
- : ...... ^- - v;' : ^ NBT PRESS RCJJl fptaiekmi -b # ^ S«^-Weateylif^*^^ AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION '.'Uconn. state liibrfiry f|( p for the month of December, 1927 ' . IPf^'. -91|A‘ 4- Irl-' ' Sati^e^ijr cl 5,079 ;i^v«soider. / Member of tbe Andlt Bureau of Circulatlona PRICE THREE CENTS ' MAN€HBSMJR, CONN., FRIDAY, JAjNUARY^ 27^ 1928. (EIOHTEBU PAGES) VOL. XLH^ NO. 100. (Classified Advertising on Page 16)

_ I • I LEAVING JAIL FOR COIJRTROOM Death , Ray Inventor -e .'.A*' STAGRERAT A iMMi ,>M. ^ , Is Here On A Visit 'fe WO^HERE? - iw 'Z Englishman Says One Man HARMSTAKE Local Girl Complains to Po- Could Stan An Army; Will EVEN. ROUGH SEA STRONGHOLD OF lice of Man Who Struck HELPS HARRY SAVE Pbn to Challenge Nine Out Stop Future Wars, He > New York, ,Jnn. 27.— At least one passenger enjoyed the storm Of Twelve Choseft—§ay Her— Police Believe Girl wracked voyage of tbe Aqul- Says. ^ SANDRHFSMEN tania, which arrived yesterday They Ave Too Eager to St Was Pinched. two and a/ half days late.- Ho was Sir Harry Lauder, who has a repatathm as a sailor. At T ria^ H ich nw New York, Jan. 27.^Wlien the Climb Mountain 5,000 Feet “ Sur'e I liked the trip,” the “ death ray,’’ or the “ electric beam’’ Miss Tier Calve, an attractive Scot, said. “ And didn’t the d^lay as he prefers to call it, is fully per- High In Im Days’ March; 19 year old girl, employed in the save me two days hotel bills in Through It AIL gassing room of the Spinning de- New York.” V fected it will prove a ’ powerful -4> agency for world peace and not an partment at Cheney Brothers, re- Courtroom, Los Angeles, Calif, aggressive weapon of war, its in- Meagre Details of the ported to the police this morning a iff Jan. 27.— ’The taking of testlmoift ventor, H. Grindell Matthews, re- that she had been accosted by a! in ' the trial of William Edward nowned scientist, declared in an ex- Battle. strange man last evening and j . Hickman for the kidnaping and- clusive interview today. Its effect struck on the thigh by what she j murder of 12-year-old Maiiou Par- is to stun, not to kill. believed to be a sharp instrument. Managua, Jan. 27.— Accomplish- IN SMITB CASE NOW i kor will start next Monday, It wis An. invading army could be “-bom- Examination by a physician showed , V • ing what a few weeks ago had been I , indicated today when Superior barded’’ into submission by the a “ black and blue” mark as though light shocks of the “ death ray” and deemed almost impossible. United Judge J. J. Trabucco announced he tho young lady had been pinched. forced to surrender, according to Slates marines today were firmly would stress every effort to obtain The skin was not broken, nor were Matthews. established on the summit of El Prowler Had Been Annoying a jury before the end of the -week. “ It would be a purely defensive Clnpote, the mountain stronshola her clothes torn. Judge TYabucco said he would weapon but mighty powerful,” he rtcfcutly occupied by the rebel load- Miss Calve said that she was on asserted. “ It would make future er. General Saudino. hold sessions .Saturday in the event her way to her home at 995 Middle the jury is not obtained today. warfare futile.” At Ibe peak was a force of about •Turnpike Eas. at 5:30 las- evening. The bravado that characterized his demeari or immediately after his arrest in Oregon was Matthews, a tall, florid-faced man . Intent upon, speeding Hickman’s ^00 marines ant Nicaraguan cOn- She was just passing the corner of |-'0 Disappeared. who talks with a slight English ac- missing as William Edward. Hickman went-v court in Los Angeles to stand trial for the mur- trial. Judge Trabucco said/he would siaoulary, commanded by Ma.mr Main and Bissell strjets when a cent, has just arrived here from der of Mariam Parker, th is photo, taken just as Hickman left his cell to^go to court, s h ^ s preclude unnecessary questioning of Archibald D. Young, who led his tall, dark complgxipned man brush- Great Britain to interest American command slowiy and carefully up htm. a thoroughly co^ed and;frightened youth, standing in the center. At^he extremg right prorpective jurors by personally ex- financiers in the commercial possi- ed against her, remarked that it Northampton, Mass., Jap 27.-— anilnlng the talesmen. • he sMe of the mountain in a two was a “ nice evening” and then is ClaudeiPeters, cKtef gaard:; at the extreme left is Jailer Frank Dewar. The two short men bilities of some of his inventions, in- day march. El Chipete is about 5,- Search for the “ campus hugger” struck her. The girl screamed and beside Hickman are assistant jailers. No cameramen were allowed in the courtroom. Los A^eles, Calif., Jan. 27— cluding the phonofllm, or speaking OfiO feet high. who far more than a morjth has movie, which he believes will^ revo- ran north on Main street. The at- ^lefenselattorneys today indicated Few Details been annoying girls of Smith cal- lutionize the motion picture indus- Although definite details were tacker ran down Bissell stteet. JAZZ PASSING, nine of the twelve jurors tentative- try, and also a gigantic searchlight lackinig and news of the occupation Stabber Escapes lage was renewed today* by detec- ly selected to try William BfJward capable of throwing an image on was brought back by marine air- Although there were several on STRAUSS SAYS lives Investigating the strange dis- Hickman would be swept ffom the the sky thirty miles distant. The plane scouts, it was 'eported that the street at the time no one sensed appearance of Miss Francis' St. box by perempory challenges ;et commercial value of the latter in- rebel opposition to the marine ad- what had happened and the stabbqr the resumption of the Marioif Par- vention/would be, he said, in its vance was strong. Definite casual- got away._Miss Calve hurried, home Noted Viennese Musician De- John Smith. ker kidnaping and murder_ trial. adaptability for advertising. ties were not known, although it and was reluctant to tell anyone of clare^ It is Only a Tepppr- Casting about for a "clue,” tke ‘ Of the/four women and >elgl^t* Great Possibilities was reported here that two rdarines he.' experience. She told her fore- detectives picked up the old “ clue” men seated in the jury boY'i>h(®^ ary Fashion.. of the “ hugger and kisser”-—g “ I visualize great possibilities in had been wounded. man in the mills this, morning and adjournment was taken yesterday, . The marine patrol started the as- he immediately reported the mat- New, York', Jah. 27.— Eighty-five lively dramatized the use of. the prowler who has, been sought be- eleven had' been tentatively .^passed « the electric beam,” said Matthews. airplane for the American boy ard London, Jan. 27.^—Herr Jo- fore and- since-tbo..wegltby . .New cent to the actual peak yesterday ter to the mill superlntcnden|, Her- school heads in cities having a hann; Strauss, noted WiehnOBe hy both theratate and gfq^utipn. “ I hope to return within a few morning.' A considerable force of girl and continues that “ there is Y©rk;-’’'Y i 55bma;n -vaMrShed. , “ It seems remarkable ' thaS. we months to Flatholm' island in the bert Ingham. Mr. Ingham advised populstloh o t 100,00 or more, in- , oichestra cnnductOTi-.? believes rebels sought .to derend the strong- a need to establish this Interest “ suspects” ; hg'ye ' been under sui> should be able 6 find so I’^idly ^ Bristol channel to conduct further Miss Calve to go to ‘ he pt ljce head- clndli^f^^^^jtforfjT, ,Gqnn„. ape hack- upon; a basis of .'accuratei-^^ ir that jazz .muiM»:^ hold and others continued sniping quarters and tell exactly what ha^ vcillance. jury -which, had formsd ‘n(^ pr.iju-* experiments. The use of the island tion.” phase. ” -f: at the column. But after two hours happened. ing vA-ffiovement^ started' by^ the “ Just like'(womens style in State pojice do not place much .diced opinions after reading ^ w s - has been granted me by the Cardiff the inarines, occupied the top.., Danibi' Guggenheim, fund for pro- M. Alan Sullivan, of the Guggen- hope in. the ^;.‘'Jack-the-hugger” qr Council for the experiments. Be- Police Theory heim fund,' said the plan for teach- clothes, jazz music is only a paper accounts and listening dn the All'^the defenders had t d and as Patrolman John Cavagnaro wqs motion of aeronautics to ,teach the temporary fashion, , said Heir death by violenco theory. They be- radio to details of this crime,'-’ CWef cause of the danger, only a few of yet there was no news of the where- princlpjes o f. aviation.' to'school ing would be- formulated in the lieve that iMIsS .Smith either ran us will be on the island, a farmer, on the desk when the girl reported next few : weeks and be submitted Strausp. “The waltz, which is Defense Attorney Jerom® WalsN abouts of General Saudino, who is children - of the' bountry/ , the soul of the dance, will comb away for a,d'r®flture or took her declared. , ' ' . ' liis wife and myself. We will be known to have been wounded dur- and her statement to him was turn- A statemehii-iissued oh behalf of to the annual conference of school ed over to Chief of Police Gordon into its oWn. again.'; Ja^ music ’own life bedauie of her scholastic He commented upon^ho express- seven miles from the mainland. I itfg a recent bombing raid by ma- the trustees, shys that “ certain -sen- superintendents at on JFeb- standing. had difficulties experimenting in my who immediately began m investi- .ruary' -2A. About 15,000 sch'bol can be explained. It is an ex- ed willingqess and apparerit eaghr- - rine aviators. sational achievements in aviation pression of the world-wide re- Girls Hugged. ness oL the prospedtlje Jurors to sit laboratory. Lights' were smashed Quilali, the former operating gation. Chief Gordon is of, the in the past year, and' in particular school, superintendents and heads Howeyey, it was pointed opt.tbuf and'phones put out of commission.” opinion that the girl wAs accosted of school are, expected ter attend the action from the. wax'. In Vieh- In on the trial- Reports from the base of the marines, has been aban- the trahs-Atlantlc flight' of , Col. na tht-eerquarters of, the peo­ sever^:» Smith college ^rls' had was “just another The/inventor’s left eye is nearly doned as unsafe and useless. by a “ masher^-and does not be- ChayJte -A. Lihl^ergb, -h^ye efecr Poston meeting. been .hugged and.-kissed by the blind and ' his right eye is badly lieve evidence beat’s oat a stabbing ple are' in favor cf the' -waltz, ...... night” fdr Hickman, wha - slept atfd'ofli^quarter be eight hours after sitting motion- afflicted by experiments ‘with the theory. The young lady’s tihuefi liU bperMlons slju» search, “ death ray.” - tion. of -the attacker was not,, com.-. jazz. less throughout yesterday’* Court GUN RUNNING SHIP Vienna musicians are . lead- fo r' Miss Sthitli here raised the be- wrangle over .the selection of the Would’ Stb5' Wars plete a t if ft will he difficult to ing a movement- against jazz lief that the man was mentally “ My idea is that if the electric trace -him. which they hope will extend unbalanced; , jury. ! . ’ ‘ ' beam can be fully developed it will AND GUNBOAT t a Think Him “ Masher” throughout and Anjeri- y Two%eeks^ago today Miss Smith' prove a great deterrent to war, ’ he Young girls and women who TRIAL IS ENDED ca. Recently three members of ate breakfast' in Dewey *ouse and continued. “ In my laboratory ex- have o.ceaslon to pass along NOW UP IN TO SPE I^ UP' traiAL Meagre Details of Battle at . 'n ' ‘ the famous orchestra' o f ' the then arose frbm'-the breakfast table perinaents two and a half years ago street near Spruce and . through Vienna opera were dropped be- and disappeared , as if b y ; magic. Los Angeles, Calif., Jan.^ I was able to project the beam sixty- Sea 600 Miles Off the Chinese Spruce street at this particular cause they played in jazz bah4s The most: Intensive missing-person WilHani Edward 'Hickman .jfStCeu-® four feet. It killed rats and mice. Coast. point have reported being accost- in off-duty hours.. Later they hunt in the,-history of .the''country western iustice. swjft and -gs “ I. think if, in my experiments on ed by a “ masher” . Descriptions Sec. Wilbur to Be Asked If Doctors Testify That were reinstated. __ rivalling the famous Dorothy his trial ior the kidnaping an£#^- the island, I am able to project the Hong Kong, Jan. 27.— The story given at various times of the man 'Arnold -ease—-h.as fqilf.d. to, prodneie der of Marion Parker entei^d. its beam four or five miles my j of a fierce three-hour battle at sea who approached the girls tally l-to. Not third day., i will have been accomplished. My'I between the Czech-Slovakian steam- some extent with that given today ffevy DepL mantic Man Was Continued on Page. 11 y WUhip six hours after Sitoerlpr original object was to devise a beam er Praga and the Nationalist gun- by Miss Calve. Police are keeping ihd# J. J. Trabucco, fOniaOf cat­ that would bring planes down. Eng- boat Feihu, 600 miles off the Shan- a close watch on one man who they Sane— Is Sentenced. MURDERS WPMAN, tleman wh.o hails 1-0“ the o^n land, you know, is no longer an isl- tung coast was told today in a dis- believe may be responsible. mkars Views. ranges of north central Califoraia. and and is open to attack from the had ordered the trial to proce^. air. The beam of light, shot upward, patch from 'Tsingtao. The Praga, carrying 90,000 rifles, SEE IN STORE RELIGIOUS SITUATION • four women and eight men tent^ would short circuit the magneto of Washington', Jan. 2 7,— Secretary Willimantic, Conn.. 'Jan. 27.— lively were seated in thet jury hdx. the flying planes, and bring them to millions of rounds of ammunition, The trial of Sava Mathvink, charg- and armored cars from Hamburg, of the/'Navy 'Wilbur will be asked IN MEXICO TENSE •While the hearing was delayed, ed with first degree murder in con- practically .a’ whole day at toe Start Matthews stressed the fact that , purchased by General GUILFOYLE TRIAL by the jSenate naval affairs commit- nection with.the death of Mrs. Anna Chang-Tsyn-Chang, met the gun- by the disqualification of Snperjor the- invention of the “ death ray ’ tee tp-state whetlinr the department Berkeg^’itz, on November 4, last, I Portuguese W ai Jealol^s invention is not to inflict wholesale boat on Wednesday. came to a sudden end in Superior] Judge Carioa S. Hardy, the 9^® approves the “ war” speech de- More Than 300 Catholics Ar* Jurist who replaced Judge Hardy slaughter on an invading army hut After the battle, the casualties Court here . today when Mathyink AGAIN POSTPONED li-vered by Rear Admiral Charles P. rested For Illegally Operat- has made up for lost time with his rather to shock the enemy into sur- of which are still unknown, the Plunkett in New York last Satur- pleaded guilty to manslaughter and Over Italian Married render. Praga escaped due to her superior was sentenced to serve from eight ing Secular Schools* direct methods had his svvlft day, -if was announced today. Digs Which leave no rooin for argu- Would Shock Enemy speed. She arrived on Thursday. The.' committee’s , determination to fifteen years in state prison. . Woman^ the Police Say. “ The electric beam would bom- As a result of the incident, the sift the- Plunkett speech was dis- The aspect of the trial changed ment. , bard the enemy with a series of Nationalist authorities ordered the completely when Dr. A. L. Leak, q! .“ Objection overruled. Mr. Alcorn Not In Hartford .closed .by Rpp.. Butler, Republican Mexico City,-Jan., 27-.'^The re; shocks, having the same* effect as branches of all German firms in Middletown, and Dr. A. R. Diefen- “ We’ll have no argument, gentle- of Pensylvauia, chairman, and Rep. ligious situation in. Mexico was bolts of lighting. The troops would their territory closed and sealed Vinson of Georgia, ranking Demo- dorf, of New Haven, reported that Norwalk, Cpnn., Jan. 27 — Police men. . So Case Was Put Over Un- brought to the fore again today as wlto the next ques- be knocked unconsciojjs for a peri- pending investigation. C1*£LL« *’ * ' Mathvink was not -wholly responsi- today found, the bodies of Mrs. - “ Ptoceod od, of 20 minutes to half an hour. ble for the crime. The alienists a result of the arrest of more thaq Copiinitee members plan to open Jennie Saccocio, 38',. and Manual 300 Roman'Catholics within the “ It would he a most humane til Tuesday. . their Inquiry upon Wilbur’s ex- found that the man bad - suffered Every maneuver on the part oi weapon. I cannot imagine any civil- PORTO RICAN GIRL 'pected- appearance in . cbnnect\on from illness in his family and from Durate, 28, lying behind a counter last three days. • the opposing attorneys tending to ized power maiming or killing men wiht'the -Navy’s $7.40,000,000 ship loss of money and reabestate. in the woman’s, grocery store at 43 All those arrested were chargeji slow up the trial is met with a with spreading seditious propai-* with other weapons if they knew building .program; A conference .between the state Raymond street, South Norwalk. decisive and unaltorahle ruling they _could shock the enemy into STABBED TO DEATH Hartford, Conn., Jan. 27.—^-An- ' Why Not Censured. and the defense followed, and Five bullets had been put-into the gaiida ah(^ illegally operating sqoqr from the bench to push the pro- subm’issicm.” , other postponement. of the case of “ I thin’tc thej committee will want State’s Attorney Bradford, of Put- woman’s body while a single bullet 1^ schools.'None of those arrested ceedings ahead. The “ electric beam” would be op- Mrs. Harold N. Guilfoyle, held as to take thisLipatter up and fi^d out nam, recomniended to 'Judge E.'.M. fired through the temple caused is likely to suffer morel than the - When Judge Trabucco encoun- erated from a predetermined posi- Her Body Found In Brooklyn Yeomans, who presided ; over the itaposition of a fine. a material witness In the fatal w hy'^.;the - admiral was not' disiplin- the man’s death. • . ters a legal snarl he cuts the knot. tion. It would not be mobile. It Furnished Room House; trial that the man should be im- Ifi-vestigation led the police to ^ The renewed government attack : Qaastioned Collectively shooting of Mrs. Max J. Gaudet, of ed,” kaid Butler. , , would be purely defensive. The ag- Dagger Near Body. Congress. is- already divid.ed In prisoned for a sufficient length of announce that Dlirate had shot the on -CatSblicispi was clim ax# .yes-; He advanced the trial fully two gressor would always be put at a New. Haven, here last week, wap ar- two camps. ' After - Rep. McClintic time to determine whether there wonian -and committed suicide. ’ terday by the Wholesale arrest of hours when he personally took the disadvantage, according to Mat- New York, Jan. 27.— With stab ranged in City Court today, and the Demhftfat of .Gklahoma charged on might be a recurrence oj his yiolent Husband In Jail 225 persons, who. Were .seized when, prospective jurors in hand and thews. The beam would be operated wounds in the neck and hack, the woman was sent back to the county the H6u'se*YT6br, tliht- Pluh had actions. . ‘ - Mrs. Saccocio’s husband, police secret service agents raid#- 'the asked them collectitoly a number from a platform above ground and body of a Porto Rican girl, 28, iden- jail in default of $10,000 bail un- declared that jWar with Great Brit- say, is in jail in Canada, serving Seminario Cosiliador De Mexico, propounded to each juror dndlvl- after thp beams- of light were shot tified /by police as Adelaide Penna, til next Tuesday morning. Absence ain was'inevitable,. Rep. . Black, a-term for a minor offense, while one of th^ leading Catholic sei*i-: dually by toe defense and prosecu- at the enemy the platform would was fbund today in a Brdoklyn fur- from the city of Hugh Af. Alcorn, Democrat of New York, .drew ap- naries in the city.' state’s attorney, was given as the BAPTIST CHURCH QUITS Durate, a. Portugese* who. had. been tion attotneys. ^ 1 disappear into the ground. nished room; plause by describing Plunkett as living with Mrs., Saccocio, was mo'V" According to the police, many of- The state, so-far; has used but “ One man in a high-powered The name of the man who rent- reason '' the postponement. “ an upstanding American-” ed to the, cripie heqanae qf jealousy those; arrested had pictures of thqiQ^g defense still'has all of its al- station could repel an army,” de- ed the rooin where the body was Large Crowd • A‘ -deluge-^of protest letters has PARENT ORGANIZATION recent, execution <>f a priest Who A large crowd gathered In the over the woman’s apparent friendli- I.' ! clared Matthews. “ It is without found was not known to the land aroused’ the “Bib Navy” bloc,, fear- was charged with complicity to as- Chief Defense Counsel Jerome question a practical inventiqn,’ the court rooin as the session opened to- ness with a Stomford man. Mrs. lady; She told police the girl had ful that reaction will Impede their Saccocio leaves six children ranging sassinate former President Alvaro. Walsh Indicated he would use the only difficulty in perfecting it being come to the house as a visitor last day. Mrs. Guilfoyle was there, at- program, Butler characterized the Says That, It Is “Godless '’and tended by a deputy sheriff. She was from teo- seventeen years in age, Obregon...... full score. • the heavy cost.” Sunday night. Shortly afterward . Piunkntt speech as “ a great em- Evolutionary*’— To Join In- 'Those' arrested, herded intp Matthews is also tbe inventor of clad in black. For the first time she and one of the. youngest, according Here are his questions:. other hoarders heard the couple harrasaineht to those who are 'seek- dependent Churches. to the police witnessed' the shoot- police headquarters, did not res#* 1. Who has contributed, to any the “ luminpphone,” an instrument quarreling. seemed In cheerful mood today. Her attorney. Judge Samuel R,o^enthal, ing'’j;cr’ build up,'the navy.” ing. ' -I-, 'but some of the,m. sfet up defiant fund for the'arrest and con-viction which plays music by light. He is A seven-inch dirk, found on the the man whom the British govern- told the court that he had agreed to Peoria, Ills., Jan. 27;.-r-Declaring The Stamtord man,-whose name cries of: of Hickman. : ' floor, apparently -Was used in mur that, education fostered by the Bap- has been^withheld by the PQlice, is / ‘Long Live Christ, Our King!” ' 2. Who has devote^ any effort ment in 1915, paid £25,000 (nearly dering the girl. a continuance at Mr, Alcorn’s re- $125,000) for tbe light control quest and Indicated that harmony tist denomination in America' is said : to he ' of italian,; birth^ and is toward Hickman’s apprehension.' . • boat, the "Dawn.” That boat could prevailed. "Godless and evolutionary” and now employed by a" Wholesale pro- 3. Who is a member of any or- be sent against forts and controlled Harold N. Guilfpylt, federal veG that the conference is embodying duce company. He was at work ganization which has gone on. rec- Owns a Goose, erinarian, who is in Hartford hos- too modernized doctrines, th® by light from an airplane. The en- when the filin g s' took place. ' ord concerning the kidnaping and 5 gines were controlled, the guns fired That Thus Far pital with a bullet through the Bohrd of Deacons of the La Salle murder. • , and then the boat was brought back temple as a result of the same af-r Baptist church has adopted resq- . \4.. Wbo is a member of any lutlotts of Withdrawal fpom the de- STOLE JRIEND’S CLOTHES to port. Has Not Eaten fair, .still continues ' to show im- Innumerable • tol®Pl*e®® ' church whose pastor has preach# Bombay* Jap. 27.— The present nomination. : " and, some two dozen individuals^ provement. V Makaraiah p f lndp^® has finally Hartford, Conn,, Jan. 27.—-Ed- on the Parker kkinaping-mnrder MRS. PARKS DEAD. He learn^ his trade in the At the cohgregational meeting a in . person Were the results oh-, approved the .. marriage of Tuko- week ago it was voted to resign win Stoeblsky, of .513 Gregory taiped by A. Podrove of the Man-1 case. capitals of Vtbe world. Ideas jiaqr.-ilolkar, Maharajah, to street, Bridgepprt,,'oani.e hwe early y S. 'Who is prejudiced against an Greenwich, Conpi., Jan. 27.— An- from Germany were added to his from the Northern Baptist confer- Chester 'Public Market from AUTOS TO CAERY MAIL Miss hlancy Ann ‘Miller, of-Seattle, ence. The resolutions adopted are this week to visit hi,s friqh(^,,fqho three line .adtertisemeht in. yeq^ 'Insanity defense. ' nouncement was made here today knowledge and to these he added Wiashington, it. was learned from- a Kloc. Stbeolsky .today wont to 4all . 6. Who has a child attending th€ m persniahce of;that action.. terday's Herald. of the death of Mrs. 'Walter R. the experience gained In Vienna, Middletown,. Conn., Jian. 27.*— trustworthy s6.urce today. for, four months lifter Judgb John Mount Vernon junior high school Parks, of New York and Green- London, and Dublin. Rev.' Charles F. Freedman, pas- Bonee had d#crlbed;bim : # an/l Under ” Help Wanted, Female Motor trucks will be used to carry The nMuriage •jvlli not be per- tor, of' the church, declared that he pohShf a Woman,;;for toitchetf- from Which little Marion Parker wich, in her home, 1651 Montgom- In this country be tried New mail from the New Haven railroad's fonhed teis month because, . ac- many other Baptist churches^Will grate,' for Stpeolsky 'pleaded guilty Was kidnaped; * York, later Ghica^. He is, a to slealihg Several suits of'Clothes work. He had: nO trouble in .find- ery avenue. New 'York, at the age main line at Meriden along the air-^ cording, to high'' caste Hindoos, . Jan- follow the precedent established by ing just the -woman, he Wanted Among those who . were not per- of eighty of heart failure. Mrs. true cosmopolitan If there ever line division to Cqichester if hen uary iB.an. “ inauspicipus .month-’’ from K-loq ana selUrig them.. , mitted to sit In judgment on Hick- , was one, and his trade is one of the *La .Salle church and set up In The cost yfa,^ trl-rial—-the deslr# Parks was the daughter of Benja- Btdam trains are eliminated from for marriages. ’ -Unless something dependent units. He said the La result quick and sure. ; man Were Cs K-. Bur8t,-a nelghhoiv min and Mary Hitch Mead, of the most prosaic. A goose plgys the airline next week, according to. takes v|ace, to prevent tha*-wfedding o RdeR S-4 pr o be of^the Parker family, and; W altei^ a prominent part in it. I^(ow it -wlil'take place some time after Salle con^egation will associate in Every the cliksifiod ^colj-' Greenwich, and forty years ago announcement here tbday. Two fellowship with these independent dinns do inany and varied things.' A. Overell. who lives in Manhatto“ ‘ guess. . February, 6,; when a period of “ 16 Washington, Jan. 2'i.The taught school here. She had been trips will be made each day. out of churches. I r ' Those who use them know thf^r #ace,! a short distance., Iromi^a spending her summers hero since. Read of him tomorrow in Meriden with stops here and 1* awwiqidhavdays” begins. ^ ; * = Senate , this afternoon ordered a Briesjs''’informed the Maharaj^ value.'You cc.n profit; toq. Call spot where the kidnaper. fiuff|^ Mrs.= Parks is survived by her Portland, East' Hamptop and Col- TBEASURY BALANCE Congresslbaal investigation of . the 364. : mutilated form oftois vletto-.f brother. Judge James R. Mead of Mie Herald chester. A supplementary bus njiall that, 'si' -the -Hlndbo qerembny ’Will S-4 submarine disaster, which cost be observed; the jnnrriage -^must ; Washington, Jan.. 27.'—Treasury ! feet of; her lather^. the Town Court, and a sister Mrs. “OUT AT NOON” service to Durham also will be es- balance Jan. ‘25: $jL23.51l;8ffl;5&. forty lives, . Zsadore Emerson of New Canaan. tablished.. tike place on an ‘-’auspicious day.”


