Number 14, Pages 1595-1758
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You're viewing an archived copy from the New Jersey State Library. VOLUME 20 NUMBER 14 July 18, 1988 Indexed 20 N.J.R. 1595-175 (Includes adopted rules filed through June 24, 1988) MOST REeE. T UPDATE TO EW JERSEY ADMINISTRATIV 00 See the Register Index for Subsequent Rulemaking Activity. NEXT UPDATE: SUPPLEMENT JUNE 20, 1988 RULEMAKING IN THIS ISSUE RULE PROPOSALS Solid waste: out-of-State solid waste collectors (preproposal) 1669(c) Solid waste: itemized billing (preproposal) . 1670(a) Interested persons comment deadline . 1596 Solid waste: violations. penalties (preproposal) . 1670(b) Solid waste: decals for vehicles (preproposal) . 1671(a) AGRICULTURE Solid waste: container identification (preproposal) 1671(b) Association standards for commercial feeds 1671(c) CASINO CONTROL COMMISSION Commercial fertilizers and soil conditioners 1673(a) Internal casino controls; dealing shoes: public hearing . 1680(a) COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ATLANTIC COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Affordable housing council rules 1673(b) Rules of operation . 1680(b) EDUCATION Marie H. Katzenbach School for the Deaf 1678(a) RULE ADOPTIONS ENVI RON MENTA L PROTECTION Surface water quality standards . 1597(a) AGRICULTURE 1989-90 Fish Code .. 1627(a) Gypsy moth control 1688(a) Control and prohibition of air pollution by COMMUNITY AFFAIRS vehicular fuels 1631(a) Housing affordability controls . 1688(b) HEALTH Council on Affordable Housing: developer agreements 1689(b) Reimbursement for new SHARE facilities 1633(a) ENVIRO. MENTAL PROTECTlO HIGHER EDUCATIO. I Sanitary Landfill Facility Contingency Fund . 1732(b) Garden State Scholarships . 1635(a) Sta Ie Pa rk Service . 1743(a) Student loan programs: policies and procedures 1636(a) Shellfishing license program . I 743(b) Guaranteed Student Loan Program: Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act rules: correction 1743(c) institution compliance . 1641(a) HEALTH HUMAN SERVICES Demonstration of extracorporeal shock wave Timely claim submittal-pharmaceutical services 1642(a) lithotripsey services. .. ...... I690(a) Home energy assistance . 1643(a) Cardiac diagnostic facilities: complex CORRECTIOi S electrophysiology studies 1690(b) Classification process . 1645(a) Cardiac surgery centers: complex LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETY electrophysiology studies 1690(b) Accreditation of nursing programs 1645(b) Drug treatment facilities: licensure 1692(a) Board of Pharmacy rules . 1648(a) Drug Utilization Review Council: notice of action on a Shorthand reporters rules .. 1666(a) drug product 1710(a) PUBLIC UTILITIES Interchangeable drug products .. 1710(b), 1711(a), 1711(b), 1711(c) Discontinuance of residential service to tenants . 1668(a) Solid waste: filing contracts for service (preproposal) 1669(a) Solid w~lste: contracts (preproposal) 1669(b) (Continued on Next Page) You're viewing an archived copy from the New Jersey State Library. STATE AGENCY RULEMAKI:\IG INTERESTED PERSONS Interested persons may submit. in writing, information or arguments concerning any of the rule proposals in this issue until August 17,1988. Submissions and any inquiries about submissions should be addressed to the agency officer specified for a particular proposal or group of proposals. On occasion, a proposing agency may extend the 30-day comment period to accommodate public hearings or to elicit greater public response to a proposed new rule or amendment. An extended comment deadline will be noted in the heading of a proposal or appear in a subsequent notice in the Register. At the close of the period for comments, the proposing agency may thereafter adopt a proposal. without change, or with changes not in violation of the rulemaking procedures at N.J.A.C. 1:30-4.3. The adoption becomes effective upon publication in the Register of a notice of adoption, unless otherwise indicated in the adoption notice. Promulgation in the New Jersey Register establishes a new or amended rule as an official part of the New Jersey Administrative Code. RULEMAKING IN THIS ISSUE-Continued HIGHER EDUCATION Upper Raritan water qu,tlity management: Mount Olive I 746(b) Guaranteed Student Loan Program: compliance evaluation Tri-County water quality management: Winslow I 746(c) or participating institutions 171~(a) Upper Delaware water quality management: Knowlton 1746(d) HUMAJ\ SERVICES Lower Delaware water quality management: Maurice Legal Assistance for Medicare Patients (LAMP) 1713(a) River Township I 746(e) CORRECTIONS Water quality management plans I 746(f) Work credits for I.S.P. violators housed in Northeast water quality management: WyckolT 1747(a) county facilities 1716(a) NJ PDES fee schedule: public hearing I 747(b) Parole Board rules 1716(b) Management plan for Liberty Park natural area 1747(c) INSURANCE Management plan for Hacklebarney natural area 1747(d) Cancellation and nonrenewal requirements and practices I 720(a) DEP Regulatory Agenda 1748(a) Fraud prevention: verification and claim form statements 1720(b) HUMAN SERVICES LABOR Service Credit Exchange Project for volunteer services to Carnival-amusement fides 172I(a) elderly and disabled: availability of grant funds 1748(b) LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETY Board or Cosmetology and Hairstyling: fee schedule 1723(a) Practice of audiology and speech-language pathology 17~3(b) INDEX OF RULE PROPOSALS TRANSPORTATlO.