-Thursday,'March '5, 1970. lo, and Denes Koromzay, vio- 11 Hiking cLuh_plans_ la. Crime Index for county All graduates of the 2 nature rtjnhbles long is s 6 c 1 a to d^ with. Hun- for Beefhov$n prognctsrt garian musical tradtton, they • -executive dfreetpr;; .. , ramble .'4fld7S Stmday-•'" r>'--^-'i.-l'-v; v.•-;-.• ;.ili-, •'....' ::-:_JJ^.:' "• J_;4:..'.-''-':* '•»i» iiaiu nil. u,b. tmsUetas. don , hike .are .scheduled this weetrfbr members ' The" world-fS mo us Hun^ '".QuafBft'B'-'.aVi ' • — Theylare noted not only for - • andguestB of the Union County Hiking elub. • which ;Ut gnrljln Quarter WlO ]}?', The" concert, scheduled for -The \Hungu. . andOragon. director of the Eastern Union County YM- The preliminary figures were issued by tlie Reported rape offenses reflected the sharp- ^^^ai3^^p~zir^ ~ '''-' '" 8:l&p.m. In the Lounge of^Jie '. "Seton Hull pixigruj-. ".W 41 Moonloln o»... Sp<|ngll.Id, N.J. OJOBI•- 686-7700 'YVVHA^ Green lane; Union, was 'announced ' -Uniform Crime' Reporting Unit^of _.thg ..New .'• est upswing aciotB till; state with, a 13,6 per- * ' On Sunday, Natlia^ Cummlngs of West Orange Student Center on the South elude "Quartet In F major, : jersey:State i'ollfe. hinaiVlgiu-esfor'1969 ~ccnc in"crea'se"ov<>r'I968. rose-3.4per- Orange campus. Is open to tlie &is W^eV; by Edward T. RoseriJ51a7 president, " will lead an eight-mile hike along the "Opus 18,' No. 1;" "Quartet in VOL. 41 No. 52- Mulling Addr.,, «nd Dr. Sidney A. Savttt, personnel com-' will be released in the annual Uniform Crime cent in the state, robbery wasjdyp 10.9 percent Appalachian Troll from Arden to Fitzgerald : puhlic free of charge. TAX RETURN8 by .SPRINGFIELD. N.J., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1970 Sub.oipllor.RQtc ' Second Clo.lPoHojc C sharp ,minor, .Opus 131," Experlonced ACCOUNTANT P.O. BOM 69, SprlnplMd, H.J. 070U_ 15 Cents Per Copy mlttee chairman of tlie 'V. Sliandler replaces Report to be published in July. and atrocious assault offenses decreased 5.6 Falls. The hikers will meet just past the " During this 200th anniver- und "Quartet' in C major, So.50 Y.orly I ppid o. Spr.ngllcld, N.J. Mitchell Jaffe, who has, accepted a position Offenses covered by. the report arc murder, percent. ~ Usicx toll barrier of the Garden State Park- saryyeor of the composer's Opue 59. No. 3." With me National Jewish Welfare Board. forcible rape, robbery, atrocious assault, • The^Uniform Crime Reporting Unit-listed way at 9 a.m. • . ' birth the. Hungarian Quartet Members of the Hiingarlan a '-'significant" statewide decline of 4.2 percent wltli vtandard deduction*. All '' Prior'to coming to Bayonne, Sliandler was breaking and entering, larceny-tiieft over $50 • will play the entire Beedioven Quartet, which was formed other r«turns at l4«s«nabl« (••«• in breaking andentering, tlie most volumindus <• .- " FRIDAY DEADLINE V-J"" • string quartet. cycle of 16 ~ executive director* of the Jewish Community • and auto theft, • All items othar than- spot newi/£houlcN»e originally' in 1935, are Zoltan J049 aprlA|n>ld An., Center -In Duluth, Minn., ahd was "assistant . In Union1 County, the total number of Crime- of all Index offcnsosi-Larceny Increased 11.6 works in major cities through- ' Szekely and Michael Kuttner, m Mlllbum Av». I approves new et in quiet meeting director of the Philadelphia YMHA. Index offenses rose from 12,842 in 19^8 to percent and auto theft rose 1.6 percent. in* our office by noon orvFrjcJa^f :. . \ out the^vorld. Part of the violins, Gabriel Magyar, eel— ,- For five years he was assistant, at the 13,247 last year. "'._ \ . _ "BUiabetlr'YM-YWHA anderHarry Lebau,-wbo~- —"Fourteen were reported in^-the " was then director. In Bayonne, he also has county in 1969, compared witli 23 the preceding ~ served as the director of the Jewish"Council year. There were 60 cases of forcible rape OB chairman of the-Offlce of Economic/Op- last year, two more than In 1968. '. portunlty program, and was vico-chalrman o£ Tho number of robberies Increased fr6m 462 the local chapter of the National Conference in 1968 to 528 lost year. : more for your money ' of Christians and Jews, " • -. . - Decreases were reported in atrocious Shandler received his AB degree from the assault, down from«570 In 196B to 516 last offer views ".City College of New York In 1936, and was year, and breaking and entering, which drop- ; awarded his master's degree hi social work ped from 5,873 to 5,429. " / FOOD SUPERMAflKCTS wiiaiomt by the University of Pennsylvania In 1940. Larceny-theft cases rose from 3,384in 1968 -He-Is marrled-and-tlie-fatBer-of-two-children.-- UJ 3;832~insi year andnutothefrlncrcflsedTYGrn VALUABLE Shandler assumed his new post this week. 2.472 to 2,868. ^"•-^-•.-T- rouR MOST CHOICE "**1 yr ^fer . In tile statewide figures, there was a 4.2.. TRADING STAMPS BEEF k&r-—----~~i Technical Jnstihtte-gets To assist local tenants for riding season rtew-assistant director By ABNER GOLD-. . ' Ross J. DCLia has been appointed assistant PRODUCE DEPT. : { The Township Committee Tuesday night Registration for the-sprlng season, of horse- - unanimously - npproved Its $I ?8?.699 munl- backridlng with the Watchung Troop, spon- director, a newly created post, for-Union r Technical- Institute, Mountainside. De Lla will dpal budget for the coming year, with no - '- sored by the Union County Park'Commission, disagreement on any point audible on the daia, has been completed. During the past two weeks continue as chief Instructor in the electronics department." . anna minimum ol comment from the audience " all available dme has been taken by Union BANANAS ojf some 30 citizens. ' . — County residentsjboys and girls between nine Increased student enrollments and admini- strative -wdrk loads necessitated the creation In other-ousinesa, Nat Stokes, lone Demo- -' and 18 years of age, it was announced by GOLDEN RIPE crat on the governing, body, introduced two = Robert J. Luitui. director of the Watchung __of the.new- position,, according to Michael —Ratajczak Jr., director of Union TecKT • resolutions Intended to_belp local apartment :CTroop at the'Wacchung Stable. - " ."" tenants in dealings with their landlords. Neither-— " Luihn stated that over 650 places have *- i^ I? received a second, and Stokes agreed with -been filled. The youngsters will start their CALIFORNIA JWKT TASTT his colleagues that both should receive thoro- •_ riding season on Friday, March -US'. To Publicity Chairmen: pngh study from the entire committee before " •The Watchung Troop, organised in March, Would-you like some-help being brought up for further action. 1 1934, by the Union County Park-Commission, CARROTS . The public bearing on tbe budget drew conw > is said to be the largest children's riding in preparing newspaper- re- . mt*nt» from only three citizens, out of tbe 30 • program in - ths._UniteiSEaies. The troop is 1 lease's ? Write to this^news- i-ib. present in the Municipal Building — " ' formed into squads for sub-novice, novice, ^paper and ask for our "Tips . 37,000 who live in Springfield. •-•••- 7 advanced and experienced riders. Every mem- cello >r- Henry \~ Bultman Ir. emphasized -' ber gains riding experience by a progressive on Submitting News, re- — . i portion of me budget adoptedTuesday, '.- series of classes and drills that Include every" lleasfia." . ullluit fbC-lncaVmuniclpal purposes, constitutes -phase of horsemanship. FINE only some vZJ. percent of the total paid by DEEP; local proper^ owners. The $1,285,699 ap- Public Notice TRIM Ib. LETTUCE -provec! for local purposes represents an in- CAUFORNIA crease of $151,876 over the $1,094,285 voted TOWNSHIP OF UNION TOWNSHIP OF UNION Society lists ruBUCJgmcB PDBLE NOTICE — ICEBERG - ' Seated prelnwla vUl <» »ealv«l end Notto. U hoabr trren thatMal«ltad« GOV T. INSPECTED CHICKEN TcunuNn MI A I SA. if COV'T. INSPECTED CHICKEN LARGE HEAD Other major items.: to~be. paid^by local via to recttnttnd byy th.. TownahlTpp Com- ea taxes-are: local school purposes,-$2,369,46l; mlttltt M fofor TT'M—"~TT'M— and d rnialr mama- T3 adoptions HtfSHUAHAUl UrUla In U» Townahip of Union In th. QUAKTBaWMGON ^-Regional liigli School purposes, $1,478,000; , Frtterfar Parl Cooaty of Union wittt an oBtbnated amount C H>MKSUONG Veterans and senior citizens, $90,710. - ofaJOO Una o( BROKEN STONE and CHICKEN BREAST 59 opanid and nadlnpubUoatthaUinlclpal in the cduhty^l CHICKEN BREAST GROUND .' They addup to a total of $6,023,871 -to be Bfldtai rribarnnrr PPark Union N.J QUAITBH IACK ON MG. THIGH ON raised by local taxes, up $629,876 from the at SK d OMATOES let the aald — Xlolon County ' .adoption BEEF . SFlNMNGtlP A STORM — The Jonathan Dayton Regional High School Goreckl, Charlene Smith, Barbara Lies, Lisa UrJOvm and Maryasne previous figure of $5,393,994. The-local tax V .jertiij-lnaeaaleSaOTaloM.beariajUi. ^•clfleabVina and formsofUdaforth. placement activity loomed CHICKEN LEGS DAIRY DEPARTMENT twlrlers won first prize for a dance rWlrl routine In-recent national Grazlano. Miss Goreckl and Miss Smith; co-captains^ also placed rate will rise 42 points, from-$7;50 to $7.92 prontaatf matarlaL, -onpand by th. large in the 1969; rosteKaf" CHICKEN LE baton twirling cnmrmrlMnn nr Mb Holly. Shown, clockwise from the third Tn duet twirling. Miss Carole Dragon Is facultyTa3vlsor. — u -dQJTMd "Bid In- Bttnxnlma Cotaorrt. Tmahto and app5rod> th. commla- 1 per -$400 of assessed valuation. Local real w adoption placements made by UfnDJk. CHOKIFUHT JDUT ; •- : front left, are Anne Apgar, EllssiHtle,BonnleLowensteln, Dorothy '•'.• - " jPhotOyby Bob Baxter). estate IK assessed at approximately 50 per- - • -, "iiinBliT irc natorial and anreamtad In tho offlco offfi. aald rMpartnunl of jhe Chlidren"s Aid ary\ Ari.ip- amwm rwitirni tittle»p«ilflfiHwiecrfllie Strwta and HllJiwaya, Union, N. J.udol GROUMO MARGARINE cent of current market value. ~ _ aald ComnSaooS of T^gortaOon, tion-Society of , TWO GUYS Trabton, K«r Jaravff and Dtrbdonof Lo- whose headquarters office is CHUCK STEAK .49 SLICED OVER .49' oatOovJronwntAfl Dlatriot offlclo- CHUCK .b -QUARTERS THETHREE ClTIZEnB who spokfe during the I oaUd at Taantck Armory, T«ant«k»oad located at 142' S. .Milan ave., • OOV-T. MSHam JW.IX: AVG ^ ., - U^.D.A. CHOKI OOTTING IHF Ion public hearing were Well. Prageir 61145 MiU- and-LUMrty-Areaaa, Tramck, Now J.r- 1-lb. rstd: aey, and may bilMpaotodbyprorBMthi. rtUHIXTIAUAN town rd., Henry's. Wrtgnt"bT53 Colfax rd. and ' blddara dnring boabMaa bocra; According to Mrs. Rduald - 1 Tha anecaaanil btddar wUlbsreqalrad ROASTING CHICKEN. 39 SHORT RIBS 69 sef for to aoter toto a contract acradnf to*- M.Heymann. of Mountainside, GROUND IOW IN CAIORIIS asked-about ^heavier-court form to m. nfnlaUon. us] conijlllnii««f a member of the Adoption So- TWO GUYS MUtXI ^ _ Trs. Daniel Kolem, Sprlnglleld RedGro«^ —, Mayor Saltman said they reflected a change CSUr .100 Law. of IBM, known u au ciety's Board of Directors, l II BORDEN EAGLE -blood bank chairman, has announcM tnitpUtis from two-p<£t-iime—clerks'to one fulj-tiine ). Of UMNrnv JsTMVBCata 13 children wfio might other- ROASTING PORK . 49 ROUND ib. SLICED BACON.89 fo: next week's Community Bloodrnobifo visit Proposttts-for consolidation of New Jersey Dr. PndesTa stressed on Monday that the court clerk, as well as a heavier case load f ftinmT^ffn** of' Labor ani boiutzy. wise have remained homeless,- are being completed, and.that prospective school districts. Including the so-called Man- HM •oec.Mftd bidder wlllbor^niwd to COVT. iNSMCTtDRBH TWO GUVS Kill LAMI I NEUFCHATEL Mancuso and-Bateman reports which had stir- V _^; -.(ewtinurf on pige.lO) W-not-Uf lli»u M» I«wilHnji-»»«« obtained- a new start Jn life, : douora who -have not^yet signed up wlth.tliclr cuso ilcport,_wlU havo no.-off«ct-on Spring- r a rau. llstad ana mad. part of this pro- with formerly childless Union 1 J donor group chairmen should do so. The blood red-much-local-concern-woufd-appiy-primfcrily " • ^ i lanldd contraottt. field, Dr. Victor J. Podesu, assistant utate to the rural schools of Soudi Jersey and else- . . . « i i 'I' I ' • U»-mSmtit 1> fowl tnatany County couples. CHICKEN LIVER.59 SLICED BACON.59 ROYAL.DA«Y COU'UAW OR bank will be at Temple Beth Ahm, Bnltusrol commissioner of education, stated emphati- GRIPPING ACTION —John Johnson (31) of Roselle and on unidentified Springfield player tld b tfa ontractDr or where away from the metropolitan area, where AAllCIP nA(~lf\ h^dTllOC On a statewide basis, the CITY CUT COUNTRY STYU- JWO GUYS KMUU way, Wednesday from 1:30-to 6:30 p.m. Ap-_:. cally Monday night at the FlorenceGaudlneer many school systems are much too small to ITlurIVi »T1V*I1\^ WOy 11 }O , clutch for the elusive basketball In the state tournament game won by Springfleld,_85rr81._ Children's Aid and Adoption POTATO SALADS polntments may be made by calling Mrs. School, provide adequate education, , • : . I •','-' ,', - - I last Thursday at Westfleld. Other Springfield players shown are Dan D'Andrea-(S0)- Un£nma)M&mina{. tho ConSSSr. c Kalem at 376-0582.' rltM to proswl irltt «» »orlc or any Society- placed* a total of 212 FROZEN FOOD DEPT. He addressed some 200 persons at a meet- Terming Springfield a •'lifibthousetiistrict," twO-ni/ihl itfUln fit and Frank Bucci (14):: Dayton-defeated Warren Hills, 78-52, Tuesday night to gain the -.' grpartmed* of SttMU and SSfof » »orlt -.her. tt.r. ba. b. ua iamty abaU IxTllabl. to couples resident In 18 of the upper age limit of donors from 61 to 66. ell. The state propbsabi-had been formally school KyNtcms, -he said there was -no-inten rv"~^'v" : ^ New Providence-Verona contest. • " • (See story on Page 24) JT lMT0M8JO^W!l«Cc«>rrt.Tirpe state's 21 counties. BIRDS EYE tfcTffomaMp of Unlonfor any .><:.*• coat Mrs. Knlem requested that the youngest per- opposed last- month by the Springfield Board tipD to change school systems whose voters - 13 Q VTI ocuaioiMd flurry. Th-j Children's Aid "and m.Uettte age group come out In greater ^ WToMBUmulaom cecci^t. Typ» i^jpbwoTlnannnraUinfwalavtllbson POTATOES of Education as a threat to local control of were qble and willlngjto provide top quality r^ 7 , tO, V^ttM aatinaor-a offtufor U» Adoption Society was founded TWO GUYS „ number- than In-ihe poet. Anyone "over 18 the-schoolsi. ::.--..:,.,-. .:: -.:-.. :. aaeoMsfdl Uddn*. fcdo_Lj)99. It offers Jts services REGULAR OR CRINKLE is eligible to give. Those between 18 and The Mancuso report had urged that all dis- education.- ; - - The vocal music and dramatic departments *. -Ill h. fnmliJi.«t»ltli « COW. PEACHI Dr, Podesta noted that virtually aU Spring- , ; n Dayton Regional HlglLSchooir tocat youth just 'wonderful/ ~Bifougti6ul "New"Jersey"to uu- CUT . 21 must have "written consent from their tricts with Joss than..3.5O0_snidenia_frum.. o{ 0 utlla xrcnleaUtion for com- ^ad. field rBenngerH nltmd Dayton Regional. He aaid__^togaaM._wtiiJ^senrffie¥aitii Willsoh's wfflatfflsiioMtrna- Hlahvaya. Bid. muat tw mad. on atan- YtllflW CUNC SLICED if i tfnrrr SNOW CROP -klndergarten-Uirough-the^nth-gwde be trier-—that the comulidatioti phmsinchnlod provision hit musical,"TheMusic Man," witfi a_castof j Cnmitilttt. rwrv«a tt« ript/ dard propoul forma In th. manur parents seeking-to place their Mrs. Kalem said, "A blood donation Is ged to form larger school systems. Spring- for ''diyoi^e" from large Regional districui, .») lumax or atcr—f U» inimWfaf' daaicnatM therein and required by th. 75 at 8:15_p.m. this Friday and Saturday. -. atnm or lo omit aUber of Bwm u ft B»cWritlon». nmat b. endodnd In offspring for adoption, and to ORANGE a wonderful -way-for Tf=y«uiig—peraon-to be field now has 2,000 in grades K-8, with another and suggested that the Springfield system could '. FeaturedTti uielargecastareiRobertKelch- raising funds for •eated enraloju, bearinf tb. nanu and childless couples, on a non- SUPERIOR BLEND Involved in helping tlieir fellow-men, T|iose f addrua of &. Uddar and • Md/imateeoompaDy mch abln CommlUa., Uonlclpal BniUmb JUICE "Mayor Shlnn," GrcTCKen'Kraft as "Marian The work of the Children's 5 99 donors have found out what a satisfying ex- high, school districts-bo-expanded-downwoird^^elementary school district;" - ' -.- Paroo,'^Carole Stahlas "Mrs. Paroo," Robert" wonderful," said Philip Portnoy-of. Union, children, or Portnoy at 688^308-or. 688-S464, J -W4 er tn tt»atumatrr . a aunty eom- rraxrier Park, Union, Union County, LITTLt OIISOETTM' perience it Is. The need for blood is -always chairman of the Eileen Slepermann Fundrwlien^ • ^V tend torSI " ~ -HrJi and moat b. aceompanUdbyaNon- Aid and Adoption 'Society is to absorb the sending elementary school dlst- Podesta declared that the emphasis was on Seagar" 'a¥ '•Winthrop Paroo," and Lucille or Mrs." Rhoda Gonsler at 6855833. supported by private- contri- ALL VARIITIIS 2 ii , 79c urgent," Anyone who cannot make an appoint- __toM_of the effgnsof-the=eialdren of this town. f^l^riii Affidavit and a certified etwek rlcts. Springfield Is one of the six Bending omsolidating individual regional high schools HardgrovnuluK™»ec aaos "EulallIil^.1.ec Shlnn."o.^^..-- , -Vjfcmiali for not laaa tnantao(10)percaatofthe butions. In addition to the 5-lb. ment in advance, said Mrs. Kalem, can just Not satisfied just to contribute money to the : Jortli. b amoittix-bld,-proTided aaid obeoknmdnot. «99^ COUIVKAIEB AUi dlitricts for the Union County Regional High wlUuhelr sending districts, particularly lnlhe -—rOthers In" the cast are: MichaelChotiner, -b. maw thaniflO.WKVjOft nor ahall rrlh* ^Society's East Orange head- come to the temple on Wednesday. " School District, "»:al areas. " '" Mitichell Wolff. Jeff-Kainpf. Evan Wasserman, Siepermann-Eund, the boys and girls ore now laa. than i300.00 and b. dalhrarad alth. AU VAtlltliS UANS WITH HAM FykV donating their time.and energy by selling candy Health board calls place on or batora'th. hour named above. quarters, another office Is Expressing his personal view-that the pro- Je- d Beltler- - , Richar-• • d•• Uslan• • , Bernar" d• Perlman" •- - , Toaatandard proposal form and the Non- located at 405 Swte slv-in gram would uldtnately~B5 based on voluntary throughout town. ^ B. cratloay> Collnalon Affidavit are attached to tha Philip Cohen, Sus«n_Denner, Nond Tropp,' * 'It. •occ.uflilMdfer wUlbartoind. Hackensack, with—a- third NT TOWELS^ 25' HAM BE ENS POUND CAKE action by school boards, in small rural com- They' are also planning future projectsto—— 1 to*anU f Into tnbMBtct merini to con- -aapplvnnntat-apecificatlona, eoplea of Tracy Evans, Synthia James, Judith Orbach, wbkh vyUl be fsnuiaWI on application to service office slated to be KXANBtWIXTORANGSWIXTORANGII *}A, COMSTOCK PIS M , «A, GRiEN GIANT IN BUTTS; jA •munlcies, Podesta again emphasized that he did Katherlne Klohr, Missy Sheehan, William Bur- raise additional funds for the 13-year-5ld.girl The Springfield Board of Health has an- r. form to th. ranUtiollrud coodiUooaol the Department ofatrwta and HUbwaya, opened In Boonton early In 8 C l m who was severly Injured when struck by a car i? Cbb- 150, Xaws « 1963, koovo a. not expect the proposals to-bave any applica- nounced tlie successful completion of the ' By order of th. Townahlp Committee. March. . ' - . nett, Cal Kebernick, WUUam Kneller; Barry onDec. 6;—- f, and th. rwnlaUon. of th. Mow - MARY E. MILLEIl MARMALADE - 39 SLICED APPLES 4 ^ 99 NIBLET CORN tion to Union County. — ••• Mltterhoff, Ted Rosenkrantz, EdmundStawlck, rubella~vaccinelnnoculation program. The vac- —TownampaeTk ' Several members of the Springfield school Eileen continues to make good progress at the *T faraay Stat. Oonunlaaloiwr of Labor and Union Leader, Marr,. », l»70(Fe.»H.«) a^,^,— — ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ ._ ^^^—P\M)HA"fLA.VO*HXU"m *H, SNOWS NEW ENGLAND «% „. AJI> Eric Wasserman and Daniel Weiss. cine, which prevents German measles. - was 2 ffiatry.THo SBCCwaM blddttt wlU b. >> l l l board, after tho meeting, noted that Podesta Children's Specialised Hospital, Mountainside, administered to Springfield school chlldrVn In •K •nvfniu&aay notl*«ltsum.prana- David Porkola is producer and musical but she will need many-months of therapy and - v. loc van raua llatMl and mad. part of had expressed only his personal views, and director and Joseph Trinity Is stage director. grades kindergarten through fourth, in both ••/. (BlaPropoul and contract. they said they were-still concerned"over the care. Meanwhile the bills continue to mount and liLllirhl T- i r By order of cb. Tovnatiip committaa. Color movie ^*-.^l^^i^t^^ WWIVTEATS 4 =;89* CUMCHOWMR3»89' Choreographer Is Jerry Cummins and Carl her family does not have Insurance. pEflcll. £ aOUW E. MLLEB future of local control of the Springfield Vendltti is band conductor. Nicholas Do Liber- Dr. Robert S. Mtlligan, Springfield healtfi -,' • Towaabip Oork . schools. • The children who are selling candy are: officer, administered the vaccine as a free _^ Union Uadn, Uar. 9, 1OT0 (f««»ao.(H) CHOPPED ator Is student director and publicity chairman. Leslie Ackerman, AlysaDortort, BrendaDultz, on Be, mudo CORONET DECORATED fHSr POTATOES - 79 POPE SAUCE 5 99' . llandi Schneider Is nssistaht-studenrdirec- service to the township. er; Mrs. atrlcla Marino, make-up director; wHTKOT^^TSte^pfEenny Kaplan. 0, Health, urged parciJs to innocuJate all girls Chairman named Bar Manoff. Debbl© Perlmutteri Cnthy , g p g fe Jiown -FACIAL II! 11 OHUIH u i til aW j, a»Mla Ilia W iH WHY i; flCiLoliiiiILlhftft-fl*«w<'*-4*i«iJ*w4ediinJhl did ii ilaofci : Mansfield, set designeiTDaniel Fried, props,. gram, as a protection ugoinatGerman measles, body Wanted,'*" a color,, sound , g nnrtDphhli- Vlplxr,. -bocause of. the danger ofi contracting Uiis movie, will be---shown at the clffll.rmafl, ana Mfa. huga Any- one-who wishes t^sellcandy orwhajiag disease dur4nglfu.turg.pcegnoncy. - ~ Union County.Park:Cominis=--: gro chairman; ' slon'sTrallslde Nature'arid-- Syor ^lenry... ]. Bultman Jr,_thi's „ Science Center, inZthe Wat- VIVA NAPKIMS named^HarSld'TJebesklnd-.as chairman -of the"^ 3 'hnntr T?ffgffnmrtiifMTJQJVn mi 'ftm/foy aKprlngtlflirJenanta Rlglit3^Commlttee^..ThleT_ "mayoradded in his letter toLTeD^Iklha.''AIao.u- nr a ; bnsscwith my piior lnaiiuctlons.'gio] . Donal4~WSE' ! the authority to place'otrthe _ ^ rector of TrHlsIde^ ., !.'.'anyone wliam-you feel i» tjuaUfled'T.O.~~| •APS assisted by "Elhjer .Van-GU- • ''The purpose ol thls"~commlttee is to fur- ^ OlMfon, Hanaaa A Pantac*., Attormy. THE CLASSIFIED deir, educational asslsianiv—: nish the Township (^ommlttee witli both tlie . ircblnm«Ke St. will present tf program,-''The Nmark, Itvi. • PAGES OF THIS 1 ENRICHED WHITE BREAD tenant and management side of the problem, Union Ludar, Kir Planot-Mars," In tho Trail- ' 1 _NI?y(SPAPEB URNITURE POLISH an well ac pocniblo-guldoUnoa—tor-drafting— - : *-B -side—planenmTini. me sanur~ RONSON-COMEJF appropriate legislation." . X - program will bo presented on LARGE 8 INCH Liebesklnd, Republican commlttceman In tlie Wednesday at 8 p.m. BUTANE LIGHTER REG. 1.09 town's 8th District, served as GOP cumpalgn On Monday, Tuesday, Wed- ALL VARIETIES 12-OZ. - . chairman last November.' For tlie pa^t several nesday, and Thursday, March llom.. R». SIZE weeksj lie hasbeeh critical of Mayor Bultman, 12, ut 4 p.m. Mayer and Miss fiwlc In Mcaadl. a fellow Republican, for alleged failure to Irma H. Heyer._ eduUtionul _ JUMBO ASST. DONUTS Talent Wanted Ughtt far mwitln. Wllh a Fowl PunlMie .1 $2 •* NUT* act on a pledge to assist local apartment assistant, will present half •I calw. - HOUSIWARU DIPT. 'tenants! . . ... ••••;.'• TAUNT SEARCH & SHOW hour nature talks for children. POTATO CHIPS Llebesklnd jiad anliounced that u "tenants' Sponsored by ' 'Ilio topic to bo discussed will rights" meeting wns to he held on Tiie'sdny -fcer"Tho Alpine "WonaetTaiicC^ nlghtt : •'. • • . LARCHMONT LODGE, Tlie talks will be Illustrated He set as goals for his committee: with color slldos und ndmls- CAMAY "No harassment of a tenant for any com- sloii Is freo. SPIC & COMET plaints made agulnst management for uon-< Union, NJ. The, Truilsidu Naturo und BEA DEODORANT service by management (failure to give new Scleiico Center 1B open to tho BATH SPAN public each weekday, except CIEANSER (Conllnuod on page 10) • Valuable Prizes l'riduy, from 3 to S p.m., und SOAP SOAP on Suturdays und Sundays from . * Professional Judges 1 to S p.m. c Dog license deadline \ •A Chance at a TV Audition v 'I1io deadline, for obtuinlng 1970 dog licenses Plan Lil Abner' 2i33 hus now passed, uccording- to uri, aimounce- -ANNUAL HVKNT- ri.Mg^"B".M!ggs vrtatt:!'] hitjj^^ tnUij^ttteonoiyWordilngton.--- Mail P ,l Card lo -tne-NcWflrk chairman, loot'over" two oT~the ibVms to bij ?eafijrecl at the 29th annual antiques show towiislilp clork, and siatnnonses will be Issued o cy Druniu club pro- to bo held by the Ludies Benevolent Society of the Plrst Presbyterian Churdi Tuesday to to delinquent owners. She asked all former dog' NO TROMBONES, but a lot of harmony In tills scene from 'Music ground are Gretchen Kraft, on Dob Heiclunun's knee, und Kutlty Loul» Dubow duction of "Ll'l Abner,' die 1 OPEN DAILY 9i30 A.M. 'ill 10 W« r.ietv« tiW right lo llmll quantlllai. Not next Thursday at.tlio Prosbytorlan I'urlsh House. An 18di Century candle box Is standilig owners to notify her of clogs wjilch thoy owned Man, to be staged by students at Jonathan Djyton Regional High Klohr, in u slmlliir poso witli !3ernlu Perlmnu. 1921 O.twood Terr. hillbilly musical to bo stager] SUNDAY 10 A.M. 'TIL 6 P.M. raaponilbl* lor typoaraphlcol rnnvn, Pikes (Photo by Kotmltl J. Krownti) Rt. 22 at Morris Ave. .M.ctlv. thru Saturday, Marth 7, 1970. on.u Duncan Phyfo table, und Mrs. Meyer holds an 1850 clipper ship model. u'yoar ugo und wliich they'no longer own. School, Sprlngfluld, tomorrow mid Saturday evenings. In tlie fore- Union, N.J. 07083 ut tlie.udademy in Livingston FOR SALES ALLOWED BY LAW. on Friday, March - 13, and Saturday, Murch 14, ut 8:30 p.m. / J.. 2-Thursday.. March 1 2, 1970-SI'RjNGKIKl,1) (N.J.) 1/KAD-KH'

: SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADKR-Thiirsday, March 12, 1070-3 :-*••••-- r'' -. ••• . Three free on bail, >LAFF OF THEMEK ) ,1 A cantata will be performed Police arrest three •-3) $ "rV^'v&J c. chief •qffested by police Hronk J. Masuch," vice - - will speak on [he various ap- • 4^ , . _ • ' ., - - • . * ' wiftv .... pcesldent, and general mun- plications of these- new at Presbyferiqi g*Y\ ! .ager of VfcCO, will betlieretp ,products. "*The '. ca—jitatam , "The Reqnlein;*"'by' GaBriel~ ^vorv qs|gij[|t- charges Fau»e, composed for tlio holy season of Lent Judy Lvon., Nancy Roth, Susan Peters, rhrfYf. In the Christian church* w^jl hg_ Djcesenoed 'lone ffierson, Charieen SchramnvAnna' von- Three men were^arrested last Thursday on '•'- Victory -, manager, will conauct die tlie. country engaged in tlie _:by tte Senlor'aiWr of'the Spriaj^Hr'reiby- ,. Kiimpen, Deborah Stm and Janice Bongipvanhl. An auto acclde id. will again play ^ ^ ^ ^^ —charges stemming—fcom -an., alleged assault led to the lire! mealing= ual~ Is expected to research, development And. ..^dan Church,, Morris,avenue qtcbufch Mall^ SMlfaiipg; ;.aeanflc^Biirnr...lytenha Gr t —Wedi»ada#'nJght-oD •• ai—year^d VKunanlnan. -.-...-:_-. 'earnert - on SunAjw-ln -tiie;Cliu|vli Sonctutiry.-- jqhnH.—i aparnrientBt 248 Mprrlsave. in Springfield, ^uales^ or^aiusiaUons at vECU|s new; prpdacta.. tn- ...artd .vcjltige sensitive .com- - Buhnell, director of music, noted the "time- Moufang, Barbara Riefsnyder, Doris Rem- liad ^een HtMerr on Sauirdoy..Mia-ci) 21, BH Jl police reported. , . -'•: Sophia Guru, 'H, *" *" "~ ' cll^liag the new Dial-A-Temp . pouenta.and instruments. liness of the mui;icalpresentatlon"for Passion llnger and'Ruth Wood. ait"s; Harold Bishof. Raymond Kasczyk, 21, and Thomas C. Fos- opens its annual sales meeting Controller and the Digital Wllllam_Green,_Alan Islcy, George King and lastfion (lie highwi l nS M I tSunUay which wili.:be bhserved-\at both the ter; 25, -bo&rtf-whorrrresldearther Morris tl»- nty-Squires Moty Inn. Thermometer.' SELL BABy'S old fori-wh • Larry Lydon, tenors; and Gary! Burn; Fitch avenue oidress. and, Mario Riccio, "25, of New York CitV. Wont Ad. Coll 686-7700. - conducted by The Rev. Bruce W. Evans7pastor. Jelferies, Herbert Kern, Stuart Knowlton, police, the otlier car brusHSa her in passing, The meeting is held prior to- 235 Shorthlll dr.. Mountainside, .we're arrested • - and- yeered off I Under the Interpretation of BunneU, who Russell Lyon, Robert Modersohn and CharleB by Springfield police at about 9:45 p.m. at the ,-with-the- MODERNIZATION WITH IMAGINATION _Woerner,J)aj>££s. - .,' • also serves as~direCtor~of-Tnu5ic-ar-MacBson- apartment on a complalnt'by Detective, Sam identlal mail box.andpushingaboulderseveral Higii School, and assisted by the work of At both services Ton "Sunday^-the—annual— : liiectronics Engineers mter- "One Great Hour of Sharing" offering will Calabreite. - •— • -.——.---• -.— ,_ hundred feet. Mrs, EIste.'Brooks, church organist, the Senior. The woman, whom policedecllned to identify, -nal^onal convention and exhi- be received. This sacrificial gift is presented '6Tdn, along wltirtbiils Raul and RosariG bition. The convention brings Choir has been hard at work In this cantata. called police in lrvington after the alleged Porserof, was, sent to Union County Jail in it will utilize for tlie first time in sacred each year during the Lenten seasonto minister 'There's something obout.you I Ilka . together industry people from WHY MOVE? : to Jhe world's bereaved and afflicted through Incident, after the defendants.reportedly took Mr. Biggie.' lieu otfilfioo ball each to await action by ', concert the full repertoire of the new Moller her home, lrvingtonpollccthennotifledSprlng- the grand jury. •. ' . •?^ 4 pipe organ which was Installed in the church food,' "medicine, clothing, shelter and pastoral care. The children and young people of the field authorities. the same charges. In another car theft case. Angel Toros' ChurcirScIiooPalsoTake part in "One Great " Riccio was released on $1,500 bail on charges The woman.told police that Riccio put a Burgos of Newark is being held in Union Suburban IMPROVE! Solo parts wiU be taken by Mrs, Marsha llour^_and will return on Sunday at their of assault with Intent to rape, assault and , hallucinogenic drug In a drink without her County jail for grand Jury action In connec- Wright, soprano, and BunneU, baritone. Mem- Church School classes the "banks" which •t) battery, and dispensing hallucinogenic drugs. • knowledge; She said she pasaed-onrand awak- tion with .the .Feb. 27 theft uf' a vehicle -in,— HAVE HAIT & REED CREATE bers of tlie 35-voice choir participating will Foster was released on $2,000 ball on as- ened inter to find herself-undressed-and being promotes 2 they have been filling, with co!ns_ayer the past Newark. MORE LIVING SPACE AND _include Mrs. Wright, Carol::Clark, Wendy few weeks. •- ' sault charges, while Kasczyk posted $1,000 on beaten by the trio. Springfield police are also Investigating the. JUNIOR 'PACHYDERMISTS' — Mrs. Sharon Sperling's secondgraders at the Edward Walton theft of a 1967 Volkwagen from a Washington .... Stockholders, of Suburban A. NEW HOME A TMOSPHERE School, Springfield, made their recent study of Africa more real by building an elephant Trust Company reelec!ed.fhe BLAST THOSE BUGSI Find an ^iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiig avenue residence on Sunday. FOR YOU THRU: with boxes covered with papier mache. WhenjJie study project was over, the elephant Extermi ate, in ths Clatsifiad current directors at their re- was awarded to Linda Waughtal, sliown at rear wilh her prize. " Section. cent annual meeting. Follow- \~~From I ing tlie annual meeting the • MODERNIZING A BATHROOM Students admitted ' organization meeting of the • WINTERIZING A PORCH board of directors was held. I The Heart I • BUILDING A NEW BEDROOM A series from -IT to Union Col In addition to the reelection • . gN.J. Heoii Associations g of current officers, James A. • REMODELINGTHE KITCHEN Burns was promoted f^om~ Three Springfield residents ore among 191 • DESIGNING A NEW FAMILY ROOM ^ECOND^IN A7SERIES students, 27 in the day session and 164 in the assistant secretary-treasurer He is fat, he smokes jhQre_ evening session, who launched their college .to. assistant vice -president • FACELIFTING THE EXTERIOR ' than a packofcigurettesaday; s this semester at UnlonCoUcge.Cran- _j=uid- Andrew-J. Connolly-was 1 his blood cholesterol level is 7T.. . . !?eIt:cfeu'~assrstaDi~ secretary - -WfHJRNtSfi BLUEPRINTS, PERMIISrANO"——.Z-l above normal; he has high, Springfield residents wholannchedthelr col-.— trciisurer7 '• • CARRY OUT ACOMPLETEGUARANTEED INSTALLATION. blood pressure. MPK3-A CELEBRATION — Mayor H«uy J. Bultman diacugses . ... rman; Mrs. Leslie Rosen- Robert S. Corbin ls-ehalr- plans for ORT Day with membera oi the Springfield Chapter, baum, chairman for the day, ana Mrs. Rudolph Feuerstein, chapter lege careers this semester at Union College _ This_ unfortunate fellowjs^an- are: Miss Lynn A, Gramegna of 264 Mountain— man of die board and. chief* ideal" candidat Saviigs Accorats John"Gramegna71s a graduate of Union High no hypertension cannot have a Women Voters will discuss -..- Deborah Bcsch ofSpringfieldhasbeennamed • School, while Miss Greene, daughter of Mr. March 31 to stockholders of STATE HIGHWAY 10 . WHIPPANY, N. J, heart attack. r to the honor roll at Kent Place School, Summit. and Mrs.' Murray Greene, is a graduate of - record tomorrow.' Suburban TU 7-1122 thru 1125 a\; SO 3-2000 - It does-mean thateachof the l Sally Vogel, also of Springfield is »mgmberof Irviogton • High ScMoj/1. Mrs. Helmbuch is a . Trusi Company has offices In ' ' O lfl69hyHHii"e< nrn( ." unfortunate factors listed for 6» rn 4A% Interest per yt»r, compoundad «id~ the-*Cent Place Glee Club which will Join.Blnlr graduate of SamsMv High Schopl."T>ey are Cranford, Carwood, Plain- ] MODERNIZATION WITH IMAGINATION our fat-f ricuu! Is known to be paid quarterly. ' "~ Newr^ersey's fiscal policy Academy dee club for a concert Saturday, at enrolled in Union College's evening session field, Scotch Plains and West associated- with mankind's : Blair. ' > as non-degree students. , •>-._: Held. leading killer, heart disease, -MrKHHerbert-Portn«ai presldent-of the —• cudonal amendment-granting a congressional and- that the more factors- ^-Springfield League of Women Voters, voice to Waolilngtori residents. The petitions, present in one .person, the announced this week that the next unit meeting to Be collected from all over the country, will .. J i*, .higher his risk, of the Springfield League will-be held at the . bo Jormally presented to Congress during the P« Ywr OB GOLbEN PASSBOOK Jfc WIN A League of Women .Voters national convention MENTAL rhe basis for this sharply \% homt of Mr«, P*ul Koppel, 390 RollinsJtock delineated portrait of the cor- rd., next Thursday evening, March 19, atB:l5. - in Washington May-4 - 8. • HEALTH onary-prone human is not the New Jeraey's Uacil policy will be discussed. —In- announcing the—petition drive, the local MATTERS result of subjective guess-. •# PORTABLE ^ Mrs. John Schlager, chairman of the unit, League president, Mrs. Fornfan, stated: "The ' i i m\ work. It is, instead, a statist" $500 Minimum opening balance Intemt paid said that the state s tax structure as It now fact that the 800,000 people who live in our ; stands Is "regressive and Inadequate." She nation's capital have no one to represent them tically "valid finding from an from day of dopoilt — 90 day withdrawal StanleyF.Yolles.M.D. extraordinary study which has : continued, "While the recent Increase in sales . 'In the Congress of the United S^tes is a basic- msm privilege injustice which must and can-be righted.1' Director .— been underjyay since 19-49 in f^ COLOR f tax from 3 to 5 percent maybalaacethe budget Mrs, Fortnan pointed out that since Washing- National Institute Framinghftm, Mnssflchusetts. , on paper, it will-provldt us with no improved services of any kind.Two-thirds of all public ton is actually goverded by the Congress, die of Mental Health In tliat year 5,000 men and lack of representation is a serious curtailment women were selected arjran- monies Iin New Jersey aret raisersd by spspirallng lack of repr c.«.,^i»%TELEVISIC>N^ 4 dnm and Riven extremely thor- local' property taxes and, as a result. New of an Individuals right to participate la the Jersey has one of the nicest property taxes ' affairs of government. Without elected spokes- PHVSICAL-.'ErXJCATlON ' ough-physical and psychologi- HELPS •• •• cal tests. They will heclpsely ln the. country.". ,'- ..-.•• —"• men In Congress, she said, residents of tlie She concluded that New, Jersey ranks seventh District of Columbia have no one to represent Physical education and LENGTH followed •— with frequent re- Sold in atiyimount from S500 up, in multlplet "phys-ed" teachers con be a examinarions — for a total of of $100. In per capita personal income and 50th In per -their views on Issues of national or foreign capital total state expenditures.. For more policy. In addTtlon, Congress 6giB Imth fodaral- - 20 years. "'- " capped children. While the picture is not yet —facts, Mrsr-Schligtr, said, Intrroatrd Ijingiir -and—local—taxes—which Washington residents 1 -members and .their friends', are: invited to must pay. Demonstrating .this and complete, an analysis' by the. 'other potential resources for •1 attend next Thursday, • Two slogans, "Washington, D.C., the Last expertmif-the data coUected mental health help for chil- over the years tn date gives a • '• •' •' Colony" and "Tuxutlun without Representation Aniually oi 2-year Cartiflcoles ' THE SPRINGFIELD LEAGUE will partici- Is Wrong," wlU 1x5 used to highlight me lack dren through teachers of phys- £i ,Ii pretty clear composite picture ' leal education and recreation, of those amonj; the 5,00G_whn_ pate In a nationwide drive to win congressional of congressional voice or vote for district of Deposit residents. The Springfield League will gather a Pennsylvania project sup- . have had heart attacks. ; representation for Uis BOO,fX» residehts-of- ported by__the National In- MAKE Clearly the typical victim is : Washington, D.C.. petition signatures the- week of April 16-22 , Btituto—of^. Mental Health's —! tha£ljpjjrjgaro.ttc smoker with Sold In any amount from $600 up, in multlplet The first step In the drive will be the eoliee- -ono-day-aftecthe-ApdU.aS^ederal. income Of $100. ' -•- : 1 manpower."tjraihlnR division is hii^i.; enoIle.sterol 'and hyper- P tlon of petition signatures calling for a conati- tax deadline. — i—— „ . "' ; The drive to secure congressional represen- producing encouraging" "fe^".' lt may. seem strange that" tation for the District of Columbia iBJ 1 part of League-of Women Voters activities— by Temple Uhl- anyone should find these facts. UP ' f UMEIAl PIKCTOIS Philadelphia and henrteniiiR, yet in a way they t»T Ujy Auuolly OR Cirtificatei of Deposit . during its 50th anniversary year. The League has designated 1970 as "The Year of the Voter" Buttonwood Farms, a facility are. For It should be noted : for mentally handlcappedchUU— that, with one exception, all ~*- \'* for $100,000 or more. - Fn*V- and, ta addition til the Washington peaoondrive,-. C F-.d..lcl. Poppy Vic. Pr..|' hBB -been^iamed-«o-tiie-d«an *-Ust_—iliVppt; latter -reach the menopause. at Bucknell University, Lewlsburg, Pa. Miss some- old notions, such as the But there is no reason under Wllllim A. Doyl., Monog« f lat the university. one that a handicapped child SELECT ONE of these gifts when you open a savings account of $100 or irtorev: . or J1J E. Bnxd Slraal Kaufhold I a n nf nlo -. / I • tiie sun why our candidate At First New Jersey, the in New Jersey banking-history. • Direct access to vast data would not respond to.physical ' should remain obese. Tlie PHOMe 233-0143 when you purchase u 5% Golden Passbook Investment Account - -•••". EARLY COPY training _and did not have the Sixties were only a prelude. From a small bank serving a - via desk-top equipment. weight of even the fattest man modest suburban community','" MATTE can be brought down 'to a Publicity Chairmen are urged to observe aame-jieeds r. as the normal In thelast^year of the decade, 9" 24-hour banking-service, child. This we now-know to be we have grown, in less than two with deposits and withdrawals healthy:level ant! kept there. F«JTC0wy, It., Monojt Vi,the Friday deadline -for other than spoT" far fronnrue. we grew by $10 million, ^"Btit-it should be done only -decades^to.one of the top 0%— handled electronically: —M'ipilafflaM Anna* Anews. Include your name, address and Most handicapped chUdren' capping a five year doubling of all.banks in theJUnited States, awcterTlfeTgUIdance-ofa phys— PHONG 276-0092 "phone number. ...- '- ' • An extensive Trust Depart---— iclan. Starvation diets or other lack" physical- c6ndltibiiliig7 of our assets. -•-. ' ' - physical ..recreational skills, ment, with advisory services fod-methods of losing weight, A Wise manonce sairi' !'The ....doubled in five years; TKey^how practiced on a

i- •'' 4-Thursday, Alarch 12. 1970-Sl'KINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER ,1)lN .T H.HADH Jday,_March. 12, 137X wonkshpps- "a" socluj studies curriculum puogvam vdil be i tion for the slow learner « Mdithe transition developed tor slow learners at tile i4atu grade ' from~die elementary'.to'.the. high school. SPRINGFIELb LfADER PAGE OF COMMENTARY AND FEAT level and lul' I.au.UfrB'iir'gnWrsii. • ; Tin; Regional {Jistrict comprises Berkeley focusing oh needs ^ • Carwood.aud Kuiliv/orth, two of the sending Heights; Clark, Garwooo^KenHwortij, '

