Telopea Topics Les Nouvelles de Telopea

No.14 – 5 September 2014

Report from the Special Secondary News Primary News P&C NEWS Community News Principal Announcements School Term Dates Contact Us Uniform Shop Le Mot Du High School After School Care Finance Office Principal Announcements

Important Dates

Report from the Deputy Principal

Welcome to the end of Week 7, Term 3, there are three weeks left before the spring break. It is New Caledonia time! On Monday 1 September, Year 5 Nouméa IMPORTANT DATES students arrived. A wonderful partnership 9 Sept High School Athletics Carnival opportunity between our schools and hopefully 10 Sept Year 5 Noumea Exchange students depart the students will develop long lasting friendships. 10 Sept 7pm P&C Meeting On Thursday 4 September, Year 11 Nouméa 11 Sept Family Concert 6.30pm – 8.00pm students arrived. A warm welcome was held at 18 Sept Years 7-10 Semester Reports Distributed at 3.05pm the French Embassy with Tom Kobal and 19 Sept World Challenge excursion departs Emmanuel Texier. Gifts were given to the 19 Sept Secondary Assembly Noumea students who performed a short play that was very much appreciated. We thank the French Embassy for organizing this event. On Friday 5 September, the Year 11 Noumea students and Narrabundah College Year 11 students attended the Secondary Assembly. They informed the school about the exchange program and their research into the involvement of Oceania in World War 1. This project will be renewed for our current Year 10 students who will be able to start this project next term and continue at Narrabundah College. It is open to both French and English Stream students.

Bilingual Forum – “How to raise a bilingual child – benefits and challenges” Parents are invited to attend the bilingual forum Monday 15th September, 5.30-7.30pm in Secondary Library. Please visit the Lycée franco australien de website to register for this free event.

Health Promoting Forum The Health Promoting Forum for Semester 2, ‘How to say know’ will be held Wednesday 24th September 5.15-6.00pm in the Primary Library.

Secondary Parent Teacher Interviews Parent Teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday 23 Sept, 4pm – 6.30pm and Wednesday 24 September 6pm – 8pm. The Narrabundah College Careers & Transition Officer, Delisia Wiild, will be available during the Parent Teacher interviews Tuesday 23 Sept, 4pm – 6.30pm, for parents of Year 10 students who may have queries about Narrabundah College. Parents will be able to book these interviews on Parent Teacher Online (PTO). Information about logging onto PTO will be distributed with the Secondary mid-semester reports which will be sent home with students Thursday 18th September.

Secondary Athletics Carnival The Secondary Athletics Carnival will take place Tuesday 9th September. All Secondary students are expected to attend the carnival. Students may compete or cheer their House and friends to victory! Students may wear the colours of their House to the carnival. House colours are based on your child/rens family name: A-D Campbell – Red; E-K Farrer – Blue; L-R Moore – Green; S-Z Throsby – Yellow.

Year 9 Round Tables for Personal Project Year 9 parents/carers are reminded that the Round Tables take place Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th September. Year 9 students only attend school for their Round Table presentation on these days. Parents/carers are encouraged to be a panel member on the Round Table. Please contact Megan Taylor 61423365 if you are able to attend and spend some time as a panel member.

Family Concert The Secondary Family Concert takes place on Thursday 11th September 6.30-8.00pm in the Hall. All parents and students are welcome.

The Fresh Taste group met Wednesday afternoon 3rd September. The school has joined this Government initiative to help students and their families focus on healthy eating habits. In association with this initiative the school has begun to develop a school garden on the school grounds. It is located between the secondary demountable building and the Multi-Purpose Building.

Thank you to the parents who responded to the annual ACT Education and Training School Satisfaction Survey. Your responses along with the students and staff responses will provide indicators to guide the school’s operational plan.

Over the last week two staff members have had to deal with a family tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with our fellow staff members and their families.

Michele McLoughlin Deputy Principal 7-10

Bienvenue en cette fin de semaine 7 du troisième trimestre. Trois petites semaines nous séparent des vacances de Printemps. Telopea à l'heure de la Nouvelle-Calédonie!

Les élèves de CM2 de Nouméa sont arrivés le lundi 1er septembre. Ce partenariat entre nos deux écoles est merveilleux et nous espérons que les élèves développeront des amitiés durables. Les élèves de Première de Nouméa, sont, eux, arrivés le jeudi 4 septembre. Ils ont été accueillis chaleureusement à l'Ambassade de France par Emmanuel Texier et Tom Kobal. Les élèves ont joué une courte pièce de théâtre qui a été bien appréciée et ont reçu des cadeaux. Nous remercions l'Ambassade de France pour avoir organisé cet accueil. Le vendredi 5 septembre les élèves de Première de Nouméa et nos élèves de Terminale de Narrabundah college ont assisté à l'Assemblée du Secondaire. Ils ont exposé les détails du programme d'échange entre les deux établissements ainsi que leurs travaux de recherche sur l'implication de l'Océanie pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale. Ce projet sera renouvelé avec nos élèves de Première qui se lanceront dans le projet dès le prochain trimestre, projet qui aboutira à Narrabundah College. Cet échange est ouvert aux élèves du courant français et du courant anglais.

