Foreign Affairs Chair Launches EU Probe

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Foreign Affairs Chair Launches EU Probe • Issue 59 NETWORKING FOR DIPLOMATS CRISPIN BLUNT SETS OUT HIS AIMS FOR THE FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Foreign affairs chair launches EU probe An inquiry into the costs and benefts of mittee will look into the legal implications of Britain’s membership of European Union is a UK exit from the EU, including the scope a priority for the Foreign Affairs Committee, and cost of renegotiating the international its newly-elected chair Crispin Blunt MP told treaties and whether the UK would be likely Embassy magazine ahead of the launch of the to get a good deal in any re-negotiations. investigation at the end of July. The future of the Union will also be exam- The MP for Reigate said the detailed study ined, should a vote to exit the EU trigger a sec- would be aimed at informing public debate ond Scottish independence referendum and prior to the in-out referendum. the break up of the United Kingdom. The inquiry will look into how EU collective Part of the study will look at the impact on action has helped or hindered UK foreign pol- other EU states and EU institutions were the icy objectives and how influential the FCO has UK to withdraw from the EU, which will be been at directing EU common action. welcomed by EU missions in the UK. Also under scrutiny will be the impact of The deadline for submissions is 2 October. a Brexit on the UK’s standing in multilateral EU heads of mission have discussed whether Foreign Afairs organisations such as the UN and NATO as it would be appropriate to participate and Committee Chair Crispin Blunt well as key partners, such as the transatlantic have concluded that Britain’s exit from the EU relationship, the Commonwealth, and rela- would have an impact on their countries and tions with the BRIC countries. therefore they should make their views known. the analysis that underpinned the decision to The extent to which the UK could continue intervene in Libya and whether the FCO had to participate in EU collective action on an ad- FCO to be quizzed over Libya fully considered the consequences. hoc basis if it left the EU will also be analysed. The Committee also launched an inquiry into Ex-soldier, Blunt criticised the intervention The Former Justice Minister and his com- Libya and will question the Foreign Office on continued on p2 POP STAR RITA ORA MADE HONORARY AMBASSADOR BY VISITING PRESIDENT ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Kosovo Ambassador with X Factor 3 Pimms and Foreign Policy l British pop icon and X Factor judge Rita Meet the new head of the FCO Ora was appointed an honorary ambassador of Kosovo by the country’s President during 4 Ending delays for VAT rebates l her a recent official visit to the UK. A tax-free diplomatic fuel card Conferring the honour, Kosovo’s President 6 Stealing migrant children? l Atifete Jahjaga described Ora as the young Alarm raised over forced adoptions country’s “most successful” artist. The Pristina-born star promised to wear 6 Downing Street secrets l the title “with great honour,” saying: “I didn’t Life behind the famous black door expect to be a role model, least of all being 10 Decision Time l ambassador, but I’m not going to say no.” Commonwealth should elect a woman She added: “I’ve always had a special place Kosovo President in my heart for my home town and Kosovo.” Atifete Jahjaga and 11 Back with a Big Bang Rita Ora Ora received the honour at a reception Diplomatic Science Club gets reboot l attended by former UK Prime Minister Tony also had talks with Foreign Office Minister 14 New Heads of Mission from l Blair and ex NATO Secretary George Robert- Baroness Anelay who later visited Kosovo. Iceland and Togo son, both key players in the NATO-led Kosovo The Minister announced £80,000 of UK war, leading to the country’s independence. support for the Kosovo Centre for the Reha- 31 Winfeld Wild Boys l During the visit President Jahjaga met with bilitation of Victims of Torture and the estab- Duran Duran rocks July 4th party the Queen and Prime Minister Cameron. She lishment of a Special Court on War Crimes. For real-time updates on diplomatic life in London follow us on @EmbassyMagazine NEWS NEWS IN BRIEF NEW HEAD OF THE BRITISH DIPLOMATIC SERVICE TOLD TO DO MORE WITH LESS Nuclear deal speeds Iran Perfect pick for new FCO chief The London Diplomatic Corps has welcomed Embassy opening Sir Simon McDonald Iran and Britain aim to re-open their embas- the appointment of Sir Simon McDonald as sies towards the end of the year, Foreign Sec- Permanent Under-Secretary (PUS) at the FCO. retary Philip Hammond said following the Sir Simon takes