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Central Florida Future, Vol. 06 No. 22, April 19, 1974

Florida Technological University

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Recommended Citation Florida Technological University, "Central Florida Future, Vol. 06 No. 22, April 19, 1974" (1974). Central Florida Future. 193. Non-Profit Orgn. U.S. Postage PA I D Permit No. 3575 •••••••1111111•Orlando, Florida


Feet .Hike Passes BOR Unani111ouslx Change Opposed By Students

By Torrey Stewart

A revised tuition rate which could hike tuition is based on a per credit hour charge and will become effective in September if the state legislature passes it. . The recommended tuition change, which met opposition from student spokesmen and university persidents alike, was passed unanimously at the Board of Regents meeting held in Orlando recently. The new system requires $13 per undergraduate credit hour, and $16.50 for graduate student credit hours. Non-Florida students, in addition to the registration fee, would be charged $24 per credit hour. Students taking the average 15-l· :,,rr ~oad w0uld be charged $5 more, and grapuates taking 15 l: . would pay $42 less. The change provided for no ceiling on tuition, so that under the change a 20-credit hour undergraduate load would cost $260. Opponents cited possible results of the tuition change, including: reduction in faculty and "enrichment" courses offered, reduction in the total number of credit hours attempted by state university students, and a subsequent reduction of state legislative funding. Currently tuition for those students moving from part-time to full-time status or from eight to nine credit hours per quarter Above, from left to right are BOR BO R Chairman Marshall Criser, Chancellor increases over $60, chairperson of the State Council of Student memhers E. D. Pierce, D. Burke Kibler, Jack Robert Mautz, J. J. Daniel, and Chester Body Presidents Bill Davis told the board. McGriff, and James Gardener. Below, are Ferguson. (Photo by Marvin Clegg) • The new tuition rate was designed to equalize these inequities. Although Hendrix Chandler, corporate secretary to the BOR, said he feJt the tuition change would not affect financial aid for the average student receiving it, student leaders feared that the change would severely hurt those students dependent on a fixed income or fixed aid, such as veterans' benefits and some types of financial aid. Continued on page 2 BOR To Implement • Discrimination Policy

After deciding to deny Attorney General's staff and university support to those FTU administrators as to exactly student organizations which which student organizations are follow sexually discriminatory covered by the new policy. practices in membership, the Continued on page 3 Board of Regents (BOR), in a meeting held April 8 on the FTU campus, referred the new policy • to the State Council for Student Co I ation Of FTU Bus Hopeful .. Affairs. By Alan Crouse FTU's campus. He said he average was between 12 and 14 a break-even financially. Schrader The Council for Student believes good response will take trip, according to Schrader. said, "We need to double the Affairs, which is composed of Backers of bus service are still time and, "any product that's Schrader explained that number of pas~engers now, if we the nine vice presidents for hop-eful the six-month new has to be sold to the Orange county was subsidizing hope to insure the se1'.Vice for next student affairs within the State experimental period will be consumer on a referral basis." one-fourth of the cost for the six year. University . System, is charged continued on a permanent basis. · Dr. GeQrge F. Schrader, head month trial period with Seminole When asked if any changes with developing interpretation Robert Lorah, resident of FT U's transportation county offering another fourth would be made in the route, and enforcement guidelines, for manager for the Orange-Semi­ committee, said the buses carried and the Florida Department of Schrader replied that the last adoption by the BOR. no le.-0 sc eo la Transportation eight or nine passengers for each Transportation taking· up the student survey was made in As explained on the April 5 Authority (Tri-county), says he trip when the service began on remaining half. In order for the March. At that time 1363 issue. of the FuTUre, there is has noticed a "modest, steady March 25. By the following week, service to continue beyond the students replied with 23% or 313 some confusion among both increase" in the number of he said the number had risen by summer quarter, the tri-county saying they would ride the bus, if members of the Florida passengers using the service to two or three,. and, last week the transportation authority must Continued ort page 2 Page 2-FuTUre-April 19, 1974

I I I ® I ----- © SEMINOt,E­ FTU Bus Continuance 1 I / 1f PLAZA I I L I /17-92. I I Hoped For By Backers I I ( (Continued from Page 1) I I I I available. Student's home driving a car to school against the on at the South Seminole Plaza, I residences were also plotted in one · dollar fare, the bus is where it is a one-half hour ride to. ~@ I order to plan a route through cheaper," he said. school. Schrader says he hopes to ~ ----LAKESTREeil areas with the heaviest Schrader, himself, rides the bus have guest lecturers such as ~ I concentration of FTU students. and says there must be a need county commissioner Ben I Schrader said the administration because he sees parents dropping Benham and Jim Lee, of the East NORIH~A'TE I would not think well of funding off students at the bus stops. He Central Florida Regional SHOPPIN~ 1 C£NTER. 1 more surveys when the results of also announced plans for teaching Planning Council. The lectures I previous surveys are questionable a class on the bus this summer. will be offered once on a morning I only because most of those who The course is Engineering 485, .s.EMORAN trip and once on an afternoon trip PLAZA ® - gave positive replies continue to "Topics in Urban Development", on Mondays, Wednesdays and drive to campus. a non-major course for fulfilling Fridays totalling three hours a --~tV'P.. --- FOR ® upper level environmental week . Schrader asked that IIT.U. Bl.VD~ Lorah cited less polution, less studies. Schrader hopes to give interested students please contact · INFORMATION TO F. T. U. traffic and less wear and tear on lectures on the bus with the aid of him prior to pre-registration in tl\LL .f. nerves as incentives for taking the headphones. He explained that order for him to secure the ~ I F. tu EXPRESS R01J1E 1 bus. "If you relate the full cost o~ the headphones would be turned electronic equipment. 841-8640~ Free Eggroll or Fried ~ Bill Releasing • H * PARK AND RIDE Wonton with Faculty Records this Ad ..

DOWNTOWN TERMINAL TFJINSFE"R POLNT PassesCommittee A bill providing for limited access to the evaluation records of university and community NEW Students Oppose Hike, college personnel was approved 6-3 by the state senate education NEW committee on April 12. The bill would also allow SUS Presidents Concur access to the records of public TOKYO school-teachers.-Access would be (Continued from Page I} given only on the consent of the ORIENTAL Restaurant faculty member, by order of the Now serving more Continuing in his expression -before the board of the student university president, or by court leaders' feelings, Davis said, we are equally concerned with the order. delicious Chinese & Japanese Food student who is undecided as to his current orientation. The The bill would also permit the abolition of a tuition ceiling could put financial pressure on many release of information about the Chinese dinners from 2:00 overall assessment of a professor's of these students to make premature decisions without needed Japanese dinners from 3 :uO field experimentation." performance by groups of students but not the assessments The tuition change could "mean that on1y those students who of individual students. Lunch Specials change Daily $1. 95 have a substantial cash margin on hand will take additional The senate action followed a experimental courses," Davis continued. decision by the Board of Hours: Lunch 11 :30 - 2 except Sat. Davis made two requests in behalf of the SCSBP before the Education on April 2 to open Dinner 5-10 closed Monday board. He asked that the universities not be allowed to arbitrarily faculty records which are raise the num mber of courses' credit hours, in order to get more presently closed. Atty. Gen. 94-8 N. MILLS Ave. funds. Robert Shevin followed the .. decision by the cabinet with a He also requested that an arbitrary health services fee, up to request to the senate for the ORLANDO 898-3928 $10, which each university may require in addition to tuition, be action. used only for that purpose and not channeled into other funds. Board members countered arguments that the tuition change could be economically harmful to students who are accelerating their academic programs by saying that such students would have Have we-goto summer to take the courses sooner or later. Florida International President Charles Perry concurred, saying that, "Students who are capable of accelerating their program may not be able to accelerate financiallv." far you/ I . Board member Chester Ferguson said that the tuition change / would result in a better, more responsible educational -system and .. in "housecleaning" to eliminate superfluous courses. '· - ~'¥- FTU Student Government Vice President Hunter Potts said he ,' t • ... felt that under the new plan courses will not be offered as often. Pre-sident J. Stanley Marshall of Florida State University revealed that faculty may be lost because of fewer courses being Your summer job at Walt offered. Davis said a Chancellor's staff member told him that Disney World has got to tuition based on charge per credit hour with no ceiling could wipe be the most exciting yet! out 300 faculty positions. Join the cast ... excel­ lent employment oppor- Richard Merrick, University of South Florida Student N-<.ot!'Ur'-·....,.1)' tunities in the Magic Government president, said, "What concerns me is tenure, and 1 11o.i~ · J,,,;,,,,( -:- i Kingdom, our resort­ how it (the tuition change) will invludnce university presidents hotels plus many other and vice presidents. It could cause those people who have been areas will be available .. doing good work throughout the year to-be evaluated on the basis from June through and of how much money the university is gettini:i;." including Labor Day "It appears that the use of a constant fee per credit hour s~~~,,~ with general starting structure in the State University System would result in a ~ pay at $2.40 per hour. significant reduction in the total student credit hours attempted I We'll even help you lo­ by the student body," according to the draft of the study ! cate housing and form entitled, "Alternative Fee Structure: State University System of ~ computerized carpools! Florida." Applications are being ~ accepted now. Call, The study continued, "Fewer credit hours would percipitate a ~ write or visit the Cast­ reduction in the level of state funding for the system because i ing Department, Walt funds are appropriated from the state according to formulas I Disney World, P.O. Box based on the number of student credit hours per quarter in the I 40, Lake Buena Vista, system." ~ Florida 32830, southwest President Glenwood Creech of Florida Atlantic University said ~ of Orlando, Florida off that F AU will lose funds from the legislature because students Interstate 4 at State would be paying less in tuition as a whole. Road 535, (305) 824- Using fall, 1973 enrollment figures there, he indicated that 69 ,- 2222, Monday through per cent of the graduate students and 90 per cent of the Saturday from 9 am until undergraduate students there would have paid less under the new : 5 pm. Will you have a system. This would result in less money generated by tuition fees summer! there, he said. Davis said the change "rerooves a principal incentive to tak~ a _ full load or tct itl!c~l~rati! · :c .• ~ 'JJ1l9~\ s1 J 10 10.:i :1;J rw--~'f .. · Walt IV)isneylUorld The time-shortened degree program would suffer under the .. m• wAn ois~Ev •RDDUCT•ONS An Equal Opportunity Employer program, President Perry said. April 19, 1974-FuTU~e-Page 3


.,.,· Married Housing Needed I . I ~ "There is a need for married experienced, Brown said. Last July, Brown submitted a nopes that the of accommodated, along with the ~ students' housing at FTU, but Board of Regents (BOR) po~ibility I report to President Millican on married housing at FTU could be 221 married couples that also that which would Facilities Committee Chairman .lf , the present state of the housing discu~ed. · expressed interest in on-campus accommodate single students as ' Julius F. Parker, Jr., said Tuesday situation at FTU. As a result, housing in a survey taken last · well," vice president of Student that he doesn,t see an end to the Millican requested a copy of the Parker, however, said he"filed March. Affairs Rex Brown said recently. moratorium in the near ·future, report. b e sen t · t o Par k er, .m it away, and hasn't looked at it Of FTU's student population, At present, there is a but "if there's shown a need for it since September.'' S ep te m b er. . The report was about 33 to 35 per cent C\le moratorium on all state and it will pay for itself, it is strictly f ?~ informa ti

April 19, 1974-FuTUre-Page fi- Student Opinions Vary CHOOSE .. YOUR NEW-HOME AT SEMINOLE TERRACE 3 bedroom - 2 bath On SG Effectiveness Choice of interior & exterior