Forum bilingue - "Comment élever un enfant bilingue - Avantages et défis" Nous invitons tous les parents à assister au Forum bilingue qui aura lieu le lundi 15 septembre, de 17h30 à 19h30, au CDI. Vous pouvez vous inscrire à ce Forum, gratuit, sur le site internet du Lycée franco australien de Canberra.

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Forum des Écoles pour la Promotion de la Santé Le forum des écoles pour la promotion de la santé du deuxième semestre, sur le thème "Savoir dire ou ne pas dire non", aura lieu le mercredi 24 septembre de 17h15 à 18h00 à la bibliothèque du Primaire.

Réunions Parents Professeurs du Secondaire Les réunions Parents Professeurs du Secondaire auront lieu les mardi 23 septembre de 16h00 à 18h30 et mercredi 24 septembre de 18h00 à 20h00. La Conseillère d’Orientation de Narrabundah College, Delisia Wiilds, recevra les parents des élèves de Year 10 qui ont des questions à propos de Narrabundah College le mardi 23 septembre de 16h00 à 18h30. Le système de réservation en ligne PTO sera utilisé pour la réservation des créneaux horaires avec les enseignants. Une note d’information sur les modalités de connexion au système de réservation en ligne PTO sera remise aux élèves le jeudi 18 septembre.

Les Olympiades d’Athlétisme du Secondaire Les Olympiades d’Athlétisme du Secondaire auront lieu le mardi 9 septembre. Tous les élèves du Secondaire assisteront aux Olympiades. Ils pourront participer aux épreuves, supporter les concurrents de leur Maison ou leurs amis! Les élèves pourront porter des vêtements de la couleur de leur Maison lors des Olympiades. Les couleurs de chaque Maison sont basées sur le nom de famille des élèves: A-D Campbell- rouge E-K Farrer- bleu L-R Moore-vert S-Z Throsby-jaune

Présentation des Projets Personnels des Year 9 Nous rappelons aux parents/tuteurs des élèves de Year 9 que les présentations des Projets Personnels se dérouleront les mardi 16 et mercredi 17 septembre. Lors de ces deux jours, les élèves de Year 9 viendront à l’école uniquement pour présenter leur Projet Personnel. Nous invitons les parents/tuteurs à être membre de jury lors de ces présentations. Vous pouvez contacter Megan Taylor au 61423365 si vous pouvez consacrer un peu de temps pour ces présentations.

Concert des Familles Le concert des Familles du Secondaire aura lieu le jeudi 11 septembre de 18h30 à 20h00 dans le Hall de l’école. Tous les parents et les élèves sont les bienvenus.

Le groupe de travail Fresh Taste s’est réuni le mercredi 3 septembre dans l’après-midi. L’école a rejoint cette initiative du Gouvernement qui vise à aider les élèves et leur famille à adopter des habitudes alimentaires saines. En s’associant à cette initiative, l’école a commencé à créer un jardin au sein de l’école. Il se situe entre le bâtiment préfabriqué du Secondaire et la salle Polyvalente.

Je tiens à remercier les parents qui ont répondu à l’enquête annuelle de satisfaction de l’école organisée par le Ministère de l’Education de l’ACT. Vos réponses, avec celles des élèves et du personnel, fourniront à l’école des indicateurs permettant de guider le Plan Opérationnel de l’école.

La semaine dernière, deux membres du personnel de notre école ont été frappés par une tragédie familiale. Toutes nos pensées et nos prières vont vers eux et leur famille.

Michele McLoughlin SCHOOL TERM DATES 2014 Principal Adjointe en charge des Year 7-10 Term 1 3 February – 11 April Term 2 28 April – 4 July Term 3 21 July – 26 September Term 4 13 October – 17 December Page 3 of 20




Secondary Parent Teacher Evening Term 3 2014

Secondary Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on:

Tuesday 23 September 2014 - 4:00pm to 6:30pm and Wednesday 24 September 2014 - 6.00pm to 8:00pm

The online booking system, called “PTO”, will again be used. All parents will need an email address to access this system. This is a good time to update your email contact details with the school because this is how you will access PTO. Please contact the school on 61423388, to update your details.

• A link to “PTO” will be available on the school website from Monday 15 September to obtain login details only. • Interviews REQUESTED (priority bookings) can be booked from 4pm on Thursday 18 September. • ALL interviews can be booked from 4pm on Friday 19 September.

Accessing PTO: 1. Access the school website 2. Use the link for “Secondary Parent Teacher Evening” to gain access to the login page of the online booking system. 3. Click on the “Obtain PIN/Password”. Enter your Surname, then in the next space type in the current email address that you have supplied to the school. Your PIN will then be forwarded to you via email, which will also include a ‘clickable link’ for the booking system. 4. Use your PIN OR the ‘clickable link’ to access the booking system.

New login details will be issued for future parent teacher interview nights.

If you don’t have access to a computer or have any problems accessing your PIN (you may have changed your email address) please call the front office reception on 61423388, for assistance.

Year 10 Parents: Narrabundah College Careers & Transition Officer, Delisia Wiild, will be available during the Parent Teacher interviews Tuesday 23 Sept, 4pm – 6.30pm, for parents of Year 10 students who may have queries about Narrabundah College. Parents will be able to book these interviews on PTO.

