


HIS DEAD BODY FOUND LOVELAXD & FORCE SELL Come in and see our new... 5 The Sturdy Oak HANGIN# IN THE BARN OUT TO PRICE & COVERT Tuesday Moralag. Hanged Himself Delos H. Owen Sells to His Partner During the Might. Dwiglrt F. Butts. IfflRoded White Ware Has its begioniug with the implanted acorn. David H. English of South Bos- Numerous are the changes in Likewise, the Tree of Fortune takes root ton hanged himself in his barn Lowell business circles and t^o with the opening of a savings account with sometime during Monday night more have to be recorded for the just received, made in us. One I>ollai* is sufficient to start and his dead body was discovered past week. Germany... i an account—smaller or larger sums mav Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock. Loveland «t Force, west sidegro- We still have a few follow. We are informed that Mr. ceis, have sold their grocery busi- English had had a good deal of ness to Will A. Price and A. G. trouble with his farm tenant and Coveit who will conduct the busi- Blue I^lame Oil Stoves THE CITY BANK, had been very despondent during ness under the style of Price & the past two weeks and on Monday Covert. The members of the new left, also some good 2 HILL, WAITS A CO. refused to eat. Ue wss in Lowell firm are well known in Lowell, Mr. Steel Rang'es. 3 Saturday apparently in his usual Price having been with E. R. Col- health, however he had been sub- lar for a number of years in the dry We hare womt good p . /O > aa 3 ject to epilepsy for a number of goods business and Mr Covert with years. with Marks Ruben in the dry goods vpra/cer dt Lamboll. | Deceased was a veteran of the and clothing business. Hoth have Civil war and he was fond of say- had previous experience in the ing: "1 am the laziest and luckiest groce^- business and ought to win old soldier in Michigan;'' but we the success their many friends will Ctosing could never see where the wlazy" cordially wish them. came in. He kept an accurate Messrs. Loveland Force will account of all his receipts now confine themselues to the buy- and expenditures and it was his ing aud selling of produce and are boast that he could account for going to build a new warehouse We have a few bicycles left which every penny that passed through west of the old store for the busi- Closing Out Sale we will close out for less than cost his hands for thirty- years. His ness. Lowell will surely continue ecord books were his pride and he a good and improving market town. visited most of the printing offices 9 The firm of Butte & Owen, West l^adies CJrescent 13ie.y«*ie JSiiT-OO in this section exhibitiug them and side shoe dealers, has dissolved, =0F BICYCLES— " Hudson 10.00 saying that if farmers generally Mr. Owen retiring to devote him- Men's Wheels Irom & 1*5 up to S#30 would keep books there would be self exclusively to the growing local fewer farm mortgages foreclosed. business of the Citizen's Telephone Beginning Sat. June 15th Yours truly. His oldest book had to be rebound Company and Mr. Butts will con- a year or two since as it was nearly tinue the shoe business at the old worn out with frequent reference stand. I will offer my entire line of High Grade Wheels at to it. Aside from these, numerous of greatly reduced prices. Remember, that no more will be offered at these prices after those in stock are Mr. English was about 55 years the village clerks are said to be sold. Tires and sundries also going cheap. Remem- old and leaves a wife and adopted contemplating makiug changes in ber the place and date. daughter in good circuinstance*. the near future and matters matri- monial miy mature very soon. TWIST THE BRITISH LION S TAIL. HOME NEWS. R. D. STOCKING. P. 8.-Inquire what I am going to do with those tine Rambler Programe for July 4th In Lowell. New arrival of coffee to sell on Chainless Wheels. Following is the program of ex- their quality 35c, 25c, 20o and 15«. ercises for the celebration in Lowell John Giles k Co. to-day: Miss Stella Ranney, who has National aaluts a( BUD rise been teaching in Colorado, is visit- YOUR 9:00 Band concert at bland park ing friends here. Vocal Solo—"A Son of Peaee" ••••••••••••«•••••••••••• Mrs, F. W. I>avej Miss lone Price is going to Ithaca 10.00 Mosir, m>1u and chorus "'Red. White ,, Friday to spend her vacation with and BIue her uncle, S. E. Parish. Declaration of Independance B. P. Hick* Music.aolo and choruf-"StRr Spangled Ban- Ruben Quick lost a valuable gold Our Boys All Wool ner" watch and chain, one day last week, Oration Hon- P. T. Calgrote while unloading hay in the barn. Music •America" Chorus Balloon ascension at noon See THE LEDTIEB's beautiful new 1:00 Sport P. on East Main Street wedding script before getting your Cheviot and Casslmoro! Prizes invitations and announcements. 100 jard dabh 200 ?ard dash $1—$2—|l Miss Ethel Farr of Oneksma spent 60 yard dash fat man's race |S-|«-|1 On our Kodak Department and if it gets tired come in Monday night with Miss Donna Sack rare $2—11 Wisner, who returned from Olivet Suits at $3.75 and get a pair of glasses and rest it—a perfect fit Boys (14 years or under) •2-|l Putting the shot (16 lb) 12-fl Monday. guaranteed. 14 mile run •3—$2—$1 A. W. Burnett of Saranac wit- Follow band to ball ground nessed the ball game between the Sizes 12 to 19 years—Coat. Vest aud Pants—is the best ^ General Kodak ; Supplies— Base ball gane Purse $25 00 East and West side business men value of all values—Suits that we have been selling- at X Plates, Films, Papers, de- Y. M. A. of Grand Rapids vs. Lowell ,$5.00, 6.00 and 7.00. The}- must all go. velopers, Toning bolution, Tub races $3—f2—$1 last Thursday. Nothing must High dive 50 feel by Prof. Nyberg Dr. A. E. (Jambell leaves Satur- be left to tell the tale. etc. Long dive 600 feet under water Prof. Owen 6:30 Balloon ascension day, July 6, for a ten days trip to If you nnd prices below us you'll find quality below 8'U0 Brilliant display of firework) Colorado, during which time his also, Band will render choice selections during office will be closed. the dar. One continuous round of amuse- Z: The People's Store. Mrs. Weldon Smith entertained The White Front. ment. All come. friends Monday night is honor of HOME NEWS. Miss Cora Rogers of Grand Rapids, m. m. Pulkn. who has been visiting her. A. D. Oliver Malta Vita food. Mrs. J. D. Kelly spent last week The Clothier. John Giles tt Co. visiting her little daughter, who Annual school meeting July S has been otaying with an aunt, near The office building of the IM.V Grand Rapids for several weeks. Milling company is being paint-*1. Attorney Joe Kerwin of Grand Miss Mattie Thompson has been Rapids met the Village Council tendered the principalship of the Monday evening on matters per- West ward school. taining to his street railway fran- chise. Miss Donna Wisner has been While celebrating the 4th make chosen district librarian in place of The Ix>weJ^Ledger entered upon Mrs. Robinson resigned. its ninth volume last week with ev- your headquarters at our store. ery prospect of a prosperous future John Beery left Monday for in its field.—[Grand Rapids Even- Frankfort, Benzie county, where he ing Press. has a job on the lake shore that will last him through the heated season. Jesse Tompsett spent several mFORDS days last week with his brother C. Vou are melcome Friends of THE LEDGER having J. at Sparta and witnessed the exer business at the Probate court will cises of the Sparta High school, his confer a favor upon the publisher niece, Miss Ethel being one of the by requesting the Judge to send If you need seasonable goods, we can show you excellent class. These warm days you want something cool he advertising to this paper. tf lines at very low prices. Special Prices on WASH 1 for the feet. That means OXFORD TIES. Letters at Lowell post office for The announcement of tf^^nar- SILKS ann Mercerized Goods July 4. Look them over. We have them at: A. F. Ward, Lewis Watson, John riage of Mrs. Netta Rickert,^ragh- Kelley, Walter Hayes, W. G, Han- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller of cee, Wm. F. Harley, W. 11. Deck- this place, to 11. R.Wallman of Mt er, F. M. Corelt, F. G. Clark, W. View, Alberta, Canada, to take place today, has l>een received here. 1.25 B. Brownell, Mrs. Mary Smith, J. B. NICHOLSON Mrs. E. A. Squires, Miss Nina A farwcll surprise party was giv- 1.50 Goodnow, Lavanche Bowen, Mrs. en to Joseph Adams by his neigh- 1.75 Rose A. Bowen, Miss Anna Buxton. bors. last Friday evening, about 2.00 twenty being present lie started 2.50 To Rent, Suite Rooms. Monday for Bella Vista, Cal., to Sitting room, 2 bedrooms, dining be with his daughter, Mrs. Calvin SANDALS: room, kitchen, back porch, hard Maynard. and soft water, electric lights, sew- C. J. Brunskil! Job Printing 1 strap $1.25 er, etc. Over Oliver's store. En- clerking in D. G. T store 8 strap $2.50 quire of F. A. Graham. for the past several » = •com- That is Up-to-Date, panied by his wife liter s For Sale Cheap! parents, of Hudson The kind you feel proud of and That splendid farm of 80 acres nia M'mrfav The kind that cannot be excelled in town of Bowue known as nortV j Is the only kind you want and half of south-west Quarter of n,J The only place to get it is of the 1 ;OaniP 911 P 'P 22, town 5 north rang' nine ^2*** i m<-tm<'nt« against land locate Enquire of Susan A. ) Missoula district, charging perjury In John M. j swearing that they filed upon lan.ls for Lowell, Mich. hare their j use. whereas they transfetye them after getting the titles. t d,>MUr of 1Mt ,nonlh , blRCk STEAMER WRECKED. TALMAGE'S ' SERMON. ™ uX ' do not positively aay that in a pro- SQUATS IN THE BIO MUDDY. longed Illness there would have been DR. E. D. MCQUEEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cook WnntB $HJ. Lightning struck In nuinprous Mich- P«pt* Slr««l«r of Chtnaxn " •» Imitator igan towns Tuesday. While consider- The steamer Lusltanla from Liver- 'BE ye angry and sin Can you hoar the story of the unprin- a retraction, but I think there would. gmett frrfgrr. Samuel F. Cook, Journal flcrk of the i NOT' cipled manipulators of stocks and of In Kan«a« I'ltr. VETERINARY SURGEON, house, asks the Supreme Court for a ahle JO properly Is reported. pool, June 18, for Montreal, having 500 — EPH. IV: 20. Th« Work of an Instant. Captain Streeter, the famous squat- 1. there was no loss of life. passengers on board, was wrecked the devices of the gambling saloon to A man thoroughly mad can aay O.C. MC DANN-LL.M. D. mandamus to compel Aud.-Gen. Pow- entrap the verdant and unsuspicious tor of tho north shore, ha.i an imi- Dcutistry nnd Murgery ft Specialty PbyitcUu and Burgeon. Oincu, 43 Drldgs F. M. Jon.Nsox, Publisher. ers to counterMign his order for fHO The eighth annual meeting of Tuesday night off Cope Bhuihrd, on enough In two minutes to damage him lator in Kansas City. For the Mio- Livery. Feed and Sale B.irn A Smash Up on the Wabash Kills b without having your pulses tingle, and •treet, Lowell, Mich. Happenings of a Week in Our mileage representing 800 miles from sheriffs, ehiefg of police and prosecut- the const of Newfoundland, about 00 Hi* SI af AleoholliM—The tplrll of for 20 years. It took only five m'nutes jouri town, as well as Chicago, has a in roinii-ct urn ing attorneys of Michigan will be held miles south of St. Johns. Tho LnsU Osmbllng—Aid for tb* UabellvTar— your heart thump, and your entire na- LOWELL, MICHIOAN. Rock River, Alger ecunty. to Lnnslug Sixteen People, ,for the earthquake to destroy Caracas, shifting water front, as the Missouri Great Staie. In Muskegon, July 17 and IS. tanla was bound round Cope Race for laiilCDBilon Ovac Frsad—Sleroy tyr ture shocked with tho villainy? It so, and return. Cook claims Rock River One unfortunate sentence uttered in river has an uncanny habit of shift- Btdh Phon^ *•«. IS. M. C. GREENE, M. D. as his home, always voting there. Pow- The Kent county board of super- Montreal, with a large cargo and a the Kr.log One. you are not much of a man or much of «OV'ELL, MICH, ship load of passengers. She mistook •u «re noi mucti of a man or much of ] affront In a speech in the United Statej ing its course frequently, submerging phjalcUn ind SurguoD. Otllce over Boylto'i The largest ne;dle manufactory ia ers refused to countersign the certitl- visors will semi six men aliout the WILD SCENE IN A BAD WRECK. woman. You ought to he angry, for senate shut forever the door of the what has been drv Innd in tho n..oi the wor'd Is at Rcddllch, Worcester- SELECTED AND STEWED DOWN. her course In a dense fog ana went there is no ain in such vehement dis- . . — has been dry land in the past •tore, Bridgoitreet, Lowell, Ulcb. cate. claiming that Cook was In Lan- state to see what otlur counties are .(Copyright, 1901, by Louis Klopach, N. Y.) White House against one of the most and creating real o.stato where once JAPANESE NAPKINS! shlre. Eng. Over 70,000,000 needles are sing nt the time the legislature ton doing in the matter of assessments. ashore. Tho passengers, who nre most- like. You ought to be so angry that you ii An Eye WltnrM Drscrlhe* the Scene nt ly emigrants, were panic-stricken. brilliant men of the last century. You there was naught but muddy water Muke eni xouvonlr* of fomtvo oc- The runprnl of Iho Ijit® K*-Goremor-Mr vetted, and therefore was not entitled Washington, June SO.—A delicate could not repress your feelings In tho CUSIOIIH. Wv (urnlsh unit print ibcin made there weekly. A scheme is being promoted to build They stampeded nnd fought for tho can never trust a horse that has onc« rushing onward to the gulf. In the for ontv . : : : to the mileage. Chief Clerk Miller, of KejrHtonn—The l>c*lruottnn of I'mperty and difficult duty Is by Dr. Talmago In presence of young men who are Just C.C.TOWSLEY, M. 0 ,0 ET A. CHIR. Crapu's Third CtoM Can The an electric railway from Sai'Innw to boats, but were overcome by the of- run away, and you do not foel llk« channel of tho river. Just a stone's 75 Cents Per IOO. Tasmania's tutors engaged by farm- the house, who appointed Oook, nnd Grand Rapids, a distance of 120 miles. Sntd to He Wone thnn Reported.—Other this discourse urged upon all, and es- forming their life theories. In every -SPKCULTV— Sliile Tii*p« I'nlil llomnr IIIIkh CuufoiweK. ficers and crew, who secured control trusting a man who has Just once lost throw from the foot of one of Kansas S'lit wtthuui liny prinitnjf If desired ers often work with their pupils In the who is his nttorney In this ease, claims It Is said that the right of way has pecially upon those given to quick possible way you ought to denounce ut the otllce ut : : New* Note*. after grent trouble and a prolonged his equilibrium. You need to drlvt City's chief business streets, is an isl- EYE.EAR, NOSE AND TUROAT Other .Mlrhlcan New*. that as the legislature declared Cook been secured. temper; text, Epheslans iv, 26, "Be ye such stupendous robbery. Let It be fields, notably at harv.st time and in entitled to tiie mileage, that question struggle with the rougher element your temper os a man drives a froc- and of about 130 acres, which John H. THE LOWELL LEDGER. Office Qrthim Block, angry and sin not." known that the only successful game the shearing season. of fact is determined for ail time, ami 1>. S. Etherldge. a Qttlncy farmer, among the passengers, who used tlous span amid the explosions of a Men&lng claims to own. Ills claim datea Bell Phone 100. The UIIM Murder, made and sold In one month 4r)0% The stream along which the Virginia knives. Tho women and children were Equipose of temper, kindness, pa- In which a man plays for money is Lowell, Mich cannot be reviewed, even by the Ju- floods have been reported to be most Fourth of July morning or the pyro- from 1857, when he discovered the isi- An Italian named Lamadth'.a ha? Tlio body of Cimrles Bliss, the Ger- pounds of butter, the product of 14 Jer- first landed and the men followed. tience, forbearance, are extolled by the one which a man losea all and diciary. and tnnc'a less by the audi tot- disastrous. Is the Elkhorn. This stream technlcs of the Fourth of July night, and and took up his residence upon it. FOR FIRI man fnnuer who dtoippcnrcd from his sey cows. 7 of which were heifers, not Tho crew stood by tho ihip. There li most of the radiant pens of Inspiration, stops. invented a repeating gun which Urea general. Joins the Tug river, in which high wa- with curbed bit, taut rein, commanding Lator the covornmont came along E. A HODCES, D 0 8. nineteen shots without reloading and home three weeks ago was found Sun- yet 2 years of age. i a report that one boat was upset and but my text contains that which at first day near his home in Washington. ter lias prevailed, at the town of Welch. IndtKnatlon Orrr Fmuil. voice—mastering yourself and master- looking for a place to establish reaor- Dentist. Suc^ossor to Rlckert has all the advantages of other weap- She Mount to Kill Hint. The oleomargarine dealers of Detroit The Tug mining locution, known as the 2(» persons drowned. The women and sight la startling, A certain kind of There seeniR to be no question that the children rescuc»I were olmoat naked. There Is another sin that we are of- Ing what you drive. If you are natur- vatlons, and decided to take this, Lowell, Mich. ons. Boca use he Jilted her and married are to stop tho sale. This action will village of Tug, Is five miles below anger la approved—aye, we are com- tentimes called to bo angry with, and old mnn wns murdered. Acting upon another girl. Miss Jessie Jones shot at be taken as the direct result of the Drenched with spray, they were pulled ally high tempered, do not unnecessar- Menslng resisted, and was driven at INSURANCE! manded to Indulge In It The most of tliis theory the local nuthorities piare.l Welch, so that at that place the full up the cliffs by the coast people. Some that Is fraud. We all like honesty, and lly go among Initntiona and provoca- the point of the bayonet to one corner One ton of steel shipping equals and wounded George Brooks. She oleomargarine law passed at the last effects of the flood in both streams us have no need to cultivate high tem- CALL ON 8, P. HICKS. Homer Bliss, n son, aged l!8 years old. of the boats wore demolished In tae when It Is sacrificcd we are vehement tlons. Do not build a blast furnncc of tho island, where he erected a four of sailing shipping—that is to sqys she is sorry she didn't do greater session of the legislature. must have been felt per, snd how often we say things and do Lcfns, CollecliunH. Keui Eout* and Intur under arrest. He i» now loekeji up in surf while attempting to Innd and In denunciation. We hope that the de- next to a gunpowder mill. Then, also, stockade and bade defiance to the sol- P. D. EDDY & CO.. damage to him. She and Brooks had The Lima. O., Jury, In the case of The flood district is in the southwest- things under affronted impuse which tne*. Lowell, Mich, say, a steamer can carry four times Jail at Mt. Clemens, pending the result their half-drowned occupants held on tectives will soon come upon the track such demonstrations of ungovernabil- dlers. At that time the island was been engaged for some time and the Clem LfiCKman, charged with, man- ern corner of Virginia. It Is the "Poca- we are aorry for when perhaps It la as much cargo any given distance in of tile inquest. Old man Bliss disap- the rocks, suffering with cold, until of the absconding bank official, of the ity belittle one. Men take out theli much larger, but the Missouri river peared from home on Sunday. June 0. wedding had been set for next Wed- slaughter In the killing of Jo..n Car- hontas coal field." The fiood area Is too late to makt, effective apology! DONT BE FooLEm a year as a sailing vessel can. nesday. Bronks, who lives in the coun- roll. a Saglnuw telegraph operator, re- rescued. burglar who blew up the safe, of the lead pencils and in estimating such o seemed to resent the presence of the 1 The first known of his disappearance large, apparently embracing a district Why, then^should the apostle Paul dip Take the genuine, erlglnal E. H, CAMBELL, INSURANCE, LOANS try about two miles out. came to the turned a verdict of guilty. 