The opinion held of Student On Tuesday passers-by in the opinion of the quality of SG's 5 %DOWN - NO CLOSING COST Government (SG) by the student lobby of the library were asked performance, whether the If you lived at Se_minole Terrace, body is an important issue, their opinion of the function SG students are getting their dollar's 831-1603 you'd be home in 2 minutes. B-5371 especially during the election of is performing. The questions worth from the portion of F.W. Fullmer Jr. Gen.Contractor,Inc. the new SG president. asked ~eluded the respondent's tuition payments which support SG and the respondent's opinion of how SG could be improved. John Gilmore replied that the Controve~~iesA ired SG budget was $69,000, but has RICK BRANDSTETTER · not seen any examples of $69 ,000 worth of work. About Uf, USf SGs Lara Wayvell said that no one · invites YOU to come talk to By Dave Charles knows who's runninJ? for the SG Controversy over student government was stirred offices, and most students do up recently in two of Florida's major universities. The· not care to get involved, so a HIM about . these specials:· University of Florida (UF) and the University of · vicious cycle is created. South Florida (USF) student governments came George Wilson said, "I don't ·under fire. . know what kind of job they're "THe Alligator," .the student newspaper at UF, doing. They're a rather quiet '66 MUSTANG loaded ,66.66 polled students and found that a majority of the group ...they all ·seem to be student body wanted a "change in student rehearsing to be future lawyers • government." Only 13 per cent of the students were or politicians." Wilson suggested satisfied with student government as it is. a monthly newsletter to inform This apparent student discontent prompted leaders the student body of SG $2495.00 to agree with the survey results-that it's time for a activities. '74 GREMLIN low, low mileage change. Tyrie Boyer, head of the Fture Change& Jeff Wray said, "Besides some political party and current Student Government shows, I never know what President at UF, said, "We are willing to change the they're doing. If they did, fd be system, rather than to completely toss it out." able to tell you if I'm getting my Boyer and other student senators expressed the money's worth." '70 MONTE CARLO cream puff need for a "Constitutional Convention" to revamp Kathy Waters simply replied the present system to meet the needs of the students that she doubted that her money more completely. which goes to SG is well spent. Meanwhile, at the University of Southern Florida, Of a dozen respondents, only '71 V. W. Beetle super clean $1850.00 the student government president traded statements one said he does not intend to with the school's administration. vote in the upcoming elections USF'ss Student Affairs Department was recently of SG president. Wilson qualified his response by saying he'd vote very critical of the student government. In a letter to ALL NEW '73 and '74 MAZDAS reduced over ~DO.DO Student Government President. Bill Davis and in "if I see more than just these statements made by a Department aid Student pictures and posters plastered all Affairs made clear its position that '"Student over the walls." Government shouldn't be considered the sole Considering the typically low bargaining agent of students." turnout for SG elections, this HOLLER MAZDA In reply, Davis referred to the Board of Regents survey poses the question as to operatinf manual which states: "Student Government whether the uninformed shall be representative of all tudents," and said the · electorate reflects student 3802 W. Colonial statements of the Student Affairs Department apathy, a failure by the campus conflicted with the Board of Regents' position media or the need for public ph. 299-4440 or 425-9644 outlined in the manual. relations campaign by SG. When interviewed on this point, Student Affairs Vice President Joe Howell stated that he didn ot feel the Board of Regents' intent was to say that Student Government is representative of all students. He pointed out that "we recognize Student Government as a unique form of representation, but we don't .tum to them as the exclusive voice of the students. "It''s n~~ that we ignore the students," .said Howell, "but then we don't accept everything they say." Davis accused USF's President Cecil Mackey of "breaking several promises made to me personally to provide guarantees that he would respect the right of the student to control Student Government." Present Financial Program Stable • To Help State University Students Despite Increased Fee Structure Present financial aid programs, . parallels the national average for a both state and federally four-year public institution. supported, now in effect are He predicts that the $3.5 expected to handle next year's million used last year for the needs of State University System Florida Student Loan Program on your Personal Account-when students despite the will increase to $5 million for implementation of an increased 1974-75. A plan to · erase the you maintain a· minimum balance fee structure, according to FTU '"proven financial need" criteria Financial Aid Director Donald from the Florida Insured Student of $100.00 per month. Baldwin. Loan Program will make it To make this possible, possible to utilize more of the $7 university administrators and key million available for next year's legislators h_ave worked over the aid than the $2.6 million which Won't you come Bank with us? past six years to develop stable was awarded this year. financial assistance programs, Baldwin explained. The proposed tuition change will also present problems for the The FTU financial aid financial aid office's operations, turning the awards cycle into a department had already / anticipated a yearly cost increase "guessing game'', said the · Member Telephone from the 1973-74 figure of di!ector. FDIC $2,400 to a cost of $2,600 for the Presently, 40 per cent of the 365-6611 1974-75 on-campus FTU student population is undergraduate. This yearly cost receiving some type of financial ® estimation was increased to take assistance, whether through into account the rising prices of loans, grants, scholarship or such items as books, food, room employment. Sixty per cent of The CITIZENS BANK and board and transportation. the funds to finance this aid is The cost of gasoline, a major supplied by the federal expedi tu re for the FTU government. The other 40 per commuter campus, contributed _cent is supplied by the state, of OVIEDO heavily to the jump in yearly cost which is taking an "vanguard" 156 GENEVA. DRIVE, OVIEDO, F .. QRIDA estimation. Baldwin feels that the role in funding financial aid new figure more realistically according to Baldwin. ..• ! Page 6-FuTUre-April 19, 1974 FACTORY JUTUAL ENGH. ASSOC. Religious Aspect Given Lass Prevention Ermineerlag Exorcism Explained Recruiting on campus (PlaC1JJ1ent OflSa) 4-24-74. for June, August ·and December graduates. By Krista Storey "Only a bishop can give a priest movie there are "a lot of permission to perform an charlatans around taking exorcism," Father Henry stated. advantage of -people." He said Father Peter Henry , associate Although every priest has the that "immature people are a pastor of Holy Name of Jesus power to perform an exorcism target for free floating Parish, Satellite Beach, discussed The Village Center usually the one chosen to do so is deliverance people." Speakers Committee the history of exorcism and "The a "very holy man" he added. Exorcist" April 8 in a program In-response to a question by a Presents: co-sponsored by the FTU United member of the audience, Father Campus Ministry and the Village "Form3I exorcisms are rare." Henry presented the basic Center. He said that in dioceses where guidelines which the Catholic they are performed the name of Church uses in determining the priest is usually kept secret. Father Henry, a native of whether or not an exorcism is Northern Ireland who has been in needed. First, he said that all Thoughi the United States for five years, Father Henry next referred to _ possible medical and first explained the history of an exorcism in which he had psychological reasons for the taken part. This occurred while ailment must have been he was attending a seminar in exhausted. There must be the · New Orleans last summer. speaking of an alien tongue by the inAeiion one who is believed to be possessed. The victim must be 11:30 VC ·GREEN A Dominican priest also in affected by unaccountable attendance in New Orleans was suffering. . Lastly the person must Every Tuesday & Wednesday in April counseling a woman about 45 present knowledge of things years old. In the course of his which he would normally not Weekly Guest Speakers sessions with her he had know. Paula Hawkins determined tltat she was Father Henry said that he Dr. Neil Justin- Fla. Atlantic Univ • . possessed by several minor spirits: would not like to see "exorcism Patricia Fawsett-Attorney Winny Sharp - Attorney At this point Father Henry on demand, but that people tum to God for the alleviation of the Melvin F. Oemens, Jr. - V.P. Auto Train explained, "Total possession is Mr. Bill Shoup -™!tndo Utilities Commission rare. There is no basis for it in things which bother people." scripture.'' He said that possession is normally in the form of possession by minor spirits or ~ RAND. OPENING---' TliIS WEEK'·------demons. A New Shop With A New Look! ' The Dominican priest i p,receeded to perform an informal BABAI · exorcism .on the woman. He invited Father Henry to ~PEI\I participate. As he described it is part in the exorcism was in the SESAME Father Peter Henry.. " role as that of Charlie Atlas to hold her down." I Complete Une Qt Costume Jew~ Silver-Gold-Copper .discusses exorcism i The Dominican priest had to Cosmetics by Helena Rubenstein exorcism in the viewpoint of the leave New Orleans to return home and Eau de Love and so as a result Father Henry Catholic Church. He went on to Seminole Plaza Hwy. 17-92 his own experiences with was left to continue the exorcism. With the help of a number of Casselberry other priests and nuns the Nut "' Pub/be exorcism and then into a exorcism was continued for a discussion of "The Exorcist." period of ten days. The group met Free Pair of Earrings The program was set up much as a every second day for two hours. • group discussion with the priest According to Father Henry the With ANY Purch_ase ent ertaining q uestions and woman was able to experience comment s t hroughout his some peace after the successful presentation. · completion of the exorcism.

. From the scriptures, Father Father Henry stated that he Henry stated, there emerges a could not "help but think that the exorcism was a ·traumatic COMPARE strong picture of Jesus Christ. However-, he said the devil or experience for the woman." He CUM MUTER CITY SHOPS Satan is presented as "shady, said that he felt however that the hidden and definitely evil." Most exorcism was not enough, but GASOLINE VS & SERVICES of the information which man has that the woman should go into a PROBLEMS IN OVIEDO concerning the devil he said prayer community. comes from the experiences of • people with him .. For this reason, Moving on to the movie, he added no one could profess to Father Henry said that after be an expert in demonology. He seeing the movie he believed it to said that several groups had be "unfactual, gross and erroneously credited him with sensational." The only merit being an expert with a doctorate which he could see in the movie in demonology. · was that of "confronting people with the business of evil."

Father Henry went on to say He went on to say that the that demons were fallen angels movie pkayed on the young and who have been allowed by God to innocent. He said that it "suggesti: engage in diabolical possession. a need in the young, Therefore, he stated, an exorcism inexperienced and immature, for or casting out of these evil spirits exorcism." He also stated that the or demons was needed. movie played on terror. "Jesus practiced exorcism by Father Henry •went on to the power of God," Father Henry explain that the case of "The added. He continued by saying Exorcist" is true. "The movie was YOU HAVE PRIVACY AND CONVENiENCE that all believers shared in this based on an actual case in the power. Washington area in 1949." The IN A QUIET DUPLEX child involved was 13 to 1~ years According to Father Henry, old, according to Father Henry COMPARE THIS TODAY: hysical disorders .such as and had "no inkling'' of the Jeafness or nervous disorders for 2 bedroom apts. for $160 per month~ exorcism after it was performed. TO which no cause was evident were WSNT&ll Shag carpet, central heat & air...... -. DOWNTO­ once explained as being the result The priest went on to say that OV&C>o of diabolical possession. Because he felt that the author of the · Your Own Yard! of the advances in medicine many book "made some big mistakes ; lil RIDGEWOOD Close to FTU & Oviedo. TO of these same ailments can now theologically." He said that he CAU&l..KJIAV

be diagnosed, he said . .. felt that . he "went to many •oaUOllOAO exorcisms and picked out the NEW, FLEXIBLE LEASE TE~MS The Catholic Church is very freakiest aspects'' to use in his SEE IT NOW AT careful now in granting book. He said that the book permission for exorcisms Father "plays as much on ignorance as Alafaya Tr. & Mitchell Hammock Rd. Henry explained. He said that all on fact." 365-3721 (local) the physical possibilities must Father Henry continued by UH...... JON first be exhausted. sayin~ that as a result of the ------~--- April 19, 1974-FuTUre-Page 7 ·

/\MOTION Bill Considers Students On SOR ~E THAT Partly as a result vf the efforts bill to place three students on the the bills which would require the of the FSU Legislative Lobbying Board of Regents. This enhances nominations to the governor for CELDIRt\TES Committee, Rep. Buddy MacKay the possibilities of one of the two appointment to the Board be (D-Ocala) vice chairman of the bills being passed. made by the Council. Gordon is THE TIMELESS House Education Committee has Meanwhile, the State Council opposed to the proposal. He feels JOY OF filed a companion to Senator of Student Body Presidents . it will damage the bill's chances Jack Gordon's (D-Miami Beach) passed a resolution and may be unconstitutional. ORIGINJ\L recommenamg an amenam~m. Lu INNOCEME. CLASSIF.IEDS

PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS A FILM &Y • · Home for rent--prefer young male COUNTRY GARDEN Franco zeFFJrelLI HIS FIRST FILM SINCE "ROMEO & JULIET" peirsonal student to live with 2 other FTU 1-5 ACRE TRACTS/BUY LAND male students. 2 mis. from FTU. NOW ON GOOD eroTHer sun stsTer Moon Hi JTG! Beware of low flying $55 a month. Call after 5:00 TERMS/PLANT A GARDEN,J vultures--they lay big eggs-The 273-2212. Audi 1972 for sale-­ RAISE BEEF BUILD HOMt: Tonight and Tomorrow Night -8:30-VCAR FuTUre is bright and I love you, Call 273-2212 after · 5: 00 or LATER. SOME SUITABLE FOR Seer! 644-6860. TRAILORS. 10-12 MIS. FROM YourMiz B. FTU. CHRISTMAS REALTY Tonight! Pegasus Pub in the Snack Bar at 9: 30 RIDGEWOOD VILLAGE--New 2 INC. REALTOR 568-2413. Is there anyone who would like bdrm, duplex apts. in quiet, the companionship of a lovable wooded setting. Fully shag Old English Sheepdog for the carpeted with central heat/air. . services summer? Call Dr. Omans at ext. Appliances & drapes are 2212 or.671-2540. furnished. Laundry in backyard area. 4 mi. N. of FTU entrance at Mitchell Hammock Rd. in WHAT?? Hand carved cloqs for lost & found Oviedo. $160 per month. Tel, $20.00? Y.OU bet! Any size, any 365-3721. design. Handbag & clogs to match $40.00. All work guaranteed. • FOUND: an abandoned but Contact Dave Clark on campus or well-mannered female kitten, at 568-4332 after 6: 00 p.m. gray & white, about 6 mos. old. for sale.· Will give to a good home & will pay for 1/2 of spaying if wanted. Please call Wendy at 647-1775. 1973 Gran Torino Sport Coupe fully equipped, $3100 cash o; Rates I isted are CASH WITH ltelp wanted pay men ts can be arranged. Private owner. Cal I 299-0076. COPY. All classified advertising is ·subject to a 5-line minimum. IMMEDIATE No charge for Lost & Found and OPENING IN Carpool advertising. Ad deadline CENTRAL FLORIDA Check this out! The Cannon rmy Reserve units in Central Music Co. is offering special is Tuesday noon. orida need men and women discounts to FTU faculty & w h or without prior military students on Everett, se ice for 16 hours a month and Cable-Nelson pianos & Thomas 1 Issue .. , 25 cents per line per two weeks each year. You'll earn organs until May 30. 6 mos. free issue from~2.72 to $4.60 an hour plus lessons with each organ pro otion and retirement purchased. Call Lynn Terrett 2 Consecutive Issues ... 23 cents benefi . Some of the job fields 896-2815. per line per issue open ri ht now: 3 Consecutive Issues ... 21 cents * Food ~rv ice Personnel *Carpenters per line per issue or more Consecutive ..• *Electridans 1969 Toyota, 4 door, very good 4 19 *Construtltion Equipment cond., economical cents per line per issue Operators transportation-$1200.00 by *Drivers owner. Call 834-2688 after 6:00 Wednesday at 4 and 8: 30 p.m. *Mechanics p.m. Thursday at 8:30 p.m. *Postal Clerks *ClerkfTyptists ; ' i! *Stenographers *General Supply Clerks *Military Policemen A 1964 Plymouth Valiant 2-door The F.T.U. Village Center presents *Accounting Clerks convertible will be sold at public *Licensed Practical auction at 1: 30 p.m. on April 22. Nurses Auction will be held at the *Information Specialists Florida Tech. Physical Plant Bldg. *Qualified Warrant Officer Car may be inspected at Physical Pilots ( 101 B.C., lOOD) Plant Monday through Friday, *Fixed/Rotary Wing 10: 00 a.m. - 3: 00 p.m. Sale Mechanics terms:· Cash, as is, where is. For *Army Security Agency further information call Related Communication 275-2661. Fields Call in Orlando 859-3920 or 645-5.554; in Melbourne 259-3210; in Daytona Beach Sleeping bag--never used-back 252-6041; in Kissimmee packing mummy style-brand 847-5525 anytime between 8 "The North Face", new Dupont a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through polyester fiber filled - washable. Sunday. Costs over $65-Sell for $45. Call 277-1454 eves. Part-time law maintenance, no .. previous experience required • $2./hr. Ph. 851-2628 Ask for Wayne. Camera for sale Minolta SR 17T reflex lens 1. 7 brand new. Call Girl wanted to work in office 273-9708 after 6 p.m. Asking part-time in exchange for free $250. rent. Flexible hours. Apply at College Court Apts. located 1/2 mi. of FTU 273-5610. 1973 Honda CB350F Want to earn extra money in your Motorcycle, three months old, own time? Luzier Cosmetics, 2000 miles. Mint condition. sister company to Clairol, needs 4 $1000. Call Robert Hall ext. cosmetic consultants. Complete 2471or568-2785. training, good money and fun job. For appt. call Mrs. Raborn 831-2015. • Sufboards-G &S egg 5 '4" $65.00, Weber Easy .Rider 5' 8" $40.00. wanted 678-4585. Manifold-Edelbrock LIVE IN CONCERT for Mopar 340, 360. $50'. Used bicycle in good riding 678-4585. condition. Must be reasonably priced. Call 273-5639. April 27 ... 8:00 pm ... VCA_R FOR SALE -- shortwave receiver Faculty member wishes to rent: 2 $25., gerbil cage with cedar chips bdrm home, non-urban, in E. $5. Phone 365-3521 after 4. Orange or Seminole Co.; prefer unfurnished. Contact R. L. Tickets: Smith: 275-2227. 0 66 VW Squareback, good FTU Students: $2° in advance at VC Main Desh condition, good transportation, for rent only $600-by owner. Call 0 323-5751. $4° at Door

Tired of living in Q dump? Will share beautiful home in Park 0 Manor 3 miles away everything General Public: $4° at Door furnished. Must see to believe! LAKE FRONT & LAKE ACCESS Nonsmoker only, call 273-3143. HOMESITES, 1 ACRE PLUS One room and half bath in new $10-20f000. GOOD TERMS. 10 mobile home, near FTU, to share MIS. 0 FTU. CHRISTMAS for information 275-2633 with young man, central air. Ph. REALTY INC. REALTOR 277-2833 or 273-9220. 568-2413. Page 8-FuTUre-April 19, 1974 Student Governn

All biographical and platform mate Walt Morris was supplied by the candidates then: supplied by vice-presidential candida Presidential Candidate publication.

Walt Morris is a Political Science and more consolidated activity information. They (Pre-Law)-Journalism major. He has attended FTU should also be more off-campus housing for three years, since his freshman year. Walt has information and better transportation facilities held several key leadership positions in FTU and centralized information. organizations such as President of Sigma Lamda There are many veterans on campus. Student Omega (Greek Honarary), Vice President and Government should have a cabinet position for Social Chairman of Lamba Chi Alpha, and Veterans that will co-ordinate lobbying efforts secretary of IFC. He has also served as delegate to with FTU Veterans Association. This would enable the LXA 1973 General Convention. Walt plans to FTU Veterans to have more say in Student attend law school upon his graduation in June Government and the State Legislative. This 197 5. Walt Morris has been very 'active in FTU co-ordinate lobbying effort will try to obtain campus o'rganizational affairs and he feels because increase state benefits for veterans with better of this that the FTU student lack many student time 1 y allowance from the Veterans rights. Administration. WALT MORRIS All students need several rights on the FTU Walter feels that there are several individual campus·. Students need an "open door" policy to grounds that need student rights. The dorm all administrative offices and also to a more students need to be treated as adults with such responsive Student Government. Student rights as beer in the dorms and an informally Government and the Village Center should HUNTER POITS structured visitation policy. Also needed is , a co-ordinate for entertainment with big name · revised food plan that has other alternatives to the personalities, bands and activities. Both the 15-meal plan with better quality food. extramural and intramural programs need Fraternity Row should be started within the expanding and improvement of Public Relations. year· for greek students. The intramural progra~ Walt Morris favors a responsive Student Hun tel should he. revised to have a more responsive and Government with effective cabinet positions for bet~er co-ordinated program. The majority of each of the above individual groups on the FTU students are commuters that should have better, campus to obtain the mu~h needed student rights. Presidenti

As his qualifications for the office of Dave Hudick Student Government president, Hunter Potts lists the following: Vice President of the Student Body, .. 1973-74; SG Senator, 197-2-73; President Pro-tern Vice Presidential Candidate of· Student Senate, 1972-73; Member, Student Judicial Board, 1972-73; Member, University David Rudick has attended should coordinate with the Committee on Study of Beer on Campus, 1972-73; FTU for three years. Dave is a Veterans Association for ideas Member, Activity and Service Fee Committee, third quarter junior from and for lobbying of the state 1974; Chairman, Food Service Investigation Titusville, Florida ~ajoring in legislature. Student Government Committee, 1972; Member, Ad Hoc University history and business. He is a and the Village ·Center should Committee on Food Service, 1973.:74; Member, brother of Lambda Chi 'Alpha work together to bring more and Mens Resident Association Board, 1971-72; Fraternity in which he has held varied entertainment to campus. Chairman, General Legislation Committee, the offices of Ritualist, Big name groups and 1971-72, 1972-73; Member, Student Affairs Historian, Corresponding personalities would be fine and Committee on Student Eligibility, 1972-7 4; Secretary, Executive and Policy are needed but a weekly Member, University on Final Exam Policy, Committee member· and Athletic afternoon program of local 1971-72; Member, University Committee on Director. He was IFC Intramural talent lodking for a break or Faculty Evaluations, 197 3-7 4; Member, Lake committee chairman, is ·needing exposure should also be Claire Advisory Committee, 1973-7 4; Member, presently on the Intramural staff implemented. Snack Bar Renovation Committee, 1973; Member, and received the Intram.ural Student Handbook Committee, 1973-7 4. Honor Award in 1973. Open door policies for the administration and Student PLATFORM Government need to be started 1. Work with BOR and state legislators to so the FTU student can see and Dave feels that th.ere are quarantee no increase in tuition and work possibly participate in the DAVEHUPICK problems on campus that have running of his university. for an equitable fee structure. been present for the three ye.ars 2. Increase contact with local . representatives he has been at FTU. He feels · • Veteran Students: Timely that the administration should PLATFORM Pay Allowances from the VA; revise its policies towards dorm • Dorm Students: Visitation State Legislation to Benefit students to conform with the Policy; Revised Food Plan; Veterans. Arts And Crafts Showing new 18 year old adutl law. The Beer in Dorms Greeks need to have answers • Greek Students: Fraternity • from the administration on the Row; , Revised Intramural • All Students: "Open boor" Planned By Village Center fratenity park. Commuter Programs. Policy for all Administrators; students need much more • Commuter Students: Better ''Open Door-Open File" Paintings, photographs, will be held May 1-3 in the VC information about activities on Activities Information; Pol icy for a Responsive s culpture, ceramics, candles, patio area. campus. The new information 0 ff- campus Housing Student Government; leatherwork or any other type of Students, faculty and staff are sign at the entrances of campus Information; Better Improvement of Athletics arts and crafts will go on display invited to display and/or sell their are a very good tart in this Transportation Facilities and (Extramurals and atFTU. works during the three day fair. direction. Student Government Information. Intramurals). The FTU Village Center's En try blanks must be (VC) Fourth Arts and Crafts Fair completed and submitted to the VC main desk by April 22. There is no· entry fee, however a one Student Plays Offer d dollar fee will be charged for tables rented from the VC. • FT U's Village Players, a themselves, with no assistance in play. The actors portraying these The rauio drama, entitled In conjunction with th.e Arts student theater · group, are writing or directing from faculty characters are: Jeff King, George "Vladimir" was written by FTU and Crafts Fair, on Wednesday presenting two one-act plays and members. Wilson, Denise Long, Mike tudent Patricia Flanagan. Frank May 1, at 11:00 a.m., Robinson's · a radio drama on April 25 and 26 Carlson, Doug Emerson and Tara ledge will serve as technical Department Store will present a at 8: 30 p.m. in the Science Buckley. coed fashion show entitled "May Donna Rocha, president of the ·oducer for this presentation, Auditorium. All three Day with Robinsons." Village Players, said, "We just hich is essentially a radio drama productions will be presented Also on May 1, Jagdish wanted to put on a play that had ~ rformed on stage. each night. "The Love of Don Chavda, assistant professor of art, nothing to do with the faculty." But here's the catch-the Perlimplin ..." is, as the title will present a silk screen students are presenting the plays indicates, a lighter, farcical demonstration at 7:00 p.m. in the The two plays are: "Only a drama. The cast for this Rocha said she hoped to have VC print room. BASICALLY BAROQUE Play," \vtitten by Edwardo pro-duction includes: George dio stations in Orlando On May 2-3 a batique Garcia, _and "The Love of Don Wilson, Joy Jones, Dani Roy, lvertise the productions. There demonstration will be shown by Perlimplin and Belisa in the Laura Larner, Randy Lilley and The Basically Baroque musical ill also be advertising posters on Debbi McNabb. Batique involves Garden '(An Erotic Alleluiah in Jeff King, with Tara Buckley mpus. group will present a free concert applying wax and dye to material Four Scenes)" written by directing. to achieve different designs and April 24 at 8:30 p.m. in the Spanish poet Federico Engineering Auditorium. effects. The demonstration will Garcia-Lorca. take place at 11:00 a.m. Sign-up The group plan to present sheets will be available, and if compositions by Martinu, FTU's Bill Griffith will direct Laura Larner and Heather Admission is free for FTU enough students are interested, a Telemann Heinichen and "Only a Play," where the action Pastore designed the costumes, udents. There will be a fifty class in batique may be offered. Baston. Mr. Szomoru will be takes place in an abandoned and Michael Berman is in charge ·mt admission fee for guests. All For further information on featured in the composition by theater in time, contemporary. of set de!;ign and lighting. Donna 1 oceeds will go to the Village the Arts and Crafts Fair, contact Martinu. Six characters appear during the Rocha is producer. layers. Debbie Wheatley at275-2612. April 19, 1974-FuTUre-Page 9

I 1ent Candidates ial appearing on these pages :elves. No information was Ron Stewart ? Jim Davis at the time of Presidential Candidate

Presidential candidate Ron Stewart has a 2. to aid fraternities and sororities obtain lengthy list of qualifications coming from Central the topographical survey, favorable leases Florida Junior College, the Florida Junior 8olleges and greek policies, while working with Student Governments Association, University of IFC and Panhellenic. Florida, and FTU.