Ona Siakimotu A /Deputy Principal Secondary

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Réunions parents professeurs -Secondaire-Troisième Trimestre

Les réunions parents professeurs pour le Secondaire auront lieu: Mardi 23 septembre 2014 de 16h00 à 18h30 et Mercredi 24 septembre 2014 de 18h00 à 20h00

Le système de réservation en ligne PTO sera de nouveau utilisé. Tous les parents devront avoir une adresse courriel pour pouvoir accéder au système. C'est une bonne occasion pour mettre à jour votre adresse courriel avec l'école car vous en aurez besoin pour accéder au système de réservation en ligne. Merci de contacter l'école au 61423388 pour mettre à jour vos coordonnées.

Un lien vers le système de réservation en ligne sera disponible depuis le site internet de l'école à partir du lundi 15 septembre, cependant les réservations des créneaux horaires avec les enseignants ne seront possibles qu'à partir du vendredi 19 septembre à 16h00.

Pour accéder au système de réservation en ligne PTO: 1. Connectez-vous au site internet de l'école 2. Cliquez sur le lien " Secondary Parent Teacher Evening " pour pouvoir accéder à la page de connexion du système de réservation en ligne. 3. Cliquez sur " Obtain PIN/Password ". Entrez votre Nom de Famille, puis l'adresse courriel que vous avez communiquée à l'école. Votre code PIN vous sera envoyé directement par courriel, ainsi qu'un lien cliquable pour accéder au système de réservation 4. Utilisez votre code PIN ou le lien cliquable pour accéder au système de réservation.

Une fois que vous aurez accédé au système de réservation en ligne PTO vous ne pourrez réserver de créneaux horaires avant le vendredi 19 septembre 16h00. De nouveaux codes d'accès seront disponibles pour les prochaines réunions parents professeurs.

Si vous n'avez pas accès à un ordinateur ou si vous avez des difficultés pour obtenir votre code PIN (en cas de changement d'adresse courriel), merci de contacter le secrétariat du Secondaire au 61423388 pour toute assistance.

A l'attention des parents de Year 10:

Delisia Wiild, conseillère d'orientation à Narrabundah College, sera présente lors des réunions parents professeurs, le mardi 23 septembre de 16h00 à 18h30, afin de répondre aux questions des parents de Year 10 concernant Narrabundah College. Les parents pourront réserver ces entrevues via le système de réservation en ligne PTO.

Ona Siakimotu

Faisant-fonction Principal Adjointe

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Term three band calendar:

Rehearsals for before/after school bands in Term 3:

– Beginner Band on Mondays, (8.15am)

- France Touring Band on Mondays, (3.16-5.00pm)

- Yr7 EFS band on Tuesdays,( 8.00am)

- Wind Ensemble on Wednesdays,(8.00am)

- Jazz Band (8.00am) Friday


Floriade Farewell performance Thursday 18 Sept 12-1.10pm To be confirmed (tbc)

WIND ENSEMBLE AND JAZZ BAND ACT School Band Festival Thursday 11 Sept (tbc)

WIND ENSEMBLE AND JAZZ BAND Performance at Family Concert Thursday 11 Sept at TPS

WIND ENSEMBLE - Citizenship Ceremony Friday 19 Sept at TPS

COMBINED YR7 BANDS - ACT School Band Festival Thursday 11 Sep (tbc) COMBINED YR7 BANDS – Primary schools concert (To be announced)

COMBINED YR7 BANDS – South Coast Tour – To be announced


WIND ENSEMBLE AND JAZZ BAND Fundraiser at Kingston Shops Saturday 6 Sept 9.00am-11.30am


National Science Week

This year’s Science Week was celebrated by Year 7 students who applied a range of skills in a Bridge Building challenge. In addition, a group of Year 7 Quantum and EFS students assisted Year 6 students in conducting a few simple experiments, in the secondary science laboratories. From all accounts, great fun was had by all in the learning of science.

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666 ABC Canberra Science Experimentarium competition Two Telopea students Jessica Kriticos (Year 7) and Adrian Lehane (Year 4) were on ABC 666 radio as runner-up winners in the Science Experimentarium competition held in the lead-up to National Science Week. As part of their prize Jessica and Adrian were guest DJs during the 666 ABC live radio broadcast from the Geoscience Open Day on 24 August.

They explained the Strawberry DNA experiment they did as part of their "Science Fest", where they "massacred" strawberries and added chemicals to extract DNA from them. There were lots of steps in the experiment and in the end the DNA looked like clear slime! The video of their experiment is accessible via

Ona Siakimotu A/Deputy Principal

The benefits of language learning and the research behind the claims Meredith Box, Japanese teacher There are four basic areas where language learning benefits learners, according to a broad base of research. The first of those benefits is presented here. I recommend that you access the research links at the end of this document to read further. Benefits 1 General cognitive and academic benefits No matter how long you study a language for, research shows that learning an additional language greatly contributes to a student’s cognitive and educational development. Using more than one language “stretches” the brain – encouraging more connections and, especially when learned at an earlier age, actually adds to brain cells. While most research looks at younger children, there is also evidence that learning an additional language can lead to improved performance across the curriculum. Dealing with more than one language provides opportunities to develop memory skills and look at things from different angles – hence enhancing lateral thinking and creative thinking – a great asset in problem solving. Learning another language also involves finding out about how language works – and has proven benefits for English language literacy. It also makes it easier to learn further languages – maybe required later for study, travel or work. Regardless of whether or not the language learned is developed to a high level of fluency, the foundational learning skills are transferable and useful. It is also never too late to learn, though research indicates that the benefits are greater, the longer the language is learned. If you only speak English you might consider trying to learn another language yourself – maybe the same one as your child at the school so you can help each other. Won’t it detract from other areas of the curriculum? No. Many of the skills are transferable to other school subjects and the long term benefits may be considerable.