40 miles long nnd 15 or 20 miles wide. clerk who skillfully changed the figures one take 50 per cent off. About tin sold lord as much as did Menslng. aud was when his wife nnd son made in- ! The Flav Eplnode. his pen In the Ink horn and trace upon ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Notary Public, Real Rstate Agent and Col A movement has been started la city and secured a license to marry Nellie Faster, a pretty 20-year-old The great loss evidently is to proper- In the account book, of the falsifier who most hideous spectacle on earth Is an from that date began to eat tho land lector. Over Boylan't store, Lowell. Georgia to perpetuate the memory cf quiry of the Detroit police concerning | When Gov. Bliss reached Lansing he parchment afterward to be printed Made only by Madlton Medl» him. They said there iiad been a little Miss Llllle Slater, and the marriage mlHIner who was out of work, grew ty. No such number of lives were lost aecurod the loan on valueless property, angry man or woman burning not with away by slow degrees until only about cine Co., Madliua, Wl*. It •Eli Whitney by converting into an e'.e- was pertormed shortly afterwards. despondent and tried to drown herself saw tho published report that Warden upon paper for all ages, the Injunction, of tho agent who because of hla per- kerr* you well. Our trad* family quarrel on Sunday, and that as the frightened natives first reported. anger commanded In my text, but with throe acres remained. But the three nark cut on rnch package. gant country club the scene of his la- Hearing tills Miss Jones went to the in Muskegon Lake. She was pulled out, The original estimates of 200 fatalities Freeman, of the Marquette prison, had "Be ye angry and sin not?" centage wrongfully admits a man to MILTON M PERRY. lie left the house in a rage. They dill ordered the flag, which had been hnlf- the sin represented. After such a dls-' acres were those where Menslng had I'rtce. 35 cents. Never sold bors near Augm.ta, where he perfecte.1 not think anything about it until they Slater home, called Brooks out and but her rondlilon Is serious. must now lie reduced by over half. It My text commends a wholesome In- the benefit of a life Insurance policy play of gall. Irrasclbility. virulence. hl«; erected his stockade. He concluded In butk. Accept no subtU* Attorney and Counselor at Law. Train's ITsll his cotton gin. The organistation has shot nt him three times, the final shot Two libel suits for ^20.000 each have will be days before all the small back masted over that Institution as a mark Mce ,,l( tute. Ask your drusgtsU Block, Lowell, Mich 4|mciil atUmlioa found in a desk a note, presumably of respect to the late Gov. Pingree, dignation. It dlEcriminates between when his heart U ready to atop and influence with many Is forever gone, j that Providence was with him. been perfected and the charter for the striking the left wrist and coming out been started against the Grand Rapids county settlemer.ts are heard from and ml. - — a . - •• „MO „ltu „i,u. The given to C«>Uertinu8, Uonvoyanclug, atjd written by the missing man. but not the offense and the offender, the sin who comes from an ancestry char-| The world Is full of pollt clans, do^tma,' soldiers had no further use for the at the shoulder. The Slater. Brooks the exact facts known. raised to full mast.. The governor Bale of Kcai Estate. club secured. signed, in which it wns stated that the Democrat by the Old National bank and the ulnner, the crime and the acterlstlcally short lived. Bas also i|UHlitled and been admitted to prso and Jones families live in one settle- and Cashier H. J. Holllster. The suits --.est Information as to the storm at promptly sent the following telegram lawyers, merchants, mechanics, mln-, Island and have been withdrawn. Then writer had gone to Detroit to drowfn to the warden: criminal. One act of fraud told of In big head- Istors, housewives, who hove by such the river began industriously putting ticeintlie Interior i>epartincnt and all the Not all the coral reefs are found out himself in the Detroit river. The people ment. No complaint has been made grew out of the water scandal. Pocahontp.8 coal field places the dam- bureaus thereto and Is ready to prosecute against the girl and none ib likely to age to property at IJOO.OOO, Loss of "Is It true that you ore not flying To Illustrate; Alcoholism has ruined lines In the morning papers rightfully explosions been blown to pieces. | tho earth back again, and in due in the ocean. Within the last i*o years in this village and vicinity nre stirred Fruit In the vicinity of Lawton has flog at half-mast in nccordnnce with Claims for those that may be entitled >o as never before. Everybody is express- bo made. life about No loss of passengers or more fortunes, blasted more homes, de- arouses the nation's wrath. It is the I aay to oil young men hoping to course the three acres grew to 1110. Pension Bonntv. several remarkable reefs of fossil coral been injured to a great extent recently. chlevc ing his opinion now that Bliss* body trains. /»n eye witness of the fiood my proclamation? Answer." stroyed more souls, than £ny evil that r Interest of every good man and'good 1 • financial, moral or religious | About this time the prospective value have been discovered near Bainbridge, Some peach orchards will bear no fruit Thursday morning the following re- 6 has been found, and instead of innuen- Gre«t IlMfu of l.nirv which devastated Kevstone was a think of. It pours a river of poison and woman who reads of the crime to hav e ' success—control your tempers. Do not of the land was roL-oguized, and pro- on the Flint river, in Georgia. One A raft containing abou 3.500.000 feel at all. while but very few will produce guest of i..e National Hotel, one of the ply was received: ,et does open charges of foul play are be- more than half the usual crop. fire through the nations. Millions have It exposed and punished. —Le t— It- - go —, or defeat rebuff yen. V;rdl, ceodings were begun in tho interior EDWARO 0 MAINS. reef so found consisted of coral heads will reach Bay Oily this week. Anoth- few buildings that escaped destruc- "Flag has been and Is flying In ac- nnacothed, ond you put a premium on ing freely made. Dan Smith, who lives near Orvllle. tion. says tne town was bulit along one cordance with your proclamation. died because of it, and millions are dy- tho great musician, applied to boconn department to have tho island declared • i « x some of them more than a foot in di- Homer B.iss confessed that he killed j er raft is about ready to leave Geor- fraud, you depress public morals, you ATTORNEY AT LAW. gian Bay. A raft containing 0.500.000 Is the oldest man In the state. He was narrow street luat followed the stream Have written yon to-day." ing now, and others will die. Intem- a student In the Conservatory of Music a public reservation. This action was UlflCSlS WflAl YOU 62LX* ameter. Between twenty-five and thirty his father. Charles Bliss, but claims ! fully a mile, because of ..mited space perance la an old sin. The great Cyrus, Induce those who are on the fence be- at Milan and he was rejected by the di- O'lc* In Train's Opera Hons* species have been recognized in these the shooting wns accidental. He said feet of choice white pine logs left Mar- born January 21. 1701. at Portland. defeated. Then came a mysterious It artificially digests the food and aids Clock quette Saturday for the Central Lum- Me. He goes to Saginaw regularly and tne houses on one side stood on piles A Dnotcd llnnk. writing to /he Lacedemonians of hlm- tween right and wrong to get down on rector, who said that he could make corporation called the East Kansas Nature In strcngllicning and recon- Georgia reefs. that on the Sunday the old man left LOWELL, MICH. home, he found him in ^ae woods near ber Co.. being the first installment of draws a pension for military Eunices. or walls over the Elkhorn, and on the The Seventh National Bank of New boasted of many of his qualities, the wrong side, and you put the bual- nothing of the newcomer, as he showed City Land Company, which tried to structing the exhuusted digestive or* other, against the mountains. among others, that be could drink and nees of the world on a down grade. The no disposition for music. But the crit- the house .n the act of trying to shoot 14,000,000 feet of logs purchased in the Joe Atkinson's stock of fireworks at York closed Its doors Thursday. Tim prove to the Interior department that gans. Itisthelatestdiscovercddlpestr What is described as an "ane'ent spring of the Cleveland Saw Mill & At Shawnee several persons are said bank was custodian of the funds of' bear more wine than hla distinguished constabulary and penitentiary muat do icism did not exasperate or defeat him. himself. He grappled with the old mnn Fremont exploded, blowing out the the tract had been ceded to It a long aut and tonic. No other preparation A. E. CAMBELL. DENTIST draughtboard" has been discovered in for the possession of the gun. and In Lumber Co. Another raft Is being to have b en drowned. The greater tho New York postofflce. When the ac- brother. Louis X and Alexander the their work. But while the merciless The moat of those who have largely can store front, burning the face of Frank part of the town was destroyed. While ueo The case has Just been approach It In ofllclency. It In- Over Boylan'i Utoro. Crete. It must, by all accounts, he a the struggle both barrels were dis- made up. The mills of Ross Bros., at count was oiM'tied the bank put up Great, died drunk. The parliament of and the godless cry: "Good for him! I aucceeded In all departments were i j .. . .i i" «.i„ «J in» I etantly relievosandpermanently euros very fine piece of work, since it is com- Bisbee and leaving him perfectly bald. A messenger who traveled the whole argued, and U Is con dent iy P" > c*-;I) ^ m^Uod, Heartburn. All branches of dental work done bj charge^. and his father fell dead. He Beaverton, nre running day and night The cxplos-ion was caused by a small $250,000 in government bonds us secur- Edinburgh in 1661 la called In history am glad ho Is within prison doorsl" characterized by self control. In battle posed of natural crystal, ivory, gold became scared and buried the body and will have all the timber that can length of the flood district reports that ity. The bank has on deposit $207,- ed that the decision will be against the Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. the latest improved methods. Bat- boy with a cigarette. the destruction to property Is worse "the drunken parliament" Hugh Mil- be It your work to find out If the man they would calmly look at the bomb and silver, but it is by no means under a brush heap, together w.,.u tae be worked up this season. A raft con- 000 of postal funds. It Is said that company. So Mr. Menslng now be- j Sick Headache, Gafltralgia, Cramps and isfaction guaranteed. William Barr. a prominent resident than apprehended, but that loss of life ler, the first stone mason and after- la worth aavlng and what were the thrown at their feet,wondering whether unique. Chess, draughts, or the game gun. After the officers, who came to taining t>0i».0<)0 feet of long timber was tiie bank's heavy debt balance was tho llevoa that he has the flrst claim, un- i allotherrcsultsof impcrfectdlgestlon. Gas administered. of Vicksburg. who died Sunday, was will not oe so great. Estimates here war® a world renowned geologist, cauaea of his moral overthrow. Per- It would explode. In commercial Hfo, dor squatters' title, to land valued at , Prlce50c.andfl. Larxeslzocontains tjinei from which both are derived, was the hone to Investigate the rumors of made up at Black River. Lake Huron. result of the news of the bank's em- foul play. Lad left the vicinity. Homer It goes to Sarnla and Is consigned to the first white boy to attend school In are still 200 oeaths. or less. writai of the drinking habits of his hapa he atarted In business life under when panlca smote the city, these mon 1125,000. ' smulUlte. Book all abuutdyspcpsliiiDullctlfrce known to nearly all the ancient civili- Fifty bodies have been found. It Is barrassment on Tuesday being tele- ! says he dug up the body and wheeled the Cleveland Saw Mill & Lumber Co. Kalamazoo county. He took a promi- day*raying: "When the foundation a tricky firm, who gave him wrong no- were placid, while others were yelling Prepared by E. C. Dc WITT A CO.. CblCag* zations, and Greek and Egypt an claimed. The list of missing nnd re- graphed throughout the country. In- Tho Ijoniror IN it to where it was found last Sunday. There Is one more raft to make up ami nent part in the H;nrly development of terior Institutions having moneys de- wa«lald, they drank. When the walls tions of business integrity; perhaps themaelvea hoarse at the Stock Ex- BUCHANAN NEVER MARRIED. boards are by no means uncommon. Then he fixed the gun to make it ap- this part of the state. ported dead Is 210. Thousands of peo- were leveled for laying the Joists, they there was a combination of circum- change. While others nearly swooned I . II. TAFT CO. that will wind up long timber rafting ple are homeless. posited with the Seventh drew on the n- yoar. Try pear that his father had committed nt Black River. A OO-mile gale did $1,000 damage In bank, and these drafts, all coming in drank. When the buildings were fin- stances almost unparalleled for temp- because a certain stock had gone 100 First Bacht-Ior KUrted to the I'r**!- Dr. Leopold Rieger, a fashionab'e suicide. Informat.on from the Tug river dis- itouejr Had • Kom%nc«. Marquette. The old rolling mill fur- | trlct Is to the effect that the damage nt the same time, were too much for ished, they drank. When an apprentice tation; perhaps there were allevia- points down they calmly waited until Viennese dentist, has Jurt sued his as- A (Jrent Crop. nace at South Marquette was blown ! Joined, they drank." In the eighteenth tions; perhaps he was born wrong and "Mr. Buchanan, who was tho first Shopkinir Mntrlciile. j to the coal operations in that region is tho institution. It would get 100 points up. While the sistant. Dr. von Hauer, for the sum of After making a careful canvass of down, diet MTelialJohn. a gypsy, was j not great, but that the lumber Inter- century the giver c: an entertainmeut never got over It; perhaps he did not opposing attorney In the courtroom bachelor elected to thd presidency, was £130, being the estimated value of A shocKiug case of matricide oc- killed. Six horses belonging to the cuned Sunday night, when Mrs. Megg- the northwest territory and preparing ests have suffered cons.derah'y. Over THE NEWS CUNUENSBO boasted that none of the guests went reailze what he was doing, and If you frothed nt the mouth with rage becaust 65 years of age when elected, aud had certain luncheons und dinners eaten by son, living one mile north of the conservative estimates upon the con- band were also killed. u hundred miles of track belonging to aWay sober. Noah, tho first ship cep- are a merciful man you will think of of something said on the other aide, he deliberately given himself to a life of the latter while he was the fiance cf Wayne county house, was assaulted by ditions found throughout the grain Work on the Swift salt plant nt Del- the various coal operations are prac- A Gorman firm has secured the con- tain, was wrecked—not In the ark, for other perhapa which, though thsy of the equipoise put a glass of water to celibacy," writes William Perrine In Dr. Rieger's daughter. The engage- her son an injured to such an extent belt, the trafilc ofiiciais of the St. Paul, ray has commenced In earnest. Two tically a total loss. tract for electric lighting Pekln. that was aafely landed—but he was may not excuse, will extenuate. Per- hla lips in refreshment and proceeded tho Ladles' Home Journal, "in the ment lasted two months, and was then that "he died Monday evening. Her the Northwestern, the Northern Pa- wells will be bored and work on the me damage begins at Coaldale. but The city council of Newcostle, Pa,, hap e ha aI r eart a nd days when ho was a young lawyer of cific, the Great Northern and the Bur- Kevstone and Burke are the greatest wrecked with atrong drink. Every man j '^ f » K 1 / K '• i ^w ^ SeLn^ntir^JteTme* Mill broken off. Dr. Rieger maintains that siayej, whose name is Rolla Spears, plant will commence nt once. The out- have rejected Andrew Carnegie's offer __ ri-htiv onnatmctPrt will waahed In the blood of the Lamb and nen the gentleman interruptea me. Lancaster, Pa., he bad loved Miss Cole- -FRANK R. ECKER. PROP!"^ the food was obtained under false pre- has had insane spells for three years, lington systems, are agreed that the put will be 50 carloads a day. and will sufferers. The two towns are practic- to donate money for a free library. wheat crop of this region for 1901 will ally one and form tae largest place S ushTtS InSk^ation at ^atlonal' «» " o' heaven as you nre. What Self control! What a glor oua thing- man, o beautiful daughter of a citizen Dealer In tences, as his assistant was never seri- and it was during one of these that he be shipped to the Swift plants. Society women In Washington are of that town. They had been engaged L-iumbor, I^nth, Shingles, break all previous records. in the coal flelds. Many non-resident and International and hemispheric and . " opportunity you have now for obey-1 ous in his attentions to his daughter. attacked the woman with a Jackknife. Three bodies, supposed to have be- making pets of white mice, and ul8e After gashing her face in a brutal miners were In Keystone on Saturday nlanetnrv curse It Is Eood to b9 'ng my text. You were angry at the P of one desperately ill, ^e want to be married when one day he was l^enco I'ostH unci I3rlclc. After a deal of argument the case has longed to tho crew of the Baltimore, "fancy breeders" are reaping a har- surprised to receive from her a request manner, he picked her with the knife MINOR MICHIGAN MATTERS. morning and numbers of mem whose ^,a^ B«in»t it You come out of misdemeanor, but you are hopeful for " »n the engineer when the head- ; Manufacturer of = are held at East Tawas awaiting iden- vest th been decided against Dr. Rieger. who until her body was a mass of cuts and names will never be learned perished wndhTon a better man or a bettel 1 « ^verr of the recalcitrant. of another train comes round the to release her from the promise. Ac- tification. They are embalmed, and will I B,e88ed r11 r,8 t *ould control, "Be ye angry and sin not." changed his hopes and plans, and had called in a neighbor named Sherwood to tho cessation of active hostilities In 0f slag is to he run in a "hot train" of TL< Port Huron Light & Power Co. room with a lighted lantern. An explo- hap. it came of a physlclan-a p.rescrlp-1 ^ XX tbl^T I led him more deeply than over into and told him that his wiie had fallen lias Incorporated. Capital $150,000. | Sixteen Killed. the Islands. iron cars over the track, and the slag down cellar, xuey went together and sion followed, burning Hartwlck and The state democratic executive com- tlon for the relief of pain, a recurrence i arctlc the ^ , toI Surpassing all other characters In politics os a distraction from bis grief. A crazy hobo set the good people of Sixteen persons were killed nnd poured over the surface at the proper carried her to a bed. A doctor was im- nearly wrecking the building. mittee of Pennsylvania has decided to - •» of the pain calling for a contlnuanco . darknes8 Vo'u (,0 well to b ' . . the world's biography stands Jesus In his old age. long after he had re- Baroda wild. They feared a murder. about 30 Injured In a wreck of train place. The company claims that it will mediately called, although life was al- Two of the largest timbers ever hold tiie state convention at Harrls- of the remedy; perhapa the grandfath- j h b " t h h . • Christ, wrathful against sin, merciful tired permanently to private life, ho ready extinct. A large share of the The Flint Lumber Go. has Increased No. 3, the west-bound Wabash limited, cool into a solid mass. r.hipped have arrived In Grand Haven nine miles west of Peru. lud.. Tues- burg on Aug. 15. er was an inebriate and the tempta-1 Jr'Ssm and tha^ Is mor* ml to the sinner. Witness hla behavior to- called attention to a package contain- population refuse to believe In the ac- Its capital stock from $10,000 to $15,- from Washington. They nre yellow fir. W. C. Mendonhall. geologist. Is load- f on to inebriety, leaping over a gen-, ' ward the robed ruffians who demanded ing. he said, the papers and relics cident theory, and hint strongly at day. Tho dead are all unknown Italian eratlon, baa swooped on this unfortn llon8 than yo u w{U cver know of untiI The first active step in the war on 000. 40 by 40 Inches and 50 feet long, ing a United States exploration party iapital which would explain the causes of his foul play. It is s-.id that the Coopers' emigrants en route to Colorado. Many the Judgment day reveals everything. ! Punishment for an offending the famous—or infamous—Jersey mos- Subscription books for the Pingrco weighing 12 tons each and costing $2.- of six In the deepest wilds of Alaska nate; perhaps it was under an at- woumn implements of the injured undoubtedly will die. youthful sorrow, and which ho pre- domestic life was unhappy. One of the (MK). They are to be used as anchor tempt to drown trouble that the be- Ah, here comes your opportunity for denunciation for their sinful quitoes was taken last month, when memorial are being distributed in De- Two sections of train No. 3. one com- for the government hypocr,9y ?,nrdon for her BWPet 1 served evidently with tho Idea of re- dead woman's brothers has stated that posts on a large et,000 from the wreck made to President Ramsey It The executive committee Q2 the Na- out of his present environment; rec- i Christian help more than any one that are so much alike that Roy has Im- mosquito will rob the humorist of one lias been apimlntud an assistant sur- Is stated that 13 Italians were killed. 3 ommend any hygienic relief that you upon Peter with such tenderness that ties. but nre rather short. Rye is sale of the lots. tional Hospital for Consumptives, lo- you kno "* of. Do not get Into any lahor- migrated to Koeno. N. H.. to acquire of his dearest treasures. promising, but' reports regarding geon in the navy. probably fatally and 11 seriously know of and. above aU, Implore the di- no word was spoken—and not a word Albert Snyder was foi-nd nt nn early cated at Denver, Col., has received |S0,- ed argument about the truth of Chrla-, was neei'ed. for the look spoke louder nn Identity. Even the Bertlllon meas- wheat continue to be discouraging. Former Secretary of State Justus S. hurt and 31 slightly bruised and cut. 000 to be applied to the boildiag now vine rescue for the struggle In which hour on the streets of New Haven, suf- tlanlty. He may beat you at that. He than words. "And the Lord looked up- urements failed to distinguish them, On* nf the queer charlt'es in New It is still crinkling considerably and Stearns is to make Grand Rapids his fering from a number of bad cuts in course of erection. vr *&•; EO many of the noblest and grandest A Rich Wnaher. have been worsted. Do not give your- has a whole artillery of weapons ready on Peter, and Peter went out and wept except by a few scars.