Dates to remember APRIL 2019 1-5 Year 12 exams

2 Rats of Service May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Easter. I pray that this year’s Easter will bring you new 5 Industry Placement finishes faith, new hope and new goals – “May the joy of the Risen 19 Good Friday Christ be yours”. 21 Easter Saturday I invite you all to take time 22 Easter Sunday in your very hectic lives to take the opportunity to 25 Anzac Day attend one the many Masses that are being offered throughout our local parish churches 26 Reports uploaded during Holy Week, the Easter Vigil on Saturday 26 ECSI survey closes night or the Easter Sunday Mass of the MAY 2019 Resurrection of the Lord. It is a time of renewal and awakening for all. I would also like to wish our community a safe and happy holiday. 1-3 Year 11 Hamilton Island Camp 1-3 Year 12 QCS preparation I remind parents and students, that the first day of Term 2 is Tuesday 23 April. 6 Labour Day Holiday

ATAR 2019 7-9 Year 12 Indigenous Camp I am very happy with the progress that students and teachers have made in the 10 Rice House Day transition to The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). There can be no 15 School Photograph Day doubt that the new system promises to be very fair to all students. If anyone has any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me personally. 16 Parent Teacher Interviews 17-19 CEY Pilgrimage Diocesan Principals’ Conference Last week, myself and Mr Geoghegan took part in the Diocesan Leadership NEW PHONE NUMBER Conference which was held in the Kevin Castles Centre in . The FOR THE COLLEGE conference was excellent, with speakers and workshops about: The Leadership The phone number is Framework; Growing Great Leaders; and Catholic Perspectives in the Curriculum.

4994 8700 A highlight of the conference was attending the Mass of Chrism, which was celebrated by Bishop Michael, together with priests, religious, parishioners and students representing our diocese. Sharing and meeting as a community enables NUMBER FOR SMS us to reflect on our purpose and commitment to Catholic Education. The number to send SMS Messages Fees and Levies regarding All parents are reminded that it is an expectation of the College that all fees and student absence is levies are paid in a timely fashion. If families are having difficulties in meeting 0416 906 288 payments, they are encouraged to speak to myself or Mrs Gail Gibbs (the College Bursar), so that alternative arrangements can be made.

Tuition fees and levies are a priority over co-curricular excursions and trips. To be eligible to attend sporting or cultural tours, families are expected to be meeting tuition and levy requirements as a first priority.

Student Protection Contacts St Patrick’s College has four Student Protection Contacts who are available at any time to speak with students. These contacts are:

Mrs Janelle Agius Mr Sean Geoghegan Mrs Tracey McLeod Mrs Tracey Duthler Principal Deputy Principal Assistant Principal College Counsellor


Year 11 Hamilton Island Foundations of Learning Camp In the second week of next term, Year 11 students will be involved in a three day camp on Hamilton Island. Please check that your student is aware of all their requirements for the camp. If they are unsure, they can see Ms Braby for verification.

Rats of Tobruk Ceremony On Tuesday, Mrs Rose Christensen, Mr Marcus McConnell and myself accompanied students to the Rats of Tobruk Ceremony held at Queen’s Park. This event is a commemoration of those brave soldiers from Mackay who were involved in Tobruk during World War II. These men held on against all odds and endured impossibly harsh conditions for an incredibly long period of time.

We paid tribute to their great sense of patriotism, their constant mateship and also acknowledged how they kept faith when all faith and hope seemed lost. Our students are involved in the service on a biannual basis with the three other ‘Rats’ schools in Mackay. A big thank you to the students who participated and proudly represented us at this event. As the next generation, we owe a debt of gratitude to the Rats of Tobruk. Lest we forget.

P & F News The P & F provide financial assistance to the College in a number of ways. At this week’s meeting, the committee agreed to assist with funds for: ANZAC Parade Breakfast; Meet and Greet BBQ; Year 11 Hamilton Island Camp; Swimming Carnival – bus levy; Student Drink Bottles; and the Opening School Mass Morning Tea.