up his post as head of the historic signing of the nuclear deal between British Diplomatic Service after a successful Iran and and six world powers. tour of duty in Berlin which ended in a flour- ish with the State Visit of The Queen last year. Twist to Wikileaks asylum saga In Germany he was known for his wicked The plan of Swedish prosecutors to ques- wit and his predilection for Pimms (he caused tion Wikileaks founder Julian Assange at a stir as a guest on a German chat show when the Embassy of Ecuador – bringing to an end he turned up with a bottle of Pimms, seizing the his three-year asylum at the mission – has chance to promote Britain’s summer drink). tionship McDonald gained useful insights stalled due to last-minute disagreements But it’s no longer ‘Pimms o’clock’ for with a stint in Washington (1995-1998). between Ecuador and Sweden over condi- McDonald whose substantial in-tray includes From 2007 to 2010, he was chief foreign tions for the meeting. the EU renegotiation, Russia/Ukraine, counter- policy adviser to Prime Minister Gordon The whistleblower is wanted for ques- ing extremism, boosting trade and investment Brown and head of foreign and defence pol- tioning over allegations of sexual assault, and keeping British citizens safe overseas. icy in the cabinet office. which he denies. He has refused to travel Considered by insiders as an “all-rounder”, The new PUS will have to convince allies that to Sweden fearing he would be extradited the 54-year-old has the right credentials for the Britain is back on the world stage after a period to the US and put on trial over WikiLeaks’ job. During his Berlin post McDonald helped of introspection. Prime Minister Cameron has publication of classified documents. conduct shuttle diplomacy between Germany already put his money where his mouth is, Ttime is running out for the prosecutors and the UK in an attempt to bring Angela Mer- maintaining NATO’s spending target of 2% of as two of the alleged offences will reach their kel to Britain’s way of thinking on EU reform. GDP and overseas aid at 0.7% of GDP. statute of limitation on 13 and 18 August. The Middle East will also be at the top of the But that means the FCO will undoubt- in-tray. McDonald, an Arabic speaker, under- edly bear the brunt of Chancellor George Embassy slams FCO in visa row stands the complexities of the region hav- Osborne’s swingeing cuts of up to 40% of its The Russian Embassy has accused the For- ing earned his stripes, first as deputy head of budget, leaving the PUS as little as £650m to eign Office of a “flagrant violation” of its mission in Riyadh (1998-2001), and then as run the FCO’s prized network of embassies in international obligations by delaying the Ambassador to Israel (2003-06). 168 countries. If that is to remain unscathed, extension of visas for Russian Embassy He also served as principal private secretary cuts will have to come from somewhere else. staff, resulting in their “forced departure” to the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, in the run- First to be axed were expense accounts of from the UK after their visas expired. up to the Iraq war and later became Director mid-level British envoys. So next time diplo- The Foreign Office said it couldn’t com- for Iraq at the Foreign Office from 2006-2007. mats meet with a Foreign Office colleague, be ment on the details of these cases but On the all-important trans-Atlantic rela- warned it may be over coffee instead of lunch... said the UK approach “reflected arrange- ments” of British diplomats in Moscow. The Russian Embassy said it was not continued from p1 aware of British diplomats experiencing problems extending their visas and branded the British action as “petty minded”. UK strikes in Syria ‘symbolic’ The Russian Embassy claimed its offi- saying Libya’s descent into a failed state had by Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, would cials waited an average of six months for been “a catastrophe” for the people of Libya be anything other than symbolic. the UK to conduct “deep” background and is a growing threat to Britain due to IS Instead, he said the UK should be putting checks before approving visas, including establishing control in Europe’s backyard. “diplomatic heft” behind Turkey, Iran and the Embassy cook. He added that the breakdown of law and Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan to get more order in post-Gaddafi Libya had contributed to involved because IS defeat would require Reshufe of top UK envoys the migrant crisis facing Europe. occupation and administration of areas it It’s been a game of musical chairs at the The inquiry will look at whether the inter- once controlled.
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