—Now York York IB the auctioning of homeless and showing the continued ravages of home after September 1. about the legs. He at first told differ- A picnic by the El Paso Order of th^s World. the Hessian fly. Beans nnd late potato Mrs. Alfred Schermerhorn. of the V self up to too many philippics about to open fire. i bitterly." Oh, what a look It must hove destitute men in Madison Square every A Muskegon firm gets the contract i ent nnd (-onfilcting stories as to how Knights or Labor at Las Cruces. IB 1)660 planting are about finished. Early po- for the addition to the Mt. Pleasant he came in that condition, but at last New York "Four Hundred," social M., ended in a riot, and aa a reaulC* : v what the man ought to have been and Remombor that no one was ever re- I to break down the swarthy flsh- night Chaplain Ratzier, a worker K'.ormoua Imports nf Mll'c. among the poor, who is unconnected tatoes are in fine condition. The sugar normal school for $17.0()0. It leaked out that he became scared leader, member of the Meadow club several were badly hurt and one man 5 1 ought to have done. While your cheek formed for this life or saved for the life firman apostle! It was such a hurt look, nnd philanthropist. Is In want at aris- Bl,cl1 a The total imports of foreign milk beet crop is making good growth, and One hundred nnd five applicants and ran l»to a mowing machine. killed. Three, are In Jail at Laa Cratgra ' AjiusheH with wrath at the foe that has to come by an argument, but In hum- beseeching look, such a loving with any church organization rtartel Is generally promising. ' locratic Southampton and has opened : and cream for the four weeks of April LEDGE the scheme. The aubt'd'n Idea was hit for teachers' imsltions in Huron coun- Allegan has a unique club called tho Aid. Goodman, of New York. wiH*' ^ brought ruin, let your eye be molsten- blest and gentlest way, your voice sub- 'ook. such a forgiving look! Waa there I a hand laundry to keep herself from to send at least 5,000 of the uirETTP^ i with tears of pity for the sufferer, dued. ask him a few questions. Ask 10 any other being since time began Into the United Kingdom were 640 upon by mere accident, hut it proved ty wrote the examinations. T. I". W. What the letters stand for BUch a L JOB ROOMS Crapo'a Thlrrt-CUn Car*. i starving. Southampton Is next to ployed men nnd women of New York that way you will have fulfilled the him If he had a Christian parentage. combination of wrath against hundredweight of fresh milk In cans or more popular than the old style of Third-class cars on steam roads, al- ' Thirty bollermakers In Bay City are Is the club's secret. No one has been i Newport socially, and the Meadow Is able to guess eorrcctly. although many city to the flelds of Kansas and other# [junction of the text, "Be ye angry and If he says yes iwk him whether wrong and compasBlon for the wrong drums. 340 hundredweight of cream, making collections. The chaplain will ready common enough abroad, may he on a strike for a nine-hour day and ! Its foremost club. Sue is forced to the western states to help harvest weM : d{;er? I ,on of 1197 hundredweight of condensed milk pick out a ragged specimen of human- run In America, if the Ideas of S. T. 12% per cent Increase In wages. approprlare names have In-en suggest- j experiment of llxhig on twenty cents i sin not." the old folka died happy. Aak him If he " ' Jm'ah's tribe!" Hear ed. The club is composed of 13 maiden crops. j m haa ever heard of any one going out that! "Lamb of God who taketh away and 86,960 hundredweight of conden- ity, stand him on the curb and sho it, Crapo, general manager of the Pere a day. while her -son lives in luxury, Th* BflrU of aa«MlNt. A gold mining company, of which ladles and they meet on the 13th of Representatives of the Japknese wm of this life in raptures of Infidelity the slnd of the world!" Hear that! seu milk. The Imports of the last "N "What am I bid?" The crowd invari- Marquette, are carried out. Mr. Crapo Gov. Bliss is president. Is reported to keeps five servants and has carriage entment are ia Chicago for the believes that .o run three classes of each mouth for social sessions only. and horses. In spite of her poverty In Spain a don loat in 24 hours what and agnosticism. Ask him If It Is not named article in 1900 were of the val- IS THE PLACE TO GET YOU eo!y takes the cue with good humor, have made a rich strike in Colorado. What IIHK IHIRN known for years .IS pose of examining the AmeiiM eqnalfc (12.000,000. Twenty years ago ue of £1,743,476. cars would enable the railroads to shtt claims to own property worth horse and vje methods of its hrtaljp a somewhat remarkable fact that the rormrr Lady •f Wlilt* and someone usually starts bidding at compete more successfully with the Huron county has 38 liquor sellers, the "t'.irter snake." has shown itself It waq estimated that the average gam- Bible, after so many y«a s Slicks to- $210,000. which she deeded to her son. with the view of its extensive.: \M Mlas Letitla Semple, daughter of Ave cents. Often the homeless ones a e electric railways, and he is enthusias- yielding her the neat sum of $111,000. j on the Carter farm by a lake of the bling ^exchange of money throughout gether and that there are more Eiitlral? with Ih. L«trrn>nttnn ter quit ralnln', but ef you don't think 138,946 on its last year's business, ac- 25 feet long, but the Hast'n-'s Jonrnn!. go August 15. to begin propaganda can Involution. She •ra.T spoken of ywelve a line of homeless and pennilrss Mark Hirschburg, a Morcenl tailor, idcut Loubet. Earl Roberta E m It Is all the same spirit of gam- or Christ are preferable. Ask him If he we's had enough please forgive ua fer Bill Heads V, torm n 8011 cording to Railroad Commissioner Os- which believes Implicitly In the snajj/i. | wo k. A corn: -.tee of 200 wts appoint- as "the UtUe lady In black, with a th.'I ' Mad' square and as thi horn's computation. The Wabash Is mourns the death of s Russian uncle, lyn. Lord Pamjf(8f^» whether the Initruments are tulnks It would be a fair thing In the lookln' glum, en growllnT'—At anta a nobleman, who leaves to his nephe.v thinks the young people were excfftA ed to receive the Irish patriot and en- qnaker bonnet," for few knew her. She Rauv" "^vfy their crowds, Chap:a n the first of the big roads to pu. taxes nnd it chnns off •••v-m feet. - ; Httds or the clicking chips or the turn- Creator of all things to put In this Constitution. l niH $375,000. te-tain him. ing wheal or the bids of the Stock Ex- has for years been an Inmate of the i- temu.n V "" « bench and invites at- this yeai. Mrs. Anthony Kittle, living on the i Jean De Bloch. Russian councilor of • The Cuban reWgj world the human race and give them (NNOUNCEMENTS Programs FIYTN SAL* CoL Eli Suttnn, who accompanlel : fhange, where people sell what they Ixmlae home, eatabllshed by Banker ^'man wares. | j State road, one mile north of Norrls. state, dt 'lnres that tne tactics of both parties have no direct communication for their Mrnorlul t. Cotton Gin Invn.ier. Rev. Dr. W. H. Rees, M. E. pastor at ex-Goverimr Pingree on his African of the Piatt amtfiM nmr owne4 and fail because they Corcoran In memory of his wife and Some PecviUar I was badly burned Wednesday nnd died Boer nnd Briton In South Africa, were guidance and, If they did wrong, tell daughter and endowed for the benefit A movement has been _ .arted are ns Adrian, receives notice from the bishop trip, has fWumed to Detroit, where he j that night. Her clothing caught fire j al party tatcea tiBpt Cannot get paid for It. A prominent 1 brought out by ihv ^ absurd. In view of modern methods of them of no way of recovery, I think if a of gentlewomen of —wviaoutberun birtun h who Georgia to perpetuate t mory of Cen, U8 con that he will be transferred to Pittsburg will practUfc.law. derstandlngUiHBH oat banker tells me that he thinks 60,000 OR OTHER PRINTWIQ cerning the counil«H. ' - I from au explosion of an oil can In the warfare. In Bloch's opinion. Improve- famous infidel of our time. Instead of j are In reduced clrcumatances. Ell Whitney by conv v 1 July L n r possible lojtnJHH the un- )ple financially prostrated by the New Imai5a!®' ^ «rms of grasshoppers j kitchen. Her husband stripped the ments In slaughtering machluery have being taken away Instantaneouaiy. had country club the seen' York Sun. For instance. «. ? The million dollar suit for damages have Abe hay crop In Martin j burning clothes from her nnd was bad- :ent insanities In Wall street. Here 10 made It Impossible to wage any more to (1 died In hla bed after woeka and months nea•ar .MigiuuaAugusta,. TT^e j name of a county is 1, in okllT ^ brought by M. B. Church against the toftfefr "A mabmers say It is the poor- j ly burned In doing so. Mrs. Kittle was there a case is reported, but the Many old houses In Holland have a An,l great decisive wars. ...e amendment, j of Illness ne »'ould have revoked his onsto Completed When Promised while the longest is 3alnt John I -Kal8omine Co., of Grand Rapids, I 34 years of age and was the mother special door which Is ijever openel 1 <erfect health for some time j by the colonera experiences In busl- The communication was received past no one eNer heard a word of complaint The colonel was a man of large paper outside of local matter S cents per of packed meats of all varieties. 6 10 walks and know that they are durable. I feel safe in recommending this tank to all who 1 ness nnd polities. The other women "How could you wish such a wicked Tarin will leave Lowell at 0:45 H Monks escape her lip-. It was only a little over a means, whose home was In an eastern line. There was delicious smoked ham, and placed on file. intend purchasing one, knowing full well that they will stand the changes of climate j were civil to her, but a little distant. thing!" cried her mint reproachfully. Henrthurn a. 111. Returning, leave Ottawa j* Wilson 1 06 year ago wlten triends and relatives wt>ie city. He had taken a suit of rooms In Card in directory column $1.00 per corn beef, fat and lean pork, tongue, On motion by Trustee Watts the and cannot wear ont. JABVIB TBAIN. This may have been due to the suspl- "Now yon set? what has happened." When the qiiHiititr of fnotl inken is loo Beach O^O, Grand Rapids at 7::i0 ^ A/drioh 3 60 invited to her wedding. How Hweel and the Balboa for the winter for a party They were Just beginning to read the ine per year. One inch $6.00 per year. following resolution was adopted: j Clotis hints let fall by Josephine and iHrge or Ihe (|tiHlity too rich. heHrthtirn is p. m. Rate Ottawa Beach 90 oents lard and mnch else along that line, 30 ON EXHIBITION AT HOTEL BRAOE. CALL AND SEE IT. happy she looked that evening as she which consisted of himself, his daugh- article through for the third time when Cards of thanka 60c. and as ouriappetites begun to sharpen A Resolution to amend section '2 stood in the circle receiving the congrstula- I her aunt, or It may have arisen simply likely to hdlnw. and CHpeoially so if the Grand Rapids 40 cents. 12 00 tioiiH aud best wishesol all preHent. Little ter. aged 23. and his sister, a matron of j from the fact that she wns a widow. Josephine looked up and said, "Here (liiM'Hiinn IIHH been weakened by cunHlipa we heard a familiar voice behind ns of an ordinance granting permis- GEOVE ^ MOSHEE, OWNERS. comes Mr. Grandln." ^GardLer 10 05 did we iMnk then that in so short a time about his own age. There was also a • All. single women and most married lion. Kai slowly and not loo freely of eahiiv PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION and glanced around just in time to sion to Thomas F. Carroll and maid. digested food. Mosticate (he food thorough THE HOME GOLD (THE 0 00 her young friends who acted as escort at : ones think that the widow should take "Hide It," snid her aunt. Joseph Kir win, ot the City of Iv. Let six hours elapse hetwuan meala An IttBcul us Treatmeat by which Drimh. hear Brother Davidson asking the u 10 60 Willie Davidson of Lowell and Harold this Imppy event would be called upon to The season was about half over when 1 her place on the funeral pyre beside "Indeed I shall tint. I Intend that he AS THE WOMAN SAW IT. Grand Rapids their associates, suc- Loatptoo ac' an an escort as their true and faithful the trouble between the colonel and shall see It first of .all." and when yon feel a fullness and weight in ards are Belfla Cured Daily ifl Spite man in charge if he would not let a 2 10 Filnoi Chariot spent Friday with Boy 1 the body of the husband, after the In- (NO. 5) cessors and assigns, with full power friend was taken to her final resting place. Miss Josephine began. The storm cen- "Good morning, Mrs. Blake. Good the region of y nr stomach after eating, of Thotnaelves. him have a few pounds of that on •O Hubble. I dlnn fashion. indiontmg thai yon have eaten too much to transfer and assign the same to It was indeed a sad and unprensive scene ter at the outset was a certain Harry morning. Miss Talbot. May I sit here? No Noxious Doges No Weakeniflg f the lu the foregoing articlee written subsoription. A little further on 0 76i HH the same young friends passed into th» I When the fishing party had departed lake one nf ChambHrlHin's Stomach and a corporation to be organized under Pat ludy—Don't sleep too mach;exeroi8e Gremlin. Some time later a second the next morning, the colonel betook I did not see yon ladles anywhere last Liser Tahlnts und the hearthorn may he Nerves, A Pleasant and Positive Cur® by Mr. Johnson, on this subject, he was a booth containing specimens 3 75. don't eat fats and sweets. To reduce flesh li'iuse gently placing their carnations on area of disturbance was created around , evening." the laws of the State of Michigan, the lifeless form of their friend as she lay himself to the bowling alley, whither avoided, l or sale by D. G. Look, diuggist. for the Llquo-. Habit has passed over several items which of shredded wheat biscuit. A table ISSsr 6 10 rapidly take Rocky Mountain Tea. Acts there so sweet in death. Vera was truly a a widow, a Mrs. Rronson. but this was ' none but a few old enthusiasts ever "We played •porrazo' In our rooms It is now generally known and nndtir- I think quite interesting and which was set out with samples of this the right to construct, maintain, use Vergetmea Statlon-Altoa directly on the fatty tissues. 35c. Aak 1 35 great central sun of the household, a true, declared by the colonel not to be a came. At one end nf the long room In I with the colonel nnd Mr. Edmunda Do MORTFIAGE SALE. stood that Drunkeness is a disease and not food combined into sandwiches, and operate a street railway or rail- el0b your drnggist. D. G. Look. I would like briefly to describe for JKi Lee 4 96 When are we going to have our loving and devoted wife. No higher eul->sy genuine casus belli, but merely a conn-1 a little alcove there was a window that , you play 'porrazo,' Mr. Grandln?" He in nl has heen made in Ihe coiitUlion •veal-ness. A body tilled with poison, and ways in the Village of Lowell,'Kent tor Irritant and an attempt to got up a > such oi THE LRDOER readers as brown bread, light cakes etc. In ^ Scott 69 16 annual reunion correspondents? can be pronounced upon any woman Yet looked out over the ocean. The widow j "1 tried It once, Mrs. Blake, but I do of a certain real estate niorlgag' nerves completely shuttered by periodical county, Michigan on the streets New arrival of coffee to sell on i-lie WHS called at a'time when life was ap tide Issue. I , not approve of a game where you lay dated Ileoember 18th, A. D., 1HD-. >r constant use of intoxicating liquors, re- would care for them. other booths were ladies dealing 1 50 Let us all try to attend it this year was fond of this quiet, secluded spot hereinafter mentioned, and defining parently.all blossoming before her. Let According to the material provided : j down a card and say 'porrazo' with execuled by Ann M. McConnell of 1 dw- quires an antidote oapable of neutralizing First, I would say that the trip out samples of sandwiches, pickles 76 40 and each go prepared to add some their quality d5c, 25c, 20c and 16>e. and on days when Josephine and her ; the powers, privileges ^and restric- na hope houipver. In the 'language of the at that time on which to base a Judg-1 1 great triumph, only to have the next ell, Kent County, Michigan to Mary E. und eradicating Ibis poison, and destroying over the Grand Trunk railroad and other toothsome viands and I John Gile1 s A Co.. mint were away the colonel usually 1 W MoGrath 8 00 thing to the entertainment. ^ '• ^9= Scripture—"I go to prepare a place for mcnt Harry Orandin was either a ; person to you lay down another card Boimhlon oi Alps, Keneselur County, New the craving for intoxicants. Sutleren may imagined the lady with the catsup tions of the said Thomas F. Carroll found her there. She had a soft crape ! cure themselves ut home with no publicity through Canada is a very S Vandenburg 1 50 Miss Mary Covert of Lowell vis- thee" that in the golden summer of an- { handsome fellow, with exquHte man- • York and recorded December 1». A.D. 18114 and Joseph Kirwin, their associates oilier life, child, mother and father will shawl over her rounded shuulders. and ! and say 'contra porrazo' and take It all at the oftice of the Hegist«r of Deeds ofnaid or loss of time from business by this won- pleaRanl one, which no read Mr. J's failing and gave him J O Sage 4 95 ners, who could talk to your very soul successors and assigns, possed by ited her uncle, Dorus Church, a few tti.feanet gather again in- a swe«t reunion, where she was busy over a beaded purse. away from you. Where in the colonel, Cuiinly of Kent in L'ber. 223 ol Mortgages derful "Home Gold Cure" which has been travel loving person could an extra liberal taste of that sharp E Fitzgerald 46 and whom all the other girls wanted, | by the way ?" the Village Council of said Village days last week also her aunt, Mrs. partings are unknown. Rev. J. W. StefTe, She scarcely looked up from her j on pages 4If-420-421 at 3'* o'clock p. m perfected after many vears of close study fail to enjoy. In going, we passed appetizer. P Sussex 10 36 J. L. Frost. assisied !