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BICENTENNIAL BICENTENNIAL 200 Birthday years Bash of pride schedule Pages 15-26 Page 12 FEBRUARY 19, 1998 40 CENTS VOLUME 5, NUMBER 17 Speaking limits are imposed Tuesday's meeting finally winds down at 3 a.m. BY GAVIN McNETT Staff Writer t wasn't all fun and games for the mayor and the Township Committee at Tuesday's pre- I 13 irthday Bash meeting. After the cake had been distributed and the children led home, the evening's mammoth agenda rose to the fore, lead- ing to a meeting that adjourned at close to 3 a.m. Among the business addressed was a resolution to name the municipal building's meeting room, which is adjacent to the committee room, after the iate Ted Cherry. It passed unanimously. A further proposal, as suggested by Committeeman Ted Van Hessen, to dedicate a series of plaques to all known former committee members, is respected to re-emerge at an upcom- Mayor Edmund Luciano watches as Brianna Olsson, 6, and Fred Holsten, 86, blow out the candles on South ing work session. Brunswick's birthday cake. (Jackie Pollack/Greater Media) The long-debated ordinance to limit committee members' speaking times was also approved on Tuesday, after another round of discussion during which all parties exceeded the new limit of three minutes for oration and two for rebuttal. S.B. birthday blowout Van Hessen, who cast the sole vote against the measure, said, "I speak from my heart when I say graders, members of the school's Bicentennial was when Brianna that this ordinance is bad policy." BY GAVIN McNETT before- and after-school program, Olsson, 6, of Parker's class, cut the Van Hessen, the committee's sole Republican, Staff Writer who presented the mayor with a jar cake in tandem with township old- disagreed both with the utility of the ordinance, containing $125, which they had guard mainstay Fred Holsten, 86 — and with what he sees as its potential for abuse. outh Brunswick's bicentennial raised to support the township's South Brunswick's first police offi- He said, on the former, "An insignificant pro- celebration officially opened at bicentennial festivities through sell- cer, and its first police chief. portion of the issues (that the committee discuss- STuesday's Township Committee ing popcorn. The cutting of the cake symbol- es) engenders a disproportionate amount of meeting, where Mayor Edmund Jesse Parker's Cambridge School ized, according to Luciano, "what debate. We pass a hundred ordinances a year, and Luciano and Township Clerk kindergarten class was also there, to will be," for South Brunswick, "and perhaps a thousand resolutions. Most take no time Kathleen Thorpe co-officiated over a present the mayor with a commemo- what has been — and still is." at all — they take longer to introduce than to pre-Birthday Bash party to honor both rative banner, made of 200 pieces of He closed the ceremonies by pass." the township's past and its future. paper arranged in a collage to form exhorting the entire community to Van Hessen claimed that the issue which led to The centerpiece of the ceremony the number 200, and to lead the audi- "Get out there! Party! Celebrate!" the ordinance's having been proposed — the often was an elaborate, tiered birthday cake ence in singing "Happy Birthday." The Township Committee room stunning length of township committee meetings donated to the township by Robert Mayor Luciano read a proclama- was packed for the cake-cutting cere- is not one of the length of the committee's and Mary Ann Cannella, owners of tion issued to the township by the mony, and everyone present got a debates so much as to the sheer volume of busi- the Holiday Bake Shop in Kendall Senate, which was signed piece of cake. ness that the committee must oversee. Park. by Senate President Donald This Saturday, the township will Bui regarding the ones that do engender signif- Its appearance was eagerly await- DiFrancesco (R-22nd District) and hold a daylong Birthday Bash. It will icant debate, Van Hessen said that "there are real ed by the large group of township Assembly Speaker Jack Collins (R— continue to mark the occasion with a divisions of thought on this committee, as well as kids who were in the audience, 3rd District.) variety of activities over the course of in our community." and that the ordinance, which including a contingent of Dayton But the decisive moment in the next year. grants extensions in speaking time according to School second-, third, and fourth- launching the South Brunswick Continued on page 9 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998

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; ^ri ••-.•:•••• •?fe//m'/ -.••.•.; ,,/»iB5tettiiKXa*? Storyteller David Brahinsky will entertain at the Birthday Bash. Page 12

REGULAR FEATURES A BANNER OCCASION — Children from the Dayton School present the banner they made for the pre-Bicentennial Bash • Classifieds Page 34 party Tuesday night. They also made a collage in the shape of the number 200 out of 200 pieces of paper. • Editorials Page 12 (Jackie Pollack/Greater Media) • Entertainment Page 11 • Letters Page 12 • Marketplace Page 32 • Milestones Page 4 School expansion to be meeting topic • Police Beat Page 29 high school's current nine-12 grade con- BY GAVIN McNETT commodate 700 fifth- and sixth-graders; • Sports Page 30 and adding classrooms by 2000 to ac- figuration to a 10-12 grade configuration Staff Writer commodate 50 grades K-4 students. by 2001; adding classrooms to the high SOUTH BRUNSWICK — The Board school by 2001 to accommodate 200 stu- Plan B carries an estimated cost of dents; and building a new school by 2001 Phone numbers: of Education has announced three meet- $47,260,000. It differs from Plan A in that ings at which the township's four com- to accommodate 1,600 eighth- and ninth- Editorial 254-7000 Ext. 8234 it calls for purchasing land adjacent to the grade students. FAX 254-0486 peting school expansion plans will be dis- high school and building a new ninth- cussed. grade school by 2001 to accommodate It also calls for converting Crossroads Display Advertising 972-6740 The board is expected to select a plan 1,000 students. School to a six-seven grade configuration; FAX 972-6746 adding classrooms to Crossroads by 2000 on March 9. The plan will be included on Plan C carries an estimated cost of to accommodate 200 students; and con- a 1998 bond referendum. $48,330,000. It differs from Plan A in that verting Upper Elementary School and Classified 1-800-660-4ADS Plan A carries an estimated cost of it calls for building a new school by 2001 realigning the township elementary Classified FAX 432-0016 $34,880,000. Its features include adding to accommodate 1,400 fifth- and sixth- schools to grades K-5 by 2001. classrooms to South Brunswick High grade students and converting Upper Delivery problems? School by 2001 to accommodate 1,000 Elementary School to a grades K-4 The meetings to discuss the plans are Call circulation at 254-1755 additional students; adding classrooms to school. scheduled for Monday at the municipal before noon on Thursday. building, Feb. 26 at the high school and Crossroads School by 2000 to ac- Plan D carries an estimated cost of March 9 at the municipal building. All commodate an additional 200 students; $44,460,000. It calls for changing the Sentinel building a new school by 2001 to ac- meetings will begin at 8:00 p.m.

Managing Editor Marilyn Duff Fire district polls open 2-9 p.m. Sat. Executive Editor BY GAVIN McNETT $532,500, and reflects a tax rate of 3 marked for a new equipment fund, ac- Gregory Bean cents per $100 of assessed valuation, cording to spokesman Norman Luck. Publisher Staff Writer according to Fire Coordinator Doug The amount to be raised by taxes is Kevin Wittman SOUTH BRUNSWICK — TheWolfe. $265,000, with a tax rate of 5 cents per township's fire districts will hold their District 2 residents can cast their $100 of assessed valuation. annual public elections Saturday to votes at the Monmouth Junction Fire- District 3 residents can cast their approve the 1998 tax levies and to fill house on Ridge Road. votes at the Kingston Firehouse on A Greater Media Newspaper open seats on the boards of commission- ers. District 3, covered by the Kingston Heathcote Road. Polling hours are 2-9 p.m. Fire Company, is filling one seat, with District 1, which covers the Kendall I VERIFIED incumbent Brad Ratimer running. Park area, has two seats open, but had 1 AUDIT CIRCULATION District 2, which includes the Mon- The district's proposed budget now not announced a final list of candidates The Sentinel Newspaper is published mouth Junction area, will be filling two Thursday by Sentinel Publishing Co., P.O. seats, with incumbents Roger Potts and stands at $317,942, up from last year's by press time. Box 1080, East Brunswick, N.J. 08816. Thomas A. Young Jr. up for re-election. total of $286,082. District 1 residents can cast their vote Standard postage paid at East Brunswick, N.J. $40 a year. First-class mail subscrip- The district's proposed tax levy is . The increase includes $100,000 ear- at the Kendall Park Firehouse. tion available at $72 for 26 weeks, 40 cents a copy. 4 SENTINEL. FEBRUARY 19, 1998 Bicentennial stamp cancellation offered o commemorate the South quested Brunswick Bicentennial, a special Envelopes will be numbered and will T pictorial stamp cancellation will be be sold as long as supplies last Only 1,000 offered Saturday at the township post envelopes weie punted Traditionally, offices This is the first time South stamp collectors puichase specifically Brunswick Township has sponsored a pic- numbeied envelopes for their collection tonal stamp cancellation The chairman of the Special Pictorial Residents can purchase the commemo- Stamp Cancellation Committee, Joseph rative envelope with the 'Rural Delivery" Charmello, a Dayton resident and a South postage stamp, the special bicentennial Brunswick patrolman, is a lifelong stamp cancellation stamp and the bicentennial collector logo for $1 at the Birthday Bash on Martin Engel, a member of the graphics Saturday or after the Birthday Bash at the support subcommittee of the Bicentennial township clerk's office Committee, designed the cancellation A temporary philatelic station for resi- stamp which reads, "South Brunswick dents who wish to purchase the commemo- Bicentennial Station, Monmouth Junction, rative envelopes also will be set up on NJ 08852 Febiuaiy 21, 1998" ICING ON THE CAKE —The bicentennial birthday cake awaits cutting. Saturday at the high school from noon to 4 Charmello selected the "Rural (Jackie Pollack/Greater Media) p m Monmouth Junction Postmaster Delivery" postage stamp because it com- William Wehrendt will do a "bull's-eye memorates South Brunswick's farming hand cancellation" postmark of one or all and agricultural heritage One of the 275 of the four South Brunswick post offices - Bicentennial Committee volunteers, Dayton, Kendall Park, Kingston and Patiolman Charmello said, "It was a way Capobianco's Monmouth Junction - on one envelope or that I could combine a hobby and be in- whatever cancellation configuration the volved in designing a souvenir - even if Black Belt Academy customer prefers An additional stamp you're not a stamp collector - that anyone Presents must be purchased for each additional post could afford and treasuie as a keepsake of office hand-cancellation postmark re- the bicentennial" BUDDY PROCSRJUVi 2 Can Train For The Price Of 1 Introductory Program Includes 3t FREE Uniforms ($7O Value) 4 WeeJcs Only LStorkClub | *«&» • *79 • *©«> W Ih this coupon Nol 1o tis combined Expires 3/15/98 Linda Ann and Ronald Ehrhardt of Helene Fnedland of Wayne, formerly of North Brunswick announce the birth of Harrtsburg, Pa Paternal grandparents are their daughter, Deanna Rose, on Dec 31 Hannah Frisch of Fair Lawn ADULTS The baby weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce and Kristin and Jim Mcllvaine of Introducing Day Classes joins older brother, Michael, 3 Maternal Enghshtown announce the birth of their As Well As Evening Classes grandmother is Geraldine Fetchen of Edi- son and paternal grandmother is Rina daughter, Aleena Joan Mcllvaine, Nov 22 Ehrhardt of Hillsborough Godparents aie at St Peter's Medical Center, New Roseanne and Stanley Samsel of Edison Brunswick The baby weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces Grandparents are Joan Pankow Karen and Gary Frisch of Monmouth of Milltown, John Pankow of Percelville, .•Wlili Oils coupon: Nol <6 be combined- fxplins: 3^15/98 Junction announce the birth of their Va , and Mr and Mrs Jim Mcllvaine Sr of SOUTH BRUNSWICK EAST BRUNSWICK daughter, Jilhan Renee, on Feb 3 at St Spotswood Great-grandparents are Mr OLD ENGLISH SQUARE LEXINGTON DOWNS SHOPPING CENTER 613 Ridge Road Lexington & Cranbury Rd Peter's Medical Center, New Brunswick and Mrs Arthur Barbely of Milltown, Mr (732) 274-OO55 The baby weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and Mrs Michael Pankow of Kendall Maternal grandparents are Philip and Park, and Mrs Adel Mcllvaine of Spotswood Godparents are Denise and Anthony Cedrone ot Germantown, Md

The Medical Centei at Princeton re- cently announced the following local birth Judith and Michael Chiarella of HAPPY 200th BIRTHDAY Kendall Park, a son, Jan 30 SOUTH BRUNSWICK from 50% Off SOUTH BRUNSWICK Brochure Bates DEMOCRATIC MUNICIPAL CRUISEONE. #1 in Cruising Nationwide ORGANIZATION Robert Cardaneo i Your Local Independent Cruise Specialist a*, Monmouth Junction, NJ naCoa 732-438-1139/800-519-0050 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 5 Board endorses EARN $2,500 Route 1 rezoning BY JERRY DE SARNO Route 522 that are earmarked to be re- zoned for office park use, contended the w Correspondent ordinances are not consistent with the SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Plans to re- township's master plan. zone a portion of the Route 1 corridor to a Planning Board member and Deputy more picturesque office park setting was Mayor Frank Gambatese sent out a strong given the green light by the Planning message to the handful of attorneys present m Board last week. by stating that the ordinances would be The portion stretches from Whispering "acted upon" with or without their input at Women ages 21 to 30 needed Woods Boulevard and Wynwood Drive to the upcoming March committee meeting. the Plainsboro border. Board Chairman David Bais urged to help infertile couples Essentially, the board voted unani- mously in favor of four separate ordi- board members to vote on the controver- nances, which would either implement the sial ordinances. realize their dreams "creation of office parks standards on com- If enacted, the ordinances would affect mercial zones and office research" and approximately 912 acres, including 259 rezone certain properties from office acres on the southbound side and 653 acres EARN $2,500 AS AN EGG DONOR research to office park and certain proper- on the northbound side of Route 1. It ties from office research to commercial includes 2.9 miles of Route 1, about 44 For Further details call zones. percent of the township's 6.7-mile section The ordinances will be open for further of road. discussion at a scheduled March 17 Town- The bulk of the property is currently ship Committee public hearing. zoned for office research, with about 150 IVF New Jersey Director of Planning Robert Hall said acres zoned for commercial and 85 acres the "batch of ordinances" all relate to the for planned residential development. Fertility & Gynecology Center, PA Route 1 study which was adopted by the Planning Board in October. The ordinances are to rezone 445 acres The properties to be affected are from for office-park use, including the entire 1527 HIGHWAY 27-SUITE 2100-SOMERSET, NJ 08873 the Route 1 Dow Jones corporate campus planned residential development and in- northward to Whispering Woods, located dustrial zones, 90 acres of commercial 908-220-9060 off Route 522, he noted. zones and 139 acres of office-research During the public portion of the work zones. session, Woodbridge Attorney Peter A A total of 411 acres would remain Ask for Maria Buschbaum, representing Oxy USA Inc., zoned for office-research and about 56 which owns residential properties off acres for general retail commercial. Please Call Between 8 AM & 5 PM Rutgers University seeks women for N.I.H. funded Weight Reduction Studies Nutrition counseling, body composition, bone density and supplemental meals provided. MASTER TAX INC No drugs. Minimal fee. Year Round Professional Service Also, if willing to maintain weight Mod hvj for 6 months, we pay you. For further information call r1 V=-,/ ,>-" Tritia at (732) 932-6656 Income Tax Preparation Individual / Corporations Partnership / Estates New Jersey and Out of State Returns Serving Central New Jersey for over 15 Years Computerized Services Reasonable Fees • Audit Assistance MICHAEL BRAILOVSKY MASTER TAX, INC. Open Monday thru Saturday Year Round 17 Yrs. Exp. Any State or Foreign Year Round Professional Service NO APPOINTMENT REQUIRED Computerized Services 50% Discount for New Clients Cinemas Plaza Shopping Center No charge if I cannot save you money Professional Service at Reasonable Fees Represent you before IRS 3598 Route 27 Your Home or Mine Kendall Park, N.J. Complimentary Services Available // Szi)\ U 732-297-1070 732-821-4151 3598 Rte. 27 • Kendall Park Cinema Plaza, Kendall ParK, NJ 6 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998

Celebration one to remember

on-residents and resi- the converging world. dents alike can't help Let's face it. South N being caught up in the Brunswick, with its remaining bicentennial spirit that is erupt- rural beauty and proximity to ing in South Brunswick. highways, is a developer's While some might view the dream. yearlong celebration as over- How the township deals with kill, the sheer magnitude of the these cascading pressures will commemoration is amazing to be part of a future centennial behold. celebration. Each and every volunteer Meanwhile, the current cele- who contributed to this big bration offers an important birthday party, and particularly respite — a time to sit back and Kathy Thorpe,who orchestrated reflect on the township's forefa- it and tied all the pieces togeth- thers and mothers who followed er, deserve a huge round of the old Indian paths to South applause. Brunswick, liked what they saw There are so many aspects, and elected to stay. it's been difficult to give them In such a fast-changing all the coverage they deserve, world, it is important to under- but as the celebration unfolds, stand the past and use it to mold we plan to keep you well the future. informed. We at Greater Media are Your Turn South Brunswick is in the proud to be a part of this big midst of major change, as Birthday Bash and hope you developers keep knocking at the enjoy our special section in this door. week's issue. Year-round school good for S.B. The small hamlets of yester- Happy birthday, South here has been a good deal ed here for many years. year are no longer isolated from Brunswick. of discussion about the Consequently, there is an possibility of forgoing or opportunity to try out the con- T cept before converting the entire reducing the size of another tax ROBERT RLNAMOVICZ LETTERS increase in South Brunswick to district. Hold periodic open public buy bonds for more school con- Major multicommunity dis- It's time for you meetings in which citizens and struction. tricts, such as Wake County, N.C., (with approximately Township Committee official rep- Dr. Paul Murray's letters to what was taught before the long to get involved resentatives of the task forces can the editors in local newspapers, 90,000 students) successfully op- break; and intersessions can be erate both traditional and year- e have a simple mes- get together. presentations to the South used for tutoring to reinforce • Televise the meetings of the Brunswick Board of Education round schedules concurrently; sage to share with you material not fully learned in the there is no reason South after attending the kick- task force for New Jersey and participation in news articles regular sessions. W Turnpike Interchange 8A, which have articulated an option termed Brunswick can't do that, albeit off meetings of the Middlesex Other learning opportunities are being held in the Township "year-round school use" on a smaller scale. Even if the County Strategic Planning Area are also enhanced. For example, experiment fails, there will be Task Forces: Be there. Be heard. Committee meeting room of the (YRSU). municipal building. high school work-study pro- ample time to sell bonds and Everyone participating will This concept, which is used grams can give students inten- build schools. The task forces' meeting dates, in one form or another by more sive work experience during a have a voice in how the task forces times and places are listed below. Another objection has been proceed with their work and draft than 2,500 schools nationwide, three-week period and the stu- Actual meeting rooms may change can increase school-building ca- that parents, students and teach- their recommendations. You don't dent can return every nine ers have finely developed day- to accommodate the number of pacity 30-50 percent, depending weeks, providing benefits to have to be an official township people attending. upon its form. care patterns that mesh well with appointee to contribute to the employers and encouraging more • Route 130 Corridor — Wil The recommendation that the the traditional pattern of school process. That's particularly impor- to participate. attendance; they say these won't meet Feb. 25, March 25, April 22 school board fully consider this A major objection has been tant for us in South Brunswick, and June 24 at 5:30 p.m. in the alternative before asking South fit YRSU. since our town is being broken that "there is not enough time" to Yes, change would be needed Community Conference Room, Brunswick taxpayers to face offer the YRSU alternative. into three "growth" sections for North Brunswick municipal build- another major tax increase, just and problematic adjustments will study rather than being examined ing, 710 Hermann Road. Since South Brunswick is be required. All of us had to as it assumes the burden of pay- rapidly running out of space, as a single entity. • Plainsboro-Forrestal-South ing for an expensive new high adjust our household budgets to bonds must be sold and buildings accommodate the 1997 tax The commendations of the task Brunswick (Southern Route 1 school, has been endorsed by must start to be expanded. YRSU forces will affect future develop- Corridor): — Will meet Feb. 26, others and has also been serious- increase and we may need to do does require major planning and so again in 1998 or 1999. ment and land use in South April 23, May 28 and June 25 at 5 ly challenged. careful management. Brunswick and will likely deter- p.m. in the board room (Room G* The first and most serious All YRSU schedules can be of Plainsboro Town Hall, 641 What it doesn't require is operated so as to provide for mine where and how state and challenge is that YRSU is a convincing overburdened tax- county infrastructure funding is Plainsboro Road. threat to high-quality education. time off during the summer, even payers (especially those on fixed if not for 90 days. The 45-15 targeted. • Turnpike Interchange 8A: — Several studies indicate that stan- incomes and empty nesters) to Will meet April 7, May 5, June 2 dardized test scores improve schedule clearly provides every Our sister communities — inflate their tax bills again; sell- student with at least one, three- well-represented by their elected and July 7 at 5 p.m. in the Main when schooling extends through ing bonds at a significant Meeting Room, South Brunswick week summer intersession. and appointed officials at these the entire year. One reason this expense; and building major Municipal Building, 540 Ridg may happen is that when atten- All of the objections to this meetings — know where their structures over a several year alternative have not been articu- Road. dance is broken into periods of time-frame. bread is being buttered. Even though the meeting 45 days and separated by "inters- lated yet, and my feeble offer- To augment individual citizen times are inconvenient, try tc ession" breaks of 15 days, both It is not necessary for the ings will not muffle legitimate involvement, we urge the South attend. Control over our future students and teachers have a school district to turn 100 per- objection. I believe YRSU has a Brunswick Township Committee depends upon a strong South chance to "recharge" more fre- cent to year-round school use in great deal to offer South to take the following steps: Brunswick presence. quently; students retain more the first year or ever. Brunswick. It deserves full con- • Designate three members of than they do when given long Data suggests that between sideration. the Township Committee to serve GLENN and HELEN summer breaks; teachers can 30 and 50 percent added capacity as official liaisons to each of the DAVI spend more time addressing new will result from YRSU. Such an Robert M. Namovicz is a resi- three task forces. Kingston material and less time reviewing increase in capacity is not need- dent of South Brunswick

f !.«#• SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 7

Trash program has negative effect Woman's club brightens holiday Bash will offer chance to unite were shown how the savings he North Brunswick Mrs. Randi Riley, a member am a North Brunswick of the North Brunswick homeowner who is dis- translate to my pocketbook, I Woman's Club brought smiles to the faces of 52 Woman's Club and chairwoman ike most of South turbed by the propaganda would find it better economics T Brunswick's residents, I I children over the Christmas holi- of the Home Life/Social Services which has been disbursed to bring back the old system. day. The club received autho- Department, was the principal L chose to call this township The extra couple of hours per under the guise of news reports organizer of this rewarding cam- home. My wife and I sought a covering the implementation of month that I now spend cutting rization from the superintendent of the New Brunswick school paign. diversified community with the "robo-truck" trash removal cardboard boxes down to 18- exemplary schools and a wide inch squares does not translate System and the principal of The North Brunswick system. Statements from the Woman's Club would like to range of activities to raise our mayor and Public Works to progress of any kind. And McKmley Elementary School in New Brunswick to sponsor a thank the superintendent of the family. We sought a community Director Tom Selheimer indi- heaven help the homeowner that valued the environment and who doesn't get their garbage holiday gift campaign for the New Brunswick school system, cate remarkable success and as well as the principal and demonstrated its care for others. public acceptance. can to the curb one week; I Preschool Handicapped Program. This program is for teachers at McKmley Elementary We found that in South I think some good old-fash- believe that two weeks worth Brunswick. of overflowing, decomposing children ages 3-5 that have a School for allowing us to provide ioned man-in-the-street report- these holiday gifts to these spe- On Feb. 21 our hometown ing, such as a local su- rubbish will certainly affect physical or emotional handicap. Fifty-two angels were made cial children and for giving us the will celebrate its 200th birthday permarket exit poll, would their quality of life. with a "bash" that will have fun This is not the first time that and distributed to club members opportunity to brighten their lives reveal a more accurate picture and show them how much we activities for all. For $7 in of what North Brunswick resi- the "Powers That Be" in North with the students first name, age, sex and gift requested. Each club truly care. advance ($10 on Feb. 21) the dents think about the new Brunswick have made a deci- excitement will take place from sion which affects many people member personally selected, pur- COOKIE MILLER garbage system. The talk I hear noon until midnight. Like the on the street is far from posi- without apparently considering chased and wrapped a holiday Communications the feelings of those people. gift for the child they picked. Chairwoman "Charleen Austin Community tive. I also feel that someone Unity Day" and the "Monmouth should "show us the money." Public hearings seem to be held The program was comprised of North Brunswick Woman's after commitments have been four classes. Club Junction Fire Department 4th of News reports repeatedly men- July Celebration," the kickoff tion the millions of dollars over made; then we are all forced to 'X' number of years that will live with negative conditions N.B. program needs funding celebration provides our home- be saved by the township thanks to poor planning and a town with an opportunity to put the special feeling of being a part thanks to the robo-trucks the general trend to rush into ecent articles concerning the help they need. The Straight and Middlesex County things. In the case of something of a community in the lives of its the North Brunswick Up Program starts the ball residents. Improvement Authority taking which affects residents of our Straight Up Program have rolling, acts to coordinate efforts town, it would have been pru- R Our 35,000 residents are over our recycling. How about focused on the need for legisla- and provides leverage for parents telling me exactly how many dent to provide full information with nowhere else to turn. spread out over nearly 43 square tion and moneys so that troubled miles. In our busy lives, we are pennies I will save on my prop- and have a public referendum teens and their families can get Mentors and professionals help erty tax bill for the year, in on the election ballot. the individuals and families naturally concerned about our the help they need. families, jobs and other responsi- exchange for having these ser- I am sick and tired of pay- The North Brunswick involved work through their vices cut in half compared to ing for mistakes made by a problems. bilities. Many of us consider our Straight Up Program has proved village or development to be our the old pick-up schedule and bunch of short-sighted lodge to be an innovative and creative But more is obviously needed all the added inconvenience brothers, effort by Detective Howard for rehabilitation and counseling hometown. As important as those and storage logistics? MARK EINIGER Susan and his staff at the North services for some of these kids. villages and subdivisions are to Something tells me that if I North Brunswick Brunswick Police Department's The lack of adequate health the whole community, we are Youth Service Division. In insurance should never stand in dependent upon one another. recruiting both mentors and pro- the way. We owe our kids a shot Since each contributes something Cabin Fever Party was a success fessionals, they have transformed at the future. A wrong turn on special to the community, it is the joining of the various com- I would also like to thank the the "Scared Straight" model for the path of life does not need to he South Brunswick youths at risk to a true communi- turn into a permanent problem. munities within South Brunswick Community Center was New Jersey Department of into one neighborhood that Community Affairs for its con- ty collaboration of parents, po- I urge all of you to contact T filled with Valentine fun at lice, kids, professionals and your elected officials and rele- makes our quality of life so desir- the Cabin Fever Party on Feb. 1 tinued support of local program able and this such a great place to development through its school personnel. This is a team vant government agencies so that for families of children with dis- that works and is now being live. Recreational Opportunities for we can get the necessary funding abilities. Valentine arts and replicated in surrounding for this endeavor. Let's truly celebrate our 200th Individuals with Disabilities crafts, dancing, games and an communities. When a communi- AMANDA GREEN birthday and honor our commu- obstacle course, as well as Grant. ty acts, children at risk can get North Brunswick nity by erasing the artificial refreshments and food, were Socials like this one provide boundaries that separate us. Let's enjoyed by more than 70 individ- the opportunity for families with create the identity that is so uals. Each child left the party disabled children to meet others Volunteerism alive in So. Brunswick imperative to exemplary commu- with their Valentine treasures. within our community for recre- nities; let's strengthen the charac- On behalf of the South ational activities and develop olunteerism in South will be events for all ages, rang- Brunswick is very much ing from clowns to light shows. teristics of our township by par- Brunswick Department of social networks. A magic show ticipating in the activities on its alive and prospering as We urge all residents to mark Recreation and Community for children with disabilities is V 200th birthday. Enjoy the festivi- their calendars for Feb. 21 to be Affairs, I would like to acknowl- currently in the planning stage demonstrated by the tremendous ties at South Brunswick High edge all the volunteers and staff for April 26. volunteer efforts of the South part of this great milestone in the long history of your township. School and Crossroads and who contributed their time, skills, Meetings are held with inter- Brunswick Township Bicen- Admission buttons can be pur- Indian Fields schools, as well as enthusiasm and business for their ested citizens and families of res- tennial Committee. Common the Community and Senior chased in advance for only $7 at contributions to the party. Their idents with disabilities. Programs Sense salutes the outstanding Citizen centers. Bake a cake for dedication made this event possi- such as this one are the direct work of the more than 275 volun- 24 local locations. This is the ble. the contest, enjoy any of the result of input from this group. teers serving on more than 25 bargain of the year since it will assorted live music perfor- A committee of parents and Any South Brunswick resident subcommittees with the leader- provide unlimited access to all mances, enjoy the special pro- interested persons organized and who would like to receive notifi- ship of Township Clerk Kathleen performances and activities at all duction of Grease at Crossroads, developed this social to provide cation of future programs and Thorpe. The group has unselfish- five Birthday Bash locations for a laugh at a comedian, sing, dance recreational opportunities for meetings can call the recreation ly given their time for the last total- of 12 hours (noon to mid- or eat. But most importantly, local children with disabilities. office at (732) 329-4000, Ext. two years in planning the many night). have fun with family and old The department would like to 671, to be placed on the mailing events to commemorate our We understand for those that friends as we make new ones. recognize the hard work of Pat list. The next meeting is March 200th anniversary of the creation desire transportation, shuttle Take advantage of the special Dahl, Vikki Gartland, Vivian of South Brunswick by an Act of buses will be available at desig- Paulus and Peggy Watson. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Community opportunity that the Bicentennial Center. the New Jersey Legislature. nated locations. Birthday Bash will provide — Special thanks to Cluck-U- The major kickoff event for Buy your buttons in advance, the occasion to strengthen the Chicken, Princeton; Victorian JAN POWER Event Coordinator the year-long bicentennial cele- and join your neighbors and be identity, warmth and community Manor, Edison; Canada Dry of bration will be the "Birthday part of the celebration of a great feeling of South Brunswick. New York; Bachman Pretzels, Recreation/Community Affairs Bash" on Feb. 21, with a multi- South Brunswick Township. Happy Birthday, South Edison; A&P Food Store, SYLVIA LEE and LEWIS BONNIE BRUCCOLERI tude of activities planned, includ- Brunswick. Paterson; Sunshine-Keebler, SCHWARTZ Sayreville; and Calico Corners, Recreation Supervisor ing a variety of more than 25 VINCENT R. DeLUCIA Princeton, for their generous do- musical performances appealing Common Sense Former South Brunswick Recreation/Community South Brunswick nations. Affairs to the tastes of all visitors. There Mayor 8 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 TINCJREATER MEDIGA PRESENT S -W—PLAC^ E To RESPOND TO AN AD, CALL l"900~TT3"6602 $1.99 PER MINUTE YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER.

