e sear e HOT IN THE CITY •.• Namibians turned out in force at Katutura's Independence Arena on Saturday afternoon for what regular concert-goers described as the best-ever show at the Arena. It was a wall-to-wall 'jot' as pepple rocke(l to the sounds ofPJ Powers, Dr Victor & t,he Rasta Rebels and other hot acts from . For more pics, see pS. Photo: Jean Suitierlahd

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there are commercial TOM MINNEY deposits, mining could begin in the first quarter that the company be given other concession areas in A SURVEY boat sailed from Walvis Bay GRAHAM'HOPWOOD of 1995. the Skeleton Coast. late. yesterday to look for an estimated Launching the survey The Cabinet decision effectively ended the last N$13 billion of diamonds under at a ceremony in Walvis IT SEEMS increasingly likely that no tour lifeline for Skeleton Coast Safaris' hopes of operat­ 's southern seas. Bay on Saturday, a operator will take tourists to the Skeleton ing in the Skeleton Coast Park next year. cheerful Minister of Coast Park during 1994 depriving the State Schoeman said that Cabinet was legally correct in The ship HV Fox is Canada's Vancouver Mines and Energy of millions of dollars in potential revenue. refusing to decide on the issue until the appeal case working for British-Ca- Stock Exchange where Andimba Toivo ya The battle between Gennany-based Olympia has been heard. .. , nadiancompanyNamco, they invested Can$17,6 Toivo warned diamond Reisen and Namibian company Skeleton Coast S?e adde~ that as Olympl.a Relsen were appealtng a new player in opening million (N$78,6million) miners to be careful of Safaris, the two companies fighting for the exclu- agaInst a HIgh ~ourt decl~lOn t? render the Ten~er up possible huge riches in the venture. the marine environmenl. sive tourism rights to the wilderness area, is now ~oard ' s allocatIOn of t~unsm nghts null an~ v~)Id, under the sea. Last night, chief ex- "Although they say' deadlocked as both sides wait for an appeal by the It w~s now uncl~ar whIch body should deCIde on It isonly a month since ecutive officer Alastair diami,lnds are forever, Gennan company to come to court. tounsm ~oncesslO~ areas. . . the news broke of the Holberton said he was the fish and lobsters are The failure so far to resolve the issue resulted in The HIgh Court Judgement saId. that Cabmet and new challenger to De taking the "fast track", for ever and ever," he the fonner concessionaire, Skeleton Coast Safaris, not the Tende~ Board should decld~ such m.atters. Beers in Namibia's dia- using the most sophisti­ said, adding they should retrenching most of their workers last week. Howe~e r , untIl the. app,cal case a~amst the Jud?e- mond industry and the cated ship seen off south- prove mining and con­ Owner of the N amibian company, Amy ment IS over there IS stIll unc~rtamty about whIch company is forging em Africa. The first sur­ servation go hand in Schoeman, toldThe Namibianthat23workers were body should allocate co~cess lOn s . ahead fast. The prospects vey should take 100 hand. retrenched at the end of November and the remain- As a consequence Cabmet could have been seen for Namibian diamonds days, bulk sampling of Namco has been four ing 17 are likely to go at the end of this month. to be interfering in the case even if they hadallo- have had a wann wel- seabed deposits should years getting ready to Schoeman said that Cabinet last week turned come from international begin in the middle of down a submission from the Ministry of Wildlife Continued on page 2 investors, especially on next year. If it ~ Co nti m' ~rj 011 ..... tld 2 - 2 Monday December 6 1993 THE NAMIBIAN

1 J'_ Swanu on crime ,~ ;;;. ' ~ sw ANU has called on the police to tighten security :1, check-points at the Otjiveloand Werda gates in a ;1..--=-- bid to curb the theft of motor vehicles. In a statement, Party Secretary-General Uno Katjiuanjo commended police operations at Bagani but said the same should be done at Otjivelo in the 't north and at the Werda gat~way to Opuwo. : ~ The party expressed its concern at the rising crime I) rate and called on a general awareness c,ampaign to " :1.. be launched through the 'media. " , 'I "\. 'Wiolenceagainstwomen and children is,on the Left: DIAMOND ,incr-ease and that cannot ,be condoned." DIGGE'RS DO IT ; ,',It ::c~n~em~, ~~ the, rape and ~ illing of wome~, WITH A es,pecial1y in Katuiura; and the recent theft at the VIBROCORER ... as Windho'ek courts of two cars belonging to two this object , is called judges. which vibr,ates a 6,5 Katjiuano added that people who bought stolen metre pipe into the goods should be charged as criminals and be pun­ seabed at up to 600 ish~o; ~' -::",,,. , ·,' ,~'; . ' metres depth to get i~~, fti.1'he" C{lurtsrs\:toul'd refuse bail tQ, those criminals mining samples. ) , 'I '<11 ' l ... , n .J~ f · , 'ltfl'dipasstStiff sentence"!; without,tlJe ,o.ptiql1s o{ fines. Engineer Simon Witnesses who are afraid to testify because of Davies will operate it. intimidation and death threats should be protected," " ,r Katjiuanjo said. 'I I Skeleton deadlock 1994. Appeals are only

Continued from page 1 I' ""':':':::: iIi :::::::.i; ::::::: ~':"""" ...... ; ... ;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;0;.:.: ...... ~ ~ ,'''' ~ r J .. ~ !, ! heard twice a year in 'I ' ~ 6 '1 , .. 1 , 1.,.. (111 • "'11,,. .!1 .. ' { .;.:.:.;.::.:.: ...... ;--.... - . . ,. ,'" : "\. • ~; . ,IJ I ~pri ,~ af\~,J;:>e~~!1lQer. agd: ii cated rights for other ar- the April session next ..•. ... ;.;.:.;.:.:.;.:::::::: ::::::::::::: .:.: . ;.:.:.: . : . :.;.::: : :~: ;;;: : :::::.::::::::::::::::.;.: ...... eas not including the dis­ year is already booked puted concession area. up, Schoeman said. I' Meanwhile there are If /110 tourists are ,[ fears that Olympia brought to Namibia next 'f Reisen's appeal against year it will mean the po ~ I the High Court judge­ tentiallossofmillionsof I ment may not come to dollars to the Govern­ 1 court until December ment.

. TherewiUbetwocourt SEARCHING FOR DIAMONDS is the mission of survey ship HV Fox ...... ,...... h e ;'" d., ! " , rr)M.,,~~:,(: ::' ~~~'~:~~::n~;;f! ' !;'::~:~~':~~~~t~;tb~::~~i:::~~:~:~:~:~~m~~e:~~:~~~~~" ; p~g~lt4mUH~!~l~~' MiP{~~l~~~+n!~M~W!~~~M~~@ " d and Fridays. . company, took 260 000 carats from the seabed. THEl ong-awalte mag- r------'----"------, istrates court at Gibeon D · d h b · 1 was officially opened Charles press Iamon searc egIns 1 recently. The construc- , mining company. Lake Geneva in Switzer- cartel which buys' all tion of the new court :£orce DI· out Continued from page 1 building started at the " , The survey ship will land, Iceland and Hong Consolidated Diamond Ij end of 1992 and was Charles was the favour- check all three areas by Kong. . Mines' output. . completed in September Continued from page 1 I ite of only four-percent. search for seabed dia- the end of next March It is part of the Royal He said they had al- at a cost of half a million In the Sunday Tel- monds~ .. - , _ . and will shoot some 5 Boskalis company and a ready been approached dollars. According to the Diana's decision. The egraph, freelance pho- ~arher thIS yea~- -1t 000 - 6 000 kilometres sister company, by several institutional local Police, the new poll also showed that tographer JuJtan. gameda520squarekllo-d es ofseabedprnfilesaswell Lamna1co, has already buyers, not including court will make their . f d 'd" h . metres eep-seaconc - as testing the-deposits. set up base in Walvis Bay Maurice Tempelsman of Diana remams ar ,an Herbert sal t e pnce .0 off Liideri~z and a lives easier as they will .. ;'ij1ephipis: : Qpe,@t~d l "'~~Q&.\lpp.!yth~ Qi! indl,l.st!)' the P$ ..i. no longer have to trans- a.wa.. y t.. h .e, ,m... . o.. .. st .. P?pull\r ','.. Pf.'...... ' .. . ib~~lN_),(j~1 ¥inin.&,,;q.np , ,-:li>~U, & 0l}19" b,~lp the.qia- ; _ l'll~mco.fully supports , Ol~~."'~, I?, kt\l r.%. h~s : cUO. § ~ Jg\1'ar, ~(k'iI. ~rfi~ 1 fie p'Oit , n ~u~~C'(s :" tiO ~eP , ;pr. t\~i ~ ~'l. O'Il~mJgl1~~h : '(;; ~e Off 'B6tiefitbt:S B'ay of lhe , }Vo,rld ) · !op ' G:o m-.~, mond .mil,ling in future . . the GovemmenCs bid to Mariental f0lflliblYt3ates fairiilywith 44 percenu ~li~l'o'b~ Y.ci.t~ oal1 ;mu1- ! ' ~iid Na~Co})ought ma­ panie's in taking miner: '. Hofberton said last get more Namibians -i; :-6e--heara:;Theywilf ~piitting her first, ahead tiply the old price by at rine concession 12B off als from under water night the company employed and would also now be able to deal of the Queen Elizabeth least five." South Africa, liS square which only this year would probably not sell back an initiative such with minor cases locally. ' the q~een mother. - Sapa-AFP kilometres, from RTZ worked in places such as through the De Beer ~ as local diamond cutting.