f - n, iM . - 'T.'iL .-f-. jra ssi'tw o" MANCHESTER XC^pNN.) EVENING HEttALlj. PRTBAt'v rANHART!^; ------\ Can Pac .... .208% 208% C M & St Paul- 17 % 17% TWOlOSE UVES ACOSTA IS IN JAIL do pfd . . 33% 33% 33% FIVE DAY SLEEP ABOUT TOWN Chi Rck Isl . .109% 109% ____ Cons Gas<. . . .128% 127% WHEN AUTO SKIDS AWAITING SHERIFI^ts . The ;1vingB Heralds . will have Corn Prod .. . 69% 69% 69% . , NEWCOREFOR their first meeting of the year at - (Furnished by Putjiam & Co.) Dodge Bros . . -20% 19% the. South Methodist church tomor- Bid Asked 1 &% row? at; 2:G0 p. m. ' - , Erie ...... 61% ' « 1 % , 6 P % Watei“biary ;.Men Returning Famous Flyer Who Broke State Bank Stocks Gen - ^ e c ... vl33-.% 132%- 132% Front^ Party a Tree In Law Is Wanted In New jferV: fcoio'nel Clifford D. Cheney of City Bank cj Tryst . .8o0 Gen Motors '. .135 134% 134% Naugaiuck. . s e y . / . ' . ^ ,-.T i TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Capital Natl Bank .. .285 Gillett Raz *. .102% 101% 102% j T * t * . : , .• . . *4 , 1 1. “ < • the 316th Cavalry has been granted Conn River ...... ySOO leave of absence for two years at DOUBLE FBATTJRES Int Harv . . . .241 241 New Haven, Conn., Jan. 27.-tt First Bond and Mort t — ^ Ndugatuck, Conn., Jan. 27;—‘Two his own .request -Jiecause of private Int Paper ., . 74% 73% 73 % i£ygg snuffed /out In an autO‘ Berlin.— Five days of eomtlnuous. Bert Actwta, trans-Atlantic-flyer, is First Natl (Htfd) Kennecott .. . 83 82% S3 this afternoon bting hMd ’ in the busiuess aff^rs. ” j May McAvoy in All Star Cast " Hart Natl B & Tr mohileV accident here today. The sleep form the basis of a new sysr I.ehi Valiey . .92 92 92 victims are ;R[oward Terrell / and tem of curing drug addicts dis- county jail here for authorities of - — inr-* V Htfd Conn Tr Co Mack Truck . . 102% 102 102 Clifford Graut; hdtfi of Waterbury. Bergen county; New Jerfey.iA -war- .. ANOTHER KOMB “A-Reno Divorce” Land Mtg & Title 60 covered by a Cologne physician, Dr. \ . Mo Pac coin . 50% 50% 50% Terrell was "Instantly killed • and Kahle. The German medical world rant for Acosta reached here before “Red Clay” Morris Plan Bank ...1 4 0 N "ji: Cent . .. 160% Chicago, Jan. 27— Even as the They say matrimony is .160% 160% Grant died- as he was being tkken calls the “ sleep cure” the first notice of an appeal from his five- Park St T r ...... 5-50 New Haven . . 65% 61% confbined police-of county and city created in heaven and ends . 65% to St. Ma ^’s hospital, Waterbury, genuinely effective therapy ever de- I day sentence for violating the -air An action drama repletied Riverside Trust . . . ; . 500 No Am Co . . . 62. 61% 62 laws of the state, imposed in Nau- declared wan to the finish upon in------^weD, let’s call ijt the Phoenix St R Tr.^*.'. 410 after' ah “antomobile driven by ilVil- vised for morphinists. with rapid-fire thrills and a No I’ac .. r. . 96% 96% 96% lis'Mae Clelland, o f 878 Highland gatuck yesterday, had come along, bombers, a ^lack powder bomb was sea of circumstantial* evi- ~-Bonds Penn R R . : 6 5 % 65 65% Dr. Kahle has so far tried out the exploded here today in the doorway generoiB army of big 405 avenue, crashed into a tree on sleep cure on 118 persons. Of and Acosta was compelled to re- dence. Here’s a real intfer- Hart E ii 7 s ...... 400 Post Cereal . . .128% 128 128 North Church street. main still longer as -guest o f ' the of a'shoe store, only one block from laughs.' Conn ^ P ^5 % s . . . . i.o8 these, 116 were completely cured, 110 Pullman new . f 83 % 82 P3% * Mac Clelland is bdhg'held in the county. the home of Dr. William H. Reid, esting story of modem Brid Hyd 5 s ...... ;. .i04 Radio Corp . . n m 99% 99% police station hei“e pending ah in- and of .the two failures, one re- Attorneys for Acosta, who yes- politician whose home was blasted marriage problems sure to EXTRA FOR THE KIDS East Conn Power ...1 0 1 % 103 Sears Roe . . . 85% 85 85% lapsed because of bad news received 103 -vestlgaHon into' the affair. ter<^ay failed to act on the case at yesterday. ' please. MICKEY McGUIRE Conn L P 4 %s ; ...... 102% Sou Rail . .. .145% 144% 145% immediately upon ending the cure the time sentence was passed, to- Insurance Storks The'car involved in the accident Bpecial bomb squads were or- S O o f N J . . 39% 39% 39% carried live men, all residents of and the -other was seduced by his day appeared before Judge Frame ganized by Chief of Police Michael “Hawk of the Hills” A two reel laughfest. Aetna Insurance ....8 8 0 890 Studebaker . , 5 9 % 58% 58% wife into succumbing once more to 930 Waterbury. Beside the driver'and A. Sears and posted bond pending Hughes, following the outrages yes- Aetna Cas & Sure ... 515' Union Pac . . .191% 191% 191% the tvl^o killed, the passengers were the drug. • an appeal to the Common Pleas Aetna L i f e ...... 870 880 59% terday in which the homes of Reid 3 U S R u b b e r . 61% 61% James Barrett, who escaped unhurt, Different Treatment Court at Waterbury. The bond was and. City Comptroller Charles Fitz- SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY A Conn GeneraJ...... 1840 1860 .148% 147% 148% U S Steel . . . and .udFhM-Davis,, -who is In St. The Kahle treatment differs from $100,^ • . • morris, former chief of police, were A u t o m o b i l e ...... 420 430 Westing . . . . . 99 98 98% all others in that, instead of grad- You’ve been waiting and clampring for this picture for 5r.. 900' kfery-a hoi^dtai with. :head injuries. Meanwhile the telegraph has bombed. T, - . Hart F i r e ...... 890 Wiliys Over . . 19 18% 19- The '-^e-hien catae lfere last eve- ually accustoming the patient to be«i used by the New Jersey, au- Hart St iJoilv...... 850 870 Rewards offering $1,000 have I months. Here it is. .. ning td .dtfehd a hh.'ply given in doing without the parcotic. It takes thorities to secure Acosta for that been posted for the perpetrators of Lincoln Nat Life v • .110 PENNSY DE5R)CRAT - hOhor--;h'iE^^ra^^Sp . of Ndrth state, and extradition is now in the I National r'ire .....1 1 1 0 1130 the drug away completely at one the act. .HAS CHANCE FOR SEAT Main to be stroke. But the human body re-' works. i P h oen ix...... 860 87(5 ^hi'ria^-to re- quires five days to rid itself en- TYPIST MABRIES COUNT “TH E C AT Travelers...... ;.1720 1740 Washington, Jan. Rossia ...... 180 185 27.— ForJke th'rh: ld>:ypdtert>ury’i)y: way of Mid- tirely of the last traces of the mor- XBW BUNCO GAME first time since the Civil Wai^;fa dlebury., -Their car ’ skidded and phine, and ordinarily the patient New York, Jan. 27.— A former Public Utility Stocks P.nnsylvania Democrat todaV had a struck a tree. Conn L P 8% ...... 120 124 who is fdreed to dispense suddenly Danbury, .Conn., Jan. 27.— Post- East Side stenographer and a scion AtjOTHE CANARY” 120 fighting '-hance to win a seat in the with the drug suffers agonies dur- master Edward H. Bailey -was to- of the'French nobility will be inar- Conn L P 7% ...... 117 Senate. ’ • NOTED NOVELIST ILL. , Green Wat & G .c . .100 102 ing this period, often falling intn day asked to investigate a New ried here today. 405 , He was V illiam B. Wilson, war;-, Mentone, ,^ Jah. 27.— "Vl- delirium and sometimes even dying. The bride-to-be is Mrs. Ruth Hart E L ...... 400 time secretary oi labor, who chal- Bedford, Mass-, concern which, has Hart Gas com ...... 95 100 c'eM^Biasiib 'lbahhz,"fafeous Spanish It .is during .Uiese five days that flwded; this section with- letters Goldbeck, 27, widow of Walter lenged the seat of Senator Elect Kpvieiiste,A&d'authpr “ The Four Goldbeck, internationally .famous A Hart Gas pfd ...... 66 William S. Vare, Republican, Dr. Kahle ' puts his patients to offering to have personals, items S N E Tel C o ...... i/2 175 of ijle Apocalypse,” Is sleep. For this p'urppse he uses a portrait painter who died four years son won fighting chance wheii the .^riPhs^;; ill^ pneumonia, printed’ in Danbury newspapers for Conn El Ser pfd .... 92 94 specially strong soporific. At the twenty-five cents ’each and to fur- ago. Her father was an electrician Jtiamifacjiirtng Stocks Senate elections committee ordered '^pve^al; iifetpJi'S attendance on the East Side here. She formerly a thorough investigation of thvi: same time he administers a stimu- nish clippings of the items to the American Hardware . i . 82 itoMay.. N. B^'ep.n41tTpA is complicat- lant which arouses to unusual ac- subscribers. was a stenographer, American Silver...... 25 28 election fraud charges contained t« :eii.:'b3i5:dlal^ie4ps; ^ -.ijt-- Mrs. Goldbeck will be married to the contest he filed against 'Vare. tivity the parasympathetic-nervous Acme W ir e ...... 8 15 system, counter pole to the sym- Count Paul de Vallombrosa, a Ne':>- Billings Spencer com. 1 3 To win, Wilson must prove that' NEW TOBACCO CORPORATION. ¥o3‘k banker. He is 37. Important 5 Yare engineered a “ conspiracy’ iir pathetic^ system, which is chiefly A certificate of incorporation Billings Spencer pfd . 2 influenced by morphine. '£ Bigelow Hart com . . 93 96 the Pennsylvania election of 19 RetliW Jan,. 2 7*-r strong earth was filed yesterday with the secre- BANDITS GET $50,000 Bristol ’''.a s s ...... 11 15 for the purpose of “ overturning the tremors were felt at four o’clock Gaining Fame tary of state by the Manchester 5f the people. Collins C o ...... 110 this morning in Badeh, Upper Nav- The fame of the sleep cure is Leaf.'Tobacco Company. The incor- < Chicago, Jan. 27.— Holding a Colt k.-cr.rm s...... 3l 32 aria, the Saai* and Northern Swit- largely due to the personal grati- , porators are. Max Lavitt of Elling- watchman prisoner while they Announcement tude of- a fellow physician. Dr. H. ton»:William Greenstein of New . E a g l e L o c k ...... 82 85 DAWES’ BROTHER CALLED zerland. People were awakened broke into more than lOO safety IN ORDER THAT ALL OUR SUNDAY NlGHT P'afnir Bearing .....li2 115 and fled from their homes, but no Ripke, head of the Evangelical Britain and others. The company boxes, six bandits robbed a mort- PATRONS MAY SEE THE MASTERPIECE Hart & Cooley ...... 215< Washington, Jan. 27.— B. G. casualties were reported. The dam- Hospital in Schreiberhau, who was is .inborporatefi for $100,000 of gage banker’s office here today of an addict taking the largest 0_00 r. Inter Silver coitt .;. v::T9^0. . 195 Dawes, brother of the vice-presi- age was slight. which $ ^ is paid in. loot believed to'“^xceed $50,000. OF THE SCREEN: . amount of four and one half grams • I n t e r S i l v e r dent, and chairman of the board of Employes of the concern dis‘ Landers, F ra ry ‘&-,';& ; . .. . . V 30‘ ,S‘2 of Standard Oil of Indiana, and A. or one-third of those which housed tite for food. He ate virtually all nett’s total point score of 5,442 Pratt, WKithey pfd .. . 89- 95 E. Humphrey, Jr., of Denver. smallpox -victims. The general-sit- day long at such a rate that after should stand. However, John Per- 21 TED RONDEAU’S State and Circle Theaters ! Peck, Stovie i,-. 19 The committee will question these uation is reported as being mucli three days his jaws grew too tired son with 5,239 points and Otto Russell Mfg -Co^'?4U 'i;i.-5’8^^> 92 witnesses concerning profits of improved and few additional cases, Souniksou with 5,224 points, are 53 .*59* so , that. Re was forced to Scoville Mfg C o ...... 51 $3,080,000 made by the Continental are tiow expected; •. ‘take only liquids for a while. He. net yet out of the running. Smyth M/g C o ...... 400 ;S.__ Trading Co., of Canada, in a deal Stage and Modern ' Stanley 'W k s'cojj .... 60 62 ate twelve plates of oatmeal daily On Sunday in oil purchased from Humphrey’s TRIES SUICIDE IN CELL. with two gallons of milk. In six EX-KAISER 60 TOD.AY -Standard. Screw----- ...108, 113m father. This property later was pur- Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. 27;— , TorrHi^'jn.' .. 94 96 ' weeks he gained thirty pounds and School of Dancing Tickets Purchased for “7th Heaven” )Vill.Be Honored chased by Dawes’ concern, the Pure After a lapse of 24 hours, county left the Kahle sanitarium com- Berlin, Jan. 27— Only a few per- “US Envelope p(dl,, i I’l 5 Oil Company. jail autliorities today announced sons participated today in the small Branch from Hartford at Both Theaters. :;4 Union .Mfg Co . ; . . 22 25 pletely rejuvenated. that Martin Miliken, local store celebrations attending , the," 69th To Avoid Standing in Line Buy Tickets at the State Whit^ Coil Pipe _____ 18 21 keeper -Fho fAbes charges of at- Room 3, St^te Theater AMUSEMENT TAXES. STORY OF ATTACK birthday of the former Kaiser Wil- Theater Box Office Now. tempetd atacks on girls, attempted helm. DOUBTED BY POLICE ' South Manchester Washington, Jan. 27.— Broad- suicide by hanging in his cell at the Of the press, only the ultra- 'Admission for “7th Heaven” at Both State and Circle jail at eleven a. m., yesterday. Open Daily 1 p. m. to 10 way, the center of America’s thea- Washington, Jan. 27.— Peyton Monarchistic newspapers carried Theaters, Adults 40c, Children 20c. trical and night club life, was Milikin ripped up a sheet and wove congratuitory lines. ^ N.Y. Stocks Gordon, district attorney, indicat- Phone 1180 chiefly responsible fop.$6,985,000 in the pieces into a rop. Other jail ed today he would not press an in- 2 SHOWS SUNDAY NIGHT * ! amusement taxes paid the fede/al inmates who saw the man’s efforts State Theater 6 and 8. (Jijcc}e:.vl%e^t^ and 8:45 H • High Low 1 P. m. government by New York last year, shouted for help and Miliken was vestigation into the alleged attack Alied Chem . .157 % 157 157 % the internal revenue bureau-'an- cut dovn in time to save his life. upon Mrs. William Lantz in her hotel room here. .Alls 115 %> qjDunced today. 'Amer Bosch . . 20 •20 Totar taxes on theaters, night LOWDEN BOOM. : Mrs. Uan,tz and her husband, 41 Kid(li«s T^h^l^ter ^eupojpb Am Can , . . . . 77 .V2 76% 77 clubs, prize fights, the World Ser- Stamford, Conn., Jan; 27.— A traffic officer in Millboiifhe, 'Pa,., 'Amiir&'itYiy ‘.lO'S-’ ’ ’ '-''-108 ' 108 ies and other entertainment in dozen people attended the Lowdifi- were. caUed ,as witnesses - in the THIS COUPON. WITH 5 iK^ENTS. EftlTITLES JhNY Am Loco . . . 111 110% 110 Burus-Sinclair contempt trial to % 1927, amounted to $17,835,000. for-President luncheon at the Hotel CHILD TO ADMISSION TO THE “BARGAIN . Am Smelt . . .179 % 178% 179 Illinois ranked second in volume Davenport hqre this afternoon and attack the character of W. J. Die* Am St Fdy . . . 66 % 66% 66 % of taxes, Pennsylvania third and heard Thomas P. Moffat , former Mullln, a Burns agent who later J MATINEE” AT THE Am T & T . . .180 % 180% 180 % California fourth. minister in the who turned government spy. Am Woolen ; . . 23 23 23 The Dempsey-Tunney fight at can hold the confidence of all. sec- . Lantz said his wife had been CIRCLE^ TH E AT E R Anaconda . . . . 56 % 56% 56 % Chicago and the Pittsburgh-New tions of the nation.” Almost the bound and gagged and beaten over Atchisofl .... 104 % 104% 104 York World series were the biggest entire guest list was composed of the head, and that a letter refer- B & 0 ...... 115 % 114% 115 events of the. year from a tax out-of-state residents. ring to McMullin had been taken, Spiturday Afternoon, Jan. 28 South Manchester Beth Steel . . . 58 % 58% 58 % standpoint. from the room by the mysterious FILIPINO’S DEBUT intruder. BIG DOUBLE FEATURE BILL ^ SILENT 30 YEAI’ S Police CapfSin Guy Burlingame 2 FEATURES 2 JJSTERNATllOTJAI: PAPER New York, Jan. 27.— Lope Who interviewed Mrs. Lantz, saldt ^ : •/GQMRA.NY^ : 'Warsaw, Poland, Jan. 27.— M. Tenorio, Filipino lightweight, We could find no e-i|idenee oT-an Esther New York, Decernber 28th, 1927 Frommer, a Polish Jew, is dead makes his New York ring debut to- assault.” ( « TSM " TheBoard of Directors have declared a here after a self-imposed silence night in a ten roiyid bout with The house physician treated Mrs. of thirty years. During a quarrel quarterly dividend of Sixty Cents (60c) Bruce Flowers, c(^ored star of New Lantz for shock but reported she a share on the Common Stock of this with his wife thirty years ago, Ilochelle, N; Y.-FIowers is a six to had no serious injuries. Company, payable Febmary lath, 1928, P’rommer expressed a wish that shv five favorite. ^PO ILE»| v V t to Common stockholders of record at be burned to death. Two days lat- SATURDAY If Tenorio wins decisively he will NEW COLD WAVE 1. Off -AND the close of business February 1st, 1928. er his home was ourned and his be offered a title bout with Sammy Checks to be mailed. Transfer books wife perished in the flames. Almost Chicago, Jan. 27.— Snow borne ONE DAY ONLY will not close. insane with remoise Frommer took Mandell, the champion, by Chicago ______Ov>- EN Shepherd, I'icr-Prr.'.'^ Tr^„ promoters. on a northwest wind swept ipto the an oath never to speak again, ami middlewest today, adding to the kept it to his deat! CONTINUOUS 2:15 to 10 :30 LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS cold wave which has sent the tem- FHED WERNER at the ORGAN^ with Si^m g Contest peratures descejjding to the zero DOUBLE FEATURE BILL At Boston— Izzy Schwartz, recog- mark in six states. nized as world’s flyweight cham- A new cold wave bringing even Gene Stratton Porter’s Fred Humes pion by the New York Boxing Com- tonight and tomorrow. Eight deaths have been recorded In the middle- “The Magic Garden” mission, won decision over Harry The Masterpiece Gol2. men.” — ^Answers. ‘vv: V.

IffiTGHEaraBR iqiTDAY,

staff also some, former members of t^ i rr^- ‘ • -■ the staff, and Miss Anne Hatha- YOffiiFUL H IIR T ON Iq DD FELLOWS TO BOW FAl^HBBS, way Smith, Suipt., of the Rockville I ' f l i l t i 7? Rockville City hospital,, vrei^e entertained last INDIAN LORE JJ She vifitB A schoot evening at. the ho^e of ..Mrs. ’f'-jn. teacher and'she guided a group Thomas Sykes. •- •*' ' i ^ DINE TOMORROW of. young hoys In the way they.- A meeting of the Adodlram , Vaccination Clinic Ray Westcott, - Archery ’ Ac^ should go—uA{Sanday3. She det \ Council, R & S. M., wil hold a elded.'to Arid jbirt'what the boys 5 \ vaccination clinic \yas held meeting this e-vening at which 'time Exhibits Relics, TaDcs to Bby did at home to help their ^ yesterday ■ at the East and W ^t Qrand Conductor, George G. 'Platt Scout Troops.' To Celebrate 38diAnmyer- fathers and mothers. JS DiStrfcf s^oOl 'and liigh school at will m.ake his official visit. A social So she asked, “Do any of my ^ which 373 pupils wero: vaccinated hour .and refreshments will follow William E. Hibbard of North little boys ha-ve tasks to do'at i following an action urged by the the meeting. ; Main street is entertaining .fora' sary of King David Lodge home that help their daddies S I school i^ommittee.. Rev. and Mrs. Blake Smith are few days Ray Westcbtt" a'student and mumsies in their household 5;. , At the West District school 137 rejoicing over the hirth of al son of the Providen.ee Technical High work?” pupils were vaccinated; at the East born Thursday morning at the school and a pupil of his son. Prof.' In Kg Party. No one spoke up. Not to be g : District,' ,1.70; and . at the High Rockville City hospital.^ Walter Hibbard of that, school. 'I'hb' discouraged the S. S. teachet IK I school, 6t; of whidh '24 were from The A & P store occupying the boy, who is only 17 years old, is; ah called on proverbial Johnny—• iii: : the Longview school of Ellington. new block at the terminus,will open, accomplished archer and student Odd Pello'ws hall will be. crowded "Don’t you do anything to help Clearance Ssde . 'The doctors giving their services for business today. 'The store is a of Indian lore. tomorrow; evening when members your father and mother, c i Wre''Thomas F. O'Loughlin, John grocery and meat market combin- “Young Wescott has been dubbed of King David lodge gather at 6:30 Johnny?” ' . \ B*; Flaherty, E; H. Metcalf,' R- C. ed. . ^ : “'The Lone Wolf’’ by the Algdnquin to celebrate the 38 th anniversary “Yes’m”, answerJohnny. g Ferguson and A. R. Pillsbury who Indian^, whose champion archets of the institution of the local order. Percy Ainsworth, Elmer Osbefne he has defeated. He is ‘acquainted “I put the sand in my father's S were assisted by the Rockville and Charles Bottcmley , attended The first anniversary in several beer bottles to get 'em clean^” Quaker Ranges ^ Visiting Nurse dissociation nurses, the banquet of the Boston Wool with most of the Indian tribes in years, the committee headed by ijt ; Bq}'8-)JiandaU Store New England and usually when he Beverly Wright, has carefully wprk- Pinced-^way down for qiiick cle^^ande and you have a year to pay' at . these lower Club held in Boston last night; hears of a tribe he has not visited, Claude A. Mills, who for the The Catholic Ladies of Colum- ;ed out every detail to make the af- Lodge, whose subject will be "The I«ieeSi ' past year has been in partnership he makes a point of paying them'a fair . an elaborate one. The mem- Mission of the Subordinate Lodge;’’ bus wil hold a meeting this evening visit. , ' Frank M. Canfield, of. Bridgeport, ^ ■with~the»late' Hubert Porter of the at 7:30 Instead of 8:00., bers are striving to make the event Has Interesting Relics the most successful and enjoyable Senior Representative' of the En- H Randall Statiqpery store, has pur- ' A large number from here are An exhibition of his possessions,' campment branch of the Sovereign QUAKER ROYAL jj chased Mfi 'Porter’s shares in the planning to attend the dedication anniversary the lodge has exper- now on display in the window of ienced. Grand Lodge who will speak on the business, and is now sole owner of of the new flag presented to,_ the Mr. Hibbard’s store on North Main “Higher Degrees of Gdd Fellow- COMBINATION RANGE ^ the store, hit. Mills has hired Jesse County Home by Alden Skinner street, shows to some extent tke ship;’’ and Mrs. Hattie Stickels, ^ Mitchell of Ellington as salesman. Camp, Sons of Veterans, and its kndwledge the young man has of Past President of the Rebekah As- \ Paul Bouchard Auxiliary. Indian lore and archery. Baskets, sembly who will speak on ‘The Re- ' Paul Bouchard, aged 74 years, Indian totem poles, various kinds | bekah Degree” and William S; Black $ 1 7 5 , * died at his home on Cottage street, of bows and arrows, make the ex- i Hutchison, secretary, of the Grand ^ Thursday morning following an ill- SMUT ADVERTISING OF hibit a comprehensive one. Lodge who will be toastmaster. S ness o|- several weeks. He was One of the bows is that formerly born in St. Hydcinth, Canada, Jan. used by the famq'us Dan Lamb, . E n a m e l $ 2 3 5 . 26, l^o9i coming to this city 65 TABLOIDiS DITCHED HERE archery champion of California. THHin OF THE ITALIAN “A Year to Pay ^ years ago. He is survived by two The famous archer broke this bow

tially as at present constituted, RENTED BEAU MAKES there were a number of amend- Tomorrow Ends Our January Sale and CONN. CO. DISAVOWS ments. HIT AT M.E. BAZAAR I ‘ QUAUTY FRESH I LINDYIS ON WAY . Monday Starts The Annual Inventory INJURY TO WUKES l"' ?;■ .i.,..,..-..,--.—... Play Is Well Produced; This TO COLOMBIA, i A.. To Reduce Our Entire Stock to an Absolute Minimum Rverything u MEATS I Will Be Closing Evening of Says Bundles In Street Ni^ed Fair. LOWEST PRICES PHONE 456 Bogbta, Colombia, Jan. 27-'-,Col. is Repriced to a New LowXtcvel. ’< ^ -- Rib Roast ..;...... 'v. 3;8c Center Cut ...... 25c “Renting Jiqfmy,”). the two-act Charles A. Lindbergh, Flying from lh:esh Shoulders ...... 18c Not Have Caused Seriou$ college pliy given by about a dozeu Cartagena to this city today in con- .Shoulder Roast. . 2pc young women at the North Metho- tinuation of his Central and South ..'1 ;iBiunp Roast.,..;.... . * 38c Fresh I^ig Liver ...... 15c dist church bazaar last evening, American good will aerial-tout-,-was •^Ppt 'R ...... 32c Veal C utlet...... 55c Auto Crash. made a hit with a large audience. sighted at 10:22 o’clock passing SKbiilder L ^ b ...... 23c Daisy Hant...... 32c ■The phrts were all well taken and over the town of Since; Colombia, Leg Lamb ...... 35c Ham R oulette...... 27c the noVei, if mercen-ry, plot of in the DelJaVtment of Bolivar.’ Frankfurters ...... 25c Officials of theJUj^^cticut com-’ renting the beau of one of the stu- Lindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis Roast Pork...... 21c pany have announced that after in- dents to the other girls for a round was then following a south-easterly of week-end activities furnished course directly; # toward •' Bogota. vestigation of the .automobile, ac- comedy ;■ plenty. Since is about 100 miles south by Full assortment of Frteh Fruits and Vegetables. cident caused by a bundle of maga- Z Between the acts Rev. W. D. east of Cartagena. ■' 9 . %«• zines at the'■GOrnfei'''of 'Main 'and' Woodward, one of Manchester’s Col. Lindbergh’s route'-W’ Bogota Formerly to $69.50 Pissell street' yesterday' morning In-. .'many retired%inisters an4^^Metfi- was over a • dangerous bou-iitry with which George; Wilkes Y of • ' Lydall bdist, ehtertained/with fbany stor- alernating mountains and swamps, ,3 street was very badly Injured, they ies and 'aliao played “Home, Sweet and covered with dense jungle Reyiiiander’s Market have come to the:'conclusion' that /Home” on a miniature accordeon. growths. ' Thick.^njisty fpgS almost- the primary cause of the accldeht The vestry was filled to overflow- always cover the^ lowlands. The, 1069 Main Street Opposite Army and Navy Club w^s the fact' that an automobile ing. It was.BpWbrth Leajgpih night distance from Cartagena is exactly. Phone’456. We Deliver. was backipg.out from..the sidewalk,'" and a ’large number of Visiting 400 miles in a straight line. causing Wilkes, the driver of- the leaguers and former attendants of wrecked car,, lo make • a dertour 'the church from other places were HOPS OFF that ended in the upset. ^ipresent, and patronized, thq cafe- Cartfigena, Colombia. .Jan. 27—^ Wilkes’ car turned over after It. teria and the various booths. / There will be no formal enter- Col. Charles A. Lindbergh hopped had hit one bf-- two bundles lying 'teinment this evening, the last off at 8:59 a. m. today, for Bogota, iiiliUliiiimiiiiiiHiitiliiliiiiiiliilifililiHiiiiiliiliiliiliiliilliiiliiiiiiliiliiliiMBibiUI in" the middle/ofrthb trolley ,right-of- the second- stop of his So.utb Ameri- -way. The right front wheel of the might of the bazaar, but musical ii.W- 'humbers will be given at Intervals can itinerary. A crowd, at the dy- h . ■ -r .- .- vi car struck r the bundle, causing^ rkuch credit for the success of the ing field gave him a rousing ova-* ita-t "Wilkes to lose fcontrol. , The ma-j r'bazaar is given to the general com- tion as the Spirit of St. Louis rose, I BIRM SfitkET MARKET I cl)ine .swerved to the. west side ofj circled the field and then sped iuittee, of which Leon Holmes was * Ph^oiie-2298 88 Birch St. = the road, turning over and colliding ‘Chainman;; and also to the enthusi- southward. $»& $2.98 with another car. i .: Y “hstic.cooperatipn of every organiza- Col. Lindbergh took advantage of Formerly to $39.9is . ..The trolley investigaition' was tion of the church. . his few hours of leisure here this hi , ' ■.V made yesterday by Harold R. Ger- morning'to go “joy riding,” taking ■ ''' m; S m a r t c l o s e f i t t i n g Spi^ials Fpr Saturday maine,'claim ageht'tor th6 isiohi’ilaAy. three Colombian officials up with models in , straw He came to the conclusion that the- LATIN AMERICANS him! He did not use the Spirit of.' combinations. . Spe- 5 . Lowest in Prices. Best in Quality, s Wilkes car wptfld HiaVe bbcfoiile'fti- St. Louis, but made the.fiight in a cial for Saturday volved in an- accident bt thii ’ kltid seaplane belonging to the Andeatf if;the bundle of magazines had not / NOW ORGANIZING Corporation. Ir A . be^ there, becaqsia iit had swerved Col. Lindbergh boppecr off at . to-the west side of the, road when 7:30 o’clock. Those accompanying ; another car ba?k^ out frpmj.ihe Havanav* Jahv '2 T—^The practical him were Enrique Arrazola, Govf- j oxganlzatloh of the Pan-American ernor of the Department of Bolivar,;^' ,1, He was of t^e ijHili^jp^ the .Union as one of the principal agen- and two other officials,; -j bundle of magazines did’not consti- cies of Pan-Amerlcanlsm occupied tute a. traffic menace ■because ft' Was the (^ter of ; the stage at Havana PHOF. BASSE'PT KILl^D s, In 'the exact/nrtddle' otf'^ tho'^i’haa, tpday.- • ••••••• Washington, Jah'. 27'.-^ohi4. E Strictly Fresh, lb. .... 22c s which'Is .90 feet wide. Other” cars Actual; drafting of the agree- Spencer Bassett, 61, college profe^, 5 Pork Chops*.. . . ’...... 28c lb. i had passed that way and had steer^ ment by which all the new world Sippubllcs. w;!!! maintain the union' Bor of Northampton, 'M!ass., diem,- E F r^ h Spareribs ...... * ... .• • • • . 22c lb. E ed clear of thb,^,buir(Moi;.h'4'»aDi'.’’i . I this afternoon fonP hour* after he-.j . 10c lb. 5 There -was ho set.rule to be ob- :^as begun ^by the leaders of the ing struck by a troHey car,-The ac-- S Fre6h Pigs’ Feet ...... ;...... served by, trolley car/crew s th e ; Pan-American conference at the Q . B e e f S t e w ...... ‘iv... . 22c lb. E meeting dl the first commission. cldent occurred In front of the d4iI'Yery>'6f the bundles* Vf i>4peire Cosmos Club, to which. Bassett he*v s Lamb Stew______> .. ^...... - • • • • • 15c lb. = and -magazines which are sent, out •‘. The Central idea of the delegates vas contained In the preamble pro- longed. V X,- 1 Leg orLamb ...... 38c lb. i daily froin HjirtfoW; fte $ie He was 'Washington to attens.. delivery being left fb the discretion posed by Dr., Gustavo Fuerrero, ^ Lamb Cb.ops...... 38c, 40c lb. .s fqreign minister and . chief, of; the a meeting bf'learned socleties-.at th^, ’of the crews* —-/r.' .'-v''. ! ’These papers are sent out by a 'dblegatipn from EL, Salvador. - Dr. club.' V 7 . ’. {Hartford news agency which-has >a (^errefid- ddiaiitted; lankly .that his Bassett w-ae the-aufti. PAUL CORRENTI Prop ploybdt the SJlk qity delegates was the danse providing numliei’- *bf inju^ies^^ iirtTtftHng^ a ‘ ifw the organization of the 'govern- tie fleet, it was fearn^ bere.^ fracture of tlte'efbllairbdne, a pos- ing board of the nniom Although Bach plane wfilrdawy I Photae 2298 South M anchester | sible fracture of the skuR^,^ndu^ the ;prevaJUn& view that ? the ■'six men, four ma45lli$4 - Sion nnd various bruises and cute. Board should be sentiaued eubstan- ton of. exDloaivw*' '

