00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIII, NO 35 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1986 SPY CHIN Thiokol Recommended launch Even Though KillS SELF Doubtful On Seals MANASSAS, Va (AP) -- Con­ By DAVID ESPO vlcted spy Larry Wu-tal Chln AssOc1ated Press Wr1ter commltted sUlclde today, the U S Marshals SerVlce sald, WASHINGTON -- The company two weeks after the retlred that manufactures space shuttle CIA translator was convlcted booster lockets recommended the of spylng for Chlna launch of the Challenger even Chln kliled hlmself by though it belleved cold pre­ placlng a plastlc bag over fllght weather mlght stlffen hlS head, sald a Justlce De­ crltical safety seals and less­ partment offlclal who spoke en thelr ablilty to contain on condltl0n of anonymlty hot exhaust gases, documents Chln was pronounced dead show at 9 35 a m EST, sald Wll­ In recommendlng the launch, llam Dempsey, a spokesman for Morton Thlokol Inc predlcted the Marshals Servlce that ''If the prlmary seal does He was belng held In the not seat, the secondary seal Prlnce Wlillam County Jall wlll seat MTI recommends pendlng sentenclng March 17 launch proceed on 28 Janu­ Convlcted on all 17 counts of ary 1986 " consplracy, espl0nage and tax That represented a reversal evaSl0n, he faced a maXlmum of prevl0us company Opposltlon sentence of llfe lmprlsonment to the launch for fear of the and flnes of up to $2 5 mll­ effect that cold weather would llon have on the seals Members of Larry Wu-ta1 Ch1n, r1ght, 1S escorted to federal court 1n Chln was sald to have Spl­ a presldentlal commlSS10n In­ Alexandr1a, Va , Feb 4 by an un1dent1f1ed U S marshal ed because he wanted to br~ng vestlgating the accldent are (AP Laserphoto) the two natl0ns together trylng to determlne lf Morton­ Thlokol changed ltS mlnd be­ cause of pressure from space PrincIpal Says Nearly Half Stayed Home agency offlclals anXl0US to launch an already delayed shut­ tle fl1ght The recommendatl0n was In a AIDS STUDENT RETURNS TO CLASS notlce transmltted to Natlonal Aeronautlcs and Space Admlnls­ By JOHN STRAUSS home today, or about 42 percent school Colby sald Ryan wlll tratl0n offlclals 14 hours be­ AssOc1ated Press Wr1ter compared wlth an average over use a faculty restroom, at hlS fore Challenger's lll-fated KOKOMO, Ind -- A 14-year­ the past two weeks of 10 per­ suggestl0n, and wlll use dlS­ fllght, and after a lengthy de­ old boy barred from school af­ cent to 15 percent He sald ab­ posable plates and utenslls at bate about the effect of cold ter contractlng AIDS returned senteelsm had been runnlng hlgh lunch weather on the rockets to classes today for the flrst because of flu and noted the The only demonstrator as tlme ln more than a year, but bad weather Ryan returned to school was a Levee Crumbles, offlclals sald nearly half the "I'm not dlsappolnted wlth 17-year-old hlgh-school stu­ school's 360 other students the student turnout," he sald dent carrylng a slgn saylng stayed home "I was frankly surprlsed that "Students Agalnst AIDS " 21,cx::lO Evacuated School employees uSlng walk­ we had over 50 percent of our The student, Don Hocksted­ le-talkles kept reporters and students " ler, a Junlor at Western Hlgh In California spectators at a dlstance as Asked when he belleved par­ School, sald, "I got frlends Ryan Whlte was rushed lnto West­ ents and puplls would become and they got llttle brothers By MARTIN STEINBERG ern Mlddle School through a accustomed to havlng Ryan ln and slsters ln that school I Assoc1ated Press Wr1ter slde entrance durlng a snow­ the classroom, Colby sald, "I don't have anythlng agalnst Rescuers ln hellcopters storm thlnk lt'S gOlng to take a long Ryan Whlte I Just got some­ worked feverlshly today to Before leavlng for school, tlme I feel that the more that thlng agalnst hlS dlsease " lift to safety the remalnlng Ryan sald ln a telephone lnter­ lS learned on AIDS I thlnk TrlCla Shelton, 12, a class­ residents of two northern Cal­ Vlew that lt was great to be go­ that's what wlll temper these mate of Ryan's who supported lfornia towns flooded by a wall lng back "It's flnally come," emotl0ns " hlS return, sald that lf a poll of water released when a levee he sald "I'm exclted " He sald seven famliles had of her classmates were taken unexpectedly crumbled, forclng Prlnclpal Ronald Colby re­ told hlm they would take thelr today they would want hlm to 21,000 people to flee, many ln ported that 151 puplls stayed seven chlldren from the mlddle stay home panlC Crews dumped truckloads of huge rocks today lnto the lev­ Retired Navy Officer Held In London For Spying ee near the confluence of the By ROBERT GLASS Yba and Feather rlvers, WhlCh Assoc1ated Press Wr1ter Detectlve Superlntendent Hll­ Maglstrates Court and was or­ already had receded several ton Cole of Scotland Yard's Spe­ dered held ln custody for one feet Slnce the breach occurred LONDON -- A man