ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Contents 71 21 91 74 67 76 53 33 24 95 83 86 88 40 60 73 32 29 82 20 90 30
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ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Contents DONATIONS IN 2015 20 introduction 4 A. DONOR REPORT 2015 21 B. ALLOCATION OF DONATIONS 24 MISSION 7 ITF ADMINISTRATION AND PROJECT COSTS 29 STRATEGIC PILLARS 7 GUIDING PRINCIPLES 8 ITF OPERATIONAL ITF MANAGEMENT AND OVERVIEW ORGANIZATION 9 BY REGIONS/COUNTRIES 30 ORGANIZATION OF ITF 10 SOUTH EAST EUROPE 32 ITF MANAGING BOARD 12 4.1. ALBANIA 33 ITF BOARD OF ADVISORS 13 4.2 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 40 RELATIONSHIPS WITH STAKEHOLDERS 14 4.3 CROATIA 53 A. BENEFICIARY COUNTRIES 15 4.4 SERBIA 60 B. DONOR COMMUNITY 15 4.5 KOSOVO* 67 C. PARTNERS AND IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES 16 4.6 REGIONAL ACTIVITIES 71 D. HUMAN SECURITY ENVIRONMENT 16 EASTERN EUROPE 73 E. ITF EMPLOYEES 17 4.7 BELARUS 74 4.8 UKRAINE 76 SOUTH CAUCASUS 82 MANAGEMENT 4.9 ARMENIA 83 4.10 GEORGIA 86 OF ITF FUNDS 18 4.11 REGIONAL ACTIVITIES 88 CENTRAL ASIA 90 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 4.12 AFGHANISTAN 91 AND INTERNAL CONTROL 19 4.13 KYRGYZ REPUBLIC 95 EXTERNAL AUDIT 20 Contents MIDDLE EAST 97 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR 4.14 LEBANON 98 THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2015 141 4.15 GAZA STRIP 104 GENERAL INFORMATION 143 4.16 SYRIA (LEBANON) 108 SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES AFRICA 111 AND PRACTICES 145 4.17 LIBYA 112 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 148 4.18 WEST AFRICA 115 FINDINGS TO THE DIRECTOR 166 other ITF activities 117 PUBLICATIONS 118 ITF WEBSITE 118 OTHER 120 STATUTORY ANNUAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2015 136 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT 137 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 139 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2015 140 1introduction 5 ANNUAL report 2015 ITF Enhancing Human Security (ITF) is a humanitarian, non- safety of individuals and communities. profit organization established by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in March 1998 with the initial purpose The 2015–2020 ITF strategy has been introduced in 2015 to help Bosnia and Herzegovina in the implementation of to recognize and implement the unique advantages, the peace agreement and to provide assistance and support capabilities and experience of ITF across the spectrum in post-conflict rehabilitation. Since its inception, ITF has of post-conflict recovery (including but not limited to been continuously developing and enhancing its mission, humanitarian mine action and conventional weapons thus expanding the scope of its activities and geographic destruction (CWD)) such as: transparent and cost- area of their implementation in order to address the efficient management and accounting, professionalism problems of ever changing human security environment, and integrity, coordination and collaboration of different the needs of beneficiary countries and the priorities of stakeholders with focus on capacity building, strengthening donor community. of national ownership and regional cooperation, exchange of knowledge and best-practices, and quality procurement Since 2012 when ITF officially changed its name into ITF system. Donors’ demand for better development outcomes Enhancing Human Security to address a broader range of humanitarian mine action and the constant changing of global post-conflict and disruptive challenges which security environment inspire ITF to use and apply mine threaten the security of individuals and communities, action methods, approaches and lessons learned to a ITF also defined a new purpose that is humanitarian and broader set of activities, integrating mine action into a generally useful. The Government of the Republic of broader development and human security framework. Slovenia wishes to contribute through ITF to the programs that address post-conflict threats and aim to ensure the Humanitarian mine action and other forms of post- INTRODUCTION • ITF MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION • MANAGEMENT OF ITF FUNDS ITF OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW BY REGIONS/COUNTRIES • OTHER ITF ACTIVITIES • STATUTORY ANNUAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2015 6 ANNUAL report 2015 conflict assistance are proven contributors to human The human security approach creates a framework that security and development. However, there is opportunity for mirrors the complexity of humanitarian and development translating the close relationship between such assistance interventions, and the cross-cutting linkages and challenges and reconstruction, as well as development efforts into encountered on the way to reaching the goal of mine/ERW more concrete inter-linked approaches and programmes, impact free or CWD-completed country. It is a reminder of broadening the areas of intervention. There is room for more the impact of the war legacy on people and enables ITF to and better