~ the event as well Alan Badel Program VIew Alert Mature young woman who ha~ been a daughter, house­ d~ other frIghtenIng thIngs from her own psyche theme throughout WIfe mother and lover, but has never taken as she dreams Monday the tIme to grow up, resorts to drInk and "Dream Lover" also IS not an casy mOVIe to DONAHUE The romantIC hopes vs the unromantIC abraSIve actIons to cover her neurotIC needs sell FIlmed a year ago, It has remalned unre­ realItIes of beIng the 'other woman" dre NatalIe Wood Peter Haskell Perry KIng, leased as MCM plotted marketlng strategy A re­ dIscussed as several women who have had VIVIan BlaIne PLogram VIew Alert Mature lease fInally was planned for today In Los An­ or are havlng an affaIr wlth d marrIed man, theme throughout geles and throughout Texas fhe company WIll Inclu(hng members of the support group WAMM Monday walt for reactlon before further release (Women and Marrled Men) lOIn PhIl to dl~­ DONAHUF SChIzophrenIa IS one of the most common An earlIer fIlm "I Won't Dance" also had a cuss one SIde of the age-old trIangle Pro­ and WIdely mIsunderstood dIseases of our rocky release In December 1982, fIlmIng on the ~ram VIew Alert Mature theme throughout tImes Today s epIsode takes an In-depth $16 mIllIon mOVIe was suspended In the French Tuesdav look at the dIsease Its myths and realltles Alps because of ~cNlchols' Illness The fIlm was DONAHUE Dub Hope one of the world s best-loved ot how It IS dlagnosed how to care for a later released as "Just the Way You Are," re­ entertalners, JOlns Donahue to dISCUSS hIS patIent at home the effects on the famIly ceIVIng poor reVIews long-lastIng career and how he has managed membprs and the progno~ls for recovery WIth MGM-UA announced that fllmlng had been sus­ to remaIn one of AmerIca's top (Omedlans cllnlLal research psychlatrI~t Dr E Ful­ pended becau~e the star was sufferIng a "chemI­ year after year by keeplng hlS humor as ler Torrey author of "SurVIVIng Schizo­ cal Imbalance That led to speculatlon that topIcal as today's headlInes nhrenia " McNILhol was haVIng drug problems "CRACKER FACTORY" (1979 Drama) An attractIve Tuesday Durlng a recent InterVIew she was asked If young woman who has been a daughter house­ DONAHUE Should a Boy Scout be expelled If he that had been the ca~e 'No, I have nol had a WIfe, mother and lover but has never taken does not belIeve In Cod' When exemplary Boy drug problem' , she replIed WIth faInt exaspera­ the tIme to grow up, resorts to drlnk and Scout Paul Trout appeared before a reVIew tIon "What happened was that I was emotIonally abraSive actIons to cover her neurotIC panel to pdSS from Star Scout rank to LIfe draIned J had been grOWIng un fast and my needs After a screamIng, drunken attack on Scout rank, he was asked If he belIeved In body couldn't keep up WIth It Nobody realIzed her husband she fInds her world comIng Cod Paul an agnostIC, replIed thar he dId that was happenIng When you grow up your apart and enter~ the psychldtrlc sectIon of not and was expelled from ScoutIng on the chemlcals can get out of balance and that can the hospItal whlch she nllkname~ the grounds that the ~cout Oath ImplIes al­ lead to tremendous mood sWlngb I went back "cracker factory" Natalle Wood Peter Has­ leglance to Cod and flnIshed the pIcture, and r'V( been workIng kell Perry Klng VIVIan BlaIn Program "TH[ r ONCEST HUNDRED 'IlLES ' (1967 Drdma/Adven­ 51 O( e VIew Alert Mature theme throughout ture) A young army corporal a pretty lady The acLress now fInds she can enJoy herself Wednesday lIeutenant a padre dnd an assortment of when she Isn't workIng 'Lately r've been spend­ DONAHLE From the bedroom to the (ourtroom chIldren band together In an attempt to flee Ing more tlme on the celebr1ty tennls cIrcuIt" the result of dIshonesty between lovers the Japanese occupatIon forces In the PhlllP­ ra1sIng money for charIty sh~ Sdld More and more dIsputes over contraceptlve~, pInes durLng World War II pregnanCIes sexually transmItted dIseases Wednesday and even broken hearts are creatlng a new DONAHUE HoIlywood marrIages have endured whIle legal speCIalty qexual llablilty Don- others have faIled Today s guest~ layne ahue addresse~ the Issue of lovers beIng Meadows and Steve Allen Renee Taylor and held legally and fInanCIally responSIble Jo~eph Bologna Pat and DICk Van Patten and Black for what they say and do In the most prI­ Jack and MadeLyn Lee GIlford share theIr HIstory vate of places the bedroom Program VIew berrets for haVIng succes~ful marrlapes In an Alert Mature th~me throughout Industry where they are the exceptIon rather Montli "AGATHA CHRISTIE'S SPARKLINC CYANIDe (19R3 thAn the rule Mystery/Drama) A weddIng annIversary party ~HO( UN' Part.l (1980 Drama) In Part 3, ro­ February becomes the settlng for tragedy when one mantIC feelIngs could prove perllou~ for of the celebrant s champagne IS pOlsoned Mdrlko and An]In-San who shows h,S courage Attracted to the dead woman's SIster, an durIng a thunderous earthquake RIchard EnglIsh JournalIst becomes Involved In the ChamberlaIn Yoko ShImada Toshlro Mlfune, enSUIng murder Investlgatlon and fInds her­ FrankIe SakI Hlkeo Tdkamatsu Hlroml Senno self caught up In the Jealousles and greed Program VIew Alert Mature theme throughout of South CalIfornIa's beautIful people Thursday Anthony Andrews, Deborah Raffln Pamela DONAHUE What IS wrong WIth the welfare system Bellwood Nancy Marchand Josef Sommer In the II C; , Today PhIl talks WIth an audI­ DaVId Huffman ence of women who have been, or currently Thursday dre on welfare to gather theIr VIeWS of the DONAHUE There was a tlme when an InJured player system and to dlspel the myth that 'once on was the one carrled off the fleld on a welfare alway~ on welfare stretcher, but more and more It IS a specta­ 'STREET HAWK (Dramd) They murdered hIS best tor In the stands who ends up on a stretLher frIend 2nd left hIm for dead Now he's back Sportscaster Howard Cosell JOIns Donahue to even the bcore Crlme-flght1ng le~se

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