
abstraction 8, 92, 200, 243, 266, 267, affective dynamics 280–82, 385, 462 addressing complexity 190–93 achievement motivation 87, 92, 94, definition and distinction with 95–6, 100 cognitive dynamics 184–6 failure and success motivations 98–9 enduring versus episodic nature measuring 96–7 193–7 necessity versus opportunistic research implications of time and entrepreneurs 97–8 planes of influence 209–14 action methodological implications of time cognitive structure 414–18 and planes of influence 214–17 implications of exchange creation and opportunity identification 435–7 research 205–9 recursive relationship with cognition and planes of influence 197–205 347–9 affective events theory 157, 166–7, 286 action research 120–21, 436 affective valuation 254, 255, 258, 267, action-oriented cognition 10–11, 12, 269, 270, 272–5, 276, 284, 287, 402, 413, 436–7, 444 290–91, 298, 299, 300 adaptability 337, 344 definition 262 adaptation 274, 291, 293, 347, 386 role in judgment 302–3 and metacognition 42 affordable loss 450, 463, 466–7 applying neuroscience to 337–9 African cultures 231 neural representation 294–6 agency theory 28 and opportunity belief formation agent-based modelling 423–4, 443–4 336–7, 351, 352–3 agreeableness 334–5 role of dopamine 296–8 aggression 63–4, 286 affect alertness 13, 14, 17, 19, 25, 29, 31, 34, definition 155–6 141, 162, 337, 338–9, 343 ephemeral nature 172–3 altruism 81, 450, 461, 467 intersection with cognition 38, ambiguity 28, 137, 142, 332, 339 155–6, 231–2 amygdala (AMG) 260, 262, 263, 265, and intuition 140, 142 267, 273–5, 284, 286–90, 292–3, key role in entrepreneurial process 295, 318, 335, 346 156 analogies 30, 46, 388–9, 390, 391, 393, methods to study 172–6 394, 460 promising areas for research 161, anger 63–4, 66, 158–9, 160, 163, 164, 165–8 166, 173, 174, 207 regulation and its impact 168–72 Anglo-Saxon countries, cultural summary of studies 157–65 environment 229, 238 transfer to employees 38–9 anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) 260, affect 236 263, 295, 324, 338–9 affect infusion (AIM) model 157 Apple 364–5 affect-as-information theory 40, 157, appraisal tendency framework 158–9, 159–60, 161 160, 164


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approach-oriented thinking 344–6 importance to cognition research arousal 103, 169–70, 262–3, 288, 291, 114–15 296 linking to motivation, intentions and Arrow’s impossibility theorem 451, 455 goals 90–91 artifacts theory 458–62, 464, 466 measurement 124–5 artificial intelligence 186, 386, 458 observed behavior 123–4 as-if models 122, 448, 460–61, 463–4, psychometric measurement 125–7 466, 467 segmentation 116 Asian cultures 231 select behaviors 126 aspirations, and motivations 92, 95, behavioral complexity 4–5, 48, 61–2, 105–6 64–5, 88, 318–19, 412–16 asset specificity 416 behavioral economics 407–8 assimilative learning 32, 336, 337, 338, behavioral research, complexity of 121 340 behaviorally relevant perceptions 254, associative processing 269–71, 272, 262, 269–72, 275, 284, 289, 294 273, 277, 279–81, 284 behaviorist approach 4–5, 7, 17, 18, 61, attention 16, 40, 155–6, 158, 162, 267 62–3, 65 deployment 169 biases 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 41, 43, 44, focusing 336, 347–8 45, 69–70, 123, 141, 142, 250, 257, heightening 288 264, 344, 376, 378 relationship to action 338–9 biological analysis 326 selective 5 bird-in-hand heuristic 463, 464–6 sensitivity to episodic stimuli 194 blood-oxygenation-level-dependent shifting 74, 194, 294, 320 (BOLD) contrast 321–2 attributions 64, 342–3 bodily movements 147, 233, 371, audience design 392 388–9, 394–5 auto-associative recall 279–80 books, as learning resources 365, 372, autobiographical memory 267 373, 374 automaticity 143, 145 Bose–Einstein distributions 454 autonomic control 274, 295 bottom–up information processing autonomic nervous (ANS) 346, 347–8 measures 286, 288, 319–20 bounded rationality 23, 202, 416, 417, autonomy 418, 458, 461 definition 136 brain imaging technologies 215, 261, as non-conscious process 142–4 265, 299, 319–23, 324, 338, 439 availability heuristic 20 brain neuroscience avoidance-oriented thinking 345–6 general brain anatomy 318 regions of the brain 323–4 basic level behaviors 116, 118, 119, social cognition and the brain 319 125–6 bricolage 31, 127 basolateral amygdala (BLA) 263, 274, broaden-and-build theory 157 287, 289, 292, 293–4, 295, 296 business plan approach 23–4, 120, 139 behavior broad domain of 121–3 capabilities 20, 23, 213, 301, 393, building new ‘school of thought’ 407–8 128 belief in 22, 240–41 connecting emotional value 293–8 dynamic 36, 234, 337–9 definition 121–2 firm-level 35, 46, 234 economics of research 119–21 cardiovascular/heart-rate readings 174 impediments to research 115–21 career choice intentions 25