I M WAITING RARE FIND 33yrold 55 single attract ve intell gent 55 yr old un que Virgo divorced white vjr-te Jewish female kes dinng out female who is spontaneous Seeking a sports movies quet times Seeks Jeush male of dstnction 50 to 60 nondnnker male 31 40 wth smlar interests for a who is caring compassionate for a long lorg t»rm relat onsh p BOX 39465 term relationsh p BOX 10478 Call 1-900-773-6602 SWEET AND LOYAL HAPPY NEW YEAR JUST TRY ME NO COUCH POTATOES 41 yroid cute single white catholic female S1 99 per mm D vorced white female pe' te & pretty with 1 blonde ha r and green eyes In search of Sngle vhte profess onal female 39 52 18 yr olr 5 6 122 Ib single white female is seeking a single white catholic male 35 ft attractve emotonaly and tinancally qute soothing on the eyes My interests good sense of humor is seeking a single to 46 to start the new year off right If LOOKING 4 SOULMATE secure good natured man 40 to 52 2 7 are wdely d verse Seeking single uhte male 18 to 23 to enjoy quet evenngs you re interested pleasejepjy BOX 32461 47 yr old d vorced v hite Jewish female profess onal male 38 TO 48 for no games movies and more Fnendship first possi a p us Seeking long term relationsh p A DAY PERSON wth blonde har and blue e>es Enjoys BOX 32757 p05s ble long term relationsh p BOX ble relatonshp_BOX_14612 longdr^e^ moves dnng out and more 32758 __ _ but you can make me a night person' Mid Seeking a romant c s ncere wh te male 45 AFFECT1ONATLY YOURS YOUNG AT HEART 40 s 55 full figured single white female WARM HEARTED MAN to 55 w th sim lanntere-ts BOX 11060 40 s 54 full figured wh te female with a CHRISTIAN VALUES' Divorced white female 46 5 short brown enjoys music fishing walks on the beach Single white male 58 180 lbs sandy great sense of humor Enjoys gvmg and Youthful minded mid 50 s Christian hair Italian likes to cook enjoys walking and animals Seeking a white male 40 to blond hair crystal blue eyes mustache NEED A COMPANION? gett ng affect on monies music bowing female athletically fit loves outdoors art the beach and movies Seeking someone 60 _wjth smilar interests BOX 36551 and goatee 49 looks 35 to 40 and is 54 125 1b \ dowad wnste lemale who is d n ng danc ng and qu et times n front of work theatre and love to dance Looking who is sensitive easy going and honest financially secure this year Seeking down to earth with a sense of humor my f replace Seeking a white male 40 to for a s ncere Christ an white male 50 to for pos^ble long term relationship BOX PETITE BLONDE female 30 to 45 who is emotionally Enjoys dining out movies walks on the 55 to share affect on and adventure BOX 58 who has Chnstian values and commit 32736 29 blue eyes happy caring easy going secure with varied interests weight pro boardwalk sporta and more Seeking a 32768 mant m nded BOXJJ9832 Seeks tall professional man 29 to 36 for portionate to height BOX 32784 wh te male 68 to 73 nonsmoker w th sim LEAP OF FAITH fun long walks on the beach movies Attractive fun loving divorced white far nterests BOX H753 _ CALL 4 MORE DETAILS AMAZING ATTRIBUTES dancing and good times BOX 32720 GIRLFRIEND WANTED Divorced whte female 41 54 120 tb Divorced white profess onal female attrac Jewish professional female 50 52 THINKING OF YOU enjoya theater music dancing dining out Single white male is seeking a single white light brown hair and brown eyes tive slender 56 blue eyed blonde non female 21 to 35 for one on one relation 21 yr old 5 2 white female college slu Spontaneous with good sense of humor etc Seeking romantic fit honest canng dent with brown ha r and blue eyes smoker who is warm loving honest and ship Im affectionate honest attractive Enjoys music traveling arts and dmng sincere with many interests Seeks male 50 to 58 for poss ble long term rela Enjoys writing dancing dining out tionship BOX 32737 down to earth and communicative Enjoys out In search of white profess anal divorced white professional male non the outdoors cycling and the simple things movi»s quiet times and more Seeking an divorced male 37 45 with same interests Itai an male 21 to 28 w th similar interests smoker 45 to 58 to explore life s possibili SINGLE WHITE FEMALE Call 1-900-773-6602 in life BOX 32781 Friendship first BOX32765__ ties with a great lady BOX 32744 Blondeha.tr blue eyed 52 105 lbs single torarelatonship BOX 1191B $1.99 per min. HIPPY GIRL WANTED LET IT BE ME white female 19 Seeking single white LET S MEET LONG TERM WANTED male 18 to 25 Looking for friendship and Single white male 40 looks much If you are that special guy let it be me 38 yr old 5 6 single white mother of one PLACE YOUR FREE AD TODAY younger nice looking affect onate non 45 yr old 58 150 Ib dvorced white White widowed 5 2 female is seeing possible more BOX 32734 female with blonde ha r and green eyes a non smoker full figured romantic fun Are you and your finend looking to meet materialistic down to earth honest sin nsce looking everyday guy wth a good silly sweet intel gent ambitious warm STRIKE GOLDI two nice people to go out with7 If so cere loves the outdoors Seeks single Enjoys moyies dning out travel broad sense of humor who is honest and sm way shows and more Seeking a male hearted Seeking a white professional Me very attractive professional Puerto place your FREE ad in our Double Dating white female 21 to 35 for loving respect cere over 50 and can be special BOX male 35 to 48 non smoker with good val Rican female 46 58 A lady You taller category by calling 1 800 647 8403 ful one on one relationship BOX3277B financially secure with sirn lar interests 32763 and a sense of humor BOX 13336 ues monogamous canng sensitive ambi older professional Puerto Rican male A tious BOX 12590 gentleman BOX 32735 WANTED SPECIAL LADY FRESH NEW START Single white male 47 510 175 lbs non THE TIME IS NOW Vivacous fun loving pretty single white : 30 s 5 8 Catholic female nonsmoker smoker handsome sincere enjoys dining professional female mid 40 s full figured MEJN SEEKING out dancing movies quiet times In who enjoys the outdoors movies sports warm hearted and loyal Loves laughter dining out cooking qu et t mas and more search of one very special lady 30 plus for and positive attitude Desires kind hearted dating friendship possible senous long Seek ng a white Hispanic or Asian male genuine humorous single white male 43 37 to 42 who is romantic with similar inter 1 term relationship marriage No drugs no to 55 non smoker Dream with me BOX Call 1-900-773-6602 smokers Children welcome BOX 32544 ests BOX 40306 32658 AWAITING YOUR CALL $1.99 per min. LOVES THE OUTDOORS BAD BOY WANTED Outgo ng single white female brajvn hair Single white male 40 looks much Divorced mom 34 financially secure hazel eyes In search of outgoing single NO HEAD GAMES younger nice looking down to earth affec whte or single Hispanic male 40 to 46 Seeking professional man 35 to 40 bad tionate sincere honest and nice personal boy look not image My hobbies include 30 yr old 511 ISO Ib attractive white Must like qu te times at home If interested male who enjoys sports movies dining ity Seeks single white female 21 to 35 for please leave message BOX 32786 horseback ndmg snowmobilmg quiet din one on one loving respectful relationship ners and hanging with fnends BOX 32762 out beaches and more Seeking a white female 21 to 32 with similar interests BOX 32777 NEW TO THE SCENE NO GAMES But daw tUrt> Uito U a ^ BOX 10892 Polish d vorced mom 48 5 2 honest car EXPERIMENT! ing and sincere Enjoys dancing the 39 yr old white professional female with dark hair hazel eyes and a nonsmoker FRIENDS FIRST Athletic divorced white male know it all beach dintng out and more Seeks a white 25 yr old 66 athletic while male who PhD science psychology Seeks success honest male 45 to 55 with similar interests Enjoys biking skiing tee skating working out and more Seeking a white profession enjoys the outdoors fishing hiking cook ful local non princess female over 40 for friendship and possibly more SOX ing dining out movies quiet times and who lacks male attention BOX 32776 32772 al male 38 to 48 with similar interests for it Mb tut-& fine-sA in a long term relationsh p SOX 14227_ more Seeking a white female 21 to 28 with similar interests for possible relation WHAT CAN I SAY' NEW BEGINNINGS SINGLE MOM tU Pweorndt /\/otn tktf ship BOX 11047 57 yr old Italian male smoker likes cook 34 yr old professional female 56 120 Ib ing dining in and out movies and any likes sports beach bo vlmg cooking quiet Divorced white professional female 40 55 attractive slender fun and intelligent GIVE ME A CALL thing my lady wants to do Seeks slim n ghts at home Tired of bars Seeks hon , ffeaw tm 511 professional Jewish male with black shapely female 30 50 for companionship est caring professional male with same Seeking divorced or single non smoking professional white male 35 to 45 who is hair and brown eyes Enjoys movies din BOX 15608 interests BOX 38264 ing out sports bowling plays and more educated easygoing humorous hasval HONEST AND CARING FUN TO BE WITH ues and loves kids for fnendship or long Seeking a Jewish female 37 to 49 with similar interests for good times and fnend In search of a slim and attractive 53 to 53 24yrold 56 120 1b s ngle mother with term relationship BOX 32741 Likes dining in or out movies music long brown hatr and eyes Enjoys outdoor ship BOX 15343 ARE YOU ACTIVE' drives and quiet evenings for long term sports SKung the beach gong for walks TREAT YOU RIGHT relationship Freehold area BOX 32774 and rides and alternative rock Seeking a 19 yr old 58 1351b attractive educated female with red/brown hair and green 57 150 Ib sincere male with brown hair \ hite male with similar interests Must and blue eyes En|oys the outdoors arts JEWISH MALE enjoy ch Idren Only senous irtqu nes for eyes Enjoys hockey water sports dm ng 35 yr old 57 170 Ib single Jewish male out day trips and more Seeking a profes music animals tnps and more Seeking a possible long term relationship BOX petite female with similar interests BOX Likes photography concerts dining out 32779_ _ sional male 24 to 29 with similar interests BOX 38154 36886 movies sports clubs Seeks single white HEART OF GOLD THINKING OF YOU Jewish female 28 33 with similar inter LOOKING FOR SOMEBODY FAMILY ORIENTED ests BOX 37731 Single white female, 5 3 130 lbs looking LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH Sincere canng divorced white female 48 45 yr old tall, divorced white female with Divorced white female 53 dark hair and in search of a single white male with a blonde hair and green eyes Enjoys beach 35 yr old professional male who enjoys for someone who Is good with children movies concerts sports dining out shop SERIOUS CALLS ONLY loyal the outdoors type and believes in a dark eyes good figure great smle in grsat sense of humor and a good heart for es Broadway shows movies, dining out search of tall divorced white male 50 to 55 candlelight dinners and possible long term and more Seeking a white male 46 to 55 ping and more Seeking a professional 40 yr old single white attractive Italian good relationship Preferably Gemini 21 to female with similar interests for lasting male seeks attractive slender single 27 BOX 32780 clean shaven to start the year nghti BOX relationship BOX 32751 who is emotionally and financially secure 11101 with similar interests BOX 11239 relationship possible marriage BOX white Hispanic or Asian female 20-40 SINGLE PETITE FEMALE 37154 who is honest and romantic Ukes dining ROMANTIC VALENTINEI out weekend getaways and travel for dat Attractive brunette green eyes medium CATHOLIC FEMALE' 24 yr old single black female seeking tall CARING MOTHER 27 yr old single white Catholic female intelligent ambitious, single white male 26 23 yr old mother of two Loves camping NAUGHTY & NICE ing fnendship and possible long term rela height medium weight I m seeking a very 41 yr old 510 1701b attractive male with tionship BOX 38542 attractive male 38to48 510to61 fora enjoys movies Chinese food and shopping to 30 to share times and grow with Enjoys movies dancing and motorcycles Looking of course looking for a Catholic profes swimming theatncals walking on the lor a white male 25 to 40 Looking for brown hair brown eyes and glasses romantic Valentine s Day date BOX 39784 WANTS FIT LADY sional white mate 28 to 35 with similar board walk and I like jazz and Ft&B mustc fnendship to start with BOX 32749 Enjoys movies and more Seeking an out TAKE MY HAND & HEART interests BOX 15046 BOX 1S558 going educated female for lasting relation 25yrold 5 8 175 1b fit black male seeks M d 30 s single white female seeks single CAN WE MEET ship BOX 38715 female 23 33 who likes to work out Likes fun romantc intelligent white male mid NEVER SAY NEVER NEWTOTHEGAMEI White widowed Jewish female mid 50 s gospel concerts walks comedy clubs 30 s 40 s Non smoker no drugs Likes Attractive divorced white female 34 5 9 , Single white female 19 in search of single attractive classy and fun Seeking non A GREAT CATCH BOX 39424 blonde with hazel eyes a great smile opti white male 18 to 25 who enjoys fishing smoking mensch 53 to 65 Interested in 18 yr old reserved black male who enjoys many things motorcycles to limos Take LADY OF STYLE my hand my heart wilHollow BOX 10934 mistic and bubbly Enjoys music especial outdoors movies quiet times or trying new movies walking dining out and theater movies sports music and more Seeking iy Spnngstem Eagles Melissa concerts things for possible long term relationship etc BOX 32731 a female 18 to 21 with a positive outlook 6 3 single white fit professional male LETS TALK' movies dining out and partying Seeks fun BOX 32747 on life BOX 4030O seeks outgoing single white professional, 46 yr old fit attractive petite divorced loving romantic tall dark haired man to DOWN TO EARTH adventurous female who likes fine dining Ital an/Span sh female seeks attractive fit make me laugh BOX 32760 BLUE EYES Single parent looking to meet a guy 35 to DON T CALL ME the beach movies etc A non smoker honest straight forward male 42-48 Likes 510 130 Ib, professional white female 45 who is honest down to earth non If you don t want to laughl Divorced white BOX 39828 sports dancing and quiet romantic FOR FRIENDSHIP non smoker enjoys movies romantic smoker loves kids and family is romantic male 32 father of one husky build who evenings BOX 10956 Warm hearted widow who is European evenings and candlelight dinners Seeks warm and affectionate I have strawberry likes to have a good time Searching for ROLL THE DICE born and educated a nonsmoker en|oys an intelligent white or black professional blonde hair 5 6 145 lbs Middlesex single or divorced white female 28 to 35 18yrold 510 180 Ib male with blue eyes WANTED NEW WIDOWER nature classical music opera and the arts male 30 lo 40 money a must non smok County area BOX 32732 for fnendship possible long term relation Likes lifting weights clubs sports Seeks Recent v.idow looking for someone to be Seeking a gentleman 60 plus with a er for a senous relationship BOX 13520 ship BOX 32782 female 18 22 with a nice personality BOX friends and find some happiness in low sense of humor and similar interests BOX VERY PROMISING 39885 LOOK NO FURTHER THE REAL DEAL 60s BOX 32568 10433 41 yr o!d 56 . 145 Ib single mom with Divorced white female mid 50 s 56 135 49yrold 511 1751b attractive divorced JUST DO IT HEART AND SMILE FULFILL OUR DEST1NYI lbs shapely fun outgoing great skier and blonde hair Enjoys dancing working out white professional male nonsmoker Handsome affluent multi lingual single Passionate loving romantic playful tnm Jewish divorced white female 46 yr old financially secure Desires very attractive children, walks on the beach romance Seeking an attractive divorced or single Caribbean black male 62 45 well built attractiva divorced white female 59 53 and full figured I ve been told Ivegot professional non smoker Single music and more Seeking an honest male white professional female 40 s for good Enjoys sports theater traveling and fine 40 s and a non smoker Enjoys fine dining a great sense of humor I m compassion divorced white male wth vaned interests nonsmoker with similar interests BOX times romance possible long term rela cuisine Seeking tall attractive shapely dancing movies and cozy nights Seeks a ate passionate and canng Seeking a hon to share life with BOX 32723 10425 tionship Slender sensuous a plus BOX intelligent down to earth white Hispanic or handsome tnm tall single or divorced est male 43 to 53 a nonsmoker to fulfill HEART OF GOLD 32783 Asian female for possible long term rela white male non smoker 40 to 50 with our destiny together BOX 10494 GOOD COMPANY tionship BOX 32721 Widowed Jewish female professional cut Very attractive and sexy single while pro VERY HUGGABLE same qualities for long term relationship fessional female great shape 5 3 120 lbs, BOX 32775 _ LETS TRAVEL tured attractive canng and spontaneous Nice looking single white male 35 6 MARRIAGE WANTED Outdoorsy 27 yr old 5 5 white female Seeking Mensch 48 to 59 with similar long hair romantic intelligent beautiful 180 lbs, very active enjoys life laughing 45 yr old athletic single Jewish dad not BLACK OR HISPANIC loves to go horse back nding, swimming qualities to enjoy the arts travel NYC smile one man woman Seeks single and holding hands Seeks attractive sin religious seeks shapely woman En|oys romantic evenings long walks and country white professional male 36 to 43 hand 18 yr old 56 145 Ib female is seeking a skiing traveling and fishing name it and I 1 gle divorced white female who likes the travel romance oldies outdoors, cooking black or Hispanic male 18 to 26 to enjoy love it Looking for Mr right out there who drives for possible long term relationship some confident, 6 plus non smoker hon same for possible long term relationship and new adventures Ail having a good time and more BOX 11097 loves the outdoors too BOX 16024 BOX 32716 est BOX 32705 BOX 32714 replies answered BOX 32771

FREE PERSONAL AD * FREE VOICE GREETING * FREE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL 1-800-647-8403 ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT. Both numbers work with TouchTone™ and Rotary phones SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 9 W Lt. Golbourne gets HMEETING captain promotion PY JOHN K DELANEY The lawsuit claimed that Golbourne, a PLACE 16-year veteran of the force, had five years Staff Writer experience in the force and held three dif- TO RESPOND TO AN AJ>, CALL X"9vO-/ / 3~ ferent command positions between August $1.99 PER MINUTE. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER. NORTH BRUNSWICK — The town- 1994 and 1996, serving as the command- ship's only black officer was promoted ing officer on the Juvenile Bureau, a coor- NEW YEARS ADVENTURES G.I. JOE WANTS YOU PASSIONATE ROMANCE Friday to the rank of captain, a position he dinator of the Domestic Violence Single white male, 33, 6', brown hair, Divorced white professional male, 38, 47 yrs young, easy going, sensitive and brown eyes, average build. Likes movies, 5'9", 155 lbs, Intelligent, fit and fun. canng. In search of a younger woman was passed over for in April. Response unit and the Bias Crime investi- reck and roll, outdoors and much more. Enjoys the outdoors, brisk walks on the that would enjoy the tenderness of a Seeks single or divorced white female, 28 beach, movies and dining out. Seeks romantic man. If you enjoy candlelight The promotion, however, will not settle gator. to 38, for friends or possible relationship. divorced, or single, white male, 30 to 40, dinner and desire passion in your life BOX 32770 curvaceous with similar Interests. Non again, my heart could be yours. BOX a lawsuit which former Lt. Leithland The lawsuit also said that, at the time, smoker, drug free tor sharing quiet times. 32742 Golbourne filed against the township in HEART OF GOLD Middlesex county area preferred. BOX Conry had only been a lieutenant for a year 43 yr old, 5'ir, 170 Ib, divorced while male 32750 MARRIAGE MINDED July. who is sincere and romantic. Seeking Single while male, 28, 6', physically fit. and eight months and had no command divorced white female, 37 to 43, slim, with SEEKS PETITE BLONDE Enjoys kids, dining, movies and much At a press conference held last week, morals and heart. Middlesex County Single, white male, 29, brown hair, blue more. In search of single or divorced experience. flJ!OX327B7 ayes, 175 Ib, fun, outgoing and honest. white female 22 to 33 who is down to Mayor Paul Matacera said the lawsuit filed The state Department of Personnel Seeks white female, 21-28. who enjoys earth, likes kids and laughing. BOX by Golbourne will continue despite the SHY WOMAN WANTED dining, clubs, movies, slaying in, partying. 32743 recalculated nine answers to the civil ser- Single white male, 31, short light hair, blue You must be romantic, spontaneous and promotion. eyes, 195 lbs, ST. Looking lor a white lun^Keyport/Matawan area. BOX 32748_ MAD ABOUT YOU vice test taken by police officers across the female, 25 to 27, nonsmoker, who enjoys Young, single white male, 37 but looks Gregory Schaer, Golbourne's attorney movies, dining, bowling and lots more. DOWN TO EARTH 27,5'10*. energetic, romantic, and fun to state. Possible long term relationship.. BOX Single white male, 38, looks 28, blonde be with. In search of a single female, 25 in the suit, could not be reached for com- 32766 hair, blue eyes, 6'2", 165 lbs. Seeks single to 38, fun, fit and affectionate. Let's enjoy According to the new results, white female, 25 to 33, slim with blue life together) BOX_32738 ment. HUNTER 4 COLLEEN eyes, nonsmoker. Llkos quiet times and Golbourne posted first place, followed by Single white male, 38, (Mutt), seeks single drives In the country, antiquing etc. BOX The decision by township officials to PASSION Capt. Stanley Karbowski, 39, and Sgt. white or Asian female, 24 to 36, (Collie), tor 32745 _ Divorced white male, 6'3", 205 lbs, 39, promote Golbourne to captain stems from possible long term relationship. Hunty- easy on the eyes, in good shape, looking William Erchick 38, who were promoted wunty wants some huggie-wuggies. BOX BIG HEART for white female, attractive, shapely, 33 a recent recalculation of a civil service 32654 Divorced white male, 6T, 190 lbs, Is goal to 45. Share our world. BOX 32739 oriented, a positive thinker, with a big exam conducted by the state Department in the same ceremony as Golbourne. LOOKING FOR A CUTIE heart and a great smile. Looking for single 28 yr old, 53", 135 Ib, single Asian male or divorced white female, 28 to 45, to of Personnel. Keller said that the recalculations of the with black hair and dark brown eyes. enjoy life's pleasures with and possibly Looking for a non smoking white female, longjerm relationship. BOX 32746 •MEN: ,.. The 45-year-old officer tied with two test scores resulted from hundreds of 23 to 32, petite who enjoys working out, appeals made by police departments movies, dining, walking on beaches and ARE YOU INTERESTED? ••ALTERNATIVE-. other officers in the civil service test taken lots more. BOX 32764 45 yr old, 5'9\ male with blonde hair and around the state. blue eyes. Enjoys dining out, movies, Call 1-900-773-6602 before April. He and his attorney decided SEEKING PRETTY WOMEN walks on the beach, Atlantic City, travel The police department now has four 20 yr old, 6', 190 Ib, attractive, while male and more. Seeking a slim, while female, $1.99 per min. that Golbourne should have received the who Is athletic and outgoing. Seeks an 30 to 50, with similar Interests. BOX promotion to captain because he had more captains instead of the former two. Conry attractive female, 18 and up, to get to know 3757!) I'LL CALL YOU BACK each other and possibly more. BOX 32761 24 yr old, 5'10', 135 Ib, white male with seniority than Lt. John Bonura and then- will remain a captain, even though his LOOKING FOR YOU BASICALLY IT! Single white male, 30, with dirty blonde long hair. Enjoys the outdoors, music and Lt. Donald Conry, who got the captain pro- recalculated score did not place him in the Christian single white male, 32 yr old, 5'9\ hair, blue eyes, 61". who likes sports, more. Seeking a white male, 18 to 27, 170 lbs. Seeking a single white Christian dancing, amusement parks, traveling and with similar interests. BOX 11140 motion based on his interview and educa- running for the position. Matacera said that female, early 30's, that's basically it. BOX auto racing. Seeking a fit, attractive single NEW TO THE SCENE tion. recent retirements in the department have 13586 white female, 22 to 36, who likes the 18yrold male seeking someone 18 to 25. same from Middlesex to Monmouth Enjoy sports, quiet evenings at home and LET'S BREAK THE ICE County. BOX 32715 The lawsuit against the township names released the funds necessary to fund four Italian, single, white male, I have one bad movies. BOX 37615 habit, I smoke. I seek a single, slim and JUST A KID AT HEART Matacera, Business Administrator Paul captain salaries. shapely female, 30 to 50, for companion- 6' male with brown hair and eyes, enjoys Keller and Police Director Thomas ship, and doing whatever you want to do anything Disney, roller bladlng, photogra- He also said that the four captain po- for fun. BOX 16495 phy, movies, music and more. Seeking a • WOMEN; Maltese as defendants, alleging that racism sitions will allow the department to divide female, with similar Interests, for a long SOUTH RIVER SINGLE term relationship. BOX 11201 had led the officials to promote Conry, a administrative duties. Golbourne will head Divorced white male, 43,5iO", slim, good ALTERNATIVE looking, non drinker, quiet, easy going, var- SINCERE RELATIONSHIP white officer, instead of Golbourne. the Central Services Bureau. ied interests. Seeking self supporting, 25 yr old, attractive, single white male, Call 1-900-773-6602 height/weight proportionate female for long brown hair and oyes, enjoys the simple $1.99 per min. termrelationship. BOX 32759 things, the outdoors, movies, etc. Seeking a single white female, a one man woman, , OPEN TO ALL THINGSI JUST GIVE ME A CALL who Is ready for an honest and sincere 18 yr old, new to the seen, single male. I Mid 40 yr eld, B', 190 Ib. white, exceeding- relationship. BOX 11642 ly attractive professional male seeking a seek a female, 18 to 25, for discreet Speaking limits imposed very bright, very attractive woman, 34 to FREEHOLD AREA MALE evenings. BOX 14931 42, who has no hang ups and wants to 21 yr old, 5'8", 165 Ib, single Italian male, SOUND COOL TO YOUII! enjoy life. I love to go out to dinner, movies funny, outgoing, affectionate. Enjoys 38 yr old, B', 185 Ib, service man with and open to newjhings._BOX 40079 movies, dining out, bowling, night clubs, Continued from page 1 He added that when meetings stretch Atlantic City and romantic nights. Seeking brown hair and blue eyes. Enjoys movies, literature, popular music and into the early hours, agenda items are often CLOSER TO THE HEART a single white female, 20 to 27, for com- majority vote, could be used to stifle Cute, single white male, 23, SS". 100% panionship, possible relationship. Smoker more. Seeking a female, 18 to 40, with not considered as fully as they might Italian. Enjoys music, sports, and NYC. okay^BOX 13724 similar interests. BOX 10985 minority opinion on the committee. Honest, funny and successful. Seeks sin- demand. LIKES BEING WITH YOU NEW CIRCLE OF FRIEND gle white female, 20 to 27, same qualities White, female Gemini, 48. Seeking Mayor Luciano reaffirmed his commit- to hang out and have fun. BOX 32756 39 yr old, 5'9", 170 Ib, humorous, kind, Residents took to the pulpit to advocate caring male Is seeking a special, attrac- females, 38 to 58. Enjoys antiquing, ment to having speaking extensions be SEEKING EDUCATED MOM tive, feminine female. Enjoys dancing, bowling, auctions, dining out, lisa mar- the keeping of the name "Beekman Road" White dad, fit, romantic, attractive, caring, dining, shows, and more. BOX 13920 kets and quiet times. BOX 32725 granted impartially. "I have given my honest, successful, likes candlelight din- for the thoroughfare that currently holds ners. Seeks petite to medium mom who ARE YOU FUN & FIT? GUIDELINES word," he said, "that the ordinance will not likes the same. Monmouth County. BOX Are you mature, professional, level head- The Publisher assumes no liability for the con- the title; to recommend prudence in deal- 32753 ed, dynamic, a non smoker, reliable, like tents of, of replies to any personal advertise- be used to stifle minority opinion. ing with the current budget surplus; and to to move forward In life and want to make ments; and such liability rest exclusively with NEW TO AREA a good looking couple? Pick up tie phons the advertiser of, or respondent to, such adver- The rest of the committee members recommend the formation of a citizens' Single white male, 23, enjoys skiing, exer- and give me a rlngl BOX 14086 tisements. The Publisher may, in its sole dis- cise. Looking for single whits female, 20 to cretion, change, reject or delete any personal restated their support for the ordinance. task force to guide township government 23, who has a great sense of humor and POSSIBLE LONG TERM advertisements which it deems inappropriate. likes toskj. BOX32754 31 yr old, 6', single while male, sensitive All advertisers musl record a voice greeting to Deputy Mayor Frank Gambatese through the upcoming change in govern- and caring. Enjoys movies, quiet romantic accompany their ad Ads without voice greet- MONMOUTH COUNTY evenings and the outdoors. Seeking an ings may not appear in The Meeting Place. stressed that the ordinance does not apply ment. Single while male, 25,5'10", athletic build, affectionate, caring, single white female, When you respond to a Meeting Place ad, your to public speaking times, and that it was good looking, outgoing and very friendly. In 19 to 35, with similar qualities and Inter- phone bill will reflect a clurge of S 1.99 per The committee agreed to consider each search of single white female, 18 to 29, ests. BOX 14799 minute. An average 3 minute call costs S5.97. introduced in order to allow the public to who is Inendly, pretty and likes to go out "Die Meeting Place is provided by Greater of the suggestions, with the issue of the cit- and be treated very well. BOX 32589 BLUE COLLAR GUY Media and Advanced Telecom Services, take part more meaningfully in municipal Single white male, 49, 5'9", 165 lbs. No Wayne, PA 19087, the program operators, and izens' task force to be put on the agenda of NICE GUY drugs, smoker and beer drinker. I enjoy can be reached at 1-800-247-1287 frotn9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. To change or government. a future meeting. Single white professional male, 33, non quiet home-tile, beach, mutual pamper- renew your ad or for customer service, call 1- smoker, S'8", 150 lbs. Enjoys reading, ing. Seeks easy going unattached child- 800-247-1287 from 9 am to 5 pm Monday museums, theatre and varied interests. In Ires female, for daytime friendship and through Friday. search of single white female for friend- more. Middlesex county a plus. No game Copyright 1997 ATS ship, long term relationship. BOX 32755 players. SOX 32740 IN BRIEF Thareare evm moreaS. Ste The lyfeetirg Place en the InterrEt at Church to present 'GodspelT Feb. 22 http://www.webfriends.com Godspell, the musical presentation of ject. the life of Jesus, will be presented at Christ The production is being staged as an FREE PERSONAL AD * FREE VOICE GREETING- the King Church on Feb. 22 at 4 p.m. introduction to the Lenten season. The church is located at 3330 Route 27 The church will observe Ash * FREE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL * in Kendall Park. Wednesday on Feb. 25 with a confession The public is invited to the free perfor- service and imposition of ashes at 7:30 TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL 1 "800-647-8403 mance. p.m. ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT. The cast will include members of Private confession, ashes and time for Both numbers work with TouchTone™ and Rotary phones. 2/13/ Princeton Day School's music and the- personal meditation will also be available ater program who have prepared for the throughout the day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. production as part of a special arts pro- and from 4:30-6:30 p.m. 10 SENTINEL FEBRUARY 19, 1998 PARTICIPATING ADVERTISERS Ace Aluminum Affiliated Foot & Ankle American Harvest Angelo's Pizza Artisan Construction - X Aurora Environmental f ENTER Autosound Cellular Beacon Street Grille Bergenfield Lighting Greater Media Newspapers' Big Ed's BBQ Black Bear Lake Day Camp Bo's Dell Breeches Brister-Cortese Brothers Lawn Service FIND THE BTS Accounting & Financial Consultants Camelot Catering, a division of the Cambridge Inn Capitol Decorators / Capitol Environmental Capobianco Taekwondo ! f Carole's Cuts Center Stage Dance : i Cellular Connection Ceramics All Over Changes International Menswear Children's Dental Care/Dr Cavan Brundsen Country Comer Country Roads Day Camp Crown Heating & Cooling CONTEST Cruise Authority Cruise Holidays IT'S EASY, Cruise One Dancing on the Moon Dayton Sports Pub IT'S FUN! Detendre Dina's Dinettes Dominick's Pizza Shop Dorn's Photo Shop Just count the number of "SNOWMEN" Dr Alan Meyerberg Or Sanford D. Bosin hidden in the participating merchants' advertisements in your Dr. Scott Lurie Drain King newspaper. Complete the entry form below and place the EZ2 Reach Cellular Fit America number of snowmen you found on the entry form (do not include Furniture City Gabriet Cfependorf GalaxSea Cruises & Travel the snowmen on this page). Contest runs until February 25, Gallo Contracting, Inc. Garden State Cabinet Garvey's Family Restaurant and Pub you need to enter to win! Glamour Shots Greco Jewelers Huntington Learning Center It's Elementary This Week's Winners: J&H Dinettes Karen's Designer Consignment Boutique Sandi Gomberg, Freehold ICinderland Learning Center/ Summer Fun Day Camp King Fitness Joan Bird, Parlin Lakeside Manor Lighthouse Cigars WEEKLY Joe Segal, Marlboro Maaco Auto Painting Madison Dry Cleaners Manalapan Lanes/ GRAND Paddock Restaurant Martin & Brown Fuel Oit/ASi PRIZE Matawan/Old Bridge Dental, PA (Winners will be Maybruch & Zapeic, Attorneys A Family selected from a Menzei Bros. Merrill R. SiedmaiVRed Balloon Travel Fiin-Pak random drawing of all WIN Metabolic Nutrition Middletown Electrolysis entries. Winners Millstone Chiropractic ©f Four will be notified. OTHER MKG Bathrooms Musso's Restaurant Ski Lift Tickets Employees of j ': N J. Stair & Rail GREAT Norman Perlmuiter, CPA Greater Media Not Just Mica toHsdcleo Vaiiiey Newspapers Ocean Fitness - Mlddletown pelican Ski & PooT -. Resort • > are not eligible. PRIZES , Piazza Dj Roma Pfatt's PerfQrrnSnoe Pjus No purchase necessary.) Plaza Chiropractic Center/Or. Ira Shapiro The Postmodern Picnic FIND THE CONTEST _ Mail your entry form to: FIND THE SNOWMAN CONTEST Number of Snowmen for Week 5 Greater Media Newspapers 25 Kilmer Drive, Suite 109 Morganville, NJ 07751

