Dissemination of Projects Per Counties and Districts in Albania
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REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA AGENCY FOR THE SUPPORT OF CIVIL SOCIETY Tirana, March 2012 AGENCY FOR THE SUPPORT OF CIVIL SOCIETY (ASCS) ASCS’S ANNUAL REPORT OF 2011 Agency for the Support of Civil Society successfully ended its second year of activity by announcing and implementing two calls for proposals within one year, meanwhile the monitoring of the ongoing projects from the first call has been implemented. Second call for proposals was announced in March 2011. Part of the strategy for tourism development and promoting cultural heritage, ACSC announced its second call for interest to all CSO’s interested to apply for the following mentioned areas of interest: 1. For a qualitative environment that serves for tourism development and activities for sustainable development (creation of optimal conditions, such as cleaning of environment, elimination of pollution, building temporary (portable) facilities or permanent hygienic and sanitary ones: 2. Culture of service as an instrument to improve Albanian qualitative tourism development ( in restaurants, hotels/ hostels, bars, joint entertaining areas etc): 3. Unveiling the cultural and heritage traditions of the touristic zones of the country ( such as development of cultural-entertaining-sports activities, touristic guides, cultural monuments, music and traditional cuisine, art crafts productions, life style etc). Totally in the second call for proposal ASCS received 69 proposals Out of 69, 31 proposals were selected as winning proposals from ASCS, which were implemented to their respective touristic –cultural zones almost throughout the all country ( From Lura to Borsh) The time line of the projects of the second call, varied from 2-4 months and predominantly coincided with the summer season whereby the activities were held for the purpose to promote cultural touristic development. Characteristics of the second call is that amongst 31 funded projects, 18 projects were implemented throughout Municipalities of the Country, however 11 of the them in Tirana and in the cities and touristic districts of Albania and 2 of them in the peripheral zones Total amount contracted for funding these 31 CSO’ was 16.000,000 leks. AMSHC 1 REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA AGENCY FOR THE SUPPORT OF CIVIL SOCIETY 2. Third Call for Proposals Agency for the Support of Civil Society ASCS announced its third Call for Proposals on November 03, 2012 in accordance with its mission and priorities of government program. In this Call for Proposal, ASCS invited all interested CSO’s to submit Concept Notes for Project Proposals intended to cover the enlisted areas of interest as specified: 1. Fight against corruption; 2. Fight against human trafficking and treatment of its victims; 3. Against domestic violence; 4. Against violence towards children; 5. Encouraging citizens in activities, their inclusion and participation for the development of the community outreach; 6. Capacity building in areas of social development where the presence of civil society activity is lacking; capacity building to provide services currently lacking in the social services market; 7. The development of inter-sectoral cooperation and of cooperation between the organizations of civil society; 8. Lobbying initiatives that promote the interests of citizens / stakeholders / communities, especially the interests of vulnerable groups in society; 9. Civil society initiatives in support of employment and for the prevention / inhibition of the informal labor market; 10. The increase of the influence of civil society in the processes of drafting and approval of public policies. In the Third Call 222 Concept Ideas were submitted, amongst which, following a preliminary selection by the technical staff of the Evaluation Commission, the Supervisory Board decided to finance 69 NGOs. Duration of the projects in this Call varies from 3 to a maximum of 15 months. AMSHC 2 REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA AGENCY FOR THE SUPPORT OF CIVIL SOCIETY Out of 69 financed projects, 48 of them will be implemented in Tirana and other main towns of Albania, 10 in peripheral areas and 11 projects in different communes, i.e., in rural areas. The total amount contracted for financing of 69 NGOs with grants is 131,960.000 leks. 3. Breakdown of projects per respective areas of interest For the preparation and the analysis of dissemination of projects of respective areas of interest SPPS program has been used. Processing data through this program offers a more comprehensive analysis of this study on the breakdown of proposals/projects since the CSO’s scope of the wining proposals have entailed more than one areas of interest. Frequency represents number of projects that touched one of the areas of interest. Analysis of a specific field of interest through this program is processed on the basis of logical amount “yes”, “no”. The amount “Yes” translates with the