3. with a generous grant of $60,000 for a Stewart has held several executive positions in child care center, work with the student government, has a strong background in administration to establish the center entertainment, and has worked for a law firm with a proposal to have the College of while attending FTU. Stewart has also been a Education work in a program (for freshman, sophomore, and junior senator. education majors) to work in the center.

"Since I receive V.A. benefits myself, I know 4. work with the Village Center, since first hand the problems that many vets face," says student government and the Village Stewart, "You can bet I'll be in there supporting Center provides similar services and and lobbyipg for increased quality V.A. functions but have separate budgets JIM DAVIS educational benefits," Steward forcefully added.

Other important issues and platform goals will "I look forward to serving the entire student be: body and hopefully the voters will cast their ··Potts 1. attempt to adjust the dorm and food ballots favorably towards me;" added Stewart. service policies more favorable to the Brochures more comprehensive of Stewart's students who rent the rooms and pay for . qualifications and platform are available about ~I Candidate the food services. campus.

and work with state legislators for the support of open faculty evaluation records Scott Minnigan (SB 53 ), increase of student veteran benefits (HB 2238 and HB 2233 ), exemption of Greek organidtions from filing tax statements (SB 123 ), revenue bond sale to Vice· Presidential Candidate provide additional $20,000,000 for student financial aid (Committee Bill 11) and to station during the coverage of Vice-President of his pledge class defeat HB 2402, which would ban both the Sen~te and the and later serving as interim hitchhiking within the state. Presidential campaigns.) He also president of it during the fall quarter of his junior year. Scott• 3. Work for changes within Academic Affairs became involved with the of interest to stuqents, i.e., withdrawal campus tour guides. •gain ran for the Senate, running· policy, add-drop policy, pre-registration, In his sophomore year at third in a field of five. Scott is now a full time academic calendar, student faculty college Scott decided to run for student, working at Disney evaluations, course requirements, and the .Senate and tied for second in World on the weekends, living In limited-access records. a field of five. He offered his Maitland. Scott feels that 4. Further student concerns with food services, services to serve on the because of his varied background placement and financial aid. commi tt-ee to change the mascot he can serve the student better Support and aid in the establishment of a (a committee that had been 5. since he can understand how child day care center on campus. mandated by a majority student they feel, being ~ne of them. 6. Establishment of a committee to investigate vote in the preceding Presidential Campaign in favor PLATFORM student complaints with the University 1. To continue Student Bookstore and course book requirements. of changing the mascot). He became involved with campus Government efforts to 7. More improvements and assistance for dorm atheletics, 1ommg the FTU legalize beer in the dorms students to include visitation -hours, 2. To extend what ever aid that 1 soccer team, whose crowning alcoholic beverages in the dorms and can ·be extended by Student achievement of the 72-73 season appliances. SCOTT MINNIGAN Government to further the was the drubbing . of Florida at 8. Work FTU Student Credit Union and/or cause of Greek Housing for their own tournameht (only the loan fund. take the pressure off the Scott Minnig'Jln came to FTU second time in the state's histo~y dorms and to advance the from Winter Park High School, that it had been done). He Social life on this camous. class of '71, and entered here in kept active in school politics, 3. To move th, various Student. Valid Reasoning Sought the fall as a political science being one of the leaders ·of the Government activities' times major, in the pre-law category. petitition drive against the name to ones during the class hours He immediately got involved in change, collection nearly 450 when a majority of the For Residing On Campus the school's political life by his signatures. He also worked in the students are here to enjoy the support of various candidates for . presidential campaign on the entertainment. sustained if it can be shown to State Attorney General Robert Senate. He later became Costa ticket. He also helped with 4. P u s h f o r s t u d e n t have a rational relationship to a representation on the Board Shevin issued an opinion last interested in the campus radio, · the coverage of that campaign). valid state purpose." Ronald of Regents. week stating colleges and. chairing his own program in the In Spring of 197 3 Scott looked Book, administrative assistant to 5. Provide an outlet for student universities must prove there is a Winter quarter of 1972. (During into a fraternity on campus and Becker, said this apparently opinion to Student "valid State purpose" in requiring 1971-1972 academic year he in the Summer of 1973, pledged would mean a school w6uld have Government and the students to live on campus. That also worked in the television Delta Tau Delta, being elected as . Administration. · purpose and its limits, however, to show that if it did not require must be proven in court, he on-campus residency it would be added. unable to repay the bonds used to Responding to a request by build dormitories. HS Juniors To Tour FTU Rep. Alan Becker (D-North Becker filed a bill recently getting involved in Junior Night Miami), Shevin wrote, "Under which would include dormitory FTU is planning a Junior student organizations, at ext. activities hould contact Debbie 2766. the traditional concept of equal residents in the 1973 Night to inform local al'ea high Wheatley or Kathy Cavanna in protection ...a classification Landlord-Tenant Act, which school juniors about college, and The tentative date for Junior (such as requiring students under defines the rights and about FTU in particular. VC 142 id 143 (ext. 26il), or. Night is, May 9th or 16th, responsibilities o~ both parties in Jimmie Ferrell, director · for 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. 21 to live on campus) made by a The program format will be state statute or rule will be a rental agreement. similar to ECA (Extra Curricular POLITICAL SCIENCE l 'NION FORMS Activities) Day, held last fall, Budget Independence-Granted UWF with different university The Political Science Union, a ·scholars in the political · area to departments offering displays new, no 11 )artisan organization, is this campus. These speeches and after having been passed If a proposed pilot project and in formation concerning open to ,tudents of all majors lectures would be open to the unanimously by the House. It granting budgetary their programs. who have an interest in current community as well as the studen independence to the University provides for a two -year pilot political events and policies. body. It also plans to offer of West Florida is successful, project at West Florida, during High school juniors from The U ion was formed during placement service · for th( each institution in the state which the school will be Orange, Osceol~ Seminole, winter quarter under ·the organization's seniors anc university system may be relatively free to do with its Brevard and Volusia countiP.s guidance J f Dr. William H. Jervey graduate students to enable therr gran t ed financial bud_get allocation as it pleases. will be invited. of the political science to work in the political field after semi-autonomy, said William Originally proposed by UWF department. According to the graduation. Hendricks, assistant to the President Dr. Harold Crosby, the The .program will include FTU organiza n's charter, the group The next me Jill of the FTU executive vice chancellor of the plan is to grant the university its speakers and a campus tour for hopes tt omote "knowledge of Political Sci,. !e TJ1.ion will be Board of Regents. The bill, by normal one-twelfth of the SUS . the juniors and their parents. A an d pan pation in the political Thursday a1. h>v .Jn. The location Rep. Grover Robinson operating budget, minus an musical group may round out . process.'' will be posted outside the (D-Pe ~ acola), was referred to anticipated savings of 2 per cent, the evening with a concert by political science department. All the Senate Governmental to see if the school can operate the reflecting pond. · The t 1ion hopes to bring students interested in joining are Operations committee last week at a savings. Any students interested in promin t politicians and invited to attend. Page 10-FuTUre-April 19, 1974 · Doobie Brothers 'Explosive' By Ike Harrison '

For the past few years, about the first week in April, thousands of people begin their procession into the traditional vacation town of Daytona Beach. This year was no exception as the crowd .,~,~=~=~:i:mim~=tw=~~~~:w.::::~ estimate reached 250,000 by Easter Sunday. About 10,000 of the vacationers received an additional bonus as and the Ozark Mountain Daredevils provided an explosive Easter Eve performance. The concert began at 7: 30 p.rn. in Daytona M~rnorial Stadium I and was another victory for L & S Productions in their effort to At right, the Doobie bring quality music to Florida. Brothers pose for a photo . The Ozark Mountain Daredevils opened the concert with "Same definitely not taken in Ole Feeling, Sarne Ole Way," a cut off their first and only album Daytona Beach. -simply entitled "Ozark Mountain· Daredevils." The band plays Below, from left to right, mountain music and is filled with furious harmonica licks are Buddy Brayfield, Randle supplied by vocalist Steve Cash. "I Want To Be a Commercial Chowing, "Supe", John Success" and "Throw Away The Chains" followed in the same Dillion, Steve Cash, and sophisticated style of country music. Larry Lee -- all of the Ozark Randle Chowning displayed tremendous ability as a lead guitarist in "Look Away," also off their first album. Mount.ain Daredevils. Other members included John Dillon; vocal, guitar and other string instruments; Larry Lee; vocal, drums, percussion; Buddy Brayfield: vocal, keyboards; Michael "Supe" Granda: vocal, bas guitar. I After a short pause between acts, the Doobie Brothers came on bringing the entire audience to their feet. The Doobie Brothers opened with "" a cut off one of their first albums. They then introduced a new single • I entitled "Another Park, Another Sunday" which will appear on a fil forth corning L.P. The Doobie's are a very strong vocal group and back their pure lyrics with quality musicianship. Such songs as "Long Train A Runnin" and "Rollin" display the superb coordination between Torn Johnston and Pat Simmons as they harmonize their voices and guitars. Dual percussionists give added richness with Keith Knudson on drums and switching between drums and congas. rounds out the music with bass guitar and back up vocals, both with professional perfection. Piano tunes were supplied by of a fantastic rock group, "." The group played almost continuously with their Last set of songs running into each other. "Jesus Is Just All Right With Me" • was one of their finishing numbers that drove the capacity crowd that had been standing sine e the beginning of their act to hysteria. The crowd refused to let The Doobie Brothers leave, bringing them back for two encores including "China Grove" and a cut off their new album entitled "What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits." · 'Eager' Crowd Entertained By Beach Boys Old' Hits

