Lead Student Lesson Plan L11: Mosiah 4-26 Main Purposes

• Learn a study skill and decide how to use it to better understand the scriptures. • Learn from and teach others gospel principles found in the through a selected directed study activity. • Take deliberate action to develop Christ-like attributes. Student Preparation Students were asked to prepare for gathering by completing specific activities and/or pondering certain questions. Please refer to the gathering instructions in this week’s unit or lesson in the course. Lesson Outline As the Lead Student this week you will facilitate the Thursday Gathering. The times given for each activity are suggested times. The Gathering should not last more than 60 minutes. Try to make sure that the main purposes of the gathering are met each week.


Announcements, Announcements Hymn, and Prayer Opening Hymn: Chosen by missionaries (10 minutes) Opening Prayer: By Invitation


Review and Lead Student to Class Introduction Follow-up from previous week: Begin with asking the following (10 minutes) question: Is there anyone who would like to share their successes or challenges in applying principles/concepts discussed during last week's gathering?

Discuss this week's content: Next, share with the group what you learned this week as you studied and pondered the week's reading 1 assignment in the scriptures and/or how you applied principles and concepts from the previous week.

Ask questions: Prepare a few thoughtful questions which will encourage students to share new insights and thoughts that they gained through their scripture study this week. Break up into pairs if desired and then share with the larger group.

*HINT*: Consider questions that are open-ended and allow classmates to make connections and to provide support to their answers, etc. Using "what, when, why, or how" questions are great ways to begin.

Study Skills Whole Class

(10 minutes) Purpose: (Study Skills) The purpose of "doing" leads us to "becoming" the person we can be and the one Heavenly Father needs us to be. Make sure that you create meaningful examples of application in studying the scriptures. Everything in this course is designed to help you and your classmates become strong disciples of the Savior through thoughtful and engaged scripture study.

Choose one of the nine study skills listed in the Book of Mormon Study Skills document that has yet to be presented. If all have been presented, then you should choose one that you would like to review. During gathering, take up to 10 minutes to provide a short demonstration on how to personally apply the study skill as well as presenting a reason as to why/how this skill can deepen one's understanding of the scriptures. You can include the audio explanation/example.

Be creative! Invite others to share their experiences and examples too. Come up with a few questions to have people share their own experience in using the study skill presented that evening. Remember that you should only spend a total of 10 minutes on this activity so use your time wisely.

Encourage the students to practice the items that will be discussed in the gathering this week and to come next week ready to discuss the new insights that they gained.

Study Skills Example: Choose a few scriptures that you read this week in which you substituted your name within the scriptures. Read a few of them aloud and ask everyone else to substitute their own name in the appropriate places etc.


Directed Study Small Groups Activity For the activity below, the class will be divided into small groups of 6- (25 minutes) 8. Encourage students not to sit with the same people each week. The lead student and missionaries should walk around and listen to the discussions, giving input as needed.

Purpose: (Directed Study) The prepared directed study activities help you to dig deeper in applying and demonstrating learned concepts and principles that are found in the week's scripture readings. Encourage everyone to seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost as they work in groups to complete a selected Directed Study activity—found at the end of this lesson plan

Lead Student: Review the Directed Study activity at the end of this document. Print copies to bring to the gathering. Or you could have the students pull up this week’s lesson plan on their computers and scroll down to the directed study when it’s time.

• Divide the large group into smaller groups so that they can select the Directed Study option that they wish to complete as a group. Remind each group that they will need to choose an option quickly so that they can complete it within 20 minutes. Remind each group that everyone is to have a responsibility in completing the activity. Group members can decide how to divide up the completion of their selected activity, as long as everyone is involved. • For the next 20 minutes, groups will work together to complete their selected Directed Study activity. Once completed, it is important to note that even though groups work together to complete the activity, each member of the group will need to report the completion of the assignment separately to the online instructor through the Gathering Attendance Report in I- Learn. They can include the same information as other group members, as well as providing some personal insight to describe the overall learning experience. • Once the 20 minutes has passed, reconvene together as a class and briefly review what everyone discussed. • Possible questions to help you wrap up the experience: o How can/does this activity apply to you personally? o How can the outlined activity better help you to study the scriptures? o How do you plan to apply learned concepts and principles in the upcoming weeks? o How does this activity prepare you for becoming a better disciple of Jesus Christ?


o If you could teach someone else this week one of the principles learned through the outlined activity you chose, what would you share and why?