number of frequency of the SPSS Program the preparation and analysis of the breakdown of the projects based on the areas of interest. Tables enlisted below present number of frequencies and respective percentages per specific areas of interest of the 69 projects of this call, for example if we analyze the area of interest “1)- fight against corruption” out of total 69 projects, 6 of them seem to have touched upon this field of interest which translates into (8,7%) In overall assessment, all the winning projects have entailed all 10 areas of Interest/ priorities set out from the ASCS in the third call for proposal. This analysis concludes that amongst the winning projects, the area of interest number 8 Lobbying initiatives that promote the interests of citizens / stakeholders / communities, especially the interests of vulnerable groups in society; has the highest frequency (39.1%) compared to the other specific areas of interest enlisted in the priorities of ASCS AMSHC 3 REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA AGENCY FOR THE SUPPORT OF CIVIL SOCIETY 1. Fight against corruption Valuable Cumulative Frequency Percentage percentage percentage Amount yes 6 8,7 8,7 8,7 no 63 91,3 91,3 100,0 Total 69 100,0 100,0 2. Fight against human trafficking Valuable Cumulative Frequency Percentage percentage percentage Amount yes 2 2,9 2,9 2,9 no 67 97,1 97,1 100,0 Total 69 100,0 100,0 3. Against domestic violence Valuable Cumulative Frequency Percentage percentage percentage Amount yes 8 11,6 11,6 11,6 no 61 88,4 88,4 100,0 Total 69 100,0 100,0 4. Against violence towards children Valuable Cumulative Frequency Percentage percentage percentage Amount yes 5 7,2 7,2 7,2 no 64 92,8 92,8 100,0 Total 69 100,0 100,0 5. Encouraging citizens in activities Valuable Cumulative Frequency Percentage percentage percentage AMSHC 4 REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA AGENCY FOR THE SUPPORT OF CIVIL SOCIETY Amount yes 22 31,9 31,9 31,9 no 47 68,1 68,1 100,0 Total 69 100,0 100,0 6. Capacity building in areas of social development Valuable Cumulative Frequency Percentage percentage percentage Amount yes 21 30,4 30,4 30,4 no 48 69,6 69,6 100,0 Total 69 100,0 100,0 7. The development of inter-sectoral cooperation Valuable Cumulative Frequency Percentage percentage percentage Amount yes 19 27,5 27,5 27,5 no 50 72,5 72,5 100,0 Total 69 100,0 100,0 8. Lobbying initiatives that promote the interests of citizens Valuable Cumulative Frequency Percentage percentage percentage Amount yes 27 39,1 39,1 39,1 no 42 60,9 60,9 100,0 Total 69 100,0 100,0 9. Civil society initiatives in support of employment Valuable Cumulative Frequency Percentage percentage percentage Amount yes 8 11,6 11,6 11,6 no 61 88,4 88,4 100,0 Total 69 100,0 100,0 10. The increase of the influence of civil society to influence public policies AMSHC 5 REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA AGENCY FOR THE SUPPORT OF CIVIL SOCIETY Valuable Cumulative Frequency Percentage percentage percentage Amount yes 19 27,5 27,5 27,5 no 50 72,5 72,5 100,0 Total 69 100,0 100,0 The chart no.1 represents the trend of wining projects based on relevant areas represented in percentage; implementation of these projects encompasses the entire territory of Albania. Since in the chart below only the amount of the variable “yes” are presented in percentage per specific area of interest, as a consequence, the total amount of them will not end in 100%. Chart nr.1: Summary of the breakdown of projects for 10 specific areas of interest (%) 4. Territorial dissemination of projects per Administrative Districts AMSHC 6 REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA AGENCY FOR THE SUPPORT OF CIVIL SOCIETY 5. The Agency for the Support of Civil Society in its third call for proposal addressed to CSO’s expressed the interest via Project Ideas to assess the primary objective amongst others also the territorial dissemination to encompass as a broader scope in the national level as possible. The Chart no.2 highlights that wining proposals of this call have a territorial coverage in all the 12 Administrative Districts of Albania. Total number of wining CSOs of the final phase for the best project proposal was 69, with a total of 1671 times mentioned in total (see table no.1). District of Tirana, is touched 32 times from several winning proposals, therefore is considered the district with the widest coverage with projects compared to other districts of Albania Table no.1 presents a specific line called “coverage in the National Level” in which some of the wining projects at the National Level are grouped and some others that didn’t specify districts of coverage. Table no.1: Territorial dissemination of the projects’ coverage Administrative Districts Nr. 1 Tiranë 32 2 Durrës 16 3 Shkodër 14 4 Elbasan 13 Korcë 18 5 6 Vlorë 13 7 Berat 8 8 Fier 11 9 Kukës 8 10 Lezhë 8 11 Gjirokastër 7 12 Dibër 2 13 Coverage at National Level 17 Total 167 1 - Total number of winning projects 69 does not match with the number of towns/affected from the wining Projects of CSO’s (69).