"— J


Far The 0%f«»nl l^wmrni, tunny curl* w:w—what wo uw at th« «U- THE LECOMPTOM C0H8TITUT10H. Ii»n to rearing tin hnl hreeda of hor*»>* /«. The e*|rhratcd bull State of M line, MISCti IjLAN Y. lion-hoMcl of the PrrtMtK. <*nd cattle. Among the !>!< <»! cattlo intr>- exhibited at lli« world'* f«ir nt New York, Bethel Farmer*' Club \\v shod no Uwr« at fir»t; it txrin- w i* breed. Wliei* it catno I though [coxcm-dcd.] farmers' dured mar !«• found the Durham*, North of thia Irotn, At (lio fifth meeting of th« mion, the "MEET LIZZIE AT SIX." llrpartmrnt. ri| »• if a would mt« our h*«rt» from mi drop Tho enemieiof th« Territorial flirftn- Dmw, l AjV*h!rea. The full Mo>d do not know. following rraulutioQ wiu introduced bjr A. nr Itll.E* L. »t*TWICK. "into tub rlow." hunting s it would not coot* ! Nut evrn ment ileteriainmt atill to reajat the S (T»lk «wine have a'»o ("*n Tin* c-ntre of our i* authority irtroduced Society'* operation* L. Ilurlink, K«|. w »• contninrd. Uj That *11 thedi*|*tch Four when om who, we afterward* learned, »u ol i'ongrtwa; the* refuel lo Tot* for the 1. I.. at P.xiT, !>ut tlio intrr<-«t in it ha» DARIUS TO liOES, Editor. Wubworlh, K~| and we tliiuk greatint agri- ItAtfo*, |>I«h».h| DIvIm PriwU liltlo word*; what rsoilament to tint Contention, not Immum, yet thejr on hrr way to a wedding p»rty, »nd who ili'lejAtwe can rai«e to cultural i« to Id* found in th« to whieli I not adantage. improvement doni*" mno« fir tlmth .Mr. Ilinnifwl at M Imiii cirruiuaunnt detail, pork ill the hooarhold i|.|n Cottage ; with a l.iuio hut a few hour*, journeying thai* * n an iNiiiMion to tha com- IS# art* M l • houfliold, had to know hrr a* *w«iiti> wen -• » I • -«•! arr mlMMlrlt nntni. «|iii**t, learned good lew *»trre who mluibiUnU lijkr! hr>««-d tl»«* obtained there i« aUt a of intcrv*t. m*mher of thi« S who his intclli- yet |»ir of South P>>wn«, part good difra x-ietj, Iij iii ini'iit ii» were on (lie |4«M l<«>rnh»r».—iMIMUi ut the of m-t'|>iiun, come and laid, in tearful tilenee, a of pertain enuntiea in Kan«.»* in tha early art fl»cki of ful, up lh« IVniMf ufSf* llrun»wiek. Mutton There not many iery large geiuv, iiiilnl ranch to the Intcr^t of our of 1 *">7, tint !)*rtu»i h*il deter- jNiint of going to rot for the ni^lit. of whito roee-huda upon her •|>nii( tliej in tho tlio tun- wu« roiirtc** hnquet pure at to to anil Ural* «rlU generally Irum wren l«» •horp county, thi'i^li ranting*, tnti hi* of manner*, " our mined all haiarde adhere their ri^!»t M'i't l.iixic >t »is ?" Wii« darling W» buried ihem with h»r J tha Notice. Itoaom. "i iixl defeat ih« Sp«c:al (vnli when there w.i* one ll wk of atMiit *ix bun. lul l wnti the mtrrm of it* in embera. There* ri'tnliitiiiurT »aniMli»n. per pound. indeed MMirii? and three off of in und ami mmmunin- Twojf.tr* ■danger's ki'idly ring »j pa thy ■-(.t' loiiin nt ol any otherC° >n>thuti, within mjr knowledge—hut f.»re, Tt^rn* improtement inotitha !m i *inre our had lie'-n ti'Ut w l«n'li the? I<>rnir»l t I <. The fur thia »h..ull I* |>iw«l ejea li<»n« *|wirttii«*nt. ing, and interest in the matter not for* Urge Hrtnlmi, That thi* lament r w*« etill.-r**! to formerly. Society ileeplr n ■«! lier Iwauty, •inn* lit came at election tlurefore " sI'i'M- hj girli»h Itle«»ed I to Ood fur t- an ! pn»e hy eJ Oxford Pnwmt," S«uth l^rl*. M«*. Our »how« are to tin* rrotnl ••••Hih of our worth? brother, nnr I'Kal i|Onlllli'«l tender our »iii«vre«l to th« last; lor« refuel in vote ran iie»i-r and ia a ••itT-r Irun that *34tlu«-« whn c«>mpUin. orcharding gard*ning. There every lx»dy thinking every .a 1 hi • ■unmrr ;im fruiiiU ol the Uccaecd. l! ted all tlio m; »• •*»»•• i* too aacrvd fur detail. I! it tho oh! r« ri. w it ji to* !,«•- ior lb* Oxt-rd IVawria'. daja Mom tin* nmnilni that Rqwlr.1 growing in the look* of far n» el*" will hare thine* at the •how, ami uniformity body tli* threw month* • t to et'TY On the of thii the m.ipli'a. Twojear*and '• mind «itnd< red whrn he heard •iiit|'t<»fi nllMIII .n. •o to accepUtire Ketolution, grandlothri Board of itltd tlnir More attention ia almtMt tvery will carry «»f nwiituti >' wm Afneilluw building*. body n"gleet •he had U—n huried l««ik«. in a f ir arm- Uw, lr(«llV I'rvaiJent u« follow* among thf tiding*, and nil he Ml in hi* |>rii»«-lf*l-a article! :.f variou* un*r the fjHikf day ■>M|a|ilu|t•! Hint lli»r»t«-l nitii II,.' Bo* 1 V> H» pud for |«inting and whitewashing gut'1* »ort«, impre*. hrr curl* oti*r |«OMIM ) away citj, flowing aunnj chair r the v>i*th( that •lull »tan>l no chancr to o'»« M th* U«l of the Club, two porch, Iral»i m t •>ii«lit,il ',i an- and building*, than etiated. In •ion they meeting ha»e been tuadeol hlo«->d formerly an I and ■ Importations algebra geometry, grammar phil- of th« train, and aaying, a* 11« iloll cur I it'Mirr m*r tain in of th«* w,-ek» !>£''• our e«teeuied brother, llunni'wl are word*, I think aat, oa the any premium*, o>n»e«|uen<\) intl. at different tin*-. l>urhama osophy, a«lronoiiij and l»oU:iy, French and it: "I reckon l.uii-'« IT hue I•.-»■!• ilitok.l in I n -f nj | .«• i.im we ol c titor*. Altnnal (ireenwood »»• «•»«» faintly distinguished whole are on a advance from >mp e\ery Chapman, preaent, of law Hid order in Kan»«« Hut in wl.at rno+ in fator. Wood »tock of th.» bre«l general multiplicity l.itin ; |. ilit-nllv at fir»l, f»vaTMr. Wadawocth. of F-a-t Liter- p«*t. d<*«irwl it; afterward cli<«erfully, to plea** the When toM he woild >|niUr **i r* ogun, ■ A farmer's club haa been and it* Irom thi* c»u«e. number him among «!»«• 'l«*d- ll* Jiftl "" i«w their attention to IVh. Mh, iHort. ."*1 comprehend etrtitiienulity Ouf the interval* «>f H«ite mating*. People turning Friday tnorning, aged at from thirst for the *«ciety ha* promoted la»t, s*«lou*lr, pur* onco ho called tlio to liiin, In curiam real I of ancient time* the the matter »f Some n< Tbo iiki* record of hit nama »• n,,t Trooping h.»hy r*'puhlice »nl (liwoivian of deep |>1 >ugHing. year*. to thf *m> **»•>! agriculture in wioui way». hmulation agricultural aubject* treasure* thewt *tiidie* unlocked her. and ila whito j initial in prionry ij»>-*IIii(i. | n w patting shoulders, *.tid, The of all ia an* in |^Kf« of trial. Wo enough to have behind him. bearing the ami directed atf11r« In our it« ha« the ri«e ol eiperience brought l^ritnniU wa* otrr now tho*e toil* one " law*, puMic through agency kept up prwnt Hot it ; year*, tirand«ir's old, and l»me, and hlind ; ho »> iw» call t.-n inehr* ami u»e two tllurvmcntt of a life. our brother re- thl« I" out, and far I have Un in attend* de»p plowing, city w n* once country inanileell} iiii|«mmiM« Pop* newt stock. We row breed steer* »» and »he wa* on her iy to more— couldn't to th« hot > *n g>« station, grandsir's ular run U mi*kM hrr* I a aiuree or three of men to ei>vuto accord- turned t the '»'• ®l ' •o»»'r»*i|(iitv only aetea leet in |hr|* an«««\ eonaidk<- it, •I"'1 UP -'t thould old that m-aaurs girt!', our f.ltii*—oar j and to a** l.iuio fir«t, after all. tii** Uillot, nliride—we going Ym, }ca ll.rtiugli |*>opla with t » and to the «tifTiMiM of the aoil. «il..rn (or himu'll home, and toeitend the *«• lh" ^ *n'1 formation, reference aowing ing •• in r«lua» the elercia* ol It in IliM lli«nii>*r, u and ovn gn.w 'N't ln>r at *ii!" not «•> far from hit little gal as aid 1. iiu,» in our >n ha« affected influence* which lie *5< —grand«ir's •»»« in at tlie election of *rr •" planting, cultivating the «lifT T»*»»t ring r^gi agrl- capable of«luting lu|« general* adveraely. without all ttn» •• n>,tryand year.. * •topping, day; faat!" violated." Tha their to be need in the instead ced. at much *!'• ,,r"1 breed* journeyed their riKhla hate lir>-n l",un' liiay wood*, aipenae, ter-»t ha» fc"e»» M* in Al lb' I It." _J wo Nt unci; and at in the we iii»i« coneti- |*iie«»-il eight loatone! How pron# are to K Convention, thue lawfully J»n of It ••ock. Our m «t un- cattle and to ihU climate, ha. the of Fri>!vr. 22 pin* f.»ryrr«. tlieep, adapted a «he had luteal, .^il.il tn frame a t 'onititution, ty grown older, breeding aWp •finng, finding lia»ty tipf- irtunity, fiirp't line. II iw hard fur uur faith •<» pro. !*•»!. J. I.. •I -iiMi-llv would have I-*!! in a much Vt- and conttrucled i»U *•"' »U lh# "pul ti I Uh> ad- *»»*>•» » At t'i# of the Imihlinga ua w ami lotting Work, finally baa N«en gradually 11-1 ojwninjj t«l t<> the >rd« ahove. At sit, luck from her and oniipl* d*>pp*d. >n »*• gr.iphel tba dead Into iirtnt." a mm <»( C'-tni t-r comlitl than are. had it not b»*n modern id hit and on the 7tii of Nomibtr l*wt. time la. ,,1*n **'' ^ CliiM (ifwulri Inlim they implement* power, at our »t -ttion journed Yhey •h»rt attention again pi" the Kjilrrn train nrritf-l look to tfie that WV a a upwar I. i;l«»rjr tin! not tliink to euhtnll the whole of Inm S n lh* 1 >r lumh-ring. ralw gr«-at hi* Um delightful of upward, pr i|»-r t > tlits branch ol and a H« inter- Mi« among many making place W4* t.» for »»k« of farming. Luiie ri I* all night, tho thee (ureter. Wf mourn t ro tin* Coital 1 fat ion to the popular Tote, hut n m' p« fur It it ».ii I t'> h imUiiu one has aoeu*ed niuf rvtidence. of u» well remember the rii;»m|Mwth ,.t KM b**n awakened in ripi'n keep- Many homo tho* It wm like her ; iill4T* fr»m th« *v|. It •« th* ing ahcep. plcaauro IMlt« »he wa«' •Inn l-l a lr»*t? or al.tte Nat** to the The all Xlfwkf, wuin-hnrled child that t.ut Id the I'litlMr'i people. hare not to the to t* in reaulu impulsive, ehaaiining, hi* u.»» com ulaetl • Dwrsl variety wf nrn, with a* Our attrnded jro- vi.it I home, lha ilimljr yet I which had interest » n-rT w'-r-- manif.ted in i^ht gr«in« j^-iple exhibiting we that llieipi'-alioii Nrw Mow little night' in we feel *•» 1 r«. manure* a* •l-|t it the Mmcit of tocouio; the I nioii anil ahaken it to ila t**rv c< n a» »hoa«» duction an'l of ,,f hi* tariout labor*. Our joy the au 1 e*. Urj- of the Km^ Phillip, hut yel- preservation they wpectation# we improvement of»wine, horses. ►light »ninti nrouaed u«; how early know theau clinging purtli*K<%rm<'nl4 cannot fin* wii* the i|iie«tiiin winch ha«J lightest the If it will ruatur» »uf!ioientW it •hould, hut then* i* beginning to h* in. wcro m »re Ihuii r*4li*oda crv of flock# low. r»rlf, wfM the ol citil war lit Kan»aa, and thfcnpliiMi all a«tir—e*«»n the hahy, ami white- hold u» Inck fr>«« ac<|ui»iti>n. fcjiWjr eh'" " frUliOfi farming h:»ir»cj Jl#l I.wie, w« t thee at at iiaii|(eroua purtiea throughout i« grandfather. tlutt ahall j« meet »n," two nam*l ing it an cie. ||»nt to ha«e lteen ao *«U »afwl i" «"T that »h..* -l tpt-ciiarn* oi coinj»<»»t licaj« plan »h'»»C •• w omtlMcracy. in general. Farmer. are imputing by potato?*, he «.ii<|; are, in !«*«*■ I ill w«!" And the tli" ranriwt of the a u»«- al«> an- Il.eurrection It « ii >ii 4 chamrt r »•» in r»> the n» which *41 \ uiak'' lm of It i* g tint .tiiii.m* NtlrnliuO »l Hit ;«m| Ii- til th« eip-ct, to a* a at. tl •- K>han and the wbk'h three l>u*heN the aere, of the toil, I tha ii our to and Michigan top*lre*»ing, |.ri'|«raliou competing a* •• *>iul« country u|mii alum Su society. carry forward perfect I'inkrjre, h|r»| about the hou»', giving ord-*r», if Fr >tn the Autocrat of the Ilr<*akfo«t |«n*>n in We al» » uaa it on hi. • r i« a 1 ami (J»ti»h and atid to lt« of the mi\e«| of wtnurea. Hut tr.nu^lit I '411v rr J mj all th«ss i»< tul«r. early spring. U»kmgat library. m i)ui«tM-n. things. u!l tho r »p inability rv»l>-1 up hiui, to be in the tut Atlantic we with a»hc» t<> It in the hill of ftirn anil I think I can •* »H. l,# WM n,,t Table," Monthly, 1*11 (.in. arhi-ii I in«irn(inl (iut. Walker W»«iiiv.to\ S*trrtr. Vitier. the fit>< »t <|«ialitjr for the Ukl*. Tho»e p->- op| Hugh •ure. Hl»r! tin1"1 »g<» '•u-r.il Unit* in l.«» r uf »u*.tilting tli« to with nc»t and find it »erj tffftiTt. I do t, buv a book, and read, and it. its ut<^ he pzt>erim<-nt potatora, profit by Ik I III* I h*i| III The 1 represent haa located prop"«w There wa* Hannah, too, In-wild-ring the ••ll »w curioui it i* that wr a!w*\» r •»»• iiflllulliiD ) Society a* a * nut, however, manure, ||t" I ami .if nt in u« J w—un. r'gard pta*ur i"»it«' caught the.pint loiprota- iii t i«w, I hII'ii'h »r iiit|« uf fc,r». (.round for itt was by mothtr aUmt hreukfa«t. "Did Lime like lh« riiTjit qui pureha* < •nlcr and «Wnco u( corn wa» >1 a rot* hut a* an al»* rlwat. tuent from all who were at a »ilemnity ai'gi; •■iurr. Iii w'ntl iiiiiirnr lK*» uf an Aid S> Its aflTur. The si^rpt and of thank* nlj aiming higher »he j.sipl# Agricultural tety. colT o or coco» Im*«i ?" And would « and cncminh t ol * ita a» ■ nti >1 nnnure K iii*.i* in■ '■ t il.eir ulliir intiii rn# wan for it. We find a very effvtive for fruit •tan lard of rj II- n o in II" a- tnl *urpri« riyutali' are in a aul ul- to .Mr. l\ farming pruajwrow COfc'litwa, agri pawil make hiea-it11« or W«tlll n? And the mother. to tin* future life ol tho*e W Ik Mil we Ih.i* ««• I lit I i'ik r| »h|rh MllrMI'trd III V »t- Mr. Hint of Wrat wiil» nin' trees ia the ol Initn and other on the tU*t what **. worth ture the ia Sjatnet* dep"ita principle pur- to 1'iiti'ii 'tit •• 'ii r il iiritMiiM"! throughout country improt ing. all the time, n >dd*d her head of hull their I and then • |ii g r tins •iiiiIiii^ deprive teultie* til iu t>» which gitli> in the hollowt in at all,»houlJ be the beatol iU kind. r *n much farther advanced in *»mo lo- trutark* relation the iwpor- wo»dt chasing r «nt >; iti* ( •u*ii(uii na. 11 though p-nerai and went about, with tbnii M«mi|! There are not a lew, we » one th« everything, hurrying who, mi «r ».»: in and *vj it winmI*. Thi« collect with of From no member hate I been m«.re in.lru. t- I mil nl i.' it ti.»r«. ht" >11111 mu| than in others. of funning Maine, eipf r calilii.i|.i Im i| iii It fur w in that «w tti« aoil of the I c«»Bpo*l it with rd, than from him when in di»- |«r^|»-»rinjE cot know aa I in more in- bi* upm it |>ir.wu>unt top cngiged I do can. any in c iting I'annv to curl the t > wliivn mI ll r -»- nl il in •• nr«t ■ theothtr, •e|*r« for that •milelrx wruiift | ly luimnii and that it i« fa»t thr tit and a*hc*. We have found uothing aoracthing new, and to the point, rti^nitjt DiinD< r. an idea of what i« inter «t, obtaining and at the clock I'.lMlllUliun. I lllrll Ivllvl Mini tllll h*- telligent eontey l>ahy'« hair, looking every tliry look forward, all K I'll, i* f»«t ob- to it to round our tree*. *.»» mire to arr.-.t our aitcnti »n. hy h»ni«hing a >unt inter**!, ari l tint it n|ual put li*n, lli«l uii'li r llu> .•ratine net tlw K iiimi g.,n.g on among us. than by gitmg you |vtram five niinutea. Hut fanny, with my«teriou« from their lw«rU mid nil froiu th ««.ti >n in the raindtol the Jan. 23. Hut when we take into consideration the joyuumiwa Contention k«i UmiiuI •i [*">• Saturday, wm The first ..f up »tair« roiwlcnaucce. onr aucli in the a nprmiluN »im»thing, flitting their I meet ol (<• the !•. that to it. I »»id he, TVro wa* no buMiie** Moro fact that lie wa* the .laveol tfitewte which iiniHirutit i|u««iioii •Uffjr p«o| «-0ung man the tame of MW ildcr, fJ'j Moogi liopt, [articular doa I a Imok a il iwer »»y noil ii, iving here, •tr^'t not * |»T»in of intellU It m i* n-ii-r inv hnwvrer, t ml that our wn will cone to that the IS and the meaiticr* went into a he knew mu.t, toooer or ciercise it" unfri«jii<*ntlr, opinion, hia farm lor a in our jrounj; i.ird, I III* ll.ltlf who entered premium a on the the or and liut who ,n* lllil' III 4<'l III'* Mliulll utmoat llmr*. dagoerr* .tjrp^ jj»'iict» education, giva |»'llll>'lltlj at •• on of under-drain* oier and cru.h him, n > he aa«» *' c- m- it boa ifiMt unJ talk the *uli*-ct tyranny him, ti I'll I 11 In I In Hu'iuilt firt lull Ilf III# th» 1 Lrwin; profitable general a r.-r ahewkej in |H" *ii'I all that li" auch a and nil) •oci«ty preaent year, *>.. at ( | iMtt) oth« r ifmrnli an'.v |>ipuUr cutting mj l.i**ia look of aa % 4u wa* which he hi* Weare in- chilling recogniti tu—*>mething ill lit v. Ili> I I Mfil*'rl*in«•• who hate f»unl thit out tear* as >, firenro of constructing undcr-draina proarruted plan*. ag-». Tha wmt raof l^VVT. , V father M«ino>l undi-turbed. tte noticed to ernyeara that i( ha wire one of IlistV")!'* aMwm, come u, tin* wiiul I I1114 Ui'ii in iip|«Hilii>«i lut in«tr it -I in in c-»- nt. Mr. Klint u*cd cedar found ,,f | uin.tii enduranee, in our acquaintance one it haa litidoal pre* countryman. in tlm « r» Im( itjj-i uf uur Il cattle, hor*a. pole*and which I.iuie alw»v« aaid "*•»!o *,lh ,ur to a«nv*.« on republic. •c * » that I hare MietiKi-i ▼ t >! 411 that he anvwera Mr l»r. Kiine, in n much ami 1 U-gun Miuilil li.it•> u*.■» iii m to the Tuia I haw head On* •UI14 mm i >th<*r tl>»m to go "J jurp-v*. Por- 'liip.i.hing <>p|>Miii prin- •heep. 1*11. twenty-two r« when *he wa« a Mw, laoM the borne with a violent cold •o in fl.lg. dwptt and gone »I.ifli l.» our institution*. *o4 w >uM tak>' <4iiMl ,m 1 into ami ter recommended the u*o ol »uiall *tuli<* a* my difficultiea. apot, ciple j«Tti» 0| horned rattle. »c*en h two lu>ra«», lartuin,;. In) «»d tl.alhU W'" * when null*!. from that inaUnt. I don't doubt which i« i-tiTy onrrird into t.»k the •>.»•■>«» turn and a «od material I >r thi« hut all Hot th.