ldentlfled clal Branch, WhlCh deals wlth week pendlng further hearlng about 6 p m PST Thursday It ln court as retlred U S Navy matters of natlonal securlty, Maglstrate Wlillam Robblns was the second levee to glve Cmdr John Bothwell was arralgn­ told the court Bothwell was ar­ rejected an appllcatlon for way Thursday under the welght ed today on a spYlng charge rested Sunday whlle trylng to ball by Bothwell's lawyer of the nlne days of raln brought by Brltlsh authorltles leave Brltaln after recelvlng Scotland Yard earller In­ Elsewhere ln the West, Bothwell, 59, who was sald a coded telephone call correctly reported that Both­ cleanups were under way ln the to have retlred from the Navy The U S Embassy sald Both­ well was accused under Sectlon wake of waves of PaclflC storms 22 years ago and to have worked well applled for protectl0n un­ 1 of the law, WhlCh would be that kliled at least 17 people, for a U S lnteillgence agency der the U S Prlvacy Act, WhlCh a more serlOUS charge of car­ flooded thousands of acres and for 10 years, was accused of prevents the embassy from dlS­ rylng out, rather than prepar­ homes, and set off hundreds of preparlng to dlvulge lnforma­ closlng lnformatl0n about hlS lng to carry out, a crlme avalanches and mud slldes Pre­ tl0n to an unldentlfled forelgn cabe or hls background Bothwell, tanned and gray­ llmlnary estlmates put the dam­ power An embassy spokesman, In­ halred, smlled at hlS wlfe In age In Callfornla, Nevada and Press Assoclatl0n, Brltaln's slstlng on anonymlty, sald a the publlc gallery as he enter­ Utah near $100 mllll0n, and of­ domestlc news agency, reported U S consular offlcer vlslted ed the central-London court flclals estlmated that 20 per­ wlthout attrlbutl0n that Both­ Bothwell Thursday U S consul­ He wore a checked blazer and cent of Napa County's vlneyards well allegedly admltted to po­ ar offlcers lnlervene In Brlt­ carr led a copy of Robert Graves' were damaged llce ln a lengthy statement lsh courts only ln cases In­ novel "I, Claudlus " H1S wlfe About 33,000 people have had that he had a relatl0nshlp wlth volvlng U S cltlzens was not ldentlfled to flee thelr homeb, lncludlng the Sovlet Unlon over the past Bothwell was charged wlth Bothwell gave an address ln the 12,000 In Llnda, Callf , 10 years and had acted as a vlolatlng Sectl0n 7 of Brlt­ Bath, but Press Assoclatl0n and 9,000 In nearby Ollvehurst mlddleman ln trade deals be­ aln's 1911 Offlclal Secrets sald he spent SlX months of evacuated Thursday tween the Sovlet Unl0n and Act He entered no plea at a the year ln England and the re­ Crews and volunteers today South Afrlca 15-mlnute hearlng at Bow Street malnder ln Athens, Greece relnforced other levees o AROUND ISLAND PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1986 Ueek of Feb 24 - Mar 2 PDR DlmlER ENTREES FOR THE WEEKr Monday Roast Turkey w/Gravy Sweet & Sour Rlbs Tuesday Roast Prlme Rlb au JUs Chlcken Stew Wednesday Roast Pork Spaghettl w/Meat Sauce Thursday Roast Beef Pork Long Rlce Frlday Beef Burgundy ** Steak & Brolled Lobster Saturday Pork Curry Beta SIgma Ph, Chooses 1986 Sweetheart Yankee Pot Roast Who -- me? Gladys Borgos, above left, expresses her surpr1se as she 1S named the Sunday Char-Brolled Slrloln Steak 1986 Valent1ne queen for Beta Slgma Ph1 The announcement was made at the soror1ty's Southern Frled Chlcken Valent1ne's Day d1nner Feb 14 1n the Taro Room of the Yokwe Yuk Club * Menu subject to change wlthout notlce Vl Bradley, Beta Slgma Ph1 queen for 1985, crowns Borgos, above rlght, after pre­ Mess Nember & TDY Personnel Only' sentlng a bouquet of roses to her The soror1ty members choose a queen -- someone they all adm1re -- from the1r own membersh1p each year SNACK BAR DAILY SPECIALS (Photos by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) nday Pepper St Soup - Chlcken ~oodle Beef w/Vegetables Treatment For Soup - Oxtall Worship Services dnesday Chlcken w/Long Rlce CATHOLIC Soup - Beef Vegetable Hypertension Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) Thursday Sweet & Sour Rlbs 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel Soup - Egg Drop Is Individualized Sunday Masses Frlday SW1SS Steak By DR PAULA BARCLAY AND JENNY SALHUS 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Soup - Vegetable 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel Saturday Pork Adobo Ed1tor's note The follow1ng art1cle 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center Soup - Chlcken Vegetable concludes the ser1es on hypertens10n that Monday-Frlday Masses was wrltten for Blood Pressure Awareness 10 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel YO~}E YUK CLUB LUNCH MENU Week Confesslons Honday Hot - Itallan Sausage wi HIgh blood pressure doesn't have to Saturday, 4 30-5 pm, Blessed Sacra­ Peppers & Onlon3 threaten health If It IS dlscovered early ment Chapel
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