i'-.. -Si: FAGBJ FOUR WSCSESriR (UONN.) KVENIKG HERALD. FRIDAY. JANUARY 27,1»H«. GIANTS AKEAFTER Rec Five Must Step Cubs Scuttle Rec; MR. THIS SPEAKER IN LATEST nGRT Masons Edge K. of C. To Beat Bay Statars Would Give Him $30,000 a RAZZING THE AMATEURS. <^was refused because he worked fof Local Boxer Loses By Nar- a living. Diaffloni4lbtch Team Bas Cloverleaves Continue On Season If He Was a Right Charley Paddock’s recent asser- Kelly had to wait for the 1920 row Margin Bnt His Gen- COMMUNin GIRLS tion that Helen, Wills, Bob Jones Olympic games to get revenge and fampus and several other stars were not he got it in Brussels by giving a Won ISOnt of 19 Games; Masons' Trail; Center WINFROTAPPING Hand Hitter. amateurs In the strict spirit of the terrific beating to Jack B'eresford, AHk>D Gready Improved. rules was ratker surprising when the British champion. tho source was considered. * At McCarthy and Coffey It momory does not fail Pad- Considering all the angles to Church. Bon Ami. St. Wapping Team Noses Out BY DAVIS J. YALSH (By Staff Correspondent) dock was Up once or twice before . this amateur problem It would ^^eOB MATHERNS I. N. S. Sports Editor officials of the Amateur Athletic seem that the British did have An unusually clever bill was tf®- Their Star^ Danch^ DiHii Bridget's Win. New Britain Machine 26 Union and' was asked to explain the* only way in drawing a line sented by the Massasolt in The- uproar at Wadhiqgton Uni- New York, Jan. 27— Trls Speaker some , of his activities that were between an amateur and a pro- Foot Guard Hall in Hartford last versity in St.. Louis that accompan- Midi#^ Oi^ Game This may have a contract with the Ne’’ thought to have come under that fessional or semi-pro that was evening, before a jammed house ied the resignation of -Dr. William York Giants, callin,? for as much LEAGUE STANDING to 25;' Ethel Richmond mooted classification of ’’inidirect cheat-proof. If the rule is en- which numbered several hundred P. Edmunds as athletic director as $30,000 for the 1928 season, It benefits.” forced In its strictest spirit local boxing fans. failed to smear the game of foot- Week. was learned today. But, like a It takes a brave young man and .only a rich man or a lord or a The majority of the bouts were ball with as much mud as those w. L. P. hook and eye, there Is always a 11 35 Stars For Girls. one who must feel quite secure in duke could play in amateur In the heavy division which meant endeavoring to put the game in its .25 catch of that kind and. In this In- .23 13 32 his position to cast pebbles when games. that • they were slugging matches, place would have liked. stance, it is something tantamount rocks might be hurled back at him * * • To be frank, the entire affair can The fact that the High School .22 14 31 Wapping scored a one-point vic- to requesting the leopard to aban- many luockdowns and several basketball team will not play this .20 16 28 by counter-belligerents. Mrs. Molla Mallory, for year the be classed as one of those things K. of C. tory over New Britain Machine last don his spots in favor of dashes. knockouts which seemed to please week means th^t the basketball .21 15 28 night in Wapping. The score after 'Regardless of his qualifications American tennis champion and the fans hereabouts. which, while not helping football The New York Giants, it seems, to sit in judgment upon the ath- one of the greatest woman players any, reflects mostly on the institu- contest at the School Street Recrea- Seethoven . 20 16 24 the torrid battle had subsided was Herman Fink the local boxer was tion Cepter tonight will be the onl5 .18 18 24 26 to 25. Johnny Boyle, the boy would give Speaker a $30,000 con- letic morals of the distinguished of all times, certainly is an ama- tion particularly concerned. tract if he was a right hand hitter. in better condition than he has treat in store for fans until next .16 20 22 who “ accidentally” burned out the amateurs , in other branches of teur, but she is the wife of a very been in a long time. He is trafning Dr. Edmunds, blaming a certain However, the preliminary feelers sport, the point made by Paddock wealthy New York broker and she clique of alumni for the athletic Brit.-Americans .13 23 18 fusses putting the hall in darkness at the Rec. and that might have The Rec team Is playing the Dia- .14 22 18 last week, was the high scorer for for a Giant-Speaker deal have been Is well taken, as is known to all is so particular about her position trouble at Washington, clmrged sent out and both are understood that she very seldom will submit to been the reason for his improve- mond-Match team of Springfield. .13 23 15 Wapping. Halftime score was 16 all. those familiar with the activities ment. He fought his usual game them with trying to place Wash- to be ready to do business. I am of most of the athletes who are even a casual interview.' 'Ibis speedy team has won 15 games s Highland Tark .10 26 13 Next Aveek, Wapping plays the battle but lost by a narrow mar- ington on the athletic map by hiring cut'of 19 and is at present hfildlng Farmington Triangles. informed that the first New York supposed to' get no returns of any The polo players as a class are athletes to attend that school. bid will go as high as $20,- certainly real amateurs, but they gin. His legs, the weakest part of down second place in the Triple A LAST NIGHT’S RESULTS In the preliminary game, last kind for their services. These alumni promised good jobs Jveague which is composed of the night the Ma,nchester Community 000 for the season and Speaker * * « are all from the wealthy class or him, which generally gave way after to young men. Most of the young the first round in past bouts, car- fastest teams in the Home City. Masons 3, K. of C. 1. Club Girls won their third straight can hit any way he pleases, proidd- Paddock maintained that they couldn’t be playing polo. The men never got the jobs. The ath- ed they go somewhere, preferably ried him through the whole three The only, league defeat which the Cubs 3, W. S. Rec 1. victory by a one-sided score beating Jay Gould, the 'court tennis average man couldn’t keep himself letic association had to support Diamond-Match team suffered was Cloverleaves 4, Highland Park 0. the v.apping Girls 32 to 8. The outside the ball park. star, waa the only rqal ama- supplied with boots and saddles, stanzas last night. He was given a them— and went in debt doing so. Want Speaker good hand by the fans. ! administered b / the Holyoke Mo- Ron Ami 3, Beethoven 1. other two victories were by 31 to 4 teur of his acquaintance and let alone a string of ponies at from If these charges are true, there’s hnwks after five minutes of orcr- and 40 to 10 scores. Miriam Welles, The Giants admit they want . .Results of the bouts': Center Church 3, K. of P. 1. that he had so much money $5,000 a head upward. a rather humorous angle to It in time play. St. Bridget’s 3, Brit.-Amer. 1. star guard on tne local team, who Speaker for two reasons, first, be- he had no inducement or Rowing is another sport that Is 150 pound class: Frank Nicihols. that the desired prestige in the Windsor Locks, won the decision The Springfield team holds wins is also a member of the Wapping cause he still is a fine outfielder and temptation to become a semi- not bothered much in this country athletic world failed to wrap itself over such teams as New Britain, The opening of the second round team, remained ‘‘nc -al” until the hiter and, second, because they pro. with amateur problems but as a over Joe Preston, Worcester; 160 around the Washington team. pound class: Joe Truex, Ellington, Windsor Locks Advertisers and of the Herald Bowling League last last five minutes and then played need a so-called big shot to remove * * • British writqr said at the last Washington certainly has not Meridefn Endees. These three vic- night Avas marked by the narrow with Wapping. The latter’s defeat, the departure of Rogers Hornsby Gould is generally accepted as Olympic games— “ Rowing? That’s knocked out Gleason Halloran, been any too prominent nationally Springfield; 155 pound class: Vic tories alone seems to stamp the margins by which some teams won however, was already a foregone from the civic conscience. Their an amateur In the strictest inter- not a game. It’s a bloomin’, prsink.” because of its football team. Bay State aggregation as one of their games. The Masons increased conclusion. Mabel Sheriden, Peggy only possible objection to Speaker, pretation of the word, but there The liberal interpretation of the Morley, Hartford, won the decision Neither have we noticed any great over Stan Zremnlckl, Springfield; good merit. McCarthy, their center, tJieir lead over the nearest rival to Boyle a_u Estelle Jackson were provided he doesn’t want the com- are others, although Paddock may American amateur rules applied to amount of publicity concerning its and Coffey, who holds down right three points but had a mighty hard out of Manchester’r lineuP owing to bination to the strong box, is that the writing of newspaper and 120 pound class: Ray Strong, Hart- other teams. not know them, who have no fear ford, won the decision over Charlie forward, are the stars of the team. time doing it because the Knights slight colds. the Giants already have five out- of an investigation, although very magazine articles is the cause of Because Washington is none too Tranghese plays left forward, Con- of Columbus offered very stiff op- Ethel Richmona was again the fielders who hit left handed when the, complaints, if they are such, Pepe, Windsor Locks; 142 pound widely known nationally in ath- few of them are absolutely spotless. class: Frank Columbo, Windsor nery and Johnsbn, guards. position. scoring ace. She registered seven they hit at all. If Speaker comes And these who are accepted as directed against Helen Wills and letics, the upheaval at Washington Manchester’s lineup has not been The Masons Avon the first game floor goals. Anne Scranton’s floor to the club, therefore, somebody Locks, won by a technical knockout failed to draw much comment, one being beyond reproach are wealthy Bobby Jones. in the second round over Charlie officially announced but in view of by tAvo pins, 4S!) to 41SJ and the wonc and siiooting Avas of usual Avill take a left handed departure * * » way or another, and it is good the fact that amateur rules are to high caliber. Evelyn Gillman and and of the class known to the Brit- Shea, Springfield; 160 pound class: Knights got the next b^Hhree, 498 in a trade with another National ish aa “ gentlemen athletes.” The question of whether that it is as it is. be observed it would h o tr be sur- to 495. The last game Asmich Avas Peggy*McLaughlin chipped a couple their articles find a market Leo Caya, Worcester, won the deci- League outfit. For a number of years the line sion over Herman Fink, Hartford. prisiqg if Faulkner and Mantelli . close to the last two boxes went to of buckets. The passwork of the because of the names of the Linemen will predominate as started at forward, Norris or Qulsh Mancherter team was much improv- Negotiations Opened was so finely drawn. In England 166 pound class: Bill Bruno, (he Masons by fifteen pins giving Negotiations were opened here that a tradesman or a man who authors and that their names captains in the "Big Ten next fall. at center with Maoden and Farr in them pinfall by fourteen and three ed and it is expected that the local Windsor Locks, won on a technical the backcourt. The game starts at team will be able to compete with some days ago when Cleveland worked for a living could not com- give their products a higher knockout In'the second round over Neither Indiana nor Ohio Stato points. Howard Murphy rolled 105, friends of Speaker came to town pete in the same class with a market value than the works have an elected captain for the 8:30. It will be preceded by a con- 120 and 118. Frank Cervini hit 110, the best in the state within a couple Per?y Strater, Worcester; 160 with the information that Tris gentleman. of other writers could be an- season, but five of the other eight tests between the Centers and 108 and 105. of weeks. Coach Jerry Fay has pound class: Jack Dowd, Worcester, Plainfield Buddies at 7:30. Dancing surely done remarkable work :n would like to play hall with the On one occasion on the applica- swered only by the editors as won the decision over Charlie Stev- squads have already chosen line- The West Side Rec which has Giants. An intermediary was sent the copy of the young tennis men as leaders. Wisconsin has not will follow until midnight. been sailing through a very mild such a short time. The summary of tion of Jack Kelley, one of Ameri- ens, Hartford: 160 pound class: the two games follows: up against Charley Stoneham, the ca’s greatest oarsmen, for en- and golf stars seems to be in been heard from. Rich at Michigan sea ran into a storm Avorse than the Barney Fox, Windsor Locks, won and Holmer at Northwestern are TAKE HORNSBY’S PLACE ‘ big merry-go-round man. The trance in the Diamond Sculls race demand. on a technical knockout in the first one outside Avhen the Cubs struck former reversed his field and nat- the only backs chosen captain to them amidship. Only one point was B. F. T. round over Henry Bayan, Spring- urally met Charley running around date. Andy Cohen, one of the few Jew- rescued. This match provided the Kerr, rf ...... 2 0 4 field; light heavyweight class: Ray ish players in the big leagues. Is 6 the other from force of habit. fans with some real good bowling. Hills, If ...... 2 2 Sanborn, Hartford, knocked out said to have an excellent chance to 7 The result of their deliberations Texas, never having had a four- The Rec won the first game by six Boyle, c ...... 3 1 Ed Wimpfheimer, Windsor Locks, play second base for the Giants next .. . 1 5 was that Charley would part with JAIL TERMS FOR ROUGHNECKS.. letter man in sports, finds its ; pins but lost the next 540 to 527 Madden, r g ...... 2 In the first round; heavyweight season, in Rogers Hornsby’s placA and the last 530 to 492. The Cubs Boyce, I g ...... 1 0 2 $20,000 a season for Speaker, pro- class: Louis Carmell, ' Holyoke, chances of having one this year in were surely hitting pins the last Lutz, rf ...... 1 0 2 vided he was given his uncondition- knocked out Joe Taggert, Hartford, Ralph W. Hammonds fast disap- GLAD HE’S COME al release by the Washington sena- pearing. Hammonds will he a four- tAvo games during Avhich only one IN NORTH-SOUTH ICE CONTEST in the first round; heavyweight of their scores was under 100. Ernie Totals 11 4 26 tors and was willing to play left class: Mike Raeffale, Springfield, sports man this year if he makes Freddy Lindstrom, star third- Wilkie’s 117 was high. The defeat NEW BRITAIN (2 5) field. It seems- that the ‘‘silent knocked out Leo Shimmick, Worce- the baseball team. But he wants sacker with the New Y-ork Giants, helped the Masons increase their B. F. T. manager” of the Giants is deter- for throwing a stick except when ster. to make the' Olympic wrestling was one who openly admitted he is lead and with Highland Park next Floyden, rf ...... 0 0 0 mined that Ed Roush shall, be kept penalized by award of a goal. team and it is likely that his base- glad that Rogers Hornsby was trad- Augustii.o, rf ...... 4 0 8 Hockey Rule Violators Are ball activities will play second fid- on the Masons’ schedule, it begins O. in centerfield, at least for another For the first offense the player ed to the Boston Braves. to look as if they are once more H. Anderson, c . 0 4 season. shall be ruled off for five minutes; Clarence DeMar, distance dle to his Olympic tryout. Arena, rg ...... 2 7 11 The intermediary then wired for the second offence, ten. minutes; runner, works on a Boston bound to get a good sized lead. Pul lu “ Jug” For Brief Pe- who -was rated the best in his sec- The Cloverleaves, however, arc Swanson, Ig ...... 1 0 2 Speaker, reporting progress and and for the third shall be ruled off newspaper and runs home A football player these days often E. Anderson, rf . . . . 0 0 0 for the remainder of the match. every mornlflg at 3 A. M. If does other things than those possi- tion this year, recently was chosen eagerly awaiting the night when what not. Tris came with the in- to play the lead in the annual oper- * Uiey meet the Masons, two weeks formation that he could consider no riod; Some of Major When a player deliberately that were Chicago, we’d under- ble on the athletic field. Buck hence. Last night the Cloverleaves Totals • 9 7 25 oiters'-'while hiSld on the resePTe throwa^his stick, to prevent a spore, stand. Smith, the Colorado University back etta of his school. Referee: Herb Angeli. r .^gained a poiaUoa, tbfi Kdasons by .list .ot,the Seniors. ,The interme- the referee Shall Imniedlately trimming Highland Park all ^ four ‘ COMMUNITY GIRLS (Sa) diary then folded'his cars, saying -> Rules^Wealker MauGood. award a goal tof* the side offend^ B. F. T. points. The boys from the hilltop n in effect and with some emphasis, against and the puck shall be faced Scranton, rf . . . . . 3 1-6 1 are fighting desperately to climb and game re-started as though a Richmond, If . . . . . 7 0-2 14 “ blah to you, too.” out of last place before the second 4 Since then, the Senators have The Ice skating carnival at Cen- goal had actually been scored. Gilman, c ...... 2 0-0 If any of the above fouls occur * round ends and if spirit means any- C. Foster, c. If . . 1 1-3 • relinquished all claim to Speaker, ter Spriciss Park day after tomor- thing, they have a good chance to within the last ten ininutes of McLaughlin, rg . . . 2 0-0 4 effective February 1. So the door row will be held for sui'e unless do so. Although beaten badly in Shearer, Ig ...... 0 0-1 0 is open and all he has to do is walk playing timer the referee shall have tAvo of the games last night. High- \ in properly with his hat in his hand. there is a very big drop In the tem- the right to impose as an addtion- land Park dropped the other by five Totals 15 2-12 32 Speaker is understood to have perature or a rain storm between al penalty, a fine not exceeding fif- pins. WAPPING (8) drawn $35,000 last year. He might now and Sunday. The staging of teen dollars. TIIVIE IS SH O R T The Bon Ami and Beethoven Glee B. F. T. be able to get as much as $25,000 the carnival was-assured by the in- A player Incurring two major Club had a m^ name offense as a minor foul), us- to Europe by way, •.o.f.: Bdrlng Strait. Maybe iUs a BHllsh heavy* Total T " 474, . 476 501 Wilson...... • ••««. 9 7 101 85 ing games. .As a result; the United in^ foul; o r. iKhu.Bive . language., to f BON AMI (3) States is likely to go unrepresented any official or ah'attempt to Injure weight trying to get some'pub- .. 88 96 84 Totals , . ... .438 .448 in this Phase of the OlyihPiei. an opposing player or fighting, or Udtyt /. / imrCHESTlEIl tcbw .) ^IVEI^ING H ^ raipAT, jao tak?^

Here’s "Too Beautiful” Girl; Doesn’t Like It

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\ THE SIGN OF VALUES Billy Dove “ too b eautilul to be human.” Thousands of people hail Hernip’s February Furniture Sale as the greatest money-saving event of the year,! Arid they are Hollywood, Calif., — The too people think should do nothing all fie*'t J; <. beautiful girl— that’s Billie Dove. of the time.” never disapimintcd! Note the wonderful values offered here ‘ Billie is now letting her hair and there are hundreds of others In our store! In and out of the movies Miss grow, hoping almost against hope Dove is in a class by herself. She that with long tresses she will be is absolutely camera-proof— that is given a different type of picture to OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS she can be photographed from any mike. She is tired of always be- ing the sweet, beautiful maiden ARE OFERED WTOHOUT EXTRA C9IARGE angle and still be just as beautiful. who never does wrong and never jp N< $1 Weekly Payments on $6.50 Weekly Payiyents on ! V , The majority of actresses have cer- gets mussed. Purchases up to $500. Purchases up to $75. \ / tain angles from which they are “ I would gijje anything to por- $2.50 Weekly Payments on $12 Weekly Payments on more attractive. Billie is different. tray a poor, ragiged girl just once,” Purchases up to $200. Purchases up to $1,000. She is almost to beautiful to be says the gorgeous actress. “ To human. discard the clothes and sweet . For An Evening Appointment Phone 2-7922 It has only been during the past characterizations just once would year that Billie has been ranked be the greatest treat in the world. as a star. Had she not been quite But my producers say ‘no’— that I so pretty, she might have climbed am not the type for such a por- u > . '> 1 'ffi faster. Billie can act and now that trayal, that the public wants me si she has her place in the celluloid to look beautiful and act the same iji * heavens, she should remain there way.” for quite some time. Giving Her a Chance Won’t Admit it First National officials may be Now here comes the strange part right. The beautiful Billie may be of the actress’s make-up. While an actress whom the public millions of other girls are envying wouldn’t accept in any but her their friends and neighbors who natural state. But it would be an happen to be a degree prettier, interesting experiment to try her Billie is wishing that she weren’t out in something else. Sensational Reductions quite as pretty. She won’t admit Gloria Swanson, too, appears far it though— because she won’t admit better fitted for roles _of grandeur that she’s moviana’s “ queen of but she has just veered from her beauty.” course in “ Sadie Thompson” — and “ I would rather be like the girls at least hasn’t hurt herself any. who write me letters than the sort Why mot let Billie do the same? of person they seem to think I It might result in discovering her am,” declares the actress with con- all over again. And if it doesn’t siderable sincerity. ‘T want to be prove successful— well, she can al- a human, happy sort of person who ways go back to her same old really enjoys life— not a girl who characterization^ again. FOR FOR America Denationalizes London By THE BEDROOM THE DINING ROOM ^^Peacefal Penetration ^^-^Chesterton 3-Piece Veloul Suite ...... $55 Bed and Dresser, walnut finish $29.50 Round Oak Dining T able...... $3.95 Square Walnut Table ..;... . .$19.75 London,— New figures show that could afford to pay. In England, 3-Piece Jacquai*d Suite...... $115 Bed, Dresser and Chest of Americans pay out on account of he said, the doctor graded his fee Drawers ...... — .— $44 6- Piece Oak S uite.. . $48.00 according to the income of the pa- 7-Piece Living Room O utfit------$135 sickness a mountain of gold equal tient. 7- Piece Walnut Shite.. —$49.00 to half the entire earnings of Brit- Bed, DresSer and Chifforette----- $49 This method of fee graduation is Leather Bed-Davenport...... $44 ish industry. being abandoned in America, he 8- Piece Walnut Suite ...... $88 And Sir W. Arbuthnot Lane, said. An American doctor fixes a 3- Piece Walnut finish'Suite ... . . $85 • editor of the .“New Health” maga- minimum fee for his services, and 3-Piece Leather Davenport Suite $89 9- Piece Walnut Dining Room ... $145 zine in an exclusive International the only time he goes below this 4- Piece. French Walnut Suite... $139 News Service interview says that is in his “ free clinic” work. This 12-Piece Living Room Complete $157 10- Piece Dining Room ...... $129 practically the whole of this ex- is because the Income graduation 6-Piece American Walnut Suite $158 penditure is because the people fail method of feeing has been found Hall Chairs ...... $39.50 9-Piece Dining Room ...... $195 to follow primary health habits. impratical; people have falsified 4-Piece Walnut Finish Suite...... >$89 America’s huge sick-expenditure, incomes in order to receive small Overstuff ei Chairs, Velour___ $27.50 8-Piece Mahogany Suite...... $95 a sum ef over two billion dollars, doctor-bills. 6-Piece French Walnut Bedroom $175 Is man:'^imes the amount England “ This leaves the middle-class man spendf Tor illness. Yet, with ten in a precarious condition,” he said. million Americans being treated The fixed minimum charge of good 'annually in “ free clinics,” the large physicians are often too high for expenditures indicates only a por- BEDS & bedding him to pay. And he does not like '.lion of the actual sickness from ® K IT C H E N FLOOR COVERINGS to use the “ free clinics.” ^which the nation suffers. A movement has been recently Iron Beds, floor samples ...... $5.95 Actually, there is a sick person announced at the Cornell Medical Coal Ranges ...... $49 Linoleum Remnants, felt base, yd. 49c on one out of ten American homes School Clinic in New York where Cotton Mattresses...... $6.95 every day in the year— a person there is organized a special clinic Gas Ranges, 3-Burner...... $14.50 Tapestiy Rugs, 9x12 ...... $14.75 sick enough to require medical at- for the “ middle class” . Here the tention. best medical treatment is available Kitchen Tables ...... $3.95 Silk Floss Mattress ...... $18.95 These facts come from the sta- at a “ reduced rate.” And it is said Bedroom Rugs ...... — ...... 99c tistician’s figures of the Metropol- that this movement is pointing the Kitchen Chairs, each V’...... 99c 4-Post Mahogany Beds ------.$14.75 itan Life Insurance Company. way towards the ultimate solution Axminster Rugs .. — ...... $19.50 Expert Comment of the “ doctor-fee” problem. Refrigerators...... $6.95 Odd Wbod B eds------$5.00 In comment on them, Sir Arbuth- Linoleum Rugs (felt base) — $6.75 not Lane said: 32-Piece Dinner Sets ...... $3.95 Box Spring and Mattress Outfit $55.00 “ The tragedy of these facts is 100-Piece Dinner Sets ...... $19.50 Velvet Wool Rugs, 8-3x10-6 ... $19.75 that the sickness and expenditure ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL Day Beds ...... $14.75 is almost entirely unnecessary. The 5-Piece Decorated Breakfast Stair Carpet, per y d ...... 69c expenditure in Britain of course ia Feather Pillows, each...... $1.38 nothing like it is in America, but NOW OUT OF DANGER Sets ...:...... ' $29.75 Oval Pattern Axminster Rugs.. $3.95 as for actual sick, the British toll in proportion to population is just as large as the American. FROM COLLAPSING “ We have our sick because we do not take the simple health precau- London.— St. Paul’s Cathedral, ODD CHAIRS tions to prevent sickness. Malady’s threatened several months ago by ODD €' ENDS strongest barrier is a healthy body. the ravages of time, is now out of Diniiig Chairs, walnut finish, ea. $1.95 Jfife destroy the health of cTur danger. Boudoir Lam ps...... $1.49 ,todies by our unsound habits: eat- The work of repairing was Oak Chest of Drawers------.... $5.95 ^ g habits, sleeping habits, exer- started immediately after the warn- Bedroom Chairs ...... $3.95 cise habits, and elimination habits. ing was issued that the cathedral Bridge Lamps, silk shade...... $5.95 WalnutCJhiffprobe .... — ... $15.50 We e&t Improper food and take im- was a '“ dangerous structure;” and Bedroom Rockers ...... $3.95 proper exercise and we become so efficiently and rapidly has it Bed Lights ...... 79c Oak Wardrobe . ___ ...... $11.75 Constipated. Constipation is the been carried out that much more Bedroom Benches...... $3.95 ^Ireet source of more physical de- has beeen accomplished than had Table Lamps . ’...... $2.95 Odd W ardrobes...... $27.50 generation than any other one di- been hoped for. Windsor Chairs, mahog. finish $3.90 iease. It is at the root of most of There remains, however, a good Cabinet Smokers ...... $4.95 present-day sickness. Elimination deal more to be done. The most Dressing Tables ...... $12.75 ihottld occur after each meal as Important part of the work of res- Boudoir Chairs ...... $15.50 %aa the practice with the primitive tor^ion was the strengthening. of Buffet M irrors...... — $4.95 Costumers, each ...... ,.. $1.00 ieoples. When .this has become the the crypt. This is now finished. Rush Seat Window Chairs ...$10^50 Bopular habit, the amount of siek- The pillar, once thought to be solid Cedar Chests . , ___ > ...... $9.75 Waffle Irons ...... , ..,...... 99c less and sick-bills of both Brit- stone,* were found to be mere Occasional Scoop Seat Chairs .. $17.50 an and America will see sharp de- shells— and these cracked. They Spinet Desks, Mahogany finish $19.75 ThermosJi^s .... .\...... ^.... 99c line.” have now been filled with concrete. Doctors* Fees The bases of the pillars, which Sir i^butbnot Lane then com- were embedded in the fioor of the tf i^ented on the present doctor fees crypt, have been stijengthened with England and America. They steel rods and cemeht. Hartford II |er^ far lower in England than Hartford tiey were in America. He thought. Elgmy million pounds of ice EBRUP'S ..owever, that high charges were cream were produced in the United HEHRUP'S COR MAIN AND MORGAN SIS. COQ MA N AND ":-CoA\ ' l^tirely Justified where the patient States in 1926. COR MAIN AND MORGAN STS. w

: -v'.. m.. III iM i a'

A"' a V-l J I i .* i V V"*

PAGtsrS MAlJCHEffrER (CONN.) lEVENTNG HBRALU FRIDAY, JANUARY 27,1928, / ^wi Ml* *•' J1 T CitlflS $eryice;i‘'Conce»t 1' ' Qilcheatra, and- Cavaliers Ircto IDOUBLEIEAW j?. ?B.;'0.,^tadias. ¥ .jc- • J: OO'^^p;, rt.r-^orrect Time, g;0l p. m.—Whiitall Anglo-;^r- ...The fhlrd Ip a series ot debates ^ NOW ATTHERIAtro Miss Lois B.~ Lord'has returnei rsl*ns from,' B;' C. Studitfi^' from Hartford, wnere she has beei 8:00—WEAF quartet, orchestra. onii. ^ v e l e r a Idkiniiq^e Cf». V rtake pla|e F^'. IjS with Bristol. High spending sometime wit'a her sister Friday, January 27. 9:30—Tvanhoe Knights. ^ 0> .p . m.— lyanhoe Kiiights—f. school 'hppofflmg ' MAnchestej; piigh AT^^NTA-630. *‘Reno Divorce** and “Red Clay** Mrs. R. E. Carpenter. Husky voiced seamen are singing 10:00—^WEAF programs to 11:30. I-ii-Wiiir Mar(rt,.'ot: hh.e Priests frdrt pnAth^Vau-bjec^t “Resolved; thAt the 422.3— WOR, NEWARK—710. 8.:00-rKbrt; MfcPhSrstffl talent. Miss Fanny A. Blleh who teache, "Fltteen Men on a Dead Man’s Chest 9:00—W JZ *^i6tey .revle*. "Athalla’*;' ..,,, Mendel^^^fih Vjiyphailse hhc^ld.'^ admitoda c Features For Today and Sat- and little Jim Hawkins Is scuriylng 7:00—Licvitow’s ensemble: talks. on a In Glastonbury spent the week-eu; 8:16—French trIo,i tenor, v 10:00-iWEAF'Palmolive hour. 536.4 iR. 5 6 0 k .c. ri-^Baritone Solo; quoto basis.” Manchester will de- urday. about filling their mugs with fiery 11:45—Mrs. Summer’s program. at her home here. rum as the curtain goes up on the 8:45—New York, University talk. Evening Star Song from “ Tann- 9:00—True stories, travelogue, drama 526—KYW, CHICAGO—570. fend the affirmative and wll he On Sunday the New Englant first episode of Robert Louis Steven- 7:?0-Hamp's Kentucky serenaders. hauser” ...... Wagner For tonight and Saturday Mana>: son's “ Treasure Island” to be pre- 10:00—Columbia hour, Cap'n Kidd’s represented by Carle Cubberly and ,Tran8p.or.taUon Company will begit . buccaneers concert.. , ' 8;80-rWJZ -pr.ogC^s (1 br.) •Earle E. Sfyers —t . sented by the w a Y players at 7:35 .'9:0u—'.‘World .Book;’’ artists. . ' Ptdgram 'Fflir Friday ) »Cd'rdline ^Frete. . Mr. Taylorjv the ger W. B- Cartjpbell of;, the RialV>* operating ^{^'bus line between WU Friday night. At 8 #’clock this same 10:30—Orchestra, vocal solos. III— Violin Solo: new coach of the cliib, is now Theater-is presenting another popu- 11:05—Hale Byers’ orchestra. . 9:80-Apollo quartet; movies. llmantic and New Haven passini station will present the ^ Fro*JW 10:00—Congress carnival. 6:00 p. m.— Piano Recital— Prelude to “ The Deluge” .... coaching this team. , lar double feature hilt. hour In which will be featured Matllde 333.1— WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—900. over the new road between her: 6:10—Markets: orchestra: talk. 10:32—Hamp’s Kentucky serenaders, a. danzonfetta del Salvator Rosa ...... Saint-Saens CluK? Worthy Hills orchestra has The first feature Is “ A Renp,Di- Diglow Russ, soprano. At the same 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770. ' and Hebxpn, which has been recent time WNAC has arranged to radiate 7;00—Techtonjans: children’s hour. .* Xjiszt IV— Baritone Solo; i'been secured for the Junior Prom. 8:00—Rptilngfield musical program. 9:00—Studio artists (3% hr?,) ' vorce,” a Warner Brothers pro- )y;. cortpt%ed. ’There will be thre: a group of Scotch ballads sung by 1:15—Theater organ clubr*- , b. t'he^uggleress .'. .Moszko-wskl La Partida ...... , .Alvarez ’This orchestra is one of the best duction starring beautlfal May; Mc- Walt Dixon accompanied by* a violin 8:80—WJZ white rock program. trips' daUy each way. 9;00—WJZ Wrigley review. 365.6—WEBH-WJJD, CHlCAGO-^0. )c. Pollchinelle .,., Rachmaninoff Earle E. Styers in the state and assui*es dance duo. Mme. Amellta Galli-Curci, fam- 7:00—Symphony orchestra; talk. Avoy. ’this picture depicts vfvldly Willi? I Hall of Essex is visitini ous operatic . coloiaturaTSoprano will 10:00—Suffolk Symphony orchestra. ,, Laura C. .Qaudet, Staff Pianist ,y— ^Nell Gwynn. Dances ....German music of the finest order for this 11:00—Lowe’s orchestra. _ ; 8:00-‘ Bra’sS'quartet,'bjmjolgt; ' * the modern marriage problems of' his niece Mrs; J.' F. Weter~' be heard In concert with Pablo Casals, 9:00—Mooseheart children’s hour. ,0:12 p. m.-r-Mother Goose. a. Country Dance prominent social event. todgy, plus a generous amount of. 'cellist. In the Victor hour at 10 o'clock 491.5—WEAF, NEW YORK—610. b. Pastorale Mrs 6U)0—Waldorf dinner music. :10:00—WEAF Palmolive program. 6:25 p. m.— News,^iilletlns. The thi|^d marking period closed comedy^and pathos. Ralph Graves, through WJZ and the Blue network, 12:00—Music, arti?t?, .song?, *6:30. Pi m;— Waldorl-Astoria Dinii c. Merry Makers. 'erinK'’ for one of thei^nost Impressive pro- '7;|00—Eddie Davis’ orchestra. 416.4— WGN<>IfLlB, iCHlQACO—720.- .tpday and for tbe^Vast week p'erio'd- Who plaVs; QPirtsIte Miss McAyo^ In P.endtetdn' 7:30—Happlnes.s ne5,'MusIc. . VI— Prelude from “ La Arleriepne grante‘ fp'r ithO' evening. The Palm- 8100—Cities Service otchC quartet. • 7:30—Studio pSogirAm?. to' 1:00. lielesaminationis have been jheld 'in this production,' was also responsi- in'^ her, ''' ollv* hour,-'thirough WEAF and the 344.6— WLS, CHICAGO—879. 7:00 p. m.—-A. h. Clinton Musical* Balleti’Sulte’’ ’ . , .... Bizet the various subjects. v Ued^rtetwork, also at 10, will iSresent 9:00—Anglo Persians orchestra. ble for the story and the direction. .Edward A...Lynrtn of..Columbia 9:30—La France orchestra. i 8:30—Oriental male quartet. Period 'With— VIII— Tally Ho Gallop . .Bernstein Today after school Mr. Quimby who Is to instructl ai^ class of boy: Edith Mason, soprano primn donna of 10:00—Palmolive hour of music ana 9:00—Al Sweet’s band. ^ 10:00 p., m.— Palmollve-Pe®t pro- Graves fs considered by matiy ‘of the Chicago Civic Opera Company. 10:00—Special musical program. . Douglas Donaldson, tenor was to show a series of colored here in band music will be in towc . songs featuring Edith Mason, ' Carolina, Hathtbjay ' ' Thompson, gram from N. B. C. Studios. the leading motion picture: critics soprano. ' ^ '11:00—Showboat; .orga^^lst; flirts, slides poptrayifig, places of interest to be the most capable man on the Saturdayr fo make arrangements foi Black fajit i^pf^idl^es bejit featiirw 11:00—iJen Bernie’s orchestra. ; <12:00—Orchc.strg; popular program. V. . . :coJitriat^p.\''‘, 11:00 p. m,— Ben Bernie and His 499.7- =WFAA, DALLAS—600. that are seen on the annual Wash- screen. His talents are, forever in the first meeting. i 454.3— WJZ, NEW YORK—660. Mrs. Van, Court Tapp, pianist. Orchestra. Miss Audrey Hall is employed tr All programs Eastern Standard Time. 1:30—Pennsylvania orchestra, 8:00—AVE.AF orchestra, quartet. 11:30 p. m.— News and Weather. ington trip. The exhibition was demand with aU 9f the big film 2:00—weather; talks. fl0:00—Studio entertainment. open to upper-classmen duly but East Haddam;. . | 325.9— KOA, DENVER—920. Love songs will be featured in the companies and Warner Brothers Leadi^ SUtions. 4:90*-*Venetian gondoliers. following this the annual social should feel rather fortunate in hav- Many Of the children have be^n 5:30—Markets’^ time: tenor. .10:00—Greeley Philharmonic orchestra At'B; -Clinton Musical Period to- CITY COMPROanSES 111 as the result of vaccination anc 272.6—WPG,. 4TU:AN*niC CiTY-fllOO. 7j1S^Ndrrna'n Hamilton, poet. 12:00—Dan’s dance orchestra. night from WTIC of The Travelers. Danbury,. Conn., Jan. 27.—rThe hour yras held and the dancing and- ing him undeT contract. 8:30—Orchs; studio programs to 10:80. 499.7—W BAP/ FORT WORTH—600; have been Unable to attend school 7- 30—Children’s bedtime program. 7:00 P;,,. m.— Fritz Krelsler’s City of Danbury will accept the entertainment was greatly enjoyed The co-feature presents William 10:30—Oriole glee club. 8- 00—Godfrey Ludlow, violinist. . 9:00—Orchestra. by members from all four classes. 1 Througlr;Mlp8 Sands of the Coun- 11:00—Two dance orchestras. 8:30^W hlte Rock concert featuring ‘ 10:30—Concert (214 hrs.) “ Cradle Song,” which was written sum of $10,000 from the Danbury Desmond, supported by. an all star ty Farm’ bureau a small loom has 285.5—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060. « • Frank Cuthbert, baritone, 400—PW X, HAVANA—750. . during'the .World "War, is the story Under the, direction of Miss Con- 6:30—Orchestra: Centaur program. : Power & Transportation • Co,, In cast of screen celebrities in “ Red been loaned to th» .Dorcas Society 9;6<^Wrlgley musical review. - . 7:00—Dinner music. which a:m9ther tells her child of don; art Instructor, senior add Clay,” a- ^Universal- production ex- 8:00—Studio ml.Ncd quaetet , 10:00—Victor hour featuring G^II- 8:00—Crusellas 'orchestra, settlement of a claim for $17,000 Miss Catherine‘ •'UhrMensen L jj;3()_V\'jZ white rock concert. 10:00—Dodge presentation. i . his ?ather, • who Is fighting in sophomore art classes have visited traordinary*. This picture. Is some- Curcl, soprano, and Pablo Ca- which the city has against the the special art exhibit now being; taking .course In hair dressing 3:00—WJZ Wrigley review. sals, 'cellist. , ‘ ' 284.4— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—780. France. It Is the same story of hope transportation concern., for the what different from any that has manicuring, etc., in New York city 10:00—.Studio ensemble, tenor. 11:00—Slumber lAusiic.: 0:30—String quartet; solos. mingled .with borrow, told so often shown at- the Wadsworth Athen- ' WNAC> boston—650. 405.2— WLIT, PHILADELPHIA-740..10:30—Danioe program.• ; .( building ' of a new pavement on thus fac been presented on the Miss-Mae • Hannon of Hartfoic 7:00—Orchestra: talk; pianist. about*'fathers who went “ Over eum. ' ; screen. The story concerns a mhd- 1:30—El patio oreheStra. 370.2— WDA'F, KANSAS CITY—810. Main street eightj^ears ago. Mayor ,; Mri' H. T. Kingman, gave an spent ' 3 week-en'(f .\^itB Mr. aijc 8:00—Scotch ballads, violin duo. ij;00—WEAF prqgranis_to 10:30. 7:00 -Talks; instrumental .ensemble. There,’’ set, to. Kreisler’s beautiful ern Arterican Indian and his ad- 8:31*—Organ recital., 9:00—WHAF or<51)estt;as, quartet. Anthony Sunderland had vetoed the exhibition of scientific glass-blow-; Mrs.; Frank A. Myers. ! 10:30—Dance orchestnji. music. It is a' favorite vyith John council vote to accept the compro- ventures In college. Thrills and ac- Miss Ethel Friedman of Meriddi: •);0o—\VOR ttue Stories. 343.6—WOO, PHILADELPHIA—860. 10:00—WEAF Palmolive program, McCormaipk;, who has sung It . .in ing „at the assembly yesterday. Mr. l();oii_\VOR buccaneers; orchestra. 8:30—Plano lecture-recital. 12t45'T-NIghthawk. .frolic—. mise and retained W. H. Comley, of tion are packed Into the picture and has bec j. spending a feiv dsys-^wtll: 11:111—Two dance orchestras. 454.3— KFI, LOS ANGELES—660. many of his concerts the world Kingman formerly employed by*the 302.8—WQRf BUFFALO—890. 9:00—Orchestra ensemble. Bridgeport, state’s attorney, to sue the climax is a series of surprising her sister, Mrs. Barney Ofshay.- • 10:00—Spng recital; orchestra. 11:00—Wrigley review. .ov9r. .hjr0. Thompson will sing it in General Electric Company as a affairs. _ 8:00—WEAF program? (3 hrs.) 315,6-^KDKA, PITTSBURGH—950, -12IOO-—'Svmphbhette f contralto. tonight’s broadcast. , for the .full amount. The counsel glass bioNver, but of late years has. H;()i)—Van Surdam’s orchestra. 6:00—Markets, .stocks; orchestra, 405.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—74a today passed the compromise ac- “ The Cat and the Canary,” Uni- S-iS.lr-WMAK. BUFFALO—550. 9:30—Musical programs, quartet. ' A selection of various types ,of turned his proXesion into educa-; \ 7::{0—ITngroms w'ith WGY-. 8:00—WJZ retold tales. ceptance over the mayor's veto. tional entertainment. He' interpos- versal’s . thrilling picturization of 8:30_WJZ white rock concert. 11:00—Orchestra, tenor. love songs has been Included on the that famous stage play, comes to 9:00—WOR true stories. 9:00—WJZ Wrigley review. 394.4— KGO, PAK4 R A D I O ^ tubes' . 0:00—WJZ Wrigley review. 3^.6_uw,GY, SCHENECTADY—790. 254.1—WRVA. RICHMOND—1160. school. salt in a gallon of sea water. 10:oo-.'lfblds‘s dance'orchestra. tist.’’— Tit-Bits. H:5S—Time; weathor; stocks. 8:15—Negro quartet, banjo trio. . a. Rose In the Bud— Dorothy 390.8- »WT\M; CLEVELAND-760. 2:00-l-St'udio"ihdslCdi program. a;00—WJZ Wrigley fe v ie w .. Forster. ;: 6:00—Dance orchestra: organist 10:00—Virginia University program. 8:00—WEAF programs to 11:30. 6:00—Stock reports; farm school. b. My Lady Chlo’.—-Clough-Lelgh- 6:30—Syracuse University program. 11:00—Richmond dance orchestra. 440.8— W e X -W J R . DETROIT—680. 422.3— KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—710. ,'ter.,-'. .. 7: CHICAGO—1040. c. I Love You Truly— Carrie Ja- 508.2—WEEI, BOSTON—590. 309.1—WABC, NEW YORK—970. 8:15—Organist: feature program. 7:00—Organ;' artists: stocks. cobs Bond. 8:00—WEAF programs to 9:30. 9:00—Orchestra: twins; artists. 9:30—DufwGlrlsnulntet. V I0;0l—Dance orphestea; artists. Mr. *Donaldson. ^ 526—.WNYC, N EW ’ YOR K—570.. 1:00—Dance orchestra: artists. 10:00—WEAF / ’alinonve.^hour. 305.9— WHT, CHICAGO—930. Piano Selection— 31:00—Orchestfa: organist. , 8:30—Talk;; violinist;* opera. 9:45—Baritane; organist, harpist. <10:30—Dunaway Sisters. • Mrs, 3(an, Court, Tupp. 265.3-WWK*. CLEVELAND—11». 12:00—Your Hour League. 8:10—Roh«b^n l ^ d ; knignls^i.;.;^, 461.6h!^WCAE, PITTSBURGH—650. a. Moon and Night— Hawley. '7:00J-1^uto sTi'ow'J talks. 447.5—WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. b. Thy Beaming Eyes—-MacDow- 10:00—Gladstone male quartet. 9;00—WOR Columbia broadcasts. 10:30—Trio; Watkin’s orchestra. 8:00—WEAF programs to 11:00. ------ell. ------11:00—Maggie’s orchestra. 11:00—Chamber music players. 352.7—WWJ, DETROIT—850. 365.6—weSH, PORTLAND—820.; 12:00—Bismarck serenaders. c. Robin Adair. 7:00—"Michigan Night." 9;Q0—W E A F -A n s J o ^ ft-sia n s . 535.4— WHO, DES JMO>!y^S-^6a ‘ * Mrs. Thompson. . j H . . . 8:00—WEAN, program*‘to ll;30. aO:00^-\^AF;PaHnwVe program. » 8:00—Svmphony oroheslrj?, soloist. 11:.10—H o i r j 'j ^ ^ 't f r l i ^ l t l ^ , t‘j , f 283;g;^SYR,^-SYRACUSE—1020. 9:03—Northland^-iaeteiiaders. l’’'a. The Litfle Old Garden—iThom- 336.8—CNRA, MONCTOH—89t). 0:30—Syracuse orchestra; stocks. 340i7^W j;KSPN y IL L E- 880. as Hewitt.' 8:0o—Studio instrumental quartet. 7:50—Poetry; studio program. 7:00<.-Orch:’ artists: bedtime story. b. Out of the,Dusk to You— Dor- 9:00‘^ “ The Four Singers." 8:?0—Studio programs:progra' revellers. 8;00<,-Recltal.:.Haopy Girts. i 10:00—Little concert orgJie5,tra. ..—..9—QNRT, TORONTO—840. 9:00—W JZ Wrigley. review. othy Lee. 410.7—CFCF, MOr d^L—73d. ' §:U(j^Vio»nl«r;;tbeiokttalk. . Mr.. Donalijson, 7:30—Battle’s orchesfrrf.'' ' * -~ 4- lD:'B8-^Phil>i«frn»rflc ffnsemble. ;7 :.3Q p, m.— Austin Organ Recital— 468.5—WRC, WASHINGTON-6JQ. l l :00-^Yeira^.-ktckOfsvTJ>tlcs singer. 8:30—Studio program. 12:00—Operatic 'echoes, tenor. .1—i-Largo ...... Dvorak 9:30—Hour of music. i 7:00—Burlington orchestra. (I'tn; (< 10:30—Denny’s dance orenestra. 8:00—WEAF programs to 11:00. 1:00—Troubadours, artists. II— March of the Gnomes ...... Stoughton ROOAOiMOUNE III— M editation...... Sturges IV— March Grotesque .... Slnding V— M e lo d le ...... Tschaikowsky i“SEVENTH” HEAVEN IS VI— a. Memories . . . .Van Alstyne • b. Somewhere a Voice Is Call- ,'1; NEW THING UNDER S m Advertise in The Evening Herald-It Pays ing. Esther A. Nelson, Organist. AND MOIOR O il Big Picture at State and Circle >i 4 1 I i t ./,*• I .t i I qil tJ ;‘U » i*- » ‘ Theaters on Sunday Said to |KA¥'*S| t!i»H hrfc ?fi's4/i Be Unique in Every Way. “ YOUR PROmSE TO PAY IS GOOD WITH KAY” There is something new under Jlhe sun and that is the portrayal iof the role of Diane by Janet Giy- nor in Fox Films version of “ 7th RUM YOUR ENGINE Heaven,” which "shows at the State \ On Sale Saturday! and Circle theaters on Sunday. The flower-like charm of this young ac- i tress is son^hfng heiyj appealingly TO OPEN 100 NEW ACCOUNTS refreshing and spiritually beauti- ful. Words can,..n9t describe the; winsomeness of heV tear-dimmed smile, her happy laugh or the man- Th is W o n d e i^ul Porta ble IN C M D YfEAIHER ner in which she shows her spirit- ual growth from a cringing street S'. waif to’ -rt-Qtliau'' Xert’leSs in the,' face of atfpallng dahger and who meets the worst that life threatens to offer unflinchingly. Charles Farrell, who. also rises to stardom with his pepformance in leaks down into'your crank case, the role of Chico, that'^^markablfe VjHE 3,OQO,OfOO m o to r is t s in fellow,” is equally appealing with his stalwart manhood and his care- New York khd New England and dilutes the oil. Hence, poor free Avay of leading Diane from the lubrication, wear, destBuction and gutter up the long winding flights N e v e r Be fore Sold a t can save themselves several million of stairs to his heaven in a garret beneath the stars. 4 'V dollars by standardizing on Socony repair bills. Space does not permit an outline of the stoi*y, except to say, that for Gasoline and Motor Oil in cold So neither good gasoline alone,. sheer simplicity and at the same tremendous interest, it has probab- nor good oil alone, is sufficieint- ly never before been equaled weather. on the screen. The cast, too. Is not in cold weather. You must have only an unusually fine one, but The facts are'very simple: each member of It seems to havpi poured his heart Into the Interpre- To start in cold weather, you pull both. ^ tation of bis or her part. It in- cludes Ben Bard. David Butler, Al- out the choke and flood your engine. We have been refitting for fifty- bert Gran, Emile .Chaiftard, George Stone and rtkny' others almost |f your oil is poor, every moving, four years. W e test our product^: equally well known. “ 7th Heaven” was directed by part o f‘the engine is gummed up 13 times before it reaches your Prank Bqr^age. trom ifobii Golden’s A REGULAR $18.50 VALUE stage success by Austin Strong. and turns over slowly. Socony engine.. This insures uniformity o f HARVEY IN TROUBLE Motor Oil is put through a final quality at all times and wherever London, Jan. 27.— John Harvey, you may buy it. Standardize, on^ . ihe youag Englishman who desert- process in the refinery which ed ^ e French Foreign Legion with Socony Gasoline and Motor Oil Bennett J.- Doty, and’ who was re- presses out the extra paraffin and cently released from a French prison through intervention of the giv^ the oil a low cold t^ . ” this winter and save yourselfia/ British government, was today charged with deserting his wife Have l^usic Wherever You Go If your gasoline is poor, it lot o f money in repair bills next and three children in the Mon- 1 V'OLUME, BteAUTIFUL TONE, length 14 inches,.width 11 inches, depth 7 Inches, eover- mouthshire Court at New Tredegar. waterproof, wear-resisting Fabricold that has>he appearance of leaUier. Plays all. ignites slowly. The extra gasoline spring. His real name is Pavid Harvey sizes. Has a caiTying-capacity of 15 records. Has An adjustment.for regu- Jones- He was: oraered iUy the court Mtlng the speed tof music, box for needles ahd all .the a i vantages of a high priced instrument, Matle to reimburse the local municipality by a world famOns manufacturer. , at the rat® of $50 weekly until Jurt the phonograph you’ve always wanted at' a price much lower than you even expected to You are cordially invited to use our. Socony Touring. Service, I. . . . . I'. i > ; 1 the sums spent , by the munclplllty PW?. On sale one day only. 1 in supporting his family were paid off. CdN ^C TlbU T’S. ONLY KAY STORE 'EffiN you are planning motor trips, This information is gladly placed , . COSGBAVB-LEAVES CAPITAL Socony Road Maps will be useful. the disposal of motorists in New York AnAiiian S,iA,.i ,**Oh; don’t be irritating, darling; i open SJiTURDAY NIGHT If yopf .Yrere po.dr I wotiidh’f have met you.“-^Life. ’ s t a n d a r d O IL COM P ANY OF /-V '7