Without this support, these events and College improvements would not be possible. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members on our College Board and P & F who volunteer their time to enrich and improve our College community for which we are truly grateful.

2019 Macrossan and Amiet Mackay Eisteddfod A reminder that entries for the Mackay Eisteddfod are now open and can be completed online. Go to the website at for the full schedule (under resources) and the link to the comps online entries page. If you have any questions, please feel free to email the Mackay Eisteddfod on [email protected] or call during office hours (Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9:00am to 12:30pm. Entries close Wednesday 15 May (no late entries).

Page | 2 Mass Readings Readings at Mass, Sunday 7th April 2019 – 5th Sunday of Lent First Reading, Isaiah 43:16-21…. God has done and will continue to do great things. Psalm 125, The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. Second Reading, Philippians 3:8-14 …. God has done and will continue to do great things. Paul forfeits all for Christ. Gospel, John 8:1-11 … The Pharisees confront Jesus with an adulteress.

Readings at Mass, Sunday 14th April 2019 – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord First Reading, Isaiah 50:4-7 …. Despite rejection, Isaiah does not abandon his call. Psalm 21, My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Second Reading, Philippians 2:6-11 …. Jesus made himself lowly and was exalted. Gospel, Luke 23:1-49 …. The Passion.

Anzac Day 25 April 2019 Just an early reminder that St Patrick’s College has a proud tradition of marching in the Anzac Day Parade commencing from the Gregory Street Car Park at 8:35am. The College tuckshop will be open at 7:00am for breakfast for all students and staff. Students are required to wear full formal uniform.

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Euthanasia Submissions The Queensland Parliamentary Health, Communites, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee (the Health Committee) has called for submissions on aged care, end-of-life and palliative care and voluntary assisted dying.

Voluntary assisted dying, also known as euthanasia is assisted-killing. Cherish Life QLD encourages you to send in a personal submission on this critical matter. Submissions are due by 15 April. Please visit for information on how to send yours. Every submission counts.

New Diocesan Website PLEASE NOTE: the new Diocesan website is now live. The address is the same as the old one:

Academic Achievements of Year 11 Students On Thursday 21 March, the College celebrated the Academic Achievements of Year 11 students in 2018. Students were acknowledged for their hard work and academic achievements. Listed below are the results from the night.

Academic Effort Award Recipients: Joly Albarracin, Dempsey Bella, Alex Caruso, Ayla Cotter, Oliver Downes, Zoe Hall, Lilly-Anne McNichol, Annabelle Orrah, Slater Pearce, Macy Say, Melody Siphuma.

Academic Merit Award Recipients: Oscar Bankie, Aiden Benincasa, Alex Bogna, Abbie Brown, Sidney Connor, Luke Dunn, Cale DuRietz, Molly Gofton, Kate Graham, Joshua Harding, Molli Johnson, Lachlan Kelly, Ethan Kerr, Lindley Kerr, Abby MacDonald, Nikki McKeiver, Jael Mezieres, Breana Mifsud, Nikita O'Neill, Brock Oxford, Eden Pantall, Jakob Pemberton, Charlee Presland, Pierce Searle, Kiara Sinn, Adam Smit, Zahlee Taylor, Thomas Vandenberg, Chloe Venz, Jack Wehmeier, Jake Weston, Finn Zamparutti.

Academic Excellence Recipients: Riley Bampton, Kaylah Brache.

Academic Effort Award and Academic Merit Award Recipients: Bridget Benson, Quin Berry, Bridget Brand, Eylar Dobbie, Bridie Fenech, Jasmine Fenwick, Cara Gibson, Shouvik Hasan, Mikeely Kelly, Nadia Matthews, Alice Rutland, Jean Sanderson, Kai Wesche. Academic Effort Award and Academic Excellence Award Recipients: Michael Manera, Hannah Price, Cameron Wegner.

