Appendix D2 – Management Programs (Erosion and Sediment Control) Erosion and Sediment Control Delegation Review Quarterly Grading Permit Submittals Appendix D2 Harford County, MD Department of Public Works Watershed Protection and Restoration Barry Glassman County Executive Grading Permits Issued (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) 000052 000041 Broad Creek Lower Susq. 000047 000030 000079 . 000044 000043 Deer Creek 000077 Lower 000056 Susq. 000063 Otter Point 000086 Creek 000032 000081 000076 000038 000075 000061 000035 000027 Swan Creek 000074 Havre de Grace 000070 000069 (Phase 2 MS4) 000084 000042 Little Bel Air Bush Creek Gunpowder 000071 000049 (Phase 2 MS4) 000031 Church Aberdeen 000051 000055 Creek 000082 000028 (Phase 2 MS4) 000060 000067 000039 000078 000034 000066 000062 000040 000053 000068 000072 000080 000058 000050 000033 000065 000054 000048 000073 000029 000085 000057 Upper 000037 Western Shore 000064 000045 Bush River Aberdeen Proving 000083 000046 Grounds (Phase 2 MS4) 000059 Gp. 000036 Falls Harford Streams is a program developed and administered through Harford County Department of Public Works 4 2 0 Miles Harford County 1 in = 4 miles NPDES Phase 1 MS4 Permit 11-DP-3310 FY2016 Annual Report
[email protected] Printed 12/2016 (410) 638-3217 Harford County, MD Department of Public Works Watershed Protection and Restoration Grading Permits Issued during FY2016 (MS4 Permit 11‐DP‐3310) Barry Glassman County Executive SITE: SITE OWNER: 1615 CHURCHVILLE ROAD