-Thursday,'March '5, 1970. lo, and Denes Koromzay, vio- 11 Hiking cLuh_plans_ la. Crime Index for county All graduates of the 2 nature rtjnhbles long is s 6 c 1 a to d^ with. Hun- for Beefhov$n prognctsrt garian musical tradtton, they • -executive dfreetpr;; .. , ramble .'4fld7S Stmday-•'" r>'--^-'i.-l'-v; v.•-;-.• ;.ili-, •'....' ::-:_JJ^.:' "• J_;4:..'.-''-':* '•»i» iiaiu nil. u,b. tmsUetas. don , hike .are .scheduled this weetrfbr members ' The" world-fS mo us Hun^ '".QuafBft'B'-'.aVi ' • — Theylare noted not only for - • andguestB of the Union County Hiking elub. • which ;Ut gnrljln Quarter WlO <iprwBr nf _rciitS iOE( i\f their Iconcert work idil- also --:, ••I'reUrolaaCT. —.j&ui SBiurtiay, Mtw»--Jeayineffff ftirr^nprin.^tf—'•. "rperl6rniliitt -tl '-^;W.^aifffieeffiOTenjcnrjccrr-- Ras'ello-Park-wmiaaiJ-i" six—mile-"ra"mble~lh- . •'on the.concc taughtVotreoiby College, the Appointment .of .Barry Shandler, executive 196H totals. Tlie rise Is one percentage point assault, and a two pt.-rct.-iii increase intHenon- . die Watchung Reservation^ The group^wlll. sponsored by the Department . iorent group of breaking and entering, lar- .. recordings. Aspen testlvalj'ttndthe unlver • n...w nr riWl ryirM"/ a*"" **T I tV^'Si'—*-**''"".;Of Art and Music. , j sltiea ifjCaUfonila, Colorado, . for thelain . i^^^SSy '.2. w-tSfiTW^~s^^'i«^~=3S^ S!S i > ]}?', The" concert, scheduled for -The \Hungu. andOragon. director of the Eastern Union County YM- The preliminary figures were issued by tlie Reported rape offenses reflected the sharp- ^^^ai3^^p~zir^ ~ '''-' '" 8:l&p.m. In the Lounge of^Jie '. "Seton Hull pixigruj-. ".W 41 Moonloln o»... Sp<|ngll.Id, N.J. OJOBI•- 686-7700 'YVVHA^ Green lane; Union, was 'announced ' -Uniform Crime' Reporting Unit^of _.thg ..New .'• est upswing aciotB till; state with, a 13,6 per- * ' On Sunday, Natlia^ Cummlngs of West Orange Student Center on the South elude "Quartet In F major, : jersey:State i'ollfe. hinaiVlgiu-esfor'1969 ~ccnc in"crea'se"ov<>r'I968. Murder rose-3.4per- Orange campus. Is open to tlie &is W^eV; by Edward T. RoseriJ51a7 president, " will lead an eight-mile hike along the "Opus 18,' No. 1;" "Quartet in VOL. 41 No. 52- Mulling Addr.,, «nd Dr. Sidney A. Savttt, personnel com-' will be released in the annual Uniform Crime cent in the state, robbery wasjdyp 10.9 percent Appalachian Troll from Arden to Fitzgerald : puhlic free of charge. TAX RETURN8 by .SPRINGFIELD. N.J., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1970 Sub.oipllor.RQtc ' Second Clo.lPoHojc C sharp ,minor, .Opus 131," Experlonced ACCOUNTANT P.O. BOM 69, SprlnplMd, H.J. 070U_ 15 Cents Per Copy mlttee chairman of tlie 'V. Sliandler replaces Report to be published in July. and atrocious assault offenses decreased 5.6 Falls. The hikers will meet just past the " During this 200th anniver- und "Quartet' in C major, So.50 Y.orly I ppid o. Spr.ngllcld, N.J. Mitchell Jaffe, who has, accepted a position Offenses covered by. the report arc murder, percent. ~ Usicx toll barrier of the Garden State Park- saryyeor of the composer's Opue 59. No. 3." With me National Jewish Welfare Board. forcible rape, robbery, atrocious assault, • The^Uniform Crime Reporting Unit-listed way at 9 a.m. • . ' birth the. Hungarian Quartet Members of the Hiingarlan a '-'significant" statewide decline of 4.2 percent wltli vtandard deduction*. All '' Prior'to coming to Bayonne, Sliandler was breaking and entering, larceny-tiieft over $50 • will play the entire Beedioven Quartet, which was formed other r«turns at l4«s«nabl« (••«• in breaking andentering, tlie most volumindus <• .