Kdr Quill Scroll Vol 29 No 2 Ja

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Kdr Quill Scroll Vol 29 No 2 Ja or K..APPA .D.ELTA RHO Courft_·su Cornell .. llluUtli Nt' W."i Sctut of 1111111!/ 11 !hrilliu.'l 11/h/r lie r·ou/e~t 1939 National Organization KAPPA DELTA RHO FRATERNITY Founded at Middlebury College in the sprin g of 1905, by George E. Kimball, Gino A. Ratti, Chester M. Walch, Irving T. Coates, John Beecher, Thomas H. Bartley, Benjamin E. Fal'l', Pierce W. Darrow, Gideon R. Norton, and Roy D. Wood. EXECUTIVE OFFICES 109 Irving Place, Ithaca, New York OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS l'reNide·ul, L.~::o T. Wou'ORJ>, 1711 Inter-Southern Building, Louisvill e, Kentucky l"icn-PrPNidenl. JoHN 0. BoYn, 415 L exington Avenue, New York City 1'reaR·u?·e·r, 0RJUN G. Juon, 1 Wall Street, Ne\1' York Cit.v Assistant 1'?·easu?'e?·, WALTER E. BuRNHA~r, Morristown School, Morristown, N cw Jersey Di?·ecto?·s : LAvERNE S. SEVERAN CE , 6~0 N. Delaware Avenue, Portland, Oregon G. LA VERNE C\lm, R ed Hook, New York ' Vn.I.JAM H. SANDLAS, 90 E. Franklin Street, B altimore, Maryland JoHN L. Br.AKF.l.F.Y, 8.5-10 34th Avenue, Jackson Heights, Ne~v York HEv. HAROLD F. LEMOINE, 1 E . 99th Street, New York City EXECUTIVE SECRETARY HowARD B. ORTNER, 109 Irving Place, Ithaca, New York OFFICIAL PUBLICATION TnE Qmu. AND ScaoLL of Kappa Delta Rho, published quarterly in the months of November, January, April and June. Editor, H. B. Ortner, 109 Irving Place, Ithaca, New York. CHAPTERS AND PROPRAETORS ALPHA-Middlebury College, .M. C. HILL, Middlebury, Vermont BETA- Cornell University, P:~-nLil' ENGELnEa, 306 Highl and Road, Ithaca, • ew York GAMMA- New York State College for Teachers, Orro J. HowE, 117 S. Lake Avenue, Albany, New York DELTA--Colgate University, Bun ARNSDORF, Hamilton, New York EPSILON- Franklin College, GILllERT MILLER, Franklin, Indiana ZETA- Penn State Colle!!'e, C. A . HuGus, State College, P ennsylvania ETA- Univers ity of Illinois, GEORGE Or.soN, 1110 Williamson Street, Champaign, Illinoi · THETA- Purdue University, R. B. NEWHOUSE, West Lafayette, Indiana. IOTA- Bucknell University, H. W. KING, L ewisburg, P ennsylvania KAPPA-Ohio State University, DoNALD W. W EAVER, 98 14th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio LAMBDA- University of California, RoJJmT G. WILUAl\rs, 9510 LeConte, Berkeley, Cali- fornia MU-University of Michigan, HARBY BENFORD, 739 Forest Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan NU- Indiana Univer ity, R . A. GIESE, Chapter Hou e, Bloomington, Indiana XI-Colby Co ll ege, PAUL E. SnELDON, Chapter House, Waterville, Maine PI- Gettysburg College, STANLEY ·WHITSON, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania HHO- T. afayette College, JonN RAY SO R, Chapter Hou e, Easton, P ennsylva nia SIGMA- Oregon State, Rom:aT TuLLY, Chapter House, 140 N. 93rd Street, Corvallis, Oregon TAU- Carnegie Inst itute of Technology, G01wo:>1 l<rrru:, Pittsburgh, Pcnnsyh·ania (Pleaae turn to inside of back cover) THE QUILL AND SCROLL O FFICIAL PUBLI CATI ON OF KA PPA DELTA RHO FRATERNITY Volume XXIX January, 1939 Number 2 CONTENTS PAOF. SCHOELKOPF MEMORIAL STADIUM AND CLUBHOUSE, CORNELL UNIVERSITY .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. F1·ont cover STATEMENT OF FRATERNITY CRITERIA . .... ...... ..... .. ~ EXPEDITIONING IN MEXICO, by H an·y Hoogstrcwl, Eta '38 . 3 RATTIS TAKE LEAD IN FAMILY RACE . 6 CHAPTER CONNUBIAL . 7 BLESSED EVENTS . 7 ETA CHAPTER CELEBRATES TWENTIE TH ANNIVERSARY, by IIo1·ace M. G1·ay, '22 . 8 FLASHES FROM THIRTIETH INTERFRATERNITY CONFER- ENCE . .. ......................... .... ..... .. ........ 9 NU AGAIN TOPS SCHOLARSHIP LIST AT INDIANA UNIVER- SITY .. ..... .. .. .. ... ... ... ....... .. ... .... .. .... 13 WITH THE ALUMNI .. ... .. ..... .. .. .. ... ... ............... H SIGMA ALUMNI NEWS . l4o ETA ALUMNI NEWS FROM COAST TO COAST ..... .. ... 15 XI ALUMNI NEWS . 15 XI ALUMNI ELECT OFFICERS ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. .... 15 FIVE ALPHA PI DELTA ALUMN'T INITIATED AT LOS ANGELES .. .... ... .. ... .... ... ...... .... ... ........ 16 INITIATES . 1G FROM GREEK TO GREEK ......... ........... ..... ..... ..... 17 CHAPTERS . EO LEO T. WOLFORD REELECTED PRESIDENT ..... .. ....... ... 36 Entered as second class matter at the Burlington. Vermont, post office unde r th e oct of March 3. 