Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol

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Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume A 65,099,595 AA 60,581,517 AAC 4,046,031 AAN 13,073,731 AAP 21,237,376 AAT 5,312,254 AAV 3,500,738 AB 6,258,463 ABB 35,503,288 ABBV 161,878,516 ABC 29,518,967 ABEV 715,332,133 ABG 3,691,475 ABM 23,337,012 ABR 44,304,845 ABRPRA 89,742 ABRPRB 13,594 ABRPRC 41,911 ABT 107,128,990 ABX 181,810,635 AC 561,118 ACC 25,089,867 ACCO 8,538,861 ACH 1,774,599 ACM 17,731,899 ACN 58,203,338 ACP 1,409,065 ACRE 2,101,340 ACV 1,314,512 ADC 4,121,554 ADM 77,665,117 ADNT 30,481,873 ADS 11,249,989 ADSW 11,842,767 ADT 59,326,950 ADX 3,815,510 AEB 322,012 AED 1,065,733 AEE 38,483,226 AEG 44,709,488 AEH 1,311,768 AEL 15,035,522 AEM 23,335,334 AEO 90,011,710 AEP 74,234,348 AER 19,439,811 AES 150,811,827 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume AET 40,905,442 AFB 1,260,074 AFC 162,774 AFG 7,357,239 AFGE 178,710 AFGH 253,101 AFI 2,717,757 AFL 62,173,671 AFSIPRA 220,437 AFSIPRB 191,079 AFSIPRC 234,553 AFSIPRD 448,780 AFSIPRE 262,112 AFSIPRF 459,992 AFSS 276,752 AFST 252,020 AFT 1,537,862 AG 48,254,911 AGC 2,683,892 AGCO 14,368,255 AGD 759,347 AGI 35,011,490 AGM 787,977 AGMA 16,721 AGMPRA 14,426 AGMPRB 28,666 AGMPRC 7,889 AGN 55,070,080 AGO 16,974,286 AGOPRB 92,236 AGOPRE 109,861 AGOPRF 76,911 AGR 8,978,951 AGRO 12,243,377 AGS 6,200,885 AGX 5,399,747 AHC 375,361 AHH 10,042,545 AHL 13,497,520 AHLPRC 530,242 AHLPRD 615,980 AHT 14,497,531 AHTPRD 56,041 AHTPRF 182,435 AHTPRG 179,863 AHTPRH 171,019 AHTPRI 356,213 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume AI 18,225,442 AIC 60,893 AIF 1,142,898 AIG 112,182,296 AIGWS 1,609,326 AIN 2,296,166 AIPRB 28,885 AIR 4,686,686 AIT 4,357,326 AIV 20,785,957 AIVPRA 37,847 AIW 43,514 AIY 432,338 AIZ 21,233,998 AIZP 488,263 AJG 21,604,151 AJRD 13,019,374 AJX 1,085,930 AJXA 212,611 AKOA 20,797 AKOB 402,771 AKP 400,887 AKR 14,933,664 AKS 235,112,203 AL 13,840,258 ALB 28,479,487 ALE 5,017,055 ALEX 9,244,910 ALG 1,428,565 ALK 42,832,572 ALL 45,830,920 ALLE 15,193,288 ALLPRA 174,419 ALLPRB 634,887 ALLPRC 598,514 ALLPRD 160,944 ALLPRE 1,099,233 ALLPRF 308,709 ALLPRG 1,608,204 ALLY 75,786,613 ALLYPRA 2,621,154 ALPPRQ 491,747 ALSN 26,737,506 ALV 10,585,509 ALVWI 4,999 ALX 153,311 AM 11,452,803 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume AMBR 3,409,199 AMC 30,420,167 AME 23,865,323 AMG 11,654,493 AMGP 8,208,478 AMH 57,890,306 AMHPRD 105,223 AMHPRE 108,043 AMHPRF 207,553 AMHPRG 134,137 AMID 4,691,903 AMN 7,894,925 AMOV 98,303 AMP 24,310,010 AMRC 2,570,775 AMRX 25,750,167 AMT 46,093,568 AMX 67,288,151 AN 17,535,080 ANDV 30,569,003 ANDX 11,061,077 ANET 18,805,886 ANF 70,327,973 ANFI 4,614,815 ANH 10,752,982 ANHPRA 38,216 ANHPRB 5,403 ANHPRC 91,956 ANTM 29,790,213 ANW 68,934,433 AOD 4,946,590 AOI 4,448,209 AON 19,414,324 AOS 31,739,738 AP 1,517,402 APA 107,027,877 APAM 6,866,428 APB 161,195 APC 103,856,192 APD 22,042,399 APF 209,597 APH 26,623,377 APLE 29,384,635 APO 12,697,092 APOPRA 644,563 APOPRB 1,536,547 APRN 74,490,702 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume APTS 9,339,748 APTV 28,261,548 