-re i* on- trait in hi* character, dating 4*/ practice. t! cut hld Thomaa to ho would cut lu« kit ten'a tail off. if lot Hut tin* ri^lil to ikiegtl* am to l-*«»te;ily J*-hate or ant and in n »*ri»*« who had touch atti-iili n to the *uf>- that I not willing "Trr ton* of and ten ton. o! trade oth>*r hutiri^. given | to »»• llio ch ••■•ii them «»l tee, taeoty-fit* hay. the horvt; but ha did not like her with it. I'lewmr tell me, r^pri-aniMtii''* liy a bring playing • hr would m »k>» the m i«t >"i'iii«i| to c .|i,-.<1.- that it l« to wa* Correct in hi* caught tl.i'ir »»rr i^»i to lr.n»e Coii»tito» wheat and oat atraw I hate rawed thi. of r.\»r*, toonejr. perfect g«ntl*man. eo wo ;nwr jeet, ebi:lp'"-t c.,r»., I-re I demonstrative ni.»n. In r to with it? ot.lj who taught li'itin, 11 tu.tk" I iti *, mul lo perform An t ho ha» d hm it. Th<> first it wll off om*troct with in eon- in hi. addrcw, I. play luiujr one hundred drain* draining tile, dep.rtmcnt, ph*uing • • • • • jmr. and boahela af l».k-I nt t-ach other. and p'"1 >runt * ith>>ut tlut twenty won •i^nifi<,u»t'y oilier irti, requiring an other litra. nee uf the much (mailer amount of tbe cmfideiice ol all who knew imp buahel* J the *c|«n rvadily ►»( »'i f. Mta, thirty uf whea', t*eiity-fi»e Still watci. are aomctl»«e rrry •' M old •eutimenU I mill Ih- »u'i_- I to tlieireutMwqueiit ta«t« Wcra fmn l 1 on a luaia nothing morr, imagination, Mr Ilamm hi I <>f tn ile aom" earth it i* to rviuuve. him. Ilia m :i bu>bela ol hack*wheat, f^»ur buah«la of Pi*<-atv|n to hit 'ietv'a nii»de Th.- cotaniiltce to whuui * a* referred topic . i ul liuiit4ti n uf Hinr power, iuip"»«*l heana and and buahela of At U*t tli" rt»" around, and we it J»*a. ailty p»U- carriage the Mime of •mell than l ulin Mu« It in r-aaon the VM «.|.«.in « h) ipl tin*e, and hundn^l hualielt of carrot* penttioa, whjr rjxt part, -pri».-l m rc •• «• * o and tun.ii-. Th»» y**' cut- wa* to drira. There wm for Of courwa tlii • lora which in* lawful uiitnnrr Iii--ti tln'v proper. • u» I he h id particular um* h* «m ti fault of the t ir\ of th>' II he declared to have „f hi* S. far know, la a, 4r aa 1 can aiUeen tow of r»|uir.ird, being iMmpany. wo. II trui* l!utl I'll- uf Ktn*ui tinkj-it. catimate. hay but It quite .ut »f her "n*. the mother act each dil* pi-.iplr t.« on ar<- >unt in not an th- while the upin peraou'a iuKi>piibilili«» i! Iti ;e tin* I'lWfiniiou Ml i.-tT, hut l7 of their rigid full the en.-my among living, | l»4»ol. h-iju trom aerea." »im| [wwy pn-uii*<-«. to on .1 drive l«fom »'re.k mine mine. tiny auitl, g. daahing fcr. 0. I will ti ll j.mi of I pu'iiuit i'io Constitution to 4 with the law in relation to com- Voted to till at 11 aweet <»lor of tii. g »od d>*ed* i» I'll yea! p ipuUr The U »tatemet»t of mv adjourn Monday ''J tterj on with the •• following my compliant U.l; *, wo left her the plam, There i» tba Wbcu 1 wae toil', hut iht« lun nut o'clock. eitu-n. marigold. tin'j own the acaaon. to our pnltim. good •• in thi» Joinga |o»t agricul- in her and her of and wont to n le T r in !*, th.r-'for*, al*nlt n a* a inrm* To I »uch a mm i* a 1 >•«. Their on. • tural •ocwtT. I, llr M*mra 1 M iiiJ.iv, Jan. £*». public in iii.«t it'iifli niiii in .ul -i mUr II with her aproa. ict.-d Im'Iwivii toe kin- * nf I -nd ptr n» her, ani to c'i hmo a committ** on number i. Uxi •mall in imp Hi 'il'l tt » itii'i* t'.i- one |ny roll, at the Piva. ctery .e *•»!■ r.mi.il 1 hate built hundred and r»d* Met tl'O hour community. wm a mile to tha «n-l t •« •* fifty ofadjournment, 11 half depot, ml we would eoiuetiui rr l 11 U of of t'uni'* Hum of a man ma* ba in pair, tiltl -II Ik ill « 4r111• r .1 kti 1 I ll «n rlativ!, iJent in tlie Many enRajpU public lif.', of cedar frnce, the eilia ail laid «mai*ting Prtlfj chair. •an ha«l not ri. n wlien wa #uru»l. n.v»4t« yoke -.!. quite to the ncit tillage Mi awl Mop ..p. III I .r ..' nt« t Franklin, and Tu'-kt-r of Waldo. to and "» nation may blaion forth hi. d bridge fit ard tlie and eilla both three lach The ciunioittee on l>o • t •. r •tone, topa topic* proposed (low halm* and pun th* air *»». that aoft a l-roofed' « «!• without b. in the leaat Irnefittcd poaite low, hrown, gauthr |>ini»« irjio t: i« of the Ing ; 4 t.'i ir < bore. Alao ror*t t- truly gn-at hoards one inch thick, l from four t<» call ing ad>t| a* wa ur«, in our that lulur- ita happineaa, t'T of tenant, heraoif, « »• ■ -<1 lu hi* influenw for g<> »-rr t'nuiii inches wi tuilt nth wdar a* in iutii i-d to our cliinvt". with r»'fi r«'nce to way w u*. at if there question le, poata .N S.*i»*rr. II. F. L-adbctter. The pre*«.iit athitrd ith It aa««ad 01 r '>'1 ('to "I U. felt Ion* after hi* death. ah.idydip|»-d, *td-voiced. and, landing ihe cltvtion o( th«* |>- pi* l!Nt to ■ the two and one lialf -it! i* in an l future tit* the *. a • m md tie ground f«*t, axrietj I nrprow lit iu it: fan.7 and lias pr grower." hud never been fair aunriaing before, her would a »• I> ••«m,»,r l'i*t, ii 11.-in of tin* It wa* I wi n mi I, llowcr-bed, gtther poay,' -ta lie* die* w»ru introduced the Addiwin, think, ill »!»•• Cmii'iiii'in. * fjir rjeka round tl»e p and along under the ii : 1.1 lime t» d» much. Wo Im-1I cattle enJoraing »n,l « if half tha of the .orninc the little lie# Jl^re, a|*un, op- w.. glory alio called it, for Imjt, Sally ••That ahould j> km <1 to the adherent* uf fence. Tl»e »>il »» hard and I our «u reaiilt'-* of Mr. M irriil, introduced into |*rf»rm ctery important u»t •riumly pr gm«elly. •!,.»«• Ixrfurt MCKt/ form« d, and would hare l*-en wait-d, had Lima in the church with a >!ah of hlue •late act with rclerrnc.1 to the yard the T Coiiatitulion, if they w«-r» the out a number o! w«» Tbeao riwdx • wre laid on tho public go^l. ipi'ka haxe tak<-a Urje pine t? r

  • inc« our urganitahon Cuigreaa. been coming home. at InT lichen-cr"«tllar» table and were ordered to l*j atumpa. fem hm k 1J twu ■!iow«, uni| r-rrit ; 'ml jJcughed M inr«*r-—t printed. atthe.Ution.hut we he.,rd tha whittle .,1 bade, like mwa of iry imiiU well Imj written hia garden p-jiiea, grenadier i*Im» I to cicrciM the »»f ao*- one half aera of »t w.»« lli'mlutioN* on tlir I'ublir I.tinl*. epitaph upon right popular g«. n»ward land. S.m- lli- | r "Iii<'ii ti of cr '|*. ««1 >«-k tha loe .motive, njt distant; and tl.cn 'tateln-al uf all tomb. Such a* he wa*. do 1 a. the very ikt'dling onions vegrtuhlca, ereigtily, itti.I iu (Tired tlio election to k*m iti > regard a^tin cUv I aoil which w»i rather I introduced *»iu# tear* anil wo In Ikmb AcHiii'LTr>K, a l««w, twenty ag^», thoaa few oweet waiting momenta— what are g »w\ hut the hrcath of a default. Jan. lH'iv grent man. historical mangold hringa pa«* hy drained before the middle of am us. we Augusta, il"», ( truly My reading and hetter by ditching bav<> in^ Hut world of bleaaed held. The them all bark to iuj." I h that a WIKT /»• That we notice * ■ th ia. m iv be at but I think the antici|»ation they urlily rrjoiee tnlctd. great |»l«- fault, a o( to down to era-, neit want lite and mrv what we can parallel prevailed amon* large moirity >«pleiul«er. n—ly lay U-sl, doin;* urr, that lli" II hi. J. 8< .Morrill, >>l Vaf> •an wm Liuia! Liu»«. ! apiri} cannot »*» found of a demonatration rieing—ah, tln -0 on th« fimt in land'-ef -r* t.< publi.- i> Monday January, •»ring with b»ne duat. Tbi« A few iixlmduals have united wont, inti• dueed into the III.(if of K< Tiu U'imlb Tw«\tr Yuu Ago. We iipli improve. jir»'. at the ol of *o a man f«>r the At la«t the train came V> e m..I that tin** did on that Totit under two tone to the in lit*. a 'iill .^juie. young up—stopped. day ol a'.'t « IK r- f .r>l bull for the MiiUlitm t'.mi»re>w, M. b-'iTi <» >rrrn >r p|. ugbing prMuccd hay Uttiglii |>ur|«w at tha a row ..f noticed uianvl»*iwceu the the Constitution for a a donation of Inn l« kind of *.*rTicea which, he ha* rendered to looked window*; only f»v<>iB|>toii acrv. 1 measured off one acre of mow- ol our l)urhauis. authorising public by un I other Slate ft meui'wr of Con- my im| r<«»nm hata Mt on the 1 i*37—M and I*i7-S, in Lmncial and dSoti, the if -ti r.il g«t. rniu<*nt, t<> the several St.it. a hi* lellow citii'*n*. I.ike the lam»ntcd Wid face-! Lima uiu.t /rapt cut where it w;w» to an I member of the Thie ing and the gra»a, and In rvUtiun tterr firmer in in itt £r*tem teemed I" hare been a ruling tliH train. Tha conductor appeared. and phjaical reasonably I r*i~M twmtT-two l>uali*la or bai* ol th« Our swino art? pi»*i'in orgamatUon will be good part country. mostly influence Mi* agricultural then to rloim, hut the i»il *.»> .m rt «I l.y revolutionary T.|-k nuepicioue u|«tii with liini to th* hour of ',ii* wuved l»ck. motioned puiirr 4ti I iibau I ari l this will om bwaltel their tery dej^trture. everybody finally med, Vt, fr« (owing: tw*ntv-four Suffolk and grades. ini«t«t ul our M.ite, aa wrll u« the a wiuU-r a* mild ami a* aathe »p-«edily country with our own hand*, we lowered ona in tha car. Two men eame out, pleasant pr«*a. i» 11 »r tow trd« hnal • ulfiu .nt of th» un- in I >ne-hal> t>u*h<*W of buckwheat on ono Mr. S ir* ■ >! the alln-M ti\ uior« i« in-ans (Sently, gave geriTallT, affording mu| ent on*. Fm l and audi u« renoea m- >«. Winthrup, n. And d.'•<*ended the a proviaiona, coal, iliff in K r our ei him to hia 6nal a tender tlowlr itep*, bearing luiijiy hall »n acrr of at our »>me • of u'iil* tenure agrioul- rctlng place, jrr«n»«arl. I bad g»*o«T- lir«t fair. Ibrought n}■[>!< developing w,M>d and flour, foil in The nvord* II fr4ixl* hue fvien uiutuit'ed >t thU tuml resource*. And we recoui* mother would her infant in it. lifvle.* woman ; har featnreacov- (rim. earnestly lay tleeplng body—* •*!,. tion oni* or both •«, the til g'HMl oo iut lann, oi to xhibit. (tut ha found th-xc on eiliihition u« iu,mth of »»j pitfi legisla- crop hay, (rain, weud to tlir aeveml *1 aocietiea of a bora it into the inform that the Diiviu'wr, n^rieultur little couch. thi* life, with th* er«.| veil. aaloon, ture and the ol under the and • > much to hit he Departing by They Ktnsaa, were mp-rior own, that tin* N.it<« and elaew litre, to *.i» vcrv mild and n froat in p-Mpto immediately of a bleated we Icare him and laid it reverently upon the *»fa. Still 1H37, op-n. aun»titution#know how t »r*lr-«e th»io«>i!v«s I have ma Jo of 'rl«v>*n or did nut •how them. I'titiwo fur tho of said hope* Immortality, fr-antling, I Cungr»>s passage wav«l tha crowd back-ex- the ground ; Chriatuiaa and wars, und tlir»- >i •( «u'J" bat Ukioouhujq bill. with »trong inclination* on our part, to im- ,ha condnctor pleifutnt punish t«r|it •. wbk'h I lave in the Car in • hun^ princi|>al cn»p« ptUloo, rurn, ani ao until ihernd of the ymtr; rim without oor inU'rrjrence. /'■s*/c*«/, TliAt a of thr«o reaolution* itate hi* Tlrtuee. that bit e«en, our Ha knew u.. and turned continuing e we f>pT death, may cept party! The ••( Kiifi* have th-n in their |u <>f tlumar l«ur», ou ttM Um, Utru* l«rl<*T »D'l iaU, and got c»«l cMp« of h aiiow fur (.• m^nnl the l'l*siMird, and lorward'd to theS-cretaric* and 11th of iK-coui'fcT, and tlwn hut for a kj. N. T. T, t'hnt we knew how it **« ; the >irj{inic law, fr mi' I >t c in- ititiin 4liJ Slita 1 htir itinlfti wue of tin and »>>ro« ktm of iund anil aowrd it to of the Kifrtl agricultural vk'icIih of tliia allejcepl | m, I W|hl gra«» gr ahott time. 18.W, tw.ntv veara Gitiiriiiiienl—have so'i.iu.-l the alloia- and ha could not belief#! he January, have whitewashed. 1 have al«j aud I butbda to the acre. 1 State, the KV.nl new*|»a|ier* of tliia f.ithcr; Firmly improved oat*. if)! fllljr waa a r<*iii»rkahl« winter month, the p -rtant ipteetion ol 'Uw; to tlx p» Mute arv u!»j to the tha from tha dead face. ago, around rcjuf»U'd publish raited *eil Oh, hat'i fliH-t I 4 (J it *rn a oi my building while* thiuk I can eee abundant evidence all w the U«t two w*a and ir, ntnW by painting, a»hing. MM. Cot* and or l» * rather So*o. ca«h mercilul! U it thu. we meet excepting daja the »ui« I. •latur* and other and the o«ir u **i I'urreney (Jod All •• limiivw, x nhingling like. All thi« work i» me, that doing £ aervice, aa mild aa an Indian Summer •octetj Mr. waanf the •• Ilatnmond.of Piscataquis, dreadful n-areo among the w<-«tern runil our beat Idol nrarljr J»»4t.: iilJi r«. 4ii'l t *y n iw ask » l.m«i in don* in auanncv tt.^t in th«*. I.ittie, darling, beloved, will b« »r in everything annw month » iMprctioo. promoting improvement itiion that aa these Ke» dutiona were of a nmi the who are no fell during the ; the ihrr* iut tiiit unier thie C i.miluti in, H »| dutricU, Hutchinson*, o«ir Union The i* a to of hearta! followiiij; of hU of laming. m xoeter at 2 1*. M. 40 in iu firm. copy report [•ertaining highly iwjiorUnt character, it would be well their «ot of their Minnesota averaging d>-greee pii'iliiMit »inging way a time wa learned tha l» the condition and of L. Hammond. In brlif «tory. tie and the Il i* f»r Coqkiwm ru>pwu Ph Ai^niSKint. E. to table tin in and ui»uil>ere an to eastern thi( through month; autreiiing f(i\e opportu* homo, civilisation, had ei|* or h n the town of Pembroke. *Ur« [.earned how the of the l»rd had will udiiiit rv/n:t tha but-- which h«* mmIa Our I«m betn in nuuVri to examine Anyl month* contradicted man wiw ruuarka mrwij incrwung nitV them. rii-nes in an Iowa town : A farmer drove J ii own am » up thu* U« undatKx* of ever *inet» it wa» and •uch aa we often that a wjhii win. and activity formed. Dr. True, of Oilord, said that throe Ite- with Itoiheli of corn in liia and hear, in favor of it* M at, 'Ogh tj tnrWb waa corval with our light morning, ler a never tint Kan«a* m. it* exi»tcoce county. • »lvre looked directly to th« subject of agrl- hi* wife ami nig children orated thereon, bring* cold ajring," winter tcrmin4tiiij( ipimti Urn in town, if terrible wc know, but brief, had waft- will out the of non* titty prup*rlj applied; I lie old Peaobecot inluacd into our one pang, rota in the Ac. wa» Thl» carry principU N*-i<-ty culluril education, ol the mo*t im|vn Agriculture apirtt activity, sul^rta you, and bat being which docLrt* in atprtM* lanjiia^ in f«ror who aw much intriv»t 1 in to their her in tha homo of adding kaw on in our ev- aa an ang*U' l> ar March had two anow atoriua g.ne improving activity Hoard, and he wished for opportunity ran give you." They aoorpUnl the day*. of tho ii'in-intcrv Mition of Courm with •t'H-k ot much jre pro(T>r, b**uit«, oi than former- aince w<» commenced At tha Uat md mucti mud. waa variable, '»ut in tho Subn mii-I I'Trit in.**, try j«kr operation* to speak upon that auhjrct, he Would do ao gavo eight cer.t ticket* in ex- rcry aUippmg-pl»W. April •Uv.-ry Uj»ih,{ twenty-live a fr«M to form and It, cump-Mtmg all tli* material* nai we I,ad left the U» nme food for >l th- averaging a few v;r>i-i p.Mplf p«rfectlr Up. change grain »ung out. t- ir rein*v-a. all in the l»t- their imratic j hid. H e haw »tock but we can* ol little child who had fretted night »bo»e that of The lludaon river very good Mr. Fuller Kennebec, suggeated that January. w to tho Conatitulioo ol lh« are ty, »uhjHct only lUrn cellar* al*o mt.» Dot for un- arm* of a wearied mothar. The train j^rnernl compire *u« with the older Co the lleeolvea ahould be printed, and on hia .top- ipened and cloaed three tiiuoa during the Uniteil Sutea. u»- in thi* town. the On ln>n Work* r«ad a* at tLia hoard. We have Tho marechal heard hut a moment; it wa* du.k. and none the lut about the 18th of In l'ii* manner, the tie#, reported motion filty copies were ordered to tie de'Ktree*, aged 103, p.,i "•a»on, opening lo^tlliing rjueation to print* it to tha leading Charlotte, between the »•» a of a* bad aeen her leava it. She of ami people viiU,;* not Urge variety hr*<*]a of stock c«l lor the uae ol the Hoard : and were of tho death of tho duke do Tre.trao at tho of thaoOciaU March ; other river* abjut the aame alarery, confiniii); they opened are ron and the t>>«n are " a who •erneJ, eiery pat« line, there eleven or »iitM the l>3. am for returned to find it mada iuiraeiliately other pirta of State. The Pur- laid the tahl« fur that aof I aorry it," wid tho lowtily moving, lime. Tranarript. -cU-J that the twelve upon purpose. [Bo*ton riot ansiously i|. quotiioa ti^rn rwlLtre. There i« ala>» an a " forwird—and tha rct-.t iam quita ham* pre 1 .inmate. We have large breed tu.irvt'hal, hut riot surprised ; he waa u ini»>»ti'p. fell would he ban it had from th« bftlla of Coo- M' ii nt in jiiJ Thea« two lines that loA »> worn common »uch as chronicle. B« not to believe to it L«a exerted a baneful ia; forming iwpfo- of i-wtile among u* of a Courao make, but avlvoju, are poor out creature ; I alwuji aaid that tale, new.i«pcr« ha»tjr fljing report* griwj, where alwaya beau and an lU of CM. indufuoo the eouotrj. generally, increasing attcn-! tbey art Dot thought ouch of l»jr our farm- put in here to fill thi« column. man would ncrcr lire long." n, than !***• them in the face, inform" them On evening, at K«h. 9. Mil uihMt Ihtvittf tlua TVrri- ill ami CIMnlltliin, «t»l to without the hcne8t of the clergy; and thru compton nyd grarely \V<*dm»!ay (Feb. 17.) 