>y Kev. H.C. Snyder, conducted or he was a pestiferous nuisance that work as he approached and seated him- 1I "He has gone to the city for the day." Said mortgaiie came into the possession and treatment of inebriates. The falthfnl of Lowell on the 20th day of May use accordinK In directions of this wonder- through it in the night but on our A little farther on we came upon M Short 6 40 the funeral seivices, which were very im- no one knew anything about, a fortune self at her side. "Are you going to | "There is something here that I wish of Clarendon C. Winegar and Marcus S. 1901. We see by the Belding paper that JNFUMMim- pressive, and many heart broken lelatives hunter most likely, who should be run you to read. Mr. Grandln," said Joseph- Fowler as the execiitors of the last will ful discovery is positively guaranteed U) return we took the afternoon for it "Aunt Jemima" and her pancake W Morse 6 10 ache (1 mlnalf). piny?" she asked, nnd he replied ac- _ Be it .Resolved that that Section the Alton Gleaner bail team was de- nnd friends followed Ihe remains to their off the place If the colonel had his way 1 Ine, handing him the paper. and teslnmenl of Mary E Houghton afore cure Ihe most obstinate case, no matter and shall retain in our mind for flour. She claimed to be the origi- P Fitzgerald 6 16 cording to the regular formula: "Pres- Two of said Ordinance be amended feated at Smyrna and yesterday also last resting place in Snranac cemetery. about It. And the widow, from the The young man read tho article and said and tin Ihe 28th day ol February, how hard s drinker. Our records show long years some of the picturesque nal aud said she had traveled with R McCaul 1 86 In ooeto tblrtT VeraB. Johm-on was born in Ihe town ently. May 1 sit here?" A. D., IIIUO was duly asigned by snid the marvelous Iransformation of thousands the company ever since they first by striking out all of said section on the home grounds. Never mind same sources, wns either a sly, design- "Certainly." She looked Innocently brought his lips together in a bunch. nf Drunkards into sober, industrious und little villages and burgs nestling H Thome 6 06 <( ship of Bost' ii, Ionia Co., Mich . on April exemilors to Geo \V. Bough ton. two after the word "village" in the boys, remember the old adage A BY W. ing creature that penciled her eyelash- "This refers to Colonel Talbot, I take upright men. among the hills and rivers. manufactured the product, about 4 65 1*2,1881 When she was only 8 year* of beyond him toward the alley. "Did It," said he. William F. Houghton Abigail E. Demers P Craukshaw poor begining makes a good ending" age her inolher died, and at the age of 18 es and pretended not to know that she and Mary E. Matteson which as- Wives onre your buHbands!! Children One in particular, Dundas, lying at eight years, and hat! prepared about ninth line of said section two so an 4 65 your daughter come down with you?" L Canfield and ''Try, try again." she started out to make a living for herself was flirting or she was an estimable Miss Josephine never played. Josephine nodded. si^nment was recorded at the otlice of the cure your futhere!! This remedy is in no our left in a valley with hills on the same thing prior to that. Ac- to make said Section Two as hereby C Aldrich 6 60 working in Saranac and vicinity. She was person, who minded her own affairs "She has gone fishing with her aunt "And It means that he has lost his register of deeds. Kent Coan'y Michigan in sense a nostrum but is a apeoitic for Ibis ross from this was a represeniation amended to read as follows; Wiley Reynolds and wife of South money." disease only, and is so skillfully devised every side, and its steeples and tow- J B Morse 10 00 married in Saranac to Milton A. Wilkinson ond was nothing to the colonel nor he and the rest of them. Why didn't you liber 259 of tu'irtgagee on pages 108- Sec. 2 On the street or high- Lowell visited at Warren Ford's and of Keene, Dei).'26, 1899. and since that time to her and who ought not to be drag- 104 on March I", 1900 at 1 U o'alcok a. m snd prepared that it in thoroughly soluble ers pointing upward, reminded us of a coffee house, constructed of the Geo. Lee 10 70 Set Smith's go too?" Josephine nodded again, and her aunt way running East and West be- Chas, Keech's one day last week, they have made their home in this village. ged Into this matter. looked sadly into her coffee cup. The amount due on said mortgage at and pleasant to taste, so that it can be of paintings of Swiss scenery which browned grains, and inside the hot, Tudor Rauh 6 90 As a matter of fact the widow had given in a cup of tea or coffee without the tween the V illage of Lowell and the Uo May IRth last she was taken sick grad- "It seems very strange." said Joseph- "Does this Involve you in any way, this date is the sum of Seventeen Hundred we have often seen. It would sure- steaming beverage would be dealt 8 06 Mr, Myers of Grattan called on not been asked. "I do not care for knowledge of the person taking it. Thou- R McCall ually growing worse until death released ine, "that the person I love best In all Mrs. Blake?" Twenty live and 80-100 dollars as principal ly seem as if people living in such out to all who desired it. township of Lowell •from the C. R. Porter one day last week. her on June 23, 1901, at the age of twenty fishing," she said, and as she did so and interest and the farther sum ol Fifteen sands of Dninkards have cured tbemselve« H Rolf 6 46 the world, my own father. Is the only "Not at all," a beautiful spot could not fail to be Next to this was a very attractive west corporate limits of k oars two rnontbs and eleven daye. She she baited her hook with a sweet smile dollars as an attorney fee as stipulated for with this priceless remedy, and as many M Rice 4 80 Ray Covert returned home last Ice one that thinks 1 am a perfect fright." Mr. Grandln smiled cheerfully. said Village to the first leaver her husband, a little daughter, father and threw It out toward him. The in said uiurtgage. No suit either al law more have been cured and made temperate happy. booth containing exhibits of the C Denny 8 10 Saturday after spending two weeks "I don't think anything of the kind!" men by having the "Cure" administered street mnning north and south two sisters, one brother and other relatives colonel's old heart gave a youthful "1 suppose 1 ought to be decently or in equity lias been instituted to recover Now, skipping on to the Exposi- Quaker rolled oats. Packages of D Dawson 8 00 here. and a host of friends to mourn her loss. cried the colonel Indignantly. "You sympathetic," saltl he, "but It Is des- said debt or any part thereof. by loving iriendi and relutives without the same were scattered about. through Sweet and Smith's addition Jump, and his hand trembled a little as tbeir knowledge in cofiee or leu and be- tiou grounds, we entered from the S Murphy 3 26 Tho Gleaner sewing bee was not Those from out of town who attended are an exceptionally handsome woman, he readjusted his eyeglasses. perately hard work. This affects no Notice is hereby given that by virtue of on said last mentioned the funeral of Mrs. Milton Wilkinson were the power of sale contained in said mort- lieve to-day that they duconlintied drink- east gate, what would almost seem In the center was a C Bangle 6 50 very largely attended owing to the as your mother was before yon, and 1 "I took pains to find out whether you one. It appears, but Colonel Talbot and street northerly to Main Mr. and Mrs. Elverl Lee and Mrs. A. C. know it ns well as—as you do." He fin- gage and 111 ptirBtiance ot Ihe slaltile in ing of their own free will. Do not wait, a city in itself. The paved atreets miniature representation of G R Jones 8 30 were to be of the party," said he, "and my regard for him Is entirely by proxy. Do not be deluded by apparent and mis- street, on Main street east- heat and busy times. I^ee of Elsie, Miss Lou GromniQn of Kala- ished with a grin, I am ready to take his loving daugh- such case made and provided, said morl- were bordered with small trees and the revolving earth and as it turned N Morse 6 00 The Maccabee strawberry social and be happy mazoo, Miss Lornca Ferree, Miss Mae when 1 found you were not going 1 gage will he foreclosed by a sale of the leading "improvement." Drive out the slowly, statues of people of differ- erly to Flat river and across Flat "Then why do you always assume ter's word for it that he is a delightful disease at once and for all time. The shrubs, brilliant flower beds were B Wilson 7 56 passed off very pleasantly. Hichards and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hoskins decided that I did not care for fishing premises therein described at puhlic auction rive, to Bridge street and on Bridge of Grand Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Elverl that every man who pays me the slight- myself." character, but lie lias never shown thnt to the highest bidder on Tuesday Septem- "Home Gold (.'tire" is sold at the extremely scattered everywhere, two v'ery ent nations were behela, each hold- (J B Morse 6 30 street to the east corporate limits of Glen Ford spent Sunday in Keene i)avis, of Ionia, Dr. McGinnis of Nashville eat attention does so merely because of This was nibbling at rather close side of himself to me." ber i;4lh, 1901 at 10 o'clock A.M. low price of One Dollar, thus placing large pansy beds, attracting our no- ing a package of the cereal, and 7 70 your money?" She beamed on him as within the reuch of everybody a treatment said Village; also on Broanway and with friends. Miss Mattie Tompson, Mrs. Frank Ecker range, but the widow protended not to "But it affects me," cried Josephine. ol that day .at the North front door ol the tice particularly, as these are al- crowning all was a large Quaker, J Welch 2 60 and children, N. P. Hosted, A. A. Husted one does who has scored. "Don't you see thnt?" Kent Oounly Court House in the oity of nore efleotual than others costing |'J5 to West Water stieets (so-called) " Mrs. Frost of Keeue visited her notice It She did not lift her long eye- ways our favorites, and we thought an exact representation of the pic- W Lamp ham 6 80 and Fred Johnson ofLowell, Mr. and Mr*. "I don't assume It of every one"— be- "Not a bit of It," said Mr. Grandln. Grand Hapids, Ktnt County, Michigan. $50. Full directions accompany each daughter, Mrs. O. Weeks recently. lashes even the hundredth part of an package. Special advioe by skilled phy- we eurely might pick a few and so ture you see on each package you continuation there of, from Main 18 00 Kandy Kaskara Link and Mrs. Liechla of Allegan.—[Sara- gan the colonel, "I am going to take care of you, and I Said Court House being the place where S Lee Ml n n Inch, which gave the colonel all the sicians when reqiieated'without extra charge to the northern limits of said Mr. Willard and Mr. Charles nac Advertiser. "That Is not rich and bald and stu- have a great plenty." Mrs. Blake look- the Circuit Court of Kent County is held. make them bloom all the more free- buy. (i 4 26 A purely vegetable cathartic better opportunity to admire them. Haiti premises are dciicribed in said mort- sent prepaid to any part of the world on pid." ed up in surprise, and he addressed ly, but we dared not. At intervals There were elegant displays of Village, J F Todd 14 00 with their families spent Sunday at which purifies the blood and And through the whole morning he gage us follows: the receipt of One Dollur. Address Dept. A resolution to amend Section 14 Bhe Didn't wear a Mask. "My dear," said the colonel solemnly, himself to her. "This is a matter throughout the grounds were ele- furs, fine dress goods in silks, wor- C Burnett 4 40 Murray Lake, Mtrengthens the bowels, a laxative circled round and round the bait, but All that certain piece or parcel of land B 869 Edwin H. Giles & Company 2330 and gant pieces of legendary and histor- steds, linens, ginghams and cotton, of au ordinance, granting permission that stimulaths Ihe liver and * •But her beauty was completely "there nre some things In this world he did not bite, perhaps by reason of which I would have taken up with situate and being in the township of Lowell 2332 Maiket Street, Philadelphia. E Coats \ 35 Ethel Weeks visited in Keene thnt your old dad knows a little more fancy work, boots and shoes; and to Thomas F. Carroll and Joseph sooths the nerves. hidden by sores, blotches and pimples nn Instinct that had come down to him Colonel Talbot If he had ever given me in the County of Kent and Htale ol Michi- All correspondence Btriclly contiiUntial, ic statuary in white, and everywhere P Lewis 6 20 Sunday. about tnan you do, and money Is one a chance, but his manner toward me gan and tlesorihed as follows lo-wit: we passed one department where we Kirwin of the city of Grand Rapids Krow'a Kdrn (ill the used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. from the gay days of his youth and ^eats were found where visitors E S Adams 2 86 The Horticultural society met at of them. There are two parts to get- during the last week or so has been The east half [^J of the northwest saw a beautiful bedstead construc- their associates successors and as- Tlitn they vanish as will all Eruptions perhaps because she was not ready to MORTGAGE SALE, might rest and at the same time en- F M Dolloway 36 00 Geo, Frost's last week Wednesday ting rich. One Is to make money, nnd land him yet such as to make It impossible for me to quarter[ij of section lwenty-nine[29] town ted entirely of silver and glass, the signs with full power to transfer Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbnucles flix[l>) North range nine (9) west, Lowell. joy the beautiful effects. Artificial 4 80 and was disappointed at the non- t_i. H- Xatt &. Co the other Is to hold on to It The first It Is about a half milt from the boat address him on nny subject I don't Defiiult having l)eeninade in the conditions production of a Lockport furniture and assign the same to a corporation Phone 131. Lowell Druulsts and Felons for its use. Infallible for of these is easy enough, but the second Kent County, Michigan. of a mortgage, dated January UUrd, 1000, lakes were seen and a canal through E Lee 7 70 arrival of their speaker. The ex- landing Ut the entrance of the Balboa. blame him. I am sure that If I bad Lialetl Lowell, Michigan June 27, 1901 given by Vrank C. Alger and Ella M. Alger, firm, and Grand Rapids furniture to be organized under the laws of Curt, Corns, Rcaldb and Files. Cure Is deadly hard. Who was the English such a precious object to guard 1 which fancy gondolas were propel- Glenn Lee 1 60 treme heat kept many from attend- As the fishing party walked this dis- George W. Houghton, Willian F. Houghton husband and wife, of Lowell, Kent County the state of Michigan the right to guaranteed. 25catL. H. Hunt & man who said that whenever he woke should be a Cerberus too." Michigan, to .lobanna Wilhalm of Grand Rap- led by foreigners for the benefit of factorins were also represented. W McGrath 14 00 tance one small detachment consisting Abigail E. Demers. Mary E Matteson, M. C. J. construct, maintain, ute and operate ing. CV« up In the morning In the city of Paris of Miss Josephine and Mr. Grandln, He took a card from his pocket and Assignees of said Mortgage. ids In said couutv to secure the payment of those who wished to take a water C Miller 1 80 Two hundred sixty seven and 27-100 Dollars a street railway or railways in the Geo. McGee moves to Lowell and suddenly remembered that the fell so far behind and moved so slowly wrote some names upon It "Here Is a 6. P. Hicks, Attorney for Assignees. according to three notes executed by Btephen trip. For those who preferred to [TO BE CONCLUDEO IN OUR NEXT.J C Baker 10 96 Griiarantfted Salary place contained, according to police Village of Lowell. Kent County, this week. COUNCIL PH0CEED1NU8 thnt even the sympathetic Aunt Har- bank," said he, "and a firm of attor- 1 Gunning to said Wilhalm, one for Forty-two ride through i,be grounds there were 2 40 statistics, over 60,000 people who neys and a well known business house, The BeNl Remedy for Stomach and Bowe and S7 100 Dollars, which bas been paid; White Man Turned Yellow. Michigan, on the streets hereinafter Mrs. Gustie iiouser will occupy Special meeting of the Lowell riot glared fiercely at them as they wheel chairs shoved about by boys R VanDyke 75 would rob him if they got a chance It came upon the steps. all of them located in the city where 1 Troubles one for Une Hundred Dollars due January Great oonsternalion was felt by the mentioned, and defining the powers Tom Reed's tenant house. aOOQ Yearto Village Council held in the Council SHrd. 1901 aud one for One Hundred and in livery and jinrickishas, fancy lit- J O Sage 11 95 threw him Into a blue funk? Now, I Mr. Grandln was another whe did live. Now If the colonel wishes to "I have been in the drug business lor Twenty-live Dollars due January 28rd, 1008 friends nf M. A. Hogarty of Lexing- priviliges and restrictions of the rooms on Wednenday evening, June tle Iwo-wheeled Japanese vehicles Mrs Ray Ring 18 00 Tom Reed and daughter were in Men and women of.good address to r«p- have some money, 1 admit There Is not care much for fishing. He was make Inquiry of any of these he will twenty years and have sold most all of the with Interent at seven per cent per annum ton, Ky, when they saw he was turn> said Thomas F. Carroll and Joseph 20. „ enough to allow us to take life easily proprietary medioines of any note. Among payable annuallv, 'vhicti said morlgsge Is re- about the size of our go carts with D Pickle 9 00 Grand Rapids last week Friday. resent us. some to trsvel appointing agents, saying: "People were altogether too find out, I think, all that he needs to ing yellow. HIR skin slowly turned Kirwin their associates, successors Meeting; called to order by Presi- and to do pretty much ns we please know about me as a son-in-law," the entire list I have never found anything corded In the onlce of the Register of Deeds oil ch th top and drawn by Japanese D Z Erwin 9 00 Perry Purdy and wife visited at others for local work looking after oar in- thick In thnt beastly little boat 1 have of Kent County In Liber 267 of Morteages color, also his eyes, and he tuffered terests. $900 salary goacaoteed yearly dent VanDyke. within reason. I have put It In the Mrs. Blake picked the card up doubt- to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and boys in fancy dress. and assigns, passed by the Village 5 06 John Mason's and Frank Keech's not had a word alone with you all Diarhoea Remedy for all htomacli and on page DlO n the Unth day Januaiy 1900 at ; F Hotchkiss extra commissions and expensei, rapid ad- best possible shape to leave to you one and two-thbds o'clock p. m., on wbicb The Machinery and Transporta- tenihly. His malady was Yellow Council of said Village of Lowell Present, Trustees Flanagan, day." fully and placed it in the bag that hung bowel truublea," says O. W. Wakelield. of E R Vanderburg 6 06 Johnstown Suuday. vapcemenl, old established house. Grand when I pass out But how long do you mortgage and notes secured tnereby there is Jaundice. lie was treated by the best on the 20th day of May 1901, Look, Nicholson and Watts, absent "Anything to say?" at her side. She stood a good deal In Colombus. Ga. This remedy cured two tion building was one of the first we J E Lee AO 40: chsnce for earnest m«n-or woman to se- claimed t.o lie due. a—t th —e— dal ——.e wof MthiI aeua notica UUUUe 1 doctors, but without benefit. He was I»"e aud White, think It will all last If some rascally "Only the same thing." awe of her brother. severe cases of Cholera morbus in my One hundred eichlLen and 07 101) Dollars, eutered. On one side we passed a Be it resolved, that Section Four- 258 88| DeWitt's Witch Basel Salve should be cure pleasant, permanent position, liberal young spendthrift should have advised to try Electric Biltera, the F R Ecker income and future. New brilliiuit lines. "You may say it-Just once." When the young people were alone a family aud I have recommended and sold and no suit or iiroceedlngs at law or In equity fine display of pictures, illustrating teen of said ordinance be amended 3 00- promptly applied to cuts, bums and ecaids. On motion by Trustee Nicholson chance at It as your husband? So 1 few minutes later, Josephine said, "I hundreds of of bottles of it to ray enstomers having b:ec instituted th mcover the moqey wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy B Condon It sooths and quickly heals the injured part. Write al once. aug8 "I love you." the scenery along the G. T. R. R. by striking out all of said Section 8 10 the action lakeu at the meeting of would rather suspect 90 Innocent ones r heard where yon were last evening." to their entire Eatisfaction. It affords a due thereon, or any part thereon. and he writes: "After taking two A " There are worthless counterfeits, besnre to STAFFORD PRESS, "W alk faster. 1 can see my father Therefore notice is hereby given that by At our right were a collection of Fourteeu after the word "same" in 20 001 June 17th, empowering the presi- than have you caught on the hundredth looking at us from the corner of the Grandln shook his head sadly. "What quick and sure onre in a pleusuut form." virtue o( the power of sale contained In bottles I was wholly cured." A trial Ray Ring get DeWitt's. L. H, Tift A Co. 23 Ohuroh St., New Haven, Oonn For sale by D. G. Look, druggist. carriages, bicycles, autimobiles, etc. fourth line of said Section Fourteen 30 00! dent and clerk to borrow $400(1.00, ne who would play the mischief with piazza." a small plaee a big hotel Is!" he said. said mortgage, and In pursuance of the statute proves its matchless : merit for all R VanDyke our happiness." said mortgHge will lie foreclosed to satisfy and in the midst of these was a plat- so as to make said Section Fourteeu 6 was rescinded. f "And the widow Is with him—your "Are you anxious to make yourself Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. C Baker Pallaaburg. MORI GAGc SALE the amount due thereon and costs of fore- form which attracted our attention as hereby amended to read as fol- On motion by Trustee WatU the "You must be pretty well through ttepmamma thnt Is to be." still more unpopular with my father?" closure Including au attorney fee of Fifteen Only 60c. Sold by L. H. Hunt & $1420 al3lli with the 00," said Josephine. lows: Mrs. Beckwitb 'of Vergennes pum of $6000.00 was transferred "Don't you dare to tay It If I "I wanted to see what tort of a etep- Default has been made in payment of a Dollars provided In said mortgage and at onoe, for it contained a life size, Co. druggist. "Like enough." said her father. "In mother-ln-law I was likely to have authorlieu by statute, by sale of the morU SEC. U. This ordinance shall 8TBBBT FUND spent Tuesday with Mrs . D^nny. from the Sinking Fund. Yeas, thought so, 1 would marry the first certain morlgHge dated Sept. 20th. 1882, solid gold statue of Maude Adams. that case our young friend Grandln man that asked me." that was all." made and execuletl by Klhatmn W. Hurnett uased pretu'.ses at puhlic auction to the This was tho work of .Miss Bessie become null and void unless the saidi Porter Oarr 11 44 H Clark 8 7» Henry Booth is again able to be M Flanagan, Look, Nicholson and and Diana Biirnetl his wile, of Lowell,Kerl tilghest bidder on IheBHrd day August A. D. Pratt Lake W Pox 160 must be the hundredth that Is specially "I will be the first" "What do you think of her?' 1001 ut 10 o'clock In the forenoon al the Potter and was Nevada's exhibit at grantees their'successors and assigns, T W Mason 8000 out around. Walts absaut Lee and White. to be looked out for." "I agree with you. She won't do at County, Michigan, to Maria E Dwighl of North Front door of the Court House In Miss Carrie Freeman who has J Lewis 7 7R BBEAD, BUNS, "Oh, Mrs. Fuller, we have had such shall within thirty days from the; Ferris Taylor 2* Misses Carrie aud Edith Colvin FRIED0AKE8, UOOI On motion by motion by Nichol "Now, to go back to the point from all. Something must be— By Jove, Ihe ciiy of Grand Hapids Kent County, the cby of Grand Rapids, that the Paris Exposition. There is 600 with her J Flynn 60 W Fox 6 60 a lovely day. Mr. Grandln and I stop- been spending five weeks date of its passage file with the. PIES, OAKK), CAN! son the sum of $4000.00 was trans- which this talk started." said Joseph- where Is that paper? Let me have it Michigan and recorded September 2i8l, being the place of holding the pounds or $250,000 worth of gold in D F Atvrater 86 W D Dawson 6 87 are home on a visit from Belding. ped to see If we could arrange to have 1882 al the oflioe of the Register of Deeds, Circuit Court for the County of Kent. sister, Mrs. Minty, has returned W Fox 2 25 of tae otd reliable i ine. "I believe I told you that there it. And I thought as we gazed in Village Clerk a written acceptance FT King al 28 Prayer meeting every Wednesday ferred from the General Fund to all the fish we caught sent to the poor for awhile, will you? I have an Idea." Kent County aforesaid in liber 100 ol Bald sale will lie subject to the unpaid In- A P Aytes 2 60 stallment of One Hundred and Twenty-five admiration, that though 4 fOSi mr- 8 25 berlain's Cough Esnedf. IfaflioUd with "old by L. II- Hunt A Co who the subject of the widow, Captain Tal- tics. It coils money to be '' ;i contaol with and I have used many other Frionda of THE LEDGER haying •any throat or lung trouble,- give it a trial Orrel Hendnrshott and wife spent Sunday Missoula district, charging pi . . ... But his father, who could only speak "1 am indebted to One Minute Congh guarantee satMlaction or refund money bot fell himself at a groat disadvan- state, and Ihe pastime is w«l. swearing thai they lilcd upon lands lor reparationa.—ilohn Beam, West Middlesex business ut the Probate court will Out® - 1 IH certain to prove beneffdaL Coughs in Grand Rapids with relalivee. 1 sires, but a fortune that is it, tw- words in English, "Soufenir" 0>ite ror ay ptmnt good health and my Large bottles 50c and Sl.oO. Trial tage, as is always tho case with simple hevo their personal use, whercna they transfemd '". No prepa'ution equala Kouol Dyspep- have resisted all other treatment for Mr.-aml Mrs. McGibins of- Orleans were! ICO, and which perhapa scarcely Cure us it contains the natural digest- confer a favor A\tou the publisher and ''five cents," nodded his head bleb be ia endowed haa won ti- 51*) this remedy and per- guests of Mrs. John Cary last Thursday; billet free. innocence ^vhen it is called upon to stand auch a strsin. them after getting the titles. 7 nt la the tiutr of every one to make have It will digest all kinds of food and by reqtteHliug Judge to SP^" and accepted the coin. Some of the lit uo reetored. Caeee that! Mrs. Jennie Filkins visited., her tister, tace .adrpyi: intlmiation and thg.suijpi- JThe colonel smiled greatest pusiible progress and to be- ~lp but do you good. Taft & Co. he advurtiuiug to paper Chinese Juggleta gave an interesting that the climate of famonsf Mrs. J. N. Hubble last week. come as per/ecdy developed aa ability V street show and singing and dancing i L. H. TaU & Co "id to beoefii, have bean Mrs. John Cary and little Dean Oolet permits. I am afraid there- are few I by its use. For tale by were on the tick list Ittt week. were indulged in. .' 1 OLD PAPERS AT THIS OFFU men who can say that they have made f JLsta'I , ihejnott of their talents." • •' mammmmmmmaammmmmmmmmmm / •m |