APU 4,224,695 APY 18,989,476 AQ 12,358,361 AQN 3,337,246 AQUA 25,004,895 AR 56,326,606 ARA 2,884,402 ARC 9,232,482 ARCH 6,959,774 ARCO 16,051,600 ARD 2,386,054 ARDC 1,483,869 ARE 16,459,605 AREPRD 121,737 ARES 6,202,405 ARESPRA 352,024 ARGD 160,887 ARGO 2,282,106 ARI 26,577,149 ARIPRC 169,481 ARL 351,745 ARMK 35,496,286 ARNC 77,449,624 AROC 43,110,828 ARR 8,183,389 ARRPRA 59,828 ARRPRB 285,072 ARW 9,324,536 ASA 1,195,587 ASB 24,212,303 ASBPRC 96,455 ASBPRD 78,985 ASC 4,701,152 ASG 2,234,212 ASGN 5,706,178 ASH 10,225,885 ASIX 3,919,069 ASPN 635,890 ASR 774,668 ASX 14,036,794 AT 10,142,219 ATEN 6,616,758 ATGE 7,434,503 ATH 34,976,438 ATHM 17,351,251 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume ATI 45,090,881 ATKR 12,839,097 ATO 10,886,528 ATR 7,228,040 ATTO 3,609,797 ATU 15,418,860 ATUS 178,944,619 ATV 508,699 AU 140,965,411 AUO 17,446,131 AUY 217,184,315 AVA 9,968,902 AVAL 2,454,093 AVB 17,456,024 AVD 1,899,762 AVH 3,514,787 AVK 1,226,013 AVLR 24,615,171 AVP 147,984,288 AVX 4,490,954 AVY 13,527,970 AVYA 41,162,462 AWF 4,408,643 AWI 6,104,917 AWK 21,041,091 AWP 5,956,398 AWR 3,773,857 AXE 2,842,007 AXL 49,474,969 AXP 85,096,361 AXR 25,328 AXS 9,851,325 AXSPRD 307,730 AXSPRE 1,241,771 AXTA 43,502,912 AYI 23,292,732 AYR 9,878,122 AYX 20,440,799 AZN 61,053,765 AZO 6,526,082 AZRE 3,355,228 AZUL 28,109,281 AZZ 4,216,153 B 5,531,445 BA 84,544,265 BABA 408,902,150 BAC 1,378,975,098 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume BACPRA 1,011,237 BACPRB 9,885,073 BACPRC 1,525,094 BACPRD 1,891,233 BACPRE 403,678 BACPRICL 1,988,689 BACPRL 57,100 BACPRW 2,250,682 BACPRY 1,402,476 BACWSA 4,101,265 BACWSB 9,830,391 BAF 518,632 BAH 23,637,964 BAK 13,888,730 BAM 14,973,183 BANC 9,914,649 BANCPRC 73,853 BANCPRD 88,243 BANCPRE 107,643 BAP 5,376,797 BAS 13,894,934 BAX 65,784,886 BB 110,136,906 BBD 325,901,553 BBDO 208,166 BBF 655,349 BBK 404,523 BBL 32,669,684 BBN 2,394,145 BBT 83,956,911 BBTPRD 437,603 BBTPRE 902,203 BBTPRF 359,721 BBTPRG 494,991 BBTPRH 749,748 BBU 429,421 BBVA 63,146,704 BBW 3,830,128 BBX 15,208,963 BBY 75,674,801 BC 22,100,670 BCC 8,882,147 BCE 18,373,881 BCEI 8,146,797 BCH 1,007,136 BCO 10,868,334 BCRH 1,488,772 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume BCS 46,695,512 BCSPRD 3,283,650 BCX 4,924,673 BDC 11,256,978 BDCPRB 810,300 BDJ 7,581,280 BDN 39,746,571 BDX 25,594,629 BDXA 3,839,673 BEDU 5,122,952 BEL 9,309,840 BEN 73,290,812 BEP 2,634,798 BERY 38,487,657 BFA 1,545,062 BFAM 5,921,616 BFB 42,256,223 BFK 1,720,382 BFO 142,552 BFR 11,874,935 BFS 864,793 BFSPRC 56,011 BFSPRD 142,765 BFY 208,936 BFZ 1,333,144 BG 33,865,364 BGB 2,428,049 BGCA 159,771 BGG 5,257,651 BGH 1,724,283 BGIO 1,504,463 BGR 1,789,036 BGS 24,220,404 BGT 2,016,036 BGX 935,426 BGY 6,582,766 BH 193,064 BHA 20,030 BHE 7,560,913 BHGE 99,877,892 BHK 2,842,216 BHLB 17,566,117 BHP 50,810,791 BHR 4,699,036 BHRPRB 141,186 BHV 51,916 BHVN 12,265,104 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume BID 6,911,106 BIF 3,648,446 BIG 46,817,447 BIO 2,969,154 BIOB 1,102 BIP 5,620,312 BIT 2,361,860 BITA 32,525,099 BJ 27,251,154 BJZ 129,283 BK 96,600,629 BKD 78,559,683 BKE 9,325,024 BKH 9,892,833 BKHU 1,046,399 