1'iKMhliy, flitltof ITnafw-TtMiH Stxjirit. Mr. in- of reaaon to that that old threadhnre idea i* a delu*ion, •bout rt o'clock tli« Inhabitant* of thi* Woodbury, by lc**e, I rnl I. •»» 'lh* 6nl M hhIiit t>f litv in th« nffcv'lKttM unJ rra|*>ct mj th« hurul. it will I* a aolcmn uroaaion, rt- The wrhole country lia« rejoice jdaro ui«laliir* Iiwleeed * '.ill In iddlllM to cfe iptt r TI of Jt, ,t\ ..n llm w (.'"iialltutlon. c>nti«rt»rt «Urk ami niqinntw cloud* m>w iai- prciallr V- fkwit"" If'W ali-r th* IV in an I hereafter nwear, tin- ni.mi.m ih« wit* lh<* Stablo of l.iil l (Kni« in the North, who tho di«- in referring the foootnpton Mm- another direction, rry heard, warrant* by ri trutora orft.lmini*- K*i (• |,« wluiivM n into ih« o< r (K# Uni<>n, I ennecieeti.eueJj prevented inquiry, | |«t|v<( l»-nVvfVI|pi Mali-, ami »!.«••» IK» f«.-Mi'*e will witli honor dilution Union *otmg people recently hy of K«*»- that ar«> inca- \\. and urf. •fill ritv imiaI wlWT«nil>irul Lr 2-»- <*y imriioii lwv| a l>ill wiwiiw by tur«. »l>«h until l v <*kl.»n win found to ilurmu pr ia a o^d ao it la, I ••disu- That ihe of the Presi- pable •elf.goremnient, l»y I, Id Hli|i'l>'l llti'*.lilll of 111.' K. \i- | • I hurlenque," }t'*4>hfl. MfW|* i'li«|lt-»«, if »'ir N.wM fv grmlly wa« rt)*rlnl, " framed at Ur. eubinit to haro constitution* Ikj in ll »m<*. The wind i « d«rkrr »wl nion" of the of Kitit- dent, enclt sing the Constitution «|uietljr Mowing itrong SuiutM, n-l itinn in-.Went uth-K*»t ol it; ami | Lremip* ■hould in«tilutiaker, Uil r.vs.jjniiinjj fortom* of th>' the tw |>Ur*, wV«tb«r tha plutlortn and mittee l»e instructed to Into all Dioon unco a month, ami why IIihim ol Tlmm.?* iWkrf, Mr«. J. H. on n. ■«» *wli«i »»«! authentic inquire change* Judirin» of umW ti« ! h«» »» «»t ahould not democracy change Colt and Mr. Mtrah (\ Allen, would b>» ron- prr*t»n.n*. Democrat n or w hello r arc hi the I'onililMlHH) ami Ihe law* under which the < iutlll iril. ol hwll -junti Uf«ll>1KJ •• a I««a»« r aod tli»|»iailMoi to I «if o'w ili- and n* lia««• since the the great national democratic J irfy Tho lurnitur* ol the two latter houa** Iw in»truetod 11 inquir<< into tl>« i| li. n- •llrr r. M VINT. FRR 19. IHS8. proceeding* transpired fiu*e to the um. and to protect ilio other." lorm.tti'lii of Mid Constitution |itTin|> rela* of the |>rr*ent A man may go to l«d that id tho Tavern wa» nil carried ry of uiniinlinj tbe Constitution of this Hli«t up m lS» lw* fit* .lay. nearly lion I» the ii\r*n »r Now ftid"!*' that Wra nil Simon pure up Tim buildings pr«LJ*.«*n adini*sin •• Territory " by plurality r ault tr hi ita ikUi 11 Um democratic m a We tho rank were tho Muldo and tho two \. 4: heart. It time, that under Mid and whether the -ruing renegade." |.itv Tannery caw of racMiicie* «'*• in tl.«> a> i? Wm. PIDOIN Co., Constitution, urritig tvMlr, •4ha»-t %« aril oa tlwiji«aatrr». tl at *. turn, institute aome of ac« *«me is to n ma- and file of tho in the l'reo Stat' Tho Tavern *h<«| wis on lire tl h* r«or a t tvo. part* ahould »y*tem and satisfactory democracy Building*. i)t ntli or otherwise, vj »hi»l| be Altai iia r IVimatic pmo* will acerptaMe lij -#«!!•« jvtmn. that wiiii' iimiiiit n« • to it» What of the l<-gal voter*of KiiriM*.and The mint of them are |mt in the wood*, and a turn* and in the in tl. m<-tn* tbc lhl untahility org«nimtion." jority great many many place*, by |« ii|.|i' bn| pt ii«aa-*|Mwir»i of lluur 11*1 Mia I !»<• ImilMt kNlMflu IM« h* J»wen- JOIM J.PKRRV, I4ll«r. »• the of tho ? Thu (tower it for the whittling hut great «fl >rt* it Ma*«ul»lur I. Cause hiitory puat platform* sons and r» by an>J a ui a #»#«/. Itili to in<*r." !••• lira *ll »>lj p ip- //mi/ BMW Hill l4|>Mllf IN pi>«Nll4ll am] lonun«w" < f tour ha»e not for ol thn lender*, to ke« pup the courage of tho thiknown at The eiti«*iis, in- r^rm«.M»Onr ilntlar aa.l ffti |*irty jir>*«iit. nalury »f tl»« lti<-'»rder of the WmJtli, aiMi tha 'i'wnp r»«lMHirlt) The first vote wa* on motion to lie Muninjul iivnlilT III I u*r tml irtinlilKr frul. in the ImhiiU of the A Stephen*' re*t, would hare eJnco |,-ft the work»d liko heroes to l».i- ativl I* 1*1 ; dollai jcura been putty. they long cluding la.ii»iihi.i lit l«u dulUli al tkr tml III " refer M<*»ag* Couiiintte« " the •i .r- luualh*; lew ui«*»» in ha**, for y»ara, niMrnwi uf *in," and made track* for •ii'mIuo tho llamos, and n-nderod every till \Viii»l.iw ; r>*i|i« ituthon/in^ Mivt 4i>M *l itttioairr ir. a.MiNl l*i IVuhiaitna" iktit T» «Iim ll IHIi »l|ll* rilories. Had lb is it wimld •• " rrnor ami Council to it •tatuo of it will and can wlmle in their brcechea prevailed, prub- the tan I siblo aMlatanit. procure Thi tfo hatut*f»i*n »«»•• »»jf which pa«m»al ia ilrhird. rarri<«l the thing proniUed h i*e inmrnl the of the (••'ii. Kn..s. ifotr own ura in Ihaanawn way. a.I irtliwnratilorflnl iI'Vl'llK | •• lew ikm" ha»e off ahly trimuph |<* krta. Than given I lie II III* linn r miiiimI til < ohaiil. ra- II the ma «ii« ut ll«m Ji«irrt» a'minh d<»- iKr pi«|wiriiiifiwiliria{ ir .1 i» Immi film Swindle, for that Committee i« »> tlu> word of and the rank and file eonipton Senator Fr*«enden. The Kama* tion of tlir motion in.t l In Mr. (' •m*t '* •« n<» hnnikl th' ilk nut Inf tfer nlfrilwrni nl, owtnand, Leguiaturo. m.-no »u»w within tlw Nile flurftil «ith ultra Sonihern<-r* and Northern ■> M I'lnimui kiV.IVSun (H., had to The haa a^nt packed lik*» the S'nate »f l.n'**<•. lo llf n llitUbli (Im tnbr at "'f 4+ wa» h* which it o»n •» iS'Vlil (/" hate party A high l/>gi*Ulir« l*»dy, Calhoun liaa mad* hi* tiiv.il count |., \ I*k, tln-m In dooghfaee*, that iiothi tg f««nr«M* nlalin,; t«» *J. M. ri*li mem' »> «• •»« ila im. fh« mrn to to nf the l intel Statc«, i« thn »ho«? all of Iho lull-* oaal at the on |iijinj( •|»<*a|ilj prompt • .i «i »•, Washington frprearnt plait* flection the 4th al» ihiS ifiinl «k-»»l» |>r..« ii>x«iil>.< mjiIi. rout* out of it Miit f»r » ltun»", »• in' 'ii' r th«* mm ia «'ivf'ar ««*•! iri»*i«t- " Free Stat- men could hare Will nl • 'ti rtm M»t». I»til the** iMine |rw mm" ha\e other* in the world to tc«t the intellectual of and iIik partly I«r111 ll>c i|i*lrirt <* >«•-*! id t!, 1iw .*. t in in nrt ami law- CuOgreaa. one ls*gi»la- iiii| •li|« »l«n ri|« «M| tl* I'liamll'm all ««lvrtl iirmri la ia k»lil In hate he«o Thi* motion wa* Il '•ought |->ople Unity, Iroy ful aaMiit il ik< U la* lr< Kr nk> are. It i* in a I' iiiK'u»"i in, tli'- IIhum a'i«n»ialH'M ik<>«M t» dllMI'i) ••• deluded." Alter th« p.««Mg« yea* tor what Ihiabranch Altar iij{llijf i •»!!fv II witaaM 'Tf •. they really hemoerMa |0 I | *' Orr would hi* tolc. ttlnf lt*puMlcan» to tn th« «*•( Mr." ha»e, e**ting " •• rrlu*"! allow einliiunt, IM «• Mhr« hear uwn I k» 0*l..nl llnaoriil, I'aiw, mous N'.'ifuU Kill, auuie frw Northern hy of the government that tho *"teral SUba IhuH. 1(2 2"J Mjr iiaf-*f wf«n r i> n the matter in favor of the border ruffian*. J the griiim! tli.it li«" IukI no ^1 fur « r wi w • ill « r«»H«i «'i t*iM v In* tfoir I XI* I I I l> ws* then carried cont**tinf |i |i •hi might I'KOVrm IM» MUTLV theee Mr. Harris' amendment men for 32 31 an I run well lor a aea»in, liut al.i«, •ral rule, select their ablc*t lull in r««Uti >n !•> mirTing* .ni l it* an » i. «< a» Ur a InHi 'fval aa (of they Tbo I a»i- 114 lo III. three Those who r<» " few m- n at Waahlngti'ii" forced "oliedi* majority. the high |Hxitii>n. S-nator* an- hero *ur» Thle, it will !*• oWrtcd, k<*«" the llenio- • ilrmniMii'in «4i Uk ii up, n tic l»M<* •if»ni. Ii ♦ |' » f»I ha»»*n *' I1 w.4j'-a af it*e," and |»>| ular i^iilt in. roundel giant intellect*, ami in partici. majority jnut ballot, •••!*• by • r> IV* n I.»»*»*, Un were Adrian of New Jer- " IVnlnculiT, FiV If). Autar* a frdy. they fr >in tin't' n- at> »»l lull m—l Cmti SntTl. Mr T*it«'li II, »» < «• iv a>>» i' i• f III •• > a' III a^»!i.»t .in| neretAtrily liJucaliun, r«-| || !*•«»! Ol of J li. |>at is of lndi> IHkkl«, « of 10, Cos Ohio, til mitt lit aii 11 tlm • lliiia. it mm, he >2 to it Tower» the men who (land at the lo-ad I under tho !<•-<- Constitu- ill- i>n onlrr rrlalitw Ihmk |«MI M M K wlijr iao|>|»* Among »ni|>io«i ii.cjp MkV'tllWpil | ana. H-wurt of of li«trilnitigmiii.in and Policy P u'liden, of our own State. know counting t-ofu* •« j. •• itig Mr. ll«irl»inV, fr un tli Commit'. t* f \1 « of It ■! ir ila K'M lil,; 11 uuim;. Ohio, I,. W. Hall of Ohio, llarri* llli- waa til< ti lati I the outrage, heiltUiata about tin* matter. In which forged the no* tin? II r rt<-u la I I Ii I • I I S. I ►* ,1 I Vwt •"! S i»r | »>inething personally prccinrt, hy (nun* *| it.il, j l»a ••■fru* no of N«-w llirktnan of |aa4«li-«tl |"»Ta •• : is, lla*kin York, an at an r t-» HI 1H4 »•* t*tl.fH It thru mtlHf >TRIKK IT tKiWX." Hear him the l**t wo had the torioua Jack I iiii nt nn onl«'r l itif amrn ri.ia^ailaarv fma>l I t fit aiMI.'r'nritf iWm, t^mgrrM (re.| i*attt-n'4N ; j-kimI, lli« Dr*Mr»al d*lut<*. legal inj; *•!»•; iw ««*uU; If. ttwrrbr*, jurtT pleitMiiti »iu t tlir rt nf ill « uf McKihhen of • Sutut.«. nuko ai) aa in- doe* n««t court nil tin ••*!ainilK«, Montgomery I'miMlraiU, *«» were in tho to returned to (iov. DftifrT. «upj- (>w «f> ffTHf IKf-n! |Vn>i»f«i,mil |K» And then, ogam, way ti I aUrf. r*- of in**"" p40p»'ni rharg'.tMi t'n* Sut*, aliftlaala ami in.!•**«<»«SJ* ri^M M wilt't, »♦ mi, U S.jO w* o them |i> qiui |m>wn I.Ki' Hr- California, Marshall of Illinois, Morris IVm Mainn sua- VUaiir njure know of tho entertained The black Democratic of wliirli wi* t»rin ul T»m- feunethirg opinion* report ral-trm aa»£-«.l IVwurnl, MBit to\. Strike H down, or u willstrik** down Shaw of trMplfi), Illinois, Pendleton of Ohio, ll)in»i«. men in tain* tho Swindle. In Hill a-llitlonal «i» of difT-rvnt Senator*, J'liwrf •ngratfJ, m-at in «i«l m.tnniT aa liift i»u think II "fn't tnil, S,M the Hriifx miir Snk< it down. or hy puldlc |"irl*. Smith of 22 I ) tlm of tli-: l snli-I/vomp- Washington, and wy, Argu* inoirpirnti1 jjrr4t | ij Stat" N mill irr. ♦ « it l» (■ Jl>l " lon a ml II U*. Amrrl- I 1 ;r «t >*t# '»f \ W \ rk JMfi Strike it down, Democrats, Harts, We that Mr. Keencnden wa» work of «irlfn«Ini{* tho I ai> .puUr Ilocnt, TMWMtiN vIm lb# in ii it »• *-n» *1 ynl.T * uiatit niton or m will sunder tl>«* l»ond ol can. There w>-re «ii aWntc-s, tit lion, pndbif ml, i* MM I .*> only remaining there cli«*-d among the tcry aM«*t men in It make* the fallow m,; declaration* wtftoafwoo* I r«i4(>li»'i^l >t IImm •iljournwl ymtrl.iv, Inn* *n*! <>«■«• lk-muff.il ami W alrt t'urr Juartul. >|itiml union, whn h it h tn hum of Carotin r* of |> hy |«i»ihl«> Sooth Carolina, Mis- the S'tiate, Wo h<»rd hi* »nl' rinj t.ie »iit* tlm lull on l*wf ■ i« t r»- gr-it *|r |»»rt*. of I'ntn- tn t»* >n souri, llarri* ol in an > tl h ind ■411*1 rnartnl. MiMinn If, llMTvJvfv, * f»r >«i»i chiiii*- Ptirni MtHl I* Milr in ulimrf, in all it or Mack will ttrike Maryland, l.an-ly during the l.i*t araaiou, when Ihiii in hi* rrent m<«- p>>rk ili>4n, Kr|>ul'lkaat*iii rally e»pre*«rd hy Mr M irri» n f n, fr rn t' »'<«.• 4li-r l.V IV air tlw la irrrnr !>■ • m K.irtnir • lb* (' Hoiiiuii «■ <•( K |v> (Mini nitwripl»iM Matt of New York, and lJeilly r tlound 1 sylvnnia, iiicount< ho l»* > m you down." triuuiphaulljr |),nigl.i« mff, th it Kan«u« admitted •• fii K I hi' 111 rt< f a II iMmmlrunl Kiwi■ m't Maj'imr. !W xlitilmiml la *n- may »pr«|ily (.'mninitf i»s r-| Vmr I *'*4. r>Mil.| of '• Pennsylvania. and liotue half doton of tho iuen •r.it«« «*- olkri r»kwia. "htrkfit d >wn. or it will »trtk<* down *trjiig>*t into tiie I nion ainl the whol* tirr»oia*, rnlitlxl An art t*> thr Tru*> into 4 j«ff'hSu-** i*> n»»ht» audi rlw»i>|» | inrurp t*»« menn» t«ii» .il tho M.iinr I iii\<'r%«li«'. r It would w *•<»«#* Conquering extraordinary in the ami thua MiMi'Kiarjr %».•.!• In lli*( f>tlartj opf-»itiou. profit!*** du|(«nwa controversy [nrljr," ate th> cor- 4iin, to .• ► h Jiv t«n»t iilm* n- I, ^'•lutur* llruth<*r but il there i* by Iii tli- | r<»' 'it CimgrrM, Senator i« ahaml and endorsed SkkIjKmil a**ign«i. in a Dark Corner. tfrwiinuw, Pike, terminated, fully tho ► Light Springing Up Tlir llniian thru tiMik lnIffMOi *>«• it ma«, it ita tr»l «•! »H, »«iS> and the member* of hi* n up fltiVj, to l« will rupt Iwilly |«rty J«*n !ia» ti w Uurcl*. Iii trout it riot • ■ r u t ant left hit, g.»mr.| in the lan>l. nf t• it ai l 11 inir. » 1 '>Ij k Jnp of limf ihr thing I/tvtii(>ti)n hy ctrry j< »-«t *i*. rtii' relating ii^ inii l • lultuf Ihf Main*, of the n pr-vpl*. into the frtud, witn tint fin»a»t«lrinnii.tli'W. Mr llurk uiotnl Ih.-i «lll »r Mii*fi<*i' ni.-nt. ill »••*■»• l f th«- Ni ■braak* ha*!- Uvmur again Uaeignifl- j i-»£- liill, wiiii a ther<*ult All honor li« ni wil.i'l » t.i tliw tin? an*l tlir ii«*i--»»*r* •• glortoua victory. J> fl". lUiii, junrt) u|> rant that all of the ohl pt'-vii»u» i|ur«liont Ifvir I' letituti •». ami »l-finll »» auWrtifnl lo tli* »U*.< We are to it l»«uw ita fart, aUi, nearly p.»w- nf|-«nl proho- men iini| tlm Tlm mil. tnthw in the ll<>u*e, inemh.T* of the it tlelianl tune ami umii* motion. iju«»t»r in,; ffit-i in th* |>ipil«r Me r>»ult will I* /«• throw lh* gorrrnmmt litf. anal in hold, anil reliahU organ* of th* with ino«t ft,—I! Inn1 r>ill<-J ann*erratite in.un «'i u.'-tthii • d-fl t audi tell tiltl «t I l»T» *»TT •• ii.dependent journal*, that th«i I ii il tri'Hiiitl, tiwti «»if* *n-*» fllint, l>rthed ami n t«-d to do nn art which ajfrwl ipie»ti<>n i« K .rrnj waa » rich M-vn*. A of tho >tf '/■ ••• 'ii come|wRtl«ot end the recommendation of th* l* 'Iim' tut'' »i.xh| |h t K > 'i« •* tirivii «f ll 1 «riiuli «l iiiii ! Imbtvd wliet .rr ant of th.ir nuui'~ r fully pui. That W the nail on lh« head e«. would their constituent*, «t uta in the il »« 41 hitting outrage di»grace New York I' IU' aa the lim it f^t method of Mr Ji1 A■<«•<•« tk>Tf»rt ■ Ktrninj; ami '»tt'i*( J.jru.tt h r»e, lout, and *>n. Tliia !• rcTiilntn n the Hut we would tlir II in* v ■«t r I u > «ll not -le Mn£ grant**!, .',niiiv l*fi», draj; upon countrr jfi'trnt hlark !>• «• m»liat«lr moved a r«-i n»iii. Ilo > St it.'*!* t Ihi >n would. '• it the aif tin* Suit', publican political capital." s mojv« i n .1 t.r.»M-le" hut certain, Hut our not here. We would mike honorable from .wilinj* gitllerie* tilj atop •aul In* r i">n wiia tli.it Im- uwl. I a»•> ' «* on rn >rv 4 Ii? I » f--i.m in giT< disciplined wIxa •umbkaj tlin «• !»• I ir tlm i«i»r '^uif—I uk^ti t»..r iih Iri-'i-l 1'ikf uf llw> Maine, up aij»- dnrar th« of the I*n«ldent » " 1 i|imm] hretl rrti a »>1 swart levture. I.istm to in the th~t »t<* I I/vooipton policy tin* ct, anwn Uii* ai doe* the ► •»* \f J uj«*i I, c«»«i.|'t ;il!• >m• riok Wr •• what he tun t hate kn ittn WU* nut Augu*ta Age m mi• 0 ikoMMl •«<*»•«• of t/f >n i« the death drove the from their iim|ualifiii ily. "Die pi|)t reeled charg-a, enemy Tin* llnuart nn 1 aft-r *.im r • • :t m K him and who That rv,^.n»l'll'^>|t n th-^< r>- n S- |m r •. it Hi ln. r.«| ut •£ uf llru. I'lk— kr 1 nl tt" N .ti n.il tK'iii «ra»v II ton true, ami held MkM mpportej twaddling donty-canty I'rcaa pay* and the of ro« the hill wo* Ui l »u tbo ( 'i mi; t .'in iit» 1 4 i»>'i«nt-iti .nil " p»«*ta, planted rnsl^n victory th< r< ail the Mi*>uri t 'luurmii*! Jia^uxiia, ugun H^(H • r> t' »t iJ"»« I't j('t iJi* m di'i wnl luit »t ind the «) r« all-T w« halt* •iitlnr«*«i a •••riea u|»>n r*in|>art* |.re-e|)| If h'» i*r#,' «> i i. it unit I »v, l»ut n. i)jiiiv, »|»i|i»ih|e Im> in tho Ilou*e. In that F S, 12. i>iitin »1 if 11»«* mi».ritv of auMaineil the dik'lrini that alat-ft *lioula| deb-ntcd event, c | [ir«i|.i,i, «>( w-ir« ..t deft.«t to «*t.,l'! *h it. the N< rrlt- done their whole und long Fridaj, «— They duty, Sr\ nr. r* tlio il mim dU •!••••»* •• •'I'Witti'i* i"'f »r»- »t. M .'•tV if Ilia lu U* £r*l fcetrer h* a itil. The the I»i aa wi ll aa the i* I'.ip from th p U, *\* I |4ltV. mi rwno »t, should Hot, and *rtil a?un inocracy country, llemncraejr will the country rvtneiiil*r iheir courage, «! ol in r inctjrr'nr-'. .- 1 uu J>-r It r—nt 1 •i»«tit*i- >111 nt *«• aixl h^ia-al, aital [*»» 1 I j Lrr« l*i J*. ho » •/. >tand Ton. The* iimI' their final argou eim|>4«l •life, and may look lor war J to a gloriou* hy firtnncM and detutim to the Imt intere*ta a Hind iwl auifH"/. I til I |i >n waa <]• lit ra a| with the rharaa-tmctia? forur incorporate •• •taiul on tl.nl Mitii will not lw it ,;r at,j lia** ■•»»» liiJ.ij, | ruin|>|i', future. Our belief i«, however, that will Truth* * M »im> I in*' r«uli«t Mi IS* it -r »S jj. nf the I'lll'Ti. We had lear»d, tint all nu an J tii. ail tlii' ifnMtiir, The aleta!-- iat Muvuntrjf H.in-1, i.iH CmyiliM • iir driii n.uur inch tn-- r^> it mi iK«" ii >t tn m tl.«< J, lii|thldiiil, !>.• the revuro ami I>ill mMitinml to nrvwrre tli > lur- tn. un I tw en hi in an l-»*t, Friday inspir* t » t' 'tu- rule wl i_v rnv, ilrgU. Tlnjr wa« b«»r «»l Portlaml; additional 77 ( l-t III Uir,n|>fi ■ an*t the of chapter .Jl*».1 K -Jp «l. an ! o*rrw defi »houlJ « •pintail, einting by |*owcr. It.!** ir«* in*—ih»t'-uil "I t'ie Tul» nf t'l1* ml- jjr. Itelmirgljr at-vl, strong that the I ton fraud will appliance* ol th* t'i tin' Sii- I « 11 r* in 1 >t ili-. » " h"|.. .romp tthiarh hn* •■'•um-al thu •a-«i .n. Mr. I>a*ia Kniml Sutut'*, r-latinj; •llf 11 |i- tf» v atti t to IwTond it In thi« latter nent, the ahouM ii iri»\, I t imu'1. ml m| g« we il>-roomcy t • n ut •! «trur- io- 1 >r it In t « hic'i fhtrMi", lie beaten. Hut have (till frura oil the h«> k fair Court. Kill tfio t'i *t w 4 hi** Jiii* li> Uatirj-v Anally I atti-l tha" I'rrvlJa'iil hating prrtao pr !