the deck, and he dismissed the sub- regular genius." faid Mrs. Nolan. "Are On the seventh day of their voyage, A WORTHY SKTKSSOK. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR ject as unworthy of comment at such you run. you can stand the ordeal, and on entering the state-room suddenly A QREAT BALL OAHE an important moment. They strolled that there is enough for you to eat in Mrt. Nolan discovered Mrs. Goddard in "Sonctfeiits Ne« ruder tfecSnn " alonj; the deck, now holding 50 or 60 the basket? It will not seem right for the tct of placing a little folding deck- All doctors have tried cure to Catarmh WEST SIDE BUSINESS MEN passmgerR. most of whom, with seri- me to go down to warm meals in the stool into the closet. by u-* of powder*, acid ca>««s,inhalert and ous eyes, were regarding the crowd stlon while you are eating cold things "What is that for?" she questioned. drugs in parte form. Their j«owders dry VICTORS BY 13 TO 9 assembled below. At last the gong— up here." "You don't suppose I am going to up the nmnious memhrtnees causing them Pressed Chicken which was the signal for those who "I shall put it off if possible till we stond up in there all the time I am to crack open nnd bleed. The powerful \hc 5 Minnie Breakfast fool T Boys' Union Profited $15 hy the were not to sail to go ashore—wat are nearly in." said Mrs. Goddard. locked in. do you?" smiled Mrs. fiod- acids used in the inhaler* have entirely sounded, and Goddard grew actually "Besides, yon may order your meals dard. "There is not room enoush to calen awar the same membranes that Wm. H. Anderson. Pres. .lobn W. Blod | Sport. |C*nTlpM, 1.00. by A N. Kf I'-'Ct r Co.) their makers have aimed lo cure, while white as he clutched his wife's hand. sent here occasionally and we will ex- lie down and an emergency might oc- gett, Vicc Pres. .'ohn A. Seymour, Cash T The game of base hall between "Are you seasick?" she jetted. change." asle*. and ointments cannot reach the L. Z.Caukin. Asst. Cash. cur in which I'd have to stand till I'd Jisejise An old and eiperiencwl praclit For Fourth of July § the East and West side business CHAPTER VIII. "You know how this parting 5s kill- THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK drop in sheer exhaustion. I am awful- ioner who has for many years made a close A men resulted iu defeat by the fnrm- Aa tie mijor mud his wife were be- ing me." he answered. CHAPTER IX. ly glad 'he air comes in at the top. study ami specialty of the treatment of UNITED STATUS HEPOSITORY. Ca pita "Our meeting soon or—never de- and Surplus $400,000. —al— A er by a score of 18 to 9. inf driren up to the pier where the | It was the third day out. The sky- Now. just for experiment. I'll sit down Catarrah, has at last perfected a treatnifiit pends on you." was her quiet, firm re- ...SAVINGS BOOKS ISSl'ED... A The East side team was composed Cleopatra lay, hi» aptation increpf.pd, was cloudless and the sun was throw- and then you must lock me in." which w hea faithfully used, not only re- ply. Grand"napid>. Mirbican. T as follows: A. McMabon c ami p "It will ROOD be OTFR." he sighed. ing down a genial warmth upon long Mrs. Nolan consented readily. She lieves at one*, htt permanently cures } "YOB will cable me AS soon as you "I fondly hope you will find some seeded better at rehearsals than at Catarrah by removing the cause, stopping t F. Charles p and c, W. 6. Murphy rows of passr;tgers in steamer chairs dwehargfs. and mnng all inflamation. It laud, won't you, Jeanne?" other way," he said, in despair. and rugs on the deck. Mrs. Goddard performances. § 1 I), M. Ruben 3 b, C. McCarty If, There was jutt a hint of hesitation "You need not count on that, dear," it the only remedy known to science that OtynKk * aicvrick's and her companion sat side by side. An Owing to the shallowness of the actually reaches the afflicted parts. This Buy Shirts 4 G. V. McConnell s s, II. W. Hakes in tie look she gave him, then: she said. "Now kiss me and go.'* closet Mrs. Goddard was obliged to sit All kinds of Cold Meats. inclination towards sociability had wonderfol remedy is known as"Sniitfles the Where They Make J 2 b, J. B. Nicholson c f, H. A. "Yet, dear Eowland," she said, "the As he went down the gang plank he sidewise. but she looked very comfort- IAMI market. drawn most of the passengers together Guaranteed Catarrah Cute" and i> sold at ——— Thera. A Peckham,rf. moment I land; hut my letters, re- had to hold to the railing to be sure in half-hearted efforts at entertain- able as she leaned back against her the extremely low price of one dollar, each of his foothold. Beaching the pier, he • This is the way the West Siders member. must ^ro to the box " ment, but the two characters belonging gowns and skirts. package containing internal and external GARD1MEK \ BAXTER ... : stood in the ranks along the water's lined up: W. A. Watts s s, I). G. "I ihall simply haunt the place." he to my history held themselves quite "Now. close the door." she said. And medicine sufhriem tor a fnli month's treat- 1 M Vi Monroe Si. Grand Rapids. l/)ok 2 b, A. W. Weckes li, R. declared. edge, his eyes glued to a single face aloof from all. when this was done no one entering ment and eveiything netessary toil* perfect use. W. Swayze r f, R. Van Dyke I li, ITiey alighted from the cah and on the deck of the ship, which was be- The captain, who as a habit spoke the room at that instant would have walked alony tie pier throuph the ginning to move. An old woman near imagined that the apartment con- "Snnflles" i- the only perfect Catarrah Clyde Collar p, C. G. Perry c, R. to few of his passengers, seemed to have Cure ever made and i- now recognized as hurrying tirong of cabmen, draymen, his, who was waving a farewell to singled Mrs. Goddard out as a voyager tained more than one woman GRAY HAIR B. Loveland If, L. P. Thomas c f. her daughter, was sobbing aloud; he the <>nlv safe and pfisitive cure for that paasengers and people who had come of no little distinction owing to her oc- "There is p'.enty of air. too." chuckled annoying and disgusting disease. It cures KESTullBD to >tfi Natural color bv Mme Prof. Thomas ollicialed as Umpire to see tiheir friends off. Rcachinp felt like crying, too. nnd but for the cupation of the best stateroom on :he prif-oner when she was liberated. all inflamation quickly and permanently HIRB\RIVS BOVAL INDIA RB-JTORA and Frank Kelly did the scoring. the gang plank, lowered for the ac- smiling countenance he adored he board, for he often bowed to her as he "Now. for all you do. don't leave the and is a'so wondfrful'y quick to relieve TIVE. Indrrsed hv Ihe New York Journa The game was full of fun—for might have done so. He was the last of health. Send for Free Booklet. commodation of the saloon passen- passed. To-day. when Mrs Goddard room while the stewardes:- is putting Hay Fever or Cold in the Head. Warm Weather Ihe Kpectators—and some of the old to leave the pier. When the Cleopatra • Catarrah when neglected often leads to 3.' Monro i St. Grtoi Ripids gers. they saw Mrs. Nolan on the up- saw him coming along the deck in their it straight. The hints 1 have dropped boys showed that they had not for- per deck leaning against the railinp had vanished from sight he started Con>-nmption—"Snuffles" will save you if direction, she nudged her companion. in her presence about keeping the gotten how to play even if their and trying to attract their attention homeward. The difference between "There is a vacant chair next to me." closet locked will make it appear thor- you n-e it at once It is no ordinary his condition and that of his wife^vas e medy. but a complete treatment which is Trunks. Bags. Harnses, joints were a little stiff and their Mn. Goddard laughed merrily and she said. "If I can get him to sit down oughly natural for it nevei to be open. ositively giiaranteed to cure Catarrah in wared the bit of cambric she held in that she felt as if she were just en- a moment I shall play my first card." She knows we ha*e both the keys." wind short. There were at last two tering a state of freedom, while he pny form or stage if used aqoording to the Robos. Blankets and Whip^. her hand. "Oh. don't say anything before me." "But. my Lord, after-after you dis- rectiona whi« h accoropanv each package, double plays aud Will Hakes made had sold himself into bondage, of —at Money Saving Prices— Is Here "Let's go right up," she said to her entreated Mrs. Nolan; "I feel so shaky." appear—what if they were 10 order the pon't delay but send for it al once, ami and HO is a big stock a one hand catch that brought thun- inaband. "I want you to see our big body and soul. "Vou must get over that." ordered door opened?" » rite full particulars as to your condition PAX! I. ElKER/r, ders of applause from the grand rooms. You will agree with me that it It was five o'clock in the afternoon our arch conspirator, sternly. "Now. 'Vou must not cross a bridge be- ,.nd V'11 »pecial advice from of Warm Weather stand. Final Wind-up of the Season he discoverer of this wonderful remedy SS Canal St., Grand Rapid-s it better to go in a boat that is not when he reached Lyndhurst. He don't you forget what I told you." fore you come to it." quoted Mrs. God- Bob Swayze succeeded in getting heard Blanche singing as she sat at recardiDg your f-ase without cost to you Next to Thntu'p drug store. Goods at COLLARS quite so fast than to mist such quarters Hie captain was now quite near. It dard. "Now. so far you have dona round the diamond and yelling the piano in the drawing-room, and was the smile of Mrs. Goddard that beyond the regolar price of ••Snnflles'"Ihe as I hare engaged." beautifully ; don't make a failure at Guaranteed Catarrah Cure." "Tally Sway/e," .but he probably He complied. The attention her when he went in he saw Miss Dean caused him to doff his cap and pause. the very end. 1 tell vou our plan ia Some choice thing's in Sent prepaid loany address in the L'oiled JOB PRIMING done neatly hasn't got bis breath yet and his beiuty and stylish appearance had at- and Talley standing near her. They "A fine day. madam." he said, cor- going to run smoothly and without States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. and quickly. THE LEDGER DIMITIES, LAWNS, tracted from the bystanders had not all tame towards him. dially. * 1 a single hitch. Then, if I get ashore Address I>ept B. 3CV Edwin B. Giles 4 dash for third base will be long BATISTE, FRENCH LAWNS, remembered, as it took him a long eactped his eye. His heart was beat- "We have been waiting tea for you. She motioned for him to (it down in all right. » shall be free; and we >hall Company. 2S30tnd 2832 Market Stmt, Julius A. J. Friedrich, ing madly as he followed her up the Maj. Goddard," said Mis:- Dean, giving the chair on her left. have money enough to be free on, Philadelphia. PERSIAN LAWNS, INDIA LINENS, lime to get there. • fangplank to the first deck In a mo- him her hand; "and we have planned "1 have been wanting to speak to 30 snd 32 CANAL ST. ^ JULY 4th to JULY 20th think of that—think of the money, An attcouut of the game would •All at Warn Prices- meat they were shaking hands with not to allow you to get blue, haven't you. captain, ever since the beginnln LucyI" be incomplete without special men- Mra. Nolan. Goddard's handshake was we. Blanche?" ^f the voyage." she said, and (here Pere Marquette "I shall 00 my best." said Mrs. No- Pianos, Organs, Bargains in FOULARD SILKS* Just the thing tion of Senator Weekes running a mere cold formality. He now hearti- His ward nodded, her eye* on his was a strange lack-lfisler e\pres».:en lan. borne into hopefulness by UM Jan. I, 1901 for party or evening dreeses. catch of Charles' Hy. The plaudits Is the Golden Opportunity to buy ly disliked his wife's homely oocfeder- face, but she did not speak. ; in her eyes. breezy confidence of her friend. Shnt Music and **1 thank yon," h< said, smiling: of admiring spectators will doubt- ate. He despised her for being weak I "I am at your service. Mrs God- Taking up her rug and a book, Mrs. Trains leave Lowell us follows: 1 •aongh to obey Jeanne's criminal or- For Detroit an^ East HENDERSONS SIMMER CORSETS less linger long in his memory. "but not—not yet. Later I shall join dard." he said, studying her face, cuii- Goddard went to her chair in a sunny Musical Mdsi. beats them all for tit and style. ders; the had cot, he argued, his own you. but I am going to my room just 7 li? am 11 05am 4 10 | m C. G. Perry, who was mainly re ously. spot on the deck She saw the cap- For Toledo and South E*ertlhing in the Mntiea) excuse of beinj blindly in lore. As they now. It is good of you to come to ue. "Of course. I don't want you to re- tain approaching. A critical look lay 7 12 urn II 05 am 4 10 flu sponsible for the game, had several Line A few more TAILOR MADE SUITS errors to his credit including several itood there he felt as if they were Miss Dean." gard what 1 say in the light of a com- in his frank eyes, but she bent over For lirand Rarids. North a^d West to close out cheap. three murderers passing before tie 11 am 4 10 pmS 54 pm Write for catalogue and prices. wild throws to first. We are afraid "But. really, won't you have one 1 plaint," she went on. "In fact, I her book and allowed him to past For Saginaw and Ba\ City world as reputable, well-to-do citirens. cup?" pleaded Blanche, all tenderness make up my mind to put up with a without a word. It struck him that, 7 47 am 6 07 pm GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. We always carry a Big Stock of he will have to practice a little more Men's and Boys' Suits, "Well, let me see yoar staterooma," and sympathy. great many horrible things at sea. having recovered from her delusion, For Fieeport 712 am 4 10 pm Carpets and Curtains and before joining the National league. he aaid, resignedly. "Not this afternoon, dear." and he I But. captain, is there not a—a decided she was embarrassed by the remem- B L BKSTTON, 11. F. MnBt.LKB. we sell them right. Some of the players "covered a "They are on thia deck, the last turned from the room. 1 feeling among the sailors that we will brance of her wild remarks a few Agt. Uenl. Pass. Agent great deal of ground." In the towards the stern," said Mrs. Goddard. "Oh. isn't he splendid?" exclaimed never get into port alive?" days previously. Vitalized Air second inning at one time there were Pants, Shirts, Overalls, Caps, leading the way. "In fact, there are Miss Dean, when he had left the room. "Why, madam!" He opened hit GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. for only Safe and four men playing second base. At no other apartments up here except the "He is one man thai rouses the best eyes wide with astonishment. "I don't (To be continued i Painlef* method oi Eitractin}: Teeth. another time, Swayze, while play- captain's, and hit quarters are further emotions that are in me. I could love understand you. Surely—" WBSTBor.vn FROM LO» AIX forward. We shall be absolutely pri- a—an unmarried man like that." "I have always heard they were su- ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. E. R. COLLAR ing right field got so interested that Straw Hats, Underwear, Sweaters. Tate." She was speaking to Blanche, but No 1^ Morning Express to Every Cold and he was playing between tbe pitcher perstitious people by nature." she In the matter of the estate of PATRICK Grand Haven 1'J 15 pn Leader iu Low Prioee and Best Uootls. They had now reached a door to our heroine had gone to the table and broke in. "Now Lucy, here, has been Cl'BI.KV. deceased, notice is hereby given No 13 Mail and Ch'uago Ki- Silver FillinG; aud first base. which Mrs. Nolan had the key, and was pouring a cup of tea. trying to pacify me ail day; but the is ttiat I shall sell at Publii auction to the piess to Grand Haven 456 pu- Marks Ruben and Chas. McCarty Inphesi bidder on Saturday the "Tlh dav <3ruai*a.iiteed Rjgiit they unlocked it and went in. It was "You take two lumps. Lottie, I be- lying to me. I am sure my husband No II Steamboat Express 9 19 pm & failed to get to first base. Marks of July A. 0. WM at one o'chn-k jn the Every Set of Teeth Backward Season tiie cause. Cold weather in April and May has left too many Indeed a spacious apartment. In addi- lieve." she said, in a voire in which instructed her to keep me in the d'ark." lo Gd Haven k Milwaukee is refusing all offers from the tion to the wide double bed, the room afternoon, al the noilh front enlrance on No 17 Western Express to Warranted to fit Accurately CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES Spring and Siimmor Suits on our tables. They must go. We never carry over. It there was a hint of unsteadiness. The captain glanced past her and Cre-i'nt Avenue, lolhe Kent Counlv Court I We hope as many will visit the National league, but we understand contained a soft lounge, a tea table and Mrs Goddard stood by her accom- tried to catch Mrs. Nolan's glance, Gd Haven S 04 am 1 >1*. 1-1. I3. Snyder, camp an possible and cordially invite don't pay. Prices lower than you ever heard of before for such goods. House, in Ihe City of Grand Rapids, in the No- In and I.'t daily except Sunday. that McCarty had a telephone from china service, and a little sideboard plice and waved her handkerchief un- but this woman was looking off in iha County of Kent, in the State of Mirhigan. 51 Monroe 8t IH) Phone Main 1883 Coagregatloaai. them to do so. braced ag-ainst the wall. Adjoining it til she was tired. Then she said: No II, daily. lirand Bipidf. Midi Deacon Ellis of Grand Rapids offer- opposite direction, her face deathly, pursuant to license and authority granted ttSTBOt'.fU Al the closing meeting of the Rev. E. W, Miller of Douglas were a bath and a single-berth room. "Do you think he can distinguish to me the tenth day of June A l».. 