J. Robert Mitchell, Ronald K. Mitchell and Brandon Randolph-Seng - 9781781006597 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/02/2021 01:59:41AM via free access Index ­499 caste, idealized cognitive model 457 cognitive maps 107, 190, 440 causal heuristics 376, 462 cognitive reappraisal 168–72 causal logic 23, 127, 203, 340–41 cognitive representations 18, 144, 147, causal maps 25 193, 296, 347–8, 349, 385 CEOs, impact on venture performance cognitive resources 43, 74, 169, 182, 81–2 187, 190, 194, 195, 197, 200–201, change responsiveness, and 207–8, 215–16, 379 metacognition 76 cognitive revolution 6–7, 64–6, 383 circumstances implications 186–7 affective and cognitive consequences cognitive style 36, 39, 187, 190, 401–2, 191–5, 198, 200, 206, 208–10, 406 212, 216–17 collaborative communication 386 variations in formal properties collectivistic culture 248, 250 204–5, 212 ‘Commander Data’ model 143 climate, as explanatory variable 455–6 commitment 8, 72, 105–6, 137, 163, co-creation of value 41 176, 325, 389, 393 codified knowledge 139, 364, 367, 371, competency 20, 30, 44, 122, 141, 171, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376 369–70, 407, 453–4 cognition development 234–5, 371–2 building blocks 264, 267, 291, competition 12, 30, 35, 81, 96–7, 212, 299–300 326, 369, 416–18 definitions 62, 262 mental representations 190, 197–8 recognition of central role in competitive advantage 116–17, 118, entrepreneurship 66–7 120, 408 as umbrella concept 438–9 competitive altruism 81 cognition–action–cognition complex problems, characterization applying neuroscience to 348–9 200–201 and opportunity belief formation complex , properties 418–19 347–8 complexity cognitive complexity 16, 88, 121, 143, affective and cognitive dynamics 209–10, 214–17 190–93 cognitive dynamics and dynamic environments 412–18 addressing complexity 190–93 and use of heuristics 26 definition and distinction with complexity theory 347 affective dynamics 184–6 comprehension 190, 258, 272–3, 280, enduring versus episodic nature 298, 299, 301–2, 349 193–7 computational models 185, 280, 386, implications for entrepreneurship 389 research 186–90 computer simulations 414, 419, 422–4 methodological implications of time advantages/disadvantages 441–3 and planes of influence 214–17 selection issues 443–4 and opportunity identification conceptual models 27, 32, 45, 120–21, research 205–9 195, 238 and planes of influence 197–205 conceptual pacts 391–5 research implications of time and conceptualizations, juncture between planes of influence 209–14 perceptions and 272, 280–82 cognitive difference 349–52 conditioned stimulus (CS) 286, 288 cognitive dissonance 63, 92, 98, 99, congenital learning 366–7 101, 102, 182 connectivity 201, 270–71 cognitive error 26, 27, 28, 68–9, 76 conscientiousness 334–6

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conscious processes 3, 6–7, 384 importance of study 247 entrepreneurial intentions 137–9 latent-means statistics for US sample entrepreneurial intuition 139–42 245 intersection with non-conscious measures 240–41 processes 134–7 model-fit statistics for latent-means self-regulation as explanatory analysis 244 mechanism 142–4 multi-group analyses of passion consciousness, definition 136 domains 243 ‘consilience’ 91 results 242–7 constitutive models 455–8, 464, 466, sample characteristics 240 467, 468–9 theoretical contribution of study construct validity 174–5 247–8 construction of meaning 229–30, theory and hypothesis development 384 230–38 constructive models 450, 458–62 cultures effectuation as example 462–9 cognitive properties 189 constructivist approach 4, 5, 6 susceptibilities to change 196, 211 contemporary views on cognition 384–7 data collection context-control simulations 422 opportunity discovery 120 contextual processing 276–7 techniques 214–15 convergent learning 32, 297, 340 decision environments coping behaviors 164, 236, 257 and biases 30, 44, 250, 423–4, cortisol tests 174 461 counterfactual thinking 28, 31, 45 and confidence 19, 344 coups, distinguishing from miscues conscious/non-conscious 138–40 276–9 effects of risk and uncertainty 15, crazy-quilt heuristic 463, 467 26, 345, 464 creative problem solving 163, 236 experimentation 114 creative self-efficacy 206–8, 216 information search/processing 19, creativity 32, 37, 38, 48, 77, 156, 26, 28 159–60, 162, 202, 257 and intuition 140–42 cues 8, 9, 35, 142, 156, 276–9, 280–85, market conditions 13 296, 303, 385, 389–90 new venture growth as 402 cultural dimension taxonomy 232–3 as non-comprehensive/non-rational cultural norms 140, 194, 205, 232, 16, 18 249–50, 368–9 role of emotion 38, 157–8, 160–61, culturally situated model of passion 162, 166–7, 170, 187 and self-efficacy social nature 13, 323 AMOS results for structural value-based 264, 291 equation models 246 default mode network (DMN) 254, analysis 241–2 262, 263, 264, 267, 281–2, 291, conceptual model 238 295, 297, 298–9, 300, 302 correlations among variables 246 delayed gratification 32, 72, 77, 291, culture, emotions and cognitions 296, 304 227–30 demand characteristics 121, 123, 124, data 238–40 125 discussion 247–50 dentate gyrus (DG) 263, 268, 272, 273, implications for future research 276, 277–9, 283, 284, 342 248–9 design logic 203, 324, 466

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empathy 326 ‘unique person’ conception 17, 88, employees 118, 255, 300 attracting and keeping 101, 120, 161, environmental complexity 5, 198, 165 414–20, 444 emotional contagion 38–9, 233 environmental dynamics 141–2, 154, entrepreneurial behaviors 88 159–60, 162, 166–7, 285, 330–31, interaction with 389–93 413–18, 428, 434–5, 438, 440–41 managing 242–3 environmental entrepreneurship 408 endogenous brain activity 264–7, 270, envisioning 269–72, 276, 279–83, 272, 274, 288 298–9, 301, 347–9, 407 endogenous influences 183, 206 episodic approach to affect 166–7 endogenous processing 305, 346 episodic forces 182–4, 191–3 enduring forces 182–4, 191–3 examples 196 examples 196 exploring affective and cognitive exploring affective and cognitive dynamics across 193–7 dynamics across 193–7 implications for research on affect implications for research on affect and cognition 209–14 and cognition 209–14 interplay of short-term and long- interplay of short-term and long- term dynamics 197 term dynamics 197 methodological implications 214–17 methodological implications 214–17 opportunity identification research opportunity identification research 205–8 205–8 episodic future thought 267, 283, entorhinal cortex (ERC) 263, 267, 268, 300–301 273, 274–6, 277, 278, 283–5, 289, episodic memory 255, 259, 267, 272, 295, 296, 301 269–70, 275–6, 349 entrepreneur-specific behaviors, auto-association 279–80 taxonomy of 116–19 definition 269 potential taxonomic hierarchy 118 and self-reflection 280–82 entrepreneurial cognition temporal differences 276–9 formal definition 29 episodic memory processing 258, 261–2 traditional and contemporary views affectively weighted information 384–7 passed through 272–5 entrepreneurial cognition research detection of novelty 282–5 early work 12–16 percepts inform concepts 280–82 1990–present 18–43 pieces coming together 279–80 roots of 11–17 separating coups from miscues entrepreneurial functions 13, 14, 127, 276–9 368–9 spatial processing 275–6 entrepreneurial types, changes over equifinality 443–4 time 13, 466–7 equity negotiations 326 entrepreneurs ergodic process 453–4 cognitive difference 349–52 error processing 338–9 definitions of 86, 262 error-related negativity (ERN) 338 knowledge gained from 67–9 escalation of commitment 21 rationale for studying 87 essentialist models 450–58 redefining definition of 257, ethics 80, 165–6, 408 299–300 ethnographic approaches 214–15 as same or different 255–6 even-if models 37, 448, 461–2, 463–4, subliminally activated 7–8 467–8

