Irrdia HtFF - 2008 Aibcu

2007. \

The leolure film Aideu" (Sehind lhe screen) ls bosed on ihe tife ol Aidieu Hondique,the herolne ofthe firslAssomese feoiure fim 'joymoli'- Al o time femoles were nol unwi lng lo oci in film, lyoiiprosod could convince her folher oncl get her perform wil os ihe heroine in lhe film. ln the meon Ume. lhe so colted conservotive people of i he vllloge, soclo y boycotTed her fomiy considering her ocling in ihe fim os on evildeed. So ofler compleTion of her shooling. she returned home she hod 1.r poss lhe resi of her ife in o smoll seporole hui clpoil from lhe other r.emberc of lhe fomily. She os we I os her fonrily hod lo suffer o lol-

li is o story of .rn openning environmeni when femoles were bonecl from ocling on screen, who hoci to con]/ o sligmo o lheir

Direclor Atup Monno Cinemotogrophy



Chondono Sormo Mobomiko Bodhokur Du on Boro

Sopunii Bordoloi t1tup l,Idn a stane.l his cdftet as Lt shan fln ancl Dacum"ntary fln Dinesh Gogoi nake. Pra&k ed erl Dire.t?.|nunercB rloc nentao, lilns an.l lictions lat Doodanhutl, NuLional Lhannel, A}sam, lndia. ln the year 2001 nade a shaililn ..ntitle.l "No colot Bat dbaltt aryhan thil&en afSOS (Sdrc Oft Saul) tilldge. ThisJilm ho.l dn.nhy at the,l$ Intemdtional thoft rtb kstiwl i Manbai in 20A2. Directed the lst Jbafilrc rth Nobomiko Bodhokur 'Je<\an Trish a i thc )eat 2005 trhi.h ||as won the hest of Noqheast ln.lia dlsa dcelainei the best frl J11ry A\|aft] oJNo he6t lndio (NE 1T sdtellite channel af Nonhearr. "Aidieu" th. 2n.lfeahft llm ^ a Dircctor cinemabgropher & sLript tffitd in 2A06. HrFF - 2008 AmmuvAsil,lA Naam

I am Ammu

2007, ttmm, Colour, 120 trritls, Tamil

A rickshow puller sells his doughter immediotely ofter her birth ond the sod demise of her mother, to o prostitution professionol. The girl is growing up with other girls in thot brothel house with offection ond love. She is fondly colted by everyone 'Ammu'. Afier o certoin oge, Ammu voluntorily begins to toke up her ossignments cs sex worker. A revolutionory writer Gowri wonts to write o novel on prostitulion professionols ond meets Ammu' Ammu's llfe is tronsloted into words now but the writer puts c question obout her morrioge. Who will morry her ? Gowri exiends his hond to Ammu with crn offer to leod o morried life with her on o condition thot whenever she dislikes the new life she would hove on open ended option to return 1o her eorlier profession.

Ammu morries him. When the novel is reody for Aword the Jury reod the book. Chief of the Jury. Nothen, once thrown out by the some brothel house where Ammu lived, comes to know of Ammu's relotionship with Gowri. Nothen offers to recommend thot Ammu should Director Gowri's book for on oword on the condition spend o night with him. Podmo Mogon Screenploy Ammu ot first rejects the proposol but thinking obout Gowri's life his house leoving Podmo Mogon

Suresh Urs Music Feslivols & Awords Sobesh - Muroli lnternotionol Film Festivol of lndio (Goo)- 2008. Cosl Porthipon Bhoroihi Producer

Rr.ltus HOrKer

Beginning as an apprbntice in a Tamil movie Mogamul in the year 1990, Padma Magan worked his way up to direct Pallavan (Tamil -2002). Ammuvagiya J{ is his second feature film. The film is already getting rovc reviews.


DIR€CTOR India H IFF - 2008 Arrasr,lr{a

2007, |rfifi, Colour, Telugu

A Journolist from smoll lown, Anosuyo comes to o metro in seorch of o job. Her tolent ond chorm lond her o plum job os o sting Journolist in o mojor lelevision network. Fortune fovors Anosuyo ond soon she becomes the dorling of the network, much to the heort burn of her senior colleogues.

A chonce ossignment brings her foce to foce wiih o vicious organ poocher prowling the city. Not to be fooled by o police cover up ond determined in her quest for the truth, she storts hunting down the ruthless killer, little knowing thot she is the one being hunted

DireClor Rovi Bobu Screenploy Poruchuri Brothers CinemoloErophy N. Sudhokor Reddy Music Sekhor Cosl Bhumiko Abbos Rcvi Bobu


DIRECTOR h!ia H|FF - 2008 Alhealhaw

2006, ltltfi, Colovr. 90 mirs, Malarialara

AiheeThom. is lhe story pJ the spnutuo journey by oyoung mon who seeks iberloior emotionol ond lpirituol. Anonclcrn, on ideoLisiyouTh. is oboL-ri 10 be ordoined for monk hood olleryeors of veclic sludles oncl meditotion. But like siddhorlho, who Turned to Buddho, he comes dcross on oci of injusice ln lhe form of lhe r.urder oJ hh frlend s brother by the poice. for woging o strlke. This lnciclenl mokes hlm reolize thol he wos cut off flom lhe reo worLd oulsicle. He decides to reo ise himself in ihis outerworld bv joining o revoluTionory movemenl. He plunges himself lnto lT wholeheoriedly. bul he eventucr y finds lhoi ihe movemeni ioo is ofler pow-^roncl nol forldeoh or humon lberolion- DisiilLrsiones wilh lhe movemenl, he b'egins his soliTory of inloxicoTed obonclon. l-lis reslessiourney lokes him to Voronosi, the hoy city ond ihe greol graveyorcl, lhere he rneels wllh vorious seekers ond seers, os we o the represenlovlives oJ clecoy.

