"— J AND FIFTY CENTS IN ADVANCE ••THE WORLD IS GOVERNED TOO MUCH.". ONE DOLLAR TERMS, TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR. VOLUME 25, NO. 18. NEW SERIES VOL !). NO. 3. PARIS. ME., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1868. OLD SERIES. Far The 0%f«»nl l^wmrni, tunny curl* w:w—what wo uw at th« «U- THE LECOMPTOM C0H8TITUT10H. Ii»n to rearing tin hnl hreeda of hor*»>* /«. The e*|rhratcd bull State of M line, MISCti IjLAN Y. lion-hoMcl of the PrrtMtK. <*nd cattle. Among the !>!< <»! cattlo intr>- exhibited at lli« world'* f«ir nt New York, Bethel Farmer*' Club \\v shod no Uwr« at fir»t; it txrin- w i* breed. Wliei* it catno I though [coxcm-dcd.] farmers' dured mar !«• found the Durham*, North of thia Irotn, At (lio fifth meeting of th« mion, the "MEET LIZZIE AT SIX." llrpartmrnt. ri| »• if a would mt« our h*«rt» from mi drop Tho enemieiof th« Territorial flirftn- Dmw, l AjV*h!rea. The full Mo>d do not know. following rraulutioQ wiu introduced bjr A. nr Itll.E* L. »t*TWICK. "into tub rlow." hunting s it would not coot* ! Nut evrn ment ileteriainmt atill to reajat the S (T»lk «wine have a'»o ("*n Tin* c-ntre of our i* authority irtroduced Society'* operation* L. Ilurlink, K«|. w »• contninrd. Uj That *11 thedi*|*tch Four when om who, we afterward* learned, »u ol i'ongrtwa; the* refuel lo Tot* for the 1. I.. at P.xiT, !>ut tlio intrr<-«t in it ha» DARIUS TO liOES, Editor. Wubworlh, K~| and we tliiuk greatint agri- ItAtfo*, |>I«h».h| DIvIm PriwU liltlo word*; what rsoilament to tint Contention, not Immum, yet thejr on hrr way to a wedding p»rty, »nd who ili'lejAtwe can rai«e to cultural i« to Id* found in th« to whieli I not adantage. improvement doni*" mno« fir tlmth .Mr. Ilinnifwl at M Imiii cirruiuaunnt detail, pork ill the hooarhold i|.|n Cottage ; with a l.iuio hut a few hour*, journeying thai* * n an iNiiiMion to tha com- IS# art* M l •<!•*•« «» iff do and wo hare a mil I lower of tin* In tit** northern <i of n ranch r«Te»»t^r AH pcHaimnJ lifip, Mierp well, |«rt countj. (.'Impmail (iilend, r««|HvtrtJ » »(»« r whoae lui'tnU-ni (li«> houfliold, had to know hrr a* *w«iiti> wen -• » I • -«•! arr mlMMlrlt nntni. «|iii**t, learned good lew *»trre who mluibiUnU lijkr! hr>««-d tl»«* obtained there i« aUt a of intcrv*t. m*mher of thi« S who his intclli- yet |»ir of South P>>wn«, part good difra x-ietj, Iij iii ini'iit ii» were on (lie |4«M l<«>rnh»r».—iMIMUi ut the of m-t'|>iiun, come and laid, in tearful tilenee, a of pertain enuntiea in Kan«.»* in tha early art fl»cki of ful, up lh« IVniMf ufSf* llrun»wiek. Mutton There not many iery large geiuv, iiiilnl ranch to the Intcr^t of our of 1 *">7, tint !)*rtu»i h*il deter- jNiint of going to rot for the ni^lit. of whito roee-huda upon her •|>nii( tliej in tho tlio tun- wu« roiirtc** hnquet pure at to to anil Ural* «rlU generally Irum wren l«» •horp county, thi'i^li ranting*, tnti hi* of manner*, " our mined all haiarde adhere their ri^!»t M'i't l.iixic >t »is ?" Wii« darling W» buried ihem with h»r J tha Notice. Itoaom. "i iixl defeat ih« Sp«c:al (vnli when there w.i* one ll wk of atMiit *ix bun. lul l wnti the mtrrm of it* in embera. There* ri'tnliitiiiurT »aniMli»n. per pound. indeed MMirii? and three off of in und ami mmmunin- Twojf.tr* ■danger's ki'idly ring »j pa thy ■-(.t' loiiin nt ol any otherC° >n>thuti<in than Agricultural Kirh«np,» w »l*o mom in f<*nc drvd »heej>, within mjr knowledge—hut f.»re, Tt^rn* improtement inotitha !m i *inre our had lie'-n ti'Ut w l«n'li the? I<>rnir»l t I <. The fur thia »h..ull I* |>iw«l ejea li<»n« <lirrvt- an then* arc IfM (Wkt than nwjHTt. il>*|wirttii«*nt. ing, and interest in the matter not for* Urge Hrtnlmi, That thi* lament r w*« etill.