On the Choice for the Global Shrinkage Parameter in the Horseshoe Prior

Juho Piironen Aki Vehtari [email protected] [email protected] Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, HIIT Department of Computer Science, Aalto University

Abstract in the frequentist framework – plays a key role. Often it is reasonable to assume that only some of The horseshoe prior has proven to be a note- the model parameters θ = (θ1,...,θ D) (such as the worthy alternative for sparse Bayesian estima- regression coefficients) are far from zero. In the frequen- tion, but as shown in this paper, the results tist literature, these problems are typically handled by can be sensitive to the prior choice for the LASSO (Tibshirani, 1996) or one of its close cousins, global shrinkage . We argue such as the elastic net (Zou and Hastie, 2005). We that the previous default choices are dubious focus on the probabilistic approach and carry out the due to their tendency to favor solutions with full on the problem. more unshrunk coefficients than we typically expect a priori. This can lead to bad results Two prior choices dominate the Bayesian literature: if this parameter is not strongly identified by two component discrete mixture priors known as the data. We derive the relationship between the spike-and-slab (Mitchell and Beauchamp, 1988; George global parameter and the effective number of and McCulloch, 1993), and a variety of continuous nonzeros in the coefficient vector, and show shrinkage priors (see e.g., Polson and Scott, 2011, and an easy and intuitive way of setting up the references therein). The spike-and-slab prior is intu- prior for the global parameter based on our itively appealing as it is equivalent to Bayesian model prior beliefs about the number of nonzero co- averaging (BMA) (Hoeting et al., 1999) over the vari- efficients in the model. The results on real able combinations, and often has good performance in world data show that one can benefit greatly practice. The disadvantages are that the results can be – in terms of improved parameter estimates, sensitive to prior choices (slab width and prior inclu- prediction accuracy, and reduced computa- sion probability) and that the posterior inference can tion time – from transforming even a crude be computationally demanding with a large number of guess for the number of nonzero coefficients variables, due to the huge model space. The inference into the prior for the global parameter using could be sped up by analytical approximations using ei- our framework. ther expectation propagation (EP) (Hern´andez-Lobato et al., 2010, 2015) or variational inference (VI) (Titsias and L´azaro-Gredilla, 2011), but this comes at the cost 1 INTRODUCTION of a substantial increase in the amount of analytical work needed to derive the equations separately for each model and a more complex implementation. With modern rich datasets, statistical models with a large number of parameters are nowadays commonplace The continuous shrinkage priors on the other hand are in many application areas. A typical example is a easy to implement, provide convenient computation regression or classification problem with a large number using generic sampling tools such as Stan (Stan Devel- of predictor variables. In such problems, a careful opment Team, 2016), and can yield as good or better formulation of the prior distribution – or regularization results. A particularly interesting example is the horse- shoe prior (Carvalho et al., 2009, 2010) Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artifi- cial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2017, Fort Laud- 2 2 θj λ j,τ N 0,λ τ , erdale, Florida, USA. JMLR: W&CP volume 54. Copyright | ∼ j (1) 2017 by the author(s). λ C +(0, 1), j=1,...,D, j ∼ � � Global shrinkage in the horseshoe prior which has shown comparable performance to the spike- variance. The horseshoe prior is set for the regression and-slab prior in a variety of examples where a spar- coefficientsβ=(β 1,...,β D) sifying prior on the model parameters θj is desirable β λ ,τ N 0,λ 2τ 2 , (Carvalho et al., 2009, 2010; Polson and Scott, 2011). j | j ∼ j + (3) The horseshoe is one of the so called global-local shrink- λj C � (0, 1),� j=1,...,D. age priors, meaning that there is a global