BuT this joumey inlo lhe worlcl iurns inio o iourney into himse i on him. And he gets reody lo Direcior oncl ullimotely, re.r isolion downs moke o fincrl criToempt lo reddem his iie ond hopes of Devon Noir

Devon Noir Cinemologrophy M.J. Rodhoknshnon fesiivol3 & Aword! Edilor Chennoilnternoiono FimFestivo 2007

Prodyurnnnon Shorrno Cost

Guru Dr. Joseph Titon

Dinesh sonnel Cinemo

DIVA}I NAIR Dmrclon I4dia HIFF - 2008 Dhee

2007, Itiffi, Colour, Tel'5v

Bobloo is o connron with o heorl o{ gocl. He oniy cheots cheoters to eve scores and bringjustice. His fotheris fed up wllh his oclivities. A locol mofio Shoker Goud is iropped in flerce rowdlesm ond his slster Poojo ls torgeted. Goud hires Bob,oo lo do occounts work- Due to his intellgence Bobloo rises qL.rickly in ronks, belriends Poojo oncJ folls in ove with her. How Bob,oo teoches ihe rivol gong ond lesson ond morries Poojo with the opprovolof Goud is the climox of the film.

Direclor Sreenu Yyllo Cinemotogrophy

Chokri Ediling Morolhond.K.Venkotesh Cosl Vishnu Geneio Sfhori

Mollidi Soiyonorcryono Reddy



D. j,.,...,'.=-' =;,.:,...., ::::.-tir;::;:iia.:=:?-'- India H|FF - 2008 Gafla

too7.litnfi, Colour. tll nins, Hittbi GoJ o' is o story obout ordinory peop e or roiher on ordinory young mon, subodh. in ordlnory circumsicrnces. Subodh sicrris oul ike ony mldclle closs guy, wlth limlled opporiunllies lo survive crnd go oheocl. Perhops he hos a liltle r.ore clrive thon lhe oihers. more energy ond bigger dreorns. but then, he is just o sr.orl guy- Subodh s inlenllons ore good ond Lrnderslondob e ln Terms of orclinory ombilions. Suboclh wonis lo moke money, to be successfu ond eniers lhe stock morkeT. Nis bri ionce mokes him successful. bul he 6 ol The mercy of blg ployels. Foced with o choice of either following o secondory coreer, dominoied by lcig p oye6 or becoming o big pcryer himself, he opls for the lotter bul os on oulslder, he shou dn l hove become the biggesl ployer of cr . He begins but doesn'l know where lo siop. His lnexperience shows os he does nol pouse To nrengthen ihe bose of poilicol ond lnsliiuiionol supporT before rislng fL,fher. When things go wrong, Subodh is crucified for doing ihe some froLrcl lhot everybody wos doing, olb,eil more corefully. This is the dilemrno 'goflo' deoh wilh.

Seen irom wiThin the sphere of his proJessionol world Subodh s oclions ore underslonclobl-- - on underdog flghting his woy up oirector punished for lhe olrclocily lo dreom ond oct L'ig. However, in Someer Honchote ihe process, he becomes one of 'lhem'. ln order lo beol lhem, he en lsls the mcrEsive support of olher ordincrry people who get Slory lured lnlo ihis lrord oboul which thev do not know onything oncl his promlses of prosperity ore bosecl on froud. when the crosh comes, lhese people ore lhe wo61 offeclecl. ln o world driven Cinemologrophy by Mochlove ion ombiilon. who con we blome? Do 'goocl' ond AnshuL Chobey 'innocent intenilons motter? where lhe flitesl only suNive, con good liiness ond'bod fjlnesJ? Editor there be Or does The very focl of suNivol impy crlme, toking unfoir Monon Sogor odvonioge crT lhe expense olthe weclker? 'Goflo deols wilh lhese quesllons through lhe chorocler of o womcrn. Vldyo, who irles lo underslond whol hoppened forihe Kortik Shoh soke of her osi ove. Cosl Feslivols & Awdrds Flim Festivo of lndio 2008. Shruti UlfoT lniernollono {Goo)

Vikrom Gokhle

A rline.l scrce pld! \|riter elitor, actat anl sorneer Honchole ?tolissio]1allr llnnakea dn.llak be4dn his cdrcet ussisting t'ilnnake$ like Subhash Ghai and ndh nnad Chaprd. Alter prcducing som? sharts d tl atting in filns like Dead Dog Ly Chris Goo.le. Saneet dccilletlto lirect his Jirst Jedturc llm, <d. The filn is alrcady pdrt of llrc alfcizt selectioh in lndidn Pa ordntr, rFI, Goddn.lTinej BFILandotlliln Festiral.


D!RECTOR Indid HtFF - 2008 faatingaa ltqaabi

).007. 1tfit41. Colof. ,14 fiiris.

Moncrb oncl Reeto hoi irom two neighboring vi oges- lhey hcrve lust compeied universily educolion. Attoched irom the chilclhoo.l, They ore ln,lng to chorl out o life of their own bul on l.leolisi Monob, frusiroled wilh lhe system returns to hls vi oge whie Reeio conles on wiih lo sel up o bus ness. Ai oboul the some iime recenily moffied, Jock ond Pouline come io Assom. o Norlh Eonern slote in lnclicr.

Pou ines grond folherCemence hod once upon crtime sel up cr iecr gorden in Assom. Clemence never reTurned to Eng ond ond died here- Pouline wos cuious lo cliscover her grond foThers fosclnoiion io stoy bock in this disionl plcrce. She convinces -lock to r.oke lheir honeymoon lrp 1o Assom ond .liscoverihe chorm of lhe ploce but on lheirwoy io Clemences leo g.rrclen, ihey ore kidnopped by on exiremlsT outfiT. lhe extremlsts. flnding il difficu I to communlcole wilh lhe Eng ish speoklng coup e ook Jor o suiioble person. They idenlify Monob who is loo eoger lo be o pcrrt of ihe chonge, supposedly be nq Direclor: brought about by the revolulionory oulfii. Sonjeeb Sobhopondff Mcrnob goes lo ihe jung e- Once these, he discovers things lo Cinemotogrophy lh-^ conirory. The ogony of the hopless coup e mov€s hir.. He lries To work lo free lhem. Meonwhie. the extremlsls kill Dhon. Reeto\ broTher. On her relurn from lhe cily ofter Dhon s murder, Edilor Reeio leorns oboul Monob s visil lo lhe Revolullonories (l). She is concerned beccruse she knows Monob. Agonizecl by ihe oll Music pervoding lenTocles of extremisffr, Reeto sets ouJ to locole Monob ond bing hlm bock but.. Deepok ScrImo Cost Bishnu Khorgorio te3llvols & Awords lnlernollono Fllnr Festivo of lndlo (coo) 2008.

