Proceedings, 1980
53rd Optional Proceedings BUILDING TOMORROWS "Kansas City, "Missouri November 12-14, 1980 te*,.. ?* tf . n:v, ; :f;.v> •--•;, ., v -#v ^ . jV, ^ : u. !% M ^ I r 53RD NATIONAL FFA CONVENTION PROCEEDINGS .-4 • KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI NOVEMBER 12-14, 1980 I * % f v> v Prepared Ipo^PubliSihed oy ***** GbarterecFtey Congress AS Ai "' **"? qy n^-ucii^nSin Vocational ; in coop e ratio n^vvfth the linited States Department^ Education i(Vas h i n gtbn /fe . C . 20l02 BUILDING TOMORROWS TODAY More than 23,000 FFA members, advisors and guests demonstrated how the FFA is Building Tomorrows Today at the 53rd National FFA Convention. The convention in Kansas City, Missouri, November 12-14, seta new attendance record and saw award presentations, speakers, contests and business culminate a year of work. But the work began at the local chapter level . That's where the concept of binding together hands-on experience, leadership development and classroom instruction really proves itself. Whether it's competing in the chapter public speaking contest, starting an agricultural proficiency project or running for a Creenhand office, FFA members are building skills useful to America and its agriculture. The 53rd National FFA Convention was a climax for some — the finale of an FFA career. For others, it was just a beginning — the motivational force to do and achieve. This proceedings booklet is a record of those past achievements and an inspiration to future ones. We hope you find encouragement in its use. - / rfL&j % <^/€* Byron F. Rawls C. Coleman Harris National Advisor National Executive Secretary TABLE OF CONTENTS HIGHLIGHTS 3 National Officers' Retiring Addresses 6 Agricultural Career Show 21 COMPETITION AND RECOGNITION 23 Starts Over America 23 Public Speaking Contests 24 National Contests and Awards , 28 American Farmers 38 Special Awards 41 BUSINESS 44 Approved Amendments 44 Committee Reports 45 PEOPLE 60 Official Delegates 60 National Band, Chorus, Talent, WEA 62 National Di rectory 65 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Editors: Roni Horan, Becky Vining and Rich Bennett.
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