J. Robert Mitchell, Ronald K. Mitchell and Brandon Randolph-Seng - 9781781006597 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/02/2021 01:59:41AM via free access Index ­503 event outcomes 328–9, 346, 353 values for downtime variables event psychology 116 427 event-related brain potential (ERP) exogenous influences 21, 27, 45, 183, 320, 338 206, 391, 464, 467 evidence-based model building 462, exogenous processing 305, 346 464 experience 14, 187 evolutionary theory 2, 3, 194, 380, 407, in belief formation 332, 339–40 459 and efficiency 14, 20 exchange creation episodic memory as 269–70 advantages/disadvantages of as inadequate surrogate for expertise computer simulations 442–3 23 assumptions-based limitations 441–2 intuition as 140 complete exit rate assumptions and modulating cognition 265–6, 271–2 logic 426 nexus with semantic comprehension implications for distributed 272–85 cognition 439–40 relationship with failure 41 implications for entrepreneurial and stress response 290 action 435–7 and use of biases 41 implications for cognition 437–9 experience sampling methodology implications for socially situated (ESM) 175, 215 cognition 440–41 experiential learning 23–4, 255–7, 271, inner environment data 428–30 388 interpretation of results limitations expert entrepreneurs, distinguishing 442–3 from novices 23, 25, 34–5, 40, 44, means, ratios and ANOVA 199–201, 203, 339–42 differences 434 expert information processing theory outer environment assumptions (EIPT) 23, 256 424–8 expertise parsimonious cognitive structure for chess analogy 341–2 entrepreneurial action 414–18 common process for creating 33, 45 percentage of exchanges completed and intuition 44 over time 431 as necessary component for success probability of successful exchange 21 under different levels of applying neuroscience to 341–3 uncertainty and time allowed and metacognition 43 for exchange 433 nature of 198–200 properties of representative model neural representation 294 418–19 and opportunity belief formation results of analysis of covariance for 339–41, 351–2, 353 opportunity creation 429 refining 293 screenshot of agent-based model 424 expressive suppression 168–72 simulation results 430, 431 external (outer environment) simulation selection 422–4 interactions 51, 412–14, simulation selection issues 443–4 418–19 simulations 419–22 assumptions 424–8 socially situated cognitive model 421 discussion 435–44 statistical examination of results modelling 423–4 432–5 results 432–5 theoretically representative cases external validity 173, 442 430–31 extraversion 334–5

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extrinsic motivations 100–101 founder identity 233–4, 235–6, 241–7, eye-to-brain pathway 258 248–9 framing 40, 48, 345 face recognition 271, 318, 341 frequency distributions 452–4 facial electromyography (facial EMG) Freud, Sigmund 3 320 frontal lobe 289, 293, 318 facial expressions 173, 233, 250, 283, functional Magnetic Resonance 285–6 Imaging (fMRI) 173–4, 259, 320, failure 321–2, 342 fear of 99 fusiform face area (FFA) 341–2 influences on 339, 403, 407, 452–3 future-oriented perspective 28, 45 learning from 27, 164, 203, 339 need to avoid 91–2, 98 gaze 9, 146, 279, 387 relationship with experience 41 general knowledge 139, 373 failure motivations 98–9 genetics 73, 208, 211. 334 family businesses 212, 434, 462 and trait-based theories 457–8 organizational identity 213–14 germ theory of disease 456, 457 family circumstances 96, 98, 101, 167, Germany, cultural environment 229 204, 209 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 404 family influences 370–71 glucocorticoids 262, 288–9 family norms 89–90, 391 glucose metabolism 335–6 fear 99, 158–9, 160, 163, 164, 166, 174, goal commitment 72, 105, 163 194, 207, 438 goal-directed behavior 8, 87, 90, 93–4, fear-conditioning studies 286, 288, 103, 104–5, 262, 291, 295 290 goal-directed tasks 236 feasibility perceptions 2, 22, 37, 137–9 goals feedback 8, 21, 43, 65–6, 104, 157, 173, changes over time 95, 101–2 193, 330, 347, 348, 390 final goals 93, 99, 100 reciprocal impact 104 formation 259, 266 ‘feeling as information’ hypothesis hierarchy of 90, 92 235–6 and intentions 104–5 field study simulations 422, 443 intermediate and end-state 100, 103 financial goals 94–5 linking to motivation, intentions and firm-level behaviors 90–91 behaviors 88–9, 188 low-level 103 capabilities 35, 36, 46, 234–5 and motivations 91–3 cognition 46, 188, 189 non-conscious pursuit 8–10 innovation 159–60 non-financial 214 performance 82 pursuit of 72, 95, 104–5, 228, 236 routines 205 opportunities to advance 327–30 resources 193 and persistence 101–2, 162 Fisher, Ronald 453–4 reciprocal impact of feedback 104 force-field analysis 87 and self-control 73–5 formal education programs 372, 373–4 and self-efficacy 89 effectiveness of 378 setting 74–5, 86, 87, 88–9, 95 formal models 450–55, 466 strength of 103–4 distinctions with informal models and theory of planned behavior 102 450–51, 466, 468–9 and theory of trying 102–3 formative indicators 124–5 tradeoffs in pursuit of 373 forward inference 324 grief 164, 170, 257

