Iran Policy Committee ________________________________________________ 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20004 202- 742 - 6517 (o); 202-742-6501 (f);
[email protected] White Paper U.S. Policy Options for Iran and Iranian Political Opposition 13 September 2005 Table of Contents Executive Summary Chapter One: Iran in the Global War on Terrorism and Proliferation Introduction Role in the War on Terrorism and Proliferation Globalists vs. Regionalists in the War for Washington Islamist Export of Revolution via Terrorism Iraq Al Qaeda Regional Instability: Israel, Iraq, Levant, Gulf MEK Capabilities in Comparison with those of Other Groups Active Proliferator of Weapons of Mass Destruction Conclusions Chapter Two: The Case for Removal of the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) from the U.S. State Department Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) List Introduction Legal Criteria for FTO Designation Allegations against the MEK Killing of Americans Support for the U.S. Embassy Takeover Suppression of Kurds Cross-Border Attacks and Assassinations Terrorist Capability and/or Intent Accusation of “Cult” Conclusions: Legal Allegations Background on the MEK The MEK’s Relationship with the U.S. Military in Iraq The MEK relationship with Iraqis MEK Capabilities Delisting the MEK Serves U.S. National Security Interests Conclusions 2 Appendix Documents Appendix A: Methodology and Content Analysis of Iranian Opposition Groups Appendix B: US-MEK Interaction After the 2003 War in Iraq A) US says Iran opposition in Iraq agrees