Bino Palongicl

Sanjib Sdbhopdndit it a nechatical etgines with d ,r6tet .legrce ,1 LokhiBcrrlhokpur nlanasement htt hds de.i.led ta tktlt paths .f hi\ o1n chaice lle has b?e instrunental in eskblishtnent d industlies a"d d.adenk: Soroh Bugden itlstilutiokt in Assdn- ,4n atthot .l tua bookt, he conceptllali.ed dnl e actcd the litst LiEhl asd Solnd show af the Notth Eost India. The Roj KomolBhuyon sensitiri4, in him led to the world a[cine] o, dnl his maide Jih" "JUyE POORtl XOON" wok the Nationdl,lvor.l in 2A04. ln hi' \ecandJilm "

J,1,1T|NGAA et d I .... .'t he h^ pattrared d loNe stat!, set in lhe dtemist inle:tted turnail ridtld Noih Latt tndia i o [oflhrisht ret poiglant

SANIEEB SAOHAPANDIT Dmtc-roB India HtFF - 2008 l(aalchalrra

2oo7. ltrnrfl. Colorr. 111 raJihs, MAralhi

Shekhcrrs dreoms come croshing down, when he discoveG thol he is H V posilve. He oses his fomilv, job ond sell respecl. Even os hG wife deserit hlm. Shekhoris sligmoiised. ridlculed ond even compe ed lo toke lo clrinking. A Counse oL Dr Rekho, comes to his rescue. iusi in lhe nick of time. She gives Shekhor hope bv empolhizino wiTh his emolionol ond psvcho ogico prolr ems.

Due lo o very pe6onol reoson, eekho ju'rns from o docTor inlo cl counse orfor HIV positive potienis. She expecls Shekhorlo reocT lhe woy he does. when he meels herfor ihe firslllme. She rnokes Shekhor occept his condiiion ond groduolly ocquire lhe wi ond determlnoilon lo give himself o betler future. Shekhor succeeds' Hoolh Dokhvun. The lilm hos been o commerciol success in

Direclor Visho Bhonclori Feslivok & Awords Clnemologrophy lnlernoilonol Fllm Fesilvolof lndio {Goo) 2008 A S Konol Edilor

So il Ku korni Cosl

Shllpo Tu oskor

nshdt Blldnlldri dehned \,jth Fetiure lilm "A Po&et Full Ol Dkno8" in 2A00 his secand f.aturc "Mdra ''the Reali|" in 2001 was seleLted [at the Los Angetes FiL Festtual, N.jr vork Intematiandl Filn Festbal and the Jeoni lnternatbndl ! iln1 Fes/i|d|, So th Kar.d. He wote and dneckd hb thitulIedturcJihn "The Hdns atl" c.tsnngOn Puri, Gltlshdn (;roret, Tan Attdt, Shrc/al Tat?dLt! and S itd Jardkar in the pti t:ipal Hadth Dakhw ". The Jiln has bcen a cannerciot success in

vtSliAL BltA}.lDARl

D|RECAOR h dia HIFF - 2008 Our Time

Kqol 7ooi. ttfifi, colosr, lzo rarihs, BolSAli

Kco is on inirospeclive journey lnio the ives of foL.rrwomen who, becouse ol poverl/. ore kopped in The word of hurnon lrcfflcklng. lhey ore lured lry on ogenl who prornises ihem a b'eller lfe in ihe disTonl city. Belroyed in love, oncl let down by iom y rnernbers. ihey chonge iheir ncmes onC sneok lnTo o melropois. The reol dromo unfolds when the young wor.en, who ore utter y losl in ihe cily's g iiler onci lrlcrmour, becorne coll girs in order lo sLrrvlve. Slowly. their dreoms chonge, lhey now hunger for more money in o new environrneni ot lhe honds of ihe lrofflckers. sTorls shoring lheir opodrneni...

Director 3oppodilyo Eondopodyoy Feslivols & Awords Sudip Bose Chenncri nTernoTionol Fllr. Fesilvol 2008.

Cinemologrophy Ronq Dosguplo Edilor llllorn Roy

Abhijii Bose Cosl Sondhyo Shelty Rudroni Ghosh Chqndroyee Ghosh uo, 1969, pa.t ancl jilnnotu Blw,tllita Bdnlapodhfav h d stuludte in Saciologi: Ht Jiln KJ|NT/R (Barcd fbe) v a the NETPAC Molik Bhoi.loni AfilARD. Festivl l.s Cinenas d Asie, veso , Frunce )t)07 DLLlKl, Ab.loloh Bhoi.lonl di,eLte.J hy hi wan the Best tln dI Athf ille Internationd/ ? llt) )lestirdl, Natlh Ctltoli a, U5.4. is lilns had lJeen scteenetl at morc ktn fai), mojot inten.rtional lil)n lestitdl\ raMd the \N !1. IIe tlit?Ltel rtNe

DAT'ADIIYA BANDO'AOYAY Dlnf(toR India H|FF - 2008 l(aba Bclalirgalu

roo7. ltnrfi. Colow, ll, Koodo Belo.llngolu presenls o orger picture oi iolo deglodo iion oi ihe country s ruro spoce which is iurning inlo o sonclLrory for oLd people. The vi oges seem to be turning inlo od oge homes os lhe vounq rurolpopulolion hos migroled io lhe clties in seorch of greener Postures-

lhis inherent messoge lhrough lhe sojourn of o The flm reveols _ o no ello e ro. oll l Suoh_ 11e. ^'ro ^o'r_ lo 'l '' 'oo .r..;.omtr b o-,. 5h- , oilt lio"l o r': og' bu_ lo miclrolecl 'o 'r _ : t.e . r. in 5eor, h or o ;ob. )he now ho' ro !"f r"og' or l .iq,r _11. as S.d'eshn_ beq''' _o in!''ioore Drol-o ono o -r-Droce.. nc\ o eoot otdage.arolo. r l_4'irooa. le tronsformoiion ln ihe viloqe life surprises her' She discoveE ihol lhe vested inleresls ond even lhe medio ore using o murder io their own odvonToge she however is olwovs confroniecl wlth her conscience ln h;r pursuli To gei io lhe root of the irulh ln The oiocess. however. she wilnesses the horifying degenerolion of ine ruro volues oncl totol negleci toced by lhe lorge seclion of vi ogers cought up ln o web of poveriy'