• RESEARCH - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages – research-shows • LOCAL MOTHER TONGUE SUPPORT GROUP - ACTBEA website

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Italian Language classes with Signora Shihoff

This term the Italian Year 9’s worked busily on a Commedia Dell’Arte performance for their oral assessment. They were guided by two teachers, Signora Shihoff for the language component and Mr Spahr for the theatre component. A pre-service teacher from University of Canberra, Ms Yvanovich also helped the class with their dialogues and skits. She commented on the Unit: “it was great to see the students connect with Italy’s rich cultural heritage and to see them having fun becoming their characters through walking, movement and language.”

While studying Italian immigration for Term 3, the Year 10 Italian class had the pleasure of hearing about the life journey of Francesco Crispino, an Italo- Australian immigrant from Naples who took a job for Alfa Romeo in the 1970’s and ended up loving Canberra so much he decided to remain here. He told the students some interesting and shocking tales about life in Naples during the war. Many families in Naples did not have any work and Francesco’s father did not work for many years, having no job opportunities due to his refusal to join the fascist party. So Francesco and his brothers and sisters were forced to steal clothes and food from the resident American navy troops. He said that if you were caught stealing chocolate milk, the Americans would make you eat the entire packet. If you were caught stealing clothes, the American troops would strip you of all your clothes and send you off completely starkers. It was an interesting and valuable lesson in Italian history.

ANU Indonesian Day 2014

On September 17th Indonesian students from years 7 to 10 will have the chance to spend a day of activities at the ANU. They will attend a series of workshops, learning about Indonesian culture and history, in a practical and fun way. The programme is organised by the Australia Indonesia Youth Association, with the ANU.

Adrian Clynes

Discover French cities online Learning French is fun when we share. Year 10 French students are developing a website about a French city of their choice. Their websites are designed for a teenage audience. This term, they created sections about gastronomy, geography, festivals and more. They are not only assessing their progression but also the progress their peers. They will add other sections next term, so stay tuned! Interested in knowing more about France? Please feel free to surf on their websites, challenge yourself and play the games or simply post questions, feedback or comments. Carole Sotgiu Grenoble Paris Limoges Nice Bordeaux Lyon Marseille Ajaccio (Corse) Rennes

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Expérience de professeur stagiaire à Telopea Park School Étudiante à l'université de Canberra en Master of Teaching, j'ai fait mon deuxième stage à l'école franco-australienne de Telopea Park School en tant que professeur de français. Cette expérience m'a beaucoup apporté, aussi bien en terme de pratique que de connaissance du fonctionnement d'une école bilingue.

Lorsque je suis arrivée, j'ai été très bien accueillie par le département des langues. J'ai commencé par une phase d'observation de quelques jours puis j'ai pu commencer directement à enseigner aux années 7 et 10 avec l'aide d'un professeur tuteur et j'ai même pu participer à une classe de cuisine. J'ai apprécié tous mes cours ici et le stage n'est pas terminé!

Une des activités que j'ai trouvée très intéressante du point de vue culturel et linguistique était l'excursion pour aller voir le film 'La cour de Babel' qui est un documentaire en français sur les classes d'intégration d'élèves nouvellement arrivés en France. Beaucoup d'élèves ont répondu présents et le film a été très apprécié.

Le multiculturalisme de l'école est une force pour les étudiants. Ils sont ouverts d'esprit et semblent impliqués dans leur travail. Les différentes cultures se mêlent harmonieusement pour apprendre les unes des autres. C'est cette diversité qui fait de Telopea une communauté à part entière où les professeurs apprennent chaque jour sur leur pratique et leurs étudiants.

Faustyne L'Hostis

2015 France Exchange for Year 10 students Telopea Park School is in the initial planning stages for its 2014-2015 Exchange Programme with the Lycée International de Grenoble Europole. This programme offers a wonderful opportunity for students to experience first-hand what they have learned at school.

The Lycée International de Grenoble is a public school with six International sections: German, English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

The proposed dates for the visit of French students to Australia are from Saturday 20th / Sunday 21st June to Sunday 1st August 2015. Hosting the French students is an expectation and a requirement.

Students will be with their billets and host families for four weeks, at school for two weeks and on holidays for two weeks. The final week will be in Paris. The activities include an evening at the Opera and a dinner cruise, not to mention visiting the Eiffel Tower, the Sacré Coeur, the Louvre and Versailles.

Applications for current 2014 YEAR 9 students (mainstream and French studies) are still open.