t (Hjijjxrranve i-frie planrimg'project, 7'eadiers .. . :s: David Brea^reJ "Regidnal High . -on thej;lementory* grade level are working with School. Gov. Livingston .. Regional T High' riot Comment IT TAKES MOW THAT* on the needsotthe^below-average etodeht are'. t andin-servlcceduca- Sdiool anfl Jonathan Dayton Regional Hidi llllMIIUlLHtllLMUIKi'-|tllllllltllllllII>tll|lll)|l|lt ""lI now undef \yay In the Union County.Regional School.... HighSdiool District. . ' . • vice-quaestor in leaking' workshop-!*' o»n luata and If no one paid any attention, friendly man will wait in the pastor s study, stiff a good idea today -Just as he waits every Sunday morning, forme on the ITBi grade level in English and social on the other hand, there,would •.church deacon to tell him that services are -studies last summer, begins today, said David ' This Sunday—is . be s,ix- more weeks of silence, ready xo begin. He wiU leave the study, mount Carl, Title 1 coordinator. .. March, the same one, about usually followed by a Septem- the pulpit and; for one hour,' lead his people in • According • to Carl, the federally fuiided A SUPERB sessions, lo be held In the evenings, will also which. Julius Caqsa-r' 'was ber primary election. walk* down «he center aisle to the church's .. focus on the teaching of "reading In the two warned—but he took his eyes •In the provinces, of course, frontdoor and greet-his flock as they-betd subject areas. •'.' • . home. The man Is tho Rev. Clarence Alston, Seven teachers, who.took-pn rr In rha 5 off the ball," Jit great-personal customs varied to some-ex- workshop, will dlsctas-evaluation-i I AlAfltl cost. '.,'•• the mlnlstBr of the Antioch Baptist Church. tent.- Still, it .was during this "When I was 19, l.got -marcied. I had Just mined by some '30 teachers in the four-high' March 15 also usedtobethe season pf lengthening days graduated from Union High School and I had no schools who nre using the materials developed ' last summer. - • . deadline for federal income leading up to the vernal equi- _ plans. 1 worked as a machinist in Irvington and— 'Tlie Regional District is very concerned, tax payments, but that was nox - that the JLocal township then In Union. In 1959 my wife Onelda became a • about tiie below-average student in many cases pushed back an extra .month. tribunes' were all too often Christian. She started talking to me about It they are overlooked'or. channeled into a pro- YOURS for only and gradually I became more and more ln- gram that fails to meet their needs and has After all, people can beware" mousetrapped by the opposi- . terestsd. When I was growing up, I went to the..:. : little or no relevance for them," Carl said. of' only so much at a time. tion. ~ -— ; '••• First Baptist Church In Vauxhall, but 1 Just ' Notini; the needs of. the slow learner in a r-::,:: SPECIAL "Intrpductory" OFFER! -wenron Sunday not realizing what I was doing. middle class suburban community. Carl said: . This year, the Ides of March ._~fiT fact, this . cufirffcm gave You racflve fJJ ol th» following mitBrlil. ind lervlcefor only 1c tq. ft In my church we say that 'one meets Christ, "Stress is placed on academic subjects comes just five days before - and I really felt that I did." -•• » - birth Xo the saying, attributed which attempt to prepare the studentfor college * Heavy Power Soil Aeration"; *-full-Scbpe Fng ilitr- (050 u\. lt.> • PfoEmofge Crab Chinch DUQ Control • Wfod Control • Poit- Tbere were police all around. People on the 1 $40 for traveling at 40 inph there. . sponsored by the Union County Conference of G'nss Control • Q»ub Proofing « Weed Con- EgB C«ab Gran Control Accountants. Such deductions may be avail- of the home be helpful to the conduct of the where people just sat around. All in alt, I think stole-a lorgs quantity of ahrubbery from a Union, entitled "First Aid Today." The sem- trol • Con lour Power Rolling Report from Trenton building the church has been one of my greatest side of the road, too old to Join us, stayed there Teacher's Associations will be held at the ii)ar is scheduled' for Sunday from 12:30 able whether the taxpayer owns his house, employer's business. An employee may be and cried. They told us to march on for them.'' residence on Morris avenue In Springfield. Saul Rosen of 10 Richfield rd. was fined able to assure himself of additional deductions experiences In Springfield." Wlnfleld Scott Hotel, Elizabeth, tonight at to 6:30 p;m. In the hospital cafeteria. -rents an apartment, or owns a co-op. . ' ' He~ls~aTf3ble -and sonvspoken and hnn^Mff, yet On Tuesday, Leroy Mullen, an official for- $10 for going through a stop sign," while 7:30. . . by making, proper arrangements with his . The dedication took place in March of 1967. the Springfield Erector Company, reported the : According to Dr. Stephen Parker,-program— Deductible items fall into two general cate- his voice possesses a quiet determination when Cathleen Lubertazzi of West Caldwell paid Assemblymen Henry Gavan, Herbert J. Heil- Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll By State Seh'aror Motthew J. Rinoldo IIIHIIIIIIUIIIIIimiUWUmwilIIU employer as "to "where he will-be required to --PastoPastor Alston leads a busier life than most theft on two eight by six foot Job trailers chairman, the comprehensive all-day session gories: Incidental and regular. The first would 1 he talks about racial matters. He laamaa who $10 for going through a-red light at Morris EARLY SUMMER • Lite Powor Ac. carry out his work assignments, particularly ministers*- From Monday .to Thursday, be valued at $800 each. ' man, —Hugo Pfaltz, Jr. and Herbert • Kiehn, will Include, 11 speakers, a New Jersey State FALL •.Heavy Power Aeration • Full-Scope include, for example, expenses incurred for - knows the rigntness of his position and realizes street and Church mall. State Sen. Mattiiew Rinaldo, and U^. Sen. Full Scopa-Fertili2oiion_(25-- IB- 10 plui F^tilt/ouon (25- 16 101 • RB-Ssvding (1~ ... -Last year, the State of New Jersey awarHeoT • jjayers* ability to pay for programs such as home entertainment, of customers — cost of work dndonee outsidutid e off usual businesbi s hoursh . work""s a"s a" machinis-"-•-—""•<»—•->•••->«t — "Oh-MondayyTRose Bohrer of 5? Troy dr. Others fined included Cornelius' Blum of Police film entitled—"Code 5" and a panel Fofiili/olion 38% Una) • Weed Control., k 1b. 1000 m. U) m VUBKJ Control • Gf"ub these, no matter how worthwhile they might be.- ; _ tfaiu-anger doesn't breed progress. He bis the -Harrison A. Williams will attend. - , , • Chinch Bug «nd Sod Webworra Control approximately 4,600 scholarships to graduates . For-sBlf=employed' persons^ othsr "factors firm conviction that religion teaches lnwgra- "reported-the loss.of a gold charm bracelet Wyckoff Wh» paid $20 for speeding-40 tnlleabh' •discussion, _•.-...... -^y___j^ Control • Contour Power Rollino „ ^__ .of approved. hlgh_scbools_ln_thls-state..This • • t —' on top of that Job. • I • New.^ersJCTTUucation Associati.onpresldent 6chci9tiled program spcakers~and uielr topics should be able to establish the bonafide busi- determining the deducibility of costs for * Hnn,-mri that men can learn to live together. valued at $150 to .Springfield Police. S. Springfield avenue. " ..'••-- Mrs. Frances Camoghan, NJEA executive meant that state scholarships could go only _ MY PROPOSAL PROVIDES for the scfaolar- 1 business use of a home Include whether or On Tuesday evening he holds choir rehear- Police also Investigated the theft of four Barry j, Cooperman. 19, of 23 Tulip rd.,. will bo: -LeflJ£aplQwli2v_l'Legal Aspects for. " ship -program to be administered by a special ness element ln_such entertainment. Pastor Alston's, (arruly shapes and- directs secretary Fred Hipp, and director of -NJEA. -to about five percent of the graduating seniors. not there is reasonable expectatioirorprolit" sal. On Wednesday: evening be holds a prayer . much of his life. He says that his wife plays a Urea and rims taken from a sports car on Springfield, was fined $15 for going 35 mph -ihe~I'irst Aider;" Dr. Frederick H. Ambrose, This ls_qulte lnsufficlent-to-meet-»he edu- state commission, which-ls -In charge of the Breakstone says* that deductions under this from die activity, whether books of accounts service; On Friday evening ha helps the Sunday Field Services.' Louis Applegate will greet "Neurosurgical Injuries;" Dr. Burton B. Berg- great part in his ministry. They live In Union the lot of Springfield Import Motors, on Sun- in_a 25-mph zone. " " ' •--••—-— • the group. Entertainment will be provided, 1 —c«tlonfll-tleinaflda--of-a--^rewing-population-io— prpsenr nngraHon'TMs body would continue to category Include not onlydlrectoxpenses,such -acu-kopl.-and-whethec-aaempts-are^natte-tcr it-par - • -C3thei^fltied-for^speeding-included Julian man, "Surgical Emergencies; ' Dr. M|cbaelA». our advanced state, where technology is boom- administer the~ competitive examinations and as"telephoiiB;:statlonery_ftnd..o£tlS_BljppJ!!es,I the week he also visits.hospitals and counsels with thetheilr three children, Clarence Jr.. .5; by television and night club comic London Chiedil, "Chest" Injuries;"-Dr;-Frank T. - makeTtthe-businejis -profitable if it is not so On Saturday, a Mountain avenue resident J. HarnlkoiRahway,$10;MaryMartinof-Unlon.- bee-'Bnd'-Joe Petrullo and his orchestra. Ing and the-demands for qualified college review the applicants to_determine thelreUgi- but also part of the cost of maintalning:.the - already.., •__... :u. members of the church. On Sunday there are" Donna, 12, and David, 7. They_iltattend UnTon -reported the theft of 10 bottles of liquor and- -$20^-Gcegory-J, Onlrhuk of Irvington, $15; Chrlstoph, ' 'EENT Injuries;" Dr. Alan N. Klee- awR^Aids grflijuftfTftfl' remain" consistently high* More*, bllity. Ax under existing policy, scholarships .residence;. '. •".>»•: •' bible services classes in the early morning schools andClarencewasmoquarterbackofthe The dinner committee consists of-MissAmy. dermQn,"Cardiac Injuries;" DrrSdmuelberar- Once a taxpayer. shows . he is entitled to at least $150 In cash from his home. He told Walter H. Brown of Madison, $15; Douglas Sarro, chairman, Joe Petrullo of Springfield, over, the state scholarship program fallj far would be given only to those who show they The Internal Revenue Service takes the- some deduction, according to Breakstone, he and Baptist .Youth Fellowship meetings in the Burnet Junior High School football team. police that he apparently surprised the in- R. Gaulerer of East Paterson, $15; Lore H. man, "Urtnary Tract Injuries;'-' Dr. Law- 233-8100 short of meeting the needs of students who •have the ability and financlBl needs.' • position that incidental use of the home, evening. : . • _ • • The Rev.-Clar«nceAlston wUWiopefuUy-bo« Mrs. Eslle Charron, Elizabeth, Mrs. Mary rence E. Miller,-"Orthopedic Emergencies;" • faces the problem of what items are deductible truders when he returned home iq the evening, Kelswetter pf Livingston, $15; Glen A. Herv Edna SniderofSprtngfield.Mrs.MlriamElsen- are ' scholastlcatly qualified, but "financially "Under, ideal clrcomstaricea," all"'qualified" "either to" do work taken from the office or' an(JJn_what_amount. He Is a member of the Clergy of Springfield, long term asset to Springfield through tbe and they fledout a rear door. rlngel of Murray Hill, $15; Bonnie M. Cier- ~DrTT^aymond?Poggioli, "Obstetrical Emer- lacking; We-can only malce nieftyLjgonJecttire_^ high .school graduates would be eligible-fpr- "for'entertalninent, does not permit deduotion- a group that meets bimonthly to discuss the Aiitioch' Baptist Church. He stresses tbKibe rlng of Cranford, and Mrs. Elsie Jones of For example, if one room in-a six-room Springfield police are also investigating the kowkl of Cranford, $10, and Doris E. Roth- Roselle. John Gardner of Summit is presidenr genciea;"—Dr.—Charles I. Pohter, "Hem- on the numbers of ouddlng scientists and po- scholarships. Uniornmately, New Jersey Was a of any-part-«f-the expense;* of maintenances. house is used for business,—it might be rea- problems ministers, priests and rabbis, have tries to-ttBip the menibers of his church "to wilcrofClark.'$15. .-•••-.:. orrhaglc and Traumatic Shock," and Dr. But regular use of the~home for business liA work on the projects that can build the country then of a car, belonging" to Marilyn Ortt of. v -of the-organizatitfnw" tential public leaders who couldnot-reach the , late starter In the field of higher education for sonable to deduct one-^sixth the expenses of in common. They provide clergymen on a ro- Upper Montclair from an office parking-lot on Tlobert J.McNany. of Summit" and John HJ' Martin Sherer, "The Unconscious Patient.'" first;rung, on tha.ladder of.success,because^ the^inaases,; and .too liple,«as done/too. lfltet- .regqgni^d.^q,^^d^d^^yl^rityy " the house. But the njimbev of rooms is not tarjngtbwo functions that reojMreim up." ~*TwTr7~:.'.i. ;"^.'J:-i' ROHtS 22-i«« Thursday. - _Tomczykof Union were <«ach fined $10 tor of their financial lnMnlity-to-attend-college. ln the game. Although we have made herculean of taxpayers Including architects the only criterion —; an allocation may be. SllfcU '*. Obviously, ifls ti^no that something la ^one ffte for decades of apathy, it doctors, accountants, artists, jnv'i 1 Bultants,, authors, real, estate based on -the total square feet of the house about it^, I h'avE Introduced; legisUjaon'thot • fls.-devious-that *Newi Jj^i compared with the number of square feet used afford to underwrite the massive expenditures others. '"''. ~: "-. . "'. • : ' ;/ \youi3.d0AB& tni^fiiinlb6t.of stats scholarsiilps -.-...... •.-.«•«. ,.;•; _^_;,. - Z; .for business. Expenses to be apportioned can available'. My bill,-S-J31, would require that- _tha't_ would be required in an attempt to match include light, heat, cleaning, insurance, and- U NION CENTER NATIONAL the > number of state scholarships equal 10 the' efforts of other states in this area. "FOR EMPLOYEES, -as distinct from"sSi~ any other costs applicable tp the premises. .The present, atate-achplarahip program has employed persons/'. Breakstone says^ ;the" percent of the number of students graduating • Francis X. McDarmott (R) from approved high schools In New Jersey. j)Ut us at least on the mart ttv nttn^nfng pnrfty A TAXPAYER WHO. OWNS his residence Although this would be a significant step- 'in' higher education with our sister states. iiiiiiumiiiiiiiiiummiimimiiiiNiiniuiNuwmiutmiiimuuiUliig 312 Massachusetts st. finn n longer list of possible deductions, in-' ----"•—-••••-SEN AIQ8S forward, it would nevertheless leavenre far Adoption uf S-131 would be another important eluding depreciation, which may be a size-, Westfield, 07090 " from the goal of determining that every quali- step down that path we must take if we are to ab^e deduction. Clifford P. Cot. (R) of Railway give more of the youagpotentlal contributors to Scfi00/ Lunchps jl fied high school senior be given the change to - ——'Flit: Hiuuuiii uf uuswyss cust asslgnaUte'TS— 463 Oia3»not« Ofllc. Building •" Matthew J-Rlnoldo Soup'prjuice, chplctior, study were used for business three hours out Of-24 dally, the Internal-Revenue ^Service" -._ Ho/rlton'A.••WIHJiSi (DFoFW.trtU spiced liWcheon:meat on bun or pennur butter' Iigbest Rates On Savi ngs and Jelly sandwich, fruit, milk. would limit tho deductible amonnt to 3/24ths . 352-Old Senat. OHlc. Building NEW JERSEY GENERAL ASSEMBLY, of the total oxpenseB- applicable-to that area. : Tuesday- — Juice, hot turkey sandwich,.... Washington, DX., 20510 • -H_——.- 80 MEMBERS gravy, cranberry sauce, green beans, Jello and The lesson to be learnedherelstharwhen- EFFECTIVE MMEDIATEIY-THE MAXIMUM. RATES PERMITTED BY LAW ~ -a-ro6m-has-subsuntlal-bu9lnea» use, 11 altuulu*- __^i JJEPRESEMTATiVE——~ H.rbeit J. H.llmonn (R) INVITES YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE 1 '• < ' — i, " iiiuiuuuiiiiuiuuuiiiuiiiiiiilliuiuuuiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiuiuiiiuiiiuiiimiimiiiiuiiiiiiifmini Wednesday — Juice; spaghetti with meat not be put to other use. In that' way, even Flortnc* P. Dwy.r (R) of Elizabeth 2508 Stillwallrd. — ONE YEAR AGO -in Springfield are running far ahead of last sauce, carrot sticks, Trench bread, butter, though the room is used only three hours a-day, . . Twelfth DUtrict _OF ITS SEMIANNUAL COURTESY PERIOD FOR CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT all the cost applicable to that room can be Union, 07083 The bloodmoblle visit sponsored by the year ...Regional High School's three wrestlers, cookie, milk. ' 2421 Rayburn Hout* Office Building ' — • - • * * Springfield Red Cross at the Presbyterian JERRY SACHSEL, WRAYBALLEY and RICHIE Thursday- — Juice, hamburger or cheese- deducted.. ' • ... -. $700,000 OR MORE -pBreakstone emphasizes that the taxpayer . Washington, D.C., 20515 SPECIAL-ORDER "CUT-IN" SERVICES Parlnh Hni.se ratsli lO-ffgllons ofthepreclous JsCORESE galh'a tle'tor Thelr'S' "Eur(|er, tcetcnup, namtjurger Dun,rpotato gems, HugoM. Pfc-lti (R) INTEREST FROM DATE OFBEPOSIT bodjL_Quid,i accorjllng to MRS. DANIEL DT~ state championships. " sliced tomato, fruitf rnlHtfJW . ' . should-keep in mind that It is up « him to ._ . 11? Protpect it.•'•'-. KALEM, blood piflgram chairman. More man -.- Friday — Juice*pizza pies, tossed salad prove (1) be uses his home Tor business, "*•.- IN TRENTON » 80 persons donated blood ... Members of the r "with Russian dressing, fruit, milk. . ___',_Z (2) the extent of the use, and (3) the'Cxpensea "' 35 YEARS AGO ' lncurrebVTo support Us tax return he should NEW JERSEY SENATE, 40 MEMBERS Springfield Teen Council atte'niLa conc&t in MRS. EDWARD J, MCCARTHY is reelected Menus' subject to change in case of emer- _New York City Jeaturing the Temptations and gency. .' / • — —retain invoices, cancelled checks, receipts, Nicholas S. LaCorte (R) Charles J. Irwin (R-At Large) Annum president of the Young Women^s Service CUib. and all other records.. .. :_Moms Mably ... Township, Committee, .after Other officers Include MRS. GEORGE 56HilUidi-«L 600 Sherwood pkwy. , -two-hours of low-ke.y.Tiighly technical debate PHILLIPS, MRS". FRANK R. BURD, MRS. H. Elliabelh, 07208 ; Mountainside, 07092 with a baker's dozen of questioners from an itiiiuiiiUHiuiiKiuiiiiuuuniuiuiiiiiiiiintiuinitiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiti iimif tnn it iiiutm m EZ FOR 6 MONTHS LESLIE CHEHOLM and MRS. HAROLD S. ATTENDS MEETING--Alan Kampf (rip,ht) representing audience of 35 at Town Hall, adopts a 1969'BUELL „. Parishioners honor THE REV. FOR ONE WEEK Ol^JUY 31 Annum municipal budget calling for $1,094,285 to be Somerset Wood Products of Springfield, is shown ar 7 THOMAS B. LA^KIN on his 2$jh anniversary tho recent national distributors-convention of Caradco raised by taxes for local municipal purposes. of ordination to the priesthood. FATHER LAR- The new budget represents an increase of about Science Topics MONDAY, MARCH 16TH THROUGH . ' Division of ScoviU Mfg. Co. in Minneapolis—With -him; FOR 3 MONTHS £ KIN is rector of "St. James' Catholic Church -Operation Mail Call' discussing features of a new prefinished window intro- $63,000 over the 1968 municipal budget. in Springfield and St. Michael's Church in Annum SATURDAY, MARCH 21ST ..duced..at the meeting, is L.'W. Doerlnp;. Carudco sales Union ... EDITH JAKOBSENi daughter of Mr. manager ' 15-YEARS AGO and Mrs. J. Neil Jakobsen of Mountain avenue. A friendly message to Springfield men In the service-througliout the year, LAND RISES, FALLS minimal cancers don't kill the animals cells, manager. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT FRANCIS J. KEANE and IRWIN WEINBERG '..objective of "Operation Mail Call." LIKE OCEAN TIDE but rather alter them," she Bold* "Partlcu- OUR REGULAR "CUT-IN" SURCHARGE Wjg,a-senior-:at-Montclalr.StnrnTflat;nBra-.rr: $1,000 OR MORE HARR\-C^DONHAUSER ^ submit -tliem-for |7ublir,ition ln-lhaSprlngflcltl • Leader so that,home- -as. the ocean does^every day, pulled by th» 'T^rospect pi. is awarded a certlllcateTf -WIUUBEELIMlfcJAIEir: INTERESI-BROM DATE OF DEPOSIT XoiuMbnT^ tfni vorslty^geblogl sts. 2they .ha*_ er cells oftetrrlookTflUlte I ME- Other offices are; MRS. ULUAN LpTT.MRSi- foun4 that earth" tidUM arts greatly Influenced ' corresponding . normal rOf ttie--JvIAJHtlCAMPBELL,_OTTO JP. HEINZ^and- -6P/S J. AllenOclu • Terry-Buckaai . by ttie action of ocean tides, more than pre-— FOR 2 YEARS li^3 B 16^28-51 G.Divr RegionalBoard ofEaucatJon..". Tax collections; "MILTON G. LOTT." j ,-.,; . ". ..~"'. ' . .•'" .__.vlously: believed,. even at" points far Inland. _ "'THAR'S' COLD In them IBW-grade ores," Signal ServiceUnlt 2BN.-. rUSgiJFJfCyA ,67 "•""•"" " Resultfi--of-lhe-«oidy may lead todevelopmen t ;Slgn Service Bn.j4- '; FPO New York O9S0L says the U^S. - Bureati- pf Mi, fp d tJ^tlid-i recoverin^-0^98' per-• AP5f}i;b5 Ute goiaijTrjgpoaitg- that are either" -- lortooIovrin" grade tor,rconveQtionBl— ores isr-trat-ytiir" , , 'USSYnrktnwn C WE OFFERrVbU=>fHE~O'PP6RTtiNIJWvTO^SELEeT must and should be-typed V.'T): 6th""Bn.3lstjnf1 — PATIENTS MAY SOMEDAY use comnute'ra-- loadicd-wlth-a cyanide solution-that is wltR" double'Bpaclng between lines (not all • tqTielP-the physician diagnose their own 111- Monday of the week '..:._1FPO Neff-Ybrk,.^..^. processed WTetnov* rhe;gttUL_ .. . AUTOMATIC RENEWAL CERTIFICATES should not exceed in capltar-tetterg. -pteaae)r AUTlettert-niugt- -*PO San-Francisco-96371 - " nessea. says a Biuwnt)nlvefalry~mecUciil re- , FROM A VAST COTLEL. I lO be signed. The writer's name will be wlth- • • • seardier, He said it would help eliminate the $17000 OR MORE^IN MULTIPLES OF $100 A1C BobCbstanza need for a physician's Ustenlng^ro medical from HISTORY'S StRAPBOOIt] lohn E. Melcrdlerck D.C, 7 l'47-38-4701 hlBtorv and symptoms at the beginning'of a DATE» AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS WORLD'S FINEST FABRICS AND HAVE INTEREST FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT 677-39-17 (Spec. Serv. Off.) '1RS BX. 92 ~ patient's" visit to his office. This would save This newspaper reserves tho right to edit ; AUTOMATICALLY RENEWED EVERY 6 MONTHS Por or reject any letter. • Bx. 12 - APO San I rancisc6 96239 precious time for the physician, permit him A SUIT OR SPORTCOAT MODEL OF YOUR W W * to learn moref* about the padent as a person Standard time was generally adopted In the FPO San l-ranclsco 96651 United States, March 13, IBM. Alexander 11, UNTIL CANCELLED, INTEREST CHECK ' Annum 5piit\<\?icid I Uadct' Jerry N. Josephs DT2 and help him zero in on a solution to the 5 GAT LICENSES. LEASHES', •.- " •' • • ,• Czar pf Russia, was assassinated, March 13, CHOICE ESPECIALLY. "CUT-IN" FOR YOU.--1 -. What'is the responsibility of cat owners? B19-99-28 . patient's specific medical problem more qulck- 1881. , • MAILED TO YOU EVERY 6 MONTHS U.S. Nav. Com Sta. Greece, whlcl. >"• <<" Sp'i»gH«l Many people wiUpurchaEc.a carbefore-^-dog CES Hvy Rep. Sq. PACAF TREMENDOUS GROWTH in the use of weld- Second Ctosa Paatog* Pold of Sprlngflald, N.J. lng by, new, automated shipyards that will Women wbro aumorized for employment by INSURED BY F.D.I.C. TO $20,000 PublUk.dEoeh Thonjo/ by Tiumor PubllmhlngCofp. for the simple roason of not having to "take APO San Francisco 96227 J.H. Summond EACN federal offices, March 14, 1864. uuro nf it.' Cnnnon.iion.iy, rim ratg urn nHnwrd use vertical ' welding nrocenspH mirh HH rh« TROPICAL WORSTEDS AND 4WNeB electroslog method is predicted by National Muii»-beeame-thrr29rd-atate-odmltted~tothe Awarded first placv by N«w J«(»«y Pr«ns to roam about knocking over garbage cons, FPO San Francisco Unloni March 15, 1820. Jbseph Pulitzer, New Aaioclollan In 1967 for general excellence howling at night, ruining shrubbery and leaving CyUnder Gas, Chicago. In the continuous DACRON" POLYESTER AND WOOL .BLENDS. Cttpt. Theodore A. llolui electroslag process,' which Involves the de- York World, started a campaign to raise them, 0|ien, to bo lost or picked up for Tuslog Det. 170. Arnn. G> Zukowsky ' $100,000 for pedestal for tho Statue of Liberty, THE UNION Phone: 686-7700 dlsecting for experiments^!! laboratories and position 6f molten weld metal under a fused •APO New York 09254 WG Al-'l 1958000. slag covering,, steel plates up to 20 'inches March 15, IB85. SUITS BEGIN AT 165.OO. SPORTCOATSJ AT 1OO.OO. SIXTONVI-NlliNT LOCATIONS 15< per copy schools!' • " . • Det. 3-26 Tuc Kecon The U.S. Military Academy was established. Subscription lot* J6.50 yearly It is inconceivable, to us, how these .cat- thick can be welded economically. NCG says CENTER 1 APO New York 09149 entire ships will be placed on mechanisms March 16, 1802, Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The ..IAIN OFFICE: . NEWS AND EDITORIAL DEPARTUENY owners can "love their cut ' and yet actually R.A. Stlchter that will move them into position for welding. Scarlet Letter'Vappoared, March 16, 1850. MEN'S CLOTHING Man. Him Fit-0AM lol'301'.M — Kli. livo --I I' M. toI I P.M. Abn.r Cold, editor , "offer" tills kind of harm to their pet. • * • • MAIN OFFICE LODUV WINDOWS: Officer hi Charge , : .••-•- - " . Marcli 17 Is S<. PatrlcWs Day. General ^NATIONAL/ I : < Rob.,, LlbUnd Jank. C. Adl.l. Thomas A. Small : Mon Ihiulhurs-.'IIOI'M U)tl.:lOI .M.-l rl.-2.3OI .M.Iu4P.M. If a cat is lost,- how oun it be returned if Douglas .MacArthurygrrlvea in Australia to STOWE srilttT OIIIVE-IN: ^ LeB Mglamut, director MINE DV112 B19B092 "^ UC-BTsfEf: -r THE COMPLICATED, Ultra-microscopic ef- there isn't a license on it? Dogs and cats become Supreme Comrnandijr of the United Mon Hun Tlilim. - II A.M. lo Ii 3D P.M. — Klj. - II AM. lo U P.M. FPO Sun Francisco 96621 fects of -viruses on bacteria cells may hold UHANCHES IN UNION el: Ji ' BUSINESS DEPARTMENT .are household potB. Iliere are rules and FPO New York 09551 Nations .fbrcus in tha southwest Pacific, March BANK * Rofc.H H. B.om.ll. Adv..11.Ing Director " regulations for dogs. What rules and regula- clues to how cancer starts and how cancer- - 3511 Clmalmll S(. — LMlifi Morrt3*Avu. — 11'2'i Sillyvosuillt Auo.. cellsvdiffer ft^pm normal cells, reports a 17, 1942. .. • • . Mon. Iliru Tlium. - -1) A.M. (oL'31) P.M. tions are diere for houseliold cats? King George, of Greece was assassinated* Frl — 0 A,M to ;':in P M unit 4 I'M. ((> H P.M.' - Sum HuwairJ University of Southern Califprni,a mlcrobiolo- &IKHNTHiaHVNOHDHWEINTHiaHrVNOHDHWEINN i .__1''1 _ ..S—S.'SS'_ " ._" . '"•PiWliKb~-"~3938OW7 March 18, 1913. Czar Nicholas of Russia Mon Iliru limn - HAM toliP.M. — l:rl. -HAM. IOUPMJ decislon be? glst. She is studying how pUage, a bacterial TELEPHONE GB8950O pitui ..; virus, acts on the host cells It Infects. There abdicated, March IB, 1917. FIVE POINTS UHANCII WALK-UP: - ROalELLE WARNER APO San i'ranclsco 96274 ' • The U.S. Senate rejected the Versailles . Mon. Him Tltur:l. — II A M. 10 II AM. mill :f:3l) P M. ICI It P.M. . .T,udln« H»-"'d, put|l.b.r arestrlklng similuritlQS botwoonthls-process MILLBURN & SHORT HILLS AVENUES, SPRINGFIELD 1 -i?HANCIiS SLONIM tronty, March 19. 1920. Canada and the U£. ~~ III. -HAM, Id II A.M. and I 3D P.M. lo J P.M. Milton Mlnli, GLORIA SUUl'HWAUD and tiie way btlier kinds of viruses cuuse UPHINGFIt'LU UMANCH:-/H3 Montiliiin Auir., .Spriiioluild signed an agreement to develop the St. Law- Mon. HUM Fr'i. - II A.M. to LV.'II) P.M.' • hfcullve Dubllaher, . ' 35 Norwood rd. IIIIIII iiinuii iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiwiHmiiiiiiHiiiiiuiiiu animal cancers. "Tha" viruses known to foem rence seaway, Marcli 19, 1941. FDtC Aih.r MlntK, busln.el manager Unlun'u Only Moiubiu ot Iliu rudoliil Hu^utyu iiy^tem

\ X J

-Thursday, March 12, 1870-'. SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LKADER-Thursday, March 12, 1970-7, PJlwill be host McDonald named ANGELOCII, AN INSTRUCTOR in painting ""and drawtnjjat the'Art Students ts&gue, lnone I'JrY. C, Vyoojjfodc feajfenr '--th»-iQundeES. of the'-Woodstock School of IridlanaJech awards at benefit concert medical direcVor :t. Ho was recently honored with a fellowship . Dm" the Ipjin,'.51{non GjiMeflhclflxEounHaUofj.. ' '. Toby-CiabiV WCH-JWJB ..- __,_ of «iS Country Cltg'Iane, B$ degree to ((aliens~-^ Jockey, has volunreerdato fo iu^#^€roriford tiff •eloch studied at me ArtStuderitaLeague, £prlngfle£j, "was amoYg tlie group ofTeduca- has tors .wlmJaaL .weeaWlVued. ifati U.gtetiSjet^a. y^pnajd jf .gUjabethVhas ps^^r--•^-v«wwlHWU«Aaww. ofModorn-Arr: the Weatherepoon^eaUery-of-. = Mtiseuui of.Mojdflnv-Art, j>flrn?fflc jnfrflt^TTjthp %ection boflS" at the new posr office and the • sormel with the mission, faclllriesr artd'-'cur- the bachelor of science degree In Hve engi- ' •" An- added attraction will be The Modi urn, a^ • John- Opper of:New Yortrcityrmirr-Robert ,~ Corcoran Gallery, the Metropolitan Musoumof strobe light show by Micliac! bub'aiir. ' "', ' cal College, completed his Internship at St. Angeioch of Woodstock,. N.Y., will se"rve""as~ Greensboro, North Carolina; New York .Uni- former post office quarters on Morrla Avenue. rlcu}um offered at ilie newest service aca- neering, and three science majors and tlie as- Vincent's Hospital, New York City, and his versity; Union Carbide; Harcourt, Brace & Art, the San Francisco Museumof Art,andthe Rackowski. wag first appointed to the postal demy. The group was flown from McGuire sociate' of-arts degrefi-in general education.. Proceeds from the concert will bu used to judge and jury for the selection of works to Whitney Museum. send needy children from Mravlag Wnor residency aid Jersey City Medical Center. be exhibited and for the awarding of some World, Mew York publishing firm, and Mr. and service as a temporary clerk on March Iff, Air I-'orce Base to the academy for the two- Tlio college's current enrollment is 1,000. housing project to summer camp and to Affiliated wifih Elizabeth General, • Alexlan Jli300 in prizes." >' ' -• Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, IIL • ' A ten-year retrospective of his work was 1939, and served Intermittently In temporary day tour. ; ' ' provide an Easier party for handicapped brothers and St. Elizabeth Hospitals, he main- The Judges, according to Mrs. Law, are not shown at the Albany Institute of History and assignments until May .1, 1940, when he at- children. Both projects are sponsored by Danny tains offices at 425 Westfield ave., Elizabeth. only competent critics, but represent .varied Art in. 1965. Angeioch Is also the author of tained career status. He-served his entire at the Baltusrol Coif Club. He plans to continue Conway of Elizabeth^a s nident at Union College..- artisucpomts of view. Aageloch, who works Play at Baffin High— "Ba's.lc~Oll Painting Techniques," published post~offlce~care«r as a clerk," except for a lids "activity after Ills retirenieiuTfrsmrJiep'OE " OranfoKIT"" _1 ~"1_ zation work in endocrinology QltheNewJersey primarily In oils, is more traditional in his by Pitman Publishing,! ' _ period during World War U when he seryed office. '.. • ^Tickets for the concert are on sale at both Cqllege^of Medicine and Is a 'member of tho approach, while Opper, best known for his The annual Jefferson-Battln all school play The Westfield Art Association's statewide * as a letter carrier during the manpower Postmacter A. V. Del Vecchlo stated: '.The SCHMIDT'S Uoion College and Newark State College in Endocrine Society, American Diabetes As- watercolors, nas'a contemporary point of view. will be presented March 19 and 20 In the Bat- show Is open-to-artlsts-born or residing in shortage. He also served for a short period Springfield Post Office will suffer a greatloss —PORK STORE tfcion They are also available at the Melody sociation, and tlie American federation of Opper is a graduate of the Cleveland School tin High School auditorium, Elizabeth. The New Jersey, It will be open to the public March as foreman of malls^ wlien Eddie Itackowskl retires. He has always Clinical Rescarcli. 22 through March 28 fronrl to 5-p.m. and 7 to BEEP • VEAL • LAMB erty Theater, - of Art and has studied at the Chicago'Art prortnrrinnf "fj^nrgi* Washington Slept Here" ' On Sept. 19, 1967, Rackowski was pre- conducted himself in a manner which has re- 1*21 Elizabeth ave., both Elizabeth. Institute, the Hans Hofmann School in New by Moas Hart and George Kaufman, will begin 9 p.m. and March 29 from 1 to 5 pjm. In the sented by the postmaster with a superior flected very favorably upon himself and tlie • TOPGRADE MEATS i FOWt York, Western Reserve LJnlversityandColum- Campus Center of Union College. performance award for his exemplary service. • DELICIOUS HOME MAnr COLn CUTS at 8 p.m. General admission is $1. postal 6ervlcc. His dedication to his work will • MANY IMPORTED SPECIALTIRR bla University. His teaching credits Include Rackowski is married to the former Ottolla . never be duplicated. I wlshbotlUUm and Mrs. • "HEADY-TO-COOK 8AUERBRATEN Park jobs open; O'Hara is delegate Hie. University of North Carolina, the Univer- I'ldurski and they reside with their son, Ed- Rackowski tl)e~verv~best for many retirement fy COPY • OPPOSES TOWN PLAN — WiUiam T. Doerrler of. 34 Tooker ave., Springfield, who has «97 STUYVE5ANT AVR ' DR. JOSEPH E. MCDONALD . sity of Wyoming, the. University of Alabama, ward Jr., at 94 Shun'plke rd. ••• ' : . "' • years that lie ahead of them." Publicity chairmen aio urged - —opposed town plans for paving the bed of Bryant Creek as part of a flood control project, Teachers College, Columbia University, and While :Kackowskl's vocation woo tlie. postal submitted this 'Christmas carol scene'- of die brook to support his objections. He added,. (Opp. Hollywood Florl.i) _ take applications to parley in_capitdr tration; officials of the Federal Deposit In- , New York University. • '. ... . ' . *. . _ to observe the Jiiday dead-.- STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE service, his avocation has been golf; He has surance Corporation and the Federal Home -PLUMBERS. ATTEHTIONI Sail .our a'a.»lca. to Ttiti hmnir wRESBYfERIAN CHURC dams, clearing silt from Iakus7weed control^' O'HdraTttertded as. a member oTthe board-"' scheduled for; release MarcH ' d7GHURCH*)Atl« ruimru mil . : inJeddership clearing park areas of lltter^nsslsl in plant—of directors. National AsKOdatlon-of Mutual National Council of Jewish ;_16; According to Mrs. Steven-^ SPRINGFIELCL.NEW JERSEY in recreation nursery, conditioning ar^jMhitalnlrig athletic Savings Banks. Thc-85-3irvIiigs bank liiadias- Women* will-sponsor a series Broclner, who Is in.charge of Also Great SnvingsTIn Musical Instrument^ An introductory workshop 1 MARCH 17,18,19,197Q Hiiuiiiintiii ~fields, and similar chores. " met with members of the President's Council of gourmet cooking lessons to the project, h h ii in the dynamics of porticipaT 0R39cV -Applications are now boing-accepted-by-the—of-Economlc-Advlsers; the Board of Governors be taught by Jean Bayrock, the .tain Vtried and true recipes of .Today — 9:30 to. ll:30-a.m., dressmaking— tlvc group" leadership will be mmEsm personnel department of the ParkCommisslori—of-the Federal Reserve System; tlie Secretary English epicure, on March 16 some of the area's outstanding Au.pic.tof LadUs Bcn«vol«ntSocl«ty class, Florence Alexander, instructor. 11 a.m.. led by William R. Hawkins DOVE from 9 to IX'a.m.'and irotn 1 to 3*p.m., .or of the Departrneijt of Housing and Urban De- and 23, and April 6 at 12:30 cooks and bakers," Persons Two-Floor Display by Outstanding Oao/ari Senior atizen Card Club. 1 to 3 p.m., flower and Ann S. Boyd at the West- p.m. in LevyBrothers depart- interested in obtaining a copy beading class, last session, Joan Lowy, In- _ tliose Interested may call for an appointment velopment, George W. Romney, and key meni- TeAJ<09M< ,, LUNCHEON - field YMCA on 10 consecutive ~at a time convenlent-to them. • . bers of Romney-'s staff; the Veterans Admlnis- ment store, Elizabeth.Enroll——• of tills bookmay contact-Mrs.— Adm| |on $100 . WATCHUNG, N.J. ,„ , '•—structor; 7 to 8:45 p.m.._chllurcn's sewing ." Wednesday evenings beginning SOAP PRICES GOOD mem is open to .the public. Broclner_of 821 Jersy ave., Extra ParkTriji In rear at Pariah Haul* 7na class. Dale Dauser, Instructor. 7 to 8 p.m., - March 18. THROUGH SAT., PfM I WakaafMaaaa-BMaa' a*aa*» • — aaaaaaa • —• a— a—iBi— •• • • a a ••• —a • H • ROUTE 22 O».n Dally Jilt 9 P.U. . . /JP-J/UB Tickets for the series may . Elizabeth." guitar class, William Jennings, instructor. MARCH 14 7:30 to'9:30 p.m., teen film-club, William This course is designed to^; EXCLUSIVE be purchased for $10_ by meet the specific needs of OPEN SEVEN UC to offer star studies contacting Mrsr Irving Wagrler, instructor. 8:15 to 10:30p.raf,Sprlng- We reserve the right to limit quantities teachers and leaders of var- DAYS A WEEK VOLVO DEALER A basic astronomy course 7:30 p.m.' to 9:45 p.m. View- Schwartz of 158 Hoisted rd., fleld Community Players, rehearsal of "Plcnic.V ;' ious community organizations for 30 elementary, and Junior ing sessions are held in the. F.ll7ahfHli.itr MiTy. Rnria Rntln who wish to Involve oil of their observatory and out-of-doors "Friday"— 3i30'p^«.. ChesB Club. 3:30 to nigh:' school... teachers is_ •of 749 Canton st;, Elizabeth. group's members In the dem- ; under way at the William Mil- ~when^weather permits - The group has edited a cook- 5:30 p.m., teen art class, Helen Frank, in- Be In Fashion Eft structor. ocratic process of shared ECHO PLAZA ler Sperry Observatory at Topics to be covered-iojlhe "bdok compiled by.its members, group leadership. - .- 3-fMita |-XmldnT-College.. Cranford, it course are: Introduction to the entitled "An Adventure In Con- Monday — 9:30 ond 10:30 a.m., pre-school PLASTIC was announced by Mrs. Mar- observatory and .to"ols of the tinental Cooking," which is •_ dance classes, Evelyn P«nlahr-ln»ttuctor.— According to Hawkins, as- Jorle Wooster, observatory astronomer; planet earth and 1 to 3 p.m., senior citizen craft class. 3:30 to sistant executive director of SHOPPING director. The" first of seven its satellite; space probes;" , Public Notice 5 p.m., cliildren*s7art clashes." HelenTFrank the -Westfield lATHROOM BATH sessions was held last Thurs- solar system; stars; bur andirenf Knldorf. Instructors. 7^0-10-9-0^11^— ppp STATIONER day. sllmnastlcs, Barbara D'Asarlo, Instructor. leadershlp will be a learning— extema 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., ceramics class, Louis TOWEL ' ~ r_ course will ••£"* !£?• . POTBTunt frj-tbg. order of AUTOr .by-doing workshop. Mpmhern CENTER Venturi, inslrUcldfr" " themselves will participate In ENSEMBLE = cover hn^^'^QtronhmirM ™n- and cosmology. KANANEL Surrogate of the county ei union, mado on Ih. oth *Ucj-Lof MMimwU for bep»- that necessary group action "SS^- ^SjjTSliEY is piling you the best of^alj Rps^ble rqasons senior citizen- card rlub. 7 to 8:45 pim..- may occur. Tne problem In of the coristraction of-curl ""' children's sewing class. Dale Dauser, Instruc- bo lh«14a*oIWEffrCHESTNUT STREET -iotiyflunal... suburbia is not apathy'or not- ANACIN /itmrfftoy*e*w* ,Avenn« to' Fairway tor. 7 to 8 p.m., guitar class, William Jennings, Drive, pursuant to tho provlateni of an caring, but not-knowing how to - VINYL FACED . ordinance of the Townahlp of Union mthe Instructor. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., teen film club, involve the necessary people County of Union anthorlxinr aald work, William Wagner. Instructor.8:15to 10:30p.m., adoptw*~Docetnb«- US, 1007 hereby (hr«n so that we cott Work together PLUSH ANIMALS notico that all pfirwuialntorcstedtneriUiT Si>.-lngflelg d Community"" Players,' rehearsal. on the problems we all see." NICE N'EASY = or to bo alUcttd thereby, will bo heard STRATFORD "CARRIAGE TRADE" at a meeting of the aald Board of Com* "'Picnic." Hawkins and Mrs. Boyd went Bunnies, chicks, miulonarfl of Apfj.ar.rm.ifff b, bo heU In HAIR— ducks in colorful the Union Municipal Hiudquarter*. on to explain that participative C0L0MN6 -totv.tnlit ushwHh Morria Av«tm«. tntiwTowtuWpof Union! leadership occurs when all. on the 23m daV of March, 1071 Pernuitat Mr iroatatFltJ personality faces. oJ-clockP.M. . John Baumgartien, members of a group take color fa| CtatmL lUWUnl bwnit Ttn> Board olcoounissiotwnDr responsibility for the variety- .j -- j| . . AucvamentofthaTOwwhiffQi of leadership functions which Union In Ute County of Unua. B^I MARY E.MTLLEn TWO BIG LOUNGJrCHAIRS are necessary to accomplish CHOCOLATE COVERED -• - Township Clark • -ex-PS executive the group's task and to.main- . VALUE Union Leader, Mar. 127IH70(Foe $0,24) all 3 —- Services-werf hrlrl Snnirfliiy Jor J«hn A... tain eacir person as an ln- OFflClv OF THE 8ECRETAky-OF THE Biumgarten, 73, of 3MNorthviewter., Spring- volved, contributing munibur" nOAUD OF ADJUSTMENT' ' SPECIAL .:±bnfy pieces field. He died Marfh 3 in Memorial General, of me group. - ' •- - Notice Is bereDy gtven that the Board One dozen In an egg crate. if ITS auALin reu/tt LOOKING FOB of Adjustment o£ ttwJTownahlpolSprlm Look nl thai hupcrbly-Hlylcd aofuLWllli tin; Sinuford -IHIM.I, nnood before moving here 18 years ago. ment of leadership develop- REO.29C s' '--- time. In the Mantclpml.£ulldlng, MOTO- ItHfclf. But C. M. WIHTNEVglvoH you ull Ihroe |iletc« ul lhi~ Mr. Baumgarten jretired Jn 1967 after 45 FABRIC SALE ialri^Avonoe. 8prinrf«ld. R J.. Vxon-~ ment sponsored by the board JELLY alder the , appfication or MAnjCT incredible price!' All fubriOH ore Sc'otcbgarded for eusy ,r years of service with Public Service Gas Si of educatlon-of the Northern LATELI^A-for Varlanou from Section Electric Co.. Hiarlast position was assistant THURS., FRI. & SAT. MARCH 12th, I3»h& 14th 1, also Sectiona 0*&>10.04trO-B*10,03 New Jersey Conference of the BEANS and O-F-50" to Uie Zoning Ordinance caro!5" thick "Stratnfrinm'* -TAnne-mA fHnhlnjiyi Ahflni'iinKmnrn^- a -manager ohxsldenUal sates. - - —;----—— "United'MethodistCtiurchr" " " concerning Block 49 Lot 3W " „• He..was_ executive jnanager of the Essex_ • Hawkins has specialized in - wftbfull _ Electrical League of Newark and "served as Ittftb RUBBEftHAID JOHNSON'S "secretary for-the-Housewares Club of North training group.leaders. For- merly director of youth pro- Uppor. EASTER EGG Spfld. Leader, Mar. 12, "OLD SMOKY HIGHLANDS" for DINING ROOM and MASTER BEDROOM gram services and director Holds up SHELF UNER BABY Survivors Include his Wife, Mrs. MUdred FENCE ckroBe pUtld 12"x12feetor COLOR KIT Cory Baumgarten; a son, RobertA^of Madison; of camping services f6r the to 14 "YMCA"" of Ridge wood, he lOftttliif n Cfeolciof (trnonts. 22"xB-foetUes LOTION, POLYESTER DOUBLE KNITS two sisters, Mrs. James OleenandMra. Walter foaeo,irkltlk flat without — 22" TALL Sllkworth of Bridgeton, and two grandchildren. trained hundreds of men for Motal -Notio. la h*r*by rtv*n that sealed bids group leadership positions. He frtms. adkothro. Choice EASTER Designer Sampte Cuts. wUl bo received In the Board of Educa- •Meoltn. -S8-60V Wldo. Washable ...L L tion Offic« at the Jonathan Dayton Re- Is a trainer for the YMCA's BASKET gional lUgh School, Mountain Avemu, association program for pro- .' _ If On Full Bolts 4.99 y4r, .„_ SALE fiprlnrileli Now Jarsey, on Tuaaday. To Publicity, Chairmen: Filled to the brim March 24. 1070. at 2:00 P.M.. snd will fessional development. ' -with Easter goodlea. 2 be opened and i-«ad imrapdUtdy th*r«- aft«r. for the foUowinr Would you like some help Mrs, _Boyd is a former , PAPER BUPPUE3 FOH 1&70-71 -Bids most be (t) made on the etandard in _. preparing tiewspapeT-r«-_ •piiMlr school-teacher. Girl proposal form. (2) enclosed In a leases?-Write to this neweiL... Scout leader and chairman of :D ENVEIOPE. 'ftving the nami •aneHasrr" for" BUC1 utHpa-— mteer community pape group's including groups re- v&Miriiiimmii ;i¥l;ilit»i lint t| lated to Overlook Hospital and on' Submitting Bin rainlon ,rrin»s. *i/-43 on or b«for« the hour named aa no bid completing work for her doc- BASEBALL », L $<: 100% Rayon and Rayon Blonds, Includes will be acoepUd. after the hour «po£l- l > 'lftiU B^ds not so submitted will be toral degree at Drew Unl- *-»-*—- -Florals, G4»omal riVs' !Onalderod informal .and. wJ|ll.-'Tap—4^%*- Complete [eoted, Tho Board reserves the right Oersity...wha^e. she lielped co- a rei^t any and an biaj and to a*irf ordlnate. as a teaching fellow, _ Without A ToTiffilCT Ul Uail ur wlWfa"lt deemed ~JL NORWOOD "" " best, lmtcr—U of Uie- njalrlct h'^"' I \jfo'\ Plans, inculcations and Form of VAN NESS yropomU may • \m ulitained1' " " "" ' oaticirto' tti * "i^* CAMELOT QUILTEO FABRICS rauQitftgi a Coritty Maple JVIaster Bedroom t^aarno- chorming-^JbtioDfc^ ia OnofatpHloax. Synth^otlc^ .anri •","""»*: Smoky Highlandit bodrQom, that you BOO In tho KIHsatinOat Springfield, New Jersey . -/Ide, l-5JT.«fd;Longih Lewis r1. Frodorloks.SeoMtary muplo dinin'g^gfoupggp . Specia companion dining room.; Prlcip in elude a 68'* Dated March i. 1070 buffet, Knllcried hutch top with spoon rack, £ cublnet (Jroauor, 48" (runted mirror, 40" ,wltlo b'pfld Leader. March, la. 1070. 1 ,, '. (Fee: 90.43) 48" round table (openq.tb.4B" x 66 ') ond four "chost-on-choHt und twin or full alzo Cannonball heuvy uide chairs. ExcepUonol viiluAl . bed of dlutlnguiBhc PltOKJSAL -Notice lit lienlw clvon tliat svaled- old-fashioned tilted-surface- -'• COUNTRY-GIRL PRINTS blds Will be received In the Hoard of genuine Formica lop ~ BASEBAUBAT tktuaiitlon Office at the Jonathan Dayton ItbglonabKn l High Behoof Mountain Avenue, Assortment Inoludoo hardball, ™..3_...... NBW Jeroey. on Tuesday. IJRESORIPTIONS FILLED BOftljall or Little League styles. Spring Colqrs, 100% Cotton, Rag, BprtncftncfiaWi , New Jersey, on Tuesday, •PiNEi.;/-.-.. ...,4 Marcrch 31, 1070, at 2:00 P M, and will JBOOKCASE EYEGLASSES REPAIRED Washable. 45" Wld« on 1.27-yd.— 2 Vd" oponou and read Immediately there S3.9? Value attarr , for ththe fofollowing:r ' Full Bolts MUSIC 8UPPUEB FOR 1(170-71 NEST of • L**# E —Pitts must bo ttfmadirptrthe standard- bropoaal form. (2) enolosod In a 376^6108 oiSehnker Assorted Prompt Sarvlca 8EALKD ENVELOPE, [Win* the name Special Needf.A Selection of 11 Ol., R»g. or Menthol. of the lUdder and PLAINLY MARKED 248 MORRIS AVE., SPRINGFIELD HID FOR (Tallo of Wd,") ; 98 lOY $1.19 and date and time of opening, (3) Je- DYMO ltvsrod of mallad to tho above place PIGGY OUR PRICE § § C NEWBERRY FABRICS on or, before the hour named as no bid 58 5 I'c. Blue Kidpe,Maple Dinette SHAMPOO will be acqeptod after, tho hour-speol. ONLY... ttedTUida nol BO submltUd will be Tlio tIU«d"bo(l iimkuH OR BAN Gtrdenhouie LABELMAKE UNION PLAZA with PATHMARK and RICKLES considered Informal and will be re- writing mid ututlylnt, Lovoly 4'J" ruund tuble wltli Wu SPRAY BANKS ited. The Board reserves the rl^t ousior. Klotjunt in tho tiouBU Micurtti wood-^rulnad tublo top. AbHolutuly lndln- CREME 9 point) bit . teleot any and all Uds and to award fpr tho contract In part or whole If deemed living room or student'*! Opens (6 42" x 52". Sot Inclucioii four RINSE Fut irotrlaf. DEODORANT On Sale Now to Uie best Interests of the District I room. t)nly 28" wide. sturdy mulcu' chuirti. hosteuul And juut Conn a Ism 7 Oi. spray can. to do no. look at ttmt prlcul HiltpKu Viand. Hpoolficatioiu and Form of ROUTE 22 UNION l'ropoaal may bo obtained upon Rpnll- cutlon to tlie Bee rotary of the Hoard of STQR£_HOUftS: 99 High School lMstrlot No. 1. Mountain EVERYDAY MON.^THUR- FRI. 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. Avenue. BprlngOold, New JorioV vinyls, foils, and papers. Direct ,from factory to you l(V onlor of th* lloard of & PRICE... TUEi WED. - SAT. 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. 01 The Union CountV at tremendous savings, tiohool District Uo. 1 ROUTE 22.XMON . ROUTE 35, QAKHURST . ROUTE46.TOIOWA t^IirljiKflelii, NeW Jersey Opp Ihs Flagship on the No. Side, 1 V4 Mllei SQ. of Ealontown Clrclo , Lewis V, r*redextok0. WesJ of Union Blvd. on the No: Sid* ALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT 9^4,04.14- Dated March 4. lino MU 7-002? 531-MOO "--•'• ' r, March, 13, 1OT0 256-2500 ori tho Roule 10 Clrclo jtueidoy thru Saturday 10.: 4:3 (r\ SAV-ON FOR YOUR ONE-STOP SHOPPING'SAVON FOR YOUR ONE-STOP SHOPPING >SAV-ON1 March 12, 1970- Lighting program -Thursday. March 12, 1970- J__t_ight crime begun. Poison eafest for children