all-encompassing coordination and collaboration focus on efforts to not only save lives and limbs, but to build between not only humanitarian mine action and CWD resilience and empower conflict affected communities. By stakeholders, but also with other relevant developmental applying a people-centered perspective as the central pillar governmental and civil society actors. This approach of human security it becomes self-evident that humanitarian increases efficiency, effectiveness and most importantly mine action and CWD is not just about clearance of ERW, leaves a positive impact on conflict affected communities risk awareness, or about stockpile destruction. Rather, the and thus enhances safety, socio-economic development and impact of mines/ERW and deteriorating and illicit munitions community empowerment, further ensuring that their right touches upon all faces of human security ¬– health, to a peaceful and dignified life is met. The human security personal security, livelihood, peace and the environment. approach is about changing the traditional, more technical, Thus, ITF will extend its scope of work beyond clearance funnel-like mode of assistance thinking. It is about further and CWD, and will address the development phase of mainstreaming of mine action and CWD issues into broader communities that have emerged from war. humanitarian, development and human rights issues, thus linking the holistic approach in mine action and CWD more effectively with development initiatives. INTRODUCTION • ITF MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION • MANAGEMENT OF ITF FUNDS ITF OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW BY REGIONS/COUNTRIES • OTHER ITF ACTIVITIES • STATUTORY ANNUAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2015 7 ANNUAL report 2015 Mission Strategic Pillars “Promoting enhanced human security in countries Humanitarian mine action and CWD are about human affected by landmines/Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) security and restoring to human dignity. These two and other impacts from conflict.” disciplines should not be limited to immediate relief, but should also address reconstruction and development. The mission of ITF is to enhance safety as well as to They both pave the way to peace and stability, make enable the recovery and development of conflict affected conflict affected communities safer, and set the stage for countries by addressing the immediate and long-term post-conflict recovery and development. However, long- impact of mine/ERW and other hazards following armed term impacts of mines/ERW and other explosive hazards violence. A human security approach is applied to all of on people and communities remain even after they are ITF’s interventions as it provides a dynamic and practical removed. Therefore, ITF identifies two main pillars of its policy framework for addressing widespread and cross- work, which will better support the efforts in building cutting threats. This human security approach supports the community resilience, addressing immediate and long- linkages between humanitarian mine action and surplus term impact of mine/ERW, arms and ammunition in conflict arms reduction, as well as the nexus between security and affected communities. development. It also upholds the development of essential preconditions, capabilities and capacities that pave the way The following Strategic Pillars support a vision of future to comprehensive development, and facilitate full national development of mine/ERW and conflict impacted ownership and accountability in conflict affected countries. communities and countries: INTRODUCTION • ITF MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION • MANAGEMENT OF ITF FUNDS ITF OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW BY REGIONS/COUNTRIES • OTHER ITF ACTIVITIES • STATUTORY ANNUAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2015 8 ANNUAL report 2015 STRATEGIC PILLAR I 4. HUMANITARIAN FOCUS. Post-conflict challenges Reducing threats from mines, explosive remnants of war are foremost a humanitarian concern and should and other at-risk weapons and ammunition. be addressed from the humanitarian perspective. The humanitarian focus on mine action and CWD STRATEGIC PILLAR II promoted and implemented by ITF is intended to Facilitating safe, long-term development and building save lives, prevent physical injuries, alleviate suffering, resilience of conflict-affected communities. provide support to people in need, and thus enable the most vulnerable to preserve human dignity. In this view, the selection of the national programmes and local communities-oriented projects should reflect Guiding the fundamental humanitarian principles of neutrality, principles impartiality and humanity. 5. TRANSPARENCY. ITF is dedicated to full transparency 1. REGIONAL APPROACH. Encouraging regional of its work in South East Europe and other countries cooperation is an important confidence building around the world. Such transparency as well as full measure, particularly in neighboring and nearby accountability builds confidence that donor funds are countries. A key element of