Couqht ln cobweb of confusion. Sudhe5hne lries 10 seorch for Dlreclor wlllshe be obe find onswers lo mony quesiions h;rown ldentity. -our"o,.-i- B S Lingodevoru hoI roP P:r ^- Prrsui'? Cinemotogrophy Koodo Belodingo u lries to find ihe onswer to this inTrigue' H M Romochondro Edilor Noidu Anil fe3tlvoli & Aword3 lnternoliono Fllm Fenivqiol lndio (Goo) 2008' Roiesh Romonolhon Cosl C H Lokonolh H G Doliolreyo


Bengolooru CornPonY )t g/a. ati phamacv, B.S.Li gcldeturu directell hb lrctfeature fnm anll Mouni. The Jiln rrds screeneLl in matry- intendtional liltn l'stirals re.eiwd ctitkdl acclai,tl. lle hos directed seletal tete serials a;d '|ide Theliln lit,ns ever siue. Bclddbls.ttu x his \eco d /'dture /iLhl in Delhi thts dn'l' hds ?drtit:ipated in the 9th Ocean Iitn Fes,tudl vear also rcuived Kdrnotakt Stdte avard lir the )1ear 2006 07 lot Bast Fil .i nt l'.u. anJ Brr, 5rcry. ^a '


,oo7, rttrtn, Colovr, Telugv

The film is the slory obout o hoppy forniy conslsling of Koicl Srinivoso Roo who plcrys o TV reporter, his wlfe, two sons ACP Bose (.logopoihi Bobu) ond his wiie Kolyoni ond Chondu (Gopichond) ond o gronddoughter.

Bose is on honesl cop who is trying lo wipe oui crime. He leorns crbouT ihe oclivilies of Section Shonkor {Yoshpo Shornrol. Bul he con'l clo onything os the villoin is very clever ond does nol leove o . -\ d-r . a behrno olle, l19 - ..ic

Chondu (Gopichond) folls in ove with the heroineAnushko who is his c ossmole.lhe villoln forces lhe choirmon of o privote bonk lo end him 100 crores ond when pressurizecl bumps him off. The hero's frlend Shcrfi double crosses him ond thot leocls to the deoth of Bose. With this the hero sets off on his Lokshycrm - thot is io loke revenge on DGP Devcrrcrj ond lhe villoin secllon Shonkor.

Director S.ivors Screenploy Srivoss Cinemoiogrophy Sekhor V Joseph

Editing Gow4or. Roju Cosl Gopichond logopoliBobu


NollomoLupu Srinivos


W Indid H|FF - 2008 Lorb Krislna Darlces - Vnbcr Kabanta free (Eadah'tole Krish a Nache)

2OOt. Itr.arrr, Colorr, lOJ rxih. AssA,fiCSc

This is o nory of devoiees whose love, devolion oncl duiles lowords Lorcl Krishna iorm cenirol theme of lhe fl!m. This ls o so on eTerno love slory of Gopies (women of Gokul) for Lord Krishno projecTed ogoinsl o contemporory b'ockground lT is o siory of Rodhiko Mohon Adhikori on eminent scholor ond olso o .levolee of Lorcl -^xoon--ni of Volshnovlte ort oncl culiure, Krishncr ond Soini Srl Srl Shdnkordevo. Rodhiko lives olone ofTer his son hocl elt him. Thls h o slory of Shvorlrkonu lhe grondson of Roclhiko Mohcrn. who.-ojresiJo win his grond folheas heorl whom he hcrs never seen in lite. lt is o lile of Brlndo o devolee on.l over of Lord Krishno. Brinclo on orclenl doncer loves Shyomkonu os she feels spme reflection of Lord Krishno in Shyomkonu. when Shyomkonu ploys flule Brindo comes neorer ooking for Lord Krishno. Io lcomplele this Love lriongle lhere ls "ur, i-ot o o^o l'lJ'noQer.r o'^.r'^1,l.o'ilo'u.To'lov .o ee, o 'ociely o od'o' o'ed bv \r' )(ol kordevo ihere is Monimolo ond Bosonlo in the film Foirrteen c osslcol Songs ond Donce{Sollrivo donce) iiems olongside the slory of the lim unfolds love, devolion ond mvslery ol Lorcl Krishno. The divinily ol the Lorcl permeoles ihe eniire f m. Direclor Sumon Horipriyo Screenploy Sumon Horipiyo Cinemologrophy Ni,molDeko Edllor: sonjoysormoh

Cosl: Mohonondho Shormo

Rupsikho Soloi SohonlGosworni

1 fa1lhs liln anaker Jion Assan, tlirected ndnr doInentarie! dnd Ronjil Chokrovorty ale two feature flhl\ ri'


DIR{CTON Irrdia H|FF - 2008 Maati Maau

Iroo, ]ll'i}1r, Colosr, oE nilrs, MArAlld

'Mooil Mooy" (A Grove keepel's To e) is bosed on o short slory (Booyen) by the well known wriler Mohosweio Devi. I is ihe heort rending lole of o young molher who is ircrpped behveen h--r innincls ond needs, ond ihe comDU sions of her ofceslro duly os dlcloTed by lhe socio syslem.

Choncll is o beouifu young womon from o ower cosle, whose fomily hos irocllTionolly been ln chorge of o chllclren s grovevorcl. When her loiher dles. lhere belng no oiher moe in lhe forniY, Chondi infrerits the job ond pefonns il wllh grecri pdde os her socred duly. But ofter she gives bidh lo her son Brrqgirolh, things sioft to chonge. Belng o nursing mofher, Chondi now beglns to geT cleepy oifecied by chilclren s deolhs. Hondling liny corpses Tokes o to on her body ond mincl. Getting more ond more disiressed while performing their funerol rites, she wishes she cou d be re ievecl of lhoi duly. Bui lhen. who wlll proleci lhe groves from wid onimoh.-.? WonT lhe oncestors be Director ongered.. ? k ii noi wrong io give up o socred kust...? Chitro Polekor Slory Mohoswetho Devl Festlvdls ,. Aword! + Cinemoiosrophy TORONTO,LONDON, INDIA & KERALA INT'L FILM FEST's 2006 PL.]NE, M AM , CLEVELAND, M]NNEAPLIS, MOMA, NEW YORK, Debu Deodhor MADRID,HAIFA,KOLKATIA, OSIAN'S{NEW DELH ) INT"L FILM FEST Edilor 2OO7 RIVER TO R VER FES]IVAL. FLORENCE 2OO7 HemonliSorkor


Kshitij Govonde

Chitro Polekor Chitru Paleka. ban at Dharwdd, ,Ndt lead actor & direttot in arnnt gdde theatre, ll,Iunhai- She has worked in scrceqtef, Diatosue, Pt?duction, Desitains Depa,lme tr. Mdoti Mady is het debut liln.