Reflection and Call Lead Student to Class to Action Share your testimony of what you have learned through this activity. (5 minutes) Invite everyone to reflect upon what they have learned this evening and consider the following questions: • How does their learning this evening affect the person they want to become? • Does it affect their Disciple Progress project? How? • What action item are they going to perform as a result of the learning this week?

Remind the class to report their attendance in their Learning Report in I-Learn and invite them to share their learning in their "Post-Gathering Discussion Board" in I-Learn.


Prayer Closing Prayer: By Invitation

Remind students that if they would like to continue the conversation with their classmates in the online class, they can visit the "On-Going Gathering Discussion Board" as a way to share with their classmates the new insights they gained from attending the gathering. This is not required or graded.

Remember: You need to be able to contact each other and stay organized. Use the method that works best for your gathering group (texts, email, Facebook, etc.). Note

Please download and print a copy of these instructions to use as a reference during Thursday's Pathway Gathering.


Lesson 11 - Directed Study

Focus on particular passages of scripture by selecting an option from those listed below. Complete the related questions and/or activities

Option 1 – Mosiah 7–15. Charges against

Using the verses provided below, write the answers to the following chart; the charge, the evidence, and the law:

Charge Evidence Mosaic Law Mosiah 17:12 Mosiah 12:3, 10–12 Exodus 22:28 Mosiah 12:12 Mosiah 12:11–12 Deuteronomy 18:18–22 Mosiah 17:7–8 Mosiah 7:26–28 Leviticus 24:16

Option 2 — Mosiah 17. Abinadi and Alma

Part A: After reading Mosiah 17, answer the following questions in writing:

• How strong was Abinadi’s commitment to the Lord? • In what ways did Abinadi’s life and teachings affect Alma?

Part B: Read the quote below (from the Book of Mormon Institute Student Manual) and answer, in writing, the questions:

“One of the wicked priests of is a man named Alma, who is a descendant of Nephi. When first introduced in the Book of Mormon, Alma is a young man in the process of being converted by Abinadi. (Mosiah 17:2.) Much of the religious history of the Nephite nation for the next three hundred years is concerned with this man and his descendants. Alma not only begins a religious revival among his own people, but later he is given power by King Mosiah to establish churches throughout all the land of . (See Mosiah 25:19.) “Still later we read that Alma’s son (also called Alma) succeeds his father as the religious leader of the people and also becomes the first chief judge over the Nephite nation. Other descendants of Alma the elder who become great religious leaders of the include his grandson (); great-grandson Helaman, the son of Helaman); great-great-grandson (Nephi, the son of Helaman who is the son of Helaman); and great- great-great-grandson (Nephi the second, who is also the chief disciple of the resurrected Jesus Christ). Abinadi may have felt that he had failed as a missionary; so far as the record indicates, his only convert was Alma. 5 However, as mentioned above, the missionary efforts of Abinadi affected the religious life of the Nephites for hundreds of years” (Daniel H. Ludlow, A Companion to Your Study of the Book of Mormon, p.187).

What effect did Alma’s conversion have on the rest of the Book of Mormon history?

• How did Abinadi’s martyrdom affect Noah? The priests? The people? • What have you learned from the example of Abinadi that you would like to implement more in your own life? Option 3 — Points to Ponder Answer the following questions in a few short paragraphs

• What do you need to do to “retain a remission of your sins”? (Mosiah 4:12; see also vv. 9–30). • What must you do to become a son or daughter of Jesus Christ? (Mosiah 5:7; see also Mosiah 27:24–27; Ether 3:14).

Option 4 — Points to Ponder Answer the following questions in a few short paragraphs:

• What do you think it means to have the Lord’s commandments “written in your hearts”? (Mosiah 13:11). • Why is it important to know that the Savior was and is a God? How should this knowledge affect our faith in His ability to save us? • How can you live a righteous life regardless of the wickedness that is all around?