By Mike Cerni three other Beach Boys to . The Beach Boys haven't been wrestle him away from thE • putting out many hits lately. mob's clutches. He seemed tc This may be due to the stigma, like every second of it. Joni Mitchell Concert 'Change Of Pace' or should I say fixation, One question that keep! associated with them in the popping up in my mind is: What have the Beach Boys done By Mike Cerni After a short break and The show was quite a change minds of youthful but aging change of dress Joni came back of pace from the usual concert fans. lately? They played their old to do some solo numbers on scene. The mood was very When one thinks of the Beach hits with as much strength and An anxious crowd of about harmonic prowress as they did 4,000 people gathered under the guitar and piano. "Big Yellow peaceful with the noted absence Boys, one thinks of the "Fun, Taxi," "Both Sides Now," of confusion that is so prevalent Fun, Fun', 'I Get Around', back in their younger days. But, green dome of the Jacksonville what's new? Part of the answer Coliseum April 7, to witness. "Turn me on,- I'm a radio," and in ,current popular concerts. It 'Good Vibrations', 'Sloop John may lie in the fact that they Joni Mitchell and her back up "Woodstock" were the most was more or less what one might B," mold created in the mid and have been somewhat unable to band, Tom Scott and the J.A. well received by the audience. expect to find at a Joni Mitchell latter sixties. adjust properly to the rapid Express. Between songs she would concert nothing spectacular, just The Beach Boys are still riding evolution music has gone The Show was supposed to capture the audience with short good folkrnusic with one of on that wave of popularity they ·• through in the past few years. start at 7: 30 p.m. in the stories about herself and her folks most legendary female created for themselves ;·. the Rivergront Civic Auditorium music. vocalists. The L. A. Express Sixties. This was never more They've changed their appearance but they haven't Exhibition Hall. Ten. minutes For the last number the band provided an enjoyable contrast evident than in the live concert before show time and with the came back and went into to Joni's solo sets, and with her they performed at the Orlando changed their musical image. Civic Auditorium in sight, news "Raised on Robbery", a rock offered the audience a fine Sports Stadium Sunday night. The BeaC'h Boys are still a came over the radio that the and roll tune from "Court and evening of music. The California bred musicians very good band though, more concert had been switched to Soark". started off their show with one singers than musicians. They the Coliseum. After reaching the or two oldies intermingled with know how to play good rock Coliseum, the expectant crowd OUT .-.,Qn .' ! ! a few songs f rorn their two and roll and could possibly, with was told tha the doors would C o ... c.ert ! !!! ! recent albums. But as expected the help of a good lead guitarist not open until 8: 30 p.m. Once the crowd wanted the well make another big splash on the inside there was still another known oldies and that's what music scene. wait until Tom Scott and the J. they got. The most well received The 8,000 or so fans who A Express finally came on at Beach Boy were songs other went to see the Beach Boys were • lO:OOp.m. than those mentioned were also entertained before hand by Realizing how long the "Little Duece Coupe", "Surfin' a local musician, Jim Stafford. audience had been waiting, the USA", "Little Surfer Girl", Stafford, who grew up in Winter J. A. Express lost no time in "California Girls", "Help Me Haven, amused the gathering lifting everyones spirits with Rhonda", and, well, you get the with backwoods stories and some colorful and progressive picture. ballads. He also gave some jazz tunes. They went through a Mike Love, the 'spokesman" examples of his superior number of cuts off their latest for the group, commented at the fingerwork on guitar and album featuring Torn Scott on beginning of the show, "Boy this something unusual . a sax and his backup guitarist on is an eager crowd". And eager number on the banjo. He lead. they were. Central Floridians are performed his most recent After they finished their set, starving for good music and the popular hits, "Swamp Witch'' the lights dimmed and Joni Beach Boys abated their and "Spiders and Snakes" and Mitchell walked on stage. There appetite, at least for a Sunday was liked so well that he was a resounding applause and a night anyway. returned for an encore. welcoming standing ovation. Dennis Wilson, probably the The Orlando Sports Stadium, Dressed in a white satin pantsuit, most popular of the Beach Boys commonly reffered to "the the canadian folksinger tuned is as good looking as ever. Near barn," was hot and sweaty as her buitar and did a number of the end of the show there was a usual. The only advantage I can songs from her latest album bit of roughousing on stage and see in holding a concert at the "Court and Spark" with the Dennis got knocked into · the Sports Stadium is that they serve L.A. Express as backup. crowd. They ate it up. It took beer-expensive beer at that. April l9, J.'974-FUTUr;_Page 11 Study Completed,

• 5 Min. From Downtown Los Angeles In A Suburban Community • Enrollment Now Being Accepted for September term Sent To SACS • Inquiries Are Invited By The Oea_n Of Admissions: By Kay Bartholomew "We were extremely pleased years ago by President Charles GLENDALE COLLEGE OF LAW to find that one of our strong Millican. After completing both 220 NO. GLENDALE AVE Copies of FTU's first points, which surfaced in a a student and faculty survey, the GLENDALE, CA. 91206 (213) 247-0770 Self-Study are being distributed survey sent to our alumna, was goals proposed by the to offices within the the basic individualized committee were endorsed last .. administration and six colleges instruction that exists at FTU." fall by the president and the as well as team members of a The self-study chairman said executive council. Southern Association of College that of the 876 questionnaires With distrib.ution of the final and Schools (SACS) who will be returned, 222 named document, the Self-Study on campus April 28 to May 1 to personalized instruction as the Steering Committee will be evaluate the university for FTU's greatest asset. disbanded. -Members included accreditation purposes. "Far and away the most Dr. Newel W. Comish, Business Dr. Carl P. Rautenstrauch numerous comments centered Administration; Dr. Thomas PROFESSIONAL & CAREER APPAREL chairman . of the Self-Stud~ on the value of instructors in S~mmons. Jr.. Business Affairs; Richard Neuhaus, staff council Steering Committee, pointed out general and the faculty's interest BUTLER PtAZA, CASSELBERRY that the two-year project had in students. It would appear that Steve Hale; student been completed on schedule as a the faculty as individuals have representative; Dr. Charles HWY 436 & HOWELL BRANCH RD. college's first self-study generally accomplished one of our Gallager, Faculty Senate; Dr. (305~ 678-0975 occurs within four years from foremost ·goals," Rautenstrauch Lynn Sawyer and Miss Patricia Stenberg, College of Humanities UNIFORMS & ACCESSORIES FOR the date of its first accreditation. continued. PROFESSIONAL WOMEN & MEN FTU was first accredited in Areas for improvement were and Fine Arts; Dr. David • December 197 O. in the area of "interfacing with Vickers, College of Natural · Shoes - hose - supphose junior colleges," and being Sciences; Miss Carol Wilson The 67 page self-evaluation Student Affairs; Dr. David Aprons will be compared, along with the flexible enough to meet the Separates needs of new students, Coleman, Academic Affairs; Dr. 17 member SAC team's report, Maternity uniforms & Pant suits particularly those of the Basil Hoover, College of with standards set by the Education; Dr. John Hartman Danskin leotards & Tights commuters. Association of which FTU is a College of Engineering; and Volunteer uniforms Recommendations in these Dr~ member. Reaffirmation of · Robert Arnold, College of Social Lab coats areas are included in the accreditation normally follows a Sciences. Dr. Kenneth Sheinkopf Career apparel review at an interval of every 10 educational, research and . was editor. efficiency goals and summary years by the · SAC's College "The final summary is 10%DISCOUNTWITH STUDENT ID compiled by the 13 member Delegate A.ssembly. arranged in an organizational steering committee. "We have no problems as far manner. It will be up to the Representing all areas in the as standards are concerned," individual offices to follow university community, the Rautenstrauch quickly through on our recommenda­ committee was appointed two emphasized. -tions," Rautenstrauch explained. r THI S~ Energy Crisis Examined SINGLES .HEAVEN ! For Thought In Action

By Pam King Shoup gave his views on our Mr. Shoup stated that if social structure and suggested everyone, industry especially, Wednesday's Thought In - improvements. would cut down on power usage, Action session on the Village "We're 'moving from a period then there will be more energy Center green was ·a continuation where energy resources were for a longer period of time. of Tuesday's discussion, "The thought plentiful and we could Dr. Douglas Smythe, an FTU Energy Crunch: Crisis or waste as much power as we professor, spoke more about the Rip-off?" wanted to a period where we frame of mind of our society The discussion opened with need to conserve as much energy than anything else. Bill Shoup of the Orlando as possible .. . Right now, the It seems, " that our social Utilities Commission. average American consumer will system was developed with the "I don't have an answer," said use more energy in the next idea of abundant resources for Shoup. "I don't think anyone in seven days than the average all time. We didn't think about the United States does. . . I world citizen will use in the next possible limits to our resources, year ..." don't think. there is any real we just kept on using more." "Industry is even more Dr. Smythe felt that most blame, expect, perhaps, the wasteful than the American technology our society has American power usage is not for consumer. Power and fuel are human need, but rather for developed." sold more cheaply to industries technological requirements. One After explaining a predicted and corporations than to the of the solutions he offered was 4.3 per cent increase in oil usage consumer, so industries don't to restructure our society to and a 10 percent waste increase hesitate to waste energy," Shoup compensate for our over usage in the 1950 to 1990 period, added. of power. YOU NEVER HAD n so GOOD, se CLOSE! Dr. Gordon Brown, activities THE BRAND NEW· director of FTU's real estate program and a candidate for Congress, believes the energy .. _rsAN PEDRO APARTffiENTS, crunch to be "fact, not fantasy." "We need to slow down our No Lease Required Furnished or Unfurnished consumption rate," Brown J . stated. 48 - Bachelor Pad~ Furnished - $185

He also advised using ~ 96 -Twin B~droom Furnished -$210 incentives to persuade industries 96 - 2 Bedrooms furnished - $250 to cut down on their energy use. (Sllclre and Saye) ; Brown advocated a guard against OUTSIDE: Tennis,, o> ·course! ~ammotb Heated $Wiittm~ng ~ short-run profits at the Pools Huge Balconiis and Pat'°s, Two Party Rooms witt ~ consume r's expense and Dane~ Floors and Kitch~ns for Feasts .. Laundry faciJjties, i suggested that the federal Spacious CourtVards"'tno streaking. ptease-t Plenty ef Parking. ~ - government should be responsible FAIR for finding new energy sources. INSIDE: Cotor-coordinated shag' carpetlflg,, drapes and black-out shaaes. .Rich wood paneli(tg,· deco~ativ~ wan After the talks, a question and coverings in baths and kitchens. Complete GE (tm) electric; answer period ensued. The questions for the most part, were kitchens with self-~leaning pvens wjtjl · :hoods, frost-free ·' about solar energy and the oil ice-maker refrigerators, st*mless steet !.. k with disposal and ! embargo. automatic dishwasher. Se•f-controfted' heat and air• Dr. Brown disagreed with the idea of using solar en~rgy cells to power private homes. Instead, he FURNISHINGS: F,;n.eJt c~nte":'porar.{ !IW"ng so ~mplete you advocated mass harnessing of need only utenSlls, dishes and hnens. Arso lmfurn1Shed. . . DO YOU WANT TO SIGN UP AT VC solar power by corporations and industries since they could use it more economically. The costs of TLC I ornpkins l4'nd Co., Inc. DISPLAY AND OR SELL? MAIN · DESK thru installation and repairs would be Complete flirnishld models qpen prohibiting to the average 9 AM til 6 PM Ask· at Office .678-2662 ~pril 24 homeowner; according to Dr. Brown. 1 ~ile East of 436...11 Page 12-FuTUre-April 19, 1974

~..... ~...... -:.; ~AP;;...... ~.....-;;:.111111 ...... ~AIP;;:.llllll .... ~~.....-;;:.111111 ...... ~.....-;;:.1111111 ...... ~~illllm ...... ~~illllm .... llll"~~ ...... ~.....-~ R.evenue Decrease Possible