• ||. An*14ltl«il *'« I * •«»«•* ilclltx rite ami take *uch action aa in >ii ll in ''Hi (i again*! tlie N w wo cannot aliu >«t we ran *a> n together, tion of li*h Ja<-L> I' i (• ml. <1) • iii win nn I *M-1I t' f4ncy that the email thi*n»eusur«* ahioe hia well, anal tha attaiupt- 1 ■ majority ugain*t hialaling »j>-rity, r I t M »t at Wii» r i-l uii .m l <>11 in ill >n ol j J J a'a t a the alter Wild the cri»i« demand. If'our aervanta Concord. •, 911 n.-m. •^tr^iMwIjl hri»r leur'' »'arl in (tan's eve, wh<-n will i«c broken down executive inllucncr I Ma'k whip Ka-aaaa^lidrn, may J. ( iuviniMli hy Mr. tl. • ruli-* wrr- n I I i< ra*^ in terma. Mr. F.^n. to l'4rlaton, »>»•; Jf I* fif lH*«4k* »f I |Ulf>Nin he tbo ■lajte. IN lell* the»«i hard nte.| it proper Washington pruvt recreant democratic I t n> >n In » un» t • I In* uf a j"nneil and executive >n, we will .iii-l tl>« lull r-il 4 •..•■ml tiui" ati'l I w r >r •' it • • |m-«i|i> corrupti yet ho|w ilen'a waa it m< <1 awarful i»ra>I |. |- |>»- i-it* I -I. g •• " »|<*«h p thodenocratio iUelf should Itnlurr to 'fin »n I limrlril iiijj't itri»T« w litic cixlurul a f. r the I- »t. One i* tin' Ad* principle*, jurty lu l« » -III. "I it V I r*^*t r*guUi« thing certain, eO'irt, haatii in •'ittMoiiteriii); MiaUirt, Mi^rvMil. ln>4 m< uut''* to vimlii-ato it* ati I ir mi •tn* M>«iiiiiliuii« "I i*** >r • hi ih>w lake lt<«ul\o in rvUti n lo tins iliv ■ ■ Iti J (in* lu v a a»a of re. integrity lliii^r If -ii 11 C hkIiI'i'i ti- yv+n uiini*trat:on ha* received a Aari/ Uuic in the ral of Mhaaiu intiniatril p'irp «N|tjit»l>U it tint-' nt (lit* l -riiMii ii tif llivtr it* ila own determined tritiuti >n of a >n >f th« l.it.-U it*- -i 1 rv) "i ■» .»or i when the a-aauim till I*1. hy puM.i' ll r* ifl« t' »lli* t'i-* lll»t "I 11 if j rran l.-«*-uii|.t down lliHiae. I In <1 iu ii in fit!* the defcitt uf hi* til} llag Ipieatlolt ,ajj uphold principle* forti >-iii*Ulut iiwti'j l of ("«iu- of Ihi* I'nitrd Stair*, waa rra 1 twi .• :iti I » -n i» i.iii, niitfH>riiin£ " the S*nate." will an I oooraa OMiVr, t* nii^'it. ih«y clnm, w wi/Zn. /tUii I I Our lore imaiatlbU powar, Noother I 4 n run- jrou" any i#jrr, there k< lie fur* In* nieaa- to In; *«<■«!. 11 to n** «*>»n«tituli' thetn by I arty j-1 (iif »ti * lr u I'.-* t'••■•tit.jti.n gTt j eii'.l, m an* to think that hi* attempts to light Ini^thj kliuWIi In !»• the ahh^t Southern S-nat .r in that No oilier <■ iur»" i» left to if di- on (In* n(!ii*r» of tlut in*(itu(iou wludi t 111 t'n« «-t will U* trrrniKllablT u| I a gia, them, they ('■it .;iUliiq u|> ^rand resolution. It has got the rral the torch uf civil war, ami act lu motion a > *4< 1^' rintoil. -w 11 1 11 .f» 1jrm t .411 il •• le-ltr, nnJ u*e.| him A .f. not wiill to !«• *w allowed III ark !»•«• | Tmi I lira. I'ik* >u tmr* h»-»-n m «t mi'jii in it. stick to there nmipletelr up. up l>y 4Uri«m£ Wrll, y J grit Only it, train vf event* that will overthrow tin- gut. Mr. Iwitcl II, Iru'n tho •'■inn tt. on h l« IT Ik-' .f' !•« J M 1 of the X' W V.irk Tun<» »it* >>l •ucc«w* of ui|>t n egr*,ji iu*Jr ilclwlxj," all ta tl'i* of tha thirg |Tut our Hrothcr eminent Uil. • 111 cal event* re*pon<|enl puhliranoin. IVuoion*, r> |« >ri.'o«ly tin' Ih Km*l» N ■••r4»'%4 4«-t M.lli.ii f> jour jurtr nii'p furihrr. actually uCaMich one /.u-t all rontrurcray, to |M>(i(iuii njiBiiii Uyond I 'nd<-n'« in Hie S-n:it- «vrrr> at an art nit aa* k'i*.« t 1 !n il 111 tu IK- 4n r. in thttim witli the i«! tint he would carrr " •'Mr sp-Mi of /< if n/y vflkt jmi.mii. AorepUU. | 4^it.«u nltilwn." lie that J am c* ISiichaiiiiii haa the julnr 'ft MJI: wit, sounded * i* unii> runr IH In Mr. from (' uiiiiilt■••• n in t* ^r> •«. > ii f<4-l 1 ri irrlbtn ln- •' today, r«tlljr li i»' wi n ratu ir< ■/. Tho M a l»ur« WiK«|l»urv, nty out in c »>>»i faith the il -Mnrv of •• thin^ |*ipultr tS« ••Trnt of th»* uf the Lf- lowest of that In* » iv* >!*•• in l.u >r »l .lo- ii. ri t In degra- ino*t argument, although Mr. Ckign, r»'|»»rti'l J-4T* I ih-1-miitn ! in^« r t depth* dtpravity, jxiw-rful I that doctrine—it ia a a.*e». It* ami tS« i*i «In- in we Ikt«- no ln-»ita- think* lie can e«>iitro».-rt anl orcr- -pio ujmu public Jr., and M.*i I.. ■* m 111* it uri i^nlfIlith •rh'-ini*. c'lall d-itiuii h.t* found a Iwlow which lie 0*M« Apylm, I I 11. T l il»-ii •ui'wrai-v ol Mate •« n of and will Im .hJ .mil tu.il con- and a.» the coun. Il'ii ik. PmvJ /i» U fnjfnft /. An act I11I ? I ii.l • ili* tin >tkt*i. 5'i'HiI I t » if*, at tin* X >rth. \N (<>l<| worthy *l'~,l, hy th« party, regarded by im! ii«' n^nrr turn hi* tn uini'tul » rti a 'i •>! t »IU- « » » 1 t r»tal inj; I'arty, test on hi* hand* th.it Milt all ran 1*, chapter >ti»t«i•. 4^ ■ »tri i^»l inn piulh'tm, hating |«ipultf acknowledged j«iw. /ale that An in ./-ri«- w •.. t't •. Wi* wnrtixii v hi n nyt, rjapl < mruitt on »o»i r- ijnlj for i*a nati im! |ilank—and It la aometimc* Mi l that »uto**fol i*aue. Mr. Kiwinlm achieved .Mr. Il4nk«, trorn Co dfOKNtMjMirr ion N nflrthern deiti -ratic v >i l«* «i nut ti.tr h' 1 tin* (U-lii » In a •' rii't a^'ooiiiatiiliiT, w hi |Jm Mill ont Mr .i< i« the IliiM I >r i. K«-.i I on-! a»- .m I. t ■— uf'rralinjf fan* and tell tbriu that L- \ ll1 * J .1 m I'. r' n ui il«4T«t'tinitri| Ikxljr. •• .i. ami Petition u«luiioi«tratioii wr ihi furtlicr rnniiy, |s»rty, N\-t>r»*k» hill eonUined t," •• f trty enabling aort of I'cfvri pn«'«/■(/ tlfifftj. —• » it h » it ni(i| uflnl,fl- t' iu in« or joiliry of tl nl inimiiii*tr4- that now rlaiui* that time h<>n-thrr«, f>r making W»l- pctrtr | riin-ij llui what o»n Im* »iivi of ilniiKttrjr to-day? ntrarjr in>|uir>-t tin- town of Lincoln t • I P W"«;ia*— In* » 11 • tlw- ill nay where, t!i«-n. g •1'the fhiiv uitj, J P « I- that I it-j. th<-y What •• it? What ur» in fundamental |»~ip|.> ti »taiwi." fruui" 11 C'on*tituti>n and Slate ; of Am * M. I. l«h :ili n fi -t wl. -•'..-r 1 r r "» |'li«!*i«l piw>-rto too Late- if,, ;S>* .Mil' a t'i-V iifl ilern >c- •• Rcpcntance Tlie latrat definition ol tiovernmcnt? Mr. ToomU from Mini"; of Amhr>»e l>m» nn I utlx-r* of i are word*. ik«i with #11 principle*? replied, it I t it wmi!d lie hut !» I m Mr. Tin' York Commercial Advertiser U t r4< jr comm fr.tu the Washington m, the Territorial !<«•£•» lature." |Ywa»n- New uvhin^ton, fotMl; || IIqIIm Kit lwf» the* tirinne»« «>f u «h« i« willing to ii t in t '-ir liaii'l* tu all Tour den then where the to aisistanco in utit logins lament iU helping | Iv <>II mi li up power, organic Iluchanan to tho jtiiHlt' minutration, and what !■ it? noth- to rui«i Itijunr in Why Thi* the frm Presidency l>y Mr. .f ilin*'n ralleJ up P'' ft." •« r t r, Ri ti it t' »• \» r mm-Iuile, our g hkI Itrothf r we ijlfncel p-nth-maii (ieorgia, in.«- •*«l lu i-tl tS.it vuii ill'. h >t kimw all tlii*? (for alway« wire n»r !<•** tlian tlmt Fillruore. Tho it il« «>f <■ n. * 1 • I ■' in)* thi*, deuioeraey * ho no auwer; and Mr F. t<>|- ■an|-|Mirtt?ij» following relation tn t11' II 1[-«1 ln-l ri I .1 ft r 1.4 hate lik*J 1*411 in aunahine anil in etonn.) attempted A^am. ili In't vuii know tli it rirrx mm thorn with tho moet consummate lowed hi* Mr. sorrowful : after «iine iIim.'umi'Ai » motion | r»*%to «.u li tj r n-•* >il lim* im-i V4* uf I!m ullilt in aynonymou* up advuntago hy inking Unhung'! • wo that h«« «/ci ft :-i will iruax u*. if to hi* own con» " .- n-rat au£.;**t Toomh* whether, no i* tii| it t |-t<( w1 < n • >n- ii thr>igli th* whole !'ri-«tdi-iiti.il and no man run bo a ib-uiocrat according Wu havo licaitalion In affirming indefinitely i*»lpoiM». i«|kirUMi r**-4lity, tli" ill r- 11, Ji>n*l t>«< k iJ iwii, stand t.>r the right if c*»*i>n, thi< 'lat Mr. Mr. yy< "J10»" enllvl up litiii^ ir.»»'- I wirfi tK ■■*il««' ii-S uiua if «-«irilj c-irnj ii^ii il' ii'iumxil W|u alter »i*»ri ijjntT a who i* not a knave nn.u tU-T-»n .l g! lli« the IImwis fall," an, Y al settler, inouth-|y»Ctf they |nr «ui*h w.ti tint |»ct. It »ii a |-«ition your country who will not the \a «>n the Mine mcimIi^I. 1. I't »• •!!«• I t!i« u Nurtfirrn d»m >• itrp k Mr. fuotnS* H'lin the battle, turning '»• n to tin1 Fell, lit «<•* r in |-r j-.rlmi ti jl« j-l cannot, in the nature of thing*, a demo* up rot lini" electa] I'rwidwifjl) Stturliv, hii where can in hi* hut no •n« !• t IS* ' th- II l. Il« wita i-l.vi^l t*>.-iiiii»' In* Kind and oil tuition of inhi'ii'jnt* f K nt> >« *N Ir.itu tin* ivrr.iv the tietort liivn nitely | >«i|«», tlnnk how help glorious ami to the inordinate de- »u| ri-.r, u* a or nation- u«l on K r «ni«J ih CMJ. regardsd *>r»' T )U. which will perch and we much douht if ho ha* un in under rrln'iii to tin- of inti-n- Um fop t'ii« •'ti nma, rrjeetton uf Um they foaling Iljf u»ing thU «jv- mand* of the slave oligarchy, all the way equal al man, whilo hi* opponent labored IIIII (>ulili«!iiii>'iit I*..i "ti'uit will r«- *.* .> m und h« i* a» ranked hi* the of •fc'tional tiuh» of in KM r- iii unc*, irnl «a much i r*k*«i'- cio'i* argument, thnt the |*-o|>le o! tlio T*r- Firkin The houao until he it culled to nwallow the Senate, by |-er* disadvantage reputation. irn-iK", ItiCKmu*. dwelling along upon u f.-lt t*;i» uf 1out>vn >.f " Il ir>// V ich'lS'f tK' motion ol Mr. \t Ij bj |>*i|>l« ritoriea »*r» to l»e l<*ft fre»" to ho won't down in that Hi* nre lis- Kitij*, Tuesday aligned. |wrf*ctlj of It v. Thoiu'w of ]tuck(i«'l«l and yet if gulch Iwdy. spoechea alway* uouht har* m t^liona/ t Um Mi wh«?rton, rafnanJiitlt frortii Pa**d I0 U Il<— >1« 0 in favor •Uvrrjr iu»k- their own tened to with not the tnfroiK-J. fundamental Uwt, and an he ia denounced and attention, only by nomtnt' hat it r Ui<« i.«titution <>f th« l'mtr.1 >:«(«• t i£"t!ii-r with tbe stable, I other out thin hiJriua monster, ai I fit ncctuful Ihinttrralir ot Pane, Jr., ami Mow* I,. " " the One A( pl< ti I* tth A^nn, Kin»»« to you was dittrotred fir?, on thrown overboard renegade." Kcpuhlican*, by Opposition. prortd. ton ; lull to iht frn*t< I tli* liuilJmj^a, entirely lijr )»ini»«-ll to the rporat* HI >'l Mill W»t>>|V I >W* in !'• N»*w i* accret of hi* iucce#* n* an off hand de- /»»*; anil thu* landing p^kC^UIll enough nn*jlTaiui, Jcr*»j, FriJ.iT a week Tli« fur- no a dtmocrat. but unworthy great l>y Main* t'nivtrwlui Miraionary Swklf; |L« *!i "•« .\!r*uae, longer |>olitical family. men. Mr. Iluchanan i* «*npr | •' lie undoubtedly, Portland. And n w a« the in »• llarria of Illinois, thoroughly understand* hi* euhjecU, !»•« .>!' Ml) •• Another ol<-m*-nt of at the next Presidential election." |it< J> «»| wit'l i*4*'l r. I rfcj. one, »u«t.iinn the in advancn. nominee hy fraud, uturpatton, •red. It ia to hate taken from to go with their forty Lecompton tiling utce, to ofTneea ngur.at *Ur.u 1 t Vtf) >f t r »»Vtv supposed relating puhlio t>itri |lt« «• and which Mr. Fe««enden l>T (•'d'-rnl I wrr, the ot the n* a of rene- ■trength power, lull to Incr'*#-1 tin* of tho of,. I again*! jmwtf ashra deposited at on? end of the fl mr. Tha Swindle corporal'* guard justice; wilary i* and boo- SrKtin PttTITI'TtON. It of Dim n>t riwllv the entertain- a of the the sincerity >VlDi Appears Hecordt-r «d Court Portland; «!iuitt tl'« b*» wai teen Irotn this lace. No insur- and with stroke j-n pl hxii dw you ln«ited; yo« ance. thrui out of the Aud the hole eety pitv-ntaevery aubjaet, a*iij eaata J*arty. the (')ndition of the Poor," In of tho Maine Stato «' *]■!»• *n l t "ii ct'TT I to eat *• which he It carriee with it n Improving Seminar}*. nt, git thU kind of or State* arc now uj»»n *p<-ak«. that ia at the g'uh" go in the Free arraigned, N. V. there prolmWy, pre*- in faror of «• iJ W !■>•' htill.it jurty tn Finttl/y p*iuJ. Il<*oWe Poul Sj We rta'iied two coiuiuunittilioot intend- und told conviction I hut i* hard bo resisted. It ent tiro", a mure and absolute .1 hungry. antl their behavior, pn-iali-ut Sock i* and H-in »nit; hill to i> .• in tf. In »»«' r-«ii .1 •' «|l |>ut upon j;**! te?wy change £ fl I'V the writers lor Ihi4 iiuiuIm r of lh« tho attention and then convinces state of ihtlitution in that than «m B it fri-ml P.k" d >u*l her*. Ju»t " or out commands of tin* » It >tn| | » l'.«lr.»«» I • (r .11. at'ip iuu*t too the lino," l»o turned city the limo Term ot tlio ►'(« they ever known. than holding May 1 to a to the Morn lo.tHHl «4 I I I »r what he to the* r vo- ltanucr.it, donation »iait uf the hearer. persons Court in l.in<"iln was K )»*• l|l< .J Ill a»y« Le<-oui|>ton relating of the old ark now under the tiic judgment Supri'tui: County, nominally linio l»vn added to tho lilt upon .>1 ik I" .1 t v k\ ll « cals : Kct. Mr. Scwall, of South I'arii. The ono Another Mr. Fcaeenden de|>endent read uqiv. Mr. the tii*J |il command of Jamie Huchan&n. They thing, »!waya the Association tho last three week*, Chapmen cxflaind ■* during |!ir| UM ( irin'l rt-lllllt "I Uli we Capt. cicne- of the an I on hi* motion tluf» inf>" "« wai in before the other •' even in a wbirlwin 1 of ncrcwity change, "Th» >if I.» impton, et<-rr hod\ puhlUh j>ut t)pe to or die." If cool, so that the number exceed* 37,000! I m.iii«t4in tJh* «• «»i tin* have all got either dig pit Le.-|» present tli® rnlc« wens tli<* l>ill a \V,U n*(i'iir• mu«t t« the deiith ami impended, read «n<, httriul of Wiia received ; a>» the Utter i* lucnt. Thi* him innnenao power and Advertiser. r «l .« ■ ^'.l It wti I-r lb# cuiiimimI ul i* when and excited. Th»» Itvik for March, had Root upon that dor trim—it a a'Mnd >n- The of the to!J hi* leader*, that tho people angry IaiIj'i juit May. u** .-warT. poMir Washington com*|>ondent diately tiy Uni. II~>r•• * Ailing uj-m lliw in-nt ol and will Iw *o to thi* further. Sena- been received. It is That the Committee 011 Stat" it; treated th< to their time purauo subject lw»autifulljr illu^trat*^l ; OrJrrtti, •*»*n n hy Kvi l'o»t umler ilato of : have no think, tbal maatcraj r»*ii» ml •tiim'nNI. 1 ht*i' •!i,»*>l ii< and *i ning says Monday right Pri»on be to examine j »r«e, regnrd#** hy the oimtrr. No tor i* an honor to tlie Stato ho in und contain* a number of widl written arti- directed and n*port <1 with -lit. n •• ulone have thi* Fe*»endcn ■n.iir fjt* t, n.t-ri«-rv l!i« riji unii miiUiii* L iter* Ir nt Kan*ts, received ihia down South, prerogative, tho with »m. «lw l/nimptnn,eiin Ukntluti With upon a-fount* of tho Stat* Cim'i. hi ur-Jr/ t<» k» J.i*n t'l rvVlli •»! " laborer* ot t>art so and faithfully represent*. cle*. besides Mr. Got excel* all p I .11» ujiun hi» iip«, «s«.v| t in deriaiuii ol morning, state that the iotealigation bj I ho that tlie gr« a*y, moon-*truck ably recipes. ley Il nii tt, late Wanl-n of tin* State w' h' ii iiit <»» lj"|., in Kmn' ili 'lt**! \'-ry u * two *uch men a* William I'. Feaeendcn and other in for the n »cee. a No northern »l-tu..iT»ii> K tiiM* ihowed that thera wero the North" have to liatcn to tho word publishers catering Priaoii; 11U0 to whether aettle- ,f>* K » -'iv ]l*. legislature only r**|v»rt s-frrniifUt. | |>f m r »f ik -r dar-> 10 •k |h>* in the Hannibal Hamlin in the U. 8. Senate from (itiea and tastes of tho ladies. The Iwok mcnt I1.11 been made between Mid I* nii> tt it i« Vli tw] tj,^t there will " p»ipl« totem in ths Oiford dia. of command and then tJwiUnl. !»«•• 41 hI i«i| tin in 'h«t i« the only thirty-two obey. frui the l/t"Mii|rnl from tho and the State mnce hi* P moral Im y *"tun tUrnj |.ir tr " trict, front which hundred totea If of our democratic frienda hegin Maine, nothing patrunago fair, longer ■orl ol pipuUr »»*' rvi^nty" promised eighteen any in tho |H.Vi and lv"»*, an I ha%»» »• .1 'n »>• »• and Their dearest and he«t inter-*!* will and it i> of it. termdilp year» I p^rf»rm my ijutj IIk®.*' were returned. The Kickapoo return waa now to talk about squatter *overelgntr, alwayi worthy that the Committee ho authoring to »ood -it tut -ii u'i uf with a <|'n*ti |i-r*iW]i»-ii» iu_\ u« tin to \m looked alter and gainsaid vigi- r». ia<|* • v True word of it. ■-ert&tsi tlu! an 4 j ; ail* the of the le lorm and regulate lor and '•»! in I 'itt n'ff. BihW, (ifrj 1/ hjr juilgoa somebody right p-Mj |ier*ona p'«|« and un that A art to awi'iid I. in too •• a j own «l loino lance that nmr •lumber* cyo Minnesota has nominated Mr. I'utuJ to k tnwttJ. An h »t*w • Urtui: l' » p |>i.t aortr- le«] lielore ILj aud returned the their nu'-atio inilitution, negro piprr through, ••j-.j>ul.ir iiguna, jrato the " an act entitled au act to V>i *» dfad aid vote aa driver or trrrile nerer Sownrd for th* incorp p riv-d ud I b»T«BU oltM-r object vutlily I cijntj" Untd," tad it will, M3. from the South, doughface ileepe. Prcaidcoej. Tnlkt II m. rv«i ic «»r Fmr »■»•«» am Imr- TVatt* II. l/r*m, Jwif •/ /Wrtr THE ran rvji'tv* wkk Stul«« hiim" lim«' in M»irh l**t. a Mtm i«f *- Tut Hi JOURNAL, Tr•( I'xfaic/. h at anly t,» r of th« In imi.fc <1 »m1 ir<| >ltj to tkr 1'own H. 11. HAY & Co. *rI Mmvfi 14, 1851; an a«*t inrrv.ii* «urilti-* atuouul u( £30,000, AM>KKWf*.<..urrfian «f r.l.VITU r. For I8f>8. STEAM SAW-MILL II hi *4iJ na I I.IVU £} tit* «I thy Kimnk'r f th« Muniri* Inortj ot a'•, luwa, Pm« & Miduii Si»., II'.VIJ H, mlr(|«fnl)-iHir "TNi- Pavoflte Irw |>kIihhI.