Irrdia HtFF - 2008 Aibcu 2007. \<t4at1a, Colour, tlt ,.airs, Assa4,tesc, The leolure film Aideu" (Sehind lhe screen) ls bosed on ihe tife ol Aidieu Hondique,the herolne ofthe firslAssomese feoiure fim 'joymoli'- Al o time femoles were nol unwi lng lo oci in film, lyoiiprosod could convince her folher oncl get her perform wil os ihe heroine in lhe film. ln the meon Ume. lhe so colted conservotive people of i he vllloge, soclo y boycotTed her fomiy considering her ocling in ihe fim os on evildeed. So ofler compleTion of her shooling. she returned home she hod 1.r poss lhe resi of her ife in o smoll seporole hui clpoil from lhe other r.emberc of lhe fomily. She os we I os her fonrily hod lo suffer o lol- li is o story of .rn openning environmeni when femoles were bonecl from ocling on screen, who hoci to con]/ o sligmo o lheir Direclor Atup Monno Cinemotogrophy Eclilor Cosl Chondono Sormo Mobomiko Bodhokur Du on Boro Sopunii Bordoloi t1tup l,Idn a stane.l his cdftet as Lt shan fln ancl Dacum"ntary fln Dinesh Gogoi nake. Pra&k ed erl Dire.t?.|nunercB rloc nentao, lilns an.l lictions lat Doodanhutl, NuLional Lhannel, A}sam, lndia. ln the year 2001 nade a shaililn ..ntitle.l "No colot Bat dbaltt aryhan thil&en afSOS (Sdrc Oft Saul) tilldge. ThisJilm ho.l dn.nhy at the,l$ Intemdtional thoft rtb kstiwl i Manbai in 20A2. Directed the lst Jbafilrc rth Nobomiko Bodhokur 'Je<\an Trish a i thc )eat 2005 trhi.h ||as won the hest Dirc.br of Noqheast ln.lia dlsa dcelainei the best frl J11ry A\|aft] oJNo he6t lndio (NE 1T sdtellite channel af Nonhearr. "Aidieu" th. 2n.lfeahft llm ^ a Dircctor cinemabgropher & sLript tffitd in 2A06. India HrFF - 2008 AmmuvAsil,lA Naam I am Ammu 2007, ttmm, Colour, 120 trritls, Tamil A rickshow puller sells his doughter immediotely ofter her birth ond the sod demise of her mother, to o prostitution professionol. The girl is growing up with other girls in thot brothel house with offection ond love. She is fondly colted by everyone 'Ammu'. Afier o certoin oge, Ammu voluntorily begins to toke up her ossignments cs sex worker. A revolutionory writer Gowri wonts to write o novel on prostitulion professionols ond meets Ammu' Ammu's llfe is tronsloted into words now but the writer puts c question obout her morrioge. Who will morry her ? Gowri exiends his hond to Ammu with crn offer to leod o morried life with her on o condition thot whenever she dislikes the new life she would hove on open ended option to return 1o her eorlier profession. Ammu morries him. When the novel is reody for Aword the Jury reod the book. Chief of the Jury. Nothen, once thrown out by the some brothel house where Ammu lived, comes to know of Ammu's relotionship with Gowri. Nothen offers to recommend thot Ammu should Director Gowri's book for on oword on the condition spend o night with him. Podmo Mogon Screenploy Ammu ot first rejects the proposol but thinking obout Gowri's life his house leoving Podmo Mogon <rnd his desire to win this oword, she leoves behind o leiter. Perplexed, Gowri ccn not find her but finds the Cinemotogrophy letter. Would the foiry tole of love survive the horsh reolities of M S Probhu moteriol society ? Whoi would be the end? The Silver Screen Editor reveols. Suresh Urs Music Feslivols & Awords Sobesh - Muroli lnternotionol Film Festivol of lndio (Goo)- 2008. Cosl Porthipon Bhoroihi Producer Rr.ltus HOrKer Beginning as an apprbntice in a Tamil movie Mogamul in the year 1990, Padma Magan worked his way up to direct Pallavan (Tamil -2002). Ammuvagiya J{aan is his second feature film. The film is already getting rovc reviews. PADMA MA6AN DIR€CTOR India H IFF - 2008 Arrasr,lr{a 2007, |rfifi, Colour, Telugu A Journolist from smoll lown, Anosuyo comes to o metro in seorch of o job. Her tolent ond chorm lond her o plum job os o sting Journolist in o mojor lelevision network. Fortune fovors Anosuyo ond soon she becomes the dorling of the network, much to the heort burn of her senior colleogues. A chonce ossignment brings her foce to foce wiih o vicious organ poocher prowling the city. Not to be fooled by o police cover up ond determined in her quest for the truth, she storts hunting down the ruthless killer, little knowing thot she is the one being hunted DireClor Rovi Bobu Screenploy Poruchuri Brothers CinemoloErophy N. Sudhokor Reddy Music Sekhor Chondr.cr Cosl Bhumiko Abbos Rcvi Bobu RAVI BABV DIRECTOR h!ia H|FF - 2008 Alhealhaw 2006, ltltfi, Colovr. 