- -The~Me«. jersey--AuaciaUon of Jtealtor.. Cnildrcii under "the. ji^olTlv-iOccounr and we look, forward %o being copied.'"' '_'•_'_•_ The shape.of Uilngsto/com? coTrtcfhave'been-... A dally av^eroge^oTneariy Zl.OOO |/eht_es Boardsuoanls, witwitlfh - the cooperation of th.tilee PubliPublic '<•*" almost three-quarii:rs of _& poison Cases . Thi: 12-lane dual/dual came intej bftlttgott -ie&n Jua January I,,196* when the Turnplke^^Ia, —^igryfe—-^ryfcefclBctrle fcloctrlcc &h Gaa-Cd,G as- Co,, I1n« )l«unjiilng*ne winch tog tneww SS.^fl-*? 'Meip'or'Ul. S&Sft^' Mpsplttl,. ofc a wot,-'sno"wy''morning"'_reeiyi_?a-'_t_^2£''-S •"-and eitpaniied "Light'theTJletrt" Camptlgn. It -fording to a report reieuEed tills week by Data" Yfhicir nj'ust -be filed. !wl_u.wii__gtair ground was broken for theJ407,5OQ,0G0proJect "•': arukbusep from the left lane Ineach of the * NEW INTER' is endorsed by. Governor William T. CahlU. tiie hospital's POISON Control Center. ._ itfter erery case includes: name.an&_age.of. M r.njringh.fr the Till— pllr>'« nnrth-rT] t)_i|'9^ijL^J_.lu Bu^:th'ereris"-_o'r'e~yet1tai be"^Bne;'-An_gmy! \ hUtboards,' DuscariiS,'window posters and a -• typej- •amoum" tirtten,".'fitufie /igTjtilSrem'of "peircent o| all'polsonfngtf occur In die mile spur through the meadows west of the Authority. had been, plagued by the' ... newspaper adyerti(_g program pointing up the. 21),' Indicates that of the 114 cases Ireated • manufacturer,' sourcp of information regard- Hackensack River Is under construction and aLMemorlal General ui 1%9, 78 were.pre^ --lnB:li)gJngcated product, jdgns and symptoms, ... -I})percent of all poisonings occur In the problem caused."by tlie mlagiing of paBSengrr" _ g,.gy : __ _ _oafe*y T-'ebniary)9<>'.Moi--a thnmpJnglci. j__iai^^p>ffiB»stto_Kam-«(._rt(f=j«w,-.vi^ J""P«ii^agK^pfimfi&e"ta3are Being-dl stributea" ^OThTrorere wilh the poisons~treat«f" ranging ^ number of people' involved and tiie type of " batliroonf. •.•••-• • '.found on (heTurnpilce^ai-niiio iongTi2-t35c~~ January traffic gain-was a . at Edison, the Garden State Parkway'at Wood- •That s tHi six-Jane extension tharwiU divert tlo , and It wasn't until the. day. That's 2,477 more vehicles than the two through" this'Individual-Realtor Boards-with from common household dlsinfectantstoblrdi- .' treatment administered. ^4 percent of all poisonings occur in the mere 198,336. 'Hie 12-lane dual/dual was. led mriiim Eec n formor Interchanges served last year if tnffl r dual/dual facility. Ifridge and lntcrsnU- 80 aiid envi ron_ at Kearny; traffic from the heavily-travelled mainline wldenlng program was authorized that the solu- the Cooperation o( the Boy Scouts, church and control pills for dogs. *'• - , ~~" " "Dato received-in this way.^Mi^^Stadler bedroom. . Highway .cxjierts have been vocal in ac- opened to the public on Jan. 12. Inclement route to the Lincoln Tunnel and provide an wairfound time, •' civic,>groups making door-to-door delivery '• Responslljllity for maintaining'the Poison explained, "enabled tlie Food and Orug Ad- In 28 percent of all poisonings, the sub- weather Uu-n was no .help, but the .weather ''But tin.* • greatest accomplishment Is'the' tion claiming tiie new 12-lane Turnniku as "the . dual/dual. ' . • I connection to Bergen County points, Altogetlier, traffic increases are being re- to borne .owners, apartment dwellers andbusi- Control Center at Memorial General falls minlstrution to move quickly to the source stance i was found on top of the furniture. improved and it didn't take long for the new m Bridge and New "" corded at all Interchanges In the northern pess organizations. The pamphlets explain to within die province ' of Miss Marie Stadler, in cases of food poisoning which received In uiglit percent of all poisonings, me sub- •highway oi the future," and they have been' facility to take Bold, or lor tliat matter, for "Where else can' one find such an ideal "joined by the less technically knowledgeable-of arrangement that separates passenger cars J segment, and most of the 9.5 percent rise for ./the public the aims and purposes of the c«m- R.N. Not a small part of diat responsibility national publicity lastyear." stance was found in the medicine chest. Lng_ public who have wjjxedj.'en-j_ _tlie j)u_blic'to_ioke hold of tills new. concept the more adventurous can, or~C5ursc, Trovel • the enHfeTUrnplktraprlngB IronUtULnorthern is keeplngillip rrnrpr'i fllid i re- .-.. ln:-l" - percent of all poisoningo, tlie-sub- -. *Jhe from-trucks and buscsrwhrrr rtw niuaL i-mtdr- "in~the-three-lane outer-roadway—tiie-!barrel-r— palgn and how everyone may ponttlpaMi in the pg p over-'tiie new TumpiKo,'iJlit what of highway travel. .. soul- beliind tlj*.* wheel of .die lightest model , RIGHT NOW, AS EAR as the public Is con- areaT where the "parkway wHhlmrtumpifo" anti-crime fight, antldoted s up-to-date. "We have more tJiun garding die ages of poison patients are not s'unce was found on an open slielf.. ;»l>as resulted from tbis uniquelilghwajTconcept reserveafor trucks andjjuses—but this.sort has drawn, it Is estimated thousandsof motor- • • • car can breeze dJong perfectly at ease, know- cerned, the accent is ori the dual/dual, that "It-has been found tJiat die use of,night- 5^200 househoId""p(HSfinB~and"iheir antidotes tnudidiffertntthannoBonal and state averages, More children die from accidental poison- - has surprised everyone. of integration the Turnpike Authority does not ists" who never rode the Turnpike before.' accomnig to Joseph Loudermilk, "assistant . "IT IS OBVIOUS that the public: has latched ing that lie will not tangle with the" big ones.- happy product ot prolonged planninganddpslgn seek to encourage. ; time UgtiQng_.crealeu_safer neighborhoods in on file at Memorial General,", she said. ing cadi year than from all other chlld- Traffic, to use. the. vernaculary Is «oomin.E on the oilier sid_ of those steel guard rails? by tlie Turnpike Authority's staff and con- The extraordinary February traffic gain of and around homes, apartments, shopping and ''Moreover, tlie date compiled by die Poison executive director. jiood infectious diseases combined. "out of siirht. on to liio new turnpike with a delighted ven- To what extend the traffic increases may 826,461 vehicles, comes to 29,516 a dsy. geance," said Turnpike Authority Chairman .Nothing like this has been done anywhere else. sulting engineers. commercial areas. "Turn On A Light«.. Turn Control Center in New York City is just a . "pact! year hundreds of children die in -Memorial General Hospital's Poiypn Con- Morfth'nn 1 2 million-vehicles ~12.07'.>.ft0V be attributed to tlie 12-lane expansion cannot If such an Increase continues at the swne Off A Thief" also encourages tlie public to go telephone call away Jor any_case not covered the United States due to accidental poison- trol Center makes tlie following recommenda- be accurately gauged, but traffic counts for level for the rest of the year, the result' out evenings to visit, to shop, td be entertained In our files. The availability of these master ing - and tiie number of fatalities is probably tions to parents: The key interchanges along the routearesignl- would be fen annual (raffle volume impOBSlDle and to participate in the vital worlc of local files is extremely Important," Miss Stadler much greater than reported since many fatal- Kocp al| drugs, poisonous substances and March 25 concert fleant. to believe. For that reason, the men behind ' groups so Important to the welfare of the com- explained, "In light of die almost dally emer- itlos may have been attributed to other causes," household chemicals out of reach of children* pro/ecf: At NewBruoswlck Interchangejwthe .12- the computers are not making predictions. munities. It imparts a sense of night-time gence of new pjiusehold products and orugs," -J-oudermilk said. "The number of non-fatal Do not store non-edible products on shelves lane duaf73ual begins five miles "to the north rrrT"They art., holdiag-rhnlr flrejorjhemttre -security and e warm feeling for citizens," a Poison filea/are constantly being up-dated, poisonings has been • estimated to be 100 used for storing foods. ffey Lepntyne Price at Edison)Traffic has increased by ah average Important future taskofcompurerl_ngffiB-CDip~ spokesman sold.- on the national .level as well as the local to 150 times jhe number of JaKUdes. Apply- Ket..p all poisonous substances in their i. of 250 a day desp)te expert predictions that It tro\ of traffic, so that vdjitles, large and containers,—do—not—U angfei diem ! S\\jden\s±Qjj\&ke4ovr^ficmff\ survey dt JFK would drop considerably because of the con- small, may roll with evetTgreater ^eaae' and tlon and co-sponsorship in the campaign from required to file complete Information on every and taklnp i.n Jivi-m^, irTiry^fHyinni| jh«it-T-—tujinhihcllivi nVht'l'InTf'i struetioH'M the new interchange ?t Edison. safety on the "highway of the future. ^ .^ local police chiefs, service clubs, community poison case treated at Memorial General ~ between' 10 to 14,000.non-fatal poisonings . -When medicines ore discarded, destroy atrSymphon> Just about anyone who has ever spent tini aiiii.u'i this passenger • "Our students have pretty-well agreed that therf~fepQrt~wJU be concerned largely with associations, merchants, banks, and others. occur yearly in New Jersey. - \, • -ihenV^-Do, not rhrow them where they,might Metropolitan Opera soprano Leontyne Price . g f | luggage after an airfliglu numbed might soar considerably. '. wajtln or us "Tlie Port "representatives have been very the' baggage-handling aspect of- debarking— r-AXIA FEDERAL SAVINGS— . '-Much danger lies In tlie Improper use be readied by children or pets.- w(ll appear in concert wltha symphony orches- nas begrudging devoted part of that time » of thousands o( recently developed_house- When giving flavored and/or brightly colored tra In Symphony Hall, Newark on Wednesday, brooding about baggage - handling improve- cooperative about the NCE study," RIgasslQ__ since this seems to be the part of the, process reported. "They have issued field identifica- which causes the most aggravation," Rigassio " 7 hold items. When prnpm-ly nsprij-tti'ppffprn$—, medicine ;o children.-alwava reftrto It as; March 25. . .__ra_ts. . •_ \" ... .. , Km7fc%. " "contribut" e .to'ih' e ease, comfort' , safet' y medicine, never as candy. The concert, one of die 1969-70 .Concert -— Dm there arc-no suggestion boxes in tlie tion to the .students which means they will said. ' •• WASHING MACHINE A TEAR be. able to observe everything-from fueling "We are working on the premise that most SPEED READER _and enjoyment of life. However, misuse of Do not take or £lve~medl_nes in the dark. Series at Symphony Hall, is presented ; in •• baggage areas. . —— '" •, ' these-same products often jeopardizes health Read labels before using chemical products. association, with Moe-Septee. It will start at This spring 15 Newark College of Engi- to between-flight house-keeping on the air- people want to go' "through an air. terminal in the least time,," he sold. "If this is true, —CtOTHlfrtYltT " Quarterly and may have fatal results." ' ~ _ Keep tiie telephone number of your phy- 8 p.m. - "' • . necring seniors may-change 'all tliat, not— craft as part of their baggage retrieval • READ 4JP-T0 1W000 WORDS then all the factors of how people cluster Minimum 15,000 "The follwlni; jitatlstics, compiled by the sTcinq, hospital, pharmacist or poison con- -.-.. Miss Price" will be returning'to Symphony jhrojgh suggestion boxes but tlirough the use analysis." - ' For 2 Yaara on FQISQN CONTROL IS a growing problem in New Jersey — a problem which grows with the -•'••• - - - in a group, tfie number of pieces of-Iuggage PER MINUTE & Poison Control Committee of the New Jer- trol center readily auailable.-..^ _ _a___.__sence of one season. Her. "'-. o f standar...... d industria. l engineerin. • . g.-..i._,—;. techniques-. SAVINGS CERTIFICATE introduction of every new^houienold product. Miss MarieStadler, R.N., head of the Poison- they must claim,' their attitudes toward S. BERNSTEIN, INC. CAREER" -'•--— sey Pharmaceutical Association,, reveal a Sliould a poisoning occur, call_ physician ! appearance at the Newark concert hall two For the next _ur__nontbs" the group of MOST Of'-niETFlELJD WORK will be done ACCOUNfS " picture of the accidental poisoning problem or hospital immediately, giving .substance Control Center at Memorial General Hospltal^Union^looks over one.of ihe more tliah 5,200 _ seasons ago drew "ovations from" audiences and NCE industrial engineering students will make In March with the Newark College of Engi- customs, and where they plan to go to next. m 7666 must be studied as part of the overall analysis. "Ov.r50-v rin -fiuiltt***"- FOR INFORMATION: in New Jersey; taken, 'approximate amount, ilme"ahd~~agc" poison data cards on file at the hospital. • - — •• ; — _ high praise from.critics. reguldr visits to the New York Port Authority's^ "ncortng studentK-ROing-toJCennedy about twice at 270 Sprlnjfl»ldA,Y«,-,_N«wark -of childrKcep-calm. . ••- — _ Bom in_.aurel^_Misa«-MiasJiicc_played week. Tlie students have broken" them- "Hopefully the project recommendations will 76 percenf of nil cases~are~cMI_r_i under" John ,F. Kennedy internationaLAirporLIo stfidy EXECUTIVES r«od our Wont Now Also- In bur Subutbon Shoftl^tm— " Further information may be obtained by the piano at age five and; later sang in the selves into small work teams, with several "* make the landing aspect of a trip less tire- CALL 371-/943 1591 IRVIMO ST., ( the age of live. " —.- J the entire "people-handling" problem that will Ad* wh«n hiring 'employ•••. 34_nercj;nt of all-cases are children Tie-^ calling tlie Memorial General Hospital Poison •"? Junior Church Choir. At Central State College arise out of greater use of the giant 747. of the. older students acting as a manage- sume._0ut we^ll have to wait until after the Bfoa about your««t( (or only 1990 SprlngtltU Avt, MMJ§W«»IJ NATIONAL READING INSTITUTE" : 381,4242 '" In Ohio, her singing with the Glee Club at- They will devote special. concentration to ment control group to. coordlnate_ the: efforts students complete their study before that will J320! Call 686-7700, dally tween two anil three years of age. Control Center. 68^-1900. Nimiberof doctors down tracted much attention" and on graduation she tlie time and means of getting people and •of their fellow-sn'iftpnrs .'_ •• • be known." , ' / . . ' ••.. 9 to 5:00 ' ,- was offered a scholarship to JulDEfd. their luggage reunited, an event described Miss Price quickly established, herself as by some seasoned travelers as emotionallyj a top soprano with her recital debut In New- akin to finding a long-lost chlld_ 18.3 percent in —"YorlC^.'liei'SlnguigTffluTuiePhlladdph— Orchea— Jnder-the direction of NCE'ProfessorJames . "Newark has" lost 98 physicians or 18.3 per- tion of a physician inventory for Region 3 "V iw, tbp RnBfnn Symphnny nnrt rhp Npw .York Rigassio the 15 students will conduct FROZEN IMPORTED-OVEri READY cent of its total number" of physicians from (Essex and Union Counties) by the council. 'TPhllharmonlC'apd with her appearances In a systems-analysis of passenger unloading May, 1968 through May, 1969, Tlie number of •.Thompsbp's "Four Saints in Three Acts" and time,'* tiieir student project for a standard BEST " .••• '•/•--—- This Inventory analyzes the physician popu- ••' Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess." — NCE course called IE 44-"Systems Design." physicians in Newark was 436 In 1969 as lation by age, specialty and location of of- compared lo SWin-1967-8. * ' fice. It also contains the ratio of physicians ••• She made her Metropolitan Opera debut as • • * ' • Another- significant factor in this change is per 1,000 population by municipality. _; Leonora in. '11 Trovatore" to a 42-minute THEIR OBJECTIVE' IS to analyze aU the I BOTTOM ROUND 1 that die 6ver-60 ngb group, which Increased Another, finding of tlie study is that In the ovation, the longest .demonstration^ of en- -existing procedures and human factors cur- Great ' -"thuslasm ever witnessed at the Met. from 152 (32 percent) in 1967 to 170 (39 next 15 years. It Is estimated that the'popu- rently, influencing the way people disembark, percent) in 1968. lation in Region 3 will have reached 1,906,000 - " Subsequent • roles have Included Cleopatra go through customs, leave the terminal and —. LEGS OF - In the world premiere ^f Barber's "Antony Thesf are some of the findings announced^- J____~increase- of. 153,000 over- -the-1968 r by Henry M, Kennedy, president of the Hos- estimate, .in order to maintain' the present "Hind Cleopatra,' arid" lead "assignments" in T"heir job Is to develop criteria for irnprove- i "Aida,""DonGibvanni," 'Tosca," "UTrova- Eastern pital and Health Council, upon tlie compl&«- —ratio of 1.33. physicians per 1,000 population;—"• ments~nnd changes thot will make life happier i. tore," "Madama Butterfly,'^_ "Girl of the wlUch is below the national average of 1.56 and easier for aircraft passengers once thofio DISCOUNT FOOD CENTER physicians per 1,000 population, there would ''Golden West," "Turandot," "Ernanl" and passengers reach the grodnd. DISCOUNT FOOD CENTER other operas* Blafer is appointed need to bo 2,535 physicians In 1983. - - . And unlike any television counterpart, their By 1983 the 1.250 physicians over ,50 years The symphony orchestra will'J>e under the -information will be used in a format report •• direction of Anton Guadagno.^_whoJ;)^muslc_ p Authority executives in May'. of age is 1968 will either have reached re- _ t0 ort tlrement age, or have dled.^Tiieref^r''. Pagiotr—^— .mUjrector of the Philadelphia Lyric Opera "This will not be a duplication of pprevioun s R-S vice-president ' F. Company. PORK SALE 3 will need a minimum of 1,285 additional studies*" said- Professor Rigassio. . 'and Size physicians to matataln the"1.33 ratio. are hopefut-tttar what we find will' be of value COUNTRY SIY " ', As tlie comprehensive health planning agency f" FRIDAY DEADLINE ~ to the Port Authority." ,; FRHSH JERSEY '• Ali7Ttems~alhet-t|tian spot news should be for Region 3, the Hospital and Health Councils Representatives^ of the Port AuthQriry!a_ ; is concerned-with-the mosteffecrive.deUyery office by noon on Friday. Standards'Division have already culled their of health care to the entire community. own;iUcs for all related studies ot me past The council Is composed of 83 member ^—uild given copies to-the NCE students^ This iwn\ . aggicies inclydlgg lipspltaja, voluqciry,health ^P-r^haa^»Howed--tlie--young ma. w key^frFror- agencies, extended care facilities. United Com. 4| aspefts--of—debarkation^iliat__Juiye nor been . "munlty TMjnds," professional societies, health explored before, Rigassio said. • ;' ' Shin Me_; , I. (HIM departments, universities and sustaining- and* Part of the earlier studies has revealed jncea tiacon. , Shin m.'ni 'OKTIOIM • community member*. that on peak days up to 20,0U0_passengerK Eye of Fillet Steak Beef Liver Breast rlanken Sustaining and community members are in- might arrive from overseas-points, ait inT K 5 dividuals, corporations or foundations, that funnel, through the sonne tight baggage- Chicken Steak > £rruiL c """ '"" "" hayo supportedThe coundl ftrough-fiaaneial— customs-related transportation area. With an Chuck Occklc . 1 ' • ' " '~~ • Shouider Steak Franks & Specials Middle Chuck -Tie council funcdpns-through axommlttee __ structure with the policy being made by a J reform panel Cube Stenk Scrapple.'.,.. French Roosf board composed of both provider's and con- -aumers of health service's with the consumers _'__ HOLIDAY gets group's support London Br<.'•!. Genoa Salutni V Stewing Uvcf constituting a'majorityi" . _~—*;-—--r - • ; --. KUHHEH WILL HAVE Side Steak Hurd Soicimi ': . California LWruk The New Jersey Taxpayers Association has Ailey cidhcefs rdTYOUII PUASURE -announced" Its endorsement of Governor Pepper Steak ,. Pepperoni Short Ribs of Se , End of Steal State tax reform. The association fluid the-. RIBS Governor's plan was preferable to a tax con- The dance committee of the Newark State vention to study the problem. Cojlege Center Board this weelr'announcBl— Responding to the request-In the Governor's final plans'^*' the forthcoming performance " " special message to the Legislature for public of the Alvln Ailey American Dance Theater. . The_performarice is scheduledfpr Monday at Opel KaUett.or Volkswagen dialogue and comment an the program, NJTA MowaWt* th* punshaw ol -urged creation of tho tax study committee by 7:30 p.m. in the Theater for the Performing During Our Special " Arts on the Union campus. joint legislative-executive action rather than- . , ...: ALEXANDERBLAFEJl .'• • cxecurlvfi-order.'It also suggested limitation of JThe Alyin Alley American Dance Theater, a the Committee $o~rio more' than'25"Wernljers'" Herman Schlengerrch—nnan.of__e_board, company of 15 young dancera;'-Came:into being—— EUROPACAR knowledgeable in taxation and governmental and 'Donald Schlcnger, president," this week in New Yorfc City in 1958. - T'' •"•" " finance, with'a majority representing the public announced tlie appointment of Alexander Blafer On world-wide tours'Alvln Ailey has pre- as vice-presldentjn charge of advertising and - sented the her itageof the American Negro - his HOUIMY3DURS . rather dian the Legislature, sales promotion ol Roth-Schlenger, Inc., a .• The^ association prolapsed the' committee legacy. of music and dance, his moods of Union-based corporation, and Its subsidiaries. sorrow, Joy and hope - tlirough tlie medium.of work closely widi State dommlsslons already Prior to his association with Roth-Schlengcr, 1 WIIKS IM IUROPE actively studying various phases of tfie problem modern dance. The music is'Jazz, blues and • Inc. in 1963, Blafer served as .sales manager- spirituals. The dancing ranges from the ecsta- »PLUS CAR "' I and that codification of existing tax laws be limn, po* par custom*? ' arid "advertising director of Dejay Stores, Inc., *PLUS UNLIMITED FREE MILEAGE _left to legal experts. V . 1 Coupon good Sun., M«rah 8>h to «M.. MUMh Ulh rlr rn thn Hrninnttr and vl^l. The performauce a nationwide chaln_of general merchandise lias been called "total dance theater." • PLUS AIR FLIGHT TO AND FROM ' stores based hTNow York. - . " . AMSTERDAM, FRANKFURT, o. MUNICH ; • PLUS 20 NIGHTS ACC0M0DATI0NS ' A graduate of the Newark School of Fine : 10< Off Minute Rice L69 • AMSTERDAM ... $354 , and Industrial Arts, Blafer attended City Mental hepjth hearing, • FRANKFURT ... 5366 fdcial TissuesJSJli'iJt 4£°£ College of-Now York and during World Wnr "' MUNICH $37) u was an omcer In the U.S. Armijd Forces, serving in the Panama Canal Zorie.-HB^re- set in Trenton April 2 ASKAjjpUT:OUR.. TOP GRADE, • '"* towardstho purchMe ofohW "' tfa_r~•. -chairman-of the New—Jerse)tState.-£ta_lie- "THRIFTITRAIN" SPECIAL JnqrinirlnnR anrl W^lfnry>f7nmm1rrpff. linnn.lnfVfi As vlce-prosident77BTafei^_ 8 sales promotion and. advertising activities of tl" Week that a suimlemetttary hearing by -the company.- Roth^SchltoatM(>y..^y ; 36.retail units-ln seven states, consisting of....;; :Ne«tri«rs»y's mental health prflgram .will be—~— EREBUFHUlf 8 & VBGETABL-S ^~R & S -Home- -6-^uto " """" ' "" hd Artl2f^l^t^^ o : FREEZEiDRIED DAlHWA-UES DELI VALUE5 Allstate :ne'PS8Tirjwsh^g-TO-bB:._ard'flfiMidrTioH^j.^^^ ^-ryWtlrtBns>n !O 'Amarlcan "feaychlatrlc Associadonrrlw-"- brCORHIWIHF BTgR_eTiariu-lOU.WashingainU_e.V2 March Slh U S*t, Maroh 14lh Hal ...... 'X:U°"'i Dr. Mead to spredk CottcigeCheese^-" .'*3 BAKERY VALUES- at NSC Tuesday Dr.. Arnold Hico. cliairnian of the Eugene G. Wilklns Lecture Board at Nowiirk Stale towards tha purchase of :00 anthropology ut t-'ordham Ujiiverslty's now liberal arts college. ' CALL FOR FREE SURVEY 204/ ROUTE 11 A' recipient of many uwards and liouoriiry degrees, Dr. Meud wus selected aw olio of tlio UNION, N.J. 688-1600 SAT., MARCH 14«h NOT RESPON8IBLI fON TVPOQP1APHICAL-BBOHS Outstanding Women in tlie Twetitletli Century 686-5552 I PRICES EFFECTIVE TO RENTAL- SALES- SERVICE- AUTOMATIC SALT DELIVERY «VE RESCHVE t^B HIOHTTO LIMIT QUANTITIES by the Nationwide Women Editors Association.

• • •' '..•.( • • I 10-Thursday, March .12, iy70-aPHINGKlkLT>(N.J.) LEADKK J^wn meeting _ Stevens papers -Thursday, March 12, 1970- Pistons beat Nats, • 8ED0lfr&-ANV BETTER -a-cole- w< ~~WrlJta»jae'itlrjiiaa "lhe"incraiai» lrt gart -of fona calling^Jyjy_xQc»ttanal s,alyatlon'conies lyflflpers^,^. 5 collection costs,, jyhlch «ero e.xpi*lMd a» " • • «V*nr^J84,-»rtHyi: lr*s"a sense of being" CajM caused try an Incrnami In population. Severaltf- ediltioobiitopapersjp Stevens to be ltieer e tbathtt holdhlds it'all ttogether, .OWipluylng.yerj' . comrnitteemen predicted a- aharo increase ~" "Thi) role of. a' college chaplain is a. many ' years as chaplain he hastaiown of Oiroe sni-v 9r succftss." •• • i. ' * ^ . imEatWo (Vu8tt«tin£, aometimes re-^:>, ,dt )• '.• ua.T»nj^eomthg. tb Ufimia, chaplain JoKHJoo"-. uii, ArRo y 1 A estern DI-:.-.ccnrrlhitedwtiiw.ti.aar. "Ttilg yeflVT TTvfiy*^ f^flTripf county -vyfifc anrj — ^«rani£ 'MW*many> times with microscopic his campus' ministry. " ' ' ' Of (tie Trinity Lutheran Chur'cb-•- vision crown. ATI 16 teams arc- dory's museum, ?30 Broad-"" But with a smile, chaplionjbhnsi ow preparing hit four points (or the winners. Jeff FeJd was reglooal proposals to salve the garbage col- way, Newark. tangible results. . " lection problem-are under Intensive' study, describes' himself as^the "Icei _ .The., event J That's how t^iaplaln.Stephen Johnson.sums . 1 U"SnyDrcK)k, CcbiKeiSffgr^Kuibr up, his duties jifter a transition from pastor Lutherans.' That entails keepirig^Lutfieran of Wortf\western University and Aogustatu students . in touch, witli tlie church and hope- the: society's 125th miniver- of two small Connecticut churcnes to thetatn- ••• OFTEN, CHAPLAIN JOHNSON finds him- Seminary, studied for a year at die Unlver- • ': ' •'-'".i-lslv L>£&&&1W, _.. Artfiur_M. Fftlkln salithat they bus' of Upsaln College, East-Orange, .wltil_ _fuUy..iJKiiiifldiug' their religious vision and com- sell in the role of a tlieatrlcal booking agent. -• ally of Muenster tit' Germany and received^ a'ary and tlie college's JfJOth mitment.. , .. . ' '; : S " would increase ev&n more in the next few-. its 1,400 students and faculty'and staff of He has brouKht onto canTpus several'theatrIcaI~ "h!B"'"mastef"s" degree^"ai• the^Vale "Divfiity " points and a flue floot-game, paced Main l '' l ^'Anuttiur rol#'often projected on o chaplain groups, pne of them from off-Broadway. That School. and played .: «K. • ••£J£ *LW* years, as a second stage 'jdlspos^i' niaiit -W ., more than 200. hit three points lor the to heip tjic attack. Kaston was also Very ef- as Dave Schulman also lux four points.Freddy Is that ol "super-student." He feels tills is was- the play, "The Primitives," which was- • ' . ^_ , fa in lliis completed, 'but•' that the • facility will have Rev'. Johnson, now in lils-faurtli year as top floor game. Other Piston scorers in this fective off tthhe boards, while l-'ineman turned Booker, with another good game for Maine, ample capacity and will be one of tbe best In Upsala chaplain, describes his many duties often what outsiders expect of a ehaplaln. not a religious presentation per se. b»t-whlch jgifrnc; were Sieve; I'epc, Jojin Kelly and C.irl in ^ lop flopT] game. Tommy Ronco ujid Billy scored three points. Aaron Adler paced all "the country. _BB thojse of a missionary, "a super student," - J_'JJ_J n reality,yfig though,, sniripnts-know-full-weU raised-certalh pro'Blems of which Christians flinkeldy. Hob Lai'nportepaCLdilieNaui'iiiiiick-. Iijorstad alssco played very weJITor Ceui^ia. scorers as' he ,led 'Bama with .six points. Tu noi anything ike a student," chaplain are sensitive. • 1 The committee-also-approved a $130,180 - While supervising con- aTooklhg~ogeht,"a Dale "Carnegie, a coun- Bob, with two points and-i bif, rebounding game, -'rommy—Mtteti••• **—Ihrpe—I*>int»-pace(J. Kaitsas DeruieS1 Slialkowski- 'also loolced good for budget (or the town swim pool, up from last struction of the University of sellor and a "keeper of the Lutherans." Johnson said. "Maybe I can Be one of tlie He has sponsored discussions on medical received help from Steve Kochbergwiih a bucket while MilcH'Kotlcr had a top all-round fcnm.i! Alabama with three points. ' r-^V-gg -Jiummer's figure ^£ $128,080, The vote fol- •Virginia,-Thomas Jefferson ''But nuPat of-TillHi-Tim nr-servaotof-God," adults who can understand." ~ ethics-and, has invited militant .speakers™ jhd Jeff Balir with a free [lirow. "> for Kansas. ' '' • ' . L Iowa lopped Ohio, 22-5, a^j Phil Zlsman's -Couii5tl|ingt he' stated, Is not as difficult campus ;to help students, and faculty under- : lowed several questions from Prager about the ' surveyed the site with pegs' ••' said the 37-year-old minister who was born Chris Kuring and Warren Uromborf, each l lorlda, continuing to Improve, downed fa-. scaling effort led Iowa. Phil had a game balance sheet and surplus statement for the and twine, calculated the- - In Madison. Wig., and later sealed ilLR'ock- on a college campus as It would appear oii stand the demands of tlie world and to shape ' " '•• ' ' each period.Dave", swim pool account. Palkln noted that the pool brick and lumber needed, : ford. 111. tile surface. Christian response to them, Just-recenily, played very well budget follows the form required by the Btate, hired bricklayers and car- ' "Tlitfre are some clergymen who would like "Most-College students are well-adjusted," he was instrumental In arranging the appear- TOBEIWSH good floor-game, but that all' figures are available for study by penters, and sent a scholar to • to become college chaplains because of me he explained, ''They have problems of growth, anco on campus of Archbishop Fulton J. Jae y. V points and Neal added five, Jimmy _anyclUzen. . Britain to recruit professors. seeming drama of tlie .Job and dissatisfaction but these are normal problems*. Most students • Sheen. *e right directio_ n witli two big buckets In the— hit three "buckets for six points, while Bobltaii- TOCELEBMTE SlcgeFajKl Todd ISeigal led Ohio. Jimmy hit " -THE TWO RESOLUrriONS offered by Stokes withjheir roles asparlEhministers,"chaplsln are able to handle diem without the inter- * "While 1 um"'a Lutheran minister, I recog- •Spenlnp'periodil id . ChChrii s pickeikdd up the allackfjallackfin "•- five points.. Ernie Ui;ori was the other scorer tliree points, while Tbdd had a two on a palp •• Johnson said* ''If there's any appearance that ference .of adults. And counselling on sexual nize the presence of many Jewish and Catho- Se second half. Pete Arroii:; hit a free Uirow for Uie Celts with a final-period bucket. to aid tenants came after Mayor Bulttnan had r of foul shots. announced appointment of Harold Llebeaklndto | a chaplain's job is more attractive or some- and moral problems Is minimal. Much of tlie lic students in our college and I strive toward The Bullets, witba terrific last-period rally, second half. Arizona lopjted Texas, 24-22. Two big • providing for them, the proper environment pinned a 13-11 upset on the Biilikens. £>ete .Jnnanta* rights commlttx. how more viable than ajjarlsh pastor's, my lor the Lakers and played a very solid floor buckets by Tommy. Wlsniewskl in tlie final UNITED APPAREL I experience contradicts that. The parish has Us of their religious faiths," chaplain Johnson „ Pete Jacques led the Knicks with four points. Cook and Tim Segall led tlie final-period rally. (See other article on Page One.) I period were decisive for Ari-zona, Tommy led The first resolution urged: that the town- % -great potential as any campus mlnistrydoes." stated. . .Pete also hit the'boards well In the game. Keith Cook lut---Uiree straight show from the free the division rrmfflpR with 14 pnlnf; Th» gpt.i-1-. DV iluuw lliiu'ln thu Hnal jiiiiiwl to spearlugu thu up use ail its powers to aid tenants li Holltnah Had a~Mg^irni iiei'lodfut" tlie Knicks ling defense of Sru Friedman and Richard Con- • QMPLA1N JOHNSON SAID the church has THE rally and finished the game with'five points, Ing their ^Ighks, that a group berrflrmed vwtb ' J with some hustling play.- Keith went to the sales played a big pqrt in :B gets"raugntintheDale Camegle- ; 1 : ; amtrwitli&evcn *m££® I more access to people on religious terms. r—- . involved. —~,^- . . • """.' 0KLAllQMA_MPPEDWyoming^21-18,.drop- ,__ .and we can live and- speak It in authentic Women's American ORT is celebrating its New Jersey Attorney General George F.Kug- With two very.big buckets.In the finalperiod. Champloiv-Pistons-wUl. face-lh^upaet-minrled year-old Ronald Falcone om arbitrary eviction and setting up a. I terms, It will be contagious of itself." ler and Assistant UJi. Attorney HeiijertJ.Stern plng the~loaers nut of a first place de and -atandanLleasgtbrm. • toll anniversary this year. ORT Day will be 'Larry Dry had.three points for the winners. Bullets in the second game.. , .,.'.... giving Arizona the crown. With Andy Cohen Jr., a "life-long" Nmii York m , Mr.> Johnson readily admits there are com- will be Joined by two of the state's top trial „ Knickerbocker -fan, made IN OTHER BUSINESS, the comnutree ap- ! GIRLS SPRING COATS ™ f riT l celebrated-across the, hatipn at special cere- - contributing key rebounds and Mike Nelbart key. "It -is very easy td' float around-being a monies on Wednesday. • .: . - - lawyers, former Attorney General Walter Van Ivis" mom and dad bring him, ._jpyed_jhs. retirsnient. ol PoliceOhlel.WUliurr- ; Riper, Newark, and former State Senator buckets, the Okies held orV to gain the victory." C. Selander, who will start on terminal'leave LATISTSIYUS Christian among notr-Chrlstians,"- he-~aald.- ORT "is a program" for "rebuilding lives Mike led the Scoring with eight points, while to Union last week when he 1 Tohn E. Toolan, Perth Amboy, to discuss re- RENT heard that his favorite play- on May 1. Commlttaeman Raymond W.-Forbes "But the perplexing question is; Does it re- through. vocational" ^education. ;Ir I'le - die Cohen- hit five. Kenny Stelnbach tallied four ------PLAIDS XOUDS' sult In anything? The tangible result is micro- rccognl/cd vocational trainingr-agcncy-lor-thc- lease to the public of toped underworld con- er,.center and team captain noted that the chief will reach she mandatory versations, when die New Jersey State Bar •points for tlie winners, while Eric Celst and — retirement age of 60.01 June 23. Hoaddedthat scopic. The most 1 hopo for with some stu- Jewish people and believes that man is best Joe Farinella each hit a big bucket, Jeff Grant, • Willis Reed, was making a Association's—General Council convenes in guest appearance at the Selander bad served the community for_tfae dents is that they rdelize the Christian faith- aided-by-being lielped to become Independent, with nine points,, paced the Wyoming attack. is tangible and valid for someone else. Trenton. March 20. Rickel Do-U-YourseU past 42 years, • pjgssr' $700 iooo moo self-Mipporting and self-respecting; . • . Charles L. Bertinl, WoodRidge,presldentof DRIVE AROUND Mike Hirsh had a very big game for Wyoming. "With others, througtrme or other Christian FOR A JOB Home 'Center In Roi The governing bixly approved a sale on March the State Bar Association and a member of the fSTEAK HOUSE Mike was outstanding on defense and bit seven 24 of some $830,000 In municipal bonds. Fred- D6WIIIRIAST|D rnirl fnnilry memhers. they enn find ON PENNIES! Ron needed a little "boost" an' expression of faith which they con also . State Commission of Investigation (SIC) which f OB* little cla • iKUd odi lr wirh n rnp flnnr pm^ n^n _ k—| SteiapVT-munieipal audlfcr, had-mip.— ~WA C-VetshedF Fdron sparkled for Wyoming. ^to rjpcak—trr Willis. R< r share themselves. And with a fewltisppsslble is focusing on organized crime In-New Jersey, owe 2JM54J cla lalllni o 'mi ust' Ihi* Mra'ak hit eight points. Eric Fromer did a fine de- FRIDAY DEADLINE " . call for (r«« euttoiruLE-itick-upl photo from a sports maga- too_high. -_; '.-• Main Offlc: ond •v«n/i'*««l<-. .. '. fensive job for the winner and hit a big two Christian fellowship." " Ing of Garden State Chapter 52, WAC-Veterans*_ All items other than spar news should be 39 Rlvo. Rood zine and paste it on a piece - Th» commlttoemen aotsd that they will meet • 6IHtS • -~ BOYS, pointer In the, final period; Tony Francis had Tuesday with the-ioerd of Education to discuss •• • • Association, tonight at 8:30o*clock attheVFW in our office-by noon' on Friday. Summit. . DKMOKWOipfOKHKl a fine alkrounu "game for.-Idaho while Joe of cardboard for his auto- WH Home, 479 W. South ave., Cranford. 277-3100 graph. V ^"or»uBj*c^^*anglng from safety to MR. JOHNSON pointed out that In his four Pullce hit two big" buckets. Steve Klarfeld, recreation. They will Include a proposal by irarftiii and with 10 points, was outstanding for the win- Forbes that the town conslder-acqulrlng for j DKSSESHNFANT'S Public Notice less Utes. Steve gave"the"Utes an early lead7 " . regeatloua. jise tlie Raymond Chlgholm Scnosl. ~ GIRLS with three buckets and a.free throw at the _-,.- -.-.;:.. / .. Saengerchor ..The board Is preparing to phase out the Chls- I SUPERIOR COURT OF N. J. STOP.PUTTERING start of the garnet Jeff Goldstein Ie3 the de- ~holm School~because of declining enrollment LAW-OnnsiOH . • AROUND! UOTC« COUNTY _ 'tensive charge for Utah, left wlth_ some^nllty_ _ and the obsolescence of the building. -' WHTS JACKETS I Visifors I'torniG&rmgny passing also turned In a good floor game. Dave* DOCKET * M744-60 - J 3281 Thn" - SanngBnrhftr—N«wax*J&—preparations 'fn—entTttiin Klein led Utah oil the boards. " app*^ie(T(6~»ll locil'dog pwners tS curb their pet* and not let them run free or " Inc., a German singing group Germajwtnaster chorus, Chor- With Brian Deuusch and Keiih Widonvleading mesa on private lawns or park property. He that meets in Montgomery gemelnschaft of Dtulmen, at the way, Alaska beat Nevada, ZU14. Brian hit • tlon in addition to those who are rygnlar __also:urgod_rfiEfldenrfl_ang d businessmen not to Hall, Irvingtonrria—making Ihe end of May. a game high total of 12 points, Widonthad a GerritJPw Van 0*ne "(Union, DRIVE W MSCODNT Auto CENTER fine floor game, as he registeredmanyassists . participants In the ministry of music. In put biit garbage 'Cans' too early, or leave the VALUES TO $10 VALUES TO »5 VALUES TO $20 ^ It. GALLOSl- —'' JSAethodist Church recognition of the lmportahce -of the musical empty cans at fne^curb txxHong. '- chairman . .of die reception. and NANCY) • with some fine passes. Marc Roslin hit four . Corduroys, Cotton,- —Knlti, Collona Linad, unlln«d ny\on*M Group will meef committee, and Alfred Stiefe^ CA1,U>B> : presentation of Christ's Passion, there will In the public discussion period, Ed Roll . IMsndanta) - polntHIlot-the-wlnnera. Elliot Melamed paced Acryllcs and ~ y, cottona, cottoni.'oxford nylon,l|-^ and Helmut F.. CWger, com- only be one service, at 11 a.m., on Palm asked about residents who have, refused t» olltrl.V ' By virttw of tba abaviwaUtad-wnv NEED NEW GRIPS ON VOUR CLUBS? Nevada with five polnts,ScorrBorok aruTSteve choir is rehearsing olhar fobrlcs : olhara w.l look 5 at Y March 28 mittee members, called on ,;to me directed, I-tfiaU axpoa« lor Sal* Lipsliulu hit three'points each for Nevada. Sunday. grant easements-to-the-town for flood con- SIZEj S..MED., LgE. SIZE: Boy'2-4, 3-14 • . by Public Ventac, In tb« Court Hoo««;in . ' * ONUY $2.00 each-installed trol work on Bryant Creek. ' ;3 SIZES. 1.3, 3-6« SIZESt 2-4, 3-6 The Jewish Civil Service Mayors .Harry Stevenson of th« dtyof EUnbMturUuanWatruwlaT, - Pastor James Dewarf also announced that 12-14 mor^ W«n-Sm,Mod,Lg..X-l .l ~ Uu> ST day ol AprirTk.D., 1010, ai • Fast 3-dav service The first round of the 16-team State LeagueL_<. f /-,r~E/"Tt+ £if Bulrman said that oLjoroe B? perso^ — 7—7=14- 7-14 0 Fellowship -and Auxiliary of Irvington.. and Edward Bier- y play nlCs will Ktart Saturday Jn bolh gyms at tlie : I vJI t.vjold "1 Beheld His Glory," a full length motioni -tuempfel' of Union thlBi week t«o o'clock Ui ttw aftanoon of aald day, Choice of Many Colors concerned, nuln/of whom h»ve guBewdm4J»r *• New-jersey will meet-Sat- " - — ' tnt«r«at of th« Gaudineer School. The^Ea.stern Division ptay-m' The chancel Cho|r of Springfield picture in color; will be showron Pahn Sunn , ZUT--. urday, March 28. at B:30 p.m.^ and mnrtp ' isdto tt» day evening at 8. K depicts Holy Week througMJ •fttiadrdWttPgei! MfUjr five have as yet signs* ... . ,_-ji,. Clilb Sets offs will start in the.Oirls' Cym with-Indtami' nj mted Methodist Church, Xrch easements. He ddd^:iryJA»# at the YM-YWHA, Union. , chairmen of tlie'iroAimitteb. in-act op parcel Large Sehfcrtion of- the eyes of a .Roman centurion who 3t663 _ of land tOfCetOflC-Jrilhlttie'tnAdlnf- _ and AccestorSft-Gn ... everybody." 48I-46T § The organization aids re- The 1.2Q visitors willarrive Airline Travel Covers beneath the cross. Produced by Cathedral OTHEBIUPEH VALUES KOTLIJTCD! Jn Irvington May 2i.The8O* thereonandthe appurtenancea therei L ' Sajaa Af: "fffaat^SayinBs P FRELIMOITDYSEN AVE; • tarded children as wefl asob- pertalnlni, bere]nafter particularly .Tllms, It Is considered one of the mosf ordinance-, to place strict controls on u—„ (CORNER NOBLE STREET) I tainlng schplarflhlps for chil- voice chorus, will appear:in breiji MON. - FBI., 10 AJrl to 8:30 PJvl PM; SAT., 10 AJM, to 6 PJ* realistic presentations ot the Crucifixion,- 5 in Uio BoiOQfXli of Wfliftilft CoontV' ping centerJ, such as the U jnllllon Project NEWARK, H.J. 243-33381 dren,of members. — concert In Irvingcon and will of utaon utd SUl*. ol Now jersey. he said, adding that the public is invited to r . stay over in tlie area to attend * «t a point ootbeaoatharly reportedly planned by Ale»anrter B along Kt. 1 BLOCKS SOUTH OP ROUTE »; PRELINQHUYSEN AVENUE EXIT - | Further information may be fly Ctrive tl s point therein —lt-will-be-a-iiew prehenuiUun forttiBToeal— ^ttofUisaea^cJlaJLserylces: 22i-HelndicatB!tth«thoihought-such a prpjed obtained from. Mrs._Mirism yly ^nncrrtrhrtpfl <-f)Tnru.rirlnii_In .. rjT" Jersey" City among the numer- tntersection of ttie uid aoutharty «Ue SHORT HILLS Eholr, including selections from several would harni the ;community. , •- 'Gurvitz,''5263M6. "~ of HoUy drtve tnd the euterly fide fanious~6ratorlos which they have offered in ' CommitteemffiTRohnrr G.'Planer said that ous German choruses .in the . of Pine Street if both Bald •V*«ta Northeast Region. Saenger- recent years. Solos and choral numbers con- Band parents to meet no wagj'mft^aa; Bure this l»_A_thr«at*'at directioit >V>nc tho JHW southerly flial# cerning the "last week in Christ's life have Springfield, chor Newark is the defending of Holly Drive with a radio* of VWLOt champion. feet » distance of 00.0 f*«t to a point; {Continued been brought together TroHT Handel'^ The Band; Parents Organization of Jonathan Mayor Bultman commented that the Plan- thence (2) Sooth S3 decreMOTmiiwtea "Messiah," Maunder*s "Olivet to Calvary," 33 eecomu West 100,04 feet too. point 1 Dayton Regional ~ High School will have a ning jBoard would study all- phaaes of the _ _C as an- undesirable tenantif too many" ajBols'. "Seven last- Words" and^tanler's gtaaral_meeringjiirtTuesday evening afJiilSi; mataatl j' A wide reClch V T In'ihe sootheriy "• * " " " CENTER complaints qre made, even If complaints are 'XJruclflxioh," according to Simons. -—• ....' Rudd Tnnalt -in :the-music-rooni;Qf;ihe .High School. The Don;t get too: close to a Justified), better s^vlce ln~areas of heating, Soloists for the oratorio are from the agenda will include the trip to Atlantic'City Island Rapid Trw^~ftallvay~Ca,i In water anil plumbing'and better maintenance of . local congregation, including: Juanita Mason, Nqnied to dean's list gorilla. A mature male may a weeterlry direction wittr a radbts of 376-2543 in June and the jackets to be awarded to be six feet- tall and weigh 1960.61 faat a distance of 00.0 feet to —tlie property hy mnnngpmpnr'lti-xeturn for Evelyn Schenack, George Reimllriger and Jo- —SOsin Patricia Wolff, daughter of Mr. and a point; thence rtmntnc (4) North 33 ihree-year membersXTParenTiTorbantJ-mem- 400 pounds or more. Hisenor- decrees 00 minute* 11 •econcUrEut tenants' rnqking prompt payment of rehr and " sepll;Bamett. The ehancel Choir ^rtll be bers, drill team, color guard and twirlers Mrs.jDavid B^Wolff of 13 Avon nt, Spring- 100.01 feet tothe siOrsoatherty side mous arms can span eight 1 HwepinSTn nlses-in rderhr* assisted By other members of the congrega- s-field,- ha» made die deaiiVifat-ar Amencin- -ai-lUHy-DrtYV-tt ' *^~ were urged to attend. .__. .i feet. Unlver»ity, Washington. D. C. _. ... i asLot*6tBlock.»-A~ on map-entitled "Uu ,of Pbwviaw. Estate*. Borwigh of RoseUe. Union of ajnanJ ' "I see, over there, County, New Jersey" dated May 8.. QO/6BO1IS TUBELESS BLAOKWALL 850/lMll* TUBELESS BL*OKW*LL 1050 and record«d as Man 505-F in a" horse;" "Tnat's~hot-T the Union County negistsra Office on horse. It looks like a dragon May 2MLfl», -lo-mel" . ' . •"•"—• BeinTNvminonly known and deslcn- •ted as 339 Itolly Drive, Rosella, Wew , In. clouds, as with many Jerpoy. _„' ...;: . . . • TUBELESS BLAOKWALL other aspects of life, few There Is due >i>proxunately 9BJS1S«OS ' PRICE .SHE ERiCtt ~5tZC PHICE • PEOPLE, AND CLOUDS 'mad-eotka. — -• -• - 700 71l,\t . I5.« 7J5 775-15 .15.99 Spring' Is- Just 'around the thirigai look exactly the same y Tbe Sheriff re«erves~lho rlcht to 1750/775-U.-. .'. • I .-;^-.^-, U.99. 7iO. 775«14 .. • 16.99 710 815.15 .17.99 to more .than one pair of eyes,- adjourn this sale. U 14.«, -corner. The sign^ are already RALPH ORISC £1X0, Sheriff 13- .- .-". ,..,-.. YIJ.W MOO 62S-U-. • 18.99 700 J4KTJ7.... .19.99 here. Children playing baser Did you ever consider that ON FRIDAY ORSATURDAY NIGHTS .'__ '... : — City-Spritzer SAMUEL IL COOEH, ATTY. :. 1710/8I5-15V. .15.99 aSO SS5*W .. . 30.99 100 IIS 900'IS. • 27.99 It is the same where people DJ AS CL-31MU *---. - F.E.T. 1.7? lp.2.M«M, tot) T.EiT. t.W io l«w iialae. ' 1 ball. Voting people strolling WW'a Slightly HlgUr hand-ln*hand 'along the ave» are concerned?Havtryou ever IN UNION COUNTY'S WILLIAMS FIILD Elizabeth, N.J. (Highway No. 1) Keep in touch with town at Tn« BpeeUtor, Mar. 5, 12, 10, 25, lffTO ' nues. Greenery and colored asked "a friend, "Just whatls It iho Barclay. Spe the new ' •• (Fe«»6a.O8) "** — ssassSssS FLORSHEIM flowers pop up In meadows that you see in that guy? l~ shows, Dancelhf* new dances. NOTICE TO CREDITOnB ESTATE OF SAMUEL CHALET, D*- and on tye hillsides." ""• don't UlseJlUn at all." Spot (he new trends in. the TURTLE W&X- for the first Easter Tilerq Is a game char chil- / Play the game of life as galleries and museums, Shop Parsaant to the order of MAnV^C. This spring loyce lovct the prelly drcst ihe new^excitement in the KANAME, Sorrofate of th« County of 'SQUEEK NO MORE' mssm- you would play the game of me dren play. Most of us. played Union/ nude on the 6th day of March SIUCONE clouds. Never believe that Tlie JER^IIGERS stores. A(ter an evening in A.D., 1070, upon the application of th* ofthe70's It In our youth, as young- COMPLETE B POINT \j shoe, And there's lots to love about what you see, or what you be- town, enjoy .a luxurious anderslgnea,. as Executors of the estate of IUHICMT sters still do in spring and said deceased, notice Is hereby fiven to • —3umincr.-VYe-canrBtlU.play it lieve or understand; Is alLqf AFFILIATE OF BALTIMORE COLTS-APL ~^ Barclay'suite at the regular the creditors of said deceased to «x BRAKE SPECIAL ltnout arousing suspicion of Uon their clalnu and demands acalnatthe -our adulu-peersi-H'a-callesd.-._ understand what they sec and- of Atlantic Coqstjootbg I Lie a gft0T=^ Saturday or Sunday, pnhr$40_ estate of said deceased wlthfaisntmonths stfaa " ' the clouds." It's an Interesting better off fordi room service breakfast. : .. l touch The pcrfYt! shoe - FIRST ORDERS - gamerfor one, but much moe?-. linv pniril in Ni-w HEWHI-OtOW " _-Whotrtwo^ou-mo** -— First Orders will receive First Consid- . ,„,, lo.nlit U'mui KBi'rvJiiiin LIQUID ufl, hqujd fashions c are-playjng."".. ' .__/ ,,, , .PiibTTcIIy chairmen aie-urgede- >l(lf4< inNnOtrt |III ln»ir\cdiali-_ 1970 SEASON TICKET APPLICATION -V4P-S«ction or Spacial—- ""'• Uie blue'BgiriB filled"~to."dbserve Ihe Fiid8yri)oad- -Roiorved. Se(!tionr= ^^-^ ^ ^OLtaJFerrocI Seating • Nouv Patent -^^—^-AII_Sgg>on T'Crft holders will receLys- *Bana Batem ^-^-Fr»» Pflrlclno Tlcfc»t In nur porkina^qreo. — *- ..orid • flftt p.r«iflX9nca to all playoffand chomplonshlp gonnnl