Contact the Languages Faculty. Patricia Blumstein, 614 23377 [email protected]

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Grenoble Exchange 2014 Report I really enjoyed the exchange. I feel like my French skills have improved and have expanded my knowledge of French culture. I really loved the first week which we spent in Paris. I was amazing to see monuments and artwork which I had only ever seen in pictures prior to the trip in the flesh. I really loved the itinerary. It was great going to tourist attractions like Montmartre, the Eiffel Tower and visiting museums such as the Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay which house some of the most renowned and celebrated artworks in the world. I really enjoyed the freedom we were given whilst in Paris, (I was able to shop and explore the museums at my own pace). I really enjoyed the two weeks of school. It was fascinating to see how another school and education system function. The two weeks at school greatly improved my French and enabled me to make new friends and acquaintances. I really enjoyed staying with my family, they were lovely. I am also very grateful for them taking me to other parts of France during the holidays. Jane Millward



Telopea Park School

Lycée Franco Australien de Telopea

Vendredi 14 Novembre

CDI / Bibliothèque du Secondaire

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Here at Telopea we dedicated ourselves to a great cause

Telopea Interact Club 2014 is a very promising group of students eager to be engaged in a variety of projects that support the local community as well as international organisations projects.

On Friday 22nd of August, The school was involved in Daffodil Day (also known as yellow day) to help the Cancer Council to take another step closer to the defeat of cancer.

Telopea Interact Club members took on the challenge. Well intentioned, inclusive (all year groups were involved), they cooked fresh cupcakes, and other yellow sweets. Telopea’s lemonade made with freshly squeezed lemons was a succes on this sunny Friday.

The only downside was… we sold out before the end of lunch. The club also ran a raffle and three lucky and happy students won the impressive prizes given by our generous local sponsors (1st Prize: over $100 value from ‘The Essential Ingredient’ Kingston, 2nd prize donated by Carole Sotgiu, 3rd prize donated by ‘Capital Chemist’ Kingston).

A great day and we raised $1,154.45 for the Cancer Council. Carole Sotgiu

PRIMARY NEWS It has been another busy fortnight with the teachers organising many enjoyable events for the students.

Year 4 Cupcake day for the RSPCA

The Year 4 students held a special Cupcake Day for the RSPCA. They gave the RSPCA a donation of $512.00. A special thank you to the teachers, parents and students who were involved with this activity.

South Weston Zone Athletics Carnival

The South Weston Zone Athletics Carnival was held at the Australia Institute of Sport (AIS) Athletics Track on Tuesday 26 August 2014.

The students who achieved a top three result were as follows:

Student Event Place

Imogen Austin (Year 7) Girls 12 Year Olds High Jump First Girls 12 Year Olds Shot Put Second Girls 12 Year Olds Discus Throw Third

Ben Binoy Mekkat (Year 7) Boys 12 Year Olds Discus Throw Third Solenne Crayol (Year 6) Girls 11 Year Olds 88 Metre Run Second Amelia Dixon (Year 5) Girls 10 Year Olds 100 Metre Run First Girls 10 Year Olds 200 Metre Run Second Girls 8-10 Year Old Long Jump Second Amath Fall (Year 6) Boys 12 Year Olds 200 Metre Run Third

Emma Gruen (Year 7) Girls 12 Year Olds Long Jump First Girls 12 Year Olds 100 Metre Run Second Samuel Lee (Year 7) Boys 12 Year Olds Shot Put Second

Kai McKenzie (Year 7) Boys 12 Year Olds 800 Metre Run First

Jake Rath (Year 5) Boys 10 Year Olds 200 Metre Run Third

Juliana Stauffacher (Year 3) Girls 8 Year Olds 70 Metre Sprint Third Girls 8 Year Olds 100 Metre Run Page 11 of 20

Congratulations to the 49 students who qualified for this carnival. We were very proud of your efforts!

Year 5 Noumea Cultural Exchange Visit

Our school has been happy to welcome the 19 students and staff from École Frédéric Surleau de Nouméa. The students and staff were welcomed at a special Primary Assembly on Thursday 4 September 2014. Thank you to the families who have received these students.

On Wednesday 10 September 2014, 20 Year 5 students accompanied by Julien Dugas, Anthony Duncan and Olivia Ranaivoharison will travel to Noumea. Our students will be staying with host families. During their time in Noumea they will visit several cultural institutions as well as having the opportunity to improve their French skills.

This cultural exchange is a valuable part of our harmonised curriculum and we thank all those teachers and parents involved with this program.

Year 5 Canberra Program

During the next fortnight the Canberra Program will commence for those Year 5 students who are not going to Noumea. The students will be involved in excursions to , the National Museum of Australia, the National Film and Sound Archive, the National Gallery of Australia, the Australian Botanic Gardens, the Australian Institute of Sport (A.I.S.) and the Kingston Glassworks. There will also be bilingual activities at school. This program will give our students the opportunity to visit many interesting places in and around Canberra.

Learning Journey Showcase Day -25 September 2014

The school is having its annual Learning Journey Showcase Day on Thursday 25 September 2014 from 11.30 a.m. till 12.30 p.m. in your child’s classroom. This Learning Journey is a valuable educational tool where our students have the opportunity to reflect on their learning and show their work to their parents. It is also part of the school’s reporting procedures. It is always wonderful to see the work that has been completed during the year. We are very proud of all our students’ achievements.

