CRIT 150 (Spring 2018) Histories of Art, Design, and Visual Culture MW 4:00-5:20 Andy Campbell
[email protected] 213.743.1858 Office Hours: W 1:00-3:00pm TA: Allison Littrell (
[email protected]) and by appointment IFT 113F This course is a thematic and issues-based, loosely chronological survey of art, visual culture, design, and critical theory from the early modern period through Modernism (roughly 1300 – 1959). We will privilege the interrelationship between these diverse fields, as well as interrogate the formation of these histories as “canon.” This course’s argument is that “Art” and “Design” are categories of production and experience deeply informed (and created) by the colonial and imperial projects of the Global West and North. We will bounce between lecture and discussion formats, as we seek to understand the Western canon of art and design, while also interrogating and expanding upon its limits. Every two weeks or so students will take an open-note quiz comprised of identifications and short essays to assess their progress in the course. Throughout the semester students will be introduced to the process of academic research. The two major assignments in this class focus on research (finding, synthesizing, citing). Rather than a means of arriving at a uniform output (e.g. an end-of-year paper), the goal is to deepen and improve basic research and writing skills, giving equal weight to digital and analogue methods of research— browsing both databases and shelves. This course’s content has been partially constructed by former students; for the final assignment, you will propose a course session for potential inclusion in a future version of this course.