- " FRIDAY DEADLINE V-J"" • string quartet. cycle of 16 ~ executive director* of the Jewish Community • and auto theft, • All items othar than- spot newi/£houlcN»e originally' in 1935, are Zoltan J049 aprlA|n>ld An., Center -In Duluth, Minn., ahd was "assistant . In Union1 County, the total number of Crime- of all Index offcnsosi-Larceny Increased 11.6 works in major cities through- ' Szekely and Michael Kuttner, m Mlllbum Av». I approves new et in quiet meeting director of the Philadelphia YMHA. Index offenses rose from 12,842 in 19^8 to percent and auto theft rose 1.6 percent. in* our office by noon orvFrjcJa^f :. \ out the^vorld. Part of the violins, Gabriel Magyar, eel— ,- For five years he was assistant, at the 13,247 last year. "'._ \ . _ "BUiabetlr'YM-YWHA anderHarry Lebau,-wbo~- —"Fourteen murders were reported in^-the " was then director. In Bayonne, he also has county in 1969, compared witli 23 the preceding ~ served as the director of the Jewish"Council year. There were 60 cases of forcible rape OB chairman of the-Offlce of Economic/Op- last year, two more than In 1968. '. portunlty program, and was vico-chalrman o£ Tho number of robberies Increased fr6m 462 the local chapter of the National Conference in 1968 to 528 lost year. : more for your money ' of Christians and Jews, " • -. - Decreases were reported in atrocious Shandler received his AB degree from the assault, down from«570 In 196B to 516 last offer views ".City College of New York In 1936, and was year, and breaking and entering, which drop- ; awarded his master's degree hi social work ped from 5,873 to 5,429. " / FOOD SUPERMAflKCTS wiiaiomt by the University of Pennsylvania In 1940. Larceny-theft cases rose from 3,384in 1968 -He-Is marrled-and-tlie-fatBer-of-two-children.-- UJ 3;832~insi year andnutothefrlncrcflsedTYGrn VALUABLE Shandler assumed his new post this week. 2.472 to 2,868. ^"•-^-•.-T- rouR MOST CHOICE "**1 yr ^fer . In tile statewide figures, there was a 4.2.. TRADING STAMPS BEEF k&r-—----~~i Technical Jnstihtte-gets To assist local tenants for riding season rtew-assistant director By ABNER GOLD-. ' Ross J. DCLia has been appointed assistant PRODUCE DEPT. : { The Township Committee Tuesday night Registration for the-sprlng season, of horse- - unanimously - npproved Its $I ?8?.699 munl- backridlng with the Watchung Troop, spon- director, a newly created post, for-Union r Technical- Institute, Mountainside. De Lla will dpal budget for the coming year, with no - '- sored by the Union County Park'Commission, disagreement on any point audible on the daia, has been completed. During the past two weeks continue as chief Instructor in the electronics department." . anna minimum ol comment from the audience " all available dme has been taken by Union BANANAS ojf some 30 citizens. ' . — County residentsjboys and girls between nine Increased student enrollments and admini- strative -wdrk loads necessitated the creation In other-ousinesa, Nat Stokes, lone Demo- -' and 18 years of age, it was announced by GOLDEN RIPE