J. Robert Mitchell, Ronald K. Mitchell and Brandon Randolph-Seng - 9781781006597 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/02/2021 01:59:41AM via free access Index ­505 group interactions, and passion 250 constructivism to behaviorism 4–5 group polarization 161 early years of mental process groups research 2–4 cognitive properties 189–90 ‘New Look’ into mental process entrepreneurial passion 250 research 5–6 shared representations 198, 211, return to ‘New Look’ on mental 213–14 processes 9–10 shared reality 386 social cognition as mental process susceptibilities to change 196 7–9 task motivation 429 socially situated cognition approach growth cognitions 402–3 10–11 and economics 407–8 ‘Homebrew Computer Club’ 365 methodological approach 404–5 homogeneous agents 418–19 and psychology 406–7 hope 70, 160, 163 research outline 403–5 hormone levels, manipulating 319 research questions 405–9 hostility 7–8 and sociology 408 human resources 120, 162, 369, growth-stage ventures 127 371–2 guilt 166–7 humours theory of disease 456, 457 and prosocial behavior 79–80 ‘hybrid’ entrepreneurs 468 ‘hyperscanning’ 323 habits 3, 6, 9–10, 74, 119, 122, 140, hypnosis 2–3 271–2, 303–4 hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis formation 291–4, 297 (HPA) 263, 288, 292–3 hand gestures 393–4, 395 happiness 160–61, 163, 194, 257 idealized cognitive models (ICMs) harmful actions, reparation for 79–80 456–7 hedges 392 identity-centrality (IC) 240, 241–2, 245, heterogeneous agents 418–19 248–9 heuristics 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 35, ill-structured problems (ISPs) 198–200, 44, 46, 141, 142, 187, 257, 376, 205 460–69 illusion of control 30, 141 as ‘natural intuitions’ 460–61 imagination 12, 17, 182, 184, 191, non-predictive 462–4 201–2, 205–6, 210, 387 as useful strategies for action 461 implicit association test 145 high-growth ventures 50, 105–6, 161, implicit measures 145–7, 215 398–400, 403–8 improvisation 39, 46, 141, 164, 237, high-technology entrepreneurs 15, 391 127 impulsiveness 77, 170, 336, 345–6 higher-order processes 5–6, 42, 75, incentive motivation 28, 91–2, 101, 134–5, 143, 297, 301 335, 452 hippocampal fields (CA – Cornu incentive value 99 Ammonis) 263, 268, 272, 273, 274, independent self-concept 231, 234–5 277, 279, 282–5, 287 indirect knowledge acquisition 370–71, hippocampal formation (HF) 263, 375 268 individual-level of analysis 187–93, hippocampus (HIP) 263, 265, 267, 292, 198 293–4, 296, 301, 349 individualism 232–3, 239, 250 historical context inductive reasoning 46, 136, 168, 324, cognition as mental process 6–7 385, 388–90, 391, 393, 394, 440

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industrial sectors conscious and non-conscious cognitive properties 189 elements 137–9, 142–4 susceptibilities to change 196 contrast with outcomes 25 industry knowledge 14 changes over time 101–2 inference 34, 114, 141, 198, 239–40, definition 136 319, 323–4, 328–30, 342–3, 385, effects of regulatory focus 210, 213 388, 390, 395, 457 and improvisation 39 inferior temporal cortex (ITC) 259, linking to motivation, goals and 260, 263, 268–74, 277, 280, 281, behaviors 90–91 287, 292–3 and motivations 93–4, 106 informal models 455–62 as necessary condition 16 distinctions with formal models and perceptions 27, 44, 45 450–51 phases of 104–5 information asymmetries 407–8 role of learning 37, 45 information environments internal (inner) environment affective and cognitive consequences interactions 51, 412–19 184, 198, 200, 205, 206, 208, data 428–30 210, 211, 216, 217 discussion 435–44 variations in formal properties results 432–5 204 as static system 414–18 information-processing 6–7, 17, 19, 20, simulation results 432–5 44, 185, 256, 389 internal validity 173, 442–3 capacity 26 interpersonal competitiveness 96–7 loops 440 intrinsic motivations 100–101 negative information 21 intuition 33, 44, 48, 62, 138–9 and opportunity recognition 35 in entrepreneurial research 140–42 top–down/bottom–up 346 in management 140 initiative 12 inventor identity 233–4, 235–6, 241–7, innovation 19, 26, 37, 159–60, 162, 164, 248–9 196, 202, 216 inverse function theorem 455 and passion/self-efficacy 232–3, 237, investors 98, 171–2, 339 240–41, 242–7, 248–9 equity negotiations 326 instinct 91, 140, 194 pitching to 118, 287, 303, 395 institutional perspective 16, 31, 188–9, isocortex 264–5 204–5, 232, 235, 368–70, 378, 380, 416, 464 job creation 281, 401 institutional theory 188, 408 job demands 75–6 instrumental learning 291, 293–4, 300 job satisfaction 158, 168 role of dopamine 296–9 Jobs, Steve 165, 364–5 instrumental motivation 93 joy 154, 160, 163, 164, 174, 207 intangible resources 41, 157 judgment 16, 17, 29, 38, 69, 122, 158–9, intelligence 73, 114–15, 187, 194, 196, 164, 167, 203, 285, 303–4, 336, 211 340, 345, 451, 459 intense positive feelings (IPF) 139, 163, under uncertainty 11, 12, 303, 461 204, 227–8, 240, 241–2, 248, 249 variation over time 195, 197 Knightian uncertainty 463, 464 intent to act 21, 44 knowledge intentional causality 324 acquisition 370–71 intentions from entrepreneurs 67–9 Bird’s model 138–9 importing from other fields 65, 71