BKI 16,388,512 BKK 614,576 BKN 700,017 BKPRC 689,605 BKS 21,769,616 BKT 2,118,985 BKU 22,151,267 BLD 5,855,233 BLE 1,003,118 BLH 48,773 BLK 11,915,992 BLL 68,951,606 BLW 1,994,889 BLX 2,216,465 BMA 10,831,646 BME 706,750 BMI 2,356,133 BMLPRG 68,110 BMLPRH 1,031,127 BMLPRI 1,224,451 BMLPRJ 281,220 BMLPRL 473,206 BMO 5,809,509 BMS 12,396,362 BMY 167,496,400 BNED 10,082,745 BNS 19,386,904 BNY 456,932 BOE 4,596,149 BOH 4,423,735 BOOT 13,749,553 BORN 334,702 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume BOX 125,549,511 BP 135,940,655 BPI 7,349,678 BPK 499,749 BPL 21,411,693 BPMP 5,676,244 BPT 4,297,018 BQH 96,285 BR 48,951,430 BRC 4,825,185 BRFS 71,551,519 BRKA 6,763 BRKB 96,469,218 BRO 17,141,085 BRS 14,545,730 BRSS 1,945,747 BRT 2,023,451 BRX 79,653,754 BSA 226,648 BSAC 10,763,377 BSBR 50,407,998 BSD 398,962 BSE 252,420 BSIG 10,707,933 BSL 973,307 BSM 2,729,868 BSMX 26,683,724 BST 2,540,556 BSTI 54,359,178 BSX 216,445,397 BT 19,084,766 BTA 593,442 BTE 57,560,556 BTI 42,862,682 BTO 668,708 BTT 2,096,025 BTU 26,915,634 BTZ 4,512,737 BUD 36,486,186 BUI 640,398 BURL 23,159,003 BV 8,882,950 BVN 26,868,179 BW 49,500,161 BWA 38,444,276 BWG 1,282,853 BWP 47,051,293 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume BWXT 11,914,064 BX 72,140,391 BXC 5,518,529 BXE 3,021,414 BXG 1,988,063 BXMT 34,933,614 BXMX 4,075,004 BXP 15,407,831 BXPPRB 355,072 BXS 15,828,240 BY 1,825,543 BYD 20,905,401 BYM 957,499 BZH 7,729,100 BZM 82,711 C 370,190,433 CAAP 3,826,767 CABO 1,084,340 CACI 3,275,237 CADE 24,978,629 CAE 3,574,881 CAF 5,101,588 CAG 115,245,017 CAH 61,712,254 CAI 4,259,900 CAIPRA 463,148 CAJ 7,727,922 CAL 11,893,749 CALX 4,781,819 CAPL 1,815,086 CARS 23,088,421 CAT 90,673,730 CATO 8,022,788 CB 42,197,245 CBA 2,938,982 CBB 12,026,302 CBBPRB 69,386 CBD 12,922,228 CBH 616,132 CBK 3,903,223 CBL 97,329,207 CBLPRD 1,695,250 CBLPRE 776,130 CBM 9,736,971 CBO 2,231,852 CBPX 3,961,562 CBRE 38,074,420 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume CBS 72,716,670 CBSA 136,257 CBT 10,753,242 CBU 4,447,255 CBZ 6,589,364 CC 32,789,402 CCE 28,552,206 CCI 50,972,545 CCIPRA 198,664 CCJ 53,630,443 CCK 41,087,880 CCL 112,846,272 CCM 150,445 CCO 3,533,857 CCR 340,338 CCS 7,537,323 CCT 7,137,373 CCU 3,949,212 CCZ 20,349 CDAY 15,223,966 CDE 55,413,468 CDR 12,004,443 CDRPRB 109,664 CDRPRC 557,520 CE 19,029,771 CEA 515,563 CEE 128,750 CEIX 13,531,850 CEL 243,005 CELP 504,024 CEM 2,769,925 CEN 4,814,607 CEO 2,855,822 CEPU 7,298,060 CEQP 17,100,166 CF 62,378,371 CFG 106,563,797 CFR 7,635,143 CFRPRA 120,996 CFX 22,017,755 CGA 1,531,067 CGC 87,620,294 CGG 594,933 CHA 1,027,380 CHCT 2,416,956 CHD 48,939,111 CHE 7,926,741 June-2018 Consolidated Monthly Share Volume by Symbol Symbol Total Share Volume CHGG 31,651,931 CHH 5,462,748 CHK 737,537,432 CHKPRD 105,493 CHKR 1,909,897 CHL 14,364,394 CHMI 5,604,226 CHMIPRA 191,599 CHN 520,640 CHRA 4,732,895 CHS 57,737,443 CHSP 6,355,125 CHT 1,617,436 CHU 5,423,938 CI 43,196,854 CIA 1,723,237 CIB 7,170,168 CIC 277,550 CICU 230,331 CICWS 52,724 CIEN 69,095,791 CIF 2,281,581 CIG 99,130,832 CIGC 115,939 CII 2,065,302 CIM 20,986,354 CIMPRA
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