'! PATRONIZE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD AUTOMOBILE ORFUJJNG s.'- Th?se Business Men, Listed Below, are Located In Your District. They Arc Ready to Serpe You and

. . _ ' L '-. / . mr ■ w‘ n W North End East Side West Side Campbell’s Filling Station P. J. Moriarty We Will Save You Try Us.for Service Vou’ll Come Again Filling Station. Tel. 1566, Automobile Accessories Here Are Four Comer McKee and West Center Streets Reo Parts and Service; ' Automobile Necessities GREASING Raybestos Brake Linipg Se^ce. General Rbpsurs on aO makes of cars and We have them—you need them. CRANK CASE SERVICE trucks. .. . Hood Tires I Socony Gasoline T Our equipm ^t will, save you money. Penzoil and Mobilqil Expert m^hanieg will do your work.. Goodyear Tires | Exide Batteries Goodyear and Firestone Tires All labor and parts guaranteed. Large “drive in” space. TYDOLGAS VEEDOLOnj Colonial Gas Battery Rentals Cor. Cooper and West Center Streets GREASING, CRANKCASE SERVICE Corner Main and Middle Turnpike, Quick Service Phone 869, South Manchester WASjHING\ TIRE SERVICE Manchester

Robinson Auto Supply Guaranteed Used Cars Socony Fdlii We must close these out to make room in the in- NORTH END Socony Gas and Oil crease of business on our new Dodge models. FILLING STATION Batteries Charged 1925 DODGE— 4 Pass. Coupe— Perfect. On the Road to Hartford 1925 DODGE— 2 Pass. Coupe— a dandy. Corner Main and Hilliard Streets, Tires Repaired ' Greasing 1927 FORD—i Door Sedan—like new. The Convenient Place to Get Phone 1994, Manchester 1924 DODGE—Touring—a real buy. Accessories and Supplies 1924 DODGE— Screen Truck— 3-4 ton. Socony Gas' Aircraft Oil 1925 Reo Speed Wagon, 6 cylinder. Tires Tire Service TIRES! TIRES! \ Firestone Courier Tubes Greasing Airway ^ Oldfield SCHALLER MOTOR SALES Tel.5?4 634 Center Street, South Manchester 415 Main, South Manchester Tel. 1226-2 H. Gruessner, 369 Center St. Tel. 2468 CALL 15 Battery Service Colonial Filling Oak Street SILK CITY FILLING STATION Station Tire Service Main and Bissell Sts, Battery South Manchester y E E D O L F O R D O L Tow Car By ISRAEL KLEIN through the radiator’ Jo be cool3d Have youi* crank case drained Station GENERAL . An engine may be ‘ running until after it has reached the proper smoothly in cold weather, and still temperature. and refill with a good Winter RAY PARIS, Prop, AUTOMOBILE may be giving poor results. , Even with use of the thermostats, oil. Penzoil, 100% Supreme To run efficiently the engine however, the shutter fronts should Car Washing Rechargiug and Repairing REPAIRING and AGGESSORIES must be hot, although rot so hot as be regulated to such opening that Pennsylvania Quality. Safe t vboverheat the water in the cool- would jkeeO- the water temperature Lubrication. on ail makes of batteries. Distributors Kelley-Springfield Tires. ing system. But. If the prupep-teui~ -constarftly at the required height. BATTERY SERVICE Ti^Iiris adjusted, in acoorddoer with' Distributors U S L Batteries the temperature outside. Storage McKay Chains and Bulbs. CHAPMAN AND TOURNAUD, Props. The proper temperature of water Instead of a shutter front, a 24 Oak St., South Manchester as it comes from an efficient en- piece, of cardboard over the bottom 'JOS. MORRISON, Manager. Phone 1710, Corner Center and Adams St. gine, no matter what the weather part of tl.e radiator will help. The Tel. 1598 Tel. 1838 outside, is about 180 grees Fah- suction of the fan will hold it {here Repairing renheit. If it’s higher, there’s dan- while the engine'is runnlrg. ger to the motor. If lower, there's The fa'ct that there is alcohol or (All Makes) loss in performance euiciency. glycerine in tue cooling system is How to maintain this tempera- no-reason why it should be driven ture, especially in cold weather, is with thS^Taaiator wide open to the ^the trick. cold blasts, 'i'hece i.re merely put We Feature, the Willard A & B One way to do this is to attach in to keep the solution from freez- PORTERFIELD’S Now h The Time -.a shutter front to the radiator and ing. They haye no other duty to Power Units. Try one. keep it closed ^until the ted in tbe perform. Th3 same, attention must thermometer above the radiator be paid to the cooling system, to get that overhauling done. Special reaches to the point of efficient op- whether anti-freeze is in it or not. TIRE WORKS eration. Then the shutter may be price on all work brought in before opened, but only so much as to The sooner the engine is heated DEPOT SQUARE Seiberling All Tread Tires keep the water cooling dotni to that' to the proper temperature, as February 1st. ^tcmiieratures of 180 degrees. shown by the motor meter in front, The tires we sell ai’e PROTECTED for one year If me thermometer falls below the greater w’ill be. it's economical the maru the chatter should be performance and the easier will be against blowout bruises or any road hazard. closed down a bit. the driving. The saving will comn GARAGE VULCANIZING AND BATTERY SERVICE Some motors r tw have thermo- not only in a more efficient use of GREASING and CRANKCASE SERVICE stats at the upper hose connections. the gasoline, hue in the proper ac- North Main and School Streets. South Manchester These ke?p the water from flowing tion of the engine lubricant. Manchester, Conn. Garage BEST WAY TQ FIGHT GAS Spruce and Pearl Streets. Phone 1235 ARMY EXPERIMENTS IS, OPEN THE WINDOWS! IN MOTOR TRANSPORT Perhaps You’ll Need the Doctor to East Side By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN HPLD THIS SUMMER Some years ago various flrmr; i Patch You Up After the Crash But throughout the United States en -! 'Washington. — ExpeHments to deavored to exploit devices for the determine how far .the Army can manufacture of. ozone. SO in providing motorized trans- OAKES It was claimed that these devices portation for its many different You’B Also Need Us could be placed -in theaters, halls, units will be held at Camp Meade, Oliver Welding ot In other places where the ven- Maryland during the coming sum- SERVICE STATION tilation was likely to be poor and mer, . , To Repair Your Car by the supplying of ozone a suffi- According to a War Department 563 Main, Corner Hazel, Phone 2485 / cient amount of oxygen could be annduncetaent, the tests will be produced in ;the air. It is now conducted “ with a view to develop- We’ll do a first class job on it so that when you Works known that the difficulty under ing edrr^t doctrines with respect such circumstances is not with Uie call to get it you’ll hardly realize its been so badly PAN-AM GAS CHAS. OLIVER, Prop. to the motorization and mechaniza- 6xygen but in most instances with tion of appropriatd units of the wrecked. the movement of the air, the hu- Ariny, As far as practicable, the midity, and similar physical fac- force (to be assembled at Camp We do all Rinds of repairing and overhauling on PAN-AM, KENDAL, Welding, Cutting, Brazing tors. Meade) .will be equipped with mo- One of the most serious of mod- all makes of cars and ^trucks. Radiator Repairing ern ventilation problems is the tor vehicles of the latest approved VALVOLINE OILS control of poisonous carbon mon- design. Its operation will Include Rayestos Brake Lining Service (Stide gas in garages. Again the work oyer terrain sufficiently, ozone salesman has come to the varied and difficult end under such General Repairing of All Kinds front and many coihmercial gar- conditions of . weather as wll^^ de- Battery Charging Radio Rentals ages and service stations . have termine the powers and limitations Comer Spruce and Pearl. Phone 1235 pu^ in the ozone machines in the of motor vehicles 2.S compared with HEARD THE KOLSTER YET? Swinehart and Firestone Tires belief that the oxygen-given off animal-drawn transportation under will convert the deadly carbon similar conditions.*’ If you haven’t you’ve missed a radio treat. monoxide gas into’ the compara- The following, will, take part In Once demonstrated in the home, seldoin taken out* Your car receives thorough lubrication at our ,tlvely safe carbon dioxide. thp experiments: One battalion of WHAT (Change has the station. Manchester Auto Mr. C. W. Sails, technical engi- the 3 4th; Infantry, Fort-Eustls, "Va.; DEVHj ? neer of the New York State De- the second platoon of. the 4th tank We stop those annoying squeaks. Top Co. .partment of Industrial Hygiene, company'. Camp' Meade? the second Constantinople, Jan. 27.— To has Just made available the results battalion; less One baltery, of the those who are troubled with All Work Fully Qnaranteed. GIBSON’S GARAGE We have yoiu* favorite brand of oil. of an Investigation of the practi- 6th Fiel4 Artillery, Fort Hoyle, visions, bad omens, or the old W. J. MESSIER cability of such devices for the Mdy one battery o f tho 6Ist Coast 16-18 Main St., Phone 701-2, Manchester. fashioned "D. T.'s,” Mahamet 115 Oak Street. Phone 1816-3 purposes for which tU^ jape soM. ArtUler5|'.’(anti-?aircraft'), Fort Mon^ SERVICE PHONE 2485 SERVICE xtey, who taxis around this an-; He finds that" the ozpne gehera- roe,» YaV; one compapy of the 1st cient town, has a tip. ILIG BUS TRAFFIC, .tors do, not . corrvert the !’c,prbon'‘ Bnia^nder^, Fort DdPont. Del.; the Mahamet has a charm. It’s Aionoxide into carbon-dioxide at a- not a rabbit f it, neither is it Ninety-three motor coach lines in Isb' signal compapy, Fort Mon- Illinois are operating nearly 1500 .rate.that is fast enough or 16 a mouth, N, J.; a .medical detachment an obaei’vatlon squadron of the ajr ment into meebanised and mbtorim a horse shoe. But adorning Ma- ;ppoportibn that is. complete enpugh corps stationed at Mltchel Field, L. ed units. Thetforce v'lU bP nseotb^ •hamet’s radiator cap is a string motor buses. Last year, motor from Ga^p}e^ Barracks, ]l^nn., and buses of Illinois traveled nearly to be of an-y firabtioalouse. , i the motor %^'em|mtP ofvthe. 1st am- j . A troo© of the 3rd Cavalry, P ^ t led at Gamp Meade soon'aM r Jallj of blessed beads and a few amu- I t . is vfarc better*'anA mpre^ effeor •Meyer, w ., will' also be - .Ined in I,, for the tests. . . SAFE'TY FOR STARS lets. 30,000,000 miles-, carrying 83,000, mupiftion’t alp.-'FOrt Hoyle. 000 passengers. jjve SlmJily to* 6p4n aifew winfipws the use off mechanical equipment. : Manchester Auto These, he says, made four apd to permit the' reinoval' of car- ^ aildftiba the cpmmahding gen- Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pick- dogs, bent on destroying him, eral of the’ Third Corps'Area^ unr The equipment wi:i be . tssded TO M E ^ IN PAYS BIG TAXES bon-monoxide by, the . process' of Top Co. ford and Bebe Daniels have pup-. turn into demon^ and dash mad- natural diffusion. If there is not der whpse .d.irection the te^ts will early in March, *#hen all units com- . Mussolini hais Jn'Hted . '"the chased the new safety glass for ly avay, powerless. War excise taxes on motor trans be conducted, may also require the posing the force will be relieved World- Motor Transport Confeiw AU Work'FnUy Guaranteed. ports have netted tthe United States >proper diffusion, it,may be neces- their automobiles as added insur- i'0ry to Install mechanical venti- participation- of ..the I6th- and 17 th .from their pprmal. training.apd per- meet in Roine -next S e p t^ b ^ r W. J. MESSIER ance against marring their facial treasury more than’ti billion dollars Invitation has been aeoentad. : lation. tank battalion. Camn Meade, and mitted to concentrate on'^develon- 115 Oak Street. Fkone 1816-3 beauty. A fathom is six feet since 1918. . , 1 - 1 ' >-1 .


wai far, far less than it ■would, be rtm 4lanri|est(t todey< Also it was in a time when ABOUT prima sirloin steak. brought about F_,A evening Berallt' fourteen cents a pound on the PUBUSHBD BY THE HBRAU) PRINTING CO. butcher’s block. " Founded by Elvood S. Ela, A great deal of the western beef Oct. 1, 1881 comihg east today is hay-fed Every Evenins Except Sundays and through the winter. A great deal of Holidays _ , ^ (50) (Jotton in' Cminectlcut.. Entered at the Post Office lit Man- it Is raised on comparatively, small chester as Second Class Mall Matter. Connecticut whicli pjroduced the gunius whose invention revo- SUBSCRIETIOI^ RATES; By Mall farms, the acre-price of which ex- lutionized cotton production is losing ground in the manufac- six dollars a year, sixty cents a ceeds many a pasture farm in Con- month for shorter perloda ture of eotton'goods which wais the state’s predominant manu- By cnrrler, eighteen cents a week.; necllcut. facture through middle of the nineteenth century. Latest Single ooplea three centa Connecticut farmers Quit raising figures place this industry sixth in value of pr(2duct of all Con- SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRB- beef because they could not com- necticut industries. SENTA riV E, Hamtlton-De Llsser. Connecticut cotton factories turned out 45 per cent of the to- Inc.. 285 Madison A venua New York pete" with the range product of forty and 612 North Michigan Avenue. tal for the United States during 1900. Twenty-five years later Chicago. years ago— at a base price of some- the value of this state’s cotton goods was Only 33 per cent of the The Manchester Evening Herald Is thing like a nickel a pound. If they combined output Of all states. Whereas the combined value on sale in New York City at Schulte's of the product of this indfiatry was 415 per cent greater in 1925 News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. could have gotten the present Street and 42nd. Street entrance , of wholesale price of western steers than 19OoT Connecticut’s increase was only 236 per cent. I'rrand Central Station and at all The total value of all cotton goods manufactured, during Hoatlirg News Stands. for their animals they would have 1925 was $1,714,36.7,787; Connecticut’s share was $52,100,276, * e • grown fatly rich. making her ninth, in ranking with other states. Massachusetts Client of International News Ser- vice. We do not in the least know with an output valued at .$345,864,097 led. North Carolina, "International News Service has the whether beef could be profitably South Carolina-and Georgia ranked second, third and fourth re- exclusive rights to use for repnblloa- spectively, the combined value of their output being worth tion in any forth all news dtspatchei falsed in ConnecUcut now. But we credited to or not otherwise credited $740 156,647. Rhode.Islaind came fifth with an output valued in this paper. It is also exclusively would feel surer that it, could .not at $107 708 169. New Hampshire factories turned out cotton entitled to use for republlcatlon all if we were to be authoritatively In- goods valued at $57,868,732, and Maine’s, $41,188,496. ^ the local or undated news published formed that anybody at all, who Twelve thousand wage earners of 4 i factories engaged in this herein." Full Service Client of N E A industry in Connecticut during 1925 received wages totaling Service. knows aboht -such matters.^ .had '$12,314,933. Materials cost $32,440,515. During 19OO', 13,- FRIDAY, JAN. 27, 1928 even given the subject a thought in 000 employes in 55 factories received $4,393,502 In wages. Ma- the last twenty years—especUlly terials that year cost $7,535,926. and the value of the product since the price of beef^ began to was $15,489,442. 3-Piece All- FALLING OUT approach its present plane. An extraordinary difference of Tomorrow—Connecticut’s Feace-Time Army. opinion has suddenly manifested it- AROUND ABOUT self between -the New York Times The esteemed Hartford Courant and the New York World as to the seems inclined to flap its wings societies instead of a single unit, method to be adopted to combat somewhat over the circumstance humanitarians o f. the trade of Heflinism in the interest of the those who constitute this benevolent that it has attracted the notice of WHERE is the home that cannot afford a filling with upholstery of Jacquai’d veloui; all Presidential aspirations of A1 so highly important a personage as body may find it di®cult- to>underr good living room suite' when a three piece group around each piece. One sidie of the seat cushions ; Smith. Senator Borah, even though that stand, but the average-, man and On Wednesday the Times took woman is slightly repelled at the of Watkins upholstered pieces, as sketched above, is in the same two-tone Jacquard velour while the notice takes the form of an attempt other is in colorful tapestry.. The legs; fire tunieq" for the text of its leading editorial on the part of the Idaho statesman J apparent leveling of human beings can be had for only $129? And the three pieces article the following words of Henry New York, Jan. ,27.—The “stage of hardwood and finished Tudor mahogany. Tbs- to show the editor of the Courant to the plane of dumb • animals in- are just as shown—full size davenport with 3 Morgenthan from a forthcoming names” adopted by. Broadway sells at the arms complete a well designed suite. t ^ t he doesn’t know what he is evitable when a society - undertakes chorines of today seem quite as article in the Review of Reviews: loose seat cushions, a wing chair and a club chaii'i The three pieces were formerly $159.00 but are : ^ a l R n g a b o u t . to protect both in much the same ridiculous, and quite. as familiar, “The simple truth is that if Gov-.|^ The construction includes web bottoms and all new reduced for the Semi-Annual Sale to $129. The Courant believes' that Mr. degree. as those of the grand old burlesque ernor Smith, instead of having been Hoover is eligible to become Presi,- There are of course, separate Wheel days. born in Oliver street of Catholic Glancing down the list of “ladies: dent of the United States, being “family” and “animal” ditisions of parents, had first seen tjie light of of; the. ensemble” in a successful equipped to meet the constitutional the society and the work of the one, day in some Protestant parsonage, musical show, 1 find such names requirenient that he has been, a resi- as we understand it, does not im- as Lotta Pepp, Ima.Joye. Betta ALL WOOL as Presidents Cleveland and Wilson, dent of the' United States. Mr. pinge on the operations of the Nicklej Topsy Turvy—and so on. nobody would doubt tor an instant ?/■ Borah believes the same way; ^ut other. Nevertheless the ordinary And yet, on this same Broadway, that he would- be the next Presi- have flashed, from time to time, the Courant doesn’t particularly ad- person in this state is at.-a', loss to dent.” names that, seemed singularly ficti- mire the process by which Mr. know whether the Humane society This the Times calles “a pungent tious, yet which turned out to be Borah arrives at agreement with it is an institution devoted more to the monikers with which proud Scranton Lustre Casement Cloth—the ideal and conclusive way of stating the the interest of sick cats than, of and challenged him to show that parents actually adorned their chil- bedroom fabric—50 inches wide; sunfast; plain one great obstacle—r^^^^s intol- beaten babies or contrariwise.. his process was better than the dren. gold, rose or blue, yard ...... $1.45 erance—which today stands in the Courant’s. Which: the Idaho man There would probably be d,ifflcul- Perhaps, the most' unbelievable way. of Governor Smith’s political name that the big street ever be- Lustre Ruffled Curtains; sunfast; 2 1-4 yards has undertaken to do. ties in adjustments ofYunds and ct- '^advancement;” and proceeds to en^ came familiar with was A. Toxin long in choice of green, rose or blue with double The interesting part of this dis- dowments, to saY nothing-of more; Worm. And, with such, an adorn- large upon the extent to which trouble and conceivably- more ex- ruffledvalmjce-to match. Regular $6.50 a cussion is that each party- to it is ment, what could the poor, child Saturday morning, bigotry has taken possession of the convinced that -he kuowa j ustiwhut pense, if somehow thesa two divi- do but become a press agenL And ^lair ...... a.....', $ o .9 o country. " ~ — sions were, erected, into_ sufficiently what on earth -cOuW a fellow by only. All WQOlblanfc- went on in the minds, of the framers the name' of Dexter Fellowes be Odd lolls of b'verdrapes, ready to hang, 2 1-4 ets—full sizes-^11 the Yesterday the- World came leap- of the Constitution when, they’ separate' organizations to get, away yards long with shaped valances, p air-----$2.79 ing Into the situation with loud from thisconfusion id the pubilc but , the world’s greatest circus ad- most wanted colors^ adopted that fourteen-year provi- vance man. IHxie Hines certainly Rayon SilkNDrapery Fabric; 50 inches wide; limited 2 to fi cii^bm- shouts of protest against ..this kind sitm.^and'-ia bqundf that other fohis mind. But if, the lawyers can mani- sounds assumed and, scratching, of “dynamite.” It scegtjs.jthe utmpst guaranteed sunfast; choice of rose, gold or blue, er—cash and - carry.> siialljacq^i ttis deduction. So Borah pulate corporate existences so as to^ otir memory a: bit, we can recall peril in any hcceptance of the Heflih tte^^. $1.75,.• ...... $1.4-3 Regular $13.50. .V and the Courant chase about the successfully Set. off appsibent'sepn- Cepha bay, Thornton Delahantey. . V; challenge to cast ballots according rate identities where notiO ^actually Claxton "Wilstach and a few others- Short lengths of cretonne, damasks, velours opposite arcs of a circle and come Had he searched through all the Drapeiy Dept; to the voters’ religions. And in the out at exactly the same spot. . exist, in the business ivoYldi,' It and other curtain materials, greatly reduced. course of its stentorian warning the possible nom de plumes, Heywood Our suggestion would be that the would seem, as if they might do So Broun, for instance, could not have World, it must be admitted, talks problem be submitted to the psy- easily enough in the world- of hu- picked, out a better writing name. sense as well as turkey. ■v, . chiatrics who are engaged in the manities. And whether./ toe officers And what of such perfect “writing” : “Has Mr. Morgenthau forgotten,” and members of the Humane so- names, as “Zane,” whose last name Hickman case. Meantime ordinary is Grey; or Temple Bailey, or Allan it asks, “that Governor Smith is folks, who don’t profess''to know ciety realize it or not, it might Tfrell a Democrat, that the Democrats are Updegraff. Getting into another what, precise; hrand: ,ot psychology be worth the trouble. r.eaVqi, we call upon you.tp improve ■ WATKINS a minority party, and that since the produced each phrase of the Consti- Uninformed people who no\v on J. Borden Harriman, or Ivy Lee. | EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES S )R CRa I^ ^ U IJD J "■ CivU war the Democrats have won tution, nor how many drinks inter- ma£:e a*great outcry against chifd Manhattan snap-shots: The little only three out of sixteen elections vened between phrases, are utterly welfare activities on the part of a toddler up on Madison Avenue who ■ rides about in his $1500 electrical-; against an undivided Republican content with the profound convic- “cat society” would surely be less party? • * * Not only is he a mem- obstreperous if the intervention ly-driven toy automobile, imported tion that the fact that the American from Paris....A nd the millions of ber of a minority party but he is the born engineer, Herbert Hoover, re- were by a “Children’s Society.” kids on the East Side, who rig up \ leader of only a faction—perhaps mains an American despite having strange looking vehicles out of the larger faction but still only a taken some jobs beyond the fron- roller skates... .Just how they faction—of his party. And here manage tp escape being crushed by tiers; simply because he is an Amer- the passing, traffic I have never again it is dangerously misleading ican and never • dreamed of being to talk as if all Democratic opposi- been able to figure. . . . The Armen- place during toe noon hour oyer anything else. As a subject of con- ian' rug merchants, .with rugs from the lunch tables of the Hotel Astor. tion- to Smith werh bigoted, when, troversy Hoover’s citizenship is su- Battle Creek.. . .The furtive voiced Here gather the hotel men who as everybody knows, there . are Behold, how good and how pleas- premely silly. ^ ant It is for brethren to dwell, to- sailors who tell you the old story deal in millions—on the tablecloth Materials for great numbers of conscientious gether in unity!—Psalms 133:1. about the fur they smuggled ___ who build great theaters and Democrats who oppose him because ashore and will sell for an astonish- put on productions. All by scrib- ' KILLING TOTS ingly low, price.. . .And the felloiv bling on the tablecloth. At the end muj he is a wet, great numbers of sin- The projected model town which Peace is liberty in tranquility Valentines Cicero. who pretends to sell you naughty of a session, vast deals have been cere agrarian Democrats who op- a limited-earnings corporation pro- French postcards, then hurries closed and great stars have been pose him because they think he BY RODNEY DUTCHER poses to build near Paterson, N. J., away. . . . When you open the en- hired and fired. This, like so much Boxes of materials ^ make ten or more lacks national and international ex- of Broadway, is all dream stuff. It is interesting, if not fascinating. To velope you have one of those 5- Washington, Jan. 27-—iAin’t perience. • * * We resent it bitter- A “dime” was originally a tenth cent books published in Kansas. never happens, but the psncil-niark- pretty Valentines accommodate a population slightly of a man’s earnings paid as church govetnnient wonderful? I ly when Heflins fight Smith on re- . Innumerable are the stories told ed tablecloths carry the records. larger than that of Manchester, it dues. GILBERT SWAN. This story is about government. ; ligious grounds. We resent it also about the “transactions” that take a spur, a. mule and an estimable Is to be laid out that each of its lady doctor, one Frances Rothert. j when zealous supporters fight for numerous groups of apartment Smith by the threat that they will Dr. Rothert is one of the physi- j houses will be situated in such a re- Doc Disagrees dans of the Children’s Bureau of , brand a failure to s.upport him as lationship to the highways that the Department, of Labor, which, an expression of bigotry.” children will be able to go to school, works' 'for better health amohg Obviously the World, in this em- babies, children and prospective playground and athletic field and at phatic protest, is reading a lesson mothers' and for fewer deaths least some of the shops, without 7W/5 Jewelers, to that part of the Democratic party .among mothers and infants. - crossing a highway on which auto- which, while demanding that a com TO Kentucky had asked the bureaii mobile traffic will be permitted. to study maternal mortality rates,, Presidential candidate’s religion be This is being frequently cited as the HURT TOO at and some of the most important ignored, actually proceeds to predi- most attractive of the many attrac- studies had to be made away up cate a candidacy upon a religion ALLi in the mountains- tivef features of the new town. ert use the right way, to start the > and so challenges the opposition of We hate to be pessimistic, but the inule. Wouldn’t a pen-knife, or it large majority of the voters of Dr. Rothert had to climb up; in- FOU & mere fact that there will be no ne- ■fires built now and. then' under- the country, at the polls, the Cath- to and out of such places as Woor neath the animal have dons. thT cessity. for the children to get ten, Hayden. Obed, Red Bird Creek IN HOLLYWOOl olics could not win. There are sim- business? 7 Room Colonial Home run over by automobiles cannot be and Bear Branch, -qnd the -time, Finally, .on the theory that it .is ply not enough of them. regarded, we greatly fear, as any GAS came . when she would no longer .always safe to disaUo'w such- an Fireplajes with tili^ hearty Also, it is to be suspected, travel on the mail wagon. Probably item, the .bureau disallowed iL-- Reception guarantee t6at they will not do so AmiiJisrmEb the mail'wagon didn’t go any fur- the World has begun to sense the Once in a while a child is killed Telephone Cabinj^ extreme likelihood that Smith is ther. while necessarily crossing a street. Anyway, Dr. Rothert. had' ■ to Now all this may be considered All latest electrii^ fixtuil not going to run, blames his mili- Time and again the little victim hiaa hire a mule. But the mule wouldn’t^ pretty: spiaU potatoes but it i? pnly Tile bathroom with sho'i tant friends for it, and couldn’t re- <50LDBUJM« 'a part'of the-governmental red ta ^ j bolted into the roadway without anjj OURSPEOACiy go without artificial stimulation. 5; Hot water h ^ in i^tery frain from cussing somebody out. Dr. Rothert bought a spur, just; ■which is imposed on all bureaus 1 Our low pnee qi good reason beyond a spontaneous one spur, mind you, not a palr.-Ber; ■trom higher up, ultimate ^ h t h o r i t y ^ ... j whim. on expenses: resting with Gompt^Kj POme 2 ^ NATIVE BEEP fore buying to e spur. Dr, Rothert Unless children from the hour must have given the matter seri^^ *ler General J. R- McCarl.'-' If -Ihe •r Would-consid^^i^ Once in a while we love to pro- when they begin to walk are taught, ous consideration. When goyern»^^ 60-cent spur had been allowed to. in trade. pound a question which we well ment workers go out traveling' jth's Tpmain on Dr, Rothert’s account, Easy tei with the utmost pains that every the whole thing might have be^li know will be greeted with derisive highway Is a peril and that con- auditing departmeo^ generally hoots. Here is one: takes-them off to ©he Side for a> held up and all the other expenste W.Ha stant sticking to the sidewalks is heart to heart talk ___ atnd____ lists___ ,th^ ;|noney she had taken from her own ■Why Is it that, among all the the price of life, there will continue many things, the government won’fcf pocket, which she might need bad-j Mahch^tei^ subjects of discussion brought up to be these most pitiful of all trag- pay for on expense accounts ly, might have been hpld up.ioHj.’ at Grange and other farm associa- edies, the killing of babes by auto- But Dr., Rothert, Concluded Vfh'at months. } ■ If Dr- Rothert enters the spur! tion meetings in Connecticut, and mobiles. ^ here was surely an exig(^cy, .for if^^ among all the branches of agricul- the' m ule. wouldn’t proceed - to®; 'again as a separate item and gets j Unless, again, toe fairy dream her 50 cents, she will have to sendk ture that are looked over and con- government would be out so mUclF INSl may come true of a time when driv- mule hire arid the', state of Ken-^. 'the spur into the bure^. wh«^e>it] OF sidered as at least tentative possi- ers will at all moments have tucky out so many mortality.^star -will become governmen*: properly' bilities for Connecticut, nobody in their cars under such control that tistiesf.; ■ ? - J! iv livith all of us owning a part in- a generation has ever so much as terest. It must be accounted for they will not kill the tots who riin 1 ^rotu ,y^r to: ydar, and anyone else , JOHN Pi CARNEY whispered the words, “Beef cat- into the streets in front of toeni, . Recently in came ‘Dr,•’ Rothert a-_ ..rMoQ latn ’tUp. * inniinil whp -Hdes Ifito th e’ mou'.i’ains on p - _ _ ^ O fford f: \tU tle”? Which is too much to hope for, be- expense account to the bureau.; mule-back may, Write for it, but' ’ Fifty years ago native beef—not cause that would be civilization. “One spur^—50 cerits.” ^fbi-A -gav^^ may not buy a spur.at givernment 4- cld cows but great heavy steer beef the bureau pause. Neveb before,had'i - expense. The Ispur will. ; remaig. -^was to be had in all the markets any one chafed up ofae' spur. Rere^; government property forever' Uri- ASK THE was an it^m that ma8t,.he/>cheeh;o,cohtrdUer'a .der; you're going, to move, one of country towns of this state, most the purposes of toe Connecticut Hil^- cisions and the organic afct of days, JamCs? - of the material and labor on which ifiane Society suggests the thought, with especial tefe:fence fO'toe oon-^: James: I Bqratpheri the;.^^^-^ troller’s decisions on traveliri^/Iex-l; ’ Jc* CTIC0 extensively used cs sev’ral ilme.s yesterday anc' were paid for by toe sale of “beef invariably'arising'on' the occasion of mug jowelry critters.” That was, to be sure, in a each annual meeting of that organ!- ^ 'if'!; a'aiiestlop w«Jr; Did »Y. Roth^ S tonilhnfia Coal. ^.dsy when the. .coM of raising. h^I '4 ution; reilly hfigkt tp the two -11^ -‘i-c