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from research 69–70 in shaping entrepreneurial activity individual differences 368 378 structures 340 validity of knowledge 376, 377–8 knowledge transfer legitimacy 188, 189, 196, 211, 282, 408, implications for study of 440 entrepreneurial cognition 376–8 lemonade heuristic 463 and new learning resources 371–6 levels of analysis 182–4, 188 new ventures 366–70 examples 189–90 knowledge-based scripts 41 exploring affective and cognitive forces across 197–205 labor rights 242–3 implications for research on affect language and cognition 209–14 and communication about new methodological implications 214–17 ventures 389–93 lexical entrainment 394 interaction with cognition 387–9 lifestyle entrepreneurs 94, 96, 105–6, as mediating mechanism 390 406 new vistas for research 393–6 limbic system 194, 293–7, 318 semantic structure 387–8 locus of control 63, 232–3 in shaping cognition 387–9 long-term memory 195, 275 lateral entorhinal area (LEA) 263, 273, 275, 276, 277, 283, 284 ‘mammalian brain’ 194, 318 lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) 263, management 268 decision making 44 Latin American cultures 231 discretion 75–6 law of small numbers 28, 30 intuition 140 leadership 38, 86, 89, 101, 107, 116, new ventures 366–76 119, 120, 122 self-efficacy 240–47 Leadership Behavior Description market capitalism system 248–9 Questionnaire 124 market consumption 368–70 learning market entry 421, 424–8, 433–4, 438, by example 458 441–2 conceptual model 33, 45 market exit 421, 428, 432–3, 437, 441–2 design of devices 202–3 market share growth 227, 230, 237, from failure 27 240, 242–50 impairment 170 marketing 26, 40, 117, 120–21, 126, preferences 32 365, 371, 404 styles 190, 340 and self-efficacy 240–41 subjective nature of 37 masculinity 232 learning infrastructure mastery needs 95–7 characterization of relevant mathematical models 450–55 knowledge 376–7 medial entorhinal area (MEA) 263, of new learning resources 273, 275–6, 277, 283, 284 371–6 medial orbitofrontal cortex 335 examples of learning resources 372 medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) 260, implications for study of 263, 274, 291–2, 293–7, 298, 319, entrepreneurial cognition 323–4, 335–6 376–8 medial temporal lobe (MTL–memory knowledge and learning in new system) 259, 261–3, 268, 269, ventures 366–70 272–4, 281–2, 287–8, 289 new knowledge acquisition 370–71 structures and functions 273

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memory storage/recall 31, 68, 163, 172, opportunistic entrepreneurs 267, 272–3, 276–81, 283, 296, 349 97–8 memory, fallibility of 68 need for achievement/achievement mental associations 68–9 motivation 95–6 mental models 29, 186, 197, 199–200, and novelty detection 282–5 385, 399, 403 and passion 236 mentalizing 319, 324, 334 physiology of 291–8 metacognition 42, 43, 72, 190, 337, rationale for research 87 340 research in psychological tradition and venture performance 76–7 91–2 metaphors 32, 46, 388, 389, 391, 393, role of dopamine 296–8 394, 449, 459 schools of theories 91 midbrain dopamine system (MDS) strength of 103–4 263, 292, 296, 297 and valuation of options 303–4 mimicry 38–9, 46, 173 work motivation and venture design mind, functions of 323–4 101 mindfulness 337 see also achievement motivation mindset explanation 42, 164, 331 motor actions 46, 267, 338, 388–9 applying neuroscience to 344–7 motor cognition 341–3 and opportunity belief formation motor control 295, 338 343–4, 351–3 multifinality 443 mixed emotions 160–61, 164 multiple cognitive forces moment-to-moment interactions effects on opportunity identification 10–11, 412–14, 420, 435 206–7 moods 49, 65, 73, 154–5, 157–8, 167, implications for research on effect 172–3, 195–6, 207 and cognition 210–11 distinction with emotions 156 multiple studies 173 moral emotions 80, 165–6, 408 mutual knowledge (common ground) motivated gazing 146 390–93, 394 motivation and aspirations 92 narrated dreams 449 changes over time 95, 101–2 nations cognitive dissonance, risk, success cognitive properties 189 and failure 98 susceptibilities to change 196, 211 complexity 98, 107 natural kind emotions 285–6 context 106 necessity entrepreneurs versus definitions 262–3, 291 opportunistic entrepreneurs 97–8 and the entrepreneur 94–5 need for achievement (NAch) 91, 93, failure and success motivations 95–6, 98, 106, 331 98–9 measuring multidimensional need final motivations 93, 99, 100 96–7 future research questions 105–7 needs 5, 8, 9, 10, 35, 75, 143–4, 194, and goals 92–3 351–2, 391, 416 and intentions 93–4 negative emotions 158–9, 162, 163 intrinsic and extrinsic motivations eliciting 173 100–101 and entrepreneurial action 40, 46 linkage to action 436–7 regulation 169–72 linking to intentions goals and /information 21, behaviors 90–91 65–6, 343 motivation in necessity versus negotiations 171, 326

