בס״ד EMOR
[email protected] www.torahactionlife.com THE COMMUNITY Parasha Sheet LONDON’S LEADING PLATFORM FOR STUDENTS AND YOUNG PROFESSIONALS This week’s Parasha sheet is sponsored Lehatslachat Shaul Yonatan Ben Moshe Vechol Mishpachto. RABBI JONATHAN TAWIL TH An old fulfilled man, sits on his death bed, with his family 12 Iyar 5779 nearby, reliving the many happy years of his life. SHABBAT BEGINS: 8:30 PM “Oh what I would give for an extra few minutes in this world.” SHABBAT ENDS: 9:55 PM DIRECTOR He exclaims as his soul is returned to his creator. > MAZAL TOV TAL Some people say, “Time is valuable.” Others “Time is money.” An American poet Carl Sandburg once awesomely explained Francesca Caller & Daniel Shapiro on their engagment “Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” THE WEEKLY QUOTE This weeks Parasha focuses on time. “Another way to bring The Parasha has a complete description of the festivals, from positivity into your life is to TIME IS PRECIOUS Succoth, Pesach and Shavuot, to Rosh Hashanah and Yom become a giver.“ TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Kippur. For our upcoming events > UPCOMING EVENTS check our website It is interesting to note that when describing the festivals the www.torahactionlife.com The crowd had gathered for a popular wedding. All eyes were Torah uses a seemingly unusual word: Moed (Moadey Hashem • 20th MAY now on the Chatan and Kalla.