Name Tilplo Chock Income Tax Service Vans Wind- L«mti The Windmili o< H.ulel Address Women Cai Ing for Women Woody s Towuo C ifc Work Out Vlrorld City/Zip Vostrrday s Rabtaurmit Katnon Zlppob Phone

esms nn c—2 asm ami earn Km mm man E323 mam MOB BKH GHSI msm em cssu SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 1 1 «mr«i

L± X _! Stephen Shropshire as Max in Where the Wild A Lush Life: The Music of Things Are performing at / Aj I Billy strayhorn the State Theatre on Princeton University Concert Feb 21 & 22 12th Annual NJ. Boat Jazz Ensemble and Show Monk/Mingus Ensemble Feb 19&20,1-10 pm Feb 21 at 8 p m Feb 21,11 a m -10 p m Richardson Auditorium Feb 22,11 am -6pm Princeton University New Jersey Convention tickets $20, senior citizens and Expo Center and students, $10, children Edison under 12, $5 Admission $7, adults, (609) 258-5000 $5, ages 12-17, free children under 12 Vienna Choir Boys (800) 332-3976 Feb 21 at 8 p m Prudential Hall at N.J. Flower & Patio Show Performing Arts Center Garden State Exhibit Center One Center St, Newark Somerset tickets $i0-$38 Feb 19-22 (888) 466-7522 admission $7 50 $6 for senior citizen, Polymania children under 12 are free piano four hands of Steven (732) 919-7660 Russell and Mari-Jo Policastro Feb 22 at 4 p m South Brunswick St Francis of ASSISI Cathedral Bicentennial Bash Metuchen Feb 21 noon to 10 p m tickets $5, adults, variety of entertainment at free admission for students Indian Fields School and children South Brunswick Senior Center (732) 548-0100, Ext 235 Crossroads School South Brunswick High School admission $7 in advance Big Band Salute to the $10 at the door Music That Won world (732) 329-4000 ext 410 War II featuring Fred Radke Grease conducting the Harry James Vienna Choir Boys will be at the New n presented by the Janus Orchestra, The Lancers and Jersey Performing Arts Center on n i Players at The Hun School of Marilyn King Feb 22 Princeton Feb 25 at 8 p m Where the Wild Things Are State Theatre by Maurice Sendak Feb 26, 27 & 28 at 8 p m and March 1 at 2 p m 15 Livingston Ave Choreography, Septime Webre New Brunswick Feb 21 at 8 p m , tickets $5 for adults, Feb 22 at 2 p m $3 for students tickets $25, $19 (609) 921-7600 ext 2339 (732) 246-7469 Yankee Doodle Circus State Theatre sponsored by North Brunswick 15 Livingston Ave Parks & Recreation Committee New Brunswick To Kill a Mockingbird through Feb 28 & North Brunswick Women s tickets $14-28 Club (732) 246-7469 George Street Playhouse, 9 Livingston Ave Krista vanNess Feb 22 at noon, 2 30 & 5 p m New Brunswick Mixed Media Linwood School tickets $24, $28, $32 through Feb. 27 Linwood Ave (732) 246-7717 Mariboe Gallery North Brunswick Richard L Swig Center tickets, $10 50 adults Enter Laughing The Peddie School $6 50 children The Country Wife South Main Street, Hightstown two free children's tickets with presented by Shakespeare 70 Inc Feb 20 through March 1 Thurs -Sat at 8 p m (609) 730-8566 advance purchase ticket Feb 19,20,21 at 8pm (732) 247-0922 ext 475 Feb 22 at 2 p m Sun at 2 30 p m March 11 at 2 30 pm Father and Daughter: credit card purchases The Studio Theater (800) 992-5696 The College of New Jersey Forum Theatre George and Rena Segal 314 Mam St , Metuchen drawings and photographs by Ewing School House Rock, LIVE! (609) 882-5979 tickets $25-$29 George Segal, acrylic paintings (732) 548-0582 and works on paper by presented by the Kid's Forum Joseph and the Amazing Rena Segal Saturdays in Feb at 11 a m Noises Off March 1 -April 12 Forum Theatre Technicolor Dreamcoat 314 Main St, Metuchen Feb 20, 21,27, 28 at 8pm presented by the East The Gallery at Bristol-Myers Brunswick Community Squibb Pharmaceutical Group tickets $8 Feb 22, March 1 at 4 p m (732) 548-0582 Kelsey Theatre Players Headquarters Mercer County Community through Feb 28 Route 206, Princeton Fn & Sat at 8 p m (609) 252-6275 Aladdin & His Magic Lamp College presented by Calliope 1200 Old Trenton Rd Sun at 3 p m Playhouse 22 Photography by the Storybook Theater Co West Windsor Feb 21, 22 at 2 pm (609) 584-9444 210 Dunhams Corner Rd Raritan Photographic East Brunswick Society Club Bene Route 35, Sayreville The Rivals tickets $12, through Feb 28 $10 seniors & students tickets $6 presented by Rutgers The Library (732) 727-3000 Theater Co (732) 254-3939 2 Jean Walling CIVIC Center through Feb 22 East Brunswick A Lie of the Mind (732) 390-6950 The Peking Acrobats Wed -Sat at 8 p m Feb 21 at 8 p m Sun at 2 p m by Sam Shepherd Feb 19,20,21 at 8 30 pm Chinese Brush strokes Prudential Hall at New Theater New Jersey Performing Arts George Street, The Villagers Theatre Eleanor Richmond 475 DeMott Lane, Somerset Center Douglass College through Feb 28 One Center St, Newark New Brunswick tickets $8 Patios are blooming at the New Monroe Township Library (732)932-7511 (732)873-2710 Jersey Flower & Patio Show at the tickets $10-$29 Garden State Exhibit Center 4 Municipal Plaza, Monroe (888) 466-5722 (732) 521-5000 12 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19,1998 Music to fill the air at Birthday Bash BY GAVIN McNETT ensemble, the Deans of Harmony. Valentin is a Latin jazz player who has Staff Writer garnered considerable acclaim and a for- SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Saturday's midable array of album credits. He will Birthday Bash will be the big kickoff for appear at 8'30 p m. at South Brunswick the township's year-long Bicentennial cel- High School, backed by Metsopulos' band ebration, with 86 performances and attrac- Phoenix Rising. tions spread over five locations Brahinsky is one of those folksy, bear- While it will be impossible to see ish characters with acoustic guitars whom one generally spots at folk festivals. everything the Birthday Bash has to offer, Reportedly, he's a highly polished, extraor- guests won't want to miss certain perform- dinarily accomplished example of the type, ers, among them flutists Dave Valentin and which bodes extremely well for his perfor- Andrea Metsopulos, storyteller and singer David Brahinsky and the barbershop Continued on next page Bicentennial Birthday Bash Events Feb. 21 Event Time Crossroads School

The Lonewolf Band Woodstock light show/ 7-8 p.m. slides NITRQ » OAKLEY « TYROUA * SAtOMOM » QLIN » BLIZZARD "« Astrologer Judith Ryan 7-11 p.m DJ Kevin Hallisey, top 40 7-11 p.m. I Karaoke 7-11 p.m. 10.00 SKI RENTALS Barbara Franki Complete with ski boots, binding & poles Grease, drama club 7-9 p m. Event Time Handwriting analysis 8-10 p.m. Indian Fields School Ty Kralin 25.00 SNOWBOARD RENTALS Transcend S.B. band 9-9:45 p.m With board, binding, boots Moonwalk adventures noon-5 p.m. Hypnotist 10-11:15 p.m. K-4 Chorus 12:30-1 p.m Vince Mendoza SHAPED Mr. Ray (musician) 1-1:30 p.m. Caricaturist 9-11 p.m. FREE LIFT TICKETS Giggles the Clown 1-5 p.m V. Gene Myers CIDTHINQ S.B. Teachers Band 1:30-2:30 p.m. All High Sierra BUY ANY QUALIFYING Elan SCX PC Transcend band 10-10:45 p.m. 1998 SKIS, SNOWBOARDS N J. Grand Opry 2-2:45 p.m Ski Jackets Children's Show South Brunswick High School OR JACKET & RECEIVE A Solomon Sheila/storyteller 2:30-3:15 p.m. FREE LIFT TICKET, GOOD QSOO, H.S. Jazz Band noon-12:30 p.m. Original Pilci N.J. Grand Opry 40% Off 3-30-4.15 pm. H.S. Wind Ensemble 1 -30-2 p m. AT HUNTER, SHAWNEE, Mounting • Children's Show Ind Student art exhibit noon-10 p.m Hard Corps Women's BLUE AND MANY MORE! Reptile Show 4-5 p.m. Sale of keepsakes noon-10 p.m CYBELE Jacket Fischer Big Easy Lore Dance Academy 5-5-30 p m Historical cutouts noon-10 p.m. Check out PELICAN SUPER McGruff crime dog noon-6 p.m. 50% Off Original Price COUPONS for FABULOUS OFFERS Arthur the Aardvark noon-3 p.m. Memories of S.B. noon-10pm. PelicansW.com Memories of S.B. noon-6 p.m. Kellerer Jazz Band 2-2:30 p.m. Inside Edge video First Baptist Church 1-1:30 p.m Ski Pants Grimace (McDonald's) noon-2 p.m Unity Choir Face painting noon-4 p.m. David Brahinsky 1 -2 p.m. storyteller 40% Off Original Price Gymnastics demo 3-3:30 p.m. Karate demo 1:30-2 p.m. Contra Dance 1 -4:30 p.m. Children's Kombi Sheila/storyteller 3 30-4.15 pm Deans of Harmony 1:30-2 p.m Thermals Hanan Harchal/guitar 2-3 p.m. Buy 1 Reg Price - Get 2nd H Price Comic 2:15-2:45 p.m. Dr. Guthrie/ 3-6 p.m. CROSS Senior Center COUNTRYSKIS Areas Largest Sale of Bicentennial 7 p.m.-mid tales Starting atB119 Selection of Sleds keepsakes Doug Young/magician 2-3:30 p.m $ 95 MC Joe Brower 7 p m.- mid WMGQ live 2-5 p.m. 9 & Up Broadway Ballroom 7:15-8:15 p.m. Judith Ryan/astrologer noon-4:30 p m Ice Skates dancing All Star Dance Academy 3-3:45 p.m. New & Used from Ski Tune-up, Cake contest judging 7-8 pm StCecilia's Church choir 2-2:30 p m bottom file '20.00 Lenape artifacts 7-11 p.m. Bell choir 3-4 p.m. All Snowboards, Boots, Our BEST, Jackets & Pants r, service Les Mor Caricaturist 7.30-11 30 p m The Rupert Pupkin Band 4-4-45 p.m Snowboard Doug Young/magician 7:30-9:15 p.m. rock 'n' roll Tune Belmont Dixieland 8-15-9 p.m. Doug Young/magician 4-5 p.m. Band Caricaturist 2-4 p m. & Handwriting analysis 8-10:30 p.m. Pre-season Pool Clearance Sale Now Only '3999 V. Gene Meyers 5-8 p.m. Ty Kralin Pareja vocal/guitar duo 5-5:45 p.m. Hypnotist/Skylr 9-10 p.m. Rev John Maltby 5-5-45 p.m. Astrologer/Dee Colura 8 30-10 30 p.m. Magic Show Encore Wedding Band 10-10:45 p.m. Sweet Potato Shoes 6-6:45 p.m. Comic Junior Ski Packages ..'69 & Up 10 45-11-15 p.m band Encore Wedding Band Adult Ski Packages....'99 & Up Frank Glaz Singing 6-6:45 p.m. Alt '97 Pools Complete 24 It Round Pool, Comedy 6x9 Deck & Filter Package Snowboards '119 & Up Community Center 30-50% Off Acme Music Co. trio 7-7:45 p.m. Intermediate markdowns may Itavs been taken. Hot resaansibte lor lypographieal errors Llmlteit stock Ho rain checks. { Carnival noon-5 p.m. Mr. Ray, guitar 3-4 p.m. The Lonewolf Band 7-7:45 p.m Reptile show 1-2 p.m. Diane Kutne/Dance 7:45-8:15 p.m. Pool 8t Squirt (fire robot) noon-6 p.m. Phoenix Rising 8.30-9:15 p m. Magic show noon-1 p m David Valentin 8:30-9:15 p.m. ^ EAST BRUNSWICK SUPER STORE Jimbo the Clown noon-2 p.m. The Lone Wolf Band 8-15-9 p.m MOVIE CITY 5 MALL, 1020 Rt 18 Gymnastics demo 2-3 p.m. Diane Kutne/Dance 9-9:30 p.m. EAST BRUNSWICK Broadway vignettes 4-5 p.m. The Lone Wolf Band 9 30-10 pm. Startare Hours MonMon.-Fri. . 10-0 9 1 254-5115 • (8OO) 862-POOL SSal . 10-6-Sun11. 11-55 Sweet Potato Shoes 2-3 p m. Arnie balloon art noon-3 p.m. Woodstock tape noon-10 pm. uirm • amim *:Txmtm otia* band SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 13 Logo popping up around town

he Bicentennial will leave a mul- titude of images behind as it T winds through its months-long course of events But perhaps among the most enduring will be from the pen of resident Michelle Diatio, who designed the official Bicentennial logo Diatlo's now-familiar Bicentennial Tree hangs on a banner in the municipal building's meeting room, slightly to the right of the mayor's chair It adorns the stationery upon which the township's various Bicentennial Committees write their dispatches., and in modified form, it now serves as the symbol of the town- ship library The Bicentennial Tree, in short, now LATIN JAZZ — Flutist Dave Valentin will serves as something of a conditional appear at Saturday's Birthday Bash at replacement for the South Brunswick 8:30 p.m. at South Brunswick High seal And although it was commis- School. sioned purely ior the purpose of com- memorating the Bicentennial, it promis- Continued from previous page es to live on — in some form or anoth- er — long after the pomp has abated mance His performance is slated for I and the ceremonies have ceased p m , also at the high school Diatio herself doesn't quite know The Deans of Harmony are a barber- how the idea for the design arose shop mob — a massing of 22 singers in a "It just really came to me," she said THE SITE WHERE THE TREE GREW — South Brunswick's Bicentennial logo style whose usual configuration is the designer and resident Michelle Diatio at her drafting table. "It seemed like something that would (Augusto F Menezes/Greater Media) quartet A select four of their membership stand for growth and development m will be appearing in the standard quartet the past as well as in the future " gave the names of the original parts of the a version of the tree, but one labeling the form at the Birthday Bash The material is But the root of the design is in the township," Diatio said, "So that was the branches with the township's districts and traditional, and the emphasis is on roots of the tree, each of which carries roots And the rest of it just came from the loots with library functions, like extremely close harmony the name of one of South Brunswick's there " bookmobile " The Deans of Harmony have won sections The idea sprung from a hand- Diatio was especially pleased to find "They kind of changed it," she said, numerous awards and competitions out her three boys brought home from her logo adorning Girls Softball League "Which is strange But it's not my design. Their performance is scheduled from school T-shirts last spring She was puzzled, It belongs to the township " I 30-2 p m at the high school "There was a pamphlet they got that however, to find that the library was usmg — Gavin McNett For information on purchasing admis- sion buttons for the Birthday Bash, call (732) 329-4000, Ext 410 Now you can get fresh Organic Fruits & Veggies, just like the old days, all year 'round.

Now accepting a limited number of members for the Fresh Organic ma gisa -4A ,' Co-op. Get Fresh Fruits & Veggies every other Thursday for $40. Pickup your share in So. Brunswick. A Share is enough for a family of four. €«II 732-422-1 195 Today!

APLASnC "THE APL^VSvTIG MNEMIA FOUIMDATION ANEMIA FOUNDATION OF NEW JERSEY INC STORYTELLER, SINGER, SONG- WRITER — David Brahinsky will per- form at Saturday's Birthday Bash at 1 UN WANTED CLOTHING p.m. at South Brunswick High School. to help fight this often fatal PAREJA — John Adam blood disease Kizzie and Thousands of men, women Amy Ellen and children are afflicted FOR A CONVENIENT HOME PICK UP CALL Stebbins make each year All of the cloth up Pareja. The ing will be sold and all Your donation is duo performs profits will go to the tax deductible. a variety of Aplastic Anemia Founda 1 -800-500-0445 tion of New |ersey Inc to music ranging help fund research preven- and Help HELP SAVE from the ba- tion and treatment patient roque to mod- assistance and emotional A LIFE! ern periods. support to those afflicted C1ING& SHARING 522 U.S Highway 9 North, Suite # 322 • Manalapan, NJ 07726 1 4 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 UPCOMING Luciano says JRtfrer SPECIAL past, future SECTIONS are linked aced with growing development ^furniture pressures and a major change in Flocal government next year, South "Fine Quality Home Furnishings At Substantial Savings" Sfln&tf Brunswick officials hope that the year- long bicentennial celebration which gets under way this week will strengthen their future course. "I believe if we look at our history, we can almost tell our future," South Brunswick Mayor Ed Luciano said re- cently. "As we look into South Brunswick's past, we also see a mosaic of America's past. "You see American history being Deadline: February 24 lived and retold," he added, referring to Publication: March 4 the township's phenomenal recent Dining, Bedroom, Occasional growth from a quiet rural community to Hundreds of Manufacturers one of New Jersey's fastest growing mu- Custom Upholstery nicipalities. The third-year committeeman and Lamps & Accessories first-time mayor is looking forward to Prints enjoying the unique place his position Leather Furniture •ring places him in for the next year. "I think that being mayor just allows me to enjoy it more than I would be able CONGRATULATIONS SOUTH BRUNSWICK Dining Guide to otherwise," he said. "When I have an ON YOUB BICENTENNIAL opportunity to observe the citizens pulling together to make it a success .... it's something I'm glad to be a part of. I Shop & Compare far Qualify, Price & Service get to see it from the inside. 12-14 Main Street (Route 27) • Kingston, "And when the celebration starts, it's going to be nice to sit back and watch the Mon.-Fri. 10-6,Thurs. 10-8, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 work of these people (the Bicentennial Gift Certificates Available ^^ Committee) being realized." "It goes without saying that it's an (609)924-0147 exciting time for all of us," said Com- mitteeman Ted Van Hessen, who served Deadline: March 24 as mayor in 1996. "I think the real jewel Publication: April 1 in this bicentennial celebration is the focus it will put on South Brunswick for all of us, that this five-village, almost neighborhood, community is really one CORN town." Parents The focus on South Brunswick as a single town, rather than a group of little sections, will really help the town, said RESEARCH STUDY Kids Van Hessen, who lives in the Fresh Ponds section and is in his fifth year on the committee, which will be abolished at the If you are 18 to 65 years of age, and have a end of the year in favor of a council-man- ager form of government. painful corn on one of your toes, you may Asked what he looks forward to most, the lone GOP committee member thought for a moment, then said the fire- qualify to participate in this research study. works, which are planned for the sum- mer. "Certainly the events of the 21st will This study requires 3 or 4 visits over Deadline: March 31 be a big deal," he said, referring to the Bicentennial Bash planed for this Satur- Publication: April 8 day, and "the parade will be a big deal, approximately 3 weeks. but this will be the First time in a long time the township has had fireworks." To ADVERTISE As a former mayor of West Paterson Free foot examinations and free study §N ONE OF Township, South Brunswick Deputy Mayor Frank Gambatese, who lives in THESE SECTIONS the Princeton Walk section near related treatments if you qualify. Kingston, feels that his stars must be CALL aligned to bring him from one town's anniversary to the next. "I feel like part of $40.00 or $55.00 compensation for Monmouth or Middlesex destiny," Gambatese said, explaining that Counties his mayoral term in West Paterson saw completing the study if you qualify. that township's 75th birthday celebration. 732-972-6740 "First off, you're a part of history." But Gambatese adds that South Brunswick's bicentennial bears the sig- For more information, call or nificance that only the sheer span of 200 years can provide. TELEMARKETING "To think that a town is 200 years old Hill Top Research, Inc. is mind-boggling," he said. 1-800-660-4ADS "In American history ... that's pretty much right back to the beginning. I'm (732) 247-2902 § thrilled to be part of South Brunswick at Greater Media Newspapers this time and on the Township Commit- News Transcript • Independent ! tee for it." Sentinel • Suburban • Examiner ! EDIA SPECIAL SECTION 16 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998

February 21, 1998 is the 200th anniversary of our town's founding charter. We will celebrate throughout the year with a series of civic, social, and religious events that the Bicentennial Committee designed to bring our community together. We are fortunate to be a part of this landmark event. Join us as we recognize and honor those who came before us and together we will set the example for those who follow. Monmouth Mobile Home Park

"Communities of Nice People" 4017 Route One Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 (732)297-2051 Arthur A. Roedel, Jr., Debbie L. Hackworth, Diane Palumbo, Kenny Jackson, Charles Gulotta & Wilma Applegate


You may be missing an extraordinary opportunity to build your business! We have formed the South Brunswick Chamber of Commerce with your business in mind. We can be your voice in assisting you to gain access to other businesses in your area, provide contacts that will aid you in interacting with local government and many other aspects that will help you to improve your business. We invite you to join us. south brunswick Please call (732) 297-2051 and we will gladly answer all your hamber of questions and send you information about the Chamber. This is a special year, we reduced the annual dues to $50.00 and if you join by the end of March, you will receive a Charter Member Plaque. SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998

Birth of a township Trails, rails, post-World War II housing boom forged South Brunswick

BY TINA CRAFTON tance from being Cor re sp on dent the primary route between New nlike its neighbors to the north, the York and Phila- southernmost of the Brunswicks is dis- delphia. For history This 1867 picture (above) may be one of the tinguished by its sprawling open earliest of the Monmouth Junction Train spaces and multiple identities. buff Michael Station. The station continued to evolve as U Biown, the devel- Like a mysterious lady, much of South shown in the later, undated picture at left. Brunswick's past is hidden in the many tmy ham- opment of this (Courtesy of Roger Potts) lets that make up the greater area. road holds the Thus, anyone seeking to tell a coherent story key to the history of South Brunswick's past is faced with a great of the area. His A boat slips through the locks of the challenge. It is invariably a mottled tale, involving article The Lin- Delaware & Raritan Canal in Kingston in coln Highway — this undated picture below. shifting boundary lines and the coming together (Courtesy of Bicentennial Committee) and splitting apart of several smaller communities. A Tour Back Familiar names like Dayton and Deans were Through Time once known as Cross Roads and Martinsville, indicates that the while Fresh Ponds was called Woodsville. Parts of highway reflects the township have reverted to Cranbury and oth- the settlement of ers, like Monmouth Junction, arose out of the rail- the land. road boom in the middle of the 19th century. "As New Brunswick developed, it In point of fact, there is not one history; there () became an important are several, and people approach the evolution of stopover for travelers. The first tavern South Brunswick from different angles to make appeared in the city in 1735, and by the sense of it all. Revolutionary War, there were a total of Kiki Pierdinock, a lifelong resident and mem- eight taverns and inns servicing travelers. ber of the Bicentennial Committee, which has By 1850, additional hotels could be been searching for old maps and photographs and found at Six Mile Run (Franklin Park), examining old documents and history books in an Ten Mile Run (intersection of Route 27 effort to give residents a clear picture of how the and Route 518), Kingston and township evolved, said that she, too, was bewil- Princeton," according to Brown. dered by the plethora of information. The road currently known as "I finally had to focus on one thing," she said. Georges Road, which connects to Route For her, the arrival and development of the rail- 130, was the Lenape Crosswicknung road in South Brunswick are intrinsic to under- Trail. In the past, this road connected standing the township's history. Inion's Ferry in New Brunswick to She admits that part of her interest in the rail- George Rescarrick's tavern in Cranbury road is personal. Her maternal grandfather worked and other populated towns to the south. for the Pennsylvania Railroad, and she is interest- According to the 1876 Combination ed in the way it shaped the development of the Atlas Map of Middlesex County, it was township. along these important roads that 18th "There were railroads and farmers and then century South Brunswick settlements first devel- services came after that," Pierdinock said. oped. LEGACY OF THE LENAPE The township was originally part of a larger Of course to go back to the beginning, before area called New Brunswick, which was organized there were farmers and railroads, there were Lenni in 1693 by an act of the General Assembly, Lenape, the Native Americans who until the early according to the late William H. Baker, a local his- 17th century intermittently inhabited the area now torian and lifelong resident of Deans. known as South Brunswick. Later, in 1730, the area known as New With the increased influx of European settlers, Brunswick was divided into the north and south the Lenape's numbers declined, yet historians wards; the latter would become South Brunswick agree that their influence on the development of in 1798. the township was extremely important. CRANBURY, PLAJNSBORO SPLIT According to Peter Wackei 's Land and People, At that time, the township contained approxi- published by Rutgers University Press, their lega- mately 36,000 acres and included parts of cy to the European settlers included agricultural Cranbury and Plainsboro to the south. techniques and the trails and paths which became "A map published in 1850 of Middlesex major trade routes and today's larger roads. County shows the township bounded on the north- Part of Route 27, which in the past has been east by North Brunswick, on the southeast by called the Lincoln Highway, the Upper Road, the Monroe Township, on the southwest by the Post Road and the King's Highway, was once the and Mercer County and on the This undated postcard features the old Dayton Post Office, the Lenni Lenape Assunpink Trail. This is considered Continued on page 19 present-day site of a Wawa store. The signs advertise ice the first road in New Jersey, deriving its impor- cream, sodas, candy and cigars. (Courtesy of Jack Hendnckson) 1 8 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998

Auto Repair Residents reflect on

EDISON GENERATOR •.AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES . the good old days lilllllllll wo hundred years is a lot of his- much traffic on it."" (across from Dayton Ford) Near Fresh Ponds Road tory, but it's probably not too far Harold Errickson. 77, a fourth-gener- T off the mark to say that the town- ation Dayton resident, concurs. ship has seen more change in the past "Traffic, traffic, traffic," he said. half-century than in the 150 years that "It's much more built up now," 732-329-6300 preceded it. Errickson continued, "with much less An agricultural community for most land. When I first moved to the house Coupon Coupon of the time since its charter, South where I live 53 years ago. there was an Brunswick has only fairly recently orchard there. There sure isn't an turned into a center of industry and orchard there now. s sometimes controversial residential "And before, you used to know | FREE &I development. everybody in Dayton; it had about 360 Thus, a version of the earlier South people. Now you know your neighbors, 1 T8RE ROTATION & | Brunswick still exists in the memories of and that's it," Errickson concluded. | PRESSURE CHECK g some of the township's old guard. The Rev. John H. Maltby, pastor of I Get top tire mileage with top tire • Fred Holsten, who turned 86 on Feb. the Miller Memorial Presbyterian 1 • Change Oil • Install New Filter I care. Rotation & inflation checks § 12, was not only South Brunswick's first Church in Monmouth Junction, is only a • • Lube Whole Chassis • Check & B help tires wear longer, more > first-generation resident, but he saw the I Fill Transmission Fluid • Check & police chief, but also the town's first I evenly. Rotation is particularly | police officer. greater part of the changes occur during I Fill Differentia! Fluid * Check & Fill important for front wheel drive | Brake Fluid • Check & Fill Power I vehicles & some all-season radials. I Born in Dayton, Holsten started off in his time in the township. 1 Steering Fluid * Check & Fill " Most vehicles. Vehicles requiring • the early 1930s driving a township school "I came here in '58, when it was still • Battery « Check Air Filter, Wiper mounting/dismounting due to 1 bus. "I found myself with nothing much to agricultural," Maltby recalled. f Blades * Inflate Tires To Proper 8 • Pressure special wheels, excluded. • do between 9 (a.m.) and 2 (p.m.) on week- "Kendall Park had just started about I Wiih Coupon Only With Coupon Only days," Holsten recalls. "So I volunteered two or three years earlier. The suburbs • Not Valid Wilh Any OrtwOtfsrs I I Not Volid V/irti Any Other Offers 1 I Most Con • Expires 7/31 /98 I | Most Cars * Expires 7/31/98 I as a constable, for no pay." were already moving in; it was during Holsten says that South Brunswick the time of the postwar generation, GI had four constables then, but that he was loans, and all that. the first, and that the township, like "But it was industry first, and then ions South Brunsioicfc on n, many others of the time, got along in other development. On this side of town, those days by "calling the state police if Forsgate (Industrial Park) was the first l there was a serious problem." real development, probably in the late 200th Birthday" !l Noting that the township has "70- 1950s. Then the Turnpike interchange, something police officers now," Holsten in '60 or '61, made it possible for indus- also offers that South Brunswick's popu- try to move in." lation has risen from "8,000 or 10,000 to Maltby is also ambivalent about the over 30,000," and adds that he presided changes he's seen. "Right now we're as police chief over much of the seeing accelerated growth, congestion, increase, beginning in 1935, and ending expanding school populations and with his retirement in 1974, when there increased taxing for services," he point- Are You Injured? were "about 30 men on the force." ed out, adding, "It's made some things Holsten is ambivalent about many of more complicated." the changes he's seen. "I prefer things A video of South Brunswick resi- the way they used to be," he says. dents' reminiscences about the earlier The Right Lawyer Realty "Traffic is ridiculous now. Route 1 was days of the township has been produced only a two-lane highway a while ago. by bicentennial organizers and will be Can Make Then they made it four. Route 130 used shown during the upcoming Birthday to be in front of my house. Now Bash festivities on Saturday. A Big Difference it's behind it, and there's twice as — Gavin McNett Call The Law Offices of GABRIEL R. LEPENDOKF THE ENTIRE FAMILY (609)924 Practicing Since 1979 EMPHASIZING PERSONAL ATTENTION and QUALITY * Free Consultation • State of the Art Sterilization, modern equipment * Telephone Inquiries Are Always Welcome • Gum treatments including new antibiotic fiber therapy • Cosmetic bonding, porcelain veneers, * If There Is No Recovery, There Is No Fee To You teeth whitening • Crowns, Bridges * Auto Accidents/Slip & Fall/Dog Bites/Defective Products • Special attention paid to children • Root canal treatment * Evening and Weekend Appointments Available • Emergency treatment • New patients always welcome Convenient location- Dayton Professional Center, Suite 5 609-924-5800 (behind Dayton Video) •. -32'lNfassau Street Charles R. Avrutik, DDS, F.A.6.D. k vJO.08542.. ;; ;•.;,, :•; 732-274-2544 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 19