A EVENING HERALDr EKHJAY, JANUARY 27, ,192^^^ - r >> __ are IMttg in beaudful hut’ ainail FrencE-..... osition S. Sharp, 'Mrs. : W'aWe'f "Battey Marion Baker went to Springfield, and Mrs. Edward P. Collins. Miss Mass:,-Tuesday. / Geneva,______which-_____ —, may ------bwen-ideal . , , “On ^,e owrthahd, cfrcles VI ENNA KNQT: place for repose, but.lacks the iea--} oriag-lifl^unR^/BpJween ^atson, ^^Whisky Harriett Sharp has been qhosen Mrs. Harry Wood is spending some time ia^New. YbfS;/ city as the tuyes of a .big city. . ' att(rAi^trTa feir'that tire i Pianist. After the meeting a social Politics Interfere Vienna^:w-onld .be.ra great obstacU'^ Does Only ^%0 gitimate*^ Business Harold Clogston of New Haven hour with refreshments consistims guest pf relatives," i -h • ' Geneva with its population of to their plane. -- This-is the reasoft^ of sandwiches,.eake and coffee.;were Mrs/Cornell Green of the.'River ANXI0IJS1TO BE was. a • recent visitor a t. the.;:homu about i 00,00fi offers: but rare >00- why the.-Vienheso themselves - ar4^‘ of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Benwey, enjoyed/ district has returned from a W!?el^s’ portunities t.o the grdent workers hot over-enthusiastic about th'-; “ .^ITwo from next Bh'iday visit with her daughter, Mrs. Byi TVhiskey certificates.'a^d S^gag^g /Pleasant Valley./ ^ for thO POace. of. thp, world 40 for-, proposal 'in spite' Ot the faqt that iidi other activities ijU th^e “jgreae'est|;i, ftfrs, Wilbur'cC.3iHills who ^ ivM in g, b^ruary 10th, the Burn- George Nelson Bowers and Mrs. get tte Worried dabbed them bt the they ^are , sincere friends . o f the, New icfek54-»l^e ,«»nie Of Mi^B liquor centei;,ln the wbrtd,’'^:ja(^us | jjee ill at hw hdme fOir tqe si<||._Dramatic Clu.b, will present Howard Clark in'Har^forS.- -tthtaihed hjfllitarisle ahd’ dbtiant die-. Leagfec-aand of the idea6-.-reprcsent- Blanche -Watson, of Covington, Ky., drew heavily upon the experience past few days, is imj^roving again. their musical comedy, “ The./New Several of the farriers havp lost tutors-Whom- th ^ micounter during ed b y . tlie'League. Minister.” This fine entertainment more cows in the I^st tuherculln has figured in. a mysterious fashion ot Miss Watson. She was, he said, Miss Shattuck, daughter of Mr. Vienna.— Because it might ; in- the day. Hfttu«llly aPO;.«ay Ufd ‘af “ The Austrian government itself In the remarkable story of George his private secretary. After he was and Mrs. William Shattuck of comes under the auspices off - the test. The great number, killed in Vienna, a city Of two million peo- is strict’y neutrql. Reports stating - Eemus, the ex-bootleg king who re- in prison she advised him on many Gfanby, but who is a teacher of “ Blue Triangle Club” or the Y. W. the state are -making cows very terfere with Austrian plans ; lor ple, with, ifs splendid theaters and that we havb/Qffered the former im- cently beat the electric chair for of his business matters, then involv- Grade one and two ot the Wappiqg C.“ A. and is very highly recom-' high in price. . , ' union wltb .Gfirmany, ^the. Austrian: charming society life‘ itttfacts the, perial. palaOe. to the League or made wife ifturder. Throughout the trial ed in litigation. During his ttial Centre School, met with an accident mended as a good play. • government is: not' enthusiastic men and women of the League to' any other.'Offers are completely un-, the state constantly intimated that for murder she frequently visited while skating on thp mile pond last Rev. Truman H. Woodward-'is to Wanted— to buy old china, .glass, about the scheme to move the seat ,favor it from a human point pf true.” Miss Watson was a bootlegger but him in his cell in the Hamilton Monday evening, injuring sdme of be the speaker at the Hockanum and bric-a-brac. __ Frederick E. of the League pf Nations to Vienna. view. . , . . Methodist Episcopal Church at the this she quietly denies, add so do County jail and advised him as to her teeth. Hughes, South' Manchester, Phone This is the official/viewpoint ais set “ But the political point of view ONE FOH .^R T B U D E , her friends. his courtroom demeanor.- It is un- The Y. W. C. A. or the Blue Tri- “ Nutmeg Trail of the Epworth 386-2.— Adv. forth by a pro’mi,nent spokesman-for is more imporlant iif this case. ’The i- , “ She never was a bootlegger and derstood she was one of those who angle Club will motor t'b' TditSnd League” on Friday evening, 'F eb- the Austrian go-vernment in an in- Great Powers, are avo-wedly disin- Hm BLOY^ER:. Doing anything iiVshe isn’t now,” said George Con- advocated that he not take the a week' from next Friday evening ruary 3, 1928. CO.MMUNITY WHIST. terview with the/International J'lews .plined to the change which has been specialtonight. Mi.es Dawdle? stand. He did not, although he Tier, Remus’ partner, who knows February 3, for h game of basket The Pioneers, held their meeting Wednesday’s card party which Service. '/ .... ,/ //, . ,?-?• proposed by pri-vate persons. Brit- CtiERK (hopefufiyjt: Oh, no not :<)>er intimately. In fact both Conners wanted to, he said.- at the Parish House on Wednjasday | y^^s put on by the Bon Ami social YThe League/personnel and the ain'is against any change whic’; a thing. ball.' ' J-.'and Miss Watson are today officials I It was disclosed during the tnial ^ The annual Y» W.\C. A. meeting afternoon, with their leader iRev. (.lup -^y^as )the largest held this sea- journalists connected.^- with | the would shift thO‘League to the midst EMPLCi/EB:- • Then you might that Remus had given her power'of of unsettied 'Central Europe.- try to get to business on time in df the Kentucky Dis^tributing Cpm- j will be held at Hartford on Fri- Truman H. Woodward. son at the .Manchester Community League have started, the . action to f i>any dealers in medical whiskey attorney and authority to handle, club. Seventeen tables were move the permanent seat of the . , ...... Oerman Sympathy - the mpruing.-^PaSsing show. . many of his biggest business trans- day evening February 3. The buSi- “ She is an expert in the whiskey hesB /meeting will be at-5 o’clock, filled with players. League froin i; Geneva /id Vienna,” “ Moreover Austria is a German y, . ; ’ business— that’s all. She was in the actions. She was one pf the tew that said the government spokesraar. speaktnig country, the population' of and this will be followed by > ban- ‘The door prize was won by Ru- GONE WRONG business long beiore the Volstead he finally could trust. She Vas dolph Swanson and the winners at “ But we have nothing to dp with it. which naturally sympi.thizes 'with JUDGE fto .girt prisoner): Are law was put into effect and she is credited with having a fine business quet at 6 o’clock. Alter thC ban- “ Of course everybody under- Germany. Thinly of th e Anschlust quet, “ The Way of Life,’^ ah even- TOLLAND whist were as follows; Ladies’ first. yoU itiaocent? -/, . / one of the very few who.ljnow the head. Miss Mary’ McFarland; second, stands the humau .dbsire for. the moyement, aiming at a mnion be- GERL PRISONERLOh, no. Judge. .business from A to Z.” . . . “ I hate all this notoriety and ing of Parables, will' be presented Mrs. George Snow, consolation. tomfort aUd recreations of a metro- tween .Austria and Germany. : j ' ' ? at 1808 Greenup street, Covington, ing at ..the Parish House on-rTueh ; Mr. Cassavan who, lives ii£. the George Snow. Sandwiches, cake jVith her mother, and she does not d ^ afternoon. After the regular northeastern section of the town and coffee were served by the Bon , .dress expensively. She is extremely business and study-period was over narrowly escaped serious injury a Ami club.' the young b.oys played basket ball. "reluctant to talk to newspapermen, EGYPT ASKS AMERICA fe J. days ago when the car in which Another public whist will-be held .'/informing thi^ write:r “ All I want Wapping Grange V held its first he: was dri-ving slid on the ice go- for -the benefit of the Community * is to of the papers. ^ , I regular meeting of 1928, oq Tues-. ing down a steep hill entering Staf- club ^Wednesday evenli^ of next 5 i hate pu^li'citrvH’ | ' day evening at ther Center, School ford Sprikgs ^and going over^ the weefe ^ rt" ."iff^'hbt yet^kfi^n just “ If"M‘r.-^i»1Sius''had taken my ad- hall,' With about '65 members and embankment. - The car was b ^ ly •whAt o r g a n l 2ation--M^ pUi;.'it on. Matchless Flavor at a Modest Price /y^ise he never would have gong_into visitors present. It was the instal- damaged. i .anything but the legitimate whiskey FOR INTERNAL WORKS lation of o ffe rs and Mr. Mansur Miss Eleanor Luce who graduat- 'it.takes 1'606 days for light from / business/’ she said. “ I. have been with his assistants all from Bloom- ed from, the Rockville High . school /'able to carry on a legitimate busi- field installed the officers in a very Alpha Centauri, the njearest star, to class of 1927 is preparing to enter reach: the,eart1i. : : \: - / ness in. bonded whiskey and he Carlo— The United States govern- able and impressive manner. There the Hartford Training School for rcould have done likewise. ment was included among a group were fourteen members of Bloom- Nursing in February, she has al- ’ “ He jvas. a splendid man to work of nations -which have been asked field Grange present and Mrs. Em- ready' been accepted. i'with aifd for this reason I did all by the Egyptian government to sub- ma Chandler of East Hartford Raymond Smith has been ' in- could' for him when he was in mitnames of experts willing to ac- Grange, Pianist of Pomona Grange, strumental in selling several • sec- For Your Gar .;;;tiouble. I always have felt that he cept an advisory appointment on assisted athe piano. The following ond hand cars' :'!or an out-of-town iwas double crossed when he went to the Department of Inland Naviga- officers were duly installed. Master, auto firm. iprison.” tion, Wells and Roads. Other na- Alfred Stone, OversCer, Robert Mr. and Mrs. 'William Senk, are Miss Watson’s name iigured cou- tional governments included were Newcomb: Lecturer, Mrs. Dorothy entertaining their daughter, Mrs. S ^/stantly in the trial of Remus for the British French and Belgian. Welles; Assistant Lecturer, Miss Porter of Hartford. ^ *':the murder of his wife, Imogene, The request is belie,ved to indi- Clara Chandler; Steward, William \ vwhom he shot to death in Eden Henry Blake and his mother of cate a .. desire on the part of the Poster; Assistant Steward, Harley Hartford were : guests 0? friends A new top, new curtains, slip 4 Park, Cincinnati. 'Blie state alleged Egyptian government to further Neweomb;' Chaplainy Mrs. ijilliSn'E.^ a that Miss Watson was one of the here Monday. covers, carpets, glassmobile en- the development of internal, com- Grant; Treasurer, Levi T. Dewey; Mrs. Samuel Simpson and Mrs. H fiour persons who were present at a munications of every kind. Hither- Secretary, Franklyn Welles; Gate closures, Sport Model tops and -a “conspiracy conference” at the Sin- to little use has been rnade of the, Keeper,. Philip Welles; Ceres, M;r3. % ton Hotel the. night "before the..tltv dust covers made to orders important internal water commdhir .wSlden V. Collins: Flora,' Miss gedy, the p.ui^.0Sd of to f devise a Vayf" to-kill bfrsv^-Rbmud. cations which Egypt possesses. 'The Irene Buckland; Pamona, Miss Mir- ^ "fhe conspiracy angle of the state’s neglect is attributed to the fact iam Welles; Lady Assisant Steward, Manchester that the government owns the main Miss Helen Lane; he executive com- vu might as'well have ihe best ^ case against Remus fell down, how- railways and has not been inclined mittee are Franklyn Welles and FascinaUng fun to follow the ever, and the defense ngver found color vogue! Have bright, .new Auto Top Co. it necessary to put Miss Watsom,on to encourage alternative means .of Levi T. Dewey, and the Insurance tints in silk or cotton. 15c at the stand. Qt-hbr^ toolo’ fli^ stand transportation ' of a competitive Committee are Walter N< Foster, ^dealers. -Insist on Dy-O-lsu W. J. MESSIER charatcer. ^ and Edward P. Collins. 'The Hoine and tebtifieai that 'isho '^as ^^not ' in 115 Oak St. Phone 1816«3 the Sintbn Hbtel that nighti They The government’s latest move, Economics Committee are Mrs. identified, -those who had talked foreshadowing a reversal of the with Remus, asserting they were former policy, is hailed by indus- trial leaders of Egypt as being the there on a business mission and not 23532390482348235353484848232301000202005323530100070209060501535353485353904823484823532353482353232348239023485348485353482353532348532353485348532323535348482353235353485348234823 for. the purpose-of plotting a mur- forerunner of a great development der. in the various systems of inland In buying distilleries, dealing in communications, . $55.00 SUITS AND COATS .. ______$41.50 BOYS’ KMCKER SUITS

$50.00 SUITS AND COATS...... $37.50 Some with One Long and One Short Pant. Size 3 td 10 $45.00 SUITS AND COATS . . . $33.75 $22.50 Suit N o w ______...... $17.50 Big Values in 52 $18.00 Coats Now ...... $13.50 $40.00 SUITS AND COATS ...... $30.00 $20.00 Suit N o w ...... $15.00 $16.50 and $15.00 Coats N ow ...... $11.50 $13.50 Coats Now ...... $10.00 $35.00 SUITS AND COATS ...... $26.25 $18.00 Suit Now ,...... ------.$13.50 Barstow Gas, Coal ^;-^,’‘$12.OO-’aBd/$i.f.50'/J3^ .,i/. .j .,$8.7.5; $16.50 and $15.00 Sqits Now ..$11.50 $30.00 SUITS AND COATS ...... $22.50 $10.00 and $9.00" Coats Now .... ^...... $6.75 and X ^»and Used $25.00 SUITS AND COATS ...... $12.50 Suit Now . . . .>T.r.T...,.:.T.7...... $9.50 $8.00 Coats Now ...... ______...... , . .$6.00 $10.00 Suit N o w ______$7.50 $6.50 Coasts Now ...... '...... $5.00 Gas and Coal Ranges $22.50 SUITS AND COATS...... $17.50

We are compelled to sell some of these ranges regard- UNDERWEAR GLOVES REDUCED g less of cost of loss. Our profit is your gain. Boys’ $1.50 Union Suits .. $1.15 $6.00 iUiied. .i $4i50 S .Boys’ $1.75 Unio^^^uits. .$1.25 $4.00 Fiir Lined . . i . ...$3.00 = /l^oyS^ $2.00 Unio^i Siuits . . $1.50 $2.50 Fur Lined $2.00 ~ The reason for these big values is that we have closed Boys’ $2.25 Union Suits. .$1.75 $2.00 Fur Lined » .... .$1.50 = r t our Glastonbury branch store. Our store is not large Boys’ $2.75 Unic^ Suits. .$2.25 10% off ^ other .Gloves and S Mittens^ S enough for all so we are sacrificing them for quick dis- B a j f s ’ $1.00 Union Suits...85c 1^.00 Duofold Unions . . . .$4,00 posal. $4.00 Munsingwear Unions COME IN AND LET OUR PRICES CONVINCE YOU...... $3.00 NEW BERING HATS 1 $3.00 Duofold Unions .... $2.50 $2.00 Cotton Unions .... .$1.50 REDUCED m $4.50 Glastenbury Unions $3.75 EDWARD HESS $4.00 Glastenbury Unions $3.50 AT OUR u We have i^t in sto& all uenr. 855 Main Street, South Manchester Spring Hats and during this sale we will give a 50e redue-. PS!(96X9(3af»S9S9(3£9(N3e9C3(X!)(3»£X9(9^^ NIGHT SHIRTS AND tion on any hat $4.00 to $6.5tL PAJAMAS $4.50 Pajamas • • • • , $ 3 . 7 5 $4.00 Pajamas- .$3.00 $3.00 iPajamas • • • • .$2;50 $2.50 Pajamas ....----- . $ 2.00 10% off all other Night 1.^ W C m ' * ’ ; * V. ? > ^ ^ '1 - ,./i^‘^Always Something New’ Robes and Pajamasi St|tejTpieatre Building. South Manchester on SWEATERS AFuU-New $9.00 Coat Sweatens . .. .$7.50 $7.50 Coat Sweaters . . . . $6.50 Rubbers excepted. I f . t .$6.50 Coat Sweaters : ----- $5.50 $5.00 Coat Sweaters .... .$4.00 Gloihmg, Furnuhings and Assortment greater reh = r^ $3.50 Coat Sweaters ..... $3.00 Not mariied at 25 Shaker V neck Sweaters dactiMw. with collar, values -to $12.50- iol Of Spring $5.00. Broken Lots of Men’s $7.50 Dresses 15 Dozen Merits to $8.50 Shoes' . $2.98 Neckband Shirts In All Wanted Shades and 15 Dozen Men’s Neckband 26% off Daniel Green Cmn- Materials Shirts, values to $2.50 * * $1.00 fys, l^ules and ^udpirs. Ml sizes except 15.

•V V L^IES’ SHOES / ii'. $5.9 5 to I M E N ’ S S H O E S MEN’S OXFORDS 75^ Pair Red Cross Styl« 55-D5 Boys’ $5-^hoes and 0^ords> ‘ $8.50 Pmnps'. • . • • • • ...... $7,48 • S M e n ’ s $ 9 , 0 0 S h o e s ...... $7.49 Men’s $9.00 Oxfords, now $7.89 now ...... $3.98 Men’s |8 and $8i.50 Oxfords,' Valu^lo $^.00 $8.00 Piimps'...... i . . . • — • • • • * • • • • •“ • •57.10 $9*95 : Men’s $8.50 Shoes .,V...$6.^8 ..nosv-.'.:-.-"*,• • • • • • , $6.98 Boys^ $4 Shoes and Oxfords, $7.50 Pumps ------...... • • • • • • •...... $6.29 // ,nciw ^ .. / ...... „$3.29 : Men’s $8.00 Shoes ...... $6,^ ^ ^f^dsl now? $6.i 5 ' $7.00 PiiihpS and Ties ...... $5.95 I!' Sizes 15-48. 5.00 Oxfoirds^ how $5.19 Boys’ $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords, : Men’s $7.50 Shoes ,.... .$6.29 $6.00 Pumps ...... ^ ...... $5.10 M«U>;/$i.0aa^^ Oxfords now . ; . . - . *.-... $2.98 $iJod $5.5,0 and $5«00 Pumps and Ties - * • • •«.>53.98 . See our line of large sized : Men’s $6.50 Shoes ...... $5.49 Boys’ $3 Shoes and Oxfords, -'.f ' $ 4 ; ^ Brokmv-Lines ...... N.$2.98 dresses. : Mra’s $6.00 Shoes ..... ’.$5.1^9 Men’s '$7.00 Oxfords .... $5.85 now ...... '

: w$ -MANCHESTER (CONN.) BVEaS^G H^KAl-O, F f ^ y:w.f. P A G E T E N

"tAtfitel- l‘AiiU10N“ ' ' >9 hints by foremost AUTHORTTIBS ___ THE -BIB -f •' r.- S M

1 THE BENSON © diaries Scribiiep'^- Sons. MURDERCASE // S.S.VAN DIME "S?®^ JJJLESttE SUMNER, told Mlsa Odell she’d better loplt OHARAOTERB out tor him. But she;d known him A "wealthy, intelligent, cultured” PHIXiO TANCB a long time, 1 guess, and bad been New "York woman of 42, Mrs. JOECN F.-X. MARKHAM, DUtrlet pretty soft on him once.’’- Grace isurnham, has created no '.•A. Attormey ot New Tork County “How do you happen to knpw little excitement with her recmit MARGABBT ODBIiI* (THE this?” ' ^ baby girl born, without benefit vOf “CANARY”) “ One day, about a week^.ago,” clergy. The mother, who is a wid- OHARI.B8 CLEAVER.* « *- the maid explained, “I < ^ e In ow, explains through her attorney akont-town after lunch, and he waa. with her that, though she did not care to.re- KENNETH SPOTSWOODR • maan- iDArry, she did want a child, and faetorer In the other room. Thoy dlc^’t hear me, beiBanse the portiei^* wisre believed in her innate right to one I,OinS MANNIX, a* Importe* with' or without matrimony. The dr. AMBROHE UND(?1' »T Fp “ We now know, do we not,” re "Are you absolutely certain that no one could have been hidden in ter, top. ALL IMPOierAKT’ FOl? I ynn conld see It was Wn 'DAPi<^ trtE-. 1 hut It was cut In the latest style, these rooms at the time you went hornet * onE.'P HANixPAfr - -ro ce -j was lying bidden Jn here when the What’U She Do? CAS^ - rf wiy- LINEQ UhTil t4'P(^tihn -VitWniafIhn / 'Ofrafirtf; a-ii- ^novet flavor to thq tea- he changed his position. He got round neck; la finished with a fold “ other "American tour.' . > . * compelled to play it? Daily Health Stervice about ten ^dollars a month more, of material^ tying In loops'on the Natalie Ivanovn^ is.. Trotzky’s A RAISE but it stopped at that. All his 3— —Where is singleton apt! left shoulder and a wide belt hav- second wife aUd thiree:yea?» young- ,Odd:.i8Iie{m U n lrre^ aj^ HINTS ON HOW TO KEEI’ WELL prestige and chance of advance- to he of greater assistance: in ing scalloped ends circles the'rides er than '^he. ^rebraibd who;:is 48. by. World Famed AuthtWity ment -with the old company count- land back causing the frock to FOR HUBBY hand or dummy? i blouse In the new' fasMon. !Hio There -rardi'Uo j.bhUdren/ •'Trotsky.* ed for nothing more. , The Answers howe-irer,' iS;^,trem elyj.f^d; of his - Men who would ordinarily he. 'back is plalh! and the fMl sleeves 1— So that opponents may lead are gathered-^lnto. b u d a No. Xtl9 three grand’chiidsen," two'.hoys and Mtied in By Oliver Roberts Barton contented and happy are seldom up to your strength and not a girl; thb^children of ihfs sq^^^ by mediately beneficial remedy than Is designed for mlwes and small ©niB ^ o u r ' ANGINA PECTORIS WARNS up to efficiency with wives always through it. his - firstv marrii'^. i He spends. vit- rest. women in sizes -16, 18, '80' yesjs* man to change habits reminding them that they 2— ^He dhould he required to Size 18 (Sei bpst) requires 8^fc tnally alf.of; hk yac'ft^ with the • However, there are several getting what they are worth. Thus "Yon haven’t any spirit at all,” play itt yards 39-inch material. Price of children'in a. cpttu^e|near!^Moscow drugs, such as nitroglycerine or their earning capacity Is reduced. 3— ^Dummy. amyl nitrite, which have the power says his wife, "or you would go pattern 16 'centk. ' and’ innh^ ertliieu- ’ V'blf and ImdtM! Watcheip. - By DR. MORRIS ^ H B E IN A little cheer goes.a long way and Do you want to exprew ybnr.to- • I- ' -i • *' y;. of suddenly - lowering the blood Tight in to Mr. BlSfM^low’s office is better halt for the waited raise Editor Journal of thte American dlvidualtty thjnugh yoiir eloth ^ May Jewelry Gob pressure and thereby relie-ving and tell him you’re tired work- than nagging. I would suggest, MAILING TUBES 'wearing - the styles, color* aatf- Medical Association and of Hygria, greatly the pain that Neeompanles ing for nothing. He knows very the Health Magazine “Leave it-to the ’men.”' fabrlcs that become yon ' best? : A Iw a « Seilfi fqr.Iiess- tMs condition. well you are being underpaid. I Mailing tubes can be cov»re-J Bend 15 cents for our Waskia* When'Oranges , ' 8^t ‘ •excbediugly 845 Mmijn St.; . So. Maacheeeer William Osier once said, “ Many Recently physicians have been at wish I had your, place. I’d very with colored linens or cretonne.s to high priced, strained - tomato /JUi.ce a man’s life has been saved by an Book today. _ . work on operations which would soon tell Mm.” make rolls for winding dollies and does qulte\ as nicely for the raoirnr attack of angina pectoris/^_.. disconnect the nerves that carry other table linens on! ing drink. It^n^e'j^ven to w^ Her husband has told her so By this statement he signified the sensation of pain from the often) exactly what Mr. Bigefellow too. - " "" his belief that the attack of . anrfna heart to the brain. \ would reply to such an asseveration Life’s Niceties HOT TEA was a warning to the patient as to The operation is difficult and on his part, that he doesn’t repeat V , Mrachester. Herald DRAWEIi PARSTIfONS the conditiqn of his heart. As a re- not particularly .llfe-sa-ving, since it again. He has learned to take Nothing is nicer in hot tea, serv- Pattern Servi(». , You can partition yqUr.:. top sult of the' angina, the patient HINTS ON ETIQUET It does not relieve the condition or the monthly tirade against his em- ed Russian style in glsisses, than a dresser drawer into .compam^entb changed Ms habits of living and lead toward a cure, but does stop ployer in stoical silence. few luscious preserved strawber- Pattern No...... for various things by ;uapg TBACto^kop gave a crippled heart a chance to the warning symptom. Thereby, it ries and slices of leihon. - - - , . boxes,. sqcnred’ to , the drawer by' exercise its .functions more satis- causes the patient in some Instances I wonder if wives ever stop to Price 15 Cents. thumb tacks. . • , \ . PIANO/H^ think of the -far-reaching effect of factorily. to undertake activities for which he 1. Does a hostess ajways rise WASHED RUGS s ?:;} • I-';..'' V-,. Vr,.r,v v‘ such naggingl It may be true that Name . . Angina pectoris is a frequent is in no way competent and leads to greet a_,guest?______~ Tetepiume S7. S

