Jujitsu Suwari Waza
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USPS 985-820 THE ONE.PUNCH KNOCKOUT OF SHORINRYU KARATE BRAIN DAMAGE: THE HIDDEN DANGE' OF FULL CONTACT SOUTHERN PRAYING MANTIS KUNG FU: QUICK, DIRECT AND EFFECTIVE 1 2 Jujitsu, the "gentle art," is one of ki, as in all soft arts. In this sense, ki is the most ancient martial arts as well defined as your opponent's inner as one of the most effective fornis of strength or momentum. Although all self-defense. But· it is also a contem- martial arts use the attacker's ki to porary art. While jujitsu can be traced some extent, the use of ki is very ob- back over 2,500 years, at the same vious in suwari waza. time it served as the basis for two In addition to using your attacker's more contemporary martial arts Uudo ki, you must try not to disturb your and aikido) while continuing to survive own ki if at all possible. The entire in- on its own. Jujitsu has characteristics tent of suwari waza is to execute the that have allowed it to endure through technique with minimum effort on the ages. your part, combined with minimal One of its characteristics is the movement. As you are in a formal sit- almost infinite variety of techniques. ting position anyway, you are not free Also, of equal importance, is the dif- to make large sweeping movements. ferent positions from which jujitsu Therefore, your motions must be con- techniques can be executed. Jujitsu fined; you must control your techniques can be executed - while opponent's movement. standing, lying on the ground or from a In suwari waza you defend yourself sitting position. In jujitsu, executing from a formal sitting position-never techniques from a formal sitting posi- getting up onto your feet. Depending tion is known as suwari waza, and it's on the situation, you may either throw almost an art in itself. your opponent or use a takedown technique to bring him into submis- Suwari Waza: Seated Self-defense sion. All suwari waza techniques in- Suwari waza is just one way of clude mat submissions in which practicing techniques learned in jujit- nerves, pressure points, joint-locks, or su as well as aikido. It is a manner of a combination of the three are used. executing techniques that involves the All through the technique (the throw or use of joint-locking and nerve tech- takedown as well as the submission), niques to bring your opponent down. the jujitsu practitioner has definite What makes it useful to both jujitsu and absolute control of the attacker. If and aikido is that proper execution re- he is relaxed, doinq the technique cor-· quires patience and calmness. Both rectly, and retaining his balance, he attributes are-essential towards learn- will find that his attacker will come to ing either art. him and move as he wishes, even The theory behind suwari waza is to when the attacker is on the ground make exclusive use of your attacker's and the jujitsu man is sitting in a for- f' ~, .- by George Kirby 38 Although this throw from the,seated sa w~za position is relatively simple, it is narrow base of support that tests the p titioner's balance. An overhead knife tack is blocked with the right arm. The hand grabs the knife hand and twists side/out and down, using the right han a fulcrum. The wrist lock is held thro submission. mal position. Remember, the idea is.to in lots of repetition, and he also be- base from which to start a technf use his ki. lieved that if you learn any martial art The feet are used to establish a wi correctly it will help you. base for balance. It is easier to m Flaws In Your Technique? Suwari waza is uniquely related to toward, away or around your atta Learn the art. and you'll be able to this concept because it will work pro- from a standing position. Also, y' defend yourself, was a phrase that my perly only if you're doing the technique body can be easily moved to main instructor, Sanzo Seki, constantly told correctly. Do it wrong, even slightly, or regain your balance if you lose his students. He believed that the mar- and you're in trouble. Suwari waza is Executing techniques from su tial arts should be taught as an art; one way of finding out what you really waza reduces your area of bala that if you learn the technique correct- know and how well you've learned it. That is, since all techniques start ly you have a better chance of suc- Most jujitsu techniques, except end in a formal sitting position, yo' cessfully defending yourself- In jujits defenses. are taught from a not have the wide base from whic one technique is one snecif eze. ready standing position. maintain your balance. Thus t ot like a kata in karate. aza has many advantages as a niques require much more control. -.:: you have a smaller area of balance attacker you can control his body as you must also maintain a smaller well. sphere of control in order to properly The execution of suwari waza is execute techniques. fairly simple and straightforward. In jujitsu and aikido extensive use Although there are exceptions, the is made of te waza, or hand tech- same. general rules apply to most se- niques. Te waza are used exclusively quences. Keep in mind that the em- in suwari waza for any type of attack. phasis is on simplicity. Although the term te waza refers All techniques start in a formal sit- Blocking an overhead club attack with an basically to hand techniques, for the ting position. Assuming that your op- X-block, the defender grabs the wrist and sake of simplicity it shall also refer to ponent grabs your wrist, you would forearm and twists inside/out and up, as he hand, wrist, or finger techniques in step forward onto your foot on the shifts his body 90 degrees_ A second 90 this article (te = hand, tekubi = wrist, same side of your body as the hand degree shift brings the attacker's arm directly overhead from where he is thrown yubi = fingers). Te waza requires a that will control the attacker. In this to the mat (the motion is smooth and con- smaller sphere of control, and by con- case if the right hand was grabbed you tinuous from the moment the wrists are trolling the hand, wrist, or finpersof an would step forward onto your right grasped)_ sawari it is the the prac- knife at- The left twists in- hand as through hnique. a wider to move attacke lso, your maintai lose it. m suwar balance start an n, you d which t us tec ntrol. A , ( • ,I ~ v. • -- . ---- - --- --------- ---' ,- foot. If the technique you select re- gram. Students have the opportu quires that you end up facing 180 to use the same techniques Ultimate ~ degrees from where you were original- learned standing up, but in a ly facing, you will have to switch knees critical position-sitting down. Double-K~ as you turn. In the process of turning will also be able to see how effec (if it is a throw), you would execute the those techniques' are when t Protective Cup appropriate te waza, depending upon become the attacker in a dojo si Double-K SupporJer the attack. After the throw or take- tion. down you would always return to a for- There is also the additional ben Wear the Best "Medically Approved" mal sitting position. You will then of discovering how easy it is to con Douhle-K finish the sequence with a nerve hold, an opponent on the ground while Supporter Pat. Pen-d. joint-lock, or a combination of both, maining in a formal sitting positio using the attacker's ki to. have him suwari waza it isn't necessary to m move to you so that you can set the to your opponent to set a submiss same or other hold for a submission. once he's on the ground. Through use of nerves, pressure points k Benefits of Suwari Waza joint-locks, the opponent will gla, only Some people might question the move towards you with the hope value of suwari waza. What value is it escaping from some of the pain 8&.95 in the class, to the students, on the discomfort you are creating in Cup& supporter Set street? It might seem that to practice mind, only to find himself more eff' ~ jujitsu from this format would be a tively held in place or the victim 0 t PROnCTS All ANGlES waste of time. After all, who's going to new hold, pressure point, or ne defend themselves while sitting in a technique. !SEND TODAY! formal position? Applicability? Suwari waza can Rather than question its value in ORDERING INFORMATION • very easily applied to a street sit Sold Exclusively by Small: 20·28 waist terms of applicability, it might be bet- tion. It's relatively easy to defend yOI (youth 6-12 yrs.) UNIVERSAL Med: 28-36 TRADING CO. ter to accept the exercise for the value self while standing up. The ov Lg: 36-44 265 Atwood St. X·Lg: 44-50 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 that it has. Suwari waza can benefit whelming majority of instuction (412) 621·3888 Send Money Order or Wholesale Rates Available any student in a number of ways. most martial art dojo deals w Certified Check No. C.O.O.'s Ask for Catalog of Entire First, it helps the practitioner im- defenses while standing.