Lost Property

Our lost property cupboard near the Primary Office has a large number of jumpers, hats and other belongings. Please check this area if your child has lost any items of clothing.

Calendar Information

Here are some other important dates to put into your diaries for the rest of this term:

• 3 September 2014- Year 5 Excursion to the • 10-19 September 2014- Year 5 Noumea Cultural Exchange Program • 10-19 September 2014- Year 5 Canberra Program • 12 September 2014- Year 6 Fundraising Cupcake Stall • 15 September 2014- Forum Bilingue- How to raise a bilingual child? Benefits and Challenges 5.30 p.m. till 7.30 p.m. Telopea Park School • 24 September 2014- Health Promoting Schools Forum 5.15pm – 6.00pm in the Primary Library • 25 September 2014- Learning Journey Showcase Day - 11.30 a.m.- 12.30 p.m.

Thank you for all your continued support.

Claire Harding

Executive Teacher 3-6

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Les Nouvelles du Primaire

Ces deux dernières semaines ont été encore bien occupées grâce à de nombreux événements organisés par les enseignants à l'attention des élèves.

La journée Cupcakes des CM1 en faveur de la RSPCA

Les élèves de CM1 ont organisé une Journée Cupcakes pour la RSPCA. Ils ont fait un don de $512 à la RSPCA. Un grand merci aux enseignants, aux parents et aux élèves qui se sont impliqués dans cette activité.

Les Olympiades d'Athlétisme du Secteur South Weston

Les Olympiades d'Athlétisme du Secteur South Weston se sont tenues le 26 août dernier sur la piste d'athlétisme de l'AIS (Australia Institute of Sport).

Voici les élèves qui ont fini sur le podium:

Élèves Discipline Classement

Imogen Austin (Cinquième) Saut en hauteur catégorie Filles 12 ans 1ère Lancer de poids catégorie Filles 12 ans Lancer de disque catégorie Filles 12 ans 2ème


Ben Binoy Mekkat (Cinquième) Lancer de disque catégorie Garçons 12 ans 3ème

Solenne Crayol (Sixième) Course de 88 mètres catégorie Filles 11 ans 2ème

Amelia Dixon (CM2) Course de 100 mètres catégorie Filles 10 ans 1ère Course de 200 mètres catégorie Filles 10 ans Saut en longueur catégorie Filles 8-10 ans 2ème


Amath Fall (Sixième) Course de 200 mètres catégorie Garçons 12 3ème ans

Emma Gruen (Cinquième) Saut en longueur catégorie Filles 12 ans 1ère Course de 100 mètres catégorie Filles 12 ans 2ème

Samuel Lee (Cinquième) Lancer de poids catégorie Garçons 12 ans 2ème

Kai McKenzie (Cinquième) Course de 800 mètres catégorie Garçons 12 1er ans

Jake Rath (CM2) Course de 200 mètres catégorie Garçons 10 3ème ans

Juliana Stauffacher (CE2) Course de 70 mètres catégorie Filles 8 ans 3ème Course de 100 mètres catégorie Filles 8 ans

Un grand bravo aux 49 élèves qui se sont qualifiés pour ces Olympiades. Nous sommes très fiers de vos efforts!

Visite des Élèves de CM1 de Nouméa

Notre école a eu le plaisir d'accueillir 19 élèves de l'école Frédéric Surleau de Nouméa avec leurs enseignants. Les élèves et leurs professeurs ont été accueillis lors d'une Assemblée spéciale le jeudi 4 septembre 2014. Un grand merci aux familles qui ont reçu ces élèves.

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Le mercredi 10 septembre 2014, nos élèves de CM1 s'envoleront pour Nouméa accompagnés de Julien Dugas, Anthony Duncan et Olivia Ranaivoharison. Nos élèves séjourneront dans des familles. Durant leur séjour, ils visiteront plusieurs sites culturels et auront l'occasion de faire progresser leur français.

Cet échange culturel est un élément important de notre programme harmonisé et nous remercions tous les enseignants et parents impliqués dans ce programme.

Le programme des CM1 à Canberra

Pour les élèves qui ne se rendent pas à Nouméa, un programme d'activités à Canberra commencera dans les deux prochaines semaines. Les élèves se verront proposer des sorties à Questacon, au National Museum of Australia, au National Film and Sound Archive, à la National Gallery of Australia, aux Jardins Botaniques, à l'Institut Australien du Sport (AIS) et à la Verrerie de Kingston. Il y aura également des activités bilingues organisées à l'école. Ce programme permettra à nos élèves de visiter de nombreux lieux intéressants de Canberra et de ses environs.

Journée Portes Ouvertes aux apprentissages -25 septembre 2014

L'école organise ses Portes Ouvertes aux apprentissages, comme elle le fait chaque année, le jeudi 25 septembre 2014 de 11h30 à 12h30 dans la classe de votre enfant. Ce parcours est un outil éducatif formidable qui permet à nos élèves de réfléchir sur leur apprentissage et de montrer leurs travaux à leurs parents. Il fait également partie intégrante des processus d'évaluation de l'école. Il est toujours merveilleux de voir le travail réalisé pendant l'année. Nous sommes très fiers des réalisations de tous nos élèves.

