Master Plan, Adopted on December 5,2001
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Phone 732-329-4000 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH BRUNSWICK TOO 732-329-2017 Municipal Building Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 TO THE GOVERNING BODY AND THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH BRUNSWICK: On behalf of the South Brunswick Township Planning Board, it is my honor and privilege to present the 2001 Master Plan, adopted on December 5,2001. The policies incorporated into this Master Plan are the result of a two-year study by the Planning Board, assisted by its Master Plan Sub-Committee, Consultants, and Planning Department Staff. In addition, various committees, boards, and commissions involved with the process have held numerous meetings and given many hours of their time in the review and formulation of the Master Plan. The Planning Board expresses its sincere appreciation to our Mayor, Township Council, Township agencies, citizens and professional staff for their time and assistance in the preparation of the Master Plan. This Master Plan is a logical and workable guide, which represents our vision for the future development of South Brunswick Township for the decade of 2000. Susan Edelman, Chairperson 2001 MASTER PLAN Township of South Brunswick Middlesex County, New Jersey Adopted December 5, 2001 Prepared by HeHeHeyyyererer,,, Gruel & Associates PAAA CommCommCommunity Planning Consultants 63 Church Street, 2nd Floor New Brunswick, NJ 08901 732-828-2200 Historic Survey Prepared by Hunter Research Housing Element & Fair Share Plan Prepared by South Brunswick Township Planning Staff 2001 Comprehensive Master Plan Township Wide Circulation Element Prepared by Alaimo Group, Alexander Litwornia and Associates The original of this report was signed and sealed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 45:14A-12. ______________________________________ Peter M. Tolischus, P.P. #1448 ______________________________________ Julie C. Thibault ______________________________________ Jamie Maurer aster PlanTownship of South Brunswick Master Plan TTTooownship Officials Debra M. Johnson, Mayor Frank Gambatese, Deputy Mayor Carol Barrett, Councilwoman Ted Van Hessen, Councilman Edmund Luciano, Councilman Tammy L. Patterson, Municipal Clerk Barbara Gut, Deputy Clerk Matthew U. Watkins, Township Manager Donald Sears, Township Attorney David Samuel, Township Engineer Planning Boarddd Susan Edelman, Chairperson Robert Southwick, Vice-Chairperson James Allen Charles Carley Honorable Debra Johnson, Mayor Sylvia Lee Edmund Luciano, Councilman Arthur Robinson Joseph Spataro Ranjit Sinha (1) Charlotte Camarota (2) (1, 2 Alternate Members) Craig Marshall, Director of Planning John Jorgensen, Board Attorney Betty Selingo, Secretary , ' RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Township of South Brunswick Planning Board that; WHEREAS, Heyer, Gruel & Associates, PA prepared a Master Plan for the Township of South Brunswick; and WHEREAS, public hearing was held on consideration of the Master Plan by the South Brunswick Planning Board on December 5, 2001 in accordance with local ordinance and laws of the State of New Jersey; and WHEREAS, the South Brunswick Planning Board has reviewed the Township of South Brunswick Master Plan report prepared by Heyer, Gruel & Associates, PA; and WHEREAS, a presentation was made to the Planning Board by Peter M. Tolischus, P.P., Principal of Heyer, Gruel & Associates, PA on said Master Plan, and the public was invited to comment and members of the public did so. The Board made the following findings of fact and conclusions based thereon: 1. The existing land use within South Brunswick is a mixture of uses which have established definite patterns in most areas ofthe Township. These established patterns lay the framework for future land use and development of the Township. The proposed Master Plan adequately addresses that future land use and development. 2. Problems exist with traffic circulation within the Township. These problems are as a result of congestion caused by high traffic volumes, undesirable traffic patterns and inadequate roadways. In addition there is a need for improved traffic circulation. The Master Plan adequately addresses corrective measures to the traffic circulation problems. 3. The proposed Master Plan for the Township of South Brunswick is a comprehensive report and plan that meets the stated goals and objectives established for the preparation of the Master Plan. The Land Use Plan, the Housing Plan, the Circulation Plan, the Utilities Plan, the Community Facilities Plan, the Farmland Preservation Plan, the Conservation Plan, the Economic Plan, the Historic Plan, the Recycling Plan, and the General Plan provide the Township with important tools to meet the ongoing needs of the Township of South Brunswick; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board finds that the Master Plan prepared by Heyer, Gruel & Associates, PA dated November 19, 2001 and revised through December 5,2001, reflects the goals and objectives of the Township of South Brunswick for the next several years, and will guide the use of lands within the municipality in a manner which protects public health and safety and promotes the general welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township of South Brunswick Planning Board pursuant to its statutory powers on December 5, 2001, on a motion by Arthur Robinson, seconded by Ranjit Sinha to adopt the Master Plan prepared by Heyer, Gruel & Associates, PA, and as amended at the public hearing, for the above reasons and those set forth in said Master Plan, for the comprehensive development of the Township of South Brunswick and in compliance with the requirements of the Municipal Land Use Law, NJ.S.A. 40:550-28; and to Forward the Master Plan to the Mayor and Council of the Township of South Brunswick for implementation. Certification I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Board of the Township of South Brunswick at its regular meeting on i1tc1.!,Jo.£L..s; ~rJl . • South Brunswick Township Board This Resolution was voted on as follows: ROLLCALL IN FAVOR OF APPROVAL: Jim Allen, Sylvia Lee, Arthur Robinson, Joseph Spataro, Ranjit Sinha, Charlotte Camarota Susan Edelman, Mayor Johnson and Charles Carley. OPPOSED TO APPROVAL: None ABSTAINING: None .... Township of South Brunswick Master Plan TTTababable of Contents Master Plan Processocessocess....................................................................................... 111 Requirements for Planning ................................................................................................... 1 Preparation and Adoption ............................................................................................... 1 Content ........................................................................................................................... 1 Enforcement and Implementation ................................................................................... 1 Goals and Objectives ...................................................................................I-1I-1I-1 Land Use Plan Element...................................................................................................... I-1 Residential .................................................................................................................... I-1 Villages ......................................................................................................................... I-2 Commercial................................................................................................................... I-3 Employment (Industrial) ................................................................................................ I-3 Housing Plan Element ........................................................................................................ I-3 Circulation Plan Element .................................................................................................... I-4 Utilities Plan Element ......................................................................................................... I-5 Community Facilities Element ............................................................................................ I-5 Park, Open Space and Recreation Element ...................................................................... I-6 Conservation Plan Element ................................................................................................ I-7 Economic Plan Element ..................................................................................................... I-8 Historic Plan Element ......................................................................................................... I-8 Recycling Plan Element ..................................................................................................... I-9 General Element ................................................................................................................ I-9 Process and Procedures .................................................................................................. I-10 Ordinance Amendments .................................................................................................. I-10 Land Use Plan Element ...............................................................................II-1II-1II-1 Existing Land Use ............................................................................................................. II-1 Land Use Categories ................................................................................................... II-1 Trends .........................................................................................................................