\l AND ADOPTIONS 1749 Soil erosion and sediment control on DOT projects 1728(a) Rail Freight Program . I 730(a) Filing Deadlines Licensing of aeronautical activities 173I(a) Aircraft safety: issuance of summons and designation of August 15 issue: peace officer In I(b) Adoptions July 25 Aircraft accidents 173I(c) September 6 issue: TREASURY-GE!'\ERAL Proposals August 8 Alternate Benefits Program: transfers and interest 173~(a) Adoptions August 15 September 19 issue: Proposals August 22 MISCELLA:\TEOLS .\IOTICES Adoptions August 26 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION October 3 issue: Upper Raritan and Lower Raritan/Middlesex County Proposals September 2 water quality management: Warren 1746(a) Adoptions September 12 The official publication containing notices of proposed rules and rules adopted by State agencies pursuant to the New Jersey Constitution. Art. V. Sec. IV. Para. 6 and the Administrative NEW JERSEY REGISTER Procedure Act, N.J.S.A. 5~: 14B-I et seq. Issued monthly since September 1969, and twice-monthly sillce Novem ber 1981. Material published in the New Jersey Register is the property of the State of New Jersey. However, it may be copied, reproduced or republished by any person for any purpose whatsoever without permission. providing that no such reproduction or republication shall bear the title "New Jersey Register" or "Official Rules Publication" Without the written permission of the Director, Office of Administrative Law. The New Jersey Register (ISSN 0300-6069) is published the first and third Monday (Tuesday, if Monday is a holiday) of each month by OAL Publications of the Office of Administrative Law, CN 301, Trenton, New Jersey 086~5. Telephone: (609) 588-6606. Subscriptions. payable in advance, are one year. $75 ($150 by First Class Mail); back issues when available. S8 each. Make checks payable to OAL Publications. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: New Jersey Register, CN 301. Trenton, New Jersey 08625. Second Class Postage paid in Trenton. New Jersey and addt tional mailing ortlces. The NEW JERSEY ADMINISTRA TIVE CODE is published on a continuing basis by OAL Publications ofthe Office ofAdministrative Law. Subscription rates for this 4I-volume, regularly updated set of State administrative rules are available on request. The Code is sold either in the full set or in one to four volumes depending on the Department coverage desired. (CITE 20 :\I.J.R. 1596) :-.lEW JERSEY REGISTER, \10NDAY, JULY 18, 1988 You're viewing an archived copy from the New Jersey State Library. PROPOSALS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RULE PROPOSALS State lands or special holdings that are preserved for posterity and are ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION not subject to manmade wastewater discharges) and PL (the general surface water classification applied to Pinelands waters) waters that will (a) make the protection provided to these waters almost identical and which specifically allow for changes in water quality toward the natural back DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ground quality. This will be accomplished by modifying the existing Surface Water Quality Standards antidegradation policy for PL waters to prohibit approval of activities which might cause "changes, other than toward natural water quality". Proposed Repeal: N.J.A.C. 7:9-4 Indexes A, B, C, 0, This is a departure from the previous language that prohibited approving E, F, G and Guide to Use of Indexes B through F activities which might cause "degradation". The antidegradation policy Proposed New Rule: N.J.A.C. 7:9-4.15 for FWI waters will be modified by incorporating language from the PL Proposed Amendments: N.J.A.C. 7:9-4.4,4.5, 4.6 antidegradation policy into the FWI antidegradation policy. After the and 4.14(c) modifications are made, the difference between the two policies would be that man-made discharges to FWI waters would remain prohibited, Authorized By: Richard T. Dewling, Commissioner, Department while man-made discharges to PL waters would still be allowed. The of Environmental Protection. complete definitions of FWI and PL may be found at N.l.A.C. 7:9-4.4. Authority: N.J.S.A. 13: I D-I et seq., specifically 13: I D-9f, Chronic bioassay testing has been used primarily as one of the "other N.J .S.A. 58: 10A-I et seq., specifically 58: IOA-4 and 58: IOA-5, procedures" allowed or required by the Department to further charac and N.] .S.A. 58: II A-I et seq., specifically 58: IlA-7, 58: II A-8, terize the toxicity of a discharge. Chronic bioassay testing is being deleted 58: IIA-9, and 58: IIA-IO. from the list of "other procedures" in N.l.A.C. 7:9-4.5(£)3 to reOect DEP Docket Number: 024-88-06. changes in the use of chronic bioassay testing by the Department. Specifi cally, instead of being used primarily to further characterize the toxicity Proposal Number: PRN 1988-358.