juU oil Park Avc, 31111 East 4tllh St. OUR SPRING & SUMMER • WowVork, N.V. 10O19 CLOTHES ARE ARRIVING! CLIP BELOW APPLICATION AND REPLACEM HEAVY ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW FOR PREFERRED SEATING OUT* shable polyesters and cotton!.. OILHLUt MUFFLERS Fashion V newest in the richest of Fashion's colors. Deop lylahogany. Ladies dresses, culottes, shorts, V.I,.P. (40-50 yard line) $35.00 Special Reserve (40-20 yard line) $25.00 IRVINGTON -| Nearly Boy-Proof! Roady for the newest? Como In now. .ach tor-lh>-JEBStvY-TIOEB5- --Rlcl»-Tan-Galf-bullt-3tron!r — s\ a cks"r p antsr-j eis~a rTcTeri s e m btoaP'~ ENCLOSED IS MY GHECK FOR $.. ,... for Spring and Summer Activities. •'11 Malta chack or monoy orrjtr payoble lo Jersey Stota Sport» Inc. and m6ll »o: v "Batter Quality Mdse. At Wholesale prices!" 510 SOUTH AVENUE, EAST ORANFORD, N.J. 070IB ONI IXHIBITION AND 6 REGULAR LEAGUE GAMES 575 CHANCELLOR AVE., Irvington f (botweon Coit St. & Chestnut Avo.) HARAN MILL MY SEATING PREFERENCE IS: [_] V.l.P. • SPEC. RESERVED • LOW • MIDDLE dl HIGH PUTTER'S SHOE? NAME (Plaoia Print) ...... \ IS NOW OPEN I QUICK, QUALITY, COURTEOUS SERVia OUTLET STORE OPEN 10 A.M. TILL 10 P.M. DAILY - AUTO DBPT. OPEN SUNDAY 333 MILLBURN AVE., MILL6URN ADDRESS. • - ••.-,-.• • • • YOUR CAR SPARKLING CLEAN \r INSIDE S. OUTSIDE - IN JUST A FEWMINUTES SPRINGFIELD AVE. J. Rout* No. 78 UNION , N.J. 562 Volley Road, WcstOr

.•».••' ^--. for Union Purim^ariy vaJU a. GtNtllAL APPHOWUAT1UNS ! : / .• (AJ- GtfiitATJONfl (ccotinutrf) r—-;-JMm_J^-giirT*l|,'fl_aflEioiminer and seor .. nuichlne will ihare the—stage with the _'iS2Sli^SEls!glCftncatt,iil,-tlJe seizes and is ^ annual PiTp7rn> . -retaiyVof tlie Ncw-J«se)' EtoartrrienroJ CJvll- ttureftliiveltt: Qt&swwnBwav .we, bgJ violins, woodwinds indbrass on Sunday, when • "together' last Wednesday to discuss mutual ' open only to aflulis ftccompanlfctJ by a child la. Eastern Union County YM-YWHA-, Green lane^ Total ""Ciipl-tl lilU*-MOUI*lfAlHC*4l)t'. NtA tains If «ftfl(rilna06n"announcements for posi- at a. Y'Ain^ l*eople's Concert sponsored, by f • Paygn-W *of Bond Prtnctpu , liuer-Oovernmentall AffaireAffi , Committee-chairCmihlr - Ing to Richard P. Muscatello of Ellzabetli. The program will open at 1:30 p.m. and run 223-5035 Interest - on Bonds ,,»..., tions in Union County. Tlie bulletin also corn Union college and the AtUnTroSAssoclation at president^of. the Ahunnl,Assoclatloa».Tiie rt>- ^.1^ tains 26 examination announcements for tho man Wlliiam J; Maguire' invited the~counry 3 p.m. at ite. college- ln-Cranforo;.;,... . until 4 p.m. It will feature more than 20 legislative .delegation Co',,.the meeting held malnlng events In die series are Union Coilage _^j)Jy-rt'-.<.'i5»ooth3, a variety of prize?: c In vt in proof" and the toUl o*-juitlc.ji_t»d revenue- "' Total Monlcipal Dobi'5ervlc« •• .\i>e*~various municipalities in Unlori~Coiinty under hereto an! hereby made. - part bw*n (^•P** t copy of :=r»h'd"reU'eiit.'^'ts. •;•'•' . •;.',• • K* orfJwO oHl- viO. ti>« el_rk of thWvtfoAng bpdy. juila the total of appropriations. '-. .' Civil Service. ' "... ' ' - •• at ilw Keni)worth Municipal Bulldlngr'KBiiU—» (E) DEI-EJIIIKI) C.^AJlGEt. AND BTATU- yyqrth^Mavor William Conrad was the host. "tape will add an extra-dimension tQ.modern 'TJahgcrous Corner" on April 3 at 8:30 p.m;,- , BUPLEfcL CLOONKY AND COMPANY, TOUY lOCPLNniTUHrS-WUNICirAL •— -Farreli said. "Our March IjxarninatJ sc*lectimt00'^xanunal •plOny,- accorBlrtg toilenry Bloch'of New York New~Je"rsey bahce Guild on May"3"at 8 p.m." ' ^children-"to'"flve~ coupons ;' goo'ff for pilies." IlecUturod Munlclpttl AccounUnt nouncenients for interesting and challenging freeholder board, State Senators Matmew J. ' ~ar« (40A:4-53) I a.n».« City,,conductor and musical director, The series is offered by -.the college in There will be a separate room and booths •noa nth d*yof nciuiuAKY, i (2) STATUTORY EXPENDmmni: * careers in state, county, and municipal govern— Kinaldo and Nicholas S.LaCorteandAssembly- ¥ Contribution to: nieu Teter - J. McDcnough jind Herbert Hi . . "¥J'I'hc liroyram Includes rThe Mardi" from appreciation of alumni .support and has been . for children under six years old. ' - —TT~ Public Empl_3y«os' Itetirt-munt ments In New Jersey. The 40 examination "_ The Love of Three Oranges" by Prokofiev, arranged by an alumni committee headed by By«U-m , Zil • 0,000.00 6.WO.O0 • 8,fiOO.0O ' 8,188.00 314.00 JUelin attended, « • --—^—• A masquerade march will begin at i:30~. x ZfiQQ.00 announcements for local government In Union George E. Van Dorn of Cranford. Social Security System (O.A_S.1_) 5,900.00 8,000,00 4,344.83 .;. 899.3S A' discussion regarding the county charge..-' """''nance Rhythms" by Walllngford Rlegger, Con_K_Ud__Urd Police and Firemen'a County are excellent examples of these op- | The Unanswered Question" by Charles Ives, Notlctr Is hereby given that thu 'budget and Lix r.-aol-r- 1,500.00 «,000.00 4,000.00 3,443.14 J57.M back law, resulted in a'request to tlie Legi^r •5*l2__U Budg*. o* "w DOItOUCllof MOUNTADiiaD^ County Pension FUnd .« portunities. - .- ^ «f UNION for the flKjil year 1W0. lion WJU» upproved by the MA YOU ANi> COUNCIL of tho la tors for amendments to remove "frivol- "iUup.sodlc Variations" by Luening-Ussachez- •fBett Rvaolnd, that the following oUtem-nt- of revenue ltOnOUGH o/MOUNTAJNEIDE County of UNION, on FU1HU- Pollcu and Firemen's (iutirement' 24,000.00 18,900.00 18,899.10 40.30 "Once again 1 want to stress the Importance sky and "Hide and Seek" and "The Electronic jisa unroprUtlaas nball constitute tlie local budgirt lor the AHY 17, 1070. - . System . of'' N.J. .„.„....„ — of filling openings In county and municipal ities." Under tliis law tlie county ' is re- Two hikes A hearing on the budget and tax resolution .will be hold Total Deferred Char ROB and Statutory . quired by the state to pay tuition alul uther Suite for Children" by Walter Klmmel. This ' Tti It Fttrttwir n*_W-Ved. that aaid budgi* bo puhllfllwd at BEECHWOOD SCHOOL.: on MAKCH 10, 1070. at 8 » O,»0.e3 | 3J,«O0.0O I 33,400.00 < 30,83108 t 1,5W.«1 -- government with the best qualified Individuals. last work was commissioned by die Colonial jfc MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO In th» issue of MAHL'll 12. o'clock (P.M.) at which tirtn and place objections to said It is only til rough an effective and .efficient costs for Union County residents who attend YOUNG DRIVERS budget and tax resolution for th*t year 1070 may bu present - (11) TOTAL GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS colleges in other Counties. Symphony's Young Pepple's Concert and re- scheduled STlte Governing Dotty of tho uoilOUCll oTMOUNTAINSDIK ul by UjjUyura or other inturt-otod pvraqna. FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES »1»2,»«S.OO 1748,338.11 4 40,834.33 public—service that government at all levels corded In the Columbia-Princeton Electronic"" ttonm hereby approve the following as the-wdjutfor the year _ , will be able to effectively confront and solve Freeholder Harry V. Osborne cltedn^cnse- Music Center, It ie presented wltlioui; benefit FOR- LOCAL DISTRICT SCHOOL 10 colleges to hold where Union County taxpayers ' were forced Two^-Jiikes-"er> scheduled PURPOSES the- many problems that trouble our society of any additional Instruments. AUTOMOBILE Brandt tills weekend for die mem- HECOItDEl) VOTK llochlle AbBt-ined I (L) SUB-TOTAL GENERAL APPROPRJ— today. And nowhere are these problems more to pay tuition costs for~a~skllng~course offered Parent ATIOWT...... :... 1792^03.00 • 48,834.33 In Somerset County. He pointed out tliat the Alcldes Lanza of the Columbia-Princeton bers and quests of the Union Aye Absent | (M) RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED evldene-than on the local level, Electronic Music Center will narrate tbe County Park Commission. Van niarconi ' TAXES „ 83,039. &6 83,099.98 85,O5».M area conference on present law requires an appropriation of "ln-tho last fiscal year, 7,725 individuals $125,000 In the Freeholders 1970 budget -'to program. . . • . , On Samrday, Barbara Wag- 0. TOTAL GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ts2a.iiio.ia K7S,933.W . were permanently appointed to positions in INSURANCE i Notice la hereby gtven that the budget and tax resolution A bearing on the bodgL-t and lax resolution will be held YOUNG AUTHORS —"TTiese toys « Springfield's Edward Walton School hava been writing pyy for "frivolities such' as theso."' staff of Cranford will lead • IN ADDITION TO contemporary rhythms and a> approvM by (he MAYOO. AND COUNCIL of tho at DEECHWOOBflCHOOL, en MARCH 19, 1670, »t 8 o'clock their own stories and then typing tbaln-Qn the primary typewHter. The project helps .the county and municipal .service after suc- an eight.-mile hike in the area oROUOH o* MOUNTAINSIDE County of UNION; on Ft^jno^— — (P.M.) at %hich time and place objection* to said budget cessfully passing open competitive examlna- admission Toesday In another matter, the recommendations hnrmnnlpc—Sunday%-«udienee-willTbe-in > One Year Driving Experience nV 17. 1070. ^^ . ' • and tax resolution (or the year 1BT0 may be pri-acniwi by ' • ' , nhtlity.>if'.Ur. th.lr npwlllng and raiding aldUs. Shown.- ^mj^lnn Rgpnrf'nn 'of Bcrnnrrisvnip. Th~ p " • • ttxpajfci a ur trtlicr Intcrcsto- pwBufuc.' • - •- r» I fill. rhri.rmaQ, K^uln Mlfrtinll' uons.-i ma-frs-the^mry way any-tnmvtdaaT~can~ Ihe Midwest College Council wJUTioUTa —ducod-io-tJiee _ group rccclvo permanent appointment to the Com- study of the .problems facing county govern- ' 'Unanswered Question," according to conduc- will meet at the Bernards- -cooperative admissions conference Tuesday at ment, was discussed. Tlie Freeholders were., . ville Railroad Station at 9:30, • Eaiy Payments petitive Civil Service in New Jersey and these 8 p^n. atJonathanXlaytonilfglanallllghSdiool, tor Dloch, Is played with the strings on stage, : > EXPLANATORY STATEMENT / OF CURBENT FUND SECTION OF. YHAR 1070' YKAR 1P69 • unanimous" in their praise of the findings a.m. . . --" 7 APPHGVJ^BUDQET n. nirnurATEO H^ENUES FROM opportunities are available' to all qualified while the wind instruments will be located... ewiMMmG POOL irnLrry Springfield,* for students in area tilgh schools defined in the reporL_ wiuiiudHiuinuiiitraiiitimiui Individuals. ' v throughout tlie auditorium. Concertmaster Irv- and their parents.. ——Saniirop— RMh On Sunday, William Myles- Opomtlng Surplui "*H- :=3pg-Nw=baum of Cr«html3 willahareconduuting ' ul Summit will lead an 11- $831,959.02 $71*2,803,00*- ns ul Uiilun Cumny um be ut' Eacli* "of the "ten" coeducational liberal artfl CALL IN UNION OHS =^ i Committee on County and Municipal Govern- clioreg witiiBioch.for this number. Total OpuratincSurplUjAntlclpalwl.. ,no.M_«_u. ii)iua t n,moo lo prepare —oasUtanceto tlmlr county and munlcipaJ-gqy--. colleges in the council' will be represented at ment, pointed out dint public hearings, begun milc hike along the Appala- ^Rescrva tor""Uncol on E-rtimatod 07 Porcont of Tax Collections .. ernments by exploring the excellent career the sessions to acquaintcolIegeapplicaiiLs with Tlio conceit is tlie fourth event In aCulmral chin Trail in—Ihe-^orea-of- fr -inm—week, would no doubt result in amend- ' Arts Series sponsored by Union College for ^ ESSEX COUNTY 992-6611 . VTotal. General Appropriations ...... „ „„ $028,780,18 $675,0__3»56 .opportunities appearing In our'March Examl- the educational, culturarnndT!i5CErraTIvanlages ments lo strenghtcn Senate Bill S-513, die; Southfields, New York. The womericis health / nanon Bulletin," with a view to personally alumni and their families. It is the second group-will meet at the- -ad^~ _i Less: Anticipat-d JtAVontas Othar Than Current Property-Tax - • :— , the colleges have to offer. The chairman will bill which would make tho Musto Report WEEK'S filing an application lui cAanilnatlou.- .01 'en— be L/r. timer Jagow, pre'BTdtnrof Hlr^im Col- ~ mlhiBiration building of the - CAta m MORRIS COUNTY" 377-72O03T~ -j ' (La., surplus, MlscclUnooua Reyenuryi and Roc-ipu from Delinquent Tax-*)' recommendations "permissive" lo the coun- Union County Park Com- £uildlt{*AiAUd AUowAllowanca * ) 1970 Appropriated Expanded 1089 couraging qualified friends and neighbors to do legc, Hiram Ohio: . ties. Kinaldo also suggested that the State 677,190.93 o83.7B2.B4 aides, homemakers 1 Drama workshop slated forSchoola-Stato Aid so,' Freeholders Association offer suggestions for mission, Warinanco Park^. to be Raised by Tut« forai^rrOl^Oum^ Forl989By Totalfcirl989 HEALTH The ten colleges, located In seven mld- Elizabeth,, at 8.a.m. (C Difference: .Emergency AaUodlfledby Paid or " Best Ever' and 'Really Exciting' has been Those interested in recelvingthe Mardi "__The Unjon CpuntyXJrganlzationof theAmeri- AUTO CLUB UNDERWRITERS AGENCY $301,590.25 $192,169.72 p iy,»wr»rn, araf OB,. ara' .——^ '• ^ l HM tor VbmiclfXJhuv?*** tacSSGag Reserve tor 13. APPROPRIATIONS FCW"SWIMMING Raaolution AllTrenater. Charged Reserved the enthusiastic-response to a program planned— ExaminatioEM •••••• — ».••« MnM nnlUWIBUllerinl •aH Jt&Tk-d application ^jl ?1T ±-1-* ! s shoul_t'L'..dTJ' can Legion and American L«glon Auxiliary ONE HANOVER ROAD contact the main office. Department of Civil Carthage college, Kenosha, Wisconsin: celebrated the 51st birthday of tlie American Further information maybe for the new SAGE' visiting" homemaker-home obtainetTTrom -the recreation -'SUMMARY OF I860 APPROPRIAT-ONS EX_?£MDEJ___. OEraUnc—. health aide training course," according to J.W. HEWS Service, State House, Trenton, 08625, or the Hamline University; St. Paul, Minn.; Heidel- CARPENTERS, ATTENTIONI • It youraalf to Legion last Thursday with a birthday dance FLORHAM PARK, N.J. 07932 _2 ,. AND CANCEliEl? . p-pi---Hnn of Appropriations tor Salartoa and Wagoa ...... « J4.170.00 t 21,000.00 t 10,815.00 30,000 (amlll.r will, n li....n > Wnnt AA Tnll •department of the Union- Other Ebo^oiaaa 30.S3S.81 91.19 • branch office at 1100 Raymond blvd.. Newark. berg College, Tiffin, Ohio; Hiram College, '.. . — pother Exptnsos" 13,051.30 48.80 Klnley, director of the SACE.K : O86-7700. Tonipproxlmately 100' hospitalized veterans -:r4 : : SWIMMING Capital Improvements: . ia,23O.oa - i»,ooo.oo 13,100,00 .. " —D7I0C--. •-: . Hiram, Ohio;- Hope College, Holland, Mich.; County Park Commission. Ceherml • -• POOL maker Service, Summit. at Lyons Hospital, Mlllington. Budget 4,188.13 3^11.13 Kalamazoo College, Kalamay.pp, Mich.; Utility The amount. •PP">Pri_UedTOder th* Utlo °^ ''°5«r Debt Service: ia.7nn.no v>ooj»— S.OOO.00 "We-have proenrod tne serVfcea^oXjifiople^—r -Scarlet fever.v.. diphtheria... whoop- L-ocal New Jersey State EmploymentOfflcos Bodset Appropriations - •Payment ot-Bond prtnclpal «.^.w Lindenwood College, Bt, Cliarle's, Mo.; Mac . « 03.7OG.0O Expenaea" arc tor -p-rattol-eaatai other than "Salaries 10,000.1 10,000.00 tops In our respective fields, as Instructors,". " ing cough. . . small pox-... Infantile . have the Examination Bulletin and applications mtereat on Bond, „...... «...„.„., " .oo 8.19 ai3w«es.", ' _. . . ' : DufiuiedCliamuB«nd Statutory ,_VB,.11,7JJ,I 11,718.31) she continued, "and are fortunate to have the paralysis.,. tuberculosis ... pneumonia available. The last date for filing of appli- Murray College, Jacksonville, 111.; Nebraska $ 83,700.00 Total Appropriations C Some o* the Hems Included in. "Other Expenses" are: '"f^ypffTyHtiir^PTiy"f^ypffTyHtiir^PTriy " ' use of-OverlookHospltal'snurslngartslabora- ... these are medical terms familiar to cations for examinations Is March 25. Wesleyan University, Lincoln, Neb.; and Rock- Tworanges Deferred Oiarges: - ford Gollege, Rocldforcl. 111. '_ • Expen-UtQTflB: " ' and non/boodabla equipment. \ Guai u(Iuiiiiuiminetii A tory and the Public Service home economics most Americans. Por some of us they Swlmmlns Pool .:• .'• 17,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 room In Summit, for lectures-anit-practlcal" " generate remembrances of uncomfortable "These conferences' are planned to give . paid or- (-Minding Reserve .,.: Repairs and —fr1"**-*"** of buildln«a, eotUpment, roads, bto y ^tip h days and feverwwracked nights; for others students and their parents the chance to learn to be opened Charred tor UteoiLeotocf etc. .... COTtrlbuUon to: application. . UC appoints dean Snolal Secorlty.SyaKim (O.A.S.D . 1,300.00 1JOOO.0O sudden frightening trips to a hospital; for some of the particular advantages of thojmiall Ta_*t „ «w^._«. •_29p98_34 3^70.23 1,000.00 M9.» uCss From March 30 through-ApriL3, 9 a.nvw ' Tlie rifle and. pjstol"ranges CcntractuaL services for sarbafa and trash removal, fire still others »hoc,klngfamllymigedy.Today Independent'liberal-arts colleges," according . -^TSSS^WSSSI, mW tovoUiteer fire companies, ota. ~ Total Approprlailona 7 ' t 7 7n ]' I «3,810.00 :"* 81,700.00 4 p.m., trainees will attend classes as follows: operated by the Union County Family life-In relation to food, Mrs. Helen every one. of these afOlcatlons, plus scores for summer term to John Howard, president of Rockford College, Park Commission will open Printtnc and advertising, utility servicco, insuranco and of other less familiar illnesses, can be Rockford, Illinois,' and chairman of the coun- rowjiottwf items^sswitial^to the service, rtmderod by Hlntz, home economist; homemaker and the • The appointment of Prof. Bernard H. Solon for ihe senson~*ar"l~p:m^:.'on* ssss^JS " manicTpal iDVernment. patient, Mrs. Edith Bauer, director of com- controlled, prevented, or cured through the cil's executive committee. • __J>J]!U***I.iy.. Wfr.-ithpr pprm.tHncr_, use oi drugs. . of Westifled, as director of the Union College Orer«xpe»Uturea* OedlcaUon by Rldor - N.J.S. 40A:4-39 "Tto dedlcaled Escheat; Federal Grant; are nereby anticipated as revenue munity nursing. Overlook Hospital; mental summer session was announced this week by Because" the small Midwestern colleges- TJie ranges ure located in • Sao Bodret Apjaopriitittl lUma ao marked to lha rirM revenuea anticipateddarbistheyear 1970from Dof licenses; fcnd are nereby appropriated for the purposes to which Whatever your drug Deeds, you can rely specialize in undergraduate education, they arc oi wi«™ "Expended 1M&-Rftserved State or Federal Aid lor Maintenance of Ltbrarlee; Beqtaegt; said revenue Is dedicated by statute or other lefal requtre- health, Benjamin, Ettinger, director. Union Dr. Kenneth W. Iversen, president. Lenape Park-oO- KenHworth meet.1 County Mental Health Assoclatlon^professlon- on efficient, quick service from PARK ' Prof. Solon has been a member of the biology _ often leaders in new and improved educational Doulevnrd, Cranford. :__!. APPENDIX TO'BUDOET STATEMENT al ethlCS P**. W.rrwi R_ Nf qtlAr (tirwrnr ift DRUGS, 225 Morris Ave.. Springfield (In department at Union College, Cranford, Bince ~ techniques. Dr. Howard-reported^ TTie rifle range, with .shoot- ^rr-Tf; " —... .~~ CURRENT FUND - ANTICIPATED REVENUES ..:-•.:•-„ education, OvecloaV-Haspital; safety In the the General Greene Shopping Center) 1962. Conference' sessions start with short talks ing pcrmiued only from the CURRENT FUND BALANCE BHEETDECEMBEK 31, IBM COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CURRENT FUND Phone 379-4942, ...... In die auditorium and a general question and Artiel OPERATIONS-AMD CHANGE IN CURRENT SURPLUS home, Miss Edith Doane, former director. He recently returned from an 18-month prone powi lion, through port*;, OENERAL- REVENUES- '- ASSETS Safety Council of New Jersey;. Open daily, 8:30 a.m. ID 10p.m., Sat. —answer period. Afterwards, die represen- can nrrnmm(y.n.y ?fl.*;hf.f.Tf*r«-- In 1MB YEAIUSM sabbatical leave during which time he attended . •. ino i«eo tatives of each college "moves to a .separate uaan ajil~tave8Unonia .„„.„ Also, working with children, Mrs. Adelaide 8:30 a.m.'to 9 P.ITL, Sun. B a.m. to 2 pjn. North Texas State University where he held a nn. the SO-yard range and 10 3^83.0I 2S3.754.M » 308,341.e« classroom for consultations with mc-snidcnLs State Road Aid AJtotaCIlla EC£tlTaliliL__ SurpUia j McGlffen, dlreaor, Elkwood Play. School; FREE DELIVERY...BABY NEEDS..^UR- research teaching fellowship. He-is a doctoral .shooters on the 100-yard^._ pso.ooo.iio c»,ooo.oo Recehrablea wUh OftMttliic Rnarna: CURRENT REVE«UE • GTCAL SUPPLIES.U PRINCE GARDNER and their parents. - —-•• • -Taxsa RoeolvaUa .^. ,.; »,«( CASHBABQ: _working with people aria understanding, the candidate at the Texas university. range..Only .22 caliber. siniJe Tar Tlur hirna Barahnhla - Current Taxes elderly, Mrs. Katherine Wood, assistant pro- WALLETS.^ CHARGE PLAN AVAIL- shot rifles are permitted. The Proporty Ac~ilnd by Tai TttK lien • •fPercentafe"089 9Tstjkl»S8»S fessor. Graduate School of Social Work, Rut- ABLE. .._. ..: — versify' and holds a master's degree from JJninn County Rifle V*aRtie * Ml .nnnwn.it mrrmm: Ottiar RecetvvUH »^w^.u. gers University. " ,._.', Mbnjclalr State College. His doctoral research Theater party to be fie/cl fihnols at this range '.moHt "GRADE A" Deferred Chargeg s Requireq d w be4h < 12,000.00 $ 10,406.00 • I3,sia.oo 1070 RadyM, . ,.,': , , , ; Application for the course, provided free of Is in tfie fleacTof quatic Insects end_cpncerjng_ "Monday—through" • ThurRtffly'' G0VT INSPECTED ^ 1.MO.O0 4,5M.»0 8^31.00 Deferredeiuiae.ltanulieJtob» _ »3,5M.713.84 »).1M,M3.4B their potential as pollution indicators. COUnfV GOP Dodgets Subsequent to 1970 n -be—made.- at SAGE Headquarters, 50 •The Union College summer 7SBBBBra-will by - Alay iii September^ Total AueU Deforest ave., Summit. For appointments, "HAPPINESS". offer more than 40 freshman and sophomore The Union County "Republican Organization -The piNtpl ranjje has been readers may call "Mrs. Klnley or Mrs. Ca- courses In a six-week progranuzMore-than--will hold its annuol theater party April 28, the center of. activity for the 11,000.00 uAMLrraa, BESEIIVES INDSARPUJ 1 HJ140.O0 brera at 273-5550. ' i;000 saidents~llre expoctsd to nnpnii thr «rhW—•—El»»^«—*JT«x.. 3|000.O0 i forHecehrables..._i summer session in bo ;.— MM-Playhouserr- "L*?3Riier"Ten Jwrts .can be.'! SlRLOijy 1.M0.00 Surplua. slonsi Students Jrom. s, Joan Qeer of Fanwood.'vice chairman used nt any one lime; a 15- 3.000.00 of the county organization and chairman .of yard and *-a 2-^-vnrtl raniic. [%• 3;ooaoo T-I-' 'ilnMIlatUIUCTI , Kcfcryna undSurplm. and universities throughout the nation attended CHICKENS Sports speaker, movie _Ust year's summer session.—^ the theater.party, sold tickets for^thefurid^-.. -mnko qpthis faciiiry. ^==—^ • ;' 1M.7M.M lM.TM.OO HO.1M.00 raising event are "available from Repiihlii-mi Both ranges will be open 1S.M jj'om,, for 'father-child night* FRIDAY DEADLINE ' headquarters,.610 North uve.. East, Wesrfield"' . i»n Saturdays am! Sundays from Blue Star LOOO.OO 1JJOO.03 and from municipal chairmen In each com- 1 to 5 p.mc" and beginning In • , ' '•"'Is A" -' : Atl"itvm» oth«r than apol nawa ahould ba 330.00 490.00 The Brotherhood of Temple Sharey Shalom. ouroffica by. noon on Fridoy. munity. . May Uie ranges will be open' "' Shopping Springfield, will sponsor a "Father and Child on weekdays frorn_5^30 p.m. Sports Night" on April 5 at the temple. Gory BIRTHDAY CAKE from to dork. The fee in $1 per' WHOLE ' • Total *iZI,U0.03 H13.751M »4U,»7.H Wood, quarterback of tbe New YortrGlants, shooter at each range and an -^r I Getrter tBtoelpU from —» 30JJ00.00 $ 20,000.00 I ui.ni.io « 2u,7s«.n wilt be the featured speAlctnv^Who's Number - odditional 10-cenl fee for each • Ib. One," a film on the world champion New additional targeu ' ROUTE 22 York Mets, will depict their herolca of tbe Split 01 Quartered 1969 baseball-season. 4S71 MarrU Av«. WATCHUNG >rterhc Hot dogs, prises, benr -and-soda-will-ha Ssrplua Balance Deeember 31, l»» .. Current Sarnlu. AnUclpitad in provided. All children will receive an auto- . f T.M.* WW.4A.U.-W0PJI. Scuba class $928,100.18 $875,«32.M IWO Bndjel graphed picture of Gary Wood and will have die opportunlty-to talk* to him. For ticket or Htwiine fer reservations, readers may call Len_Arons at Eastern Y luwt'elUMr bem nevhrad lo caih or bare toon alletUd to the raunlel> at-376-4718V :2; TEEN'AGERS, find lob. by Winning WonOJ, p»llty«i»!b«l - ' --- -aoo o»l •*..-:—" by tficTYMCA of Eastern Union WHY PAY MORE?* County for a spring scuba course staxting:al7:30p.m. on Tlprtl 9.-W7O- at, Jbe_Madl; Avenue Branch. Instruction will be given In . the uh« ut'fuoi'ffiask.-fll'ppers' RIB and Exeoottve: and snorkel along with the use .- aSii a of self-contained underwater CORNED BEEF ROAST ' ^mtfflffat*"n am Revision of Ordinance breathing apparatus (Scuba). —'-tOsBtUslHOtts Other Expenses - The course Is open to men and women46 years of age and OU>ai Eipmaaa _._„...__ older, in good health and with Oapartanatf of Public Worka aod . good swimming ability. Class- Instruction will-be made up of the thoory or sci- Ovusotka ^•iarlaa ud .Wages „ ence of diving taught by John Other Espensej s Williamson and the water work LW1 Sanriceleaana andd CoatK will De directed ny James and Wun Foran assisted by the Scuba —members.- - &cui>aequipment may PRO BAT — 8,400.00 : 4^100.00 tii-Tr***' "-" forEmploy** * 13,000.00 - 10JO0.00 10^30.00 10,B13.10 7.81 fjyfy 11,600.00.. .9,000.00 0I000.00 . e,i8uao__r-S19JM' STEAKS CHICKENS held by fireirrecg

firemen and -commarclal and fIro hHgnAlu. hg»- been made possible through' tlio efforts of thellnlonCounty Fire Chiefs Association and the Union County Firemen's r In 1949, we sold 2 Volkswagens in the U.S.A. Association, according to ESTATE P> W Estate Kldiord Koy, coordinator of the Office of Continuing Edu- • In 1969, things got a Illllo butlur. that asks almost -nothing -of youi A cution, • Union County Vocu- TAXES AH told, ihoro are 31// million good drlbblo of flas and,oil, no wator or, tlonul - - Technical Schools, old VW» zipping around tho good anti-frouzo, 'Scotch Plains. SR 6UVONI-O1TONE 1 old U.S. A, In rolurri/' Volkswagons chuurfully Continuing through June 3, - It li for and away tho, biggest aulo- moOntoinj, slclm do sorts, will be held on yi FREE Is otsotho slntploiti • wlnlors. ; . loWardt lh« puichat* of ( lecture hall of tlie Technical The VW Uopi oot lf Q bellei-. Pobptq pumpor ihum/nbusu Iliuiti, Institute. . a I0o>. |ar or And keep* soiling bettor. dopond on thorn and just plain lovu Bui slmplo uoQsn't moan oasy, thorn. ' ' , Chase & Sanborn HO Oalarla. >nd For 20 years, VW lias Improvod Its For 20 yoars VW Ko* raimd lh« Oiber rjiianaaa „„...„.„ „ Improvements and reflnod Its roflno- eyubrows und Sroublod thu sluup of Instant Coffee Aid to HomlUl - Overlook lloaplUl .. Spaghetti Sauce RECREATION AND EDUCATIDN _.iiionls — —'• • •- + —every other carmnkor'trnho World, Caih Valo« 1/30 ol l< Boaill of RtcrMtion Commlaalonera And Wu'vo mode VW sorvlco us ^ Thu y«ars liavo bawti kind.to us (RJL 40:1V 1 rt. ••«.): These books contain valuable, money- and time «avlng information J tJirU. and Waga. — ,. 6,600.Q0 3,4&U.0O 3.280.00 . a.aao.oo good as Ihe car lt!tll(. • ' > bud you fuivo htiuti kind lo us, OttWr FTPanaaa ».w», 3,823.00 -J15.00 -3.4ID.OO a,13S.US 370.04 Todqy/wo ask $1839* for u cur ., And wu Iliank you. Mainfenuoa oTrreo liioio Library .... 10,000.00 60,000.00 fl5*O0O.0O 85,000.00 every widow should have at hor fingertips. That's why so many thought- FOR A, JOB ful men (with their attorneys' advice) have asked Suburban Trust Com- ' npbtal Operatloiui .**.<««>**••.*•*•.*••«.# t733.29-.00 »07V,-!U.OO SU7U.0D4.0O $030,06160 $ 43,407.31 Tl.o.. Mill. cla..lll.J oj. | (B) Continfent ^^.^^...... ^...^ 3,000.00 410.00 1,500.00 n 2,000.00 2,000.00 pany to help with this bewildering task. There's no better way to head Douglas Motors Corp. III* back ol th*, pap«r may li« Tptal Operations B Contingciit TRUST COMPANY *73tJ,__t<1.00 $681,854,00 1081,084.00 *Q3d,400.fl0 1 43.U57.J1 off the volumes of problems which might otherwise fall to your wife," your dnHwcr, EacK waali Trust Department JIK.r.,,!. MQI>. f.odlng it., ' t304,U63.1D I l),Olti.Ul, A visit to our Trust'Department is the first step and now is the time. 430 Morris Avenue cloaalflad o 'mutt' tfiI« w««l( |3*7,010.0O l) |331,t)13.B0 > 33,241.00 ADJACENT TO OUR WESTFIELD OFFICE 0.1J «v«ry w««k.