~ ,

,I'''' • ,I .. I,~ t:':O~;i.j'iA lji :!J-n ':",:;f ~~ " IB(J"r ILj'J;~" ~ \ fllrr ;:; I' ~' , · THE..NAMIBIAN. ~ •• , ,~ ~ •. ~, ...... # • •••• r ...... , • • _ ••• ,. ~ • • • , . .. .MeRQay..Qe"embei:.6 ..1 ,9Q3 Na s et on sex edueaf'

However, some ob- bility of parents and fami­ give them such guidance more necessary to intro­ GRAHAM HOPWOOD servers believe the Min- lies. and many families were duce the ' subject at istry's approach lacks the Health educator, in crisis and unable to schools, he added. SEX EDUCATION is still not being taught in necessary urgency con- Pandu Hailonga, author directchildren,Hailonga The WHO report on Namibian schools despite World Health Or­ sidering the rapidly ris- of a report on teenage explained. sex education entitled CHRISTOF ganisation (WHO) calls for the subject to in­ ing rate of AIDS/HIV in pregnancies, said she felt O~en Shameena of 'Time' to Act' concluded MALETSKY cluded in curriculae to reduce the spread of Namibia especi,ally strongly that sex educa­ Nanso said the students that "there is no ev idence AIDS. arnohg the young. tion should be a subject movementhadlongcam- ' that sex education in WHO released a re­ will the Ministry intro- Dr Louis Burger, un- at schools in the light of paigned for the inclusion . schools leads to earlier port on World AIDS Day duce a cross-curricular der-se£retary for FoonaJ serious problems such as of sex education as a sub­ or increased se'xual ac­ last week claiming that approach to-Family Life Education, told The Na- ' the sp~ead of AIDS and ject at schools. ' tivity in young people". ' giving young people in­ Education with issue.s· miblan' th!it his Ministry teenage pregnancies. . Many problems such The study also found that foonation about safe sex such as A1DS, teenag~ ' .faces many demands to ·She added that as as the spread of AIDS making contraceptives at school helped to pro­ pregnancy and sexually- fit certain topics into the AIDS affected the most and STDs and the high available to the young tect them later from be­ transmitted diseases be- curriculum andcoufd not productive age group it rate of teenage does not encourage coming infected with ing included in a number introduce separate sub- was vital to reach young pregancies were made sexual activity. HIV/AIDS. of classes including Sci- jects for every issue. people while they were worse by the lack of sex The report said the The Ministry of Edu­ ence and Health. He said although the still at school. education as many opposite was true - that ' cation has said it will not As an interim meas- Ministry recognised the It was also necessary school stJdents were ig­ giving young 'people in­ introduce sex education ure some schools have importanceofAIDSedu- for schools to teach sex norant about sexual mat­ foonation on sexuality (or Family Life Educa­ been organising extra- cation, it was "one ofthe education as many young ters, Shameena added. and safe practices helps tion as it is also known) curricu lar I ifestyle issues pushed onto people did not have sup­ As talking about sex to protect them from get­ as a separate subject in classes to cover such top- schools" when primarily port systems in their com­ was still taboo in tradi­ ting AIDS/HIV. schools. Only from 1 QQ" ics. it should be the responsi- munities which could tional culture it was even


MINISTER of Home Af­ fairs Hifikepunye Pohamba will ask the Judge President of Na­ mibia to issue sentencing guidelines for rape cases. "Of particular concern to me, not only as.Minis- 'THE MAN' ... Harry Mootseng of The Namibian was the MC at Satur­ ter ofMomehA~fb~lrsd' bUdt. ~b .. .;.,s rave conc~rt 'at Katutura's Independence ~ Arena ,and .•hisJivelv , as a parent a us an an , ~ , ...,-,. .' ',< , • - .l' d· • 't' . th handling of the show kept the action going between the different acts. an or mary Cl lzen, IS e 1-----:------...;...------1 number of offences of rape and attempted rape committed in our coun­ try," said Pohamba at a Man gets 4 ,years press briefing on Crime and Policing over the last 10 months. Exemplary sentences after killing baby were needed which acted as a deterrent and which spelt out to criminals the message that "we abhor CHRISTOF MALETSKY and condemn unlawful violence and will not tol­ A 25-YEAR-OLD man was sentenced to an erate it", said Pohamba. etTective'four'yeats'injail after he was founci He also issued a warn­ guilty of culpable homicide tollowing"the ing to people with unlaw­ death of a 12-month-old infant. ful firearms that they would be prosecuted as Klaas Christiaan month-old by her throat the Government had Fredericks killed baby before throwing the in­ granted two amnesties in girl Deidre Valentino fant out of the window. Prestige the past. Fredericks at Gochas in He pleaded with Klaas The Minister an­ February this year by flfst not to do anything to the nounced that the police throwing heron acement girl and ran to the dance had solved 52,17 per cent floorbeforethrowjngthe to call her mother. of 41 119 crimes and 35 infant out of awi~dow. AltJlOl,lgq the baby was DORADOPARK 564 suspected offenders' The baby, a relative of immediately taken to , The area of ttie ye~r 200e ' " '" v" ·: •. ri·:"r, : had been arrested. This ~is, was at home with a Arai1Qshospi~I,tJ.1echild The right time to Invest In property was 5 years ago, now 1993, and will was the highest number certain.Rudolfwno was died from brain injuries of crimes solved at any be 1t1 ; t~e year 2000. Prestige Developers are busy with a very exciting keeping an' ,eye on her shortly after arrival there. time before or after inde­ Project at Dorado, Park. Beautiful designs to choose from pendence. Pol1amba said while her mother went to Throughout his trial, Only limited erven available-with Panoramic Views. that since independence a dance. Klaas maintained that his Pr,lces range from: N$130 930,00 - N$154 330,00 the Government had in­ At about 02hOO Klaas mind ' had been totally Why not treat yourself and pay us a visit to have a look at our plans, creased the strength of the returned from the dance. blank overwhathad hap­ and we will gladly take you to Dorado Park to chOC)se'the ert of your permanent ranks within Shortly after he had fallen pened after he left the choice. YOUR CONTACTS: ' ,', .... •, '.,.', '.-:"'.:< ~ 1 the force by almost I 000 asleep the baby had dance. The judge told him that and 21 new police sta­ started crying. He told the court that he could "expect little tions and posts had been He twice ordered the he had spent the whole sympathy and compas­ opened. In addition, the infant to "stop crying" day with three other sion" from the court. Government had opened but she continued. After friends drinking and had This,hesaid. would only the National Forensic Sci­ a wh ile Klaas stood up, become unaware of ence Laboratory whi ch go to the mother of the had a vital contribution to took her out of the cot events and had only been child. make in detecti ng offend­ and threw her on the woken up by the crying Jud ge Hannah sen­ ers. New regulations floor. of the people next morn- tenced Klaas to seven would soon allow the pub­ Rudolf was awakened ing. years' imprisonment of Tel:224656 lIC to lay co"Ji1pla ints 'by "the sound 'aner saw" -HoWe\!'t:tt Klaas-con­ -wl1icb three..years-were Home: . ! Tal: 212640 .. ., , against police officers. Klaas grabbing the 12- tinued, when he had seen suspended for five years. 223196 ~ f\>.Jr a 1.~:l.r'('/·'tH) /'(r:}.,c."-, f'.'l,""lJ,-\~" '.;:.. YI.,'; 4l-m,arried eldest :i J daugh~et. , ' R " " d h' . " . b' . Gibeon , 20hOO: News > ',0\: .;,' ,' .' ,'. ~ nItD 2Oh3O'"~YPaok. •• t' '" oa c arges maY," ,e tackles __. __. _ "_20M9: The Cosby Show . Locker Room livestock : iI~iidayS;e cial; Theo enjoys 'locker room 09hoo: Brum taik' with his buddies at th' ".' . . t · N . 09h10: Adventures of issue Little Kaola !~~~~~~~:~::~:t~~~e~ e way 0 go ID , am 09h3S: Tom and Jerry becomes concerned about his ABSALOM 10hoo: McGee and Me sister's reputation. SHIGWEDHA 10h30: Pugwall'sSummer 21h1S: Reasonable could bring more freight to TransNamib or other \ ,:\ TOM MINNEY , llhoo: End of Doubts carriers although the adjustment may not be so RESIDENTS in the Translsslon Burning Desire great. Gibeon area recently 16hS6: Opening H'OW WILL Namibia pay to keep its roads Tess prosecutes a juvenile But the most urgent task in road maintenance had the chance to learn 17hoo: Polka Dot Door Nazi, while the judge on the in the excellent condition they are now, and remains getting the over-loaded trucks under con­ more about benefiting 17h30: Rupert the Bear trial gives her unwanted not follow many African countries into pot­ trol, which means effective police work and weigh Rupert and Little Yum attention. Bruce gets a low from the livestock they 18hoo: Tiny Toon paying job as researcher at a holes? This was the question recently tackled bridges which is still not happening. own through a Adventures sleazy law firm , then joins a by the Engineering Professions' Association A truck carrying twice too much weight does 16 workshop organised by 18h30: Ebony Jet blues band. Dicky and his of Namibia. times as much damage as a normal truck, destroying the Sustainable Animal Showcase ef~-wdifhe. renew their Consultant Paul Lombard at VWL Namibia is the arteries of Namibia' s communication, transport Range Development African American artists like nen SIp. k' ' hth M " fW k T d .md trade system. H\!. dlin Bros, Larry Fishburne 22h02: New Statesman wor mg wit e Imstry 0 or s, ransport an Programme (Sardep). , who played Ike Turner in the 22h28: The Private War of Communication on how to finance the annual N$200 The meeting brought ~ film about Tina Turne r- and Lucinda Smith - 250 million cost of maintaining the existing new together traditional lead­ ' Dawn Lewis, actress and (new) roads, building a few new ones, fixing road signs ers and representatives of song-writer from A Different Lucind~ Smith is a bea~tiful and to pay the cost of traffic police and other road the community and was World are on the programme Australian chorus glr~ IJVlng uscr control currently subsidised by the Ministry of facilitated by Salomon tonight. In London. She falls In love . Boois, Sardep's local 19hoo: Life Goes On withanEnglishman,Edward Home AffaIrs. " . .. " This award-winning family Spencer-Grand, and the It would not mean much slgmflcant extra costs, worker. series explores the joys and adventurousLucindasail soff he says. The main charges would be a fuel levy, the The four-day gathering, problems of the Thatcher with him to run a copra licence fee and a weight-for-distance charge. The which took place at the family as they nv~ throug.h plantation on a r~mote island first two systems are already in place and just need endofNovember,looked , facmg theIr I~ th~ .§?!:UJ.;~~q,~c,~f ~t~l :lUThMJffI;Wg ~ 1e ~ cture.the legl$la~,!,QN? '. y " ....," make sure there was a {;onnectlOn between the . how local people could manage their livestock income and the spending on roads, instead of the tooutwittheevil pirateBloth, sustainably. The partici­ recover the lost treasure and present system where they come in and out of a pants also travelled to dif­ save the planet Mer. central Government budget. ferent parts of the Hardap 17hoo: Almost Home Lombard says "the most liberal approach would and Karas regions to tell 17h30: Loving be to create a road fund". However, in countries . 1 18hoo: Egoli residents about the aims 18h30: Hangin' with Mr such as UK the experience had been of Government and objectives of Sardep. Cooper raiding the road fund when it needed extra millions. The Sardep project falls (Premium lime) There couid be extra charges such as abnormal under the Ministry of Ag­ 19hoo: True Betrayal (A) vehicle fees and transit charges levied in harmony riculture and is supported A couple is killed, but no- throughout the Southern Afri~ a~2~q,p!!le~t by German Agency for enas turns toa private investigator. Commumty or Pre.ferential Trade Are'a for Ea.stern Technical Co-operation iOh3o: Egoli (repeat) The main suspects are the Iand zones. Some of these Ideas (GTZ). Project Assistant llhoo: Fugatlve Among couple's daughter and her were already outlined in a transport policy paper Laue Reiner told The Us (13) boyfriend _ so the female released by the Ministry after being first raised in . 12h3S: Vi~eofashionNe ~....,de te.ct.iy e. investigating the Namibian that Sardep October 1990 ~ . ~ , ~~;~< ""~~.l<""~C'ascnnms~ hefS"elf into the aims to improve the Hv­ - 3 .AIIForOne-PartI kindofwoman the boyfriend Toll roads are not thought to be suitable for ing standards of people in 14h30: The Mad Scientist would love. Starring: M Namibian conditions as normally people need a free communal areas who are IShoo: GoofTroop Emmet Walsh, Peter alternative route to avoid monopoly. may 'dependenton animals for 1Sh30: Scoobyand Gallagher, Mare consider making a toll-road on its portion of the their survival. Presently Scrappy Doo Winningham trans-Kalahari highway. Sardep has staff at 16hoo: The Fllntstones 21hoo: Supetsport Making the 4000 heavy freight trucks driving up 16h30: Pirates of Dark . oohoo: Backfire (18) REVIEWING NAMIBIA'S ROADS .•. Gobabis, Keetmanshoop, Water Ol'h30: Breaking the and down Namibia's roads pay more realistically Consultant Paul Lombard is studying how Blou-wes, Oshakati, The brave Ren and his crew Silence for the cost of keeping up those roads would also Namibia's roa'd users could pay for the N$250 Gainachas as ' weB as set out in his ship, the Wraith, 03hoo: Ends 'level the playing field' with rail transport. This million cost of keeping the roads. Gibeon.