Academic Effort, Merit, Excellence or Subject Award Recipients: Lahni Edwards Certificate II in IDMT Alyssa MacLeod Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care Jessica Tilbrook Japanese Danielle Gutschlag Accounting, Certificate III in Christian Ministry & Theology Mary Di Francesco Effort, Certificate III in Christian Ministry & Theology Nadia Chinn Merit, Geography Callum Etelaaho Merit, Science 21

Page | 4 Gabrielle Hay Merit, Pre-Vocational Maths Amber Hemmens Merit, Information Technology Systems Andrew Vella Merit, Information Processing & Technology Murphee Foley Excellence, Physical Education Harrison Kelly Excellence, Furnishing Studies Imke Brand Effort, Merit, Home Economics Jacinta Goode Effort, Merit, Business Communication & Technology Phoenix Kretschmer Effort, Merit, Ancient History Blake Stott Effort, Merit, Mathematics A Caitlin Brazil Effort, Merit, Certificate II in Hospitality,Religion & Ethics Caleb Cappello Effort, Merit, Certificate II in Business, Recreation Justin Cameron Effort, Excellence, Graphics Abbey Deguara Effort, Excellence, Mathematics B

Meg Lamont Effort, Excellence, English Communication Kathleen Moroney Effort, Excellence, Drama Thomas Rebetzke Effort, Excellence, Aerospace Studies Teya Smith Effort, Excellence, Legal Studies Marita Bolic Effort, Excellence, Biology, Study of Religion Hannah Wanstall Effort, Excellence, Information Technology Systems, Visual Art Sarah Hicks Effort, Excellence, Biology, French, Physics Madeleine Francis Effort, Excellence, Chemistry, Mathematics C, Physics Zodie Bolic Effort, Excellence, English, Film, Television & New Media, Modern History, Study of Religion Evan Keating Effort, Excellence, Aquatic Practices, Industrial Graphics, Certificate II in Engineering Pathways, Certificate I in Construction

Excursion to Mackay Base Hospital (P.A.R.T.Y. Program) St Patrick’s College students have been invited to participate in an excursion to Mackay Base Hospital as part of a trauma prevention program. The P.A.R.T.Y. Program (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth) exposes students to an experience of life post trauma with the view to altering their perceptions of risk-related activities such as drink driving.

Young people are grossly over represented in trauma statistics in terms of both death and disability. Programs such as the P.A.R.T.Y. Program aim to change behaviour and assist students to identify risks and make safer choices.

The date for the excursion is Friday June 7 from 8:50am to 3:05pm at Mackay Base Hospital. Students will be transported to and from the venue by the College Bus. Only twenty-five students will be attending, accompanied by two to three school staff. The first 25 students who register their interest in this excursion will be eligible to attend. Nominations are being taken this week and interested students are asked to register their interest at the College Reception. Students are required to be at College to catch the bus at 8:30am and will return to the College at approximately 3:20pm.

During the day, students will meet emergency service professionals, doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and people who have experienced trauma - and survived. This program is offered to all interested students and may be particularly beneficial for students interested in studying medicine and healthcare sciences.

I would encourage you to seriously consider your child's participation in the P.A.R.T.Y. Program. However, in spite of overwhelming evidence to support its positive impact on those who attend, the material covered at the hospital is of a serious and sometimes confronting nature. It is important that your child be excluded from the excursion if you feel they have experienced a recent traumatic event (within the last two years) that would make participation in the P.A.R.T.Y. Program difficult.

Please contact Mrs McLeod or Mrs Duthler for more information.

Page | 5 Important Dates for Report Cards and Parent Teacher Interviews Friday April 26: 8:30am Report Cards uploaded to Parent Lounge and Student Café. Bookings open for Parent Teacher Interviews. Wednesday May 15: 9:00am Bookings close for Parent Teacher Interviews Thursday May 16: Parent Teacher Interviews Wednesday May 22: Year 11 exam block commences Friday May 24: Year 11 exam block ends Monday May 27: Unit 2 commences for Year 11 Wednesday June 5: Last day Year 11 students can submit subject change forms

Parent Teacher Interviews Appointments for Parent Teacher Interviews must be made through Parent Lounge. All parents are welcomed and encouraged to make appointments. The proximity to Year 11 exams and the start of Unit 2 makes it especially important for parents of Year 11 students.