-r**! to formerly. Society ileeplr n ■«! lier Iwauty, •inn* lit came at election tlurefore " sI'i'M- hj girli»h Itle«»ed I to Ood fur t- an ! pn»e hy eJ Oxford Pnwmt," S«uth l^rl*. M«*. Our »how« are to tin* rrotnl ••••Hih of our worth? brother, nn<l They the r|ee- WtIt felt. Al»t considerable inlTrat in agricultural ireiy apt uiu»ic tlmt default, hut ol till* revolt toiro had miinj»l«-«| with tli* hird Mine whrn wo m« tin* moth>r I'Kal i|Onlllli'«l tender our »iii«vre«l to th« last; lor« refuel in vote ran iie»i-r and ia a ••itT-r Irun that *3<u|>4tlu«-« whn c«>mpUin. orcharding gard*ning. There every lx»dy thinking every .a 1 hi • ■unmrr ;im fruiiiU ol the Uccaecd. l! ted all tlio m; »• •*»»•• i* too aacrvd fur detail. I! it tho oh! r« ri. w it ji to* !,«•- ior lb* Oxt-rd IVawria'. daja Mom tin* nmnilni that Rqwlr.1 growing in the look* of far n» el*" will hare thine* at the •how, ami uniformity body tli* threw month* • t to et'TY On the of thii the m.ipli'a. Twojear*and '• mind «itnd< red whrn he heard •iiit|'t<»fi nllMIII .n. •o to accepUtire Ketolution, grandlothri Board of itltd tlnir More attention ia almtMt tvery will carry «»f nwiituti >' wm Afneilluw building*. body n"gleet •he had U—n huried l««ik«. in a f ir arm- Uw, lr(«llV I'rvaiJent u« follow* among thf tiding*, and nil he Ml in hi* |>rii»«-lf*l-a article! :.f variou* un<l>*r the fjHikf day ■>M|a|ilu|t•! Hint lli»r»t«-l nitii II,.' Bo* 1 V> H» pud for |«inting and whitewashing gut'1* »ort«, impre*. hrr curl* oti*r |«OMIM ) away citj, flowing aunnj chair <m the li*t"ning f >r the v>i*th( that •lull »tan>l no chancr to o'»« M th* U«l of the Club, two porch, Iral»i m t •>ii«lit,il ',i an- and building*, than etiated. In •ion they meeting ha»e been tuadeol hlo«->d formerly an I and ■ Importations algebra geometry, grammar phil- of th« train, and aaying, a* 11« iloll cur I it'Mirr<l i«r» _i« a fow «<> m*r tain in of th«* w,-ek» !>£''• our e«teeuied brother, llunni'wl are word*, I think aat, oa the any premium*, o>n»e«|uen<\) intl. at different tin*-. l>urhama osophy, a«lronoiiij and l»oU:iy, French and it: "I reckon l.uii-'« IT hue I•.-»■!• ilitok.l in I n -f nj | .«• i.im we ol c titor*. Altnnal (ireenwood »»• «•»«» faintly distinguished whole are on a advance from >mp e\ery Chapman, preaent, of law Hid order in Kan»«« Hut in wl.at rno+ in fator. Wood »tock of th.» bre«l general multiplicity l.itin ; |. ilit-nllv at fir»l, f»va<ia» her parent* aUiard that. IL* to nwl we had »i.flared ill aome of look n in it* *ierci.«w. we anjlimli ptini the •how have baa |u*rt To-day, manner i* p mii-ri'iipitj to In* mr- i. ) rr<il>TMr. Wadawocth. of F-a-t Liter- p«*t. d<*«irwl it; afterward cli<«erfully, to plea** the When toM he woild >|niUr **i r* ogun, ■ A farmer's club haa been and it* Irom thi* c»u«e. number him among «!»«• 'l«*d- ll* Jiftl "" i«<l in tin* country, if not thrush the in- mow. and fru«u oae of iu bert families got up. department# the teacher* she Ind learned to and lore; •••••in to (or u few moments, and ol i-«iali|i«lir«l |»w. an ii.ter«»t !• t*krn in iu lire ii >w their attention to IVh. Mh, iHort. ."*1 comprehend etrtitiienulity Ouf the interval* «>f H«ite mating*. People turning Friday tnorning, aged at from thirst for the *«ciety ha* promoted la»t, s*«lou*lr, pur* onco ho called tlio to liiin, In curiam real I of ancient time* the the matter »f Some n< Tbo iiki* record of hit nama »• n,,t Trooping h.»hy r*'puhlice »nl (liwoivian of deep |>1 >ugHing. year*. to thf *m> **»•>! agriculture in wioui way». hmulation agricultural aubject* treasure* thewt *tiidie* unlocked her. and ila whito j initial in prionry ij»>-*IIii(i. | n w patting shoulders, *.tid, The of all ia an* in |^Kf« of trial. Wo enough to have behind him. bearing the ami directed atf11r« In our it« ha« the ri«e ol eiperience brought l^ritnniU wa* otrr now tho*e toil* one " law*, puMic through agency kept up prwnt Hot it ; year*, tirand«ir's old, and l»me, and hlind ; ho »> iw» call t.-n inehr* ami u»e two tllurvmcntt of a life. our brother re- thl« I" out, and far I have Un in attend* de»p plowing, city w n* once country inanileell} iiii|«mmiM« Pop* newt stock. We row breed steer* »» and »he wa* on her iy to more— couldn't to th« hot > *n g>« station, grandsir's ular run U mi*kM hrr* I a aiuree or three of men to ei>vuto accord- turned t the '»'• ®l ' •o»»'r»*i|(iitv only aetea leet in |hr|* an«««\ eonaid<r it valuable of in- yi>k<- it, •I"'1 UP -'t thould old that m-aaurs girt!', our f.ltii*—oar j and to a** l.iuio fir«t, after all.
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