DIIiICTOR lntlio HIFF - 2008 Mabhurraasanr

1oo7, \tfi| 1. Colour, Tclugv Sonjoy speoks fronky even if;i meons ignoring the feeings of _'^1o'o _l olner!. Mo oo o, ou.i' ol so''oy 5 o lo o' | oo'ol I (o,ro,. lom o .. ^ n to-oe o.. he,-ofiioqe ^i'' ^_o lreieves ln love strong y in controsl lo Sonioy. crosses polhs wilh him ond lhouclh hurt lnitiolly Becouse of his oulspokenness' oter qeh impressed by hlm Homso expresses herlove to sonjoy while i/ongo s porents insist on monying Mongo to him' When Sclnioy telk ;bout hk inleniions oboui ttomso though his porenh oppreciole, olhers ore not hoppy with lhls decislon' When Flomso reoLizes ihcll Sonloyls iatereiied in her onlv becouse she is be.rullful ond noi becouse of h6r love. she is shocked ond .F' e io rF'h- ,ol ../'l'r Sonjov.

sonioy ls oresled on some chrirges ond while everybody rebr.rkes nim, onlv No.nss believes in him ond lhis brings o chonqe in SonjoY. Homso g6ts depressed when comes lo know of ihe sefish clesigns of her fomily members'he Sonloy soves Hon_so crnd ocrrees lo morry Mongo for lhe clowry she comes con meel th- hospllo expenses of Homso' Oirector wilh so ihol he Knowlng lhis Mongo crdmiies Sonioy. Who will morry whom ond Chondro Siddorth how is how the slory concludes.

Chondro Sicldhordho i Clnemologrophy

Y. Sudhokor

Edilinq Morthond K. Venkoiesh Cosl Sumonlh

Chalopolhi t)ha S *lorth hom in 1969 1" 1995 .ltu '|os Dr D. Romonoldu 'Ntf,ANTtRl I featae liln \rhith tras sele''ed lbr Cana : ' I ta nationat I itm Festirdl dntt Lotd,ho Fitn ! ertir't I Ie htt' directed ''I stflttobte Americdns" O00l) \'hich \|as seleltetl in New vark' Loklon, Atld ta, Mildllo dnd K{uld I ten ltiontll l'ilt11 .tirected Lhrce T?ll\su laa w .lilnts (AppuddPPudu, Marlhunaosun) He \ron the \tate l,est f turc Filn AALL(LRI tn'004- t trrfL,! he t. ,,,t414- n India H|FF - 2008 Moggira fabc

The Plait oflasnine Bwls

).0o7. rtfi,tfi,t. Colovr. toq rflirls. KAr.r.AbA Srikontoioh ond Sorosommo, crn elderly coupe, ore well ennenchecl in trodUoncr vcrlues. Their !on, Roghovendro, working ln o muitinotionol corporoilon, and Rekhcr hove o gir chld. Prlyo. studying in pfimory schoo. Priyo rroving been roised by ihe old couple hos imbibed her grond porents opprooch lo ile, whie her ffrothels milieu ls differenf. Priyo is enomorecl wilh lhe josmlne poits, which other girh sport. Shri is .lreoming of dressing up ike ihem, gel phologrophed. ond win occolodes.

Her grond pcrrenis promise io fu fll her desire. Rekho. d smlsses this os on old loshion iroii ior which she neilher hos time nor interest. Meonwhile, Shoshi, her cousln, who is growlng up in the house. olong wlth her geis his much wonted cycle. Sorosommo, who hod prom sed her lhe josmine plclii, r.onoges lo get il bul the ploit somehow does nol reoch Priyo. lnsleocl Nogorolhno. servonl moid beoIs lt and shores wiih lelow h!-rtmofes.

Rekho is trying to bring up Priyo on her moderr] notions. lsooted from her old environs P yo coupled with ihe pressure from ihe Director mold io crlwoys be seen with books deve ops ccrmorodene wilh P.R. Rornodos No du lhe rocrdside gipsy gfl. One doy she leoves lhe house ollolone Cinemotogrophy seorching lorihe gypsy girl. As nlght{olls she loses herwoy home. Roghu ond Rekho ore oghosi over disoppeoronce of their gir. Finolly with lhe help of o moiorcyclist, Priyo reoches her od Eclilor school premises. Spending ihe nighl in the Wotchmon's house, Iulosi Kishore she reoches her grondporenis ploce eory nexi morning. By ihen the poiice hove olso descended. The Woichmon brings Prlyo lo her grondporents house bringing re ief to lhe onxious

Cosl Boby Srisho

Feslivols & Awords lnternotono Fim Fesiivolof ndio (Gool 2008. Rojesh

Noidu Sludio Produclions ?R- Rand.tds Naidu, 55, has b('!" it thejiln dndteletkion indurtryfor 33 y;rs. He hlls eight telelilns dnd tcn tlacunentaries besnle! n tar!:e nunbet Tr seriul epiroder, b llit .rcdn. He ntule his ledhre lil dehut in l98l with'Amatu Mddhuro Prcnu'. He h6 sii.e nd.le liw nare ledtura. fhi^\ is hir thidrth in lndidn Punarund

?.N. RAMADAS NAIDV DtRlaTon India H|FF - 2008 Nlnbanavararr l2o l(vn

2007. tt1'1r1. Colout, Tclugr

Amor D' Frederick (Aioy Vormo). o pellv thlef ives in the cltv He works os hcrppens lo meel Seneriee (Koto Sreenivoso Rcro)' who on Audiior for o blg esiole. lhe ncrme of lhe esloTe is Nondonovonom. which is locoled ol o dislonce of 120 Km from

Benerjee conspires lo grob the property from the eslole owners (To un Romesworl ond fomilyl ond deploys Amcrr lo help him' ihe sion/ stolTs wlth how Beneriee uses Amor for his mission'