Objets perdus

L'armoire des objets perdus située près du Secrétariat du Primaire contient de nombreux pulls, chapeaux et autres objets. Merci de vérifier à cet endroit si votre enfant a égaré quelque chose.

Dates à retenir

Voici les dates importantes à retenir pour la fin du trimestre:

1. 3 septembre 2014: Sortie des CM1 à l'Australian War Memorial

• Du 10 au 19 septembre 2014: Échange culturel et linguistique des CM1 avec Nouméa

• Du 10 au 19 septembre 2014: Programme des CM1 à Canberra

• 12 septembre 2014: Opération Cupcakes des Sixièmes pour une collecte de fonds

• 15 septembre 2014: Forum Bilingue sur le thème ´Comment élever un enfant bilingue? Avantages et défis à Telopea Park School de 17h30 à 19h30.

• 24 septembre 2014: Forum des écoles pour la promotion de la santé de 17h15 à 18h00 à la BCD (Bibliothèque Primaire)

• 25 septembre 2014: Journée Portes Ouvertes aux Apprentissages de 11h30 à 12h30.

Je vous remercie du soutien que vous continuez de nous apporter.

Claire Harding

Responsable des classes de CE2-Sixième

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NEXT P&C MEETING – WEDNESDAY September 10th @ 7PM The next P&C Meeting will be held at the Secondary Staff Room on Wednesday, 10th September at 7pm.

FÊTE MEETING – FOOD STALLHOLDERS PLEASE ATTEND The next Fête meeting will be held 6pm on Wednesday 10th September - Same night as the P&C meeting. We urge Food Stall Coordinators to come along as we will be sorting supplies. Meet outside the P&C store room, behind the Main Hall.

STALL COORDINATORS AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Can you spare some time on Saturday 1st November? Please see the attached ‘La Grande Fête Update to find out how you can help make this year’s fête an amazing success!


Kirstin Langton is the P&C Delegate. She represents the Telopea P&C at ACT-wide P&C meetings. At these meetings, P&C members from across the ACT compare and discuss issues important to parents of public school students. If you would like to know more about ACT Council of P&Cs you can visit:

Kirstin Langton

P&C Delegate


The Australian Government has asked the Productivity Commission to undertake a public inquiry into future options for childcare and early childhood learning, with a focus on developing a system that supports workforce participation and addresses children's learning and development needs.

As new analysis shows the ACT had the largest increase in enrolments in the nation, ACT residents are encouraged to have their say about making child care more affordable, flexible and accessible. You can comment on the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Child Care and Early Childhood Learning with a formal submission or a brief online comment before September 5:

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Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am

Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm

Thursday – 8.30 - 11.00am

Order and pay securely on the web:

Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)



Action’s response to the school re Bus No 2 – Yarralumla – Barton route

The students that need to travel to Yarralumla can catch the school service 831 from Bay 1 at Telopea Park School in the afternoon departing at 3:20pm and travel through to Gawler Crescent at approximately 3:42pm [after 2nd Ferguson Crescent bus stop ID 2642id] where they alight and connect with the Route 1 at approximately 3:49pm to travel through Yarralumla. For your information I have included a pdf map of school route 831 and the map and timetable for Route 1.

Barbara Gough | Customer Service Manager Phone 02 62078857|Fax 0262078020| Public Transport | Territory and Municipal Services Directorate | ACT Government Level 4, Macarthur House, 12 Wattle St, Lyneham, ACT 2606 |GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601

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WHAT: Our full range of books, comics, games, puzzles, textbooks, vinyls, CDs, DVDs & more. With prices starting at just 50 cents, there's something for everyone! We’re also excited to offer free face painting for the kids Saturday from 10am - 1pm. WHERE: Budawang Building - Exhibition Park in Canberra Flemington Road, Mitchell Free parking. Entry by gold coin donation. All proceeds go to Lifeline Canberra. Please see a flyer attached which you are welcome to print - please advise if you would like me to drop off some posters for the school. For more information visit Lifeline Canberra's website. Come down to Exhibition Park and bag yourself some great bargains while supporting a great cause!

Sarah Kentwell Commercial Operations & Sustainability Executive Lifeline Canberra P 02 6204 6405 m 0412 933 631 E [email protected] Every dollar you give helps us save lives. Make a donation today. Visit or phone 02 6247 0655. ______

Be a Rebel! Join the Rebels Club Boys & girls aged 5 to 15 are invited to share the fun of baseball in the 2014- 15 Season No experience necessary! Registration opens soon! Sign up between 12 noon – 2pm on Saturday 6 September at BASEBALL DAY at the , Narupai Place, off Jerrabomberra Avenue, Narrabundah Or 12 noon – 2pm Sunday 14 September at North Curtin Oval, Dunstan St, Curtin Training: U12, U14 and U16: Mon and Wed 5:30pm – 7:00pm from 13h October U8 Aussie T-Ball and U10 Wed 5:30pm – 7:00pm from 15 October Games: All grades: Saturday mornings from 18 October Plus U12 and U14: every second Wed 5:45pm from 22 October For further information: email [email protected]

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Being a parent is the hardest job we’ll ever have. All parents at some time experience difficulties and stress.

