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The J J Florida ylKl '~64 vol. 57, No . 38 Universty of Fior'do, Gainesville TH DEEP SCUTH'S FINEST COLLEGE DAlkY' IBJ Vlsi'Is Orlando, Barry Hiits 'Gifts' SAM ULLMAN NEW YOR (UPl} -Sen. Barry Goldwater charged Editorial Assistant yesterday that President Lyndon Johnson was seeking ORLANDO - About 150,000 people saw Pr, ,ide~t election through "piitical daddyismi'' by expanding Lyndon Johnson barnstorm Orlando early yesterday the fede r a govyernmaenct's p0 we i to k'stow hen, fits in old -time political style. oil Voter,. in one of the wildest political spectors to bit Orlando In many years. the President rode and The Wepubli can prtsldentiai n mIne Iirgted sluking walked through the main streets of the city Americans Ic r'j ecta bread and circus"' approach of his supporters. hands with thousands to government that 1w stid threatentwd freedom. Orlando police estimated the well-behaved crowd He Indirectly act usedJohnson the streets at about 100,000 by in of "silly poittict I doubiletalk" and 9 a.mn. the crowd at A a.m. By "transparent vote-jrabbingdemi- Colonial Plaza Shopping Center, gogety' n .speechpreparedfo the president was to speak where a GOP rally in Madison Square had reached 50,000. Politics Forutm Three bands and a sea of post- rs greeted the President ashear- Set Tomorrow Dover, Del., where Goldwater said limousine. He met Demo_- gvuarded he was "scared htiff"' at th e &atic gubernatorial nominee Hay- H. Prof. Walter Rosenbaum, of poss ihiit y of Sen. Hubert don Burns, Sen. George Smathers, H u mph roy becoming the vice Holland, Gov. Far- political science department. Sen. Spessard president. of other will bead a discussion on Sen. ris Bryant, and a bevy HIs sharpest attack on the politicians who Barry Goldwater's "My Case state and local President came in the evening final for the Republican Party" to- rushed him into a trailer for talks at the Garden, however. morrow at noon at the Pres- touches on his planned speech. "It is a fact thai Lyndonl Johnson trailer, a John- byterian Student Center. l4C2 While In the and his curious crew setim to police W. University Ave. son aide remarked that believe that progress in this should be doubled for the sched- The program Is the last iii a series on current politIcal country Is best served simply and uled appearance in Jacksonville through the ever- event,. directly later that day. expanding gift power of tho ever- as this Sandwiches and coffee will "If crowds are ab large last ingly growtng feder al we'll need more protection" be provided for the fIrst 35 one, governmentnt' Goldwater said. he said. people. The ptibllr is invited Wayne Reitz signs a proclamation de- to attend. UF PRE S. J. On Pag 3) (Continued On Page 3) (Coninud signal ing9 Dollars for Scholars week which opens atihe lorida game Saturday. Looking on are Bill Bill to be Discussed Auburn-F Alligator- ----- --- McBride, fund drive chairman, left, and Ken Kennedy, UF studen body president. Dollars for scholars is a mat ching fund in whch the federal government gives $9 Me ets raised n the drive. (Photo by UF Photo Council Tonight for every Idollar concerning student putllcations is A bill WhiCh Would require the last meeting by Earl G. Banker. of the bill, which also expected to be annowncrd. Servi ce ) Alligator to publish the minutes of A revised edition A chairman of the Legislative Cowncll meetIngs will would require Te Alligator to pub- newly ap- ConstitutIonal Revision, be considered by the Legislative lish coverage of council meetings, pointed Committee will be elected. ThIa Council tonight at 7:30 In the but init the actual minutes Is cx - Florida Union AMditorium. pected to come up for discussion committee Was recently set-uv by a bill proposed by laster M.(Bud- 'fl bill was submitted at the before the council. A resolution dy) Blain. It is expected to writ. voted ~wn by the studnt bye r Okayedby Board the spriig elections. Elections will be held for a (Related Stories, P. 2) in.'program, already wadrway The council member trj be u n th1 lb. wate Board of Control yei - at the uiwesty, lh lh. .cood auch Bill - F ksrida Union board of managers, terday approved a $142,011 gant to pr'4ramn to he cOnducted at the uni A bill to provide for the publication of Legislative C oun' ii - the. CF for a 10- week Peac. Crorp, verslty 'dinc u. aid proceedings and for other purposes. and a student member to the fic minutes Wogkers ar. being t r 41ned to OP THlE ulty disciplinary rommittep,. training program for,2 voiwit.rr, BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL -. , education Seven Council members who are going to Jamalt a and Hhltish. -o s.,rv, as I e a'-h.