1 "• • * ' ,'.••••••'•' Summit CR/3300 (C) CAPITAl. IMPROVE^KNTB -0- I 25,000.00 $ 35,000.00 . 9 30,000.00 MEMBER F.D.I.C, tapltal improvetnetit rund ,„ 170 E. Broad Street, WesHloldi • Phono 232-2300 " SPRINGFIELD (N.J.j LKADER-Thursday, March 12. 1970-15

\a-^t weds lee Doem'es 'Day at the Races' scheduled -—T5£i- . . TEMPfcE-SfiTH AHM •. UNITEADN SYNAGOGU tfnw!mar'tmE OF JiHlgBlQK - — ^BXl-TOSKOL WAY" SPMNGFIELD ~ TKHBTREDBHn^ LEWNE '' ' •"> 7 A- "n^y -ir—liuii Jiaces*' 'is scheduled lor r • Thre^ Somerset "buses wllj .leave CANTOR .LAWpENCE P. TIGER ; Doerrlesv son of Mrs. Erwln S.' Doexrles of members uf tiie Mountainside Woman's Club Plaza aat 10:30 a.m.Jmd renirn from Qierry nil is i r i VTTT Today—12:30 p-.m.. Senior League meeting. Summit, formerly 6X Springfield, and the late and their frit:nds on April 25 atjhe Garden mil ar o-w p.m. Reservations may'be made ' 8:30 pjn., ORT meeting. 'v " . Mr. Doerrles. The bride fs the daughter of State Park, CliL-rry HILL Post rflaSe is 1:45 by calling die cfialroian, Mrs. William Heller, I Friday—8:45 p.m., Sabbach services. . i Mr. and Mrs. Janies F.'Brennan of Wobun p;m. There wltt.hca race nprnwl In r'2&1333 ^MBfaet^tBa Sunday—8:L5,p.m.; "BalanB«dPovuni''lec- T R ihay^ :99& —r:^ lure series; Ralph Nader, speaker^' " ~ litSETCEariieg Borromeo winner and jihotp of tiie presentation talien Mrs. George Chaddon. 273-7434;Mrs. Alfred . Monday—8:30pjn., Slsierhood board rneeU ' Zl~Church, Woburn.' A. reception followed at the In the winner's circle, • •—•—.— , 233-8705: M|rs7Ger."al(i:Slavln'r23-j7— :.±i~ Coma help us ca/obrate Super flnast's f ing* 8i30j)Jix^.Meii s.Clubjboard-Xiieelingl! .-l-^J.^ —^..l.DGr£. wiil be ^ accommodations for! ali^LD- b7U5i^ind Ursi Michael Sgiuro, at-232-»S9.--" =<^" great 73rd Anniversary Sale I Wednesdajr—8:30 p.m., schbolboard meet- Ml SaJpatricl a Breonon was m aid o? honor for the clubhouse; followed by an evening at tiie Tiie American home department of• the club ing. 1-7 P^m., BloodmobUe. ~—her sister. MlchaelJ.Manley was best man, and. Latin Casino, theater restaurant,'with cdcK- met at the home ol'Wrs^-Micliael Sgarro for-a ^ ushers were William A.Hancur, Robert P,Kahn. talls, dinner ami entertainment featuring Paul lesson, in ;decoupage. The president, Mrs. V ' COMMUNITY PRESBYTEWAN CHURCH and Robert Schlff. Anka and Tinimiu Rogers. , • Donald Hancock, instructed the group.. Co'^ . MEETING HOUSE LANE, MOUNTAINSIDE Mrs. Doerrles is an alumna of the University hostesses were Mrs. -f red Desch and Mrs.' MINISTER: REV. ELMER A. TALCOTT JR. of New Hampshire'and will receive a master's PRINCE DIRECTOR OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: . degree In psychology this June from the Uni- Tiie nominating committee met at tile home MISS UNDA GAUL versity of Rhode Island. She is a member of of Mrs. Lewis Strohmeyer, chairman, to.pror Saturday—9 a.m., senior high tutoring In' Phi Beta Kappa and of Psi Chi, honorary High school | pose a slate of officers for -the new board of Newark. 9:30 a.m., Carol Choir rehearsal; psychology society. , directors for the coming'year. Serving on the FROZIN ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS confirmation cldss. Her husband, an experimental psychologist, committee wore Mrs. Fred Young, Mrs. Rus- rnvM.trm MnrariiMi Sunday—10 a.m., morning worship. Church holds BA and MA degrees from the College of cookbook I sell Mather, Mrs. Melvin Lemmerliirt and comCOFFIi1 School, grades 1-8, kindergarten, nursery, William and Mary In Wllllamsburg, Va. He is iuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuuiiiiiiiiuuiiiiHiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuimS Mrs. Julius Kertesz. cradle roll. 11 a.m., coffee and discussion; a doctoral candidate at the'Qnlverslty of Rhode" Would you like to beef up your dinnermenu?" '- -The-'exocutivo board met yesterday at-tiie•- the Rev. Charles Brackblll, "Tiie Gospel aK*r .Island, He Is' a member of Pi Lambda Phi Here's a recipe that's a favorite with the RABBI ISRAEL S.DRESNER PERX LtGHTNER home of-Mrs. Frank Lombard. Mrs. Arthur HAWAIIAN PUNCH Mass Media." 7 Pirn;, Senior High Fellowship Fraternity, Psl Chi an3"Pl Delta Epsiiony- students and teachersTrrthehome'economlcs Tonnesen was co-hostess. - Anniversary • Monday—8 p.m., trustee3"mee|Ing,' honorary Journalism fraternity, ALL 1 quart department of the Union County Regional High ~On-Wednesday~at-I2i30 p.ni.-tlie-genexnL Dresner conducts Savings! Wednesday—10 a.m., young mothers. 4:30". School District. membership will meet at the Mountainside = FLAVORS 14 oz. can p.m., confirmation, class.' 7 p.Tii^p=Ghapal- Inn for luncheon. Mrsrteona Mourton Nelson . 5u89« Cholr rehearsal. B [>.m.. Chancel Choir re- Nitirr rhiN. mxrn veotrA -BEEF STROCANOFF- —Will review jgurrcnt playr; and—musicals-of- me moria i. hearsal; adult bible study; deacons' me 1 lb. round steak, l/41nch thick Broadway. Mrs. Nelson is primarily a singer, 1 3-oz. can broiled sliced mushrooms, with and she is able to blend on the platform her TASTY, DtllCIOUJ liquid (udd enough water to. make 1 cup gifts, of speaker, teller of tales, musician"; for Nazis' victims — EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH— —FINAS rooD or i -f'-liquid) . • .... ' • Mrs. D'Altrui is program chairman. ""Rabbi lsraeHSTPregicr. 'TeWplB'S Suratee Cakes 242 SHUNP1KERD.. SPRINGFIELD Shalom, Sprlngtleia, conducted,a special ser- CRBPr: KfcWWitt-tAM L-. bCMMIUi Jti_ .1 cup.sour-crcam' '— ,~ vice commemoradns the six million victims - ~THiifsday-r-7:30 p.m.. Choir rehearsal with -2 tblsp. all-purpose flour of Nazi persecution, at ilie first convention CRUNCHY, •— 11b. pkg. ArmolMInl-Snacks I KNUTE Girls, 7:30 E. SEEBOHM -First, trim the fartrom-the me#t'and re- ' •"KoKrWTtte "Central Conference of American TASTY p serve. Then cut the meat diagonally across KaE5Ts" p.m., Boy-Scouts. grain in very thin strips. Take the fat you've -MRS. BRUCE S. COINS—- •The special meniorlalservlce washeldSun-.. Sd^^S a,m,,' trimmed from the meat and beat In a" skillet 1 day morning at the site of the Israel memorial "ages. 11 a.m., morning-worship service. The' until you have about S tbTsp. melted fat (If —to- those killed Ttartng~ the holocaust. It Is Rev. Schmidt will preach and the choir will necessary add oil). Remove the unmeloed fat. " Marriage is located at Yad Va'-shem in Jerusalem. sing a special anthem. Junior Church under at Sk-Andrew's jlo Now, brown_the meat. Add the mushrooms ——=Rabbi-Rolan4 B.-Cittolsohn, CCAR pr«sl- the leadership of Mrs. Robert Donson takes and cup of liquid. Then, stir in the soup mix dent, stated that the convention suspended Its plnce_at ll.^Lp.m., youth groups under, the and h^eat to boiling. Next, blend .the sour ofMissPolperio, normal business procedures so that the, entire . direction of Dick Dugan, minister..of.educa- lieutenant in Armjr- cream and flour and add it. to tueHot mixture. .. program could be devoted to learninEJUid ex- DOLE JUICE DRINK tion. 7 p.m., evening Gospel service; congre- Miss Janet Louise Moore, daughter of Mr. Cook and stir until mixture fHriMi". slightly. changing ideas with Israeli scholars, educators gational singing, special music,' and a mes- MR. DftJ (Whtr* Available) and Mrs. Harry F. Moore of 1324 Birch Hill Serve over noodles. This hearty meal will BruceS. Goins r-.- -.-juid. political figures. He said he "hoped that (-"INCAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT - RF(.. or PINK sage by Pastor Schmidt, Nursery care at rd.. Mountainside, became the bride Saturday sejye_flve or six persons. ~ ' -...-- 11 "the meeting would serve td-^stcengthen the ties both services. of Knute Edward Seebohm, son of Mr.andMrs. • Miss Antoinette E. Polperlo, daughtef~5r~ between the two Jewish communities, em*— BE Tuesday-=e-p.m., Sunday School staff meet- Mr. and Mrs. Pau( V. Polperlo of Springfield, Hans H. Seebohnmf Vestal, N.Y. phaslzing the CCAR's 1969 convention delara. BOILED HAM Canon Charles A. Shreve otflcloted at St. was married' Feb. 15 to Bruce S. Goins, son '• Uon, "their ordeal is oui^ordeal.thelrdestiny Wednesday—7:45 p,m., prayer meeting. of Mr. and Mrs. Preston E. Goins of Berkeley ' Andrew's Episcopal Church, Murray HILL A .'-Heights.- ...... -- ..' . " .. is our destiny." ^ Pastor Schmidt will continue the study of the reception followed at Wally's Mountain yilla. Holy Spirit. . — Rabbi Glttelsohn said that a delegation of Top Sirloin, Rump, or sticnri^ hair Warren Township.— •" V ' 1_ the Rev. Edward. R. OehUng officiated at CCAR representatives would meet privately TO ORDER II. Mrs. Judith Gerlach was matron of honor. the double-rlngceremony laSt. James Church, - with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir to Bottom Round Bridesmaids, were Mrs. Laura Honey of One- Springfield. A reception followed at the Town discuss the rights of Reform rabbis in Israel nuNZ r ltt> FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MORRIS AVENUE AT CHURCH MALL onta,. N.V.,..Bnd .lngrld ond. Lorna_S«fbohin,.. and Campus Restaurant, Union. jnd how the spiritual leaders and their con- Bolognfl ° «<*i>ss >^ 89* Richmond Sweet Peas 6 Jr sisters of the groom. - gregations can assist the people of Israel. 1 lb SPRINGFIELD, NEWJERSEY -^—~ The bride ..was escorted by her fadler. PASTOR: THE REV. BRUCE W. EVANS, DJD. — Richard-Heath of-Vestal was best man. Mrs. Melr addressed the convention's closing Kosher Salami "'X- ' l" Finatt Kitty Kat litter 10£39« Ushers were Thomas Havens of Vestal, Robert . MISS SUZ/lNN L. DEHLS -„ Paula E. Polperlo served as maid of honor •jession on Tuesday, —~- C Today—7:15 pjn.. Girls'Choir rehearsal. for her sister. Bridesmaids were Kathy Col 7:30 p.m., Christian education committee— Haney of Oneonta and William Schmidt of Baby White!ish «^ 79 Carnation Evaporated Milk Seven Hills, Ohio. angelo, Laura Goins and Rosemary Santona- .meeangt 7:30 n.m,,..WebeIo Scouts..8jJJIW- Suzann L Dehls stasio. Eva Goins" served as Junior brides- TRe-T maid. - - Cub pack nast Whole White Potatoes Sunday—9:30'a.m. Church School. Classes Regional High School and of Hartwlck College for all on a graded basis for children and in Oneonta. Her husband is a graduate of Ohio Chris Goins served as best man for his University and has been commissioned an Arroy^ to wed brother. Ushers were Kenneth GilmorerPeCBr-— young people between thejiges of ihreeand •"* M1SSSUSAN-L.-KAMP- - . - .. Wltschen,. Joseph Ropuano and Peter Coins. ^presented tomboys 16 are taught in the Chapel and Parish House; second lieutenant. After a honeymoon in Ver- -^^T.HIA-UTS. illnn-W-? Dehls of Beer Path; Klnderklrk for toddlers ages one and two - mont, they will live at Ft. Knox, Ky., for nine Mrs. Goins, who" was'graduoted-fromJona- "MounralnsideTTiave announced the engagement than Dayton Regional High-School. Springfield! " on the second floor of the Chapel. 9^0 and weeks, and then at Ft, Rlley, Kansas. of their daughter Suzann Lynne to Jon Barton :iatjginnual banquet 11 a.m.. Passion Sunday to be obsetved-with is employed by Oakite Products Inc., Berkeley Spain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barton Deaa_ M iss Susan-Kamp Heiglits. --•^Springfield Cub Scout Pack 70, sponsored by PUSH, LMOkV- 5 to «Ib*. Avorag* • Gratia 'A! Uppman mm ,gam^ the presentation by the Senior Choir of the Spain of Outlook drive. Mountainside,—._• i£be First Presbyterian Church, held its annual cantata^ 'The Requiem," by JFaurei_chlld -A^r^IOCH BAPTIST CHURCH Miss Denis attended Colby Junlor.College- Her-!tU5band; who was graduated from Gov. • JJ'Blue and Gold Dinner" recently. Guests care -provided on; the second floor of the S. SPR1NGFIELD_AVE., SPRINGFIELD and is now employed by B. Altman and Com- to wed Mel Golden Livingston Regional High School, Berkeley r -i^ncluded-Mayor and Mrs. Henry J* Bultman, Chapel. "One Great Hour of 5harihg' ~5S" REVeLARENeEfcSTONrP pany. Short Hills. Mr. Spain is attending Heights, IB a sales representative_fpr Ameri- "Tithe Rev. Dr. Druce W. Evans andMr, and Mrs. ferlng to be-received in CluuUi Scliuol and1 -Saturday—3 p.m., Church-School choir re- Mr. and Mrs. S. Bernard Kamp of Fayette- —can Photocopy Equipment Co., Fairfield. • ROASTING CHICKEN 49 Bucknell University. • " vllle, N.Y., have announced the engagement '-Raymond Pierson. -,• i • . church worship services.~7:30 pjn., |West- hearsal. — - A June wedding is planned. r>r Approximately 135 Cubs and parents .were OVWFHMDY • bctra Short Cut mlnster Fellowship meeting for all high school —Sunday—9:30 a.m.. Sunday School. U a.m., ~Bf their daughter, Susan Linda, to Mel A. ^entertained after dinner by Paulo the Magician. * flKfl ynung peopleV ' " \ worship service. 7 p.m.. evening fellowship. . Golden, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Leonard A. t Golden,,ofi HTheinvocatJbnwaspfferedbyDr.Evans.Mayor ' Monday —— 3:lS*plm77'Brbwnies, meetlngbeld* ~7r»-~ Wiaedyii8p^"Id1fi Wedding announced ' Miss Kan is B^soofiomoreatCurryCollegcJ^l—. • • " " 3Bultman greeted-the Cut Scouts and their par- -In the Chapel,-7-p.mi,- Girl Scouts, meeting 5 __ Mr **i"a. Pop Handschuch spoke briefly of the hls- Corned Beef lucky Leaf Applesauce Milton, MakV Her iSnce Is a graduate of;) . - °^..J*F?- Leslie Schulmon of 835 held in the Chapel. 8'p.m.. Junior high de- 6T.JAMES Curry CoUege and teaches at Thomas Jef- Mountain—ave., Springfield, hove announced 2cory of Boy Scouting and Cub Scouting. .._ _ FUUY COOKID.EHlMrHaH Finast Vegetable Oil partment teachers' preview, 9- Essex nL S. SPRINGFIELD AVE« SPRINGBIELD — MISS SUSAN BLIWISE ferson High School, • Elizabeth. Mr. Golden •tte marriageoftheirdaugnter, KarenRbchelle. ~ ^-.rLiapel-pInawereawarded-to-Pranlt Philllpy- Tuesday—noon to HTpjn., opening day MSGR. FRANCIS XrGOYtE7PASTOR alsb aaends the evenlniTdlvisIon-of SetonHaU t0 Abel -Vinacour in Sydney. Australia. _on_ ..Nelson Lewis, Sanford Lleb, Donald Marksteln Finast Cream Style Corn — of the 28th annual onUqueB show-and sale in - REV. EDWARD OEHLINC, University; South Orange. - Jnn. 25. Thecouplo will reside in Melbourne, 5EdP6E$ndPrr the~Parlsh~Hotiseirsponsared by-the-Ladles* HEV. ROCCO L.£OSTANT1NO, Troth announced A late August wedding Is planned, r "' ~ —Australin. '—- -w. Cub Scouts were presented tho following c Benevolent Society. 7 p.m., meeting of Union • - REV. PAUL L. KOCH. Finast Potato Sticks "*- MUNOK r' County Blind Association, sponsored by Spring- Ad 7' ANNIVCRSAIIY BONUS SPECIALS L ASSISTANT PASTORS A 7 fleld I,Inns Club, to be- held In the chapel. of Susan Bitwise - TEMPLE SHAREY SHALOM OUR LADY OF LOURDES -i- Robert Bongiovanni, two silver arrows; Mark SanWay^CoHfosslons from 4 "to 5:30 and MtIM- CHUCK CUT Wednesday 7- Noon to 10 p.m., antiques show." AN AFFILIATE OF THE UNION OF 300 CENTRAL AVE.. MOUNTAINSIDE ^ckentian, wolf badge; Joseph Coll, wolf from 7:30 to 9 p.ni. L - . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bitwise of Grouse lane. lb c I lb.voc.QJ»C UNtlN SIAFOOO SAVINGS J-6;30 p.m., blood bank at ~ - - • \: Sunday—Masses at 7, 8:15, 9:30 and 10:45 aj. AMERICAN. HEBREW CONGREGATIONS ^ REV.-GERALD J. McGARRY. PASTOR -iadge;Elliott Pashaian, wolf badge; John Ma- Calif. Steak 89 Sliced Bacon oat. *Tm* Mountainside, have announced the engagement *S. SPRINGFIELD AVE. & SHUNPIKE ROAD a.m., noon and 5 p.m: of their daughter, Susan, to Alex Gaynes, son REV. GJSRARD.B. WHELAN,- •jUaon, bear badge, gold arrow, twa year pin; •ONEUSS CHUCK • COLONIAL CAMPBELL'S SOUP Daily Masses.at 7 and 8 p.m. : SPRINGFIELD, N;j. REV. RAYMOND D..AUMACH, ;jjosep" ' -Powellp-silverh Blabolil, bea-r arrowbook,, onebob. yeacart pin;pin; - Swordfish Steaks of Mr. and Mrs.-Norman Gaynes of Chalfont, —RABBI-ISRAEL S. DRESNER — :: ; -Confessions: Monday after Novenadevodons. _Pa., formerly of Berkeley Heights. ~" - ASSISTAMT MINISTERS -jjrnest Llguorl, two year pin; "..-'" Fillet Steak ••* 99* Sliced Bacon CHICKt'N ,'iOODLE hurch Chuckles by CARTWRIGHT Baptisms: 2 p.m. Arrangements must, CANTOR IRVING KRAMERMAN Sunday—Masses at 7, 8, 9:t3-10r30~a.n 1 The • bride-electj who was graduated from 2 • Michael Lleb, wolf badge, gold arrow; David EXTtA SHOIT CUT FINAST IIVEDWOBST or. Tomorrow: 8:45 p.m.. Sabbath evening ser- made In advance. ~~ Governor Livingston Regional Higu. School, and I2_noon. , . . vice. Rabbi DresnerTs-sermon will be a firsty '^-Weekdays—Masses at 7 and 8 a.m.,* First badge' Robert Shapiro,' gold arrow; !ib Steak Berkeley Heights, recelved.a BS degreeTfom ^.hand report on tiie current situation in Israel. Fairlclgh Dickinson University, Rutherfordr Friday,.?. 8, 11:30 a.m. _ i Soled, gold arro\*; Jerrold Guss, wolf CALIF: • BONMN - CHUCK CUT COLONIAL SLICED" AIIM Haddock Fillet- SPRINGFIELD EMANUEL UNITED Saturday — 10^iO-a.m,, Sabbath morning Miraculous MedalNovena and Mass: Mon- . ibadge; Robert Marksteln,~wol( badge, gold She is employed by_Chubb and Son. Inc., Short •service. ' . VAC r«kld riala ~*orAHB-f--eWgQc CHURCM METHODIST CHURCH , Hills. : •' ' "T - . " . day at 8 p.m. farrow; Paul Steinberg^ wolf badge, gold arrow; Pot Roast Halibut Steaks COMMITT1I Monday - 8:30 p.m.. Jewish Book of tho „„ CHURCH MALL AT ACADEMY GREEN Her fiance.who was graduated fromGovernor Benediction during the. school year on Frlr. v'Ed Doscher, gold arrow; Joseph Walsh, engtn- FINAST or COLONIAL i ROOM ._ . SPRINGFIELD Month Club adult group-meets at tho liomc-of days at 2:30 p.m. •^Jeer—badge; Brian Holmes, engineer-badge^v e Cherrystone Clams """ > ;7«e.. Llyingstonjiegional High &hool_andMichlgan -JAMES DE WART. PASTOR State-University -where hg-iras elected toJPKr_.RabJbl and-Mrs. Dresiier._Yltzliuk PerloV's • Baptisms on Sunday at 2 p.m. by appoint- 3.! David Lewis, engineer badge, two year pin; Ground Chucl Frankfurters *"?Zr "-75 Fiilr Sticks" "*** ••*•;»"« jt 69e C noyel, "The Partlziner, * will be~Qlscussed; -menu-' ——_ - • - H»XI»II»J9 : - -ToUny—4-p.iTC; Wesley Choir rehaarsal, Beta Kappa, is now enrolled at Cornell Uni- ifiJoug-Friedman, one year pin; Bruce Green- F«E3H.-UAN~" MIZHACH , SLICEO tOLOONA or " ~i_^. Finast Corn Chips "Fellowship Hall. . 8-p.mi. German Mission Wednesday—Annual blood bank drlvo to bo Confresslonsr-Evcry-SatuftJny-anli evau-of : tifleld, one year pin; Jimmy Stadler, two year C 6 l versity Law School. • : . .. ._ ^95 Kosher Salami "j> ° = 1 Circle," Fellowship Hall. 8 p.m., Chancel A May, 1971,' wedaihg' Is plamiedT held this your at Temu'e Beth Ahm. Call Mrs. Holy Jays and First Fridays, from 5 to 5:30 --^jfli; Rqburf Phillips, pnfftrip^r hnrtgw, nm year Ground Round R*R awrthlcke^frBroTlr^T 2 ^' 29> Choir, Trivett Chapel. • Charles Danziger,"3.79-'2380,"-for appointment;'* ' and Iron^7:30t6 9 p.m. - -\ • '• -pin; Robert Lamport, engineer badge, oney ear_ - Friday — 7, 9:30 p.m.. Church Bowling 'pin; Mark McCfourt, engineer badge, two year Heinx Bar-b-que Sauce League. 8 p.m.. Busy Fingers of the Wesleyon iiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuillllllUllllllll *-^>}n; Alan Coristantfan, engineer badge, two 6 Service Guild at the home qf Mia. Peg Y< Girl borrrto Kilkennys -tyear pin; Jeffrey Lubasli, engineer badge, two <"Pt® MOn-af

Wo*.»to».-aV5"MS: Corn flakes preparing ECHO PLAZA'SHOPPmGJCENTER 1 -^ paator, assisted by members of_tlie congrega- to this-news- ^• Uuu. Brfiig^-bojTslXpper. Llessertandbeveragc "paper an1 ************************************** Monday — ^ p.m., confirmation class. 8 • A BRIGHTER FUTURE LAST CHANCE JOHNSON 8, JOHNSON \ SWEDISH, DELI or HEARTH **&» Solid tatter Eggi pjn., board of trustees. INAST I lb. S| •Alt**' rACWD IN T«AV — CNOCOLATC COVHID to comploto your „ BABY 7 oz. A Tuogduy-- 8 p.m., Wosleyun Sorvlco Guild. Shampoo bot. O Rye Bread > loaves I ; Marshmallow Bunnies '••»^.39c WE REPAIR d. REMOUNT onj RtSTYLE Devotional service conducted by Mrs. Wilma . • JEWELRY , ' Schenack, followed by annual auction. AVOCADO COOKWARE SET I pU2o». , ORAL ANTISEPTIC •Wednesday-—yrl' ' : £•>. 1923 Micrin bat. .1 Cinnamon Buns NA5T study; 10 a.m., district ministers' meeting SALE ENDS Finast Cotton Swabs Z'49C Hot Cross Buns " fElWU'l — LI. PKO. 35c .. In Cranford. . STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SATURDAY, MARCH 14th Jelly Bean* * Wednesday — noon, program und luncheon , of German Ladies' Aid. 8 p.m., education '"-•.' cbmmlHslon at the' homo of Mrs. Virginia SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS .•MM. \- - IVAVAVAIMVAMVJ Gl«ltsnuuuir-M HUk ^—On-Many Models & Samples ••—^-— , ITS l».\Kk-AVKNIII': •A great shower of coats~by~ THIS COUPON i . .'. Ihto your own custom design Corner THIS COUPON iy o, n»w "ans-ol-a- Main Street, Cwtolicl, WORTH 30 •* WORTH •••••# 1Q FMIU DRY WtSTFIOD: Elm Shmt ) BALDWIN Towards lh« ^urcha»s of MAXIM Itltul" ptarwt ilaHuned tat you ulonv. ...Aquanaja, Count Romi'.. «rdl thm pvrthutm ©#,. 1 pint 11 oi. kot. o) ^C DISCOVER 344 Springfield Avenue, Summit 1 plnl 12 el. hot. al H'^S Tow««ll th« ptunltaf* o# WjESTFIUD: North AVHU* Laurey & Yamaha sun-loving 3 Ib. 3 CL pkB. of GELJACK Jewelers AJAX 5 MENLO MUb Shopping Cantar (corHmr Summit Avnut) 373.3848 TOP JOB DIVISION! tlKAUNSCIIWEIaKR DHOS. Tht WONDERFUL , and water-shedding. ALL :5 GREAT AMIRICAN CARTERETi Shopping Caattr Great valuer . SANER S 241 Morris Av

) -••—'•- .. .(-Thursday. March42,1970 St. Michgel's Church is setting* Jane Arszat wed Sisterhood to hoid SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADKH-Thurisday, March 12, 1970-17 Miss Eileen McClarnon bride •"* . -Jork Union Daborah wt,kJni!'-.'^d;'i;' Jy w^ua.Ki:»ii--, :'. . *-> l... • 22woru. i will he licldTroin Monday to March" OZOat on Sunday will meet on Monday of Va *."wiU"K6ia.Its annual bazaar and carnival £lin- Halli—Guild, Union" of , at 8:30-p.m. Mon- FRIDAY DEADLINE - ' '•"' .jq .Barbara A^ 5.p.nu Uxbotb Kiiplan^ECrr ^ried, grc ~7.'" '_^Z~~<2Ot neuiSisVould be — Mr., ulid Mrs Louis m, and Joyce Taylor of Barberton, Ohio, Vietnam. He Is associated with' J. Kohn's /A card party Is plannedlor over-al^chairmen are Mrs. Max Serota and , April 2 with prizes and re- chael Fahey of Matawan and Mrs, JohnOppen- llliam C. Lllllch of Kent, Ohio, served Jewelers, Elizabeth. Mrs. Henry Frank". . . . , . ,., helmer of Parsippany,- cousin ol the bride. as besKmap. Ushers were William Semonla The couple will reside In Garwood. " -1reshmems to be held at Temple Shomrei Toroh, 910 Carol Guglielm of Youngstown, Ohio, served of CuyhogavFalls and James Janson of Solon, as organist. ~"~ .. • Ohio. \ Qrgmon, toingermpn Salem ave.. Hillside. . '; Ronald Hornak of Pittsburgh, Pa., served as - Mrs. Weber was graduated from St. Thomas be held best man. Ushers were Ma rtih bagay of Donora, SchobFor Nursing and eerveB as a staff nurse Some interesting new citrus *'cousins" are MO.GIFT CERTIFICATE! St. Joseph's Rosary Confratemlty~ofMaple- in the experimental stage. There is a "tan- I B.'•-#4E'W;:/J Pa., brother of the groom; Lt. Michael Ded- at St. Thomas Hospital. Akron. Sweet trap dlsh of Alexandria, Va., Michael I-ahey of V. Her husband, who waihgraduated from Union • wood wlil KoQTts monthly afternoon card party gor," which is a-cross between a tangerine Bnlinese—children-ormed—= I Matawan, couslrl~OT~the bride; and Herbert High School and Kent State University, Is man- on Wednesday^ March 18. Tickets may bepur- and an orango; "a """oramon," which iE^'aTT" rVITH ANY PURCHASE^ I MISS GABRIELLA.MACLODI with twigs tipped with a sticky ; Obenlour of Ohio. chaaed at the door of the Walnut Room at 1 p.m." orangfc-lcmon mlicturef-a-^tsngermon," which PLAN FASHION SHOW — Members of the Flo Okln Cancer Relief Young Women's Group ager of customer service forGrawford Fitting" sweet sap help catch dragon- $ Mrs. Bagay, who was graduated from Mount Company, Solnn,jQhla»JJe la Q rrtember of Phi Hos«ssea-will be- Mrsr-Seton- Perrettr Mrs.- crosses tlie tangerine with the "limequat," discuss plans for a fashion show to be held March 24 at Mayfair Farms, West Orange. Joan Lewickl, Mrs. NiclioIosRossnerandMrs. " which Is a descendant of tlie lime and kum- flies to be~served with rice~ OF «.OR MORE. 1 Saint Mary Academy, North Plalnfield, and Sigma Kappa Fraternity. -\v ' Mdgtodi'Pawiuk From left are Mrs. Harvey Kaplan of Springfield, chairman for the show; Mrs. Stephen MaryKurylo.— '....'• quar_ ' / No Dress Club.orOrg. Credit on above. Seton HU1 College, Greensburg, Pa., where — Bender of Springfield and Mrs. Plhhi Josephson of East Orange. Following a wedding trip to Florida, the fihe-received-a-baGheloF- of-music-degf«o-and ~onp!ft win i ' F"i vfil nV-pJ-»(itH""T nt Sigma ' Alpha T troth announced HjiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiilillllllillllllllimilg also attendgcl Rutgers University, . nnH }Ar-f,_ Ma lnril nf SS § Chorge (or Pictures Newark College in Union, bhe is Suzanne B. Low =GtO'6d care g specialist with' the U.S." Government in Fr, "' show pi aimed Seventh st., Kenllworth, haye annsuncedrthe—~g-Theio_is a chaige~of-J3for-g— engagemenr-of- their daughter, GabrleUa, to • § weddinf-'-ami- PflgappiBBnr" Her husband, who-was graduated from Mon~ adds years onagahela Valley-Catholic High School in •JnaleurT: The bride-elect, who wasgraduated Trom . I lor lhe_ announcement, whether- Pennsylvania, and Saint Vincent College, La- p-March 24 . QUALITY .-Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Spring- 3 with ol without' a pictuie. trobe. Pa., where he received a bachelor of married Sahirj Tsryoor furs "AT A COMPETITIVE PRICE . TRYus-.;- Open Mon.,--Thur8. & I'*ri. —10 n.m. lc> 9.p.m. arts degree,; is a candidate.for a master's — fleld, and the Katharine Glbbs- School, la g^Peisons "submitting wedding . The annual fashion show sponsored by Flo Tarchls, president Members will attend an Miss Suzanne Barbara Lowe, daughter of Mr. —PROPER FUR CARE 540 NORTH AVE., UNI0M- degree in business^ administration in Seton employed by Paulus and SpkoIowsU of Edison,^—^f "orengagement pictiire5~ffiay PUB:-; Wed, & Sat.^TT) a.m. io 6 jr.m~~- Okln Cander Relief, Young Women's Group interior decorating' course at Bloomlngdale's and Mrs, George G, Lowe of 1040 Sterling rd.. PAYS OFF :;: (Hi7TJ;i ;' Hall University, South Orange. He Is a pro- 1 lt r enc lo lhe ment OPEN MOM., THURS. to 9 a gram planner-for BeechanrPharmaceutlcals in will be held ai Mflyfair tffittns in West Orange, on April 10, and'a-"charming child* contest Union, was marriedSacurday to Donald Richard By CAROL"YN~P.^YUICNUS, •Ter fkn«fwho was graduated from Union | . f « Pf °' Tuesday, March 24, at 8 p.m. Proceeds from is in process. • Bushell of Nutley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ~ SrT^Couhly~Home Economist High School and the Programming Systems | include a nptc asking that CCP, MASTER C11AEGE^_UNI-CAUD ' Piscataway. 352-7400 : MRS. ANDREW F. BAGAY JR. the affair will go toward providing nursing The evening's entertainment will be pro- Bushell-of PlnneUas Point, Flo., and formerly . . Charge P-lans Available— --L^~ I— j G/>od _care Is an_ important Institute, is employed by. Elastic Stop Nut § they be billed.; ili in oi.' \it odjaoAlo boildino • and medical care to individual cancerpatients, vlded by the American_Amrin Awsnrlntinn of of Union." ..'..'. Corp., Onion. • -~ - — ...„ .'BmiUlllllllllllllllilllllllinil uniuiinmiumiiiniiimnnhaiiiuiiiiuiDiiiiuiiiiiiniuiHiiiiiiniuuiiie the support of a cancer detection program, part of keeping furs and fur Montcloir. Mr. Monte will explain and demon- Mayor Carmen Terrlgno of Hillside per- coats looking their best An October wedding is planned. and help in maintaining the Flo Okin Tumor strate the-techniques of jtiljitsu. Refreshments formed the ceremony. A reception was held Clinic-at ^he Newark Beth_Iarael Medical through many years of ser- Past Presidents- group fo hold __ will be served. • at The Manor, West Orange. "vlce. . . * Center. - - ... • Information regarding the young women's The bride, who was graduated from Union MRS. RICHARD WEBER JR. Women's, men's, maternity ani.children's groupisTivallable by calling 762-5924. High School and the American Academy of When not in use, hang furs fashions will be shown through the. courtesy Dramatic Arts in-New York, attended the Unl- , in an uncrowded closet STOCKirOUR PANTHV WITH annual card pdrty, fashion show of P.I.K. of Moplewood, Saturn and^The-Storfc verslty of MunlchinGermany.Shenowiswork- heavyr-supporHng coat ALL THESE SPECIAL 50 OFF Club b"Th *}f MIPH|rini R**fr^RhTr^nrs ~vvfll be ing in the group travel department of Diners • ToLPublicity_jChairm©D: ers. The best ones^or this VALUES DURING .. served and prizes will be made available by Linda S. Brantley GugazV Travel, New York. use are padded^-or rounded Stotf Food lifohrWdfc Mrs. Kenneth Robson of Springf+Hdt-presl- Fairfield with the sale at Tickets and the Would you" like sonia-help 1 1 merchants of MUlburn. Springfield.. South Her/ husband was graduated from T>lngry WPQden hange^Xw * wide ends- dent of the Past Presidents Club of the reseryations.for ihe_day. ~~~ _ .,_L_.; MAXIM COFFEE Orange and Union. - . , — ! School, Elizabeth, Lafayette College, where he in preparing newspaper^ re- -and aJolig" wire _io reach Seventh District of the New Jersey Federa- Mrs. John Fraricvllla ofPairfieU will ar- Mrs. Harvey Kaplan of Springfield is chair- of Rosette wed ;n-^ to-Hived a BA degrfefe and Cornell University, leases? W£ite to this news- fropTwe hanger to the PQ16T ~~tion of Women's Clubs, announced this .week . range for a gourmet table and is seeking do- man. Among the committee members are fe- he received an MBA degree. He Is em- -paper and ask for our "Tips If a fur coat has gotten that the "club will hold its annual deasertbene- nations for that day,.Mrs. James Belding.oL. •Mrs. Stephen Bender of Springfield and Mrs. " by Graphics,JjimontCorp^aS-an. aar... flt card-Butty on March 18atl2:3Oat the Wom- on Submitting News re- damp, shake it gently to re- 10 OFF 1 ^Stephen Honlg of Union. Pdr donations and nt to the vice president In administration. of the old—fashioned costumes^Mrss—dwzzo- — Princeton church move excess moisture—and an's_Club of Caldwell. tie couple will reside in Nutley. leases."'— - . '- Re^O^Ceary set UNION BOOTERY tention in a warm, "home-hospi- man, will announce the win- ' Miss Linda Susan Brantley, daughter of Mr. all tho time. This j»ill avoid— tality" atmosphere. . ners of ' the four annual and Mrs. Edward Brantley of W20 Harrison —worn-spots caused by friction. '•r '» .Your Wedding Reception;' En- scholarships' given by the New ave., Roselle, was married Feb.~20' to Eric speak Tuesday 1030 >tuyv»ont Av». Have furs 'thoroughly 500^0 gagement y8arMi(wah, |_J?rsey State Federation."' Fordham Lum, son_qf-Mr. and Mrs. L, ._cleaned_and glazed at the end -—- ". Anniversary, TestimonialDinner, Lum of Queens, N.~Y.- • ••=•.- The Rev, KeiMeth O'Leary of a wearing season." "Place will be guest-speaker of the Union 6S6-3480 or Sweet 16 Party will be a announce plans of the "New" onyy p —ln~cold Bturuga during warm~ memorable occasion thankSpto Catholle—Woman's Club of Op.n Mon. - Frl. Ev.i Until 9 P.M. .weather to.protect from moth ORANGE JU n tYSOIrtrauiiiju«M»~ our elegant decor and service. Jersey State Federation Harold Thomas at the W m Presby- ' luncheon to be held in Hono- " Elizabeth at its meetlngTuos- damage and prevent the terian Church, Prln day- at 2 p.m. at the Winfleld CALL MR. WILLIAM FOWLER at lulu, Oahu, during the National Miss Cheryl Branfley, the brlde'e- cousin, leather and hair from drying 377-7100 TO DISCUSS YOUR Lynne A. Vitale Scott H.otel, Elizabeth. His ...Conference on- Tuesday, was her attendant. William Cross, director of out. . PLANS. . July 21. S7. -subject-will be "Our Chang- GRAPE JELLY A the"Afro^ftiilerican Studies program at Prince- Ing Times - The Modern Small rips and tears will 50006 ton yriWerslty, served.as best man. occur _lnja garment at cay World." win JMh COurOtt INC n plans July date bride and groom are students at Prlncfc_ prlca^Jhese_should be re- : Father O'Leary received an OWMKHKHKWOSOMQWMI _ —.-Mr. -and .Mrs^JErank A. Vitale of 552JFpi ton University. Mrs. Lum Is a graduate of jialred promptly by. arcltobte A,B. degree from Seton Hall KLEAR Abraham Clerk High'SchooirRoselle. Before; furrier.' way dr.. Union, haveannounced the enaagerrtent University,' S.T.L. from the I-Q~ of their daughter,. Lynne Anne^-Vltaie,—to— entering. Jffrinceton University" she attended Allow only n reliable fur- C Douglass College, New-Brunswick*" - Catholic University and MjV. 4S89 BATHROOM TISSUE 2 25' "U Clement Joseph Reynolds Jr^son of Mr. and— and Ph.D. from Fordham Uni- , 2 pc. suit $60 rier , to repair,' clean, and l(j _ Mrs. Clement J. Reynol^s-ofCranford. Her husband is a graduate of The Hun —.j , ' Btofg"yoTg~Tnrg. 5QS00 1 School, Princeton. . rr—— versity, s He Is professor of c G . The bride-electjj^who was graduated from English «t Seton Hall Univer- Make certain- you obtain an ftbs/i Tastes Best FOR A JOB Girls' Catholic--Hlgh School;- Roselle, and- sity and faculty adviser of the - adequate receipt witli tlio pro- o«*i»'.oiNnefore' adding-—i Jl JlLii! *rh'''JM"»' ^taphy, ana astronom FnEMCHFBII ^MIS"£CU?HOL ' ~" makes— KflSop..-.. after.-II yeflcjiTaEaac oia^hta first gUjBtin o rrcemever- Into lndl- sauerkraut W^cas-^_- Butter 'aauceaimprqva flag_.. TWTnrinreTglobaajrnlb e . experience that the Theatre ?r v n ^cherlshed-possesslons of the 'SGS00^ —vldual..8ervlngs n ^ baVf* wtTh ole. Rnk« ^nrll potatoes yAi--PPH pjilarnHHrynrrnnat d~canned cheese-soup sauce, jrelendor^A^gvOd match for' vegetables. Here nr<* twn vnr- il Geographic Society, Moat ChorfloarAcceptod^ Or Open-One Wl th U sT~ providing;" •;' LE-SUEURPEAS -..Alternate layers of sliced the casserole Is crusty rolls latlons. Combine 1/4 pound ,- The.works^6() will be taught ami OUT • uuuno wu *< by Edith Pletiner of Metuchen, DISH CLOTHS (1 stick) softened butter and 1 BROCCOLI armu KRAFT WHIPPED EASTER ... teaspoon mixed salad herbs. who was graduated from the •Or combine 1/4 pound sof tened Newark School of Fine In- and YOfJR COLD WAVE SOMETHING NEW AS A butter with 1 tablespoon lemon And If ypu need one — the best place to look first dustrial Arts. Mrs. Pletzner 2 u.v 29C juice and 1 teaspoon grated Is In the classified pages of your local paper. taught at the New Brunswick NANCY LVNN OUR SENSATIONAL; TEXTOA lemon rind. Art Center for eight years. FROM OUR wavo eolvcn «ll_joyr pormanent wavo • • The -Art Work-ahcp la »p ti> i> nan QV6NS Devon Cream Don't call us. students between 12 and. 17 |uufalcimi."Mven If yuui liaif ig baby—- STRAWBERRIES M« UBll CLADE «i«. insHiiuii fine, dry, bleached, ilyed or gray, you needs of an ailing house. years of age. The course, CUT* which will be taught primarily can be miro of a nulurul looking lu»- 1 cup soured cream If you are a craftsman of any type — carpenter. BROWN COWS f069< 1 _cupjvhipplng cream .'.' on an Individual basis, will IAVORIS MOUTHWnSH troui'Wiive.—. —. -.i—J—. homo ape- .cover-ullart metllaiclwi'vosl,— 1/2 cup cream" style cottage LH1IUIFK1AA ruritnM ' cheese ' clalist you will find a classified ad Is a mighty handy oils," watercolors, sculpture. CHEESE WHIZ X'bb' »12.5O aRPIIER. call you! Media will be determined by BUFFERIl^ 1 egg' ... tool to help you build your business quickly and in the student's needs and' C complete %clth Grated rind of 1/2 lemon KING SIZE BREAD 3^:.89 NOXZEMAmn RESTYLE Clfr • HESTYUE SET expensively. desires,, and diere will be tM UT un rtittrt tvot UPTON MAIN DISH T3R1Y... : 8 teaspoons sugar on Sunday, March 15,1970. some experimentation. 'MARGARINE V 47C Saturday Included NO MUSH wo fussi UAve IVEHITTHING ro uii Combine all Ingredients and Join the irrowlnft list of successful craftsmen who Applications from beginning 0TIPSnm....u {„.. *Jn.lul«», beat with electric beater or C % Wouldn't you like tofc>« par t of the fastest cn:f their metmage each week to over 35,000 families and advanced students are HONEY GRAHAMS 37 LADDIE BOV £'. blender until mixture Is In neurbv suburban communities. ' -- being accepted at Theatre Six . cream. Pour over fresh ber- for the eight week course. • ....;* -. . -.. .Mi>:...:...... ••.. . sl, 51 M rloH smooth .and tltick as growing women's organization in the U.S.A. Classes will be limited In size. PBICES EFFIGTIUE THBU SAT7 MARCH ' BESfRVtTHE WCMT TO IIMIT OUANIITItS. l $20-00 tot a Group °l lf«n- wlupped or sliced peaches. Those Interested should call Cover leftover sauce to chill the theater at 548-2550. UNION - 5 Point. Shopping C ol Ch.atnul Si. • Op.n lot. TKu...-P.I. & Sol. 'Ill 9 p.m. OPEN sllNDAY 9 A.M. lo 2 P.M. - Hillside Beauty Salon, Inc. U'n Kelt mid Blyle ilia unW ' MWIVATIOHS NOW for tlie following day. Why not call us today al Theatre Six is a non-profit SPRINGFIELD -'Gmaibl Cr..n Sdopplng C«nl.f•',, MorrlM I^.Mountain Xv«,,>Op*n Monday lliru Tliurtday, V a.m. Io9p.ni., PrMuy 9 a.m. tu10 p.m. 1130 N. Broad St., Hlllilde Mailacryllc Slr«lcli Wl«« I2S.0O WOMEN'S AMERICAN ORT professional resident theatru WANT YOUR i \ Saturday, 8B a.tn. lo 9 p.m., Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. El 5-4356 or FL" 1-9645 . (l'llict #1 Quality) LIVINGSTON ROLLER RINK NEIGHBORS located In Metuchon. In addi- U«*J ll«ms. T.ll '.,.. ^ha* Organization for Rehabilitation thrpugh Training 686-7700- tion, Theatre Six sponsors an 615 SO, LIVINGSTON AVE., 992-6161 you hov.. Run o lo W-Coll acting workshop for young Vllltyaur Trlpl.-S Redemption C.nt.r, Madl.on Slioppln [ Canto , Moln & Dv, , Modi. Clu..lll.J. Call oBo-7700 Ask lor an Ad-Vlsor people, children's events, and Op«n Trtur*., 'Ill 9 p^ig. All Radampllan Can i.JMonJoy. special creative programs. 18-Thursday, March 12, 1970-SPHINGFIULD (N. J.^LKADKR _»•_