** mUt,! Junction ol ri ii •• nf* thai ln< mif 5V>rtlan 1 an art In prrrmi Mr. M alciilt nn«« itil that Ik? .Jul not I oYl'ilk I'. M,, in imaituip r*a liiltif fur mf, | nat.l i* heir |4l bin ..I l)«lul nlanl I'mi«,U S mi- ami J. struct. '• ol iIcwktci in N'WitllY ItctiM uT Mvuniit* i.l un» amount. (<>wn it In lr ibr al llt'ir I'kh'n/l4ii Dci.y, ItV'i/y, Wrrlty, (ho UvMJ >n|>|«>ilril l>j |»"|Jc H >•< • '*f i» or 'i'l, tb rwml, I hat ilw, hi* mm) mmil, MACHINE COMPANY. it* »uiV»«. |.»r the of L'inrtl* Maine. IrmM lh» lloifm Jot'* 1V»»ur]'<*« Ififluetinrc. MU »'im<1 «lrrli.ni in Ullrli, ISM. Portland, hull Hltiiriinl, Willi vt.1 ,tmllr««,lV f y a'm ihr ul tho in.lirwtly |h« n> tion wf T»iti» «>l loH»b#f lh» i(iin n»l ili-em it On motion of Mr. Pari* of Fairfi.-M, any I'm U«i>i nr mi Co*. Wholesale Dealers in liat I"trlil, nil* »l Willi tin I'irl ,tM*ina I'ii hi, J Ml, fir 1*1*. |tr"p»imif CAPITA!., *230 000. »«!■*• «»C or r of nt t* U»t t'unj.-r«w», •rmt in In ill hjinrlniMiri II procmled to the ci4|i 'r> •^>i»l »n(UM« th«* to rttaMiih N upon any In 1 \ i: r rem r atio \ • Ilr ila-rm* ^ aiiAiriinl (ir ikr 111 lltr il. -it.I > >»r ur.i.Mi.oi.ny (;r\i nil I'. id 'li" f>r lh«- falmr. niliiul |KII|HIM> >n t«w t>» t* •ukird ur l«-for* it, toiitcta- Mcdicincs,.1 ui I'mi«, m •shI unit ••( IUIihJ, l(iill |«i.mi* a.i||ll|m{ ih»^«»r »t«i| tn ho krlurr it. lt1 • ill I* in |Ih> Imlm'f. My tin- ll«»llMM»IHii»»l»'il' llmltha wiIih,m UmI* (axx.M-J, an intinli'O »f wIikIi Km Itrrn tlnlt aJJrv««>xl the llouac at Air. M411 ton remarked «l lllr ru M»r, Ki« of «f wIujIm-c mM««l iaoi» IhhhI ilir rnlirr •».•• l-«*t- 4 Simrty • Thi» w*a an H •• I at u-ai-1 iimW* rrlnlilr, nrwpmfr. ti |..r any purpM*. tmpnr» I |rli.i*M»l |*« lirMHW mh»." StuiularJ Family Medirinct, | ruth fail*. anil lit* *aiii »|I HHywiiHi w .a h»lfl«(irf > trrinl on lit J. M. Ilwrllnti Si the bill. I'rrpaiai Hair-Dyci, a #tri 1( i% i»ii«w>t a'l I* iil*- Thia i»»»nio« ji ha* ailaiiwil Ii* l», i.ikI ini>fr'"tfal'if| |iru|«-r SI SfvpaMti.ml*l*'a, IViln nia'*, I .mill'* l pnrwtinj (4 tw uhuinnl, Uiv Huum hail hcttr* ii.irl, rnrb ami **trrallt. lllf llwlurn, llrtr liii Mil Willi ill* r*|i»»|. tu lha L»lr*l dtl, a* a fur. iH'lllirr Ulw4 n .i mint} *l»r Congrruional. ill# 4 oiHUiitlA'. An.I thr *«||| Irf'ii \n .'it »*, liuu.li.in •4MIIH4 r«i ■' ami firillliM > in il. tiff llrtll.il loll, «ita>» Burning »aii|, Iwllm rr|itr*f ul*. wuhM •rr Ik fiiriii.k nf all kinila Ill ynxnlwl 3lr Fluid, iMniil il ihr i-4flir*t Ii h«a ralir>l «T»'« prr|Miri| MMfliiiiri) M A RRIED iiitm at ul |ii« *anl n.n.l, In hat* anil In bulil hri NIK* r*lr> | Iwii rttr Un •( tin- >.nt rv«olul*onol th>> jg.titi*t act «>ii a fiiifvtinn nf iiirh iui- ill >na Iwill lki nflrrnl l<*i;i*Utur un| *ai II* u»li will), Nil i|m> n'l'j'itl MlMlf l l(r il |'.«t.t|r tn »r»rnil|«, \\ b»»r« Mlfuii ir|W» and that arti>>n «h»uM t<» <1 nf riHuiirn «r ilntiiunrr* i.i (ini f.ir il lha p<>r>tno», InjmJ Mr. J< Cnmplicnc,' l it* tii* |it4t< twit llmiiif In 4|i)k>inl »«tl iblr |»i- IV i VM»,ii«»i*'i m« On., < In Mo. Pif'iii-n, tf'ih »•»!., M»j- ! uf Ihr ill# ton *n«ittutmn. till to>uiurr/•'•« m"t f»nri.«ll* Mr. Nn«rd Mi^' tl<« 4'i«naiitta» «li'l Not •*Hi«titat"1 •-«»»i- Dye-StutTi, r.irh hi* tiirml mul in a'l llw Ilr il l.« Iranll III* rfli. ir«.| !»in. ptr*ml'*d j»iiti»n« > V I Itrllil lit", |lh IfteJ Ml. t\ li. Down |mll pill* iW MMt iml * I J mill tk if »f ifi ilia* i* ,V» rllMpnl, liliKlMallbi and Medicinal and Mcclun- lair nbrirul ihr *anl Until ai a ilinl arifr.l ikm aay f*ft -f IV tier an.J otl.^r cl-rgrunn. *'at »«• a l.«T thr I luu*> t. I.njuor>, ((or Alulrv Iirt hi tuili.iHi in,; mw Iiiimi in lli- wuaUl A Uif* Met*. i|U<«liuii in Muu ^ai.»h I'. limit* 41 ni liiw ha* il* riirtila* wti r»r- 411 I a* I rfiliW—Mil Ur^>- rumVr «T N** V rk luint*, j to p nl »av l»i mt «1 In It hat rhirtfrt til a lmuiial»ali..n ant) lu til*- i|n.P> mtImmm iIn* ami tint •»,S«H>l-in»«iir» aj'j Mr I. •«•>{ th<* wtlntw h.xl nn- Irmil i-ixtnlry, Can-win, TmIm, ii>i{ r*|wiT»- • iv n I- ii I h • I'hr n|ii wtm intrmt litlh* SURGICAL AND DF.NTAL rhtt|i.' Ihr ilrlM* ai[4in*l Ir«ltlr, H Mtih .t•»*■»iri mi I nk*rrlrr lfc*lf MrriU hafo far tbo in»tTu.i.n (•!•»< I It hf fprrKr»| it W4» nu DIED. id'ill itf 411.1 nin|i*lMl mrn in all i ,i.v i |il'l *f ail h» lumber ••>!* artifNl iin IT- ^iu*! rf« tt. ANDREWtfJlMb* llir am' I* lh» lkr> l»in| .|»inl Mr I' i>cU« IhHiMf fir hun t>i t«-ll *»h.»t I*1
  • t with IVt*. lh<* iV|i.iilmmi« nt r««aMiahmrNl( l'aria, Janatrt IWtb, g hi.'ml,i itifpr* in all Htb»r mill*. • off rr»l in hh 9 in hi ni'( 4 pnlfi'iirf fort* t tak* H>* r<»»luli'»n» (T t.» tlw» iiwmI lilirrwl uNlUv of lit* I'na u|» #V>. |!1 —Tl i-liit) aatrn«liti«*n|» |™fc 'i!^ J *t» * h, Mr* Dit ilwili, *i.|. Inlrrumcnts, Tlir Ikr fr,< fi"' I'jri*, mi In nvikr |Im> I I'llli* jii( lrll*r riprnm f** int-miati •« rrl«. iiiiji- I ml lira* fi ill •purtn *, Tbur»Nv |a*t. «nl!ing Mn.!.• •«.» l>ill ulib>v«i<>ii Kai*i«. <><• ••( ljl>- M l'*rt», f»2 Fine Chem- Otruill', »».—»Al a I®*14*ai* ('..Hrl li*fnn anil •mi turtle lllf IJ»rr»«i», i|nl Gold an.l Silver Foil, Teeth, miw Ikr fowid iifilmw «hn arr mlii( iWt'.MiliiMtiiiii Hill*i t S*' ri.r n if J. nmil * 11II «!•*» *»iih< lh» HH|( Mta I will etmtain a u r«v- Riming tlx* all hnh'.iii 4l I'll'*, Wilhiaaii'l fir lb* runnlt ]>nnia irab, R nt*, Ac. Ac.; Including *( .\iw \a-l with iki* r.mmin k (if nil: I ba»* Ifird ! :. .?i l'i>n*tiUiti »tl. t*\ Otluril, .in ibt l!»ih il*t nl A.IK IW: f,,^,r Mr*«r*. I1 j "I tli'' Ii' ut tint Mali1 to cl -inji' January, jilrnlwn uf tu- m m* rijjbt J*"J f.ir artklci I aiiinHiik'nnriit hi* inilri Ihr lb* MN-will n| IIM an1 tlmt tl»»* III' I.I riT.1l* l»r»ll»i| wanted by DntniAi* Pl»y»iciani,1 On Ihr lull I'linf |»liiMHt, li.irml, that Ih* a.ml |>uirb4a».l la) ri l^rxiii'iil >n at anr a 41I tlmr I'.HiMiiuli tiu-e tl.rv »••«.In aaitfh f.irui* wall a t innr* than lartti m» p!ru«j. in Hi. |' .•! INt", I'aim, VI I I |0, ami Merchant*. All'\ A it'll* w a, I illila I ii II, M|li ul \\ ili.iai | i|4T |t»1 H|»cli- lunl i»rr.wl f««r Km eun»i«| rab.m of j 1 •lalrairul ibr kour rlauaii i« iut«nJ.-J |.> ni«rt II*»T » Country I ihn iif 11. Ml*. 4 n • II ii( ». 1'lti* '» ,Nrw lin-liii'l f.illmaiof I «ilh I |>ru|«*'il I'riMMM I II nf lk» I 4I I1J, ill I ir ii|, S. In in.• lull, atlfr i'l I'lB'lklin \\ I itll. plracd |«vrf'iim«m tat K th* bu»i- a lb* »|» i>fxJrr ing tlif i' »i-ti'« that <>t II. II. Hay, D. L. Mitciuu. tri h 1 | ir 1U vrra! IllMMM ul Th" J'«iriial: ••I li iin • * nail >(ir.nn lti*l alTifilni emialanl nu«|«|[MMi protiMen |/. U'ltll.t I liunlull, wil<* of l\ injuna I'hurt hill, an.l lip ir m m Hrr a* 4* i.l *hi> b Thar«l«f, tN«> ii which I l.i n| n ill It'll III lb* Irnrt ul *41 I nhmit Ihirb till'* Lvmipt. l'ot«titulNin, pro- Mi JHimii. *Si», I* XV. utu R4i. lout i ron \mlf*»*,U< |trn na.l wn* TWti. lliiaton J«wm»la— M nmnj h la b iwirr aiilfcr l«i lb' l»«l- Mr. F«*v 'il ii, *b4 i'h* tiill will tin* Niuto l ^iMufcl.Kf. •■HiriSJ. TTKUS, 1 > .*» in ml }«•« by 'hM»,Mia. Ml. iH'- I II al i»»«*a lit ih* iil* 14*1 i'i h< li U{ Wit tlaliraa, u^l "I Kur 10. It k* • rli Hi, i 'kn II. II- I The m »t m I 1 ll'»l< "f In a, |li* ail I orUinlt. pHfmUr *(l |Ih* (ililf IK' ».a. .. |l la li»i- lm «» fe.fr i.ll»*h ne«-.f. >B ni.»_*rity •til* ul \\ uli tat I filmnt I n-ll, ttilr of lfla(i l|lll Mum it II I t j- it I'll m Biail*. |IW< I'll II. f. Ml*. I. A. an «►»•« IIM'I (rttl In anil Slim. hU, III 4 tutf lull Mill l*i •« k>rn, J 2 PM, I til iii«' llilail 1*11 h' iilllf a|4*r|. 'I l.'l I.I* |HIII \i in iaH k llw. Willi a lilllr brought up l i.ii kI.• W l. urll wil* ul |M nl iiwli) (a l>W| ••••>«•" I'i"lil, I'hmrliill, ■ U> MT III* I 4minrr, Mim II. I'. I nUnt. I |l< *•( r>itnt 1'iiit II. I.. Iim f II* II*' I'u r »!*s till Him h |» lr< Ii >11 k ill" ar |W' l» H»i«a il frnn (!l itliii'jj will U iloiio 4I||| lltti'l Iu.Iiih a, I alilrri r.iili'i I, I|.ml4» 4»l rt|i,',Maa Ml*. Mail W4>IiIhiin, hi nilhmt llir «.f I,. K'l'X Ih'irrhlll, «v IV*. 1 «t lw«l l»* n m lii* w *if MhtII, J. I'lifrhn.' ijfMlttr ii'ilil lt»a" »<■•» I llral •!».. n-al. Ml I *«|H i«V nlf ill- J I |l| HIM »'l • < I» "» lb» (|. Ill guiIlT -^g* that ia of. il tt • al I' iat |«.|.ii* tb* thliil Tu ailat ul M.aiiht |4-. >lm h)i iMi«, IIihi, I a t •. ''.it li ••.!!. J \mm|, \|\\ ||]S HI Ml l-.l III" 4 I nil'i"a<»r»ng i'lni that a rnn their « A l>. I I |ImI | ul*l11 w»lKr «»| ihr |«ri»«!r»»rf (tb» ]>|i» tHwng* It. OM t.l{, |\ M. a ii ii tr. i«t I av In if ha i* I al ih>- l'i* ii« "I *i( 11.In* ; h lit* I a'..-- I ill' null of •Mir ; tt*iit ;• tic n*fv, <•> t>*titii!ion it* iii» i« fal*' uf ihi« |h IMiIk»ii Ir aUi given |*«l4i*hi« « 4 |MiMia|«» lulni^ ki{« mt; rscrpt hy pMtid l») Ian r*nl«. i'iiiii t!«o ». <* rvuivl n»t U? trur. ul » i» l .i*«l ill fnwi ll»« ain^li" r.i|nr* Jf.^-K KKillt, J*. «'\ >1 mmli, ali i <1 luAivn. Mr. Ilurliitnair* »i mum. «>r THE BEST PLACE r«i|i% |»* lili*»«i Nftfrr in>fi, I. M » T. HB »• i'f « lu»<' I hi «iiki •• ri'witrli mi Tb# 0%l«'V«l »• ill*, i.u^iit \ \ »t the S-n»te. K iii- ••••• GOULD'S .. tbatthep<*ipleof ACADEMY, 4 ilr«l ill in Mi»t I mi«. The HrmUWWMjr JuwrnnU—'Tu .. i.i * i* but I .r I mi to mit. ml, nr*»|M|«v |»i l#4ri«, ri- \n"«t i*^. f<«r it, (Jtvit.«J< u) •u« vn t* ir o»n»titut n, i« i» •< AT DL'TUEL. r.ifM M cb.ingf IN OXFORD COUNTY, ill I'liUr ih4t iliri 4» nil |iri•«»»»• in(rir*if«l ti.\t ri:i:n \rttt in«;i:«ii:.nr. i. •. ><• * t ii ''I* tl»>' fn uf » «'hi*t I), Tbr Ti magi* «' a *tnwr >w« ill miitff in "» rtS thr w»H k»» 1114% Ml 4 PllHMlff HHHI lu U bllM^II ul lh«* pxMuM ■ II I'if irtiiihr \ urirjn jjnn«t jndg* 4J|«ll — lil«lfal-il ill ••■••nti-il trut" f I I Bit* I su* ■»«! rul«l l»> ili^tiit. »l A JiniiimI U iht* |»f»r «li f if ni'iit «<" tin' Cbvrt, that thr N. T. TItUE, M..Principal. To til 1 I'l 11 .1.1 |'tf !•, «»i| Ihr If.' I |)iiK iKi«l«4)• f« ii 21 I'm* « h » Sllpr»•m•, [*sjii|« lhiit%«"»r Im ih'llt •!*•» In!! ilii'iiii* not tv «lr*iunm- AMANDA CHAM, AMtflUot. hi til «I Irn tt'i la#« W in •t4{in/ limn •n«l intirtial. it >bo«M •I 4 >t^ti'. a* rannul r> 'h their «uo> t>l M li '|iil| Ih* C»t# '•( lit* twill. su.-b, »n **f *!»«• M«mi \VirlkK J n t'ft. \> frt4M tk<< I" tl>«> |t|J »h* M !4Mlf ll 4#M Il4l« Mill I Ur TH* prir** I ( •.ulii.tali »H lV* "<• llai t, «ntu:i n t<> cl «* tlit tlio ri»mm»nn ..- M il, »>'U IWWlM btginui^ »«C" it. 'j,> uijli Tkf T'r» will im' tf ■« I'n • lur c , GOOD COAT, m I I* iferrr )Mi. Mwt •• * .»r iu • > • A ul MlJ mil • ft I •' IS mJ >>f tlii« e I It. it"' IV*- f« rm« -'^••■ninti-iit. T' <• T »i. ii ill' M ami rnnii Irtri nfrki. |w|il»*M*rr |i4M>r«l. M p*trr km Ul••«*•£«•, of t!.f«**i«tin armj -irlii •»♦»«• \nr *12 VI. T • r-tjnri, (t) yn »I TilOU VS II. IticoiVN,M#t a| ff"«i IW ■ ♦ Wl I IS I II nt O'tiuiKtatiiu iu »tr n,j Un»T'ia^' w«miI I S* I >r^l t-» il urtt an» rvf»rin I'm ludhrt iitf.ii**!, * ai |ilj Iw ike riim-ip*!. |i M*mf m>] |»i«t 2 lli«»f; lU^iu ai'il !• M»l | I'H I •iHtll, I- * ot iti« i- ft*. IW. 3.1 K»4ff# u ,h.W »l it !• * 'mil* t«» miuriir | n a wtb'iritnl hf the I.' f »i>«t11•»- |Utfc»l. Ift. A PAIR OF PANTS. Thr Wfffklf JiHiriiiilr-IV'iuU"! Tlim«* ui rcuic 1U1 MinfMnj Imrl "»l» l>i «!»•• ll 'if ic rj* Sy at So. Paris. I'.hh|mii«i ••»|i»»nir k «tr |f t*. Itb t•• School • ir * in i| un|.<**f< -J l'«»n^ «•••« 3P In tin•••f Imf. |m» |< r«prci,il. ii • >p* Cwurt) Guardian's Sale. A NICE VEST. High Mium jimI >lit I ir ]} prf rial. Ir»« ib.n w, • t**Hi hi* r •• Hi 11 »• t! will t oT«'rthf»w tb* % «■ I •• !i •" it• I i«f fiitiri'r* «M fhr t < n* w-.rU !•» Mim e.nrvl mm- I 1. 1 4" < 'I :it il |S« pi I M IMg H ill .It ll flI fin J.'IIU |Ptl»li It-.tf ir« Donation. «<• at l#« l»*W Hi I « »nl««Hir !#• ft •» tan Mixli lt»# iu«|itir- Ortr <'« tr imp Two «l if<» ■ •• >*|tt«»t til* ^<1 1U1 **i «|f»f »9 M« In;, Vli I!«]iwii»I lli lif». Ii«|iim I ti.n. tut nt'. r »k* in 1 Il«l4nrt *| imp't. ftpj'ro" * Iml IM of im imr Th»r I-. 11HI i«# » < • it »t ill |J> lwiari l/mia.ilnr, I *11 il »l j.,« COMPLETE SUIT, M-« • »M» %r«r UilWf Ml ««< 1 wtl.!> r, ItMl'MH, Mttt»'**J Ml I'H' h»|> it, |H< I '«>««(% ill II <<*K 11 1'itr r«*| IMin l' II iil • lum.'i'.l ii iritinr |x i- "M I tl I»*M»L >1* *11, of Si. grr-.ilt) in t M tin* !!'•». »• in 11 ffti un w itNr irlf Tr%. I) Jlifi j»i.of ww»| Inm tt<1 ifr^rrHnil i'i -m! A-un %% i«U ••»♦!» m>nl4iiir 4« thr ilnrtta ol lltr )i««»I TfN III lllHII I H lllrf •• t IfNIltalMilM. !• ri.t TT t > "' l>>w & lr< •!i:>ili.xi- or \ \ t *<»it In flnh. tli* r«li I.* tlir wlwii In* « »« iomiI- ) \ IlllHH t (l »J \\ I.I >«f v 4K.I III Sml ffflfr tt|i „( «]» | door, mi •% llrH*ili|i| nilll 1>I|I|» I«nl »|»r.l»< afliina fir <■»■ ■ uii* -f' v <1 f* «% IMltit >i : .i. I *|»«4*S Ihi !; h•« S »u hi I * I fur ih .i* In I )^«l 1'wml) ami iuai h ficanbrii tu wui » turn w' » Uw;» — r»H U\ mlv«tit.ig* join TtMl) M|ilN Uiil lnif« inrrj (rati* r<| lw tounj It *T— • hy grtiM |ir,*«,nt«"d « ,• •» 1 n» Mf <* 11 tu I ot r'wli. in«*iial> nt »>f ili«> l'r*»i11 I., ni:. J oil run I lor I •tlikimut ilutiii it wit I r« M»li 1 ol Kiu«n«. t r hit it** haw*,—Vi» a J >iutioii I run E. F. STONE U CO'S ChihiIh** at M iMin4t»Sr uk". Ml in n|i>ralM ifif mirluini, ahm rn|»inl. j j ♦ < j>«i IHHirtli ••• «if l|r'i» 1 1 I»• «», I tM, ItMl I I'.n;. IVnu 4 '•»!»)• VVr inaiinlarliiir M ,rkiiwa, I'lan n » r i'- r : t : wa« * rn hi « l"'^ii»h, 03.09; lli^lirr a'«i ?*tiiii{U ti! v men • th* >imi£ if tin* tilUs^. I* »•; 3 i' ii nri» in v> NT, P«l 1-n l.i t.mi M lnw, 'I ill», .ii»I Miirk pit- it •> n t> l«« !*• (It'll, ♦ n n » lr»->- nil I «'l it gr»* » \* i> i-ltrrf••• !• »i, 'IV i'Mrial hi* up t>n Ih- »I|i*ii in. H». I">«. !»>♦? rial. •ItMttiiiM pii I Im g Iti ( ii11 fkal'l* truing r* Hprritl tin tir«t m rank in tS* I inm, »ml il»> t>i \ m I'. I'hr trv Mill* »rtn, «>( \\"M! « r. 11 inniftr. *<* z i^Ihm*. |»«i tig iii.I 1'nllira Iiii miHiilari.Hira, air I all kni *» u» lit'mil* »i»»,iil« mr »rl in 4 fUr in«| in w*«ltli ti l | r, nuii| l* in < >n» jurn.*- II Muino Soininary. «imI lh*> iJfr»li« iiji Mil|.\Vii|hl W ill) « !• STORE. Wosloyon nMnur, ittM'ifii mil of tit* irv* >iaI* iit*tiiuti >im uiiilrr wln> (i Uk n ot h» hi* nuni«Ti>ua fri<*nri*|pM«lf* 1'ilmt I .wal llitti !*ii»i Mill, f.«r iI mw, r mi: vriw rtr itotxr, iMtl iff** mf etrniit/ |M|w»», ii h 11 Vi >4/ bn 1 #»tn !«*«/ tfit fli!# il||r, ori'ixm: iwihih nl w* hi- • *i- «. rl v in uii< iatii |m% I I .1 ••! *n* •Ural, | > lltwnl m mi I{• • *1 il*Mil4r Ih4l «>'<■! k'I |Im> t4» :«• w.i* r aii-l ]■• 11 lit J \ M I I M | || 1 Ii. k'kU|) naMii ami • %• r\|»-ii«"nr»i| of tl>.»• «ht.tiiliu( "iwiM nti" M| |i i|n \rw 11.^1 p»n in .1.1-.- 11 s o If T II I* A It I tt, I.Ill ^r. llir mill MHMMnL ll «ill -»i- * -\ rnno tit in in- iitftllmint the ilmntim 1 j* of tr-.* c K b*»mht tij MIX, m>l, li'iN rirtnlm| •billing |»-f T »•• ur intuit |fi| ih.tl •l»u»t»mr»» n |m»Mi gun I mill 1'mm lit ill lie IIHI. ai.l Iih lialf •• »rt ».. k .« Iff* flff li% lhl« «ulili»b« «*•. on thr r-in'rar*. h* r«b in ciulU I' 11 tar»«l nit j r>»'nt mV »l I»n IM|II| rtflpi*i%ri| if in« mill nl I Hi* ihw ii "Ii» Ijr j Ai*onts Wanted. \\ i.i.Ib (>i«>lriri^ilrtrii|ilh l-»i tkr |»i» i, |iii«-r >t»i l.-nl. mlt fi i-l ATiiniiiNiUlhiiift inrnl. n iivm m n>'« ii» An* aitiftU* \\•• ii hi ti wl.nl mi*, ll fti k tlir v,.-.J wait «iiill* I (W \ l>Mnli'1 ■!*«••, In ill Mr»i|| |ifin* «|ilr m Biurb <>l ft-!uf* M il. a* l.*»»r.'ia nr Smlh I w iiisl I ti ivvl 11 4{rn?*, »% Hml int Goods for n«h ii.!i»»l|inr njni'M. S^fr I 4t I fin n ilirr mil I* fnkrn til nn% m* ***nii»; nj-nl T'hanj;* iciiirp* m in, ■.•. l»f tiuir ilnHir* ,*r nn ! >r*ir>l to ul ntiui-'iit. I irien Hr ^ro.iini^*, >if an »;f ri/ j- lli" pf|Ml«h^r< it ll«*ut niumc. fm. •|r*J hi I miif fi iiR S in 10 ilr Un, |i »rr nit: i nit :i> vrins Jiintvw,. }' li».—Mr. liar! ut pr**'n* J lb* cr*- Mr S « Ul I In* !■• fci tL >«o T.'m* JiiimmiI !• i r • 41 nil lit# %•«•♦; • sralilu Hill 1 Paris III N» « i. •«• ii iS f IT.n J U". lir... «, t!»e n.w Academy. ll*f» l», .Wll Ml U 'll-l llllMU.l ill! S \ I, .1 .11] (' dcntul* »m «i. Furniture • m« n *n. trv»«* .if* m Ai** twir* «h«t & wli li 11 I itliiv«l th«ir hwllrti I .. « I S\ • .V«l| U I v|. \i n it, r ru >» « 4 •• Upholsfery is., i r >• I L I >H Ifllf •, Ulfr 11» M »J| Vlill \ nrRina i*bhu 4 I' CO., «i • rpiii: mm M i. I'll tlSLK* Roi.Ktt*, an>l hmntifullr, ill audi touching ff «•« 4H «• M :\ 11 ?•! f( O fM M Winiiiuit, II Mr %i<<1ai W hi* naMjr W If, V I |I •t|HI|l, W * fttteniplcd brm^ up J .. 11| h-K h il mwi I**!*, tl.i I f k*ii*a* Mululi"i, laujpMg* ll.it all lrIt ***urr>l. that r MANUFACTORY! % I * N M*m MjO.O'W Mr. liftTw olij« ha! r a! a TRII'MI'llANT M'OTI^S OP And o. d. onovwn, a. d., Tea* .itul nay- o- I'flM Ij »l. j rti a of *T,n»tur.i tl- to Ih-* IM ClllN's III MJ1KIW BAIMM lilSCOVRRY! Mr. li'Hjglft* | ru«ml( I Cold*, Coughs, In III •« U w»l« Hi !!•«• tn of th* iti ■ U41M Itr" h*imI'% ftll<*i«ir.J Mr. I>.T«i< ofyvt .1 ili«iti«iiin tln'Hi their f»«t *i«h'-« fi>r hi* I ! jiM«jvrIty Muinptiou I > i^im' rrt i.i.v I'm Mfr • J u m>rit«<-t «b*n 1Kiu«Im ♦ |Un, |.» if lh ri i.i.ir.i \c»: It l'i 11 I > n in ■ « t In till u*-Iuln--*« ni^ t!»ato. | ^ •M lh< • 4li \| lliriiMltr*, HU'lntliMJ linnitrlM, I*l ii the t<> (li* u«« " 4't" Vt* t~r **4 nmrnwt9 rwjw* ll**l »*t Ir m |l.*« tfi* VtuW in £•'»*, fi*lin;,n<»dniiht, Rift, M IHM J M rMKl(4«)\ k !"