Indian Horizon National English Daily
[email protected] RNI No: Deleng/2013/51507 In memory of Dr Asima Kemal and Prof. Dr. Salim W Kemal
[email protected] Volume Published from New Delhi & Hyderabad Price: 3.00 No: 6 Issue No: 297 New Delhi, Saturday, November 2, 2019 Pages 12 + 4 pull out (P16) Maharashtra CM will be Nawaz Sharif’s platelet Warner fifty helps from Shiv Sena, says Raut count ‘improves’ Australiaregister 3-0 sweep over P-5 P-8 P-11 Briefs UP Muslim clerics to Modi extends Formation appeal for peace after Day greetings to 5 states contribution of Karnataka to- Friday prayers wards India’s progress. The state’s natural beauty Lucknow, Nov 1 (IANS) Muslim districts will be giving the ‘message and people’s warm-hearted clerics across Uttar Pradesh will ask of peace’ to Muslims after the Friday nature are well known. Praying the community to maintain peace in prayers. for Karnataka’s development the wake of the Supreme Court judg- District administrations in several in the times to come.” ment in the Ram Janmabhumi-Babri districts have been activating peace Modi also wished the people Masjid title dispute case on Novem- committees on the advice of the state of Madhya Pradesh on its For- ber 17. government and have been asked to mation Day, while wishing that The clerics would disseminate the publicly advise the community mem- the state continues its stride message of peace and brotherhood bers to exercise restraint on the issue. towards progress. after the Friday prayers.