ALIENATION OF PORTION ERF BY PRIVA Te -TReA TV REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions * of Clause 63 (2) (b) of the Local Authority Act No TENDERS 23 of 1992 that the Municipality of Okahandja TREASURY BILLS intends to alienate a portion of Erf 1150 Oka­ Tenders are invited for 182 day treasury bills to be dated 9 handja in extent approximately 6 794 m2 by December 1993 due 9 June 1994 for a minimum N$10 000,00 ~ private,treaty to Shell Namibia for the erection ~ and in multiples of N$10 000,00. and operation of a service station at the southern main entrance of the town. Bids will close at 10hOO on Tuesday, 7 December 1993. Payment is to be made by 1OhOO on Thursday, 9 December Any person objecting against the proposed al­ 1993. The price offered must be in multiples of one cent. ienation of land and subsequent use of the land may do so in writing with the Council and the Tenders' are to be submitted to Bank of Namibia, Operations applicant in writing. The closing Qate for the Department, on the subscription forms available from the Bank. submission of the objections is Friday, 31 De­ Any enquiries should be directed to: cember 1993. The Manager TOWN CLERK Operations Department OKAHANDJA Bank of Namibia POBOX15 WINDHOEK TEL.: (06221) 2051 Tel.: (061) 226401 THE NAMIBIAN Monday December 6 1993 5 ,.


~I I' l''I F'arewell Music I I Left: TURNING ON I THEPOWER ... ,There was an explosion of sound from the more than 5 OOO-strong crowd at Saturday's' , c~nc~rt when rock star .' 1 pJ Powers took' Hiei I , stage~ - heard as' flir ~ ' away as the NBC, complex. in . th'e i ,' northern industrial area. People went wild and just couldn't get enough of the popular and dynamic South African star, roaring their app'reci~tion between n.umber!.. . ;1


Right: IN THE MOOD .•• Raymond James KoopmaO" was' one of! .,I tb~,d i ,!lJ@Wtltltfs1ilsticl , concert-goers.f... "; • I



YO! ...• Got the reggae feeling. These two young men were waving Bob 'Mit'rley banners as they rocked to the beat of Dr Victor and the Rasta Rebels.

, . i J '. ., • ;' ... • 1 ' :1.' ~, _, _" • ..,:: • • • ;.j ". 'PJ, PJ, PJ' ... PJ Po~ers had the crowd on their feet throughout. Above: A srillill crowd, described as the largest ever at Katutura's Independence Arena. .'. i _~ 'i" 1 ~· ..l:,1 ,'""" , ; " I Left, above: TI , ~ • r:J L._ Ifl",. l', • j ,.;', 1. "' ,,' • ,'" .. OUT ... The NB ~"~ Celia Stephanus (right)'Ii , and friends soak up the', I atmosphere.

" ,

( • 1 t .....\; ~ r ,. ! .. ~

''If ~ !. ... ~! Left, below: DOING IT . THEIR WAY ... Cool" man, cool. These two~ guys rocked in uniSO'n. ' . ", ~ ~ ..'

, WHAT A JOL ... Dr Victor and the Rasta Rebels J performing popular hits like Tambai, Give Me Hope Joanna, naucl4'Jan and well-known Bob Marley numbers. "',"' "'.:"":; '- '.. ~"i';r\l:(<,,~t re f:llioi ...... :Jr\.1 ..... ~ • .:l\l:J~~ ~ , Th~ conc~rt organisers told The ~amibian l~t ~~9tr}9at ~thJ)" ,"il~e Photos: Jean thrIlled wIth the turn-out, the enthusIasm ofthe"t:rtJwd~ tll~tMnd'a~u~h~ security. They also praised the Namibian Police wWh wer.e:'Omhand b~kJ, ep S U th erI an d " ':;!' J .• ,.'''.' v . f. ~ an eye on thmgs. ~~ r6\'" i r. .('O~.... ~r ).. ~ ~ "f' p I . ~ Gv~~ • .,l,:"'l..H) , ..... ;.:.1. 11 ""_,..,.,~ "" ... ,,,,,. .,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,w,,.,,,,,, n'"'''' ''~ ~''''''''~''''''' __'''.'"''-='''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.'''''''''''''' ''''''''' ..... _ ... ..,.,1 & _ " \ fi ,~, . ~-';.,.'" "'--:·!'£.:~:·\· - '::':"i' :?'. ~i::':·:.·~": '.~:~ _,,~~~~:t:f:;··~~.:!L ~':.z.",~'¥~~'!..~~'!~~""'r.'~:,·~.~~":~~" '~v2~:ll~.~~";"t t, 6, Monday DecerT]ber 6'1993 '" ,THEI NAMIBtAI N \.~. Confusion over ,,-I Angolan deal Violence as Gabon votes LIBREVILLE: Voters in Gabon's first multi-party LUANDA: 's official press continued presidential election yesterday stoned police and set yesterday to deny that Angola's warring up barricades in opposition strongholds in the capi­ parties had agreed on a ceasefire in talks in tal but polling in other areas was peaceful. Opposi­ the Zambian capital Lusaka. tion supporters hurled stones and barricaded roads when some centres failed to open, witnesses said. Diplomatic sources in been deliberately de­ The election pits President Omar Bongo against a Lusaka maintained that layed so that political fragmented field of 12 opposition candidates. The the government and aspects of a global peace Unita had formally rati­ accord could be treated. contest is less one of differing ideologies than a fied a truce after three That will involve some referendum on Bongo's 26-year-old rule. weeks of talks behind particularly thorny prob­ closed doors. lems, including disarma­ Thousands honour The Sunday edition of ment and returning the Jornal d' Angola said troops to barracks, 'Ndadaye "practical mechanisms" power-sharing, local and for the implementation national power struc­ ~ BUJUMBURA: Tens of thousands of people in the tures and the organising of a ceasefire, on which Burundian capital Bujumbura left the safety of their some aspects had already of a second round of homes yesterday to pay last respects to their first been agreed, would be presidential elections. elected president, killed in a coup that later col­ d iscussed afresh in The meeting of the UN Lusaka on Tuesday. Security Council on De­ lapsed. Paramilitary troops stood guard on street It said the United Na­ cember 15 will be cru­ corners leading to a stadium where coffins contain­ tions special representa­ cial, because it will de­ ing the bodies of President Melchior Ndadaye, five tive in Angola, Alioune fine a new mandate for of his government colleagues and the wives of two Blondin Beye, was ex­ the United Nations in officials also killed in the military revolt were on pected back in Luanda Angola. It will examine display. yesterday for consulta­ the make-up of the UN tions with the Angolan troop presence for veri­ government. He was also fying the ceasefire, de­ Militants kill foreigner scheduled to meet a mobilisation and quar­ group of US Congress­ tering troops. Cessation ALGIERS: A Russian woman was attacked while men expected here at the of hostilities is expected shopping in an Algiers market and died of her end of the day. on December 20. wounds, the official news agency APS said. The MID-EAST GRIEF ... Two Israeli settlers, one in army uniform, embrace The government del­ Analysts said the an­ woman, Brahim Ayadi, is the second foreigner and cry last week at the funeral of a close friend, who died after being shot egation to the Lusaka nouncement of a cease­ killed since the expiry of ~ November 30 deadline by Palestinian extremists in a drive-by shooting in EI-Bireh on the West talks was also said to be fire would initially serve set by Moslem fundamentalists demanding that they Bank. An Israeli civilian woman also died in the attack. Photo: Reuter via spending the weekend in only to arouse mistrust leave the country or risk death. It gave no further Nampa Luanda. and scepticism from the details on the circumstances of the killing, but ------~------II Some sources said the population, who felt diplomats said the woman had been shot. announcement of the cheated when the civil war started up again. ceasefire accord had Iran gets heavy on '1 1 with ~ Pl~o~iieer~s haircuts TEHRAN: The Islamic police have warned barbers BLANTYRE: The death toll in two days of he was still in control of against giving fashionable haircuts to young men, clashes between Malawi's army and the his forces. Tehran's police chief said yesterday. ruling Malawi Congress Party's militia last The latest clashes in LOS ANGELES: US pop star Michael Jackson will Jaber Ansari told Abrar newspaper that the police week has risen to 22, External Affairs the country, currently return to the United States in time to take part in a had recently asked the guild of barbers to observe Minister Hetherwick Ntaba said yesterday. undergoing transition to television special scheduled for early February, his Islamic laws while styling the hair of young men, political pluralism after family said here. . particularly high school students. Barbers have Ntaba told anewscon- sparke? off by the army nearly three decades ,of They said the health of the 35-year-old sInger, vowed to avoid giving "decadent" haircuts, Ansari ferencemostofthedead wh~raldedtheMY~es- authoritarian rule, currently the target of a lawsuit by a 13-year-old who included four sol- tabhsh~e. nts on Fn~ay sharply define the power claiming to have been sexually molested by Jackson, said. Inspectors would check to ensure the law is diers, six Young Pio- in retahatlOn for the kIl.I- struggle in Malawi. had improved. enforced and violators could have their shops closed. neers (MYP) militia ing of two colleages In The country is cur- The family:, in a statement late Fri9ay, said Jackson members and 12 civil- the northern town of rently being died by a c~ lIed and spoke with his parents and his brother Thatch to give evidence ians were from the capi- Mzuzu last council Jermaine by telephone from a'secret location . . . . L d Th her yWednesd~y. Presidenti~1 ~s s?~e- tal Lilongwe, the scene The ru:m , le~ by.nud- ." 'IiJafida; believed to be In where in Europe where he has been receIVIng LONDON. Former. Bntl.sh premIer. a. ~ . atc . of a mini war on Friday. dIe rankIng offIcers, de- his 90s, is ill after recent treatement for addiction to painkillers. will be called to testIfy thIS week at aJudlclal mqUlry The Kamuzu central cid~~ to c~rry out an un- brain surgery and prepa- He promised in the call that he would come back into arms sales to Iraq in the late 1980s, two papers hospital has treated 109 offICIal dIsarmament. of rations are underway for to the United said here yesterday. casualties, 41 of whom the MYP. MeanwhIle, the country's first ever States for the television special scheduled for The commission was setup in May by hersucces- are still hospitalised. following the clashes, multi-party pa~liam~n- February 5 called "The Jackson Family Honors," to sor John Major in the light of claims by the opposi- Fighting between ~h.e army commander Isaac tary and presIdentIal take place in Las Vegas, Nevada. - Sapa-AFP tionLabourPartythattheConservativegov~rnment army and the MYP !'uh- Yohane . yesterday elections. . had turned a blind eye to arms sales to Iraq despite tia, loyal to PresIdent pled~ed hIS loyalty ~o " Banda cre~\ed the A k· . . r o. Last month civil servant Kamuzu Banda, "was ', HresldentBandaandsaId ~' MalawiYoungPioneers ttac raISeS an.InternatlOnladl ehmba g , . th 'tladyThatcher ....------==:11 in ' 1964, the year he ' ' . . . Enc Beston to t e commISSIon a.. . ' started ruling the tiny • _ . , . then Margaret Thatcher, h~? been g~ven conflden- former British colony. 'MId-East tenSIon tial reports in 1~89 d.e t~lhng Iraq s attempts to The paramilitary wing procure weapons In BntaIn. of the ruling party be- came widely feared as HOLON: A Palestinian gunman tried to hijack a they acted as 'Banda's commuter bus south of Tel Aviv yesterday, killing Booby-trap kills 11 kids personal security guard one Israeli before dying in a hail of bullets from and informers, and ter­ soldiers at the scene, officials said. KIGALl: An apparently booby-trapped grenade rorised political dissent­ The extremist group Islamic Jihad, or Islamic killed 11 school children and injured another 30 ers. Holy War, staunch opponents of the Israel-PLO westofR wanda's capital, the state radiQ reported on But the ailing wd age­ peace plan, claimed responsibility for the attack in Saturday. ing Banda has seen his a leaflet issued in the occupied Gaza Strip. The The broadcast, said the grenade was attached with grip on the country attack comes just eight days before the deadline for a string to a 100 franc bank note the childrenon their loosen dramatically Israel to start transferring power to the Palestinian way to elementary school rushed to take on Friday. since western donor na- . Liberation Organization in the occupied Gaza Strip There has been an upsurge of violence in the tiny tions cut off aid last year and the West Bank city of Jericho. central Africa nation, especially in the north, be­ to force him to introduce It was the most serious attack inside Israel since tween government forces and Rwandan rebels, de­ political and human the PLO-Israel accord was signed S.ept. 13 and one spite a 4- month cease-fire accord. rights reforms. - Sapa­ likely to engender hostility in a public already AFP skeptical about the peace process. - * Reports from AFP, Sapa and AP