19(11 by ing him a situation with the "All white, and twitching with excitement. No 12 Detroit exto De- well Bible class held in will preach in the Congregational "Here," said Mrs. Goddard, opening me in a crowd at this distance. Lucy?" "You were saying that the sailora the Probate Court of Kent County. Mich- Stars." Of course, Charlie threw troit and East 7 20 am pilable home of Mr. and Airs. church at both services next Stir day. Here are a Few Samples: the door of a closet about a yard in "I think not," answered Mrs. Nolan, are superstitious by nature," ho igan. all of the estate, ri^hl. title and in- OEKI rnciiTO the offer up. He says if he can't teiest ol said deceased ot. in and to the No 20 Mail to Detroit 10 29 am C. Griswold on June 23, the depth, "ia the gem of modern improre- indifferently. "My sight is good, and floundered about in his effort to ap- No IS Evening Express lo play wilb a good team, he won't leal estate situated and l>eing in the County leader of the class waa given a ments. I can hang up my things and pear both respectful and to get at her Detroit and East 4 01 pro Baptlat. play with any. So we don't know of Kent, in the state of Mii-higan known genuine surprise. Just as the they will keep dry and smooth. Be- meaning. and described as follows, to-wit: No 14 Eastern Express to MEN AKD Rev. Wm. Haas aud wife of what the poor Deacon will do. But Dnrand ami East 7 57 |tn All wool light weight Black Wor- aidea, the purser said there were but "Yes. and you see, passing so many; The North east quarter ('41 of section OR. AN'JrfW B. SPINNEY, leason was about to commence, the i Ohio who have been visiting rel- there's Watts, Look, VtnDyke, Boy's Suits, ages 0 to IG, Victor two keya to it, and he has promised to dead bodies of men, women and chil- niueteen (191. town five (5), North range Nos 20 and 18 daily except Sunday Famftli n- ••". (.•pilti.r el U i-! ftlf secretary, Mrs. Spraker, asked per- sted Suits for men, guaranteed fast black. 1 Nos 12, 1-5, daily. • anllnrlnn Hi • • * t-IUMf *pr- !*lt.i. vionti. ' atives here, were with the Lowell Collar, Loveland and Thomas .all woolen, the best kind to wear. Our leader let me hav# both of them, for security's dren would make them more so. I nine (9 West being the township of nth I*>1 *11*141141 in OMili* mission to introduce a new scholar, Regular price $8.00. t A.O. iicrDLAUFP,Agent. Nrr%n«,*. I'rla irt. •« .*- .. • .laa Baptist people lasl Sunday. Mr. pretty good men, be might try this season at $2.00, usually sold for •ake." can't bear it. There nre more of Bowne. Kent County. Michigan This sale UUraM-*. hn- •••• h I -Mli in In- lll<) •«> (••••. ni. Mrs. Morris, who had been smuggled i- subject to a mortgage of Kighteen Lowell, Mich ( il b*l .i- . .11 .• I < u. II II » c MM). I Haas preached two excellent sermons them; and to fill out he can select Reduced to Oelf" "Here they are." aaid Mrs. Nolan, tim- them on this side of the ship than fiw H« I**- no IU'- U- and with Mrs.. Haas sang three from McMabon, Charles, McConnell the other."' »l(. «•>'! -ill TWO- IH*) IN -L m.riii: LIICHIUI* knowledge. After the meeting Sale prict -I *0" •uddes gaze. "He gave them to me just 1 from Marth 29th. 1901. to Buffalo. p»r|ir ilm «tl>n «•! • V» splendid duets. Their voices blend Nicholson, and Peckham, all "Why, what do you mean?" ha Dated June Khh A.. I). 1301, Iblloviui '"i -• . : ! • -It . il I> .-al I •ilM'."*. heB closed refreshments were served BOW." gasped. "Madam, there are no dead Mywi.. s! i'-vi-•o-l rrtlli—' *! I*i.'-u**~->i(l.<-llr. . well and their time is uniform, giv- "Cracker-Jack" ball players. Grey Hairline Cassimere Suits, the DimKi. E. MraiiAY, Administrator. K •r.-ici i" til* ) ••>i\. 1 urmil'it 'lin. •- and in spite of the lerriftic storm Mrs. Goddard laughed mysterionsly. bodies here." flUARDIAfTS SALE. li». Hmm l..«' "••i. *11, Ia i. Si'iilinc of lll'^^l. I' ing a very pleasing effect. 51 r. The Boys' Union for whose Voir*-'. r.nliHi;*-! run il*. ttiri|-i*nl • on-'ini| Ilm* which raged earlier in the evening, best value we ever allowed K ^ K Boys' Knee Pant Suits, light colors "I told him I had some valuable Mrs. Goddard flared up and gave In the matter of the estate of EB ANCES D1H. IM—*1 Hi II* ••*. —HIHI DelllUi}. ).*lrr- • Hass also sang for the Boys' Union. benefit tbe game was played, re- at $7.50. Reduced to ^ thiaga which I did not care to keep In E. LANGLEY. mentally inooiupetent IV-tiliM " t ill i at'I all lonn* 'I N< a large number of the members of strictly pure wool and fast color, double him her eyes steadily. rorj. III--.—.. 1*1— i—-, of (hp hhlm-" nr*! M mM Lowell people would be glad to see ceived about $15 gate money. the aafe in the office, and he assured me person. Strict*.**-» On.i' .r i -iili*. li tbe class were present. As though "My husband has instructed you to Eczema for bl-anl lul il»ni fl'-M Hly IHIMH» ». Sttf'-'a. j . more of Air. and Mrs. Haas. Following is the score by innings: seat and knee, regular priceo.50^ Q they would be absolutely safe in my deceive me, too," she cried. "Lucy Notice is hereby given that I -hall sell al an*! Son IH-ri---. SJIV*- 1 T.-e-e-ol aU|...n'-.i' this were not eaough the new scholar Eir Eir IVn «•*'! Il:'rin,>l fii,».. llirli*U* • ' There will be services next Sun Innings 1 2 3 4 5 Totals Reduced to ^aOO eloaet." said you would agree with her. Vou Public Auction, to the highest bidder, on fonnilii*.. "tub Fr'*. '"i > -'•<« T* r • !• entered into a conspiracy to still Blue Serge Suits, strictly pure long Forty Years. Monday the 8th day of July A. D. I I'll. at »(<• AUI Imi.idi * It •i4*i*-i>* lliar*!!**!!. i IJ.< .ill • 1 day, both morning aud evening. East Side 2 4 1 2 0—9 The brows of the major ran together are all in the plot to worry me—to kill of Li'T. cti> mr'i iind lVi.i-1 lii^iiw— further surprise the leader and West Side 13 2 2 5-13 IB perplexity. eleven o'clock, in the forenoon, at the vonvo MRS 1*1 into w\ it liahii--. n-1' ne-' fiber wool, fast color, our leader this me." The Unqualified Statement of at Well front door of the Kent County Court h(»use harm, nii'l noa ''•tIonBt fnr •Oi-l handed to him when they arrived "What it at the bottom of this?" he pl«Mi»ui*?< <*t l (i-lii»«?. *i'li lu-. ot nem-'n lr . • season at 810.00 ^ r ^ Ywr choice of aay Sic Shirt in the store for 43c She rose suddenly and dropped hep Known Attorney, St. Ignace. Mich. (on Crescent avenue) in Ihe city of Grand ireak back. Mlpitnieo. r^l nn*l snntai ej'^.i i- in Grand Rapids a generous HIS 76TH ANNIVERSARY. taid. "What tort of valuablet do you rug at her feet. Banids in the County of Kent in the State (irvdm-rnilnt^na anbiUM.aimiMioweta) . - EXCURSIONS Reduced to • eOU aodlot-*'. urine, kitlnn The woman addressed shrugged her Chase's Ointment of stubborn and long con- thority granted to me ou the twentieth day s^nonh pi c'i—1. ftrirtui**. cram (l!>4-i-«*nf il* - «*i. reward for this must come from I i.N. Halsted's Birthday Celebrated try to sJetp. but what does closing my tinued ecrcma and skin diseases are causing it »r«i»in ri*.n lii«r» Bniamfe anil ure^lycur* >" • i.--» PereMarqurttf. Everett Overalls, double sewed, ahapely ahoulders. eyes amount to? I can see them just of May A. D. 1501 by the Probate Court reaionaNe.o-i/ftciill' toitie i-*oi < wr.« f Him, who alone rewardeth. May by His Friends. much comment. of Kent County Michigan, all of the right, fHE SIGNS Oh" smul.t« aie Mw.l and -• i dis- felled seams, made like pants, the best "Your photograph, dear Bowland," the same." suae*. |>ainfal •aflUm*.- . 'AMI" rains, IDDTOUK i ichea He bless them all. People are begin- title, interest, or estate of said in llii* month, hair l^ *. inmptoi on thi- rw- • art<1ii*at«lur.*iiaiB JULY 9lb. than usual looking for it. On his thip'a aafe, you know, and yet I want "OUR MEETING DEPENDS ON YOU," with her to the door of her room. and l>ein^ in the County of Kent,State of Marqoetie for their first annual Suits at 1 Price rour»vrt»mf IMPOTENCY. or Lo*-*of tjeuml Foaer. -2 it with me, of course. But—now re- SHE SAID all kinds of skin and IO R-N mnlemplate MAItblAGKT !»O JOT fee! return home at nine o'clock he Then, with a face much disturbel, he trouble. Attorney Michigan, known and described as follovs. aafMulikiiw thlaatepf You can't ••on] In I *,•-"• ouungat Camp Union, one milei Arrange to spend an afternoon at member, if there ever is anything came back to Mrs. Nolan. He put hit to-wit; rbt WVcut* alUnch ra**fbTtmildin(aptbc«>a this delightful resort, where cool found about sixty friends aud I can't teH'him from anybody else on Jas. J. Brown, St. and rnriffin,* Ih« Mood west of Douglas on the lake shore. I which you cannot comprehend fully, finger on his brow significantly. Ignace. Michigan, All that land situate in the township of If jou rmiTit l>»lr»*at»*d anrrcnfnllratlMlBc he brecEcs from I^akc Michigau, bathing neighbors gathered on his lawn to Light colors in $10.00 Cassimere the pier." Vergennes. County of Kent and State of tellir.*i ahai h« can treat jon for al lb« Baii!*r»{ They certainly are a jolly lot, the Straw Hats at your own price think of thia closet and its two keya "Something is wrong with her." he writes as follows. joa cmi recite Hie bw' ol treatmcat at I*. boating, fishing, etc., will make surprise him, it being his 7tftb Suits, broken lines, only one or two ot and the puzzle will be solved." "Then I shall etop; my arm aches. Michigan described as commencing on the »stpiic«i>f an- Kanitanara In Ihecowrtrr-•'*•1 party consisting of about 40. They said, in the peremptory tone of a su- Dr. A. W. Chase ti- ha> a flrM-claai medical ataff and thabaat of ~ you forget your troubles. Take birthday anniversary. He was "You are so strange," he said, try- Do you think he will do as 1 wish?'' Med. Co.. Buffalo. west bank of Elal river on the center line «lon«l mrw carry the well wishes and prayers of a kind. jr rw-* perior to one beneath him; "what is 1 Thiw> unable Income to the Santtaii greatly pleased and doubly so, when ing to fall Into he'- mood. Just then "I don't know him as well as you N. V.—Gents — I of section thirty-five (351 in to*u (7i partlcali". inrlmimc ftamr. and recai every one in Lowell. Through the the children along with a big basket Your choice for O.wv/ Men's Fancy Percale Shirts, two it?" north of range nine (91 west and running Thou-'nd* cared al home br cnneep presented by Chas. Quick, in behalf oue of the deck hands came is with do." Mrs. Nolan evidently laid no "It is not at all serious, sir." stam- [ cannot refrain from a-, nnd tf the <«-« It one that can be great heartednep of Mrs. A. P. of lunch. Special train will leave collars and two cufls detached a Q expressing my acknowledgment for the relief from thence west on said iin<> one hundred we •ill do en I •eaelledee tVee. of the company, with a steel engrav- Mrt. Nolan's tteamer trunk and small- claim to perspicacity. "It looks to me mcred Mrs. Nolan. "She doesn't talk ; and thirty-one (131) rods, theuce south «1l All $5.00 Suits at when you left America with her?" I have spent at a rough estimate five hun- Dr. Spinney will be at LoVtll , hungry boy knows how to appreciate. under 12 half fare. of acceptance. Cake and ice cream Monarch Shirts Sell for aid (lit delieaietten ettablishment riveted the on him. I think what we have to fear "She told me she had strange feelings dred dollars trying to effect a cure, and not bank of Elat river to place of beginning, were served and the company dis- containing thirty-five (35) acres, subject to at Waverij Honae, Tuesday 3*ly 9, from We simply cannot ask the space to BOAT RIDE ON LAKE M1CH1 roring glance of the major. Noting more than snything is his preachy sometimes—delusions, but that the until 1 applied this ointment did I get relief. persed abovt 10: .0. 1 Vou are strangers to me and this letter is right of flowage. 8 a. m. to 4 iv ' even name the good and generous his curious stare at It, Mrs. Nolan tendency. Nobody but you would dare ocean always cured her." GAN. to attempt fo work a man like he is." prompted directly because I want to say and 1 Dated. May JIM. A. D. 1901. friends through whose kindness Elegant Tiger Woolen Suits for Men's Blue and White Striped moved nearly to the door and stood "Does her family know of her condi- feel as though 1 ought to say it. That jul4 A. UKIN EVANS, Guardian. At 2:30 p. m., Pere Marquette Notice of Aanual Meetlag of School looking out at the clattering machines "Yes, it all depends on the grip," ad- VhfcEc happy two weeks have been Boys, 16 to 19 years, double breasted Shirts 36c quality 01 tion ?" Chase's Ointment has effected a ccmplete Steamer will leave tbe Beach for a Diet. Ntttuber 1, Lowell. •which were hoisting vast loads of mitted Jeanne; "and the longer we are Mrs. Nolan thook her head doubt- made possible. Tbe best we can rure ot my affliction. Three boxes did the a two hour trip on the big lake. vests. Made up in the very latest Sale Price " /w 1. C trunks and boxes from the pier below. separated the less my influence will be; fully. work on my leg. I was also suflering from #^e L. B. U! and Sunday with Mr*. H. Wesbrook. held at the High school rooms, we must clearly understand each oendation is due from me. Cleaning Teeth bOc But," aaid the major, bending down "I will do so, sir; but I am sure she E. B. Onan and A. B. Catper bpeot Son-1 central building, on Monday even- •f. removing the cover, "they must other." will give us no trouble. I w ill go see if Vours truly, PainbfB F.xtractln!; 25c TUB LOWEI PPSr! day at Raed's. JAS. J. BROWN. Examination aud advice free of charKe ing, July 8th, 1901, at seven aud made some mistake. This bat- When they were In their room. Mrt. she wants anything." STEAM pU|j It excursion will be. Riog UB u| Prom there excursionists who wish one day Tut week. fantum. The doctor had given up all hopes EYES TESTED FREE of recovery. I took a botlle nf Chamber- have such a ravenous appetite alter aft*T c-onsidering a dozen plans ther'' fc>*visitoimp union can take the j" Mrs. Emily Morray and Mrs. Clare. wagon will call fori lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhnen Remedy parting with you; but the trutb is, touid be nothing so good as this. I 1 "Joe," a ^rooil safe boat, running Frarier attended the Eaqiern Star at Low- t 11 liver your laundry.^ •o tbe house, telling them I felt t-nre it. the sea air keeps me hungry all the ' '' bim it would be BO soon, opiwftt^ Spectacles and Eyeglasses Gold and Gold Filled—Low Prices 1 1 ell Friday nuht. betweea Jfol'and and and Saugatuck would do good if used according to dirccljvT time. I want to eat at night when Largest and most complete stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Mrs. F. M. Thompeon of Cascade has Wes. t Side lowellJicli. imrn *" backed down on the baa cultii-fltOT* aud have a 1mile ride on Lake and in two days lime the child had l"jr_ 1 be nrw been aiok at the home of her daughter in 1 •ounBIpaqvpnu 'P' 'w ItQ il doesn't look respeclaole lo make SS froi',V " "• telegraphed to •hlcb be la endowed Glass, etc.. in the city. • recovered. The child is now vigoro^'® *' demands on tie ship's larder. Now, MichiganjOr ihey can take the trolly i Grand Ra^ds. WRRSttS apnlnst hind locators in ia tbe dufjr d every one to make l healthy. I have recommewied ;—Solid Gold ami Gold Filled. We can sive you '>r. In either case tbe run occupies Mra. UriH^nowapenta week with her Missoula

\ , -r-rw-wi'- /

THi CP WO MitlCIHB MAN. , «r solphnr and UM 1XD GARDEN. tto wHt* ft tHUMr has u wv think. But let us look In another direc- OHIO KKPLOLII aiS. oplataa kwa clearly agalaat the m tion. if be doea not find ua. we care YELLOWSTONE PARK. FRAGRANT grants in (tome way or other and of thta comM nation which while fair- Tbe cereataay of tbe Oraai Meil- 15he Scovirge A Story not why be comes. Ha! See! Hers | The Republican state convention Extended tour, leisurdy Itinerary evolved an elaborate scheme for mn- MATTCRS or mrewesr TO ly effective hat the draw back of Mag das is aa •labarats ritual, covertiag at Colnmuus oa Tuesday reaomlnatel with long stops In tbe Park. PriTOts VEXED BY GOLD FIND ol comes As&ad again. He looks fright- ning a railroad out into that wilder- ACmCVJLTVWlST*. highly detrincntail to the wool. On the | •evnal daya, the aaAesi » the ened " Governor George K. Nash by acclama- coaches for excluslre use on the drive. V V V rods and vbtta baiag ctDal apaa to tion. Por lieuieaant-governor. Carl N. ness, dividing the land off into farms •other hand there are many who claim qfDa.nvaLSC\is By Aswad enterewj the chamber with Pullman sleeping and dining can. minister to the rich maa and to Nippert. of Hamiltoo. waa nominated Established limit to number going 0D0NT and city lots and selling It Ho Inter- Q VICKLY-GOTTTN TRC ASVST C MM* with goad reason that dips o( the tar SYLVANUS trembling step and seemed afraid to estcfl some of the richest men in hie lengthen his life. Tbe aeveral degrees | The platform reatfirms that adoptI Escort of the Americaa Tourist Asso- 1 itf» «r tlw Ml MS product variety are a positive advan- COBB. JR. speak: but the demand of the princess PLAGVC OF THEIR LIVES plan, talked them Into putting up the i oC the Grand Medicine teach tbe ass of by tbe Philadelphia natioaal coaven- datioa. Reau Campbe 1. General Man- VlnrttovUaTm. Xhwwlw* •»* rtorHNO- tage to the wool to that they keep it opened his lips. tioa. indorses the gold standard, the a pirfid liqsid dtniKrlc# for tiw tocaatationa, of medlctoee and po&soaa. ager. I4S Marquette Building. Chica- money for the roed and it was bnllt. j •oft and full of vigor and when used Oeprrtlltifid IBP] by Eobert DciuiWi -Lady. I fear that the robber *111 larger navy, * legislatioa looking to the I The lots were sold light off all right j and the requlreBcata necessary to cos- go. Colorado aad Alaska tcurs also. | let them Identity it. They have hired after shearing stimulate a rapid and prevail against as. He is aocjiupanitd restoration of i_e merchant marine." BnUnjlenrents af a legal nature bp- and the road was a success. Later on ' healthy growth. That noted anthortty flUtete a brave. "When a young ma »vr «!.•__ _v_ ^pt^dy coastructioa of th(- Nl araguaa TLkcu indoit til Fipee«e« Ewrvtm. Mt the paths of Messrs. MfflvHle E. a lawyer to tate charge of the case. INTRODUCTION. by fierce, furious men who C„ht 1 he <.aIiaj ^nouaces lynchiag. coademns Train leaver Chicago via Chicago, I Teeth aad Mouth Hill got control of it, 'Aavlng started ttUtanow of runt B". upon sheep Richard Gibson Of Can- seeks admission to tbe Grand Modidns Ulin matched the royal ravakade until licns^nd his own sword to lrTed:t.b a ,..^3 of 1 lay Milwaukee A St iTrcant and John T. Redmond, two Oa low ChrUtlan New*. with nothing bu. t som. e. plans -o n ^pape r 1-. R. Taft saj-s: In setting ada advtaes that ehety should he lodge he flrat*feasts until he aees la Boram. King of Damascus, then at It had disappeared within the narrow Paul Ry, Tueslay, Krw She SOZOOOVT UOim 2Sc Ita glory aa tbe seaith dty of the His body is covered with scales of fij- hi, r^ht to vote uader the eoestita- July 9. 10.00 p. m. SOZOOOM TOOTH PONDER. 25c told finder* of Staten IMand. The One of tbe most curious names ever Unit to Un- ToIloMt* AOm will ta dipped three times a year net beoanse Ids dream seme animal (the mlak. baa- pass, and srhm the last man had gone 1 east, bemoaned the omlag of old age est sted and the blows of our men fall tioa," demands tnat rvpresentatioa la Lsfge UQtlO sad POWDM. 7k former owner of the property upon bestowed upon a girl ie Airs and h,, " goto, MT «•"« »• " » fcmj.d ..iter or4l«rT cooSl- there win he three crow of tick*, hnt otter and fisher being from ber sight she turned to ber com- 25* harm ess upon him" ! congress be based oa actud voting rhlch the treasure was found has mon), which he hanta and UUa. without prospective hdr to the throne, panion. iMtn Ande'cB • eBshlasleo FsUrr. At aUSCOTM,erbf Mall fortbapriea. Graces. She is now about 8 years old. *an(let-Till CKmiy-mtt • t:nnK tllrtj-Jit to fort! Kwt: because Increase of both wool and, "But the dreadful tn«T> has not yet population, with reduction for every 4 la hla yosager days he had lov?d Lara Anderson, who was formerly H ALL A RUCKEU New Yortu made a demand of 140,000 upon Mr. her name being registered at Someset Th» r««ui*n rmn. j pears, standard, twenty-Ave feet; tnntton will result Be adds:" A rich akin la thea ornamented aith -Albls, what is It about this terrible broken throughr said Cila eagerly »n which suffrage Is abrldgel. Helen, his queen, but fearing that she ^eae , attached to the United States legation Wygant Another member of the fam- House, Londrm, in 1898, when she was man may discard the use ol dip; * or porcupine faUla, and (be apl robber—this Scourge of Damascns? I "No. lady. Our brave mea fight aa , " . naptieaa. ner hiulci b , The compass plant is one of the P^ars, dwart, fifteen feet; plums, elght- waa didoyal to him had her cast tato ily has appeared to accept $200 for his haptlead. Her sister's name is eQually poor man cannot afford to do so." the aalmal heneaoea the Mend have heard sKaething about him. I well as they can." Court * Porto Ricaa derleions, th^ In Italy, haa begun negotiatlona for unnsual. Nun Nlver. When Airs and ! most Interofctlng growths on the great ^ *0 twentj' feet; peaches, twenty the Mack, swift lostog Phorpar. At • — —usnrom. mr (Ijq erection of one of the most palatial claim. Every mall "brings demands for f This J* a (air rlew ot the matter and of tbe man." The beard my father once speak of blm; Graces and Nun Nlver anive at the I prairies of Noth America, and many ! ®®t; cherries, sweet, twenty-five leet; the tteae the story opens Ulto. the fold. Their pot of treasure has be- we are strongly of the opinion that •ten have only a Hatted but sy little knowledge of tbe vorid age conard Wood to reported ^ of never ^em 1 inches apart. "WhUe the longer dis- indicated that the dip wall rei Jin sai- with her father that she shall tad a£.n;ivt%. etc-aad fag er and lives through a number of has been a martyr to bwadacbe . i tlves are co&eemed. and Horam hath some place in which to hide." very iT In Havana from grip aod ma secomplish anytbmg. iulorxjoke as 10 redocnl railwar rates can M years. The name is derived from tbe tances may seem a waste of room, the ficient strength for some time to keep fans the period of monralog in a se- la rial fevei*. — —*—Ssperlamdcat «f years. It has mnde her life a icanUn I dime it; aad ao he comes to seek ven- "Alas, my dear mtotreia. there to no trees and plants, when full gruwn, will away both gad hios—whose larvae en- " palaoe la the heahtifal Valley of A Interior. Ottawa fact that the edges of its radical leaves misery to ber. She snffered patoa geance. He has a large body of bsU such place. If we go up among the 1 Renewed labor riots la the Iron . Saa'.cav. Mkn. or tL always point noith and souih, and tbe oecypy the entire spaue. If given good ter tbe nostrils causing the grubs Igcaaiua. This valley la the sole pos- Hair* Cmlarrfc Car* j V. Mctases. No. 2 MerrUlKock. Detroll. Mick. the small of ihe bach, arid had ev | men under him. and twice has he met rocks, we net on y ran the risk of b»- works and cloth factories of St. Peters faces are therefore turned east and : ^ puong soil, and not only will which later torment the victims and of tbe kisg aatd'ean only be la taken IsterBslly. Price. Tie. OIi symptom of Sidney and Drtoary Tt {and overcome the forces which the ing easily found, but we run the ! burr have been suppressed by the mil i It greatly assist In cultivating, as tt even lead to fatal results to some to- hy one psssage through a ! j Itary aulhoril.es. 1 stances, and the other common fiy Ua king had seat out to capture him He greater risk of starving." Hunters, travelers and horsemen on rllI lliake tlie ^ ^ ^ ^gej. tools Today she is as well as amy lad} mighty moaatala. capable of admitting does not rob aa common robbers do. j iIan .pnspitee oif ththe usual denlala. the! ***** the trackless prairies depend In great puarfhK but. e«peclally in dry sea- which deposits eggs about the anus but one person at a time. Thith?r "I would rather starve than fall into j visit of Emperor William of Germany _J_ or to any sores that may exist upon the state. He sever troubles the poor, or thos? the Oreadread Julians hards." said UilUiian . 