This Month on SchoolTV - Trauma Children and teens will experience events during their lives that will affect them emotionally and physically. How they react to these events depends on their age, personality and past experiences. Children can experience strong feelings of fear, sadness, guilt, anger or grief, making it difficult for them to cope with everyday life.

There are a number of ways that parents and caregivers can support children after a traumatic event. Your reaction to an event, will impact your child’s ability to cope and recover. Children will look to the adults in their lives to help them better understand a traumatic event so it is important to ‘tune in’ to their fears and provide them with the comfort and support they need. In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn how to gain a better understanding of trauma and how it affects children of all ages.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback. If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the College for further information or seek medical or professional help. Here is the link to this month's edition

The Mater Hospital is undertaking its annual Healthcare Careers Expo for school students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who may be interested in a career in Healthcare.

In previous years, this has been a highly successful event with both parents and students, satisfied and encouraged by the information provided by Health Professionals. This year, the evening is scheduled for Tuesday 14 May 2019 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm.

The evening will be an ‘Expo’ format to allow the participants to browse through the stands at their own leisure throughout the time stipulated of 5:00pm – 7:00pm, and enjoy the advice that will be available through the Healthcare professionals. A flyer is included in Community Notices section of this newsletter for more details.

Getting down to Business – Year 11 All students in the Business Department have now completed their first piece of formative assessment for Unit 1. With Unit 1 due for completion on the 24 May, students are reminded of the importance of regular study, even during the holiday period. Students should take this opportunity to revise concepts, re-read class notes and relevant textbook pages. A summary of upcoming assessment for Unit 1 is below:

Page | 6 Accounting Exam (during the exam block – commencing 22 May) Business Feasibility Report (given 29 April and due 24 May) Digital Solutions Project – Digital Solution (given 23 April and due 21 May) Legal Studies Inquiry Report (given 29 April and due 24 May) Cert II in Business In-class, continuous assessment Cert II in IDMT In-class, continuous assessment

Cross Country On Thursday 28 March, St Patrick’s College held their Cross Country event, where the challenge was on to win the House trophy. The boys had a 5km run on the Blue Water Trail, while the girls had a slightly shorter distance of 4km. The Mackay weather turned on a very sunny and humid day and it was great to see so many students participating in the event.

The boys started first and set a very fast pace, with the first four students to finish belonging to Rice House. The girls started next with the McAuley House girls taking the top five positions.

At the end of the event after tallies had been added up, Rice House Cross Country House Results came up triumphant, winning by the smallest of margins of three 1st Rice House 148 points. McAuley House came in second with Colin House in third 2nd McAuley House 145 position and Chisholm House placing fourth. Well done to all 3rd Colin House 81 participants on a tremendous effort. Cross Country results are in the table attached. 4th Chisholm House 69

The top six students from each age group are invited Boys Girls to represent the College at the Mackay District Cross 1st Callum Whitaker 1st Layla Sanders Country which is being held at Harrup Park Country 2nd Corey Shephard 2nd Hayley Said Club on Tuesday 30 April. Please make sure all paperwork is returned by Friday 5 April. Good luck to 3rd Bailey Wilkie 3rd Dana Hallinan all students selected.

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Year 11 news in the Science Department All Year 11 Biology and Physics students have started working on their second formative assessment item which is worth 25% of the student’s mark. Biology students have been given the Student Experiment for their assessment and Physics students have been given a Research Investigation for their assessment.

These items are due in Week 5 of term 2 which is the week starting on 20 May. The students are encouraged to work on these tasks during the holiday period, as Term 2 begins with the first three weeks being very busy in the school calendar.