the 1982-83 South Brunswick Township after William Dayton, an attorney for the standing. One is in the Deans section, the Calendar and Report, "Monmouth Junction railroad. Baker's documents explain how the other is located on Ridge Road. th was created as the junction of three rail attorney was instrumental in getting a new During the course of her research, branches, the New York division of the schoolhouse built after the railroad had set Pierdinock found that in the 1950s and ntinued from page 17 Pennsylvania Railroad; the Rocky Hill; and its course through the old one. 1960s many of the older residents resented jy Somerset County," Baker the Jamesburg and Freehold" in the 1860s According to Leedom and Pierdinock, the creation of Kendall Park and the new and 1870s. According to the report, the pre- there were several such one-room school- high school because of the tax impact. y split off from South sent architecture of Monmouth Junction houses in the township during the 18th and Today, with the opening of an even newer in 1872, followed by indicates its railroad beginnings: "It is more 19th centuries. This wasn't because of popu- high school in the fall, residents continue to n 1919. With these areas gone, urbanized in its closer siting of the houses lation, but because of the size of the town. deal with population growing pains. the size of the township was than the agricultural crossroads communi- Before busing, children had to walk to Leedom believes understanding the •9.5 square miles. ties, such as Deans and Dayton." school, and schools had to be located within township's history is necessary to under- Kendall Park was completed, Though Monmouth Junction was born reasonable walking distance from their stand "how we got here." It is a mistake, she first large housing development because of the railroad, other sections of homes, Leedom said. added, to think that what you see in South mswick and necessitating a new town reflect the railroad's influence as well. Pierdinock estimates that in its history, Brunswick today is the end of its develop- Dayton, which had previously been there were as many as 13 one-room school ment. "We are constantly in the process of part of the post-World War II called Cross Roads, was renamed in 1866 houses in the area, only two of which are still changing." 100m which, according to Ceil coordinator of the Bicentennial ommittee, more than doubled >n in South Brunswick, information from the census lom said that before the 1950s an had remained fairly steady, -een 2,000 and 3,000 people. In "Your Neighborhood vere approximately 4,000 peo- South Brunswick, and by 1960 VAL U KING Fine Wine, Beer more than doubled to 10,278. ,t four decades, it would triple, BEER«WINE*LIQUOR & Spirits Kingdom" 8,000 in 1980 to 25,792 in 1990 30,000 today. Wine Values FetzerCabemet/ValiyOaks 1.5L 13.99 SPECIALTY FOOD Beer Values relieves the history of the town- 30 Pack Cans ularly difficult to chart because, FetzerChardonnay/Sundial 1.5L 11.99 SECTION FetzerMertot/EaglePeak 1.5L 13.99 Gourmet Gift Baskets Red Dog e are official records of shifting Icehouse id the naming and renaming of Franzia Box - Blush 5L 7.99 Imported Chocolates Franzia Box- Chablis 5L 7.99 Candy Qifts Miller Genuine Draft th Brunswick, it is difficult to Miller Genuine Draft Light sidents felt about these changes, Franzia Box- Chillable Red 5L 7.99 Dessert Confections Franzia Box- Cuvee Blanc 5L 7.99 Pasta • Sauces • Oils Miller Lite areas like Cranbury and Franzia Box- French Colombard 5L 7.99 Crackers • Cookies Miller Lite Ice South Brunswick was mainly a Franzia Box- Light Golden 5L 7.99 Italian Bread Budweiser nity and did not have an official Franzia Box- Westfield Blush 5L 7.99 Cheeses • Spreads Budweiser Light or regular newspapers that Franzia Box- Westfield Red 5L 7.99 Whole Bean Coffee Center Budweiser Ice te the everyday details of life in Franzia Box-Westfield White 5L 7.99 Budweiser Dry Dry of the township, Glen Ellen Cabernet Sauv 1.5L 8.99 Complete Party Supplies Busch Regular* Light wonders, for instance, what Glen Ellen Chardonnay 1.5L 8.99 Chips • Dip • Mixers • Soda Coors Extra Gold ; of land to Cranbury had on the Glen Ellen Meriot 1.5L 8.99 Large Humidor of Cases township? Did they see them- Glen Ellen White Zinfandel 1.5L 6.99 Fine Imported Cigars Natural Light.-2/12 cans Peter Vella Box- Burgundy 5L 9.99 Bar Accessories Meister Brau of one unified community or a Peter Vella Box-Chardonnay 5L 9.99 aller ones? Deeds and death Senior Discount Days Harp Peter Vella Box-Ruby Cabernet • 5L 9.99 Guinness Stout acts, but they do not indicate Peter Vella Box- White Zinfandel 5L 9.99 Fully Staffed ts saw themselves and their Friendly and J.W. Dundee Honey Brown Sutter Home White Zinfandel 750ml 3.99 Molson Golden, Light & Ice - 2/12 bottles 14.99 -eedom noted. Vendage Cabernet Sauvignon 1.5L 6.99 Courteous Service .s from the 1876 Combination Vendage Chardonnay 1.5L 6.99 Delivery & Vendage Meriot 1.5L 6.99 Shipping Available Liquors & Cordials Middlesex County, many of the Seagrams 7 • 1.75L 13.99 Vendage White Zinfandel 1.5L 4.99 Jim Beam 1.75L 16.99 were farmers who grew grains, B &G Vin De Pays Cabernet 1.5L 8.99 apples and peaches. Saw and B &G Vin De Pays Chardonnay 1.5L 8.99 CHECK OUT OUR Canadian Mist 1.75L 12.99 re located near the waterways, B &G Vin De Pays Meriot 1.5L 8.99 Dewars White Label 1.75L 29.99 its began to spring up around Bolla Bardolino 1.5L 9.99 NEW FEATURES Johnnie Walker Black Label 1.75L 49.99 tills. Bolla Chardonnay 1.5L 9.99 Christian Brothers Brandy 1.75L 15.99 is considered an important sec- Bolla Meriot 1.5L 9.99 Piewly Expanded HennessyV.S. 750ml 20.99 ical South Brunswick because Bolla Pinot Grigio 1.5L 9.99 Seagrams Gin 1.75L 12.99 VAMJ-PRICED BEER 1.75L 24.99 on the busy King's Road and Bolla Sangiovese 1.5L 9.99 Tanqueray Gin Bolla Soave 1.5L 9.99 SECTION Bacardi Dark 1.75L 15.99 River. Several mills and tav- Bacardi Silver 1.75L 15.99 up to take advantage of the Bolla Valpolicella 1.5L 9.99 Concha Y Toro Cab Sauv/Merlot 1.5L 7.99 VAUIPRICED Absolut 1.75L 22.99 l. Concha Y Toro Chard Blend 1.5L 7.99 Park Vodka 1.75L 9.99 f South Brunswick sprung up Concha Y Toro Meriot Blend 1.5L 7.99 BY-THE-CASE Wolfschmidt Vodka 1.75L 11.99 ; and mills such as Rhode Hall, Concha Y Toro Sauv/Semiilon 1.5L 7.99 Full Case - fton assorted Jose Cuervo Gold Especial 750ml 12.99 lished around 1730, and Fresh Lancers Rose 1.5L 6.99 Baileys Irish Cream 750m! 16.99 in 1780 boasted the township's Lancers White 1.5L 6.99 Godiva Cappuccino 750m! 17.99 According to Wacker, the dis- M & R Dry Vermouth 1L 5.99 ff TOflS DISCOUNTS* f| Godiva Chocolate 750ml 17.99 M & R Sweet Vermouth 1L 5.99 ned by Samuel Combs, Champagne Values IO% OFF - I Assort Case Godiva White Chocolate 750ml 17.99 ids, today known as Dayton, 15% OFF - 2 Assort Cases Kahlua 750ml 14.99 er a tavern built on the much- Korbel Brut 750ml 9.99 Leroux Polish Blackberry 1.75L 15.99 Korbel Brut Rose ' 750ml 9.99 ges Road around 1750, and All products subject to 6% sales lax. Manufacturers rebate coupons throughout store Limit (1) rebate per house- Korbel Extra Dry 750ml 9.99 hold or address. Not responsible for typographical errors. No limit while supplies last No rain checks. "Discounts led near mills that were set up Freixenet Cordon Negro 750ml 7.99 Brook. apply to non sale items Cannot be combined with other offers. Prices in effect until February 28,1998. sections of town began in the VISA VAL-U-KING STORE COUPON ury to take advantage of the MasterCard le land. The location of setile- KINGSTON Discover | I )ads and waterways made it American Express | % i I and transport goods, WINE & LlClCtS MAC nust have allowed South 10 OFF ANY PURCHASE i AND SPECIALTY FOODS NJ LOTTERY AGENT FranWin Towne Center profit from those journeying OPEN 7 DAYS 1 i i between the two 18th-centu- MOP! - SAT: 9 am to 10 pm • SUN: Moon to 8 pm I i nters in the Northeast, New i i idelphia. Franklin Towne Center • (Edwards Shopping Center) WINE & UQUOBS 3391 Route 27 & Corner of S. Middlebush Rd • Franklin Park • NJ If AND SPtCUUTV roCDS Franklin Paik'NJ »i D SHAPES TOWNSHIP TEL: (732) 422-2324 • FAX: (732) 422-6542 Excludng Sale llems&Casa pnces Cannot be combined with other off era Expires March 19,1998 of the railroad further shaped iswick of today. According to 20 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998

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/jttHtf f6ft C Ft A N B U Ft ON THE COVER Red Maple Farm, located on Raymond Road between routes 1 and 27 in the Kingston section, Is believed to date to 1740, making it one of the township's oldest. It is known historically as the Joachim Gulick Farm and is thought to have served as part of the Underground Railroad during the Civil War era. SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 21 200 fears M

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Source: 1876 Evert and Stewart Combination Atlas Map of Middlesex County 22 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998

t&txitmt d tHnt* 1998-1999 Over 250 by Dr. R. lllnickt, Children's days at First Presbyterian , public library, 7:30 p.m. Wetheriil through June 7 Church of Dayton 16 Bicentennial baby June • 27 Bicentennial bicycle help plan announced Garden Tour TBA* event 26 "South Brunswick Land 1 Religious Heritage October Use & Development" display Kingston United 1 Religious Heritage est S.B. by Robert Hail, Methodist Church, Display public library, 7:30 p.m. public library St Augustine of April 13 Bicentennial parade Canterbury, public library event ever 1 Religious Heritage 14 National Pause for the 10 Craft fair at Wetheriil " 17 SBHS reunion and Display Pledge Day/Flag Day outh Brunswick's upcoming Christ the King Lutheran ceremony, municipal homecoming complex at 7 p.m. November Birthday Bash, which will kick off Church, public library a year of bicentennial events, will 2 Art & Music Festival at 28 Car show 11 Veterans Day S SBHS Juiy observance, municipal be a whirlwind of performers and spe- 4 Bicentennial tree 4 Fireworks and Concert building, 11 a.m, cial attractions spread across multiple distribution at SBHS 14 S,B. historical locations. 12- National Volunteers August transportation In fact, it promises more than any 18 Week 1 Religious Heritage exhibit at Wetheriil through one person could possibly attend. 18 Planting of legacy trees Display Dec. 12 There are more than two dozen at the municipal building Mt, Zion AMC Church, December musical acts slated to appear over the and SBHS public library House Tour TBA* course of the festivities, for one thing, Lions 5K run 1-31 Buy Two for the 1 Religious Heritage along with drama presentations, carica- 20 'D&R Canal," B, McKelvey, bicentennial food drive Display turists, graphologists, and for all any- February public library, 7:30 p.m. 2 First friends & families of Islamic Center of Central body knows — probably elephants and 21 Birthday Bash May Kendall Park reunion at N.J., public library indoor naval demonstrations, if things Commemorative Stamp 1 Religious Heritage the Senior Center January 1999 keep piling up at the current pace. cancellation Display September 1 Religious Heritage But imagine having to plan all of March Dayton Presbyterian 1 Religious Heritage Display that. 1 Bicentennial display at Church, public library Display Congregation B'nai It's taken more than two years to set the public library 11-17Miller Memorial St. Barnabas Episcopal Tikvah, public library all of the Birthday Bash's many events S Celebration 200 — Presbyterian Church, public library 1 South Brunswick history into motion, with a year and a half of Juried Art Show at Church historical display 3 Labor Day salute to exhibit at Wetheritt intensive organizing. Wetheriil through April 10 17 Miller Memorial township employees through Feb. And Kathy Thorpe, the grand dame 13 200 bicentennial tress Presbyterian Church 12 Arts Festival at Wetheriil February of South Brunswick's Bicentennial fes- application deadline historical service through Oct. 18 20 Closing event tivities, has done it all as an avocation, 11 "South Brunswick and homecoming day 12 Community Unity Day time capsule dedication chairing the Bicentennial Committee Agriculture" 17 Children's Festival 19 Harvest Fair *to be announced ^/ during time off from her full-time job as South Brunswick's municipal clerk. But she wasn't alone. "It's probably the biggest event in the township's history," Thorpe said, "But we've been extremely lucky; we've had excellent volunteers. They arranged for the talent, and brought everything together." Two of the most valuable organizers BAKERY have been Helen Davis and Andrea Metsopulos. Davis, Thorpe noted, "started as director of volunteers. She began calling people to fit them into slots. She called We look forward to seeing you! Andrea about having a song for the bicentennial. That's how Andrea got involved." Davis' duties soon expanded to Fresh'baked artisan brick encompass all of the publicity for the oven breads: French, Italian, bicentennial, while Metsopulos assumed charge of entertainment and Jewish Rye, Sourdough, the arts. Bagels, etc. For Davis, "The experience of vol- unteering like this has tremendously enriched my sense of community. It's Scrumptious selection of phenomenal," she said. "I've been here assorted international pastries, 15 years, but until you start to meet peo- ple and hear their stories, you don't real- cookies, pies and cakes. ly feel the history of the community." Metsopulos said that she booked her ~k Custom cakes for all occasions. own band, Phoenix Rising, as the Birthday Bash's first performers. The rest came together organically. th r FIBRRE'S MKEEY "I'd be playing at a street festival, L1PAINDEV1E and I'd talk to a handwriting person," "HAPPY200 " Metsopulos said. "The astrologer was 20% OFF someone I knew, and she knew another BIRTHDAY [ MyBajkeiyPttrchase astrologer. It was-all mostly word of f •wMiihfe coupon * mouth." I '33-94527 "•• r - Metsopulos added a statement SOUTH BRUNSWICK! I *Jot nslte With wfossi effes or p&ot echoed by both Thorpe and Davis: "It's been a real slow process, but all the peo- ple working on the Bicentennial have Georges Rd • Mioiunouth O8852 been wonderful. They've taken a lot of FAX initiative, just a wonderful group to 329-0310 work with." — Gavin McNett SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998

A famous musician, writer and sculptor These three artists share a common thread with South Brunswick BY TINA CRAFTON Education member Carole "Viking lady." The entry went on Correspondent O'Brien, Fagen lived on Dundee to say "always busy with the Road in Kendall Park and school newspaper," a phrase which could records indicate that he attended easily describe her next 28 years s the bicentennial celebra- South Brunswick High School as well. tion unfolds, residents will from 1962 to 1965. According to Contemporary Ainvariably be drawn to Afterward, Fagen went to Authors, after high school, South Brunswick's distinctive Bard College in New York, where Quindlen attended Barnard past, its historic landmarks and he met and began song-writing in College in New York and then the men and women who made collaboration with Walter Becker. began her career as a reporter for local history. After working together on the the New York Post. However, the township's most Broadway music scene, Fagen and She worked for the Post from famous sons and daughters do not Becker formed their own band in 1974 to 1977 and for the New dwell in the pages of the distant 1972 and released an album under York Times from 1977 to 1981. past, but in very recent history. the name Steely Dan. She has written a series of Donald Fagen, Anna Quindlen In spite of three hit albums, columns, including "About New and George Segal could not be they formally disbanded the York," the syndicated "Life in the more different as artists, focusing group two years later, but went on 30s" and "Public & Private." Tourists study George Segal's sculptures The Appalachian Farm as they do on music, text and to record four more albums in the In 1992, Quindlen won the Couple (I) and The Breadline at the new FDR Memorial in image. late 1970s, including Aja and Pulitzer Prize for news commentary. Washington, D.C. (Courtesy of Marilyn Duff) Yet, they clearly share a dedi- Gaucho, which went platinum. In addition to her work as a Washington, D.C. cation to their crafts and to the The songs on The Night Fly reporter and columnist, Quindlen Segal's good friend and common thread of South deal specifically with suburban is a two-time novelist. Her first neighbor Leon Bibel was the Brunswick, whether they were life and adolescent fantasies of book, Object Lessons, was pub- main model for The Breadline just passing through in search of escaping your hometown for the lished in 1991, and she recently piece. Segal said Bibel is the the exotic or, like Segal, are excitement of the city, be it published Black and Blue, a story only person he knew when he deeply embedded in the fabric of Manhattan, Paris or Mexico City. about domestic violence. started the work who had actual- the township. In "Try to Hang On, Maxine," Contemporary Authors ly stood in a bread line. the speaker is eager to leave the describes her work this way: A fellow sculptor, Bibel also DONALD FAGEN, "remote suburb" and entreats "Marked by an unaffected style, was a Works Progress Adminis- MUSICIAN Maxine to try to hang on: Quindlen's essays are rooted at a tration (WPA) artist. The WPA On the inside cover of his first While the world is sleeping, domestic level but address univer- was a 1935 New Deal program solo album The Night Fly, Donald We meet at Lincoln Mall, sal concerns." started by FDR to provide needy Fagen leaves a note for his fans: Talk about life the meaning of Her columns are personally persons with jobs on public works 'The songs on this album rep- it all, revealing, and through them, she projects. resent certain fantasies that might Try to make sense of the sub- has become the "unintended voice The FDR Memorial Com- have been entertained by a young urban sprawl. for the baby boom generation." mission has referred to Segal's man growing up in the remote Try to hang on, Maxine. sculpture as "among the finest suburbs of a northeastern city dur- GEORGE SEGAL, and most innovative of his gen- Anna Quindlen recently published her third novel. ing the late fifties and early six- ANNA SCULPTOR eration" and discusses Segal's ties, i.e., one of my general QUINDLEN, George Segal is perhaps the training as abstractionist. ship has changed during the time height, weight and build." WRITER celebrity most connected to South "He first came to public he has lived there, he said, "Fifty Although he doesn't name it, Award- Brunswick. A long-time resident, attention during the early 1960s years ago, South Brunswick was that remote suburb more than winning he is internationally renowned for with his life-sized figures set a little farming community, three likely is South Brunswick and the writer Anna his life-sized sculptures. among ordinary objects. Now, hours from New York. Now it is young man, Fagen, himself. Quindlen also In 1997, he received a with a renowned and celebrated a bustling, industrial, suburban A soft jazz and progressive called South Praemium Imperiale Award from body of work behind him, he has metropolis." rock musician, he was part of the Brunswick the Japan Association, an interna- become better known for his Although he complains about studio band Steely Dan whose home during tional society that recognizes bronze works that are sought for truck traffic and "endless shop- hits included "Hey 19, FM" and her adolescent artistry which is not covered by major museums, collection, and ping malls," he says that he is "Rikki Don't Lose That Number." the Nobel Prize umbrella. public spaces," the commission still able to carry on with his (Joyce Ravid photo) formative work. According to the Steely Dan years. Three Segal sculptures, The wrote. and Backstage Pass All Access Fireside Chat, The Appalachian Segal has been sculpting for Currently Segal is working Bom in 1953, Quindlen, like on a traveling retrospective of web sites, Fagen was born in 1948 Fagen, attended South Brunswick Farm Couple and The Breadline more than 50 years which, he in Passaic and moved throughout his sculpture which will appear High School. are part of the massive Franklin says, is about as long as he has New Jersey with his parents dur- Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Montreal, Washington, D.C, Under her senior portrait in been living in South Brunswick. ing his early childhood. which opened in May in When asked how the town- New York City and Miami. According to Board of the 1970 yearbook ran the legend

Do You sswjr - TRIPL E A11Th e Ne Understanw d $20 OFF Our Special Offer to You: ^•CHECK We're so sure that once you try INCOME TAX SERVICE Tax Laws? We Do! our superior tax service you'll remain a Triple Check Client, that Put Our Expertise To Work For You we're offering you $20 off your first year's preparation fee. • Free Counseling • Open Year-Round • IRS Audit Representation • Returns Prepared for All States (Offer good for new clients only) The Most Thorough Tax Interview Available Call Today For Your Appointment Triple Check of Dayton 353 Georges Road (732)3294200 GMN Since 1941 - More Than 55 Years of Excellence SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 Lots of character in old sections t is with no small fanfare that South A popular tale relates that at one time embellished with formal gardens. Brunswick ushers in its yearlong bicen- "49 separate stagecoaches, loaded with pas- Joseph Garneau purchased the mansion %,r- If You Will Only Come to I tennial celebration this, month. With sengers, halted at Kingston's Withington in 1914 and had it renovated in the then- more than a year of planning, organization, Tavern," resulting in more than 400 horses popular Colonial Revival style. In recent and innumerable volunteer contributions, it mulling Kingston's streets at once. years it was turned into a four-family resi- is certainly a deserving reward for a town- Phineas Withington, who settled in dence. ship with two full centuries to reflect upon Kingston in 1810, was an important force DAYTON In fact, if Bicentennial Committee behind Kingston's growth, according to a The story of Dayton also begins during 4f||v leans, Sf.Sf. Chan-woman Kathleen Thorpe had wanted historic site document at the South the mid- 18th century, but under a different to distribute authority even further, the sep- Brunswick Public Library. title. First known as The Cross Roads, it arate villages and sections that comprise the A transportation pioneer, he co-founded grew around a 1750 tavern built by James T',l'l »'* whole of South Brunswick Township could the Union Stage Line and invested in the Whitlock, according to the 1982-83 town- each easily fill up a year's worth of nostal- Delaware and Ran tan Canal and the ship history. S$;i)l^ "* ' We Will Have a gic revelry. Camden and Amboy Railroad. The latter Later in the century, Thomas Wetherill ^V Jolly Good Time KINGSTON two stimulated a renewal of commercial built a second tavern, and a brickyard and Kingston, originally called Kings Town, business in Kingston, which had started to large nursery soon followed. (The relation- according to an early undated map at the decline after the Straight Turnpike (Route ship of Thomas and Col. John Wetherill, South Brunswick Public Library (nearby 1) was constructed and bypassed Kingston. associated with the Georges Road Wetherill Princeton was Princes Town), was the town- Isaac C. Withington, an heir to the fam- House, is unknown.) ship's most prominent early village because ily's Kingston Estate, left behind one of Much has been written about Dayton by of its strategic location on the Lenape South Brunswick's most significant and the late Doris Curran, a lifelong Dayton res- Assunpink Trail where it crossed the colorful historic sites, the Withington House ident who died in 1985. Millstone River and geographic placement or Heathcote Farm, as it is also known. According to Curran, the Cross Roads between New York and . In 1851, Isaac sold 75 acres of family name created mail delivery problems In the 1650s, Dutch settlers and mer- land to the state for construction of a House because so many settlements had the same chants used the trail to move from their of Refuge for delinquent youth, according name. "The people having mail brought New Netherlands settlements to new ones to a history of the house published in the into this Cross Roads by pony express and along the , and eventually 1982 Princeton Recollector, a monthly stage coach said the name was too general," the trail turned into New Jersey's first road journal of local history published by the she wrote. and an important link between New York Princeton History Project. In the mid-1860s, Dayton residents were This circa 1916 postcard advertises Deans as a great place to visit. and Philadelphia. But just a year and $35,567 later, the state undecided about a new name. Some wanted (Courtesy of Jack Hendrickson) According to a township history com- abandoned the project and Isaac acquired the to name the town in honor of President piled by several authors and printed on a property and unfinished house for $6,750, Lincoln, while others preferred William L. and the McDowells. Abraham Dean built a 1982-83 calendar, important figures such as about a thousand dollars more than the state Dayton, who endeared himself to residents sawmill on Deans Pond; then about 1845, and the governors of had paid for the property. by getting the Freehold and Jamesburg John H. Martin built several houses and frequently made Kingston their Withington subsequently turned the Agricultural Railroad to build a new school- opened a store and distillery. home away from home during long journeys. house into a lavish Victorian country estate house when a new line connecting Because of Martin's prominence, Deans Monmouth Junction (formerly Longbridge became known as Martinsville and appears Farms) with Monmouth County and the that way on an 1850 wall map. Jersey Shore resulted in the demolition of When a rail station opened in 1866, Dayton's old schoolhouse. however, it was named Deans Station, Dayton also "liberally supported the which eventually replaced Martinsville. construction of our present Presbyterian The McDowell family also petitioned to Church on Georges Road," Curran said. have the station named for them but Deans Thus, on Jan. 1, 1966, the local post office won out, according to Brown's account. and town were renamed Dayton. In 1875, the population stood at 100, Dayton had an distinguished career. and the hamlet had two flour and two saw Born in 1807 in Somerset County, he grad- mills, a blacksmith, wagon and shoe mak- The uated from Princeton University in 1825 ers and three grocers, according to the and went on to serve as a U.S. senator, the township history. first Republican vice presidential candidate MONMOUTH JUNCTION for Doors and minister to France, according to a biog- One of the later sections of South raphy in the 1885 History of Monmouth Brunswick to fully develop was Monmouth County. Junction, which originated as the connect- Lincoln appointed him ambassador to ing point of three rail lines: The that Need France in 1861, and he served in that capac- Pennsylvania Railroad's New York divi- ity until his death 1864 in Paris. sion; Rocky Hill; and the Jamesburg and In 1922, Benjamin Pindrus purchased Freehold. the Terhune building from Abner Dean and Prior to this, almost all of what is now Architectural turned it into a summer hotel called the Monmouth Junction was occupied by Dayton Inn, hoping to turn Dayton into a Longbridge Farm. John Martin, for whom summer resort for New Yorkers, according Deans was temporarily named, built a public to an account of the inn at the South house in the area in 1871, and by 1882, "the Detail. « Brunswick Public Library believed to have village included a church, store and post- been prepared by Curran. office, a railway station, and 14 dwellings," The inn was short-lived, however. On according to the township history.

§!??3?!(i^i§3!iftli^^ ••• Wetherill Project: a bicentennial gift Historic house to be a focal point of celebration and beyond t is impossible to discuss South the colonel's ownership or his son Brunswick's history without the Vincent's, according to the nomination. IWetherill House entering the conver- The colonel died in 1784 and left the sation at some point. property to his much younger wife, Mary, The well-known structure — signifi- in trust for their son, Vincent, until Vincent cant because of its ties to Colonial-period came of age. statesman Col. John Wetherill, will be a In 1823,13 years after Vincent's death, major focal point during the yearlong the vast acreage was partitioned by the bicentennial celebration. county Orphans' Court among Vincent's Built sometime prior to 1823 by two children and his widow, Sarah, who Wetherill (7-1784) or his son Vincent (?- had since married her second husband, 1810) and expanded substantially by William H. Mount. 1860, the house was acquired hy the town- Sarah received a 200-acre parcel, ship in 1986, according to a National including what appeared to be the tenant Register of Historic Places nomination house. The front half of the main section form at the South Brunswick Public of the Wetherill House was built shortly Library. after that for Sarah and William, making According to Seymour Schwartz, them the first owner occupants of the chairman of the Bicentennial Committee's Georges Road house. It was a four-room Wetherill Project, the house will be used house with two first-floor rooms flanking for various exhibits charting the history of a central staircase and two upstairs rooms. South Brunswick Township and the sur- Vincent W. Mount, believed to be a son rounding area, as well as cultural events. of William and Sarah, lived there during Also, as part of the bicentennial cele- the 1840s and 1850s and was a member of bration, Dayton resident Richard Ilnicki the South Brunswick Township Commit- plans to create a historic garden on the teejn 1850, several years prior to the com- grounds, according to bicentennial media pletion of the Freehold and Jamesburg director Helen Davis. The Wetherill House is located at the southern end of Georges Road in the Dayton section. (file photo) Agricultural Railroad through Dayton. The long-range goal, something the The rail line crossed Georges Road a township has hoped to do since acquiring Prizes will be awarded, and the exhibit Brunswick's 200th birthday party. For short distance north of the house, offering the property, is to turn the historic house, will include various graphic ails, such as instance, the group is currently working direct access to major agricultural markets located at the southern end of Georges painting, sculpture, and photography. on a booklet of self-guided historical tours in New York City and Philadelphia. Road, into a permanent cultural and arts of the township. "I don't know if it will center. The second event will be an exhibit Either Vincent W. Mount or Charles about the township's historic houses. come off or not," Schwartz said. "I'm hop- Everett, who bought the farm about 1860, "What we're hoping to do is create a "Some of them date back to the late ing it will." is believed to have substantially expanded non-profit (organization) which will run 1700s," according to Schwartz, who cred- A LOOK BACK future exhibits," Schwartz said. the house, adding the rear half of the main ited Ceil Leedom, chairwoman of the According 4 to the Wetherill National section. "We don't know if it will happen, but it Bicentennial History Committee, with Register of Historical Places nomination, In 1869, Everett helped found the is our hope," Schwartz said, adding he assembling the exhibit of buildings, the structure, referred to as the Wetherill- wants the Wetherill Project to serve as a Dayton Presbyterian Church. His family including the Livingston-Cook House, the Mount House, is significant "as the last retained the property until 1934, when a reminder of South Brunswick's heritage, Stout House and the Applegate House. remaining element of a 1,700-acre 18th- not only next year, but also for decades to descendant, John Everett, and his wife In May and June, Wetherill will host a century estate owned by Col. John Mary, sold it to Archie Mershon. come. bicentennial children's festival, as well as Wetherill," an important figure in Colonial "We want it to be a gift of remem- Mershon leased the house to various a history exhibit on township schools. Middlesex County. tenants until the 1970s. When the town- brance from the bicentennial," he said. "I The festival will feature early- Wetherill served as the county's repre- don't want to call it a museum, but more ship acquired it in 1986, plans included an American games, entertainment and activ- sentative to the House of Assembly in interpretative restoration of the house and of a cultural and arts center." ities. New Jersey for 26 years, leading up to the The first major bicentennial event will grounds and reconstruction of a large barn September will bring a by-invitation- Revolutionary War. In 1774, he was that had recently been demolished. be "Celebration 2000," a juried art exhibit only arts and crafts exhibit for South appointed to the Assembly's Committee of which will preview on March 6 and open Brunswick artists. Correspondence to gather intelligence on Former township historian Michael to the public on March 7. "It will be devoted to the arts and crafts British acts that might affect the liberties Brown does not know if the National It is intended to celebrate the art of the of the people of South Brunswick," of colonists, according to an 1885 history Register of Historic Places nomination for area and is open to artists from South Schwartz said. of Monmouth County by Franklin Ellis. the Wetherill House was ever submitted. Brunswick and adjacent towns, Schwartz Schwartz hopes the Wetherill Project The Wetherill House originated as a said. will be able to add even more to South one-room tenant house built either during — John Dowgin and Marilyn Duff

PERSONAL INJURY & ACCIDENTS PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS! BUCCA & CAMPISANO Congratulates Counsellors A.t L&zv South (Brunswick ^ 9O Livingston Avenue Looking Qood New Brunswick, NJ O89O1 After A(CcTft£se(y&i Anthony M. Campisano, Esq. Benjamin S. Bucca, Jr., Esq. Certified Civil Trial Attorney 405 %ic(jje O&acf 28 Years Experience: Real Estate, In the. Vittagt of'Dayton, I Criminal/Municipal Court, Wills, Estates, Bankruptcy 732-329-6116 (732) 247-0009 26 SENTiNEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998

Branswic Your Local Corporate Agency That Can PhvllisRostn CRB GR1 ERS MICHAEL'S HAIR FASHIONS Montessori Children's House Broker Offer Multiple Ticket Delivery In The FOR MEN & WOMEN Princeton and South Brunswick Area "A Lifetime Experience " "WE CARE WE LISTEN Register Mow WE RESPOND TO YOUR NEEDS" • Pre-School & Day Care -ages 2/4 - 5 years "If We Don't Sell Your Full Service Salon The Travel Center -2, 3 or 5-day programs House, ERA WiUBuy It." Men & Women Member of Empress Travel & Cruises -Full or half-day Specializing in Perms & Hair Coloring For Your Corporate Travel Needs — -Kindergarten Readiness For more information about our Seller • Full-Day Kindergarten Security Plan and/or a FREE Market Beauty Prescription Retail Center • Free Ticket • Car Rentals Delivery Services • Personalized Service (Milltown location) Evaluation, please call Pativa, Back to Basics & Nexxus • Hotel Bookings • Club Med Expert • School Hours 7:30am-6:00pm • Visa, Mastercard & MAC Card • Amtrak Ticketing • Meeting Planners ERA CROSS COUNTY REALTY • Passport Pictures • So Very Much More' • Summer Camp Available OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! (Dayton location) 3580 Route 27 South Brunswick Square Shopping Center Kendall Park, NJ 08824 Full Curriculum 3430 State Hwy 27 4095 U.S. Highway 1 South, Suite 16, State-Licensed Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 Kendall Park 732-940-1300 732-329-1000 47 N. Main St. 364 Georges Rd. Serving Middlesex Mercer 732-297-1195 Milltown Dayton and Somerset Fax 732-329-3083 I 732-846-0164 732-329-3577 SOUTH BRUNSWICK PARTY LAND Milan** COMMUNITY EDUCATION ACME NISSAN "WHERE FVN PARTIES BEGIN" French Cleaners Family Operated & Owned WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU HEED 27 Tears' Experience FOR A PERFECT CELEBRATION tri If Milano Can't Do It, Enjoy the ride.™ Congratulations on Nobody Can. Of '98 Your Anniversary We Get Your "Whites Whiter Because PAUL & GLORIA DONIGJER We Have A Separate Cleaning Machine • SALES For Whites Only' - BALLOON DELIVERY - • SERVICE LIBERTY PLAZA And SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO ORGANIZATIONS We Welcome Mastercard Visa 485 GEORGES ROAD, DAYTON June 29-August 28 for Pre-K-HS • PARTS American Express Discover & Mac 732-329-3300 732-940-7620 Mon Thurs 7am 7pm • Fn 7 im 6pm • Sal. Sam 5pm 2050 U.S. Hwy NO. 130 S. BRUNSWICK SQUARE 7am 6pm Grades I 8 Rt. 27 Franklin Park ROUTE 1 SOUTH, MONMOUTH JUNCTION Monmouth Jet. (Franklin Towne Center) * Action Packed Fun • Computers * Drama Open 7 Days 732-329-1100 * Sports * Arts & Crafts * Trips • Swimming • Games 732-821-9300 Mon Thurs 7 im 8pm • Fn 7am 6pm • Sit yam 5pm * Special Science & Technology Camp Grades 5-8 FINNEGANS PLAZA • Travel Camp Grades 1-8 1S25 TINNEGANS LANE NORTH BRUNSWICK 732-297-6400 THE BAGEL BASKET * Basketball * Baseball * Tennis TRENPZ Mon Thun 7am 7pm • Fn 7am 6pm • Sat 8am 5pm * Football * Soccer * Gymnastics E-nr Your Convenience We Now Accept LWE&H C3& Hair & Nail Salon • CATERING • Math & Reading # Music * Drama * Computers CUTS • FOILS • WAXING • COLORING • PARTY BAGELS OFF * Science # Photography * World Languages # Crafts MAKEUP•MAKEOVERS MANICURES • PEDICURES • BOARS HEAD MEATS Al&J f OR SUMAf I Of ft WEDDING PACKAGES Any Dry * Special Programs for Grades 5 7 FULL DAY OF BEAUTY • GOURMET COFFEE • Studio Arts & OPEN 6 DAYS 9-9TUES-FRIDAY 9-5 SAT 10-3 SUN • Drama Explorations for Grades 7 9 Cleaning 732-297-3133 South Brunswick Square Mall Milano French Cleaners Church Lane Plaza 4095 US Hwy. 1 South DAYTON* 732-329-3300 For more Infortnation MONMOUTH JUNCTION • 732-329-1100 CaH Jackie J$nner 2244 Rt 130 North Brunswick Monmouth Junction NORTH BRUNSWICK • 732-297-6400 With this coupon One coupon per day Hay not be comb ned with any other offers Cou-pon good on incoming orders only 732-94Q'20OOx291 732-438-1818 Offer exp res 3/tfl"98

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Saturday. Admission Buttons ire m silt now! $7,00 dnni sab; $10,00 al tb door '&tern*. m • Button provides admission to all events! • Buttons are required for ages 3 and up. • Shuttle Bus Transportation will be available between venues and designated parking lots.