«».. I'nl. i.Sr... jirMlktiif M I* in'**i»-U «i 111 ill ih i'«iN irni I.M^Ii-h that it i* It it % in 1 1 >n I i«kr unit1 ALL KINDS. \n im »h# N. V. h«»»» Mill i»d mM. II* tli.n with l.i* th* fulfilment ol th« Mr. n|iiii; FURN'ITURC OF ir m Other jtuoi.'J.-I j>riiit»\ • li.nl 4i«*4M im iti- p ultm' illr.m " %"H J '*14 • t » a »l llfkl I'/ llir U it n1 'l<< I* >>( U«< •• .11.l»m«- 51 rvutara*. in «tr.»ng t rir* t > lh* '• nuru I 11 than to Wtiw \ 11 «% • !! k«" *f* »i«i mil* hnl Mi. It >1 1114 % I I. »ill fit*' • lit• |*«»»«M « I*b-mng >»irc # i> t >1 u.jiiJ an lilMNil»ii,r U 1114I «n7. lut> I*' » tn i!i- 11* »—!, M4 4ll th •«! your NW| AN EXTE^IV-: ASSORTMENT. I. || unlll^llUtl IH !• • lr«|. tlitrntnrtl l«»r lb« IfmlinriH n •• to It*#*, |i%, |»r* 0 ■>'<• i nmimtA «lkii* init-vligftti |Ih* laou. ** 4'l | llillili^t «| *|l* Il 4'lni'l III 4t |*I«|«ImMM «lli* • JBmrnmt H\i oil |M or Kuir NtttltRH «IVI.M, iimi Ni*nli«»Uf F..« Tkr l^iMriiil. 1'n I l* Mtim nlftriMi^k*. PI I. Mil N \ It V CO M MI'TIOX /fr«|i,»ra«Hil It*. \li»r*. M.i- ainl Daiit caJ1i>I Iuui t > t' «4*ut|»;»l,«r» | > |ul|l| *!ft41 tjl*t''I* il( rin I* 14km lt»f U •• 1 hitii hill 4 IffHi. it ! •* m"i|irifi* •« • rh -r « •h'm'hIi »n «»f \ i. 1 ■> IHkWIll ul I »i •bi* ul lliC M'lrlal r «*'v- ral livrt, linuLL. K<<». 1*»VH. S'V •l|'«| Mlt* Ml it fipiHi, Mill, lllri W <»t1t« hhiiiimII) Thi« (Mul or*l- ||h\*n M « ii'lflu*, l.i' IW; llrjiur l*n{li«h, .I»t i*1! ill ffl»* rtfl in* llir Mill »lo.Tio n i<* i**i Afiiiui ti.iU, 1 wmv pxininifiiii, liro- T l'.»Wini«t H *'»•»!, Mmir nil1!. |if«hr|«, 1 | I>ou^lft« * 3 >1,1 «#h| l.l^lnluJOJ; III i <1' i" 11 in 44 • • I* I' % ¥♦•«* I M |l -SJ .!* Ji v « HI llltl r.|^r||| (tf lb" I th.lt I II I »t I I ^53 iipmI I«4»*f«*lll l"#»l| ■ * < llmHI*. li ablinnil Ml ill«• ** ! i\ r -nrlr t» lV«n»;lv« t!tu n« Ut4lil r4«lly ii "I'll. ««n| I fill IM' Jlhllfl, I T 10 lb< » 4il» i- ! I 1 4 («1 in Hi 1 !»•'• II 14*411* I. 41 lowci ill ill rtrr. iS" fpMUdf ilillif^m try Of lh.' I.tl-i" St! t, print rf4Miiit»iii li ail*** it» • mii-»ihUIhmii l«n 1 pnwMiili •• jlr l» i» >!. i I If if t"> 'iv iMij; thf ••firt nf l«*«f«, 4H<| li • ....t l.-soo «l U>« Uux* of « 1 1 H «!• ••«• I t • », %■» I t*i- rwilt I141 •• rn mi .«t i;h |*mj i«» Um»*I ilii imrlvt*! " M -» f: ;m anii w iir«i>«n'r ur*liiput Hi'liiMf Im ill*- lii •! In I It* n »!»•'•* itf ^iI«im ul ''IH* ij ] Virginia mid hi Mv ii m.'.i 1* »-i*. 1 44 I urn, Iiii«% |M«*«eilr*l (M'ltj aii lit «*i r>« 4. I J J 1 I- &J <• MiJUlv li.t ml, 1 it in U«-bi CHAMBER SETS, «ni, MOM jji. af till- that I Mlt'f ill" k«n«u» »• | i« •» « itiiNilMi ti K#r % !«♦ «m#«. I im l th»* |i*il»li<*. «|Ut » Oi l. In«-t| fI, i|l ;• riri»»i«N » ! |* Ti fii hi il | M'i •*% Utrrn*« I In !«•«• ti 'ii -id h* < *i till t» «■ r oir»ir. •>» VI .>in«li\ i»i it » .i» r<'- 4, v% Uil "it 4 iKJtii ll ptuf^l, MMMjr, could t« 111:> » nir« ui' lit* LjtJ. A til. Hebron (taliil >u,*li Academy. .m l r» ih»-.|* i« 4 im Ii'mm, *0 41 Huflk il III»• 1. 1411 I'll Si« r» u Tin- r<-«ujyti > > u u ••41% '! a* rrupting. « i« c w.k« '♦ 4 n'i •• tnt m mil 4 Iriil of ill I .wuiiiil ( l*h I.a ill in I > the dav l J t'm liiM»> w«lt Cil -1. • \- r> fit it- i^tb, 11I on riMii:tiWlNU iCUM ikbl Nh ijrr^itiW I !»••• IiViio, »l..»ll l.l't.r kM i<\ Wit *I<1 >'( III I IW« •*•. »% i.| | • in n inn.. V|<»* I'« < ■ IIll ul Maiih f 1 vIi*r*% it rirn*»«|l| if.Hii »wi|iiri| |<» |*r« » »o »**u * ih >re iIIUiiUk* Mlt* N i'lbi 1 n. I jui 41 i| iaiiii, 4i) *31,4» •> • >•! lont hate £ Mr. [\ frank. 1 4 hIiu iii !»• il In 1'iugliv JIMIN WH Mi. I. 11» i.i ! u >» ink 411J ii«ub. IK*', liiil runll'iue I*iIm nil I141 r«iu4l|,iif i)i |»fi»| «« ill ii«i of 'lniri 1 Ilr tli ■'Ifd.wh ci Mr Mi»>n«»»in grvjation. U-1. Mr. of ltiit'% 1* tf K. i»f » 1. Wain* l%» »«n IjiIim.i, 1 frm-'i i!ii-, ij-r-H"- l'i fridif, |l 11* I. Cm w<»:;k i» »nk ro o.'tmin. F. M., Prim^il. 4«* ii 4 Ih il* I It •• ilin*»i»HM »rr *n». ol> •■i'tnl. *rtm>u. *• u a » • 19 nilh iS** il, fu'li 'l the Jc Jtcjturv ll 1 ikvi id tfdifi h •' ••! i-i I Or Ur ul ( 4in*r Tii* ?I|77 V| I 1 ir il mil |l% iHiirr, M )' * ** ! OffWt IM Mlisli- !"•■. 11 41** I mill U .i»ll|» I In, |ir**t«* Mr f >r tic* t«u au 1 J'l 1. Svt.l I* {%*" Mm Inn l>. lUirov, I'iff'i |Miti 14 • •! I'mjivKalli*! nay». Inn ■ 1 i%. •. njij tti ■kTiuoo •!— x iu*Srucliht>, of to. .1 lie 1 • »t. n •lufi ill ti lilht | pa « ] intemting, in I«i«n I nit» •! > 4f* • II#St• nttoniod \|im Ai.ih < I Mi I ti« •»( Mnatr. in fri^n tul t»il \ l! n .'1. f\r» firr) i|||ir 4»l Jobbing promptly Mi, I'n't iir l t, ij» \hMl«K, in*ni« »if l^»* Ii*i li* I1» IU'i u( r„Hfl r.l t > ItriS 11 •» lit I 4ii in.lr In |i«»*H ill lh» cU«.. 1 aJunr.»''lv the »tii I'fOimm. > tir ill 1 ■ •• I'i Iluub. llii..ltr- rt if 7® Ml'ii. lUtn, llrnKt, Fitcli. i!i] Mi. N J t> i. 1.4^ »••• ••fiitch uf nur It 4 11 11^mi 11 ar« IM irk.CUj, Ir. llifff 1 hi i« in I i^iiih, I «kH ■' urtl'-i'. hi «' H7I7 vs 11 0 in. t'S! ih Ulrii fr m tin* un« I'liM*!, tl * I Ill'liM'll ■» 1 lit UiiiomvI Cmiii, Vrk., Prat Ili« itir ; 1*1 »i lMmll'fl''l |»i|ll|!|l, .i ii|ki*ii rj»'!i |»i k i;--, I'iicv I jir Ifrililr, » j. c. Ttirri.K. n .i in'i J i-% (•»«, 70 00 T> fi ul 1'■ >n ul N r. «i. in mo win. Iml! wi 'i I'll- |mi nU « iHfii l»j> " lV»lu»,—"I »t ripfPtt, 1 Ki'itj'MnjiiJ 'i 1*47. hi u-"'• • in, ipi--mi u" 11 r» l«r• Iir 15 M t t ito 1, I!..- i it»«ir.itu in % t» fH'Mi HfllMt tr»t>. II MlJ UtlU* Ultf, lot Ui £ llttij Iv CMidtKri1 Iif It* ( irnrt Innili Hi t.ui'i I' ihiiuhvi'i (' >•!*, 7. !*l T>'>« urtnT bill *» -« Manr*. til'J RE-OPENED!! lilt Itk'nil lilt Y J Llpofl M A iklutiaj; lj STORE I*. ni l *l4tr •». ililfeimt the I. iim« of tt « lord" All «»n H I |i4tf<»n t rnilE i«t|wiAII| (Oii|i»«»(. ii.) U« m i. luv IIkiw wnt in I'> tu« cim- that uccaviou had I# that • I.' liMll"# II J C linn- glaJ M tli ii th**« hivr Ukm ill*1 «t«tv 4t II ii I ft mil "*1 u'tc'jLXf 1m. ii. I«3« « i'i * t»»f I'nlm* 1 if» I* 4ii*i '*•, mMj | nR*r» uun it »• Ilafcfwit, I'iri# h|*ihi|i« t»n a* tin* I for «Jit int* rii. ni|i|.*ifi«tnn«l 'l If- |I«V* l{ IB- And Pattern Maker, •• •»! • ft** III 1**1 | in -»rt »t >01. I Il !tr».n • |( t%i#, 4U>1 lauiw Ii«»«i 1 1 '*• hi I imi 4|• |ii 111 in il III'* Oil | *7 tiniv will lv lui.nd Ui.in\ UaitiU 1 I 05 Mr. U ^•Lfiurtic of Ji •; ca, glad 1* l>% WiU iu k Uijliiuii, A; ni, i* nlnivt, nr will l«r frnl l»t mtllln urn IlliiHii*. «nl tl •*ntIjr ME. Selcct School, 140 STEEP NORWAY VIUAQE, rili. •• ili»o «» ♦ ii mrll 1 .••« 1. III HiiffllwMa llnw, rv r««->i»v of tlir • t t».« 1 rt- to enter Lcre to* in ami in FAILS, ilfn, I'i irpo |»—r |« rjiirit 4 11*1 It I J 'l.l |'t f.irilMif am» mrcjui 1*1 uiMAtu* Vuauldflurar of LI VEHMORL' FALL1!, Mo. \ II 1*37 in lit 'nl», lliftt i'* mnl<-r lh» >n |ilaiti<«l >>riii£« oprrnti truth. 00)111. ••«it I-,.,.! i. 4T 0> ol lt««* law I* »n t II1 INrlir M. »*!••; rir» Tr^mr. riMIC *»l'l;IMS FKIIM m l cii'm'.- is-lh* Oib *>2 lm» 1 luj; it*; i n (ViV >J, H -2 l», :r» STOCK n li« II i*i « mi mi. NEW ! • I |.I>I a ! Mioaal rwtri fi n < n AH ENTIRE Klf»l'Uin; Carl 11' ; II J ul )J*ncii DKN^VOklStf T PRRSOV wniM nni<;irro> u\rk>:t. 1 EVBRY a. mr a i. I'll (In i, t.h V >!■!•• •. Mr i-« I'ri- of Of nt'"! Ik*,.1 in (Yuntrf It It'll*, llinj.i.; |(|| \ I • 1 • • i' •% *•* t •]>»«kr aii'l I Ml I. ■ l> * I | • I-. II (iwili \ | IV 11 M* Hj, tur|r'itm<', I III l'. V I Ull m II I • fur*. .i.i.l II.H M ..Iill.; I'.IJnai Kr|. fit Si 1-2. \ » \ • 'i • utlwr ium'>u»ti!il« \i inifV't utllr, 140 >l»n«. ^ lixl lu|i, \\ i;i R r \ M •.i I Ml liW. ft* ir nrrotll- article*; p-u*iliM* I It. I»■ > \\ ii-'k In .. Ih11111 I i.'iimIiIi* ml". Til* i*il uf » »•! >it* !i ill ■ ; i|< r», ii» i»| ||| lltiut* I lltiit •I .ii I I .• nit < 11' \V .ikm* "»i i, ML'mi m i C4IH •, l«ii{«* I ti.n; la I—- nitii » «ia b>at« III prilmg in>| in., kr„ Jti ik| ill'iii. Ii.f iitv • *i miii »«*i »i'II*UmiiIiii|• |m*i # il MtOMtwri llii* j »mi r in *i »n 3M«b«ta.a 113® Fat Una*. «r«. r I'. lil* I'. J'iim- •• {h it.-i-ou ) jmli"ii«, ii'JiU IIIM!*', f» 11 III** In. ik of • i, «|i»ii«« |Br -It Call I. -r.Mia.-7T3 «»0; Irat All kind.HorC iNtlngN m id to order. h4Vr Irru | T11*••iMrr'* . m li.i h ill ri>i I It ul <1 aallin* t iamt *n<| litft Mllrr V.. I. mis and i i|mI. ill Murb, f'Htlll 4ft I ir*l«»rr.| I h lllh l»» ll« ••• W n I IN#» ii£>it« 1I1I 7?l 7 \l: in id ilil* Ii 30 .« 7 arnil)' |"i <• || I|« 00; |fc*-.iitiri II ||, 1H7. tijiit wfMlit. 'it", liniiu I'm!., Mi- iik-iIh i>ir« luii* lirf'i IimiI in w l»ru Sale. th« ntimhrr ul On 1 l« »• liiiai» 0 1 0 UI). I uffi;« an-l llim-.lif Guardian's ihit .1.1 ) 23; J*n»tt> 6nW „• -. •• 2«V l*"H, MM lutl* I1!#* f4*r II ul 4 licaiit fun* ihr J»li* •( Pi-% j..-- iu nf rut- \\ 1V1 it 'Km—N.i • • »i|i'»4. |l)l)*H m «• • »>' tn fi n'rvtHf «•«•»•« ih»- Kur-ijM It w Imui Tit ikf (-Mill «f OiifiK t. I *ii til •all i1 7 4l.k*. (' .»• ai l (Mi —fCt. 2*. S3, a 10, 00. r.Y MANNIN3 & BHO'/H. V GOODS,, & thv Hi l<» lirilfh. hh hi (Im * ii DRS. HURD Im* iMl'iml |Mii ihiMk iii-t»mi, •!»<• |tn*iiiim», lhiir«'«*, Mr. NvM 4tj(ui«l tlm i»e. «f .'I -Mar**—Vt iilitCi >17 a II, lamu. ntii NEWTON, J) -«w.ty « v .. |*»|vir- HTII M t'ommtssloii Fomarilias Mwliinls, || |m M k 9••« I ti. »• I l.i ill In .1 \l ir. 'i w%l, II tni »'cl n A. M.( •tl • r ! t II 22 -J 11|| t<> llii' OC- in»t uu.r*. 411-1 •• I im .ik* n hi linn* *itl » iv lr» ii I «i« k* ill' n-.il r«l tin ul I'ltn I|i f»»», «f Haul 4 J, i* I'fl l.i m( • a ill 2 ami \riinLoar. t»» u.k*m ) frnjnriiilj tr.--tl* r> < ir-«m! t STS, nr*« 41m! .i u-ilh I 11 C.i*C| iii• mil -hi' I 111 li'lr 'if \V»ii"i l|ri»t,U» ..ri'»r. 2 2 *«2 a 4 jo |M**-iiHH i»ntii4 :»t. «: -f II •••/ ^ tl it | m ,s .p; v#, H»4t S r» rimimittiK iM-il ft**?. 11. SmiUi. I*. ii •.•ul C'Hiili^li 'tMW I, il uw in Iii.i'iwI I 41 II a lb. No. Uliifk, |-2 & J-8 If « M li*. A'*- Si BEANS, Cliipp's ij.—3 p»* »•/<» fits PEAS, l.Hi •' Mr Mil«-» nilr xnt^l new rro- /| POTATOES, APPLES, f«l\ Mfi, U PlllNlllf IfM «•• 4 •(Mt ll <»| || in ||r«U Ii all ul ill lh |i ii nf ihi Ii ii1 li'*41 4 i.l til ••! I iaJ amr«tl_T ?*Waii r.. MU-. 1-2 ► vim: or m \ici: ^1 |n..w, 75-3CfMvi(7 /•/:/.>/> «' ;>#/. i/v/ .n. />.' :so. north uiuiiTMjt I r iirrr ■ Butlor, Ch# Lrird,&c.t lll4l Iw h.i It ibi'r iiri* niinir.l n ih» nf S.». «Ui -t tin? !•»* ti 7 a Kgga, mi^lit gitriii u|»w nlU(i jr-wo! 3-1; «.•(*, I-3, U# (ffi' PORTLAND. !• il <• • /.y IV ir Urn. CUrkr! Oir iif fi.ni herr# I*4iii with••• III*Int*ii I'irii, »(iffiti I,til" hirK vr i-li i« in mi>i r-»j j;i i»ra!it» 7 12. At »• tut, Imai 7 l» 9. JUNCTION YOIIK \M» IVtNTOUTII !*T?«., in) II it. Ill nn mil it N -rwii) ibr lint h|i nr nlic^ucnr ll«»ii*r, •if .m h in inth, •'•'! ii mi mi' »at n li Ti.il. |u ihr 4*|iMii>!inirnl «»r nil ntl» kurw litr, n »lum| >r{ .ii I 11 III il ill It. ll'ftfT, wi !*■•» nf *an| ilni for *h liniliiilutr wl* tlx* ImU. < [hmiln«' A i* A It!). CjttiwrH) S.*ili»»riu; I.mihi#} DmmIw 1 h. M17. It IK In ln*«ttb l»v t»»iir r.iipi)irHM I'ixi^H l»Vm«*ft. hh# rt-ii.rtl, ■■r i|imir »•• hi« rifalr. Trritii umta t | | -l lr»W llini »inrr«» a to tii rial Ir-'in tt itii-w ul Al int. of- CM*'* r. l>. BROW*. | •• %rful tilllr*, 4II«I ^rt IHU il »tlk • «<».m PAINTS, OILS, DRUGS AND tf»«- ftrriiv »t their 11 I »»•! m »« rtrtlltM ia (ienl'a luii- tin frier* lilnrM. I'tft'i. «i{ aa*im- rent* #■.•» UillU# nw* ... # I Ti III Ii. Urgr Mr. Ma» >ii o(T -d u r »ulutioo. e»n« ibnr fm«n th<- fin* i!i» IIm'i,** 141)! !. i1 •; (twk" • Ii.iiIO DYE-STUFFS. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE joint m^bl HiMwIi ItlC «hl« IHlrii e*eb« II. ill l*r Julr Iif lh* '' milf ir ih« S'lji'fi I'.tfra John W. Porkins & lift**. J.»l|i* n| 11 -1*ri•%t- urMi{v*i>«li f ..it'. ihr I,n|ir«, nfiri »tt» I \| \ ,' DK. GRANDIN, Co., 'lb- run ii BV m«'|>li»ii f!«rn, It'ineit) |MP|Mrnl by ul IKticI, 1 ah ill mil In |i •••'•« •urn .4 I • tlM 4*1 <4 ll<4«<4t IliiW INI <" • *i.r» * UmUI'^WI»Ik«1 ol!l>vr. lii« MIW mIiiiiimi ^ I IT I OIMHIITI III I MflTt I'llfl III ml. Km. \V Ci.ukk,! unuti, Ki|.lr», »h..rr anil |>irwiH of K CS CI ID 01 BS *) □ d c<: ^r □" a w a" hi(hnl Im Itlrr, 41 lh* iliMV nf J nrf>*i Ib.inHt, ia War to Vi.oTi mi- .I. n. fil l» Mir 4{rnli •it|»|»!i. It "in 1 mi ?* 11 hi i'niir»inh 'Ut ul *4 >->( mi'i hrr UktHy ailHlri nkick Ciinil <>H Wbol ill' Pi ilrit ill • • • k, .In.ilti* trek Mr. 11 •• inilt lim.l. in P.iiit In J. II. IIi«im»ii« H. I It •; I 11 it* r» IS SOW AT «Htr ih* riol»jrrUd f>t».m. in iirsi^ai wVI'M-lt jii artrmina,alliH» i>nrs|n ilc4)«r« >ii« lor Tiiosmx. wi i. In Pmmm MR. J I*) «I|ugfi#U in iiri ite h 14 4i'l 11 iht> In mi in I Irul.l- aj |' j>ruti |itibiittj two "| an hi uf m|ii ^ mU Pjf LEONARD SHURTLEFF'S, Tisr. VA11 SI SUES, l/M.V. ImS 11k, l, 1(1 TlllltlU. li* .«• u u > n t. i> iii in »i\ f1 mi *lii il iS* 'if t ( .71 .N' ib« 11 tiii hi. IV*#/ h'mih I'attltri' Mtt Clkft 1-^ 80UTtt PARIS, /•»«#littU nil-twl an am n» Cuuuljf. and Colors lin(• s. iv.m. 2 a'.t, • ail li iU i« ilmj, »• h >|w t» iui'iiI it »har« r.i. i, •1, I n lh'|i«i.4rnl III '|I« il ltli 1-1 rlii^ii >' tU »fl«ct tliMt, in th<> |4a«Mn^ walvti a, wf ll»» THE SPtfFfURD EMQLUMCNT. 41I mii.if iini'i, In nhi'ff'r ihi ai !• •• "» I'UHI !>*«•»* Vtmrtui l>4i> Kmt«. iw'i'ir inlri»H«|«. or K V K II V DKHmil'TlOX, ih'ici ii(Hl I' »it ! t m- i*i t «• : :» t wim'.iim!' k (TDK FOR IIH III HI It \ ».ih srr.vn\s cn. AN IM'tl.MUI.K 141*1 ilifi'l^l h l»* l» il*l4f*r HI Will » v »li> irili, ami miM-h * it «huiI turu I d M'trii,« ,f t ,i riwarnnii.xnlj, plrat- ii Hi * 'thor Hilb gmn uf • |)r j *>ill«l Suit Wr ilk IliMfl own worm*. Hnuui.k, r» hi 3-» jfiti l9,naj« Mr. Br»l«rickvi»u«laajr. *|« |||{ THF, BEST PLACE fc.j44.ao. !■•> AU:oIk*. IUus, Ml. (.'lark, tritimlni, 4 m! r\|» .i trr a h< a ««• Ml ill*I ll IMfHW |Mi1 D. F. NOYES, And Standard Patent Mrdicino!! «mJ*U I Cv' >nr>— Kmpii.*. ■ (M..ii. ■ For the in Oil* to u • ® Iri-fi 4 I .n»•!» i» IVo|i|i> Vicinity n't III lu.ifVti -if* «i-.*t*l..if. fit? Nfioiils anti iickvui .1. OP YOUTH. art, '"l K'-itu^k*. ■>* of lUr l*»l MVtix iiiM in ».r fir rhr*kifi« Hi- BOOK SELLER & STATIONER, III (mill i'l «»1« mi (. i*t A dclMt« ooox) piotcit I |>mI I|..ili jrny. lir m 4 »iiii* 411 ii mi K. i|i | iii |#i rvv .. a. il« «rnnu ikiiHtt •>' ulntion. AT |M .Ii. ■», tV. II (IRAN t|. .in >.11 *<* In* \ t Jt ,i I'hwtii. il it a|*| lit il I «•< t> iutnulli m I rl' I'mtJjn.l, Mil, IH57. 13 by PIN, P., Tli" <-ak< r 4 *r Ilotil. >[ anni>anevi.«. licu.ru ml prrf.f m* nl Wi» » » fVI.'I.Mr, t*rn«'lt, «.iU i!n» l» il rlWtt, ami »•>* « !i> h j«r HANGINGS, lowlitf a* Uie Con«v«*wlu* CROCKETT'S I. V Ml l> II ICR IKK C'i'-i- tiling. 4ir mj rail an i trr .in I I.) luf •Vim ul lV'4kl» •«, I. % I i«-i •«». I "iter «»r«l 'hr w nld be »nh* PERPUMBKY, ROOMS, lion ul Mr ll .rr.t ul t Ki.'Wr, »illir>|)\ km 1.1*1 uf xl Sm- ami will H*.| ih>-m i« •l ilnl. *•••• r»*,k iri,.a «ir«>Ma •»«'* llliiiui«. mUick ( >1*1 <1 km l» the I'.wl Oltir. ,) I'MJ i-ij IVijjij* jrM»iM-tvr*, jtxi • aliall tc rvf< rr«^l toe KaDMi* Man-1 mil il riMMUntU in h»-ir br. CUL.VEK" KM.. "f tha I^»-- mj ton C<«*:itatij«, *ith ir.'tnirn.tiMi; (Cm Kimin; NanparriL VILLAQL', MO :i NOVKH* BLOCK, 1 Itnl Piinlrl Hi*. wilS wiircvu'« clirtbinf II »4l I li]l-^i- Ill (4 KutUtil, (l*i7 ) Mraars. IUrr.« I : '.ma uf (i«or» Our WI.J in irfilil In PrtM 1 >.««■•' I'.iin KitU VIMi ( >• I r-VHii., (ivmI lijlit, ;<>.i.| ITUt»- j l«rttrr a klrwnl" \ I. ih.ntr, Fall*." L. B. l>lmiliii iIm Hill (Mi) «*l IP •■ R • F' \. M rrillofVi-rt.. Lotcin r of •*. Uu it row Jan. 2*. 'i"J. Norway VilU,'f, Mo. ruU.anl l->n] cxiimrnT, h will .jiTrjmi WEEKS, ml, Virginia, | u»«i| in injr Uaul* I.r irart, HI 2 II with QikIi.-.' bi'i Li, Kwi >tn«i I'i iridHWi mlniiVn; A»r«l ih» "liui.l* • .'I (>t Uir ■< •*, rfiiil wi.ii.il il. C.»r|ft i{« Made if 0 *•> I | picture |>i in l»> l» MMUld uke (M 4t <* im im.iu» mUi il a rr* liralih," "(trOTt m»«k," "llc» 11 | )UhU|| All Vm U of I'icliirr* i.tWou. HI rof. \\ in-I >w 'f t prim " II GLAZIER 40 I wri^.l Nurtli tlt*ii4( II IhuiIi. I Dec. |t*|fclt. Paper Trmii*, -tlLriiigcul h.t* «iiM-«M'ti wamlertut anil Ill- ALt H III Surma) YilUgr, II, hij, 4i irn a w>fW I »»•( M i.-»n ui »|««ilji I II til.I II ••lii-l. l»* NMiW l'h»»M-i.»a Siinwn, ;an, Mrj Krntuckf. AJrun 80UTII I' A It I .•», MAINE. il* — diihui tbr U*t I Monlml," III* mi.I ini< ml rwa lu» ul New Jitn-t, Anr»>n «| bj imnly, *«vk, I ti n, mirlml "lllirr H»U, |M.inl*ual iittljr |vf M.»» mri, llul* A mwnlmrnl nl Mi*r.l tin- a n iimlki"! M.icrill ii C«i. ty fiill I'nint*. • II nWfing frmit aelf *itfi) w«n« rax of ilirwuliim WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY Lost 1 ll or llxik,, M»«u UK-tt*. an» ikr Srlffliwn V Kr.. rimtlanilf hanil. I3lf l\ p«Uii .ill a nf it* kiwi written in • >uum au«» IRHOWTll. I'iihj, ~ \ rik rviirtrrJ |>n»nii»iuf a ud I'lntPil " mrr.bj ibia, ul tlir • %><1 l<\ • Minilitr m*. S» in ill* VTOW t Miliif IW' hr|, p:l( ,!>(<• In llir ti'wi j. I I'hut of T.k»U, iiurkr I J. Si.iplf«. Frw- •pint |i chiwikl Mr fr ;n Mtiaaii UTjiLCtii *um Itaitl* ul ■Irn ihnr 1*1 SUM, l!i«.S*I»*ct CoinuiitUv* to Hi, & Goods. bf, It.r lb ill lhirt)»in >- ilnllirr, il»lr>| Jm. >011.*1 Wm. M. CUSHMAN, *JI nlw Ufa. I^litk Mp- Spoctaclo3, Fancy ntir >iif «i Ii'rr a*.! h' rrafttr. iii4«^ti^ai<* ti. clu4rjc< * ol krilrri, w on- J \lti:z 8. HW \N. iyh.h>,.m.| iiu.ittwrr.1 htiolml ami rlrlfn. flOWIAM. 1 .V%.« tt ,V'l4>/itf I'Kw S, kI al lh<» af a « ti .i. w All :|ff .II11 I l>. II. Murlin." &. Silver I'l It emit, nc I rw«ip| | llMlanfl <1 I" >'i. >rtaii tlrnt I' ul.