Direclor Neelokdnfo Cinemologrophy PG Vlndo

Vijoy Edlling Morthod K venkaiesh Cosi

Kolo Sr nivoso Roo Tolluri Romeswori

NEULAI(AN'A DnICT!rR India HtFF - 2008 Orc l(abal

1OO7- ltrnrrl. cllosr, 111 lnil1s. M.rlari.rlrfi

Ore Kodol (The Seo Wilhln) is lhe sensilive studv of Deepli o micidle c oss hoLrsewlfe, who is lresistibly drown to o rodicol inlellecluo , Nothon. As ihe offoir grows in posslon ond inlensily, Deeptis mounTing sense of guill pushes her iowords menlol insloblllty. Herhusbond onclchidren ore cought unowores in her emolloncl conflct ond herrelurn to sonilv on y oclcls io herinner lormenl. Relollonships. lhe seoring lure of love, ihe poin ond ogony of hoving to live o life wilhout love, lhe poin of wo king inio someone's life ond ofwolkinCl oul, lhe troumo ol giving bifih io bobies ond fomilies, lhe lorluous wclnder belween lusl ond ove lhese .rre the dilemmos ihol hounl lhis fi m.





Festlvols & Awords Cosi lnternoTlonol Fim Fesiivo of ndio (Goo) 2008.

Norein Botn in 1960, Shwmdprusad hd.l hh hdsic degree ik lheatre Ais ltun the a11hrcnt S&aol ol Drdnd aJ Cdlic t Univenitv, Indid. Hori g been awa ett the Commonwedhh scholdrship in 1989, he Lltl his Mdstek in Me.lid Prodllctions at the Hull Unire$io t't.K. He hds alsa $o*!l as media tesedrchet d d crcatire ontributor fot BBC, Pebble Milt tniltus- S.)ne o.f his mo\l interesting v'uk has been with Chd nel l"our Tele^iot1s ol Britainlbr thet nutti-tocial ptogrums. Hh Jbaturc'\ for Tr .ind Linena how him sewral dtiandl d d ptorinciti o\|d'l'ds' 'ran SHYAMAPTIASAD

DIBTCTOR I dia H|FF - 2008 Pallil

1ififi. Coloer. Ta,nil

A 75 yeor oid clilopidcrted privote schoot pod funded by governmenT in o remole villoge in Tomii Nodu, jn SouThern lnctio. wrrich colers lo o wide oreo, is or.lered by the government to be closecl os it ocks even bosic omenilies. Alormecl ot the clire prorpecls. lhe heol.l mosler ond teochers ond teochers ncluding a servlng leocher ol ihe dire prospects, the heocl rnosler ond teochers inclL,ding o serving teoher ot the trusiee fomily. convene lhe school olurnni spreod ol over the wor ct fcr ihe 75th vear ceebroiion lo funcl lhe schoot revivoi. rhe Districi Co ector o former sludenl of lhe schoo con pioy o ptvoTot ro e in prevenling its cosure ond iis revivot but refuses ia "tsit the viloge due lo posi probiems. Athough mony o umni were high Dloced ond rich, Kumoroswomy. o schoot drop-oui ond o poor tormer tokes iniliotive ond sleers the gcrthering oJ hiqh ronkino o,6r-ooo 'n ogit ,' tja.o6Lo.oro. .^--t neor lne leocher of ihe irusiee fomiy were eslron..tect due to orob ems of ccrsl onclsloiLrs, oncllhe ensLJing viotence The yeomen efforts oncl the schoo is revlvecl. The Colteclor on.t the leocher over unile drcrmolicolly lo nrorry on lhe occosiorr. Dnector

thorodwoj Cost

Sneho Shreyo Recldy

Tluni EoLhodt). .,1 Diecbt Sc/e. n v i ter, Cinenatagrdpher ) ctot 01d lriiter tool\ hir Dinona ik (nE atograph.'' lion ltdvat Film iaslthtte. Tanil Nadu. ile woh dwahls fot Best No,el|i i996). Best \kr1'\niler 11993), Ben Dire.ror (2A02).

DACHAN 'lIAN](AR India HtFF - 2008 Paruthi Yeeran

2007, tltrvt , Colour, 147 mins, Tamil

A revenge siobbing tokes ploce ot o town foir in ihe remote southern lndion villoge of Porruthiyur. A cheif porticipont in the stobbling is titulor hero Poruihiveeron (Korthi), o low-coste vogobond. His stoted ombition is to spend time in o government joil rother thon ihe locol p-o,lice lock-ups which offer only short- term incorcerotion for eoch'tronsgression. Feisty young beouty Muthczhogu believes P'c,ruthiveeron is the mon for her' Muthozhogu monoges 'fo hovg her ncme tottooed on poruthiveeron's chest while he is comotose from liquor. This indelible declorotion of love helps fhe hero oppreciote her eiernol offection.

Director Ameer Sulton Screenploy Ameer Sulton CinemologroPhY Feslivols & Awords Romji Chennoi Internotionol Film Festivol - 2008. Iditor Rojo Mohommed Music Yuvcn Shonkor Rojo Cost Korthi Priyomoni ScrcvonoR Ponvonncn


,.,t,r,,f .r,till,i:].,,,,,i,llit::]*il;';:<&"

,;: .i'.:-trr rrrt,rll,rrt.l:.i:]]rrr,lrtl'liill::l:li:ii5 :rii:ill: rrl hdia HIFF - 2008 Perirlar

2oo7, r',4'tn, Colosr. t7o niir.s. TAfiil

The movle Periyor it rrosed on the ife ond times of periyor E.V.Romosorny (1879 1973). owell known soco reforrnerond

Born ln Erode, Torni, in o weothy, orihodox fomiy, Romosomy. .lisopproves his porents re tgious be ieis ond superslltions oncl coste bosed discrimino|ons tn socieiy frorn o very young oge.. He defles everyone onct gets his niece

o chllcl wiclow, remorriecl. ln spile of hoiLi.g from o rich fomiy he morries Nogommol. o poor reotive whom he ikes. He

o foke priesl forwhich h-- geTs lreoten wiTh s ippers by hit furious folher. Dejecled, he leoves for Senores.