parameter ∼ τ that shrinks all the parameters towards zero, while If an intercept term β0 is included in the model (2), we the heavy-tailed half-Cauchy priors allow some param- give it a relativelyflat prior, because there is usually eters θj to escape the shrinkage (see Section 2 for more no reason to shrink it towards zero. As discussed in thorough discussion). the introduction, the horseshoe prior has been shown to possess several desirable theoretical properties and So far there has been no consensus on how to carry good performance in practice (Carvalho et al., 2009, out inference for the global hyperparameter τ which 2010; Polson and Scott, 2011; Datta and Ghosh, 2013; determines the overall sparsity in the parameter vector van der Pas et al., 2014). The intuition is the following: θ and therefore has a large impact on the results. For the global parameter τ pulls all the weights globally reasons discussed in Section 3.1, we prefer full Bayesian towards zero, while the thick half-Cauchy tails for the inference. For many interesting datasets, τ may not local scales λj allow some of the weights to escape the be well identified by data, and in such situations the shrinkage. Different levels of sparsity can be accom- hyperprior choice p(τ) becomes crucial. This is the modated by changing the value of τ: with large τ all question we address in this paper. the variables have very diffuse priors with very little The novelty of the paper is summarized as follows. shrinkage towards zero, but letting τ 0 will shrink → We derive analytically the relationship between τ and all the weightsβ j to zero. meff – the effective number of nonzero components The above can be formulated more formally as follows. in θ (to be defined later) – and show an easy and Let X denote the n-by-D matrix of observed inputs intuitive way of formulating the prior for τ based on and y the observed targets. The conditional posterior our prior beliefs about the sparsity of θ. We focus for the coefficients β given the and on regression and classification, but the methodology data =(X,y) can be written as is applicable also to other generalized linear models D and to other shrinkage priors than the horseshoe. We p(β Λ,τ,σ 2, )=N β β¯,Σ , | D | argue that the previously proposed default priors are 2 2 2 T 1 1 β¯=τ �Λ τ Λ+�σ (X X)− − βˆ, dubious based on the prior they impose on meff, and that they yield good results only when τ (and therefore 2� 1 1 T 1 � Σ=(τ − Λ− + 2 X X)− , meff) is strongly identified by the data. Moreover, we σ show with several real world examples that in those 2 2 ˆ T 1 T where Λ = diag(λ1,...,λ D) and β = (X X)− X y is cases where τ is only weakly identified by data, one T 1 can substantially improve inferences by transforming the maximum likelihood solution (assuming (X X)− exists). If the predictors are uncorrelated with zero even a crude guess of the sparsity level into p(τ) using T our method. mean and unit variance, then X X nI , and we can approximate ≈ Wefirst briefly review the key properties of the horse- ¯ ˆ shoe prior in Section 2, and then proceed to discuss the βj = (1 κ j)βj, (4) − prior choice p(τ) in Section 3. The importance of the concept is illustrated in Section 4 with real world data. where Section 5 concludes the paper by giving some recom- 1 κj = 2 2 2 (5) mendations on the prior choice based on the theoretical 1 +nσ − τ λj considerations and numerical experiments. is the shrinkage factor for coefficient βj. The shrink- 2 THE HORSESHOE PRIOR FOR age factor describes how much coefficient βj is shrunk towards zero from the maximum likelihood solution LINEAR REGRESSION (κj = 1 meaning complete shrinkage and κj = 0 no shrinkage). From (4) and (5) it is easy to verify that Consider the single output linear Gaussian regression β¯ 0 asτ 0, and β¯ βˆ asτ . model with several input variables, given by → → → →∞ The result (5) holds for any prior that can be written y =β Tx +ε ,ε N 0,σ 2 , i=1, . . . , n , (2) i i i i ∼ as a scale mixture of Gaussians like (3), regardless of where x is the D-dimensional� vector� of inputs, β con- the prior for λj. The horseshoe employs independent 2 tains the corresponding weights and σ is the noise half-Cauchy priors for all λj, and for this choice one can Juho Piironen, Aki Vehtari

