ATLAS TUMBUHAN SULAWESI SELATAN Edisi: Sungai Pattunuang Asue Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung Desa Samangki, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros

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ATLAS TUMBUHAN SULAWESI SELATAN Edisi: Sungai Pattunuang Asue Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung Desa Samangki, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros ATLAS TUMBUHAN SULAWESI SELATAN Edisi: Sungai Pattunuang Asue Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung Desa Samangki, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros Editor: Nani Kurnia Oslan Jumadi Jurusan Biologi FMIPA | 1 ATLAS TUMBUHAN SULAWESI SELATAN Edisi: Sungai Pattunuang Asue Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung Desa Samangki, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros TIM KKN-KP Biologi UNM 2015 Penerbit Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM Kampus UNM Parangtambung Jalan Mallengkeri Raya Makassar Email: [email protected] Jurusan Biologi FMIPA | i Atlas Tumbuhan Sulawesi Selatan Edisi: Sungai Pattunuang Asue Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung, Desa Samangki, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros. Tim KKN-KP Biologi UNM 2015 ISBN : 978-602-52965-2-9 Editor Nani Kurnia Oslan Jumadi Penerbit Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM Redaksi: Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM Kampus UNM Parangtambung Jalan Mallengkeri Raya Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan Email: [email protected] 2019 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA | ii KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena dengan pertolongan-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan buku yang berjudul ‘‘Atlas Tumbuhan Sulawesi Selatan, Edisi: Sungai Pattunuang Asue, Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung Desa Samangki, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros’’, yang merupakan edisi kedua dari rangkaian Atlas Tumbuhan Sulawesi Selatan. Adapun, kontributor buku ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Biologi UNM yang tergabung dalam pekasanaan KKN-KP pada tahun 2015. Dalam kesempatan ini kami menyampaikan rasa terima kasih kami haturkan kepada Prof. Dr Abdul Rahman selaku Dekan FMIPA UNM pada masa 2015-2019 dan Dr. Mushawwir Taiyeb, M.Kes, sebagai Ketua Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM masa jabatan 2012-2016 yang telah memfasilitasi pelaksanaan kegiatan KKN-KP mahasiswa Program Studi Biologi FMIPA UNM. Akhir kata, besar harapan kami, buku ini dapat memberi manfaat dan mendukung program pelestarian keanekaragama hayati, khususnya di Sulawesi Selatan. Makassar, 2019 Editor Jurusan Biologi FMIPA | iii DAFTAR ISI KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................. iii DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................ iv POHON ......................................................................................................... 1 Aegle marmelos ............................................................................................. 2 Anacardium occidentale ................................................................................ 4 Aquilaria malaccensis ................................................................................... 6 Arenga pinnata .............................................................................................. 8 Artocarpus communis .................................................................................. 10 Artocarpus heterophyllus............................................................................. 12 Bauhinia acuminate ..................................................................................... 16 Beilschmiedia tawa ...................................................................................... 18 Bixa orellana L. ........................................................................................... 20 Brucea javanica ........................................................................................... 22 Cassia alata L. ............................................................................................. 24 Ceiba Pentandra .......................................................................................... 26 Citrus aurantifolia ....................................................................................... 28 Citrus maxima .............................................................................................. 30 Cocos nucifera ............................................................................................. 32 Dendrocnide stimulans ................................................................................ 34 Erythroxylum acranthum ............................................................................. 36 Flacourtia inermis ....................................................................................... 38 Gliricidia sepium ......................................................................................... 40 Gmelina arborea .......................................................................................... 42 Gossypium herbaceum ................................................................................. 44 Guazuma ulmifolia ...................................................................................... 46 Gustavia augusta ......................................................................................... 48 Hibiscus tiliaceus L. .................................................................................... 50 Homalium foetidum ..................................................................................... 52 Jatropha curcas ........................................................................................... 54 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA | iv Leea indica................................................................................................... 56 Leucaena leucocephala ............................................................................... 58 Macaranga trichocarpa ............................................................................... 60 Mangifera indica ......................................................................................... 62 Micromelum minutum .................................................................................. 64 Morinda citrifolia ........................................................................................ 66 Moringa pterigosperma ............................................................................... 68 Nephelium lappaceum ................................................................................. 70 Pandanus tectorius ...................................................................................... 72 Polyalthia longifolia .................................................................................... 74 Protium javanicum....................................................................................... 76 Psidium guajava L. ...................................................................................... 78 Salacca edulis .............................................................................................. 80 Schefflera grandiflora .................................................................................. 82 Shorea bentongensis .................................................................................... 84 Syzygium aquieum ....................................................................................... 86 Syzygium oleana .......................................................................................... 88 Terminalia catappa ...................................................................................... 90 Tetracera scandens ...................................................................................... 92 Tetramerista glabra ..................................................................................... 94 Theobroma cacao ........................................................................................ 96 Trema orientalis .......................................................................................... 98 Jenis Pohon yang Tidak Teridentifikasi .................................................... 100 SEMAK ..................................................................................................... 120 Adiantum cuneatum ................................................................................... 121 Breynia oblongifolia .................................................................................. 123 Caryota mitis ............................................................................................. 125 Cassia tora L ............................................................................................. 127 Chassalia curviflora .................................................................................. 129 Chromolaena odorata L ............................................................................ 131 Codiaeum variegatum ................................................................................ 133 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA | v Davallia triphylla....................................................................................... 135 Dryopteris carthusiana .............................................................................. 137 Rhinacanthus nasutus L ............................................................................. 139 Hyptis capitata Jacq .................................................................................. 141 Ixora hookeri ............................................................................................. 143 Justicia gendarussa Burn .......................................................................... 145 Lantana camara L ..................................................................................... 147 Lycopodium cernuum L ............................................................................. 149 Lygodium scandens ................................................................................... 151 Lygodium longifolium ...............................................................................
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