The Party is happening at these five locations:

SOUTH _ . Entertainment

• Country • Classical • Line Dancing * Magic • Illusion •Jazz • School Bands • Contra Dance * Singing * Comics • Dixieland •Folk • Instruction • Storytelling • Astrology • Church Choirs • Historic Video • Caricaturists

• K - 4 Chorus • Clowns • Battle of the Bands • Karaoke • Moonwalk • Storytellers • Woodstock Light Show •D.J. 1 Reptile Show * Squirt McGruff • Drama Club Presentation • Astrologer ' Country Dancing for Kids • Caricaturist • Hypnotist v 1 Gymnastics, Dance and Karate Demonstrations • Handwriting Analysis


< Comic * Latin Jazz Band •Top 40's Live Band • Illusionist 1 Astrologer • Historical Video • Ballroom Dance Instruction * Caricaturist > Handwriting Analysis • Bicentennial Cake Contest " Hypnotist

SOUTH B Schedule t« he

Food, Refreshments and Souvenirs... • A variety of refreshments will be on sale at all locations. • The Senior Center will serve cakes and beverages only, cafe style. • Bicentennial souvenirs will be on sale at S.B.H.S. and the Senior Center. Extension 352, For Information, Call *"* Major Funding has been provided by these Platinum Sponsors: Dayton Auto Center • Forsgate Industrial Complex • Monmouth Mobile Home Park, Inc. « Pierre's Dell, Family Restaurant and Bakery • Shoprlte / Wakefern Food Company 1407 r-t*.


Veterans committee Open house slated Ladies auxiliary to 'Catholic Spirit' to to offer scholarship at American Legion host A.C. bus trip sponsor dinner The South Brunswick Township Veter- American Legion Post No. 401, locat- The Ladies Auxiliary of Little Rocky The Catholic Spirit, official newspaper ans Tribute Committee Inc. has begun dis- ed at 148 Major Road in Monmouth Hill Volunteer Fire Company will host a of the Roman Catholic Diocese of tributing 1998 scholarship applications. To Caesar's Atlantic City bus trip on March Metuchen, will sponsor a benefit dinner Junction, will host an open house Friday 22. be eligible for the $1,000 award, which is for present members and prospective on March 1 at The Metuchen Inn, 424 based on character, Americanism and need, Cost will be $20 per person. Participants the applicant must meet the following cri- members. The event will begin at 7 p.m. will receive $14 in coin upon arrival. Middlesex Ave. (Route 27) in Metuchen. teria: and will include free refreshments. The bus will leave at 10:45 a.m. from Proceeds will help defray the cost of • Be a child of a veteran of the U.S. For information, call (732) 329-9861 the fire company, located on Route 27 be- the newspapers communications pro- Armed Forces who has been honorably dis- after 4 p.m. tween Kingston and Kendall Park. The bus grams for youth who attend the parishes charged. will return at approximately 9 p.m. and Catholic schools within Middlesex, • Be a resident of South Brunswick for S.B. GOP to hold For information, call (732) 297-0327. Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren coun- two years immediately prior to applying for ties. the scholarship. meeting Monday Community school The donation for dinner will be $35 • Be a member of the graduating class of The South Brunswick Republican a senior high school in New Jersey. has class openings per person with a prepaid reservation. The Completed applications must be re- Organization will hold a meeting on donation at the door will be $40 with a Monday at 8 p.m. at Pierre's Deli & South Brunswick Community School phone reservation. The dinner will ceived by April 30. For forms or additional has openings in the following spring information, contact Kathleen Thorpe at Family Restaurant, South Brunswick The include a chicken or salmon entree, appe- public is invited to attend to give insight classes: (732) 329-4000, Ext. 313. • Computer courses will offer the latest tizer, salad and dessert. Dinner sittings are and for the opportunity for membership. 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. For information, call Arthur A. Roedel technology for all levels of experience. Georgia Sea-Island Jr. at (732) 297-2051. Classes are limited to 12 students; each For information or reservations, call student will have use of a computer. (732)940-2111. Singers to perform

Central New SEWER AND DRAIN CLEANING SPECIALISTS Jersey • MAINLINE I 2316 Rt. 130 • KITCHEN SINK 732-438-1910 • FLOOR DRAIN I Dayton, NJ 08810 • (732) 329-3000 • BATHROOM J South Brunswick Township Emergency SINK/TUB/SHOWER Free Estimates 9 • Free Continental Breakfast Service • TOILET BOWL LowRates • Free Satellite TV with HBO • LAUNDRY LINE I • Refrigerator in all rooms » Family Dining Room & Sports Pub I • 2 mi. off NJ Turnpike S. Brunswick, NJ FULLY INSURED I* Non-smoking rooms available •Color TV & Radio • Serving Middlesex and Somerset Counties With Coupon at check-in. Based on Availability. Not valid NJTPK • Featuring The Best Drain Care Products Available I with other discounts or during holidays or special events. Exit #8A • Using The Latest Rotary Drain Cleaing Machines In The Industry - Expires 4/30/98 , "V SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 29 S.B. Citizens Police Academy to begin The South Brunswick Police Depart- There will also be three Saturday morn- || Police Beat J ment announced its second Citfzens Police ing classes during the academy. •i •I Academy will begin March 5. Class size will be limited to 20 atten- All items in Police Beat are taken from left the garage door open and later entered The academy provides citizens with a dees, but all applications will be held on police department records. All suspects are the garage to find fishing equipment and glance into the world of policing. file for upcoming classes. presumed innocent until found guilty in weights missing. The value of the missing Academy students will receive training in Those who wish to attend the academy court. items is unknown. areas such as community-oriented polic- must be at least 18 years of age, live or A Monroe Court residence was bur- ing, traffic investigations and enforcement, glarized Feb. 4, according to reports. The firearms and defensive tactics. work in South Brunswick and have a clean garage door was left open by the owner, The 12-week academy will be held in criminal record. NORTH BRUNSWICK and a toolbox and other items were taken. the department's state-of-the-art training For applications or additional informa- The loss was estimated at $150. room, as well as off-site facilities. tion, call South Brunswick police at (732) • Jennifer Edwards, 19, of 878 Park Daniel L. Ramirez, 19, of Wayne was 329-4000, Ext. 445, or stop by police Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y., and Mark Jones, 22, charged at Wynwood Drive at 1:40 a.m. Classes will be held Thursdays, March of 2218 Staples Mill Road, Richmond, Va., Feb. 4 for possession of under 50 grams of 5 through graduation on May 21. Class headquarters, located at One Police Plaza were charged with shoplifting at the Caldor a controlled substance, according to time will be 6:30-9:30 p.m. in Monmouth Junction. department store at 536 Milltown Road on reports. A resident had called police to Feb. 9 at 6:55 p.m., according to reports. report a suspicious vehicle. When the sus- An attempted motor vehicle theft pect was stopped, "debris was thrown out The Sentinel is your source occurred at a Petunia Drive parking lot on of the vehicle," according to police. The sus- Feb. 9 at 7:35 p.m. Reports said the vehicle pect was released. for South Brunswick news was found with damaged window molding Richard Alameda, 19, of Lake and a damaged ignition lock. Reports said Ronkonkoma, N.Y., and Jason D. Kadlec, the perpetrators were scared away from 20, of Somerset, were charged at mid- iNCRIDIIU SAVINGS^ the scene by the owner. night Feb. 6 for underage possession of THE LOWEST MONTHLY CELLULAR Two township garbage cans re- alcohol, according to reports. Elijah A. SERVICE EVER OFFERED portedly were stolen from two locations in Parsons, 19, of Freeport, N.Y., was UNLIMITED OFF-PEAK the township. The first can was stolen from charged for underage possession of alco- AIRTIME EVERY MONTH *Y0t# Car Otsabfetf Worn' -•ULU9S IMHWWIMNUKtWEODBniOWYUt. ] a residence on Newton Street between hol and for possession of a controlled r —- ™-•" 30 PttK MINinES An Auto Accident? 2:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Feb. 9, and the substance. Officers were dispatched to _ Ml MONTH ) second garbage can was stolen from a the Shell gas station at Route 1 and FREE•! AOMIIOM WeWillloanYouACarWhile Marigold Street residence between 8 a.m. Finnegans Lane following reports of juve- PLUS YOUR CHOICE: and 4 p.m. Feb.'6. Reports listed the value niles causing a disturbance. The sus- We Fix Yours. of the cans at $50 each. pects were released. Certain Rules Apply. Juan S. Morales, 19, of 419 Marm Donald A. Simsen, 67, of Manted, Blvd., Jersey City, and Daniel A. Vasquel, N.C., was charged for driving while intoxi- 20, of 645 Palisade Ave., Jersey City, were cated at 11:29 p.m. Feb. 4, according to charged with theft and criminal mischief on reports. Police were dispatched following ing In Your RECEIVE FREE"* KNOBLOCK lular Phone Gdlulcir Phono Feb. 11 at 4:32 a.m. Reports said Morales reports of a possible vehicle in a ditch. The With Sign Up and Vasquel allegedly climbed into a suspect was released. secured area on the property of Coppa's Larry O. McKeller, 34, of Princeton ••Roaulros n«w acHvntlon "Requires CarncaaTcall So'Voto Piin Corneas l" Call So^Raui Plar BUTO BODY StlSS pjjr irianlh after ?iaa SO OO par monlli nftar 51 SL Service Station on Route I and stole a tire. was charged for driving while intoxicated at In atara rsbnta Of for avplrea tn »ta™ r«toata O(lar expires Police found Morales and Vasquel replac- Route 1 and New Road at 3:21 a.m. Feb. 178 Prospect, South River ing a flat tire on their vehicle with the 7, according to reports. Officers observed a alleged stolen tire. They were charged and vehicle drive through the Amoco gas sta- AllU ; 437 RouleiBS 732-254-2727 imaee EASTBRUNSWICK ^-800-894-2721 254-4S40 i released on their own recognizance. tion located at the intersection and not stop Si frcwitvlttc. ltc rightafl»r Wesclterl: Michelle Woods, 35, of 69 Stengel before entering Route 1. The vehicle's dri- Ave., Newark, was charged with posses- ver was stopped for reckless driving. The sion of a controlled dangerous substance driver was released. (CDS) at the Middlesex County Adult Correction Center on Feb. 11 at 1:38 p.m., according to reports. She also was charged with possession of a CDS with the intent to EAST BRUNSWICK IF YOU ARE BETWEEN THE AGES distribute and bringing contraband into a correctional facility. Baij was set at $25,000, OF 55 TO 65 YEARS OF AGE, with no 10 percent option. Police are still investigating a Feb. 10 A motor vehicle was reported stolen collision between a car and motorcycle in from a Route 130 parking lot between the vicinity of Rues Lane and Sherman ARE IN GENERAL GOOD HEALTH, 10:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. Feb. 11, accord- Avenue at 3:21 p.m. According to police, a ing to reports. The vehicle — a green 1996 1997 Mercury Mountaineer driven by Joan AND WOULD BE INTERESTED IN Honda Accord — is valued at $14,000. Zwelfer, 56, East Brunswick, ran into a Peter M. Pykish, 21, 93 Church Lane, 1990 Harley-Davidson motorcycle driven PARTICIPATING IN A 12 WEEK East Brunswick, was charged with posses- by Charles T. McCann, 65, East Brunswick. sion of a controlled dangerous substance Police say McCann was attempting to STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF A and drug paraphernalia at the Maple cross Rues Lane to access Sherman Meade Plaza on Route 130 on Feb. 12 at Avenue when the Mountaineer struck his SKIN CREAM ON PHOTOAGED 1:17 a.m., according to reports. He was motorcycle. No serious injuries were charged and transported to the Middlesex reported, police said. However, McCann County Correction Center in lieu of $930 did seek private medical attention for a leg SKIN, PLEASE CALL HILLTOP bail. contusion which occurred at the accident scene, according to reports. No arrests or RESEARCH AT (732) 247-2900 FOR summonses were issued pending the police investigation. MORE DETAILS. SOUTH BRUNSWICK MONROE A residence on Willow Hill Run was the site of a burglary Feb. 6, according to THE STUDY INVOLVES USING A reports. The front door was kicked in and Police arrested Michael Santise, 22, the door molding was splintered. Dresser of Cranbury, and charged him with dri- SKIN CREAM FOR TWELVE WEEKS. drawers were found open, but no items ving while intoxicated and careless dri- have yet been identified as missing. ving on Feb."12 at 2:19 a.m. Santise was MAKING 6 VISITS TO HILLTOP A 1990 Toyota parked on Sand Hill stopped on Applegarth Road for speeding Road was burglarized Feb. 6, according to and failure to keep right. Police said he RESEARCH FOR EVALUATIONS. reports. The passenger window was failed a field sobriety test. He was smashed, and two purses and a Canon processed and released pending a court STUDY PAYS $380.00 IF YOU camera were taken. The value of the items appearance. taken is unknown. Two cars parked at Brad Benson AGREE TO A FACIAL BIOPSY (1/8 Mitsubishi, Route 1, were vandalized Feb. A Spotswood resident, Gary Seaver, 3, according to reports. One vehicle sus- 38, was arrested for driving while intoxi- INCH BIOPSY) AND $180.00 IF YOU tained damage to the trunk and had a spoil- cated on Feb. 13 at 11:59 p.m. Police ob- er removed. Another vehicle, a black served Seaver failing to come to a com- DO NOT. Mitsubishi Eclipse, had a passenger win- plete stop at the intersection of dow smashed, and its stereo/compact disc Monmouth and Morton roads, then dri- player stolen. Damage was estimated at ving in the wrong lane of travel on $1600. Monmouth. Police said he failed a field ,, A Taylor Road house was burglarized sobriety test. He was processed and Feb. 3, according to reports. The owner had released pending a court appearance. 3O SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998

Raiders right ship "with recent wins BY RICHARD JEROME Calogero, has specialized in rebounding and defense, - ting screens and scoring Staff Writer the occasional points Among the juniors, Stephanie Ro- ccording to North Brunswick manko, who stands 5-foot-9, ranks as the Township High School girls bas- Raiders' tallest player A ketball coach Leo Whalen, his "She does a good job posting up and Raiders,' 7-13 record reflects neither the boxing out," Whalen said "She's the goal- team's eftort nor the closeness of some ol keeper for the soccer team and she plays the games with tremendous intensity, often drving for "Overall, I think the girls have played the ball" the best they couid," Whalen said "We're Romanko also can give the Raiders not real tall, so we have to hustle tor some offense, scoring nine against the rebounds At times, we're doing a good Tigers and six against the Governors job, though at others, we haven't quite Katie Dewees, the 5-foot-5 point guard, jelled " has accepted her role as offensive quarter- Things have been going better of late, back, and she is the Raiders' main offen- as the Raiders posted wins over South sive threat, averaging double digits Plamfield and South Amboy the last two She carried the offense in both recent times out QUARTERFINALISTS— North Brunswick Township High School's Jessica wins, hitting for 17 against South Plain- Socha (above) and Meredith Strimple helped the Raiders defeat Ocean in the The victory over a very good South field and 15 against South Amboy New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association Central-South B quarter- Plainfield squad snapped an eight-game Sophomore Melody Kuchi (5-4) has finals, 93-73. Socha won the 500 freestyle and Strimple swam the 100 back- losing streak and may mean good things impressed her coach stroke. for the relatively young Raiders next year "She's done a good job, stepping into (Augusto F Menezes/Greater Media) Whalen has featured two seniors in his the stajtmg lineup and giving a great effort starting lineup. One is 5-foot-6 two-guard in her first varsity season," said Whalen, Dana DiPane, who has been a major con- who is assisted by Suzanne Libra tributor to the Raider cause Vickie Smith, a 5-foot-7 senior, has a "She's done a tremendous job," Whalen promising outside shot, and 5-foot-7 said "Sometimes she fills in underneath Amanda Berko, another senior, has been a and gets some key rebounds tor us She useful utility performer never stops" "She plays where needed," Whalen DiPane also can help out on the of- said fensive end on occasion Against the Tigers The Raiders are slated to face Carteret she scored seven points and chipped in in the first round of the Greater Middlesex with five against the Governors Conference Tournament tonight The game The other 12th-grader, 5-foot-8 Nicole is at Carteret at 7 p m Vikings take GMC White Division title BY RICHARD JEROME lier in the year with an injury, has been running the offense and distributing the Staff Writer ball extremely well, averaging about five SOUTH BRUNSWICK — You can't assists per game Tracy, meanwhile, is ask for a much more satisfying debut sea- popping in an average of 15 points and son than the one Jaymee Boehmer has providing the Vikings with solid rebound- enjoyed as coach of the South Brunswick ing, pulling down eight boards a contest High School girls basketball team The "What's also helped us is that we've Vikings, who went 12-12 last year, are 14- had seven or eight kids scoring and several 5, with the program's first-ever outright kids coming off the bench and doing very Greater Middlesex Conference White well," Boehmer said SPORT SHORTS Division title already in the bag Stephanie Bergman, a junior guard, has South Brunswick YMCA is now taking Linwood Place, from 10 a m. to 2 p m each 'We're excited going tnto the county been averaging in the seven-to-nine points registration for its spring N J Devils street day On Feb 28 members of the NY/NJ tournament," said Boehmer of the GMCs per game vicinity, as has Ursula Kirk, a hockey league which begins April 14 MetroStars will be at the registration ses- in which SBTHS, which drew a first-round sophomore who has a season high of 20 Children in third through fifth grade will sions from 10 am to noon Players are bye, competes in Saturday tallies in her first varsity campaign. Other play on Tuesday evenings and children in asked to bring old cleats and shin guards The Vikings have captuied their last starters include guard Julie Flantzer and sixth through eighth grade will play on that can be donated to a recreation soccer seven contests and seem to be operating on senior Charlene Davenport, who con- Thursday evenings at Veterans Park on program in Otjwarongo, Nambia all cylinders tributes up front Beekman Road The first two weeks of the The South Brunswick YMCA is "Everything's clicking," Boehmer said Coming off the bench, Boehmer has league are instructional, followed by six accepting registration for its girls softball "We're running the floor very well, and had particularly strong support from the weeks of 45-minute games Players aie le- league for first- and second-grade girls The we're getting (5-foot-5 junior point guard) likes of junior guard Pam Szabo and quired to wear a mouthpiece For more in- league, which begins play on April 20, Gina Schneider in the game sophomoie guard Dana Andreko and an- formation, call the YMCA at (732) 329- opens with three weeks of instruction stress- "Katie Tiacy (the 6-foot-0 senior) has other lOth-giader, forward Amanda 1150 ing fundamentals, followed by eight weeks also been consistent all season long," she Grossman Registration for the North Brunswick of games combined with instiuction added Assisting Boehmer this winter have Soccer Club's spring season will be held on Scholarships aie available for those in need Schneider, who missed some time ear- been Rick Chroney and Denny Dutry Feb. 21 and 28 at Linwood Middle School, For more intormation, call (732) 329-1150

h SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 31

Sport Shorts iMSKmlam.W* LJB 3^jlftfliP,.3wtiBl»tJP»

The South Brunswick YMCA is Freeholders Basketball Tournament begin- accepting registration for its March Madness ning March 9. This year's tournament will • • : '• Every ••••'.•• COUPON Wednesday Basketball League for players ages 4-9. The be held at the Middlesex County Vocational r Night league begins play on March 7 at the School, 21 Suttons Lane, Piscataway. The : FREE •'•• Cambridge School and will continue on tournament has four divisions: 12-and- GET SECOND ••' "-..Pool "•. '•• A Saturday mornings. Each week there will be under; 13-and-14; 15-to-17; and 18-and- after 7 pm i winner s 15 minutes of instruction followed by 45- over. Both boys and girls teams are wel- 5.00 PITCHERS minute scrimmages. A limited number of i come. The entrance fee is $50 and the tour- Featuring: scholarships are available for those in need. nament is single elimination. For an applica- ; For more information, call (732) 329-1150. tion or more information, call Chuck i FREE* Stan - The South Brunswick YMCA is Roberts at (732) 745-4222 between 8:30 on vocals accepting registration for its youth golf a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. $ 9 In Our Pub instruction program for third- through Entries must be submitted by Feb. 20. iinnei 11 Appetizers also available Thursday eighth-graders. Beginner to intermediate The 10th Annual "Run for Vision," hon- Nights instruction will be given by Bunker Hill golf oring South Brunswick's Bicentennial, is pro Ted Torkildsen. The program, which be- slated for April 18. The event, presented by FRBE Happy Hour Btilfet gins on April 21 and takes place at the the South Brunswick Lions Club, is a 5K Happy ttoxtx Priced Brinks Mon.-Fri. 4-7 PM Bunker Hill Golf Course on either Tuesdays and one-mile fun run beginning at the South pr Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m., includes Brunswick Municipal Building at the corner Located at St. 130 & Rt. 522 in Dayton m instruction on the basics of golf, along with of Route 522 and Kingston Lane. Trophies practice sessions and play on the nine-hole will be awarded to the top three male and adjacent to Days Inn course. Equipment and greens fees are female finishers in each race, and age group included in the cost of the program. A limit- winners in the 5K will receive medals. Pre- 732-32S-4068 ed number of scholarships are available for registration is $12 and day-of-race registra- those in need. For more information, call tion is $15. Race-day registration opens at (732)329-1150. 8:35 a.m. and the races start at 10 a.m. Those The Nestle Beverage Co. St. Paddy's registering before April 1 will receive T- 10-Mile race will be held March 22 at Lib- shirts. All money raised from the event will erty Oak Park in Freehold Township starting be donated to Lions Sight, South Brunswick at 11 a.m. This is the ninth edition of the race Township scholarships and the Community HAIR GROWTH that is presented by the Freehold Area Betterment Fund. For more information or Running Club (FARC) and it will have the an application, call (732) 297-2051. added prestige this year of being the Road The New Jersey state AAU tournament Runners Club of America 10-Mile Open for boys 10-and-under teams is looking for RESEARCH STUDY national championship race. In addition to participants. Players on the team must be the 10-mile race that takes runners along the born on or after Sept. 1, 1987 or be in the scenic back road of Freehold Township, fourth grade and born on or after Sept. 1, there will be a Leprechaun 5K that will start 1986. The tournament's winner qualifies to If you are a Caucasian male, with dark at 11:15 a.m. Registration fees are $16 for participate in the national AAU tournament any form postmarked by March 18 and $20 to be held in Orlando, Fla. For more infor- on the day of the race. Registration will mation, call (732) 739-0703. or semi-dark hair, aged 18 to 49, and begin at 9 a.m. on the day of the race. For additional information, call FARC at 431- 2627. are losing hair on the back of your The New Jersey Lightning, an AAU Where they traveling baseball team, is looking for play- head, you may qualify to participate ers ages 14-15 (not 16 before 8/1/98) to play on teams located in South Brunswick, East stand Brunswick, Old Bridge, Edison and in this research study Milbum. Games and practices will be on North Brunswick Basketball Sundays. Call Frank Bacchetta at (732) 750- 5506. Teen Leaaue The New Jersey Boat Show will be held Team W L T This study requires 10 visits over tomorrow through Sunday at the New Jersey Kentucky Fish 8 0 - Convention and Exposition Center, Sunfield Untouchables 7 1 - approximately 26 weeks. Avenue in Edison. There will be 325 boats Chex Mix 6 1 „- on display plus the latest in outboard and D'Destroyers 4 3 *- inboard engines, electronics, marine ser- Penguins 4 3 - vices and other water-craft items. Seminars Nets 4 4 - by expert fisherman will be held daily. Show 4 4 - Free scalp examinations and hours are 1-10 p.m. tomorrow and Friday; Wolverist 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday; and 11 a.m. Violators 3 4 - to 6 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $7 for The Benjamins 2 5 - free study related medication. adults, $5 for children ages 12-17 and chil- Timberwolves 2 5 - dren under 12 accompanied by an adult will Air Canada 1 7 - be free. A Team -0 8 - The 10th Annual Lyons/Sambora Adult $800.00 compensation for Charity Ski Series will be held at Hunter SB Bagels 9 2 - Mountain in New York on March 14. For NY Times 8 3 - more information, call 671-7995. Warriors 7 3 - completing the study Paul MacLaughlin, the head coach at Raiders 5 5 - Brookdale Community College, Middle- town, and a member of the College Baseball Wildcats 3 6 * Hall of Fame, will conduct preseason base- MAB 2 8 - ball and softball camps at Monmouth Grand Outsiders 2 8 - For more information, call Slam, 712 Ginesi Drive in Marlboro. A hit- Senior ting/pitching/catching camp will be held Nets 5 0 - Saturday and Sunday from 9-11 a.m. The Spurs 4 1 Hill Top Research, Inc. cost is $75. On Feb. 28 and March 1, and Wildcats 4 1 - again on March 7 and 8, there will be a pre- Sixers 3 2 - season try out prep camp from 9-11 a.m. 2 - Costs for each camp is $75. For more infor- Pirates 3 (732) 247-2902 mation on the camps, call 536-4900. Mavericks 1 4 - 5 - The Middlesex County Department of Knights 0 Parks and Recreation will conduct the an- Magics 0 5 - nual Middlesex County Board of Chosen Standings as of Feb. 12 \ 32 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 THE MARKETPLACE » Real Estate * Business * Auto « Classified • Property lines reflect the most recent 22 Tenth St $50,000 title of vice president of public relations the director of public relations for Stevens sale prices of homes. Tfie information is 6 Verdi Road $245,900 for Weichert Realtors. Smith has served as Institute of Technology in Hoboken for provided by Monmouth and Middlesex 713-B Victoria Court $155,000 the director of public relations since join- three years. Earlier, she was public rela- County public records. 101 Waterside Blvd $217,900 ma Weichert in 1989 tions manager for Hugin-Sweda Inc. in Pine Brook. gave Smith high marks for the depart- ment's increased productivity under her 31 Afton Way $235,963 NORTH BRUNSWICK tenure. He stated, "Over the past decade, AUTOS 35 Afton Way $227,905 20 Dawson Lane $293,035 99AlburyWay $78,000 Denise has played a driving role in the 23 Dawson Lane $280,295 3714 Birchwood Court $67,000 restructuring of our public relations Chevrolet Cavalier 32 Dawson Lane $254,680 11 Cleremont Ave $134,500 department to make it a more responsive 34 Dawson Lane $221,185 778 Cranbury Cross Road $125,000 support vehiclDenise for eou isr sales people and No. 1 on AAA car list 35 Dawson Lane $275,850 In the increasingly competitive sport 41 Dawson Lane $195,896 ? SSeSSS^SS!.::::::-:::::::::::: USSS wh™o «»w- ** ™«™f»* utility vehicle market, the Subaru Forester 69 Dawson Lane $268,940 26ServissAve $110,000 combines top-notch organizational 76 Dayton Road $120,000 1001 Stony Brook Way $92,813 talent with sound judgment and the ability and Mercedes ML 320 stand out from the 3 Fairmount Court $249,900 1390 Suwanee Drive $167,400 to make things happen. Under Denise's crowd, according to AAA's annual list of 2 Gormley Lane $213,335 913-925 Trinity St $1,069,000 leadership, our public relations efforts on the best new vehicles. 235-A Marblehead Lane $87,500 1016 Highway 130 §3S'SSS behalf of our salespeople have increased AAA expanded its annual Top Car 439-C Newport Way $107,000 1024 Highway 130 $10,000 , th tenfold» Awards this year to include sport utility 161-B Pelham Lane $37,000 vehicles, with awards going to the Forester 14-B Quail Run $77,500 4 Weber Road $101,000 by more than tenfold 26 W. Railroad Ave $225,000 344Wimbeldon Court $80,000 As vice president of public relations, as the best SUV priced less than $25,000 SOUTH BRUNSWICK Smith has overall responsibility for public and to the ML 320 for SUVs priced more relations activities throughout Weichert than $25,000. JII^BEOfflMllBBI Realtors' seven-state market area, which AAA Central-West Jersey's member 209 Brook Drive $193,500 50 E. Countryside Drive $188,000 includes Connecticut, New York, New publication, Car & Travel, features AAA's 39 Curtis Court $76,000 Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary- Top Cars for '98. Here's a sampling of the 7213 Elm Court lll'inn land- Virginia, and Washington, D.C. top three cars, ranging from $12,000- JB^|[33MliBBIlB! Smith directs two other ma or se $20,000: 4 Carroll Ave $170,000 301 Hesterfcourt:::::::::: $1SISS ^ -> s- ments of 1. Chevrolet Cavalier 172 Chestnut St $85,000 304 Heskers Court $169,990 responsibility. As head of the 2. Toyota Corolla LE 31-A Ethan Allen Drive.. $131,000 92 Jamie Court $151,000 company's corporate relations program, 73 Forest Park Terrace $152,000 REAL ESTATE developed in 1997, she coordinates the on- 3. Oldsmobile Cutlass, GL 25 Gormley Lane $208,085 going efforts of corporate relations man- For a complete list of the Top 10 vehi- 31 Gormley Lane $194,196 cles, AAA members should watch their 40 Gormley Lane $164,818 agers covering all regions of the company, 236-B Marblehead Lane $86,000 who serve as liaisons to other real estate mail for the January/February issue of Car 294-C Monroe Road $155,000 brokers. In addition, Smith put into place & Travel. 61 Morton Ave $149,900 Vice president and oversees Weichert Realtors' quality - The rankings are based on comprehen- 547-B Sheldon Way $65,000 shopper program, which is directed at sive reviews appearing in AAA's 1998 469 Skylark Drive $199,900 James M. Weichert, president of enhancing the level of service Weichert Autograph Book — an annual evaluation 3-D Spaulding Drive $110,500 Weichert Realtors, announced the promo- associates provide the public. of new vehicles. The book features ratings tion of Denise Dickison Smith to the new Pnor to jo;mng Weichert, Smith was of more than 180 vehicles ranging from sport cars to minivans. Vehicles are award- MORTGAGE RATES •: ; ed up to 10 points in each of 20 categories, including workmanship, safety, and pas- 30-yrRx. 15-yrRx. 1-yr ARM 30-yr Jum, * senger environment and value. Lenders Phone Comments> RATE PTS. RATE PTS. RATE PTS. RATE PTS. "While there are many good vehicles available to today's motorist, the Top Car American Suburban Fund. 800-887-4554 7.250% 0.00 7.000% 0.00 4.750% 3.00 7.625% 0.00 No app fee, raw land A thru D credit Award winners offer the best balance of performance, quality and value," said Lori Barnett Mortgage Co. 800-851-8486 7.000% 0.00 6.750% 0.00 5.250% 3.00 7.375% 0.00 "No cost refinance as low as 1-H4V A. Vockroth, manager of public relations for AAA Central-West Jersey. Brunswick Bank 732-247-5800 6.500% 3.00 6550% 3,00 4.500% 3.00 6,875% 3.00 The "Bank" you can "Trust" To evaluate vehicles for the Autograph Columbia Savings Bank 800-962-4989 7.375% 0.00 6.875% 0.00 5.625% 0.00 N/Q N/Q IteBsfbrlimlliai, islfijnehlyeiscanstfpenH Book, AAA experts test vehicles under everyday driving conditions. Reviews Crystal Mortgage 800-378-5010 7.125% 0.00 6.875% 0.00 5.500% 0.00 7.500% 0.00 Local mortgage specialists in your area include vehicle specifications, option package information, prices and pho- Intercounty Mortgage 800-811-4264 6.875% 2.00 6.500% 2.00 5.875% 1.50 7.125% 1.25 tographs of vehicle interiors and exteriors. The book also provides general advice on 1,5. Financial Mortgage 800-346-8002 6.750% 2.50 6.500% 2.50 5.625% 2.50 7.125% 2.00 No income verification io» available, buying a new car. Kentwood Financial Svcs, 800-353-6896 7.125% 0.00 6.750% 0.00 N7Q N/Q 7,375% 0.00 - The 1997 Autograph Book is available in book stores, and AAACWJ offices. The Loan Search 800-591-3279 7.125% 0.00 6.875% 0.00 4.250% 2.00 7.500% 0.00 cover price is $12.95, and the book will be sold at a discount at AAACWJ offices. South Bergen Savings Bank 800-273-3406 7.500% 0.00 7.000% 0.00 N/Q N/Q 7.750% 0.00 Application fee refunded at closing.

