Rebuilding Factorized Information Criterion: Asymptotically Accurate Marginal Likelihood Kohei Hayashi
[email protected] Global Research Center for Big Data Mathematics, National Institute of Informatics Kawarabayashi Large Graph Project, ERATO, JST Shin-ichi Maeda
[email protected] Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University Ryohei Fujimaki
[email protected] NEC Knowledge Discovery Research Laboratories Abstract eters and probabilistic models is not one-to-one) and Factorized information criterion (FIC) is a re- such classical information criteria based on the regu- cently developed approximation technique for larity assumption as the Bayesian information criterion the marginal log-likelihood, which provides an (BIC) (Schwarz, 1978) are no longer justified. Since ex- automatic model selection framework for a few act evaluation of the marginal log-likelihood is often not latent variable models (LVMs) with tractable in- available, approximation techniques have been developed ference algorithms. This paper reconsiders FIC using sampling (i.e., Markov Chain Monte Carlo meth- and fills theoretical gaps of previous FIC studies. ods (MCMCs) (Hastings, 1970)), a variational lower bound First, we reveal the core idea of FIC that allows (i.e., the variational Bayes methods (VB) (Attias, 1999; generalization for a broader class of LVMs. Sec- Jordan et al., 1999)), or algebraic geometry (i.e., the widely ond, we investigate the model selection mecha- applicable BIC (WBIC) (Watanabe, 2013)). However, nism of the generalized FIC, which we provide model selection using these methods requires heavy com- a formal justification of FIC as a model selec- putational cost (e.g., a large number of MCMC sampling in tion criterion for LVMs and also a systematic a high-dimensional space, an outer loop for WBIC.) procedure for pruning redundant latent variables.