fe#'" l'-I £T. ri* v-vT m'- \- MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERAliD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27,1928. PA^B rr T7-' I. -. ’ ^ .ri.i flA IT F O R D ^ R m U ) i'' iiL- f ' ! BUSLINE SOLD I f- Gates vs. stein Settled For $!>- Kktttbtd.i Cbnn.; Jan. 27.— ^Pur- 500, 'Ajmstroiig; Loses to chase of the' Hartford-Springtield Coach Co., by the New England Sto^ngton Suitor, - 5,. . TransportationtTansportauon Companycompasy -whawn- WluWn- .V ...... ^ J ; ;■{ j ' hounced’ at a hearing;'•pafbrd tiiie' Twa,cases Involving Manbhestor |i>ubiicxruiitles Cdiimls’sion h¥rVt6- people hhve -been settled either in Uay by tV. ' L.-Barnett, of Nejv Hi'iv- the Supferior Court or by tfie con- en, attorney for the New England testtag parties. The settlement and Tmnsportatlon Company. The pur- judgjnent together amount to al- chase price is about $2S0,000 with most ^2,0D0. the New England to assume all the It was reported to. the court that ouistanding obligations of the Hart- the suit of Mrs, Ada S. Gateh -this ford-Bpringfield line. i; town against Edward P. Stein, ad- ,In; announcing the purchase Mr. ministrator of: the estate ot. Grace i^^nett declared the acquisition of A. Sfein andYiidwftl^ to GaWa, also thh Hartford-Sprlngfleld line by thp of this towm^^L''damages In an ‘9nbB|Jan< 27.— dahl and a crew of 47 piflcorB and Negotiations with a band ot black- men this afternpon attWpted the mailers or kidnapers having pro- unusual porforihance of attemping duced negative results, as have to land on theh flying deck of . the other “ clues" In the search for U. S. S. SarcUoga, the Navy’s hew their missing daughter, Mr. and airplane c a r r il^ . Mrs. St. JQhn Smith, heartbroken The experltf^^Jthe its and discouraged, today prepared to kind In hlstoi7 ^ .^ s made, n was return to their home in New York learned at naval headquarters City. here at sea oft the Southern New It was undetermlQ^',w;|t^bf ah England coast. attempt would, be ;ihad'e;?iirom'-iherd Success or failure of the swoop to communicate withbAhd of of the giant airship to the deck :ut criminals claiming to ha-tre Frances the new airplane carrier was to be St. John Smith, the golden haired flashed by radio to the Navy De- college freshman, a captive in New partment at W.ashington and the York. ' ' hangar of the Los Angeles at-Lake^ A trap set for those who have hurst, N. J. been making ransome demands was Weather conditions off the coast sprung secretly late yesterday but were Ideal for the unusual experi- failed to produce results. Under ment, the success of which will prearranged plans $12,000 in bills have a bearing on future warfare was brought to Springfield from and is of great importance to aero- New York on a forenoon.trali^ It nautics of the future. 1 was dropped at an appointed place Details of the plan were kept inside A Springfield department secret. The visit df the Los store. Angeles from Lakehurst was whol- I|oUc^ watched and waited but ly unexpected. . It had beeu given > the wrftbf of the so-called **rahsom out that the dirigible was off on a letter" failed t6 appear. training flight which was expected to 'keep her, in the air all day. Plot Fails Whether the Los Angeles will at- The failure of the plot was said tempt to land on the flying deck to have cleared thel way for more New and Improved 1928 ot the Saratoga wMle the airplane open investigation of the mysteri- 6-TUBE SINGLE DIAL carrier is under full steam or ous disappearance of the college whether the lauding will be at- freshman. Parlor Outfit—^New Curved Fronts Brig. Gen. Alfred F. Foote, state tempted with the Saratoga at '• 'if*!!. uM ’ft i anchor was not known here but it commissioner of public safety, was Receiver = Witli'9xl2’Vel^set Rug) Wing^€hair^6rDi 5lPieces—Drop-Leaf Table and Chairs Rugs. Only^JafeOv teems ‘ Mack said J troit, for a second try. in^ejy'by radio operated from A lUch colors and gorgeous neW patterns —deep, thick rugs that are a luxury and geeTO*'plBne,"flytog 2;hUir feet be- ; 'STORK VISITS P R IN C ]^ Telephone comfmi to walk on! ' ' hih_d; ; Tests of' the apparatus' will Easy Tenns for an Other sizes—to Axmtosters. Persians, 5e "made here shortly. Londdn, Jan. 27,— son was Evening Wiltons, at Slashed Prices! born this morning to Prliicesa Anna y Appointment steward i Nnqsxbco. 2-9*81; r *. 4J&‘ . ' - Ilyinsky, wife ,of Grand Duka DI- inltrl, of. Russia, who, before- her Mexico City,. j£tn.-.2 7.^Presldent marriage in 1926 was. Miss Audrey Robert W. St-weart, of tile Standard Emery,; a New Yqjrk heiress. 0110 0,0,; of-.Jhdiana, .which has ex- Grand Duke Dimltrr is a cousin tensive'.interest's 'in this country, of the late Czar and is titular head A ^ Balmain will arrive in a. few -days to cpj»f,er of the remaining members of the Ift^'-T^sident’^^CalleAjhpoh tlm Ih- imperial family. 10 Pc. Dining Room "ferprbtation of the recent amend- A WONDERFUL dining roonrlw f « M A O ' ments. to the petroleum laws. jAP-CANAi*A^jiG*' pers—only 46 suites to seD—S ^ y pfeem t o t wiU ^ D w i^ t P. .Morrow;i the United charm your guests! China States amhassador, has arranged Tokyo.'Jan. 27i^^Japan. ahd^Jan- Kcwl 3-Piece Fiber Reed Surf# tension TUble, 5 Guest Chairs, 1 Host Chair and ______f^j^itha.,cpn^re^Qce,; .Stewart, has ada todSy agreed to exchange diplo- GREAT STORES 77 Buffet Minor— Scats -with real leather seats; ex- $1«S9 WEEK matic Anvpys, wlth..vP»‘uhaWi rank- NE woven fibr4 reed’to rich WALNUT quisite earring—made wifh fine .WALITOX and been in/.fiayana for,some time on blsh—Cushions with . automobile feat GUMWOOD! Never bribre. a suite of UUs quallly so low-w*®®4v. ings akC,mi|ii8terB. The a|p:eement ritigi^ky ‘CRETONJCK-WM‘iBt»--rSttn-; Don’t waitl You’ll be too latel was mafik at C’aia&a’af request.' ’ V- proof one water-proof—sfofdy wire brae- STREET other Diidng Booms from $48 to $608 MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSION -¥r- Easy, f l i m i : 1092 Jan. - =• 27.-^Mystery ;*ur ^ S-5th4'> throwing of . a pack- OVif^l age. g^phwder ^ earjy^ today ilps to re- lb'*f^’‘iroht pforch' bf a two- 'jukcAf ‘(wogfatog. li'tOry' fraine' builfilrig^ - fh Brooklyn occupied by Itnl^hs. The explosion . -siii bleW^^f dll left the- windows and denioUshecl part o f the parch. T‘

'’V- MANCHESTER'(CONN.) EVENING HERALD, r- ' IPAHU T W E L V S n ^ FBSarCH TOWN Betty Nath0 l*s ^Ttldenesque T e n n i s WEIHfOTIT Le . IBdis.—^The II 1928 Force, a fe-w- mile#' NIGHT MAIL FLYERS SKIM 5000-MILE Expected To Crush exponents one place in Fntnee has died during 'the FACE BIG 1928 months. * , . B y F , A . W r a y In the normal evolution of her game There' w.ere three h t ^ r ^ j fifty PATHWAY MADE SAFE BY BEACONS ^oiido®*-!—One ol the ^ e a t na- and its, value to her gai_e will be people in the commnnlty at the be- . p > m P R O V E N E N T tion-wide dlscnsslons in Britain at decWeii entirely on its results.” ginninr of 1-927 and the wme num-. the moment Is— ^will Betty Nuthall This declaration by Mrs. Nuthall her when the New Year of 1»28 J attempt to crush all opponents this will interest all lawn tennis fans was ushered In:. - ' ^ year with-a devastating, thunuer- for two solid reasons. Lond6n.—«An Improved status for boim ke, Tlldenezque overhead The first relates - to' Betty per- Your chance of getting 13 oard|i the agricultural Industry In Europe service during the,great lawn ten- sonally. Dprlng the winter she has of one suit in- bridge IS about out Is promised in 1928 as a result of nis tournaments? not only grown considerably taller, in e,250,'3'b0,800. " V- steps taken during the past year, Players, spectators and news- but she has also put on a good and hundreds of thousands of per- paper readers discuss the point deal of weight. Physically, she now sons engaged In prodding the dwarfe Miss Wills., ^And many of world’s food face the new year with from every angle and the main question put Is:— “ Would Miss her admirers are - wondering the hope that a successful liveli- Helen Wills be more troubled by whether she. will retain the fieet- hood In return for their labor may the overhead smash than by the footed activity for any lengtlL of now he, assured. time which, in the past, has been Thus far only one European-na- present fast, awkwardly-breaking impertinent underhand service? one of the great features of hir tion— ^Denmark— ^has succeeded In game. - sol-ving the “ farm problem,” and a 1 obtained the opinion of Mrs. lOfiTON Movie Contracts thorongh examination of Danish -Nuthall, who manages her daugh- methods, o especially those having ter’s affairs down to the slightest Apart from this, many of her ,a £ tford friends are asking whether her rORK to do -with financing and seientific detail, on the point. She answered TOREUEVE^ discoveries relating to agriculture, vety frankly and explicitly. “ movie” contracts will not interfere has been undertaken by the “ best ' “ Betty,” she said, “ has been very seriously with her tennis. She minds” of the farming industry. practicing an overhand seryice for takes her new occupation very seri- A serious approach—to the prob- thi:ee years. I now believe It Is a ously, and the mental effect might go far to diminish the light-hearted lem on an international scale was very good service- I think very few More and more peo]^ 8T6 eatinff made at Geneva last year when vtomen players have an overhead nature of her tennis— thitherto one of her greatest assets. bran for “health’s sake” these days. f RICBUONI!, representatives of fifty nations met seTvlce as good. , ILOUISVILLB The second reason affects her And it’s a fine thing. But not every- to consider the agricultural situa- Coached By Husbivnd body idealizes what a difference there tion from all angles, and to discuss “ I have followed implicitly the chief opponents in Britain— ^Mrs. WI NSTON- Godfree (Miss Kitty McKane), Miss is in so-called “brans^” Doctors say SALEH Q f bHBENSBORO ways and means whereby agricul- wishes of my husband, who taught ture could be placed upon an equal Joan Fry, Miss Eileen Bennett and it takes 100% bran to .sapply rout;*. ciT HIQH Betty her game stroke by stroke— footing with manufacturing and one stroke at a time. It was his Miss Gwen Fry. All are 'formidable bnongh ronghage to-relieve consti- OKLAHOMA C1TT( commerce, thus enabling farm antagonists. Mrs. Godfree has pation. Pari-hranprodw^athesli* p bpartansburo wish, when she.hegan to practice an workers to earn as much and live overhand service when she was beaten Miss Wills twice in Impor- can oidy be partly ^ectiv!^ as well as workers in other indus- thirteen, that she would not at- tant games and, now fully recover- ^ eOALVj:STONl • P I L O T T O W N “ if, after two or three months’ ^FUNT TAHPA& ance of agriculture; that the ma- driving game with a severe service. to rriieye constipation. ^AGRAND RAPIDS jority of the world’s workers were trial, I come to the conclusion that this method Is less effective than To mapy. In consequence, it seems 5 ; PONTIAC^ iWEST pa{,m beach farmers, and that the exchange of that Betty Nuthall, changing her Serve ALL-BBAN often. With I battl e' a IDQ FORT MTEr her underhand stroke, then I shall milk or cream—^fmits or honey I CREEK MI AMI agriculture products for products of accustomed service, will he playing other Industries was, in fact the ad-Ylse her to return to the old added. Be sure you get genuine KALAMAZOO method, which in the main, has into their hands, and will render KEY WES' fundamental basis of all trade; herself l^ s formidable. Kdlogg's though-—in the red-and- agriculture was one of the large actied well. green package. Use it in cooking. )} f factors which determined the maxi- ‘But, please, do make it known Sprinkle into soups. ALL-BBAl^ HAVAN m^l^4 limit of Industrial develop- that Betty is not adopting the over- is sold by all grocers. Served every- .4^outh bendI ment. head service just because Miss A WINTER THAW where. Made by Kellogg in Battld L A PORTE O H IO Secondly, agriculture must keep Helen Wills Is coming here, and Creek. pace with the times In the efficien- /because she wishes to meet the MEXICO Cit y IN DIAN A I cy with which it produced: scien- champion on more equal terms. To MOTORIST: I say, my car’s stuck tific findings about crops, stock, say that, as many people are now in the mud; can you tell me where and about disease prevention must saying It, would be unfriendly and I can get help before It sinks fur- he brought to the farmer and he unfair to Miss Wills, a great ther in? must follow these findings. Farm- sportswoman. NATIVE: Oh, that’s all right fov branch lines, connecting with airmail terminals, are being started soon. ers must form associations to alot “ Please make It clear that Betty the file being— there’s^ another one ALL-BR AN to each 25 miles on' the . traps-1-what crops each should raise and will play the overhead service just underheath it.— Passing Show. will be lighted, as -well as the Salt that its volume has shown no ap- Chicago.— Under the suh by day, preciable increase while the air- continental route and every ten to handle the marketing of the Lake City-Great Falls, Buffalo- miles apart on the other airwaysJ crops. They should make an ef- and 'With a blaze of artificial light Albany and New Orleans-Atlanta mail with a background of opera- tions of several years, is steadily The fields, besides flood-lights, fort to standardize their products VVVW'vl more than 5.000 mijes long by routes. carry boundary lights of Incan- productive farming efficiency was night, the airmail “ goes through.” The vast net work of airmail, on the increase. The air mail, postal information descent bulbs, with hazards like; hampered by high taxations Daily airmail transports, travel- lines today reaches a territory In trees, poles and buildings, marked Seek Legislation which there live 70,000,000 peb- discloses, showed the greatest in- ing paths that criss-cross the na- crease in Christmas mail volume with red obstruction lights. The Thirdly, government legislation tion, cover more than 16,000 miles. ple. The National Air Transport lighting on the southwestern route should he effected in the rariner s planes, which carry airmail and ex- of any branch of the postoffice More than 6,000,000,000 candle- service. The westbound transcon- has been done under the super- behalf. Governments should take power lights the night pilots on, press Over the 17^26-mile Dallas- vision of L. D. Seymour; chiS^. steps to stop the high Interest rate Ch^bago-New Yorlc airways; com- tinental plane out of Chicago on their way across the dark skies. W c. 22, 1927, caM -ied 2,210 pounds -engineer of National Air Transport, and the high taxations, while they. Field flood-lights on the trans- prising .W o routes, eastern and In addition to the beacons, num- should encourage the farming co- southwestern, in the quarter year of mail compared with 940 pounds continental route between New on the same day in 1926. The hering 75, and 22 lighted inter- operative associations York and Salt Lake City supply the ending Nov. 30, 1927, had flown mediateuieuitn-c fields, there—__ __ are___ on- ___ the 1 Workmen’s______laws should he made REMAIHS 435,343 miles. eastbound plane out of Salt Lake greatest brilliance. On this route City the same day carried 2,663 ^nthw^ern route, about 40 acetyl I protecting farm laborers as lahor- BRIGHT ALWAYS > are 12 such floodlights, each of an Prior to Sept. 1, these planes had lene flashing beacons or blinkers, ers In the Industries were nr covered a total mileage of more pounds against 1,563 pounds of estimated 5,000,000 candlepower. mail in Dec. 22, 1926, an increase placed at points where unusually -^ tected. It should be one of The other great lights are the re- than 1,000,000 since the company bad weather conditions are en- government’s tasks to conduct scien- of 70 per cent. volving beacons, of the 24-inch, began operations on the southwest- countered, such as on the RedUific farming ern route on May 12, 1926. Private Path of Brilliance. Wrought electric type, of which there are Returning to the lighting system, river near the Texas-Oklahoma I bring the results to the former, 191 in the routes now lighted, in- air transport operations by this border. “ Governments should also reduce Steel company on the Chicago-New York which was inaugurated under the Padlock cludinig the new Chicago-Dallas direction of_Colonel PauDHender- At each beacon on this south-] tariff as far as possible without en- line. division began on Sept. ,1^.1927. ^•vs^tariJoute,^hp]:^,fa;‘a mi?n|>er M dangerlng the farmers of ’I'?'®" Reaches Greatvyolime;' -son, then as8ista^% postmast^. Another Lighted Route. eral and now general manager of ' ^ fb b t fig u ^ s ^ p la c h d that fr o m duct concerned. The The lighted milage will be in- In the quarter year siuice the Dallas northward, the addition of ] trade freedom the , inauguration bf air express, which National Air Transport, there were a cipher to the number will give I be the efficiency of agricultural creased greatly by spring when the at the close of 1927, 5.150 miles of New York-Atlanta route, 763 miles also began on Sept. 1, 1927, N. A. the approximate mileage from production. T. planes carried 158,249 pounds lighted airways in operation. Dallas. The beacons are m ooted The sr®at finding which long, is to start. Lines from Dallas The 24-inch revolving electric to Galveston and to Laredo, which of airmail and 12,664 pounds of on 53-foot standard airway toners, from examining the Danish system express. The air express is so new beacons are placed approximately 1 are to go into operation earlier. is this; Farmers must -work longer hours than industrial workers if in Europe, where half a dozen 1 "are to be successful. Also, sue shortly before its departiire on a vergent nationalities are represent- co-operative associations do cruise around the world. Democra- EUROPE SPEEDS ed in the continental complexion, it attempt to create false prices GERMANY’ S ARMY tic newspapers, reporting that the is a different matter. controlling a product’s Supply, Prince had made a speech to the tional Air Congress is taking steps I quecessful associations are ones, (fi-ew, bleiv up the incident into a to see that all countries Provide | IS DEMOCRATIC nationwide scandal, to prove that MOVES TO AID lighting facilities for planes of a and deal directly with consumer or- the navy was still under the' in- foreign nation, but there remains ganizations. „ . . fiuence of the Hohenzollerns. much to be done ih this direction. The Dane had his efficient pro- Forced by the outcry to take AIR COMMERCE Night Flying Problems duction: his farming was scientific, IN NEW UNIFORM some action^ the Minister of De- The problem of night flying, he standardized his products, his fense telegraphed Captain Kolbe to however, has not worried the pa- taxes were not high* and the in- leave his ship, return to Berlin and trons of comn^ercial aviation in Eu- terest rate on borrowed money was Berlin.— Officers and soldiers of make explanations. 'When the cap- London.— ^With commercial avia- rope to any great extent. There are SAUCEPAN tion firmly established in the prin- the German army will hereafter tain appeared, and explained that not the distances to be encompass- •Th® way to farming prosperity Prince Henry was an old personal cipal countries of Europe, their, ex- ed such as in America, and most of wear soft collars with cravats and istence guaranteed by liberal subsi- 1927 has pointed out. The IQl COME* TO OUR STO RE -i YOU, jackets open at the neck, and gen- friend, whose visit to the boat had the present routes can easily be, cated procedure has seen Trade dies from the governmental coffers, coverederea auringduring thelue daylight hours.- | In 1928. it Opacity' WILL FIND LOTS OF OTHER. erals will no more be addressed no trace of political significance, every possible effort is being made the captain was allowed to return Aviation in Europe today stands | idei^ o^'efficient pro- BARGAINS-SUCH AS-^ “ Your -Excellency.” These are de- to make it a profitable and smooth- on the threshold of a new era,” an is said, the to his command. associations. Hcatinr crees just issued in army orders by working proposition. official of the British Air Ministry I ®^»°5rth7®eovemment in Minister of Defense Gessler. declared to International News and the part of the g o v e ^ e n ^ Aluminum'' Houcehold Broom.*. . Although the statements for the JToilet Paper, 6-oz. Rolls.. Adherents of the old regime Lrvice in discussing the situation, financial and trading schemes wm year 1927 show a tremendous in- uv greet the new regulations with in- “ In the past, even by the most ! begin to take hold, " ,V%Ue Enameled Soa'p Di«h._..... 10c crease in business by practically all 45 VOLT Vegetablb Brush.10c dignation declaring the army is go- PLAN DRASTIC CUTS of the commercial air lines, it is not optimistic of us, the airplane has ing to pot. Republicans welcome Glass Measuring Cup.'.-v^.-r-. 10c unreasonable to assume that they been looked upon as a luxury, sim- 'Aluminum Cup. .T.. 'tv...... - 10c the change as a step toward IN BRITISH ARMIES would have difficulty in existing ilar to the taxicab in comparison to Large Combination Grater-10c democratization of the military. without governmt...£al subsidy and a subway train. > Soap Saver or Shaker_£^.-. —. . . 10c The new uniforms are being In- there admittedly ate serious obsta- “ But timM are changing. The Dry Cell Batteries.. . 3 for $1.00 troduced gradually, at first only in AS ECONOMY MOVE cles yet to be overcome before the speed in transportation necessary, Mixing Bowls (Set of 5).! ...... ^98c a few regiments. The jackets re- airplane can take Its rightful place and the airplane is the logical medi- TO R E (M A H HOURS j^ IO “fe” BATTERY semble the English cut, and the as a medium of transportation and um for swift transportation. Cer- Many Other Items at. London.— Drastic cuts In the tain conditions may always make it overcoat* the American model. For travel. ^Clearance Sale Price* “ fatigue” wear the men will wear British Regular and Territorial. First, the maximum of safety impossible for plahes to offer trains $269 white or field grey shirts with sport Armies- will follow a new War Of- must be achieved, for it is fully re- and steamboats real competition, collars and field grey cravats. fice policy of economy and reorgan- alized that without this the airplane but the events of the next ten years London— ^The Government is to Make 31Uksops ization during the present year, , will never reach, the limit of its may surprise all of us. introduce, when Pariiament meets The inauguration of soft collars These cuts have been dictated popularity. Toward this end, air-, Certainly the thoughts ^ ] xt mohth; A short bill to make very largely by the success of the and cravats has especially touched plane manufacturers, operators of from London to Moscow, with imuig' -nniform through- mechanised forces” during the big air lines and the governments of two changes, and for ^ ^ y little j ^ ^ the feelings of old officers. They manoeuvres at Sallsburt Plain last insist that the enervating effect of the various nations are co-operating fall. would cost, demonstrates the Prog-j mainly the more comfortable uniform will As a result the process of me- hand in hand. Every mechanical ress which has beeii made thus far L This intention h ^ been maimy make milksops of the soldiers. • Improvement that is hit upon by chanising the British Army is to aeronautical science is seized upon, in the field of commercial aviation forced J’®®®’®®® Equally unpopular amon^ the In this country. And the chlefest I who,^ for s^e.ri^ jeMS^haTre proceed apace. Tanks and tractors and the efforts are being made to prewar officers is the rule abolish- are to take the place of horses and virtue of it all is that Europe iS not Insisting'that, restrirtlons ImpOTed ing the title of “ Your Excellency” men. There will be a big reduction reduce the hazard to flying that satisfied -^th things even as they in war time should be taken on. for generals. Gessler has ordered in infantry. Cavalry will be almost weather presents. are, and is exerting every force at I 'The first danse, of •what wouia superseded. In consequence'the es- Nations Co-operate that hereafter generals he address- There is in existence the Interna- Its "Wide copimand to bring the na-l -be a very short Act, would rid Lon- ed, also by private soldiers, merely timates In the next budget are like- tlons of the vrorld intq a closer rdoii of, the anomdy of saloons on ly to show a large reduction. tional Air Congress, t h e ’members “ Herr General.” of which are representatives of.the contact of amity and understanding one side of. the street being com- The new regulations may be con- It seems as though the present •with resultant value to business, pelled to close at 10 p. m. and those territorial (volunteer) force is like- principal nations of Europe. ' They sidered as concessions to the con- have agreed to co-operate In the the medium of the airplane. - ‘ on the other side being allowed to stant criticism of the army on the ly to be almost abandoned. It was remain open an hour longer. The a magnificent nucleus for the Brit- preparation of meterologlcal data, part of the republicans. which Is distributed almost hourly vargarles of licenslng'justlcea, who Republicans are now demanding ish Army during the last war, but are responsible for, this state .of af- in peace time it Is a very expensive to guide commercial pilots on their WELCOME TO IT abolishment of the right to carry flights. The Imperial Airways fairs, would he swept awajr and all luxury. In its place. It is likely that saloons would open and close at the a dagger ornamented with the yoyal a selected group of offlcera and claims only four fatalities and thir- “ Do you think I shall win your crown now enjoyed by naval of- men are to be trained as instruc- teen injuries to passengers in all sister’s hand, Eric?” same time. ficers who had served- In the Im- tors, so that if an emergency arose the years of its existence, and it is “ I hope BO. At present, ahont perial na'vy. At the same time they a civilian army could be trained reasonable to say that with the all she uses it for is to clout me three sister s, widows, point-out that, while army regular rapidly along 'the lines of the lat- steps that are now being taken with.” — Tlt-Blts. ALL OVER 60, PLANNING ' tions give private soldiers the right est— and every-changlng— military through International legislation, TRIP AROUND THE WORLD to become officers after passing developments. the hazards,of flying -will be greatly decreased. Compared with the num FAi B ENOUGH Disnver. —- Three sisters, all the necessary examinations, the list To keep a large Territorial Army (- of.new lieutenants just published her of fatal accidents on railroads 'Widows, and all over 60 years of In force at the present time, trained in theii* infancy, the proportion of Wife: You ate very late. shows that not a single private was one lines which may be obsolete ten ' Husband: A fellow lost his purse, age,' are today planning a “ trip prompted to commissioned rank airplane fatalities is very little around the world,” follbfirlng their years hence-—^when, all military more, tad witk the help oMnterna-^ in front of the theater, during the year 1927, and that of science may be revolutionize—ris w ife: That Is no reason. ;retum here recently from a se'ven tional co-operation and modem sci- •weeks sojourn in the Orient. the new officers, thirty per cent realized ap an unnecessary expense. ence-, a few years should see the -Husband: I had my foot on it and.) bear. arlKocratlc names. The new mechanical force will be had to wait until the crowd had- The traveling widows are Mrs. BAMFORTH & danger reduced to . a minimum. Edwin Van Cise and Mrs. Evelyn Prince’s 'Fisit small but v^ry efficient. Two chief obstacles still stand in gone.—-Pages Gales, -Yverdoh. V The Minister of Defense’s the way of- European flying, how- Shotwell of Denvoti aPfi troubles were not relieved when ever. One is the problem of night FOOD FOB THOUGHT. A. Risk of Sti 'Lo^s; Mo, , 691 St., (J.ohnspn Blbck): Prince Henry of Prussia, well flying, and the other the customs T ie -trio ha-ye made se’veral trips ABE THEY MARRIED? ^o continental Europe. known In America as the only “Do you ^know I have a very barrier.\ “ What are you doing for a liv- Hohenxollem to visit the United small moutb. In the glass it does Nightflyln^ however, remains ing?” So, M anchester, " Cbnn. States before .the war, paid a cour- practicalljr Impossible. In the' Unit- “ I'live on air.” ...The world’s largest -yertlcal lift not look large enodgh to hold my railroad'bridge bas been opened at tesy 'visitlo-hte old friend, Cap- tongue?” ed' Statesi . -where 'only ohe goverh- ‘/ A f l u t i s t o r :dn- SUi^st^ Nj /., iaULKodlSv of thb erulser "Berlin' % Isn’t.”—TIW81U, meni rulMi ii ia ad aaur laattar but tin Xdlnair zutuna.'' ' MAl^CHfiSTiTIR (c o m ) IVEBONG HERAO>, ‘ FRIDAY, JANUARY 27,1928r