Application Tips Literature about air You can apply for a mortgage BeTore you find a house to buy. Here is a list of Average national mortgage rates documents you'll need to apply or a loan. bags is available • A hst of your financial obligatioas The "Who, What, When, Where, Why, • The addresses of your pajt two residences If you rented, include the name of your and How of Air Bags" brochure, "Air Bag landlord. If you owned a home, inelude the name of your mortgage holder, 8.00 • The names, addresses and phone numbers of all your employers for the past two 7.50 Safety Tips" card, and "Get Back in the 10 years. inch Safety Zone" ruler are the three new • Your most retent pay stubi for 30-days and W-2 tax forms for the past two years, 7.00 educational tools from AAA to help inform • Any documents that support vour claims of income from sources such as Social 6.50 Security, penuans, interest and' di idends. the motoring public of all aspects of air bags. • If you're self-employed, two cornplete tax returns for the past 2 years, plus financial 6.00 g-—^--- a = Air bags are designed to provide supple- statements for both the company a nd yourself, 5.50 mental protection in conjunction with the • A copy of your divorce decree aid settlement agreement if you're divorced and you 1-year AHM claim or are pajing alimony and c r child support, S 00 proper use of safety belts. The brochure and • Three months of original bank s atements and a written explanation of any large deposits. Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jar tips card cover, but aren't limited to, how air • The purchase and sales contract, if you find a house before you apply for a loan. bags work, why air bags should be used and when air bags should be temporarily dis- Information provided by The National Financial News Services. Rates are valid as of February 13, 1998 and are subject to change without notice. Contact lenders abled. The handy 10-inch ruler is a reminder directly for additional fees and services. APR calculation: loan based on $100,000 loan with 20% downpayment with no PMI; all applicable loan fees included. of the recommendations from National Check rates on the Internet - www.nfns.com. Highway Traffic Safety Administration and AAA that anyone riding in the front seat sit Lenders wishing to participate call (800) 939-NFNS at least 10 inches away from the air bag cover. SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 33 THE MARKETPLACE • Real Estate • Business • Auto • Classified •

"TAX APPEAL UPDATE" By Gloria Zastko REAL ESTATE TAX APPEAL MUST BE FILED BY APRIL J, 1998 Some New Jersey real estate may be incorrectly assessed and, therefore, over-taxed It is recommended that you carefully review youi 1998 Notice of Assessment, which you should now be receiving. Assessed value should not be confused with market value Under New Jersey law, a taxpayer who feels their assessed valuation may not be correct may appeal that The Realtor* You've Trusted assessment. In order to bring an appeal, taxes must be forover26}ears current and, in most municipalities, a petition must be filed with the County Board of Taxation no later than April 1st The information supplied herein should not be construed as legal advice and we strongly suggest you seek professional counsel if you feel you want to appeal your taxes.

NEW MODELS — Home buyers looking to buy their first home can visit two newly furnished models at The Manor at Country Woods located in East Brunswick. Call for a complimentary, fully computerized Market (Photo courtesy of Freeman Public Relations) Analysis of your home's worth in today's market. New models ready at The 732-297-0600 1582 Route 130 • North Brunswick Manors at Country Woods http://www.mjersey.com/RE/GlonaZastko/ ow that there are two dazzling, newly furnished single-family REAL ESTATE N model homes to see, young growing to world-class shopping, entertainment cen- families, from East Brunswick to Staten ters and restaurants in every direction. Cdldwell Banke Island and northern New Jersey, are visiting The new Douglas and Eaton models dis- RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE and purchasing homes at K Hovnanian's play this design and value leadership. Home Come Browse Our Web Site! wwtv,nymetro rnldwdlhanker com The Manors at Country Woods. designs can offer a porch entry opening into "We're especially delighted to report a an atrium foyer with hardwood flooring and SAYREVILLE $92,000 SOUTH BRUNSWICK $149,000 growing number of referrals; our young res- a grand stairway, all overlooked by an inte- 4 bedroom cape m desirable Laurel PM\ Congratulations Great 3 bdrm in Dayton Center II w/full idents are bringing their friends, and friends rior balcony. A more formal living room development needs some work Call today fin bsmt Fpl in LR, formal DR< for details1 to our fmlyrm/Kit combo Fenced yard, private are becoming neighbors," Ara Hovnanian, and dining room are to your left, with the CA\ 732-297 7171 SBR4%5 president and chief executive officer of New dining room connected to a gourmet eat-in Top Associates Call732-297-717l SBR4652 NORTH BRUNSWICK $119,900 Jersey's leading home builder, said. "At this kitchen. The kitchen is open to a large two- 3 BR colonial on a trie lined st close lo c\e for the Month SOUTH BRUNSWICK $132,900 rate, the opportunity to live in our signature rythmg1 Gar &. DR Freshly painted interior Regent Square Dayton 2 BR 2 5 bath story family room, with huge multi-level newer roof furnace & more1 patio home with garage fireplace and East Brunswick community will be gone windows and a second balcony adding Call 732 291 7171 SBR-4556 of January private yard Blue Ribbon S Brunswick this spring." Schools openness and drama. The powder room is SOUTH BRUNSWICK $115,300 Call 732-297-7171 SBR465S He noted visitors find The Manors at beside the family room. The oversized two- Ver> attractive townhouse backing woods SOUTH BRUNSWICK $289,900 Large deck, new washing machine, AC 1 Country Woods' East Brunswick location a car garage enters the house through the unit and carpets Newly decorated Beauty beyond belief Decorators Dream Call 732-297-7171 SBR45S6 First floor master bedroom 2 fireplaces' particular attraction, with its rural setting entry foyer. Extras goon &. on' Come see' and excellent schools. "We've held our Upstairs, the private master suite can SOUTH BRUNSWICK $142,500 Call 732-297 7171 SBR4SG3 prices for these enhanced three- and four- offer a huge walk-in closet and a super bath Pretty Mt Veron Model townhome in Day SOUTH BRUNSWICK $184,900 bedroom, one- and two-car garage homes, tun Center II features 3 bedrooms 2 5 batli What a beauty1 Pristine condition' Great with soaking tub, separate enclosed shower, an oversized deck & a finished bsmnt location' Princeton model 3 bedroom, 2 5 adding value to this special location," two-sink vanity and mirrored wall. Three Call 712-297 7171 SBR45S9 LINDA SCHWARZ bith full basement and garage Call 732-297-7171 SBR4664 Hovnanian said. Three-bedroom homes are additional bedrooms are served by a second NORTH BRUNSWICK $115,500 priced from just $189,950, and four-bed- full bath. Options offered include a first- 2Br plus den Townhouse in nice wooded SOU IB BRUNSWICK $279,900 area Formal LR & DR E1K w/sliders to Perfect location1 Princeton Walk Madison room designs, with a two-car garage, from floor den perfect for an at-home office, a deck Fullbsmnt alt garage Fee simple model 3 bedrooms, too many LXtrab to $219,950. "The Manors offers a secure, bedroom-level bonus room, a popular front Call 732-297 7171 SBR4613 name' Must be seen1 Call 732-297 7171 SBR466S resort-style, low maintenance, child-friend- porch, expanded family room and dining SOUTH BRUNSWICK $114,925 ly neighborhood in an outstanding school room, kitchen nook, fireplace, cathedral Great location' Radcliff model w/loft in FRANKLIN IOWNSIQPSOMERSET $76,990 Nassau Square Upgraded carpet, stone FP m Beauutul, clean and freshly painted1 Units district. If you shop through the area, you'll ceilings and a variety of elevations that add LR, 2 large bedrooms with baths backs to woods & golf course' 2 find it has no competition." Call 732-297-7171 SBR4615 bedrooms and a great location' Call today' grace and a neighborhood feel. Call 732 297 7171 SBR4672 The Manors is set within Country The sales office phone is (732) 651- NORTH BRUNSWICK $229,000 7BR, 3BA raised ranch mint cond warm & NORTH BRUNSWICK $89,900 Woods, a community with winding streets, 0770. To visit from the north, take New homey feel frplc hrge parUlke yard new Gorgeous 2 BR, 2 bath full) loaded with furnace home ouyers warranty & more' extras Ground floor endunit close to cul-de-sacs and on-site recreational facili- Jersey Turnpike Exit 9 and proceed onto 1 Call 732 297-7171 SBR4616 transportation Cheaper than neu Call now' ties, including a multipurpose court and a Route 18 south to the Cranbury Road Exit. Call 712 297-7171 SBR4674 super tot lot. Families at The Manors will be Turn right onto Cranbury, proceed approxi- SOUTH BRUNSWICK $224,900 EXTRA LARGE LOT Backs open space' SOUTH BRUNSWICK $126,900 across the road from the Middlesex County mately four miles then turn left onto 3BR, 2 5ba colonial w/fin bsmnt Formal Wonderful 1 BR, 2 5 bath full basement Helmetta Blvd. Continue until the entrance LR & DR E1K, fam nn, cath master BR & duplex in Dayton All appliain.es inci Fairgrounds, with its soccer and ball fields, bath Excellent location Blue Ribbon schools' and close to other single-family homes into the Manors at Country Woods, on the Call 732-297 7171 SBR4628 Call 732 297-7171 SBR467'i priced from $250,000. The community is left, and proceed to the sales center. From RICHARD LENNARD the south, take Route 18 north to the Rues surrounded by secluded countryside, yet is Over 100 Offices in the close to the junctures of Routes 1, 130, 18, Lane jughandle, cross Route 18 and at the One New Road third traffic light, turn left onto Cranbury Metropolitan Region 9, the New Jersey Turnpike, 1-287 and the Kendall Park 08824 For a list of homes outside the MY Garden State Parkway. This road network Road. Proceed for about two miles, turn left Metro area visit our National web site offers easy access to New York City and to onto Helmetta Boulevard and proceed to the at http //www cQldwellbankercom New Jersey's corporate corridors, as well as sales center. ©1997 Cold well Banker Residential Brokerage Corporation An Equal Opportunity Company Equal Housing Opportunity All Offices Independently Owned and Operate^ 34 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 O-J 7 Office*

USE YOUR EAST BRUNSWICK - Bi-level VISA MASTER CARD OR 4 bedrooms Investment CLASSIFIED 1-800-660-4ADS DISCOVER CARD property Mother/daughter IF YOU WANTTOBE TO PAY FOB YOUR AD Call 732-613 8914 MANALAPAN - OFFICES FOR CALL CLASSIFIED RENT $325 per month HAPPY 1-800-660-4ADS MATAWAN Includes all utilities WITH THE RESULTS or 732-254-7979 SMALL 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Days 732-303 1717 OF YOUR AD By owner Lg lot Willing to Evenings 732-780-0060 CALL SOUTH BRUNSWICK AREA hold a mortgage Good credit MANALAPAN-Rt 9 location 1 bedrm cute bungalow Good only SI 20 000 201-342-4006 Approx 450 Sq Ft 1-800-660-4ADS housekeeperA MUST' MONROE- COLONIAL Private office easy access DEADLINES S7S0 /mo + utll 732-422 8025 4 bedrooms 2 1/2 baths. tncll util Perfect for accountant MONDAY Line Ads -12:00 noon OR 732-254-7979 New AC Large pool & deck etc Great Rate' 732-431-4312 I*. Exc condition 3208 000 Display Ads - Friday 4:00 pm PUBLIC NOTICE Call 732-723-0199 MARLBORO SALE! SALE! SALE! 1 800 sq ft PRIME LOCATION SEALED BIDS will be received from bidders classified under NJ New Manufactured Homes Call 732-462-1991 HOURS S A 27 7 35 1 et seq in the Multipurpose Room First Floor of the From S42 000 to $49,000 MIDDLETOWN & HOLMDEL Reaching Over 140,000 Homes Engineering and Operations Building Ne t Jersey Department of Resales from 519 000 Suitable for accountant, 1 Weekdays Transportation 1035 Parkway Avenue Trenton New Jersey until Financing Available engineer architect, etc News Transcript • Sentinel • Suburban 10 00 a rn 03/12/98 and opened and read for *TOP RATED 55+PARK* 732-787-7773 or • Independent • Examiner Monday through Friday 8:30 am • 5:00 pm UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES NORTH 1998 HOMESTEAD RUN 732-671 6688 after 6pm VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE COUNTIES OF BERBEN ESSEX Rt 70 Toms River, N J Pteoe read your ad on the first day of publication We accept HUDSON MORRIS HUNTERDON 1-800-275-2911 NOW RENTING Quality office space with style Local Sentinel/Suburban Readers respons bilify for only the first incorrect insertion We reserve the MIDDLESEX PASSAIC SOMERSET SUSSEX UNION & WARREN SAYREVILLE - BY OWNER right to edit reject or properly classify any ad Prime Route 9 location COUNTY OF 100% STATE 3 bedrm split Newer roof, win- Professional work atmosphere May Call 254-7979 DP#97487 dows, central air Sprinkler system alarm 8 much more Southgate Executive Center The Department in accordance with Title VI Civil Rights Act of S149 900 Call 732-727-8589 205 Route 9 North Freehold 1964 78 Stat 252 USC 49 CFR Parts 21 and 23 issued 732-780-4456 pursuant to such Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of UNION BEACH - New home 1973 will afford minority business enterprises full opportunity to 3 bedroom, 2 bath garage OLD BRIDGE submit bids in response lo this invitation and will not discriminate New appliances 732-739-1255 Professional Building for sale against any bidder on the grounds of race color, sex national or lease 1700 square feet NOTICES 1 MISCELLANEOUS 66-68 origin or handicap in the contract award 008a Adult Call Warren 732-679-3486 Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of PL 1975 Leave message TRENTON, Immediate State c 127 NJAC 17 27 Communities House Access 4 600 S F to- Drawings, specifications and bid documents may be inspected or tal office space, 2 500 S F obtained for a fee S15 00 for full size drawings at the NJDOT Plans CHEESEQUAKE VILLAGE- 1 tmmed avail on floors 1 & 2 b Distribution Building #8 Thiokol P0 Box BOO Trenton New Jersey Bedrm Condo For sale or Perfect for lobby group, REAL ESTATE 5-15 GARAGE SALES 60 ENTERTAINMENT 69 08625 during business hours Names and addresses of prospective lease Call Tony 732-290-7165 professionals Sale or lease $159,000 00 John Schragger bidders for this project may be acquired by telephoning (609) 530 MATAWAN- 2 clean rooms Realty, Inc Brkr 609-637-9548 8584 or (609) 530-8585 during business hours Their lax number is near train Share bath $90 & (609) 530-8347 $100/wk +sec 732-583-7251 Drawings, supplementary specifications and boring logs may also be inspected (BUT NOT OBTAINED) by contracting 1018 Stores COMMERCIAL 17-28 INSTRUCTION 63 organizations at our various Design Field Offices at the following 011 Mobile Home•s locations

200 Stlerli Court FREEHOLD/HOWELL Mount Arlington NJ HAZLET • WHY RENT? 3,000 sq ft retail space in 973-770-5141 PRIME SHOPPING CENTER New mobile homes Financing ON ROUTE 9 Route 79 & Daniels Way 15 & 20 years 6 mo -1 yr free 3908 Curcfi Road rent Call 732-888-9335 Call 732-462-1991 LOST & FOUND 64 BOATING 105-106 Mt Laurel, NJ Freehold NJ 609 866-4953 732-308-4025 Classified Sells 025 Business NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Opportunities BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, PROCUREMENT 1-800-660-4ADS 2/18/98 $304 00 MORGANVILLE-BEAUTIFUL wide unit over 1600 sq ft, 3 A MOTHER'S DREAM EMPLOYMENT 35-41 FETS/AKIMALS 65 AUTOMOTIVE 110-119 yrs old, 2 full baths, 3 bedrm , STAY HOME • LOSE WEIGHT 007 Houses c/a, gas ht Asking $93,000 MAKE $$$ Join me, f/t, p/t" for Sale Call 732-591-2429 Call 732-905-0119 AMBITIOUS SELF-STARTER LET OUR Part time, full time home based CLASSIFIED ADVISERS THERE'S SOMETHING FOR business Unlimited income SUSSEX, NJ (Mountain Area) potential Long Term Residual FOR EVERYONE HELP YOU Own your own large lot & like Income Call 908-537-9295 IN CLASSIFIED new Park Model Furnished, AVON-NO DOOR TO DOOR WRITE YOUR AD enclosed porch, deck, cable MECESSARY Earn to 50% ADULT COMMUNITIES, Whit- Sleeps 6 Low taxes & mainte- Have fun and make money For Private Party Items ing NJ, 1 & 2 Bedroom Units nance Close to pool, laundry & CALL too MLM available Great 1-800-660-4 ADS starting at $25,000. Single rec areas $39,900 negotiable moneymaking opportunity OR 732-254-7979 homes start $50,000 For Free Call 732-251-7295 FT/PT Independent Repre- Information and appointment sentative 1-800-527-2866 • 4 Lines $ call Heartland Realty 1-800-631-5509 012 Lots & BIG FAT PAYCHECKSI Work with TV's Brad Richdale Give • 2 Weeks R BUBBY BARGAIN HOMES, Thou- Acreage away Free Websites FREE to sands of Government Fore- join Details 24 hours Market- You are the greatest Love closed and repossessed prop- TERRY, JJ, JAKE, DAVEY, ers World International » Price adjustments only • Pre-Paid erties being liquidated this 888-309-4680 STEVE, MARY-KATE, MACK, month! Call for listings' ABANDONED FARM 20 & KRISTIN. acres-$29,000 Wooded up- DEAL • $5.00 each additional line • Not refundable I 1-800-501-1777 ext 199 state acreage bordering state Dealership with national main- land Stream Town rd, elect tenance corp Assured ac- EAST BRUNSWICK Terms 7 days 8 30-8 30 counts in the local area $600 At the Club 2 bedrm, 2 bath, 607-563-8877 www snvland com weekly income guaranteed to 1125sq ft Carpet, appliances start Investment required Call A/C forced hot air Mint NORTH CAROLINA COAST- 1-800-832-2290 005 Apartments Low S90's 732-254-7888 AL REGION Free brochure of For Rent waterfront & water access lots FAMOUS Millionaire Maker re- I FOR SALE BY OWNER veals exciting new way to earn Hazlet, Fleetwood Park Boaters we have what you want Prices Starting $34 900 $50,000 to $100,000 a year Section Split level 4 bedroom, fast'! 24 Hr Msg Toll Free DISCRIMINATION 2 full bath Walk to schools, Coastal Marketing Waterfront NOTICE Specialists 1-800-482-O806 1 -888-573-%860 "All real estate advertised city buses & Pool Club Move herein is subject to the Federal in condition Asking S173.000 SC WATERFRONT BAR- FIRE YOUR BOSS Fair Housing Act and the New Please call 732-264-2834 GAINS! Close-out sale on Opportunity of a lifetime! Jersey Law against Discrimi- FREEHOLD-4 bedrm Colonial 50,000 acre lake 2 Acre lake- In one hour, see how you can nation, which make it illegal to Reloc to Cal 2 1/2 baths, front lots, private community work from home & be your own advertise any preference limi- ceramic fir, full size frpl wood Only a few left! 800-796-8742 bossl FREE seminar, 2/22/98 tation or discrimination based panel fam rm 2 car gar 3/4 www Carolina-waterfront com Call 1-888-829-5048 on race, color religion sex af- acre Near School PostOffice FOR SALE fectional or sexual orientation, Police/fire, Hosp , Banks Mall LAWN IRRIGATION CO. marital status handicap, famil- Call 732-431-5178 evenings 013 Real Estate QUIZ ADS GB MS ial status, ancestry, or national Turn key operation Estab- origin, or intention to make any GOV'T FORECLOSED. Wanted lished accounts Opportunity Use our handy Private Party Coupon. such preference, limitation or homes from pennies on of a life time* $200,000 plus discrimination We will not $1 Delinquent Tax, Re- gross Call 732-389-1711 knowingly accept any advertis- po's REO's Your Area EAST BRUNSWICK•3 Sell Your Own Personal Merchandise. ing tor real estate which is in Bedrm home Preferrable in LAUNDROMAT Toll Free (1) 800-218-9000 the Bowne School District Call violation of the law For infor- Ext. H-5133 for current listings We have locations available + mation contact the New Jersey 732-613-8914 the best financing in town "The Big Deal" Division on Civil Rights, 31 GOVERNMENT FORE- Garden State Laundry Sys- Clinton St, Newark, New Jer- CLOSED HOMES for pennies tems, NJ's only authorized sey. 07101 201-648-2700" on S1 Delinquent Tax, Re- 015 Summer/Winter Wascomat Dealer Get the 4 lines • 2 weeks $20.00 ($5 each additional line) no's, REO's Your area. Toll Rentals facts Come to our NORTH BRUNSWICK- free for listings/directory FREE INFO seminars every Published in 8 papers in Monmouth & Middlesex Counties. 1-800-218-9000 ext H-5139 Wednesday at 6 30pm LIMITED OFFER! 1026 W Elizabeth Ave Please include all spaces and punctuation. One character per box. 3 miles from Rutgers Universi- FLORIDA VILLA Linden, NJ 1-800-841-4608 ty Save $50 per month on 3 bedroom 2 bath villa or 908-862-4479 select 1 bedroom apartments- w/pnvate pool Quiet residen- LOCAL CANDY ROUTE 30 13 month lease requirement + tiailocation 8 miles to DISNEY Vending Machines Earn apx security Come visit North & other attractions Brunswick Manor $630 Your $800/day All for $9,995 Call Monthly includes rental rebate WEEKLY - MONTHLY 1-800-998-VEND lo qualified applicants Office RATES OWN YOUR OWN Apparel, open daily 732-246-2980 CALL 732-583-8098 shoe, lingerie, bridal, gift, or Sorry no pets Ad $1 00 store Includes invento- FLORIDA VILLA ry, fixtures, buying trip, training SAYHEVILLE 4 bedroom villas, 3 miles Minimum investment $18,900 BORDENTOWN AVENUE from Disney Starting at Call Dan at Liberty Opportunit- Nan Can S850 Sleeps up to T6 les (501)327-8031 WINDING WOOD 732-360-4848 Addres; 1 & 2 BEDROOM GARDEN PEPSI/HERSHEY ROUTEI APARTMENTS FROM $595 LOG CABIN, PA ALL CASH BUSINESSl Choice BRAND NEW AVAILABLE $800 /PER WEEK Local Sites FULLTIME/PART Cify_ .State. Open daily 10am-6pm Be CALL 732-254-1331, EVES TIME $1200+ Weekly 732-238-3919 Potential Small Invest- OCEAN CITY MD -100 feet ment/Huge Profits' CALL Zip .Day Phone_ .Evening Phone_ SOUTH BRUNSWICK to the beach, 2 bedrms , sleeps (24 HOURS) 1-888-766-7677, 1 bedrm quiet apt Exc move- Here! 6, complete kit, cable TV, AC, ext 4170 VISA#_ in cond Utilities included Whirlpool bath $650 to $750 $600/mo Call 732-297-6271 weekly Call 732-521-2444 VENDING For sate, highly profitable and MC#_ Call very simple Call for free Mai! Payment & Coupon fa: 005 Cemetery 017 Office & brochure DISCOVER*. Greater Media Newspapers Plots Floor Space 1-800-820-6782 WORK IN YOUR SPARE Expiration date Classified 1-800-660-4ADS TIMEI Good money1 Process- NORTH BRUNSWICK- Frank- EAST BRUNSWICK- ing mail! Free Supplies! Bo- P.O. Box 1080 • East Brunswick, NJ 08816 lin Memorial Park Double Professional Building 1,400 nuses! Rush SASE Green- Ads are subject to approval. Crypt Moving out of state. sq feet Can divide Near house/4127, Highland, Water- $5 000 00 Call 732-679-6012 Rt 18 Call Broker,732-257-8779 ford, Ml 48328-2165 rsixi c__j curta rasa EI_J r.m tsrsza c&z L j >| \ r • | T" ; ______SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 35