Bayesian solution and fails to account for the poste- rior uncertainty. For these reasons we recommend full Bayesian inference for τ, and focus on how to specify the prior distribution.

3.2 Earlier Approaches 0 0.5 1 κ Carvalho et al. (2009) also recommend full Bayesian inference for τ, and following Gelman (2006), they Figure 1: Density for the shrinkage factor (5) for the propose prior 2 2 horseshoe prior (3) when nσ− τ = 1 (solid) and when 2 2 + nσ− τ = 0.1 (dashed). τ C (0, 1), (7) ∼ whereas Polson and Scott (2011) recommend show that, forfixed τ and σ, the shrinkage factor (5) follows the prior τ σ C + 0,σ 2 . (8) | ∼ 1 1 σ− τ√n 1 Here C+ 0, a2 denotes the� half-Cauchy� distribution p(κj τ,σ)= 2 2 . | π (nσ− τ 1)κj + 1 √κj 1 κ j with location 0 and scale a. If the target variable y − − � � (6) is scaled to have marginal variance of 1, unless the � noise level σ is very small, both of these priors typically 2 2 1 1 When nσ− τ = 1, this reduces to Beta 2 , 2 which lead to quite similar posteriors. However, as we argue looks like a horseshoe, see Figure 1. Thus, a priori, we in Section 3.3, there is a theoretical justification for � � expect to see both relevant (κ = 0, no shrinkage) and letting τ scale with σ. The main motivation for using irrelevant (κ = 1, shrinkage) variables. By changing the a half-Cauchy prior for τ is that it evaluates to afinite value of τ, the prior for κ places more mass either close positive value at the origin, yielding a proper posterior 2 2 to 0 or 1. For instance, choosing τ so that nσ− τ = 0.1 and allowing even complete shrinkage τ 0, while favors complete shrinkage (κ = 1) and thus we expect still having a thick tail which can accommodate→ a more variables to be shrunk a priori. In the next wide range of values. For these reasons, C+ 0, a2 is section we discuss an intuitive way of designing a prior a desirable choice when there are enough observations � � distribution for τ based on assumptions about the to let τ be identified by data. Still, we show that in number of nonzero components inβ. several cases one can clearly benefit by choosing the scale a in a more careful manner than simply a = 1 3 THE GLOBAL SHRINKAGE or a = σ, because for most applications these choices PARAMETER place far to much mass for implausibly large values of τ. This point is discussed in Section 3.3. Moreover, in some cases, τ can be so weakly identified by the data This section discusses the prior choice for the global that one can obtain even better results by using a more hyperparameter τ. We begin with a short note on informative and tighter prior, such as half-normal, in why we prefer full Bayesian inference for τ over point place of half-Cauchy (see the experiments in Section 4). estimation, and then go on to discuss how we propose to set up the priorp(τ). van der Pas et al. (2014) study the optimal selection ofτ in the model 3.1 Full Bayes versus Point Estimation y β +ε ,ε N 0,σ 2 , i=1, . . . , n. (9) i ∼ i i i ∼ In principle, one could use a plug-in estimate for τ, ob- � � tained either by cross-validation or maximum marginal They prove that in such a setting, the optimal value likelihood (sometimes referred to as “empirical Bayes”). (up to a log factor) in terms of mean squared error and The maximum marginal likelihood estimate has the posterior contraction rates in comparison to the true drawback that it is always in danger of collapsing to β∗ is ˆτ= 0 if the parameter vector happens to be very sparse. p∗ Moreover, rather than being computationally conve- τ ∗ = , (10) n nient, this approach might actually complicate matters as the marginal likelihood is not analytically available where p∗ denotes the number of nonzeros in the true co- for non-Gaussian likelihoods. While cross-validation efficient vector β∗ (assuming such exists). Their proofs avoids the latter problem and possibly also thefirst assume that n, p∗ and p∗ = o(n). Model (9) one, it is computationally less efficient than the full corresponds to setting→ ∞X = I and D = n in the usual Global shrinkage in the horseshoe prior regression model (2). It is unclear whether and how are used as scales for priors (7) and (8). For instance, this result could be extended to a more general X, and if D = 1000 and n = 200, then prior guess p0 = 5 gives 4 how one should utilize this result when p∗ is unknown aboutτ 0 = 3.6 10 − σ. (as it usually is in practice). In the next section, we · To further develop the intuition about the connection formulate our method of constructing the prior p(τ) between τ and m , it is helpful to visualize the prior based on prior beliefs about p , and show that if p was eff ∗ ∗ imposed on m for different prior choices for τ. This known, our method would also give rise to result (10), eff is most conveniently done by drawing samples for m ; but is more generally applicable. eff wefirst draw τ p (τ) and λ ,...,λ C+(0, 1), then ∼ 1 D ∼ compute the shrinkage factors κ1,...,κ D from (5), and 3.3 Effective Number of Nonzero Coefficients finallym eff from (13).