, ,: .' . ., i J ~ t, ,tHE NAMIBIA.N : / '·/. Moiitlay . m'ecen1be ~ , 6 "1 .993 t ;y. 'NAfNA,., .. , fA

Here is how major stock still posted a 0.66 at All Ordinaries index traded markets outside the record closing Market round-up 17,459.35 for in a tight range before clos­ United States ended on high after a rise of ing 0.1 point higher at Friday. gaining on 732.98 on last 2,047.4, arise of4.3 on last Friday's quotations for unit trust funds: LONDON - British technical strength. The active trade as the rally week. week. FUND NAME Buy Sell Yield% ABSA: shares managed to recap­ DAX index was up 10.08 which started on Wednes­ HONG KONG - Share JOHANNESBURG - GE 156,84 146,70 4,11 ture most of Thursday's on the day at closing level day continued. Good infla­ prices closed stronger in Shares recouped some of Industrial 137,41 128,52 3,95 losses to end at a new all­ of 2,120.61. up 73.37 on tion and GDP figures had dull trade, with solid early their earlier losses in late Income 105,59 104,35 na time high but dealers said a last Friday. triggered new buying. The gains pared as investors afternoon trade as the mar­ BOE: mood of consolidation PARIS - French shares Broad SPI closed up 15.62 kept to the sidelines await­ ket found mild support, Growth 178,78 167,03 2,57 People's Income 106,00 104,88 na dampened activity as the ended on a strong note as at provisional 1,783.11 a ing fresh developments in with steady demand for se­ COMMUNITY: market paused for breath foreign investors shrugged rise of 45.52 on last week. Sino-British relations. The lected industrial counters Growth Fund 123,95 116,53 10,05 after a record few days' off their initial concern that TOKYO - Tokyo stocks blue chip Hang Seng Index . continuing. The gold in­ COMMERCIAL UNION: trade, The FfSE 100 index the Bank of France's quar­ closed mixed after an ear­ rose 56.15 points to dex was 24 points lower at Growth 137,16 128,05 2,94 ended 10.3 points higher at ter-pointcut in interest rates COMPOSITE: lier drop in thin trading as 9,29'U5, up 19.93 on last 1,913, up lIon last Friday, All Share Index 101 ,55 94,98 na 3,234,2 a rise of 122.8 on was too limited. The CAC- late afternoon buying from Friday. the industrial index was 5 FEDLIFE: last Friday. 40 index ended up 27.95 at institutional investors SYDNEY -The Austral­ points lower at 4,957 up 97 Fedgro GE 146,75 137,05 4,10 FRANKFURT - Ger­ 2,188.40 a rise of 67.78 on pushed share prices back ian share market took a on last week. and the over­ GUARD BANK: man share prices dropped last Friday. up to Thursday's closing breather after its strong all index fell 11 points to Growth 2935.51 2730,49 4,08 Resources 174,94 162,66 4,51 from new all-time high on ZURICH - Swiss shares levels. The 225-share gains on Thursday and 4,262.but was up 60 points Industrial 147,46 137,97 4,38 minor profit-taking, but closed at a record high in Nikkei average closed up closed a touch higher. The ' on last Friday. Income 125,34 124,02 12, 18 IGI LIFE: GE 140,87 132,34 3,24 METBOARD: Metfund GE 232,22 217,95 3,09 Income 124,89 123,58 10,83 , , METROPOLITAN: MetlifeGE 132,27 123,59 5,51 MOMENTUM:GE 283,58 265,96 3,48 NBS: Hallmark GE 1041 ,05 972,09 3,39 Hallmark Income 102,65 101,62 na NORWICH: Is'san GE 438,18 409,15 2,94 oenlX OLD MUTUAL: Investors 3033,98 2828,37 3,15 Growth 255,36 238,06 na Top COmpanies 277,94 258,84 3,36 Industrial 416,30 387,76 2,83 Mining 323,24 301,01 2,97 !Festive , se~ o Gold 184,27 171 ,79 2,76 Income 112,79 I I 1,50 2,72 SAGE: Gcn equity 2691,91 2509,73 3,55 Resources 145,14 135,41 3,62 Financial 510,58 476,83 na Income 223,69 221,45 na SANLAM: GE 1762,87 164'1,39 3,57 Index 1399,82 1310,01 3,69 Prime Growth 501 ,52 469,33 4,69 Industrial 1144,97 1072, 10 3,33 Mining 297,73 278,65 4,49 Income 109,92 108,22 na SOUTHERN: GE 229,65 2 14,91 3,35 Mining 156,28 146,7 1 3,33 Pure 127,34 119, 17 3,18 On our Sentra & Maxi:ma ranges Income 577,38 565,83 na STANDARD BANK: GE 1307,75 1229, 17 5,40 Discount of 11-14% R etail Price as (nitia Income 95,18 94,20 11 ,04 Gold 239,32 225,40 3,60 payment - This is you~ deposit Industrial 117.49 110,60 7,79 International 113,23 106,05 4,39 SYFRETS: Growth 333,94 312,32 3,89 Scheme one for the Nlssan Sentra 140 Range Trustee 130,44 121 ,96 3,67 Income 114,38 113,23 11 ,92 • Discount of 11% as in~i al payment • BUY BACK gllarant .... by Phoeni~ Nissan of 50% over 48 months. (M inimum R.. id ual Value 01 retail price) Gilt 1185,45 1173,59 11 , 18 · • Calculations over 48 month. UAL: . DepoeIt GE 2413 ,56 2266,06 4,45 Uet of Vehicle. Price + 8% GST Monthly x 47 Buy Back Mining 416,80 389,79 3,20 Deecrtpllon Included llI.count .. Relidulll Selected 2168,74 2028,86 3,30 140 NS 46 623.60 NS4748.70 NS 877.64 N$ 21585.00 Gilt 1291 ,56 1278,65 11 ,8 1 140GX NS5021' .36 NS 5 114.t2 NS 945.39 N$ 23 246.00 Managed 11 84,75 11 15,48 4,44 140 PIS NS 47 993.04 N$ 4 888.18 N$903.63 NI 22 219.00 Max Income 1106,84 1095,77 na 140GXP/S N$ 51580.60 N$ 5 253 .60 N$ 971.17 NI 23 880.00 140 PIS AIC N$ 52439.40 N$ 5 34 1,05 N$ 987 ,33 N$ 24 277.50 140 OX PIS AIC N$ 56 028.24 NI 5 706.58 N$ 1 054.92 N$ 25 939.00 Gold price Gold price in US doll ars per ounce: Scheme t,o f~r t~e , N ~ 8,8,!n S,!ntra 160, "a"1ge and ~~ Range , • London Friday morning fix ing: 372,75, off 1,90. • ;~.' I /-. .J') , " . ",. '{hb;.Jr.l'_~'." 1,/,/ 11 !~ . L<>-' U~ lVI. ; ~ b ..- d l~ • I' .J l J f~ • Diloountof t2%asin~ i alpayme~t. . L t. ;"IJ'I .",I, ..... t)·?::.n'1 f" ' .• London afternoon fixi ng: 376,75, up 2, 10. • BUY BACK guarant .. by Phoen i~ Nissan lor 50% over 48 months. (M inimum Residual Value-ol retaJaJ1pncejf, f) .r ,vm i£ .)C11 "'n:'::;r. ~"j ,"lNgrtOliJ 1:1 London late: 376,15, up I, I O. • Calculations over 48 month. . 'r~ ,rII"" ri . ) U.' 0' Vehicle. Price + 8% GST DepoeIt Monthly x 47 Buy IIack Nam dollarlUS doliar Deacrtpllon Included Dlecount .. Relidulll Friday's opening Friday's closing 160 PIS N$ 53 589,60 N$ 5954.40 NS 994.72 N$ 24 810.00 3,3705/20 3,369511 0 160AlCP/S N$ 58 025.96 N$ 6448.44 NS 1 077.23 N$ 26 868.50 160 GX PIS NS57426.64 N$ 6 380.76 NS 1 065,92 N$ 26 586.50 160 OX AIC PtS N$ 61875.36 NI 6 875.04 NS 1148.51 N$28646.00 Financial rand 160 Auto PIS NI 57 627.n NS 6403.08 NS 1 069.67 N$ 26679.50 Friday's opening Friday's closing 160 Auto AIC PtS N$ 62074.08 NI 6 897.12 NSII52.19 NS 28 738.00 160 SE NI 74 078.28 NI 8 230.92 N11374.79 N$ 34 295.50 4,4414,46 4,4450/4,4650 160 SE Auto NI 77 307.48 NS 8 589,, 72 NS 1 434 .59 NS 35 7110 .50 200STI NI 88 021 .08 NI9840.12 N$I643.00 I.~l !1.h>-~.lI!: · tt·f,..,'l N'410e0 ;'50 '>JfiC(' Money market \ Scheme th ..... for the NI88anMaxlma Range 90 day liquid BA rate: Friday's opening Friday's closing • Disoount 01 t4% as in~ i al payment 10,25 10,25 • BUY BACK guarantee by Phoenix Nissan of 50% over 48 months. (M inimum Residual Value 01 retail price) • Calculation over 48' months ' Oil price Uet 0' Vehicle. Price + 8% GST DepoaIt Monthly x47 Buy Back Deacrtpllon Included Dlaount .. AHIcIuII Crude oil prices in doll ars per barrel at 1645 GMT: Dec 3 Dec 2(close) 300E M NS 118564.56 NS 15 369,48 NS 2135.48 NS 54 891 .00 Dated Brent 13,95 14,25 300E Auto NI 123 543.36 NS t60t4.88 N$ 2 225,03 N$ 57196.00 N$ t8 474.54 London IPE 300SE NI 142 517 .88 N$ 2 566.32 NI 65 980.50 Brent futures (Jan) 13,87 13,95 New York Light Crude fu tures (Jan) 14,87 14 , ~5 Walk into our showrooms and drive out with the car of your dreams