Direclor Gnono Rojosekoron Cinemoiogroptty

Edilor B. Lenln Fesllvols & Awords niernoliono Vldyo Sogor Firn Fesllvol of ndio {Gool- 2!08. Cost Sothyoroj

Gn.tna Rdtusekhutdn is d, t]rlnn ldntuin/.nire Ser\:it c t{/icel: He hdr htld nun, other ?ost: inchiling the ntd dtlrjg ttiluttot d Keruttj G Swomiduroi Fih" Dcwlopnpnt Cbrparutia a]11 District, Thirtllr. his directo al dehut in 1991 with Mogha lt, .Rdjan'kharo "ldde M nhith bogged th€ Natio]ldl Awdtd li,.ihe Ben l-irst tih ol the Dire.ta. hesitks d io) ?tiz! li,n the Tnjil Nadu g.)t.nment. it yundlidlt,t litm, Musan,{os madc lt1 1999, Gnuno Rdjdsektnrun,s last appeatu c inthc Intlian Panatumdwt.t llharuti


DIRECTOIi h dia H|FF - 2008 Prilhvi

2oot, ,trrfi, Colovr, ,! rrihs, BclrsAli , Tcluss

A viLLoge boy. co ecl Prilhvi, hos o creoiive urge io express himsef in ines oncl co ours. Born in o midcle c oss forming fcrmilv. lhe pursulT of ortwos on impossible tosk. the pursuil oJ ort wos on lmposslbLe tosk os li is nol one of the so co ed 'secured' professions. His schoo ieocher is ihe one person who encour_ oges hlm wllh finoncio supporl to studY ori ol SonllnlkeTon. Pfihivi is deierrnined oncl declicoled io succeed crs on odisl. He suppresses oll the noturol desires os on orlist. He suppresses oll ihe noluro clesires of youlh to ocheive his goo, ond in lhe end, fi.s himsef (r one.

Director SisirSohono

SisirSohona Cinemologrophy Fesllvols & Awords KolkoTo nlernoiionol.Film Fesiivol 2006. Edilor ArghyokornolMlir.i

.lyoiirmoyo Shorrno Cost

Sislr Sohono Smliho Modhov

Sitir Sahdnd (tq6:) tu Bunkutu. filest Ben4dl, shllied drt dt Ka[a KolokritiArt G.r ery Bhdran. Shantuliketdn, ond obtdinetl Masteti Degt-ee i |inc Art i ?ainting. lle dtsd.Ltn?lete.1 ,'1,.Aotccd DiPlonld i Stainul Gld.\s Pai ting and Print lldling -fion London. Sdhd d nor foc5es o his eneryies on h^ dn dn.! sldss.n?:ki g ||otl"|haP. Prithti is hi-, d"but


DIRiCTOR India HIFF - 2008 Ratri Mazha

2007, ltrnrn, Colovr, tlo n ir15, M.\laqalarrl

Two youngslers, Horikrshnon crncl Meero, come lo know e,rch other lirrough o mclrlrnoniol ociverTisemenl on o website Through nlermllTeni chot sesslons lhey gel .lrown io eoch clher. Though lhey rrove ncT mei, love blossorn! bul whoT They ove : whoT eoch imooines lhe other person to bc.

When they evenluoly meet. however, the dreorns ore shollered. Their mindr hove however bee. so lronded togeTher ihol ihey decde To morry ond moke The ben of t. ft s nor, socieiy thol ooks cskonce oi ihe reloion3hip.



S- Kurnor Edilor Feslivols & Awordr N. Mohesh Noroyonon llriernciono F m Feslivo of lndio (coo) 2008 B. Ajith

Cosl Vlneeth

Stdfiel ds dikttur' P 1 Ddtliet't d\'::iirr, Lenh RaJenltun tlde his Biju Menon Ll,t darial .lehut t\,ith tii al (l9E: t I It vecndnos ilhi1. Saorya (l935) itds dbout th. dnt4.Lddl u?h,1itdl 9f the )910s i Ketuh S$athi Thirunal (1937). d periad.liltx wrs d biasro?hkal rork of d t9nt centut! kirs .l Trdiakco|e bdtu kn.w as d m \i(:dl cantporer, \|hile B. Rokesh Ddndthinle l/ikrithikal (1992) rtds tt cinemali. dda?tLninn ai l$ Mttandan's n.tet atthe sanle dne, Ma.ho (2001) \,as ado?te.|iohl

Md dh av ikt! t t.\.' i s k \,.

L'NIN RAITI{DNAN Drnt('oR Intlia H|FF - 2008 Rcstaurart

2oo7. 1tn$r1. Colovr. 12i MAratlri 'r1iru,

Reslcruronl ls o story of young gk JINY who, ofler finishing her educotion from the colering colloge joins her grondmolher io 'monsion. run o reslouronl ln lhe poiio of lheir o d The series of evenis follow ond so does the process of sef discovery. She reo izes thol cooking is on orl ond rUnning o reslouronl is no

Dkeclor Feailvols & Awords (undorkor sochin Mumbol nternotionol Film Festivol (MAMI) 2007 Story & ScreenploY; PLne nler o or ol l- -_,''.o 00- (urdo,kor Sochin New Jersey Soulh Asion Film FesTivol ,2007 Cinemologrophy SlLrllgori Firn Fesiivol Bollylvood ond bevond. Mllind log New Delhihobiloi cenler fllrn feslivol,2007. Editor Dhoko Bonglodesh toulh Asior Film feslivo , 2007. Besi Direclor Mohoroshiro Times Aword 2006. MAHARAHSTRA S]ATE AWARD FOR THE BEST F LM & BEST DIRECIOR'

2AA6_ MAHARAHSTRA SIATE AWARD FOR BEST CAMERA' BEST SOUND Ronleet Gugo e SpeclolMeniion LllloroBookor. cosl Sonol K! korni

Ajit Bhure


DJRECTOR Indid HrFF - 2008 RihlA.. ILc lounrcq

?007. Ithlr.1, Colour, r-lo fiirs, Nlnbi

V.rsonihi is o wiclow wlth fwo children. The e der chid Brln.lo is .r i ow ec'rner. Quile olten. Brlndo foces hurnlllolion frorn her peers in ilie schoo. Tobbu ls self - conscious on.l ol eose w ih lrer :isteas stunied rnenTol gon/vth. Her lrlen.l Rojonl ar.l lhe moidservont. Noor Bono. comforl ihe dlsTressed molher. beconies o vlcTim of olecherous ouio driver crnd the inciderlce sho.ks lobbu. whc hcrs rerno:ned neg igent ioworcls her sisler. Graduolly, Brlndc! flnds soloce in music ond soon beconres o consu.nmote violirist. Vosonthi. lhe rnother reo izes Trrot eo.h indiviCuo hos on nherenl tolenl.