Consider the prior distribution for the shrinkage factor Figure 2 shows histograms of prior draws for meff for of the jth regression coefficient, Eq. (6). The mean some different prior choices for τ, with total number and variance can be shown to be of inputs D = 10 and D = 1000, assuming n = 100 ob- 1 servations with σ = 1. Thefirst three priors utilize the E[κj τ,σ]= 1 , (11) value τ0 which is computed from (16) using p0 = 5 as | 1 +σ − τ√n 1 our hypothetical prior guess for the number of relevant σ− τ√n Var[κ τ,σ]= . (12) variables. Fixingτ=τ 0 results in a nearly symmetric j 1 √ 2 | 2(1 +σ − τ n) distribution around p0, while a half-normal prior with A given value for the global parameter τ can be un- scale τ0 yields a skewed distribution favoring solutions derstood intuitively via the prior distribution that it with meff < p0 but allowing larger value to also be imposes on the effective number of coefficients distin- accommodated. The half-Cauchy prior behaves simi- guishable from zero (or effective number of nonzero larly to the half-normal, but results in a distribution coefficients, for short) with a much thicker tail giving substantial mass also to values much larger than p0 when D is large. Figure 2 D also illustrates why the prior τ C+(0, 1) is often a m = (1 κ ). (13) dubious choice: it places far too∼ much mass on large eff − j j=1 � values of τ, consequently favoring solutions with most of the coefficients unshrunk. Thus when only a small When the shrinkage factors κ are close to 0 and 1 (as j number of the variables are relevant – as we typically they typically are for the horseshoe prior), this quan- assume – this prior results in sensible inference only tity describes essentially how many active or unshrunk when τ is strongly identified by data. Note also that, variables we have in the model. It serves therefore as a if we changed the value of σ or n, thefirst three priors useful indicator of the effective model size. for τ would still impose the same prior for meff, but Using results (11) and (12), the mean and variance of this is not true forτ C +(0, 1). ∼ meff givenτ andσ are given by This way, by studying the prior for meff, one can eas- 1 ily choose the prior for τ based on the beliefs about σ− τ√n E[meff τ,σ]= 1 D, (14) the number of nonzero parameters. Because the prior | 1 +σ − τ√n 1 beliefs can vary substantially for different problems σ− τ√n and the results depend on the information carried by Var[meff τ,σ]= 1 2 D. (15) | 2(1 +σ − τ√n) the data, there is no globally optimal prior for τ that The expression for the mean (14) is helpful. First, works for every single problem. Some recommendations, from this expression it is evident that to keep our prior however, will be given in Section 5 based on these the- oretical considerations and experiments presented in beliefs about meff consistent, τ must scale as σ/√n. Priors that fail to do so, such as (7), favor models of Section 4. varying size depending on the noise level σ and the We shall conclude this section by pointing out a con- number of data points n. Second, if our prior guess for nection between our reference value (16) and the oracle the number of relevant variables is p0, it is reasonable result (10) for the simplified model (9). As pointed to choose the prior so that most of the prior mass is out in the last section, model (9) corresponds to set- located near the value ting X = I (which implies n = D and XTX = I) in p σ the usual regression model (2). Using this fact and τ = 0 , (16) 0 D p √n repeating the steps needed to arrive at (16), we get − 0 which is obtained by solving equation E[m τ,σ] = p . p0 eff | 0 τ0 = σ. (17) Note that this is typically quite far from 1 or σ, which D p 0 − Juho Piironen, Aki Vehtari

+ 2 + 2 + τ=τ τ N 0,τ 0 τ C 0,τ 0 τ C (0, 1) 0 ∼ ∼ ∼ � � � �

D = 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

D = 1000

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 200 400 600 800 1,000

Figure 2: Histograms of prior draws for meff (effective number of nonzero regression coefficients, Eq. (13)) imposed by different prior choices for τ, when the total number of input variables is D = 10 and D = 1000. τ0 is computed from formula (16) assuming n = 100 observations with σ = 1 and p0 = 5 as the prior guess for the number of relevant variables. Note the varying scales on the horizontal axes in the bottom row plots.