T·here will be significant . . . ~ changes in the Activity and Comptroller General has said structure is adopted he felt that Constantine said that if the Brown said t~at at t~~ pomt Service (A&S) fee budgets for the must be paid off of the top of this the revenue from A&S fees wou~d revenue dropped off t?o much there was nothmg ~efmite ~et coming year . according to year's budget. increase but added that there is because of the . revised fee becau5': the committee which IAssistant President for There is also the possibility .no way to tell what will happen structure "there will :r:iot iust be determines the budget has not ~ Vic~ ~ Student Affairs c. w. Brown. that the A&S fee revenue will because of outside variables. cuts, there will be amputations." ~et yet, but that ~e pe~s.onal~y .. ~ These changes will be the result of decrease as a result of the new fee Brown added that he felt the did not see any drastic revisions m two items. structure proposed by the Board budget this year would be Constantine explained that ·any ~ne area. . ~ There is a $72,000 deficit in of Regents, according to Student conservative and that the changes statement as meaning he thought · V_1ce President f~r ,~tude~t ~ the interest and sinking ·fund, Government President Lee will "cause us to stop and take a there would be personnel cuts in Af~airs Rex ~~own s~i~, At this ~I which pays the mortgage on the . Constantine. look and see where we will put some of the programming pomt I don t ant1c1pate any ~Village Center buildings, that the Brown said that if the new fee ·-priorities." agencies on campus. J?_~onnel cuts."~AP;;...,..... _. >~ ~...... -:.; ~~ ~~ ~...... -:.; ~~ ~"""'1r:. ~"""'1r:. ~-... - 'Competion Approaches For Fourth College Bowl

end of each match the officials hopes to retain the ~me judges By Krista Storey COLUMNIST EXPLANATION will determine the all-star players for all matches. Faculty and staff The Village Center (V C) is for that match. members serve as judges while sponsoring the fourth annual students usually man the clocks John Thomson is a.former University of South Florida student College Bowl, a quiz program run According to Dr. Kenneth and keep score. who will be in Tallahassee this quarter covering legislation affecting according to the G.E. College Lawson, Village Center director, students. A former editor of USF~s student newspaper, the Oracle, Thomson has made this column availa/Jle to all state university Bowl, during the last week of the tourna~ent will take Due to the large number of newspapers. April and the first we~_!c .of Ma~: approximately two weeks · to questions which are involved, complete. Depending upon the Lawson stated that it is possible By John Thomson in which students would pay a set The campus tournament will number of teams entering, the for mistakes to occur. For this Tallahassee Correspondent hourly fee up to an established , be a double elimination contest. competition will run Monday reason an almanac, dictionary, normal full-time load. Additional All campus organizations as through Thursday or Friday from and encyclopedia are kept on I came across the chancellor of hours would be charged on a well as individuals are eligible to approximately 6:30 p.m. to 10 hand at each match. Lawson said the State University System, progressively decreasing price. He form teams and enter the p.m. to 10 p.m. that if an argument does occur Robert Mautz, in the House said he opposes anything which competition. Organizations may the clock will be stopped so that Office Building during recent would tend to slow student form as many teams as they wish. Original team parrlngs will be all matches will have the full budget hearings. I overheard him progress, such as an hourly fee Teams should consist of four ·determined through random twenty minutes for competition say to a colleague, "I know now structure without·a price ceiling • regular participants and one to drawings. After the first match, time. why they have red carpets in and no incendive to take heavy three alternates. Individuals who teams will be divided into a In addition to the normal type there. So you can't see the course loads. . are not listed on the entry blank winners and a losers bracket. A blood." will not be permitted to of questions asked, Lawson has team is allowed two losses before also made musical tapes and The climate for change is The House Appropriations substitute during the tournament final elimination from the unmistakeable. The state's Committee staff also sees little play. displays of artwork to be used. tournament. Rules for the competition will universities are in for some severe promise in the BOR proposal. be explained before each match scrutinizing and it is certain fee The staff director, Joe Kyle, said, Entry blanks may be picked Questions for the tournament to insure complete understanding structuring will be re-worked contrary to its intent, it would up at the Village Center main have been prepared by Lawson by the contestants. with dispatch. But it is not not solve the FTE padding desk. and other.members of the V.C. necessarily the recent Board of problem. The committee has staff. Sources for the questions In the past FTU has not sent Regents proposal which is most under study a "cost analysis" fee First, second, and third place are books, encyclopedias, teams to compete in likely to succeed. system which would have the trophies will be awarded. All-star periodicals, the Jeopardy game intercollegiate tournaments The current fee structure dates most radical affect on the players will also be chosen. The and questions from earlier because of lack of funds. The to when there were only three universities by subjecting the four best all-star players will be tournaments. Southeastern Conference has institutions in the system. Nearly entire system to evaluation. The • chosen to represent FTU in any sponsored tournaments in the all students were resident and cost and funding of each program int~rcollegiate competition. Lawson stated that hundreds past, but Lawson said he has not full-time. Now there are nine would be based on a detailed of hours have been spent in the heard of any tournaments this universities, five of which are analysis which would determine, Each match will be twenty preparation of questions. He said year. Other Florida schools such located in major metropolitan among other things, its economic minutes in length. Officials will ·that this program takes more time as Rollins also have to~rnaments. areas and are primarily commuter and occupational merits. Per hour consist of a judge, timekeeper and than any other VC program to Lawson stated that individuals campuses. Two of those are fees would be based on the actual scorekeeper. The team scoring prepare. who could not find teams to join strictly commuter and have no costs of administering each the highest number of points will could submit their names to the on-campus housing. On-campus course. win the match. A five minute In order to maintain Village Center and an attempt to residents account for less than 50 overtime period has been consist.ency, Lawson will place them on a team would be per cent of the student This would very likely result in provided in case of a tie. At the moderate all th'e matches and made. population at all the schools. The the phasing out of some average student age is much programs, the reduction or higher ·and the part-time expansion of others. Fees would enrollment at some of the newer probably increase for medicine, universities is as high as 30 per law and laboratory sciences. They NeY#S In Brief cent of the total enrollment. The would probably drop for courses like history, literature and DON McLEAN IN CONCERT years has studied extensively with repeats an FTU course after one apparent goal is a fee structure Maharishi. year has elap·sed, both grades which will reflect these trends political science. The analysis will be utilized in calculating the while being fair to all. would even get down to the finer Don McLean will appear in FTU REPEAT POLICY students grade point average." The proposal made by the points such as most efficient class concert Saturday, April 27 at 8 Board of Regents to begin sizes. p.m. in the Village Center (VC) There have been no changes in the University's Repeat -Policy charging registration fees by the . Major fluctuations in fees, said Assembly Room. Tickets cost $2 hour-$13 per credit hour for the staff director, would be for students, faculty, and staff recently, according to the DEVELOPMENTAL . Registrar's office.. According to in-state undergraduates and ironed out by limiting or and $4 for the general public. CENTER $16.50 per hour for in-state enlarging program enrollments, They may be obtained from the this spokesman, the current policy is listed in the 1973-74 graduates-has been in the works adjusting class sizes, by the VC main desk one week before The Developmental Center, for some time. It was rejected by amount of money allocated and, the concert. Bulletin. located in Dorm C, offers free, the Council of University for the most expensive programs, • Rumors have been circulating, confidential services to interested presidents last year and by issuing loans which could be TRANSCENDENTAL especially during the Add-Drop MEDITATION students. consequently not introduced. It for given after the graduate session, that the University had The center has acquired a new was again opposed this year by wor~ed in the state for a number An introductory lecture on recently changed the policy. speech and hearing clinician, the presidents, who fear, with of years. Transcendental Meditation as When asked about a reason for Manette Lasris, and a new reading justification, it will result in a loss Last week an appropriatmris taught by. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi this misconception on the part clinician, JoAnn Gerard. of revenue. subcommittee ordered an will be offered to members of the of students the spokesman The Gestalt growth group System (8US). Compoundingthe investigation of all graduate FTU community at no charge on responded that "you have to seems to be a very popular likelihood of students' programs in the SUS, where most four separate occasions April 22 apply for it, it is not done program, with a constant waiting unwillingness to pay for heavy of the padding has occured. The and 23. The lectures will be automatically." list. There are presently two course loads is a recent College programs are expected to be Scholarship Service study which conducted by Max Lund who is He went on to indfoate that groups, with a size limit of 10-15 reduced by 10 to 30 per cent. showed a "dramatic" increase in the director of the Orlando World possibly many students were not persons each. These groups aid Speaker of the House Terrell students. Plan Center, for the TM aware of this and expected it to the student in becoming aware of Sessums (D-Tampa) and House Though there are some who movement. be done automaticallv. his own feelings, from both Education Committee Chairman within himself and through feel the BOR resolution, or William Conway (D-Ormond The lectures will be offered on Current policy on repeating others. something similar, will get Beach) filed a bill Friday to April 22at10 a.m., 12 a.m., and 3 courses is as follows: Many different reading legislative approval with ease, establish a per credit hour fee p.m. in the Village Center (VC) programs are offered, including they are pos.sibly outnumbered structure based on four room 214 and on April 23 at 11 "FTU COURSES-A student the Rapid Reading program, by those who do not. educational levels: Lower level, a.m. in room 211, also in the VC. who registers to repeat an FTU emphasizing increasing reading "I am one who does not," said upper level, beginning gfaduate course within one year from the speed, comprehension and Rep. Marshall Harris (D-Miami) and advanced graduate. Fees Lund who has a master's date of the original registration accuracy. The Craig Al method emphatically. Harris, chairman of would be assessed at one-third of degree from the University of will have both grades recorded allows individuals ·to increase or the House Appropriations the base student cost figure at California at Berkely and has but only the last grade will be decrease the reading rate Committee and the man who' each level This proposal would be~n involved with the TM used in calculating the grade depending on the reading called Stanley Marshall on the red probably result in increased . movement for two and a half point average. If a student material content. carpet, said he favors a structure tuifon. April 19, 1974-FuTUre-Page 13 STUDENT GOVERNMENT SPRING ELECTIONS FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT of the STUDENT BODY VOTE TODAY 9 A.M. UNTIL 4 P.M. SNACK BAR CORRIDOR, VILLAGE CENTER

PRESIDENTIAL Walt Morris VICE PRESIDENTIAL Jim Davis .CANDIDATES:· Hunter Potts CANDIDATES: . David Hudick . . Ron Stewart Joseph "Scott" Mmmgan