« ••( lln li i;iIM .Ijiiml (mhi-'mhimj 1 II«t Hi«,miili'l" WileIirs, Jfwrlr) Ware, iv} i|>. C'h., hi, C|. • hich K » *n I J. tt \\ SdUril I'AltlH. MK. ■ji.i unl^r, n* Im. I«r»a I on ill* I Il.i-11 II..* »iib llom.ri. ill l«i <*A|, >awi t»*. mti Mnnnl. Mr. llaatl u i< 4>k tl (he |i4)ineal No. ou kxciia'noe 8thel:t, " jsitiuii, II. II. II11 ujU C. >« l»r 420 Ul liCk, I*artU'i.i, J.Diiih *1 MIIM-. II. ic. KOSTKK. I M. T. COII^EU, Hwp'l. Cll. KI.I.M:, So. Amim, UuV l>i>l Jua rwuii hjia ik'oo i llalUiwi-ll, \> uolctalc 1 Maw Smitl Lawrrpw, A.ral*. H'i«tc!if», Cluck* A Jou'clrr Iti-paircil. AlUny, J.m, IS, IHM. 33 I'oilU.iJ, J iriiur*, ISiS 3« I 49 rORTLAND, ME. IV*. Yolk. RV KIIVOOUY IIIKN n iij.aniHj.ji m IN TIN CAN'S. PATENTS. UNRIVALED ATTRACTIONS! PI BE rOTASH, Genuine n Oqc'i Own History. AMERICAN' A. FOREIGN 70 WnahlnRlon Preparation V K T K \ Rr*din$ D. T. Ilnbbill, 0* A !««., Dutcher's Dead Shot!' or ««r the rf luilin HI., llo*lon Th*'tenure Mijr owl|tilp R. u. i:di>y. Emerson's V .nnil 3* USE IT Concontrntod Magazine in ia» IIOUSr.KK»:i'KHJS Ilighlv Compound of a many of llii* I'ull'h Im l"f MaaMtrhnaclta, like that g»*id All |ir»|xtrior • Fluid Extract Buchu, LaLi.Kh Shoes rpnr. •>( anrac rr- tC4UI|t IT B-i.d.n; of Patents! )Mii wfii lllf wrrtiin hifiaf other Birn in the ancient CuaHORWMltli, Solicitor I <>( Ihr fW *i Ikf t, KiJt'ft, ,lt" f- n ltd i liaMr aiamUnl (ir lh» atrraglh It «/ S. r.itrnt Ma/A- PUTNAM'S MONTHLY! their houuos of Bod Bugs II .Sfi fil behaTi.ir. The I* ikt V. Ojfirt, mi I In I il ha*, Clears ly, Ihtustt, i« for li!« or Afnt ■ lylln almn I141 lirmm. (rnrial, < diirinf g>inmi»n lruiwri|>i Minion. ii« takra Iha rr. • W TO Mute Kllhr M.t l« mil o( aw, Tllf |ir«)iiirl»l • al iK» »>■>!• a «• •»' hi., nppiKllp iicivir TUB* At■•tn( lr««» f»f«« '"I in|Kii<|inriri in lifr, Silling n&r «u l!«tl * akknl *»g of of auliarrilun/ hi» aaior In nnj |>ai-k l«-.i».l>»»»l wbrllirr »*• M a mw man, 1 llti.Mrr, kltlnr»«, Organ*, •nichi »*. ■"•"W ivpwrud VJTKK la um»I ihr Silliaf, " th* 1st* a»'<»lt l*M. »lifn altaa)a |«iiIikiii{ Th* memory of ill* I'nilr.l f»la»r«; M.tONII'lCR.NT with Mn*. i in «K» »»• •»>». dinnrr ( lintri in iilnlirralr I aalt,— anil Steamboat iating brail» |hiMic hh,| nilirt riwnliin. mtali, I'ntaali many Captainn or fai«bl-*>*«J Knurr, ftrtgn »« It ntakra Ship .Mnlr Frmalr, Ik*tM reward- ami all t<* illirh ii ilolturti mi in making >J ubo \V b.a tb* U>mb M* «• lb* tin J U-nerul—m»y ttmmi.'y \»i(>aiiir»la, I'aprf* torn it, Xla>«r "prTidrtli-iil#, liilf In rw* "•<» h«" «a )( )( ) lailira • 11 thri rtiil |™«l Iwl, 1'riMn whtlo«rr 'he* "'if m*inl, hie •*«!«<* on f* I'll, nit nrririril lilvml lr«*p, ).( ihr " «fr| rr«l..frf, lilldll »Wp," liwawn lor mil Td Mlwr'i > ed in !»■«••• a that I'i'l lab baa JO«r nf i|«r rn'ftj *nil n ntiurr ul li-m •Umlin<, a* Ilrmn kr< mattr inli Aa>r« nlhl liinj aaal If h ilr*|Mlrb. WORKH OP ART. in |t|» air. »»• »h.»» o( ili» au- IN flPLENDll) • I 1 in leatet no .Iii.i inf.-rl ni Hji |i pntMMintM «a / hi* Itlki t'rtmt, »n4 U*»m lliwuk't Liajmf •artb." Judge • •rait i« t'urnfa anxia, tiit|»lr m Wiimj laoaan* raa«a,aa>l Imim> ific lm|, nr ivrrplhr on it* neit n| Irfal voi'Im iaik>, Irfimiai l«|«i 4 thor ot thia learning, «c uli'iit of I'alrwia |a«rnli.ia«—«a.| KNOHAVING rmn.»i*r •itl>linMtr PIVE-DOT.LAR IkiuI.U-~.iim- In ill* rrlailrra. •• al*a«* ih<- niM aflrr «■•»( >f| • wi(Mtaf■..l^rinj Il irwliat •«( 4|>|>liril, eran officer atill ahr*. naM In rwantliiaf Oar IMUl. AuipmrnU (iirni ('Iter. alaa)< Wim |( rilfr« NirVMH • ■»«! IMn!iUtr«| Miflrtrrt, m>.| Tb Iwi » h wy« r. The l.lhrnir warrant it ia all caara, if MURB IIKATII it llM hiw irMiluj ami will Ihr tit*• ui occurrence that took r.xbl ai \\ j>lim|l"a. f«!!•«>%#• all *\*t«|>t• tkliirb " V* rtainJi of an art t.i il.iahl# ihr fr ■ kbni aa* Thia ia ih» ilirrclinaa l illnarj, |t«.«lurr W I* lUit lb* •• *•"»l «i»W ibr Nraa t'.ng- til lw f •«*«.«( % Tbia t|nr« Uipil AOCNTH <1 I: T T I N O III C II ! f.n DEO BUG TRIE E. aarne State aome In a (if rlWi ••• nukiaj ai l all uthrr |Mif|».ara b*i kntt'i niill, «iU «M ia th* yiHira ago. bail tbloofb il •HVrnl.tr> baar ltaMa|r< In th» Iw I- Irt*11• MM «»f |'n%»rr. Um| «»f Ok, plac* Uad, Anapa, iliinlM.aa l..r ihr Oar llnti-mjh 4|>|>lir4lit out* |l«» rt(M| or lb# ahu ll it ia aaril. Kull nuking ! th* of the lamUMiai |iliit • f'«lnam'a aUml ibr \, "i I"*. On aa Nillm p* th* of olii M-infin] ptlrala, Tli» ^nann 4 rmfiwi'* ia taail* • iri ImI In ill* nark* ami rmim Hi PiCNki QimiiiI Wuh daya Mycall, puhliahrr ml lawnrjauia- Im« llaril.nr Taiari Ii I, •'-•V of ia>r*n.iM, In, if in ihr >1 nl ilnl »■« V fir. nfH-.lt, ar* >lnw n| |h»fil«f, W T*ritl« at aiuwpaonl MaanlMt K» (Urn la 111 il lb* h'i»w i* awl ilir l«(< •»< MMHIMf ill alive •a »rf| lillla tmnlilr. Tba lr| rriling, «M, Vfbl New II- raid, (a journal i*ir «btrh ran hr I.^rirtl lb'in lib pir|>aml nf huryp»»rt l»l» to, art rtiUlKi'i »«-!•■ Ml.I lit lx>t nnr • imilat |ialilirall»n in wiiH a III.Mini I If |l|l Mi"ft IUlfn« l^rnlH, Vft,| Hweatt, fn hi Milan ra, fx, M|i |»ikcl •• lb* oM K**ei, l*ln« fivrff |*itvr In "• of \ | n«. IImmIi'iU btwiiaf and fl Ilia Sheriff of rWabrf*. Tbr IrtliMmtwU ill* n««ir», iiikI ha* wmfftl (>r it ■ TOMitHtalaatn t I I *. .W» f.i. Oil liiun, Hiriahing.) .*r mt: I IK I'.ilaah » atrtalnl In rat i Ilia. grraar into mtkuctiov >,,ia.«. sin crssrvL «rii*iir miii«llr>l Lm^iIimI* ^ Mn»rnUi Mwlrm, bad N*ii a»ked aereral time* nf liin art ami latent, |inJ>atilt an.l tball in I'mVffMl Ilig'er, ih 1H ibr n.Urrtlrf, ami aa S.M|I. l)w ituxon^h ■ppliriixm, y««i ilrrp Fair )«M| IUwIi, Philip FA T FXT 0 Ft ICF lit oih«r iii4jnil* in ihr omll. limine ill' g'»«l OUn ni'>iN'( M»w* •• B»n. ib* »* buM t»»b*«. |«>»y 11 par up auWripti SVCCFSS /« finl m nlh, the mIt in ihr ele mul VoNi*, ll"i Ilmi'«, (Mini ibf UmIi, Hr mil »,M llilM-lanu (h miking >nll >.m|i; lurrtimtaf..i I'villiKl, liaiirral A (rill that he would \ASTAOFS si) ABILITY. #hImi ilvi * Hffislfil (W.IPIi) fiipjn, mill llir nun I'. \V. ATWr.l.l., » 'ir -1. I'. Ml I I' I Ifl fc T«H ial fb»»f, ha una told aia1 M iHbai nffcrr r. i.< |he f*«il«l t»i|r'*i k Hutu, Pari« Murk U|..fe |H« «il'ia( c-rt.unly |irn«» nnitriMlH e'lr.l In hate •ih|' i»«r.|, in nf lit I'trlnU, |'i»«|«»#nlU ipnt* Hxln^ • m-«lria'r. haa lirra nar.J marhinnv all kimla; ar» all " • l.« OH-«l #ri»w.« Thr inrlranmg I'. \i*i«mI k l"«., Hi* irirbl; nikI !*••• «»f ttqalai iU< ajl-*, aure aa he lived. If don't Tour bii^ra pn.i. rkKivi* ii| their lilt (n't r>«l»nt», a-vl the Irani) nl It-Mi.South I'aria; Klft mih irw^num* ••flit; you get larnh iliirrlKiM fx thia I'ntaah ia ihr III ibr inlwnlri ( their illu-lrnlmm, K.I' Pbarblrt lt'uaj, .>( money may trail |ai: b r»aablr»l rtrl l»('H« I frrnn Ihr Aniriiran awl liraIn• m mnlirmr «lm»lw*. «it|j «if H«m »r»i. Villi it» 2 i« Hff il*«irjM* I'm b»i »»«!> i''4 i!rri«i»na »i(4linr antra mi ahnra. • ••llrrlutn of »•»■! "trial rll Irnffl of i# tit• lh hi lliry d"wd," aai«l In. ifrriiralmM I'.IK n.lHfr.l III iKnr famr, ran. 2.1 In »tKfl |»,#• NililHilr, VilhHijf rr itlrwift |*M«, Ill ihr al».«» ilurrlmaa arri»ii|May irh wh Im«m hr# ai«lv» Iftl trf »bu*». ■ In Imi bia mi %m ul llav no rUliaa |al«ala. Thrar, ihr hate ilrtnmi ifil In enitaiiaeiaf* ihr it* .re ilrn»«l C*c «»f llim»®eltr» »rjn e morrow come and bet ar piiUiihrii I)R. SMITH'S T' pa««rd, ol a a. I iwrliiai'*' >»tii aa>l Ml nllane. .H»ir»lr»# •• »♦<• i« « liUai Irfal it- m t.iliim- in J iiwin with •lill a l.liimnal M innrr; IVI I ; alut HprmUlI — Sheriff'# «.••* l« ia ibr I'mlrO !*l.iin *me III M it ia pa«»"»< ; ipuner. Judge of the furling* I'alr (lamrtl II'MM, a 1*1 |>i I'lirr «ik h imlnrpm n|> Inaiilariili^i FREEMAaN HOUSE, ll N V V mm | < Hit* it H»l| from f|t»i#lin«| 4i|«if||rr, laa-li r Imiiik.1 irrii .a, lo otlrr In a mm. he H mih», bi*a altir, i| aa ranml lail In II. in ran'ilaliuaa, al ihr Coated Pills. if |IImHr«| ( Hll'^h 'X' "j lb« »| (i»-l« »-|b» ri|*aa a hen. on th- morning of the day after, plar* ,\o. in MI DDL 1: 5 rn 1:1: r, Sugar TW i.m tor |»«ir«ila. >r« ...(*• larililira 'ilaaiaia; hml if Inviirai ■ajanwa. Wilh Ih•• »ie» m-l lh«- lhi« mrilH inr ini.in«lili rrnv mm fnl' lu.mih tkaiUtiat m« the U «i In |'rr|Mrnl |»»l up lijr n«-d the lierald and announced arrrll>«in( a|tlenrrnhil I'm Mi (hurrh, I OP POM !:. • ikl >wlba»lrl ulK'lltf lif»l. OrLt air 0|i|M»a||r* of Ilonlth! Fh> lb* •iirr a ai«l lb* awal |rrj| Ibrir, hitr ha.. .I lb al anal Now York Collcgo mm "i vkfah llM H lam'tit'-d of I'hilip Dijl't, E«q.. fulral, (innaaaae. I*h< |»m aupfik LKKT1C I'lTi*—m I It »• !*#••#• > I: w« lb* i»-cW« >4 V nl4k« aaarti i.it. nliM*. Ule PORTLAND. ME. M'»M- I I I IIU \ I MCIUI IM. IN \\ fin r4»i lli il lh* ih | I, a an mailt (leel-j en/iatuif, TIIK rtpiir. »4) > tiff ot I'm ounlt of Ei»«e\, ith 1 II g'i Tin: WOKI.D? I» I VI I 1 > Ik M I N (KimhI l»M*» a k b *p 4 8. 11MH ••THE LAST SUITER!" QROROK IIAY, rropriotor. i (•''ill tr» ft »t»ce attached, giving the dffwiail Tettim<**94h. lit lb' in all mmu ijid i6smm Nnin.ii l>i lima, Cnlana 15 l(rrki>iritni tl.lm, •• I h*l»l ih* *»f tain *f ikr llaM.) «'nl llir n«U !»•■% l^>«inf limp ■ nf it lit Mrt* (I'mwil) iwr an.l all « b lufiwif J itftU «>f lh«* IhImhi, cr<-'it f.r a vicallent traitaof •mi will |ir*a»..il r"C> ikiwilo'Uf rllwt, lt« an|«4iiilf * al am U*v; tbora. g*«J many r i •, * if in II i"jh lb# «•, ( r. it ii Km •• •U*4ih« I** I vilnr** lie f fin .olxrnl^i I •• I" IM I' * rn;n»»il al ailb ihrir mrtilt, lliriMijlKHil ibr mwU, I*«in»Miti|>ii<»wt c hut that be had one built 4i »h* OA*, «• •oltriSur f«»r i' I I I tri.ter, adding l liiAt'tfM r>M| "fvlri ft.Dlin In Ikr l»lf Hf \ I.. i*Mih »rtr Dr. McLANE'S N»«v«^af< 1V«# li*«, !(*•«», I«rf u iti*r r\b»lMlnMi 4|*|v«r». Tli* Tla * aiu>-'i to l» w.aa out |tr>wM*««{ |*4(*"*••*« I fn.in lh- "I " il •<( It «r'i •' M (b.-.i, llu lb* »h« imtUhthuly punc- mm* !•*«• tick, oil ImmItI »;IuiiI CiiwIij, ry l.plorvt—he • mi* nf'i ih »h«i *H«i h ««l h lilUf IriMiwr it fitliVn 4 ul Jr«iilttlr-- \ ai irai b »a l«l • S» V «; laPMWirili Mt Vtnri) 1*1 ia lb* Urf»l ilrrl>|iUl( CCLCDBATED ijiiilr »Hrtr urtr tat, toil in the printer. iImw V(iff iKr I'alrMl H(ti f, mi.| (inhr«iUlin{W iirillKf millll Mf ftrf ll >biM»UJ 4 v • |<*ying «ff nwnl»>l in thia ruimlo.lrim fiMef 1'ium » la 4t»U»l l» in I m(i4«in| •» "f h li rtMtlnrir | II » hH m -ir ill, i* 1*1% int. nmitii'h srcmt coati:i> pii.lm nf lh** loiff ll i< i»rU .irtirwljlr. for hi* hrakfeat. * of lb* ibiw-lollar mmiivI nrrur, ■ without waiting ilit• IMM ihr ill* a ill *fc* I ILg ley, » |« it>#n| |hf lr«| lit u».liitar} i" •>• .V aai »rla *•«< •*, frM. | rtfinl Mr. I.I VERMIFUGE Hair Mini Nif itl'.-. \\ ||| wwfil wwnifri w m •! «r II raid <<& H M ym, y— f4»» »"l 4 n»«»ir In i«» nl< ti Ih «l lSr» |ffwtH I ■ • >1 I •• a PULLS* ihoiiMinii ib'H'Miiili hhIihm-1% |f|vr«t be met n.iv „l ihr rnf. itinfa .h>•»•! «*r Ir ..If. LIVEk" An M • Ik ll.lln, I'm. Hill U'ih. A. «1U anu w a<« lionda and 4 1*1 |«Ub| t|i«(i many atr*llnii«oflhr A(r. Itn«l. l'«« lla vtb't *1 la* «ia «,l>aii • *o t<* to aaa him. Ther ikfir 4| 4li«mi* 14 • h»rm l*r*l»» If t*i Iff mini ll* ill' MM- nf lhl« >(ibaa. u>"d I*ii«t4{ |»li' l liaMini Ikiwli'llii aulwn.l-'l will lb* «| «m.I aurpriwo tri I I Ml Ltr« |(iHl..l|ihu» \ ••|||«

    4*i ali<»* 4l lh« ui r \Va» «w iMi—»hM|' H J»3 —I lb.a «|il*n. .if nri\« h»f». x \ 1.1.1 it 1.1: ii i m r. i» v. in *t have mid Ihrir irmiig p.«p \i» l|a|aim# 1 ml tlaal*ram inrilii" i i r«>i »iiUni r«i.«i i*tu>r. rum in i:ki: wmtb lhu. (m ibi" rnji»»!»<, nrkli fi; filing Ml ■' 1' iImvi th v c*rvd *o little *l»>ut him a« l.ite I *.»«».»».I••|.»m III |*4lrnU." arc not recom- Ifvft ifvMilffinf villi «h« it lb* »«''» n( >1. ftlr*rb auj i«ai ib* i«j;r»l tin* liiai. |»a«i'Jr ii>IU>«, They nit. PKTIT*M •»!»«' mi, tlir I I.I III I \ I K I* III he w«a no tk* ( a«^4iii^rr, <11 nlT lb* rnfiat to bare that F**m ^M#tl Wr ab IMMH .Inking i"C* w f»»r ». ll l« larWV «*a«iia» ; lorgottm already € *111 til y |'n 4»*l K%iiHri|««f •* \» «.l •? ill#- |(m I h •»r «*l il rM bar I* irr< •»#!•' «»V. Iw b- aai wat. ur.rc ? Full of lie ent<*r«d the l|9 .V»rf mm ba* h.M |»'rtur'«4Uon, I*C r«lr4U, It. II. an a ran I* Ulm a* la.l C A.NKKK HA LS AM, H#l I ill# ,.( targ* |• •«•!»« il'H ||r •• lh«4-4i|lil« h* arr itmvril. Th.ia* bn ilr»nr «. 40|t«mirt m i« «»l ihr I iinl li. in lb* hiat u». th*- U* thr Hilt UN (Mfem I ini ihrii rn|i ilin(< mil, pur- ■•» «»i Why MmI Mr »nr in MNf u •XmI.i.,* »n«»»^ i.»t 4batik ihi* i»»|i »»f *«K* a *!inrl I•«*»«■ •iurr ilkn; «'lh al lb* *S"*a. *• rrr MN hit* «• th* m / »KmM •**«! in ibrir li-a# w.lb- |l«»l llanaab'a k»lm| were fifiwI t^»W# |,ir,,..*..a, •i.Ii«-ii| ♦ elit 'f, I jou defunct!" I »m * *\ I thought • tih'tm I h««r Ii4i| ran l» a*nt «»h*» lint (•••tiirrlv Itllir, 1 rfmfmt w.lh ml Jrl|< Tb* lolWia, iijent imm n — |»r»rtit».ii»rf rn(ialin{ mII4*« 4II 4ii*l Mirt p» " nrlaimej th* Mieriff ports. i"M a'l imii, It |miw Ih-funrt ?" CHARLCH NAHOfl In mail, in ant ulbrr miuorr, al fjarnlaii bait in ll* Uilr 4ixl mlur, IhiI initui ilulf ill il« i»l infill III• • I NK ill It il ll I<1 Mlfnl III* " into bead !" ('• 'imiM|i»arf fllfiM." • La i t.i.Ur. for ||f MIsrKLI.ANKors. What put that your The Vermifuge, WlWHI» m nf Im,19W9 I) ••• •• yourarlf !" Mid Mycall. "Did $20,000 in Work* of Art! WIPE'S SOUK UKKAST, Why, %• 4 |®f nl»4lft lirU it |*»f. R Pm t *\ 9 t»m», %| I'miflnf Worms from "ill' ft «il Inail mi l "Tj tell me?" Aftrr dim ti b il, prj Iinrj. [y^ [XT- not i»f I on iht I "I Tb* expelling •• an Inno:ru:. you 4 fn» »%l.if«l la a.liliimn llir HMk 1 « •■» C-urt;n; l«, iihii 4*1 ihf N|Nth| I# M M191 j lA lb# rt|le« i#f •" I"' In »»*f» I'.YI.RVIiODY I.IKt:i> IT! •tamm re! out th.- 3l If«.;4| .i» JlltHiM, \ h |fc,H l.a.t fi'i'l*'." *b"b »iH |t"*i,i,'l l i«n in of tH* Wr«|. "Oi! ah' yea the human has I'll\UM M V VMi r?l» Ml-ntv. In ?-ry ibir*. l-.tlar l>«r I'M lb* »a 111 I Air atilirinl «ith 4»i line %m \\u\ \ nt. n«ff wlartilrf |n.l.'i.bi A .iu!rn, u ■.» '• zikmi system, I'^iprnli « > H ell. there'* y-Mir Ai»l • •••# iHf «|i*|» il«it Wkb tbi mmI CNmImI rrn >.<: • lm» 4 uif r U»'4«* uinMl* money. Im U»i Wall 4»*l IV i4MM4i hi I i- )t4«f imn|>lr|fi| 4llS«^rwirii |wr|iN "•J** < i> tiii: >101 tii. 4»l '■ r.%t* ilrtntnl in ill r«iiti)in».il»<»>t. Hi .'it "»'•» i.f % Ki.«* f also been administered \Mil:it i«i«p in n- it it * in th* •!it "f h»" ■ the It ft 1 « iir I'm# t»#-r, i4*f I*V», 1*•»*** «n II 4>hI I <« »il»«rrrfv cimtndict report your j«apor, **44i»|l (I V.iHwi.u W«d« .»• ib* —1 if* nl •f*ii« * t%«11 I it inr>l *411.m« i> m*ilir« —bail rrcnai#* t» !>«••• pmfcimr nswCEtf' « ihd# fti»| §rr>i«il nf -|iU •||lMMiHin( | I. i*r«l, htli4| |trt—4tr*| lUXl I llir '4ti > *»• 1 * t leu*'." •• •« • no rrli» f. I'rirlMf 'Yl'h««i< 4I>I r- ««n I» •tin t iifin'ri> ut tin- I'M'irlrlMh y.tu | ibv r*t4tr of •«•«! •ifrr4M>tl lot f»rb m l f4f» Mil |'4iiii^|«, iltf ! *1 I'M) with the most nam, tad iiUamril ««(••• 141*i141i«hi uf »f twin*-. •• H f r*. in « ♦ >i *Mrr I I'Ulr satisfactory Wink* M# I' it'a not friend |. tn*0 h \ 1^1 m xiih *• *' i>nr 4" A \ KKII M'III:. 1' Mint I I lat I H'l> nl inl It *>riKj; n««»try Higley," 4llM44iirr: Ill* r..ir|iUlr «nriH 0»»«i Jl i>i 5 dwWm§ *n«l 'I III'. waa 41 n it n t t», Th «i ih# *4111 I %mti«»fi (ivr I'lift i«iN^« to Tk» |wm« **..llcii MMl IfPKCTEII Til .1 * »»• I it .M r ; "it in results various animals [V ] t'\ I I »» I'M «t~, t. j.l only prntol h i » i |H— n.«ltre lu 1*1 I4lrir#lr«|t It* r4U«l4f 4 r«»ftl IM I i»| .-I I'l l aarf I LEAVINa f»*vi04i roi.N RATION, I Inc llun«lrfi| h illin » ill lr p ml f«• 4n% l*h> in «*«rt I !• x• r !" ir In *erk« Uii iMki | ill h'tt I'h c«p» t| i!im Iftf l«4 rwK, ori* i u«»ai tiii: teeth* iik Im hit rm |V. (»»«'»!ihlftr to Worms. • irmn ulin »4M Ct> it ill* • liilit win I I1 • 4* of mint \,.r< after «r «4 1^ 4 «l, |l |*4« til r«»r«h TI»«h»#4i» •A mil' r(T» rlr.l 1^ llNC III Ml I.K » »*« >'>«fiff |iic| I Tilt OlM |Mt.U«lr IlllMllMNVlllI )V9 I anl>rr ItiiNnm. •! hit it ^ I th -fir of tn* •' sith al- l>r. I r'ir. ran I* to pr»»«e ih it ll tto gf* M 1 "4 III fh* M • ?«•••* The Liver for pf«*i*irril • I |* 4 II I % ihft 31 Tltrlilll fnaiwIITI rrrritmf % 1*4111, Pills, *»f lr«»ni our «»♦* • ihtftr* >» \- ti \ .. ■ || Ml iiMbh <*. AA' lll.xb, Alaibrt £•■»«!. .r 11 th* nntcr. M 41 9 »f itir rl rfk |h lh«* r»rrn«w»4, Aliar'l, l>r»»ing Snanja, IH4K \ • jur | H»»r%it • I»imI|I»;' hl*r Uril flTrflr.l, Th»* *»( l|» 1 Kin %< u tu iSf »t l> 1 Al«i«r, ruMtr 44% I hr % «h% th# Mmr ril mlm v|*4 »rrr»|«t tuli'lmg enj cure I'uiIUimI, lirMial Afrnl •^••ti (if h4«v) the of Liver Com- t n I \ K \ l l> riNO.1V .« r ml lbs uf MTl»r 1.I«I II**'9 •" • Iwnct lv ufi* H.il.1 li* Amlrr*!* Il II lira, I'an* llill, I! Al. • li«jlti nmI be .lUuMfit, HI| iU tirtii«*« Nil rimilifr • in I' .. I .» |'ft>|)i T.mrhii^ A Mmi»U ik f.. AI 14 hit* *'411 || ItROVI.N, on ul lbr*« Tiit*r I l 1'iifr*. ■■Hal k 1'n., Ilwkllrltl; I', «i>.t II... HlnM\s J.Vfr. i« itiun'tM'1, rmlif iuin**« nrll knutn plaint, all Bilious De- in mailirinra iHturii, iriiij lf«f —4ltr*i ; ami ilralrra iuilllll T', * g lltli'Uiall I'atWg da»l«l"d A ru)>i •tulptina V-.uhj, .Vn-aaj to h:m »: \ mi fa mi:. hlVIVt k « 4 ftft. #'{!•'« miii t } Hin; U