Students who work continually on the task, will find it very beneficial at the end of Unit 1, when they are going to have the added pressure of exams. Chemistry students will start work on their Student Experiment in Week 1 of the next term.

All the General Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) students should be frequently revising the covered topics as they will be tested on Unit 1 and 2 at the end of term.

Flexible Seating Room Introduction This year, a double room in B Block has been arranged to accommodate flexible seating options for students. Students in these classes have been negotiating where they sit for some tasks and have enjoyed using the lounges, cushions and beanbags. The group seating arrangements has created productive group work and discussion circles. Plants in this area are also being looked after by students.

A special mention to Mr and Mrs Bolton, who have donated two red leather lounges to the room, and to those students and staff members who have assisted with arranging the furniture. I hope to eventually incorporate an adjustable height table and ‘wobble chairs’ or ‘wobble boards’ to further extend student options.

Students have made themselves at home in the large space and are benefitting in a number of ways. Here are just a few ways flexible seating can advantage your child’s learning:  Students practise making decisions around their learning, such as where best to sit to complete a task, who to sit with and how they should use the options available to them (metacognition).  Students have choice and comfort, while demonstrating a sense of ownership of the space. This reduces stress levels and the brain is more open to learning - they are calm, focused and productive (engagement, receptivity to learning).  Students have more conversations about what they are learning and their understanding of issues discussed. Open communication is evident and they learn from each other (social learning).  Students are able to change seats, improving blood flow and allowing brain breaks – this contributes to improved brain function and engagement.

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Art Workshop Year 11 and Year 12 Art students had the opportunity to workshop with International artist’s Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan. These artist’s have worked with communities around the world creating complex installations that explore narratives of displacement, change, memory and community. Alfredo and Isabel emigrated from the Philippines to Australia in 2006. Their work often reflects on these migratory experiences.

Using cardboard, students were involved with making their own inspired creations with the assistance and guidance of Alfredo and Isabel. Sculptures assembled by the students included houses, trees, personal items and objects that represent, to the student, a sense of place.

Alfredo and Isabel will return to Mackay to open their community exhibition, ‘Take Root’ (Colony) display from the 14 June to 14 of August at Artspace Mackay. This collaborative work will feature handmade objects (cardboard houses) and personal mementos that explores our rich history of place.

This was a wonderful opportunity for our students to gain an insight into how artists use personal objects to communicate and educate us about culture, identity and a sense of belonging.

Students will be attending a meeting in Week 1 of Term 2, to receive specific information regarding travel times, food, activities/program, expectations and rules. In the event of a serious breach in behaviour, students will be removed from the camp and sent home at the parent/guardian’s expense. Students should have indicated special dietary requirements on their medical form. If you have not yet notified Ms Braby of these requirements, could you please do so as soon as possible.

Important dates & times: Departure from the College, Wednesday 1 May: Girls’ buses: Female students need to be at the College by 5:30am to have names marked and collect information. The bus will depart at 6:00am arriving Port of Airlie 8:00am. The ferry will depart at 8:30am, arriving at Hamilton Island at approximately 9:30am.

Boys’ buses: Male students need to be at the College by 8:00am to have names marked and collect information. The bus will depart at 8:30am arriving Port of Airlie 10:30am. The ferry will depart at 11:00am, arriving at Hamilton Island at approximately 12 midday.

Arrival at the College, Friday 3 May: Girls’ buses: Female students depart Hamilton Island at 9:30am, arriving Port of Airlie 10:30am. Bus departs Port at 11:30am arriving Mackay 1:30pm. Girls may then be collected or leave the College.

Boys’ buses: Male students will depart Hamilton Island at 12:00pm - arrival time at Port of Airlie 1:00pm. Bus departs Port at 1:30pm arriving Mackay 3:30pm in Mackay. Boys may be collected or leave the College.

Page | 9 # Please note: The bus CANNOT wait for late students and unfortunately, there will be no reimbursement of costs if students fail to attend camp.