Suppose now that we select p0 = p∗, that is, our prior To proceed, we make the rough assumption that we can 2 2 guess is oracle. Using the same assumptions as van der replace each ˜σi by a single variance term ˜σ. Assuming Pas et al. (2014), namely that n, p∗ and p∗ = o(n), further that the covariates are uncorrelated with zero → ∞ and additionally that σ = 1, we get τ p ∗/D = τ ∗. mean and unit variance (as in Sec. 3.3), the posterior 0 → This result is natural, as it means it is optimal to choose mean for the jth coefficient satisfies β¯j = (1 κ j)βˆj τ so that the imposed prior for the effective number of with shrinkage factor given by − nonzero coefficients m is centered at the true number eff 1 of nonzeros p∗. This further motivates why meff is a κj = 2 2 2 . (18) useful quantity. 1 +n˜σ− τ λj The discussion in Section 3.3 therefore also approxi- 3.4 Non-Gaussian Likelihood mately holds for the non-Gaussian observation model, except that σ2 is replaced by ˜σ2. Still, this leaves us When the observation model is non-Gaussian, the ex- with the question, which value to choose for ˜σ2 when act analysis from Section 3.3 is analytically intractable. using this result in practice? We can, however, perform the analysis using a Gaus- sian approximation to the likelihood. Using the second We consider binary classification here as an example. order Taylor expansion for the log likelihood, the ap- It can be shown (see the supplementary material) that proximate posterior for the regression coefficients given for the logistic regression the hyperparameters becomes (see the supplementary 1 T material for details) p(yi = 1 f i) =s(f i) = , fi =β xi, | 1 + exp( fi) p(β Λ,τ,φ, ) N β β¯,Σ , − | D ≈ | for those points that lie on the classification boundary, 1 2 2 T 1 1 − 2 2 β¯=τ �Λ τ Λ+(� X Σ˜ − X)− βˆ, we have ˜σi = 4, and for others ˜σi > 4. For this reason we propose to use the results of Section 3.3 as they are, 2� 1 T 1 1 � Σ=(τ − Λ− +X Σ˜ − X)− , by plugging in σ = 2. In practice this introduces some error, but the good thing is that we know in which way ˜ 2 2 where ˜z = (˜1z,...,˜zn), Σ = diag(˜σ1,...,˜σn) and the results are biased. For instance, because the true T 1 1 T 1 βˆ = (X Σ˜ − X)− X Σ˜ − ˜z (assuming thefirst inverse (unknown) effective noise deviation would be σ> 2, the exists). Here φ denotes the possible dispersion param- prior mean (14) using σ = 2 is actually an overestimate 2 eter and (˜iz,˜σi ) the location and variance for the ith of the true value. Thus also when using the result (16), Gaussian pseudo-observation. The fact that some of we tend to favor slightly too small values of τ and 2 the observations are more informative than others (˜σi thus also solutions with slightly less than p0 nonzero vary) makes further simplification somewhat difficult. coefficients. In practice we observe that this approach, Global shrinkage in the horseshoe prior

+ 2 + 2 + Table 1: Summary of the datasets, number of predictor τ N 0,τ 0 τ C 0,τ 0 τ C (0, 1) ∼ ∼ ∼ variables D and dataset size n. Classification datasets � � � � are all binary.

