Purging Myths About Papa Inside N.C State English Professor Michael Reynolds Writes His Own Hemingway Biography Sidetracks Page
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Purging myths about Papa Inside Minority college ranks drop N.C State English Professor Michael Reynolds writes his own Hemingway biography Sidetracks Page 3. Pack tops Wake, 61-57 Spins/Page4 ’I‘ec - c1- .1. North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Sinc- Volume LXXI, Number 46 Friday, January 19, 1990 Raleigh, North Carolina \(HEL13111111“S Raiford demands Valvano’ s reSrg’naation By Shannon Morrison ethical coach." Valvano could not be 1‘1'111'hcd for com 111111111 R1iiloi'ds1rid. “Mr. Weedon even suggested that the Assistant News Editor Raiford said the merit. R111f11rd said \11"1l\111111s relationship with details had been worked out with respect to university should In his statement. Raiford mentioned 11 tclc ltillt\ w11s"'icl1\1111tbic11usc Roddy Jonesis which school would host winch games." he Student Senate President Brooks Raiford, question Valvano’l phone conversation he overheard on . 1111 (liast (‘11r11li1111 University) alumnus said. in a speech to the Senate Wednesday night, purpose at NCSU Valvano's answering machiuc while visiting who has 11 kccn interest in seeing the in an interview Thursday, Weedon denied called for the resignation of NC. State bas- for two reasons. the coach at his home. N(‘Sll1l€(‘l7 football game reinstated." the statements and called Raiford's spccclt ketball coach Jim Valvano. “First, the specific Raiford said RoddyJoncs,ch111r1n11n 11ftl1c Raiford said 11 11cc chanccllor. who he “inaccurate." “As long as Coach Valvano remains at_ rules violations as, UNC Board of (iovcrnors, telcphoncd r'cfuscd to identity. spoke with Senior Weedon said he met wnh Tom Stafford. NC. State, the university will be acknowl- found by the Valvano and told him "not to wot r). about Associate Athlctics Director Frank Wecdon associate vice chancellor for student affairs. edging that it is willing to tolerate medi- NCAA, and second. tomorrow. I'll take c1111-ofcvcrything." on the possibility of an NCSlHiCU foot— and showed him three possible dates when ocrity in ethics," Raiford said in a prepared whether Coach The telephone call pr'cccdcd 11 Board of ball game. an NCSU-ECU game could be arranged. statement. ‘ Valvano’s personal mu Govemors meeting. scheduled for the fol- ”chdon‘. pullcd out 11 calendar and “There were no penciled in dates.’ ethics and philosophy are appropriate and lowing day, which would decide university showed the vrcc chancellor three dates that “I am repulsed by the notion that we have in harmony with the university's academic action concerning Valvano and an NCAA had been penciled in as future NCSU-ECU to mold Coach Valvano into a responsible, mission," Raiford said. investigation into the NCSU basketball pro- games.” Raiford said. See “In. Page 2 1“ NCSU students feel budget crunch Courses dropped, department operating funds slashed By Bill Holmes & Terry Askew they can’t even afford paper.” she Senior Staff Writers said. Riconda was not totally disil- lusioned though as she added, “I The budget cuts at NC. State have wish they would cut my calculus made many students painfully class.” aware of just how far-reaching a Students were hit hard, but NCSU's money shortage can be. faculty didn’t escape the blow. bl: SW11 '5‘) ,Eat‘ga‘t Jack Martin, a senior in chemical They were equally frustrated with .11‘i1iewvMari MV‘H tollheWop,mwim engineering. was bitter about the the recent budget cuts. Ken Norris, I trim:noun MW 1) Wand 1 11‘14‘1‘» *11‘“ " recent cuts handed down by a member of the English faculty, Wis111111112111".wd ab11'va:111111 111111 . 1, GovemorJim Martin’s budget office. was confused about the priorities of “mush“MW“ (1111'.- 11 1.1 7101111114 ' ‘ “I think our education governor North Carolina’s state legislature. «vomit-11 ‘1'“ "‘ Jim Martin has turned into the “if education is in such a bad state biggest farce in this . state," said in North Carolina and is so low on Jack Martin. their priority list that they can slash He said the cuts were not affecting university budgets so drastically, I him because all of his classes had have serious doubts about the logic only one section. Other students of their decision," said Norris. were not as fortunate though. Norris also said that the English Dave Casmer. a sophomore in department faculty was being political science. who had one of reduced to accommodate the new his history classes canceled, said budget. Two teachers he knew of “We’re getting less quality for more had already been fired said Norris. money." Casmer also questioned According to Provost Nash the administration’s decision mak- Winstead, his offices will feel the ing about where the money would impact of the lack of funds also. He be taken from. said travel and long distance phtl'le ‘We dont need people to vacuum calls by his staff were being 11p leaves.