  • 1 nil 4 J-.UI.lt (►f»nwl ache, 8cc. AtwelFs Health Restorer In ( .rr rrtf, in iMefmrin «•! hi »n in. iv*»iun on hi* »-imi'hI k L IRATDS! it■ litr.an r.ml.nl. I'rrMrtijItv w|»fwire«| ♦ h*i «de | /*!'«f |Wra..** will, iltifinf lilVr.M AI'I't'.TITK. 1 «« tr-Mn .r n. itt««, I »l»flrirnl flora oihei »#U m» of II T I l»*luit»»l.l, I'hrm* |>i«"-ii | frj»«»r entirvW lb* if if( rm'narr omlnlw m. I* a« iiirl One lb*1 «*it? I'hiUilrlphu, !•« I I m. the i«.if ill a»*rl,i^ III «, t| |m l>M, Ih d'lfliK'M* iw illri Purchasers will •n-nn il *i th4t hit |»#*- I'm ^ t litiu t *»ii in n<» »u-n. Il>* 1* IU linn lrr.1 .1.Ilri.il willrit an.l ib.nkrr., iinmlinmc ATWKLL'S IIKALTII RKSTORER ill, «ti*i t*iM{ ilnly • •• » (*•# «mI please \ lo M. ur n it *• |«i UrAtl, Mwiaiix no ttiir, li r .hi ll> I >11 WIit, wtl |uo •■■ Ihriu llir u. «l ul Ainrnun III iturj, in; tk.r- I* it r» in'ltfcl r mi It* a r .\.inng »( ilialin^uiabrtl Will III || ml fit hllltlPf JM, |Mr4lKi« 4II knili t iiiio »■!<♦• 111 <1 ml" g«g«l »iii.ii..," ON*,"will Dr. C. McLane's Cele- 9lf ilir mlnUil iwum. Uinv, • t ti»«.h W ill vi>glliin I 1 Iur oe«l |u £4* 4»i>t il will ol .No?# h.Iwi 1*CVI. » •• n (mi C411 *<« mi-." rwk I* run wlnl In .inal.lt wlilm—ami IS I .in.'» «■ r. i- I' r- I III t M 1!' l' uf «» •cri«-k'*n twain. 1V"/ rnnlain, ilniin( UHltrtrd In urn ittJtJrr**, l»il '•*-* t Nmuit. II- miI 1 »l •• tidrr^nl Immh i.lbn wlr»4 ci| I»i|i' ilua lb ll ntliirU imli l.INI irl«i« |»«|«rr l>« lb*fcr » \m*fic n |.irp«"kn»t» I'tlnlilj. n ir !.* I t ihi*I I a«in Kid*. trt r-turn itrl ml Ibr «•#%! t|4r|l« like ibr hi»», iw .»«•! ntr«i 4»i«t •»1114.111 *njtattn( * i.l \ lifintii, «4lri iMlhr a* %o*i nr iu lb«* lull. ) I'nKliml iil^firil 11H4 l*»p, .>1 an w.»i'b iMr ilaillai*. ■ chio It* >••«» ?*!« iiui h*. •tS-nril int-i it w«*i-k .in ! I Si* %»i «• It into * who lh* I >n|.,a», I* .It )en A riliv (i!J citurn of irl, 11. «i«b Mowt Ai. a.' ^ n'4 T'*lA 'ifnU, Ni'np lull iIiikIhmi liiv »k»»; |titi»i't In I tS« m of being th«> lulnl Tartar, illtiiadbM nf Ib* thir* lb..«'an«l |»rtt*a l« In- diaiiih«l*>l proprietors, Pitts- ATWKLL'S IIKALTII RKSTORER tvputiti \\ ..|n 4IM iIiik'i. m |.h Ikiriblrr, l*.M—|iriUa|>a l« a hit li I III a• Li *i it ixk lit .n'lir lir, among Uij. hi J 1 >i ulliti I'uAilrii will ir r«i«fi|>an% each ij w.»itb f IftW, take no MiJJ/f Sti., « and «■ 'unr/M* AW Pitit.'itiJ, • I t > tii it<* ru inn n»« iImi*? that u»»i t'i »*»-! hi* in n I Pa., cM| d«*d, girdi'ii B BABBITT, N.itw iib«lan.|ln^ thil tb*>* *alra.Milinart in. burgh, ATWKLL'S IIKALTII RESTORER G* « I |0 \\ Nr» \ ♦tfdt ruMcrnl* for Mniiir, h* »■' I r in tin* «>in- 4«llt«i||i>4 ^livrli fb, ran tail l» aii lb* i« h*-! umImI >.-*r. ulinj ! forward Im lak** ■Iuc*m*nla baiilW <>in|ilnb <.lj*« ami ll (Ilir \<>«•. ruckinK *ir, bj rucking as there are various I'urr.l nrijl.l.r will •• it* if "i ml jmif i •if •.«»«■ \ilf» 1 H •, I* Wllil wlut lb* ptiib*r« wilb fmihrr rKoila, t*t lb*) other, ry Iiy »!lim> >t hrf »Oll «, Ml l4|'|U* h. t« ar •I'XIT IT! II.II. Wm |. (Ml, I 8KND FOJl IT. now • \\ n<*M p-iai l rt h»r t.» lw» ««»i. rt. own other I' I W \ OliVfl h» » • \Vm. tran^i it—ha I *«T of C.hing bit ; Th» m »•! illit*ii 4inl rui • BaU • > Ah.Imx k iuir«, fferia Hitti \. [►xolurlv »ii|v<«|it« M.jumr Till', oucvr l.inRAUY OI I IJl preparations «• w r .1 it i. w -»i•.»|, it i II " M »nJ -Men h1i tike »>»r f*ll »• ■ V I i«•». |)il* I rlnl» I*. I'rwIxitf ; ImnM Jl lb» •' 1 *r«.>'- »b> will fr np a uf JI iuIh before the I.. I'. I'l l K.i t nin(, \ii|>l|ihu« l\». .ifvl %• *••♦■!. |l-M k U, I1!* wl cr* the t ... in .r w* public, #•• I.l li. $l CtHi iut..g I «• lull lb*t il ..I-.H». *.. will r* ill Mir.lii cnt" r»ri t • hrir. «|^t (»Uckfi«h) might I) J •»i •, a.fcl |i»l"{ |>ailiruUl* ar.il*..,'* mil limit I'm U iUuh k I ►lliw r.Mt.ult "I ••»*. 5rl»|; J |'t IliiliJftifti Ilium; S^| ill'II t "»«• »t .t.i uf III* ll ndrd n l»r ant from t«to t, Ut(|« i.f ihr IAll I'xa 14- i..r.*nt »t■ !*.».I,.I Uilnart, i( |0 to be might, h I .• ml |t. I Nm»m, N 1 • imi rrnU. la-.t 11 «i.Vt> «, tb* ih.m| Vermifuge l«ri£tit'Mt Li K(n porting • 'i, l«'i ilulkri ; mij | lai;. •ml>rarin( |»>|Milar h i* «vulJ not lukr thrni 1I»#t hw>t tn "in la— 'i«ck*l hi* d >wii 11 the J" gig • n l*r »r*il In wmia in lb* l.iaikrl. Tb* lull lutt l» fminnl al \UK nv rui nti:ui r.irs. urn ii.|ii« mil all |»ik>iii »bn Pills. All ('itrr VonrSorr m:\v • »t> •■•mi and Liver ft*n >kc uf i itv, u Jt "-ifnra an the hi *lnli Iwn .l.llaia a wi'b •••! lb* *n. Eyes! water *id<—put „ut his Im-. I wlien »i«h l*i ••'wi U, infill uf b«c pualaf* lb* p«ir», j*ir, Aik For Helmbold'i—Take No Other ia» ... al lb* lull ir*.—ibi** .1.11.1. —w ilb in » iiki nt kiKilt iu 11) rrnU.) f in(, |H it •<>'}'' KfiM*. "U- «4i *»irIt ho.k d, *taried the old »(••, IHt. I'KTITTH i ITRRM «.i \imm II i». 9B U«t..g >» ■ > J»'Mi^turii| •'Bn'l.4nl lh* *np*. la *arb Miliarri* in > |'ro others, 1 v 11 n 1 Ii- r %r 11*■ f v t n£**ti I oijft and hiia out. lirr. I...I ami .i »f 11 In- i.„M4..l*.| are American « rtlVlV HOY'S ji"t I ti •»#«• r I'n• h»Mrl mi \ lira. f. l.liERIIY.ArliunC.A.A.. |»rinirn rrt Farmer a 41* V V. » ..I 2 11 *ui». Ilin 2«(» lit' «-r <•( lU At U»t tin |jj*p BfMaaj, mtipl nit. j. \. nr.uitv. «>r Har... J |Ma>itlR. *.,'iim. a ha<* ab* It Irrn .li.li ilaiir.l la ai < hi«!• a ilk *«rr and ,rr%" " •! l" hate hern uticn-d h» the worthless. rhiM » h.t ttaa mi Klhirlr.l Medical m '« 1 mi* 1 I}1* an w* I* Discovery, • in* r iM#. i'i'I Im «lt-r- im* «|ib ll.ia ullrr, I abE TIIE ACE irit ul vhilii: iluini-h a l.iUait lu »»n» rl*i|«. ll\ lit larr Uinrtl hi Ibr THE U< 1 « 1 •« I II <4 l*. l>|r» .1 lit kill •| On *n I ifin M* ti.U* .f|i.iUi.ili light 4l all, jrari krr|im( •• l*ai or *»iu* The genuine McLanc's .1 .l I, ... tin >..»• r> In tint afbfu.l li*i, to i.«ic at l»> K .f-., l» mi* h are wbfkltf »*|, | I ! \\ I man. |nlkitt>. III. KKNM h" * •• 11 > f lat «-r « r n *«•■* in lb* r.Mi.t|.t. l«*m**, tViiu 'Him * »ki|> at in.1 l» it.) t: ION »|i (•» >ut K * i». i« t |ml«lki. T«u laiin of Ihr K»r Salrr fffn'lr.l ikf rorr. Ill ii| n m «r • and Liver rwn T It) KIMH>| III Ull||, ii 1 l'i hi' ikal R\ ni'l. ringing t iv «.«» .i» >ukI( 1in I. I lllr |MCt lUint, wU HinTMUU C4|.i. f. 1.1.1'l It llAMSCOH.of llwllia, infc.mn M rtnmlt Vermifuge !•> > • •<«»» .■ I'.iu- Heir "I" fniui llir mini .*»<•«• ImU il.ian it l» Km* II»j Ukm imI." \ Hl*l zx ixc Mnxr.T: hi* H»"ilhrr h 4 • larrn M n «• MI.I .. ll I «• lll4l tmrf4»f 14. 4ImI l» ll )ri«l ^ r.'MM. can now at Hp ka.lnr.l il in Hirf «l»mi lnin.) -,1 " I. «»• tlUatif i lit ihr lltr >4l»r. I'hri hail Urn »mr ait.) |ilr. 4n * "• •' 'I n> Mr at ar>« tli* MimiIij, hi I*.., II. h ««» mI I'rntial alitil, lloduiigMrri lli** lioia un ti,nm. bi. •1 in N w « ii> tun", *n* t > •><. nl ihi« f.«« l« i»f Hrilnrii of thi i inquired |»fr«r«H all <«• nl» nulr. uf It • •l.in. •• \| \\ Jliui».!j> anil il. taliir, all mlbm t air W hat dot \ jur fa» i«, lay, >lit*ila), i»»»iif iirnlt in he fwU: respectable Drug I lr aUu rnrril 4 rhlll of »rr< Im I Sorr I if It) 11.»» !f '•. •i'l** fur ti llii* lit* •!■'» kill*, «tr«vi«)) U.lllr. • a«i*nl«l lu «UI. a *11(4, i», 1 •'••i.irk I' Silu. T... NHTliRf p!.it ..f I him- la lu aril I*. h Im I t • m». ticilar l. hate it uml-rat.«*! that mine that li) ulm( liar, ing mil ..ir* antwb.f i, I..i In. lii.l iJh'U I il>i unioll II II. II 4 Y k CO.. A*r.n. kiml i.f 1 .mki r in llir UM.iilh I- «mr Mill Iw l that ikr laniatrnirarr Nit l»(.t* 1*1 antlanli know whal in aaiiailrtj ibr •• n»nH iwilr.in *n(iafin( I I »«lr AihIm*. 1 lUlr., S'aii. Tbirr lu fi%p U.lllr. '• n- are un fur llainr. I'«l l>j (iVntlrmm in ilicir Drfvsioc Koums. Mi«m h* •■■•i»in«t><*»*l. | ,\n. I who l.r ait t," <• ," urwn ia Itoalua al lata burn • I the am ilia. I ibrut inlriwlnl la l.xr .1 • apply iiniiiif mjh' alirr, an.1 (rt II ill; \\ m. A. I! •!, >■ 'ti I | M Mm «•••»»( ram uf rnn|» •• » arnnlril !■> luir all un' rti.iiMln. I h*»i- Knijc •« I* ll« *4ni .■( whieh ail r*ch*ng« nnark-. that female will b Hui'lfil. lb*t know whil a «|.l*u.li.l olfrr I am guin/ tu llrthrl; l» N V lilr, f»i>uili Walrilm ; < Murf LADIES AT TIIKIR TOILLT, On« |u l*u billlH air I'hr Im«ii irritr in *r4*»nl• t". T. t li«" K lliv of ibr m n*»l % fin'inl in llie uaual r»il«l ac- in favor of hr m n'" I'mtrr, .1; Hon, In Ihr bii'iv.ra rjr«. triemi. i«atr»ngle Mulhi'i* >urM,rir. iu ihr riilinl train* ual uf ibr riti rn;iati«(, an.l I I.II lliriu bt* i|..llat«; ami wb.a fir I.I; I'.. AlnMl k uml C. II Al» I, Tan Imi>Im «r narni'ilril rur* running 1 11 « on* 'Mir Old in Itmloir llir of the >rU, 'nit DM "ii •h.nu I r^f are nut rr*|M«aili.r for liiggagr I ufl*f lb.ni lb* .ngrafinf tml M.jan.i* t*ar lh> I J I' Hi I I .i.: \ Il't.hi. U llnir, rur. an I liliilrlin in ibr ban. Cf.tu! A dwarf mid lo a giant. "We I'Mpaay It ibr hateefjual .in a'ii .11 il *.V) in an.I lli.ii f.# ibfr* ilolUi. ji* I 1 to l.i mi ImiIiIk an- aarfmtpil lu rurr r.ir. r in wh im I cwulil In In rurrriling talur, ibrt (irilrrllt a.li.ni.hrif |i I.rij4>ii>n Mil II. I "I iiml tli«> mini; I'rrM'ne it, K.utr imuI'I If, ®ll l-.i Ibr lii.i Iwu ur .hri* an«l Dinning »lrrt«. my iw«».in«l,nnl»»» (rl |»iu( — iu|'l wli i'ii 1 .«! ..ir out in* «h t' .M r. I | j. it« h.-urt, lair 11I una l*»r itn ^ ">00 jil.li I mn.1 •late 1 Onr b llir-ill r.iir .ml, ..fib* ,k,n. i»| lieu the giant, "ret thou «ntt not walk |>iii(i(rt r,n;,.,.„ Th* -U> I 2 .iil.-ri il«-f«. FAIRBANKS lliw U.lllr. arr « aiiaiilnl lu 1 mr 1 ha ani( liilllra air » III »ulr.| I lina In a the Till*. MO.hT dc*ir«." ancient day celebrated precept waa Thr tl» 1U1 I t'»l 11 Mtlwri .all 1 bruin. " Wintor ArraiiRomont. Thr Mt >U« I (♦ ■iliM' I'lir III Intuit ri'rr llir (I'll M»t*| t«. Vh» lU-n*-! rn^l lnrh*«il Kin* Tiijarlf In modern 11int it hat g>4 for the Ilair, rifkl un»>p,it«.n>«l The •»« U «U» I 17 ( il»t a. CALKS, Preparation M-P «»I t« iJiiU. got ,S Hffl 4rirt% lantod the far more of l.nk -l <>n linn «ith • Lu-v uf boen aupi by faahionahle The u or hi hit* evrr known! MuipMthuing NEW YORK aTTo PORTLAND V lirnrlil I* all it* riffitrl Ut.m ih» fr.i muim, "Know and Pint »nl, 51 »utMCfilicr*. frrl rmr W4«r4hlptl «Urn ihr lnn»i •• Tlir <|ilfiiiliil and l'n*l "Irniner, •• »«• AliKNTH. *11 fit 1/» 'U'Hft. til til* on about hiin. I 'lull iln mnrh Iwllrr »r*l »rrk. Il ihr IIKOWN. Jin'. iH/tttt»r S4,,Hir; Imn him. thing imCKMl/Ark l -.k« mi in «< Kn .\rply m.iiiIm itl kin.la »f .Nulhiii; impri'lal'lr th<»r grating lint ti«r« ihr Immimm. A fit 11itnr*ii all «ri(liii| a|» II rr»lurr» ihr Ilair aflrr il to* fallen out, in ''i'ii r aura a pn*t» 14 fail! I»••-k f<>r rt; umI *t ovum! A kia*. Franch l.*t ami CHESAPEAKE. nnr fur talr al low ralrt hatp »u| p Iidy, itir • »,'t i«iag. V'MI 1114% rail ul.tlr u|**iti In.hi itaralua mil •l»ir furiniHir *i;i«4lr». rnli»rn«, awl l»4Uiiifi il, (itiugilu « VI 1 I.I.I art in nf lW a* tb«l u rnmni'iii ternl growing mi tli4* h« mil n»*v.*r il »*ri itifii* more than clao in eiiat- MD.1IV CROW l« l«i> llMHtnixl ntlkriilr limn iur lhi> Winlrr. IUiIum.I, 11 a«, a II. I Coal Hcalra an; |tar rub, »»fl »» l appraranrr. ility, gr anjthmg (Uwy ikf nlil tlni.r w «ll», tlid hl lit Inmiiitm lu Hintri • a lu Ik- |M>lHri,a'»| along IT'll.l? run irgularl* Iwlmrn .\K\V Yt>llk I am nultr rnotigli uf ibr lk*caMtri. I>14 Till* l.4>lir« 11% pfi»naiiff it lit far Th* ini ili^f, wSii. «l th« c imm*w"tn»nl "ttCt. rm» hntanr; »rt i| it •••» ^ «i. Il »11 M Imi iim* a Urm in ihr Spring," A I". iW PmTT a ml Ihr wual «Jr.i|. f»rr; PORTLAND, ci u. TRtvKi.i.iMi ha»r a limn .I it ha< In •tarl. 'Ihrir air no i«' pt r l 'i iit r e "iri r.i i i* M-ti>t \\ nil h ni ltH-r>iM>nl< »* Mr antUnlt ma |< ki.ot\%i. rfrr |»lv. j. "Anncitli m and truo.etrrT Unt H«aw>i'i M'hkif, I'miUnil, r»fr) Sal. urtrf, *1 f \\ \\ |l*«iM»»a hi.- fmni ".Vl aide allirlr batr u/rii. y«t war-^that'* #/' ri'.IM |Q< ihrjr IU •>!« <||>|| iIhmii il, cm If WIW riirt I <>• nol • ■Jrfain (iliri •. \Vr imlr rtrii Iriiun j 1 1 r •• until attMawHial ami fnf uf rb nice Imai- •< a urn arlir an no lu'rUk; friurning.lratr In gl'ill |wr month. Ma IiiiiiiIw* Il akritr* in ihr al|i and hrallby ha* nf rr a lli.n.ml |>,nlri | of It," a>iid oh] maid ; »wHicr • an I rtnt lailt •» li'i ifc'»lir» a Ilr | nl.llnl \r» \ nk, l'in 12 V T«i allrt* wlitl •niploi iiirnl, aniiM 1.4*1 tin,..«| • a- tnl »i lu «l"»rr falling larniag tirrjr. il of |h>«l»na M g-t -.arricd t iau mi ljfNiii larlbrr rw-loar airimiy j ill p*rliralar», rfli"*'l ii| il in air. Il hat atiraiU ilnma 'lit ar- l.»i 4a abmiM i«rl«*r 25<-rni« rr«|>iirril. I'uira er Diiwiri with fit mfrmry. Appluanl* anil uplift <**j ■•uatagc •tauiii, a.l.ln.a, WW WW ilnnr in It uia.uualatiuaa I'm I li 1« (ir a ■ inirii » Yufk an I M.IIII*'. I'} rcluiii iiuil. Wantod, |>n>|itr puw, |HNI' * * r«* * arr will Maria* I.,, |'larr». Imilung rhiMirn, » hntr llrtli «at inll aar, llalb. .\»|wlai rrrf} ra»*, iMrful ami honor atilr, ann|uallr«l liy n.aikrl. litea. A> Mr ilraiir lu in ihr lilllili of |>rr- »h« are tick lip.nl. ami fit. Jnltn. A an, cunnrrt* with Strain placr 11. "1 ■.. 1 Tn ihutr trmililpil with pull r» \ [ ■( mM, W. •on who • In n rluh, an l In* llilii nur*'. <•■»»!• takrn tailb pn.|m»« grl up Stpiair arhr,unr l»ililp will rmr Il |ik< Ill'L liiiU I. l» «t.4l <« t ,if |S» 1 nee i* a we tbiuujb Nu hi Mrtlirimr or Imnli Imainraa. I'iiII |iar- (irnrial al«a)« giant; may » >c*|ialrh. al tba rhra|ir.i latra. lo all »hn rm-l.ni- a gnat rrlirf in ralarih ami a |i»ra, frrr, poaiagc mil.I lir 4'tilrraml. n *» «•! l « t lr I 4» in «| .» Sl'I'HIlK," hi mrli rnclu- lirnLii urilria r |>4|f,i|i|il| n> •laiuiiwr ibtrr mil |iirrp, Andirwa It U • ing tlurr Julian will rrrntr ihr ••ngra»ii« atarta are II. II CKOtflVKM., I I,MI'.UV k FOX. V II MAR h N I' iUl«w. X II ami ha*P Irgnt.ilr., ily ||i| frightful, and torr.U* u rrlum mail, jUi •prnuH-iK <»«• IU*I,South I'ari*; B. AUiml K Co., Ilackftrld; Uil tahrrr I'iri 12 \ Iti»rr N V. Itr .» u'.W h'l. I'urlUaii, |H»i-|MH>la—tij if ••mnil it Kiirlii i|nilr pa»*. thrini w« > l>-» « I «• in.- ui S th« * in.I Ultr „( |hr mmiliriril «ili*li|iliiifl K.I and Vi.ua arm* >*&'**■ hour hew lie unak'i. Nut.* IMT. |M«l>lirali»H* 1 fliarklry ltiid J, .\ufwaj, an* »| ibr fmirlmiit of it I'miland, IS, Il one W \NTM>. drraBgrm*ol mlwf, ibr h«lr il alnait di*«|'|war fin* at • n<»l I« lUnmi i)m> Lojf lu hc( «• Iratrllinf alaliai —llirj t> nit«ral ifi r it i»4ilr wait III lhu*r «hu ilrtirr a ip j.int. tha'. to • al a nf €UKH THAT C«U«3QC! a wrrk. it »»rr laid *%rtJ ~Umnjr Urarlf. 'IIP. wlnffitaf, an niMf uf L»||| ilualril nn ra'j, Hatful ami liunoralnr, iaUf* {UNI l ufOifit l, brrrlt* (iiti |iulilic Bulirr III all ,\ii |Mlrnl medicine m IkmiIi lni>iarta. mi lu ia four, | u l>um..n friend* a 30 Nu. S7I L'onfiiinpliun! yoiirtrlf imnrri in a Uiu«ili»a),>«»-Vufk. |n w h«» enrlnar u " ■«»••( the ■)•••! \li at inrtwi judgement. of I. «aiii ri»rr, (bat crrlain ninu lirulara gi»rn frrr all poalafr Thru not with | bratil 'gtul lull •• • IT with affliction* ui parlry ihrratning fair, Y«»oi'i; ring " lirr nl t 1 «• il: ali-nii I wrnt»-fi%* • or ihifi renl liirrf, anil ail lrr»a I nmt of it lhal man rtrr lult nnl In. An author of the nnlMu^i, lotlgr.l lamp Thr nirr IwToir il la loo lair." *ajr*: 11 i. upplt Eat •*" thia c'>'»r* ill n«»w know tli* nun .M*nj bright- •hi bn Inn' Irii'ii aai<) ritrrr, wuhin ibr lad l»«ltr II WM. JOIINHON, *>li ,\ II Nn rhanjf af liirl r*rr i.rrpttarj. eatfirtuee are like tlirre a« For Sale. it. " " *tar*; mutt be 1 ami maikril fullnwt: Lett MM can art ami rmntth i.l a* a lanntb*, but, tha M ia Mn«ul« r«l jtrciit • • DOWN'S II|M. I k>4 aurktU Alll E \I.I. |l«rlliit{ll»il«'>i>il INSURED? ELIXIR Km aim, fpf'i I#. night or MUOt ahine. Without euf. ARE YOU rncr* a in a a tliejr • Olirn rough data ha I for monlha ' """l"'t tililliMi to Ami k tilt-r. •• »|>|>f«hfOil lha I d*. XX Uil al Sum h I'aii*, »* 7X« It It rrrltf V, Iklt II. H. there could be do bo ASM kail liilNnl Ihr skill of ihr It. .t fcring fortitude, I da. M: K V Imin K. I'. phtairian*. PvrtlanJ ,n Ikt ttlUnl"/ Af'J* will » trade Irai'inf \\ Im*I irai. ./my — (III ibr •fij..* 3juri»!iin£ • Tho Mutual Tire Insurance To. I'oi 111IIII'I Mi iiH.li ia "«>»'. an«f chiropodist* tienoe, n no I l« riling h" I 'Tb» htif. It rontaiti* two rmiui, n.\V|M2 afainai |H).\ALP entirely • • W. (irnrral f.>r Litirtiiry. ,1 do. • VII: and liunt rntn In" low, aiwj loan Iiv I'ra on lluiMin^i, I'uiliiliirr, or i.lher |irop. ATWr.l.L, TuillrBil, Ag.-nl oal* »u- [t mi an fart that when finement of the liriliiHiii), Uiitrrv, Urgr II II. IIAY, IH««Ul, Portland, lha ritraorlirwrj acntim.nt, for 2d... <>i thr w.mhI- vii iia Innta at oibrr Mainr. following I>- XI; » rlnnrr in tint*It aaolhrr n«.m owl rrl), joo.l any Co-n|uin«. Main#. «• > »» wlial i« * n It ili. fi p.l agpnl ("' u" railH uwiat wi. Cn* a I do. C*C* (ini-hnl II. I'. 111. \l., I'rvaiiUnl. Vnilf itr«,Pari*llitl: W.A.Rati, »» p.- i(*l r>rnin'»nl_T girrn hj of them at celebra li-Mttr. Tkrrr it |uitr nf(.\ II. KMlIIlT, Application* K. Altnwl 1 Cu., Ilttklrldj jru, lU>y 5 Uv-rajljr LaJi«—Sweet Irian in t!.c xxV Al k a ail b« a lord I llaat, Ht. I'arit; Adf* Ml .MM.II WIU l.l.l.U neMr «r in lirltrmt. COLK.Et*. J II. MEItRIM..MrcV K. wuoii Co., Hack fir III, dr »Wrt i | ih miirt, tb« tubwiib^r 1 lyW ol DiifltM, N«»»wr Wt, 1837. 43 MAIIY MASON. Norway, Ucc. 1 al. IM7. J| iciaraTcrftthart. DTP. ffojvi, Kwwji