B. Ajit Nog

B. Ajit Noog Cinemologrophy Gnono Shekor Vs Edilor


Miind Gunoji,

Porul S ngh, B. AjiI Ndag hat qrnd dted in p.\\,tholos\,, \ati.!oE! anLl Phibso?b' A d\lohla hokJt in phl,tasrdpb,, h. hdstibrkedwith thc hnte.lJilnnruler, B- ltdrsins Rda a d lcdnlre Jih d d Lt tloctnentd.-. He ht$ t*etutl Gito Koron t.L.,ision co,n,et.iak and .o\t \ite rlattmentott li!ms k, his it ependent crcdtt Rihlu.. i.\ hi! & b t lidho-e lilm.

B. A)]T NAAG DIR€(IOR India $"{'x=tr - x**& Sur.rbarl A{ternoor'l

(Robibar Bikalbela)

2006, Digital, Colour, l2o rtifis, h'rliazBcagali

The protogonist returns to lndio cfler seven yeors to find thci posi is now deod for cthers. Bui {or him lhe posi sends cn unpler:sont Present.

It is bosed on the tumuliuos period of ihe eorly 70s when Kolkolo wos in politicol iurnoil. ln the ofiermoih of thot violent oncj unsioble period, the film explores lhe fote of crn individucl - hcw his life chonges ond gets inierwined with oihers ond how he comes to term with his own existeniiol integrity. since lhe slory is of personcl noture it hos on universol oppecl ihot transcends culturol ond geogrophicci borriers.

Direclor Amit Dutt Screenploy Joy Bcsu Cinemologrcphy Soumitro Holdor Cost Bhcswor Chotterjee Sudiptc ChokroborthY Abir Chotcrjee Gobindo ChokroborlY

AMIT DVTT Amit Dutt originallyftom Kolkata .\orr re.slr/r',s ar lJS. Tltis is his debur.liltrr' D'BICTOR btdia HIFF - Thariue 2OO8

2007, ,'rn!,t. Colorr, UO nrihs, Mal.\yalani

The protogonist of lhe lilr. is George KLrity, o ich otd plonler living o olone in on old pololiol house- He hos o son who h o docior selilecl in U.S. KLrtty h very weok ond senie. He connoi even move wilhouT lhe help of somebody. His doughterin .rw s brolher ond mother ore olso sloying neorby. tn ihe beginning of the siory, George Kuiiy is in o sicrle of mind in whicrr he ctoes noi hove ony hope lor life. A home nulse comes io took ofter him. She is very dominoni ond orrogonl. ceorge Kutty connoi odiusl with lhis womon ond wllhin o week itsetf, she ir pocked lrock. The doclorthen orronges Jor onolher home nurse by himsef. She is young, b'eouiiful ond iros cr personollly thoi commonds respecl. Hh doughler in losrs moiher ond trroiher come to visit George Kully, noi becouse of lheir tove for htm. buJ becouse they woni io otsert their right over his properties.

Kuliys son ol this while hos oiher ideot. He is ptonning to tronsforrn lhe house into o resort. With the scenic beouty orouncl, it oppeors on oltrocllve proposition to htm. His wifes fornily olso ihinks lhol foreign money witl tlow jn iJ irrey iLrrn ihe Dkeclor house into o re9o.i. The new home nurse brinos obout o ot of chonges in George Kuliyt lite. A unique retoiionshjp Bobu Thiruvo lo devetops beiween lhem. George Kutt/ is thoroughy shottered by irre Screenploy ,l6o,joei!6Iog66lro'1,S\o|,

George Kuiiy s doughler in iow s fomily inte.prets the relotion Cinemotogrophy ship in onolher woy. lhey even occuse him oi hoving sorre ititcft reloiionship young M.T. Rodhokdshnon wiih ihe nu6e. They inJorm his son in Americo crboui lhis foihers illicii relolionshlp_ The son hurries bock ond Ediior socks lhe g,rl ond oho sends Kulty owoy iro.n the house.

resiivols t Awards lssoc Thomqs Kolh]koppoly lnlernotionol Film Feslivo of hdio (Goo)- 2008. Coaf

Lckhmi Gopoloswomi KDAC Lqiilho

Bebu Thin!\d!k heqdn a! Ptuduret\|i& nrclilnl Kannaki CA1A).,rftet pt'o.tttr1g six.leaturc\ y,rc of lich ton hitu o.itit'.tl dcttdin ant K.C Chocko connercial succe.\s, Babu chase det:kled to .hed his fedho? fitn, Thdnite (20t)6).


DIRECIOR Indiu HIFF - 2008 Y enning Ar,r,rabi Lil.lA

Spring and Dew

2oo7, tit14tn, Colollr, '147 milr's, Maniyturi

Ten yeors old Sonotombo is o neglected child of olcoholic fother lbohol ond Leipoklei - o rice mill worker Sonotombo is growing up wotching his fother lbohol's bod temper. Nofure on< peoce loving Sonoiombc wotches his mother Leipokloi leove home ofter her fight with lbohol. Lonely Scnotombo is helped by his femole friend Thombol's mother.

Another couple Vijoyo ond lbotombi cre childless. On heoring of Sonotombo s plight V'tjoyo wonts to odopt ond roise him. The film deols with difference in principles ond vclues between the two women Leipoklei ond Vijcyo os olso innocent Sonotombo's desires ond cspiroiions.

Direclor Mokhonmoni Mongsobo Cinemotogrophy Dilip

Editor Feslivols & Awords K. Romu lnternotionol Film Fesiivol of lndio (Goo)- 2008. Music

S. Tijendro Cosl Mosier Muru bcDy Kesnmr Producer Survi

Born in'Imphal. Having acquired a Masters degree in literature, he worked as atl actor on both stage and film. Makhanmani started his film career in 1980s. He has produced and directed short films,

rlocu m en ta ries. t e I e se r ia I s, t e I e p I ays lo r Doo rcla rs han Ke nd ra, I mpha l. Guwahati and Films Division.

He won Srate and narional awan) os a producer and directorfor hisJirst

Manipuri.feature fi lm CHATLEDO EIDEE.