• The Economic Indicators are sponsored by: For more Infonnatlon please contact our Phoenix Nlssan brancbes througbout Namibia WNDHOEK : (061) 37330 SWAKOPMUND : (0641) 5497/5371 WALVIS BAY: (0642) 615213 GOBABlS : (0681) 2675 OTJIYlARONGO: (0651) 2767 OSHAKATI : (06751) 20481

Finance Ivallable from Standard Bank Namibia - NISSAN Finance Dlvlalon TEL: (061) 284 811 1 ~ Standard Bank

With us you can go so much further. WE ARE DRIVEN 8 Monday December 61993 THE NAMIBIAN , :IIW I ~'7f1-V ~, I' It' ~ FT' ~ [:JZI NAMIBIA CAREER + MANPOWER CONSULTANTS Namibians selling

Tel.: 228346/225467 Company Last Current Index* Price+ Price PO Box 24466 WINDHOEK N$ N$ % & .. Tel.: 06751·30221: (ONGWEDIVA) Nictus 0,38 "t 0,35 11 7 Box.193 OSHAKATI . Namibian Fishing P 0 . . 5,25 97 Industries -.... 5,25. ·t .• -.. ~ .... • • _.." _:....:. <. ..11" ~ ,~ .. .,.1'."~ Namibia Sea . 1"~The year 19~3 W,as,a yeat: of success and fulfilment, but are' 5,75 ';..\- 5,75 128 •• ~ '... • ;J ': {,.,.t' _.... ",:.~ Products , - Standard Ra'h, ,k Investment satisfied'With what you have achieved during this year? Corporation 96,00 96,00 130 Metje & Zeigler 2,50 2,50 143 Metje & Zeigler IF NOT, 5,5% pref 0,75 l" 0,75 100 Mutual & Federal Insurance CO 45,QO • 45,00 102 Namibia Career and Manpower Consultants advise you and all school leavers to I I a's~~ s _y.9l!!3 c_hieve.!ll~nts and to consider to enrol for our courses to improve Overall NSE index 116.99 };'pur s ~ l1 s {Pf, l\ hptter future. . mn ti' 0 'K', ./l\) '\ ·i~YH);t ,··;*, '" · r ,,'" l'i~~t:,"' q ,," " * The index started at 100 when the share was lis ted, and the NSE index at 100 when the first share was listed. Enrolment for 3 January has commenced. + "Last price" lists the price seven days earlier.

Enrol ~ ow to avoid disappointment. Another week of very little action nies are discussing administrative ar­ on the Namibian Stock Exchange as rangements with the NSE, and even Namibia Career and Manpower Consultants presents the fQllowjn~ share-buyers continue to prefer the one big deal a month could help bring more expensive Johannesburg ver- more activity to Windhoek, particu­ ....'1' , ~t~Ib(. ~ourst;a; U ••. : .•. ,:'l l , \ , .j sion. The price ofNictus drifted lower larly as more companies should list ii • odmug£mo.tlmti'~C«bn i t~Micrg ~0fh~1ilters l i ; Il VI ,/ IJ fTi () : , if.! one sale ol'l the JSE . .A lt1;lOugh , theirshares next year. 1 .ro,.'·' ( ~MS ' Jjb S i.r'\·! ... .-,if~,,"'lrfi If pr j ,,1.',1 h: irH}HIJ'( · · )dIJ~; Nam ibians are keen to buy at consid- The Johannesburg Stock Exchange erably higher prices it has been hard overall index fell back from last week's + Lotus 1-2-3 to fi nd shares for sale. 4212 in the first half of the week as +VVord-perfectVVorks NSE administrator Wikus internati onal interest fell away. The +Keyboard and Basic Typing Hanekom of Simpson McKie says price of gold and other precious met­ there have been sales of Namsea by als also fell as the low world oil price +Advanced Typing and Speed Development Namibians taking their profits and and prospects for low inflation meant +Executive Typing course (Specialization Course) purchases by South Africans, He feels the attraction of gold fell, according to + Fully Comprehensive Secretarial Course (S ix months Diploma Course) the Namibians may be misguided as, George Huysamer & Partners - its although the group's quota alloca- attraction is strongest in economically SOUTHERN LIFE TOWER. M2 FLOOR tions for 1994 are only marginally unstable times. better than 1993, Namsea offers a But by the end of the week all was a J. ... s- highdividend yield and there are good looking optimistic, both for gold changes and prospects for growth, (ended at US$373,05, down from Meanwhile, a recent pensions act US$377,70) and for the JSE all share ~ ; ',. • ...... -~.;:I .r. to'furte:pehsiolf ftihds to j n ves 't' s'd rl1~ "!:.t 1Hd'elx'Uit ' 42~~ ~u!'u~! ;.){ ,d ':"~' ...."> ,rfr.,: qqn ,!ilhlr; :-r- ~ - r-i ~.1 of their money via Namibia has (Declaratlbn of interest: the author brought a lot of interest. The compa- has shares in Nictus and Namsea).

P.O. BOX 221 7, Wlnclhoek 9000 Namibia , Fax (061) 22826 1 Tel. (06 1) 37370/ 4 Von UndequlSf Sfreet, Wlndhoek EXPORTS from the Southern African Cus- toms Union grew by 1--_ _ __-:- ______-'-___-, more than 17 per cent in ,-y---k------'''':'''---, the 10 months to Octo­ SEMINAR' ON OFFICE • . .~ur ey to a top J~b " ., • • I ber, compared to the I ..... CPM Training on: 1 same period .i n 1992, TECHNIQUES AND I 0 Pereonal .....negemeIII a .Indutlriel Relation. I Total exports were R65,9 g ~=:T~~=~ ,. .,',:"- 1 :bilH.onand,impPrts grew I -., Bu.... ManagementJAdmlnlstrlltlon , '. only 13 per centto R49,5 c)~ollM ~aStoc:llCoiitrol I '11' 0 b"" h d th nl~'I b ~l'Iln'iiiocrefl,"' ~t "',-, . - bl Ion, cto ,!¥r, a e sHO ffff~ffl1 '"''_ ~ , I Q 0IflCe MaoagementlAdminlStr8l1on . <' . \ ~ I highest exports .at R 7,6 A seminar on office techniques and Sectretarial skills will take place in Windhoek on 11- . I g:::' :.!o=~ :~=:. ~}J I billi?n, . " . 29 Apri11994. Participation in this seminar is free of charge. 1 0 Modem Selling and Selesmanahip .... I ~~amonds from Na- o Sale. Management a Marketing mlbla and Botswana are 0 Accounting for Managers . I' . I o Privata Secretarial Dutie. 'the mam contnbutors to The training is intended fo r Namiban Secretaries or office assistants who work in small or I Each C.P.M. Program includes a substantial Training Manual. Study Guide. I exports of gems.and pre- SeH·Assessment Tests with Answers. ete .. to prepare you tor the final Diploma Test. ' h' h h medium-sized enterprises or organisations and who have not had an opportunity for I Fee only £50 or 3 payments 01C20 each per Program. nckfieldsofinleresl. oomplele I C10US stones w le ave training and upgrading of skills in the past. 1.. ~~ ,~,~.~,~ , ~~,i,~ ,~~,~~~~~~~,I,~:' ,~~~~~i~,~.I~.~, ~ ~~'~~~:'~ ~ ~~~.~: ' ~, .. I by October this year .~!,; ,I ":~Idi," ",j J; ,t ! 'i , ~ ,,, ' ~,.'1l. ~,' ,! I El Name ..•...... '.c...... I brought in R8,8 bi.11 ion, O~q. ( 1~' ! ~~~~)r~~J1v~ let;the:'~~ffi,.i~~ !s'l.tbJ~pfOve ttle,JsKil1S ofsec ret~ al sta'ff ~n the (differe~r IIi1. Addr." .. ,...... :: ...... '... . ~:.: :: . :. I ~~~: t~~~ ~:t8;~;~ ~;: 11 ······ ...... Age ...... ')1: secretarial serVi-~ , • r~ I r' ., , . \ I, ,i , , . f ; " I.. • _ . Mayor ~f Grootfontein for the . ,Appl i ~a~onJp:nP,s ar~ , ~x~labl~ ,at r1le. ,PSf, 4,~ ,,?n , Lindequist Street, PO Box 2217, second year. l ' Windhoek; ,Tel l: (061~ 37370/1 and the Finnish Embassy. 154 Independence Avenue, )1 ; From: The Town Council, :W ;CSrialam€enUte;'P 0 Box: 3649; Windhoek, Tel.: (061) 221355. j .r: ' .. ' 'I: ~. '\:.'" r ' I·; J " .: .' . , . Municipal Staff and the • J- i ij'; 'j. J) , :-t,f' J I ~, • ",' :,)r, tl'1~,c.l~siAg i,d~e foq,pPU~t\tj9P"s,..te/).ruary)9,~~/\.Ii'<'IJ) Gi LII,j "..l'H~ f;c;rtllil,j,J •.,r I QfI(G~oot,tQntaiA,m :~'Idn '1"1,1. ;{'jf!1:, >1:'·.'Qf/ f,l r-nnn"-' d"1'1"1: r t in,d;:.J ~lnf "JI"~'}:,JI"r"" ~.~ ~ l ~l~/' : '\ I'" ,... V~ THE NAMIBIAN