1 fo Rntria. this summer, to not regard- part upon this plant to get their bear- j flcrnfi t-)jC ^e much larger and Ibis remarkable change waa doe C8to goes with Alhto, where they are the body, later producing a crop Of of the middle class: but the rulers and "It would be a terrible death to Wra. Wtxtow lugs. Even on dark nights it serves as better colored. tlrely to a remedy reocntlty totrodu {daoed under the pratoctton of tbe ed as beyoau the probabilities. rrmp- horrid maggots which prove a source princes of Damascus he canses to suf- starve upon those Weak rocks!" re- r«r tnctrnc. M/tm. lb* r«i»,... a ta a guide. If the lost traveler can le*!; vTbei* fungous diseases are tronWe- here. It is called Doddb Kidney FS its by the king and Cln s fer." A meeting of Free Thinkers In X > . j-ju. tmrr. "InI •tit suffering and emadation to the turned Albia. with a shudder- "But I the edges of the leaves, be can al onoe tbe planting trees at a good and many people daln tt to be an Six days after tbdr enterisg "Did yon ever see him, Albia?" drid met lor ^ie purpose of protesUJgj if rnailyAcieaioawa u* z*g sheep and disgust to the owner. Boram retama tmexpectedly- Ola will share your fate, my mistress, let locate tbe points of the compass fliptaroe apart will permit the entrance f alii ble cure tor Kidney Dtaa "Mercy! no. 1 would not sec him for it be what it may." against the holding of the ju«i.ee pro- u aay a-ita Uui.t n iuAu t. Longfellow in his beautiful poem 'Of ; qj the sun's rays and the ctrcnlatlon ol Viewed from every standpoint we can arfiag on tbe eaggasttoa cf Allrta. cessioa. Violeat anti-clerical speeches j name compares favorab'y; fin exam- Rheumatism and Heart Trouble. Ihe world. He mnst be tesTibe to ' And would not death by narration were maue. Evangeline refers to this plant when the air between Ibe trees and lesaen think off the dipping of sheep He sen- treats him kindly. pile: Acts of the Apostles. Mrs. Freeman heard of Daddb 1 look upon. I have heard one of yoar be preferable to tee fate which mar n Pino'» Owe lor C>c«2»n»Bpinoa la *-j inlaJJitle heroine over the western prairies to ; the injury from dieease. WkUe it may sible and hygienic. This Is a name found in an English ney mis, and almost with the I CHAPTER L" lather's officers say that he conli meet cs if that monster captures us? W.N.U.—OKTBOIT—NO. 27—-lOOl search of her •evi.ed Acadian love.". ^ admissible vnder some conditions of Culxia. who lias be*n scierted to go parish register: Acsapostle, son of dose, she grew hotter, la a week, Julian the Soougt strike a bow with his fist to fdl ai ox. O. Albia. 1 cannot thiak of tt!" Sclnntlsts ascribe the action -of ihe • we advise agn iunt the planting of fruits Ofe-OTMtffini M —wm Wwr trail t« «. lo Berlin and apologize for the mur- Thomas and Elizabeth Pegden, was headaches and other patoa bad gi She aaked if ber father had and that before the lightning cf his Before the save coald reply they bfcea lasveriaf Idv.rtlaeaKSts Kiadlp THE OLD FTREPLACIE. leaves of the plant In always pointing of various kinds npon the same ground, The 'question of transportation Of KW 1 wm a J baptlaed Aug. 2, 1791.. Again this name and she had left behind her aU "Xo. my sweet lady." retame-d Ho- eye brave men shrank in terror. O. saw Aswad again coming toward them; " "- ' ; Heatioa Tkts rapec north and south as due to tbe effect of Sume persons seem to think tbe fruit is the great one at present. In an which wore kindled beacons. These figures in records in 1888, when Acts illness and days of misesy. Ue was busy. It may app:ar I shonld be afraid to see him." bait he did net eater the palace: He light. | planting -of peaches between apples, northern Alabama and to some pans | Tiie carualty llfU made public by luring many a grand ship to destruc- of the Apostles , son of Richard and A medidne that can do for aay nnseemly for mc to come hither aione; "It seems to me that I sboa'd like rtrack off into a path that led to the and then sotting xaKpbenrles or black- of southern Tennessee the strawberries Ihe British war offlce continue lo sb<»* , tion of the chill waters of the Kill von Phebe Kennett, was baptized. This what DodtTs Kidney HRi have but my great tors and my deep to Id- to see such a man." said Ulin. in a westward, and fled with all his might berries between the peaches, and were rotting on tbe Vines this spring _ . rather severe fighting In various pans | Eull. The wreckers abstracted doub- name, curious as It Is, is preferable to WttDlnctmi* Appntlt® CxoHy Saltan. lor this lady,. Is very sure soon to ha tods for your welfare, must be my ex- mudng tone. "I have never seen such Dirr- ' " j of twash Africa tlsar are u t r^wrte-i strawberries between the rows of rasp- nt a time when they were selling for aft-rwards ***'** ^ In the ord'aa^ difpatclxs. loons from Spanish galleons and Louis What. "Or Dun Spiro Spero, names with The Duke of Wellington's personal universally tweS, and already the de- 1 hope yon have found it pleaa- menu The man whose arm can slrike guards t Wm. 2^°^ known. The king was charmed hy ber smil- taste," Albia retumed. -Are they kiJed?" I |«owd<* and obecdHe shells. growers wore rlrtnally oat off from a ricea of Mr. Thomas Brown, an eml- Balaclava lukerman Sebastopol Delhi n[ hiK bsalLh. H., ot roorBn. kapt . tr« .« raail, tbw io om ing ageech JS dUBerast from what sac ""Benause." added Cln, with a smile. "No." answercf Albia. "They are j Owing to hi*- tocreasiag feeblec*^*. 1 •ent young attocncy, some days be- Pugdale. who Is an Englleh innkeep- firm rate Fnmol. eook for hla eu«.. do 88«««e»I aB oooe at tbom will micrkPt. Within a few boors ftrnn that 1 never had my taste cnltavated. fpu *' l if planted by tbemselvea. had ewer before given Mm—and he crvenrome, and have surrendered. Sse! j I Jr. LapponL hi#: phystdan. has forbid- fore they secured the contract for the er's son. A similar name Is Richard time, Ihe writer was to Atlanta, where A correspcndezit sends a a renaok- Czmdly bettered that abe was de&ghtel Slill, In alQ serioassess. it does seem ibere tome the vitlorB!"* r h ' il £1 Z J *1 ' Within a short time the roots of the : dea the pspe to follow his ostul t-a*- demolition of tbe old bouse, which re- Coeur de Lion Tyler Walter Hill. berries were selling from wagons at able tostanoe of adaptation of ~ with his preset. to ane that I should love to lean upon "Let ns flee!" excJaamed the prin- 1 two of |tasking tbe Lot meallw la a <' to astonishment trees wUl occupy ebe grounC and noth- 1 •ulted In finding the treasurs. from 7 10 12 cento per boa. The to a trapdoor ^ddsr. Says the writer: Clin, foanag that the bad sirn of a strong, bold man. If I were to love ces. flSriing to her feet. "O, we mus: pavflko in the Vatkan garden. Everybody In Port Richmond knows "Wun hie biiIh^- iTionfflfinntlug should be ailiowed to totertopo wilth growors around Atlanta simply had "A frtend of mine nxtticeA a man with my whole heart. I thonld ! ICo-wla'a nttfhtr MB*?. iRas his salarj insufilcientr tbelr though tbe toter- or imm re might cscite tie find some place of refuge!" Tli*- Vienna Nene Frrie Pressc. com- "Mel" Wygant and bis llvory stable. access to a good market camp a trapdoor spider run to like him to be so stroag and so power- Runsla's fleet consists of 22 first- -No. my salary is v.nj handsome. niedlllte ^ ^ ^ ^ wjt!h ef tbe grey-beadad-maaiar.h Albia aras more thouglitfnL She j mtsjling op'«j the fact that Aostra j He is a man >of large dimensions and a off him and pep Mte tts hoUe, fol and eo brave, that his very pres- fcsK Complete External and class battleships, yielding to none in But I am not appreciated. 1 cook ^ ^ ^ tbem before tbe npon ber SOBBC terribie { taw very plainl. . .y that flightr.'T.rr would b,e l| ~1Amieriea0 import9 American grainis as. • 1 There are ceitato fruits bettor sutt- tbeW down aa It merry eye. He Is around fifty, anJ is the world In excellnnce and perfection, your ainner myself, a dinner fit for a ! 'trees need tbe space, ft eeldom hap- all her powers of p«as- ence world be proUoiloa to me. Is , «d to the sandy lands than others and peemed so nad and ported that very strange?" counted one of the richest men In the though three or four of the Japanese king You say nothing. II go out and . pans that this Is 'done until after ware the smite apon htr -"My dear mistreca.*' she said, taking dan-eron*. to Europe- as Aon rinaa cws-1 these only Should be grown. We the man stooped to examine ft, n^ixe." rlllage. He owns many houses. The, bBtUeahlps have certain Qualities of leave tbe under-cdok to cook your' some Injury has been •caused. whfte a paag was ia her bososa "It is so straance," replied the slave, din's hand. "We must hope for the •tory that he ihai? found a 'lot of go d tlon the peach and plum, the cherry found to hla astoidWIimwuit. that it dgnificantly. that I fancy the king superior weight; oue seoond-class bat- dinner. He gives you a dinner fit lor, While we do not recommcnd St us a vbdt was deetin-ed ts beet If we leave the palate, we shall UneasSaess prevails la British ship-j under the ruins of the old Hatfield and tbe grape, and the KSoffor pear. a dxpenoe! There was nothing bdtattlk would fed new caafe tor tealousy if he ping circles on account of th? figures Internal Treatment tleship, 16 coast defense Ships, and 28 a pig. Yon say nothing. 3 am not desirable practice, it will be less m»ia> owwv ^ Ckanmenttog on tMa, a aontrtbutor to more. Wc will have our dinner, and complements of coast dofense ships, "j generation ago;o,, saysayss thathatt thithiss genera-genera-1, the| permanent trees ar|—e planted forty I the DelawarirteiDKaree prdhaittnrOhabiyy stands ad tbe oove:ed wxtb taeui tbe leart spark of humanity In h°s BASE BALL. uwnsd over !100 acres of land In the head. This is due to the fact that St hi Nature says: "'As lis well knew®, the gnat, as fbmgfti be had hetai riding then we wEI walk ont Into thr gar- bosom, be will respect yoa more la second and third-cluss cruisors, gun- tlon has seen the passing of the IjOOO,- ] feammt apart, it wiD gonerailly be a dozen 1 thoafl. This Is due to th Ww* **2 — —* vicinity. The last Hatfie d to live in ising of the 1;000,- Ml -..HR H f^-V>mic. -wrri less affected by grape diaeasea than dears tff trapdoor spiders* hmnows are boats, torpedo boats, torpedo destroy- uuo acre ranon, und that immense j 01 fifteen years before there would be yonr own chamber than he woald if he Below we publivd the staadla? of tbe old house was John D. He died In the other, and alsr to the fact that U typiraHy made cf flatleneO pdDOts ef Soddeely a'aaesaeager appears ask- found yoa hiding to the garden." ers. transports, auxiliaries -and all that tracts to one body have seen tbdr day ; any very serious injury, if trees of -HaT* cried the king, starting to his tbe Aax-rican and Nataoeal iKagiaedaba IMS. Then it fol! Into the hands of n sells at a higher price to the anartket. earth stnd: together with silk or otber feet "How now. Ssdak? What is the ing tor asfdstanoe from tbe gnard. "•Spirits of mercy defend us!" ejacu- ap to and iadaiia; tbe gaxoe* playei Qticura portains to them. The Russian huavy '—•— nonftnip^t mvs thai I Wagoner, Jountban and some of th< John J. Hatfield. Mr. Charles Rjsen- in <•—. Mr, Gon«^t ^ ^ j ^ The Delaware Should be extensively adhesive material. Tbe nsdqoe bebav- arthftar* Wilb Srtl stalwart guards be hurries to- lated the princess, clasping her hand* oa Friday. Jnoe 2fc guns are second to none and the bat- berg, a wealthy New York merchant, ten men With 10.000 grown to the South, for It is bard to lar off the spider to iqnestiaa showed no "Pardoa, dre. I knew not tbait you ward tbe gates. upon her basom. and Banking luck iin ascitic*.* ctccra teries of 6-toch and 4.7-Inch quick-fir- one them, so as to have the ground occu- - - -u^i- -.J bought the farm, und Is cutting It Into operate more Buccessfully than pied by trees located twenty feet apart averutock tbe Utile discrtminatkm on ber part toncb- . Tbey only to.d "What can St be?" cried the prin- ber seat. *t). Albia. A bia. the pres- Wwa Livkl. Pir^. THE SET ing guns leave nothing to wish for. The Ortoaoa lots. The house was torn down to ge: man on 1;000;000 acres. each way. In doing this, nowever, the ety. The Magara JS profitable tog tbe snttabCUty as to tfaa, shape jfwa were here and 1 Slopptid cess, Jn alarm. ence of the king would now be a bles- *' av sac secondary small arm batteries are iJtM.-u>a - J» tt out of the way. After removing the supplying of the i)roper amount of; the marketing conditlana are favor- and wdght of the «Atod adected to * ln««be ne fiatbn .- But Alhda uou d not imagine. She sing!" B»iuaiior » SJl likewise perfectly equipped. The Rus- ts aa jm Conslstiiis: of CCnCURA SOAP to dcanse ftc house the contractor sold the stone G.inri BMinnalns. plaut food to make up for tbe to- able. Many nf the other varietie^s of , fulfill tbe purpose SW whUh the adx- thal Saflak. Why eould only beg off ber aristre--s to lake The talthfral slave crept dose to her WiMiaauno® s sian warships are. In fact, the most a Jbf to Mr Wygant for |10. It was while "Don^t you klnaur hanker after re- creased drain upon the ground must prapeB reyuire a stronger soil pence was nsed."—>Sydn^ BaUettn. feave pen onmc Snom iiamaacos to audi ecmrage. and bope for n» eriL miEtreBS, and tried to speak words of » » AT numerouBly armed In the woi'ld. Panedtijtiaa sa ti «M skin of crusts and scales, and soften tbe thick- digging In the masonry that he and flpectablHtj- now an' den?" asked Plod- nut be neglected, and before the trees the varieties we have mentioned, tat haster* Eire long, however, another roes-iwa- cumfort; but her own fears were too KBwubee it J « Mr. Petlmond found the pot contain- Rlll'a It Inn rrotn » Ihtr Iji'.nrn*. ding Pete. become so large that tbe branches in- "T came to toform yon dre ftbtl Ju- ger came to tbe palate, wbo made bis deep and Intense to permit comfort- Hi ultiaS ZS ened cnticic, CUTICURA (MNINBTI to Instantly ing, H •s said, $40,000 in gold. James J. Hill, president o' the Great ''Oh. I dunno," answered Meander- terlace, the intermediate trees should UOT Stock Mowa. 31 is the ficenrge of Damascus la ap- way to the roc® wbeme tbe princess ing power to her wo: da She could san^cu. (.eaTrc The gold Is kept carefully hidden ing Mike. "Sometimes I t'ink dot re- city!!** was ritting. He trembled wilb ex- Northern railroad company, and now be removed. If this is done, there will It la said that lambing to southem | •flnittrtiiag, Bnming. not be calm in view of the coming off Par tr. allay Itching, irritation, and inflammation, and •way In a safe grnnewhere on the apodttbrntj .to- moon .or, par-, - . "Degth and dM-addtoe!" cried Ho- ctofaafsit. that dreadful man, at the son-d of Pto^WT.. worth many millions, was at one time Itewrvhie dt •ore <>on»Irt- ore-dor the New Tertk hy his clotbes. but dress gees a long THE MARKETS. the most tortnrmg, disfiguring skin, scalp, and the Italian violinists bod to work the shoulders to tiny tucks that are Tht Hlpptas 01 o.ma, la aoouai cro^a thtu thl. ~l dare not ten you?" «m lion Thau Tiiay K-'Mtve. stitched almost to the hem. The c oak m dudes 'Flyasae fl. way ia certain localities. If any one overtime composing tarant-tfies to duty lor every ilheop 'breeder to itol- Sheap-kHltug dogs are so numerous "What eecks be?" crind tbe princess, doubts our democracy let him spend a UVE STOCK. blood hnmonrs, rashes, itchings,and irritatkms, "There are mony kinds of solders play for the bitten, but still itbene were fastens^ with an ecm guipure scarf In many sections of tbe south as to and Edgar F. ILee, aartboritotiieay. "If there to danger. nuoui uie xuiuoi, low or should be so considered. Many aadd He- day ia the gallery cf the raited Stat;* besides those that annoy the hou e- sneering skeptics that said It was all about the throat, knotting on one Side, discourage farmers Irom attempting tc former ila a nephew si I wmld know wbst » ia" CATLLE RBFER JJAMBF ILOFF wife with their webs stuck up in the and then banging to two long, 'broad; shepherds from laziness or some other keep flocks, lor wMcb tbey have am- oral and tbe Hatter Senate^ the least digaified Tpper I5«< sn^M- u mm w « u® kw jc cwit h loss of hair, when the best physldass a scheme got up to pass the hit lor 'Apa. alrr, gmt JnHaa took tbem— •"Tbcre may net be dasher f e yoa. 1 cornets of the rooms and in the win- ends to the hem 'Of tbe cloak, confined similarly senseless reason or none, neg- ple range. A bulletin by the govern-, lationsblp to House " of Oerlstolitai ia the world. the wife and lamily of the suffarlng lect to dtp their shcop With the result I that bkdanged to fan. but todr. We may beat tbe robber off. -Beto' de wah" aU members were and all other remedies taiL dows where she has beon too busy man whom a malignant spider had at several points by straps of flaunel, most recently published omphusizee cause, We adQ da eo if wc can." Bow cnuit* i ataH, n> 1 w *£> that they lose a good deal of growth tbe panrjr menduunto. But <4ean shaven, wore Mack frocks anl L.y*«tr araOts... « -Mj/i -n- with the sewing to look after the bitten "while he was out Hooking lor a buttoned across with handsome gefld that might otberwlse be set down to ®1® of Angora goats as m protec- Ant II Mt the arvat He aewds ward "But tbe king to d mc that a band- IW I SI' 11: house much," says a reennt writer on high stoe-ks, beavers, peg-top troesers. j Ortntt— jOb. Dufour bad a 'tarantula that was buttons. The sleeve is wide and loose mocka 01 0 Baanasous to aShes. to! of determined men could bedd that :4«il gnUtm Hrnti K profit and also run the risk of gettiug ^ ^ ***** A' * V* and a solemn air of public importanc e | ( s- t ts MILLIONS USE CUTIGURI SOAP iclentlfic subjects," but every Wnfl Quite tame and gentle, flhe took tflles anPbangs only a little below tbe el- 01 to me baston hitbo- pass agnlhiKt a tbousand." ljum*T sratee .. a Tm+tts 3 iSb ii;: Skin disease among their Sheep wfaSidh dogs. ! privately expressed. Tbey htiBeved in ! Assisted by CmcuBA OcmtEST, for preaerriBg, purify- Is an appetite on dlght legs and thor- Irom hla fingers like a dear thing." bow !ln -order to show n Itfll under- "But tbese are not ordinary men. Win be found very bard to eradicate Mm outbreak OT cattle 1 tbtdr hearts that tbey were sLBteianea. 1fS«m t «Tii.aw!.., « Vira-i %4 sr . oughly convinced that no 'one can be sleeve of 'lace ilike the snarf. The gar- Tbe ktog was MfaUy betUde hi.mBtflf ! This J ulian to a very dtanun, and 1 fradt* ing, and beaatifrmg the Ekin, for cleansing the scalp of alter lit has once become wdll rooted, which occnrred to tbe 'Gallatin fiaato. | and tbe w,oirtd acknowledged tbem as ttotal * t v € W STB atrong and hearty that lives on vege- ment is unHned. JDUMMbaM^ ——- [gjktb Asar end rage. Tbe name of Jo- verily believe that be hath more than CI*rl-0 mil— crusts, ecal.<-s, and dandruff, and the stopping of falKng 8mrati "GmnilSi Wit. There was a time When the dipping Montana, and wbicb n-jndtod ! sndh. Dignity was thefir dhtof irua"jiT, B««a p» adw I ^ t BP tables. They all spin more or lass, death of Inrty *t grtfief .... t aOf.