Certificate Courses With the end of Term 1 fast approaching, I can report that certificate courses both through the College as RTO, and through outside providers are running smoothly.

There are currently six Year 12 students and nine Year 11 students under contract as School Based Apprentices or Trainees, in a variety of occupations including Mechanical, Construction, Diesel Fitting, Electrical, Plumbing, Bicycle Mechanic, Business, Retail and Hairdressing.

School Based Apprentices generally work one day each week with their employer and they complete block release for work experience throughout the year.

For the two weeks from 25 March to 5 April, Year 12 Vocational Education & Training (VET) students have had the opportunity to go out on work experience. The College has received some very positive feedback from employers and hopefully this experience leads to job prospects in the students’ chosen fields.

Year 11 Work Experience Year 11 VET students will have received their application for work experience this week. Work experience for Year 11 VET students will take place in the last week of Term 2, from 24 to 28 June. If you feel it would put too much pressure on your students’ studies, they may go out on work experience during the school holidays but it is not compulsory for them to participate in work experience. If students are interested in the work experience program, they are encouraged to return the paperwork as soon as possible.

The employers of those students with a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship will be contacted to confirm that students are able to work the hours in this week towards their Apprenticeship/Traineeship.

Page | 10 St Patrick’s College Choir The St Patrick’s College Choir members recently performed at the 27th Regional Choral Festival for the Mackay Chapter of the Kodaly Music Education Institute of Australia (KMEIA) QLD at the Mackay Entertainment Centre Complex (MECC).

Conducted by revered Choralist, Dr Anthony Young, our students performed in an ensemble with over 150 members; including primary & secondary students, teachers and community members. The repertoire contained Baroque, Folk and Contemporary Choral pieces that provided great learning opportunities for our choir, featuring inspiring musical moments.

Thank you to all who attended and supported the students on this night. The next exciting night on the Cultural calender is the Central Queensland University (CQU)’s Jazzfest. Students are very busy rehearsing for the upcoming CQU Jazzfest on Saturday 3 August and Sunday 4 August.

I would like to thank our Year 11 Choral students and the new singers who participated in the Rats of Tobruk ceremony. The next Rats of Tobruk Ceremony will be on August 30 and I look forward to seeing all of our new singers there again.

A reminder to all Cultural students to continue practicing over the holidays. I really appreciate all the hard work and dedication you have put into learning your pieces and arriving early for the rehearsals. Our first performance next term is the percussion ensemble, which will be marching alongside the College members/community on ANZAC day.

Reef Trip As part of the Aquatic Practices program, the Year 11 students visited ‘Hardy Reef’ on the 29 March. This was a successful day excursion for all students, with four staff members and forty students involved in the trip. It was an early morning start with the bus departing the College at 5:15am and returning at 8:00pm.

Conditions at the reef were better than expected, with only very light winds and ten metre plus visibility which made for a smooth ride out to the reef. There was an abundance of reef fish species on offer for viewing. The water temperature was also very good despite the rain showers early in the morning.

Everyone involved in this trip enjoyed the day out of the classroom. Thanks again to Mr Martin Hollis, Mrs Tania Anderson and Mrs Veronica Muscat who assisted the students on the day.

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St Patrick’s College Z-Club On Sunday 31 March, students from St Patrick’s College Z-Club helped sew and pack breast cushions. Over 150 women a year are diagnosed with breast cancer in the Mackay region. These cushions provide comfort for Mackay women who are going through treatment for breast cancer. The cushions can be used in a number of ways, including as support while sleeping or alleviating the pressure of a seat belt. They are made by members and friends of Zonta Clubs in Australia.

There was much activity on Sunday, with a production line of volunteers ironing on the Zonta decals, weighing the stuffing to fill the cushions, stuffing the cushions, sewing the cushions and packing the cushions ready for delivery to hospitals.

This day was a great success; with students from a number of schools working together, to demonstrate how many hands really do make light work to assist the members of our community.

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