-r STUDENT BODY OF THE UNIVEJEITY OF FLORIDA; no longer in school or who no lol-. Pursu.ant to Article II, section 232 of the Student Body Con- e Co un c il th at t he st iu i n I i s a th fin di n of li . L e i sl tiv t r repc r Exu I) ak 1, 000 Grants tL% .0 Z5.o of the Student Government of the University of fiprofre which ends Dec. I. the Interest Jerry, D. Ross, John D. Kaylor. Florida. 21. is under the %uin admins- are eie as the officialrite prcod of th ston o th Legislative Council as recorded by its Secretary. Senlors In lii. Arts andSciencen LtnAm eanSuis r those addend, to the minutes, Prcceqdiqs are defied as caucus In the florid. Union-Gatort who will he gradnatd in April, MaurIce Ahrens, professor of ed- enrolled bills, resciutlon. and .peciii requests. such. as Party in Morn 324, and VOTE Par- Jun or AuguaI of 2965 and wto ucaton, i cooril tngteac- Aligator shall polish, 00 or twfore Sectiw, II - The Florid. ty IA Boo,, lIE. the ehwvnth fly folosiog each meetlsg of the Legislative forvon of 10 felowshlpstorth The tint six wehks of the pro- of that meeting as d' Council. the maaS and procnedings flrt yar ofgrant. .tdy. Arpm w ll be coossct.4 In Gaines- liverSd to the editor by the Secretary ci LqislatIv# Affairs, It required by resolution of the shall afro ptblsh any idformtor. aiwuag.ompet n d a- skills, Aerican and world ai- Leg1slatiw eoicil for Ifli purpose. age ------------------- fairs. Commanism. area ,ludmn-ng 21 B' ,t 'it Control Board Says A&M Here For Now The Board of Control assurEdJ out thet Negro cliege iin Tadbah~m by ttie I'nive rs ity of Floridi mnd pr.i.ident George Gore yesterrlay Sc" "'dlsturlwd the mor .le of the Florida Stite univ.rs ity for gr ints that Florida A& M University was staff.'' The proposal was presented from the Nat Ion. Sclen Ce Found.t - in no immediate danger of beinge to the board by Its staff at the tion for science development. The -J abolished and then cleared its Sept. 6 meeting in Gainesville. University of Florida will ask for conference tabie for study of $231 The recommendation said the $5 million andi Florida State million in proposed spending for school should be eventuallyphased $4,607,000. next biennium. out but noted the action "will not Director J. Broward Culpepper 'The board didn't get all the way be justified in the fo rs eea bl e said Lf one or both of the schools through what at first appeared future.' got their grants, it would be "of YoR to be a routine agenda. The bud -. Gore said he needed somic re- tremendous importance to the uni- get items and actions for the assurance by the board that there versities." board's part of the agenda were were no lmmediateplansto abolish Florida State University was You SEeN delayed until today's session. the school."We wouldllke to main- authorized to purchase two pieces HAVe Generally, however, most items tamn our place in Florida higher of property adjacent to the cam- S on the agenda drew tentative ap- education without a sword hanging pus, one for $31,000 and the other proval, needing only formal action over our head,'' he said. for $20,000. by the board today. Chairman Baya Harrison said Establishment of aneurobiologi - Gore said a proposed master the proposal to phaseoutthe school cal program, with authority to seek plan for higher education in Flori- had come as a surprise to every- research grants, also drew board da, which recommended phasing one at the Sejtember meetlng."At approval It would be set up at the the present time it is just a re- University of F 10 r Ida Midical SEP'oL RPRSETA * * port," Harrison said. School. Other board members said as far as They were concerned there was no immediate plans for phaS- USF Gets tng out the school. "It will be here AAUP after I am dead," said member Charles Formaji of Ft. Lauderdale. Masters Proposed spending for the com- (Continued From Page I) ing biennium, as recommended by TALLAHASSEE (UP!)- The the board's fiscal staff, include Include the civil rights of the faculty as to their spwclal niversity of 8outh Florida at $1A3,50%,319 from general revenue rights & and and Tampa was authorized yesterday funds and $48,012,237l from trust responsibIlities, also the issue of the proposed Board of Re- - - to of fer master's degree programs funds. For the current biennium the t In almost all areas of secondary general fund appropriation totaled gents which wiln be voted on in the November 3 election.