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Autumn 1989-Page 3 POSTAGE PAID -~· 7(, PERTH, W.A. LISTENING 6000 THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE RETURNED SERVICES LEAGUE WA BRAN~H (INCORPORATED) POST Autumn, 1989 Registered by Australia Post Publication No. WAS 1158 Vol. 12 No. 1-Price $1 .,. / . ~;.: .~ .. •. • • ~? • • ANZAC COITAGE MT. HAWTHORN (1916) ,.,. : .. / ·~ ~ ' ' ·. · . Now COMPLETED. ESTATE C LARE MONT LLY SERVICED • in Claremont, a most sought after location! St. Louis Estate now offers for All part of a wonderful lifestyle reservation, the best example of at St. Louis Estate. this form of accommodation for the retired in Western Australia. Call today on 385 1420, or w rite to St. Louis Estate, But be early - St. Louis has The Homestead, 14 Albert Street, experien ced an enthusiastic ClaremOI)t, 60 10. Monda o:!"~~bdw ee n demand wi th a third of available ~~ ~ · 9 ·=-~~~~m Sales Office, 4\.M·.' . 4 Hostel accommodation already 1 Dean Street .· · E.- · • ·. I.OOpmand .00pm ' . """· \..._ mr 1·1~ sold. Claremont, · · , . 6010 or mtJWJII~ l • Meals • Cleaning • Linen phone the ~~~~~ Services • Director of Care ( I :\ 1, I. :"-.l l :'...: I on 24 hour call • Visiting Manager, Ancillary Health & Welfare after hours 384 2232. Applications can only be made on the form Services • Social Activities. contained in the prospectus LISTENING POST . Publisllers Returned Services Leque W.A. Branch (Incorporated) S1xlh !nternai!011Cl l ConlerL·"··· I ADZIC House 'G.P.O. Box C128, 28 St. ~ Terrace, Perth W.A 6001. Perth W.A 6000 Tel: 325 9799 AnnuCll SIClle Congrc·~s 1 S A~:zac Cott<lge .:. 1 Mol<.1ng il Will ;,-::; A T1111e of Cl1ange 2'J Reunron~ JS / L c 11 e r s Io I lw E d1 I o r 3 I Editorial Committee Lost Trail" l~ Mrs H.f. Balfe (Chairman) Messrs P.C. Firkins, J. Harper~Nelson, WJ. Pearson, WJ. Surridge, F.G. Verdi, Sub-BrClnch N P\'JS 4 I E. Hinchliffe (Co-opted) Book Rev lP\'-' ·) 1 Sub-Editor Mrs Pat Elphinstone Women~ Auxii1Clry GS Advertisers Westralian Publishers, 15 Ogilvie Road, L<l sl Pos t 69 ML Pleasant . Tel: 364 9000 U n1t Assoc,at10ns - I 1 Typesetting!Composing Deadlines Aceion Press, for Listening Post Contributions 101 Catherine Street, Morley W.A. 6062. 31 January for Autumn Edition Tel: 276 5260 30 April for Winter Edition . 31 July for Spring Edition 31 October for Summer Edition Printer If possible submissions should be typed, double spaced. Albany Advertiser Photographs must be black and white glossy. 165 Y~Street, Albany Tel: 41 1055. This is your journal and contributions are welcome. Post to: Ust:enmg Pos~ R.S.L. G.P.O. Box C128, OpiJiioo expressed by c:ootributors in articles and reproduced articles are the Perth6001 iDdivjdual ~ or such c:ootributora or the authon or such reproduced ll1ides (as the cue may be) and oot IIClCCSSirily tbose or the R.S.L Reproduction or ll1ides (or eXtnas) c:ootaincd in Lislening Post 11 Cover: wdcomed provided tbe soun:e is acknowledged Anuc Cotts&e: 1916 (Story - Page 21) Uatenlng· Poet - Autumn 1111 - hge 1 Your Fellow R.S.L. Members It.Best ... The PJ;ime_: Life 50.t Insurance Programme Provides The · Securi~y We're All Looking For. Members have written from all over the country praising the benefits of the. Prime Life 50+ Plan. "What appealed to me was the way you can take out different "At my age I was so happy to take a small insurance policy. The units according to what you consider you can afford." low premium appealed when living on a limited income." Mr Herbert Blakeman, , Mr J.A. Odd)', SUB-BRANCH: SANDGATE, QLD SUB-BRANCH : BEAUMARIS, VIC "At 55, taking out life insurance is usually too pricey but this to "The features of the p'rogramme that appeal to me most? me al?peared reasonably p riced. CannoJ speak too highly of this No medical examination ... family protection without hassles, insurance programme." Mr R. Harding, good ·cover for low premium outlay." Mr Geoffrey Ndve, SUB-BRANCH: HILTON, S A SUB-BRANCH: CAULFIELD, VIC "As my wife and I a re on service pensions, we a rc at least assured o f some security which would not have been possible " It is a sound policy, reasonably priced. No medical required, any other way." irrespeci ive of past military injuries." Mr Lancelol Rohrlach, SUB-BRANCH: PT NOARWNGA, SA Mr Jeffrey Westley, MBE, SUB-BRANCH: BERRI, SA " I commend the PrlVJe life 50+ Plan to all League members, especially as the premiums arc reasonable and guaranteed never to increase." " I had surrendered other policies and this looked ideal. Mr Arlhur Dawson, No me!;lical examinations requited. Po licies will cover funeral SUB-BRANCH : KINGSGROVE, NSW expenses without affecting our estate." "I enrolled because I felt that the cost o f my funeral should not · Mr Leonanl C