Dataset Type Dn 0 0.001 0.002 0 0.005 0.01 0 2 4 6 8 10 τ τ τ Ovarian Classification 1536 54 Colon Classification 2000 62 Prostate Classification 5966 102 ALLAML Classification 7129 72 Corn (4 targets) Regression 700 80 0 5 10 15 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 500 1,000 1,500 meff meff meff 4 8 400 4 EXPERIMENTS 3 6 300 2 4 200 1 2 100 We illustrate the importance of the prior choice for τ 0 0 0 0 500 1,000 1,500 0 500 1,000 1,500 0 500 1,000 1,500 with real world examples (see the supplementary ma- Variablej Variablej Variablej terial for an additional experiment on synthetic data). The datasets are summarized in Table 1 and can be found online.1 Thefirst four are microarray cancer Figure 3: Ovarian dataset : Histograms of prior (blue) datasets, some of which have been used as benchmark and posterior (red) samples for τ (top row) and meff datasets by several authors (see e.g., Hern´andez-Lobato (middle row), and absolute values of the posterior et al., 2010, and references therein). The Corn data means for the regression coefficients β¯ (bottom row) (Chen and Martin, 2009) consists of three sets of pre- | j| imposed by three different choices of prior for τ. τ0 dictors (‘m5’, ‘mp5’, ‘mp6’) and four responses. We is computed from (16) using p0 = 3 and σ = 2 (for use the ‘mp5’ input data and consider prediction for reasons explained in Sec. 3.4). Note the changing scales all four targets. on the horizontal axes in the top and middle row plots. A Gaussian linear model was used for the regression tasks and logistic regression for classification. The horseshoe prior was employed for the regression coeffi- though relying on several crude approximations, is still 2 cients and a weakly informative prior β0 N 0, 10 useful and gives reasonably accurate results. for the intercept. The noise variance was∼ given the � � standard prior p(σ2) 1/σ2 in the regression prob- Finally, we note that similar approximate substitute ∝ values for σ to be used in equations of Section 3.3 could lems. All considered models werefitted using Stan also be derived for other link functions and observation (version 2.12.0, codes in the supplementary material), models, but due to limited space, we do not focus on running 4 chains, 1000 samples each,first halves dis- them in this paper. carded as warmup. Effect on parameter estimates Wefirst consider the 3.5 Other Shrinkage Priors Ovarian dataset as a representative example of how much the prior choice p(τ) can affect the parameter Our approach could also be used with shrinkage priors estimates. Wefitted the model to the data using three other than the horseshoe, as long as the prior can be different priors for the global parameter; τ N+ 0,τ 2 , ∼ 0 written as scale mixtures of Gaussians like (3) with τ C+ 0,τ 2 , and τ C+(0, 1), where τ is computed ∼ 0 ∼ 0 � � some prior for the local scales λj p (λj). An example from (16) using p = 3 as our prior guess for the number ∼ � � 0 of such is the hierarchical shrinkage prior – a compu- of relevant variables and σ = 2 (for reasons discussed tationally more robust generalization of the horseshoe in Section 3.4). obtained by replacing the half-Cauchy priors in (3) by half-t distributions with some small degrees of freedom Figure 3 shows prior and posterior samples for τ and (Piironen and Vehtari, 2015). However, the closed form meff, and the absolute values of the posterior means for equations in Section 3.3 apply only to the horseshoe. the regression coefficients, for the three prior choices. The results for τ C+(0, 1) illustrate how weakly τ Depending on the choice of p(λj), corresponding ana- ∼ lytical results may or may not be available, but as long 1Colon, Prostate and ALLAML: http:// as one is able to sample both from p(τ) and p(λj), it is featureselection.asu.edu/datasets.php; Ovarian data: always easy to draw samples from the prior distribution request from thefirst author if needed; Corn data: http: form eff. //software.eigenvector.com/Data/Corn/index.html Juho Piironen, Aki Vehtari

Ovarian Colon Prostate ALLAML

103 103 103 103 e ff 101 101 101 101 ¯ m

1 1 1 1 10− 10− 10− 10− 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 0.4 0.2 0.25 − − − 0.2 0.45 0.25 − − − 0.25 − 0.3 0.5 0.3 − − − 0.3 − MLPD 0.55 0.35 0.35 0.35 − − − − 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 40 60 300 400

30 300 40 200 20 200 20 100 10 100

Time (min) 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 p0 p0 p0 p0

Figure 4: Classification datasets : Posterior mean for meff, mean log predictive density (MLPD) on test data ( one standard error), and computation time for two priors for the global hyperparameter: τ N+ 0,τ 2 (red),± ∼ 0 and τ C+ 0,τ 2 (yellow), where τ is computed from (16) varying p (horizontal axis). For each curve, the 0 0 0 � � largest∼p corresponds to τ = 1. Dotted line in the middle row plots denotes the MLPD for LASSO. All the 0 � � 0 results are averaged over 50 random splits into training and test sets.

is identified by the data: there is very little difference treatment for meff assumes uncorrelated variables, the between the prior and posterior samples for τ and conse- correlations do not seem to be a marked problem in quently for meff, and thus this “non-informative” prior this sense. actually has a strong influence on the posterior infer- Prediction accuracy and computation time To investi- ence. The prior results in a severe under-regularization gate the effect of the prior choice p(τ) on the prediction and implausibly large absolute values for the logistic accuracy, we splitted each dataset into two halves, us- regression coefficients (magnitude in the hundreds). ing onefifth of the data as a test set. All the results Replacing the scale of the half-Cauchy with τ0, reflect- were then averaged over 50 such random splits into ing a more sensible guess for the number of relevant training and test sets. For the regression problems, we + 2 variables, has a substantial effect on the posterior infer- carried out the tests for priors τ σ N 0,τ 0 and + 2 | ∼ ence: the posterior mass for meff becomes concentrated τ σ C 0,τ with τ given by Eq. (16) for various 0 0 � � on more reasonable values and the magnitude of the p| .∼ The experiments for the classification datasets were 0 � � regression coefficients more sensible. Replacing the done using the same priors by plugging in σ = 2. We half-Cauchy by half-normal places a tighter constraint also compared the prediction accuracies to LASSO with on τ and consequently also on meff. Either of these two the regularization parameter tuned by 10-fold cross- choices is a substantial improvement over τ C+(0, 1), validation, and noise variance in regression computed ∼ and this is also seen in the predictive accuracy (to be by dividing the sum of squared residuals by n p , − lasso discussed in a moment). where plasso is the size of the LASSO active set (Reid et al., 2016). A potential explanation for why τ and therefore meff are not strongly identified here is that there are a lot Figures 4 and 5 show the effect of the prior choice on of correlations in the data. For instance, the predictor the posterior mean for meff, test prediction accuracy, j = 1491 which appears relevant based on its regres- and computation time (wall time). The classification sion coefficient, has an absolute correlation of at least datasets illustrate a clear benefit from using even a ρ = 0.5 with 314 other variables, out of which 65 cor- crude prior guess for the number of relevant variables | | relations exceed ρ = 0.7. This indicates that there are p : there is a relatively wide range of values for p | | 0 0 a lot of potentially relevant but redundant predictors which yield simpler models (smaller ¯meff), better pre- in the data. Note also that even though our theoretical dictive accuracy, and substantially reduced computa- Global shrinkage in the horseshoe prior