YOUR OWN TRAVEL AGEN- AFFORDABLE, Personalized, CY, needed locally. S7.900, CARPENTER'S LABORERS CAMP NURSE .ledical Transcripiionist TEACHERS CERTIFIED BUY IT, SELL IT, FIND IT IN After School Hours. CLASSIFIED. 1-800-660-4ADS at home PC Training with the financing available. PT/FT. „. HELPER Experienced asphalt rakers & Day camp in Central NJ seeks Computer Tutors. 732-786-0493 Fun! Easy! (Great $$$$$!) Out- laborers for paving work. Call camp nurse to run camp med- (Radiology) Call The Huntington Learning CHILD CARE ALTERNATIVE flinimum 5 years experience Center 732-431-5400 standing travel/tax benefits. 732-842-4922 ical program. Must hold at Bayshore Community Health European "AU PAIRS" live-in ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS Sc Comprehensive training. Free in remodeling. Must have truck least current ARC Standard help, reliable, experienced, and tools. Steady work. MRS. AMERICA PAGEANT Services, has an immediate TELEMARKETERS Up-Grades, Custom Systems video. Motivated applicants: Is searching for New Jersey First AideS CPR. LPN/RN opportunity for a per diem $7. per hour + weekly promot- English speaking legal, gov't Multi-Task 732-254-1823 800-811-3553 ext. MJ82 732-666-2828 preferred. Excellent salary and ions. 6-9pm. Monday-Thursday approved program. Under contestants. Married only. great environment. Fax re- Radiology Transcriptionist. CALL THE PC MD -For all your CHILDCARE - The Goddard 732-928-9050 Flexible schedule needed. Saturday 9-noon. Matawan. S200./week School in Dayton, is looking sume & salary requirement to 1-800-235-0644 Call Au Pair USA at computer needs. At home OPTICIAN / STUDENT 732-821-5017 Must be available weekends. service of IBM & compatibles 1030 Financial for FA" & P/T Infant, Toddler Prior radiology experience is 1-800-AU-PAIRS nd Pre-school care givers. Flexible hours. Benefits, VOLUNTEER YOUTH Interexchange 181 Sixth St. running DOS/WINDOWS. Services commission. 732-583-3600 CAMP-POOL DIRECTOR required. Interested and ADVISOR & ALUMNI Call Robert 732-238-6779 referably 8-1 PM & 2-6 PM. Day camp in Central NJ seeks qualified candidates should New York, NY. :all 732-274-9631 or send 8'nai B'rith Youth organization OSCEOLA COUNTY PUBLIC creative, experienced pool forward their resume to: local chapters.1-888-YES-BBYO. esume to: 399 Ridge Rd. SCHOOLS located in beautiful director to run swim program. CHILDREN'S CHOICE ATTEND COLLEGE FREE! Suite 1, Dayton, NJ 08810 uman Resources Department 46 W. Ferris St., E. Brunswick DYNAMIC 135 PAGE BOOK central Florida area, seeking Must be WSI certified. Fax: 732-888-7334 VOLUNTEER-Needed for teen individuals for teaching posi- Excellent salary/bonus and pregnancy prevention and sex- Ages 3 months - 5 years "How to Obtain Maximum Col- SrCLERK Kindergarten. State Certified COMPUTER lege Financial Aid" shows how. tions, all areas. 1998-99 school great environment. Fax uality education program at Health Food Store. Experienced r Bayshore Community Rutgers University. Light cleri- Open 6:30am-7pm, 12 months $20. postpaid, DJ Merchandis- n ordering & stocking. ear. Recruitment Fair, 3/21, resume and salary requirement 3/28, & 4/4/98. (407)870-4800 cal work. Computer experi- a year. Call 732-613-4488 GARAGE SALE ing, box 6823 Bridgewater, NJ M atawan 732-446-0323 to 732-821-5017 Health Services IBM 3/486 & Pentiums, Moni- OS807. orvisitourwebsite, 727 North Beers Street ence helpful. Call732-445-7929 www.osceola.k-12.fl.us CAMP-STAFF WANTED OLD BRIDGE tors, Hard Drives, CD Roms, Holmdel, N.J. 07733 Memory, Printers & Much More CASH NOW!! WE purchase Oak Crest staff seeks 19+ for Equal Opportunity Employer Loving mom to care for your mortgages, annuities, and CONTESTANTS PATIENT SERVICES counselors, specialists & FIELD child in her home. Relerences- Upgrades White You Wait. business notes. Since 1984 *Jow accepting applications for lifeguards (Must be WSI). Cail 732-251-8532 Saturday, Feb., 21, 10 to 6 REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE ASSISTANT REPRESENTATIVES Sayreville - 44 Kearney Rd. highest prices paid. Free esti- the 1998 Ms. NJAmerican Psycology/Education/PE/Social Successful retail and wholesale OLD BRIDGE-Certified Teach- mates, prompt professional Teen, Pre Teen, Sweetheart High energy people and work, Soc. major a plus. (Oft Rt. 9 South to Parkway computer friendly person car accessory specialist seeks NEEDED sr/Mom will provide a warm Motor Inn, make next right) service. COLONIAL FINAN- and Princess Scholarship Call 732-297-2000 key person for important office loving environment for your CIAL 1-800-969-1200 Pageants. Over $750,000. in needed for secretarial and Flexible Hours 732-525-8600 clinical assistance in busy duties, assist in bookkeeping, child in my Old Bridge home. EXT. 55. prizes given annually. (Open maintain pager & cejlular billing Seeking responsible Call 732-416-1967 COMPUTER • IBM/PSI to girls ages 3-17). No exp. alternative health care facility. 036 Help Wanted and other office activities. Quick- Color monitor, color printer, COMPLETE Guide To Credit necessary. For free into., Will train. Benefits available, Books 5.0 and Windows '95 person with a reliable car OLD BRIDGE-Working Mother and Credit Repair - Bad Credit returnees welcome.Continijing extra ink kit. S400. call 732-288-1331. Part Time knowledge desired. South peace of mind, child care of Call 732-723-0101 A Problem? Take Care Of education provided. For Brunswick area. Fax resume to check delivery routes & the warm loving kind. Play- Credit Problems NOW! Call * * * * * * * * * interview call: 732-254-6011 and hourly requirements to: deliver papers. No early room, safe toys, and fenced in 24 hrs. 1-800-648-2180 Ext. 1 COMPUTER-486 mornings. No collections. yard. Call 732-679-4775 CD ROM. 3 1/4 disk drive- PLUMBERS/HELPERS ADMINISTRATIVE 732-422-6616 OR 5 1/2 disk drive, Microsoft DEBT CONSOLIDATION CUSTOMER SERVICE all: 732-422-B899, Ask for Joe. SAYREVILLE-Exp, Mom will S20O0-$150,OOO Good or Bad Call 732-254-9390 ASSISTANT Apply in person, or send babysit in my home. FT/PT. mouse/speakers/microphone. FT/PT- Retail customer skills, Looking for responsible self- FFICE HELP -Small Microsoft Works/Word/loads Credit. Avoid Bankruptcy, multi-task, fast paced POOL MANAGER resume to: Refs & Meals. 732-238-4641 Call NOW 1-888-308-0081 For large area municipal starter with strong ompany in Freehold seeks of games, crossword puzzies, incentives. Mail Boxes Etc. :ommunication and organiza- nature person with for data 10 Connerly Court etc. Excellent for school age Ask for Dept1-20 732-303-1331 facihty. Personnel, administration, maintenance tional skills. Computer literate - mtry, to answer phones, type East Brunswick, NJ 1037a Child Care children. A1 condition. Firsl FREE CASH GRANTS file. Call 732-294-9114 S450. Call 732-431-23S5, eves and filter experience helpful. Microsoft Word, Excel and 08816 Wanted College. Scholarships. DAYCAMP Will train. Marlboro Swin Club. Lotus a plus. Flexible hours. iFFICE MANAGER Needed, or fax resume to: Business. Medical bills. A FABULOUS SUMMER Call 732-617-9600 Fax resume to: omputer background a plus. 486W/EXTRAS Hiring : ^Supervisors 732-390-2058 ranbury area. 609-395-1416 732-651-8693 Completely set up & working. Never Repay. Toll Free *Sports Coaches-*Tennis PRODUCTION HELP Ore-mail to: EAST BRUNSWICK Asking $450. Call 732-721-0928 1-800-218-9000 ExtG-5133 * Roller Hockey*Drama Laser Save, one of the largest [email protected] OUTSIDE SALES Responsible, caring person FREE CASH GRANTS. Col- *Dance ^Photography re-manufacturers of Commission sales positions for 2 children in my home. Exp. Toner Cartridges in the NJ, is ASSISTANT TEACHER 1036a Employment I lege, Scholarships, Business, *Painting AFishina/Boating now available in the exciting a refs. Call 732-390-5939 046 Firewood Medical Bills. Never repay. CalI732-446-5377 seeking energetic people for Needed to work with young :ruise industry. Work your own Services I Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 our production team. children in childcare center lours and enjoy travel benefits MARLBORO/ABERDEEN ext. G-5139. •/DEMONSTRATORS Experience in a production located in Holmdel. Monday- ind perks. Individuals must be F/T in my home needed for Earn commission for home Friday, year round. No certifica- one (1) infant. Non-smoker environment a plus. Must be igressive, self-disciplined and $1,000 WEEKLY S100. PER CORD candle party sales, or host a able to work well with others. tion required. 732-264-1750, enjoy working with people. Stuffing envelopes. Free and have own transportation. party. Starbrite Candles Call 732-431-3339 letween 1Oam-noon. EOE 3 to 5 weeks paid vacation. OAK & FREE DELIVERY 1030B Insurance Prefer previous sales Details. Rush LSASE to: ACE CALL 609-208-9116 1-800-279-9249 ixperience, but will train proper Dept. 1600. P.O. Box 5137, No housekeeping responsibili- Services REAL ESTATE SALES BUS/VAN DRIVER individuals. 732-613-8444 ties. Excellent pay. Must have DENTAL ASSISTANT Opportunity is knocking. Don't Diamond Bar, CA 91765 experience and references. $85JGUARANTEED F/T - P/T for first class office. miss our on going pre-licensing START IMMEDIATELY! RECEPTIONIST- Very flexi- 11,000'S POSSIBLE TYPING SEASONED FIREWOOD. Del. AUTO • Homeowner* Business Red Bank area. Experience courses & superior training to Part Time, could work towards ble, energetic person wanted 'art Time. At Home. Toll Free Call 732-970-0234 avail. Sayreville. 732-390-0900 Lie. NY, NJ & FLA - 30 years and x-ray license necessary. help you get a FAST successful full time if wanted. For private 'or busy Manatapan Chiroprac- 1-800-218-9000 Ext. T- 5133 MIDDLETOWN PROBLEMS • 1-800-GAKSURE Call 732-747-4444 start. CaS Debbie V. Weichert transportation company. Expe- :ic office. Monday, Tuesday, for Listings. FIREWOOD Realtors 732-583-5400 rienced with "hursday, 9am-2pm., Wednes- Responsible, loving, live-out EVENT COORDINATOR Nanny wanted to care for our SEASONED CDL license. 1-800-287-9543 lay evening, 2pm-9pm. Every $1,000. WEEKLY 732-257-1416 031 Money FUND RAISER -Temporary REAL ESTATE iiner Saturday, 8am-1pm. Stuffing envelopes at home. 5 yr. old and 20 month old position, goal oriented individu- ax resume to: 732-536-0448 Free details. Rush LSASE to: boys. Child care experience. to Loan al with strong communication SALESPEHSON-Motivated, CLEANER WANTED References & own transporta- skills. 100% phone work. Success oriented persons Days. Must have good ACE Dspt 5011 tion required, 732-671-7443 732-229-1161 EOE looking for a rewarding career personality & experience. RECEPTIONISTS P.O. Box 5137 047 Furniture "CASH" Immediate $$ for in Realestate Call Mike Wilson danalapan area. 732-446-8784 Veterinarian, Manalapan seeks iamond Bar, California 91765 NANNIES HURRY! structured settlements and de- FULLTIME ACCOUNT EXEC- GLORIA NILSON REALTORS CLERK-TYPIST needed for energetic, enthusiastic, mature 1000 WEEKLY STUFFING ferred insurance claims. J.G. UTIVE needed to work in the Manalapan Office teen pregnancy prevention minded persons. Good phone/ ENVELOPES at your location. FOR THE BEST JOBS ED-King Extra thick pillow- Wentworth 1-888-231-5375. Atlantic County area. Must 732-780-6500 and sexuality education pro- math skills. Light typing. Flexi- Guaranteedl Easy work, ex- Livein/out or After School Care lop mattress, box & frame, new have sales experience and ble hours. Calf 732-431-5454 cellent pay. workers needed SSGET CASH NOWSS if you business background. 35 1»REALTORS WANTED gram at Rutgers University. SELECTIVE NANNY in plastic. Cost $1,199. Sell are currently receiving pay- Typing, filing, answering IOWI FREE DETAILS. Send $450. Call 732-602-9603 thousand per year, 40 hours a Local office seeks career phones. Computer experience SALES SASE: PO BOX754505-KT, 288SUMMERHILLRD., E.B. ments from workers comp, lot- week. Weekends and holidays minded agents.Training & 732-432-9500 ED-Queen, premium mat- tery or an insurance settlement. lelpful. Three days per week. DISCOVERY TOYS Coral Springs, FL. 3307S. OLD BRIDGE - Experienced off. Call 888-622-3182 ask for commission.Call 732-264-3456 Salary negotiable. Resume to: ess, box & frame. Naw in Best prices. Call PPI Kenneth Malloy. Work from home. Raise your 1000'S POSSIBLE TYPING, energetic person to care for 2 lastic cost $1,000, sell $325. 1-800-435-3248 ext. 164. RECEPTIONIST- NFLE, Rutgers University family while you raise your children 4 & 1 1/2 years old in Slerical/Phone Responsibili- 100 Joyce Kilmer Ave. 'art-time. At Home. Toll free iall 732-855-7883 GAL/GUY FRIDAY Income. Sell educationial toys, or listings/directory. our home. Monday & Wednes- ties, Diversified Duties Includ- Piscataway, NJ 08854 books, games S software. Fun, I-800-218-9000 Ext. T-5139. day, Non-smoker. References. EDROOM FURNITURE- ALL CREDIT OK! Must have office experience. ing typing, data entry, detail flexible business. Call 732-679-2825 after 7pm irl's white, dresser with Refinancing. Mortgage Money Computer literate. 40 hours. work, knowledge of computer/ CLERK/STOCK/CASHIER Call Lisa 973-376-4753 I900 WEEKLY/POTENTIAL lirror, 4 drawer chest, night Unlmtd. 200 Psrrine Old Bridge Salary + benefits. Call between word, 8am-5j)m. Non-smoking For New Dollar Store in recessing mortgage refunds. OLD BRIDGE-Babysitterwant- land, desk with hutch & chair. Lie Mtg. Banker NJ Dept. of 11am-3pm. 732-721-4400 facility. Call Elaine at Spotswood. Flexible hours. SALES Own hours. Call 1-BO0-7B2-6791 fid PT in my home for 3 year xc. cond. $700.00 for all. Banking 1-800-220-0001 732-238-4000 or apply Call 732-898-9304 _ work at home Income on the Ext. 1600 old boy. Mother w/pre-school 732-370-9365 GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS Lithoid Printing Corp. child ok. Call 732-679-3563 REFINANCE & SAVE $100'S Great Pay. Will train. Cranbury web. $800.-$5,500. per month. 000 ENVELOPES-S4000 19 Cotters Lane, COMPUTER Logontowww.hbn.com. Free SEEKING a mature, responsi- lEDROOM FURNITURE EACH MONTH. With Today's area. 609-395-1416 fordetails. om home! Make $4. per en- ([-white wood, matched Low Mortgage Bates. Consoli- East Brunswick, N.J. 08816 details with access code 5288. 'elope you stuff with my ble and loving non - smoker to EOE OPERATOR care for infant in our Middle- lieces. 2 chests, 2 hutches, date debt, Improve your home HAIR STYLIST for small insurance agency SALES-OPTICAL, Flexible circulars. Guaranteed. Free in- lesk S chair. Excellent cond. or get needed cash with Fair- formation package. Call nowl town home. 8:30am-6:30pm. FT/PT. Manalapan area. SALES office, located in Old Bridge. Hours. Commissions. Matawan Experienced caregiver or I300. Call 732-536-4793 bank Mortgage. 24-hour pre Good opportunity. Call 'roperty S Casualty insurance area. Call 732-583-3600 24 hour recording. approvals, quick closings, Piano/Keyboard. Salary open. •310-335-5991 Dept. 20. mom. References required. Competitive Rates, Custom 732-566-6936 Benefits. Experienced experience a plus. Call 732-706-5225 BEDROOM SET Programs For Every need, HAIRDRESSERS. NAIL preferred.Keyboard knowledge Flexible hours. SPECIAL ATTENTION 5 pc. Dark wood. Contempor- Good & Problem Credit, No in- essential. Mr. Diehl Dan Keiser - 732-607-9028. READERS ry. Armoire, headboard, come Verification, Self- ^TECHNICIAN 9e 732-462-4730 EDUCATION ids under this classification 038 Cleaning dresser 8, mirror, & 2 end tbls. Employed. Bankruptcy, 125% Salary with experience plus COUNTER PERSON Group leaders and teachers at are not offers of employment. Good condition. Asking $550. commission and medical SALES - Unique opportunity for Video Store in Old Bridge & Help Wanted Equity Financing. We Bend n coed Pocono Mountain sleep- Often these advertisers offer a Call 732-238-3835 benefits. 732-367-6111 for the right person. Creative arlin areas. Nights and week- away camp for ADD/LD Over Backwards to Approve Logo Apparel Company look- service for a fee. If you place a Your Loan. Fairbank Mortgage HORSEPERSON-Must have ends. Call 732-257-7774 children. Manage groups, pro- call to a "900" number you will BEDROOM SET ing for outgoing, creative, vide programs. Professional CREAM RIDGE-Housekeeper Formica. Light wood grain. NJ Lie. 14180. knowledge in Broodmare & hardworking individual with automatically be billed a fee, 1-800-346-5626 ext. 413. yearling care. Interviews be- CUSTOMER WORK atmosphere, good wage, camp •nich varies. wanted for Mon., Wed., & Fri. Trundel twin beds. 5 drawer strong pone skills for F/T - PfT for your kids. For info call tween 9am-11am Monday- commissioned sales position. Newly expanded company, Must have 3 refs. $10. per chest. Exc. cond. $395. Friday.18 Schoolhouse Rd. has P/T, F/T openings. $12. to Eugene Bell. 973-S75-3333 ASSEMBLE ARTS hour. Call 609-758-4858 Call 732-780-4024 Would call on large and small ext. 122 Cream Ridge (off Rt. 539) companies.Apparel and com- start. Flexible hours. Advance- Crafts in your spare time. Earn ment. Call 732-254-1411 Extra $$ Typing, Sawing, BEDROOM SET puter background a plus. Call TEACHER'S ASSISTANT Japanese Style, Teak. Full Time HOUSEKEEPING-Positions 732-970-1880 for arrange for DEMONSTRATORS Needed Temple' Nursery School. Love Electronics and more. Call 039 Health Care available for busy day sjja full interview. for 50 year old company. No children, knowledge of Jewish 1-800-795-0380 ext 11 Armoire. Triple Dresser. & part time. Days evenings & investment to start. Set your Holidays & Traditions (24 hours) 2 Night Tables, 2 Lamps, ALL POSITIONS F/T. P/T weekends. Call for interview SALES/ADVERTISING own hours. For information 732-446-1224 ASSEMBLE arts, crafts, toys, 2 Mirrors. SALES • TELEMARKEYING 732-257-8118 call Susan at 732-698-0852 jewelry, wood items, typing, ELDERLY CARE, Elderly Antique brass trim on DATA ENTRY • DATA Do you have a minimum of 2 between 12pm and 8pm. TELEMARKETING sewing, computar work from alternative to a Nursing Home. everything. PROCESSING • PRINTING home in your spare time. G reat Live in my home. Get good full Call 732-632-6022 or Fax LIFEGUARDS years outside sales Excellent condition. Summer '98 - Certification experience? Are you ready for VDRIVER-Helper. Team Leaders pay. Free Details 24 hours time care. Call 732-446-1978 Asking $1,400. resume to 732-635-6057 a new challenge? If you know Knowledge of NYC/NJ clean S11 per hour FEE). 1-800-632-8007 required. Good pay for license. Start point Marlboro. New jersey Blood Service, the OAK KITCHEN SET AVON $ $ SALES exDerienced guards. Marlboro and live in the Central Jersey ASSEMBLERS: Excellent Must be 18. Call 24 hours Swim Club.Call 732-617-9600 area...An exciting career in 732-536-7843 nation's leading blood collec- 041 Resumes Oval table with 2 leaves. 1-800-545-8390 radio Is waiting for you. Radio tion, research and distribution income to assemble products 4 cushioned chairs on casters. LIFEGUARDS stations Magic 98.3 8 WCTC DRIVERS service, is currently seeking in- athoma. Info. 1-504-656-1700 Office Services Perfect condition. BANKING would like to talk to you about Qualified. CDL-P, Middlesex dividuals to work in their Now Dept. NJ - 3812 Asking $300. Call 732-583-9270 INTERVIEW NOW joining our outside advertising county only! Also, Bus Aides Brunswick based Telemarket- ATTENTION- 25 people need- BEDROOM SETS (2), Teen. Banking Representatives FOR A GREAT SUMMER! sales Team. Excellent benefits. needed, willing to train for ing Center. ed to loose weight and earn WORD PROCESSING Wall unit with stereo system, Term Papers • Cover Letters * Monday-Friday only* CDL. HMO Health insurance Candidates will be responsible income. Call 732-521-8385 bar, and storage. Hi-riser. Growing financial institution *No evenings or weekends* Apply in person 9:00a.m. - available. Call Tirell at Resumes * Business Reports Call 732-254-3557 ^Excellent salary* (or motivating tele marketers OMPUTER USERS NEEDED 732-583-9452 seeking Customer Service 5:00p.m. Mon-Fri. or send 973-325-0037 and supervising their call activ- WORK OWN HOURS BEDROOM, Living room, Representatives and Tellers to •^Spirited fun staff* resume to Sales Manager Call 732-446-5377 FRONT DESK ASSISTANT ities to ensure accurate ap- 120,000 to $50,000 YEAR Dining room, paintings, fax, be fully cross-trained in all pointments and attainment of -800-348-7186 axt. 3081 042 Antiques printer, queen bed set. Brand aspects of banking operations. MANAGER ASSISTANT Magic 98.3/WCTC Mornings & evenings available for busy Chiropractic office. goals. Must be results-oriented new treadmill viPCV, faucets & The qualified candidates AND SUPERVISOR 78 veronica Avenue with first line supervisory expe- DRIVER ORT Can't Rest S Collectibles CD's. 732-792-1777 aft. 6 PM should have at least two years No experience necessary. rience, a HS Diploma & excep- Relax with your Family be- Brill Person and Waitresses. Somerset, N.J. 08873 Contact Carol 732-254-5553 of experience. We offer a F/T & P/T- Apply in Person, Fax # 732-249-7562 tional communication/people cause, of Money Worries? COCKTAIL, END competitive starting salary and EOE HAIR STYLIST- Qualified. Op- skills. Background in Telemar- CALL COVENANT TRANS- excellent benefits package. Friendly'S Ice Cream, portunity to take over cliental. keting, Sales or Customer Ser- 'ORT Experienced Drivers ANTIQUES AND SOFA TABLES Please fax your resume V Freehold Raceway Mall, or call 'uesday, Wednesday, Thurs- vice essential; Knowledge of and Owner Operators 1-800- Top prices paid for: Antique CONTEMPORARY • the Community Bank of 732-409-6102 NURSES day 5p.m.- 9p.m. Fair Haven statistical math and blood ser- 441-4394 Graduate Students furniture, oriental rugs Gray Bud Formica. $500. New Jersey, Area. Call 732-530-7383 vices desired. Schedules are 1-B00-338-6428 Bud Meyer paintings, jewelry & silver. We 732-972-5449 CERTIFIED 9:30am-1 pm & 5:30pm-9:30pm. Refrigerated Truck Line Solo's purchase entire contents of att: Human Resources MANICURIST MEDICAL FRONT DESK- and Contractors COUCH Must seel Contem- 732-863-9001 estates. Will come to your porary, neutral. 3 pc. sectional Full/Part time,experienced,lic- HOME Must be flexible, computer ex- 1-888-667-3729. home. Call 908-862-0200 CAMP SUPERVISORS ensed, salary.commission.benefits. perience necessary. Early Ws are conveniently located ncl. chaise. Great buy. Asking Adults preferred for 1/2 day Manalapan Salon with or with- HEALTH AIDES evenings & Saturday. Holmdel near the State Theater, offer GOVERNMENTJOBS $600. Call 732-973-6938 an excellent workihg atmo- SLED (PM) Pre-K program. Early out following.. 732-536-2440 LIVE-INS area. 732-739-1826 Ext. 50 Hiring Now. $11-33/hour. Paid DINING ROOM SET education background Leave message sphere, and provide Tree pri- Training. Full benefits. 1 Horse. 100 yrs.old. 4 pass. Contemporary, 5 years old. MECHANIC/DRIVER vate parking in our secured lot Good condition. 732-821-2486 preferred. Marlboro Swim Farm in Imlaystown. RNs Call 7 days. 1-800-433-7353 Glass table, 6 chairs, black located just across the street. Ext.3260 Club. Call 732-617-9600 Experienced on farm MEDICAL For immediate consideration, mirrored buffet & corner unit. equipment. Skid Steer LPN's apply in person, HOME TYPISTS, PC users $1500.00. BEDROOM SET- CAREER CHANGE? Loaders, back hoe, tractors, Available Immediately! RECEPTIONIST needed. $45,000. income 043 Appliances Basset, Black lacquer & Gold, We have a proven transition call 732-628-0734 King size bed frame, 2 night and loaders. CDL helpful. •Shiftwork For physician office in fax 732-220-7199, potantial. Call tract record for folks changing 609-259-9204 • Staff Relief Manalapan PJT evenings. Will 1(800)513-4343, ext. B-5097. tables, dresser & armoire. careers. Discover have easy it train. Must be flexible. or send your resume to: $1500.00. Call 732-521-3809 is to reposition yourself Get ""MEDICAL SECRETARY Interviews - 7 Days Call 732-780-6970 Telemarketing Dept., TRACTOR TRAILER DRIV- REFRIGERATOR your REAL ESTATE LICENSE Orthopedic practice seeks New Jersey Blood Services ERS needed to join the Swift DINING Room Set- 7 Pc, and begin to earn a solid EXPERIENCED, organized in- PREFERRED MEDICAL SECRETARY 167 New Street, Transportation Family! No ex- General Electric. Frost Free. $275. Headboard: Pine, king income. dividual with excellent commu- Telephone & computer skills. New Brunswick, N.J. 08901 perience necessary! COL 17.7 cu.ft. Aimond. Exc. Cond, sz. $50. Full size bed, $75. Call Peart Cook, Manaqer nication skills. Primary respon- HEALTHMATE Knowledge of HMO's & EOE M/F/D/V Training Available through All- Asking $400. Call 732-297-350{ Rust Lazy Boy rocker, $35,00. Old Bridge Office M sibilities; scheduling & insurance a plus. Fax resume New Jersey Blood Services state Career School. Swift REFRIGERATOR-Frost free White computer furniture. 732-525-1550- .. - roordination of patient care. 732-840-5566 to: 732-Z39-.465B. Where coricerri for the .Transportation $175. Manual defrost $100, Hummels, call for price. Server WEICHERT REALTORS 732-441-3202 ext 16 or Call 732-739-3394 community'co'mes first. "1-800-800-7315 (eo'e-m/f) Stove $1'5fl. Call 732-56S-323r cabinet $75. Cair 732-671-5762 36 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY-19, 1998 069 Entertainment 076 Cjeaning 047 Furniture II °48 Merchandise ||j°63 Instruction III 063b Tutoring 1II 066 Personals I 067 Psychics DINING ROOM TABLE SAT VERBAL, Reading Spe- USE YOUR MENTION THAT YOU SAW HOUSE/OFFICE CLEANING NINTENDO 64 ART SCHOOL VISA, MASTER CARD OF! THE AD IN GREATER MEDIA SCIENCE & CRAFT Ironing woodwork, windows & with 4 chairs Walnui cialist Special Ed Specialist, Birthday Parties GREAT FUN S350 Call 732-390-0907 and 2 games S75 00 inE Brunswick 732-257-8127 English all levels, Math DISCOVER CARD CALL 1-800-660-4ADS more! M/C & Visa 732-329-8877 Call 732 613 5085 College Essays 732-257-2777 TO PAY FOR YOUR AD OR 732-254-7979 FOR ALL AGES' 732-651-0455 LIVING ROOM Huffman- BALLROOM/SOCIAL Dancing CALL CLASSIFIED TO PLACE AN AD HOUSECLEANING PIANO freezer blac« leather Lessons - Singles - Couples SPANISH/FRENCH-Raise SINGING TELEGRAMS KGQS modern Sofa & tove- sofa sleeper end table bed- 1-B00-660-4ADS Custom Roasts-Funny/Sweet References seat brown New Sacrifice Call Mind/ 732-316-1821 grades nowi 10 yrs of success or 732-254-7979 All occasions 732-972-3366 Call 732-225-3606 $500 Call 732-821-4367 room set fruitwcod Mintcond w/kids 732-617-1192 Rocker Mink coat sz 8 10 BASIC/STUDY SKILLS- Spec ADOPTION-Are You Preg- 068 Photography HOUSECLEANING-Expenence LIVING ROOM Beige Xmastree 732-721-2440 Ed Cert All sub K-8 Your TUTORING-Reading, English, nant' Don t Know What to Do? & references Call Cleides Contemp 2 loveseats, end/ home or mine 732-257-1082 Science Certified Teacher We have many families waiting 069a Party 732-613-9341 coffee Ibis lamp entertain POOL TABLE Bumper w balls Call 732-651-0455 Table top addn concerts into PIANO KEYBOARDS to adopt your child Please can Planning HOUSECLEANING-Pohsh ment ctr 6 mo old S750 or card table w/dnnk holders 1-800-745-1210 AskforMarci Woman Excellent work & best otter Stacy 732-525-0990 1 GUITAR ORGAN & BASS THE DIGITAL GUY Great S150 Call 732-530-8374 Popular & Classical All levels or Gloria We Can Helpi • Old Photos Restored • references Call 732-525-2336 MOVIMG Bedroom sat dining Prof instruction at your home • Enlargements & Copies * room retrig wedding gowns RELOCATION SALE 064 Lost & Found ADOPTION-We wish to adopt CALLIGRAPHY IMMACULATE House Cleaning 25 yrs teaching experience a newborn We will provide a Caff 732-238-8421 Service References Please computer vacuum cleaner & Custom mirror Contemp wall Hank Ploskon 732-238 1555 By Hand or Computer lots more' Call 732-698-1380 unit Stifel lamps Drexel loving home S a secure future Choices To Fit Every Budqet Call 732-257-6450 for your baby Expenses paid din rm !bl vv/2 18 leaves tbl AS A PUBLIC SERVICE Call Suze 732-364-3136 JEWISH DIVORCED MOTHER MOVING Bookcase 3pc . Jr pads & 6 chairs Master bdrm STUDIO 63 Please Call Pat & Joe at dining rm set antique violin 3 WE WILL PUBLISH A 1-800-519-1322 069 Entertainment of 2 school age children will set Youth bdrm set Occa- There is a Difference 4 LINE AD FOR 2 WEEKS clean & do wash Great leaf mirror leather loveseat sional furn Honda lawnmo>ver treadmill & more1 732-721-5939 AT NO COST Adoption Hugs, kisses, lots of references Non-smoker Garden tools 732-536-5768 MUSIC TO A PERSON 1069b Tickets honest Insured CALL A day and evening love, lifetime of security await MOVING SALE Professional Instruction WHO CALLS your newborn Devoted cou- A STORYTIME Woman's Touch 732-634-2805 63 Milltown Rd E Brunswick ABOUT A FOUND ITEM 3le, stay home mom Up- Dining Room set, Thomasville SHARK CARTILAGE !hild participation w/puppets, LILIANE'S CLEANING - Daily, Wall unit Cedar chest Snow POWDER - 5 unopened 1 Ib 732-257-8637 1-800-660-4ADS dates/pictures Expenses paid longs & crafts 732-254-9389 Call Marc & Kikta; 1-800-327- weekly, & monthly Experience blower & more' 732-495-2369 containers Priced below retail' VOICE & PIANO KITTEN FOUND near JFK Classified Sells a References 732-254-2301 Call 732-431-2817 MA in Music Professional School Front St, Jamesburg, 2229 A-D.J. GOOD TIMES MOVING SALE SPREADER-Manure instruction Experienced wearing collar on 2/12/98 Adoption Tiny hand to hold, Weddings, 16's 732-225-8342 1-800-660-4ADS METICULOUS TOUCH Thomasville Dining Room set 25 bushel New Ground drive Call 732-821-7046 Call 732-521-4592 little heart to love and mold At- ABSOLUTE BLAST Cleaning service Cleaning at S600 Sears lawn tractor plus S1 500 or best offer LOST RING-2/1 1 /9B in hom€ mom, gentle dad are It's best Quality Service- bagger S500 Whirlpool refrig- 609-406-9313 leave message we, love of learning, travel, ALL CHARACTERS Reliable,satisfaction guar Marlboro Mans Star Ruby BALLOON SHOW 8c GAMES 1070a Appliance Insured/bonded Please call erator S250 Whirlpool washer WATER SOFTENER Sentimental value If found music, harmony Grass and $150 Maytag gas dryer $100 1063b Tutoring trees all around, our love will FACE ART, MAGIC & MORE Repair Jeanme 732-257-6266 Kenmore Never used please call 732-303-0412 732-723-0179 Panasontcmicra- New, S466 Asking S250 surround Laurie/Lee, 1-888- wave/convectton oven, S75 Call 732-398-006% 417-7272 (Toll-free) P-U-R-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y Gray sectional sofa & 2 tables, ALGEBRA S GEOMETRY ALL CHARACTERS CLEAN 5100 Call 732-303-1790 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Tan 065 Pets & Animals ATTENTION LOVERS DAVE'S APPLIANCE at Home BuvDirectand High School Math Certified Call now' 1-900-285-9077 ext Call 732-495-3928 20 YEARS SERVING NJ HOME CLEANING AT ITS SAVEi Commercial/Home teacher Call 732-431-5414 5097 $2 99 per mm Must be Refrigerators & Major appl VERY BEST 732-257-8463 AMAZING MAGIC Repair/Installs 732-363-3356 units Irom S1 99 00 Low ALGEBRA I & II SATS 18+ Phoenix, Artz Serv-U POLISH WOMEN - Best old • Monthly Payments FREE Col- 1-619-645-8434 Geometry & Basic Skills Need AKITA PUPS •••WITH-" fashioned house cleaning or Catalog Call Today help' Feeling frustrated'' References 732-826-5713 REFINISHING 1-800 842-1310 10 wks old AKC, papers & Cultural Exchange Program is 071 Building Experienced teacher and tutor shots Good markings 1 male, seeking community volun- ERIC THE GREAT German Trained Perfectionist Call 732-613 9225 Remodeling RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANING Refinishing Restonng Hand 2 females 732-229-3075 teers, call Euraupair Any Occasion 732-536-6936 1-800-901-2002 BARNIE OR 1 Laundry included Refs avail Stripping White Washing 048b Infants BIO, CHEM, MATH ANIMAL LOVER/Pet Sitting A LION KING PARTY Call 732-262-1533 Bannisters Kit Cabinets & Service In Your Home Call 732-651-3256 Pianos FreeEst 732-571-2915 Juvenile Items Certified guaranteed results Bonded/Insured 732-792-1105 FEEL LIKE A MILLION! ROSA'S CLEANING SERVICE SECTIONAL Black leather Your home Call 732-780-4423 Learn how to walk your way to BUBBLES THE CLOWN IRON RAILINGS We offer convenient service BIRDS Adorable, affectionate fitness Look & feel great Get TRACEY'S IRONWORKS schedules Our own cleaning 12 ft with chaise lounge Magic, balloons 732-446-3131 Mintcondition S1 300 CRIB & Mattress high chair & CHEM/BIO/AP BIO Baby McCaw blue & gold started right now Secrets Call 8am-8pm 732-843-7711 supplies & equipment Call for Call 732-583 2564 changing table White-washed In your home Exp teacher Military McCaw Also breeders revealed Send $12 95 to •• CAPTAIN METRO •••• free est 732-651-8627 Maple Exc cond $425 Ongi- Call 732 238-0652 for sale Jack 732-296-3455 IDEA Marketing SLEEPER Sofa & Loveseat PO Box 472 DJ'S 072 Carpentry SPANK-N-CLEAN Professional light Peacd Leather S500 00 COLLIE • PUPS a ADULTS Parlin, N J 08859 Home & Office Cleaners VThlte Sofa a Loveseat COMPUPAL Excellent quality Trustworthy 732-786-0026 & 732-786-0030 Reliable, Refs 732-390-8711 S4D0 00 Dark rose sleeper Interested in learning about Champ sired Eye exams LOSE UP TO 30LBS. 049 Merchandise computers But don t know Call 609-825-4856 sect S200 00 Formica dresser In 30 days. No willpower! ALL TYPES OF & chest for bedroom S150 00 Wanted where to start ? I can help you 100% Natural Guaranteed 076B Decorating slep into the information age DACHSHUND PUPS Mini IMPROVEMENTS - Free Est Exc cond 732-257 6464 AKC vet checked First shots, Call 1-888-445-0830 ANI CONST 732-521-2444 For free consultation, call paper trained parents on CELEBRATION 732-254-2931 USE YOUR VISA, DECKS, Additions, Kitchens & SOFA BED AAA ANTHONY S ANTIQUE premises M/S300 F/$350 MASTERCARD or DISCOVER PAYS TOP 5S$S for used fur- Call 732-431-8164 ENTERTAINMENT Bathrooms S & R Home Hamilton House Full Beige to pay for your Improvements 732-679-2291 CUSTOM MADE-Drapenes, turquoise, mauve & white niture glass art, toys, all col- HEBREW TUTOR Classified Ad DJ's/Video Taping Jan/Feb any4hrs $250 732-721-0892 Swags, Pillows, Blinds Etc NEW $250 lectables, etc Love attics & Bar & Bat Mitzvah Prep DOBERMAN PUPS 1-800-660-4ADS 732-807-0084 Call 732-566-4117 after 4 pm basements Estate contents Kelli Richman 732-536-2914 Readytogo Parents on SOFA SECTIONAL- 4 Piece, bought or auctions Est 1979 premises Call 732-237-2333 CHILDREN'S PARTIES 074 Carpet Install Glass Cocktail Table Crystal 732-739-9847 Uncle Joe K-5 ALL SUBJECTS ? A1OEVERA T Clown or Comedy Magic Repair/Sale SAVE THIS AD! DOG TRAINING Professional entertainer Refs 076D Demolition Chandelier Exc Cond S1500 00 Experienced Reasonable BASED SKIN CARE 8alloons • Face Painting For All Call 732-332-1969 Your home or mine CLASSES Excavating \on Allergenlc Magic & A Live Bunny I SOFA- 96 Traditional White- ALL LIONEL TRAINS 732-679 8213 At Canine Athlete DTC JIMBO 732-297-1369 AJ CARPET- beige crushed velvet Or Flyer Top cash appraisal MATH-college teacher Quality Located in Old Bridge We aft OFFonhtcrskrof$25 ormore Installations/Shop-at-Home/ Excellent condition S450 00 Price no obiect 732-946-2893 lessons all levels SAT Im- offer evening, Saturday & day- 100% time)'Back Guarantee DANCE MAN DJ Repairs/Restretches EXCAVATING Call 732-238-3670 prove, succeed 732-238-3042 time classes PuppyXthru Quality for Less BUYING CAMERAS advanced and agility New The Total GOOD DANCE MUSIC All Types • Large or Small WALL UNIT 3 pc Solid Oak And Photo Equipment 1 pc or MAXIMIZE Learning Potential classes starting late January & MAKES THE AFFAIR 732-536-4703 Septic Systems Installed & vv/bar drawers, & adjustable whole studio No Polaroid or Evaluation of intellectual every month thereafter Please Look Affordable Call 732-297-4254 Repaired Reasonable Rates shelves Excellent condition movie Call 732-928-7811 ability & achievement Lie call 732-521-1923 for mfo CARPET REPAIRS Call 732-297-9186 Call 732-563-2430 evenings LDTC Call 732-617-1192 forTodafi We Do The Following CASH FOR BOOKS LABRADOR Black Free DiSC JAKEY 1 Re-stretohing READING & MATH TUTOR to good home Owner must Woman Quality from $300 077 Drywall Call 732 536 0850 Call 732-238-4306 Pet Damage Installation 048 General travel w/new job, & must find Carpet Removal Sheetrock Levels K-9 SAT Prep Lie home for 1 yr old AKC reg Call or wnlt far more information or Fax Merchandise Teacher Call 732-679-3616 blip /Avwv VfrTcotn/BEAlTlSl STFSS him DJ ANY OCCASION Relay Used Carpet CONSIGN Good w/children 732-271-7507 SAME DAY SERVICE Your Women s & Children s READING & MATH-Basic PET CARE UNLIMITED Beauty System H & R MUSIC 732-727-1205 ALLAIRE CONTRACTING BEDROOM SET 5 pc 1940's Quality Clothing & Accessories Skills Exp K-8 teacher Your Prof Pet Sitting In Your Home Box 823, Sou* Amboy NJ 08879 DJ *PARAMETERS* 732-679-6031 Prof taping & spaqkling since Good cond Bestoffer 2 CALL 2ND TURN AROUND home or mine 732-254-8567 Boarding Avail Ins /Bonded Jioseanna lyoiis ENTERTAINMENT JIM'S CARPET- 1984 Free est 609-259-2080 dressers Gas dryer Good SAT. PREP, MATH-VERBAL 732-446-2503 1-800-493-1901 INSTALLATION DRYWALL SPECIALIST cond $125 Call 732-605-0093 Professional Disc Jockeys/MCs Sales, cleaning, re-lays, 732-431-7667 Small Groups Reson rates PET SITTERS Fax (732) 727-6856 For info call 732-238-0067 Sheetrock, tape, popcorn ceil- Buy Wholesale! All Types DRUMS! DRUMS! DRUMS! 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Box 1080 your neighborhood A pettinq Reliable and honest Exp and CARE will pay for them We FREEHOLD Twp H S-2/27/98 ZOO topi Call 732-928-3597 references 732- 257-7946 732-525-9770 admission S3 doors open bill Medicare for you and ship East Brunswick, NJ. 08816 PRETTY PARTIES Experienced Polish woman KELLY ELECTRIC-Lic #12433 directly to your door MED A 6 30pm snow date 3/6 will clean your home SAVE 1 BOO 538 9849 Create a Lasting Memory Res /Comm /Indust Free Est 732 577 9651 18 vrs + Call 732-257-6327 Call Halina at 732-525-3167 bonded & insured 732-257-5006