Garland, be a charge on my widow or other family. An excellent scheme SUB-BRANCH: PINE RIVER, QLD ... small premium payments automatically deducted from my bank account." Mr R.F. Boyle, SUB-BRANCH: WEMBLEY, WA "I enrolled in the Programme because my husband had recently passed away and I thought the policy would help defray the costs of my own funeral." M rs Elsie M. Trahair, SUB-BRANCH: TRARALGON, VIC "The Programme appealed to me because: I) Least amount of effort (to enroll); 2) Recommended by the R.S.L." Mr Ronald M. Almond, SUB-BRANC H: EDGEWATER, WA The Prime Life 50+ Plan has proven so pop~lar with our members that we are re-opening the E,nrolment Period, to give unprotected members another opportunity to enrol in the Programme. THE R.S.L. PRIME LIFE 50+ PROGRAMME: e Accepts you un co ndit ion ~llr . without medical e Provides Double Accident Benefits to age 80. life exa minations or health qualifications, provided Vou Benefits that continue throughout you r life. arc an R.S.L. member between 50 and 75 and you Compound bonuses are added to your policy each reply before the Enrolment Deadline. e year· which increase your life Benefits substantially e Gives you the opportunity to choose the protection -with no increase in your low monthly premium. you want, at a low monthly premium you can afford. To apply, simply watch the post for your invitation to join. Then return your Application•Form before the Enrolment Deadline to ensure your acceptance. The Official life Insurance Programme Recommended and Endorsed by of the R.S.l. Oceanic Ufe Limited The Returned Services League of Australia . Underwritten by Oceanic life limited For further information, please call TOLL-FREE (008) 022 566. .. ..... P8ge 2-uatenlnil' Poat- Autumn 11n State Executive State President's Message Mandurah RSL War Veterans' Village A new era began at 22 Third Avenue, Mandurah, on S~turday, 28th January, 1989, for veterans and their.families and the citizens of Mandurah with the official opening of the 21, two-bedroom-unit village, RSL Memorial Hall and Social Centre, which after many years of talking and discussions among many people, became a reality. The Mandurah Sub-Branch, under the guidance of their President, Mr K. Ross, are to be congratulated for their efforts. STATE PRESIDENT The members of the State Executive of the J.P. HALL, AM, BEM,.QP. Returned Services League of WA (Inc.) and, in particuJar, the Board of the War Veterans' Home at SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT Mount Lawley are also to be congratulated- first D.H. BRUCE, OAM, JP. for their resolution and faith in moving the project from paper to reality; and secondly for their JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT ' continued support with capital finance for the M.C. HALL, JP. project, which eventually amounted to some $710,000.00. lt is pleasing to receive a report from IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT the administrator of the Home that each settlement L.J. TURNER, MBE, JP, AASA. received for the units, transferred as quickly as possible back into War Veterans' Home STATE SECRETARY Investments. As at 26 January, 1989 $200,000.00 D.H. ·GIBBS, AFC, JP. had been returned to Investments, and further transfers will be made as settlements are concluded. COMMITTEE A full reckoning has been kept of the interest that Mrs H.P. Balfe, B Ec; Mrs D.J. Dowson, MBE; has been lost to the War Veterans' Home by Mrs A. Keynes; Messrs L.F. Cook; L. Copley; capitalising Mandurah. On 31 DecefDber, 1988, this P.C. Firkins; J. Harper-Nelson; amounted to $22,536.72 and will be amortised until N.R. Healy, R.G. Hughes; L.C. Keynes, BA; such time as repayments can be made. A.J. King, BSc, Mandurah War Veterans' Village already has a MBBS, FCCP, FRACMA, FACRM; waiting list of eight interested parties, indicating the Z. Kwiecinski, B Ec, MAJBS; D.J. Orr(RL); continuing need for housing for veterans and their W.J. Pearson; A.T. Richardson; families in the Mandurah area. W.J. Surridge; F.G. Verdi. National Congress REGIONAL COUNTRY VtCE PRESIDSNTS National Congress will be held in WA at the State Headquarters from 1 to 10 September, 1989. This Messrs Martain (Boulder Sub-branch); R.A. will allow all members to see the delegates from all s. Robinson (Merredin Sub-branch); States working on items concerning veterans. A.J. Spendlove (Geraldton Sub-branch); There will be plenty of room for observers and I R.J. Stewart (Bunbury Sub-branch). suggest that you put this on your calendar promptly. TRUSTEES We are now into 1989 and the recruiting Messrs K. Broadhurst, FRAIA, ARIBA; campaign, as directed by State Congress under the P. Pearson, CMG, OBE, JP; R.N. Stone, AM, JP.
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