crat on the governing, body, introduced two = Robert J. Luitui. director of the Watchung __of the.new- position,, according to Michael —Ratajczak Jr., director of Union TecKT • resolutions Intended to_belp local apartment :CTroop at the'Wacchung Stable. - " ."" tenants in dealings with their landlords. Neither-— " Luihn stated that over 650 places have *- i^ I? received a second, and Stokes agreed with -been filled. The youngsters will start their CALIFORNIA JWKT TASTT his colleagues that both should receive thoro- •_ riding season on Friday, March -US'. To Publicity Chairmen: pngh study from the entire committee before " •The Watchung Troop, organised in March, Would-you like some-help being brought up for further action. 1 1934, by the Union County Park-Commission, CARROTS . The public bearing on tbe budget drew conw > is said to be the largest children's riding in preparing newspaper- re- . mt*nt» from only three citizens, out of tbe 30 • program in - ths._UniteiSEaies. The troop is 1 lease's ? Write to this^news- i-ib. present in the Municipal Building — " ' formed into squads for sub-novice, novice, ^paper and ask for our "Tips . 37,000 who live in Springfield. •-•••- 7 advanced and experienced riders. Every mem- cello >r- Henry \~ Bultman Ir. emphasized -' ber gains riding experience by a progressive on Submitting News, re- — . i portion of me budget adoptedTuesday, '.- series of classes and drills that Include every" lleasfia." . ullluit fbC-lncaVmuniclpal purposes, constitutes -phase of horsemanship. FINE only some vZJ. percent of the total paid by DEEP; local proper^ owners. The $1,285,699 ap- Public Notice TRIM Ib. LETTUCE -provec! for local purposes represents an in- CAUFORNIA crease of $151,876 over the $1,094,285 voted TOWNSHIP OF UNION TOWNSHIP OF UNION Society lists ruBUCJgmcB PDBLE NOTICE — ICEBERG - ' Seated prelnwla vUl <» »ealv«l end Notto. U hoabr trren thatMal«ltad« GOV T. INSPECTED CHICKEN TcunuNn MI A I SA. if COV'T. INSPECTED CHICKEN LARGE HEAD Other major items.: to~be. paid^by local via to recttnttnd byy th.. TownahlTpp Com- ea taxes-are: local school purposes,-$2,369,46l; mlttltt M ffoor TT'MTT'M—"~— and d rnialr mama- T3 adoptions HtfSHUAHAUl UrUla In U» Townahip of Union In th. QUAKTBaWMGON ^-Regional liigli School purposes, $1,478,000; , Frtterfar Parl Cooaty of Union wittt an oBtbnated amount C H>MKSUONG Veterans and senior citizens, $90,710. - ofaJOO Una o( BROKEN STONE and CHICKEN BREAST 59 opanid and nadlnpubUoatthaUinlclpal in the cduhty^l CHICKEN BREAST GROUND .' They addup to a total of $6,023,871 -to be Bfldtai rribarnnrr PPark Union N.J QUAITBH IACK ON MG. THIGH ON raised by local taxes, up $629,876 from the at SK d OMATOES let the aald — Xlolon County ' .adoption BEEF . SFlNMNGtlP A STORM — The Jonathan Dayton Regional High School Goreckl, Charlene Smith, Barbara Lies, Lisa UrJOvm and Maryasne previous figure of $5,393,994. The-local tax V .jertiij-lnaeaaleSaOTaloM.beariajUi. ^•clfleabVina and formsofUdaforth. placement activity loomed CHICKEN LEGS DAIRY DEPARTMENT twlrlers won first prize for a dance rWlrl routine In-recent national Grazlano. Miss Goreckl and Miss Smith; co-captains^ also placed rate will rise 42 points, from-$7;50 to $7.92 prontaatf matarlaL, -onpand by th.
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