Technical Information Schöck Combar® December 2015 Technical project service Tel. +49 7223 967-449 Fax +49 7223 967-490
[email protected] Planning tools – downloads and requests Tel. +49 7223 967-449 Fax +49 7223 967-490
[email protected] This technical information does not apply to projects in Germany, the Netherlands and Canada. For applications in these countries please refer to the local technical informations Schöck Combar®. The design values and recommendations provided in this technical information represent the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. They are based on international certifications (Germany, The Netherlands) and compliance reports (ISIS Canada, CSA S807, ACI440.3R) as well as on the results of extensive research and testing. They are intended to provide the planner and the designing engineer with a better understanding of Schöck Combar®. The information provided in this technical information in no way releases the designing engineer of his duties and responsibilities. It can not replace commonly accepted engineering rules and regulations. ! 2 Schöck Combar® Table of contents Page Fibre reinforced composite 4 All types at a glance 5 Product description 6 Product data sheet 7 Combar® Bent bars and stirrups 8 - 9 Bar end heads 10 - 11 Dowels 12 Certifications and test reports 13 Storage, transport and machining 14 Applications 15 Tensile strength and modulus of elasticity 16 Durability, characteristic value of the tensile stragth 17 - 18 Bond behavior 19 - 20 Crack width 21 - 22 Deflection