Ontanda y Aakwaniilwa nOlDalenga IDOhalDautsi Oswald Shivute mOngwediva okwa yelitha kutya, Oveta yAawiliki Oministeli oya ti kutya Oswald Shivute pOhamautsi yi na sha nEvi ndjoka ya yOpamithigululwaka 10 Oshikondo shayo otashi ka ••• , . ' , kala ya tegelelwa ethimbo tadhi ka pita, taambako omaindilo Ommlsteh yo Regional Local Government Oshigongi nenge Ontanda onene elf! , oya pwa Omalenga oga li ga pula gaakwashigwanambokaya and Housing Omundohotola Libertina yotangotango noyopandjokonona yAawiliki okulongekidhwa notayi ka kutya otaga ka kala haga ha,l,a omakuti gontumba Amadhila Olyomakaya ga ziko, oya Ii ya yOpamuthigululwakalo oya Ii ya ningwa tulwa koshitaafula nziya futwa nenge ahawe, mlltopolwa yawo ga • moshigongi nOministeli oya ti kutya hokololwe ongIikunino egulula pambelewa OproJeke yOmagumbo pOhamautwi mOmbalantu moshitopolwa shOpashigwana/ oshinima shOfuto yIinamwenyo, ngashi shi li omape taga tungwa mOngwediva sha Musati pope na Anamulenge Oparlemende notashi yOmalenga nooyene s~aningwanalem~it~polwa kEhangano lyAamerika Iyedhina Hanover. vulika shi ka kale ngeyi yomikunda oshi li inashi palongekidho lyElenga enene Iya Mbalantu yllwe mo Namibia tuu Ehangano n d'k I a Iya II' I' ya k a Ie Iwapo kO muwl'I'k' I I omusamane Oswin Mukulu. kutya ehala moshitopolwa yela nawa natango, shimwe mu k a. Ii ka kale Iya talika Iyaantu ashike Oveta y Aaleli P a i n d i I 0 omukuluntu gwalyo mEegululo ndika ~omusamane Ontanda ndjika ya Ii ya tatekulu Josia Shikongo ayeHe na' itaku ka ettiiw,a yOpam ith igul u I wakalo I y 0 mu k wan i i2l1wJiI rKllf.!1 ~ iQAct91'\!Hi{l~»smoo'ltMJ+omagumbo ge Ii gongele AakwaniiIwa Taapopigwa Uukwaluudhi, nande omuntu-: a kal'e otayi ka popya sha shi na gwUukwaluudhi tatekulu pamaludhi ge li gane l,waampoka-mOngwediva, hoka ayehe yomoNooli tatekulu Jafet Munkundi iikuthila omupambu sha nOofuto dhOmalenga Josia Shikongo Taapopi, om un tu ngoi a li a taambwa ku epukululo kombinga Frans Aupa Indongo nayo wo yi ka kale ya utha kutya lombwele, moshinima shika noku Mayor gwa Ngwediva Omusamane Ferdinand yuuteku waanona wo oya li ya pewa iipopiwa omuntu oku na okupewa Shi na sha nEgameno indila ~sh,igwana osho Nashidengo noku Cansola gwa Ndangwa tate Eliakim moshigwana, egameno omanga Omutaleli tate ehala li thike peni. lyUuntshitwe, unene tuu naana shl nmgwe, PrinsShiimi OmundohotolaLibertineAmadhilaokwa / Uuntshitwe, e/enga Immanuel Aipanda a li a Mboka ye na omahala ekopo Iyomiti pwaa " Ot~untu ngele to kteYko pandula noo'nkondo Ehangano ndika Hanover sho Iyi niinakugwanithwa yalyo, pewaapopyeshakombinga ogendji nenge omanene, nohenda, Oministeli omu I nena onawa wu SI e, . ' uu/unga womaIiko yaailongi yoGrade 10 itaya itaya ka tidhwa mo kekuni, UIenga okwa indiIa pogumwe".Oministelitayi ' lIongekldha okukutha po omukundu gwomagumbo wiindjipala moshilongo, shuna we- mongundu ihe iifendela mbyoka_Jayi __ kAllwiliki lombwele. pamwe nEpangelo. Oministeli oya indila nee eikuthilo /yevi-Iyomahala, ndjok.a ijgele ya ndopa., ,> kapuhy,akEpal)gelqyafute, yOpamu thigul u I wakalo Oshigongi oshilrwo sha- I koshigwana shi longithe ompito ndjika Y0kwiimonena shaa li paveta, omukundu Ontanda oya li wo ya oyongaatayikeyadhengele mbaka kutya naya tonatele Tndile Ommisteliopo-ooni omagumooomapeomawanaw ~omitltette. 1 gwoonzapo dhomavalo mono esimana enene sho okatenda ya ze mo uuntshitwe nawa oshoka dhi gamenwe. Omuwiliki gwa i-lanover OJllusamane Mark nkene gu na okukuthwapo, ya li ya popithwa momahalagamwenengeye owa simana koshigwana Ontanda ~djoka. ya kala Cioccolanti ngoka wo naye a li a popi sha koshigwana egameno Iyomeya, kOoministeli ngashi ga ninge omashona. kehe. m 0 oe w I1 I I , kk 1 shoka sha li mpoka, okwa gandja eshilipaleko kutya omupondo nondjundo kwaandjoka yOpevi yi na Kombinga yokufutitha Oministeli nayo oya ti Iy mu k u untusl 0 a . . . yom uthigu I u I waka 10 shanEvi-LandResetlement omapya nomikunda kutya otapu ningwa Ooveta g w 0 p 0 s h i k u I u fit u Ehangano Iyawo o~ya mband~k.a ko notah tslklle Iya moshigwana, iimuna itayi and , Rehabilitation oshowo omapogolo galwe dhetonatelo lyUuntshitwe, Omundiakoni Frans mana mo okutunglla Aanamlbla omagumbo, unene tonatelwa nawa pethimbo omundohotola Marcus kOmalenga nokooyene ihe shoka sha simana Naimhwaka, oya Ii ya tuu koshitopolwa shokoNooli shoka sha kala sha Iyiilya yi li momapya, Shivute naandjoka yOpevi yomikunda, Oministeli noonkondo moshinima kundathana muule iinima hepekwa nayi methimbo lyUukoloni. aandopi yongundu yEgameno lyUushitwe Ben Shivute oya ti kutya iinima shika oshigwana shoshene ayihe mbyoka nopwa Okuza mpoka Oministeli tayithindikilwa ontihetatu itaya pitikilwa we Ulenga, mboka ya li ya popi mbika oyo yimwe natango osho shi uvithweko tegel~lwa natango ku ka koshigwana shihe oya yi yi ka tale nkene omagumbo ya endulule. kombinga yegandjo. lyevi tayi kundathanwa esimano lyUuntshitwe tseYlthwe omatokolo r Pokati kiipopiwa opwa negameno Iyuuntshitwe. kEpangelo neyamukulo noku wu gamena kashi liwe gontumba miikundathanwa ge I, li wo pwa etwa omakundo Shi na sha nevi otalikeyanziya,unenetuu konima kooveta yimwe. Omagumbo ngaka oge li lela kohulo yOngwediva kAakwaniilwa, ngashi ku omundohotola Shivute sho Oveta yEvi naandjoka dhontumba. muumbangalantu wayo. -

