, '* TODAY: :, MALAWI ARMY AND!,OPPOSITION .CLASH * BUSINESS AND ;FINANCE )* SUPER"·WEEKEND:SPORT * e sear e HOT IN THE CITY •.• Namibians turned out in force at Katutura's Independence Arena on Saturday afternoon for what regular concert-goers described as the best-ever show at the Arena. It was a wall-to-wall 'jot' as pepple rocke(l to the sounds ofPJ Powers, Dr Victor & t,he Rasta Rebels and other hot acts from South Africa. For more pics, see pS. Photo: Jean Suitierlahd ~. ~' : - l .l,,_ . ,... ~. ~_ :. ' ,-i~' , e·' IO.··· ,S there are commercial TOM MINNEY deposits, mining could begin in the first quarter that the company be given other concession areas in A SURVEY boat sailed from Walvis Bay GRAHAM'HOPWOOD of 1995. the Skeleton Coast. late. yesterday to look for an estimated Launching the survey The Cabinet decision effectively ended the last N$13 billion of diamonds under at a ceremony in Walvis IT SEEMS increasingly likely that no tour lifeline for Skeleton Coast Safaris' hopes of operat­ Namibia's southern seas. Bay on Saturday, a operator will take tourists to the Skeleton ing in the Skeleton Coast Park next year. cheerful Minister of Coast Park during 1994 depriving the State Schoeman said that Cabinet was legally correct in The ship HV Fox is Canada's Vancouver Mines and Energy of millions of dollars in potential revenue. refusing to decide on the issue until the appeal case working for British-Ca- Stock Exchange where Andimba Toivo ya The battle between Gennany-based Olympia has been heard. .. , nadiancompanyNamco, they invested Can$17,6 Toivo warned diamond Reisen and Namibian company Skeleton Coast S?e adde~ that as Olympl.a Relsen were appealtng a new player in opening million (N$78,6million) miners to be careful of Safaris, the two companies fighting for the exclu- agaInst a HIgh ~ourt decl~lOn t? render the Ten~er up possible huge riches in the venture. the marine environmenl. sive tourism rights to the wilderness area, is now ~oard ' s allocatIOn of t~unsm nghts null an~ v~)Id, under the sea. Last night, chief ex- "Although they say' deadlocked as both sides wait for an appeal by the It w~s now uncl~ar whIch body should deCIde on It isonly a month since ecutive officer Alastair diami,lnds are forever, Gennan company to come to court. tounsm ~oncesslO~ areas. the news broke of the Holberton said he was the fish and lobsters are The failure so far to resolve the issue resulted in The HIgh Court Judgement saId. that Cabmet and new challenger to De taking the "fast track", for ever and ever," he the fonner concessionaire, Skeleton Coast Safaris, not the Tende~ Board should decld~ such m.atters. Beers in Namibia's dia- using the most sophisti­ said, adding they should retrenching most of their workers last week. Howe~e r , untIl the. app,cal case a~amst the Jud?e- mond industry and the cated ship seen off south- prove mining and con­ Owner of the N amibian company, Amy ment IS over there IS stIll unc~rtamty about whIch company is forging em Africa. The first sur­ servation go hand in Schoeman, toldThe Namibianthat23workers were body should allocate co~cess lOn s . ahead fast. The prospects vey should take 100 hand. retrenched at the end of November and the remain- As a consequence Cabmet could have been seen for Namibian diamonds days, bulk sampling of Namco has been four ing 17 are likely to go at the end of this month. to be interfering in the case even if they hadallo- have had a wann wel- seabed deposits should years getting ready to Schoeman said that Cabinet last week turned come from international begin in the middle of down a submission from the Ministry of Wildlife Continued on page 2 investors, especially on next year. If it ~ Co nti m' ~rj 011 ..... tld 2 - 2 Monday December 6 1993 THE NAMIBIAN 1 J'_ Swanu on crime ,~ ;;;. ' ~ sw ANU has called on the police to tighten security :1, check-points at the Otjiveloand Werda gates in a ;1..--=-- bid to curb the theft of motor vehicles. In a statement, Party Secretary-General Uno Katjiuanjo commended police operations at Bagani but said the same should be done at Otjivelo in the 't north and at the Werda gat~way to Opuwo. : ~ The party expressed its concern at the rising crime I) rate and called on a general awareness c,ampaign to " :1.. be launched through the 'media. " , 'I "\. 'Wiolenceagainstwomen and children is,on the Left: DIAMOND ,incr-ease and that cannot ,be condoned." DIGGE'RS DO IT ; ,',It ::c~n~em~, ~~ the, rape and ~ illing of wome~, WITH A es,pecial1y in Katuiura; and the recent theft at the VIBROCORER ... as Windho'ek courts of two cars belonging to two this object , is called judges. which vibr,ates a 6,5 Katjiuano added that people who bought stolen metre pipe into the goods should be charged as criminals and be pun­ seabed at up to 600 ish~o; ~' -::",,,. , ·,' ,~'; . ' metres depth to get i~~, fti.1'he" C{lurtsrs\:toul'd refuse bail tQ, those criminals mining samples. ) , 'I '<11 ' l ... , n .J~ f · , 'ltfl'dipasstStiff sentence"!; without,tlJe ,o.ptiql1s o{ fines. Engineer Simon Witnesses who are afraid to testify because of Davies will operate it. intimidation and death threats should be protected," " ,r Katjiuanjo said. 