1 In members lo iliose SftftfiH SPRINGFIELD (N. J.) L'flAn^R-ThurBday/:jyiafchvl2.' 197ar In ^ small gift* (or-Eoster. FOR now mam times nave you saiu ••- B. b y women's gu id a n ce gr ou p HEALTH I'ii'a "i^v^^Jere'ey btuncl! of lngwn, ls chairman" ot the^ hiptloftal Shyt-ln Society, Appeals Commltlee of tlie N.-j-.'': ^BTEfTFffiWyoSSinJMgds W6gsy!g Wl^-H memberaltlp, ot }iim- _Hrnnciranjl will auffnlv niunes- 'women ol Union County, willUoM aninJornm-. s, amHodevelopmprechallenging opgor- ..... TfMflf |M<.i ill i r qds \of invalids ana UandJ- 'ho \ donal roeettng-mBcrWednesday,a t 9:30 im. In fly yimm jq njj ft^*^?. P**P f*ffPP^P— . to tlrose who write, specifying IT-. LEAHNIMJ'USABlL peoplo, Iwlll furnisli &il^na);- WgwaJL Olmri =fioHfg>y tlnton,.. ~ .lives, -of—woBidr^£zncs&nixaiions Ttfafongbonr* ^^H! Rj H JBHBK&MSSSBK9B9BDBHiHIB ^BB tlie number of siiul-ih mem- '•" SomeTcntMren with norriiaJ- or—awtfc-tnia._moved' In addresses of/*'' v d Union County have been invited to attend the EREJDI' J>er6 .they, wish to remember;. Sponsored" by NSC, EVE Is designed to pro- or potentially normal mental ' "you feel tnatlshc-doesn' meeting. ' ' . . ' THINK ABOUTT vide education, volunteer and employment in- abilities and no indication of prove of anything yciu do. The meeting will be opened by Mrs. Robert ' Hplnz Klaenax FaclolTl»»ua» Dear Amy: , • • . • . physical handicaps are still MvA.Jnopa 1 have tw^' childrea Of my E. List of Westfleld, county coordinator for 2 6-Qi. boxaa . - 11 have been going with a unable to learn In ihe djy-to- Hamburgvr Dill Slice* 2 125 ct.box.i . 47* -own. My clilldren can' d EVE. Charles J. U,ongacre, director of the 5& year old man for 16 years." •' day classroom situation. This 16«oi. Jor 1M»__ Klaahsx Dinnar Hopklm- -stood why -they -are-told noi NJARC unit takes Division of Field Services at Newark State -He says thai he loves me. PINGRY SCHOOL trouble may Bemlnlnial brain I R 8. R Chick.n Broth : to. call' him daddy, WhicU iliey College, will welcome the group to the campus;. owned I 2 13 3/4HII. pkga. 5O'« 30« . When I ask. If he will ever STEPHEN M.'WEILL SYDNEY KUPPE - HARVEY COHEN A COLLEGE PREPARATORY DAY-SCHOOL dysfunction (MBD) "- a minor • have done for the...last ytar. •• Mrs. Henry Brown and Mrs. Hugo Pribor, Klaanex marry...me, lie says he. ls difficulty in brain function. DojLH» Stoarfl Cl.anti Do you give up the man you .^.FOR ROYS INGRADES 4-12 part in national "president and vice— president of EVE, both resi- "thinking" about It. • •- _. MBD problems can _some Hallman'f Tartar Souc* Boutique TqlUt Tixuc ,,love and his children, or siay dents of Westfleld, will explain the purposes 24-oz. can ' 49f 1 love him and want to get Great Eastern Stores » times be detected and treated 6-o». jar . Z0C 3-2 pkir *«• and keep house and hoj>e that and goals of the organization, Mrs. Peter married. I would like to know ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS In the pre-school years. For things will diange7 membership drive Sterling, Mrs. Chesney McCracken, and Mrs. if he rW.111 ever marry me- instance, when a child has Whcatona ; Albert Driver of Westfleld, committee chair-, Gaiiha Solid Pack Vlllao. Chicken Rico at aU7 • •T.E.S. announces appointments —The Union. County Unit,,New Jersey Asso- difficulty learning jo talk, Stephen M. Weill has been M announced by: Frank E.Licata, men, wllldescribetheirwork'dnpr.eparationfor Tuna Fish i . Rose Dear T.E.S. SATURDAY, APRIL 4,1970 ciation for Retarded Children, Is participating special education can begin named drug buyer for tlie president of the discount ap- the fall opening of the advisory service. 7 ; 4 6-oz. cans $|; Dear Rose: Unless you ore niarrlixi 10 in the National Associations membership immediately and perhaps -o* ~"\ 37 < Great Eastern Discount De- parel, division of Daylin, who All interested women are welcome to attend. a bank." No. Why should'Iie7 tills man,, you have no ri^lns mOBthrfiertram SchwarR,_of Westfleld, presi- Maypo Inttant Oat» ward ,,off further learning exjn '__ • Village Beef Rice in that household. And if you pornncnLSrores, a division of also announced the appolnt- WRITE OR TELEPHONE dent of the organization, said this week. Further information may be obtained by calling- .... • ***>.••. problems. are taking orders'from Ills Daylln, Inc. The-appointmenC . ment of Harvey Cohen as foun- "Although mental retardation cannot be Mrs. Mary Slavltt, at Newark State College, 13-ox. A 6-oz, cons $•• Dear Amy: More often,, learning dls-~ 77 < ex-wifc-, 1 think you arc was announced by ArnoldSeig- —dations buyer ljor Diana Stores. ' cured." Schwartz said, "thereyire many ways can 'I I enjoyed reading a recent THE PINGRY SCHOOL ahllltes- are~norTdeh'tlfied screwy. Unless tills man el, president of GreatEastorn. For. 7-1/2-years prior to^ in which retarded people can be helped toward column so much and to find x until the child enters school, that others think the same makes up his mind which wo- Sydney Kuppe las been ap- joining Great Eastern, Weill" 215 NORTH AVENUE, useful, happy lives. We appeal to all residents Swttt t Lew Staff Fabric. Staff was witli Grandway Storey in Rhinoceros' set Such_a child oftenhss dif- as i'jdo about some—of.-our- —man he; wants to marry and pointed merchandise and ho- of the area,'whether or not retardation has _r^_ run his household, move out! siery buyers for the -Diana_-varipus_buy_i_ng and merchan- - flculry-with language, reading,, Si|tr Sibitltili youth. 1 hbd been dunking 1 HILLSIDE, N.J. strucMheir Tnimedlate famiUesTtiTJom our writing, spelling, arithmetic, Softener . Bleach ,. • • • Stores Corp. division of tlie dlsliifi-capaclties.1 Ha is u^_ group, and offer, their assistance." of writing and stating my £y~N5C plgyers or memory work. He' may be views, but your last column Dear Amy: Daylln chain, which comprises ;"' graduace_ of.rilue Ridge Col- — (201) - 355-6990 Mrs. Edward Gyurik, of Cranford, the unit's awkward in hand)Jng_a pencil —JS-gol. 25* hit the noil on the head. I'm 19 years old and-1 55 full-line discount stores • lege. New Windsor,. Md,, membersnTp"chairman, said, "We need people -Ptoal-rehearsals-haveHlfcn held for this 7 bott. ' have been going steady wldi or in"judguig size andlHs- The Youth_of our laud are and 210 specialty shops na- wliere he majored in business ' of many ages, from the young teenagor-«o-the weekend's Newark_State College Theater Guild tance. a boy for over a year. Lately tionwide. administration.' productioirof:.EugenelDneaco>s "Rhinoceros," amuckvr.urap*-jelly in my prayers that they will senior citizen, and we need many kinds of Any of 100 ldentltieijsymp; Kill OHO I've_been hearing thing3 about Kuppe'sTiPDOintment wnn Welll's appointment repre- .Slants:—Yuuim people art needed to enter- -^hlch-wai-be-preSentevraraao p.m. March 12- 10-a>. |ar S)C MeiHe Toll Hotit find the right way beforcir's hfm and one of his ex-girl- toms may indicate MBD. ' Bents another step in the re- careers to the rewardlng_fjelds of special 14. Ticket Information may be obtalnaQrom Srauckvr Appl* Jally ' CeeklM Mix everlastingly too late. frlends. He is supposed to is how much he loves you! 10-or, lar J9t- Irliliif Sard building program started by education.^ recreation for the nanaicappea, tne DOX oiuce ol me iheater lor tbe'Ferio Amy, I think you are doing hnuo hnrt hlriiiTyi If he hns fathered two chlld- INCOME TAX main categories: medi- " ' -)lkb Jll .,.gidcnt Siogol tact Ju . . good Job with your an6- girl. _ 'Ten 'with—another sans mar* scientific research, and social-work; they can Ing Arts on the Union campus, cal, behavioral and educa- - ' 10-oiu-|or - - 390. wei'W. Kut'p up the good work. For eight years' prior'to e , He tells me .'Ihgse minus 'rlageruTcnse, it sounds to me also help in our camp and scouting programs The director o(_!b -_prpdu<.tlon, Mrs. Zella tional. .Smuckar Black Ratpbarry " A Happy Homemaker _joining Diana Stores, Kuppe_ and by babysitting.— . .... J. Fry, a professor in ttHTSpeech and Theater . J.ilv 10-Q,. lar -40* aren't true, but I know diat like you ore hisnextconquesu- was • with- Spartan - Atlantic Mrs. M. Slocomb » ,'• Among early, minor physl- # "Adult volunteers are needed to many of the__ Arts Dlvlsion-of-tfae-English Departmentrre—- . (Beach, N. Dak.) they are. I'm sure he's In stores an a hosiery and acces- cal Irregularities which may love with both^of us, and 1 PERSONAL TO "Confiden- U0H7. WED.. FBI.', £9:30 P.M. (Sunjo/. by Appointment) unit's training and recreatlon.programs.~And ... ports that "with the exception of three mem- - Indicate MBD are slow, awk- Kalkan Staw—— el i -sorics-merchandise manager emplovers are needed who will offer Job hers the cast ls composed entirely of freah- Kollogg Goober don!t_w.ant It this way.llove tial": .... SAT: y-itu. To2 P.Mr -•-..• • • . • _ ward movements orTSTSense Dear Amy: ' and buyer. He was'educa,teQat- AFTER MAR. 15, OPEN SUNDAYS, TOO, 9 to 2 -— , opportunitles to retarded workers." meirappearlng In major roles." She adds "the Now's your chance. him. too much to break up Madam, why are you such-a ~~Clty College In New York» of right and loft,' up and down. cant Peanut Butter .Toe: Union-County Unit provides nursery • play is Theater of the Absurd, and while It was Crou»*tt«« . What do you do if your. with hlriu-Whatdo you think shnook? Change thaJocks on Although . the- child's 'Sight, liU6band treats you cool in where he majored In retailing. classes, a day care training center, vorartonal'—wrltwn Infp In Ionesco's life it became the first Kalkan Chicken Parts' I should do? . your doors! Cohen has.been with Diana hearing, and voice may be public and warm In prlvate7 - • • • - - • of his well-known plays to include any emo- 7-oi. 4. 15-O,. /%im training, yearrround recreation programs, and normal, sometimes the brain HlWif Stores "since 1960 as lingerie summer day and residential camps, as well as tion. ••„ J,/ • _.!_.... box 59* —Dear- Hope: ~~ "Address all letters to: .. distributor, coordinator, and, • KUHNEN TRAVEL center does not understand- Dear Wife: - . Amy Adams guidance to the families of retarded people. Technfca^dfrector and set designer Richard the messages these organs If the stories you hear n- _ most recently, buyer forrobes... Persons interested In becoming affiliated" Turlck, also a member of tfie"Speech and Tbe- Milady Ch.««. Bllnli., , You say, "Thank Godi" (It bour tills boy are in fact true, c/o Tills New5paner_~ _ '-^—~ZZajtSJU YVESftHT 'AVE7 idLnot translate Comstock Beans Italiano could by die ^ppo'sRc' way.) —and loungewear, He.-W.as edur with the Union County Unit, New Jersey Asso- Ifroi.'p'kg. 5t« Chock fill 0 Nits stop seeing him immediately. For a personal reply enclose catcd at City College in New UNION CENTER MU 7-8200 ciation for"Retarded Children,-or In obtaining describes the sets ai 15^oz. can . IB* It's not Important how much, _a. stamped,self -addressed en- York ' where he majored in Burry'a B«st Cookl Dear Amy: information about Its services, may write the construcfionist in style, somewhat reminiscent Comstock Beans&Mushiooms Coflo .you lovehlmrwhat'simportant velope. . .. ' retailing,- •' "." ' Behavioral symptoms- may ll-oi. bo» 49« 1 want pierced ears more unit office, 562 Boulevard, KenUworth, or call of a Mondrlan p.auning." Turick also notes Owninga bank is one thing. Owning a part of Earnings and dividend prospects. — 15-oz. can . jJ*- •276T6792. The unit is a United Fund agency. that "the soundtrack that will be used in the include a short attention Span, the First New. Jersey Bank is quite another. — NobUcoRoyolL un chCraekara 165 than.anything else in the world.— production comes from the original Broadway . overactMty or underacttvlty, Our earnings and dividends record has shown-^ -ComstockJfeans Bacon ,. ~ I'm. .11 years old and my production." ; and unusual or changeable FiratJNew Jersey (formerly First State Bank of Ameiicano 16-oz. can Sit 'mother would let me have emotions, ..tfcmper tantrums a continuous increase-over, the years.. Just about anything else out Dr. Louis Huber of the' Music Department "Menners Spanish Rice and .aggressive -behavior In- not that.. will conduct a quartet Of Instruments In a pro- . Union>is 17 years young with assets exceeding The rate of return on average Capital and '_ PriesFls elected dicative of frustration. 2 15-oz. cans. > < 1930 Morris Avenue, Union. New J«r«py 070m _ _ .-jrgrWer.-.fif'^ " 'roii|ilii|< ull, ^I BETWEEN DONNA VILLA AVE- our rate of gc&wth-should-be-greaTer than ever.. NUE AND OT, GEORGE AVE- City or Town _ to'tMihinii't'your living riunu. NUE BETWEEN THE I1OUIIS not related to Social Security agency OF a A.M. ml 4 P.M. MON- t (itCStlcllonurinoluJilii! Coriur«n}i 1U11, Chestnut Btfoot, IU>- telephone rings. nolle, New Jersey on the Oth day of ' Formerlr- • ••!• •••••y • Firsrin ii t• Stat*TI ii i eii Bann n nikl o.• ft •Unio •••! •• •n• ^^ • no service contracts. In fact, Public Installer or local Public Service office • Guaranteed work, circular, letter, or advertlse,ment, shall Jh Mitmliuf K'.DI C EGALCERIES hi tlie past three years some bualnvsuos TCh. right now. There's never a charge. bo deemed Bllllry^of inisdemeanor. and, upon- AM .OIIDINANCK VACATING A .Main Office: 1930 Morris Avenue. Union. New Jersey 070S3 • (201) 686-4800 Service gives you fast efficient service , Cias Heat -across-the country huvo-found profit itruslng" convlctlon thereof, shall for each offense be 1OIITI0N OFaDCTH AVHNUK ROUTE 22, UNION, N.J. 688 -5500 the name "Medicare." Consequendy, mnjiy AND THE: OtJ) HOAD KO AH Highway Branch Townley Branch Five Points Branch punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or by TO CONFOIIM THE HblCOHIWJ ' New Providence Branch firms changed their names or added the word imprisonment notexceediugoneyoar.orboth. WITH LONO-BTANU1NQ UaiL Rt. 22 & Monroe Street Morris Ave. & Potter Ave. 355 Chestnut Street Village Shopping Coiitor PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND CAS COMPANY KOUTK ;»5, MIDDI.KTOWN, N.J.V.710400 "Medicare. ' Consequendy, many firms Oilier statute:! prohibit false o4verdslng for rJKI.r.li;]llNMMlN Union, New Jersey Union, New Jersey Union, New 'ersey Springfield Avenue changed dielr names or added the word "Medi- Deputy lloniuich Clotk f tlie purpoeu of lnducliut tlie purdiase of drugs, Th* ypooUtor, Mar. la( lB70_(»-ji

Ihtroducinfi —-,->**/ j^i-i-J\^ Jt;

N.JLS MOST UNIQUE DISTRIBUTION OUTLET ^ ^FSIACKS More dian .100 Rutgers, Douglass and L.lving- respond to criticism better from dielr own "sion College students are working liarc! tiieso. peers dian from us or die staff." •?*!&> ; days to put new meaning into "community The State University volunteers provide involvement." . ' " " ejttra staff for die Home, permitting maximum To die students such Involvement has be- .use of die recreational facilities there which -T-£O£rifl over die past several ^yearS a~rcgular, have been provided by outside groups. We stock theart of dtetr exper- AlsOfthe^minl mum-se£urity Institution per-' of many famous domestic ience and education, radier dian afashionubie, mlts die students to take some of die boys on • ultrulsdc or patronizing dilng to do. field trips, out for Sunday dinner, or to manufacturers, in addition • Tlie 400 make up a collection of Individuals various events at Rutgers. ' . ; to a full line of #4+quality y and groups at Rutgers called die Civic Com-_ . — MacDougall notes duudiepardcipationofdie i inittee. What it lacks in traditional organization college students is bodi high and consistent, imported clothing in the it mukos up Inaccomplishment. Its purpose is and die boys ip turn look forward to die visits. latest styles. , . to go into die community and ua somedilng. Some have become attached, to tiia volunteers. That somedilng has become tutorlol "iid, "We've had people In die Infirmary at counseUng projects In die school systems of Rutgers—dielr dorm residents_dlda't know New Brunswick;- Highland' Park and Soudi diey were sick, but die kids in Jamesburg Bninflwick»_EehabllltaUon efforts at die State did," he said. — - Home for Boys at Jamesburg and die New .More than half of die 400 involved students -Jersey State Prison'at Rahway, and.rec- are working In the school systems, tutoring, readonol assistance in New Brunswick and acting as teacher aides or Big Brodiers and Highlang d Park.- -Blg-Sisteraj—•—-——,- 1 •" Its spirit is exemplified by some 50 stu- "In die schools, we work closely widi dents, .the largest single group, who,regularly teachers, administrators and parents, says visit thB Stfltfi HnmR for Royn. Th>IT bunion. —Bxuce. A..Scherr. of625Woodlandaye.,Roselle Dacron Wool Summer Suits—539. Is a.simple one: They visit die boys and Park, a Rutgers senior and coordinator of the moke friends. Civic Committee. "The response has been tre- Some Join in group counseUng sessions, mendous and we have received much en- . J ^ _ '_ comp. val. odiers play games widi die boys, talk widi couragement from administrators." them or help diem with -school-work.- Bit die —Community 'involvement goes back several Dacron/Wool Sport Jackets ilH^-^ I overriding purpose is friendship, in an age years at Douglass and Rutgers Collegestin ' •'•••..• comp. val 55 ' vvlt ' is at a premium. form of various group r&divldual efforts. DI Sport Jackets-S33, . - ' comp val 65 • J5. JHE JAMESBURC PROJECT confilBtanttwo- -CU rh. ri,.i~ Com- ,_largrge groups diah t visiiit ddi e hhom e onWednesdaysWd " mlttee is the SOS, Students Offer Services, of All Wool Slacks $13. $16. and Sundays for recreational programs and on Douglass College,-wliich works widi die Rutgers- comp. val. 21. • 28 Mondays-and-ThursdayB to take part In group- -men-ln tfie-flehools. projects, and In other pron counselling sessions-run-by; die staff of die.: grams at the Now Brunswick multi-service "horae.j, center,_at_Mlddlesex and St. Peter's hospital? John MacDougall of Madison, a Rutgers and In various odier Bhort-tETm.proJectssuch 1433 Springfield-Avenue, Irvington ; nnphnmnm wliinai iimiliiiiicnroithejimcBburg as widi die mentally ill, orphans and scouts. A group, describes die sessions as closed con- small group based at die Eogleton Institute of Open Daily 9:00 5:30, Wed. 9:00-9700: fidential groups In which die boys can talk Politics called die Urbari Action Corps feeds MAKING FRIENDS — John A. MncDougali of Madison, • a Rutgers College Bophomore, Sat. 9:00 am -1:00 p.m. 375^7890 about anything dioy want widiout worrying about manpower to die schools projects. . cliecks tile progress of a checkers game, between a young resident of. die State Home Open Friday evenings until Easter., e r(\ce%\ getting Into trouble about, what diey say. The Civic Committee was born In die spring for Boys at Jamesburg and Laurel A. Trow of Mlddlctown, a Douglass College sopho- ^"Tne kids' save dilngs diat are bodierlng of 1967 to consolidate campus community ser- more. The State University students are working widi the Rutgers Civic Committee, a diem for'die group meeting and they tend{o—- -vlcas for efficiency. Its activities have been student group dial lends manpower to-various com expanded to Include cooperation with the~Rut>-" gers Bureau of Community Services in help- ing to plan. University-Community sponsored Reinhardt art exhibit events. •:. •_.._ . letters ab i An exhibition of die Black Paintings of die . In a real sense, all die students Involved in -late Ad Reinhardt will be shown through March die civic committee are experiencing die same will be aided I 28 at die Morlborough-Gerson Gallery;" 41 E. kind of two-way rapport with die people widi S 7th st.. New York. The exhibition includes whom diey work. SchernayF." • •>>•• - some 30 pointings. For die first time die full ~B*ut far from being an altruistic or patron- by postmen range of die artist's Black Paintings will be izing diing, Scherrjiotes, die Rutgers students are experiencing human relationships diat are "The response was quite overwhelming "We were surprised and pleased shown. He developed the,approach In 1951 and Ppstal employees will play "Your ad.brought results^ employed it exclusively until his deadrhrl967. sometimes unavailable within die walls of a an Important role in obtaining— university. tlie most accurate population . so that I will ho~tonger require ' - ==ti»atyoor-papef s gave us jar more _ 'Count In history^ tiic Coin— I was able to sell my piano. PRIPtRf FOR ) CANCER merce Department's Bureau 'he adior the entire four week plan . of die Census and die Post replies in ouf ad for a secretary . 200 nurses attend Office Department say. as origin ally arranged." . . . .:..._ •. . Postal, employees atall -than the large dailies." ••••- - levels, especially clry-fcittei" cancer symposium carrlera, will help die Cen-.: sus Bureau widi die 1970counr More dian 200 nurses rep- Miss Ann Brennan, R.N., JK;-- - ' •' •- • MISSM.F. MRS. H.I. resenting area hospitals. chairman of_die_committee,' "Handling census question- Visiting Nurse Associations, was moderator of die program. ..naires going to more dian 40 Our 1970 economy model: nursing homes, and private In which aspects of rehabllita- million households Jn the f\ I SAL f\ 1 ViKS I practice. front-Union, Essex,~ 1 , major^urhso areas where .a RAIL HO N 0 2 Somerset, Morris and Middle- different types of cancer mall-out, mail-back census received HEAL ESTATE ilHOKE US |—Bex Counties attended a day patients. will be conducted. long cancer symposium last Dr. Warren H. Knauer, -Conducting an exhaustive COURSE sTf.HTS SOON 'You sure helped me a greet, deal week at the Wleland Steak executive. committee chalr- pre-census check of household "•HouserMounfalHsIde: addresses In these~aneasnto~~ ue Cross INSURANCE COURSES the ad...better thanWxpecteij-.. • The progranvwds sponsored American Cancer Society, ' ^provide die Bureau .widi die_ is truly extensivejrilhisandsivejrilhisa through the ad.Jn your papers | —by die nursing educationcom- spoke on ."The. Patient With. 1 jnost accurate and complete - mittce of die Union County CALL 762 Cancer of die Head and Neck," list of such addresses."" ~ and wanf to thank you very much." surrounding cominunities." — ~Onlt, American Cancer Sod- Dr. John Lucas of Memorial It will be die first time ety. The theme of die meeting Hospital, NewYo»;kCity,-Ttie- In U.S. history diat die popula- was "Rehabilitation of die Patient W,ldi Cancer of die tion count depended so heavily Patient Widi Cancer." -Breast," Dr. WilllanTO. upon help from die Post Of- MRS.KB. . Wuester of Elizabeth, "The fice. ~ .._ Patient With Cancer of die The Post Office Department Colon and Rectum," and Or. will deliver and return die I Rene Mastriovlto, psychla-_ questionnaires in most of the trlat. also of Memorial Hos- large urban areas indie April, pital in New York City, 'The 1970, .census. The mail-out. You Can Be an IBM - Psychological Factors iu Re- -hab|Utatlng-Cance£P-nrlPnt3." —apply jo_60=65 jjercent of die' The program, only one of its population. In maitouti mail- Computer Programmer kind, In .die* state, was held to " back" areas; people will. re-_ Inform' nurses of the most celve census questionnaires in Less Than a Year modern therapeutic and re- late in March and wiU fill It could saveyou up to $100 habilitative techniques dealing them out and return-diem to widi cancer patients. the Bureau In pre-addressed" More dian 4,000 pieccOacf envelopes. the latest professional litera- .T"ests taye shown, chat the • A top-notch tlaff of computor lp«c!aKili ond «d ture were distributed to die~^mElI^uti- mail^ook-.--census- tgL sy*l«m •xclutlvsh/ for »h«Uni UH reduces the need for census • tlf*lim« plac«m«nf otilttanc* ' ' .—--• takers when it is difficult to- '. • Long-term financing ' recruit them, and permits bet- — • Co-id day or «v«nlng claiwi ter placement of census takers _ . in problem areas. The remainder^ of die population, in smaller cities ana rural areas, will receive the questionnaires by mall, but die "completed forms will th this vnd 7 o MISSING NUMBERS be picked up by census takers Supply die missing numbers Just as in 1960. to dicse quotations. 1. It came" to pass after Everybody's familiar~withoirrtop-of-the4ine model: Comprehensive days diat die waters_of hfiu i'i £" When he wa Blire^SiTi^Th-i^^h^ nlrt rtipv IUWIT nnri : 2816 MOillS AVL __--•—--.after ^ die custom of tue-feast.: . :pTOvitfffl^ UHKWr NJ. 07MJ 3. • ' of diem—were Rider College -wUl play host_ But not everybody needs this type of extensive coverage. Out MuUificd • JRVINOT9N • ' 4M, Did, not. we cast—y— on Saturday, March 21, to the —~~-—^' •: • .' . . "men bound Into dwnfldatof the—- 30lh-,amiU"i- PrLlli is the answei.for these4affliliesT=-t«t9-yeu-save-uf)-to $400 a ^ - 5.'-We have lieral yCSI3outSLaada! loaves, and———fishes," HHeiiLErsstaniu.- !•••• ,-Xlp, to300hlgh(il juniors 5pg^rite-*till providing geherous^protecTioTT. "--^~ — : Oif CW.LW For•Wtitrt.tiij--fr 'ANSWfiRS^^ — and-senfors plus advisors rop- jresentlng some 50 YMCA'sin ^5oth Blue Cross atid Blue~Shield Plarisfofferfflipaialle.edvaliie. doe- ~^* -^_;|-Number-Of Wrtd.-By.J6*MlhWm Chora.),$3,20.(20AveroflTWoTdlT': "A ,_;^he^atate will,.elect a youdr oajqX—'f- (z:sr "now) Gqvenior^ Senate prrHltl^nr — ^umentea~by U.^liiivejiiinent statistics and-ever^iTirce-mrllion-cuTrent— i SUBURBAN PUBLISHING CORP. " '""'", "- I *=>M;1 '£ m(lV-Z aimn) 3A Assembly speaker and odier • | 1)391.ShiyVfaionl Av.., Union, N.J. ,. '• ~ ("" "Z '(OV-L "uoo) UOAOS youth officials to servo during -the. annual Legislative Confer*., bring you detailsjmd an application. .-" • Pl.o.. ln..rt (I,, following clo<>|fl>J qjl ' ' ence April 10-11 at the State USE THIS EASY WANT AD FORM House. 'Hie pre-legislatixfe confer- Itluu Cross and Blue Shield . enco-is being held, at Rider_ Box420.Newark,N.J. 07101 for die first time. Princeton MIKE TOBIA University was host to tile pact Please send me details and an application for ... OR CALL US YOUR "ONE-GUY /M HILLSIDE" 29 annual sessions. Dr. Henry Frank, 7 a— 10 lensive Blue Cross with Blue Shield •_l,ow cost Modified Ulue Cross with Blue Shield You To OuT and clialrmanof the pre-legls- lajtiive conference, said die II 13 Slrr

•.. ,•".'• lutuimmmuiiitmtiittnuuiiiniiuumitiujiimi ;',r : CROSSWORD PUZZLi Today's Answer ACROSS -DOWN 21.Excl» A_£_-ln._—- - place

-' -' TUI_«AB__..i-H__fi\TS (good L ! _ trick—'— . 2. Mt-LLOW MEDLEYS: by "Jan Garber And His .9. Minute lation f yVoqdy AtteWWfT - 'Orchestra. On tills LP, Jan and company play a groove• • 3. Tightwad dozen medleys of all-time great' 6ongs - 36 ' 10. It'» - .4.- Trencher- '_. "Take tlie Money find Run," the Woody Allen tunes in all. Included ore treasured songs Uke ' - cauw man •.:' ,, film vehicle, arrived at the Mayfalr Theater, "My'baby Just Cares Por Me." "Makin' (hopcleuK 5. Wheels for J -- - __Whoop_B,i_|t!B A-SinToTeUAUe/S'^Voo're •• a rainy.dky -. -: —-- Hillside; yesierdnyT-wlflr'To Cammlt A Mijr- 11. "Che-ra" 1 ..'•—. d-ty' salts associate feature. ~~ Driving Me Crazy,1** '/Tlie Touch Of •Your"-' 13. _a-)iUe ' ~ ' B. Eskimo 29. A "shatt- "Take the Money;" which Allen directed and Li))5," "Pennies From Heaven,"''Little White cavity knife er the — •37. Nobleman's head estate *T.nllnhni Jilntl nn-th._fw*rlpr ._lr.n Ilnrfl flllfn. Lies," "When The Organ Played At Twilight,"- U. Land T. "The r measure Velvet Fog" 30 Small 38. Puts wlth Janet Margolin, Tlie comedy, which tells and many others. But also included are such through rn standards as "Misty" and "Tiil^Could . ISTSpread "•• 8. Ruhr ' "' lace m&t- the life story of a bonk robber and Ills nils- . grass metropolis 31. Smiles a sieve adventures, was filmed In color. Be The Start Of Something." A goodie for your 17. Slag giie-ls ' 9. Go hungry scornfully 42. Defiance "To Comn_r~A~Murder," starring Louis — -next sray-at-h6me~aanclng-party.-(DECCA)... 18. Bone 11. Hosiery 33. Couples: 45. Food" Jourdan, Senta Berger and Edmond O'Brien, .-. nil; KAEMPI'ERT TOUCH: by Be« Kaemp- 20. Jacob's hues - - nbbr. container features agents and countexagents who double • -fen And His Orchestra. The dozen musical eldest son 16. English 95. Radio 46. Pa*se trans- iii 1EADER... FOLLOW THE LEADER cross each other. The picture was photo- enr-noothers by Bert include: "Something," and others river buffs portation graphed In color and was directed by Edouard "lleaclin' Home," "Didn't We,""WeCanMake NOMINEE —Television's 23. Shift 19. Flower pot 34. Similar • 48. Toot case Mollnaro. It Cirl," '.'Someday We'll Be Together," Goldie Hawn makes her 25. My "I" Saturday matinee at tlie Mayf air will feature "You're Mine," "Raindrops' Keep . anin'On screen debut in "Cactus _S. Old Nora- "Battle Beyond the Siln" and Prisoner of the "'• My"Hc*." "jean," "Tills Woman Is Mine," , Flower," film comedy con- works • ' Iron Mask.1' "One Day With You," "She Let's Her Hair tinuing at the Maplcwood 28. Pointers Down" and "All For You." (DECCA)... on a dial- Theater and Fox Theater, 32. Eat late Abo on the DECCA label, ROCK "N ROLL Union. Miss Hawnwasnom- 34. East SURVIVAL. Featured on this LP album are a inated for as Oscar for Best Indian tree Western spoof .collection of 12 roefc/n roll popular hits from Supporting Actress. * 35. Picnic ihc""5O*s and 6O's, performed by the same ' boskets artists- who put them on the charti. 39. A mold There's Bill Haley & His Comets doing • 'Shake, 40. According: p | . Rottlu And Roll" and (We're Gonna) "Rock to "Support Your Local Sheriff," a first-rate rouiiii me Clock,"""Peggy~SuB"7by.fiaddy=r U.0a--_r.—'— THE LEA^ER- spoof of Westerns,.opened yesterday attheEl- ;^Holly,_an_ _^That'rll Be TheDay"^wlthjluddyj • for one ~~ EUiulteti\, un u duuble till W ~ '. aiid'The Crickets'"When" and "Three O'Ciock"^ article " Sheriff'^"stars JamesGarner, Joan Hackett, Tlirill" by the Kalln^Pwins,' "1-2-3'.' 44. Chop Walter Brennan.and Harry Morgan. It was A Baby" by Ken Barfyr"! Met Him On Sun- AH times listed arc fur- nnely day" and "My Love Is A Charm" by The nished by the theaters. -4T. DervUh ; filmed in dolor and directed by Burt Kennedy. Shlrellfc's, and The FlaMningos doing their dou- "Honeymoon-RHlers,1* q case history of «». Seel? ble-o( "The Ladder Of Love" and "Where ART (i'rv.)—THE MINX, Across murderers who found victims In Lonely Hearts.' Mary Go."... - _ Clubs, Btars-ShlFleyStoler and Tony Lo Bianco, Tliur., Moh., Tues., 7:15,9:15; 50. Makes an arid was:dlrected.by Leonard Kastie, — ! COMING UP— The re-run of""Tne~Hrass Fri;," J:30. 9:30; Sat,. 7, 8:35. attempt Arc Comln'," Mar. 31, featuring Herb Alpert- 10:35; Suitr-MOp3:30, 5:30, 51. Sea eagles aiid the Tijuana Brass on NBC-TV. The pro- 7:30, 9:30. 52. Readies the CENE F{tpM MUSICAL—IsabelleFarrell plays Agnes Good! as she assists young Patrick gram was originally aired last October. To - _ alarm clock Dennis, played by eight-year-old Si&vcn Brltt, as they try to locate Patrick's only living • date," Herb and the boys "have" recorded 13 BELLEVUE . by TReatre~Six_ ~ Opan Dolly -I* . •_• - •* A___ Enlraat Including potato ottd vaaaloblal _,_ W» MAIN ST. ! ^ at WO_, tl.S0-S4.79 • Al.o chlldran'i manu. t~" ... AcFclreas— v .TrvV .. I r\TT~r~r:-~.—*-* -EAST ORANGE OR 5-2600 'Theatre Six,; Centr.aLJetT. 1 Special Busln0Sfm«n'H Lunch] >dy Allan EXCLUSIVE sey's only professional resi- Dally 12-3 TAK6 THE MONEY AND RUN 'ONE OP YEAR'S ll_B__r dent theater, will hold Its sec- CATERING FACILITIES.. Loul« Jourdan"" TELL THEM WILLIE BOY ond annual antique show March FOR ALL OCCASIONS Dargar . - (.HERE 21 and March 22. •TO COUWT-jl MURDER" In Color. A__ AGES ADMITTED iNTERTAINMEHT HITELY OLD ____ ITALIAN-AMERICAN RESTAURANT (ZIP code) Sat. Uat. -.t —Dirk Bogarde, -'-. The iion-pro_niiSarer-T_-| Mo.t CradlT Corel.* Honorad _ 8, COCKTAIL LOUNGE 'Tha Batlla Qayond Tha Sun" H housed in one of Metuchen's Pleaso check one: "ThaPrlaonarlnThalronMaak" ~S9S MORRIS AVE.. SPRINGFIELD UOLDkl lltlMII most historic buildings, the^ Jam.. Ball I EVERGREEN. Phil Mulligan nH nt MIHhupi'^yff,, whoro RIP. 24 Dogl -( ) Now subscription. ( ) Renewal. former 100 year old Cente- STEAKS- LOBSTERS- PRIME RIDS 1 nary Methodl si Church located PUUS AN EXTENSIVE ITALIAN MENU mm on, die intersection of Route LODGE SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER ' J2.5O (PLEASE--lf this is a Tenewal subscription, .CIM_D_ENS*. complolo Sunday Dlnnor $1.95 kindly enclose the mailing label from your paper,)- 27 and Main., street In EVJSRGREEN AVE., • LOUMOE-BAK OPEN DAILY PROM NOON Metucliea,__ SPRINGFIELD "'- TSARHAID- jbYCE Special Prices at the Paper Mill The show will, be held Sat- ""WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING In and'aur urday (Murch 21) from 11 a.m. Jam** Br««cl_, ManaQ«r Coloring FoClllllai __-•„.„ until 9 p.m. und Sunday (March avhIU - -.— Eat and drink PICNIC GROVE lo, to 75 ...on. 316-3840- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Evenings 22)from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Dav—Un atyta" HALL RENTALS up P Tl ti ll ill lW LUNCHEON 8. DINNER) _ICP D1DTIF. may be used both days_ind_ I MODERN & SQUARE DANCING | NQW-thru Ma __—chi Idretr under 13-wlll-be-ad- UK 6-0489 ITK. Naw Cook ot

N_M»<_.T_>F-tZ__: ACAMMY-AWAHDJ • -__ •_ _tMCLUDIMQ-* ItSTPlCTUM-KJT EflDOWBROOK pusmHQwiiuu. ATHE _ RESTAURANT -UNION _ , 'lortoU- ^ - ~.V ±____B0Ort)»_— _Culbi:. (Sal.19.25»Up) pkwy. cily'orTown WINNER 9 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS IRAYJOND ST.JQUJ E Pollmh D_/lcoc(«* • NJ. Polka Dancing Confer State ____^_: "IT in HOtLKBB Banquet Fuclllllol • Sandwich** X«rved Dally LKT'HIH OO" CrlildntNS ThcATlU Ory«r an>ctl_ with p_formjnc* *tt M«>ch 3. 1970 _«J _aluilnp Far any occasion «0_l Wjlh Ink coupon only. Fl*»_ an

