The Hilltop 1-26-2001

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The Hilltop 1-26-2001 Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 1-26-2001 The iH lltop 1-26-2001 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 1-26-2001" (2001). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 16. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Nation's Largest Black Student Newspaper VOLUME 84, NO. 18 FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 2001 A Weekend of.Protests for Howard, District t ha.o ,,. J , ' ,• .-:nm~, P'f~, ,, h 1. ',(lC'I T Snw 1 ,\ fbther holds hi.,soo on hi\ n«k "ilh n ~1w, protrstlng the lnnu~l\1ru1k,n ofl~dcnt B'61L • Stu<lenbJaantedaud san~son,:;,.duringlht-fi,"'hourproH..stng:ainst n tutiUon intn":l.\C m Ult Adminbtr.Jtion BuiklillJ? JridO)( Thousands Rally at Capital to Protest Despite Stitdent Sit-In, Tuition Increase Inauguration of Nations 43rd President Measure Passes Board of Trustees By EuAs ADM \SSU group ofdemonstrators yielding pickets and banners. By Joi c. RmLEY Patrick Swygert did. however, "pledge" 10 freeze under• Hilltop Staff Wruer The sen1imen1 was one of distrust for Bush and dis­ Hilltop Srnff Writer gradua1e 1uit1on for the 200'.?·2003 academic year, appointment in the election process. according to Undergraduate Trus1ee Charles Coleman. Thousands of people convened on the nation's mall While disagreement und pro1es1 are nothing new in Student emo1io11S soared last Friday afternoon as Coleman fell 1hn1 the presence of the s1uden1 body on Saturday January 2()1h for the inauguration of elec1ions, the close race, accusations of ballot stuff­ more than 200 students protested the proposed tui1ion definitely had an effect on the Board of Trustees. "It's George W. Bush. After weeks of recounts, hearings. ing and, highly contested recounts in Florida by Bush's increase for undergraduate 1ui1ion and fees in the Admin­ a big s1n1emenr," he said. •,.. and deliberation. the day had finally come. And while opponenl, Al Gore, made this inauguration particularly istration building. Led by Coleman, who vowed 10 figh1 "tooth and nail this was the momentous occasion Bush and his sup• heated. Yielding pickets and banners, pro1estors from The protest which began shortly after 12 noon on the agains1 the increase," and Howard Universi1y Student porters had been waiting for. protestors marched onro all around the country voiced their dissatisfaction first floor of the A building las1ed nearly six hours and Association (HUSA) Prc,iden1 Sellnno Simmons. slu• Pennsylvania Ave to voice their oulr.lge. with the election ou1come. Others voiced distrust of went from the building's first floor 10 the second and dents galhered throughout 1he University's administra• The Black Alliance Against The Bush Agenda, The the election process ilself. "Sold: Again" read one ban­ back down 10 first where it concluded. tion building ,n a peaceful sit-in. that was laced with New Black Panther Par1y For Self Defense, The Amer­ ner, alluding 10 feelings that the election process is In the end, the Board ofTrus1ees, who were mce1ing humor. cLmcing 10 African drums and singing. Some stu­ ican Indian Mo,-ement as well as other organizations more about money 1han democratic procedures. Thou­ on the fourth floor of the building, passed the measure dents par1icipa1ed in 1he demonstration in between sponsored the demonstration. Dubbed the "Day of sa.nds filled 1he s1rce1s chanting slogans and handing to increase tuition 3.5 percent and inc1ease student fees classes, others just chose not to auend. ou1 pamphlets and propaganda. across the board. The final vote left three Trustees who Leaders repeatedly chanted. "Students united shall Outrage", the rally assembled at 11 ·o clock :u 14'h St. Asked why they came 10 1he march, some pro1es- were against the in the minority of the other vot­ never be defeated" while some sang the Alma Mnter in and U St. to march onto Pennsylvania Ave. and protest 1ors said they had ''strong disagreements with Bush's ers. Although the measure was ,uccessfully passed. s1u­ the swearing in of Bush. Other groups and individu­ the face off between stud~nt activists aud ndminislr.l• Please See PARADE, A7 dcn1s were not at a 101al loss. University Presidem H. als from all around the country soon joined the diverse Please See 1'UITION, A7 'Politically Incorrect' To Towers Residents May Get Cable as Tape Black History Shows At Howard University Early as August Officials Say By BRAKKTON B OOKER Swygert and Vice Presidcn1 ofSmden1 Affairs Raymond By J ASON T. S~IITII Hilltop Staff Writer Archer. Frelow has done 1he majority of the footwork 10 Editor-in-Chief obtain proposals from different cable companies. While many residents of the Howard Plaza Towers were A proposal delivered to Frelow·s office on Monday put "Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher," the bit skeptical of how effective senior Afi Bell's door-10.