MOVIE SUBSIDY CAR POOLS IJWIJCJ§UUUUrnCB TICKETS (] (3fl(3(](](D11 AVAILABLE IN STIJDENT GOVERNMENT OFFICES Information . VC216 regarding §l3Ql..DUlBl3 If you'd like to babysit or need Car Pools in FLORIDA STATE WOMETCO-JHEATRES a babysitter, contact ANNE THEATRES PARK WESf VC216 1 SG Senate Secretary BEADfAM . PARK EAST COLONY VC216 Pl.AlA-1 UNIVERSITY DRIVE-IN 275-2191 . Pl.AlA-2 If you signed up to babysit in the winter come by and ive Anne our schedule PAM PH LETS ON CRUSTY'S · BIRTH CONTROL PIZZA ABORTION AND · V.D. ·suBSIDf COUPONSr------AVAILABLE AT THE $500 VALUE FOR $400 l CRUITY1' PIZZA STUDENT GOVERNMENT 0N E FR EE BEER I GOOD AT TIIE FOLLOWING STORES ONLY OFFICE - VC I Hoffner Shopping Plaza K-Mart Shopping Plaza I 4451 Hoffner Rd. 211 W. Colonial WITH ME AL I Orlando, Fla. 859-0130 Orlando, Fla. 841-2650 BE INFORMED Page 14-FuTUre-April 19, 1974 FIT Picked As Favorite In . FIRA Championships At Disney World Crew Team To Race For State Title Saturday By Larry Mccorkle · utter a most appropriate analogy. measure strength. college, joined the service, got Barnes and coxswain Alison "We're down to one broken bat "We're close to them," said married and seven years later as a Pacha. FIT is the "overwhelming that we've taped." Kamrad. "They're not that far in senior began rowing again. He's The JV squad consisted of Al team favorite," but FTU's varsity In contrast, FIT has all the front of us, but you must just now regaining his form, Dinnen, McClenny, Ben Horton, '8' crew team will be gunning for equipment and quite naturally remember that this is their major according to Kamrad. Bosell, Earl Simpson, Rife, Butch the Engineers this Saturday in the the reason for this says Kamrad is sport," said Kamrad. Other primary members of the Coady, John Ingram and cox Florida Intercollegiate Rowing Several FTU seniors will be team include: Patty Sanzone. Association Championships to be rowing their final races this GREG CORDNER, the team FTU's varsity eight is very held at Disney World. Saturday. Among them are: captain. "Corky" as he is called light by national standards, but FIT will undoubtedly be MARTYN DENNIS, will rowed for Kamrad as a "they are tenacious,". said seeded first and in all probably probably row seventh seat on the sophomore in high school. Kamrad. However, ,Kamrad may Rollins second followed by FTU, varsity. Dennis has been rowing BILL BARNES, a junior from seat more heavy-weights in the Jacksonville and Tampa, says for six years including two years Sanford Naval. varsity boat this weekend FTU crew coach Dennis Kamrad. for Kamrad in high school. TOM T ACNER, a soph from preparing for the Southern The championships will Dennis was first alternate on the Winter Park who was the portside Championships next week and feature a heavyweight varsity, Florida composite crew that went alternate on the composite team the nationals later in the season. Junior varsity, freshman, to Europe. this past summer. "If our equipment is right and four-man, pair with cox and girls MIKE McCLENNY; also has BOB GARAPIC, a sophomore we row without mistakes, we're events. According to Kamrad, rowed for six years and began from Winter Park, who rowed on capable of beating FIT and FIT must be considered the under Kamrad at Edgewater the composite all-star team that Rollins," said Kamrad. "But a overwhelming team favorite High. He rows the starboard side. won a championship in Spain. strong wind and equipment because "they have the GUERIN RIFE, only in his RALPH BATEMAN, a problems will make it very equipment and men to enter DENNIS KAMRAD second year but has shown steady sophomore that captained Winter difficult to beat FIT but it's still every race." Because of a lack of improvement. Park's team two years ago: possible to defeat Rollins." equipment, FTU will enter only "they have more capital for DAVE BOSELL, an Kamrad is still uncertain how Next weekend FTU will travel the varsity and junior varsity purchases." interesting story. He rowed for he will organize his varsity and to Atlanta for the Southern competition, considered the FIT has so much money that Kamrad in 1966 on Edgewater's . junior varsity but last week FTU's Intercollegiate Rowing feature races of the day. they could afford to purchase an team that placed third in the varsity consisted of Garapic, Association Championships: Kamrad's outlook on FTU's ergometer, an intricate ~ rowing nationals in New York. The 6-4, Dennis, Tachner, Bateman, Dale But the State championships crew program is that "we have a machine with a flywheel that can 185 lb. Bosell then went to junior Dunn, Charlie Filko, Cordner, are on everyone's mind this week good young crew, but disastrous and they will begin at 1 p.m. on equipment." Bay ·Lake behind the FTU's only competitive Cont.emporary Hotel. The varsity eight-man shell, the "Sentinel eight will be the final event and Star," broke a rigger (where the will begin approximately 2: 30 oar sets in) this past weekend p.m. forcing the team to borrow Jacksonville's freshman boat. ~till in a strange boat, FTtJ lost Knights t ·op by only one-tenth (.1) of a second to nationally-ranked Rollins in • sprint races last weekend in St. Leo 4-1, Melbourne. In fact, one referee said that FTU won, but the linesman ruled that Rollins was Now 20-11 the winner-it was that close. FTU Dave String smacked an came back to demolish eight-inning home run and Calvin Jacksonville which wasn't the Lingelbach scored two runs to most patronizing thing to do support freshman Stan Edge's since FTU was using the shell five-hit pitching Wednesday· as they borrowed from JU. the Knights whipped St. Leo 4-1 As Kamrad pointed out, "It's at Harper-Shephard Field. getting tough to borrow The win boosted FTU to equipment when you get that · 20-11 and enhanced hopes for competitive." possible post-season tournament Unfortunately, if FTU can not action. Edge, 6·2, "kept the ball .. repair the "Sentinel Star" they FI'U's Craig Butler slides into home McCracken Field. Butler scored after lb~nez away from them," . according to will have to .borrow a boat from safely as Embry-Riddle pitcher Juan lbenez made wild throw home after relaying Coach Doug Holmquist. "He's someone to be competitive. tries to apply tag during third-inning action outfield throw on Ron Bebe's hit. (Photo by already had a great year for a With no "Sentinel Star," what of Knights' ~6-1 first game win Saturday at AlanGee~) · freshman at any school." - does FTU practice with? Believe it or not FTU does have an old eight-man shell, but according to Kamrad the team is afraid that since the boat is so rickety it may Wins Boost FTU Tourney Hopes crumbJe under the duress of a By Fred Cay Jacksonville April 11 and a hard race. in crushing the Dolphins 11-3 on average over .300. doubleheader sweep over hapless the JU campus. FTU had Jim Horvath also had his most The recent six-game losing Embry-Riddle Saturday. Hopefully, the "Sentinel Star" previously lost a 9-5 decision to productive day at the plate with streak was merely a bad memory Behind freshman Stan Edge, the same squad at Tinker Field six RBis and six runs scored as may be partially .repaired by for FTU' s base ball team the new ace of the pitching staff, Saturday prompting Kamrad to on April 2. most team members fattened following a big win over the Knights used timely hitting ''We put bunting and their averages against the 3-14 baserunning together very well," visitors. explained Coach Doug Al Morton, 5-1, and David Holmquist. "We hit the ball, got Draper, . 4-0, picked up the easy Rowers Place High In Tourneys a lot of runners on base and wins. Draper was especially didn't leave them on." sharp as he didn't throw more By Joe DeSalvo battle for s~cond and third places Karnrad said, "They're in a Dave String, once again at his than one called ball to any all through the race; FTU lost to­ class all by themselves. Nobody familiar third-base spot of last batter until the seventh.inning. The FTU crew team had two FIT by a boat length and to handled them; they're just year, was the big hitting star "We just beat them," grinned encouraging performances in the Rollins by three-quarters of a beautiful to watch in action." knocking in five runs on a Holmquist, "what more can I Miami Invitational Regatta and length. Kamrad said, "The last The FTU junior varsity team double and a pair of singles. The ~y?" the Governors Cup held in 500 meters the team felt good but had "extremely good balance and Knights slipped behind JU 2-0 in "It did assure us of another Melbourne. · the winds did hurt us." timing" to come in second place the second frame but a sacrifice winning season, though," the Coach Dennis Kamrad felt The winds were so beating Rollins by two boat fly ·by Jon Teator, RBI single by coach added. The Knights, 19-11 "very good" about the team's unpredictable thatKamrad had lengths and losing out to FIT. "It now-leading hitter Ron Bebe and going into Wednesday's St. Leo performance in the Miami rigged the boat to get best results was the best performance by the a two-run single by String put encounter, had only seven more Invitational on April 7th. FTU's with the present wind conditions junior varsity this season." them ahead to stay in the ·games to go and were winners on varsity team finished fourth in but when the race st.arted, the The following weekend, on fourth. Behe drove in three the season no matter what. the meet but Kamrad wasn't winds had changed causing the April 14, FTU competed in the himself in the game while Probably the biggest week. of disappointed at the outcome. boat to be slower. Governors Cup at Melbourne in freshman Cal Lingelbach started the baseball season is Kamrad said the original meet The coach remarked that the dual race sprints. - a personal hot streak with a immediately ahead for FTU as was postponed the previous day team was ready the day before Problems with the equipment two-for-five day, two runs the Knights battle South Florida due to high winds. The following and the extra day waiting hurt the forced the Knights to borrow an scored and three stolen bases. in Tampa tomorrow, then face day, winds and water conditions team mentally. unfamiliar boat from For Lingelbach it was merely rival Rollins at 7:30 Wednesday were difficult but rowable. Kamrad added that Fl'U's Jacksonville. "They did quite the start as he enjoyed his finest at Tinker Field. Then FTU Equipment trouble which has coxie, Pat Sanzone, who handled well considering the problems collegiate performance against battles Eckerd College the plagued the t.eam all seasori both races., did a fine job with they encountered rowing a Embry-Riddle Saturday. He following Saturday in still hindered the Knights once again. only two weeks of practice with strange boat," added Kamrad. went five-for-five in the another crucial matchtip. "The type of equipment we have the team." The varsity came as close as two-game set, batted in five runs Rollins, Eckerd and FTU are is most difficult to row in rough The varsity winner was Vesper ever to beating Rollins losing to and scored four as the Knights all battling for a spot in the waters," Kamrad said. "The men Boat Club from Philadelphia. the Tars by one-tenth of a second. pounced on the Eagles from South Atlantic Regional Division had to fight the boat plus the Kamrad called them "eight elit~ It lost to FIT by nine seconds. Its Daytona Beach by 16-1and16-0 II playoffs with Rollins and water. But they did a fine job oarsmen." Vesper has three 1972 only victory was against counts. Lingelbach, hovering Eckerd probably holding the considering the adverse Olympic medalists, two men who Jacksonville. around the .200. mark most of more impressive credentials at conditions." had 1971 Pan Am medals, and all The junior varsity easily beat the season since taking over at this time. Needless to say, the Even though the Knights eight rowers have European Rollins but lost to FIT by three second for departed Lu~ Knights must make a strong f mished fourth, it was a close comptition. seconds. Escobar, raised his batting showing in these games. ..

