BROWNING ON BUSINESS Inside, See page 4A ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM FREE! THURSDAY | JUNE 11, 2015 Golden FOUND A QUIET SPOT SSD to bring Triangle county airport has sixth-graders record month to AMS Airport had more District to lease travelers in May than any classroom trailer to month in last decade house electives BY ISABELLE ALTMAN BY ZACK PLAIR
[email protected] [email protected] The Golden Triangle Starkville School Regional Airport had District is tweaking part more passengers travel of its consolidation plan in May than in any oth- less than a month be- er month in the last de- fore its state-mandated cade. merger with Oktibbeha Approximately 3,974 County schools takes passengers boarded effect. flights at GTRAA air- Hainsey On Tuesday, SSD’s Holloway port, according to a board gave Superinten- GTRAA press release. That is a 2.5 dent Lewis Holloway permission to percent increase from the same month lease a two-classroom trailer for up last year. Most May flights were more to $1,100 per month to bring to Arm- than 90 percent full. strong Middle School that will allow Mike Hainsey, the airport’s exec- county sixth-graders to attend classes utive director, credited the uptick in there starting this August. Holloway travelers to an increase in business said the mobile classrooms, along traffic, from Golden Triangle indus- with two new permanent classrooms tries like PACCAR, Steel Dynamics in the AMS sixth-grade building, will and Yokohama. help the campus accommodate the 57 Yokohama travelers, in particular, county students.