1879. The Quill and Scroll of Kappa Delta Rho is published at 187 College Street, Burlington, Verm ont, in January, April, June and November Onlv life subscriptions ore available at ten dollars ea ch in the Uniled States and Canada. "'E consider the fraternity responsible for a positive contribution \.JJ to the primary functions of the colleges and universities, and therefore under an obligation to encourage the most complete personal development of its members, intellectual, physical, and social. Therefore we declare: ( 1) That the objectives and activities of the fraternity should be in entire accord with the aims and purposes of the institu­ tions at which it has chapters. ( 2) That the primary loyalty and responsibility of a student in his relations with his institution are to the institution, and that the association of any group of students as a chapter of a fraternity involves the definite responsibility of the group for the conduct of the individual. ( 3) That the fraternity should promote conduct consistent with good morals and good taste. ( 4) That the fraternity should create an atmosphere which will stimulate substantial intellectual progress and superior intel­ lectual achievement. ( 5) That the fraternity should maintain sanitary, safe, and whole­ some physical conditions in the chapter house. ( 6) That the fraternity should inculate principles of sound busi­ ness practice both in chapter finances and in the business relations of its members. f These criteria adopted at a joint meeting of tbc Executive Committee of the National Interfraternity Conferwce and members of tbe Advisory Council of Dean s, February IJ, I 934· Exped.itioning In Mexico By Harry Hoogstraal, Eta '38 AFTER SPENDING three months in the of Mexican animals and plants." The Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains of greater part of our collections have been Mexico the Mexican Biological Expedi­ acquired by the Field l\fuseum, and the tion of students of the University of remainder has been requested by a Illinois came to a halt early one morn­ score of universities and museums in the ing in the beginning of September in United States, as well as those in the driveway of Eta Chapter of Kappa Mexico and the British Museum in Lon­ Delta Rho, and the work of distributing don. What few live animals we brought the collections and making the identi­ back were acquired by the Chicago fications began. We returned richly Zoological Society for its zoo in Brook­ laden with specimens and experiences, field. but minus most of the insect collection We spent more than a month on Cerro on which I had spent most of my time Potosi, a 12,500 foot mountain in the during the summer. One night during State of Nuevo Leon. Since this moun­ the last week in Mexico, while taking tain is the highest in the Sierra Madre our equipment down the mountain in an range, and its existence is hardly real­ ox-cart, the box containing almost the ized, even by people who are well ac­ entire insect collection was stolen by a quainted with the geography, f auna, native who evidently did not know its and flora of Mexico, and especially contents, and so one of the most im­ since Potosi is situated in the north­ portant results of our expedition was eastern section of Mexico which has lost. However, we had the pleasure of never been explored extensively by n a­ hearing other parts of our collections tural scientists, the results of the ex­ described at the Field Museum in Chi­ pedition are well worth the time, effort, cago as "an important, and, in some and money spent. Camp was made in lines, a completing link in the knowledge a little mountain meadow, the floor of BRAWN vs. BRAIN H oogstraal getting a free ride at end of 1·ope 3 4 THE Q u iLL AND ScROLL which was a riot of color with its spread kin ; crates of food; scientific kits and of yellow and blue flowers, hemmed in equipment such a microscopes, rain by · a magnificent forest of darkg reen gages, and vials; net and seines. \Ve pines. Since our camp was at an alti­ kept the truck a t an altitude of 7,250 tude of 11 ,800 feet we slept in freezing feet when we made camp at 11,800, and weather and several times went to bed between the two places our equipment f ull of chocolate ice-cream which we was carried on burro and ox-carts. made with the aid of hail that often Once I tried loading a ver y valuable coyered the ground for days at a time trunk of animal skins on a mule, but - that in Mexico where ice-cream is the idea did not suit the democratic ani­ unknown except in the larger cities. mal, and he dragged me down the trail Our big, two-ton International truck " on my belly" at the end of a rope­ loaded to capacity, climbed mountains, that was the last time we tried mules. rode down rh·ers, cross country, and Catching rattlesnakes and other took roads from which many smaller cars snakes became a methodical matter of shied, all with the greatest of ease­ slipping nooses around their heads, hut except once when a wooden bridge gave being ch ased from a cave by a mountain way to our six tons of weight and sank lion was a little more dangerous sort of down with the truck on it. Then a sport. T wo of us were in a cave some Yill agc-full of men with raw-hide ropes, twenty feet below the surface knocking a team of oxen, and the auxiliary low down some of the thousands of bats gear made pulling the truck out of this which lived there so that we could bring predicament a light task, but on e which back some f or stud,.
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