J. Robert Mitchell, Ronald K. Mitchell and Brandon Randolph-Seng - 9781781006597 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/02/2021 01:59:41AM via free access Index ­509 neo-cortex 318, 349 novice entrepreneurs, distinguishing network theory 408 from experts 23, 25, 34–5, 40, 44, networks 40, 50, 71, 126, 162, 464–5 199–201, 203, 339–42 as learning resources 364, 365, 371–6 nucleus accumbens (vmS) 263, 264, neural foundations of cognition 295, 296–7, 335 and affective valuation 302–3 anatomical abbreviations 263 object recognition 271, 273 background 257–61 observational learning 63, 65 and emotion 285–98 observational studies 123–4 episodic memories processing occupational choice 25 272–85 Occupational Choice (OCM) model implications for theory and research 468 299–300 offline cognition 266–7, 281–2, 386 implications for opportunity offline communities, as learning identification/exploitation 302 resources 372, 374–5 implications for entrepreneurial online learning resources 365, 372, process 300–302 374–5 key principles of systems openness 334–5 neuroscience 264–8 opportunism 416, 417, 418 and motivation 291–2, 303–4 opportunistic entrepreneurs 106, 466, need for definitions 261–4 467 simplified flow of visual sensory fear of failure 99 data 260 versus necessity entrepreneurs 97–8 ventral visual stream 268–72, 285 ‘opportunities to try’ 327–30, 337, neuroanatomy 457–8 338–9 neuroticism 334–5 opportunity attractiveness 339 ‘New Look’, mental process research opportunity beliefs 5–7, 8, 9–10 adaptation approach 332, 336–9 non-conscious processes 5–7, 8–9 cognition–action–cognition definition 135–7 approach 347–9 demonstrations 2–3 dating analogy 327–8 entrepreneurial intentions 137–9 discussion 349–53 entrepreneurial intuition 139–42 as distinctly entrepreneurial task intersection with conscious processes 326–30 134–7 expertise approach 332–3, 339–43 laboratory procedures in examining implementation intentions 102, 144–7 104–5 self-regulation as explanatory mindset approach 332–3, 343–7 mechanism 142–4 top–down formation 347–8 signmaker’s assistant analogy 134–5 trait approach 331–6 and socially situated cognition 133–4 opportunity creation non-essentialist models 450–55, 458–62 actions for 120 non-predictive heuristics 462–4 analysis of covariance 429 non-rational choice/decision making conditions for 421 18, 19 and conscious processing 384 norepinephrine 262, 288–9 evaluation of underlying cognitions North America, cultures 228–9, 231 435–6 novelty 35, 132, 141, 209, 290, 298, 418 and iterative experimentation 120 detection 259, 272–3, 282–5 and passion 233–4, 235–6, 241–7, versus similarity 438 248–9

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and personality/charisma 120 and self-control 75 social environment 387 and structural alignment 42 theory for research 414 opportunity selection, and opportunity development improvisation 39, 46 and finance 117 optimism 15, 73, 76, 257, 461 and networks 126 optimistic bias, and philanthropy 78–9 and self-control 75 optimization problems, versus design as socially constructed process 37 problems 202–3, 205 opportunity discovery 30, 103, 205–6, options, valuation of 303–4 265, 305, 440–41, 464 orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) 260, 263, actions for 120–21 267, 292, 293–5, 296 and knowledge 339 organizational identity, family business opportunity envisioning 269–72, 276, 213–14 279–83, 298–9, 301, 347–9, 407 organizational learning 37, 366–70 opportunity evaluation organizational theory 458 first and third-person opportunities organizations 325–6 cognitive properties 188, 189 impact of emotions 160–61, 163–4, susceptibilities to change 196 207, 257 outcome memory 291 and knowledge 367–70 overconfidence bias 44, 45, 141, 142, role of experience and learning style 343–4 339–40 individual/organization drivers 213 opportunity execution, and overt behavior 62, 65, 265 improvisation 39, 46 opportunity exploitation 343, 346 PANAS scale 174–5 impact of emotions 257 Panel Survey of Entrepreneurship and knowledge 367–70 Dynamics (PSED) and semantic memory 302 103–4, 124–5 and stress response 290 paraventricular nuclei of the opportunity ideas, similarity hypothalamus (PVN) 263, 288 characteristics 208–9, 216 participant observation 123 opportunity identification 29, 343, participative simulations 422 346 passion a priori/post hoc opportunities cognitive and behavioral 327–30 consequences 39, 46 as complex phenomenon 192–3 cultural context 242–50 connecting the dots 34 definition 227–8 and heuristics 31 informational/motivational value and learning asymmetries 36 235–6 and pattern recognition 34–5 measurement 240 and planes of influence 191–3, 208–9 role-identity component 233–4 and prior experience 41 and self-efficacy 237–8 and prior knowledge 34 transfer to employees 38–9 and semantic memory 302 types of 234 temporal dynamics 191–3, 205–8 variation over time 195, 197 opportunity recognition 339, 440–41 and venture performance 235–6 information-processing framework see also culturally situated model 35 past behavior, as predictor of future and knowledge 365–6, 367 behavior 103 and motivation 106 path-dependence 423, 428

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‘patient’ capital 434 harmful effects 73, 76 pattern recognition 34–5, 44, 140, stakeholder effects 233 318 positive inequity, and philanthropy pattern separation skills 276–9 79 peer acceptance 101, 171 positron emission topography (PET) perceptions, juncture between 320, 321, 322, 342 conceptualizations and 272, power distance 232–3, 250 280–82 pre-organizational information- perceptual theory 3 processing 20, 280–82 performance, and affect 158 preconscious control 3, 6, 9–10, 143–4, performance-oriented culture 242–3 147 period table 457 prediction 451, 457, 461, 463, 464 periodicals, as learning resources 372, prediction error 262, 282–5, 291, 293, 373, 374 295, 296, 298, 300, 303, 343 perirhinal and parahippocampal prevention focus 206–7, 210, 213, 345 cortices (PRPH) 263, 268, 272–3, priming 7, 8–9, 142, 215 274–5, 283, 289 methods 144–5 perirhinal cortex (PRC) 263, 274, 277 prior knowledge 34, 36, 41, 209, 339, persistence 8, 24, 32, 72, 103, 163, 202, 341, 343 204, 236, 337 problem-solving 117, 127, 267, 324–5, personal goals 94, 194–5 415, 418 personal information 14 strategies and expertise 198–200 perspective taking 326, 348, 392, 393 problems, variation in formal persuasion 8–9, 38, 145, 156, 229–30, properties 200–203, 212 378, 395, 450 process disassociation approach 145 phenomenal awareness 140 product development 35, 234, 374, phenomenal reports 144 377 philanthropy promise cognitions 416–18 as means of reducing guilt 79–80 promotion focus 206–7, 210, 213 and optimistic bias 78–9 promotion mindset 344, 345 and positive inequity 79 proprietary functions 368–70 and reciprocity 80–81 prosocial behavior 67, 77–81 pilot-in-the-plane heuristic 463 prototype theory 459 pitching 118, 165, 171, 233, 303, 395 prototypes 32, 34, 42, 383, 431 planes of influence 182–4, 187–90, psychic distance 189 191–3 psychological capital 70 exploring affective and cognitive psychological experiments 2–3, 325–6 forces across 197–205 psychological tradition, motivation implications for research on affect research 91–2 and cognition 209–14 psychometric measurement 125–7 methodological implications 214–17 psychosocial cognitive model (PCM) opportunity identification research of employment status choice 20 208–9 planning cognitions 415–18 ‘quad model of implicit task political skills 71 performance’ 145–6 polytely 201 quantitative electro-encephalogram portfolio allocation problem 454 (qEEG) 320–21, 322 positive emotions 159–60, 162, 163, 172 rational decision making 3, 15, 18, 19, and entrepreneurial action 40, 46 28, 32, 138–9, 255, 257