Howni "T—V-i>—I


fireworks •• »oo«o«6o<>«»o6«>oo«»oo<>o« XJOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOC withZr A >O0O00OCOOOO00OOO0O0< _iJi9.lp.RMlefi:W0BM....-.;.:_-._i- -4)elaJ(anted-Women--: ^^JKailedJ/lfpjnen *• "- -1 3bo6^x>6o6coooooooooo6ooc-' :: • *£ defense and held a 42-40 lead lit the half. • * • LIGHT AND CLEAN ASSEMBLY WORK •TYPISTS' Outstanding Opportunity (or Right Applicant; 10 With Charley Foster and Frank Buccl hitting THE BULLDOGS in the third period showed Company Paid Benefits Some Experience Desired; Excellent Working Condi on jump shots, Dayton opened up a 16-11 lead ' v)hy they are conference champions. Dayton FTrit shift only . .•POLICY WRITERS — tions; All Benefits. during the first period but the lead quclkly tied the score at 49-49 with 3:56 remaining ."••"- 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Call 289-8200 evaporated. Roselle drew to within one point, . and then the lead elifmged hands a number of • BOOKKEEPERS -.; or apply at * '.__'.•-"•' • -19-U8 with 1:24, remaining and then John times. After Springfield Bedlhe game at 55, -"••'•""-"'•••'-••-•;••-•• .HOURLY RATE $2.04. ' ' ' '"" ' APPLY: . ; M . the Bulldogs broke' loose. Dayton stole two .., MERIT INCREASES UP TO J2.44HR. ^ " • ENDORSEMENT CLERKS passes and capitalized on the Roselle tum- Buchanan Electrical ProducfsTbrp. WEEKDAYS 8 AM TO 4 PM overs with D'Andrea hitting a-layup and Ed / »FIRE RATERS 1065 Floial Ave. union, N.J. Graessle hitting a 15-foot side Jump Bhot. Gra- • MODERN CAFETERIA < ^ (An Equal Opportunity Employer) _ • Dayton rplls essle hit another long Jump shot and Dayton Elastic St&p f^ut Div. led 61-55 and finished the third period leading • OJJTSIANDIN& COMPANY PAID.FRINGE BENEFITS .' ~ HOURS 8i30^o 4:30 PM 62-57. . -' CONDITIONED PRODUCTION! AREAS. Many Fringe Benefits. Convcnientjyjpcotod'.— -With RiirH, firafinlK, pnefor, D'Anrtma JR. SECRETARY . t95 TYPISTS STEM "Amenrce - Esna Corps and Bob Janukowicz, all scoring, the Bulldogs .~o78"-3^40, ask for Joh'n J. Valentine Plu.h UnU» CoWIm ha. a now ALLOFFICE POSITIONS »_ ilttttlf deinullalied UUJ Riun ~SSu\ae and • led 78 Call 464:4100 Ext. 433Tortrrtervlew Appointment opening for a aharp (ntlwit^i at" 2330 VAUXHALL RD., UNION. N.J. 60 with half the fourth period gone. With LADOnATORY TECHNICIAN —ability. An rxcellent opportun- DOCTOR'S OFFICE - (AN EQUAL OPPORTUNltY EUPLOVER) "Dayton freezing the ball, Roselle made a EXCELLENT SALARYANDHOUR STENQ-TYPIST ity to advance! Call or atop In.. TEMPORARIES , CALL ES4-MW0 _ D 3 FEE PAID BV CO. ha. openinga in N.wark, finals slqtedzdcomeback but tho rally fell short.. C. R. BARD, INC Great benefits plu» Irviniilon and Union areaa. LEADER IN PROT5UCJOPR PATIENT CARE ...Good Typing And Steno -'•••'• FORK-URf LADIES- Earelnatanl ap«Aiy.mpy^ M7tNAGEUENV RESOURCES full for Interview and Reglater COLLECTION 'Jonathan. Dayton Regional High, School COACH RAY YANCHUS said that Spring- Hospital and,Surgical Specialties .' ~ j Part tima or-tail-tiine. Chooa* your Skills, Excellent. Work- Now and Get Your Fr.e Gift ~ TRUCK MECHANIC -field -was 'not quick on defense and not-re— own bowra. • • Dlv. of Computer Resoursna, Inc. RRST NATIONAL STATE -basketball team; 23-0.' adVancarto-flie-flnalB— Call. &67-oofl6 H3/13 ing Conditions; All Bene- NO PEE CHARGED- lmm.diato op.nlna tor ^ua In Group' 11, -Secaoir2rsTate tournament play bounding effectively in the first half but Murray Hill, N.J.- - BANK--OF-NEW JERSEY tomA aa.vlc. and ahop ro.chanlc, ~.~. SIGMA A,PES"-=-— -wlth_]Y.T.'a laadlnt fork lift by downing Warren Hills,' 78-52, at West did say that even with the imperfections Day- fits. - : - - Temporary Olflc. r".r.acin.l ton wus still able to stay dose. (3 Miles fiomSummit, NJ.- V, Mile from Bel) Labs.) LABORATORY SECRETARY Poailiona ar. currmtly avail- truck aala. and aarvlc. omanl- Essex Regional High School Tuesday night. _ Equal Opportunity Employer B/K Diveralfled dtitlea awall •ocro- SWITC1IBOARD OPERATOR . 1068 Clinton ave., Irvington abl. at our In.tallm.r,t Cr.dlt. xatlon. Automotiv. or lift truclr. Warren Hills was 19-6 going into the game. - •Sag tha second half Yonchysj pointed tary to work In one utri lubora- APPLY " AKSWERTOO SERVICF. ,•371-1563 K 3/12 Orilca in Orang. for outald. axpan\.nc. raqulrad. Bxc.llmt out that—the ^Bulldogs- wero much tnoro ag- ._tiiry._di>piirtmffnt, ior V.P. and . S.Q. 2-1919 K3/19 collactora, .nilor collodion working conditloha. with the Dayton will play either New-Proyidence.or__ elaff. Light •leno^. typlnif, WEEKDAYS 8AM to 4 PM rhen and autooK>bl!(a inveluary foUowlng ban.flta; Blue Cro.a gressive and kept Roselle from getting the good There'sjnorejhqn and Blue Shield with Rld.r B, ' Verona tomorrow night at Bloomfield high. . record keeping, patent . work, „ SWITCHBOARD: - you choose the field goals and his pl&yMnaking ability sent" PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT I Corp. full Ume and put Urn*. ConfenUl 3ECBETAMAL WORK TOR DVrMWC , I linui m distributor, salary and WORKINO ' CONpiTIdNS _ points; Bob Janukowicz; seven points, and Corp. rr~ 1291 Stuyveaant wortdnr conditlcma. ErceUent salary, days you want lo work. If. you Dayton on its scorlngjrampage. SSO BROAD STREET •.,' Union/ YOUNO EXECUTIVE. .DIVEnEmEir' Il>onu«. r all company benefit*. have typing, stenographic or WITH EXCELLENT EM- In the St; James Rosiry league at Four Dan D'Andrea, 18 points, gave Springfield NEWARK X 3/12 top beneflU. Calli7IA-6M0t Director Call Mr. Gentile, 926-0900 FOR A POSITION of Nuraea tor appointment. X 3/l0 WORK, EXCEPTIONAI. oppoimmrn^ office machine . •kills, we'd PLOYEE BENEFITS,- AND aft§r picking up 18th —a-56-354aad-after-three quarters. ._._•_:_ xa/w Edgcomb fit eel. RATE COUUENSURATE Seasons on-Wednesday last week, the- topjhree •— SUMMIL UUCT BE ACCURATE TYPET. PAID J,lk« to talk to "you . t.t lodayt Bucci , hitting for 11 points In the fourth 10BHABPC HOSPITAUZATKW A«O OTOEB KX-- WITH EXPERIENCE AND teams were the Alley Kats, 39-24: the Kool . . , • . ,,,,,, ,", ... Clerk Typists i now until Jane 16th. No tnveat- NURSE. "R,N., tor prlrtte payohlatric CE1J.ENT COMPANY DENEFrrS. =WITH A FUTURE? ABILITY, • Kats 38 S-24 Siiand the Baggetts. 37-26.-T The Springfield Minutemen suffered their Springfield win meot lrvington again batur- although Springfield outscorcd the. winners-in. . period and 29 in the game, led a last quarter CLERK TYPISTS nrt. No •jmerlencs. / ' hocpiba in Sammitammit; clcloao e t o trantpor-rp . { Cl.rki UNION AREA. P1IONE MH- 4000. .GAINE i) 3 9 MANPOWER U«lv.r»ol Mfg. Co., Inc. h h ll MRVINOTON AREA) LISA JEWELS. CMU 4M - 88« UlimJLUlmJiLa and 3 to 11; food p«r«onp«r«on- FOR APP•PODTTMENTom-IO" ! TEMPORARIES We" "need diemaketS' 'for our 1168 Orova .t.,.Irvington;-N.jJ "scorers"%vere Ann Graziano, 167-175-157- second loss brthe seaSdin&sr. Sunflay-stier—day-evening-ai-ther.audineep-SchootacJ_p^n, ; Rullriog surge Dayton.ouiscacfid the_fllue.- Dqyton keglers -nal policic*. Lenith of aarvke bomu, Hon.. of th« " • BVia fll Hnn Springfield entered the Florhom Pork game close the gap. _ExcflalBntopportunitleB. •//grow-• -merit- txumia. pin h"ir'* " " rapidly expanding business, men K 3/U 499; Nancy O'Grady, 168-176-482, andTheresa having picked up tlieir 17ih and 18th victories " •*•--•-.. Streaks in the final period, 22-17 for a 26- Ing progr»)»«.ve 'company for -SWTFCHBOARDOPERATOR- - •TYPISTS- - • . - v White Glow Girl at a diHadvantage. Illness kept high-scoring Pepe played one of his finest Rames, as he Bookkeeper Poster fn dividual a to perform a variety— ' life lnWanccI after S month., caah (or 4-10:30 P.M. MON. - FRl •SECRETARIES 2004 Uonia Ava. experienced on progressive dies Schmidt, 154-168-452. earlier to the week. The loss to Florham Park polnt victory. GAL./GUY FRIDAY FEE PAID unuaed sick I««Ve,"'B pild progr*XDt ideaJ working cbndi* POOR. t>3rl310. TEHS-OF THE $4.50 to 34.75 per hour accord- round game, 98-49 score. Earlier in the week. out fast and played a very toiigh defense against! 11 in the final period. UonB and advancement pbtent- location. * H3/1J department* No experience- dual a with police or aeaurity -three positions. a second half rally in which the Minutemen Bookkeeper with Bank SECRETARY ' HEEP:MATES nece.sary. Will train. Call the Minutemen hod defeated Irvingwn In a the high-powered Springfield offense. Ftorham Buccl's 29 points brought his career total The Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, •UL Porappt. call Mr, Kivlon. ing-to experience. Top rate J5. guard experience. Peraona poe- regular season game. 77-64. — - Park took a 16-5 lead in the first period arid. twice tied~the game, only to fall back each ' Double Entry Bookkeep- UNDERWOOD UORTOAQE ^ Per.. Dept. 925-9339 aaaalng related ' background*, to 909. . — -r ~ "••;• " bowlingteam completedlts 1970 schedule wim a" OPERATOR FOR DIAL 9 GAL FRIDAY : TEMPORARY XJ/13 No defense work. Steady over- •uch a* firemen, military police, In the St; James-Mixed at Echo Lanes on rime. John hit five buckets lnthcthtrdquarter. sbu-par performance In the state tourruuneiA, ' ing Experience TITLE CO. FANNING Switchboard operator and re- time, paid BJue Shield and Blue eto. wilt ,eleo be o on aide reel. Bohby Hydock, who filledln for Drew, did his 1130 Springileld ave., ceptlontat In ihowroom. Uuat BRIGHT. Wfcellonl akllla, pride WOWEN - PART TUE Oood atwrting • alary, full bane- ' - Sunday; Atlantic Metals Coppers beat Atlantic The Dayton keglers only averaged 80Q fox Irvington, N.J. PERSONNEL OF UNION have own transportation, tMine- SERVICE Telephone soliciUtioo work, (romyoar •JaefX Job ]ri__n_.SprtngfleId~Ruli. Bribby hod a . 373-gaoO . 1?<,I Motrt. Avo. 6B7-0350 (ita. Ideal conditions, call home, aty«ARDIN0 OPPOKTUmiY. topped Knights of Columbus andoldE,vergreen " season high of 10 points und played a big role KlMr J life insurance and paid tem- day at the PERSONNEL DE- Rockets, Raiders,- _Ripp-led the Bulldogs with a575flBrlasand had i. Orlpo.M U>. Municipal Dulldlr.3 and 2 p.m. at 064-1600^-.^- Modem, .conv.nlunl locations 964*877(1 _ . : : - aak tor Mra; ftM. UITB PARTMENT. 950 BROAD Lodge defeate'd Reihettes. upsets Dartmouth; in',the Springfield press that closed the, gap ^MAXON PONT1AC , Prefer-aome .alt*. (JepL pbooptkin«a anmberryod^vtn ba> porary _fd^abllity, In-plant 'the high game of 212. Bob Shlndler had a 503 X 3/1J STREET. NEWARK. "before the fouls proved decisive. Clavin.Widom .CLBHJC .'. • .. '. Route 22 Union, N.J. oner. GOOD SALARY. '•' ' - ~ .... iin: 1/ Tt Two-game winners included Atlantic Metals series. Other Dayton bowlers were-Steve parking, etc. l(-you're thinking —im Lizzies, RemUngers, Erhardt TV, John's ployed a strong game, for SpringfieldnjHly R 3/(2 : Bucs, Chiefs gain Glover, Todd Herman, Bob Kalbeln,JTnny, -,_ ' GIRL FRIDAY • W V .•- TYPIST WOMAN WANTED TO -CARE FOR 3 of changing call --us first Co'-erlng, Cordials/and.Casale's Insurance. Palaz^i was _very effective in the Springfield SUMMIT&ELIZABETH ADMITTING Intonating •pot_fpr wall or aell« V/prk In modem, office building. CHILDREN, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY OFFICE WORKER, 1 toS p.m.( pleasant l Avek. R HELP WANT6D MEN Duva, Tom Lowy and Ted Rosenkrantz. Bssex ' ganlvcd gal In, buay advartla- 1 APTEH JSCHOOL TO 8;15pjn.START— -686-7300. • High scoring menwere FfanKoelbJein,211- press with £nany. steals und contributed five Parmanenr" w«ek. and poaltlon sunroundlnts, exi»«rlenc«- not- narcea- 245-0367 R-3/12 . Monilar hoard and other clerical JNG APRIL 2nd. PLEASE CAU. 4OT- Columbia wins, 31*29 Catholic' won the section in which Springfield TRUST CO. avallabla In modem ,hu.plla1. Ina Bgency. Boaxtt typing, will a*ry( typing easantliO. duti«.. C«H Mr. Romano, 333-4600 MACHINISTINSPECTORS points. Mike" Cevine had an early-bucket-for 0710, B to 5/ X3/12 193-589; Bob • GrlinnvT226-163-587; and'Joe Sandmeier semis bowled. An Equal Opportunity Employer 3 p.m.-- II p.m. .hlrt open. .hiuvdlo. ad piacetnent, ln»or- ~ 37ft.07Q4_. R3/13 HALLS Si FUHS INr. If you are experienced pho'na With one"~week • remaining-in the—regular - -had an-outsiariding game in Jead Cornell and -J Springfield: Mike Marder and-Jeff-Selineidep- KM --Holiday COV.ra.J «1~> tiofi orddre, «to. ItnoiltiHgn nf . SECREXAKY SOS FEE PAID U.S. HWY 23 MOUNTAINSIDE YOUNG WOMAN with typing iblUtv to ADAMS INDUSTRIES 24S-3OO0 and atfk for Frank H PWl17653r • "^Aithmigtr ifie bulldogs didn't show their •-— A -*5O A-lWilcKoard ior relltrf _ ' • R i/12 LJbrisai to talk about a g>ost (70 w.p.m.). Dictaphone poaltlona for conclantloua mm. ser Harvard, 24-13, and Brown took the mpa- ~ bottled-up \mbst of the game .by Cornell's very Widom 22. -.,..,. _ £cored as the well-balanced offense took an I . • """ posting, typing forma; willLUIOUSEWIVES to our •tail, people who cm* PERSONNEL OF UNION EXCELLENT SALARY VERONA DYESTUFFS Next year-with Herman, Kalbeln. and RIpp Thla »r*«t co. U looking for train. experience essential* Good CALL 022-3734 or fiS6*SS40 — afllltown"Rd.r Union, N.J.n.ar --aggressive defense^jSTfiiOn each period lo The pressing_ Springfield defense caused— early lead and kept building it. Kenny Fold's returning, the Bulldogs should be tough again. pvopla In «-hmrjf — "U you naad I* BELLOWS- VALVAIR learn, grow, and earn tip to 1961 Morrl. Avr,. 6B7-0390 working- conditions' in modern X3/13 -PLATFORMS- CASHIERS $10,000 their first year. - Union. N.J. Dally 9-6 Jlr-oondltloned of floe. Liberul Rt. 22 TO PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN: 'Princeton, leading the standings and seeded lead his squad with 10 points. Bob Rotli liitji numerous Caldwell turnovers, which were " 11 points paced the.attack. Todd Melamed and modmtmf tkllU Mid th* Job 1* 11 SI Rt. 32, Mount(.milt.0 •••-., KI/U yours. 233-8877 We ieek a aoles oriented (ndl-~! _ Oppo.tto-lha-Munlclpai-Building fringe benefits. DOMESTIC - for-bachalor'a, 4^room first in the playoffs, lost a nip and tuck •quickly coiivertedTnlo easy buckets. Widom Gregg Moroze each hit five points to contribute vldUal who requlrri exciting—• apartmott and bath. On. diy erary Would—you lik« »om»-h»lp-in-pr«paring free mrow and Steve Brumer a field goal for n X3/I2 PART TIME WORKERS Ti5ttle~Ih~wriTch the Iffu3 changed hands nunm-— "hit muny of hnrpoints~oirthe~end*of~thc~BTenl5 -to-ihe-vletory; Gary-Sherman was afour point- htTyp MJoTk in a~p7oreB»ional atmos- -GRIFFITH LABORATORIES "other snk. s to 1 v*m. PrefwrrMldent MAN.FOR LIQUOR STORE IN newspaper release*? Write to this news- phere finding job* and careers . 855 Rahway nv>, ' Union, N.J. of Irfcintton or Union. No lunch. 11.21 Imraedlato permanent ous times—Jeff Schneider of Columbia led-all " ' ••»-.-• snd^at^the end of fast breaks"triggered by— scorer for the winners,- while Stu Brummer, CLQUO-B.tlnii.ra far tbla Uona~ar«r available now In our for other*. 688-0330 per hour, phu 9L00carlare. 691-2803. Enploymant UNION; FINE OPPROTUNITY paper and ask (or our "Tips on Submitting scorers with 12 points. Jeff teamed with Kenny. Jeff Bromberg. and Mich Slater also hit key Irving ton atore. Thla ia an SECRETARY, LAW OFFICE R3/12 Do not call altar 7 p.riv. X 3/12 BROWN. WITH a solid five-man perfor- Pepe, who controlled the boards with 20 re . Meeting Tuesday FANNINGI . hour nak All amrjoyn Unrilu. rdeal"16b for houeawlvee. We We offer the challenge- . .'the •_Union Sc«l« TO BECOME- MANAGER. News Releases." ~ .Conte for rebounding on the offensive boards • buckets. The—Tigers scored-all their points BAXTER' WAREHOUSE CORP., MS money .... and unlimited oppor- Typing and Stono. Two Blrl of- 'XX3OO0O0OOOOOOOO0OOOO00O0OOOC' mance, beat Penn. .With Bruce Hoffman scoring bounds. Pep£ hod the touch around the post .„ 'PERSONNEL^ UNION will train you with pay! tunity for the_r!ght person. Call fice. Experience da.lrable' but TEMPORARY—PART. TIME • fop Utl««8« rate ... PHONE'FOR APPOINTMENT. in the final period to seal the victory. Conte fnr from the free throw line. Rob.Schneider hit - Batrwar Ara., Unloo. M7- ICOft not nocri.ftry, Irvlnalim_Cflai_ * 3 wonkw vacation after I year VI' p y from the outside and Timmy Pimpinelll-con """ny nf~T>i |HG earn Money - Be AN AVON Annrv pbont. type and -UndBrsUnd FANNING TEMPORARY FORCES- SERVICE If you are an energetic worker "three-point play at the start of the third Sid Schleln, with a pair of final-period free rastlt position to a aivervUory booUcMping, Stenography not neces- Union Plaza Shopping Center. looking for a good future, apply! Howfe Foreman,' Alan Llpton, MUch Kurtzer Jeff Schneider. attend, "especially tHose who are current or Aocounli Payabla CI«rk.Toul2S sary. 5-8' Doura & o*y. Send deUlls to l quarter. , lavsl, along with tha opportunity Inauronc. Und.rwrlt.r. Btarl$150 Representative 10 Commerce Ct. ETHYETHYLE.NL E CORP, and Art Cook.•„ ' .' ~ *> ••"' , _3he Springfield Minutemen handled Irving- throws, paced-the Chargers. Paul Kanengiser r P.O. Box n. Union. N.J. or phone Route 22 Union, NJ. NEWARK Uurray HI!! Carmen Scapetulo led a Penn attack that was prospective managers or onrhftB. A gpoclal to linn ColUction and cr«dlt NCR Opr. Slarlll25 riLOOMFIELD 5S4 Ulmttd. Ave. MEN IN SUMMIT IT'S also had a free throw for the Chargers. work. Paid hoBpUalUatlon. »«• Wo-3100, *.. ,~ rtVJ* 687-9757 imlted-Jjy-.the-abaence-oMis-high scoring cen- ton Recreation easily last Wednesday eve- invitation is exteudetl to fathers whose sons • Saor.tarl.a-all araaa ToSMS CALL NOW' ning, building up a 63-37 lead after "Three The-Ptrateo pent tho-CometB to-thaJld Gallant company banefll*. Call Clarka, Uaht typing 8tart|100 t>ART TIME hours fletdble butprder ter, Joe Pepe. Carmen, with some great back -will be Joinlng-the program-for-the first 0kf MM -KarpunoK Opra.-many - .Tnflli- 10 to 3. Aaoitr phoaa, sltrin]e 1 • eot a saatnn erfrrinp mark: 1 Irln(flold,-N.J ALLQEELClLSKIkfcS center position. Brian Krumholz hit n bucket M«a> .•»• H.N. dmH awHauaLalao Union1 Counly trldu.trlal lied "IS points. Zurlcoff had 10 rebounds. With apnaral.- . Modem evecutivfl firm In Union _~EARN HI-PAY & ' If you—enjoy" working on m»- for Penn and KevliQjifcer'nittyeit lwll nr l _and_Fxoi Stfilnharr.Dlayed.weU on aefensaJor— inaai CM1 «arrla. naalnmnaX.-eW ? FEE PAID BY CO. County urea tin '•ohanleaiL-equliimaot aoH"hava, "tlie' Pirates; Milie Sternbaeh7led--the^3omet8^ n good' tDechanloal ^alt-lUs.- Wi |?-Jypj.• < •L'"J* have • Ihe-Job-aFor:yaurrAiir«a :... w .-....•.. with six points on three-field goals. Steve "• in.B.dlvflraified and «l w pDiltlbn «rt*_'-m«chwloV - you wl» .«*--' ~ . hav«-""*r-ohanoh a To -melntaln ,.is_yery -— c-^s. ?8rrls"_as he ^pac'eH. i —Wnufaeturtlfif squ.pn.em~ In-jr^ _ _ i===0 ^o3e^t'Te"adr6var ^tfflEafXi-ParJorha&=X6a:. A ^jfTTfTf fr.»lr., pU..r- proe-::~. r-r= -nil reb^unders in:.^;^.^—.«-. JVU.-^-OV.^MU&~soventh.. :: = — formance 6n~defense.r .•.--•_•— •-— . CLEANING WOMAN, 0 DAY WEEK, 4evitiUbU- . _ _ iR Is a parmana'hf, ' p51nTs~lIrT!lghi ut Ills UlaiuVUhgames. 2ur- . 13-12. A-blg oooond "BANK-OF-ttEW-JERSEY-i " pay, outironHIhV- b«i grader, improves wlth-^ach game. Other Yale —~L>eVine hod His best-gameaTthe season. Mike g pr f.n. LKwrpirras—: INSURANCE UNDERWRITER - *a*flinrB-~cafee/"' poiinnnu »r*> full_[ln.e positlan with erved--— MOTOR CO.Iric.p kdffr who 'has • also played~in "efght gameVTlTag" —IIV. CtDOCATXABS _. ,._ uc»uIonal"-dIvimon"Qf^CON- real Job security. players .Qflnribllflng" to tho arrack wojre~^Jbe "tossed d in nine pointsi , was the koy_to_the °"»l1tf.rr- at our *uburt>*n~ Ora-iae 7 161 pouits. Drew is third with 141. Widom Is was very hot out of tlie comers" as hu luTa - Your HJ/13 UNDRRWRITER NOT UHB£R- 1 OfIIco (ur , stenographers anil TBQL bATA rnpPQRATIONT" ' Knowlea, six points; Jess Greensteln, four —victory. Rich .Mlhster paced Uis-aUitck with - ~ - 'IPABT TIME llOUaEWIVES ' Call of Visit Cadillac-6ld»mobil L| season high of nine points. Mike also applied DEUONSTRATORS TAKKH.-lM»^a lor a real LIVEJ •(•ure^arlfs. Those opportunltlc* of the world's ' o fourtli with 11.7, followed by Schneider's 102; > Horn* :AL-PART TIME COMPXNY^aml lh» growth pot NarraU f**hldjH~ihowa 3^T^~cveiuW« MONSANTO COMP 4*1 Morrl. Av../Summit • 2J3-17OP points, and Joel Goldberg, two points. ':'"".' some pressure-defense from his back court five points. Rich hit two big buckets during Elsld aRlai, brwub o Earn MBO tnonthly or moril with per week. 933-140 per eve. Freo ward- prOvtdo vurled, Inloreatltig work k[ th Timmy Plmplnelli of Brovm'IO; Mike Levine IE WISElWc|Hmi|Z|.Au,. hmn-a 0 R.m. • 1 ixm LLOYDS or LINDEN'S nn p»pwii. .ntlal I. .nille..(" robe. Car neceusry. CaU Mra, DU- lit tho rhtuncUl Held, Includlntt- EL1ZAUETH g n Peraorinel Department SALES. SERVICE PARTS « Joe Natlcllo'led a Dartmoutli team which wus position, as did Hydock, who added six pouits. the Chiefs' surge. John Frierl, with three Don't «•!!. Call now. 349 - 0271. ull UarryKaliohor. — N.ath Street ft. Monroe Avenuo : of Cornell. 89; Mike Marder of .'Cornell,-71; 3I»» m«»55 "COMMERCE m«nL 370-0700. 033-1781 or 078-8808 trust tuul oatiuto" "on3 foreign1 adiSt. J54-39.19(9-3)^ muonitjoj n packagepgr" and veryy Compl.t. Bojy Shop S.rvlc. without tlie services of its leading rebounder Schneider; had five points.while Palazzi hit a points, also had a big game for the Chiefs. In.uran'ca K3/19 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY X3/12 batiklni.. Wo ulfpr un excellent -JENEWEIN VOLKSWAGEN l , (J00 ttttotivi e fringfi e bflbenefltet . OuO r Kenllworih, New Jersey " Bob Hydock of Yale, 69. and Billy 'Puln/alof ns/ia starilng' •olory, - outstanding NUWARK K. Ellftubelh Ave, Undon oaniUdate ahould t.uvnd holiday plan. I preferred. Rating auto. bameowneraL SWITCHBOARD HoilsowiVos Lluht or no expeiiencv. Will AUTO REPAIRS tmfa, bills of l«filn«, ahlpplng Willing to tauh ovudlllod appUcuvt; Martin,, M«« 510- 51000 truTn reuent U.S. «i«*i - to fS.UO. CaU BUrve Lrnne. 3W-1306 Au-Fiorij..! VW D. A Complate Inauranca Service COATS &. CLARK BNEJU4NJU4NQ biSNELUNbSNELUNO P£ll£ONNl:L~ -.- RECEPTIONIST INSTITUTE • Qohrod' und Scott Moyorson jilso scored for The .Chiefs will meet the Raiders In the docunflnUl but will train. S-d«y vQek-IdAal^Unlon oanter-loca-- EARN EASTER CASH MAIL CLERK $85 • satSt.,Mlllbum,N-J.Q7041 SNELLINO PERSONNEL Modem fir conditioned o«lc««, ..1187-8990- Uon. aurtinj aalary |100. AnmuJ 1061 Morrla Ave.. Union. N.J, ull tl 10O1007T Deprin»fioll d Ave,, Irvlubin Onrrmnnr)i. opening gnme Saturday ntthoCaudineerScliool. K3/I3 uod •tartlntf salary. No ox.inrlonco ncuetnnury • * 467-01 SO ROAD SERVICE Tlie IOQKUO clianiplbn Rockets will play the Call 688-3980 ti^lUnl wAIni n.mi.UtniT.-. frtfrttata. b"ffim, Till WflH.f)r\nn,M"n.. imiof(t •. Mountnin- JiUAlUJ — t-itUUtuu. Cornell pulled u mild upset, hunding Harvard SPRINGFIELD. N.J. Itbaral • «mploy«« b«n«nii. .fee.HOl hb- -A—r- Early retiree, routing >hlft» Pirates In die other semifinal game. EMPLOYMENT COUNSELOR rn., o-a, b 3/ii BELIEF SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR ••tint Light typing. 4 Its fourth defeat of the seuson. Teddy .lohnson and If you luva tho ability A dealre to work Esmarlanoad on SOfl board. Clorloal Teinporaiios Call ur apply «276 6ti00 with people and have luul aalea or public KEYPUNCH tt Via U-3/ll Stump«uti lo oparat. PBX- Apply Weekdays 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. toy/p Newark fur ' bxperionoed ii (f ruat •kill, WuiU ANUG ' , for aoipDrats oltiom por»on- Ihut all. wnnla to l>a u rao.p- IOHA Hwllrlilu>urd und .at.o b. 11 Ul fl n nuiLDnJo ANUGno Memo Pods In Bright ' n-l. Will train (UkOd .t.rllng ..lury 40 Hour Woek, |5.3O0. aWMkW V S. Sprlngll.td Colors from the parfon* lor dl^«rai>l«d du- CALL 084-0343 . X 3/13 full time pualtioim (hut of for an to work In Union, jia. good [ihono u,,l aau.ll.nt Wii.llta. ' Ullra < A1'I>LY «»-571* FOKWTtat ELASTIC STOP NUT DIV. „ Qodgem right, ivheii tl*«. KM^vllvnt company excaltent'tttartlnu •alary un/y ninnnor., tyrla. -tibuut 40 wpm ioil.ru »ril».». 11.(010,U on K3/12 & Dundar.Road b«n-/it> Inclu.l. Ulu. Cro.. full benefit prog-ruin. Please Knci WILL MATBKIALIZII AT r«inlw«w,,.Cull 1|>ur>lt<> thii Mimlolj)«f Uullillnu An V*$iaX Opportunity tliiployor Now & Used Cars & Trucks For Quhllty Fo»l Oil S Oil Burner S«rWc« 467-0764 An'Bquil Opportunity Smoloyar Newark, New J-r.oy SELL BABY'S old loy..HI, Kn tC000^ Contractors' group X100O0O00O000OOOO00O0O0O0OOO* v 9 Public Notice ,|tlp WuwtwHlhKi .1.1 m i. 3 HnmB Imnioyemefils 56 bans -Tutoring. K>0O0OOOO0O0OOO0O000OO0O0O0C< — •—' ««WM COUNTY'S LARGEST ib AM ORDINANCE TO AUQID ' MOST COMPLETE MUSIC CEMTER Tt.DtTY LOADS or HAIUUS «. DtVKHEAU AMD tTIPPLEMZMT AN ORD1' TV SiORVlCE — AIH CONUITlONtNG llome ImprovtfneDt aenrvutuisul NEED HONEY? • •' ,j NANCE rNTrrLED "THE . BYAJUJ6 CI-LAW , COLOR TV-S ' naiMiaisr '——i»~- .:: KLLDDKILLDTT . ' Hmantiimersrr 'cMWspUdBlo.^-»lli —rmnmmr or-«PRmoM CLKTON APP loc. bKeriors andiaotertors* Y CALL 23S-7B10 debts" avid uortgag.. Into—on. SubJtrt *'/i room luxury »>p«rl- irt ' ZOHDiO ORDINANCE O7 B J Mlllbum Av bkt or too •mill, °2Q-13M n.w lowojonlhly p.yn\cnl. Up iir- mani wbaifabl* Aj/rll 1, r«ft| : 1A your, bo pay. ' i2S0. AU oUplflc color kltch-. 1 BE-IT ORDATNED~Dy I ._, MAYTAG AUT<>MATH WASHINGTON. D.C.—Tho United swte» rommlrt.. of tb. Tow&aalp of Oirlaa-. COPVUATE -MATCtnN ^ . CA.P!. »2S-.?JSa •• ' Jllk aonV Prtv«ie fw A ntw. consumer protection , aid for cus- Commission on Civil Wghts this y/eek r field, to tba Coumy_afl Union and Qlal. -yoryv 9 ^UTTpsrKOtlsl r.prosantatlve will • it : control_ heat, L{teppj lnduotry,y,,. ,,. -of Nn JeienVasloUows: : — Asphalt Driveways . •RrpATitffV , . . call'.t yoQr obnvenl.oc*.' :.-—^^^.' ."'air' conditioning. See • a publlcttilon, "RUCIBIW la.Ajnflrica.nil w.as announced this week by the New Jersey 1. to Ordlnajica uoltlwl "The Tovr>- • FORMICA TOPS '. X T/K,- •I prtfnf«ee, Apt. "43, ifitlp*^^'*ft^t*iJ>t^r*>*f* sVrtilntf -Ordinance NOHGE WASHEJl. na dry.,, *rlp- J. •CABINET WORK OF ALL'..'aNra Combat It." an essay^HffielT^SlllStonF Home Improvement Contractors Association. . of September lHtf'- iihaU be amendod 68<632 ' BT/F x»<»oooeooooo«oooooooOoo»" Disorders. acqepi inquiries and. complaints' about con-, "In all diatricU, required park- . iue. JM-4I1S. R..ltol»rt D«JN. 16 Ult-ekferBL, MUlUirn, 1(3/12 V rlM'st. Antique rocktr. Uir luwl gm-dcji """ - UV3K LESBOWS no.. 1772.^191*. C4nt. on VuV~~ X>ttXKX»0O«OO00O0O0000000«O0< in*, area* andtruckloadlitTepacee—- LUnnP|OxO'ShoVDlng Center \ furniture, many other lU-mji tub numer- " OROAN - PIANO - ACCORDION MOTHER •DAUGHTER . In an Introduction, Judge Otto Kerner, U£. tractors 'In . Cball here uie and *d»xjuale ac- trull of rislicmiui. «. ivveru! v. PASCALE C AU otms Cape Cod.-- 6 Iwge rooroe, |^ SCHOOL CUSTODIAN landniupo"; Early Orient"! ous to im-ntton. Call 668-7205 afu-r 5 INCOME TAX RETURNS POPULAR - CLASSICAL- 11AH1JONY Court of Appeals to the Seventh Circuit, who Special phone.number where calls will be ceaato a pnblia street byadrtve- BUN. io-61'u __ aae-6au p.m. • J 3/l2 WATER PROOFING t MASON WORK Prepared in your OWD boma. Experi- RONNY FBAONEB . - 31S'?/!S INTLRLOCKING METAL WEATHEll bathe, hot water oil TIOBL >i: ,, way ca tbe wine Jot." —— - '—• (It-rfTnTrici'1 . - 5 days, * hour wtiek. Fbr apjil. Call l>r»'H/« vutnj 3 It. lull;' unt.qutT C -•^P«clal Orders Our SpVtfl. : ASPHALT D1UVEWAYS STRIPPIHG FOR UOORS AND WIN- -. served aschuirrnan^thoCraDintBBloirDriClYir_ cepted;; 24 .tours a day. Is: 212-687-5i26.: —COOKING lor » way to increase W 316-6300, tUCL SO, flrr-urni*; 6 ruse niftrialliim • enced accountant specialising In home tsched game, •xc*U»nl condl' -- - 10M» .*all be amemted to read u Union County IJtgion*! |(. a • ' MU 6-1421 or MU 6-4B16 owners taxrebiroa. Appointments made DOWS. MAURICE LINDSAY tlon. Convenient location fox tollowa: ^^ iwomeT Part or full tin™ sale* help plu.ru; 6 oy.lcr pl_(n; Imori; B67 HAY AVE., • UNnN. N.J. )000000O00O00O0O00000O0000O6< •Dlaorders, calls It "must reading; lor all of "We believe that our member contractors la needed DOW tor one of the nvont at your convenience. Call U»-S2>t, 4 ELMWOOD TER.. WV. - ES *-Jfig •hopping flrtreneport«tlon , low "Said tdtn imwt'b*-a*t-baik.teo - l salea today, Experience not G b/14 aner6p.m. -rVa/ll Odd Jobs 70 us" and says "the examples presented clearly are ethical, conscientious, .businessmen," (10) feet l*n?m the front lot line 14" t-wmwo vase; Howkvs fc — W Ul tin ywi. C»U now SHII'I'ING and receiving - alert young Berylce (an JpRAPtS. SLrP-COVEHS, »x>«>o<»oooc<>o«ooooooooo- anteed' complaint. "Th. buUdiniuuipKtDrstullbave Steady *ynfplt>yi?»onl Ami |»oo_ .. _ilt>1 weekends only. Sat. 0:30-9 p.m.; All Typ*a o( Repairs. .., All State Tax Inlrvlnalonj . TOR CLEANrNG CELLARS, GARAGES CRANFORD strategies outlined by Dr. Downs and added t miiiQrtiy wages, for • eaprriencott clerk , i-und!rul- . Aak lor lii. hie £ YARPS; MOVING. NO JOB TOO 1 Sun. fl:30-l p.m. J1.7B per hour. Earn tlon and color r*iiit6;"ALPnilN*lVtT0 12368pringrieiciAv..l 372-5477 Apartments For Rent 101 GOOD BUYS that while rhey are not all encompassing, "I "We feel that many discrepancies-are due r*cetve tb« of, typittl. Aptitudo ink fluvr*" - a. Horn; Runlun Samovar, »er J 5/14 . .... - UMALL. CALL RALPH M8.:jM REPORT TO THE GOVERNOR —Due to the Governor's busy inaugural schedule. New Borne cxtrm eptndlnJl'n'oncy, no exper- ROUTE 10, WHIPPANY. N.J.;TECE- 1246Spring.rie!dAv..p . 373-5904 »«CK»«0<>0000OO0000000000000|0OOO0O00( Mayl. JII-7J1V • Z177" $63,000 Edward Gessner, Millstone Township, Freehold, participated" In the ceremony ond pre- 12 BleeWer Bt;. M.Ubnrn wail ALL T?i>13 OF CARPENTRCRPN Y rr 3. TbJjt. ordinance shall take- elleot tlow, AdrlJB Balary. requiremrniB. u INCOME TAX RETURNS . ... ILUU1Y —MAN - ALL SMALL JOUo SHAHEEN AGENCY""" The new publication is the first In a serles^K, sented Governor Cahill with a resume of* Scouting activities^ Until now, every time, one member of the •after fln^l paaaa_re and pirTsaf*st*^/ip &&— Write Box #W6, Suburban Publishing t hrir u-bruc. '"ATTEMTiON OOG OWNERS . UEPMTSIM i ALTEHAT1ONN88 brnuLTatfL f**ij Cor upoijatziittnjL my AROUND THE HOUSE. PAINT, CAJI- — SMALL J03S MY SPfCIALTV Realtor- In.uror commission documents that wlU *VyiW on home l_mproverneutindustry was derided, weAlL-- canilnc to kv. . Carp., 129lShiyveaantAve.,Unioii,N,JF. . Obodlencc irwln your dog o\ boms or yours, day or ragbL PENTRY, CLEAN WINDOWS.OUT- I, lOeonor. M. Wortninirnry do here- 1 0 era Id Btorling, Aucilonrnr. Call In a.mj or after 6 p.m. 026-4160 15 North Av*. Baal Cranford got tliu bad publicity. We hope to establish a - ; ~ X3/13 TRAILER DRIVEfl, 3 year* drtriug the .N. J. PROGRESSIVE Call241-6»i6 R«/» TERS I, h\:. CALL AL 087-7301 276-1000 racism. These documents, the Urban Project by certify that tbe foregolnc ordinance vxprrience, will train onopeclil equip- Member NJSSA SCHOOL FOR-- DOGS. We a in series, are being produced'with two objectives means of separating the good from the bad. waa introduoed for flrat- reading at a ment. Charter Bulk. Inc., 80 Dnremua Country Auctions, Inc. 2 3/11 , rarular meetinK of the Towoship Com- \I PART TIME ... train yi>u und your dog, - XX>O000 Call (201) 464—4047 (ovei.) 4165.4388-QS29.., R 3/36 ~2~I/1~ rooms b bath, 3rd floor,al l WAREHOUSEMAN —." Z 3/12 call J16-3138. . R4/> Utlas laelndwt AAllabla Imms- racism, andt especially, to srimnlnte ac^lonby allevlatc jnediflcre work in.all types qf re- 10 —lv7O.-and that tbe aald ordinance rol.il »ollU>«.,J>l> o>VCW«nco SU^dy employment, with benefit*. Most SUSPENDED CEILING CELLARS, YARDS CLEANED groups and Individuals to effect necessary modeling and home Improvements and repairs* shall be submitted for consideration have driver'B license ~ OVER YOUR OLD CRACKED -XNCCOeX-IAX. RETlinUS-PJlEPAR£D DIRT & RUBBISH REMOVED and~flhal pasaaa-a at a regular meeting* • -WEWARK CLASS CO. . ~~ PLASTER- DEAUTIKULt ECONOMIC DJ YOUR HOME BY QUALIFIED change. . " ' At the same time, we can recommend to con- > of the saldTownahin Commitiee to be 515 Mlcfilgin Ave., Kenilworth - PUPPIES- A.K.C ACCOUNTANT. PHONEMR.IUCRUAN DUMP TRUCK SERVICE Spencer* sumers our member contractors who have — fl3/U HJ 8-7138 7^-^ JVU on ihiercify programs— _- r_ Mi Toplciil ""FIsK—15~SUppIIessa:—^.r -.- CALL ;<2-201< o 8/11 established . q reputation for reliabuTty in — COVERI NEtd HELP In' preparini your la* CARTMAN. CUtMi ATTICS. •t «hlcb Urns and place any person or ».). t WXHEHOTJSEMWrAnlrtint man- _ Good Selection of Cunarlcs, Programs that have proved^their worth-Jni- .curricula—for Indivldunllzaclon,- Individually their work." pexa irt^rt^ ttrln *U1 b« fhfon uer. Must have gupervl»ory-lhHUY*— >0Q0O00OO00O9 '._ Gfrblls, M..-o & Cemeteft Plots -_- ^, 36 retarn? Have recently reared alter C ELLARIL *AREB, OARAOE^ FAMILY ol 4 (chfldjrt»i6*U) need; an opportunity to~"De heard concerning Larm whoUBaler, modem vurehonsa Hamsters^ nUu ,_pr«f pa along 1 -2* years «Uh tax servlee. educating the inner-cltycfilB \KFE the focus prescribed lnstructlon-ln..math, reading, and said ordinance. Copy Is posted on the . -M&E REFRIOERATORfl iwirtorwlor a- 3 t»*»droocau.ftrt-.. Fort Di)rehaplajn 1 In Union Co, Good Co. benefit*. Send Merchandise For Sale .•; "15 ««ooao6c)ooooooo« CAU-Sl-MSB Rj/lsrr- VE REFJUOERATO 1 -- —bulMin board In th. office of the Town- PART-TIME SALESMAN WANTED ^^*t w nKsl_ 1 K«ff\ BroEPWDEHf SROKBR.^ of a special conference for urban'boards of . handwriting; AAAS Science; computer-assisted resumo to Box 870. Suborban PubUsb- CALL 764-1576 X4/S menL tmnirT'gtT ocatputby. union CAR NECESSARY— AWNING - Aluminum, whits (baked —CUfk- V—ttimld...Qr9n(ora __ education held -recently, by the New\]ersey Instruction; language masters; EDL's Audex ••' - ship clerk. ' HCH COMMISSION -- ing Carp.; 1»1 StuyvwantAvt.jUnlo^ Linden Pet Land HOLLYWOOD MEMORIAL PARK, Inc. 312*6446 2^3-0333 277-8300 ZT/r ' Eleonore-H.WorthlngtQn ' tmattrmU, BravY-duty. * Good for any '•The-Ce'melory BaautKut"' Stuyvijaant Kitchen Cabinets.-.. " 62 X»9C5« ^ State Federation of District Boards of "Edu- system; Imperial tapes, etc, make up the Township Clerk U7-34M K3/13 "•lttrHf »wnr. 56" wide x **" deed 2a.E...Prlre.S(t..M.n0000006000000000000000«>000<\_ "Ave., Union - 1408-70 Stuyvesnn'. Avftu XXXXXJOOOOOOOOOO^OOOOOOOOOOIX Springfield Leader-March 13. 1970. >0000«0«04<»«0000<»00000000« Union. MU 6*4300. Q l/lfl Painting & Pipeffianglng Z3__ o cation. ^ . curricular approach. ' " We Honor Bank Aaierlcarti _. CCP J Help Wante^MerrSTWanipTr—^—S— KITCHEN BEMODEUNQ ooocs»oo«»o«<«)0< Lots For Sale 116 The conference featured a presentation by^ ; —3, The Blend House,' which combines^ In- HelpWanted-MenS Women 5. J 3/26 ANOELCKS PATNTDJOiPAPERHANO- - - Col. Douglass F. Hall, deputy post chaplain 1 x»oooooooooooooooooooooooooo< GRACELAND. MEM. PKi- $2&&- (4- from Start Ti Finish. Catanets.Coun- INO — INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. Dr, Oscar W. Knade Jr., Erector of Phila- quiry and-technology hi Its Instructional ap AN ORDCIANCE TO AMEND >«000<»00000<»0«0000<>000uy.-Intor«al' mattxefls. dinette art. mirror, etc. xxiooooooooooooooooooooooooct. ofNew Jersey's laarfut,maMataa'- REFERENCES. CALL 353-0450. explained the work of the center- and gave an each child learns in a different way. To suc- time of day -was between the rush hours of PLOYMENTfl IN THETOM/N- dutisi. 8:JO AM-4:30 PM V ALLr BElXiW WHOLESALE PRICES. Dobennan, Shepherds.PoodleaA mixed ROCKAWAY TWP.— Like propart* . August, will be responsible for the special ing Mid diversified duties, ^ome tends. PmpIesiCais, KltUos. tnrers of kitchen cabanata/Call Tl»- E)UPOF_BPRINGnELDINTHE TERRIER "MAY". . : -typing helpful. 8 AM-4:30 PM Adm.a«ian inc. TEMPLE BETH Sl(A-_ _ - KOMFpRTKLEEN S9I0. — s RT/F. near DmrUla. 7 mlUa off Rt. M, 4 programs being "run by Rld^F'for,disadvan- audio-visual presentation of center programs ceed, said Dr. Knade, the school must be 4 and 6:59_p.m., it was disclosed In Turnpike LOM, V«urti«ll Rd., L Ccd»r Ave. ' ?& SUPPLIES DrV Cleanlw^Laundrotnat *orf • with bn»t Could b« nuda Into , In action. The' conference toplo-was diosen froe to try new Ideas, and the Philadelphia accident statistics releasedbyexecutive diroc— COUNTy*OF"TJWIONt AND IN CLINIC OPEN Tuea. «Thura.5-8PtM. WASH 'N WAX CAR WASH . DAN'S PAINTINO Ct DECOBATWO pood • or •wimmlnf pool, Oo pttv*>d taged students. He replaces Philip Krajewskl "THE SWIM" POOL' UTILITY IN • ~ CUSTOMER SERVICE ACCOUNTING CLERK - Wed. 7-0 P.M.. KaL 1-3 P.M. » 616-«9>S DiTERDR t. EXTERIOR - REASON-. roiui: Rtud boat «1 fwi. MortfH* - who resigned in February. by large city board members themselves as School Board" did thexcenter a great ser- REPRESENTATIVE SHELTER open daSy 10 A.M. - B P.M., . - •' .0 9/14 Landscape Gardening 63 ABLE,. RATES?FREE ESTrMATEB""^" doc wishes 4-5 rooma, Uraon/Cran- cm be *rnu»i«»d. Owrwr. Call 0«- —-" FIELD. FOR THE YEAR 1970 "MAY" WHO-IS ftPPROXIMATELY ONE'YEAR Htiih school srad, -like to worV BRIDES — SAVE OM YOUR WEDDING &l bl The appointment was announced by Dr. • the one In which they ore most Interestrrd. vice by allowing the schools one-year grace There were 4,088 vehicles Involved In 2,272 DE IT ORDAINED by to* Townatrfpr SALES SERVICE,DEBT- with figures. Light typing. One GOWN. BEAUTIFUL SAMPLES FOR BaL t Sun. J0A.M. - « P.M. xwooooooooooooooocoooooooow 0188. _ Z3/U . OLD WAS FOUND TIED OUTSIDE "0F~ THE tiood f- typtat. I^tooeitiinE of. . 1M Evergreen *»«., eoroer oSO Fre- tD Jeuun*^ The center, which serves as a resource for period, before evaluating, "TSSslet. the center accidents, and 407 of those accidents occurfed CommlttM of tbB Townahlp of Sln ' year experience- preferred'. SALE. BY APPOINTMENT, BUNDAYS UlA*u'CUyUji«New«rt. >«><><)0000v<><>0OCX)OO000C»0O000< " L^bsCAPEftkiASONWr Frank N. -Elliott, Rider president. Hall Is flald In tfc* County of Union ordara. Qonarml 'cotrnpotvionce. ALSO, 744-0900 2 4/30 COHTBACTOB change for the Philadelphia, school system, get off the ground and Iron ouKsome early """on•Friday, 383 on SunOSy; 345 onSaturday, 323 of New Jersey, a* fellows; HUMAN SOCIETY BUItDING__LLOVESCHlLDr:. Uuit hav*--good tolvphona com- Clothing, Household Gifts 37 - PATNTINO «• DECORATtNO BOSTNESS COUPLE SMks 4 rooms, presently working on a part-time consulting 51 Lawns and atumbai mrlrff^P"*. ftwh., April 16 er May 1, Ifcaon County ' Monday, 298 Thursday, 292 Wednesday and 1« Tna orulnancs Hjdnx tbe salaries latlon8:30 A.M. -4'-30 P.M. »0OO0«««< - Free Estimates^- Bisured SEASHORE basis and will assume full time duties In hits a basic structure of three schools within problems." »»—— - — REN AND IS NOT ONLY-HOUSE-BROKEN-BUT BlCYCLtii PEGGY'S POODLE E1K sidewalks 'i ' " MU 4-7863 J. OIAKHjpn l of certain officers and tne pay Of Coin- SERVICE WITH EVE31Y SALE "**• Call KU 6-J7>» September. a school: -\.The Phlladelp!i« scTiool board sets goals and Tuesday 224. FrldayJs generally the heaviest . rwjwas^rtn of cextaSn poaltions and oliu?"' Bathe 'em. groom 'em L kyve 'em. spnma'ia HEREI LOVELY CLOTHES," teal mnpl-r/iiiBRtJ In tho Towosblp of HAS BEEN GIVEN ALL HER SHOTS BY THE New. Ut dlacoanU; 1^8 models 24 —. . *A 0-3129 GOOD BUYS FOR ALL THE FAMILY 1. The inquiry House, in which .teaching priorities, and requires accountability. traVIc'day. .'.'•'' •'PRODUCTIONPLANNER -CLERKTYPIST " y«ara In buaJneM. Victory Bicycle,' BIO PINE LANDSCAPING 4-B ROOia l«t floor, tor 3 adult. 6 LOTS Sprinffleld In thz County of Union, and LINDEN J4/>° AT THE MERRY-CO-ROUND RESALE The most_accidenis._r 16? or 7.3 percent of In the Bwim Pool UtiUtylfl the T*wn~ HUMANE SOCIETY. —— RaapontLble for •chedullng, •%,. TECHNICAL SERVICES 53S9 Morria Avo., Union, MU 6-OOOOOOOOOOOOWW««0000<)0000< P. Hoppa t>Sons,68M429or666.17BC On The Jaraey Coast Deputy Treasttrer „,.. 8^00.00 . 124 EVERGREEN-AVENUE, (OPPOSITE 850 501 DupONT NYLON __ PETS. —-- J V" Coal & Fuel - . ,.••• 38 needed tor 1 sdnlls. Union area, Apr. Yaa. chooaa your horn* alt«« news. Incjude your name, address and good signs in the school are the high at- i Altogether, ) ,227 accidents were in daylight, 1. JL M000 Eat, all, days; HU »- 2. The "Technology House, which utilizes Clerk in Recreation UALE now. Available (or prevent or Department « . 4 300.00 ERELINGHOYSEN AVENUE, JUST THREE ^S2J9-£ER.SQ"UARE YARD - 1 »»M arltr«P.M. . Z>/1> '.phono number. --., available Instructional systems as the basic tendance rate of the students and the low •691 in the dark (no artificial lights), 299 In the MOtOraG-SERVlCEMAN MID JERS EY COMPANION DOGTRAIN- future buildinf. All wateffront' Custodian, Chic Center 3,790.00 LATEST PATTERNS'* COLORS SAVE MONEY Intt hawa avaUable CITY absenteeism rate-olxhe teachers. dark (artificial lights); 5S in dusk or dawn. - POLICE DEPARTMENT BLOCKS FROM THE ELIZABETH LINE,) DAILY PLASTICS DEPT. - 3RD SffiFT ONLT - 10:30 P.M. tQ-J_A.«. ING CLUB. Announces registratten-tor - SALES A SO1VICE YOU CAN DO ITI » 1/J - « ROOMS lor famll. olT WATER.- SBWAOEE, OAS, WMI trrH Hr1— '"*' »I>tl«ud«. 8uppUimn«l«rf»t. and •!•«• up HOLIDAY-CARPETING . new obedience classes and exhibition at UNItEfTCOAL CO/ SHARPENED* REPAIRED KVldJmmxJlaU occupancy, bvliii- -Amerlew-LMlon- 1UU, Muple Ave.,' We will paint top half of your how, ELECTRIC AND HARD 8UR- Delete, Special Patrolman, 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. ALSO SATURDAY AND SUN- m«chln« to lnauro Pfoilucl l« of propor Quality and quantity. Perform FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY you paint the bottom. Why take chances* Public Noiice" Ranway. MaTCh 17 at 7:30 p.m. Classes JTS-S2J2 R B/l CaB JTfc!MV or S7»-«14 _^ - PACE STREETS. >Ca1l our M. Wirtr fi.00.. minor roalnt«nana» on machinery. A»»lat In mold chimeea. Estimate tree. OuHers, leaders, paper- IrvtHgtonoffip* for- tra* ;bro- ; Aod Patrolman and Special DAY BETWEEN 10 A.M. AND 6 P.M. will begin March 24. RegistraUoAnlght (QUAL1TY.AT ITS BEST) 1 WOW! 70 hanging, repairs.. Fredrick W.. Richardhass EXQUEITE CRYSTAL: ttundtllera, come witHbut dog. Call Mrs. Gorsky at ohure and get all the ITMIB now. NOTICE OP HEAWNO near «uoh op«n wmdmrc or counters _Qfflcers on special duty, CALL 464-4100 E» TOR INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT. Ifc3«J X3/1I —.CALL- 372-3366 331-5403 Union.. . XT/F J ADULTS dasperalaly n»ed 4-rooms non-departmental, per wur S.00, varloua alaeaj fruit bowl«| aah.traya»- Liquors, vyinespBeer -65A Prlcutnmrtnen ~Inaraaelnk >t OIBSJCUIUS vMU ooteidarvd twnrthr«5od duuenjf^*" IF "YOU CANNOT COME TO THE SHEITER, glfta. etc all-imported-froro Home. O 4/16 for April L. ErUstor^rnlpii county —At • renlar nuianToi"85"an_cU Turtle Back Zoo is back Special Offlcera, per hour „. X00 Air conditioned bBIc.a and production aroea. Llb.ral fringe : 30r* par year. Call Exceptional tnya. Call 6J8-BS5I. J 3/12 AT ROCKAWAY KENNELS >OOQ0C60Ob60OO0O0O0O0QO0QOOOg il covacll of tbe Town of finrlngloa, 3L l*»l-oo-"Driv^to" or upgraded patrolmen. ' bonoflu. Excellent workirux condtUona. Basenll, Dacnahund, Irish Setter, »0OOSl>OOO0§O0OO0O«OOO0O<>0<)O< . ' 6 Point Liquor Mart _i_—. cau m-oMa Z3/11 l..MYST[C"15EVEL0PMENT •"•." Gsw Jersey, bald th. tOth day of MaroS RMtmruU or Foodflervlnt 7,000.00 PLEASEMAILTHircOUPQtTBEFORE-•TUESDAY- 1VI0, CoonoUman B_rt_t lnttidocrf Ux Pu__CWOR_~ MATCHIMO- PAjm-upholater«l Schnawaer-. Tuy PmjdlerWalsiTTerrier, "jOS. PECIOTTA ASK FOR MR. UMANSKV, —- .ttM^mrti utMrelnabortdeacribed MARCH 15,1970. - .-.--- room ehalre7aea-fo»m grean. 2 » WcstluitUandWUteterriM'punples, Dressmaking. • ""'i •••• 4t) MU «-«37 ^^Fret DeUverles WIDOW destrss3>4noms(dlmncroom AT S71-O3O0 following ordinance, Wdcb ordlfMncs la Sttcttou 1 utd 2 tfttUl U construct- A.K.C.. fully gBaranteed. RL 4fl. Rocka- WOOOOOOOOOOOiSOOOOOOOOOOOOfXX • • 340 Chestnut SL, Union Call MU«-27M, after5 P.K. JT/F or dUnc ares preferred),- apt. or a was tsksn inTonlls flrsi rsadlnt and •cL jinetML optnted or milntilnwl In Sewer Lead «Un, per tour. »J.00-13.05 tlru^eUMOv.ralnrlrirte<1,«irr.fl«niCTn- * Low down psym.nl Its opening heralds spring - Oardeoer _ „ . S,780.00 ditinn. No reasonable offor refoaed. Vl7feaaMtEH STAMPED LINENS (At^iv. Point ShoppingCenter) (amoTtaue, near has Una. -7CM low monrhly.payment •ay aona ffl-rtrlct wttbin the Itovn of : Leaders in Products for Patient Care . • DR O-M05 riNITTED SKmTSlBHORTENED PAINTING, DECORATTNO . or S7D-MT1. 24/9 • 3/36 AM ORIKNANCE TO AMEMD Iivlac-on " Mt *>•*•£ In the Zonlnc Or- • -SWUHWOL -CLINTON-YARN t GIFTS AND PAPER KANODIO OtVTMOTON MUWCrPAL Ofl- dlmno* of ths Tom of Irvlnftoii*(Ordi~ One of those sure signs that spring Is Just, animals It has"built, in the last'couple of XttOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK - Duct no. 1S93 *m amende*] and •ujrpl«~- Clerical „..,„„„.. 1,400.00 ..Hospital & Surgical Socialists - GREY- MINIATURE FRENO1 POODLE 110« OUNTON AVti IRV. CENTEH THOMAS O. WRIGHT YOUNO BUBOIEOo COUPLEwantJ I/J- nNAKCE HO. HO llirpHO- around the comer is the annual announcement years, a glass tortistry.for turtles, an aviary Associated HI-OM Sod«tl«s of N.J., lie. LULUBYEBfc ES 5V*9U G 3/12 ^ —. 65C 4 rooms. Union county, preferably with —KT1NO ' DWVaVDr* AKO Ud) and a* (un.nd*d by tsU ordt- I, ^leonorv 1L Worttdnsjton,' do hereby ULSPRING ST. . * ^---MURRAY HILL, N. J. atrom dreaatnctable: Other babyUo ma. IPeditTned with papers, excellent p(: ' ' " B3/22 CUSTOM UADE SPRING CLEANING SPECIAL PArNTTNG AND" DECORATMO BUPLEWOOO CENTER " of Ordinances Inoonalstsnt with the pro- humming with the activities ano? delight of both- : ^-According to Rjf_an^ the new leopard dens of tfatf-Townahip of flprlnifleld In the Equal Opportunity Employer (M/F) OLD ENGLISH SHEEP DOOS—»25o7 MATURE WOMAN dselras 3 room BRIOHT 4 CHEERm., 1st floor, THE ZONDIO OIUIOIANCE Or Visions of ads Ordtnancobe and ths same County of Union and State OfNew Jersey. Newark, N.J. 07114 0 3/IJ Aljtara—1200: Yorklea—$150; P.U— -usrb&snt vfelnUy .lUnlon^ Canter. 11 ,x 34 tt. Ready tor immedlaU THE TOWN or mvwoTOM ar«baiat»»alsd. -children and ad__-4n-ju8t-two-weeks. Turtie, *}ilcu were made .possible through private held on Ttteaday^s¥wlng.-Mirffh~lfl.— rNDOOR - OUTDOOR CARPETING occiinBiicy.ifrrrata.parldflrtn rear. . SECTION &. Should anysKtlon.parm-' - BRAND NEWI tlTERSaYAAD, neac^«5;1l/«aUS=$U5: BkyeTer-— (ORMNAMCE HO. U09 AS Back, the only public zoo In the state* is - donations, will eventually house four beautiful 1670, and that the said ordinance dull rior.—41^0; Japaruso Spaniels—f ISO; IN OFFICE AND I1OUE SER- — --."-• ~ OM-7JJ0. ZJ/1J CalTfiti-veSe. .,,~ ZVll AMDiDED AND SUPPLE- or part of thla Ordinance' bo sQsTfn.ttifdjr-r -^mHtritf"! and final BOOaHEEPER-MBaf DB umllll »,-Ml- j«ooooooooeoeooooc<>oo4oooo< CAS11 A CARRY. CAIXTUR. MCTSKY >C*O000000OCO0OpO0<>6«00«0«00< KonsUntlonalor.imaUdfor opening for. its" _ghttnseason on Marcb-26j v specimens. 'The latest -addition to the collect' SflS-47^1,10-4 X3/12 Pws—tlSO: Apsos—J113; Nor. Ok- VICES. SPECIAL -- FLOOR PATNTINC, Intsrtor si fcMerior light MENTED). " pi.i»..iiT. it £*r«fiilar mMtlnc of tho chirt» throarji c«n«rd Iodi«r. Hut hmind-4179: Ualamut«sa-«17S: )00000«>000<>00<)<»0<>0«<»<»0( rftili anyi.reasoBj, tbe remaining portions of said fownahlp Conunlttse to be held on I would like to give Insturctio'ns, Schools ' .9 UtugsS Cosmetics >i----.42 WAXING, RUG SHAMPOOING, carpentry - Distance no obleot. Call WHEHBU-"Drhrs>_ Last, year more than 393.000 people visited tidn will bo a black leopard donated by Mr. bm-fisqnieBBBd and ca^aNe. Call for Wires—169; Collins—$139; Poodles- anyttml 711-3664. H T/F Furnished RoonwFwflent—Wl$- and "Walk-Up" RestauranU as rood _, Ordinance shatt' lot be affected Uanh S4, 1970, in the Qprinfflald Muni- CLASSIC gufl"ranee, auto, top oven. potornwoa—JlJ9j Sctinaut- 6ib FURNITURE—PSJIISHINOT-WIN- Fri. noon Serv—a r_al_i_ie_i cause a health, thereby and shaU remain In fuU force the facility, operated by the Essex County William Y.DearofMorrlstown..Thisparti.cular cipal Bttflfflnf at t:30 P.M.7 »' «blc° . CONTAINER CO, Cotorooa*-J6TT-aicl( or elderly. Tier DOW WASHING. IOO00O00CO00O00O000O000000OOC . Automotive safety and trafflo nroblao a_ for ths and affect, and to this end the pro- Park Commission. With the zoo's expanding female leopard, native to South East Asia, is time and place any person or persons ... - 201-874-0704 ~Jf^/« tablca, 30 In. fan. Clothinc, Udlcs TOTH PHARMACY) ' CIMKJ. 761-4882'- 887-3187 ' s 0 L Contractors, painting. Int. 4 ext. 3 ROOMS with prrnu. bath, on trd TIM purpose ol-protscUnj the _alt» asoV 'vUlans of. this Ordinance are hereby Interested therein will be given an oppor- ' 'MAY""a home"" IBM TiRAININGr! 14, mens 44, boys 18. 273-41B4 B 3/13 204 CHESTNUT ST. ROSELLE PARK Masonry, alterations, electrical work. decland to be eeranbla. programs, buildings and additional animals, scheduled to arrive In time for'the zoo's bmlty to be beard conoeriunf said orcU- FREE" DELIVERY ' OPEN DATinr Free estimates. K. SchreUnfer. 187^. floor, Naar'Csot.rrfor'Msioasa CALL M«n-Hqon. — Dtrr ORDAINED BT THEHWICJ- "SECTION «. This Ordlnasee—_aU mnctt. Copy la posted on Uw buUetln STUDENTS— EARNU.OOPERHOUR. eotmla. Raftrancs racitLrsd. : - . k r opening. Dear who has donated a number.of COACH CARRIAGE, atnrdy crlb-& 600,000 PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED jy»«»000<>OOOOp0<»0«<>0<>C- —3713. Ron'CMUeri, J4J-017B. X l/ll »00w>oooooo«o«oo<>«ooooc»o«< BOB HOOSE a DECORATDtO-SPE- FumisltefJ Room Wanted ~ 1(B y»oooooooooooooooo«oooooooo< DhU alclcaVcouncU ol t_ Town of In_t- ~ —Township Clerk— — I ifiM DATA PROCESSING. CIALIST • mTERBR AND EXTERIOR PLYMOUTH 19«n nrj m OoU ceo- _>_»>•.'"'" Ami'fkan tiprw*, Dmrr., too. New Jersey wilt meet on Tuesday from 30 or 40 different states and-Ganadarbut-—g^ave the zoo two years ago. To Buy AT3TMXBONBY. STEPS, WAT Eft- xwooooooooooooooooooooooooec lrT l Ijllc lU.irulii-, pi in mtf itvvn HOBBY SHOP 3KSJJ SELF EMPLOYtD . INSURED. A. low mllasis.' »151». fM-1H« after I Approved for Veteran! by N-J-_ building, CrrlcSquare. bvlnglon. New' New Jersey and New York." he-9ald — minimum rullroaar^anlmal lectures, picnick- 1X13 Liberty Ave., Hillside »ooooo<»ooooc«*oooooo<»x>o« Contractor. Repalrsuft nis1nt«nil»i«. . ZAPPULLO L SONS. ES 2-4079-111}- t P.Randal day we^teoda. XSAi Jeraey, at which urns and place, or at 5 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND I Opening a in Mlllbum area. Stats D*pt< of Education ' No Jab too Hnuul. Call OS for prompt' 7-«4J«. - . O«/l« PAINTDMnrTAVbHHANUINU bmarai* U laUaUd to tw ccnMnad in • * • • Ing and resfaurant facilities, and the popular AND SUPPLEMENT AN ORDI- Address lira, from 1-8 P.M., Sat. 8-9 Wanted To Buy IB Wft EtaJMll K T/P any tlms and plan - --" " —' NANCE ENTTTLSD "THE I -Poiltlona available from A-Z ' . , acabdlToca F NO JOB TOO SMALL - INTERIORS th*> motor Tthicl* puMd ttpoo Ow lDgorlharullhai ALTHOUGH THE ZOO started out~elght "animal contact area," where youngsters can MANAGER DATA PROOHAWUINO FREE ESTIMATES ^_ J or mnAtn on Ch* prvmlsM ordlninoe snaU from -lime to time be r TOWNSHIP OF SPfUNOFIELD I Jooooioiodosooob ELECTRICAl. CONTRACTOR — ALL rtRY. PLASTERING, h ^ftf tll ol tha .years ago primarily as a children's 2oo"ir~- play Wltlv'"live^lambsFahd goals. The birthday r ZONINOORDINANCeOF8EZONINOORDIN P " —A9ST. MANAOER 1010. Stuyvsatmt Atrenu*, :ea paid, old beer • HTML BRICK BTEPR JH«7O7XJa Budnet adJouroarL.' all parsons Interested wUl ' -Union-964-1144 "cHIjvl> "rtaisi|i Ut'EHBKU be grntt-sn;opportrjBtty to be hsard .quickly evolved into a full-fledged zoo, for all - room also has become established as a popular - TEMBERIDM" -It SALBSMEN leaf, Formica. Room divider I - RESIDENnAL.fr INDUSTRIAL SELF EMPLOYED (i INSURED. TAKENOTICEthatthoforceolnaCrnii- ~ (Full (a Part Time) "e: completA 'contents of homns A. NUFRX) - ES J-II1! O 4/S S^CTniltM»%»^aTose of this ooncaTnlAC socl'i ordinancordinance and atl afucfl_d«n Larre record cabinet for den oxjrec ' aold. SO 2-3735- ES1-6926 - 6>6-372> t\ 37S-6WI X4/3 Piano Tuning-. 74 I J3UVATE OABAOEB BUICK IMS Le Sabre, 4 Dr. HT, Ordinance "Wait-Up" restaurant Is any age groups. In addition to Its colorful buildings place for parents wanting something_sr__al Oanc« was passed and approved at a ___ .-CASHlERa-— room. Good condition. SM-0608. tor ' BI RentaGap meeUnc or adternad mntln(a, said or- '' r»(ula(r r mitttUatUaiI of ths. TownahlpCon3t»washlpCo3twashlpConn>i >00C«>C«0OO0O0O<><)OO<»<>0<><»«0< »x>d eerrlMeMaUlshinent erected, oo»- dlnaiica will be ftoiher considered Jor constructed In the likeness of" Slory-booX for arj/ouhgster'si party.U_I_ , • CFuU-aV-Part Tlmn) - RESinFNTlAL U CSaOaEKCIALrWIR-"' —TXAJ1OF ITAUAII MABONS old oars. KB. oandttlon. stroctsd, operated or malntaliiad so as to ssoond and final readlns. mUteUt e off ththe T Townahlp otSprlncflrld In i " BTOCK-BOV©*01RLa T 1 ING. ELECTRIC HEAT. ATfl CONDI- and caspentersvCanlMautUyjpoartiomev 4U-3661. X 3/l» animals and ships — there is even a building Admission rates this year are; 50 cents for the Countr-of Union and a&te of New M TOY TRAINS WANTED ~ ps, palJos. sidewalks, etc. Call 67ft- matlo. Raul. 32 • Phona paTCiviasss ODai OI mOaTv op#fi viooows or VALENTSE P. UEEBNER Jorsey, bud on Tuesday evening. March Excellent opportunity with one * "Brush up or Beginners DUNCAN diidng^room table, maple OLD TRAINS, TROLLEYS ANDCATA- TIONING OUTLETS, SPECIALIST IN ""ALL PIANOS ipuund eoootora tor ••Itotcrdl** ' . Town dark made to look like a swiss cheese for the zoo's adults, and 25. cents for children accompanied of the fastest growing.shoa chains I.B.M. •l«Ctric .tvpewritffM.. trestle, dinner act for elrin china, LOGUES. DAYfiL DR (t-6000; EVES., HOUSE RE-WIRING. 740-3706 li 486- CADILLAC 10U 4 door HT sedan. °o4»21l . p«aln( of JDQOJDQO . firoMnfiroMn dVii-S u>o9or lrvtnaion. N.J. March 10th W70. Hourly rate plus commission, books. . ~ ~" RE 1-2084. Zi/li 7330. . . . JC»/14 -TUNED AND REPAIRED Bine Calais; roUjown^alr corA, A Ikcniw of ltu»l«fl Kprtl-A-Cjr Corp bmr«m*a Dottob«con*»mn»ooo«o«ooooo<»aoooooo6ooooc' ALL PHASES OF MASONRY CON- Reliable— Experienced soft ray glass, UK itVIVKoplo ; Urior ol tbo " •M- ^ ^ itfrti tint tat (ree: » , attractive new structures. arrangements for school or private groups rjun. Holidays. Come tee Us 0.- STRUCTION. FREE ESTIMATES on I. Rudman,Maplswood, 761-4*65 pU.rint I ownsr. J3S0O. MU a- fin b* tMotwmad by pobUo t70«torotr« at or Bprlncfleld Leader-March 12, 1D70. evenlnn» and Saturday cliii- FREE LINDEN To_house Its. more than 200 species of call the zoo at 531-7801; (iWW ~IbbV tojward the -future. Call Mr. ea. Free lifetime job place- EASTER SPRUCE UP: UetalCrcekbed- 'Good Becond Hand Funatuvo PLolud Electric Train Repairs 1 44B patloa, steps, sldMralka. phot), between : • XT/F k TIO-Mil. BpringHald. Z 3/11 RomanelU 667-9759 .. .'_ ,_ spread, matcnlng drapea and lampa: Up: parlor, bodroom. tdtchm aeta. 4-» p.m. 3T»-lftO6-^.j}.>3xl. Ma/*»- 6 room duplex bouse, available April ment aervlce. beaotllul Mastercraft cocktail Jtable,~ >OO0OOvO«X»0O00O<>0«00«O0««< ^ or May for 6. OMCaTat, rsisonable guiiUliWUlilomnmdniiuiHimmntumiiuuuimtuiiuiiuuui RESERVE YOUR SEAT NOW JrV and Mia. articles, 33V42O3. J S/ll. • • ' OPCL ltea, . - "".. Public Notice « II.' lent:, beln on belfe aofa, 82'' "ELECTRIC TRAINS~»S" AURORA B (i C MASON CONTRACTORS PIANOS TUNED rsntCall: — excellent condition, BO HP. ^OCKX>000<>00«0O0«X>OOO0OO< . EQUIPMENT REPAIRED MAX SEROTA REAL ESTATE New Ures. Must sell 964-0880 lorn, 821riiiu — UA> PaUo,' sidewalks, driveways and ALSO Ucted,"' ~ " """ Situations Wanted , 7 WANTED JACK'S COW * HODBY SHOP porches. No Job too small. Free PIANOS REPAIRED EXCLUSIVE BROKER tH.a.41, «->/!»- THE TOWNSHIP OF8PI—10n£_V p*_ only or u to both prinolp-t and UNION! AND IN THE 6WDT"-> " WORKING GIRL TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD IN-THE COUNT* OF UNION, LntsraM rtruxivertible u tn_ txp_i_. ot Each Uddor la nmdnA to depoaU ACTORY - DrNETTES - »w direct, CALL -1273 Ubarty AT^lUUsld., vl6-l»0 eatimatas. 280>- 1106. . H T/r J POOL irniJry WTIIETOWN- ' DEATH NOTICES Secretarial Schoola* _^ - : L .—=~g yu - nrwrpn)mfc» Z3/12 OPEL, lMfe-a DOORW, •: NEW-J__EV th* holder Into coupon boo_i. and will • aertlilsx) or c_4thl*ra or trea__r«i a argest aelectioh of bucket pedesUl afiflflQ b« p_y»Ut In Uyful money of tha Unlled check payable to the order of TtwTowTj-- SHIP or _piuNon__D, FOR 1961 Muifle A...—VMnrrHrjT- cnalra In In. arsa; Uinettea, f3X0S*up. WALLS, SNOW TTRES. C - THE YEAR IBTO iitiiiuiniinininmiiiimiiiiiinninnjimimndutii- U XXO000O0000O000O0O«<>OO«»OO0O00O0Oe< SEALED PROPOSALS wlUbe received aboth, N-J^ln tfa* Tto_a_hlp of_&_Jl_: hufootmaih »>*» «•*•. DINETTE FACTORY, 382-- 2H2HLL. xoc«o»« K3/U All modem bedrooms, Uylnf rooma, PARCEL DELIVERY SERVICE, Ught J. ZIDONTK PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA IMS Vs far the Townsblp Committee of the Town- ... enclosed with the pro- ' raittc_____.C Towi-hlp of HprWield Criaofulll); father of Dr. Carl E. Ajdl- of Nellio V. Durghardt; father of WU- dlnina room*, Idtbhenette*. ice bona trueking and moving. Dependable, r»a- ' sntomaHn, sir oondltloned, P/8, P/B. _lp oIBpi_l(leM,_t_Co_y of Union. naaL When the «j«Mafti> bidder ha* in the Countv of Uolon and SUte of COMPANION light hauutoeisiiig fcr ~ HAVING PEST PROBLEMSr -., . . DR, 6-3076 XT/F -UamA.-w_t Mrs, Margot Kopp; atep- HOT). -- Emm*, on Sunday, March 8, . Personals and pi ji IY) r. ' ~~~' Can today for guaranteed: results. No aonable. Call 219-0108 A.M., 374- eaoallartt oondlUon, ttOO. Call ifur 8 New Jersey, at _ H—Idpal D_atas. ' d, allwchdrah *dapoalts ' will New Jersey, held od Tuaaday wenlntV Friiit (Carmela) Trlccanchl, and also 1970. ace 02 yeara, of Irvington Nura- _one..kdiJt. Have drrrera Uoense. £»• .- REUWOOD OUTDOOH FURrOTUIlE' x>«oooocuuvuo«ooooao«oao«o«oc "In Union'C Berry Mow—in Avenoe. New Jersey, on March be promptly retorned to the perttona irf_k- fattier of Alexander S. Lessner, Mra, baytlln.~ Nitbttime- contract to sign, 6182 P.M. R3/U P.M.OM-MJ5; J J/H • UNION LEADER •SPRINGFIELD LEADER of Interest which the Bonds sis to bear, March 10. IfflO. -" ' , 4 p-andchUdren, Fuaeral waa from Maryann O'DonnoUe and Miss Cather- Ing llc-met davotett-alatcrof Mra, Fanny . perienos sad refer«ncaa. Live In. 3 piecef, with cushions, good condi- Dia-4030 OU-OIM 34, 1OT0, un— «*0 o'olookP.U. alwhlcb SUM. no ffTorrtiiBl vill t}ay *y^fij|(^,s*pfxj wtx^fi ft Inc the —me. except tbe check olUhe Qeonon II. Worthlncton Comet. The funeral was from "llae- tion, never used outdoor*, knmedlate L Ii M Exterminating Co. 374-4064 Plumbing 8 Heating 75 -- To 5oll or Puy "Galante Funeral llomo," 4Ofl Sand- ine Leaaner. Service waa conducted 1 tmToa R R T/F - ,- • . J-4/30 POMTIAC 1MJ •Vsnmra, Ilk. Mat. • IRVINOTON HERALD • LINDEN LEADER time they will be p_Uoly opened and «tMoifi«« * rat* _l«b«r Uun tt*. lent* aueceaaful Udder which wilJ be appHM TQWMhlp Clerk ford Ave., Vallaburf, on Thuraday. berle L Barth Home for Funerals. ' »00000C»0«CKX>000<>0<»<>0000000< announced, for _ pare—»e ol U» fol- r_U _tsfatdin my lsnUy wcepUble In part payment tor the Bond- or to d LeadetvMarch 12. 1070. from the ''McCi-ckcn FunoralHome/' 971 Clinton Ave.. bvlngton. on Monday, MOVING 11,000 mil.., V/B, P/S, R t> H, 7 lowing —sue or Issues of Bonds of Requiem Haaa Our Lady of Sorrows 1500 Morris Ave., Union, on Tuesday, SaOTHER WILL CARE FOR CHILD W Personals 10 e_sUsnt Una. Call • THE SPECTATOR • SUBURBAN LEADER propauL Each propAtW tctturt atmta th«~ "aecufTihe Itownahlp from any loaa re- *• Chttfch, South OraOgtt. • ' •• March 9. Cremation private. THREE PIECE UVIHO ROOM FURNI- ANTiQULCH, FURNITURE, ORIENTAL Localt. Long 01 •tone* PLUMBrNO 4 HEATING CO. _ . O4-47BJ. JJ/U said Township d_.«ooo<>oooooeooooooooooo<>ooo< That DRIPI" Call ES 2-0060 24 hour 1B65 Morris'Ave., oBS-3800 •7S0,00O do—_ rionds ol 1070._i—^_^^_»w—_•—_.—_..—., •lmUt~_fter~Ti^O-o'cloclc P.M. ol tha TION OF SWIMMING FACIU- X" Jeaperaen, olater of John MiUe'r- Amu Ilookott uf Flori—i, and Cecil ' HOME., QUICK SERVICE; REASON- SNOW PLOWING UNION,