- HOUSHft: Wb^n Jumbo Goes to Sea •N& OUSIOMBBB. KING’ SCOUSIN The Tragedian: I am becomlfigr Lo'hdon.^The council of G1 . OLD EXPLORERS quite famous. I have a cigar flam- (Worcestershire) is planning ed after me. build houses for married coupl The Comedian: Then !• hope It with not more thaih one child, Lend an Ear, Gentlemen WEREPAD) AT ^TUDIEHARD will draw better than you do.— event of a further increase the tenr Passing Show. ants will have to give up possession - Here’s What Blonde Ruth Taylor TO BE SINGER Thinks of You, BARGAIN RATES HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH Chicago.— The present-day world London— The tide of democratic should be thankful that the spirit that has swept many persons V greater portion of the worlds of royal blood throughout the area was discovered before the world, has touched anothen member Going Out Of costs of exploration went sky- of the British royal family. rocketing along with the cost - She is Princess Arthur of Con- of living. When the gigantic naught, the former Dutchess of costs of such expeditions as Byrd’s Fife, whose husband is a first Business [ and Amundsen’s flights over the cousin of King George-V. amm North Pole and Byrd’s contemplated The shedding of the mantle of South Pole expedition, as well as regal dignity which her lineage af- many other modern scientific or forded her, came about when the 'Sale of M en’s and exploring expeditions, are consid- Princess decided, she would culti- ' * ' ered, compared with the costs of vate her voice. But instead of en- outfitting such men as Columbus, gaging private tutors to coach her Drake, Frobisher, the Cabots, Ma- in the gilded music room of an an- Children’s Furnishings gellan and others of their day, it cestral palace, the Princess, In- will be seen that most of the world ternational News Service has learn- was revealed to mankind at what, ed has chosen a far more demo- From Stock O f Late amounted tp bargain-day rates. ‘ cratic wey. Christopher Columbus worked Three mornings a week, she for less than a. dollar a day when leaves here home in Belgrave Square, walks a quarter of a mile he discovered America. In fact, L GREENBURG m he was working on a salary of 1320 unescorted through parks and busy a year at that time, and his trusted streets, to a modest, unpretentious Dress Shirts, valued $1.50-$2.00, n ow -----85c to $1.00 5 aids. Captains Martin, Juan, and building a few steps off Oxford Dress Shirts, no collar, valued $1.50-$2.00,^ 5 Anton Peres were on the pay roll street, one of the principal shop- now 90c to $1.3o s at ?192 a year, according to fig- ping thoroughfares in the city. ures Just announced at Northwes- ' lip Three Flights Underwear, B V D style, value $1.00r$1.25, now 40c-65c s tern University, which were re- , Up three fights of creaking Short Sleeves, value $1.50-$2.00, n ow -----70c to $1.25 S ceived from the German Professor stairs, she trudges, past a Bohem- Work Shirts, value 75c-$1.00, n ow ...... 40c to 60c = Huge, cost accountant who has been ian t^a room on the second story AH kinds of Work and Dress Trousers $1.00 up to $3.50 | auditing Columbus' books from all that emits savory odors of the tra available information. ditlonal English brew and buttered Men’s Overalls, regular value $1.50, now . .. 85c-95c | Wages Were Low crumpets, and bangs the rusty Triple Stitch, donUe knee^ i The cost of outfitting Magellan, knocker on a dim door on the top- Boys’ Knee Pants, regular value value $1.25, now .. 50c s the Cabots, Drake, Frobisher, and most fioor in the house. A maid Good Dress g pair f o r ------i ------.$1.00 = other noted discoverers of that day, admits her to a tiny studio A lew When ah elephant goes traveling they have to use a derrick Instead chairs, a sofa and a piano comprise Wool Socks, ...... -----...... $1.00 s have not been revealed,' but it is of an ordinary gangplank to get him aboard, ship. This photo shows Many other kood vfdues too numerous to mention, | known that Columbus and his the fitting of the room. The Prin- an elephant being hoisted aboard, ar steamer at Los Angeles, en route to aides were working for what then cess throws off her hat and coat, Honolulu with what Is said to be the first circus ever to visit the Hawaiian I Counters, Cdise and Fixtures. I passed for union wages for contin- and the lesson begins. Islands. ent discoverers. Princess Arthur’s teacher is Ma- The total cost discovering dame Kate Opperman, a South Af- I 11 ’SCHOOL . STREET I America, according to Prof. Ruge’s rican contralto, who has coached USED TO IT ME'TEBED KISSES. figures, was 1,140,000 “maravedl,^ a number of successful singers lor Taxicab Driver (testifying in which would be equivalent to about the professional stage. ‘Why father! What makes you breach-of-promlse suit): They only I Sale Starts Today | $15,796. Considerable more was The Princess .came to Madame think he’s a bogus count?” kissed once, but it was a long kiss. “ He urank that cocktail I made Lawyer: Did you time it? spent in the way of upkeep and ca- Opperman a little less than a year uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiUHiHiiliiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir; pital investment for exploitation ago. She came Incognito, and iden- without batting an .eye— nobody but Taxicab Driver: Yes, sir— It was purposes during the next few years, tified herself as a nurse with a an American can do that;”— ^Lffe. $2.50 by the meter.— ^Life. but this investment evenutally was penchant for singing, and sufficient more than paid back through the funds to study seriously. For six sale of produce from America— months Madame Opperman gave Ruth Taylor— all three of them chiefiy gold. the Princess lessons three times a By RUTH TAYLOR gerous. Which, of course, is the ul The good Queen Isabella was week, utterly ignorant of the fact timate way to flatter herself. the financial “ angel” to Columbus. that her pupil was an intimate NORWICH, CONN. The “ Lorelei Lee” in the film, It requires close attention and After she had gathered up all the member of the royal circle, and a PROVIDENCE, R. I. HARTFORD, CONN. “ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. ' a lot of sympathy and shrewdness loose maravedi she could lay her relative by marriage of the King to spot the little auierences in men. hands upon, and had augmented himself. INTERSTATE FURNITUR]!^ CO. When a girl like I— as Anita You never can tell simply from this pile by taking the family Identity Disclosed Loos taught me t say— suddenly is conversation • and compliments jewels to the place where they The secret of her Identity waS given as much attention as if she whether a man will yield a diamond realize the most cash, she had the kept for six months, and then had committed a really first-class tiara or merely an invitation to round sum of $7,296 to give' the Madamo Opperman learned who her murder, she ought to be excused if lunch. ambitious voyager. The city of apt pupil really was. But even u her harin begins to rattle and wob- There is much difference in the Palos managed to scrape together then, the fact that the Princess was ble. gentlemen one finds in different an additional $7,500, according to studyin^^ did not become known, Now I’m asked: “ What does a parts of the country. This was im- Prof. Huge. outside of a very small circle, and blonde think of gentlemen?” pressed on me as I* traveled from Many Were Failures it is reported’ that only recently the As one blonde among many, I ob- Hollywood to New York recently. The conibined sum would not King and Queen became cognizant In Denver there was a frank, na- ject very strongly to the old fem- purchase one of the several planes of the fact when “ Bobbie”— as the inine formula that “ they’re all tural, capable quality to the men I which Commander Byrd plans to met. In Texas there was a great Princess is known at home— told alike.” I think the girl who starts take on the South Pole jaunt, nor King George that she had given out on that uieory will have no deal of potential dash masked be- would it begin to pay for the di- \ hind, the southwestern drawl. up smoking for fear it would hurt more bracelets on her arm at the rigible which Amundsen used on his her voice. finish than she wbre when she left From New Orleans to Charlc^te, An Exceptional Value one noticed a sweet-spoken defer- North Pole fiight. The Princess has no professional home. Of course, many of the early ex- ence which made even a profession- aspirations, to be sure, but she has r .i'i n o i r ' v r r . »r,., • Not that gentlemen all are dif- peditions 'ere rank failures, from taken up the study in a very seri- ferent. A statement like that also is al- blonde feel rather helpless. a busine a point of view. Ponce qus manner.... .She had a small a littfe too much, really. In New York, the typical gentle- man has .about, him an air of wise de bit previous fjcfe^itia ainoUnt of training in her girlhood, ^PiATA RAilmnin Outfit' ° I think the answer, to variations discovery of the “ Spring of Youth” ^ in fiiasdulinitjr"i^^br''a girl to try comradeship. • but those who have heard her sing Lately, the particular blonde who in Florida. It is not on record that declare she has profited tremen to be different to all men. If she either he or any of his descendants can develop a chameleon variety of is writing this piece has been living dously by conscientious practice un- method and mood which recognises in the golden dawn of good fortune, sold any of the real estate made der the skilled hand of her teacher. the'dittle weaknesses and the little ' In this spell all men seem to be ro- famous in after years by his dis- Princess Arthur has progressed prides and the nice ways they all I mantic knights and all women gen- covery. De Soto died before, he so far that two phonograph records possess one‘ way or another, then efbus big sisters. Lut 1 guess it will could realize any income from the have been made of her voice, and she can begin to call herself dan- jnot last forever. water power derived from the Miss- they will be heard at a royal ga- issippi, which he discovered, and so thering this month. Princess Ar- far as known, Balboa was unable thur, incidentally, is the first mem- CITY BOY PRANKS to commercialize his discovery o f ber of the Royal family to have her SOVIETS DECORATE the Pacific Ocean. singing voice recorded. But not all of the more recent, The Princess’s voice is a full, MAY SOON LEAD TO discoveries and explorations, con- clear soprano. mn INVENTOR WHO ducted at far greater costs, have yielded greater immediate returns* SOUNDS REASONABLE ‘SOCIAL EXPLOSION’ than those of the Fifteenth- Cen~ PROVED PATRIOTISM >------tury, ^ - "Did the accused give you the impression of a drunken man on Moscow — Daniel Samuelovitch Cleveland^A “ social explosion” the night of the affair?” r. ‘ . ^ Traeger, former errand boy and will occur, in the near future if some “ Yes, he was wearing a watch ?|rUi telegrapher,, has been decorated remedy is not soon found for crimes with an illuminated dial and was with, the Order of the Red Flag be- 1 committed by “ our youths” Com- TEST ANSWERS trying to light his' cigar by It.— cause he turned down a British 'mon Pleas Jugde George P, Baer Lustige Kolner Zeitung. offe? of; one million rubles for his tojd visitors to his court recently. ingenious railroad safety device and Judge Baer suggested that he Here is one solution to the LET- The boundary line between the gave the patent to his native Soviet believeii-brime could be checked be- TER GOLF puzzle on the comics United States and Mexico is 1744 government without accepting a fore it was committed by forcing page: miles long. single kopek reward. city bred boys to attend summer “ I. did not work for money, but camps where discipline was taught. for my country,” he said. And all The waiting list of prisoners is he ^sked was that the 25 percent (growing daily because Ohio pris- F O U L of the money which the railroad ons are now packed far beyond ca- adnUnistration saves Iri' the use of pacity, the Judge declared. He pedG ^od his invention shorul'd be devoted to- added that it. is the same way in F O 1 L Moat aibne&ts start from the xonstruction of an esquadrille almost every state that has large (constipation or semi-^onsfipa^m). totg- of giant bombing planes named for cities. tinal pofams aw rttaUty, miaemiineceBBa ‘ “ Unless the public soon opens its and make Kfo nuserable. Tonigot try tH *"- Djerzinsky, late head of the dread- F A *1 L. , Natme’s Beme*|—»U-veget8btoecrtactt» ed Gheka. eyes,” Judge Baer asserted, “ to the —not inat an ordmary laxatn^ See tww IR TiJaeger, who is only 28 years danger signals flashing all around will aid in zestoiintr your appetite mmisb - -ii us, there’s bound to he a social ex- you o f that heavy, l<«8y. pepless feeimo. old,I|got the idea when as errand F A L L- ^ MSU , Mt4»» vegetabl e— boy in the Krasnoyarsk railroad plosion.” yards during the war he witnessed The jurist blames the seriousness Notice the styUsh lilies^ to this attractive suite, for of the situation to the laxity of a collision in which 7 4 persons were B A L L yourself the nicely grained walnut veneers. Compare this value killed and hundreds injured. His fathers in disciplining their -sons. work was interrupted by army “ Most city fathers work all day ma(le possible only through our February Furniture Sale. The eye of every dog has a circu- service He was a Bolshevik even and can give no attention to their sons until night,” he explained. lar pupil, while the wolf has an ob- At Ihaggists— 25e at ttat time and was later jailed 19-Piece Bedroom Outfit Complete “ That leaves the upbringing of the .2s by Gfeneral Kolchak. Homeless and lique pupil. hoys to the mother, and the duty FORONLY half-starved with nobody willing to is onq/for which the father alone Is give him a chance, he gained an fitted. audipnce with the Cheka Chief in “ It is appaling to see the num- Moscow. Djerzinsky was so im- ber of hoys roaming around the Roomy pressed with his pT^ that he had street at will. They steal an auto- ^ Dresser an did freight car remodeled into For Your Sunday Dinner Dessert Bench mobile and are encouraged to Bow End a laboratory, supplied food, cloth-' branch into greater crime. If they Asm. Rug Ing and tools so that Tra,ger could experience discipline like country WE SUGGEST Bed go to work. boys whose fathers are able to keep Bed Lamp F^ur years later at the beginning ~ THE NEW HAVEN D^IRY SPECIAL Chest of them under their eyes, our problem 6 Curtains of 1927 trials of his automatic elec- would not be hard. Drawers trical device for ^ stopping trains Mattress Blanket when they run through a block sig- BANK OF FRANCE TO MAKE BRICK nal set against the engineer, proved NEW MONEY DURING 1028 2 PiSaws Spring. successful.. An English firm heard 2 Bonder of it-and offered him a fortune for Paris.— The Bank of France pro- the BUtent. Traeger presented it to mises several surprises this new ICE CREAM Lamps the Soviet Government. He even year. spurred the 75,000 rubles offered It is stated that; for the first Frozen Pudding and Damon Custard Ice Cream him the railroad commissariat, time, a 5,000 franc bill will be and accepted only the highest hon- printed aqd placed in circulation. Abo Bulk Ice Cream and Fancy Shapes. orary award of the Soviets,^ the Or- At the present time 1,000 franc V 1 8 8 der of the Red Flag. notes are the largest denomination For sale by the following lo ^ dealers: printed. JJEW RELIGIOUS CULT The Bank officials als estate that Bidwell’s Edward J. Murphy State St. a new 1,000 franc note will be cir- 588 Main street Depot Square Sa& Francisco.— Led by “ Broth- culated having four super-imposed Hartford er” Nelson, a new religious cult, colors as well as an entirely new nam^ess, and with only one law, type of fifty.franc note. Duffy & Robinson Packard’s ^^tarmacy, “ Do feat which seems good to you,*’ 111 Ontei: Street a t the (ienter Conn. is being formed in Southern Cali- POOR JOE. forn^. Men and women are joining this organization, and after estah- •I’ v e g o t my doubts about this lishifig themselves, they plan to .dis- liquor.” card>hll clothing, “ so that the body “ Let’s try it bn Joe. He’s sick will -iave full expression.”. _ _ anyway.” — Life. HAwuwJiibiiiiK (CONN.) Ev ‘ji:niwg hekalu, ekluay, J anuary 27, PAC3fE POURTfilEN

The Best Stores Advertise The Best Places to Shop MARKET PAGE j-innnnr * «w w ^ « ------;;::ar:gsa£r .r,ViiMVi, > ilir dime, is a- f eat accompUsbed by H. make for bad flyers can be observ- ENGRAVES LORD’S PRAYER post quite “ The Lancet” reports the up to date E. Raaley. of Harrow. l ’ walk about her aerial results of the examinations. ed. TWEL k 1IMES ON COIN SMALLER THAN L. S. DIME The minature writing Is a hobby nonchalantly but she actually seem- Need Keen Eye Eliminate Weaknesses ed to be enjoying the thrilling but SET TESTS F O R ,. with Radley. He has been practi'fr A keen eye with good distance Then the examination standard is ing it for- cars . dangerous experience.” That’s what judgment is one of the things es- raised to eliminate the weaknesses London. — Engraving of the the studio publicity staff said about which the bad flyers have shown. Lord’s Pray r twelve times on a The twelve paragraphs still left ACTRESS TO WRITER pecially sought. Good coordination room for three more versons of tlifl her. As a matter of fact Sue wms BRITISH FLYERS of arms and legs suc-x as sportsmen By this process flying is constantly three-penny piece which is consid- scared to death, but she went would naturally acquire is another becoming more safe, as the examin erably smaller than the American prayer cn the 'm e coin. through with it anyway. But she important thing. A third is warm-! ations choose better and better in bloodedness in order to endure the picking a man for successful flyer, Hollywood, Calif.— “ By Hary . had to start by walking on a girder IN EXAMINATION j st a few feet above the ground sharp a’ ” of the altitudes. A fourth { Comment has come on the re- Aiken"— | and gradually work up to the four- is a good nervous stability, and a quirement that women pilots must Newspapers and magazines may story height. London.— Now the aviator him- flyer must not be susceptible to “ air 1 attain the same physical standard as soon be carrying that "by-line" if self and the aviatrix too come in for sickness.” Besides these things add- ' men. About Ahmit thi.sthis “ The Lancet” savs:says: S&vvicQ — Quolity Low Pvice{& the former screen star is able to They’re still making war pictures their periodical "overhaul.” And ed requirements are strength and “ Save in respect of pecularities due carry out her present plans. De- in Hollywood. But now it’s getting the regular medical examinations good health. to her sex, it will be noted that no spite the fact that since separating to the point where stories must which air pilots are now getting iu After one , “ overhaul” the next particular allowance has been made for a lessened physical efficiency in from her husband, Edwin Carewe, have novel twists to them or they Europe show results— one passen- comes after six months’ time, or several months ago she has wanted don’t get over at all. Lep.trice Joy ger company after adopting the ex- after 250 hours of flying, or after women.” LAMB to do some kind of work, Miss is making one now. “ The Blue aminations carried 52,000 passen- the ordeal of flying 125 hours dur- LAMB gers without serious injury to one ing thirty consecutive days. ETHYL G.AS INTRODUCED Aiken is sticking to her resolution Danube.” There is not a foot of INTO BRITISH MARKETS WE ARE FEATURING LAMB t'i not to act again. actual fighting in the film although passenger. The standards of the examina- “I am going to write,” declares In each examination the flyer tions are changed from time to the undercurrent of it is felt from time, because according to the In- London.— Ethyl Petrol, the mo- Finest Legs Spring Lamb ...... 31c lb- the pretty IMary. ‘ T have always start to finish. must attain a definite standard of physical excellence in order to go ternational agreement each nation tor fuel containing a small propor- Forequarters of Lamb, whole ...... ’’to r," wanted to write and now I have is at liberty to change its own. Rec- tion of the much-uiscussed ingredi- the opportunity. Maybe some day up again. The women’s standard is Lamb for Stewing ...... iG the same as the men’s. ord Is kept of every examination a ent, tetraethyl lead, has just been Boneless Roast of Lamb ...... I will be able to contribute some- BRITISH LOAN SHARKS The new examinations came after man has. When a man proves to be introduced on the English market. thing really worth while.” the thirteenth meeting of the Medi- an unsuccessful flyer his physical British motor experts are scep- In the property settlement that FACE RESTRICTIONS cal Sub-committee of the Interna- qualities can be noted. So that aft- tical as to whether It will take ow- Finest Fresh Pork to R oast...... 23-25c lb. followed their separation. Miss tional Commission for Air Naviga- er many men have proved unsuc- ing to the supposed danger of poi.v Small Lean Fresh Shoulders ...... J'C m. Aiken received ampl- means to tion held last October in Rome. cessful the general qualities which oning from the ether-like fumes of Finest Fresh Killed Fowls, 4 to 6 lbs. e a c h ...... 42c lb. care for herself and children the UNDER LATEST LAW the exhaust. rest of their lives. But she wants Small Fowls for Stewing ...... ; ...... Fresh Killed Milk Fed Chickens, all sizes ...... 49c id. ¥ to tio something. She intends to iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiniiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii start a column on the social ac- London.— Severe statutory re- tivities of the film stars around strictions are imposed on moniey- I For Saturday A Special on Best Top Round Steak, (no bone) . .49c lb. Hollywood and Beverly Hills. lenders in Britain by an act of Bottom Round Pot Roast, special ...... 42c id . Later, she hopes to produce stories Parliament which came into force for the screen. on January 1. QUALITY FRESH Before the money-lender can I AtC.H.Tryon’s Boneless Rolled Roast Beef for a new roast, no Since being released from her carry on business at all, he must waste ...... 45c lb. contract with United Artists, Es- take out an Excise license which Boneless Pot Roast B e e f,...... • ; ...... -* telle Taylor is stepping high and will cost him $75 yearly. This li- MEATS I Phones 441*442 Boneless Roast of Finest Milk Fed Veal ... ,40c lb. wide in lilmland. She has hardly cense must bear his true name. l'ec!i idle a moment, not even over Usually, British money-lenders, AT LOWEST PRICES PHONE 4r)6 whatever their own patronymics, A Special on Scotch Ham sliced thin ...... 4^ the holiday.s. Having just complet- Rib R oast...... 38c Center Cut P ork ...... 25c ed her second picture. Miss Taylor Mary Aiken Is going to prefer to trade under such names Pork to Roast 23c lb. Finest Sugar Cured Bacon, sliced th in ...... ;. ouc id . Shoulder R o a s t...... 28c Fresh Shoulders...... 18c Native Fowl, 4 to 5 lbs. each 42c ; will start work in a few days on the write. as Colquhoun, Fitzmaurice, Staurt, Native Pig’s Liver ...... l^c lb- Fox lot. She is to play the leading Rosslyn, Plantagenet or Montgom- Rump R oa st...... • 38c Fresh Pig Liver ------15c lb. role in A1 Grcc'iT.s “ Honor Bound.” ery. Pot R o a st...... 32c Veal C u tle t...... 55c Large Native Roasting Chickens (5 — and see Sue Carol walk around And before he can obtain a li- Daisy Ham ...... 32c .>2c Ib. on steel girders four stories above cense the money-lender must se- Shoulder L am b...... ^ 23c Small Leg Lamb 37c lb. BAKERY NEWS Those who think that morie Leg Lamb ...... J 35c Ham Roulette ...... 27c stars never have to do anything the ground. cure from a Court of Law a cer- Rib Roast Beef 35c lb. Frankfurters...... 25c Pot Roast 30c lb. Cherry Pies, Your Choice. dangerous should see "Skyscraper" "Not only did Sue climb and tificate which will be granted on Roast P o r k ...... 21c direct evidence of good character. Smoked Shoulders 19c lb. Prune Pies ...... 28^ eacn Apart from this, he will no longer Daisy Hams 43c lb. Jelly R o lls ...... each be allowed to circularize his clients Full AssoTtment of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. 2 lbs. Pigs’ Liver 25c. mEmsmEinsiEimiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiimsMEmiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiEiEiimiiiimmi through the mails, and even tlie de- Home Made Sausage .Meat 25c lb. livery of an advertisement contain- Honey Comb Tripe 22c lb. Raised D oughnuts...... ing only his name, address and tele- Chicken Pies ...... fh I fHpN&S phone number is prohibited unless Chicken Salad ...... 59c Ib. the person receiving it has made a Baked Beans and Brown Bread. written request for the document. Reymander’s Market GROCERIES Conditions are also i)rescribed Stuffed and Baked Chickens. ______tor tlie form of money-lenders’ ad- 1071 Main Street, Opposite Army and Navy Club Wliite Loaf Flour $1.19. vertisements in newspaper's, and Phone 456. We Deliver. Heinz Ketchup, large 25c. G O O D THINGS T O EAT many other restrictions are impos- ('base & Sauboni Coffee 49c lb. GROCERY SPECIALS Carnation Evaporafed Milk 11c ! ed on their activities. Interest is uiiiiiiEiiiEiimimiimiiiiiniiiismiiiiiiiimmimiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiitiiii PHONE 2000 limited to 48 per cent, annum. can. 15 lbs. Best American Granulated Sugar ------• • 51*00 Fancy Sweet Peas 18c can. Pillsbury’s Best Flour ...... 5L14 ba^ Every Pineliurst Customer is entitled to, and will always TULS.l I’L.A.NS. (tHK.XT .MlMt !- .Mrs. Clock Canned Fruit in glass receive prompt and efficient service— the kind that will insure PAL ROSE GARDEN. 38c. Pure L a r d ...... him the pleasure and convenience he should get trading at a Tulsa, Okla.—Tulsa is planning .Mrs. Clock Pure Jelly 28c. White House C offee...... ^ * Pillsbury’s Pancake Flour, 2 pkg. good service Food Store. a large municipal “rose garden", as a matter of beautification, and for 2.5c. Fancy Mushrooms, 53c lb- likewise to show the numerous BIRCH STREET MARKET Fancy Table Raisins 45c pkg. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Celery, Iceberg Lettuce Spinach varieties of roses grown in this part 88 Birch St. .XIaiile Syrup, large size bottle Phone 2298 1 29c. Fresh Green Peas, 17c qt. 3 qts. 50c. of the country. Plans for the garden are being I i:i;>al Scarlet Coffee in cans 42c Ib. CarrotSi Parsnips, New Cabbage drafted Iiy Will O. Doolittle, sui'er- 6 bags Charcoal 99c. Cannon’s Native Potatoes, $1.59 bushel inlcndi'iit of jiarks and will be for- Specials For Saturday 1 F'ancy .Mixed Cookies 18c lb. Peppers, Cucumbers, Ripe Tomatoes mally presented to the park board I 2 pkgs. .Mixeil Cookies for 5c. Manchester Strictly Fresh Lean Pork R o a s t...... 22c lb. Strictly Fresh Flggs 55c Dozen, Cauliflower Grapes Strawberries on February 7. Strictly Fresh Lean Pork Chops...... 25c lb. i Large box Campfire .Marshinal- Tangerines, 45c doz. i l o w. s 2.5c can. A. Podrove, Prop. Phone 10 Fresh Spareribs...... 20c Oy.sters 40c pint. Ralstons, Wheatena, Malt Breakfast Food, Fresh Pigs’ Feet ...... 10c lb. Leaf L a r d ...... 1-^c lb. .Milk and Cream every day. Cream of W h ea t...... 23c box Fresh H a m ...... 28c lb. Brown’s Butter ...... 60c lb. Fresh Shoulders...... 18c lb. Tub Butter ...... 49c lb. Slicing Smoked H a m ...... 40c lb. Small Lean Smoked Shoulders...... 18 l-2c lb. Ends of H a m s...... 18c lb. These are selected shoulders of excellent quality Round Steak ...... 38c lb. Nice Tender Cuts of Sirloin and Short Steaks----- 45c lb. SMITH'S GROCERY Small Pork Sausage...... !u* »*^** • •• telephone 1200 Whole Pork Loins from real corn fed Porkers . . .21c lb. Fresh Ground H am burg...... 2.5c lb. NORTH SCHOOL STREET (These strips will weigh from 10 to 11 lbs.) F ran k fu rts...... ^...... 25c lb. Fanev Pork Chops ...... 30c lb. = Boiled H a m ...... 60c lb. Pressed H a m ...... 35c Ib. VALUE E PHONE SERVICE UNTIL NINE TONKJHT. Minced Ham ...... 30c lb. - For" lust one reason we remind you every' week of tins Fri- An Italian Favorite, R ico tta ...... 35c lb. Not only on week-ends, but always, is what yoU- receive at E ,j„.. ,light ’phone service— if we did not get large number of E orders in Friday evening, we would be simply “ swamped FOOD FOR THE H:\PPY HOUSE FULL LINE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES = Salnrdav, and unable to give real Pinchurst service on early Smith’s. This week-end values include Grocnios known around the world Lemons, Oranges, Pears, Apples, Carrots, Spinach, = S UiH'dav orders. If yon want an early delivery, and it is con- Celery, Escarole, Curly and Plain Cauliflower, Finocchio, E venient, jnst call us tonight...... Thank you!______“ I for their goodness. Your phone wiil = I reach for any food you need and Romaine, Lettuce, Cabbage and Savoy Cabbage, Radish, NATIVE POTATOES...... 39cPECK I anything in fresh poultry tomorrow, you = j get it quickly. Quality means Pur- Leeks and Scullions. E will fmd it at PinehursL S I Ity, Security and Saving. i IMilk Fed Roasting (thickens PAUL CORRENTI Prop “ ) I'ancy Fowl ...... DOc = 3 to 6 lb. Frying C hick^s 10 IBS. SUGAR...... ^ S j Leg of L a m b ...... 35c = 6 to 8 lb. Philadelphia Capons S i Shoulder Lamb C h ops...... 29c = Fresh Fowl for Fricassee. = I Forequarters of Lamb ...... 24c 5 LBS. SOUR KRAUT...... 25c Pinehurst Hamburg for Pinhurst Sausage Meat, it’s Lamb S te w ...... 1'^*^ Meat Loaf, Meat Balls, or cold enough now for pan- Lamb Patties, 3 for ...... 25c meat department Planked Hamburg .. 25c lb. cakes and sausage .. 29c Ib.^ = Pig’s Liver, 2 lbs...... 25c a shoulder of Lamb, boned and roUed!. . . Fresh Shoulders ...... 17c EASTERN PROVISION CO. Aiv I did not know von could make such a nice looking piece of Rib Roast ...... 28c-35c 127-129 State Street, Hartford, Conn. Pot R oasts...... 30c-35c I • ^2Kr»iilrlpr ” T h a t’s lUSt W bv W6 S6ll .SOSO — Legs Lamb ...... 38c meat (Uit of a Lani carefully, and not Roasting Pork ...... 23c ALL CARS STOP AT OUR STORE nmny the very'best “ bag” lambs. Tomorrow Sausage IMeat...... 25c b^*5c to will bave plenty of legs Salt Pork ...... Fresh Shoulders...... 17cCorned B e e f...... 14c ot'rim b’Ttbc' 7 i : 2 “toV rb. legs will sell at 37c lb.) and we will Today’s Best Offer in nil you any si/.e leg of Iamb you wish^______Groceries PRODUCTS OF CORN FED QUAUTY Tomatoes, can x .... 11c ECONOMICAL MEATS Roast Veal...... 35tSausage M eat...... 29c LEAN PORK TO ROAST FRESH SHOULDERS Lima Beans, can ...... 15c Gold Medal, AVhite Loaf, Car- 1 R E S H H A M S nation F lo u r ...... • • .$1-19 Roast Pork...... 22c SPARE RIBS PIGS HOCKS Sugar Cured Smoked Fresh F o w l...... 39c DAISY HAMS BUTT ENDS OF HAM Sauerkraut, 4 lbs...... 25c Fresh Hams, Whole 1 Corn Flakes, 2 f o r ...... 13c 13ic \\<- will bone the fresh shoulders if you ask. A sRce of ham, Shoulders or Half, lb. A O C Another of Our Popular baked in Pineapple Juice and with Pineapple is also good with a roast of Pork Native Fresh Dressed Pork Chops. I’ork Cliops .special, 30c lb. SUNSHINE COOKIE SPECIALS Choice Quality—Not Frozen Cut to Suit You. OYSTERS, Special ...... 39c pint = of our = FRESH Pork Roast • • r*T*i • • • • • • • •'• • •*' •' 5 I51/ 2C l b . We have made up a basket mixture including some Meat Suggestions IracJ higher priced cookies and will sell them at No No Bonless Roast of Native Veal. ^ ECONOMY CUTS Waste Tender Pot Roasts or Oven Roasts, Boned and Rolled or ^ Bone 23c ll>- SIRLOIN ROUND TIP ^ pinehurst Quality Corned Beef. . . . a whole tank full of s ROAST ROAST STEAKS good cuts, properly corned, to choose from. * E grocery department Scotch Ham, Bacon, Eckhardt’s Frankfurts = Pinhurst Round Steak, ground. 5 24c 22c'” 21 c ” Folks thank me for te’ling Pinehurst Cookies, fresh from N. B. C. and Beechnut factories, them about it. Next time ...... 12c lb. N. B. O Royal Lunch or Grahams in 2 lb. boxes, 33c. you buy malt extract ask TTfiiTihii'rflr IVTpat . . LargeRinso...... 19c S-wBaOPcpto An assortment of fancy cookies of the better grade, special foir Blue Ribbon. Try it just Sliced Sugar Cured Bacon ...... 17c lb. 35c lb. once on my say-so From tnen 25c Beechnut Cookies, 33c box. on you will use it always. 2 fo r ...... Bye, Ralsen, Whole Wheat Bread, Coffee Cakes, Rolls. Blue Wbbon Mal t Extract IS THE FIN AL CHOICE OF MILLIONS LAMB LAMB LAMB 3 Tomato S o u p ...... 27c l-2c box T H E B IG Confectionary Sugar ...... PLAIN on Amer. Pride Coffee. .49c|b. 3 LB CA N iO Bars Carton Fels Naptha Soap ...... 59c H O P F L A V O n ...... o C ^ P. & G. Soap, 10 b a r s ...... ••.•35c Boneless Roasts of Lamb, lb...... • • • • • • • • • Zoc Bleaching Water, 2 bottles------...... 25c Babbitt’ s L y e ...... lieOtJarDiflPidiles....29c FRESH CREAMERY TUB BUTTER, 2 lbs. for ... .93c Strictly Fresh Local E g g s ...... 55c doz. il Juul’ s Market ' Phnnp 539 Main St. FAGBSiriEX^f Tell And You Will Sell A ClassUied Ad Is The \ ■