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real-time data 123–4, 175, 254, 259, Sapir–Whorff hypothesis 387–8 269, 275, 282, 283–5, 291, 293, satisficing 458, 461 295, 297, 303, 330, 349 schemas 23, 24, 36, 141, 199–200, 342, reciprocity 65, 94, 104 347, 385, 390, 402–3 and philanthropy 80–81 scripts 25, 27, 37, 41, 43, 44, 45, 107, reflective indicators 124–5 114, 156, 188, 233, 250, 264, regulatory focus 206–7, 210, 213, 344, 316–17, 337, 340, 342, 399, 402–3 345, 436–7 search 19, 23, 26, 34, 162, 199, 236 rejection 171 searching to learn 366 relational uncertainty 412–13, 415, selective inference 323–4, 325 420–30, 431, 432–5, 436, 438–9, selective processing 289–90 442 self-affirmation 171 repeated-measures experiments self-consistency 236 215–16 self-control 72, 335–6 representative heuristic 19, 20, 141 as depletable resource 74 research design 215–17 and venture performance 73–5 research models self-efficacy 187 constitutive models 455–8 cultural context 242–50 constructive models 458–62 definition 228 effectuation as example of factors 26 constructive models 462–9 and goal-setting 103–4 formal models 450–55 impact of culture 89–90, 242–50 informal models 455–62 influence on intentions and actions requirements for good model 22, 44 building 449–50 and information search 26 researchers, reward systems 119–21 and mastery 96–7 resource endowments 368–72, 379–80 measurement 240–41 resource uncertainty 412–13, 415, 418, and passion 237–8 421, 423–4, 429–30, 431, 432–5, and person-entrepreneur fit 31 436, 438–9, 442 and persistence 24 resource-based theory 29, 45 and risk-taking 343–4 response biases 123, 125 strengthening 229–30 response modulation 168–72 and venture performance 236–7 reverse inference 324 see also culturally situated model reward-seeking behaviors 262–3, 291, self-identity 195, 197, 229, 231, 234–5 296 self-referential thought 267 risk 12, 22, 27, 92, 164, 171, 343, 345, self-reflective thought 281–2, 298–9 378, 460, 463 self-regulation 39, 61, 67, 82, 162, 166, avoidance 98–9, 105, 159 169, 176, 337 low-level 15 as explanatory mechanism between mitigation 454 conscious/non-conscious as motivator 98 processes 135, 142–4, 146–7 notions of 141 role in entrepreneurship 72–7, 82 perceptions 15, 28, 32, 45, 159, self-reported behavior 67–9, 121, 123, 160–61, 163–4 124, 249, 334 processing 45 self-serving bias 344 taxonomy 466 semantic comprehension 272–3, role identity 39, 229, 233–4, 236 280–82, 298–9, 301–2 role modelling 113, 122, 370 semantic memory 275–6, 301 rule-based logic 324, 337, 340–41 geometry of 302

J. Robert Mitchell, Ronald K. Mitchell and Brandon Randolph-Seng - 9781781006597 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/02/2021 01:59:41AM via free access Index ­513 semantic processing 262, 267, 289, 304 social desirability bias 123, 125 sensation 268, 270–71 social dimensions sensegiving 384, 387, 393–5 design problems 203 sensemaking 43, 185, 349, 384, 385–6, venture creation 389–93 387, 388, 391, 393–5 social entrepreneurship 94–5, 100–101, serial entrepreneurs 100–101, 103, 106, 408 164, 166, 370 social identities 205, 209 modelling 452–4 social media communities, as learning Shapero entrepreneurial event (SEE) resource 372, 374–5 model 22, 138 social networks 71, 126, 162, 364, shared cognition 190, 194 374–5, 408, 464–5 shared representations 106, 198, 211, social norms 122, 137–8, 140, 194, 196, 213–14 205, 211, 228, 232, 235, 247–50, short-term memory 194 368–9, 408 sight-to-feeling pathway 256, 259 impact on self-efficacy 89–90 signalling 40, 191–2, 194, 209, 214, 216, social relations, emotions in regulation 265, 271, 273, 276–9, 283–4, 286, of 230–33, 370 287, 296–300, 302, 303, 318, social skills 31, 44, 71, 165, 171 320–22, 336, 349 social structures, as learning resources simulations 422 364, 366, 371–6 single level of analysis 187–93, 198 socially situated cognition 10–11, 43, situated perspective, emotions and 45–7, 122–3, 377, 383–4, 385–6, cognitions 230–32 387–8, 393–4 situational complexity 201 broad approaches to applying to situational theories 119 entrepreneurship 47 situational variables 113, 122–3 implications of exchange creation Slovenia 440–41 cultural impact on passion 231, 235, ‘integrative’ perspective 386–7 242–50 and non-conscious processes 133–4 cultural data 238–40 socialist 248–9 social capital 31, 89, 119, 122, 128, 189, socio-metric sensors 215 401, 408 sociology and entrepreneurial growth social cognition, as mental process 7–9 cognitions 408 social cognitive neuroscience Source–Path–Goal scheme 390 and cognition–action–cognition Southern European cultures 231 348–9 spatial processing 272–3, 275–6, 301 and entrepreneurial adaptation specialized knowledge 11, 12, 16, 17 337–9 specific knowledge 139, 402–3, 407–8 and entrepreneurial expertise 341–3 stakeholder self-selection heuristic 467 and entrepreneurial mindset 344–7 stakeholders and personality traits 334–6 communication about new ventures and entrepreneurial cognition 323–6 389–93 discussion 349–53 conceptual pacts 391–5 potential applications 326–30, 332–3 growth cognitions 398–408 research methods 319–23 interactions with 40–41, 119, 139, social cognitive theory 65–6, 103, 104, 159–68, 172, 233, 329–30 378 static (simple) environments 413–14 social comparison 38–9 internal environments as 414–18 social constructionism 37, 185, 391, statistical mechanics 454 457 stimulation, need for 100–101

