ERADICATION OF USING DEBRIBOT 1K. Vamsi, 2P. Jagadeesh 1,2Electronics and Communication Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai, Tamilnadu


Space debris is the man made wastes that are accumulated in space which revolve around the due to space activities. These particles that cause the severe threat to the natural and artificial satellites,which includes large objects for instance non-operational satellites, parts of launchers and small parts dimensionally less than or equal to 10 cms these debris causes the large or small size results in the destruction of satellites and space crafts. To reduce the damage caused by these debris we propose DEBRIBOT kind of robot to remove the debris from space using ion plasma beam technique. IPB can provide the required force so that the debris are pushed into the earth’s atmosphere and later burns out. Various measurements are done in the proposed work to prove that the eradication of space debris is feasible using robot. DEBRIBOT structurally similar to satellite that includes debris collection features.

KEY WORD: DEBRIBOT,ANTENNA,ION PLASMA BEAM DEBRIBOT has high accuracy and can perform complex series of action automatically that helps in detecting approaching and analyzing debris using sensors.


There are about 670,000 objects orbiting Earth that pose a danger to satellites and other spacecraft. These objects are 1 cm or larger; they can put a hole through solar panels, and are capable of penetrating the ISS shields. According to a report by the European Space Agency (ESA) from July of 2013: There are more than 170 million objects of size 1 mm orbiting Earth, about 670,000 objects larger than 1 cm, and about 29,000 for sizes larger than 10 cm (not including satellites which are in use). Debris of 1 mm could destroy a sub-system onboard a spacecraft, and objects larger than 10 cm are entirely capable of causing .catastrophic fragmentation of a typical satellite.” For an energy- to- ratio, only 40 Joules per gram are needed to cause a disastrous collision.

What happens when there is a major collision in space? The movie Gravity was made to cover this exact concept. When there is a major collision, there is a significant amount of extra debris created. Glass from solar panels, metal fragments, and many other miscellaneous pieces. What ensues is called Kessler Syndrome. These broken pieces of satellite or spacecraft will rain down into smaller orbits, colliding with more satellites, and ultimately creating more debris to collide with a larger number of satellites and other debris [11]. In the movie Gravity, Sandra Bullock survives an instance of Kessler Syndrome, which is caused when Russia sends a missile strike on one of their old and defunct satellites. The ensuing chaos caused the death of multiple astronauts and created a box-office success.



Proposed DEBRIBOT for space debris removal:

The space debris have become a great problem during the space missions.The deflection of the debris from the collision with the other spacecrafts and satellites is feasible through the proposed technique of the ion beam where strong force acted on the debris. The implementation involves the impulse which shifts the debris intersection point. The various launching parameters which are to be included in DEBRIBOT is the predefined position depending on the data received from earth station regarding debris position and then monitoring the movement of DEBRIBOT from earth station. The IBP technique is mainly used to deflect the which has the chance of collision on earth.We can make use of this technique in such a way that depending on size and mass of debris we control the impulse of IBM and deflect the debris into the earth’s atmosphere. There is also another method known as kinetic impactor(KI) which has been successfully demonstrated by NASA during mission in 2005. In that demonstration the P/Tempel 1 has been deflected without fail.We are preferring IPB technique because in KI there is high risk of fracturing of target debris which does not lead to eradication but in turn forms the debris. This is the reason why we are adopting IPB technique in eradication of debris. The average orbital velocity of the space debris is the 7km/sec. The average collisional velocity of debris is 10km/.



Dimensions of the DEBRIBOT

Force produced by the plasma

Robotic motion control

Robotic deflection mechanism





Year: 2000

“ USING LASER IN SPACE” The mentioned paper effectively bring about orbital debris removal by using laser radiations. The term refers to removing materials from a solid or in some cases liquid surface by eradicating it with laser. Laser is too powerful for a radiation system to be used as the ablation process. Author : K.RAYMER

Year: 2013

“DE-ORBITING ENVISAT” The primary objective of the above paper was to address a way to prevent future collisions. They attempted to explain the way using an example (ENVISAT). The results obtained pointed out that it would take around 140 kg of fuel to move the satellite ENVISAT to a point where it would normally returns to earth orbit with in 25 years. Author : ZONES

Year: 2005

“ POSITION PAPER ON SPACE DEBRIS METIGATION IMPLEMENTATION ZERO DEBRIS CREATION” The primary goal was to identify two space jones as protected regions one is LEO, second is GEO . this results obtained was new methods to prevent and minimize debris creation some of this methods recommended were the use of a electrodynamic tether. A device which can act as a generator and the electrical current generators a lorentz force which increases atmospheric drag . one more possible solution recommended was the use of mail man a cascading model which identifies group of debris in the upper stages of the debris meeting them and performing a de-orbit along with them with the help of a tether. Author : A HARRIS ,T AHRENS

Year: 1992

“DEFLECTION AND FRAGMENTATION OF NEAR EARTH ASTEROIDS” The deflection of from its collision course with our planet is in principle technically feasible and can be carried out in different ways. The basic ideas is to transmit a deflecting impulse to the asteroid whose effect is to eventually produce a large enough shift in the asteroid intersection point on the earth B-plane in such a way that the impact with our planet can be ruled out with a high enough degree of confidence. Such impulse can be transmitted instantaneously by the use of the stand of nuclear exploison or simply by having a spacecraft impacting against it at high relative velocity. Laser Tracking Methods with Accuracy Since 1978, strategies to relieve and possibly switch the collisional falling marvel have been broadly researched. A few recreations examined post mission transfer strategies and were appeared to decrease the development rate of the trash condition (Bennett et al., 2013). Ground-based lasers utilized photon weight for crash shirking or beat laser removal for expulsion of room flotsam and jetsam. These strategies require a laser pillar to bolt onto the objective question and, accordingly, require the circle of the question be anticipated. Author : CRAIG SMITH

Year: 2014

“EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF DEBRIS ORBIT PREDICTIONS USING SPACE TRACKING DATA ” The main purpose of collecting tracking data of a debris objects is to determine and predict the orbit of the object with better accuracy. Accurate satellite od is possible if dense and high quality tracking data is available.