— MAX WETNSTEINCl SONS — - ;ST-#J-,O0O.- will b. ol the I>ivln^"JmnrWeUI 6tnay-»llr>. —of iSyoOO. Tne r ' Morris Xye. (iUarBurr«O«fcli. JtCONOMY HOVERS, INC -_-. ,.- oeo-MM—.

J4lj VWpXHAtL B.D., «al«.apl>rov.a»JOO Oi»rry ; pine D«M«r oopboudj round marble'luu'VDfi'ee -' ••••-•• ' 'EL».7 SERVICES- T -a Ulg_. q _«* aJfri^liiirJ -—Om. SHOP —ORE£TtNO dW RTO-KDUH HOUgK oi old-apbltances. • th* repoao ui )s»r-aoul. In—noent-Holy—•- Wo remove l£ tske away -- stovea, CWMM Cwnetery, Korih Arlin«ton(N.J^ $»oOav. an broker ftu.o«Mr him wtn be returned «_ he will be MieeoBnrrv. 4afl-24o7. .7. a/11 - - iwii inre MOVBIS Hoohng,&Sidmg ;MCATA--Mary, on-Prioay,"March 6, Home^oi 'ifiiksj talhtubs, etc. Service charge PACKING L STOHAGE APPLIANCi: CLEARANCE relieved of hi* contractual obligations No, 31 nt nt. Kenilworth; thence to 1-n, 3-110, Household. Furniture US ANT1O.UE rr. REASONABLE ioooooo<>ooo<>o<>oc<>ooooooooo< JUNK • arlalxig from the acceptance, of hla pro- 1070, of Irvingtun, daughlor of L«n_ Church of Uil u Assumption, ROHUIe CIUCKIN, oeifeod A rlba Uk^out x»oooooooooooooooooooooo< MATTRESSES, factory l-«.J*cU, from RATES, CALL B66-8203 or 697-6640, MOVING. 24 HOUR SL1W1CE. mDEU -CARS G1VEIJS--Mr_, CatBrbui lUlroondlflunj (noo Husignuolo) __ the Ule Charloa- atore, Uiuon County. Eftay operation. picked up free. H-L BcraptronttM ' ' , 4o«-72« 11T/F ALL BRICK, 6 years old, custom CBrdella) Glvena- on Monday, March 3, sister of Mrs. Uorttrici (Lolilen, Mrn, l'ark. yhoro u Hltfi Ma ortlequletn 18.05. neddlnc W»nutftcturorD, 153 N, 243-0433 X4/5 WILLIAM H. VETT WANTED RECONDITIONED MACHINES ^The succesaful bUder wUl be fur- \itiu offorod fur tha rcpo oi tier oout, Ideal {wuly or paTtnarablponportunlty. Garage .Sales built 2 family, 6 over 6, a car garua. 343-88111 1070; of 630 Trenton Avo., KunliworUi; >->ances Kranolu, und Mra. Connlo - Moat MIL Will conalder any reason- Park St. Ea*t Orance; op*nO-9; U-TO X>OO0«>000«>0<><»0<>0000<)<)00< Rooting - Leaders - Outtsrs r nlahed. without coat. With (a)theapprov- beloved wife of Aloyslua: devoted iiio- 609 Weet Front St., PUlnfleld. )f T/F UENTON L HOLDUJ, INC. finished besemem. Owner moving out IAE onlnlon of the Isw firm of lUwklna, Fredoricks. funoral wau from "Ga- able ofl«r. Write: Dox US, Suburban OLD FAS1UONED furniture, china, Free oitlmates - do own work ther of Angelo, Otto and the late Matt»o - lanto Kunertd Homo." 400 fkndfor- PuhUaUnf Corp., 1101 Stuyvtauit AVf., Garage Doors . b2 LOCAL L LONO DISTASCE MOVING of state. Asking <8a,900. ADDING MACHINES- Delaflek. _ Wood to the effect that the TOltTOfJ — On Murcli 8, 1070, George t UAIIOOANY UHEAT 7 flass, pictures, lewulry, dolls, toys, STORAGE - ALLIED VAN UNES . AU N. J. Insured - 373- 115:1 OORCZYCA AOENCY. Real Estate $39.95 lUOmondi} Mra. Nancy Gtvena, Mrs. Avu. (VollabuTB), on itfoiulivy. lluqulum Union, * • " •— z3fij 24' ROUND POOL, 3 sny tu%» 0'xlT. Write your ad below. Minimum ad • 4 lines. u? Honda aro Valid and lenlly binding ob- Itoae alvena and Mrs, Cai-mula Ctvono. »L, o( t-37 Ocriin Vl«rw ltd.. IlrleUu, • LX)LO!L ,TV, COUCH, CHAWS .&—Uadwl gUa^-paiaungarnousirandattla""* -- (47 YearaDetMndable Servios) O4/0 241-H<3 linUons of aald Township and that all Maas ul Our Ludy of Wt, Carmel IJUSCEP.UI; -r«(r.c«ir»tof, twlrnnitgcaaaJM aprlng. oontenls. Call Nancy, 377-2130, J77- Garage ilotira Inatalled, farag. 1 Diesel Training all at Kenilworth; dear alsterof Angola Church. Inlortnent ftoly Cross Como- N.J., Uilovuil huabind of Marjorlo alpns, rupalrpliaervtc.electriooper- . ^FL-1-HXI qrl>l 221 Chestnut SL, Dossils Z 3/13 (Five words of avorogo length will fit or^ TYPEWRITERS the taxahla property -therein will be Caniau_, Mra. Carmela InnucenU, (KultlbutUi) T—"ton; iluvotod falhot- of ' BAT. MARCH 14 - 110-4 P.M. (oo]a. Good Ctindltlon. Call-oBft-101)3, 7664. " ' 4 4/13 »0OO0OO0OO0O0OOOOOOO0OO000o< $35.00 up •ubjeot to the levy of ad valorem taxes, t«ry, . Real money mak«r. Terma 3/12 alors am) riJIo-rantrola. bTtVENS one line.) Flguro your cost by multiplying . Mra. Jeannla Cumdo. Mra, Mary Lu- Itubort G. 'l\irton uivJ Mre. Patricia K. OVMIIIKAI) l)0O» CO.,-Cll l-01« , litNRY P. TOWNSEND, AOENT AL- Surveyors 86 to pay said bonds and Interact thereon aara and Mra. Julia Whlteleiah, aU of llioiull: ttloo Mirvlvud by 7 granichll- atraaabla. M4 So. l»th St., Nmrark. w i: ELIZABETH J PHOTOCOPIERS -_-—" without llmlUtlon as to rate or amount; Kenilworth. Orandmothui* of 13 graisj- ES 3-«Ul — ES0-131X ZV10 GAllAGt: HALE - Moving - Ping pong J8/I \LIE» VAN UNES, INC., MOVING AND >oooooooooxx>ooooocoooooooo« number of linos by' 80rf\ Minimum charge $99.00u p and' (b) certUiflatoa In form aatiafactory '• NlOJGUTH — On March 4, lino, May- droii, korvfeu will 1M> hrild at the "Mo- ' fcablu, ladder, wheel-barrow, bicycle, HUY UOOKiJ STTORAOR; TIRE PROOK VAULTS. MAR. 24 & JULY 20 chlldren. The funeral WaaonThurodxy. boUo (aihsoii), of 2001 Itldtuy Crook Cniuki'ii fmmrul llflnm." 1800 Morria CLOTIimo ETC. 330 PARK AVI-;, PIMINFIKLU >O0C«OO00OOOOOO«»0«< GHASSMAN, KRF.II b MDCLR, INC. NEED GARAGE SPACE? to said firm evldencinc the proper exe- March D from the "KanliworihtXintiriu 1 HAVE MONEY TO DIVEST IN SMALL fishing equipment, toys, househcOd ALL GOOD -CONDITION. 232-4404 and. oor>-44flS , • W> havo 10 Baragati and m 10 is $3.20: • cution and (leltvery of the Bonds and re- 1(4., Media, I -,, wlfu of Uiu latrj Wil- Av«., Union, N.J, on 'titursday ut 11 Items, rope ladder, KHEK dishwasher, PL 4-3000 O8/l< Surveyors TYPINQ STANDS — . Homo," BllV/aBhlngionAve.,corn<9rN. BUSINESS - WOMEN'S CLOTIirNQOn CALL 315-3070 J 3/13 Homo Impiovcments •' ' 56 room 3 family for you I Dining _$9.95 Tp oelpt of payment therefor. The oblica- _Ut SL. KenilwortlL Thenoa to Ht, liam V. Nouiruth Ur.j duvotod iiultiorof LDfOERIE' IN UNION. CONTACT: E. etc, tint, b to 8, 1338 Wood Valiuy lid.. xxxxioooooooooooooooooooooooc 433 North llroad Strt>«t SUBURBAN PUBLISHING OORP. ..._._.:_,„. Uons hereunder to deliver or accept o00 (tout- courts 1 > William K.N«iU|iuUiJr.,uiulMrii,Cli-ro room*, 2 bedroom*. J porohe*. Tt^rrn ? 1 '"•iMft h, K"nilwnrtfL %htira ka..11 .. ..J^a • *^i ¥ .hj.. _^ I ir n hlh N 'H 1291 Siuy»eiint fly.. • ' - tnt hereto falH 5 «lgy• - 30-lu>»rw*»ili - 70wt,tf u lUgh M_M ofltsiiiuioni Waa offered for ZOCCJUl" ,0tt Whtld ,tt coo Wall table, blond o wood. Anrantriirsorr . . O 3/12 rainum oombln.tione. Weet the repoaa of her noul, fiitennont 1010 kla (RuHW>t.wiuaoj7o lr K1T0IIEN CAIIINETH, ALUMINUM KELLYMOVERS n the availability and delivery 'fur,, Uiiloti, N.J., IKIUIVWI wlfu of thu 3)50 for Um thr«o. Good Uuyi Business 383-1 JflO location, n.ar th. .chool.. Union, N.J. 0108? "f-^*-1*—p—f 1h« »-i INVESTORS Rummage Sales' Cull 300-0701 iltor 7 p.m. W1N1MWI1 TILi; BXTHROOMS " rie-IXnutllUjH HUiutml llM'tliBl »* Mi-- 13 Aleo A^onl Fur XyCO0O0OO00OO00OO0OO<»000< of tho s_d approving opinion and of a nhiiul W(, Mru. Mary Ami IUUIUM und J/l WKATnilt STRIPPING. Buy on FHA or.VA termsl • DIESEL FUEL SYSTEMS Low rl.k.; hish return Inw.t' ]?! 3-5389 U6/14 North Amerion Vun Lino* oertiiiciattt. In farm and tenor utlf GtIF7 TI(iat"IV>ra (IVUM Jookson) o Mrs. ChriiitinoKU«y,anJBlaturoi;Mra. UUMAOt HA1.K: 5 l>olnl« YMCA The GKNTLKmnn of \Uv Tilo Work ' 88 factory to «aiJ law firm and dated ae • DIESEL ACCES5OHY 1 V, Alitonulll; uluo aurvlVud by four " ment opportunltlea -avallMblo; NOVA - T Cualilon Utyle, Chareo»U Directory GENTER of tho date o(-BUch. d-tvery. to-the- March B, 1070, uf 1309 North Aw,/ oUier»i CluU, BatunUy, Mureh U CKIMNGtl L WALLS" XJOOOOOOOKXXXXXXJOOOOOOOOOWX THE BOYLE CO. ._ -SYSTEMS LTOr—On-March-V>"0,-f""', with all bruah car waah deelun' Gr«y With Uitlit Croon Covor - Vury . MovInu Imtuatry effnot (hit Uiore Is no UUcaUon pending "niwabcth;—wife -of-Armur~_uonthor;*~ 0 *.ni* to 3 p.ni. YMCA. UlilK., 2li IU11UHFACED Ko«l Ektnte Blnoe 1005 • On» of tU° fli.«,-t riduotitUHiul slstur of Mre, .tattle Croon. Thu tw nion, N,J,, bulovedtmabiklo/Maw child, Vuiiurul WIIM Coiuturtol from tho ed for eervlce etatlun buy." TILE WORK (i KEPAIR1NO or (to the kiiovrledfe of tha signer or 1 letii nti Union, tf 3/12 Gouil CondltiuiL >78, Call 13iu«irtiak, Turing & Spaokling ll); dwoUi faUmr of 1'aul J, l'tdlo. MuCrimkwt V-ui.uriill(oiiiutlBUt> Morris Excellent locatlona avallublo. >ooooooooooooooooooooo< u r/.v DAW Tils Contraoters, sltchonjs, - Tho OMllary ofllomeH' R< signer., UWM>0 threatened affecung the Horid sttrvloe Was huld at the "Me- 5:13-4110 113/12 ' Vitl^tilti vwr vkk don de '*> ApitroVoil by N. J. Dnpurliuaiit Craukun K\int>ral Homo/' 1800 Morris hum nil wus coivduatod from Uio "Mc- Avo,, Union, on tUturdjy, Illith Muui 14.000 Inveatraent. Will return UUMMAOi; BALt Aluminum Siding 22A No Job loo Small bathreome and repflra. Estimates - Il43 &.jnr«(By 8t.,Ell«<3S3-4^uu TYPEWRITER validity of Uie Bondi, A oopy of said Avo., Union, on TUoaJuy. March 10. Ora^kon l-'uiitft-ul Hoino," 1B00 Morrlu of Itbtpilaiu in tit Mary*(.Church, IOl»- ' •5.QOO-I8.OOO per year. "~ nonuiNS it AixisoNrmc, chsnluUv ,lvcn, S7«-7(n7, «l«-3sia. Open Dally Q-t.jBat..r-4>E)un. 12-3 approvlna opinion will appear on the AVB,, Union, N.J., on Moiklay. Uur- Wyoming lYuBbytarlan CMircli xx»oo«oooo<>«>«ooooooooopooo< 1M-0102 J 3/10 • Hluli puylnu Jiktm mtemiant Urookj)«rt( 11L v -both. LEDOER MACHINERY CO. Wyonilna Ave., MUlUim, i MOVITJO - BTonAot; - I>ACUINO DonWlUUms. . T/F Z 3/13 BULLSEYEI llontls. , ., Mm, iWa., I WING CIIAlIt - *10 213 SOUTH AVt;, CUANTOHD h.J. • Cull or wrlfa for free hrocliut-ti 324 Winding rd., I.elln. N.J. Mairch 10, 0 ..m, - 44 p.ni. L VrC, • I CllfcJJi;NZA-,'»80 CKMKNT KlNWIilNa AMD OENEHAI. Utttaodoooooocooooooooooooooo^oo< To , r»odh the parson you 383-1702 t K3/12 L'ALI< flST-B38<. J 3/lZ WE'LL WASH HOMH lMl>it()Vt:MENTa. QUALTTY LINDEN CMXtNOnkS .I.WORTJUNOTON Z 3/12, WOHK i»Ni: I1KASONADLV. CALL Tree Seivico 89 want, u» an Inexpanalvsj SERVICE 'l\>wnshlp Clerk cm ALUMINUM SIDING ' If ^dtllllullul Unas .,. tiaaJau, .ll.uli .apurulv shea! ttt usuei Surlimfl«lil Lo.Je.r-March 13, lt>70, WJVUTIC HLIl'COViaUJ — ' t^qwrUy flo7 - 4260 X 4/X OPEN HOUSE •^ ^ engine city HOLLYWOOD H.OHIST >«>ooo6<»o«>so«><>oooo<)oooo< , We Klo ula IN >O0O0OO0«OOOOO0Q000O<»O«K want ad In this newepop.r. If'ej fJl73) AUOF. C t lost & Found 14 flttwl. urynUl cluur, ho«vv tpiugti. r l ll MK.Uril'B MOV1NL. - ItflM. ••-•>— Sun., March 19, 1-3 P.M. Nime , Schools 9 tho only MuV. l-'or ovtlmut , „ 1'000O(X LOUT- CAT,t>UckC.Hroynliii>« whUi> 3 1x3. Hat. IBS lUlf, BUtowlile l)oo, CALL IIO1I ulturol'M 673-0516 local - lonK illalawiu - nlwrv •puOliu*. tkMoiallalng In all bhaae. of tr.swurk.1 Hunoh ilouiii, 3 boilroum, full AN oniMNANCi: FfJONa THE t CD*-3314 -13/10 MICL O^J-7 1 IS and roofing lnwBDt frlcM. Free gul- Cll 5-31iUB Addreii . . , . ! W. ap.cliilll. In Funeral ,mwu It utoumch I. 'wnltu Unuor chin. tsra, leauarri liitttitllodonaachcompl.te ror fr.. estimate call Mr. Oonia!«aJ liMth, tllnlntf room, llvln« room, DIAL UALAHU- OK CERTAIN OF- SC-HMIDT II. WILSON HAI.VAOK, INC. FlC.:i_ AND THE PAY OR Deslun and Sympathy , De $iy Technical Institute Collu with bell. Atuwora to KltU, Vi- aiding Job, t:ull anyUme, 391-0571 , 97S-222B . li/ii mutism klluhun, full ba««mai.t, r £S5-3380 wj $ institute j .. Phom Engim City. RDUI. }1 WM. fomlly. Just pKoti.l EDUCATION A1MN., 13TI Bo. 686-7700 REPAIRS • RINTALS • REBUILT. ICAL EMPLOYMENTS W Union, NJ, 0)09)- Phoni (101) 084 USD TUiiQiaCHomo ELIZABETH 064-1500 (UstOsf, con Von I ant to BII n«c«J»- Till-: TOWNSHIP OF BI1l.NO- MU 6-1030 BLAST THOSE BUGS) Find u» • Hit.a. 4B6O230. Ask (or Classified Amount Enolo.id Iniert'ii. D»l»(i) • • • • • £. 0. Stf; *n iti 2343 Morrle Av.., Union Extermlnutor in tti« Cla.il^lct FltLD, IN THE COUNTY OK Z T/F X 5/13 PLEASE DRIVE SAFELY Z 3/12 i --j.'!_-Thursday, March 12, 1970- .. • country. The least we con do is to point out to them the opportunities tiuu> exist forxhem," Center to present Lynes said. "And as residents of Union threat ^environment Federation, Union College informing GIs County, they are as entitled as any'other" resident ;p know what educational faclljjtij e sfudy on pollution are. available in the county," he*added. %iscussed by UC~pr<>F^"latrdsTrate"^ At present, about one in evory Tills spring, the LJnlon County Outdoor Edu-. bl^ppportunliTes fpr^ictiooling. «lonCenter wlll_presentaprogran]LOf studies <—jy Tni/^'J "|/!J |1 f) H t N" S' 'i •Jt^TWon". Collf ga. Js. a.i-vet|ftssere(g46jogyand sey-'s^-Natural Heritage'' is - . w ,; |>y jvucuigan oiiue umvoauy ana me uj...... •»#• v . Ari~puii of a naiuhviil\'v; c^roi't ixS t! tettBs "Tft"TJnTo'ir CDIlCEB,: 'thnc fyavebeim main: over. ibL-. • planned-jry. • the New Jersey cricSuvage '-o;riM^<--falnCTtlont-Th»itycoHeBeTtdmli)tloii5. -—VrQWfWf"TrVfV€& —door.Education „ i? easy toV "^xanford, told" students past 50 years, ... returning servicemen to further thdl State Federation of Women's u6n and fr.aloing,]|Uiiioii Ci>lk'se wili"lr.'pdu'cl a nfflrrrimas lou; r;tca>nipanied-Bo of Vietnam. Theby Hop addressee on lilt*d thftserChrist-. - -J(—..-•-• >» ._.j__•"?•"':.„„ —"Vtllogo-ln. the Watchung jleaatvatlqn and wlU -Clubs •In^a --displaydesigned *"" "VKmiuiu,. «iyi»>»g-iheauQl Uie-rights under - begin Maxch. 16. • Bon artho college. land successfully returned die io point out how much -the J Trog¥aTirrp;g of the cdufcotionatlpum-iuiutiw o^fered°ot the tlieir-C;i ISill and the educfltionol-opportunities —The next—meeting—of the Waiting-Wives groups, as well as. adult groups, lnfornmilon Prof. Dexter spoteof tlio Cullbean Sands ta productive state hau to offer its rest- to them; "Cists —fan'd air politic" local college and Union College's, persgnul upen •" them; "Lists of those- senvicemen." Club will be held Wednesday at 7:^0 p.m. at and reservations *nay be obtained by calling use. Tlie urea, lnterest'ln helping tlivui attain thcireducaiional - •who, expressed inter.est in furthering their ' Red Cross headquarters, 203 W. Jersey St., -Qon that threatens our enWr- SUakt-'speare us the j;ranaryof The Conservation and Gar-' ttie Union County Outdoor Education Center. Publi.h.d Evo.y Yhur,dor by. T>uma> PuM . ofljnent, stressing theneedfor goals. .- '•"• '— .education were then sent to colleges-and' -=Elixabeth. All—wives—"'h"tft Iiiiah'"if1jj 66 Scotland,'hud become a desert. den IJepartment of the State Since World Vt/i[- Ji,_tl>e .policy of Union universities in their home states. survlcemea stationed away from homhome are i eoncertedeffortbyallpeople Using die technology of .thai Federation will have un ex- College has been to extend its admissions Lyni's~s~ald letters will be sent to all Union Invited to attend. ' 1 ti me# the water™ level was EXECUTIVES r.oir our Wonl Ad> rt Kiting hibit at die 1970 New Jersey pulicics. to iliL* limit to iiKikc its educational County residents serving in Vietnam. ' At npxt week's meetings a film on Vietnam . • mploysa*. Bfog oboul yourself tor S3.201 VOL. 41 No. 23 SPRINGFIELD, N.J.,~THL1RSPAY, MARCH 19, 1970 1 raised, erosion was halted and Flower and Garden Show I'ri- facilities available to ruturnini . servicemen. "We owe tills much to these men who are will be shofcn. The movie cancecnii customs and Coll 686-7700, dolly 9 io 5:00. A top "soil.developed. day,'April 3k through Thurs- , ri skiny Uieir lives in the name of. their surrousdings of life in Vietnam. In- the '30s. Prof. Dexter day. April ?.- at. the.Morris-. Lynes Raid. ""In mm w,c havt- found tiie vet- suicj, the poilutio/i of the New town Armory. York state rivers from paper Designed to make resi- mill effluent was successfully . dents mof H aware of their halted. . ; I state and its varied and valu- Board will cut bus service for 31 children at 2 schools Today, dirty wash, smog, able aspects, the display will salinizatlon of water, garbage highlight the state's historical dumps heaped with'disposable' significance, along with con- more for your money cans and bottles, iind^gas tributions of agriculture, in- fumes, cause ecological dustry and the seashore area. Move macte x>verprotest Cawley may get ru N.J. w.ll.,1,clubB.n.lli. imbalances which threaten oil A large map will pinpoint FOOD SUPERMARKETS ^yi •• Docker. 4a OlcoH-Av- life, PfoXTDexter said. spots of interest in relation r ittl.vJIlo, N.J. 07934 to the state's heritage. Mrs. U.160VT6UDDI AFTER THE FALL -- Gerald Gargiulo watches district judgeship- as two of his students put on 0 demonstra- W. B; Dlggs Jr. of Westwood ^fSO^sielefifsin area tion of jukado for the rest of tne-class en- is chairman of this program. James M. Cawley, Springfield Townsbjp ByABNERGOLD to-make other arrangements. The meeting was . rolled in the adult school course ar Jonathan SALE TODAY thru SAT. TRADING STAMPS attorney, will be nominated for a district, Dayton Regional High School. Springfield. ' JQesplte vehement opposition from somei SO held at the Florence Caudlneer School. court Judgejliip, it was learned this, weekfrom— __^Standing~ over Anne Mandate- iB Bonnle- >B0WCRAFT displays have dealt with such" resldeiRs ol the Chimney Ridge drive and First nodce of the change was mailed hist subjects as air and water ool-^ the most reliable sources. Cawley's is reporter": Roemer. • " ' ~' ludon and highway, twaunfi-' RoHlng Rock road area.-ihaSpringfinlri Bnarri *• week to 19'families with 31 children c&rrently edly one of four--Judicial nominations -toJbe" cadon, topics that have since' Of' Education'Tuesday refused to give up its being bused to the Edwnrd Walton and Thelma Route 22, Scotch Plains, N. J. become of concern to a wide plairto'drop much of the scHBorEu^ s service Sandrnt . schools^ U said tb&-buslng wouul future. The names could be sent to the State _range of officials and private PRODUCE DEPARTMENT for the neighborhood. . end yesterday. Seuate^ior—confirmation, as early _os next citizens. •"", ~. _ The-board, dld>Nhbwever, \oie xjj-A-1*y '•"- ,The ^letter.-declared that the school -beard Monday. , " • —^— •.' The NeW^ersey State Fed- _jplementatlon of the new policy from yesterday had'Just learned that many of the .children The Cawley_nomination is .expected tobeone Fun For All Ages eration Is the largest women's until April 6^to give, the -parents^somVamV^llved closer to dielr schools than the two of several whichwouldbreaka'judlciarylogjajn miles needed to qualify for state aid for that has been in effect for more than a year," organization in the state, with Wf SEll ONLY a membership of more than I^Txislng. ' • •——•_ -District Court Judges Harold Ackerman~Bf Bright Spring Sunshine 45.000. MrurThomas H, Mc- IU.$.60V7.CUDID]| The Board of Education on several occasions Springfield and Jacob Triarsl of Elizabedv . Glado of-Haddonfleld lsprisl- ^has stressed Umi Its firtn ppllcy la-mot to _ w«uld-be-eleva«ed to the county court. Nomin- ' • bus children less than two miles,-even though dent CHOICE ated_vdth Cawley for the DlstdsiXDurt would rnTenflwsey's FinestMiniature . , . \ ' CHUCK - it does have 'the option to do 80. If it does, be Donald A. McKenzle of Union. Freeholder More tfian 5,000 of the club- BEEF that busing Is -entirely at school board-_ex- women attended the Flower Harry V. OsBbrne of Cranford would be named pense, with the 75 percent state reimburse- to a Superior Court post. .-.":•: •.' and Garden Show last year, POTATOES ment received for busing more than two miles. and even more are expected Busing, will—romaIn unchanged to the this y«nr,—Many—dubs are. GENUINE Gaudlneer School and St. James School. plannjns_sceclal bus trips to STEAK FiRST IDAHO JohirO; Bmwl^V, aupaHntendentof-achools, the show, and women from all BAKING reported Tuesday that the "distances had Just First Aid Squall over die state will serve as 5 49 CUT been carefully remeasured. All 22 children •hostesses at the Federation's' CENTER currently being b\ised to the'Walton School- display. CUT live no more than 1.7 miles from the school. LB. All' will, be dropped from the bus roster. puts out appec mm Of the nine children, klndergartners or Bridga winners BONELESS CROSS RIB OH first graders, being bused to the Sandxneler Baseball Batting - Go Karts Sehoolr^tverllve: iiTuie Uian two miles "away TOP ROUND CORNED BEEF Archery - Table Tennis and will continue to ride the buses. The other for daytime hej|)H announced by Y ' The Springfield First Aid . Pdnyand Horse Rides JU1CY SHDLESS four will be dropped. . • Roz Goodman 4>f Walchuflg1 again found It necessary to put out an urgent ROAST BEEF I FIRST CUT ,b 89' \ A MJMOtKm tne parents aeciarea, witiiout plea tor^new dayminunejnDers. and tfodieUe Surett of Clark GRAPEFRUIT6^49 A.jjpokesmnn for the squad said; "We Just scored first EOV'T. 1KSFECTED EHICK contradiction from the* board, that they had QUARTOS BACK-ON US D. A. CHOiamMMB) SHORT checked before buying their houseftfourorflve • don't Tiive enough daytime help. Some ttoys bridge game conducted at COV'T. INSPECTED CHICKEN DAIRY DEPARTMENT we Must run tbe rigs with only, two people* Bowcraft Sport Shop ~ the Eastern Union County YM- years Ago and bad been told by school officials JV.4J.AVG. that; they_jjere-entWed to school bus service, This is not good. If vre cannot get more mem- YWHA. C.reen lane. Union. BREAST RIB STEAK- FLEISCHMANNS 100% CORN OIL members dgcllnrd to say bow they had bers we may be forced Into a desperate al«i«» —Mitch Mtchnetson-of-eran 1 ROASTING CHICKEH 39' discovered that die bus service was In violation don, — I* cancel alLdaytime services excjepc I QUASTWSWINC-OH fc U.S.O. A. CHOICt CAUF. CHUCTK < 4 THIGH ON m """ of tts-two-mileDoUcy. ' • dire emergencies. ..-.. ' " Ifcad Skis - Tob^ of Linden took second place, YOUR |. < CHICKEH UGS i>49 F0IR0AST F79 MARGARINE Mardn Brenner, an attorney "for 19 families 'This would jmean that, there "would be_no Milt Steinfcld of Cranfonl and UJ.DJLCHOKCHOICI E *• opposed to the change, said that action b-fore CAMPING -Tennis Myldred" Kelly of Berkeley IOKIUSS»«!l«ICHO«»OJTO«H»i«lU - —"- • •- Ib.-' daytime transportations from home tohospltal, Heights third. Joe-Robert and 09f CHICKEN BREflST ^«, C the end of roe current*ycar would IKS.''tn^nl—" • from hospital to home, or from hospital to 2 Backpacking - Erwln. Mlchaelson. bqth. of OT SILVER TIP ANNUAL AWARD WINNER — Miss Ann Ro- -.iesUy unfair" to the parents and'children. nurslng-homes^lt-would mean that these cails ROAST SMOKED BUTTS *95 PILLSBURY . • mino, asslsunt principal of JoaofiutnDay.- He •ddedthatchildren would now have to walk would have to be taken care-of by night crews Union, fourth, flnd Lyman I U3.DJk.CHOiaBONEL£SS FAMILY PACK 3-US, AND OV(R-FRtSH TAYLOR'S TA MIDGET ROU. Archery Equipment— •Thompson and Bertlne Telch- ton'Regional High School; wtll.!receive tke ^P and down a very steep hlll,~lnMoiuitaln- which mlghr cause a real Inconvenience to 1 *Cltiien-ol-th«^y