-X W «£ attended with singular success. Clever, Rev. Gecrge Qrenfell has been com- did not bsve the proper appliances and (Oofkre-H. Berry, Proctor and Dsrle"'. I t 75 t n thgy bite, and if you listen to all ithe Delphinium glaucum, itihi« I u xtme ioe physicail proweea .of tbe Soourpe. seeks. Answer ane tbal ^ueKtlun - an- ' Jjuww graiU* ., I Hits m : s> I Uf t ti) and for all the purposes of tbe Unlet, hath, and nursery. accomidlshed and 'dharmlng, she talks missioned by Robert Artuington. a at the same time bad to connoct won- Wizard •011 Ktill wear their beffore-lhc-war dotbes. fodl Stories that are told, when a plant bad been apparently naten ita toj- -.ero was a mystic .punlity in his'fejj swer it wilboift further besltiilioin.- cat tl\. ETC". lOUbons of Women use CCTICTRA SOAP in the form of brllliaittly and lectures with easy grace wealthy man of tLeeds, England, to es- derful brews (iff dope to WMdh to tot dignity and pride, but the posl-htl- spider bites yon yon will save time by usual quantltiea, on account «ff the lad nameQesB dread nf the avunger. "'He seeks tbe nudden a num tbe gPbBrt •Ctrnt) Oat» I and £nlSh. People who have rushed tablish a chain Of Ohrlstian missions merse the mflortunate animals. At ilum regiment of politacuans to nnl- baths for annoying irritatioDS, inflammation-, and excori- sanding lor the lawyer to make your that other green forage was •covered Is tbe deanon now?" be mik- is to talk*- fur a wife." X*. I*a 3C« Usui* S*i. f to hear ber in the hope that her lec- |l across Attica. Mr. Qrenfell has Hong! that time the dipping tank with Its! tormed in the Ewi suit or the cuta- 1 «rk atioos. for too free or offensive perspiration, ia the form wiH and telegraph lor the boys to be bafl gaaefl awhile in si onoe ane?" uttered the prlncea. cra-r^ azwi tures would savor of the problems to been the Intend and sonfidant Of iLeo- runways and dripping jdatlonna was | by a recent tad] of anow. way.—New York Press. tswsm CKjmu:-, 9BhXG% some home at onoe H tbey want to meesenger. with a start. •Ortrwll 7.(071% twra I'i ti&ao f washes for ulcerative vreakneeses, and for many sana- "The Heavenly Twins" and "Babs the pold, king iff the Belgians, by Whom unknown and dips used were largely Twice* He you alive. But 3 will tell you as Jar from tbe -city,. sElre. "Tes, my ladj, finch to hto avowal" 4^-0 KVX tife, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves Impossible," and Who expected to be be was created a commander of the home productions Of a highly poison Tbe Russian government to g$Mtag llmrimmmll •ossMiv tarmti'v twxPi w betwee•" n educated people that know a to Jbe wtstwai'd. we think *tn mancy'r name, good Aswad, pro- Th* Wrai ran* mS mildly shocksd, have 'been dlsapp.Jlut- Royal 'Order of the Oon. He was (ous •character. Numbers of Sheep were Its nifl to develop the daiiy itodustiy. to women and mothers. Ko amount of persuasion can thing or two and do not get scared | hack, If you make baste. tect me. Let not that dreadfiul robber HlaUXf nwn ed. But have been ngreeably sur- ledted by the king tit the Belgians to Moot of What ila iknown as tltt -'dairy In Matoo eiperiente bua conohurive- | induce those who hare once used these great skin pur Tver every little trifle that a spider's they polaoned annually, some from absorp- gain aocess to tbe vaEey."" "DtaaWtt—Kay, X«. J Tjtntn4>-y, n? K j»ir prised in olber ways by ber sense of ad as a special commiEaloner tor the tion of arsenic or corrosive sublimate, belt" extends rtoug the line 4ff the Si- Qy shown that fl£taere and even sol- tuf pytatocf. Sue JKT ton. Lui* TJ-. snd h&autifiers to use any others. CTTICX'BA SOAP \? is no worse than a mosquito's— wU jHCium,MmC " criccrirtdl tbli»e munanbntmuxi . | """W- fiprtic dUitAinns. IBc imr itti; ffsWis. VV,; diers cannot he improriwd. aaid the humor, which 4s tho ealt of her speak- delimitation of the 'Congo frontier, am fl otherUIOiviBs Iro••• mmmm i taking^ the nrasul—r c tots berian raHroafl, nnd to gariflttate the RO ifaad, in tact. A big spider can fists tqgetbw: "anfl 3 WiD IUTHM-J-h. He; 4udkr. Mr. Ec*e, mrkHf biiifts delicate emollient properties derived^ ing as well as ber writing. Recent'y traveled HIOOO miles on oxback during their stomachs While grastag pastures pepper bandltag of these goods batter very fc-Bt eaje of General Muz has TrfcHh, mic per dcatau JSvruir.. Uast •flair*-, feVon\v"I bird with Its pOisob, bat : cut an army and sweep this ter- the great skin care, with t!ie nian!s !aTm .•she sent a audience Into bis journeylngs, which occupied two Where rtioap bad baes tinned out after trains, eaoipped with refdgHratlng ap- j ^ been to establish a pood school for in- Uc i*v Hi.: w«an»«T.. IRc, j * ' awe'l 'IP rttfle flnonrgc from off the fuue uf the Scourge of Daaaascns to gain pa.sa;e structing Bcientifir offluera The mi i- , tbe most refreshicj scrnams of laughter when She reaponfl- years, and compelled blm to 'Docupy dipping m arsouical dips. Nowadays paxotus, have been nnd to traxusuntt!_ dients and Lj- **""* u^ finnayv oor lesMIBsB ;Bn d not the same tent and dangerous ourround- the goods to the soap arts Sor jd^p eartbT" 'hither tbey know what tbe wrath of tary school of Ohapuftepec is its ac- | Wrtflk wffl •fdwinay ie imrsumMd -wu the ed to the cry Jroui Australia—"Send us the construction of proper dipping the king must he." Wktdicaied soap is to be ccuij 30 a,.nH nt that. Bertkau ment JEhutog the season tit 1900 two ada Sudui go and make ready tual condition is Ibe fruit cd Ma edEarto. j new GraJivt euonty evert baane. 'Mirsasdb ^ 2,000 w'lves." 'Sn behalf off 21000 ®Jng- ilngs lor the whole of Ihst time. tanks iis well .understood and there are 1 purifying, and £irewer expe Hpeclal trains ol twenty -fipe caw «adi '•iriii^.K tha agprt, and then be turned to "Ttowera of beaven !" cried Oin with Many toredgn officers of diffenent na- 1 (ITWogne cspetto tbe sl'Wri w^jirk^ **lf ^ «Sk";;;u°7 [ llsh benedicts, II reply, Take ourS! On •nifTeraut Omnnd. numbers of affective dips upon the ''liti claspttd bands and uptivoring frame Ko other foreign or 8 hBn were (Bwgwrtrihafl weddy, loaded With tton»Bft4es have vtottted that efiLaMith- , the fi«:H3it te rival the great smart mills. and only between i\u. n, ®' The term "help," meaning household markat Which merely require the ad-' — ^ ^ ''the demon anuBt awt flni ms.' Take ours!"' butter lor tho Baltic porta, ftsltet ment and bdieee that it ranks amanc wben be get*; them gwlug. snre, is to be oom the spider mak.- a Puuntu^S,.^!! ? or outside assistants engaged lor short dltlon of water (to nuke them ready m •I» dull pin. Th. WO^H.. ^ States ConsUl Uafato says that tbe irrttolbedamprsibenidvenefiB anfl TVo 'deaths and 11 prostj-ations. of toilet, bath, and V jh** periods, occurs to the Massatihusette Sor oflectlve work either lor the de-j FUteB "• y™™*- n—i*-l MO* -I ekkb several are serious, were tie that It Itched a little. Ulaokv/uii JS, 1 . ter la fiae to fluality, poaaaBMa rare bom ,teM e perfection off military tostrnution there- J at OSTE Pine k pu ,blne clotl1 lfloakfi ware im records of IMB, wbwe bolp aad iseiw-i struction of ticks or lor tbe cure of """"*» ' = rewuil 'Of the heat iu Chicaro Monflar. soap them draw blood, but thai wu« J f m'HI,ia" ^ n - iietpiug prnpartiea snd that It nan be or imparted and in tbe spere but lust Though one spider bit snotw „ 1 ^ «nnmar at the .-are treated an separate, the totter scab. Of the 'dlpc referred to the most 1 the vest H prodnced nt iiow oosL — .GaSg&ne to which th^feadets are sub- Tbe Tni-t^id lSLa.ies gi'irnd Jurj', ;[ and lacsmsl Treatment ^ T ut 1,,,U5 M 5 8ar A "servant" to those ; hard that IU liver ran out It Hvmi - wm ^ ZT \ *' ^ ' easily prepared lor nae are those made; spoke. Be tunaei bank jected.—Rational IBeieua. M'HUt.. has reflturn»*d 1"C lln-'! CMMiUSatf cl CCTKwau aoaxv as «* 1 tho,,,, ln tkm MdumMg** tor more than a year ifterwurd. AH Ume• a thp -mat«rla \ flunndlrose oolo r apprncimBcie valuta ut bad readbed the •door, By and Htvereiy. 1 jmeant net that 1 nine. diwfliment* agaiwrt land lueatws iu ' Isaastf times cloth. somaUmw taflnta d say someitbtog. wou'-fl hAa..Mm come to seek me. O Misst'Ula dMriet, .tbarring prtjaay ta^ WWlorI thesi.UOTTe> terrible tarantu'as,• eithe-J* r th-*.eX flSb<*riae of the It has a certain air ot b^nt' _ 'ay srithoot F«bg, swearing thai ihey tilled UiKaj Hands for B tcrla«aM> k"-" stories told about viotims having to SjKl^utiOOD. Wwaatr^-"* 3Cot aJB are that Is a bit ol a intetenae uuu*^! Fran a window , lieimoud .use. whweas tbey iransfeipii-i iTt, fiance till they fe!) down In e^haus- afraid «antri\)*£(' miBtreae. S dare not ejes shui. tiou la order to 'Escape death and the color, and. In Home COIMM them after gerting tbr titles. 1, v-«i*npaRKii«epeiRs



> No Dull Times Here. The Busy Store, always alive to the interentd of iu ciutouierK, is better prepared than ever before with a very large ntock of DRY GOODS at very low prices to suit the |K.-opIe. Did it ever occur to vou why we sell so many goods? There must be sonie reason. It isu't because we advertise—because we dou't know how to do that. We are told that it is because we keep the right kind ofstnfV at right prices and believing that "An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton of talk' We just put in our whole time trying to do what our customers want done. If you ever buy anything of us nnd make up your mind afterward that it isn't what you want we will take it back just as cheerfully as we sold it to vou. A. W. WEEKES

our gla*!»warc before buying. Mre. Floremce Patterson has re- AN UNEQUALED RECORD John Giles tt Co. turned home after an exteuded \isit 1 Thtiaia a Rapidly locraaalog Volameol Lowali J, D. Hart visited in Keene lasl in California. Blr. and Mrs. S. J. Thompson Erideace Rolling op for ths Great 'Msdiciat Dr, Hammocks, | Cowell week. and daughter Carol of Grand 1. W. Ohaaa's Mtrvs.Fills. ' 3Ialthew Hunter is very sick OIIkii your Rapids accompanied his mother Il would seem thnt hardly anyone Croquet Sets m | Stale Bank again. home Saturday. Carol will remain can take Dr. A. W, Chase's Nerve $ Transacts a General Bank* Get VanDyke's prices on fire lo spend her vacation. Pills without receiving marked benclit ^ ing Business. works. 0 The wonderful actiim of this medicine Earthen ware mainspring The p:lestbalannoy yon ao will be quick- in pulling peeple no their feet nho $ Biys aid Sells Wanted—a girl for general house- ly aod pernianenlly healed if you n»e De- work. 31rs, Orion Hill. Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Beware (4 are in a week run down condition is ff GoveraTKnl and High Gnit the talk of every place they are known Glassware 9 Muoicipil Bonds. Bliss Ida Halpin visited in Clarks- wortbleniconnleifeiU. L. H. Taft A i'o. Il is only a short lime since they first ville Sunday. 8m Ulbizi Robblw* •• tiaa'e'a ffeat. came lo Lowell, yet to-day they ate | DcneMic Drifts Jimmiay crackers thobe fireworks The author of "Sport and Travel" Water sets C AvaJkbk ia all parts of tbe more in evidence fur merit with al VanDyke's. tells bow he robbed an eagle's nest in Lowell people thanall other medicinea 9 United States aod Canada. Asia Minor, or, rather, bow be man- Bliss Ida Halpin visited in Clarks- Trr one of our Never Break combined. WaUb MtinspringB. aged to gut it robbed for bim. Tbe Pitchers, etc. i t ftrdflN Drain ville Sunday. Mrs M. Soil of East river street I; Availibk in all Conunerdai nest was about GO feet from the ground, Mrs. Fred Eggleston wa>» in Sara- We have been .trying for a IodK on a perpendicular cliff 150 feet bigb. says: '"1 bad been feeling nervous ^ Cities ol tbe Woeld. lime to get a natiflfactorj poring an*' and in fact everything nac over Sunday. He says: and run down last winter when I asw think we now have il. The; are 1 twisted 300 feet of half incb cord Dr. A. W, Chaie's Ner w Pills rec mi elae for snmmer weather j £0M$ m«R(y 31 rs. Minerva Denton left Tues- tough and full of life and will run Into a strong rope of It-ss than half that mended and got a box at Loukd drug £ On R*al ILiatf, Mortgages, day for Coral lo visit her son. yonr watch better than before. ^ A^grovcd Notes and Couat- length aud aim made o strong but ligbt store and was greatly benefited by Bliss Eva Bright of Grand Rap- A good spring ia important in rope ladder out of tbe ropes from tbe their use, I rested heller and felt Collar's Bazaar ids is visiting al Blrs, R. 11. a good watch and thejr co*t you no pack saddles. I then sent four men to brighter and stronger, I also uaed ( 0tfrtdJ 10 All more than the cheap one«—$1 each Brown's. tbe top of tbe cliff to let down tbe long the kidney-Liver Pills and found Fair an j courteous treatment fully guaranteed. A new one if yon rope directly over tbe eagle's nest and every accommodation 3Iis«es Inez and Haltie BIcIntyre 1)0 oreak it them an excellent medicinf." Tbe rope ladder was attached to the Dr A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are t coreuUnt with Sound Bank- jc of Hastings spent Sunday with Bliss end of it and drawn over tbe open sold at 50c a box also Dr. A. W Laura Brown. space where tbe neat Isy. This was A Poor Millionaire U«» %fe#> Chsee Kidney-Liver Pills at 95c a L Ladies clean your kid gloves with beld In place by anotber rope tied to a Lately starved in London because box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase LaBelle glove cleancr. It is not a tree at tbe bottom of tbe cliff. 31edicine Co, Buffalo, New York. he coold not digest bis food. Early Tbere was now no difflcnlly In ap- use of Dr.Km^'s Ne.v Life Pills would liquid, leaves no odor and can be See that portrait and signature of A. used while the glove is on the band. proaching tbe nest and no danger so have saved him They •Irengthen th® J HOME NEWS. { long aa tbe rope held, although, ot W Chase, 31. D. oo every package. For sale only by W. S. Winegar, stomach, aid digestion, promote assim- course, tbe sensation of being dangled Druggist. may9-13 at the end of a long rope la more or ilation, improve appetite. Price 25o. Tarklah RbiVarb. Money back if not aatisfied. Sold by The Sunday school of the fin»l lesa unpleasant until one geta accus- Fireworka at Van Dyke's. Possessing a savor all its own, we L, Hunt & Co., druegist. Presbyterian church of Grand Rap- South Lowell tomed to It Mustapha reached the nest come on scores of large cases full of wltbout difficulty and brought down W. R. Blaisdell is recovering bis ids, '200 strong, spent a delightful Lizzie Dilldine of Clarksville big. Irregular blocks of a bright yel- the two eggs In a handkerchief held Gel your wedding invitations at health. day at Island Park last Thursday. spent a part of last week with Mrs. low colored root. "Rhubarb," says our between hia teeth. Thb Ledger office.' The pastor. Rev. L. H. Davis, de- Howard Bartlelt. guide. Indicating It "Ah! Then It Mm, D. L. Eaton has returned We watched tbe nest all day and comes from Turkey?" we cry Joyfully, from Ithaca, sired us to express the gratitude of Pearl Behler of St. Louis is visit- found that tbe mother eagle did not re- glad to display our learning for once, THE LOWELL MARKET KPORT. the entire company for the kindness ing her uncle, Adam Behler and turn. We had disturbed her on the fiet your fireworks for July 4th but our friend smiles contemptuously. Wheat shown them here and declared him- family. previous day, and so she bad evidently "Tbere Is no such thing as Turkey at R. VanDyke's self well pleased with-Island Park. deserted ber borne. Potatoes Ethel Soules of Lowell is the rhubarb," he says, "and, what Is more, Beans Red, white and 'blue bunting 5c guest of her cousin, Lulu Hill this there never has been." All the rhu- Pork if yon waul'iome "just atr good" "I make It's a'pity a' balfJ'HoSe' does'noi per yard al Nicholson's. week. barb of commerce hails from China, Corn it wjteir Hnnedj, trr an imitation Rock; realize tbat 11 Is easier to pull than to reaching us through Russia for the Oats Bowery dance at Train's opera MornUin Tea. 'Twill make rou tick and Daisy Cilley spent Suuday in lake Ihe wblpph'g tbat goes with a most part but because in olden days It By* house July 4th. Good music. keep jou frick. Ask jour drngftut. LakcOdessa. balk.—Atchison Globe. Batter D. O. Look. made Its Journey by wry of Tnrkey Mrs. Pearl Ludwiogdon is recov- It became known as Turkey rhubarb, • Blrs. Fred Hodges and Miss Clara After all, what Is polling a man's leg Mfool washed ering from a serious illness. Keene Center of Vergennes spent Monday with and Tnrkey rhnbarb It will remain be- Wool unwashed but trying to make a good thing stretcb cause of tbe conservative tendencies Mrs. S, O. Littlefield spent Sun- 31rs. and Bliss Hill. Bliss Hodges Beef It was the request of BIrs, Milton as far as possible? —Philadelphia of the British public.-Good Words. is looking for munic pupils. She Veal day with friends in Saranac. Wilkinson lhal Mrs. Leroy Hunter Times. Floor per cwt comes to us highly recommended, Miss Bertha Robinson of Grand would take her babe. Blilton has When you want a modern, iip-to-dtle Bran per ton Rap'uh is visiting friends here. furnished a room in 31rs. Hunter's she is a graduate of Grand Rapids A anrgieal operation ia not necessary lo physic, try Cbamberlin Stomach and Liver Middlings per ton High school and has studied music core piles* DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve Tablets. They are easy to take and pleas- Corn meal per ton 20 no Misses Dell Winegar and Nina bouse and will board with them. under Prof. Post for four years. saves all that espemeand never fails. Be- ant in effect. Price 25c. Samples free at Corn and oats per ton Wisner are visiting in Detroit. Allie HawUy had the misfortune ware of counterfeits. L. H. Taft A Co D. G. Look's drag atore. Clover Seed We wish her success. Village taxes now due and pay- to break bis leg in Saranac one day Blr. and Blrs. Willet of Stanton able at Collar's Bazaar, last week. spent Friday and Saturday with Clyde Collar, treasurer. Mri. John Barber and Blrs. 31. their son Thomas Willet and family. W rn. Perrin is remodeling the Blonks of Saranac were guest of Bert Willet, wife and son Guy of porch of his house on West Main Mrs. John Haskins last Wednesday. Slanton are at home during harvest- street Bliss Jocoby of Deli oil. Bliss ing. Master James Cameron of Atlan- Fritz of Grand Rapids, MissJacoby We ought to be very musical this ta, Ga., is visiting his uncle, Neil of Chicago, Blrs. Feueristein and week as here are three music teach- Cameron. two little sons from Keene, 31 r. and 31 rs, Jacoby and two little daughters ers, Bliss BlcGregor of Whitney- Will Murphy has returned from ville. Bliss Hodges of Vergenues Grand Rapids to clerk for Mr. of Olisco were guests of Blrs. Lewis Dallar last week. Bliss Wheelock of Clarksville can- Butts. vasing for scholars. 0sa' ii Cver Occur to 2/ou Blisses Ida and Mary Proctor of Jesse Frost is attending the sold- The Epworth league will re-elect iera' reunion al Grand Qaven this Saranac were guests of Mm, Bert Hunter Sunday. officers next Sunday evening The week. program of last Sunday evening was Blrs. Geo. Golds and children of Those wishing stone tanks should well rendered. The May pole drill XfAai Lowell are visiting ber sister, Mrs. attend to il al once while the mak deserves great praise, also a recita- Sparks. W. S. Godfrey ers are here. tion by 3Ierton Bowers. Owing lo Mrs. George Palmer and daughter BIyrtie Greene closed her school the lateness of the hours two recita- of Grand Rapids visited Mrs. Milo at Poller's corners last Friday with tions were omitted. The church Sells more Fine Clothing, Nobby Hats, Gent's Furnishifl^ Hart Friday, a picnic in W. Wrenrick's woods. was filled and listeners weieat many Goods, Trunks and Telescopes, than any other clothier J. Bruce Walker of Grand Rap- Aunt Jane Abbott is on the sick of the windows. The tempcrance in Lowell. ids visited his mother, Mrs, T, 31, list. play "The Ways of the World" was Walker Satnrtfey. enjoyed by all. Some said it was out of place but those very persons Miss Delia Dutcher and ber sis- do not hesitate to go visiting on ter, Mrs. Smith, called on Mrs, M, Sunday. We leave it lo tbe readers 31. Perry Sunday, 'Did /t Cver Occur to 2/oi to decide which is the worst? Dr. E, A, Hodges leaves July 12 wJx51 iri for a two week's vacation among te^Tor A bad complexion generally reealla from the northern resorts. inactive liver ,and bowels. In all 6uch That wc merit it by showing the best ram. DeWilt'a Little Early Riaera produce line of goods for the money. 31i*s Stella Ranney who has been gratifying reatilla. L. H. Taft A Co. teacbiog in Colorado is visiting rel- ative* and friends here. Cascade village Village President VanDyke and Rev. Wm. Chappie will remain 4 Senator Weekef went to Grand Dic/ it Cver Occur to pa»ior of the village church until Rapids on basineft Tuesday. September, Mrs. N. L. McCarty aod grand- Blrs. 1). S. Ingersoll is very ill that investigation is the true secret K>fi Paul went to 3facato«s beach I ucaday to remain for two weeks, Rev, Cbapp'e and wife, Blrs. R. to prosperity and success. Mrs. Bl, E, Hughson is mglring J, Slater and Miss Ellen Bates al- •mprovements on the house ahere- tended the convention al Wayland ~ purchased of Devello Wat- Thursday and reiurned 3Ioudav. Dr. Clark and wife ^re rejoicing if So ^AdUie Finch went to Ann in the birth of a little daughter. Sr^*ti%ea\JbU noniag Blrs. F. 31. Thompson returned Investigate my stock, my advertising and my disposition \ ' nr.*. g 'love Across t / w brother, Sylvet home Saturday after an illness of all an represented. I practice what I preach. g», * six weeks at the home of her child- ^ u*i 'ae of nufc«l depositing ren in Grand Rapids. lh - - aecor# vT'^T, for tiie Lines," Earl Sinclair and family have aad
