''X- - : ............................................. ^- - v;' : ^ NBT PRESS RCJJl fptaiekmi -b # ^ S«^-Weateylif^*^^ AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION '.'Uconn. state liibrfiry f|( p for the month of December, 1927 ' . IPf^'. -91|A‘ 4- Irl-' ' Sati^e^ijr cl 5,079 ;i^v«soider. / Member of tbe Andlt Bureau of Circulatlona PRICE THREE CENTS ' MAN€HBSMJR, CONN., FRIDAY, JAjNUARY^ 27^ 1928. (EIOHTEBU PAGES) VOL. XLH^ NO. 100. (Classified Advertising on Page 16) _ I • I LEAVING JAIL FOR COIJRTROOM Death , Ray Inventor -e .'.A*' STAGRERAT A iMMi ,>M. ^ , Is Here On A Visit 'fe WO^HERE? - iw 'Z Englishman Says One Man HARMSTAKE Local Girl Complains to Po- Could Stan An Army; Will EVEN. ROUGH SEA STRONGHOLD OF lice of Man Who Struck HELPS HARRY SAVE Pbn to Challenge Nine Out Stop Future Wars, He > New York, ,Jnn. 27.— At least one passenger enjoyed the storm Of Twelve Choseft—§ay Her— Police Believe Girl wracked voyage of tbe Aqul- Says. ^ SANDRHFSMEN tania, which arrived yesterday They Ave Too Eager to St Was Pinched. two and a/ half days late.- Ho was Sir Harry Lauder, who has a repatathm as a sailor. At T ria^ H ich n w New York, Jan. 27.^Wlien the Climb Mountain 5,000 Feet “ Sur'e I liked the trip,” the “ death ray,’’ or the “ electric beam’’ Miss Tier Calve, an attractive Scot, said. “ And didn’t the d^lay as he prefers to call it, is fully per- High In Im Days’ March; 19 year old girl, employed in the save me two days hotel bills in Through It AIL gassing room of the Spinning de- New York.” V fected it will prove a ’ powerful -4> agency for world peace and not an partment at Cheney Brothers, re- Courtroom, Los Angeles, Calif, aggressive weapon of war, its in- Meagre Details of the ported to the police this morning a iff Jan. 27.— ’The taking of testlmoift ventor, H. Grindell Matthews, re- that she had been accosted by a! in ' the trial of William Edward nowned scientist, declared in an ex- Battle. strange man last evening and j . Hickman for the kidnaping and- clusive interview today. Its effect struck on the thigh by what she j murder of 12-year-old Maiiou Par- is to stun, not to kill. believed to be a sharp instrument. Managua, Jan. 27.— Accomplish- IN SMITB CASE NOW i kor will start next Monday, It wis An. invading army could be “-bom- Examination by a physician showed , V • ing what a few weeks ago had been I , indicated today when Superior barded’’ into submission by the a “ black and blue” mark as though light shocks of the “ death ray” and deemed almost impossible. United Judge J. J. Trabucco announced he tho young lady had been pinched. forced to surrender, according to Slates marines today were firmly would stress every effort to obtain The skin was not broken, nor were Matthews. established on the summit of El Prowler Had Been Annoying a jury before the end of the -week. “ It would be a purely defensive Clnpote, the mountain stronshola her clothes torn. Judge TYabucco said he would weapon but mighty powerful,” he rtcfcutly occupied by the rebel load- Miss Calve said that she was on asserted. “ It would make future er. General Saudino. hold sessions .Saturday in the event her way to her home at 995 Middle the jury is not obtained today. warfare futile.” At Ibe peak was a force of about •Turnpike Eas. at 5:30 las- evening. The bravado that characterized his demeari or immediately after his arrest in Oregon was Matthews, a tall, florid-faced man . Intent upon, speeding Hickman’s ^00 marines ant Nicaraguan cOn- She was just passing the corner of |-'0 Disappeared. who talks with a slight English ac- missing as William Edward. Hickman went-v court in Los Angeles to stand trial for the mur- trial. Judge Trabucco said/he would siaoulary, commanded by Ma.mr Main and Bissell strjets when a cent, has just arrived here from der of Mariam Parker, th is photo, taken just as Hickman left his cell to^go to court, s h ^ s preclude unnecessary questioning of Archibald D. Young, who led his tall, dark complgxipned man brush- Great Britain to interest American command slowiy and carefully up htm. a thoroughly co^ed and;frightened youth, standing in the center. At^he extremg right prorpective jurors by personally ex- financiers in the commercial possi- ed against her, remarked that it Northampton, Mass., Jap 27.