“ said Casmer. reduced. Other students felt that the univer- \Mnstead said students who were in sity was sacrificing their commit- danger of not graduating because of WW ment to the students by canceling required classes being canceled sections of courses and making the should talk to the dean of their col- Is this a syllabus or a joke? remaining sections larger. Gibby lege. He said the requirements would Eric Nobles, a junior in Business, holds up his |11tin l0.) sylldlnls k11111111 budget cuts b.1111- 11it11t1d 1.1vcryth111g1'1t Nt State trom tlt‘111111rtnii1111 Sloan. a junior in political science either be waived or substituted. phone ails. and business management, was one Interim Chance1. 1r Larry copying allocations to use of long distant 11 of these students. Monteith supported Winstead’s “They have forced me to go into statement by adding, “What we larger classes because they have started off with was the premise jumps closed smaller classes." he said. that We would affect the students' Watch that bookbag! Library crime Out-of—state students felt doubly academics as little as possible." betrayed because of their inflated Monteith said he and his staff will charged criminally. A non»studcm is also tuition compared to in-state stu- meet tomorrow morning to discuss Wallets, walkmans and calculators are hot items charged with illegal trespassing. how far—reaching the measures for Dew said Public Safety is not able to stop these dents. Lisa Riconda of Washington, By Wade Babcock Dew 111111 one of the hot spots for small crimes crimes and has never recovered stolen money l).(..‘. was one such student. accomodating the new university News Editor like thcsc is the reference section on the first “We can't be everywhere. we cart be answering .1 “They increased our tuition but budget will be. llooi of thc library. Most ol thc people in this complaint on the first floor and have another one More than 60 small thefts were reported in \t'ttron 1111 \llltl\ltlt' and not fully aware of thc happen on the fourth floor," stud Dew. DH. Hill Library between July 11nd December. 11111pl1 111111111dtl11'111 \llt’ ~1111d. Anothcr ltot area for these types of Crllilt‘\ 1s thi- benefit most of which consisted of purses 11nd w'itllcts. tlncl 11111 walk by .1 bookbag Itll 11111ttt1lltltti study lounges 111 the University Student ('1'1111'1 Wake Co. schools according to Officer Barbara Dew of N.(‘. 3111111 .1111l111'1111l .1 w11ll11 111 111l1'ul1ttor111it) sicontls or They itiL’ crowded with people coming 11nd 11111111: Public Safety. lcss. ‘l’hc 11wnc1 lt'llllll\ to find llic w1tllct gone all day. from Australian education Dew said this kind of 111is1l1-111c11nor larceny 1s 11nd that no 111111 111 tlic 111c1t noticcd anything Most of the stolen Ilt‘tlh 11111 cash, books. calt'tt one of the most common ct'irncs on 1'111111111s, 11nd l11'1'1111s1' ihcy wc1cl1nricd in l1ooks.s111d Dcw. l11tors 11nd rccordcrs. Walkman 1111c radios arc one of the most preventable. ‘l'ht' 11c11pl11 who commit thcsc 1'1111111s 1111' usual— popular items also. NCSU solar center to teach kids about energy “Don't assume your things arc sale." Dew s1111l ly 111st111111l11'11ls111 locals who'vc lit-111d l),ll. lllll in an interview 'l‘uesday. “A thief can walk by l 1l11.11y ts1ig11111l11l1it'ctofindvictims.1111'1111li1111 Dew said most of the suspccts 1111' 111.1lcs 11nd lty Steve Swindell encc into line with North Carolina‘s and grab a wallet with no 11111- noticing." 111 Iii-w She also said thti'vcs ply tln'ir 11111l1' thc purses 11nd wallets are often tct'owrcd 111 Staff Writer Basic Education Program (BEP). According to Dcw,111ost students t11111111.111-ly do 111.1111l1 b11111 ccn 11111111 11nd -l p 111 , wht'n most \tu men's butlrtoorm w1th only the money missmg. Mike Jones. science adviser to not carry large amounts of tnoncy 111 ih1-11' 111d dcnis 111 the library 111'1' studying and socinlt/mg. ('rcdtt cards are usually left behind lwcausc the Crocodile Dundee ll, Foster Lager Wake County Schools said that the lets. so thieves rarely walk away wnh 11111111 il11111 A \tndcnt charged with th1s type 11f crime is thieves are looking for fast money With as llillt' 11nd Billabong surfing gear are not schools are trying to get away from $l0. issucd 11 campus 11ppc11111111'c tickct 11nd posstbly hassle as possible. the only Australian imports to land the traditional approach to teaching in Raleigh in the last year or so. science. “We want to alter the phys- The North Carolina Solar Center. ical science curriculum to be more ninth grade physical sctcncc 1‘111 two tccnngc boys talking about located at NC State. along with student-centered and more technol- riculum and the Blil’.