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strategic buyouts 28, 45 temporal dynamics 182–4, 191–3 strategic groups examples 196, 211–12 cognitive properties 189 exploring affective and cognitive susceptibilities to change 196 dynamics across 193–7 stress 158, 162, 166–7, 171–2, 174 implications for research on affect emotions as response 259, 262–3, and cognition 209–14 275, 287–90, 292–3, 298, 300, interplay of short-term and long- 303 term dynamics 197 and psychological capital 70 methodological implications 214–17 stressors 167, 286–7, 290, 303 opportunity identification research structural alignment 42, 75 205–8 subjective norms 137–8 temporal lobe 260, 318 subordinate behaviors 116, 118, 124, temporal motivational theory (TMT) 127 91 success motivations 98–9 temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) 319 sunk costs, trap of 76 tenacity 98 superordinate behaviors 116–20, 127 termination scripts 37 supply–demand circumstances 206, theory of planned behavior (TPB) 22, 208, 212, 337, 452 87, 89, 137–8 survival-oriented motivations 97–8 and entrepreneurial goals 102 sustainable entrepreneurship 408 theory of reasoned action 137 synaptic plasticity 275, 289 theory of trying (ToT) 102–3 theory-derived data 119–20 building blocks of thought 267 theory-of-mind 325 endogenous activity 265 thinking-for-speaking 387–9 experience modulates cognition thought–action repertoires 235–6 265–6 threats perceptions 24 offline cognition 266–7 time pressure 75, 201, 436 structure drives function 264–5 and action-oriented cognition 437 458 time-delayed effects 93–4, 201, 281 time-dependent stochastic models tacit knowledge 114, 139, 140, 367, 453–4 371 time-related aspects of cognition 19 tangible rewards 101 top–down information processing 346, task complexity 198, 200–202, 212 347–8 tasks traditional views on cognition 384–7 affective and cognitive consequences traits approach 17, 256 159–60, 175, 184, 198, 199, applying neuroscience to 332–3, 205–7, 210, 216, 217 334–6 performance 171, 163, 173 Big Five traits 331, 333, 334–5 variation in formal properties conscious/non-conscious 200–203 components 138 taxonomies 456–8 grounding in genetics and flexible and logical 457 neuroanatomy 457–8 taxonomy of entrepreneur-specific and opportunity belief formation behaviors 116–19 331–4, 351, 353 team behavior 119, 159, 161, 167–8, searching for 87–9 172–3, 189–90, 196, 211, 250, 407 taxonomies of 456–8 technology entrepreneurs 14, 42, 106, transcranial magnetic stimulation 115, 127 (TMS) 320

J. Robert Mitchell, Ronald K. Mitchell and Brandon Randolph-Seng - 9781781006597 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/02/2021 01:59:41AM via free access Index ­515 transparency 201, 392 as opportunity development 37 trial and error heuristic 269–70, overemphasis on 398–400, 402 300–301 and passion 223–6, 241–7, 248–9 tripartite attitude model 18–19 psychological approach 18 trust 416 role of emotion 291 and self-perception 44 uncertainty and self-efficacy 24 and adaptation 296 time lag 103 avoidance 232–3, 345 venture design and affect 38, 160, 163 social dimension 389–93 decision making under 11, 12, 42, new vistas for research 393–6 228, 303, 461 and work motivation 101, 107 intentions models 137 venture growth and mentalizing 319 and affect 163–4 perceptions 126, 412–44 and bricolage 31 role of experience 297, 339–41 and passion 234, 236 use of analogies and metaphors 388 role of prior knowledge 339 use of hedges 392 and self-efficacy 237 use of heuristics 26, 28, 40, 463–4 see also growth cognitions; growth- unconditioned stimulus (US) 286, 288 stage ventures; high-growth ‘unique person’ conception 17, 88, 118, ventures; market share growth 255, 300 venture performance ‘universal culture of entrepreneurship’ and affect 157–8, 160, 166, 171–4 30, 256 cultural influences 228, 229–30, upper echelons theory 69, 75, 81–2 243–4 US and decision comprehensiveness 15 cultural data 238–40 and experience/expertise 23, 33 cultural impact on passion 235, and knowledge 370, 402–3 242–50 mediated pathways 115 and metacognitive knowledge value creation 415 76–7 ventral prefrontal cortex 335–6 and motivation 90–91, 95–6 ventral visual system 268–72 outcomes of exploiting implications for entrepreneurs opportunities with different 271–2 characteristics 209 modulation by experience 271 and passion 235–6, 244–5, 247–9 from sensation to perception 270–71 and perceived competencies 20, 24 ventromedial prefrontal cortex and persistence 337 (vmPFC) 263, 294–5, 346 and risk propensity 466 venture capital 16, 33, 102, 119–20, role of CEOs 81–2 365, 373, 377, 404–5, 434, 453 role of effectual logic 41 venture capitalists 98, 405 role of mental representations venture creation 197–200 and cognitive profiles 213 and self-control 73–5 and cognitive scripts 45, 233 and self-efficacy 236–7, 245–6, discovery process 30 247–9 and intuition 142 and stress response 290 knowledge and learning 366–70 use of heuristics 35 language and communication verbal protocol techniques 214–15, 389–93 405, 449

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vicarious learning 122, 229–30, 340, well-structured problems (WSPs) 366, 378 198–200, 205 visual memory 272 West European cultures 231 visual processing fields (V1/V2/V3) within-subject experiments 260, 263, 268–71 215–17 visual scanning 146 word pairs 68–9 visual stimuli 3, 9, 268–71, 281 Work and Family Orientation visual ‘what’ pathway 259, 268–77, Inventory (WOFO) 96–7 292–8 work motivation 92, 95–7 and medial temporal lobe memory and venture design 101, 107 system 268 voice speed 233 ‘Zombie’ model 143

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