-— anilnlng the talesmen. • he sMe of the mountain in a two was a “ nice evening” and then is ClaudeiPeters, cKtef gaard:; at the extreme left is Jailer Frank Dewar. The two short men bilities of some of his inventions, in- day march. El Chipete is about 5,- Search for the “ campus hugger” struck her. The girl screamed and beside Hickman are assistant jailers. No cameramen were allowed in the courtroom. Los A^eles, Calif., Jan. 27— cluding the phonofllm, or speaking OfiO feet high. who far more than a morjth has movie, which he believes will^ revo- ran north on Main street. The at- ^lefenselattorneys today indicated Few Details been annoying girls of Smith cal- lutionize the motion picture indus- Although definite details were tacker ran down Bissell stteet. JAZZ PASSING, nine of the twelve jurors tentative- try, and also a gigantic searchlight lackinig and news of the occupation Stabber Escapes lage was renewed today* by detec- ly selected to try William BfJward capable of throwing an image on was brought back by marine air- Although there were several on STRAUSS SAYS lives Investigating the strange dis- Hickman would be swept ffom the the sky thirty miles distant. The plane scouts, it was 'eported that the street at the time no one sensed appearance of Miss Francis' St. box by perempory challenges ;et commercial value of the latter in- rebel opposition to the marine ad- what had happened and the stabbqr the resumption of the Marioif Par- vention/would be, he said, in its vance was strong. Definite casual- got away._Miss Calve hurried, home Noted Viennese Musician De- John Smith. ker kidnaping and murder_ trial. adaptability for advertising. ties were not known, although it and was reluctant to tell anyone of clare^ It is Only a Tepppr- Casting about for a "clue,” tke ‘ Of the/four women and >elgl^t* Great Possibilities was reported here that two rdarines he.' experience. She told her fore- detectives picked up the old “ clue” men seated in the jury boY'i>h(®^ ary Fashion.. of the “ hugger and kisser”-—g “ I visualize great possibilities in had been wounded. man in the mills this, morning and adjournment was taken yesterday, . The marine patrol started the as- he immediately reported the mat- New, York', Jah. 27.— Eighty-five lively dramatized the use of. the prowler who has, been sought be- eleven had' been tentatively .^passed « the electric beam,” said Matthews. airplane for the American boy ard London, Jan. 27.^—Herr Jo- fore and- since-tbo..wegltby . .New cent to the actual peak yesterday ter to the mill superlntcnden|, Her- school heads in cities having a hann; Strauss, noted WiehnOBe hy both theratate and gfq^utipn. “ I hope to return within a few morning.' A considerable force of girl and continues that “ there is Y©rk;-’’'Y i 55bma;n -vaMrShed. , “ It seems remarkable ' thaS. we months to Flatholm' island in the bert Ingham. Mr. Ingham advised populstloh o t 100,00 or more, in- , oichestra cnnductOTi-.? believes rebels sought .to derend the strong- a need to establish this Interest “ suspects” ; hg'ye ' been under sui> should be able 6 find so I’^idly ^ Bristol channel to conduct further Miss Calve to go to ‘ he pt ljce head- clndli^f^^^^jtforfjT, ,Gqnn„. ape hack- upon; a basis of .'accuratei-^^ ir that jazz .muiM»:^ hold and others continued sniping quarters and tell exactly what ha^ vcillance. jury -which, had formsd ‘n(^ pr.iju-* experiments. The use of the island tion.” phase. ” -f: at the column. But after two hours happened. ing vA-ffiovement^ started' by^ the “ Just like'(womens style in State pojice do not place much .diced opinions after reading ^ w s - has been granted me by the Cardiff the inarines, occupied the top.., Danibi' Guggenheim, fund for pro- M. Alan Sullivan, of the Guggen- hope in. the ^;.‘'Jack-the-hugger” qr Council for the experiments. Be- Police Theory heim fund,' said the plan for teach- clothes, jazz music is only a paper accounts and listening dn the All'^the defenders had t d and as Patrolman John Cavagnaro wqs motion of aeronautics to ,teach the temporary fashion, , said Heir death by violenco theory. They be- radio to details of this crime,'-’ CWef cause of the danger, only a few of yet there was no news of the where- princlpjes o f. aviation.' to'school ing would be- formulated in the lieve that iMIsS .Smith either ran us will be on the island, a farmer, on the desk when the girl reported next few : weeks and be submitted Strausp. “The waltz, which is Defense Attorney Jerom® WalsN abouts of General Saudino, who is children - of the' bountry/ , the soul of the dance, will comb away for a,d'r®flture or took her declared. , ' ' . ' liis wife and myself. We will be known to have been wounded dur- and her statement to him was turn- A statemehii-iissued oh behalf of to the annual conference of school ed over to Chief of Police Gordon into its oWn. again.'; Ja^ music ’own life bedauie of her scholastic He commented upon^ho express- seven miles from the mainland.
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