Want Ad Information liost and ^ohnd Help IVaated—>&lale I LOST—LADY’S WHITE GOLD -wrist WANTED—ONE YOUNG MAN be- I watch. Initials A. I. M. Please call tween 25 and 80 years of age with Manchester- 606 between 5:30 and 7. Ask for clerical experience. Apply to Cheney I .'B rothers E m ploym ent Ofldee. ' Evening Herald I Mllley. ■ ' I THERE IS NO SitnatlooB Wanted—-P a i ^ Phone Your Want Classified Advertisements Aanonncementa nrm nt fllx ftY6 r&ff6 WOrdS’XO-.Br Ull6 * WANTED — BY, YOUNG Initials numbers and abbreviations, STBAMSHit TICKETS—all pai^». of To The the world. Ask for sailing lists and • housework by the hour. each co’unt as a word *5^, Box E, In care of Herald. •words as two w orda Minimum cost ratea Pt^de-150>2. Robert J. .Smith, .1. ll OME IF YOU O is price of three lines. 1009 ^alxf' s tr S e t WOMAN DESIRES housework ■t.oc • • « cleaning, by the day or hour. A(». Line rates per day for tranislent A«t«m(rt>ne8 for stale dress Box H. In care of Herald. Effective March 17« 1®*7 PLAGE YOUR ORDER NOW " ' WANTED—HOUSEWORK to do, hY now and stop saving rent receipts^^ Cash Charge for an early, daivery on the new Ford th e day. W rite Box A. So. H etgto' 6 C o n secu tiv e D ay s 1 ctsl 9 cts car. Orders ■will be ■ filled strictly In Office. • 3 C onsecutive D ay^t. 9. c t s l 11 ot;s the order received. ^ . 1 D ay ...... It 6ts| 13 c ts • V * Poaltry and SnppUes 43 viY-' J’:' 'V ^ji^ou owe it to your family, ^ h y Wait? All orders for Irregular Insertions MANCHESTER MOTOR SALESV Gall 664 Z D ependable Used C a r s . v- i ' ■ •will be charged at the one-time rate. SALE—SECSOND HAND TOal.| V. li' ‘ SI Special rates for long term every 1069 Main street. ' T«I. T40 • b r o o d e r s t o v e s : day advertising given upon request. Denis P. Coleman. Mgr. . feeders. Inquire of Karl Marks. j And A^k for a Want Ad : i e years roir ground pretty fast. v iii S Ads ordered for three or six days Susazner street. '"mn . and stopped before the third or fifth 1924 C hevrolet Touring. . , , day will be charged only for the ac- 1921 S te a rn s R oadster. Tell Her What You Want tual number of times the ad appear- 1927 E ssex Coach. 1000 MARCH ‘HA TC H ED W hite ed. charging at the rate earned, but 1927 P ontiac Coupe. Leghorn Pullets. High producing An experienced operator wlU take your ad; help,, ypu ^ 1924 Ford'C oupe. , • . i . no allowances or refunds can be madp strain. Grown uder Conm Grow word It for best results, and see that it Is properly in-* on si.x time ads stopped after the Healthy Chick” Plan. Oliver Bros.. 1 There Is Some Satisfaction In J a I i ES STEVENSON sorted. Bill will bo m ailed same day allowing you until 53 Blssell -St.' ■ ^Tel. 2169-2 No. W indham . Conn. ^^No^nni forbids”: display lines not seventh day after insertion to take advantage of the- d'i WE HAVE SEVERAL good buys In Articles lor Sale 4B 1 Digging in your own front yard. . ^ ^ ^°Tlie Herald will not be responsible CASH BATE. for more than one incorrect Insertion used cars. Fordc, Ch'evrolets, .Essex of any advertisem ent ordered for and a few others. SPECIAL ON high grade white oak M Cleaning out your own cellar. more than one time. H. A. STEPHENS kegs, of all sizes; also oh^arred kega Tlie- inadvertent omission or Inoor-, Chevrolet Dealer Center St. Manchester Grain and Coal Co., 10 rcct publication of advertising will be Apel Place. Phone J.760. Whitewashing your own hen house. ^ • ------rectified only by cancellation of the 10 GOOD USED GARS including Mar- charge made for the service render- mon and Olds demonstrators. Craw- Blectrical Appliances— Radio 49 S ' ’Shoveling snow off your own sidewalks, ford Auto Supply Company, Center 68 Legikl N'otiras ed. Tenements for Bent • • • and Trotter streets. Telephone 117.4. Apartments—Flats— or 2021-2. ect RICAL CONTaaCTING aopll- AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD s Mowing your own lawn any old time. All .advertisements .>iust conform ^ah^es m otw geneiatorsi sold and at Manchester, within and for the In style, copy and typography with rS ed ! work called for. Pequot FOR RENT—ONE POUR ROOM flat, district of Manchester, on the 26th. regulations enforced by the publish- Ante Repairing—Painting 7 E 16otrlo-Co, 407 Center street. Phone on first floor; also three room flat J Hanging the washing in your own back yard. . ers. and they reserve the right to with modern improvements, hot day of Jan u ary , A. D., 1928. edit, jcevlse or reject .my copy con- 1592. — w arer heat, a t 170 Oak street. In - P re se n t ^"WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., VULCANIZING^WE have our ,own Judge. ' . = Allowing your own dog to bark all night. ‘ , sidered objectionable. plant and expert to do the ' -work. 49-A quire 164 Oak s tre e t o r call 616-5. Estate o,f John Crockett late of - ■■ ■>'. •!>. CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads Reaspnable prices;, .all types of ii*ael a n d F eed to be published same day must be re- TO RENT—6 .ROOM tenem ent and Manchester' in said district, deceas ^ Chasing your hens from your own flower beds. work. Center Auto Supply Company,' 90 ed. ceived by 12 o'clock >on. Saturdays 155 Center street. •' for sa l e—H-ARDWOOD. - sewing room, all modern Improve- Upon application of John Crockett, 10:30 a. m. ments, comer Blssell and Holl Jr., praying that an instrument .pUr-;. M Putting your feet on your own veranda rail. - < Telephone Your Want Ads •- ALL MAKES OP CARS repaired, auto -.fSa a streets. Inquire .135 Blssell street. porting to be the last will and testa-, electrical systems repaired, used stre^,-..ygl' 895-8.______ment ot .'said deceased be admitted Ads are .accepted over the telephone parts for sale. Aber's Serves Station, FOR RENT—5 ROOM upstairs flat, to probate as 'per application on file, S C^l in and see us and get the latest real estate news. Spring i& tesa _ for ' S A ^-— HARDWOOD stove all modem Improvements, 82 Sum- at the CHARGE RATE given above Oak street. Telephone 789. it is as a convenience to advertisers, but length! undir cover. Call after 5 m er street;. P hone 1986. - ORDERED:—That the foregoing = months away. ^ . S the CASH RATES will be accepted as p. 'HU V.v^'lvPOy 116 'Wells street. application be heard and determined FULL PAYMENT if paid a{ the busi- Business Services Offered 13 P hone 131j^2.~' ______FOR RENT-:-AT 20 Chestniit street, flrst floor flat, all Improvements. Ap- at the Probate office In Manchester ^ We will be pleased to talk over with you any of your real estete^r insumnee .gr(^ i 'S ness 'Office on or before the seventh in said District, onv.the 4th. day of day following the first insertion CHAIR CANING neatly done. Price for sa l e — SEASONED ^WOOD ply at 43 Church street or telephone = lems. : You are welcome at any time. . i " , iT -=3^ right, satisfaction ,guaranteed. Carl F eb ru ary , A. D„ 1928, a t 9 o’clock in each 'ad., otherwise the CHARGE C hestnut and hlrch $6.00 423. ______• .. V the forenoon, and that notice be RATE will be collected. No responsi- Anderson, 53 Normah'street. Phone wood $7; hickory $8. Phone 1051-3 or 189-2-2. apartments—^Two, three and four given to all persons Interested In bility .Tor errors in telephoned ads 893-5.. D um as & Kohls. will be. aissumed and their accuracy room apartments, heat,: Janitor ser- said estate of the pendency of said cannot .'he'-guaranteed. vice. gas range, rofrlgerator, in-a- application and the time and place of PIANO TUNING—All- wortc guaran- Household Goods 51 door bed furfltsh«id;c'C&ll ManjBhe,ster hearing thereon, by publishing a copy teed. Estimates cheerfully given. Construction Cbntoany. 2I0ftv&fr^’tel^ of this order In some newspaper hav" ' Phone 664 Kemp's Music House. Tel. 821. TWO USED ROCKERS, imitation phone 782-2. . ing a circulation In said district, on 4;O09"M3ii^rStrl!= ASK'FOR WANT AU SERVICE or before Jan . 27th., 1928, and " hV • • • bTack leather ^$1.50 . ana $9 New I ROBERT ]. SMITH ■’ t S S m china : closet $16. Sideboard $5. FOR ■ RBNT-^E'VBRAL first class posting a copy of this order on the i'SlS Index of Classifications F lo rists— N urs e rle s 15 Baby 'c a rria g e $25. Lam ps ?2.50. rents w ithiall Improvements. Apply public sign-post in said town .qf 'M an- Steamship 'pickets I S Watkins Fur-liiture Exchange, 17 Edward J.-Holl. 265'Main street. TeL chester, at least six days before the = Real Estate, Insurance, 660. ■ i ' day. of said hearing,'to appear if they Evenlhg Herald Want Ads are now FRESH CUT FLOW ERS-carnation's; Oak. s'ee cause;at said time and place and grouped!.a«c6rding to classifications $1.00.. per doz., snapdragon $I;00 .pisf. IN OUR EXCHANGE department, FOR RB,?4Tr^FOUB ROOM tenement, 'be he^rd relative thereto, and make belowp^imaV&r handy reference will dvzen. cyclamen. 50c each, ferns in' you will find gas stoves, oil stoves all Impibvements. Apply 93 Foster return'to this court. I li? appeal*; to the numerical order Indl- five iifch pots. 50c each. 379 B um - heating s.tove^^lning street. Telephbnoi 409-3. , W IL L IA M -S. H Y D E side /Avenue. East Hartford, tele- and chairs, b^ets and chests of Judge. phone Laurel 1610. . Lost and ' Found ...... \ drawers, SlngW sewing machines, Business LocKtious (or Kent 64. H-1-27-28.' IS AGAINSl^ W A Ttr’’^ Announcements :...... etc. Benson’s .^^uRure Company. I C U R T I S ’ B O O M Personals ...... i...... ®•PRUNING OF FRUIT trees, haye'Thls ' A t a COURT OF PROBATE HELD Rome, Jan. 27.-’-^“I am in favor Aatoihobtles work 'done before spring'-ispr^in^ T foR RENT---iW llTCB ..B06^^ In th^ Iwp i|ATip m ■a,r Manchester,' -vvithlh and'.for the of outlawing war-^if a way can be Music^viiMtramentsil;. 53 new remo.deled^ <5}*®h®y blpck, low'-f New. York, Jan. 27.—A presi- Automobiles for Sale ...... Jtime. 12 years experience. Tele'pHohe District of Manchester, on thq..7^^T nPIlf* O'TI'Tl? T A ftl V found to do it,” declared Foreign Automobiles for Exchange ...... 5■W. H. Cowles, 345j> E d g e w o o d F r u i t est prices ■ in t6wn. Apply F. H. day of Jan u ary , A. H.. t n | I A | dential boom will be launched next Auto Accessories—Tires ...... «..Farm . PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE, used Anderson.at the-J. W,-. Hale,Com- Present J. "WHITE SUMNER, Esq., - UlXltH AVi/XX*week for Senator Curtis, Republl- Minister Tltulescu, ' of Riiiflania Auto Repairing—Painting ...... < player. In fin'e .c(to.d«loiv thoroughly ______pany. ... ______Acting Jud.gA - caU whip of the Senate, it was an- here today. ’ Auto , Schools w. V. ’. • 7-A :--Stbragoi:j^ Rebuilt. Roir^'iJ^oh. delivery Jree M. TitlueSCu, w ho cam e tor Rom e Autos—Ship b.v Truck I S s s s S s s Only $195.. T l^ s . Kemps Tvr.,«ie FOR.' RENT—STofe’ largef^ontage,^ -^f^Manchelter s?to’"DTstriS.^d^l nounced' today. Autos—For ■Hire . .. W ■ ' I . - - ■ . ' l l suitable for a,ny-k-lnd of business, “ d ' ^ uistnot,-ae- “LoViB. and Learn” With ‘Spoil- At a reception under the aus- to confer with Premier m; pe r r e t t ----AND^. GLBNNEY—Local House, ‘ reasonable'rental, 3 ' Walnut street. ceased, i > ■, 7 '; Garages—Service—Storage 10 ■ On motion of Rose 'Dobrovralskl, efk bf the West” Scheduled pices of the newly-organized Cur- upon an agreem ent ■wmfch-'would Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11and long dlstanc^'moving and truck- South Manchester. Inquire- on ing. Daily express to Hartford. Liv- Office anjl ri£ore Equipment 54 premises, or L. Kleiman, 227 Vine Also For Tomorrow. tis for President Club, to be held draw Rumania and Italy closer to - Wanted Autos—Motorcycles ----- 12 ORDERED:—That six months from gether, said he does not believe Bnsincss and Professional Services ery car for hire. Telephone 7-2. street. Telephone 6-0972. the 7th. day of Ja n u ary , A. D.,. 1928, Monday afternoon. Gov. Ben Business Services Offered ...... 13 be and* the .same are lim ited and al- Esther Ralston, star of “Figures Paulen of Kansas will explain the former Crown Prince Carol would H ousehold Services Offered ...... 13-A MANCHESTER & N. Y. MOTOR DIS- -STOCK and fixtures. Houses for Rent 65 PATCH—Part loads to and from lyOIl . SALE- f lowed for the creditors within which Don’t Lie” and many another fea- qualifications of the Senator. be willing to return to Rumania. Building—Contracting 14 ■ Tel. 1599,'. to bring in.their claims against said “The regency is working, well Florists—Nurseries ...... 15 •New York, .regular s-rvlce. Call 7-2 estate, and the said executor is di- ture of equal success, is the star of or i'282. FOR SALE CHEAP—^ne combination FO R REN T—^NEAR C enter, eig h t ar? Rent Judge. ’. **■', ig'edltiijrs to bring in their claims For Sole—Miscelliiaeotis Wall lata ' wlth^. said tlm® allowed by’posting diers ‘In' his^i;2production, thereby Articles for Sale ...... 45 in work because of stekne^ E sta te of F red H. tutored in all grammar scho6|;«uW FOR RENT—0Sfi>,‘f.'3SrrNUTE from {Manchester, In said District,[strict, deceased: I Sj WPy having types which cannot well be B oats and Accessories .i - ...... 46 nrs T 'Wall ad I Sign post nearest to the place where Our grandmotl^rs always bought the kind of greeil Building Materials ...... 47jedts. Former grammar ''school Main streeT. mo.;3rn tene- On motion of Edward J. Wall ad- Im itated by-professional actors. principal. Reasonable rates. Call ministrator " I the deceased last dwelt within said coffee they liked, roasted it in a pan or oven and grounc| Diamonds—Watches—Jp-welry ,. 48 ment, all town and by publishing the . same in Years ago this actor became a Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 215-5. ' 1804 or call Arthuiri'K'ofla, 7S--2. ORDERED:—That six months from some newspaper having a circulation “blood brother” of the Arapahos it in a noisy little coffee Today nearly ail our coK Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A the 25th. day of Jan u ary , A. D., 1928, in said probate district, \yUhin- ten r.. •______/.J ______wJ; Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 FOR RENT—5 ROOM upstairs flat, be and the same are limited and al- and,. It.^ .|s interesting v to-^watch the fee Is roasted in areflt machines such as -thisk heated by; Boiida— Stocks— Alortgages 31 all modern lmproven}.ents. Tp). 651-4. days from the klat^ ,of■tjfiisfprdev.'^.and Household Goods ...... 51 lowed for^the Of editors within which return make ta'tliiS "dourt of'the 'no- indians:as“tkey appear jyith him on gas to an internal temperature; of 300 de^rt M achinery a-nd Tpols ...... 52 Inquire at 29 Clinton'’street!. to'''bring in thfelr claims against said ■ ...... ‘ f MONEY TO LOAN on flrst and second tice given. - • ------•------the screen. They seem to work a ® _ . k . ^ _____ f ft is Musical Instrum’entB ■ ,;...... 53 estate,, and the said adm inistrator is W ILLIAM S. HYDE By.NEA', Through Speciif Po'rmhsio'n o» Cit Pubrnhers el The Book cf Knpwjife^Copyrigit. Office and Store E q u ip m e n t...... 54 mortgages. Mortgages bought and TO rent—SIX ROOM tenement, all directed to 'give public hotiCe to the great deal more naturally than they sold. P. D. Comollo, 13 Oak. street. Improvements, including heat on -.Judge. Sporting Goods—G u n s ...... 55 creditors to bring in their claims H-1-27-28. would if associated with white men Specials at the Stores ...... 56 Tel. 1540. Church Streets Inquire on premises. within said time allowed by posting ’^ v Wearing Apparel--Furs ...... -57 Tel. 1598. • : ' • • ...... ■ . : • ' a copy of this order on the public whdpi they had never known. Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 Help Wanted— Female 35 sign-post nearest to the place where Sunday orings totthe State thea- FOR - RENT—6 ROOM • enement. all the deceased last dwelt within said SLAYERS EXECUTED Ilooms—Board—Uotels—Resorts modern Improvements, corner Union ter that great fllm classic, “Seventh Hestnnrants town and by publishing the same in Hhayen,’‘ called the- masterpiece of Rooms Without Board ...... 59WANTED—GIRL for light house- ■and Main streets. Inquire 16 Union some newspaper having a circulation Cardiff, Wales, Jan. 27.-:^l)espite Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A work. Apply 67 Branford street. street. ______in said probate district, within ten unprecedented appeals for cltjmen- the screen. This will have two days from the date of this order, aqd Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 Tel. 775. mREDUCE expenses—Cozy ; thrfee cy to all authorities, .including lOng showings during the evening and H otels—R estau ran ts ...... 61 return make to this'court of the no- will also remain here on Monday Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 WANTED — ONE EXPERIENCED iosm rent. $13; also a five'room-tent tice given. George and the Prince of Wales, stenographer, one experienced .typ- with. improvements. thqrohghly WILLIAM S. HYDE and Tuesday.' . Real Estate Fur Rent overhauled, help moving, 91 South Eanlel Driscoll and Edward Apartments. Flats. Tenements .. 63 ist. Apply to Cheney Brothers Em- . J u d g e . lauds were hanged together at the Tickets have been placed on sale Business Locations for Rent .... 64 ployment,Office. Main- street. H-1-27-28. ',i; : . ' at' the box office of the State and Houses for Rent ...... 65 Cardiff jail yard today for the mur.-; Suburban for Rent ...... 66 TO RENT — TENEMENT --of four der of David Lewis, W elsh football' these tickets will be honored also Help Wauted— Male 36 rooms, all Improvements,.$23 per ^at>.the Circle theater, where the Sum m er Homes for R ent ...... 67 _____-ssyV./. . month. 71 Starkweather street.. jTel. LOS ANG&LES IN AIR 1 -layer anfl pugilist. , • Wanted to Rent ...... 68 Jbhn^Rbwlands, ' brcilieiN'Of Ed- •SBxcte'q^cture is being shoWh on Suh- Real Estate For Sale wanted./S^/ neat , appearing 344-12. ■: ■ V 1 Apartment Buildings for Sale ... 69 young ihan;^ high school education Lakehurat, N. J., Jan. 2J7.—The ward, ■was also sentenesqj to die for dayYla^ening. . . desired,-but not essential, to ’learn FOR RENT—FOUR f ROOMlV-4ow;»- complicity in the m urder, but he .v--;.;-:?.-*:. , ______------i - Business Property for S ale...... 70 stairs flat, on Ridge street;. Inquire Navy dirigible Los .Angeles, left ■JWr ^ Farms and Land tor Sale ...... 71 clothing business. Must be willing p.till lives. He becamo insane during to work; fb^ advancement. Give full at 77 Ridge stree/, upstalfs. here at 8:55 a. m., today on a %?l^ilstones weighing more than Houses for Sale ...... 72 his prison conflnement and wak ord- Lots for Sale ...... ' 73 qualifications in flrst letter. Address training flight.; Lieutenant ■ 'Com- ound have been reported qp j Box C, In chre of Herald. FOR rent—FIVE ■ nboM Ut'i^ment ered to he held “during His Majes- Resort, Property for Sale ...... 74 at 57 School street, n& r .Ediptatlonal mander C. E. Rosendahl "was in d-’authority according to the Suburban for Sale ...... 75 Square. Apply ■ L. Pl»la, ’JBchoOl command. ' ty ’s p le a s u re .’' U. S. W eather Buredu. The coffee ^e n passi Real Estate for Exchange...... 76WANTED — WEAVER FOREMAN W an ted —R eal E sta te ...... 77 with silk experience. ■ Must have street. Telephone 546r2. ' ■ The dirigible carried a total of through a srin d er, good executive ability and general 47 officers and men, it probably The Roman emperor . Claudius Anetlon—I.egal Notices A flea can jump 1200 times the A homing pigeon can fly froin The roaster drops Its into Auction Sales ...... 78: knowledge of textiles.” Box W in will cruise oft the coast and return 500 to 700 m iles in a day. wrote'a book on dice playing. Legal Notices ...... 79[ care of Manchester Evening Herald. length of his body.: ■• t'v grpupd coffee throyghv to Lakehurat at Sunset. pipes Into a receptacle, lier ; an d ^diem w es !^^ dust GAS BUGGIES—Snow, Snow—Beautiful Snow roasting 500 pounds and any part of the h u ^ ^ V every tvventy minutes. rem am tng, J

^ *-V. ‘o-'. . •


This scene shdws the 'ftfiaj pa< »i«Ji or sands of cans pass along on bett» At the end of the table is a ra^ weighs exactly one pound idtd s as they pass, :-aw ^’j w

sEVEimsiac TifATsrrrffin^ER (CONN.) lE^VENTNG H E R A rP , F R ID AY, JAiSUARY, 27,.1928. By Percy L. Crosby FLA P PER F A N N Y ^AYS: SENSE »»i NONSENSE SKIPPY 4.' . -*AN' X-M <»6TTIK HOT DOG . . . ^ 0 R I0 C 6 A .C . IS To%Co»ii miiiHN My grandad, viewing earth’s worn WH6RC ARC eAf^NlN’ MONeV'FpR C £ NTS FO«? cogs, iV^A (?0IN’ WITH TH € tue Poor CHitDReNV c?oLO F i s h a c h a n ^ Said things were going to the j'TMfe BLOCK. , dc«s. <^OL0iFW ? HbsPiti^L FuNO. -7 O F SC C N O Jrr ccvvut6u> His grandad in his house of logs , ojut Said things were going to the dogs. ' , tiS< C|/y)0L His grandad in the Flemish bogs r Said things were going to the \ dogs. _ His grandad in his old skin to^ 17 Said things ^yere going to the CoVtij ! dogs. There’s pne thing ^hat I have to state: The dogs have had a good, long, (porCfin. wait. Friend (to sailor on shore leave): “ How come all the scratches on your face?"” <)wr»UA Sailor: “ The wife’s teachin’ me Ka.U.S.MT.OFF. to eat with a fork.” .OAlVlffMiAU I... OtM*. BY flC* scnvicc. INC. Ci S f ri s K, I S M M i r U CrMbr. Cwtnl Tim. ^ W.V'.C, What has become of the old-fash- ~'-i If the government really wants 1 joQgjj jj^^u who d’ '’ - ’* his pic- ~ to conserve our wild life, why does I tnro iri OUR BOARDING HOUSE The Toonerville Trolley That »"lt insist on prtdilbition? ^ yOU TAJtun • B y G e n e A h e m H'------* r'hi; “ Why are you crying, little boy?” Jake: “ I drank some cider— now Houl MUCfl -fRliYtt -TefeRB IS }IAP-^MR-R S Y L L Yt<' S A M ^ 11 can’t find my way home.” - ^ T M ^ V iU U A G F H A L F V n/ i t ’S H o M ^ MAO0* HAMO C A R M A Y Phi: “ W’ell, you musn’t take it iM oLv sAVi/ki



1929. 9Y NtA S»VICC. lf«C. y i * V. REG. U. S. PAT. O F F. ,-V__ ® By Blosiser FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Out ill the Cold World MEBBE 1 COULD AMJE MORe H dqm'TTal rto 66E.Nn M5A) 7A6 OAdVy ‘ 7 JosrvMME/uxmoogMrTTLAr JT MUAAT'S 7AE FUM REEP/M’TO MYSELF LIRE I ME""T vwamt 6IBL i 6MSR Llk £D YELLS VWE COULD BE MICE FRIE /UpS V OSCAR D O E S-A E S ALO / uE M atter , y ME 'TO MV FA^E 7MAY AMD PLAV TtoSETAER A/U’ MEBBE M O ST OF 7AE T/ME AMD frecrles TO BE ,, I'M S1LLV,U0AV, i r I'D CARRY MER. BOORS MOMS A E SEEMS TO AAV)E ' T2. lo/ oesome- JU S r M A R E S M E FROM SCAOOL A M 'A LOT OF ASMUCM FUA F E E L BAD A L L /JICEYW/OS'S LIRETTAAT, a m y b o d y SA& tells ME ------L I'M SILLV-V ^ —

--.A -

> raa.u.a.]wr.». yyiV. Qim, »y RCA wSwee. mci REG. u. a PAT. o r r . / @1928. BY NEA SERVICE, INC. By Small READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE SALESMAN SAM WeTl Say as Much The animals all paraded ’round, me see. Why don’t you build a WELL;s 6m C THIMK We l l , ALL'S i <50Ttr’;sAY i s ,.*w a t i f and made a circle on the ground. little barn? I’m very sure you r BE., OR MOT TO THAT^HAMLeT^'lS SURE A W6LL,WH0'M The slim man said, “ See how could. If big enough, ’twill be HEcK WROTE SIR FRAMCtS OACOM SHAKESPEARE Pi DM'T. WRITE CM — just right for all of us throughout -^T «(kT IS THB

^ ,^'j. ' __.-A-' , •, . / ^"PABBTSGSrTEEJf^

MODERN-OLD FASHION A daughter was horn this morn- ICE CARNWAL NOW ing to Mr. and Mrs. Howard firick- TENTH ANNUAL DANCING son of Depot street, Buckland.

' Auspices Mauchester Green Com- V junnlty Club at tbe Schoolhouse Hose Company No. 1, S.M.F;D., ENIERIAQW AMD fjpiioneah^ff SATURDAY EVENING-JAN. 28 answered a still alarm for a brush Weir’s Orchestra. Beebe, Prompter fire in the woods near Wetherell Mafi Ortew DANCE Haicd Freeze Ice Ib ; Admission 60c. and Bridge streets yesterday after- t '^3 noon at 5:50. The Are was exting- Givep Jby - : Nd . Skatii^;^ai>. ^;e n?1i'e r uished in a short time. The loca- kdns of Italy Lodge T c ^ i g W i tion is just outside of the Souta* abouttown Manchester Fire Department dis- Saturday Night, Jan. 28th The iarief but spirited snowstorm trict line. which struck "MandhiBater last night ------< J;., • » 3 K.ofC.M will not interfere witu tthe Ice g a t - I ir>: Mrs. Annie Faulkner of Summit Miss Ethel Marley of Eldridge i ing caTnlvat planired lor next Sun-^ street, and her daughter, Mrs. Otto street left today for Miami and t Admission ,50c. day altprnoon .. at Center Springs' Helm, left today for a six weeks’ other pla!ces in Florida. She plahsi Park'. Th6 ^ o w ^ ill b'fe remoyed^by stay in Florida. They will sail di- to visit Cuba before returning in Park Superintendent Johnj'Y. rect to Miami and visit other places the spring. The King’s Heralds of the South Keur’s workmen.' before their return. Methodist church will hold their Although the pond was not suit- . »;>v monthly social tomorrow aftefhobn abl^Afor ’akfctin'g, last , night, the cbld^.; a t'2:30 in the church. 'flpelr'yrhlch ca^6 with the sbowi.; ' ' ^Ctuall make -i almosi. a certE^Ptyi (Xi ,Property on Oak street known as' that the ice .will be. suitable ioi*:,the' the Abel Garage together with other, carnival Sunday. The ice around-the buildings, was sold yesterday by edge of the pond hbrbi'e list night’s, , T ' cold snap was not thick enough^ for: John Martzer to Charles Lessner. safety, In the middle, ;hoWever, it is Mr. Abel will continue business as safe. In order “that the ice may be; before. The sale was made by the kept in good condition for Sunday/ James J. Rohan agency. the lights will not be turned, on'to- night for public skating. Persons^ The Ladies Sewing society of the whouse the pond will do so at their Swedish Lutheran phurch will hold own risk, . , • a Swedish baking sale at the J. Three meihbfers of the committee Arresting W. Hale Company’s store tomorrow making arrangements^or the carni^ afternoon beginning at 1 o’clock. val motored to Springfield last: Air members who have been asked night and concluded arrangements: to contribute food for the sale are for the appearance o f . three fjtocy HATS requested to see that it is there by skaters. They are Harold Daven- Go’od looking straw I V a l u e s ! that time or shortly after. There port, his partner. Miss Margaret hats in gay blues, greens and Ganley- and his daughter, Miss Mi- will be the usual coffee breads, reds, as well as - the dark cakes, pies and assorted cookies. riam Davenport. Incidentally, Mr. shades of, blacky and tan.,TiJesa Davenport will .referefe the hockey; hats can be worn how wltri yoot- game and Lester Bell, well known The Men’s Choral club will have Hartford baseball player will ap/ winter coat and later with your their weekly rehearsal at the music pear in a barrel-jumping exhibition., spring cbdtumes. . When ^ the room of the South Methodist church Frank Wallett, 'local skating s^ar^' winter begins to wane milady this evening at 7:30. Director Ar- will'also fake pgrt. likes to Wear a sUk hat before I RICHLY chibald Sessions is anxious to have' putting on the straw models. a . good attendance at the first re- (Ihoose one tomorrow/ hearsal for the, second concert of CHURCH A R P C A P T A IN /; the season. - . $1.95“ $5.95 The Lakeview Parent-Teacher As- TO PREACH A T S I M A R r S Main Floor FURRED sociation will give a whist at the I South Main street school this even- ing. Six prizes will be awarded and 439.50 $13.75 Is Officer of Marching ^ Body refreshments served. Mrs. Robert , Coats that were Martin heads ihe committee of ar- That (Carries Religion to : - Speeial! rangements and all players will be Towns and Camps. priced as high as . • i't..,' - f There are some real made welcome whether residents of ' $89.50 at the begin- COATS the Fourth District or not. The, congregaijop/of St- ^ r y > I “buys” in this lot of WafifR-Fudge church will hear, piv Sunday morn- ning of the season. ing CaptsCln Firank Bioxiiam', o f the coats at $13 J5:—dress Miss Margaret Todd of 150 Wal- Up - to - the - minute and sport models that nut street will leave the employ of English Church Army, which is Kitehen Cheney Brothers tomorrow to enter sponsored the Eplsqopar chufch. models in suede, are valued at $25.00.. ' the Middlesex hospital training He will prealch at the regular Sun- broadcloth and ca^el Come early for best se- i For Madame & school for nurses on February 5. day. ipornihgserv)|ce;Tn' St^ Mary.’jsS hair trimmed with lection .as, they are i '-The Chujch Arjay- Is a; militant organization- wbicifi 'has no regular ALL SALES fox, beaver, squirrel sure to sell quickly at APROtlS Miss Ruth Olds of 16 Church church. Memberff of the ariny take Come early for best this ; very,, very low \ street was surprised by a party of part in marches through various FINAL price. V. her young women friends at her selection! 2 for Miss I'.ome last -evening. They came to lielp her celejbrate ner birthday and brought with them a beautiful vani- COATS— MAIN FLOOR ’ Lowered to ty set and other individual gifts. their, equipment and their visits The time was passed j errily with are usually looked fprward to with games and dancing. Miss Viola Au- great interest.. ^A division of the gust played viol|n solos. A buffet English Church Army came to (8 different styles) lunch was served, the dining room Manchester some years, ago and L-^ing decorated in a color scheme preached before largo - crowds here. '’Attrattive > jointed ' ^ t- $59.50 of pink and yellow. Captain Bloxhaih, who has been terns neatly trimmed wit’a assisting in marches o f the Church Our Entire Stock white or colored bindings. Regular Values to $89.50 The Luther League of the Swed- Army of the United States through -Made from good quality ma- ish Lutheran church will meet to- the Episcopal .dioceses of / Long terials, ,weU made in fast night for its annual election of Island, New York. Albany, and Cen- colored prints. Scalloped ------Better grade Fabrics tral New York, has cojjid'ucted serv- officers. • The business meeting will boitopa, complete with a be followed by an entertainment ices for campers at various resorts palqh pibcket, , ' Choose ‘five ----- Smartest colors i and lately has been conducting or six at thislow price. and social. The entertainment pro- preaching missions In this state and ----- Fur trimmed—as wolf gram, is in charge of Miss Esther M. N. Jphu^qn. - is a native of i^irmlnghajn, ----- Skunk,'^Fox, Badger England, and before-he , became j An “ In Memorlam’’ notice in yes- connected with the Church Arxpy Beautiful collection of Furred Coats [ terday’s Herald w'as ‘signed Mrs. was a mechanical engineer. I|e Ida Paxson and daughter. It should saw service Itt the English arjhy New Bociks —cleverly styled—perfectly tailored have read “ daughters” . Mrs. Pax- during the World War and fought At F^teal Cpw Prices s;on’s daughters being-Mrs.' Munro side by side with American troops In Oiir of better grade materials that have of Hartford and Mrs. Albert Craw- in France. f , ford of,this town. He is to preach on Sunday eve- been priced up to $89.50, yours Satur- ning in Trinity church, Hartfoi'd. For Quick Clearance Thomas Plavell and James Smith dayat$59.50. ^ | ^ today sold three lots on Autumn 'The Willing Workers society will street to W. Harry England. The meet at the Lutheran Cpncord|a ^Coats—Seeond^ldor transfers were made by the Robert church this evening at 6:3p. SAVE $50 TO $150 BY BUYING j. Smith agency. A FUR COAT NOW Sally’s Shoulders Here is kn opportunity to get a high grade fur coat at the / By Beatrice Burton MINTn SUNDAY DINNER lowest price ,pf the season., Choose one now for next win- ter— fur coatVwiU.be much higher next season. Ask about our Fur-Gbat club. Read these very low prices on high , Sybil, Trapper^of Departmenl Store grade fur coats—^^satisfaction guaranteed^ HULTMAN’S | By Mildred Barbour DEPOT SQUARE, $295 NORTHERN SEAL C O A T ...... $195 seml X nnual sh o e I MANCHESTER (Genuihe mink collar and'cuffs.) November Night Turkey, Duckr, 7or c Chicken By Aaouynions Open Every Night with all the fixings, $1 $250 NATURAL MUSKRAT C O A T ...... ,^195 SALE_:n ^ • 5I (Fox collar) Man Branders “Up to the Minute” Oxfords in Tan ^ Until 9 O’clock 12 M. to 2 :S()jJP. M. By Frank ,64 >l|9i»eft^oc $225 NORTHERN SEAL COAT ...... $165 or Black ^ (Black fox collar and cuffs) Pleasant Jim By Max Brand' SPECIAL LOT NO. 1 $395 BEIGE SQUIRREL GOAT ...... $245 (Fox collar) ; * Values to $8.00. 'V. Concealed Tui^ings Broken Sizes ...... $ 1.95 By Pamela'WjTma Have Gopd Miiile $195 PONY COAT,...... ^,'$125 (Black pointed fox collar) , , ' SPECIAL LOT NO. 3 Rebel Bird For Sunday $295 RACCOON COAT ...... *. . . ;$225 Free By Diana Patrick Values to $10.00. <6*1 QK (Tomboy style) t . Storage Curse of the Tamiff HE AR THESE NEW VICTOR $595 COCOA JAP.WEASEL COAT ...... $345 By Edouard V'on Keyseriin? (Fox collai^) * ^ 'i , N e x t SPEpiAL LOT NO. 5 RECORD HITS y i ' - ; Values to $10.00 0 ^ 1 $250 CASTOR CARACUL PAW COAT .... 4. $175 Summer (Saire Ambler My Blue Heaven...... Gene Austin, No..209.64. (Fox shawhcollar and cuffs) By Booth'-Tai^kingtOh’; Diane . v...... Franklyn Bauer/No. 21000 \ 1 -b .'4 'Among My Souvenirs...... Revelers, Nji.:21100. FUR COATS— MAIN FLOOR SPECIAL LOT NO. 2 The Song Is Ended .Crawfordj No. 21692 • , - 6 0 c , Values to $8.00. Together We T w o...... Johnson’s Orch., No.'21016 Where Is My Meyer?...... Shilkret, No. 21025 Milb Chocolates SPECIAL LOT NO. 4 Try These Out on Your Victrola ^H.75 Silk Dre^es y," Values to $10.00. ^ y j Good looking silk crepe dresses In tan, black .blue, red, etc. Also a few 49c lb. Mostly all broad toe styles...... ^ v 75c Each : Golfl6x'5ersey''dresses In^th

. i SPECIAL LOT NO. 6 Broken Sizes, High Cut Shoes, Q SHEET .n Value to $10.00...... NEW NUMBER JUST RECEDED. t a n d u p arid 2F of . the scouts tdbk advan- S. jp ., FULLER DEAD' SWEPISI^ QAKING SAl ALL THE POPULAR bits IN STOCK BOfSCOOTS (aVEN tage-of the opportunity. Eleven of Hartford/ Coring, Jari. 27.— Sum- the boys passed the first class ner P. Puller; president of the brok- Ladies^^ of Swedfeb ^ ...... ' ' ' I M 'i--- ' - ...... y swimming test. erage • firrii bf Puller,, Richter, Al- "-lilitberaa Church A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK UP^ V/ SWIMMBiGTirS Tr.09P 1 has invited'Troop 6 of drich &'Co.. of l^ew York and Hart- HEAR THE LATEST PLAYER ROLLS tjio .^w^edish Lutheran chui;cli, to ford, -dlbd; to Hartfovd^hospital lo- mmstm afteind its regular meeting -Mpriday 'daV^attor . a' short lltobra. J . ' Trdpp 1" Boy Scouts 'Which'is'af- eveuthg. January SO/Vf the .Hollls- m V 'Fuller - 'was itoim.in'fiuAdld Saturday at 1 p. m. Arthur L. HultiUan filiated witDi. the Second Congrega- ter street school; A contest In 3 5 years. ago, arid^ 'was graduated tional i church enjoyed ,-the use 4 df Sqoj^t.yfpi’k be hefidjlu pr^ara- from:; Shefiaeld/S^^i^^iDb. School', a t , 017 Main Street, Boys’ Dept., Down Stairs KEMP’S MUSIC H O N the iswlmmlng.itank at the School 'tOV the •sqput meeting • in ,^.Igh Yale-University in ;lS^15. Re ersity Club bf -Ne# Yqr^. , -A • i' street-Rec Center from 5 to 6,l^i, .schbol hall duririg" Scbut -W^iek,' member. of>the: Harttord- '^ 'Mineral sbtvlces will bVheld: eVenl^. Scoutmaster Joseph Dean Eefferuary 6 to 12. , , YSIe Cidh qf .Ne'W and'^'tiife id Sundasi''atteiuhi^ 5. i : i ?:V if f V . S'' it '1

tik Si , I - S t rjm f -.i- ‘ 'VV W- AS?