Corn-Moisture Corn-Oil Corn-Protein Corn-Starch 103 103 103 103

101 101 101 101 e ff ¯ m

1 1 1 1 10− 10− 10− 10−

1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10

0.4 0 − 0.8 0.6 − − 0.6 0.5 0.8 − 1 − − − 0.8 1 − 1.2 1 − − − 1.2 MLPD 1 − − 1.5 1.4 − 1.4 1.2 − − − 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 15 15 15 15

10 10 10 10

5 5 5 5

Time (min) 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 10− 10 10 p0 p0 p0 p0

Figure 5: Regression datasets : Same as in Figure 4 but for the regression datasets. For each curve, the largest p0 corresponds toτ 0 =σ.

tion time when compared to using τ0 = 1 (the largest Bayesian regression and classification. We have shown p0 for each curve), regardless of whether half-normal that the previous default choices are often dubious or half-Cauchy prior is used. The reduced computation based on their tendency to favor solutions with too time is due to tighter concentration of the posterior many parameters unshrunk. The experiments show mass which aids the sampling greatly. The half-Cauchy that for many datasets, one can obtain clear improve- prior performs better than the half-normal prior with ments – in terms of better parameter estimates, pre- small p0 values (both for classification and regression diction accuracy and computation time – by coming datasets), because the thick tails allow τ to get much up even with a crude guess for the number of relevant larger values than τ0, but for too small values of p0, variables and transforming this knowledge into a prior even the half-Cauchy can lead to bad results (Corn-Oil for τ using our proposed framework. The results also – Corn-Starch). On the other hand, when p0 happens to show that there is no globally optimal prior choice that be well chosen, the tighter half-normal prior can yield a would perform best for all problems, which emphasizes simpler model (smaller meff) with equally good or even the relevance of the prior choice. better predictive accuracy (classification datasets). As a new default choice for regression, we recommend + 2 For any reasonably selected prior, the horseshoe consis- τ σ C 0,τ 0 , where τ0 is computed from (16) using tently outperforms LASSO in a pairwise comparison, the| ∼ prior guess p for the number of relevant variables. � �0 but note that for Ovarian and Colon, τ0 = 1 (largest For logistic regression, an approximately equivalent p0) actually yields worse results. In terms of classi- choice is obtained by plugging in σ = 2 (see Sec. 3.4). fication accuracy, the differences are smaller, but in This choice seems to perform well unless p0 is very far regression, the horseshoe also performs better when from the optimal. If the results still indicate that more measured by the mean squared error (not shown). A regularization is needed, we recommend investigating clear advantage for LASSO, on the other hand, is that the imposed prior on meff as discussed in Section 3.3, it is hugely faster, with computation time of less than and changing p(τ) so that the prior for meff corresponds a second for these problems. to our beliefs as closely as possible.

5 CONCLUSION AND Acknowledgements RECOMMENDATIONS We thank Andrew Gelman, Jonah Gabry and Eero Sii- vola for helpful comments to improve the manuscript. This paper has discussed the prior choice for the global We also acknowledge the computational resources pro- shrinkage parameter in the horseshoe prior for sparse vided by the Aalto Science-IT project. Juho Piironen, Aki Vehtari

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