<Joor the monthly co~1 of basic service charged 10 each room television show known for its sharp comme111ary and pe1i1ion for cable would be. many are now singing her at $5.50. The most expensive monthly package outlined celebrity guests, will be on campus next month 10 tape praises as officials now report tha1 the Towers may have in the plan was $ 12.50 and includes HBO. However, JO shows dedicated 10 politics and Black History Stud•nlS cable as early as next semester. Frelow said he is still shopping for lower prices. Month. can pkk up In a Tuesday meeting held between Bell's pe1i1ion com­ "fhis was the lowc,1 offer I've received," said Frelow, The series of shows will be taped in Cramton Audi­ UcktlS.. likt lhe one miuee and the Towers property managemen11cam, Tow­ declining to disclose the name of 1he cable company that torium from Feb. 5-9. with three days dedicated to abo,e, from Cr.union Box ers Property Manager Larry A. Frelow said that "the Tow­ Plet1se See CABLE, A7 Howard University students. On Feb. 6, 8, and 9. show office. ers will be gening cable." Frelow went on to say 1ha1 i1 producers said they are putting together celebrity pan­ could be hooked up as early as August. els 1ba1 will appeal especially 10 Howard students. Frelow said that due to the "large populalion in the Tow­ Celebrity guests 1hat are confirmed to appear dur­ dents must reserve their seat by calling the reservation ers thal are asking for cable" he "didn'1 see why [Towers ing the week include Marlin Luther King, Ul; Queen phone number listed on each ticket. residents] couldn't have it" if the cable suppliers and 1he - This Week's Hilltop­ Latifah; Jah Rule; Shaggy; U.S. Reprcsen1a1ive Harold The show's host Bill Maher, known for his "razor wi1 University administration could agree on a reasonable Ford, Jr.; comedian Tommie Davidson; and LI. Gov. Joe and acid tongue:• said there was no second guessing cost. SPORTS Rogers of Colorado. of where the February "sweeps weeks" shows would Two weeks ago, Bell walked from door to door in the ''This should be a really exciting week," said Sheila be !aped. Towers to get signatures for a petition to ins1all cable. Bell, Griffiths, supervising producer for the show. "Being "Being 1ha1 February will be Black History nionib. a senior international finance major. said she was inspired Check Out that African Americans don't have a 101 of oulle1s on I can't think of a more appropriate place 1han Howard to ,1art the petilion after being forced 10 walk to Cook Hall The Latest television to be seen and heard, we thought this would Uni,•ersity 10 rnpe the show," Maher said in an inter• just 10 view a Los Angeles Lakers baske1ball game that be an interes1ing way to celebrate black history." view wilh The Hilltop earlier this week. aired on cable. Her quest for cable yielded 593 signamres, Sports Results. Crews will film 1,vo shows per day from Monday Each night on ABC, Maher moderates a panel of four a front page s10ry in The Hilltop ("The Crusade for through Friday. Producers are hoping that Howard sru­ celebrity guests candidly discussing every1hing from Cable." Al, 1/19/01) and ultimately a meeling with denls pack the auditorium for the three tapings geared Please See SHOW, A7 Frelow. Bl especially 10 l11em, Griffiths said. Tickets for the shows Although the final decision 10 put cable in the Towers can be picked up al the Cram1on Box Office, and stu- does not rest with Frelow, bu1 with President H. Patrick ' . The Hilltop FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 2001 CAMPUS ·· ' --------------------------------------------------1l' ' I I Student Government: Where Is Our Money Going? I I I I Spotlight On the Undergraduatf! Student Assembly ! I By M,\l(EBRA ANDERSON ! Hilhop S1affWri1er 'I I "UGSA is lhe group that was protesting in during finals week 10 extent 10 ensure 1hat 1he Howard grams that are put on by 1he Undergradua1e; This is the first install­ front of1hc 'A' building last week," fresh­ keep students moti­ experience is one of good qual­ Studenl Assembly. As a paying s1udent al : man Shannon Reid explains while walking vated during 1his ment i11 a series ofHill­ ity. Howard University ii is imponant 1ha1 you: to Blackbum with a group of her friends.
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