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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 30, 2020

Joe Biden Endorsed by 45 Iron Range Leaders

Ahead of President Trump’s visit to Minnesota, was endorsed by 45 leaders from Minnesota's Iron Range. The list includes current and former elected officials, union leaders, attorneys, business owners, athletes and life-long Iron Rangers, such as former Congressman , State Representative Rob Ecklund, former State Representative Tom Anzelc, US Olympic Curling Coach Phill Drobnick, Kim Stokes, and USW Member John Arbogast.

The leaders also endorsed Joe Biden's Plan for the Iron Range, which would invest in modern, sustainable infrastructure, health and safety protections for Iron Range workers, and create opportunity for Iron Range manufacturing jobs by ensuring the future is “Made in America” by America’s workers.

See below for quotes from key endorsers:

Former Congressman Rick Nolan: “When Joe Biden and turned the presidency over to Donald Trump, the Arrowhead Region had the highest rate of employment in 30 years. With Biden in charge of the economic recovery, they implemented 500% tariffs on China and our region's industries were going strong. Don't be fooled by Donald Trump. In a few short years he has driven our economy into the ground with his failure to manage COVID-19 and terrible trade deals. I know Joe Biden and I’ve worked with Joe Biden. Throughout his career, he has looked out for communities like the Iron Range. As president, he’ll make sure Iron Rangers are equipped to succeed in the 21st century – and make sure the community has a strong partner in the federal government.”

US Olympic Curling Coach Phill Drobnick: “I am a third generation union worker. My father was a miner and union member for 43 years, and both of my grandfathers were also union members. I know the pride they took in their jobs, and the pride I feel every morning waking up to go to work. We – and every Iron Ranger – deserve a president who is thinking about them in the Oval Office. That’s why Joe Biden’s Iron Range plan will follow through on Trump’s broken promises of a booming Iron Range and deliver real, meaningful investments to our community. President Joe Biden won’t just help today’s workers, he’ll pave the way for the next generation of Iron Rangers and beyond.”

USW Member John Arbogast: “Candidate Donald Trump promised to look out for Iron Range workers, but President Donald Trump looks out for Iron Range bosses. Candidate Trump said he would bring jobs home from overseas; President Trump created tax loopholes that reward outsourcing. Candidate Trump pledged to cut our taxes; President Trump gave tax breaks to the wealthy and large corporations. As Candidate Trump returns again, he’ll offer more promises to Iron Rangers, but we won’t fall for it. It’s time to fire Donald Trump and hire Joe Biden – a candidate who will do as he says and keep his word.”

The following leaders on the Iron Range endorsed Biden:

● Doug Gregor ● Tom Anzelc ● Tom Saxhaug ● Ben DeNucci ● BhupeshPattni ● Heidi Omerza ● Fern Swanson ● Judy Stanisich ● JudyWahlberg ● Joe Sertich ● Nancy Sertich ● Tom Cvar ● Dan Pierce ● Jason Metsa ● Rob Ecklund ● John (Arbo) Arbogast ● Mike Syversrud ● Rick Nolan ● IdaRukavina ● Dennis Frazier ● Gary Skalko ● Frank Jewell ● Phill Drobnick ● Kim Stokes ● Lauren Solberg ● Ron Dicklich ● Gary Lamppa ● Leah Stauber ● Sidra Starkovich ● Leann Johnson ● Edith (Beth) Peterson ● Harlan Tardy ● Mark Phillips ● Joe Radinovich ● Cammy Newman ● Patrick Boyle ● Keith Musolf ● Amanda Metsa ● Karl Sundquist ● Stacey Sundquist ● Carly Melin ● Tony Sertich ● Tallie Sertich ● Lorrie Janatopoulos ● Sharon Chadwick