Year: 2013

“SPACE DEBRIS DETECTION METHODS UTILIZING HYPERSPECTRAL SEQUENCE ANALYSIS BASED ON HILBERT-HUANG TRANSFORMATION ” Laser Tracking Methods with Accuracy Since 1978, strategies to relieve and possibly switch the collisional falling marvel have been broadly researched. A few recreations examined post mission transfer strategies and were appeared to decrease the development rate of the trash condition (Bennett et al., 2013). Ground-based lasers utilized photon weight for crash shirking or beat laser removal for expulsion of room flotsam and jetsam. These strategies require a laser pillar to bolt onto the objective question and, accordingly, require the circle of the question be anticipated. METHODOLOGY:

1) Dimensions of the debris we assumed to take the length up to maximum of 10 cm and based on the formula we can calculate the mass of the debris. 1) since mass =volume*density Volume =length*breadth*thickness;

From the above result we come to calculate the dimensions and mass of the debris through ion beam shephered technique using the formula we can calculate the mass which further helps us to calculate force exerted by the debris . 2) Power system of the robot acquired by the photoelectric conversion where solar cells are used to convert the solar energy of photons to the electric energy which gives the information clock and power which then supplied to the antenna which turn the code execution of robot movement by using the loops or conditional statements all `through the integrated or the sinee wave generator. DETECTION TECHNIQUE: After sending the debribot into the orbit, we need to detect the dimensions of the debris like width,length,thickness.After detecting these parameters we can easily find out the volume of the debris by using the formulae.And then the mass of the debris is calculated. The IBS(ion beam shepherd) idea is schematized . The shepherd rocket is found not very a long way from the space rock, pointing one of its particle thrusters straightforwardly at the space rock surface. The high-speed particles of the semi impartial plasma produced by the thruster achieve the space rock surface, entering the space rock material while losing their vitality through ionizing impacts until the point when they stop, ordinarily a couple nanometres underneath the surface. On the off chance that the shaft completely blocks the space rock the last will experience a power generally equivalent also, inverse to the one encountered by the rocket. It will then be important to have a second particle thruster mounted on the rocket to counterbalance the aggregate power what's more, keep consistent the separation as for the space rock. Note that the IBS gravitational draw on the space rock, which would, on a fundamental level, diminish the transmitted energy is 1970


ordinarily irrelevant for sensible drifting separations as appeared in [6] and later on in this article. In the event that for effortlessness we expect the connected power F is consistent and the essential and auxiliary impetus frameworks are indistinguishable, the aggregate mass mtot required for such a moderate push battle of span Dt can be partitioned into fuel, control plant and structure.

mibs=2F[(T/Isp(g))+Ispg/2ep]+mstr F=Force that caused due to second thrust T=deviation in time Isp=Thruster specific impulse

=inverse specific power ep=thruster efficiency mstr=spacecraft mass where Isp is the (steady) thruster particular motivation, g is the ocean level gravity, Zep the thruster proficiency, mstr the rocket auxiliary mass (barring the power plant) furthermore, a the opposite particular power, likewise considered as a consistent(for straight forwardness). Contingent upon the aggregate pushed time Dt, the reverse particular power and the thruster proficiency there exists an ideal estimation of the particular drive limiting the add up to shuttle mass DESCRIPTION:

Initially the robot experienced some force which then be maintained to orbit that has synchronous with the debris by using the second thruster of the ion plasma beam . For space rock avoidance missions, described by a large estimation of the aggregate pushed drive FDt, a basic figure of legitimacy for looking at changed avoiding strategies is the proportion of such motivation to the aggregate shuttle mass expected to acquire it, that is the aggregate diversion drive over shuttle mass (m/s):




Avoidance execution with the end goal to evaluate the achievable avoidance in a genuine mission situation we have considered the space rocks 2007 VK184 and 2011 AG5 , presently the main two NEOs having file 1 as for the Torino scale, and connected a nonstop unrelated pushed quickening all through a given time interim before the effect. The orbital components of the two space rocks, of 130 m and 140 m breadth, correspondingly, have been somewhat altered with the end goal to have an effect at the Earth focus at the season of the anticipated nearest approach. The scientific strategy for Ref. [10] has been utilized to gauge the redirection, for which the impact of the Earth gravitational cooperation is (moderately) disregarded for clearness. plots the redirection achievable with a persistent unrelated push of extent 1 N connected to the two space rocks persistently and beginning until 10 years before the anticipated effect. In one case (dashed line) a most extreme avoidance term of 2 years pursued by a drifting stage is accepted while in the other (strong line) the avoidance.


In this paper we are concluding that by the IPB technique we can eradicate the debris from the space which are of 10cm length.From the tabulated results we concluded to eradicate the debris by the debribot of various dimensions of the various debris. Technological advances in the area of ion propulsion and deployable solar arrays as well as guidance and navigation will be the key in order to improve the performance and technological readiness of the concept.FUTURE WORK:

At present the robot is controlled and monitored from earth station, we can make use of artificial intelligence in detection of debris and also the automatic eradication of debris through IPB can done in its lifetime. We can also make use of nuclear power so that the lifetime of the DEBRIBOT can be increased. In the proposed paper we can eradicate the debris of length 10cm, so we can extend the work and bring advancements in the IPB technique and make the space debris free. REFERENCE:

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