yoye momukokomoko honingi inda mo ndi ye mo ogwiishangitha. tamu ithanwa kiigongi. tyololoka, eSindano/epito Oswald Shivute mOshakatl gwomumvo, osho wa kala naavu yoye? Wa fa ongoye -OmauyeleJe okuzilila -Aapangi ya mboka taya ilongo, ngawo? Osho wu Ii nena? ho igidhwa mewi Iya kOmbelewa onenc mbidhidheni oshitayi sheni enyanyu mboka ye li mOshigongi sha Welcome Branch, ano shAapangi Osho to kala nomethimbo manguluka opo wu yEhangano ko Windhuka noshowo ehangano kanitha nuukumwe mokati shoka sha ningilwe eti 13 Noveemba 1993 tali landula? Ngele osho lundulule omikalo dhoye? oga gandjwa. Iyolyene Ii kale Iya kola. kctu, aapangi. mOshikuku omwa Ii mwa etwa oshipopiwa wu li ngashi sha tumbulwa Wa fa ongoye to ti tha -Oshitayi osha longa lela -Aapangi kaleni iilyo -Otandi pandula Okuniiti oshiwanawa komusamane P.A. Amukongo, shoka pombanda nosho to kala, oshipangelo sheni nenge nuudhiginini ngele tashi ya mwa pyondjungu, tu ndjoka ya wilike oshitayi shi Ii ongEtumwalaka lyOkrisimesa kAapangi nena epandulo enene. Okilinika yeni otayi tilitha kegongelo Iyiimaliwa hanganeni opo tu popyeni shetu momumvo . 1992/ ,I • \ ayehe moshitopolwa. Mokutsikila ko nandi okuyiwa kaavu? nosha vulu nokuli iinima ye tu newi limwe Iya' 1993. Shampa m\l Ii ~ po Oshipopiwa sha tate enditha. Omupangi ongoye tumbule kutya ohenda Ongaayakuli yoshigwana okwiilandela okambesa kola Ii na oonkondo. shoka mwe shi ningile Amukongo otatu shi omuyakuli goshigwana unene sho mokati ketu onawa tu yandeni iinima okape. -Tu pukululathaneni aapangi yoshitopolwa nyanyangidha ngashi shi Ii, shoye,. On go ye o.meho metanga Iyaapangi yatya ngeyi, tse tu yakule Omaudhigu gamwe moshinima kehe mpoka shino nenge yoshilongo opo Aapangi mboka kaya gaaposi. Omupangi ou Ii yoshilongo shetu mu na aavu yetweni nombiIi ngoka ga li ga munika tashi vulika tse tu shino itandi shi dhimbwa. li koshigongi shoka ya uve ' okanakaambokaitaya vulu aapangi ya hepa uukwatya nonehalo ewanawa. kEhangano ongashi nee tungathaneni tse yene -Otandi hale le Okomiti shoka sha popilwe ko, okupopya, omaako ngashi nde wu tumbula Omusamane Amukongo kutya; nokutunga Oprofesion ndjoka ye ya miiIonga "Oshoshili, kutya sha gaamboka itaya vulu pombanda. Pehala okwa tsikila ko ta ti kutya, -lilyo yimwe itayi yetu. omasiku ga ziko elago mana omumvo omasiku, okwiikwatha yoyene, Iyokukala aapangi "Onda koneka oshitayi gongala nawa kiigongi, -D'himbulukweni; nuupenda moshilonga ngashi omukulu gwonale a omuhekeleki,omutalaleki, aawanawa, oyi ininga shika sha longo unene yomoshipangelo Moshilongo sha shokuwilika eyenditho tile. Uunambo ashike sho nomutsimukumo "Okwega monyama". nuudhiginini omumvo Oshakati. manguluka ngashi shetu, Iyiinima yoshitayi shetu. twa Ii petameko Iyomumvo gwaamboka ya Aapangi yatya ngaay.a oyi nguka gu li pokupoka. -Omikundu otseni ye ne ongaapangi tu kIilyo ayihe yoshitayi 1993, nogwiilonga yetu tyololokithwa komavu ininga ohamalaka nde gu Iilonga yasho nuudhiginini dhIiyenditho okuthikitha na okukondjela uuthemba shetu mu Ii po, naamboka ongaapangi nongiiIyo nokokuhe na uukolele. kuula-taa tsu aayakulwa otayi monika iilyo komahala nuuwanawa wetweni, ha yaahe po mpano, ye Ii yEhangano lyAapangi mo Omupangi ongoye yawo omalaka, taya hokola nokudhimbululwamiinima gomagongalelo nokushuna gulwe nande. moshilonga nenge Namibia omupopili gwomuvu nowu aavuyawonayinotayapopi tayi landula; komagumbo. Omusamane Amukongo moshipundi shevululuko, mu u m bwalangandja, Iiomupokati komuvu amavu gaavu yawo pondje -Iigongj oya ningwa - Okwaaha dhiginina pehulilo okwa pandula onda'hala okutya; nango iilyo yoshityaiyi noongundu dhiIwe yonkalo yepango nokuli. pamautho niilyo oya ethimbo- olundji iigongi nokuhalela Aaapngi ayehe Okrisimesa nayi ku shika meukililo. dhuuhaku. Nandi pule omapulo ndungikathana miinima otayi tameke kwatoka. omahaleloyambeko ta ti; yambekelwe, go Omumvo Mokupopya iilonga yetu Ngeleomupangiomuntu gamwe kutya, Omupangi tayi gumu uundjolowele Omusamane Amukongo -Otandi halele uukolele omupe, 1994 gu kale gu na ongaapangi, onda hala tu ngono e na uukwatya mukwetu wa fa hoyi nonkalonawa. ota tsu omukumo kutya mboka ya nkundipala, elago kune amuhe. taleni konima kashona, tse mbono nda popya k{i1onga nokuzimbuka -Omwaalu gwontumba noku indila kutya, Aapangi eyaluko mboka tayaehama, Onde mu pandula unene. tu tanuthe nkene twe shi pombanda, okutala iilonga pwaa shi pathimbo? Wa fa gwiilyo iipe kaleni hamu gongala ngele omukumo mboka ya 1~~I,.~: I ?,iJ;'," ':'lH' 1 ,THE-NAMJSIAN' - , ~ ,,~ , .. ".~ • ." .. " .. ~ __ ."~ ______" ____"mQ.m .. ______.. ______• ___n. .. ______...

F A~•. ~~980 , ~; ' :,::: ' TEL. 36970 \ ..... :~. ~ _i.~ ~ :ir ~

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1987 TOYOTA Davis CUp win HI-LUX DUSSELDORF: Gennany won its third Davis Cup -' 4x4, canopy, extras, .' title yesterday when Michael Stich beat Richard Qfxt:9l~ttWRlli'ibnl el e~ ~ Fonnberg in the final against Australia. ',.".;q N'f,.U:(tl-efiifanyl,sMithael)Sticn. raises,his arms,after winniiig Stic~'s 6-4, 6-2, 6-2 victory gave Germany an N$32 000 neg, the ATP World Championship final against Pete Sampras of the United unbeatable 3-1 lead before the last reverse singles Tel: 229976 Stated in Frankfort on November 21. He beat Richard Formberg of match in the best-of-five series. Gennany's previ­ Australia yesterday to give Germany its third Davis Cup title. (photo: ous two victories came in 1988 and 1989, when the 1989 Ford Meteor Reuter via Nampa) 1.!J.X team was led by Boris Becker. Excellent condition, radio !tape N$18ooo Vacancy Sundowns celebrate Tel:38830 PRETORIA: Sundowns registered one ofthe1r big­ '---M-'-Ie-H-o-Ul-e-k-H-pe-r--. :r:::::::-1• . gest wins in years over Witbank Aces when they FOR SALE Namibian Citizen, Full Im trounced them 4-0 in a CastleLeague fixture at the Sharp mulU-SVltem IV professional training . : H M Pitje Stadium yesterday. (NTSC, PAL, SECAM) supplied plus lodging . : The star of the match was national striker Philemon N$2200 and uniforms. Com- . :: Sharp Multl-tYltem Masinga who treated himself to three goals with co­ VCR (NTSC, PAL, mencing February on . 'l striker Daniel Mudau chalR:'ihg up the fourth from g8rTf8'fartn In'SbIithe'in '. (:""' ",.------'- '-. -'r~~ ~. ""i\ :: . \ H rSECA~, ~SECAM) + " Namibia, . . NAMIBIA ••••. 1--the______penalty spot in the 48th 'minute. _ M-Net decoder and stand Write to P,O,Box 734 • Weekly R70 ·Rl30 :'. . If you buy both the TV Keetmanshoop,Phone I Dally R270 R525 :. PrICe powers to and VCR (0638) Narubis 13211 • :••: . N$2400 Stereo SV.tem for application form.' SOUTH AFRICA ::.:. ·11· d II Akai computer controlled • Weekly R75 R140 .:.. DlI IOn 0 ars stereo receiver, stereo :. Daily R300 R650 .:. Property double cassette deck, DC Photos Serv Automatic Tumta­ .• BOTSWANA, , ••••• SUN CITY: World No 1 Nick Faldo summed ble, Pair of 3-way ATTENTIONI! I MALAWI, !' it up: "No one could have stayed with Nick Speakers, Convertor: I Weekly R200 R390. P' thi k " All MI •• TNn Flnall,. • Dai! R800 Rl550 ::: . rice s,wee. , , t£CO'Jt(p'MO from 110 volts to 220 1993 volts, I y ... ~e Enghsh ace was ~peakmg as PrIce was com- t£.S '" Jp==,.l.1 .. :' I1 Contact Eddle TeL • '1'" "., 'FR'ANCE 1 GERMANY ' ",:. ,. . , - f ~ ob5 gi1H >I s bOG ~,tJ~J~)'~; !I (J1'!i '1 5299~ :. . '.''' . ' , ' :.. tournament record-equalhng seven-.under~par 65 " ., to view L-~ __"';"' __ ~ • EUROPE, BRITAIN ::. for a 72-hole total of 264, a whoppmg 24 stokes It..f '2s18aPf but I used all my years my. amount in Rands or equivalent currency,) ': ' ing champion David Frost, 74 for level-par 288. ('( \::"/1.V'11 "' .,1,,: -d t! .~; ," " Enthusiastic mother's maiden name. Please debit my Visa/Mast.crcard/other Credit • Then came three Americans, Mark O'Meara with ,. ". 1 r' ! I rr" ~ ~ ·f - Kf10MASPAL Worker Kamavango , ipreviollsly~re. Card • a 75 for 290, and Lee lanzen and Payne Steward on 3B~droome' !louse with 13 year old, Grade B the name~ Joas Mbandje, • No. • 295 after rounds of 71 and 73 respectively . . . iiye..level oven'. student is looklng lor • ,------(. ---- • Finally, at the back of the field,came Ian Woosnam , . , J- N$128 400-00 . hqllday work In order to pay Wanted lor his next academic year • Signed: ______.-:. - - -- • of Wales after a 75 for a woeful 309, 14 strokes 'r- , 1994. Date: . _ .. behind everybody and an incredible 45 strokes 'l ~ b~dro~n:'I house V/ith Alrikaans, English, German, _------1,.Wanted • ------behind Price. J ~..: ~Y!l i!lvel 9yen ' , Oshlwambo, Oshlherero 'r .1 • I