April 19, 1974-FuTUre-Page 15

nu Travels To FIU Today, Faces Tampa At Home Tuesday Netters Eye Crucial Matches By Joe DeSalvo on Thursday and arch-rival Mike Dezeeuw. Wood said, which was No. 6 last year in the The Knights continued to Rollins next Friday. The "DeZeeuw played extremely college division, the Knights lost master USM in the doubles as The FTU tennis team will scheduled match with FIT next well." He won the only singles for 8-1 in a match that Wood said, encounter the toughest part of its Smith and Graban defeated Saturday was canceled. FI'U with a 6-4, 2-6, 6-4 victory "we were just beaten. We were Losada and Slaton 6-2, 6-1 in the schedule next week when it plays The Knights, 8-6 on the over Carols Alvarado at No. 2. whipped but it wasn't a country four matches in seven days. No. 1 doubles. At No. 2, Lucci season, lost two straight matches DeZeeuw teamed up with Gail whipping." and Walker took a 6-2, 7-6 According to Coach Lex to South Florida and Hampton Graban to defeat Orces Olea and Again it was mike DeZeeuw Wood, "The four matches will decision over Carr and Cowart. It Institute before breaking their Mike Huss 6-0, 7 -6 in the No. 2 supplying the winning touch · was Walker and Mike Fabian pick us up or they'll be devasting four-game losing streak with the doubles. taking the only FI'U victory with against us." - surprising Pickett and Campell USM victory. The Knights had In the other singles, Olea a 7 -5, 7 -5 win over German 6-3, 3-6, 6-2 in the No. 3 doubles. The Knights, who are coming their scheduled match with defeated No. 1 Joe Lucci 4-6, 6-3, Aguero in the No. 2 singles. off a 9-0 shutout over Southern Northwest Missouri rained out 6-4. In the No. 3 singles, Trevor The Knights got back on the Mississippi will be in Miami this last Friday. Graham dropped a 6-2, 6-1 afternoon facing Florida winning track against USM with The Knights lost to South decision to KEvin Hedberg. At only two of the nine matches Wood said he will go with International University. Earlier Florida at Tampa 6-3 but Wood No. 4, Neil Howard lost to Huss this season, the Knights beat the going into three sets. Dezeeuw at No. 1 in the was proud of the "fight and 6-4, 6-4. Bob Falinski defeated In the singles, Dezeeuw beat Miamians in a 5-4 decision. upcoming matches unless spirit" of his men as they battled Graban 6-2, 6-2 in No. 5 while Dan Elliot 7-6, 6-1 in the No. 1 someone else becomeshot. Wood Next w~k FTU will play three back after losing five of the six Gary Timlin dropped a 6-2, 6-4 singles. At No. 2, Lucci easily added, "Mike is the hottest home matches in four days with singles matches. 1 decision to Gary Roebuck at No. Tampa on Tuesday, Florida State beat Vince Losada 6-2, 6-0. In the member right now." Wood The standout for FTU was 6. No. 3 singles, Smith took a 6-0, remarked that the team is at full In the No. 1 doubles, Lucci 7-6 decision from Alan Carr. strength, something that the and Nate Smith defeated Graham defeated Dick Cowart Knights have been looking for. SX Swims To Polo Title; Alvarado and Lamkin ' 1-6, 7-5, 1-6, 6-4, 6-4 at No. 4. Howard had During the losing streak, Nate -6-4. In the No. 3 doubles, an easy time of it beating George Smith was fighting a bronchial Hedberg and Falinski defeated Pickett 6-0, 6-1. At No. 6, Graban infection. "He's all ready to play Howard and Graham 6-4, 7-5. handed Andy Campell a 6-3, 6-0 top tennis once · again," said Big Softball Games Set Against Hampton Institute, setback. Wood. By Fred Cay women's softball with its second ~~~~~~~~~~---- win over Little Sisters 8-2 Sigma Chi, consi~ered a Tuesday, eliminating the darkhorse before the start of the second-place Little Sisters. Tyes water polo season, reigned finished their season undefeated supreme when all was decided as at 6-0 Wednesday with a win the frat won the campus over Tri-Delta. championship with a surprisingly ***** easy 8-4 win over independent The · all-important race champ God's Children Tuesday. (important to the Greeks at Sigma Chi, which had to beat least) for the fraternity all-sports Lambda Chi Alpha 3-2 . in a trophy is still paced by TKE rematch to win its league after with 62- points followed by tying LXA in the regular season, ATO 580, surging Sigma Chi 525 then stopped Black League and Lambda Chi Alpha 505. winner Tau Kappa Epsilon 3-2 * ** ** Monday for the right to meet Final major men's sport of the God's Children, easy winners of year, softball starts Monday and their league and thought by for those interested in the many to be the strongest· outfit ~ outcome, it could be wrapped on campus. up in the first week's action. However, behind Doug Akers' TKE vs. ATO, generally four goals and two each by Ken acknowledged to be the No. 1 Doug Akers ( 30) is about to grab loose campus championship win Tuesday. Akers Lester and Chuck,, SX fraternit y rivalry, will be ball here as Sigma Chi teammate and God's was the scoring star in contest with four left little doubt as to the featured Monday at 4 p.m. On Children defender move in during SX' 8-4 goals. (Photo by Mike Padgett) superior squad on that particular Tuesday, TKE battles LXA and day. Though God's Children held a 2-1 halftime edge and ~~r:::.1~g~wing Monday, 'First Ever' Stars Event Begins appeared at that point to be A year ago, A TO beat LXA controlling action, SX was by far by a single run and TKE beat A group of at least 10 (during the intramural swim Pete Heckman, Sigma Chi; Neil the stronger at the end while the both of those-by one run--to "superstars" will vie tomorrow meet), and weightlifting May 16. Howard, Lambda Chi Alpah; independent team gradually win the title. And it could well afternoon in the bowling Rounding out the list are the Fred Maust, Alpha Tau Omega; wore down. Several late scores be just as close again between competition to kick off the first bike race May 23 and two running Howard Vandewater, Tau Kappa made it a one=sided margin. the three. annual "superstars of F'J'U" events at the May 25 intramural Epsilon; and the most distinctive Charlie Boedecker fired in TKE, defending champ with which has been set up by ihe track meet--100-yard dash -and member of the 10--Kim Drury three scores to lead his team in most of its team returning, ·intramural department to 880-yard run. . from Tyes sorority. defeat. would have to rate the determine the best all-around The nine-man, 1 one-woman Meanwhile, Tyes clinched pre-season nod. Like the athlete on campus. gr.oup consists of Don Miller, "If there is a good response to i ndepdendent Cavaliers, they Colonial Lanes will be the site sponsored by the FTU Staff the competition, we plan to have also acquired experience for tomorrow's segment startirig Council; Randy Jessee, wrestling sponsor the "superstars" again Gol.f.ers Host playing in ·summer and fall at 3: 30 with high score for a team; Phil Merrick, intramural next year," stated Renner, "and Orlando city leagues. A two-game series deciding the staff; Mike Ferrell, Kappa Sigma; we will probably have a women's RoUfns Today well-balanced hitting attack and winner. Guerin Rife, Pi Kappa Alpha; division then, too." pitching of Steve Jackson will Points for bowling, as for all FTU's extramural golf team, again be the main hopes for eight other events, will go to the winners over cross-county rival TKE. first five finishers on a 10-7·-5-3-1 FTU's ·Dubose Falls Short Rollins a year ago hope to repeat LXA, the most power-packed basis. "Superstars," a takeoff on . ' the feat this afternoon at 1 p.m. hitting team, appears equally t h y n at i o n a 11 y - t e le vi s e d on the Winter Springs Country impressive with Dave Hudick, competition featuring top Club course. John Hinman and Randy performers from most popular In Olympic Soccer Tryout Tony Kiraly, John Tanner and Blankenship three reasons why. professional sports, is probably a Doug Perry will be the main LXA, often a runner-up but first in the U.S. for school FTU's Winston Dubose may the 18-year-old Dubose." They hipes for FTU against a Rollins seldom in the winner's circle, intramural programs. have failed in his attempt to have a better concept of the squad which has won its own could change that image in "As far as I know there isn't make the Olympic team's game." .. invitational tournament this year softball this year. another college or univrsity in the tryouts two weeks ago in and tied for first in the Florida And ATO, with shortstop country sponsoring an event like Baltimore, ~ut he succeeded in One thing Dubose picked up Southern Invitational, events in Rick Sparkman and outfielder it," said Director of Intramurals adding valuable experience and from the coaches at the Olympic which FTU has placed fourth . Fred Maust probable big guns, Ken Renner. Renner attended the knowledge to his game. tryout camp is that you always and fifth respectively. should again be very close to National Intramural Association Kurt Kuykendal, an have to strive to be the best. · Despite that, it could be a those two. The only other ·frat Conference in Arizona two weeks All-American goalie from That may . sound like old news, "pretty close match," according within hailing distance of the ago and of the 500 colleges American University in but according to Dubose, "even to FTU Coach Marc Stockwell. top could be Sigma Chi if represented, FTU was the only Washington, D.C., was the only if you can't be the best you're "We should have all our top guns · shortstop Hal Neff, Phil Merrick one with "Supers tars" goalie selected to the 11-team bound to improve your level of there which is something we and Chuck Patrick can carry the competition. squad picked from about 100 play three or four times." haven't always had this year." load. As of Wednesday, 10 entrants entries to represent the Southern Rollins best will include Alan fTU B b II had turned forms into region the first week in June at Even though Dubose failed to Toon and Dave Nash as well as 3Se 3 intramurals--nine men and one Southern Illionis (Edwardsville). make the 11-man squad, a good "I thank the Lord for the friend, Bob Hartmann, made the Ray Fickett, John Hall and Jay Through April 13 Games woman. Six fraternities, one Brennan. Batting sorority and three other campus ...opp or tun it y to go to illustrious team,. Hartmann, a FTU will wind up its season organizations paid the fee of Baltimore," said the outgoing s.enior at Winter Park High .. the following Friday, April 26, Ron Bebe .341, Dave String $7.50 each which is required pay but humble Dubose. "I learned a School, played excellently against Stetson. .337, Jim Horvath .327, Craig for golf and bowling costs. tr emend o us amount of according to Dubose. He leaves Most recently, FTU clipped Butler .318, Joe Mikler .318. Second event will be golf on knowledge talking with the June 1 for the tryout at Taylor (Ind.) University 330-331 April 27 at 9 a.m. with each other goalkeepers," said the Edwardsville to determine if he at the Cypress Creek course on Runs-Batted-In participant playing 18 holes on friendly freshman who makes the t.eam. And April 9. Kiraly with 78 was low the Fairways course. This will be seemingly knows half the FTU surprisingly according to man followed by Gary Martinet Craig Butler 31, Dave String followed, in order, by the student body already. Dubo~~>. -..t~ ~er(~ ~ stJl! .. ~ slim 82, Perry 84 and Bob 30,MelQ.'l~tjs,29d Sty.,veCrutc~e~ obstacle course race on May 2, "We-'have"ii"long way to_gs i~~.qm~shanc~r.olfiat J1E?v IWlY, rl ~..Ome 1 ~9 {.;. 0 9 1 Kuykendall 86. 4 .1! c;!HiJ nt l,l.niv: 1'3, RdWlWffi:! 2P. ~Hn t>t <;;), tennis May 4, swimming May 9 catch up with the North,'' said FTU to pfay S?ccer next fall. Page 16-FuTUre-April 19, 1974 I

·pJ.:C!IH: . ..~~. ~YOUR CAMPUS LUTHER.AN CHURC~Ii Activity Calendar ft INVITES YOUR ATIENDANCE · Christian Education Hour - Sunday 9: 15 a.m.

VILLAGE CENTER ·2600 N. Dean Road (Go West on FTU Blvd., then South Movie: "Godspell" STUDENT GOVERNMENT · on Dean Rd.) Wed. 4 & 8:30 p.m.VCAR ~ Rev. Lance Netland .of Lutheran C~°!pus Ministry ff·Member of .PTU Umted Campus M1mstry . . VC. Board Election Day \l ' . 678-2011 ~~~ Thurs. /Fri. noonVC 200 10-5 p.m; VC patio Movie: "Godspell" v~--~ ~~· 'lburs. 8: 30 p.m. VCAR LEADERSHIP TRAINING CLASS "Brother Sun S.G. Meeting Sister Moon" Tues. 2:00 ~.m. VC 200 Fri./Sat. 8: 30 p.m. VCAR GREEKS

Alpha Chi Omega "Pegasus Pub" Fri.fWed. 8 a.m. VC 211 CAMPUS EVENTS Fri. 9:30 p.m. Snack Bar ,...... ~ ...•...... J_ ...... ,. ... llMldellltllltme Zeta Tau Alpha Dept. of Music ...... Sun. 5 p.m. VC 211, 214 Concert me ••• ME ••.• · Students International Fri. 10 a.m. VC 166 Meditation Society completelyworth­ Mon./Tues. 10 a.m. VC 211, 214 leuol' 111ttl'

Kappa Sigma M.usic Dept. Sun. 6 p.m. · EN 108, 109 Fri. 11 a.m. MPR ***EVER wonde.t how you could share your faith in Christ with your College Bowl roommate or in a classoom? Mon./Thur. 6:30 p.m. MPR ***EVER wonder how the Bible could apply to you as a college Dept. of Com . student in our hectic world today? Alpha Chi Omega . Mon./Wed./Thurs. 9 a.m. VC 200, ***EVER wonder how you could experience the love and forgiveness Mon. 6 p.m. VC 21l 214 Go4 offers to us each day?

Karate Lessons Join us for. some rich time together as we learn the answers to these Mon./Thur. 6 p.m. VCAR questions and many more. Jim Ferrell-Mtg Tues. 1: 30 p.m. MPR LEADERSHIP TRAINING CLASS ..• Lanibda Chi Alpha Mon. 6:30 p.m. EN 203 sponsored by

CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST! Thought In Action ORGANIZATIONS Tues./Wed. 11:30 a.m. VC Green CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST is an interdenomination student Tri Delta Christian movement active in 65 . countries of the world. The basic _ Mon. 6: 30 p.m. purpose of Campus Crusade is to help fulfill the Great Commission in this EN 336 generation through evangelism & discipleship. Che$ Club Fri. 6 p.m. MPR Beginning Friday April 19 6:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. VC 215 Karate Lessons IFC Wed. 2:30 p.m. MPR Tues. 11 a.m. VC214 ancJ Saturday April 20 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. VC Village Players Mutli Purpose Room. Mon. 6 p.m. EN 331

Eckancar Lecture Series Panhellenic Wed. 3 p.m. VC 214 Thurs. 11: 15 a.m. VC 200 Campus Ministry Tues. 11 a.m. LB 212 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS

Intramurals CAMPUS INTERVIEWS WEDNESDAY, Tues. 11 a.m. VC 200 APRIL 24 PLACEMENT OFFICE Preprofessional Medical Society Tues. 9 a.m. VC 200 LOCKHEED CALIFORNIA COMPANY To the best of the Fu TUre staff's ability, Action line will cut red tape to get answers, solve problems provide a public voice for readers. Dial 275-2601 day or night and ask for an editor, or write Phi Chi Theta Action Line, FuTUre, FTU Box 25,000, Orlando, FL 32816. Wed. 1 p.m. CB 115 Unusual project responsibilities within eight weeks with third generation automatic test system that will fault isolate to chip level. Considerable circuit analysis, test program development, said this incident you mentioned diagnostic language programming and hands on system might well be a violation. Campus Ministry checkout. Thurs. 11 a.m. AD 112

An employee in FTU's It very effectively combines hard ware and soft were plus cafeteria with long hair flopping De:ta Sigma Pi systems engineering. Those with good circuit design background around under a small cap was Thurs. 12 noon CB 103, 114 are encouraged to sign u p·for a campus interview. serving food. Don't health laws prohibit this? This may be a To the reader who wrote source of hairy food. earlier asking about the correct "free hour" in class scheduling: Sociology Club LOCKHEED CALIFORNIA COMPANY interviewing on Thurs. noon LB 240 campus, Wednesday April 24. A manager of FTU's food service, contracted to The FuTUre was not notified Morrison's, Inc., said employees of any free hours for Spring serving and preparing food are Quarter. However, when we Student Accounting If unable to attend, please send resume to Gene Mitz, told to wear caps or nets to hold called Academic Affairs, we Society loose ends down. An Orange Lockheed College Relations Coordinator, P. 0. Box 551, were told no classes are Thurs. 12 noon CB 216 Burbank, CA 91520 County Health Dept. official scheduled from 4-5 on Tuesday said state law requires "hairnets, or 12-1 on Thursday. When we caps, or proper hair restraints be asked whether this had been *An equal opportunity employer* used by anyone serving or publicized, we were told, "I . Fla. Engr. Society preparing food." The official don't know." Thurs. noon EN 305