90 mirs, Malarialara AiheeThom. is lhe story pJ the spnutuo journey by oyoung mon who seeks iberloior emotionol ond lpirituol. Anonclcrn, on ideoLisiyouTh. is oboL-ri 10 be ordoined for monk hood olleryeors of veclic sludles oncl meditotion. But like siddhorlho, who Turned to Buddho, he comes dcross on oci of injusice ln lhe form of lhe r.urder oJ hh frlend s brother by the poice. for woging o strlke. This lnciclenl mokes hlm reolize thol he wos cut off flom lhe reo worLd oulsicle. He decides to reo ise himself in ihis outerworld bv joining o revoluTionory movemenl. He plunges himself lnto lT wholeheoriedly. bul he eventucr y finds lhoi ihe movemeni ioo is ofler pow-^roncl nol forldeoh or humon lberolion- DisiilLrsiones wilh lhe movemenl, he b'egins his soliTory of inloxicoTed obonclon. l-lis reslessiourney lokes him to Voronosi, the hoy city ond ihe greol graveyorcl, lhere he rneels wllh vorious seekers ond seers, os we o the represenlovlives oJ clecoy. BuT this joumey inlo lhe worlcl iurns inio o iourney into himse i on him. And he gets reody lo Direcior oncl ullimotely, re.r isolion downs moke o fincrl criToempt lo reddem his iie ond hopes of Devon Noir Devon Noir Cinemologrophy M.J. Rodhoknshnon fesiivol3 & Aword! Edilor Chennoilnternoiono FimFestivo 2007 Prodyurnnnon Shorrno Cost Guru Dr. Joseph Titon Dinesh sonnel Cinemo DIVA}I NAIR Dmrclon I4dia HIFF - 2008 Dhee 2007, Itiffi, Colour, Tel'5v Bobloo is o connron with o heorl o{ gocl. He oniy cheots cheoters to eve scores and bringjustice. His fotheris fed up wllh his oclivities. A locol mofio don Shoker Goud is iropped in flerce rowdlesm ond his slster Poojo ls torgeted. Goud hires Bob,oo lo do occounts work- Due to his intellgence Bobloo rises qL.rickly in ronks, belriends Poojo oncJ folls in ove with her. How Bob,oo teoches ihe rivol gong ond lesson ond morries Poojo with the opprovolof Goud is the climox of the film. Direclor Sreenu Yyllo Cinemotogrophy Chokri Ediling Morolhond.K.Venkotesh Cosl Vishnu Geneio Sfhori Mollidi Soiyonorcryono Reddy SRINV VAITLA DIRECTOR D. j,.,...,'.=-' =;,.:,...., ::::.-tir;::;:iia.:=:?-'- India H|FF - 2008 Gafla too7.litnfi, Colour. tll nins, Hittbi GoJ o' is o story obout ordinory peop e or roiher on ordinory young mon, subodh. in ordlnory circumsicrnces. Subodh sicrris oul ike ony mldclle closs guy, wlth limlled opporiunllies lo survive crnd go oheocl. Perhops he hos a liltle r.ore clrive thon lhe oihers. more energy ond bigger dreorns. but then, he is just o sr.orl guy- Subodh s inlenllons ore good ond Lrnderslondob e ln Terms of orclinory ombilions. Suboclh wonis lo moke money, to be successfu ond eniers lhe stock morkeT. Nis bri ionce mokes him successful. bul he 6 ol The mercy of blg ployels. Foced with o choice of either following o secondory coreer, dominoied by lcig p oye6 or becoming o big pcryer himself, he opls for the lotter bul os on oulslder, he shou dn l hove become the biggesl ployer of cr . He begins but doesn'l know where lo siop. His lnexperience shows os he does nol pouse To nrengthen ihe bose of poilicol ond lnsliiuiionol supporT before rislng fL,fher. When things go wrong, Subodh is crucified for doing ihe some froLrcl lhot everybody wos doing, olb,eil more corefully. This is the dilemrno 'goflo' deoh wilh. Seen irom wiThin the sphere of his proJessionol world Subodh s oclions ore underslonclobl-- - on underdog flghting his woy up oirector punished for lhe olrclocily lo dreom ond oct L'ig. However, in Someer Honchote ihe process, he becomes one of 'lhem'. ln order lo beol lhem, he en lsls the mcrEsive support of olher ordincrry people who get Slory lured lnlo ihis lrord oboul which thev do not know onything oncl his promlses of prosperity ore bosecl on froud. when the crosh comes, lhese people ore lhe wo61 offeclecl. ln o world driven Cinemologrophy by Mochlove ion ombiilon. who con we blome? Do 'goocl' ond AnshuL Chobey 'innocent intenilons motter? where lhe flitesl only suNive, con good liiness ond'bod fjlnesJ? Editor there be Or does The very focl of suNivol impy crlme, toking unfoir Monon Sogor odvonioge crT lhe expense olthe weclker? 'Goflo deols wilh lhese quesllons through lhe chorocler of o womcrn. Vldyo, who irles lo underslond whol hoppened forihe Kortik Shoh soke of her osi ove. Cosl Feslivols & Awdrds Flim Festivo of lndio 2008. Shruti UlfoT lniernollono {Goo) Vikrom Gokhle A rline.l scrce pld! \|riter elitor, actat anl sorneer Honchole ?tolissio]1allr llnnakea San.et dn.llak be4dn his cdrcet ussisting t'ilnnake$ like Subhash Ghai and ndh nnad Chaprd. Alter prcducing som? sharts d tl atting in filns like Dead Dog Ly Chris Goo.le. Saneet dccilletlto lirect his Jirst Jedturc llm, &ltd. The filn is alrcady pdrt of llrc alfcizt selectioh in lndidn Pa ordntr, rFI, Goddn.lTinej BFILandotlliln Festiral.
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