'I I Skeleton deadlock 1994. Appeals are only Continued from page 1 I' ""':':':::: iIi :::::::.i; ::::::: ~':"""" .......................; ... ;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;0;.:.: ...... ~ ~ ,'''' ~ r J .. ~ !, ! heard twice a year in 'I ' ~ 6 '1 , .. 1 , 1.,.. (111 • "'11,,. .!1 .. ' { .;.:.:.;.::.:.: .. ........ ;--.... - . ,. ,'" : "\. • ~; . ,IJ I ~pri ,~ af\~,J;:>e~~!1lQer. agd: ii cated rights for other ar- the April session next ..•. ... ;.;.:.;.:.:.;.:::::::: ::::::::::::: .:.: . ;.:.:.: . : . :.;.::: : :~: ;;;: : :::::.::::::::::::::::.;.: ....... eas not including the dis­ year is already booked puted concession area. up, Schoeman said. I' Meanwhile there are If /110 tourists are ,[ fears that Olympia brought to Namibia next 'f Reisen's appeal against year it will mean the po ~ I the High Court judge­ tentiallossofmillionsof I ment may not come to dollars to the Govern­ 1 court until December ment. TherewiUbetwocourt SEARCHING FOR DIAMONDS is the mission of survey ship HV Fox ...... ... ... ,.. .. .... .. h e ;'" d., ! " , rr)M.,,~~:,(: ::' ~~~'~:~~::n~;;f! ' !;'::~:~~':~~~~t~;tb~::~~i:::~~:~:~:~:~~m~~e:~~:~~~~~" ; p~g~lt4mUH~!~l~~' MiP{~~l~~~+n!~M~W!~~~M~~@ " d and Fridays. company, took 260 000 carats from the seabed. THEl ong-awalte mag- r--------'----"-----------, istrates court at Gibeon D · d h b · 1 was officially opened Charles press Iamon searc egIns 1 recently. The construc- , mining company. Lake Geneva in Switzer- cartel which buys' all tion of the new court :£orce DI· out Continued from page 1 building started at the " , The survey ship will land, Iceland and Hong Consolidated Diamond Ij end of 1992 and was Charles was the favour- check all three areas by Kong. Mines' output. completed in September Continued from page 1 I ite of only four-percent. search for seabed dia- the end of next March It is part of the Royal He said they had al- at a cost of half a million In the Sunday Tel- monds~ .. - , _ . and will shoot some 5 Boskalis company and a ready been approached dollars. According to the Diana's decision. The egraph, freelance pho- ~arher thIS yea~- -1t 000 - 6 000 kilometres sister company, by several institutional local Police, the new poll also showed that tographer JuJtan. gameda520squarekllo-d es ofseabedprnfilesaswell Lamna1co, has already buyers, not including court will make their . f d 'd" h . metres eep-seaconc - as testing the-deposits. set up base in Walvis Bay Maurice Tempelsman of Diana remams ar ,an Herbert sal t e pnce .0 off Liideri~z and a lives easier as they will .. ;'ij1ephipis: : Qpe,@t~d l "'~~Q&.\lpp.!yth~ Qi! indl,l.st!)' the P$ ..i. no longer have to trans- a.wa.. y t.. h .e, ,m... o.. .. st .. P?pull\r ','.. Pf.'. .....' .. ib~~lN_),(j~1 ¥inin.&,,;q.np , ,-:li>~U, & 0l}19" b,~lp the.qia- ; _ l'll~mco.fully supports , Ol~~."'~, I?, kt\l r.%. h~s : cUO. § ~ Jg\1'ar, ~(k'iI. ~rfi~ 1 fie p'Oit , n ~u~~C'(s :" tiO ~eP , ;pr. t\~i ~ ~'l. O'Il~mJgl1~~h : '(;; ~e Off 'B6tiefitbt:S B'ay of lhe , }Vo,rld ) · !op ' G:o m-.~, mond .mil,ling in future . the GovemmenCs bid to Mariental f0lflliblYt3ates fairiilywith 44 percenu ~li~l'o'b~ Y.ci.t~ oal1 ;mu1- ! ' ~iid Na~Co})ought ma­ panie's in taking miner: '. Hofberton said last get more Namibians -i; :-6e--heara:;Theywilf ~piitting her first, ahead tiply the old price by at rine concession 12B off als from under water night the company employed and would also now be able to deal of the Queen Elizabeth least five." South Africa, liS square which only this year would probably not sell back an initiative such with minor cases locally. ' the q~een mother. - Sapa-AFP kilometres, from RTZ worked in places such as through the De Beer ~ as local diamond cutting. VACANCIES USAKOS SECONDARY A SHIPENA SECONDARY SCHOOL scnop~ _ "'. ., " , -~ . '1' bto\ &'4' J<t f;/'~ 'l ~~ !~;;- ~ '4 ~. , ~ G' yltll' has the followi:Rg .vaCancies for 1+'$ ~ 'ts ,, ·~ ,t · ~ "':.....t~ '4.."... ~~~ f "V .rJ. .... " .., ' ~ ': Republic of Namibia 1 Teacher required to U?!I£!l:G.E9GRAPHY " . qualified teachers: ' .. LOCAL AUTHORITY'COUNCII:. OF OS'HAKATI ,,' " . " * ' , . " i:;- \ .-..... :::".' Grad,es 8, 9 and 10 . APPJiC~tI;)1S are h~reby lnvited from Interested applicants for the post \ , 1'. Teacher Life Science 1 Teacher required to te!leh- - , , " '" ., , .. " o~ Town Cle"t'k for OSHAKATI.
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