February next year. HELGE SCHUTZ Commenting on the ••• recent tour to Northern Wanderers mamtamed their unbeaten form, Transvaal the chairman while Police slipped into second place on the of the Na~ibia Cricket log after victories in their FNB Super League Board, Laurie Peters said matches over the weekend. . t):l~titwasan~nqu~lified Wanderers annihilated with Transnamib being success. Although Na­ Windhoek College of dismisseel. for 1 J7 runs . . ' mibia lost all its matches., Education to beat them Police', however col- Pt;t~rs said that the ,gap: by an innings and 112 lap~.ed i.n the sec;on<;l in- tret~een test-playingna-.; runs. Wanderers scored nings, being dismissed ' tions ,and others is h~g~ , 291 runs in their first in- for 78 ruQS, with only and,that Namibia wotifq';, nings with top contribu- Attie Beyleveldt, who i o'nly improve if they tions coming from Jurie scored 24,putting up any . played against the best. Louw (68), Danie resistance. " He also mentioned that Keulder (55) and Deon This left Transnamib the former South Afri- Kotze (35). needing 163 for victory, can player, Denis Training College were but the order w'as too tall. Lindsay, was very im­ dismissed for 66 runs in They were dismissed for pressed with the team, ..... their first innings and 112 nms with top scores saying that there was a didn't fare much better coming from George lot of talent and that Na­ in the second, being dis- Vink (24) and Fanie Nel mibian cricket was on the missed for 11 2. (21). For Police Jaco right path. Danie Keulder took Coetzee took two. wick- A Namibian under-19 .threewicketsfortworuns ets for 23 runs and Ian ' teamleftforGeorgeyes­ PRESENTING THEMSELVES ••• the Namibian under 19 cricket t~~m wJJich will compete in the and Deon Kotze four for van Schoor two for 24. terday to compete in the South African Country Districts tournament thiS" week, paid a <:,ol,lrtes,Y ca!1 t~, , h, e M, ~ ! ,n~~t!~fA" J, Xo~th 'l 15. Jeff Luck proved to Meanwhile the Na- South African Country and Sport before they Jeft. Members of the.. team l. aF.e ; s~ , twJthl rth~JlUl"a(~(~~,~ .. tfi.~ be very adept as a wicket- mibian national cricket Districts tournament. permanent secretary of Youth and Sport, €allie Schlettwein;lhe Director dl(Youtli and pOrt, Dr keeper, by stumping out team will probably be Depending on the draw Vetambuavi Veii and the chairman of the Namibia Cricket Board, Laurie Peters. five batsmen. Pol ice beat named next weekend in they will possibly play rl======Transnamib by 51 runs preparation for the ICC against Zimbabwe and a English soccer: at the Police field. Tournamentfornon-test South African Country Police declared their playing countries which Districts team at the end first innings for 20 1 runs takes place in in of the tournament. Namibia beats Leeds catching ManUtd

After ~uffering two heavy defeats on the first day of LONDON: Manchester United, failing to chester City. But City'S Mike Sheron and Carl the Africa Cup Baseball Tournament for men on "'-.:l win for only the fourth time this season, Griffiths scored in the second half before Deane's' Friday, Namibia played much more impressive base­ game-winner. ball op Saturday when they beat Zambia 14-7 to fought otT a tenacious challenge from visit­ Peter Beardsley's goal in injury-'time, his second .. . reco[~U~e,' rfifs t yir;:tcJI;v cl ! ' ing Norwich to hold on to a 2-2 draw Satur­ IHet- JU{L0 ~n q! \nT)t"l~·.L !":£d.. 1 !J "/j t·)HI..t)~.J l ) /u ·i .. pf th, ~g~rrttU. wl'\s.fu~ winp' Namibia scored fO\l,r ,liuns in-thelrfirst mnings and 'day-hr English' sbtlC(,t'lS R~mi#li i ~~~ I Ifottbh1iaRf.=NicM £1mhb~ then added five in the eighth, with two in the second Ruel Fox's second-half penalty, his ninth goal of the season, was the equalizer for Norwich as the Old goal of the season, for Tott(;nharjl \ ~hieti hasn't won innings, and singles in the third, fifth and sixth at home in the league for two months: ":' Trafford crowd witnessed a fast-paced battle that innings. . Coventry's Mick Quinn,who scored a hat trick Zimbabwe retained their unbeaten record when will likely be remembered as one of the best games against Arsenal on opening day, was again . the of the season. they.beatNigeria 12-0, with six oftheir runs coming London team's nemesis when he:struck in the 79th in the fifth innings. . - The result allowed second-place Leeds to cut minute for the game's only score. . . Zimbabwe currently lead the log with 6 points, United's advantage from 14 points to 12. Leeds Aston Villa rebounded from an early own goal by .....-.. followed by South Africa on 4, Nigeria and Namibia nearly missed its chance to gain ground when it blew a 2-0 lead against ManchesterCity, butBrian Deane' s Paul McGrath to draw with Queens par.!< .Rangers. on 2 and Zambia on O. Kevin Richardson equalized for Villa, but Gary goal with five minutes remaining was the difference Penrice put Rangers back ahead before halftime . . in the 3-2 victory. Garry Parker's first goal of the season in the Arsenal's title hopes continued to fade with a 1-0 second half clinched the tie. . loss at Coventry, as Newcastle took third from the London club with a 2-1 victory over Tottenham. Elsewhere, Sheffield Wednesday was given two own goals by Liverpool in a 3-1 home victory. Neil Aston Villa r. dm'aine~ i<"f .ijh aftltr"a "'%"-2 ' draw at, Qpe#.n~1..~~k Rangersi! :I~I a l b~_ joslnoO I IRUddoc~J q-. nC:ttMark W '~ eac~i£~JI:le b~1 ';~After 18 game's~ Nfancfiester Unitea Jfu~('45 p,oints. ji~tot~~and akBrig~dne­ ;daY's.thi ~~Jtole. Teen-a e eRS'ati~IllROObie,Jfawr One of Namibia's top disabled athletes, Leeds has 33, Newcastle 31, and Arsenal and Aston l scored his 12th goal in 13 games for Liverpool. Villa each have 30. -Sixth-place Blackburn can Willie Greyling, participated in the Soweto move into the top three with a victory at home Lee Chapman scored twice for West Ham in a 2- Peace Marathon yesterday and completed against Chelsea in Sunday's game. I win at Wimbledon, which had a late goal from Dean Holdsworth. Tony Cottee' s 11 th goal of the tti~' 42,2km run in just under five hours. French international Eric Cantona assisted on season gave Everton 1-0 home victory over South­ both United goals, scored by Welshman Ryan Giggs a AJ>out 3 000 athletes participated in the ampton. event which was eventually won by and Scotsman Brian McClair. Chris Sutton netted for Norwich. to make it ,2-1 at halftiri'ie, with Fox's i, Tw? ~ames, l~swich v,s. pldh ~m .a~? \~;v~n~on vs. Matthews Temane. ,/' 't, " penalty the oniy. ~ne of many. scori!1g qha!''ilc,s,cgl) ;Sheffre1€l,umite'E!·fwere ~cQ reless i:l~~b Ell I B~fore the race Greyli'ng deli~~"~d ,t\fo verted in the second half. .~ .f '. charffO'Jffe't(fok the D J v ts iQfo\ i Qfl,~~aq)~fl\}~I.p messages of peace from tl)e Naptibi~Q p~o- ~ Set play,s.offfree :kiCk$;by-GordOn Strachan led t~ ,home win' over' L~ton; Chaht0n.leads {framl1er~I{li~­ . .... ,~ , pie,:one from himself and one on behalf of 'first-half goals by'Rodney Waljace '~ndGary Speed : 1 winner Friday night over Peterborough; by one as' I..:eeds appeared in ~ohtrol at.:hbme· .' p~~ nt , ;' . " the'MinisterofYouth a!!!lSport, Peridukeni' Ithana. , ~. ~-- . ". ' i'p Grey~ing's spe~c h h~ ~alled ' ~n ' South :Mil~.iti 'ack :on""'top Africans to stop talking about peace and to ,,' .'," .,<, ! start living it. ~. trJ; ::~\ S ROME: AC Milan went back to the top of the terday. over vii;itor~ NapSerie A leader- at lowly Gen<;>a later yes- touch through a 1-0 win forward Igor Shalimov. .,. ~, " ", ...... ," . f."." 12 ' Monday December 6' 1993 'THE' NAMIBIAN

Results English Premier League RESULTS of English Premier League matches played on Saturday (home teams listed first): Coventry 1, Arsenal 0; Sport Shorts Everton 1, Southampton 0; Ipswich 0, Oldham 0;

',- ,01 ":/: Leeds United 3, Man­ • ,",I 't Ch~mpion Price chester City 2; Manches­ ter United 2, Norwich 2; ZIMBAB WE' S Nick Price shot a fi nal round of seven­ Queen's Park Rangers 2, u nder-par 65 round at the Gary Player Country Club Aston Villa 2; Sheffield golf course at Sun City yesterday for a 72-hole total of Wednesday 3, Liverpool 264 to win the million dollar challenge. 1; Swindon 0, Sheffield Price won by 12 shots from fellow Zimbabwean United 0; Tottenham Mark McNulty, 67 for 276, with Germany 's Bemhard Hotspur 1, Newcastle Langer third on 279 after a closing 68. Price earned a United 2; Wimbledon 1, cool I-million dollars for his victory. West Ham 2. (·\~1-\ · -, Pirate's 'a:venged ' ', .. , Scottish Premier TEN-MAN Orlando Pirates avenged their 1-2 defeat PLEASE HELP! ... Members of the Namibia Handball Federation (NHF) pictured during the fund­ League at the hands offjairways Stars in Qwa-Qwa on Wednes­ raising conference held at the Ministry of Youth and Sport earlier this week. In the photograph (fltr) day when they turned the tables in the return NSL IS Horst SpAth from Namibia Breweries, Moses Omole - trainer ofBoyz HC; Ngozi M Awa - regional SOCCER results from Castle League soccer clash by defeating Stars 1-0 at co-ordinator of the Commonwealth Handball Association; Helger Denker - president of the the Scottish Premier Tembisa on Saturday. Pirates veteran -cum­ Namibia Handball Federation and Dr Vetumbuavi Veii - Sports Director at the Ministry of Youth League played on Satur­ striker Marks Maponyane scored the only goal of the and Sport. The Handball Federation has appealed to the local business community for sponsorship day (home teams psted match in the 16th minute. tbe forthcoming Commonwealth Handball Championships. The Sports Ministry donated N$30 first): Celtic 1, St lohnstone J ~deUal's; forl ~b~ event.,;·' jl 11".[ ,J:) I!";' ft,' 0; Dundee United 0, 0'1(' '} •. "I ,(,")}("\' r -i'nt~u) LG,.rplf(.q /-!\lhl ~ \. I Temane triumphs Kilmarnock 0; Hearts 1, MA TIHEWS Temane won a handsome R 15 000 and Aberdeen 1; Motherwell a trip to next year's New York Marathon when he won 0, Rangers 2; Patrick 3, the M-Net Soweto Marathon at NASREC Sunday.The Dundee 2; Raith 1, Vaal Reefs gold mine runner had been steadily picking Big challenge Hibernian 2. his way through the field and, at 38km, outside the house of Nelson Mandela, he fi nally took the lead German First from Adam Mokati after a brisk one kilometre climb. Temane clocked a record two hours 22 min and I Division second. awaitsNam junior RESULTS from the 19th , round of the Bundesliga, Maradona injured Germany's First Divi­ sion soccer league (home DIEGO Maradona injured his left leg during an Ar­ teams listed first): gentine league game last Thursday night and is un­ As u/20s play region ' ~ best ... ~ l ayed .Friday: lj)ceLy vto. play, ,in- a December 15 exhibition· against B , oruss i a