Parentline ACT

is a confidential, anonymous telephone counselling and information service.

Phone Parentline if you would you like:

• To talk with someone about those parenting issues. • Help with some ideas on raising children. • Support in the important job you are doing. • To know what is available for parents, teenagers and children. • To build better relationships in your family. • Help to understand your child or teenager’s behaviour.

Parentline ACT.

Monday to Friday (except on public holidays), 9am to 5pm.

Phone: 6287 3833


Southside Spring Festival

Saturday September 6th 2:00pm to 4:00pm at Narrabundah Neighbourhood Oval, Kootara Crescent, Narrabundah.

Great event for the whole family!

FREE: Live Music, Games, Hand & Face Painting, Jumping Castle, Community Stalls, Balloons PLUS Plants, Cakes, Cartooning AND Childcare Info, Warehouse Circus, Nordic Walking, Reptile Display and much more. Proudly presented by: Southside Community Services Inc.; National Student Leadership Forum; and the Child Youth & Family Support Program. Lyn Diskon Business/Community Development Manager SouthSide Community Services PO Box 7,Narrabundah, ACT 2604 Tel: 6126 4703 Fax: 6295 7944 Mob: 0427 900 313 Web: ______

SIGN ON TO PLAY JUNIOR WITH EASTLAKE CRICKET CLUB Register online OR Join us on Sunday 7 September 2014 to register in person at the Deakin West Nets, Deakin (behind The Mint) between 10.00am and 12.00pm Page 18 of 20

Eastlake Junior Cricket Club welcomes boys and girls to join the Demons this season. Our teams play Friday, Saturday or Sunday, so if this sounds like you register online or come along on Sunday 7 September to register! We have a strong and vibrant Junior Program that includes In2 Cricket, T20 plus junior teams through to Under 18. We welcome all players for the upcoming 2014/15 season. If you are able to provide financial support to assist us in our pursuit of providing cricket to our local community please contact Kevin Robinson on [email protected] ______

Marymead Foster Care Information Seminar – Foster Care Week – 14 – 20 September

There are over 700 children/young people in out of home care in Canberra. Can you help just one? Come along to the Marymead Foster Care Information Seminar on Saturday 20 September at Marymead, 255 Goyder Street Narrabundah, 12:30pm – 4:30pm. Listen to Mick Gentleman MLA, Minister for Children & Young People, Dr Judy Bragg, Foster Carers and many other guest speakers. Register your interest by 15 September, email [email protected] or phone Amy Tulloh on (02) 61625800. A light lunch will be served and children are more than welcome. Thank you in advance for your support.

Warm regards,

Joanne Dean-Ritchie Marketing and Communications Co-Ordinator Tel (02) 6162 5828 I Fax (02) 6295 9944 I [email protected]


On Sunday the 2rd November 2014 the Hawker College Sports Administration Class and the Donohoe Family will be hosting the 10th annual Ben Donohoe Run and Walk for Fun. Gather your family and friends or enter as part of a school team to raise money for supporting people with cancer and other life threatening illnesses. Walk or run the 3 or 6 km course around Lake Ginninderra.

The Ben Donohoe Run and Walk for Fun aims to raise money for The Cancer Support Group, Make-A-Wish Australia® and Ronald McDonald House® Canberra. So far this event has raised a total of over $405,000 for these charities.

Encourage all your family and friends to get involved and help us to “Make a Difference”! This community event is in honour of Canberra local, Ben Donohoe who passed away in 2005 from a brain tumour at the young age of nine.

Contact us at: 6205 8986 [email protected] Enter online or for extra information visit us at To enter: Visit the website above and fill out an online registration.

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Alliance Française, 66 McCaughey Street, Turner, ACT 2601 Exhibition French Australian Preschool – From 9th to 23rd of September To celebrate their 45th anniversary, the French Australian Preschool of Canberra exposes photographs and works from their students at the AFC. They will also present a collective artwork created with an Aboriginal class from Western Australia. Throughout the whole exhibition, a creative workshop will be held for visitors to express their own inner child. Free entry. Monday to Thursday 9am to 8pm, Friday 8am to 5pm. Opening on Tuesday September 9th by Eric Soulier, Cultural Concellor at the French Embassy, with an introduction by Narragunnawali from Reconciliation Australia. Free buffet.

Alliance Française, 66 McCaughey Street, Turner, ACT 2601 Café Musique – September 19th - 7pm The AFC hosts two concerts from young Canberra musicians: the first part will be by pianist and singer Marianne Scholem, and the second by Cathy Petrocz and Sam King, two of the four members of the band Burrows, with violinist and singer Emma Kelly. Enjoy good music, good drinks and food, in a convivial atmosphere. $15 for AFC members, $20 for non members, bar open.


NSW Crescent BARTON ACT 2600 Phone: 61423388 Fax: 61423348 [email protected] Principal Kerrie Blain Deputy Principal 7-10 Michele McLoughlin

Proviseur/Head of French Studies Emmanuel Texier Conseillẻre Pédagogique Julien Dugas

Deputy Principal 7-10 Tom Kobal Board Chair James Popple

Deputy Principal K-6 Kate Sutherland P&C President Paul Haesler

The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school. Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such advertisements.

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