Hi BMimnirrr SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 080a Handy [080b Home ' II 081 Lawrn Care II 086 Paintinjg III 091 Roofing 078 Electrical 080 Gutters Persons Improvements III Landscaping ;J|J •'g^;\WiI|^|>eTingi;|l| ^-l^^Sdlnig^/ 110 Autos for Sale

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CALL All types of home repairs Paint ng Plaster ng Taping Ca I 732 442 3782 Sheetrock PaperTianging Utility Vehicles Free Estimates Insured 1-800-660-4ADS Free Estimates 1 Industrial Commercial KITCHEN TUNE UP Residential Lie #7134 • Restorations • Rpf n shing* BRICK PAVERS OR 732-254-7979 •WOOD REFACING • 732-390-8655 732-525-1011 Call 908 755 1977 • Driveways • Palios • Walks GUTTER Cleaning & Repairs • Concrete Work S Retain ng MIKE'S ADVERTISE YOUR FREE ESTIMATES Systems by 4 WHEEL DRIVE Call John 732 251 0893 D Power Const 732 583 2297 PROFESSIONAL PHONE INSTALLATION 0796 Fencirig ADDITIONS • BASEMENT REPAIR-JACKS-WIRING SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE BATH-KITCHENS- Free est CHIMNEY REPAIRS Pd nt ng & WaHpapern-g Inc 25 yrs exp w/NYNEX HERE"" ANI Const 732 521 2444 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Int/Ext logoff Free Est Call Ed 732 536 2477 CALL 1 800 660 4ADS 732 628 5955 Leave message ADDITIONS ALL HOME 1-800-820-1711 A 1 FENCE INSTALLATIONS A BRANCH INSPECTION ION S CUSTOM MASONRY All types of fence work Res REPAIRS Painting PAINTING & PAPERHANGING IIJtAutos/TruckS Free est Call 732 721 4625 Basement finishing Free est •STORM CLEAN UPS • Fireplaces/Patioo/Foundations b94TaH|orjjiig • Tree Leaf Hemoval • Free estimates 732 251 4352 Int /Ext Free Est Honest or 732 727 2740 A 1 HANDYMAN All types of Fully insured 732 821 5969 prices Call Joe 732 937 S166 Home Repairs & Imporvements •Limb Pruning Removal ALL your Fence Needs Repairs ALL JOBS Small & BIG Free Estimates Fully Insured FERNANDO MASONRY- • Ceiling Fans • Attic Fans • Concrete carpentry roofing & Installed All types Free Est • Phone & TV outlets WE SHOW UPI ^32 866 1882 Concrete blocks brick pavers PAINTING ALTERATIONS Custom Call Dennis 732 946 2280 much more FREE estimates driveway paving stucco etc Interior/Exterior Wallpaper Curtains Dressmaking LOW A&A • Carpentry • ETC Call George 732 238 2257 ABSOLUTELY ALWAYS Snow plowtng Fully Insured LOW PRICESI 732 360 9011 All autos/trucks accepted Any For free estimates & quick call AFFORDABLE Free Eat Caff 732 446 5877 removal Powerwashing cond We pay the most cash back call TAP 732 679 2851 Quality work 20 yrs exp 079c Floor BASEMENTS A-Z Spring Leaf Clean ups Weekly MASON will fix 8 repair steps 732 536 8031 • 609 75B 88D0 Finishing ALEX Engineer & Craftsman ALL TYPES OF CARPENTRY Lawn Maintenance Pruning s dewalks & plastering Very Insured John 732 251 0893 1095G Waterproofing! Home repair maintenance Professional Call 732 607 0712 & Trimming Tree Removal reasonable 732 988 0029 PAPERHANGING AAA'CASH PAID improvements & odd lobs S Stump Grinding Drainage $13/single roll 25 years exp All makes & models Cash CT GRINVALDS CARPENTRY Mike 732 462 9097 Call 732 409 6599 Finished basements kitchens Systems Sod/Mulch/Stone MASONRY FOR ALL YOUR the SPOT Call 732 477 0228 CUSTOM WOOD FLOORS Thatching & Seeding Railroad NEEDS McMullen Construction ABLE & DEAD 7 Days Free ALL AROUND HANDYMAN kitchen refaemg baths and Tie Construction Landscape • Sand • Refinish • Decks Done more European Craftmanship Call 732 542 8044 PHIL POLO & SON MR. 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TREE SERVICE 1084a Light Hung with TLC Patience & ales listings Toll free your door Call 732 462 501 "" HANDYMAN All Jobs Big & • Tree Removal Neatness' Maria 732 888 1337 800 669 2292 ext A 4000 Small Very Reasonable Call LARRY & SON • Trimming Hauling CASH FOR YOUR CAR for free est 732 679 5999 Siding Roofing Replacement • Lot Clearing ARTY S AUTO SALES ALL PHASE Remodeling Inc Windows Complete Interior • Stump Grinding • Firewood East Brunswick 732 257 6700 HANDYPERSON Remodeling 732 651 7838 Fully insured 732 446 2040 LIGHT HAULING & RUBBISH 1089 Plumbing GARAGE DOORS Bath Kitchens Tile Work REMOVAL Call Stan BUY CARS FOR $125 CASH PAID NO JOB TOO SMALL SNOW PLOWING Lawn 732 297 6135 For junk cars trucks for Painting Wall Papering Inten •Carpentry -Sheetrock Maintenance Landscaping Seized & sold locally by recycling Call anytime Tommy & OPENERS or & Exterior Carpentry Free •Painting • Experienced in all Leaf clean up 732 656 1922 IRS DEA FBI Dells 732 787 5453 •INSTALL "REPAIRS Estimates Call 732 591 0593 phases Call Vis ble Changes REMOVAL A.T.C. 1 800 522 2730 ext 2730 •SERVICE 7 DAYS No Job too Small" Just call 732 656 9739 Attics Basements Debris Plumbing & Heating Inc "(•DONATE YOUR CAR* • REASONABLE • FREE EST and ask for Frank STUMP & BRUSH No Job Too BIG All Your Plumbing Reeds _ARS FOR $100 OR BEST Monmouth/Ocean/Middlesex ODD JOBS Can do most TOTAL HOME Rick 732 251 5953 REASONABLE RATES OFFER Seized and auctioned HERITAGE FOR anything No Job Too Small IMPROVEMENTS LOTS CLEARED ly DEA, FBI IRS All models 732-615-2301 Call John 732 251 0893 Call 732 566 2828 Rudy 732 251 5953 wds boats computers and THE BLIND 1085 Odd Jobs 732-536-4954 more Your area now! Tax Deductible FreeTawmg Lie #9816 Fully Insured 800 941 S777 X C198 Free Phone Card to Donors I Cleanups ALAN BLACKBURN with ad #1109 Plumbing/Heating CHEVROLETSS Water Heaters Boiler Installat MONTE CARLO "SS 1-800-2-DONATE •AAA» ions Remodeling NJ Master Jew paint Canary Yellow JUNK UNWANTED AND Plumb ng License #5325 Edelbrock performance in WRECKED AUTOS Affordable Ctean ups take/exhaust gear drive 510 Removed quickly lor cash We take away anything lift cam Je1 coat headers JT s Towing 732 739 9058 Free est 732 264 2520 732-238-2945 vv/new free flow exhaust AFFORDABLE CLEAN UPS Hitchcock susp 700R4 trans Basements garages attics BACSOKA w/shift kit Raceweld mags TOP $$$ FOR yards and light hauling also Much moreF S5 500 JUNK/USED Cars & Trucks Real Esiate Specials PLUMBING & HEATING Call 732 671 0418 1 800 870 1652 Call 732 290 7644 WANTED RUNNING and Complete Kitchen & Bath CHRYSLER LE BARON 86 REPAIRABLE Cars & Trucks CENTRAL CLEAN UPS Remodeling Water Heaters Auto Very good cond New S100 and UP Junk Cars All types of debris removed Sewer & Drain Cleaning •rakes & tires $103 000 miles Removed 732 23S 94S1 Free estimates 732 438 8684 Reasonable Rates Free Est i1 300 Call 732 780 6491 License #5628 WE DO IT ALL WE BUY JUNK CARS TRASH & JUNK REMOVAL DODGE DIPLOMAT B7 Marlboro Auto Wreckers Anything you want taken to CALL 732-727-0014 4 Door V 3 good tires 1 732 591 1400 dumps Free Estimates iwner 74 000 miles S2 000 Call 732 721 8246 BARBARO PLUMBING ir best offer Call 732 888 1873 • Always the Lowest Prices WALT S Clean Up Saves U SS Water Heaters Boilers Filters DODGE SHADOW ES 93 115 Auto Homes yards gar etc Guar Faucets Sinks Gas Piping 2dr hatchback Auto 6 cyl Insurance BEAT All prices^ 732 613 1267 Sewer Cleaning & All Repairs Eve & week end hours avail a/c p;b p/s AM/FM Cass • Hassle Free Sales & service Lic# 10584 Bonded & insured 58 000 mi Exc cond S5 600 !3 085J C-utdoor Call 732 446 4706 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE • Top Dollar For Your Trade Call 732-651-2153 FORD TAURUS 91 Auto 4dr Immediate coverage available ;F>0wer Eqpt. Cranberry AMfFM cass Great throuqhthe W JP A I P GARDEN STATE shape All power Ong owner Call 732 308 9720 THE LARGEST SELECTION OF PRE OWNED VEHICLES, ONLY A PARTIAL USTING, "i3 500 Call 732 462 6947 OUTDOOR POWER PLUMBING and HEATING EQUIPMENT WATER HEATERS EO TRACKER 4x4 90 117 Trucks '93 Nissan I I '93 Pontiac II '33 Nissan Parts & Service Snow Blower REPAIRS & REMODELING 5 speed A/C Sony AM/FM GEORGE SAHULJR X Vans Altima, 4 DR, Grand Am, 2 DR, 240SX SE, 2 DR Maxima GXE 4 Tune up Special" cassette Runs well 53 200 63719 mi, auto, I DR, 191 S3 mi, auto Pick up & Delivery available License #5568 "!all 732 972 2742 50451, auto, 36582 mi, auto, 732 536 2613-Larson Services A/C, Stk#1218A A/C Stk#2055P SBF, Stk#2210P A/C, Stk #231 OP 732-251-5660 HONDA CRX'91 CHEVROLET S10 A/C Auto Clean 136 000 086 Painting RODD PLUMBING hwy rnt Exc cond $4 450 or PICK-UP '91 '96 Nissan '94 Toyota II '96 Nissan > Hot water heaters • best offer 732 528 8351 4 cyl Auto Bedlmer Asking Wallpapering • Boilers sinks faucets • S3 000 Call 732 257 1625 Pathfinder LE, 4 DR, I Maxima GLE, 4 DR.I Camry LE, 4 DR, Maxima GXE, 4 DR, •All repairs N J Lic#6371- MAZDA 626 ES '94 after 4 00 p m 29750 ml, SRF, auto, 150864 mi, auto, A/C,I 42886 mi, auto, 19475 mi, auto, Stk#1474A Stk #2092A. A/C, Stk JK2226P A/C, Stk #2321P CALL 732-257-6502 Gold Metallic Leather DODGE CARAVAN 91 Auto A & J PRO PAINTING interior 6 cyl Automatic 6 cyl A/C 7 pass One owner INTERIOR • EXTERIOR Fully loaded Good cond 55 000 mi Musi POWER WASHING 091 Roofing Power seats windows locks sell $5 900 Call 732 828 9420 •95 Nissan I 95 Saturn FREE estimates Fully Insured Moonroof Anti lock brakes Maxima GLE, 4 DR, L SC2, 2 DR, 26550 1 Pathfinder XE, 4 DR, I Pathfinder XE 4 DR SERVING ALL AREAS Siding AM/FM Cassette Alloy wheels FORD E250 '83 I 46496 mi, auto, SRF, I mi, 5 spd, A/C, Stk 143453 mi, auto, 4WD,| 27716 ml, auto, 4WD 732 257 7463-732 617 1313 37 000 miles Great work truck New tires Stk #1751A #2121A A/C, Atk #2266P A/C Stk#2330P AB TO Z REAL DEAL S10 800 Heavy duty suspension $399 3 ROOM SPECIAL ANYTIME ANYWHERE 732 294 9203 or Roof rack S1 500 SALS PAINTING 732 536 2604 732 297 4661 leave message Limited Time Offer908 618 1532 THE ROOF DOCTOR MERCURY TRACER 91 4 dr FORD RANGER CLUB CAB QWSR 40 PREOWfflD UENICI.BS 732 390 0103 ' 732 521 0537 Seals your leaks when you 5 spd a/c p/s p/b 1 owner STX 86 V6 5 speed a/e need protection the most 83 000 mi Exc condition Runs well S795 ACCENT PAINTING All JOBS Call 732 324 7983 M STOCK Excellent Indoor & Outdoor Roof Repair Specialist AskingSt 900 732 972 6108 Painting Residential & GUTTER CLEANING SEIZED CARS from S175 FORD VAN E350 '88 0w 200 Mew fflsmns in stock! commercial Free estimates Free estimates Fully insured Porsches Cadillacs Chevys Auto Extended body New Fully Insured 732 679 5999 Evans Mamt 1 800 303 3873 BMWs Corvettes Also Jeeps tires brakes front end PS/PB 4WD s Your area Toll Free Cargo wall 351 eng $5 000 Visit our web site at www.acmenissan.com AL'S PAINTING CARLIN ROOFING 1 800 218 9000 Ext A 5133 or best offer MUSTSELLl Interior S Exterior CONSTRUCTION Roofs for current listings Call 732 422 7056 GET THE BEST FOR LESS! Vinyl Siding All Repairs Free GMC SONOMA SL 95 Free estimate 732 583 3306 Est Insured 732 458 5619 SEIZED CARS PB/PS A/C cass air bag J & R ROOFING & SIDING bedlmer locking lid lawjacR NISSAN ALL PAINTING From $175. 30 000 mi Gorgeous! S7 000 UNBEATABLE RATES INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Porches Cadillacs, Chevys Call 732 679 6862 Quality Work Reasonable Exp S Ins 732 846 7525 BMW s Corvettes Also Jeeps Rates Call Mike 732 363 2786 4WD s Your Area Toll Free MAGIC TOUCH 1 800 218 9000 Ext A 5133 113 Mot0r Homes ALL PAPERS ROOFING 8, SIDING for current listing WALLPAPER/PAINTING Fully Insured • FREE Estimates SEIZED CARS FROM S175 RVl Conveniently located 5 minutes from Route 1, Route 33 & N J Call Robert 732 679 7452 732 525 0712 Porsches Cadillacs Chevys Turnpike Exit 8A. We^OnlyMmutesAw^y! MICHAEL HANDEL'S BMW s Corvettes Also Jeeps HITCH Reese 1 000 Ib bars BUSY B'S PAINTING 4WDs Your area Toll Iree for friction sway control S200 PwiifettiMi^ Int/Ext Wallpapermq ROOFING & SIDING current listings/directory Rocking chair swivel Flexsteel I Ins Free Est 732 238 5553 Insured Call 732-833-1335 1 800 218 9000 Ext A 5139 new $100 Call 732 821 4367 38 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 Business & Service Directory • Air/Heat > Cleaning Floors • Painting/Wallpapering CALL • Alarms • Closets Garage Doors > Plumbing/Heating • Appliance Repair > Decorating Glass • Pool Care We Honor 1-80G-660-4-ADS • Asphalt/Concrete Paving • Electrical Handy Persons > Roofing/Siding/Gutters Kitchens/Baths > Special Services • Building/Remodeling • Exterminators 1 Deadline Friday 1:00 PM • Carpet Care • Fencing Lawn Care/Landscaping Windows

AIR/HEAT; KITCHEN Smite' Installations STANLEY HATHAWAY umm • Central AC up ASPHALT CABINETS BY !o 18 SEER Residential/Commercial INNOVATIONS NEIGHBOR VSgmr^/ TIM SAMPSON • Furnaces S0<% PAVING Indus trial/Con truls STRIPPED & • Carpentry All phases of wiring a SON 15 Years of Professional plus efficient Home Driveways • Designer J' • Service Upgrades REFWISHED • Ceramic Tile • Professional Wall Finishes • Humidifiers Parking Lots lighting • Low Voltage/Outdoor Lighting & Repairs Wallpapering • Electronic Mr Cleaners | New & Resufaced Driveways | • Celling fens • Air ContowngHeating Une= 732-583-7974 • Hae=ed Lighting • Kitchen • Interior & Exterior • Financing Available • Pools Painting & Weather Sealing • Smoke Detectors •Pool, COUNTERTOP Backsplashes 732-833-9233 • Home Improvements HAMMER ®™« Serving Middlesex & • Service Upgrades REPLACEMENT • Bathrooms "Where Quality, Reliability Mgnmoutfi Co over 30 years Fully Ins Free Est 732-416-0043 •CeramicTile Repair & Cleanliness Count" HEATING & COOLING Uc*7273 973-423-5171 732-728-9H5 Call Greg All Work Guaranteed 732-251-2667 Fullv iMurwl UL nu I9-1 732-462-S2B2 Free Estimates • Fully Insured 732-727-5137 Fr*»E« Iran lea References Available HsnEsty Quality Open Sat 7324514619 Free Estimates 732-747-3845 stAWNieABE/tANDSCAPINCi 13 SEER 36,000 BTU's-3 TON MEMCO J.A.C BUDGE? ECONOMY Our Business I 'n M!P* CENTRAL TBlftUllDSCftPIKSBnWES TREE SERVICE biHwtTiSkpiliasi ELECTRIC electric SYSTEM Commercial Residential 24 Hour Emergency Service Service Advertisers • All t>pes of wiring & lighting Design Installation- I FIREWOOD! • Service Upgrades & Repairs •Tree & Shrub-Pruning. Removal Tree Removal 100,000 BTU High Efficiency Gas • Renovations & Additions Maintenance Troubleshooting • Stump Grinding Stump Grinding & Removal Oet The Joii Done. Model TUD100C945H • Ceiling it Attic Fails Emergency Repairs • Fall Clean-Ups Resltatiit/Commertlil Fully Insured Tree Trimming & Pruning Insiiued 4 pm to 9 pm Service Upgrades • Landscape Designs 1249 Modllltlllmi Btln Service Available Home Rewiring eWfr1lk Shrub Pruning & Removal To Ad¥ertise9 Cafl ATLANTIC HEATING & COOLING, INC. at nn additional cost No job Too Small Landscaping Lie. < 10802 UHOUS nawr/WEsesKrainw K 1.800-999-6362 s&m 732-248-9654 Fully Insured • Free Estimates 1-800-660-4-ADS 73*5214862 Quant/ Service FREE ESTIMATES ot Affordable Bates 732-111-1170 Futyfosured Free Estimates (toner Operated 732-238-8330 BUILDING/REIVIODELING Boiufcd • Insured UCsmsa PLUMBING DEE DEE INC. DIRECT ELECTRIC IN THE DARK?! GARDEN STATE METHNRR HOME Electrical Contractor LANDSCAPING OUR PELLICHEEO Con-vert Garage/Attic/ Lie *13746 LOOK aasEfliervt to U*HB Spses • SERVICE & TREE SERVICE Plumbing & Heating Co. THRU 5 IMPROVEMENTS • Custom Decks UPGRADES •TREE SHRUB SERVICE • Carpentry OUR IPRUHiNG & REMOVALl ! • Additions • ADDITIONS Bathroom Remodeling • Additions •ALL TYPES OF • STORM DAMAGE Boilers • Water Heaters • Renovations ELECTRICAL DIRECTORY • Decks/Siding WIRING & LIGHTING • Fall Clean Ups Appliance Installation 732-679-1213 • Windows/Doors • Kitchens/Baths • RENOVATIONS SERVICES • landscape Design Sewer Cleaning 732-254-0909 • Kitchen/Baths • Windows/Doors FREE ESTIMATES SECTION • SEASONED FIREWOOD No JOB TOO SHALL Insured & Bonded GETS • Appliance •Handicapped Needs 24 HR. EHERCEfiCY SERVICE \No Job Too Small TO FIND 732-238-8404 Installation RvfBfvnciH/lnsurad Frw Estimates HELP! Rill lowed Fran Eitiimalaa RESULTS 732-545-6279 732-254-2651 732-254-2272 Owur Openltd I24lu tmergencySer 732-679-4040 FENCING mwmwi RICH'S MR. FENCE RELAX... HOME HEATING mmwm Sanded • Refimshed Let Someone By Ray Guidn IMPROVEMENT ttERMK by LOU Gulda No job too small • Kitchens AMISH Stained • Pickled Plumbing & Heating • No job too small A Good Craftsman for all MADE Parquet/Strip Flooring Else Residential Specialist • Alterations & • Bathrooms Repairs & Remodeling your Carpentry Needs • Windows £&m CRAFTS Installed • Repaired Remodeling ^•8 GA2EB0S Do Water Heaters Building & Remodeling • Decks CALL • Sheet Rock & Tile StiBBtrock/Trim • Painting SHEDS-DECKS-SWING SETS Repaired with Doors S Windows TRADITIONAL The • Wallpapering HUJ ctu nws mt wa wn smsm all jobs • Storm Doers FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES UCS58I6 Insured - 26 Years Experience Reasonable Rates FULLY INSURED Work 732-303-8855 732-721-5536 732-251-2343 732-536-3397 732-739-8853 SHOWROOM 3458 BT 9 S. FREEHOLD HANDYPERSON PAINTING/WALLPAPERINQ Polish A&M Building ANDREW NEED A and Remodeling WIIWS NEED A FORAN PAINTING GIGANTE Interior/Exterior 19 years experience "No Job Too Big HELPING HAND? PAINTING Plumbing & Heating PLUMBER? MASON 1 Additions or Too Smalt' Interior/Exterior FAUX FINISHING Residential- • Steps • Chimneys • A(!d a Level Residential Work Commercial • Fireplaces ' Bathrooms For all Your Home SAVE $$$ • Textured Ceilings WALLPAPERING • Brick Patios ' Basements Repairs and • Wallpapering Hot Water Heaters &. Walkways 1 Decks -Painting -Window & Gutter Cleaning Affordable Prices Water Lines 1 Improvements -Carpentry • Hauling A Clsmip • Minor Repairs • All Concrete Work Kitchens • Aluminum & Sewer Cleaning • Interlocking Pavers Siding CALL JACK: - Trees Cri -All Odd Join impairs Mascary Siding P0WERWASH1NG OverZOyrs of American Windows Refinishing Ivan •5. European Experience .732-727-1696 CALL HENRY 732-721-4755 732-205-0086 SI, 732-845-0552 INSURED Call Brian 732-846-9893 Full} Injured FREE 732-257-5214 Lic# 4861 732-525-8118 Y r?£ ConauJution & Fstitnates 732-545-0516 ESTIMATES Free Estimates 732-254-2572 Free Estimates Fully Insured KITCHENS/BATHE ROOFING/SIDING/GUTTERS BATHROOMS TRIPLI $k Absolute Best Service D&T CORNERSTONE S M M&P GUTTERS EXPERTLY JH€ Construction BUILDERS 2,595 up to 5x8 Interior/Exterior • New Cabinets DISCOUNT KITCHENS CLEANED & FLUSHED Specializing in All Tfpes of Construction QUALITY WORK • Fancy Interior/Exterior All phases of Roofing & Siding • Additions 'Kitchens S • Refacing Tub areas retiled • Repairs • Tree Trims •Additions 'Basements Finishes Residential/Commercial Beats Alosr Compeh'lofs Prices • Roots Balls • Countertops Small repair work OK • Deck& • Chimney Cans • Rooting • Siding/Baths Quality Service • Seamless Cutters Installed Senior Citizen Discounts • Siding 'Tile Fully Insured - References Fence •Kitchens 'Renovations • Repairs Over 20 Years Free Estimate • Fully Insured WE STOP 1EAKS! • Windows • Finish Basements • Stieetrock • Spackhng Treatments Same Day Answering Financing Available Personalized Installations CARLO CONST. Fully Insured References available Full/ Insured Free Estimates • DECKS etc.. • Decks * French Drains ReeEsl.35yrs.exp Machine Call back By Charles & Mary Grant Free Estimates Gerry Kurry fm Est/Jiisund • Replacement Windows Deal Direct 732-238-5686 732-738-8846 1-80O-542-O14S Co/I Dennis Custom Work - A Speaalfy ••"•I5S59 Free Estimates Pager #827-9241 1-888-625-2361 732-727-8235 732-251-2299 ss 732-721-2894 as: ^732-679-6499 Fully Insured 732-27O-I524 Pirigyi K & O HOME LET • JUNK I IMPROVEMENTS SOMEONE Call Call Our Builders commucrwn Since 1975 ELSE DO CARS • Kitchens* Baths AFFORDABLE Roofing, Siding, • Vinyl Replacement Windows Bathroom THE 1-30D-660-4-ADS BOUGHT BUSINESS Additions, Decks & • Finished basements Specialist WORK! •PAINTING Windows • Decks • Gazebo • Sheds To Advertise • lot & Ell MiJIwork Ceramic Tile, exterior/interior MARLBORO "The Price & Quality that • Drywall Installation £ Repairs Cabinetry, Etc. Your AUTO & SERVICE you're ho ting for!" • Painting • Staining - Sealing *POWER WASHING Free Estimates fully Insured 732S21-52S9 Free Estimates 'WALLPAPERING Business WRECKERS Call 732-53B-5?88 732-738-8873 7S2-651-6318 Here ADWHSERS Fully Bonited A htwntt fn* EMI 1-800-452-BATH (2284) Free Est. Call Ian 732-591-1400 1 SENTINEL SUBURBAN: WOHTH SOUTH MONROE _SENTINEL FEBRUARY 19 1998 33


DOES THIS GET YOUR INTEREST? The Saturn SL 4-door sedan 0% FinancingOnMl New '98130s! $11,955 (includes a/c) JD Power Value Features • #1 m Sales Satisfaction • Dent-resistant, rust-free polymer • #1 Quality for Compact Car bodyside panels • 40 mpg estimated EPA highway mileage Kiplinger Magazine > 1 9L 4-cyhnder engine • Best m Class 1 Air conditioning, rear defroster, • First for Safety tilt wheel, power brakes 1 • Best Resale and Best Value Automatic transmission > 60/40 split rear seat Intellichoice Award • Best Amencan Car Value Safety Features New 1998 Infiniti 130 under $13,000 • Reinfoiced steel spaceframe with • Winner foi last 5 years crumple zones $0 MONEY DOWN! • Side-impact protection and dual airbags 40 IN-STOCK AT • Fiont-wheel dnve SIMILAR SAVINGS! • 24-hour roadside assistance 4 Dr, Lthr, 190HP6-Cyl Eng Auto Trans, P/ABS Brks, P/Strg, A/C Dual Air Bags, Central Locking P/Wlndows, Tilt Cruise, Anti Theft System Keyless Entry Bose AM/FM Stereo Cass/CD Player Alloy Whls, Sun Roof, T/Glass •-—.-.«••.- . _.*«.- 36-Mbntli Customized Lease and Morel VIN#WT609197 MSRP:. $30,695 39 WIONTH LEASE

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New 1998 Infiniti Q45 New 1998 Infiniti QX4 SATLRN § Payment examples based on 1998 SL with AC 5 spd, p/b, p/s 4 dr, Stk #880011 Vin #WZ118281, and MSRP of $11,995 Total payments/total cost $99x36=$3564/$6059 $129x36=$4644/$5939, $142x36=$5112/$5956, purchase option=$695710 License, title registration fees, taxes and insurance are extra Due at signing includes first month s lease payment pluh down payment and $495 acquisition fee Primary lending source must approve lease Mileage charge of $ 15 per mile over 36,000 miles Option to purchase fee $150 Lessee is responsible for excessive wear and use Delivery must be taken from participating retailer stock by 2 / 28 / 98 ©1997 Saturn Corporation CIRCLE X INFINITI A DII FERENT KIND of COMPANY A DITI EREN f KIND oj CAR Monmouth and Ocean Counties Exclusive Infiniti Dealer Saturn of Brunswick 300 ROUTE 36 • WEST LONG BRANCH,NJ • (732) 389-1200 Tbubiect to pnmoiy lender nppiovn! on new its \i\i s only. Bosed on dv monllutosed end we. lotpl due al-Lease 1500 Rt. 1 North Brunswick, NJ 41S-180S inception $l 249... ($0 down, $400 refse c dep, $450 oquisllion fee +1 si month payment), total of fee paypils:: SATIRN SALESM-F.v.,'9-9 SAT.,.:.9-6SERVICE'&PARTSM-W.....8-7THR&FRJ.....S-5SAT.....9-5 $15,561 +lax. 12,000 (Tii/yr; excess ml. @. 15C iher^qftet, Residwolvaiue: $19,3.37.85 PikeCs) mduiie(s) all cosls , to lie paid by uconsumei except foi licensing costs, teg fec|& loxes. Not iesp lot typos. Avaflhni 2/28/98. \ : 40 SENTINEL, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 WCTC-AM Presents The 5th Grade Spelling

Sponsored by: Wawa Food Markets WCTC has a strong educational commitment to its community. That's why we're inviting the students of Somerset, Middlesex, and Union Counties to join in on Central Jersey's only radio broadcast spelling bee for fifth graders with mid-day personality Liz Malta. Here are the dates of SPELL DOWN...Tune in and hear our school compete! * Wednesday, February 4th 10 am - 2 pm * * Wednesday, February 11th 10 am - 2 pm * * Wednesday, February 18th 10 am - 2 pm * * Wednesday, February 25th 10 am - 2 pm * * Saturday, March 7th 9 am - Noon *

The Spell Down will take place at WCTC studios. The Spell Down Finals -- Saturday, March 7th ~ wctc at General Cinema, Rutgers Plaza, Somerset. NEWS TALK RADIO Don't miss your chance to hear the talented fifth graders of Somerset, Middlesex and Union Counties. 145Q AM Central Jersey's Information Source